#if you give me free reign on details
beforeimdeceased · 2 months
I would love an ellie x reader x abby fic, something super smutty, but modern day. I don’t mind unique details, I will give your free reign on those I just want something powerbottom abby x masc top ellie.
click me!
um okay. so this is actually so unnecessarily long like why did i do that also it’s terrible please don’t beat me up okay :( it’s um definitely something guys if u hate it i’ll delete it I SWEAR I SWEAR
inexperienced!lesbian (me asf) reader x ellabs, reader orgasm, lowkey mean ellabs but ignore that, i didn’t even do the request properly everyone throw tomatoes at me :(
2k words!
‧₊˚ 🎐✩ 🫧 ₊˚⊹♡
The time on your phone flashed 11pm, and underneath it was a flash flood weather warning. You had been watching the news closely and carefully, but even they didn’t predict this.
“I thought they said it would clear up around 10.” Ellie joins you on the couch, a bag of fruit gummies in her hand. You nod, but don’t take your eyes off of your phone. “That’s what i thought too. I don’t know, maybe I can make it home before it gets too bad.”
Just as the words leave your mouth, Abby walks back into the living room. She rips a piece of paper towel off of the stand in the kitchen, drying her hands. “Or you could spend the night here and not end up swimming home.”
Ellie snort laughs but you bite your lip. “I don’t want to intrude. Suddenly having someone else in your private space for longer than planned? Sounds overstimulating.”
Abby joins the both of you in the living room, a bottle of water in hand. She plops herself down on the loveseat, manspreading and leaning back. You feel a knot twist in your stomach. “I don’t mind having you here for longer. Els?”
Ellie tosses a gummy in her mouth before responding. “You’re a pleasure to be around.”
Abby and Ellie wanted to ease your nerves a bit, and proposed a game of two truths and a lie. Fairly simple, you tell a person two truths and one lie about yourself and they have to guess the lie. A half hour had passed and you felt yourself loosening up around them. Laughing at how ridiculous they were being.
“No, i swear it’s the truth. I shook hands with him and everything.” Ellie holds her hands up innocently, insisting she didn’t lie.
Abby shakes her head, bringing a hand up to rub her temples. “Ellie, you did not meet a robot at the grocery store. That man was probably lying to you for fun, or some social experiment.”
You giggle, watching as Ellie put a gummy to her tongue to wet it, then throws it at Abby. “Youre a jerk.”
Suddenly, Abby has lifted herself from her seat and is tickling Ellie’s sides. All of you have burst into laughter, tears rolling down your cheeks at their dynamic.
After Abby’s satisfied with herself, she lets up on Ellie, joining you both on the couch. “Okay, your turn.” Abby looks over at you, placing one of Ellie’s gummies in her mouth.
You take a moment to think of something clever, biting your lip. “Hm.”
“Okay I got it!” You exclaim.
The girls grant you their undivided attention, anticipating your answers. “Okay, so. I’m bilingual. I’m allergic to certain coins and, i’ve never been kissed.”
The two look over at each other, confusion all over their faces. “Fuck.” Ellie leans back. “I’m gonna have to say you’re lying about the coins.”
Abby shakes her head, shooting Ellie a side eye. “Seriously? The last one is obviously a lie, I mean look at her.” You feel yourself growing shy at her statement. “You guys sure about your answers?” You smile, raising your eyebrows.
They both nod, creepily at the same time, and it makes you laugh before your reveal. “I’m not bilingual! English is the only language i speak fluently, but i have been taking some Swedish lessons.”
Ellie bobs her head. “Shit, that’s cool. So wait, what coins are you allergic to?”
You don’t even get the chance to answer before Abby chimes up. “Wait, you’ve never been kissed?” She stares at you, bewildered. “Seriously?”
You nod. “I’m pretty inexperienced. I ofcourse, don’t like men, and I came out pretty late so…” You trail.
You can actually see the devious gears turn in Ellie’s mind. She looks over at Abby and it’s as if they’re communicating with their minds. You wonder for a moment if people truly do have powers, because it seems they came to a very silent agreement just now.
“Abby’s a wonderful kisser.” Ellie blurts out, smiling at the blonde. “And a pretty damn good teacher.”
Maybe they didn’t agree on everything, because after that statement Abby shot Ellie a look that could kill. Ellie just laughed it off, lovingly tapping her shoulder.
“Oh.” You whisper nervously, unsure how to respond. Truthfully, you had been admiring the two of them ever since you’d met them. You were so eager to visit their apartment tonight, making sure to spray on your best perfume. Wearing a cute new outfit that was casual but not loungey. Planning it on a day where you knew the weather would be bad, all with the hope that you’d get to spend the night.
You were also nervous, and inexperienced in this department. What if you fucked it all up?
“I’m sorry if we’ve made you uncomfortable.” Abby chimes up, noticing your body language. You were fiddling with your hands, avoiding their gaze. “I’ll make Ellie sleep in the old doghouse outside if that’d make you feel better.”
You giggle as Ellie hits Abby’s shoulder. “Hey, not out in the rain. Maybe in the closet in the hallway.”
“Oh, you’re going back in the closet?” Abby laughs which causes Ellie to roll her eyes. You watch them stick their tongues out at each other and feel warmth in their friendship.
“You guys didn’t make me uncomfortable. I just didn’t know what to say.” You blurt. The two of them stop goofing and look over at you. Ellie’s got a smug face. “Do you want Abby to teach you how to kiss?”
Butterflies, a swarm of them, rush to your stomach. You try not to look her up and down but your eyes betray you. Soaking in Abby’s tall muscular figure. The way her legs are spread open and wide like she’s daring you to sit in between them. Her blue eyes burning holes into your skin. Anticipating your answer. You bite your lip. “Yes.”
Abby remains composed, but Ellie’s enjoying herself way too much. Moving to the loveseat so that you and Abby can have the couch to yourselves. She looks at both of you, then at you, then at Abby, then at you again. “Wait, do you want me to go-?“
“No.” You say, a little faster than you mean to. “I mean, you don’t have to leave, if you don’t want to.”
Abbys only focused on you now. Eyeing you up and down as you scoot closer to her. “Here, get comfortable. Straddle me.”
You know Ellie’s looking. You can feel her piercing eyes on your spine. Watching your every move, examining you from behind. “Straddle?” You ask, a bit unsure. You’d read the word in a couple books, but never looked up the definition. You realized that was damning you now. Fucking up this very moment.
“Sit on my lap, facing me.” Abby guides you. “Put your legs outside my legs.”
So this was the tummy turning move you’d seen in porn. It felt as good as you’d imagined it would. Your hands latch onto Abby’s shoulders, looking into her pretty blue eyes.
“You okay?” She asks, hands gripping onto your waist to steady you. Her fingers are brushing against the skin underneath the hem of your shirt and the contact is driving you crazy. You just nod, too afraid to open your mouth, knowing your words will spill out. You’re everything but composed right now.
“Okay. Just let me know if i do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” She smiles.
You nod again, and establish an understanding. She moves a hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in, and places a soft peck on your lips. Truthfully, it wasn’t all that exciting but it sent jolts and waves of pleasure through your body. Your first kiss. She pulls away and smiles at you. “How was that?”
“Great- good. Grood.” You stammer. She chuckles a bit and you feel hot with embarrassment. “I meant to say- Fuck i don’t even know.”
She rubs at your sides, licking her lips and looking at you with low eyes. “Don’t worry about it, alright? You ready for more?”
“Yeah.” you breathe, head growing fuzzy from her touch. Her fucking touch, fuck. Gentle, but firm. Guiding you so carefully. So kindly.
“Okay. Open your mouth a little bit.” She whispers inches away from your face. “Yeah, just like that.”
You feel like you’re about to melt, a moan stuck in your throat, swallowed by the blonde. Her lips meshing with yours, guiding the kiss. The hand on your hip gripping tighter. She thrusts a bit, attempting to pull you in closer, and you whine into her mouth. This causes her to dig her nails into your skin, scratching at the tender surface.
By now, you’d forgotten Ellie was still in the room. You’d forgotten where you were, actually. Completely lost in a state of bliss. Her tongue on yours, teeth nibbling at your lip, touch making you weak.
She pulls away for air, and you remain leaning forward. Missing her lips on yours.
“Someone’s eager.” She teases. You bite your lip, scratching your nails on her scalp. “Sorry.” you breathe in a low voice. She shakes her head, tutting and rubbing your cheek. “Don’t apologize, it’s cute.”
Abby calls Ellie over, and you can feel her dip into the couch next to you both. Her cheeks are a flushed red and her eyes look fixated on you.
“Where are you the most sensitive?” Abby asks, shooting a small smile to Ellie.
“Why don’t we let me find out? Is that okay?” Ellie asks. You nod, breath growing heavy. There’s no fucking way this is real, you’re dreaming. You have to be. These two are working together to get you worked up.
You can sense Ellie behind you before you feel her hand slide under your neck. Fingertips on your chin, leaning your head to the side. She places a kiss behind your ear and it makes you shudder. “Fuck.”
They both laugh. This evil, menacing, condescending laugh and it’s making your thighs clench on Abby’s legs. “Ellie, you’re teasing the poor thing. She can’t handle it.” Abby places her hands on your thighs, spreading them apart as they were before.
“She can handle anything we give her, right?” Ellie’s moving her lips further down now. Trailing hot wet kisses down your neck, hands sliding up to grab your breasts through your shirt. You throw your head back, a soft whine escaping your lips.
“She’s so sensitive because she’s never been touched. Bet we can make her come without ever having to take her clothes off.” Abby’s hands begin sliding up and down your inner thighs. You feel a wetness pool in your underwear. “You’re probably right Abs. She’s already so worked up and we’ve barely done anything.”
Are they…mocking you? They’re fucking mocking you.
Ellie hums against your neck, hands slipping down to your leg, making you straddle Abby’s thigh. Abby places her hands back on your waist, hiking up your leg and making you grind against her.
You whine, head falling back against Ellie’s shoulder, but she offers no comfort or sanctuary. Hands kneading your tits while she leaves wet kisses on your jaw. “She’s probably soaked right now.” Ellie breathes.
Abby nods, admiring the way you give into their touch. So willing to be their fucktoy. She looks down at your crotch and hums. “She’s got a wet spot on her pants.”
“Such a shame. They look brand new. Now you’ve made a mess of yourself.”
It’s embarrassing to admit it, but you’re close now. The way your slick has covered your panties and is spreading all over your clit, Abby’s hands on your waist grinding you against her, Ellie’s mouth on you. Her hands on you. The way they’re talking about you like you’re not even there.
“I’m gonna-“ Can barely leave you lips before your climax hits you. You shake, dig your nails into Abby’s shoulder. Cry out an “Oh god, fuck!” and roll your eyes back as they help you ride your high.
Your body goes limp while you try to catch your breath. Everything is sensitive and you feel like you’d just seen stars.
“You did so good, baby.” Abby leans in to kiss you, and then Ellie behind you. “Ready for round two?”
Round what?
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vixstarria · 6 months
A night at the inn (part 2)
Smut galore!
Part 1 here - it's the build-up to this, but not required reading if you're just after some smut
Astarion x Tav x Halsin, Astarion x F!Reader x Halsin
18+, smut, threesome, porn no plot, dirty talk, oral sex, PIV, various kinks in passing, soft dom Astarion, Astarion being a little shit
Approx. 2,700 words (what the hell, how did that happen)
“Is it company or privacy you desire?” 
You and Astarion, who had been lying on top of you, one of your legs wrapped around his hips, turned your heads towards the druid, who paused in the doorway.  
Astarion turned back to you to give you a wicked look, as though to say it was your call, before untangling himself from you, with a final slow teasing roll of his hips.    
“It seems... Astarion desires a show…" You followed him with your gaze as he got up to pour himself more wine, searching for any signs of apprehension or anything that resembled a slipping mask. You saw no such thing. “...And I desire to indulge him,” you added, turning to look at the druid.  
“Only a show?” Halsin frowned, but stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. “I am more than happy to accommodate that, only I thought you of all people would like to take part,” he added, looking at Astarion.  
“It’s... complicated,” said Astarion, sliding back onto the bed and letting you lean back against him. “Darling, would you care to explain our current arrangement to our friend?” he asked, trailing a finger down your neck, sending a tinging shiver down your spine.  
“Astarion has been taking a break from anything below the waist, for himself...” 
“Say no more, I understand,” said Halsin.  
Astarion raised his glass and nodded towards Halsin, glad to not need to explain himself any further, before taking a sip.  
"And you?” Halsin asked, his voice a low and sensual rumble, his eyes piercing through you. Now that the smaller details were out of the way, you suddenly realised just what you had gotten yourself into, and you found yourself at a rare loss for words.  
You’ve done this before, but never in such fine company. And never with the added complication of having to take anyone’s feelings into consideration. 
Astarion’s fingers slid further down, below your collarbone, and slipped beneath the fabric of your blouse, circling down to one of your breasts. 
“You are not taking any ‘breaks'?” Halsin continued, approaching the bed, breaking eye contact briefly to follow the motions of Astarion's hand, as he started to roll and pinch one of your nipples, before looking back into your eyes, quizzically.  
You'd hardly started, and already you felt utterly exposed, a heat growing beneath your stomach. You were completely overwhelmed. Articulating anything was impossible.  
“Darling..?” Astarion said, softly, when you did not reply. “Are you with us?” 
“No breaks, only insatiable cravings,” you managed, wetting your lips. You tilted your head back to look into Astarion’s wine-coloured eyes. “I think I need you to take control,” you murmured. 
“Oh? Getting timid all of a sudden?” he set his wine down to brush your lower lip with his thumb. “You want me to tell him how to scratch your itch? Make sure he does it right?”   
“I trust you,” you nodded, swallowing.  
Astarion breathed a quick soundless laugh and gave you a brief but tender kiss.  
“Very well...” he lifted his gaze to regard Halsin. “Her sweet lips are mine, but you can have free reign over the rest of her, unless she says otherwise,” said Astarion. “My love you will speak up if there is anything you don’t enjoy?” he asked, lifting your chin to make you look at him. “I can’t make every decision for you, pet.”  
You nodded. Halsin took it as a cue to finally break the distance between you. He started by lifting your leg to unlace your boots. 
“What do you want to see?” he asked Astarion. 
“Hmm,” he deliberated. “I think... No, I know she wants to be fucked senseless. Don’t you, pet? Tell us.” he urged with a devilish grin, his eyes still locked on yours, as you managed a weak ‘mmhmm’. “Let’s see that.”   
Halsin pulled off your boots and before you knew what was happening, one of your feet was in his mouth. You gasped as you felt his tongue swirling between your toes. 
“I knew he was absolutely feral!” laughed Astarion. “No no, let him do it,” he added as you squirmed. “But you are completely overdressed for all this, love.”  
Astarion pulled your blouse off over your head, exposing your breasts, and began to undo the lacing on your pants. Halsin attempted to pull them off but they got stuck around your knees. For the first time since you've met him, you saw exasperation on the druid's face, as he struggled. 
“I would outlaw clothing if I could,” he growled.  
This seemed to amuse Astarion to no end, as he fell back onto the bed, pulling you with him. You somehow ended up being flipped onto your stomach and into Astarion's arms by Halsin, in his fight with your trousers. You giggled as he finally managed to pull them off.  
”Are all your dirty dreams coming true, darling?” Astarion whispered to you, kissing your neck below your ear. 
You felt Halsin's bulk lower himself onto you, holding himself up over you and Astarion with his arms to either of your sides. He left hot, open-mouthed kisses down your back, starting from the opposite side of your neck. You were caught between the coolness of Astarion's skin and the heat that was radiating from Halsin's body.  
“This is impossible,” Halsin groaned as he realised that you were still in your smallclothes. Having run out of patience he resorted to simply tearing them off you in a swift and deliberate motion.  
You let out an involuntary squeal as Astarion wedged a knee between your legs and used it to spread them apart for the druid. 
“Be a good girl now and don't cause any more trouble,” he purred. You hummed your assent and lifted your hips up, your face buried in Astarion's neck. 
Halsin's tongue plunged into you, lapping up your wetness, making you let out a moan.  
Astarion tangled his fingers into your hair at the back of your head, near the roots, and pulled on it to lift your head up. 
“I want to see your face while his tongue is in you,” he whispered. “He’s being good to you, isn’t he?” You held Astarion's gaze as Halsin continued to lick between your legs. You tried and failed to stifle another moan and arched your back further, as he dipped lower to tease your clit with his tongue. Astarion moved his hand to caress your face, before parting your lips with his thumb. You caught it in your mouth. “Yes, I can tell he is... But you want more, don’t you?” You sucked on his thumb and nodded with a whimper, looking into his eyes. “Don’t be shy... Tell us what you want...” You grazed Astarion's thumb with your teeth and giggled, shaking your head. You knew he wouldn’t let it slide though.  
“You brat,” he smiled, his eyes narrowing, before looking past your shoulder and raising his voice. “Don’t give her anything unless she asks for it, nicely. In fact, you should stop what you’re doing now.”  
To your dismay, the druid lifted his head from you. 
“It would be my pleasure to help teach her manners,” he said. He stroked your wet slit with his fingers in place of his tongue, but it was only a tease that made you crave more.  
“Beg him,” Astarion said, grinning, pulling your hair to turn your head sideways, so you could take in a view of the druid over your shoulder. 
You shot daggers at Astarion with your eyes. You were glad he was enjoying himself so much, but this man, who had been flicking his tongue over your asshole just seconds prior, was supposed to adhere to your authority at tomorrow morning’s itinerary discussion meeting.   
“Please...” you managed.  
“Please what?” smirked Astarion.  
“I may have a hunch about what she wants,” said Halsin, slipping a single finger in, shallowly, just one phalange deep, and sliding it in and out of you, teasingly. “Is this it?” 
“No, no, she needs to say it herself,” interjected Astarion.  
“I want more...” you moaned. 
“More?” Halsin slipped a second finger in, keeping it agonisingly shallow. 
“Your cock! I want your cock deep in me... Please...” you were too frustrated to care anymore.  
“Good girl...” purred Astarion. “I’m going to remember this, you know,” he added with a smirk. “Next time you get too sassy with me, I’ll just recall our fearless leader begging for dick.” 
“Listen here, you-” you started, exasperated, but were cut off by him pulling you into a deep kiss. He trailed his hand down your stomach until his fingers reached your slit, dipping in. You moaned into his mouth as he began to gently roll your swollen clit between his fingers the way he knew you liked.  
You heard Halsin discarding his own clothes behind you, and were about to turn to look back, but Astarion held your chin.  
“Ah-ah, no peeking! Let’s keep it a surprise.” He looked over your shoulder. “A very... big... surprise.” 
You felt Halsin start to work his way in with his cock, in slow, rolling thrusts, gradually filling you, inch by inch. You were completely soaked, and stretched to accommodate him, but gods he felt huge. Exactly as big as you would expect by looking at the sheer size of the druid himself. 
You whimpered as he filled you completely and began his deliberate, rhythmic thrusts.  
“More than what you’d bargained for, darling?” Astarion whispered in your ear, continuing to rub your clit. “But you’re taking it so well, my good girl...” All you could do was whimper and moan, as he continued to stroke you and whisper obscenities to you. “That huge cock, all for you...” 
“She’s starting to quiver around me already,” groaned Halsin.  
“Is she now?” Astarion removing his fingers from your clit. “Do we need to talk about manners again? You don’t want to be rude to our friend by coming so soon and all by yourself, do you?”  
“I’ll be good, just don’t stop, please” you whimpered. You could not handle another interruption. 
“You have some catching up to do,” Astarion directed at Halsin.  
Halsin’s thrusts sped up to an infernal pace, as Astarion pulled on your hair again to lick and nip at your exposed neck, running his tongue over your fresh puncture wounds, where it still felt so sweet for you.  
“I’ll be generous, I know how much you want it,” Astarion rasped in your ear. “I want it too.” 
He resumed rubbing circles around your clit and you found yourself falling to pieces, a mewling mess. 
“Don’t get shy now... That’s it... Let us hear how much you like it,” Astarion continued, hoarsely. 
You felt the first ripples of your climax coming on, your moans mounting louder and deeper with each wave.  
“Fuck her through her orgasm. She likes that,” Astarion threw over your shoulder.  
Halsin’s thrusts somehow got even harder then, and you screamed into Astarion’s neck as your pleasure completely overtook you. The sound of skin slapping on skin had already been loud enough to hear halfway across the inn, if anyone in the adjacent rooms had been sleeping through that, they were awake now.  
Halsin’s penis slipped out of you and you collapsed, melting into Astarion’s embrace, no longer able to keep yourself up.  
“Still enjoying yourself, my sweet?” he whispered only loud enough for you to hear. “Do you want more?” 
“Gods, yes,” you answered.  
“We’re not done yet,” he said louder, with a grin, as Halsin pulled you off the vampire by your waist, flipping you onto your back on the bed.
You spread your legs as Halsin settled between them, sitting up. He couldn’t have been far himself, as he entered you again, with quick, needful thrusts, lifting one of your legs onto his shoulder. Your breasts bounced with every thrust, and you raised your hands to hold them, pinching your own nipples. 
“What a sight you are...” purred Astarion, off to your side. “Let us enjoy the view better.”  
You let go of your breasts and raised yourself on your elbows, eager to enjoy a view yourself as you watched Halsin’s cock ram you, slick with your wetness.  
Suddenly you were distracted by Astarion unlacing his pants to release his pulsing cock. Unable to contain his need any longer, he began to stroke himself. You couldn’t look away. 
“Can I have it in my mouth..? Please..?” you implored.  
There had to be a delicate balance to your pleading.  
You knew he didn’t want to feel pressured. Not even by your need and desperation.  
You also knew how he wanted to be wanted. He loved to hear you beg. He revelled in it. In the knowledge that he had such a grasp on your arousal. He would often tease you relentlessly. Usually, he would allow you to find your release eventually, whether with his fingers or tongue, or just from grinding against him. A few times, you pleasured yourself for him, while he watched. But sometimes, it was just a ‘no’ despite the teasing he had initiated himself. Being in control was another thing he revelled in.  
“Desperate, are we?” he breathed. 
“Astarion, please... Anything... Just a taste.” 
He lifted your chin, angling your face toward him. 
“Just the tip, with your tongue. I’ll take all your treats away if you get too greedy.” 
You hadn’t done this since before your talk about wanting something real together. Your heart just about leapt into your throat.  
He continued to stroke himself as you swirled your tongue around the swollen head of his penis, licking up his precum, looking into his eyes.
“I’ve missed this too, my sweet” he murmured as he watched you through his eyelashes, his voice thick. 
Halsin was being a complete menace, rubbing your clit and licking the arch of your foot, and you started to get carried away, close to climaxing again, and wrapped your mouth around the tip of Astarion’s cock. 
“Ah-ah! Make sure she behaves,” Astarion said to Halsin. 
Halsin pinched your clit, just enough to make you jump and distract you. You moaned and continued with just your tongue, as Halsin pounded into you.  
“Shall I go easy on her?” Halsin asked.  
“Absolutely not,” said Astarion. “Just a little longer, love. You can hold out longer for me, can’t you?” he asked you, stroking your cheek with his hand.   
This was becoming impossible. Between Halsin’s incessant thrusts and stroking of your clit, and your added arousal from finally being able to taste Astarion, you were losing your mind. But you did not want to come before he did.  
“I can’t!” you gasped between strokes with your tongue. “I can’t...’ 
Halsin took some mercy on you then, pausing the circles he had been drawing around your clit, as everything else continued. 
Astarion was breathing harder, stroking himself faster.  
“You can come for us now... Come for me...” he rasped. 
Two more firm strokes of Halsin’s thumb, and you came undone again, your walls clenching around Halsin, your legs shaking, just as Astarion’s cum filled your mouth, some of it spilling and leaking down your chin and the corner of your mouth. You were completely spent, as you swallowed what you could. You barely even registered Halsin pulling out his cock to spill his own seed all over your chest and stomach. 
Astarion knelt down next to you, trying to regain his breath, and pressed his forehead against yours briefly, before drawing you into a kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. You felt his lips breaking into a smile as you kissed.  
A short while later you lounged on the bed, your head on Astarion’s stomach as he played with your hair, your legs thrown across Halsin’s lap. Halsin was fiddling with his herbs and pipes again.  
“Care for more catnip?” he asked Astarion. 
“I’m never going to live that down, am I?” Astarion rolled his eyes. “But yes. ...Only to prove that it’s not going to do anything this time!” 
Sure enough, a minute later Astarion once again sat with a ditsy expression, on the verge of breaking out into inane giggling. 
“Gods, I’m not sure I can handle him like this again,” you sighed, shooting Halsin a reproachful look. 
“This is a beautiful, glorious thing - he is embracing the opportunity to get reacquainted with nature,” the druid shrugged. 
“Tell us about the bear you fucked again,” Astarion tittered.  
Part 3
Hope you enjoyed, check out my other work
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 2 months
Apologies — Lucifer X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of tragic death, mentions of assault, insinuation of a mental breakdown, Angel being a caring and kinky bestie, Fat Nuggets being an absolute sweetheart, Lucifer being a mess, fluff, brief sexual innuendos.
Word Count: 1.3K
Summary: You got into an argument with Lucifer and it ended with you walking out.
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It had been a stupid argument that caused you to walk out before you could say something you'd regret. It hadn't been stupid to you, but rather Lucifer described it as stupid.
He realized his mistake the moment your eyes widened, filled with tears and you walked out the door without another word. He followed you, but it was too late. You were gone from his sight and you could be anywhere, especially with your long list of contacts and insane ability to hide in the shadows.
You opened up to him about the way you died. Ten years you had been in hell and told nobody how you met your tragic end. Nobody asked. Not until Lucifer, not until today.
The details of your captors drugging, breaking, and killing you slowly to avenge their friend who you accidentally killed, to save you and your best friend from being assaulted, came out.
Kicking. Screaming. Turning your throat raw with emotion, they came out.
You weren't even sure how it had turned into an argument, when your boyfriend of a year was the one who wanted to know.
Before you knew it, you found yourself at the hotel. It was the safest place to go, you thought. Charlie was thankfully out for the day, having mentioned over breakfast that she was taking Vaggie to the only art gallery in the Pride Ring.
The doors slammed behind you as you attempted to reign in your emotions. It didn't matter what you did, hot tears streamed down your face and your hands trembled with every step.
Angel reached you just in time for your legs to give out. He caught you and held you close, having never seen you like that before. His first instinct was to question you on what happened, but he could feel your sobs becoming heavier.
He scooped you up easily and got you upstairs to his room, asking that nobody says a word about you being there. If asked, nobody had seen you since breakfast.
Angel Dust rubbed circles on your back, like you had done for him many times, as he waited for you to calm down and regulate your breathing enough to speak clearly.
For him, it felt odd being the one to give comfort, rather than receiving it from you.
"You wanna tell me what happened, Toots? Coming in like that, you got me all worried."
You turned your head to the side and sniffled, embarrassment creeping in at the fact that your best friend had just seen you have a breakdown. And you had cried into the fluff of his chest so easily, as if you had done it a dozen times.
You stayed silent for another couple moments, not yet trusting yourself to speak without a trembling voice.
He kept rubbing circles on your back, just like you always did when he needed an extra moment or two to compose himself after a particularly rough session at the studio.
"I told him how I died." You said. Your voice was so quiet and defeated that Angel almost missed it. He would've, had he not been waiting to hear your voice.
It didn't take a rocket scientist for him to know that you meant Lucifer. After all, you spent most of your free time with him and the rest of it was helping out at the hotel (mostly keeping an eye on Alastor).
"It didn't go well?" Angel asked. You shook your head and inhaled a shaky breath.
"We ended up arguing — I couldn't even tell you about what, but he said the argument was stupid. . . I guess he was right. The argument was stupid and so am I, for even thinking —"
"Hey, you're not stupid." Angel firmly cut you off. His tone of voice caught you by surprise. "You're one of the smartest sinners I know, and that's saying something because I know some real dumb fucks that would blow your fuckin' mind, Toots."
You went silent again. Angel sighed.
"Listen, you don't have to tell me how you died. I'd never pressure you to, just like you never pressured me to tell you. . . But as your best friend in all of hell, I'm obligated to tell you that you shouldn't hide from your problems."
"That's kinda my thing, though." You sighed.
"I know. But you'll have to talk to him eventually." He untangled his limbs from yours and gently lifted you so that he could lay you on his bed. "I'm gonna grab something from the kitchen for you, alright? Get some rest. You cried for like an hour."
You adjusted yourself until you were in a comfortable position. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'll be back." He scratched Fat Nuggets head before he slipped out of the room.
The plump little pig easily maneuvered the bed, grunting with each step until he landed in front of your face and licked your nose. You couldn't help but smile at the adorable creature.
"Hey, Nuggs. . ." You cooed, allowing the little pig to lay himself against your chest.
You didn't even notice that his warmth lulled you to sleep until a glass of water and a pastry of sorts being set on the bedside table roused you from your light slumber.
"Hey, you." You stretched your stiff muscles as you greeted your friend. How much time had passed? It couldn't have been more than five minutes, right?
Angel didn't hesitate to get straight to the point as he saw you were feeling far better than you had been when you arrived.
"The short king is here. He wants to see you, doesn't believe you're not here."
You groaned and sat up, reaching for the water and pastry. The water chilled your throat and the small fruit pastry calmed the hunger that had apparently been there all afternoon.
"What do I do?" You ask once you've finished.
"Suck his dick or let him eat you out, I don't know, somethin'. You do better with this therapy shit than I do."
You groan once again as you stand from the bed, finally deciding to talk to him. Angel was right. You were better at the therapy shit than he was. He was there for you and tried his best. That was all that mattered.
You purposely took your time getting to the lobby, trying to go over what you wanted to say in your head.
But once you got down there and Lucifer laid eyes on you, he sprung into action, rushing over to pull you into his arms.
"[Y/N]! Honey, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for any of that to happen the way it did! I don't care — I mean, I do," he stuttered nervously. "What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry and I love you. Please forgive me! I never want to see you look at me like that again, I'm sorry. . ."
The words came out so quickly that you barely had the brain power to understand what he was saying, but it clicked soon and you wrapped your arms around him.
"I forgive you. . . I shouldn't have walked out, so I'm sorry too. . . I love you so much. . ."
Lucifer released his hold on you enough to get a good look at your face. "Never apologize for something you have the right to feel some way about."
You smile softly and cup his cheeks with both hands, pressing a quick kiss square on his lips.
He groaned the moment you pulled away. "Then you do the same, Luci. . . Can we please discuss murder plans over dinner from that place you told me about that just reopened down the street?" You ask sweetly.
"Absolutely we can! Anything you want, honey, it's yours. Anything at all." He promised with a broad smile. He had a feeling that he knew which murders you were planning, especially since he had been planning them the entire time you were telling him your story.
You knew he was already two steps ahead. That was good enough for you.
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shadowlali · 9 months
happy independence day
COD - Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader 
[18+] wc: ~3.4k  summary: Coronel Alejandro Vargas is thanked for his service. masterlist
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warnings: NSFW, no use of Y/N nor too many details on reader’s appearance, some proofreading, implied age gap (no ages stated but let's keep it legal y’all), oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex
You couldn’t remember the last time Las Almas was this close as a community. Everyone was excited for tonight’s celebrations, not only because of el Día de la Independencia, but because El Sin Nombre’s reign was finally over. Los Vaqueros were the guests of honor, although you weren’t sure if Coronel Alejandro Vargas would attend. There’d been some parties and events since El Sin Nombre had been pushed out of town, but the Coronel was notably absent. You get the impression that he doesn’t like big crowds or celebrations. Still, you hope that he shows up tonight.
- - -
Your crush on Alejandro started the year before when he gave you a ride home after he found you walking alone. It was a straight walk from the lake to your parents’ house, you really had nothing to worry about. You knew what time and what roads El Sin Nombre’s men took, but that didn’t stop Alejandro from practically dragging you into his Jeep. 
“No debes caminar sola por estas carreteras, mami.” [You shouldn’t walk alone on these roads, mami.]
You chose to ignore the pet name and the flutter in your stomach, thinking that maybe it was a slip of the tongue and he didn’t actually mean it. He asked you for your name while he navigated the road through the hills. You introduced yourself, but tried to tell him the ride wasn’t necessary. 
“I’m fine, really. I know these roads.” 
“It doesn’t matter. Bad stuff can happen en cualquier momento,” his hands clenched on the steering wheel until he turned to look at you, ”¿Júrame que no lo harás otra vez?” [Bad stuff can happen at any time. Swear to me that you won’t do it again?]
He didn’t look at you for long, only a brief moment until his eyes returned to the road. But as Alejandro held your stare in those few seconds, there was no denying how scared he looked. Nervous maybe? You didn’t want him to worry, not about you. Not when the entire town depended on him to free Las Almas. 
“I swear.” 
Alejandro gave a nod and the rest of the drive back to your house was quiet, only speaking when you gave him directions to the house. He drove up the driveway, asking you to stay in the car. You thought he was going to speak to your parents about walking alone, but instead he walked to your side to open the passenger door. 
“Gracias, Coronel.” 
He gave a small smile before looking away, his eyes scanning the neighborhood. You began to walk around him before you felt him place his hand on your elbow. 
“Give me your phone… Please.” 
You turned to look at him, confused but nonetheless complying. He typed something and then showed you the screen, a new text message thread to an unknown number. Alejandro’s own phone chirped in his pocket with a notification. 
“La próxima vez que necesites un aventón, me llamas. ¿Vale? ” [The next time you need a ride, you call me. Okay?]
Alejandro handed you the phone and waited until you were inside to get in his car and leave. You replayed the interaction over and over in your head for the rest of the day. And you never walked alone after that, too nervous to face Alejandro again and make a fool of yourself. You’d see him sometimes around town and he’d smile at you in passing. Your friend happened to be with you during one of those interactions, feeding into your delusion that he might be harboring a secret crush on you. 
“The Coronel usually doesn’t smile like that to anyone else, just saying.” 
You felt your cheeks heating, “I think he’s just being nice.” 
- - -
You try to calm your nerves while getting ready for the party. Your parents had left early and were expecting you in the plaza later that night. They’d become more lenient, knowing that since you were an adult, most of the night was going to be spent with your friends. 
You lock up the house and begin the walk into town, your short dress flowing with the slight breeze in the air. As you near, you can see Alejandro’s Jeep parked a few meters away. The streets are mostly empty, everyone already gathered for the celebration. You feel a burst of excitement, Alejandro is here. That’s until you see a familiar face walking alone towards the parked car.
“¿Ya se va, Coronel? ¿Tan temprano?” [You’re leaving, Coronel? So early?]
He looks up in surprise, not expecting anyone to be out here. When Alejandro’s eyes find you, his gaze softens.
“¿Caminando sola otra vez, mami?” [Walking alone again, mami?]
There it was, that pet name. 
He continues with a much softer voice, “Y por favor, tutéame. ” [And please, don’t speak to me so formally.]
You try to hide your reaction. How often was he calling other women, mami? How often was he letting people call him by his first name? 
“Okey, Alejandro. But you’re leaving? All of this is for you, for Los Vaqueros.”
“I… I appreciate that Las Almas wants to thank us,” he pauses, ”but this is my job. I don’t need anyone to thank me for that.” 
You internally groan, of course he’s handsome, nice and humble. 
“I think you deserve it Alejandro. You and Los Vaqueros made Las Almas better for all of us.” 
He gives an imperceptible nod.
You continue, ”I guess I’ll see you around? Have a good night, Alejandro.” 
You give him another smile before continuing your walk. You’re disappointed, having spent the majority of the day coming up with ideas on how to start up a conversation if you saw him. Oh well, it would have to happen another day – 
“You want to take a ride with me?” 
You turn to look at him, Alejandro still standing in the same spot. You’re not sure if you heard him right. 
“I can walk the rest of the way. It’s only a block, you don’t need to worry.” 
Alejandro shakes his head, ”No, not into town. Just… drive with me somewhere?” 
He must’ve taken your surprise as a denial because he immediately starts backing away. 
“If not, it's okay. I just thought that –” 
You interrupt him, ”Yes, I’ll go on a drive with you.” 
- - - 
Alejandro’s not sure if you feel the same fire burning inside, if you’re doing nothing more than being polite. At this point, he’ll take what he can get. He helps you in the Jeep, placing a hand on your lower back and feeling the warm skin underneath your thin dress. He forces his hand to leave your body and closes the door.
He feels an erection forming in his jeans and tries to hide it while getting into the driver’s side. You're in the middle of fixing your short dress over your thighs as you situate yourself in the seat. His breathing becomes rough at the sight of your soft thighs. You don’t notice, switching between the radio channels to find something. You land on a channel while Alejandro discreetly tries to even out his breathing.
While the first interaction and each one after that has been brief, you were constant in his mind. Your kind nature, smile, and gorgeous face drew him in. He's kept his distance so far, reminding himself that he's older than you. What if you like guys your own age? What if you don’t feel the same way? But he has to take his chance.
Inviting you on a night drive seems like the best and only opportunity to get to know you. Plus, it's true. Alejandro doesn’t like parties. Sure, he's patriotic and wants to celebrate today, but the attention is focused on him and his team.
Luck was on his side when you called out to him. You stood there with a smile on your face and in a short dress without any idea of what you did to him, what you meant to him. 
“Where are we going?” your voice interrupts his thoughts. 
“Thought I’d take you to a hill that overlooks the town and lake. It’s quiet up there.” 
A hum escapes your lips, ”Do you like the quiet?” 
“Sí,” Alejandro laughs, “life on base can be hectic. I like to come up here… get away from it for a while.” 
“That sounds nice, Alejandro.” 
You place a hand on his arm, running your fingertips up and down. Alejandro can’t suppress the goosebumps that rise on his skin. The drive there is mostly silent, you hum along to the low music and continue dragging your fingertips along his arm. Eventually, he arrives to the destination.
All you see so far is a dirt patch where he parks and trees blocking the rest of the hill. Alejandro grabs a blanket from the backseat and tells you to wait while he walks to the other side. You can only see that you're at the top of a hill, but you can’t see any sign of the lake that runs through Las Almas. He opens your door but blocks you from getting out. 
“It's a short walk, but I need you to promise me you won’t give away my secret spot.” 
You smile, his stern look more playful than serious. 
“Lo juro.” [I swear.]
And you truly mean it. Alejandro helps you down and you two begin walking, his arm close enough to yours that your knuckles brush with every swing of your arm. Alejandro leads the way, being the first to speak again.
“No pregunté si había alguien esperándote en la fiesta.” [I didn't ask if there was anyone waiting for you at the party.]
You laugh,” A little late for that, no? Just my parents, they wanted me to check in with them later.” 
“No one else? ¿Novio?” [Boyfriend?]
You turn to look at him, a teasing smile on your lips. 
“You think I'd accept your invitation if I had a boyfriend?” 
Before he can formulate a response, you hear it. The trees open to grass and the sound of running water. Far enough from the edge that you don’t fear falling off, you get closer. The grass is soft and you can see the twinkling lights of the center of town in the distance, and the running lake in front of you. More hills and mountains surround the area and the moon is shining especially bright while this high up. Alejandro places the blanket on the ground and takes a seat, smiling as you take in your surroundings. 
“Nice, right?” He says. 
“Alejandro, this is… Wow, it’s amazing,” you turn to look at him, ”thank you for bringing me here.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, mami.” 
Alejandro can’t help but gaze at you. The way the moon reflects on your skin and how your eyes twinkle with happiness as you approach him. You sit close to him, leaving a respectable amount of space between you two, shivering despite the warm air. 
“¿Tienes frío?” Alejandro says, patting the space right next to him. [Are you cold?]
You scoot closer, nipples tightening as his arm wraps around you and places his hand on your shoulder. You lean your head against his shoulder, the sound of running water and crickets making you comfortable. His fingers run soft circles on your arm and you feel wetness pool in your panties. He turns his head, placing his lips lightly on your forehead as he begins to speak. 
“I’ve been wanting to bring you up here for a while, just didn’t know how to ask.” 
His beard tickles your skin, but you enjoy it. You begin to imagine where else his beard might feel nice.
“I’m glad I caught you before you left,” you respond. 
He moves his free hand to stroke your exposed thigh closest to him before tilting your chin up. Your eyes flutter close as you feel Alejandro’s soft lips press onto yours, a groan releasing from his throat. You feel lightheaded, his mouth warm and his fingers caressing your jaw.
You grow confident, turning your body into him and dragging a thigh over his lap, seating yourself directly on the hard bulge between his legs. It's your turn to moan this time, feeling his hands move to grip your ass closer. You pull away from his mouth only for a second to then press small, kitten licks on his swollen lips. Alejandro immediately gets the hint, opening his mouth for you to taste him. 
You stroke your tongue on his, tasting and then sucking his warm tongue. The kiss becomes more desperate, teeth nipping each other and your grip in his hair much tighter. You roll your ass against his jeans, shuddering from the rough friction.
Alejandro moves his mouth to trail kisses and suck the sensitive skin on your neck. You keep moving your hips, one of his hands pushing you into his jean-covered cock and another reaching to tilt your head to the side. His beard is rough on your neck, pleasure blooming from each scrape of his teeth. 
“Te voy a comer a besos.” [I’m going to smother you in kisses.] 
You can only whimper in response, massaging your clit with each bounce of your hips. Alejandro bites your neck before softening the sting with a warm lick. You feel an orgasm approaching, having soaked his jeans from your wetness. He brings both hands to your hips, stalling your movements. 
“Alejandro,” you whine, “please.” 
Alejandro has a surge of possessiveness while looking at your pouting lips and the glazed look in your eyes. Grabbing the bottom of your dress, he brings it over your head, exposing your hard nipples to the night air. You’re left in your slick panties, having ditched a bra since it didn’t fit with the dress.   
“Lie down.” 
Trying your best not to fall over from how shaky your entire body is, you lay down and kick off your platform sandals. Alejandro lightly runs a finger up your panties, pressing right on your clit. Your hips twitch, so close to cumming. 
“¿Me dejas probar tu piel, mami?” [Will you let me taste your skin, mami?]
“Yes, Alejandro, yes,” your voice high-pitched. 
Alejandro kneels between your thighs, pulling your sticky panties down your legs. He places them by on the blanket and brings his lips down to yours. He trails kisses down your collar bone until reaching your tits, sucking and licking the skin.
His fingers are calloused while they roll your nipples, his jean-covered thigh pressing right on your core. Alejandro groans into your chest as he sucks each nipple into his mouth. You're so close, rubbing up and down his thigh, marking his jeans with your juices. 
He pulls his thigh away, a laugh escaping his throat as he continues his descent down to your pussy. Alejandro spreads your legs and runs his tongue from your opening to your clit. You try to rub against his tongue, wanting more pressure. He continues to tease you by pressing open mouth kisses on your inner thighs.
Alejandro’s beard burns sweetly on your skin with each move of his face. He finally gives you what you want, firm strokes with his tongue on your clit and a finger plunging inside of you. You rub your pussy on his face, syncing with the rhythm of his finger. He adds a second finger once you reach down to grip his hair. 
Your vision goes black and your back arches in hot pleasure as you come on his face. Alejandro doesn’t let up, continuing to gently suck your clit and plunge his fingers inside of you. He moans at the taste, your pussy wetting his nose down to his jaw. You feel dizzy once he stops, feeling as he rubs your wetness from his face onto your thigh. You hiss, his beard rough on your sensitive skin. Alejandro sucks your slick from his fingers before standing up.
“Eres tan dulce, mami.” [You're so sweet, mami.]
He takes his shirt off and throws it to the side, quickly moving to unbuckle his belt. Alejandro removes his jeans, briefs and boots, kicking them to the side. Even in the moonlight you see every hard muscle across his chest and arms, eyes trailing down to his thick cock and muscular thighs. He kneels down and spreads your thighs to accommodate his hips. He pumps his length, rubbing the drop of pre-cum across his flushed tip. You reach a hand down to stroke him, marveling at the heat emanating from him and the velvet feel of his length. He throws his head back, his throat rippling from a harsh swallow. You try to wrap your hand around him but he stops you.  
“Don’t,” he responds roughly before softening his voice, “I’ll finish too fast.” 
“I want you, Ale,” your voice pleading. 
“You’ll have me, mami. Don’t worry.” 
Alejandro drags his tip from your entrance to your clit, gathering your wetness and teasing your folds. You whimper, feeling him push in gently. Alejandro stops halfway, needing a moment to control himself while you pulse and flutter your gummy walls around him. Your whines and moans, the nails digging into his back, overwhelm him beautifully.
He sinks until the hair at his base touches your wet skin. Alejandro looks down at you, watching you writhe from impatience and move your hands up to pinch your soft tits. With another loud groan, he pulls out and plunges back into your wet heat. He curves his upper body into you, almost folding you in half. 
“Mierda– ah, you feel– fuck, so perfect.” [Fuck]
Alejandro can barely talk, each word becoming more difficult to say. You move your hands once again to his lower back to dig your nails into his skin. He stretches you with each drag of his cock into your swollen pussy. He brings his mouth down to yours as his hips speed up, plunging his tongue into your mouth at the same rhythm.
You yelp from the position, the hair at his base massaging your clit. He whimpers when you accidently nip his tongue, the hands placed at each side of your arms clenching the blanket. He moves to bite and suck your lips and chin. Ah, ah, ah escapes your mouth once the speed of his thrusts increase.
No coherent thoughts form in your head. Alejandro’s masculine scent invades your nose, the warm breeze caresses your skin, and the sound of running water lulls you in pleasure. You feel a second orgasm forming in your lower belly, clawing its way up your back.
You're close to tears, “I’m gonna – I'm gonna cum!” 
“Fuck, mami. Where – meirda – where do you want me to finish?” 
You dig your nails deeper into his back, not wanting him to stop. You have the sudden urge to feel his hot cum spray your insides and mark you as his. The thought alone tips you over the edge, your mouth dropping into a scream.
“Inside, Alejandro, inside,” you manage to say. 
His mouth swallows your scream, hips pistoning roughly into you until his body shudders and he groans into your mouth. You feel him, his cum filling you up. Your hips keep twisting, riding the high of your second orgasm. The wet, rough slaps echo all around. He can’t believe it, your pussy gripping him tight and draining every drop of cum from his cock.
Alejandro drops his head into the curve of your neck, breathing heavily. You place wet kisses on his shoulder and lick the salty sweat from his skin. After a few moments, he rolls over. He grabs one of your hands and holds it against his beating chest. 
“That wasn’t,” Alejandro sucks in a shaky breath, ”that wasn’t my plan when I brought you here. But fuck, mami. I’m happy this happened.” 
You wait before responding, your heart rate slowly returning to normal.
“I’m happy too. I got to thank a soldier for his service.”
He turns to look at you, a confused expression on his face, “¿Qué?” 
Alejandro rolls back on top of you, tickling your sides as you laugh. 
“I’m the only soldier you’re going to thank for his service. Ahora levántate, vamos a comer.” [Now stand up, let’s go eat.] 
You both put your clothes back on, walking slowly to the car because of the wonderful soreness between your legs. You convince him to drive back to the plaza instead of his house, fireworks lighting up the night sky as his Jeep approaches.
Alejandro grabs food for you while you slip away to say a quick "hi" to your unsuspecting parents. He guides you to a private bench, fireworks the only source of light. You sit in his lap and he feeds you both, fingers dipping into your mouth and dragging against your tongue with each bite of food.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Rosy cheeks, salty hair, warm bodies | MS47
Pairing: Mick Schumacher x fem!reader (she/her)
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: not proofread; mentions public sex (but not really); graphic description of sex; p in v; oral (fem receiving); orgasm denail; mentions of food and alcohol; +18 (minors DNI);
Summary: After finally matching their schedules and booking a trip together, Yn and Mick decide to go to Mallorca for a well-deserved break. The fact that they went weeks without seeing one another and the tension around the hot weather and beach garments only helped build the momentum in which her boyfriend would absolutely ruin her in bed.
A/n: It's my first time posting a smut piece (stand-alone/one-shot), so I'm kinda nervous about the feedback lol I hope this was just enough description without getting boring or over-detailed. I got too carried away and ended up writing 5k when it was supposed to be a small smut just over 1k. Anyways, hope you guys like it, please let me know in the comments and asks (the anon option is working, so if you're shy feel free to use it) *mwah* 🤍
Based on this request. I hope I was able to deliver, nonny! 💙
see my masterlist | check here if you want to be on my new taglist
you can support my writing by liking and reblogging
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“Micky, can you help me with my bikini?” Yn whined stalking inside the room. Mick, who was lying on the bed, took his eyes off his phone to face Yn holding the most provocative piece of bikini he ever saw against her chest. Wind gushed inside the room through the open curtains, and the strings from her bottom piece moved deliciously against her tanned skin, her curls on top of her head moving like waves as well.
They were in Mallorca for a vacation after finally matching their schedules and taking a week off, far away from everyone and everything work-related. It wasn’t easy to see each other between race weeks, work, and classes, so both of them were hell-bent on spending as much time together as possible during the few days they got. Their friends were aware that for half of their break, Mick and Yn were each other's priorities, and they would give friends and family the attention, but only after working on the yearning for the other. 
“Sure,”  he smiled, pushing his body to the edge of the bed, and before he could get up, Yn was stepping between his legs, tits smashed behind her arm and the flowing piece of clothing right in front of him. 
Yn gave him a small smirk, turning around, and recklessly, or rather, purposely as the Schumacher knew his girlfriend very well, leaving the white bathing suit fall to the ground, “oops,” a giggle escaped her lips, and she bent to pick it up. Now, her ass was right in front of him, barely covered by the white fabric. It was as if she was giving him a show, exposing every inch of her to him in the most provocative way just to rile him up. Mick felt his body get warm, hands twitching to knead and touch her flash, but he was a patient man. He mastered the game she was trying to play. 
Maybe that was the reason she wanted to play in the first place: she knew he would take the reigns, knew he would bottle up all his pent-up frustration only to give it to her in the form of pleasure in bed. 
“Two knots?” Mick asked, already starting to twist the strings into a second know, as it was common for Yn to ask for it in a way to secure her bathing suit in place.
“No, just one,” she surprised him with her answer and made his ears perk up with the addition, “It’s easier to take it off that way.” 
Mick held in a breath, and bite his lips before letting go of the white piece and giving two taps on her bum to let her know he was finished. 
“Thank you, handsome,” Yn turned around, leaving a peck on his pink lips and running back to the bathroom. 
Mick knew he was in for a long day. He would go as far as to consider he was in for a long week because that was just Yn. She knew how to play his game, how to feed his imagination, how to push him to the edge only for them to jump together. She could very well keep the provocative jokes going around for the whole vacation. It was just the of them after all. They had yet to christen some spaces in the house.
It wasn’t long before they were both on the boat, the sun scalding against his skin as Mick found just the perfect spot to let the yacht float lightly with the waves. Away from the possibility of people on Land watching and far far away from other boats. It was them, the sun, and the calm waters.
“Love, you have to reapply your sunscreen,” Yn instructs with a bottle of the cream in her hands.
“You should too,” he mumbles when Yn starts putting the lotion on his cheeks, Mick’s hands instantly finding her waist to bring her body closer. 
“I will, but your skin is more sensitive than mine. I don’t want you looking like a lobster later,” 
“I think I rock the rosy cheeks.” It’s a joke, but he does, in fact, look stunning to Yn, especially after soaking up the sun and showing up with a new color to his face. It’s endearing.
“You do, but I’m not the biggest fan of the same color on your back, for instance,” she starts, skilled hands applying the lotion on his large shoulders. She kneads Mick’s skin and muscles under her fingers, leaving a kiss on the column of his neck and adding, “It wouldn’t be that fun to leave nails mark on your skin when it's sore. Takes away all the fun.” 
And oh, did he understand exactly what she was talking about. 
As the day went by, her provocative behaviors only got worse. She got bolder, going as far as taking off her bikinis to “tan properly” and leaving the two small pieces of fabric hanging on the yacht’s metal bar. They swam, joked around, and ate the food packed in the morning. It was so exhilarating to be just the two of them without work obligations looming around. Their shoulders seemed more relaxed, eyes lazily admiring everything around, body and mind completely calm. 
“I love you,” Yn whispered, giving Mick one more bite of the watermelon they were sharing. His pink lips curled up in a smile, the juice from the fruit escaping and sliding to his chin. Yn admired the image before dipping her face to his and licking the spot clean.
“I love you so much,” Mick echoed, holding her jaw and directing her lips to his mouth. His lips parted, and their tongues found each other in a hungry kiss, the sweet taste of watermelon sugar still present, along with hints of the alcohol they shared earlier. “I appreciate you,” he confided, hands holding her body closer and changing positions so now Yn was directly under him, his torso between her parted legs. “I’m crazy about you,” Mick kept going, warm lips trailing down to her jaw and neck. Yn tangled her fingers between his golden strands in a silent cry for him to not distance his lips from her, for him to keep going forever. 
Mick was the perfect lover, and as the sun started to change positions in the sky, bathing their wet bodies in its sunlight, illuminating the scene as if the big star was watching it, Yn couldn’t help but to feel the luckiest woman alive. 
“You’re so perfect,” his elbow left the ground, his body lowering on top of hers, and his now free hand squeezed her ass. “Everything about you is perfect,” Mick stated before kissing her hard nipples against the top of the white bikini. She swore she could feel his warm mouth suck it, yet Mick did not move the clothing, just directed his face closer to her again and captured her lips in another kiss. 
And as much as Yn expected her boyfriend to lose control and make love to her on top of his boat, she knew he wouldn’t do so, not today, at least. She suspected the make-out session was very much intentional, to make her horny and somehow work as a payback for all the teasing she did throughout the day. 
“The sun will set in some hours. We should go back,” Mick mumbled, still assaulting Yn’s neck. “I’m cooking for you tonight,” he added.
Yn smiled, caressing his back, his muscles relaxed under her nails, “I’m starving.” 
“I’m gonna feed you well, stuff you full of...” he trailed off because her lips bite his. If Mick kept throwing double-meaning words at her, she wouldn’t be able to wait until they got home. “Full of pasta, Schatz. I’m cooking pasta tonight,” he teased, and they both burst out laughing.
“We better get going if you really wanna cook dinner.” Yn pressed a peck to Mick’s cheeks, and he got up, adjusting his swim shorts and then helping Yn up as well. 
The ride back to the coast was peaceful, and they took the time to admire the place a bit more, the clear waters even clearer with the sunlight. Families, friends, and couples, swimming around and enjoying the weather and the free time. Everything seemed inviting and tranquil. 
They took the car back to the house, and Mick didn’t let space for Yn to suggest a joint shower. He knew if they got inside the bathroom together, they wouldn’t leave for dinner or anything sooner than in the morning. So he took the safe option and went shower in the guest suite while Yn got ready in their room. 
“Did you take classes? It smells fantastic,” Yn voiced when she emerged from the bathroom. Mick was already fully dressed, in black slacks and a white polo shirt, he was barefoot, and his salty hair was sticking everywhere, still naturally drying after the shower. 
“I did, in fact,” he chuckled, adding a bit of salt to the sauce. “I used my free day during the France GP to make a gastronomic tour, and they offered a free course on some dishes,” he explained before turning around to face Yn. She saw the moment he gulped, eyes trailing down her figure and taking in the sundress hugging her curves just right. 
The green fabric was just the perfect shade against her tanned dark skin, although Mick suspected there wasn’t a color that wouldn’t go with her tone. Anything Yn wore, she did it flawlessly, and he would never get tired of watching her with different sets and colors going around her day as if things were normal. Meanwhile, he was trying to stop his heart from bursting through his throat. 
“You like it?” she asked a bubbly tone to her voice, twirling her dress around. 
“Did I like it?” Mick echoes, putting his two hands on his hips and doing a once over on Yn again. “I fucking adored it, Schatz,” he panted, and she smiled.
Mick winked at her and turned back to the stove in a poor attempt to calm his nerves. They had to have dinner before eating dessert. He reminded himself. 
“I’m taking you on a ride later,” some minutes passed until the German mentioned, now skipping to the pasta dough, it was ready to go into the pan. 
“Oh, then let me switch for pants,” Yn pointed at her dress, and Mick smirked.
“Nah, you got just the right outfit for my plans.” 
Her eyebrows went up for less than a second before her mind registered the double meaning behind his words, a chuckle passing between her lips. She absolutely adored his dirty side and how it started coming out in hints and soft words before going on full mouthy. 
“Let me help you with dinner,” it was not a question, and Mick knew she was plotting something when she got in front of him, reaching for the cupholder when he had yet to give her instructions.
Her ass brushed against his crotch, and he bites his lips to keep both, the groan from escaping his throat, and his hands from grabbing her hips and smashing her flesh harder against him. But Mick knew sex worked like the art of cooking sometimes. You had to be patient with the right timing, not too soon, or it will be undercooked, not too late as it can get burned. 
However, Yn was still in her teasy mood, and Mick couldn’t do anything but try to hold himself back. At least until he finished dinner. Yn knew it was taking him everything, especially because Mick loved to feed and fuck her, most of the time on this order, but not always. Nonetheless, considering their lunch was a packed sandwich and fruits back in the boat hours ago, she knew he would make sure she had food on her belly and enough energy to keep up with his stamina. 
So dinner prep was harder than Mick anticipated, and for as curious as it seems, it was the same for Yn. She was the one teasing, but Mick, sure as well, knew how to pay with the same coin, so when they sat at the table to eat, they were both flushed and eager to be over with the food. The latter was indeed as tasty as the smell gave out, and Yn did not hold back her praises to her boyfriend about how good his course was and how she was excited for when he would try some new recipe again. 
After they were both finished, Mick stood up to take the dishes to the kitchen, claiming it was time for dessert, and for a second, Yn believed him until her boyfriend showed up at the table empty-handed.
Well, not empty-handed per se.
Mick had two protein bards and two bottles of water in hand. A playful smirk was on display on his lips.
“Dessert is a protein bar?” Yn wondered aloud.
“Nah, that’s for later,” Mick murmured before sitting back on his chair and putting up his palm for Yn, silently asking for her hand. She held it, and he motioned for her to get up and stand between his open legs and the table, “Did you already forget what my dessert was supposed to be?” he teased, and Yn felt her legs shake in anticipation. “What? Cat got your tongue, Schatz?” 
Mick’s hand brought her body closer by the waist, face dipping and bit and appreciating the view of her hard nipples against the fabric of the green dress right in front of his face. He parted his lips just enough to roll one between his teeth, wetting the fabric, and, consequently, Yn’s panties. 
She whimpered.
Mick smiled, finally hearing something from her. 
“You made my job a lot easier wearing this piece, babe,” it was said out loud, but it seemed as if Mick was talking to himself for a second. Yn was too absorbed between the feeling of his mouth playing and teasing her boobs and his skilled hands traveling the length of her dress, dipping under it to share her attention. 
“Micky,” Yn chanted before he smashed their lips together in a sloppy kiss. 
There was a hint of wine mixed with her balm, and Mick had to withdraw for a second to let the guttural noise go past his lips. Yn swallowed it in a new kiss, fingers gripping his hair tightly and bringing him closer, taking what she wanted without an ounce of hesitation. 
“You teased me too much. I’m not letting you get away with it,” the German interrupted, dipping his hands under her dress one more time, except this time, his fingers found the side of her panties and pushed it down to her ankles. A grin formed on Mick’s face when he noticed the wet spot in the middle of the clothing. Yn stepped off the piece, and he directed her body right on top of the table, legs spread for him, pussy right in front of his face. 
What a dessert. 
If his temper weren’t so controlled, he could easily rip his pants and fuck her until everyone on that island knew how hard they went in bed. However, he wasn’t that guy. He knew exactly how to work Yn’s body, and this week was all about extending their pleasure and taking their time. 
He had the energy to do so.
And that he did when he held Yn’s ankle, opening her legs even wider while kissing her inner thighs. Yn shudders when his breathing hits her center, and there’s a jolt on her body when his lips finally make contact with her pussy. Mick pays attention to everything, kissing, touching, and tracing. It’s almost infuriating how good he is at it, mainly because some things just happen naturally, such as when he’s licking her entrance and his nose has just the perfect size to bump against her clit in a friction that makes her toes curl but still are not enough to make her cum. 
And Mick knows that. He knows exactly what his body and actions do to Yn, and he has fun in the process. He enjoys every stage of sex with Yn, and maybe that’s why they find solace in giving each other pleasure. Mick gets hard just at the thought of giving head to Yn, and you could definitely say the same about Yn. 
“You so wet,” he jibes, sucking her clit just enough to make her moan louder. “Look at me, Schatz, look at the mess you’re making on my face,” and didn’t she look?!
The scene of Mick between her legs, jaw, and mouth glistening with her juices, eyes a shade darker, and lips parted, ready to dive in again, was enough to bring another whimper out of her. 
“Please, Mick,” she pleaded, and his sly grin only grew bigger.
“You spent the whole day testing me. Now you’re going to take it like a good girl. I’m not even close to finishing with you.”
And then his lips were attached to her clit again, sucking, licking, and drawing figures. When her hips roll off the table and up to his mouth, pushing his face impossibly closer, Mick groans, lacing his arm around her torso and keeping her in place, “Be. Fucking. Patient.” Each word was punctuated by a flick of his tongue on her most sensitive spot, and Yn can’t help but cry his name. 
“Babe, please, use your fingers,” it’s a whine, a plea, after minutes of Mick lazily sucking and licking her pussy. Each time he does it gets wetter. It’s like her body is hanging on his mercy and his wants. 
Yn feels his lips pull against her pussy before he withdraws, kissing around her legs, and finally, fucking finally –she sighs– he inserts one finger inside. It’s not enough, though it stretches her just right until a second and longer finger makes its way inside too. Yn’s body shakes from pleasure, and she squeezes her tits harder under her own hands. 
“Mick, it feels so good,” the praise escapes between her lips, and he takes the opportunity to insert yet another finger. This time she screams his name, and the blonde knows she’s getting closer to her climax. 
She was looking fucking fantastic in front of him, and, for a second, he saw himself considering the possibility of delaying her orgasm for a while longer, only to watch her body sprawled on top of the table, legs spread, dress bunched up her hips, one of its sleeves unabashedly down revealing her hard nipple and tit, hair around her head like a crown. 
She was a sigh for sore eye. 
Mick moved his fingers inside her delivering motions he knew would bring her closer to the edge. He let go of her hips just to find her tits and pinch one between his pointer and forefinger. Mick did it all without stopping his fingers inside of her. He explored, kissed, and licked a bit more, and he did it all, grinning up at her like a devil. 
“Best fucking dessert ever,” Mick vowed. 
He watched as Yn bite her lip, her hips pushing closer to him, back arching and toes curling, he watched it all unfold, and he wanted to keep that image engraved on his mind forever. The image and the feeling of her fingers threading through his hair, pushing his face closer to her entrance, seeking her own high without an ounce of shame. 
The wait was so worth it.
“C’mon, Schatz, you can let go,” he mumbled against her pussy, taking her clit between his lips and rolling his tongue just right to throw Yn over the edge. 
She screamed his name. She whimpered at him. It was him she praised and thanked as she rode her high with his fingers still inside her, lips and tongue helping her through the wave so it would last longer.
Mick smiled against her thighs before pushing up the chair and kissing his way up to her neck. His fingers worked on her dress to remove it completely, and Yn could only sigh in a relaxed instance while her boyfriend worked on the sweet spot on her neck. 
“How was dessert?” she whispered, and Mick chuckled.
“Fucking phenomenal, Schatz. It tasted like heaven,” his words were delivered while his ocean-blue eyes stared right into her, and her body shuddered deliciously. “Here,” Mick dipped his face close to her lips, and Yn was quick to kiss him feeling the wet spots on his jaw work against her skin. 
She groaned, and he grounded his hard-on against her lower half involuntarily. 
“Fuck me, just fuck me, Mick,” and oh, there was something so dirty about the whole scene. Yn was lying completely naked,  asking to be fucked, while Mick was still dressed up. 
“Not yet. Opposed to you, I was patient, and so I deserve to have dessert again,” He smirked. “I want you to listen attentively ok, love?” Yn could only nod, and Mick kept going. “We’re going to the bedroom, and you’re going to sit on my face. Not that hovering shit you like to pull up sometimes, you’re full-on sitting, and I’m gonna eat you out for a bit longer, just so you can understand how things work when you tease your boyfriend the whole day. Then, and only then, I’m fucking you, ass up, face down. If you behave, you get to have a fourth orgasm.” 
Yn nodded again, and Mick shook his head, “I wanna hear your voice, Schatz.”
“I’m sorry, Micky. I won’t tease you anymore, and I’m sitting on your face just like you want me to.”
And that she did.
 “Good girl,” the blonde praised when Yn kept her hips still for him to insert a finger inside. Her walls involuntarily wrapped around his digits. She was way too needy, and he almost gave up his games to give her what she wanted. Her orgasm came in shockwaves, this time harder than the first, and her body toppled backward, back finding the soft mattress between a series of swears and praises directed to her boyfriend. 
Mick kissed her naked body, fingers lazily caressing her sweaty skin, praising her silently. He reached for the water bottle, uncapped it, and planted a kiss on her jaw before handing it to her. Yn motioned for him to hold her up, and he laughed, putting her body in a seating position, supporting her back in case she fell. Yn gulped down the water and sighed, enjoying the break. 
“Do you want a protein bar now, meine Süße?”
“Please,” she put her hands together in a plea and then took another swing from the bottle. Mick chuckled yet again and opened the small bar handing it to his girlfriend. “Thank you,” Yn breathed.
She passed him the bottle, and Mick finished the water while watching her munch on the bar. Yn glanced at her fingers stained with chocolate syrup, and before she could clean them, Mick’s lips were attached around them licking them clean. 
“Tell me you’re finally fucking me, Mick,” Yn cried out, “I love it when you give me head, but right now, I need your dick. Inside me,” she added the last part running her nails over his neck. “Or you could let me suck you too. I wouldn't mind.”
And it was crazy how crude and free she could be around him without fear of judgment, never had Yn, in all her life, experienced love this way. The kind of love that can be both dirty and still warm and make you giggle. Mick was the perfect balance between both. He was a gentleman, he was careful, he was loving. But he knew when to be rough and dirty-mouthed, and oh, when he did, it was like experiencing a piece of heaven.
“You don’t deserve it right now,” Schumacher pondered, caressing her jaw, his fingers drawing around her cheekbones and coming straight into her open mouth. Yn sucked two digits in, twirling her tongue around and hollowing her cheeks, which cost a shudder followed by a grunt from Mick. 
“But you do. C’mon, Micky.” 
He shook his head, traced her face one more time, and then started to strip himself. When all his clothes are on the ground, Mick doesn’t waste any time fitting his body between Yn’s legs, mouth naturally finding hers in a languid kiss. His fingers knead the flesh of her ass pulling out pants from her. Mick could feel the familiar and impatient rise of her hips, pussy leaking her juices on the naked skin of his abs, “You’re gonna turn around now, stick your ass up, lie your face down, and let me fuck you just right, ok?” There’s a beat of silence, Yn trying to keep from trashing under Mick and begging him to just stick it in. She was so sensitive it wouldn’t take long for her third orgasm to hit. “I asked you a question, Schatz,” Mick pinched her nipple between his pointer and forefinger, and Yn whined but gathered the energy she just got from the protein barn to turn around and do exactly as told, once again body completely exposed and opened to her boyfriend. The confidence in the effects her curves had on him, and the certainty of a reward coming, only made the moment more electric. 
When Mick finally slides in, they both let out shaky breaths and although his dick goes easily all the way inside with the help of her moisture, her body still needs a second to accommodate his full size. The angle is just perfect. Mick has access to the headboard to steady himself if needed, he controls the pace by holding her waist, and his hands can travel around her whole body with ease. And that’s what he does.
With one of his hands positioned on Yn’s waist, he massages her ass with the other one and bends his body just enough to leave a wet kiss on the place where her neck and shoulders meet. She whines again because the movement just changed his position inside. Yn silently looks for his hands, squeezing them, and it’s all the confirmation Mick needs to now direct both hands to her midsection, and pull all the way out before slamming his hips against hers in a swift motion. 
His eyes roll back when she shudders and moans his name loudly. The Schumacher was grateful the house was theirs and only theirs for the whole week. Otherwise, everyone would hear what the couple was up to. 
Hips snapping again, it was Mick’s turn to let out his noises, hands coming down on Yn’s ass in a sharp slap when she rocked back against him just right and hit a spot that sent both of them to see stars. 
“Micky, you’re filling me up so good,” Yn panted. 
“You’re such a dirty girl,” he husked, and she moaned louder. “Go ahead. You can moan as loud as you want. Let me hear you, babe. Who’s filling you up good, huh?” 
“Answer. Me.” He punctuated each word with a deep stroke, and Yn could feel the coil starting on her stomach and traveling to her lower belly. 
“You, Mick- oh fuck,” Yn choked. “You’re the only one to make me feel this way.” 
The Schumacher bent his body, nipping at Yn’s neck without stopping the snap of his hips. Yn pressed her eyes closed, trying to stand on her elbows, Mick’s lips quick to find hers in a sloppy kiss, smiling and moaning, swallowing every dirty word whispered. His fingers traveled to her front and flicked against her clit, pressing and pinching it, bringing Yn to the edge. 
“I’m about to cum, Mick.”
“No, you’re not coming yet,” he breathes the order, lips kissing and biting her neck, hips thrusting, and fingers moving. It’s too much, and Yn can’t help but voice it loudly. It’s way too good, but it’s also way too much. She wouldn’t be able to hold back, and just when she was about to reach that peaceful space, to snap the coil on her belly, Mick stopped everything. 
“Mick!” It was a frustrated plead, and he turned her on her back, smiling up like a devil. 
“Want you to look at me,” he rasped, and she mewled when he buried himself inside her again without much ceremony. The new angle brought more intimacy, and when her legs opened wider, lacing themselves around it, they knew it was enough to make them cum even faster than they would before. 
Yn raked her nails through the skin of his back, and Mick rutted harder against her pussy, his hands looking for leverage on the headboard before sliding off and thrusting in harder. He repeated the motion some more until Yn grabbed him by his golden chain and smashed their foreheads together, “Tell me what you want. Use your words,” Mick ordered.
“Let me cum, kiss me, touch me,” she begged, and Mick rolled his eyes back from pleasure. There was something so unique about having that side of her, a side only he could see.
“Spread your legs wider, touch yourself, and don’t take your eyes off me, m’kay?” 
“Ok,” Yn nodded and did exactly as told, fingers lazily playing with her clit while he kept his pace going. Her free hand found his shoulders holding it for support when Mick ducked his head and took her boob inside his mouth, tongue swirling around the bud and teeth scraping it lightly. 
She could feel her body dissolving into pleasure, pushing her to the edge, toes curling, eyes involuntarily starting to shut, but there he was, face near her again, kissing and nipping her jaw and eyes finding hers and then sinking his dick in a hard thrust, just what Yn needed to topple over, nails digging harder on Mick’s back. 
“Don’t hold back, Schatz,” he cooed, slowing his movements but not stopping. “You did so well. Can you take just one more?” 
She was still dizzy in ecstasy, adrenaline coursing through her body. Her fingers tangled on his chain again, and Mick obliged, kissing her hard and starting a new series of thrusting, gridding, and hutting, now searching for his own relief. 
Yn contracted her pussy, her body still riding the orgasm. It was hell and heaven, and Mick could only take so much. He tried closing his eyes, but it was her turn to bark a simple order, “Keep your eyes on mine, Mick. I wanna see you cum.”
And that he did. He stared deep into Yn’s eyes while his body switched paces on its own accord, from fast and hard, to lazy and deep, and then hard again, until he couldn’t take it anymore, his features going dark, pink lips spelling all the most profanes and dirty things imaginable before his hips stilled coming inside her, taking yet another orgasm from Yn. 
They collapsed together in bed, his body on top, dick still twitching inside her. 
“That was…woah-” Yn’s voice was raspy, and Mick chuckled, moving his face to the side to plant a kiss on her neck. 
Yn’s fingers threaded through Mick’s short strands, massaging his scalp while they evened out their breaths. 
“Is there more from that pasta we had for dinner?” Yn asked, and the German kissed his way to her chest, resting his head there and letting out a sigh of pleasure. 
“I’m gonna grab it for you, and then we’re going at it again in the shower. I’m not done with you yet.” He reached for the other water bottle by the nightstand and unclasped it, taking a swing and pushing it toward Yn. 
“I guess that’s what I get for dating an athlete, huh?” she joked before sitting up slightly and sipping her water.
“Oh, but you love it, don’t you?” 
Yn smiled bright and big. Her body was floating after four orgasms and so much affection, “I do. I love you.” 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @Dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie
792 notes · View notes
bless-my-demons · 9 months
Redamancy: Chapter Nineteen
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Cuss words and a weeeee bit of angst, no Jasper tonight - but I promise I’ll make it up to y’all!
Notes: Tomorrow afternoon I’ll try to sort out the bugs with my taglist, tonight I just want to get this posted for y’all to enjoy because I had a stupid long day and Tumblr is wanting to test me for some reason.
Word Count: 2058
Series Masterlist
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• January 27, 2006 • Forks HS, WA•
Bella was noticeably absent from school yesterday and there’s a rumor floating around that she had made a trip to the ER Sunday afternoon. I had texted her yesterday to check on her as soon as I heard the whispers, but I received nothing but radio silence on her end.
I was in the middle of typing her another message as I headed in the direction of my final class of the day when a hand at my shoulder stopped me.
Snapping my head up, my eyes were immediately drawn to the neat row of stitches in Bella’s hairline.
“Holy shit, what-?” I gape, worry for my best friend taking hold of me.
“I um, lost control of one of the dirt bikes, hit a rock and it got me pretty good.” She sheepishly glanced at the floor while explaining herself quietly.
“I heard yesterday you had a trip to the ER on Sunday, I was worried sick about you!” My free hand gripping one of her biceps as I lightly berated her for not texting me back.
Her eyes met mine and something in them shifted, like she didn’t expect me to be so invested in her wellbeing.
“C’mon, let’s get out of here.” I suggest and tug her towards the exit to the student parking lot, “We’ve got some catching up to do.”
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“Aren’t you girls supposed to be in school?” Cora, the sweet hearted waitress at Carver’s Cafe, teases us as she sets down our shakes in front of us on the bar.
“It’s just one of those days.” I give her a half smile, stabbing my milkshake with a straw.
She nods understandingly, glancing at Bella’s injured forehead before moving on to other customers.
“Mike invited me to the movies.” She blurts as she scoops off the whipped cream into a discarded dish between us, neither one of us liking the topping.
A gasp slips out before I could reign in my surprise and Bella immediately shushes me.
“It’s not like I want to go with him!” She whisper-yells defensively.
“Well, what did you tell him?” I lean forward to press her for more details.
“I said yes, but!” She holds up a finger to delay my response, “I want it to be a group thing. I can’t deal with this potentially turning into some kind of date.”
“So you want me to come to be the awkward hand-holding buffer?” I smile to myself as I stir my melting drink.
“I’m asking Jake to come too and probably some of the others from school, I just have to find a weekend when everyone is free.”
“Oh thank god!” Her look of shock causes me to elaborate, “I’m not sure I could handle thwarting his advances towards you on my own, that’s a tall order for a wingwoman against Mike Newton on a mission, Bells.”
She groans and slumps back in her seat, “This is the worst, why couldn’t I have just said no?”
“Because you’re a nice person and even slightly hurting someone’s feelings is the worst thing you could do. I get it, I would’ve done the same thing.” Sighing, I slump down in my seat too.
“It sucks being a girl sometimes.”
“Only sometimes?” My head lolls in her direction as I ask her sarcastically and we both let out a giggle.
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As soon as I walk in the door from my girl-date with Bella, I shoot a text to Quil:
Hey, you down for going to the movies? Bella is getting some friends together to go at some point in the near future, Jake will probably be there too.
A ping chirps from my phone before I even set my backpack down:
Absolutely, just let me know when and where Y/n/n.
I smile to myself - happy to get him out and hanging with other people, Quil has been struggling recently with Embry dropping off the map to spend time with Sam Uley. Somehow Sam is managing to dig his claws into the young guys of the tribe one by one, there also seems to be a gag order in place to not talk to anyone since Embry is ghosting us.
I just hope Jake and Quil aren’t next, I don’t think I could handle more people abandoning me.
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• February 20th, 2006 • Port Angeles, WA •
This group-movie-thing has got to be the newest and worst idea Isabella Swan has ever had.
Somehow in the shuffle under the dim lighting in the theater, Jake pushed his way between Bella and I, causing Mike to snatch up the other available seat next to her before I could even think of switching sides.
Huffing, I settle for sitting in between Jake and Quil, nervously meeting Bella’s panicked eyes as the opening ads begin playing.
I lean over and bump Quil with my shoulder, “Boys are mindless beasts.” I jokingly whisper.
“And girls never shut the fuck up in movies.” He whispers right back without missing a beat, devouring the bucket of popcorn while his eyes stay glued to the silver screen.
I turn my upper body to face him with a look of shock, this fucker-
But Jacob shushes us before we could get into it. I let out an exasperated sigh and cross my arms as I settle in for the movie, fucking boys.
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Ya know, last time I went to the movies I told Bella I would choose the next one.
Well, as my luck would have it, the boys beat us three to two on what to watch. Which means I’ve been left to suffer through gory after gory scene in this stupid action movie.
Cringing behind my hands as I squint, legs tucked up to my chest, Mike suddenly announces, “Okay-I think I’mgoingtothrowup.” And bolts from his chair for the exit, all of us turning to watch him run.
Bella turns to look at me questioningly and I gesture to follow him, all of us rising to leave.
“What a marshmallow.” Jake jokes as soon as we exit the theater and I try to stifle my laughter at the accuracy as we watch Mike dive for the bathroom door. “You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit.”
“Yeah - I’ll keep my eye open for that.” Bella laughs, like actually laughs and it makes my heart a little happier to hear the sound from her again.
“I feel bad, he probably has that flu that’s-going around.” Bella’s voice trails off as I watch Jacob slide his hand into hers, but she drops it and twists around at the bottom of the stairs while we wait for Mike.
“What, I can’t hold your hand?” Jake’s offended tone immediately sets alarm bells off in my head and I turn to Quil, my eyes staring a hole in his chest.
“Of course you can, I just think it means something a little different.” I can hear Bella backpedaling to avoid hurting his feelings and it makes me cringe so hard I tune out their words.
Obviously this conversation needs to happen between them, but the urge to step in and come to her rescue fights my rational thought.
“Hey, let’s give them some space.” Quil whispers to me, steering me to the other side of the bathroom. Mike’s sounds of vomiting echoing as we pass and it makes me wince, poor dude can’t catch a break.
“But-” I look over my shoulder to check on my friend and see nothing but Jake’s tense back.
“I can see her from here and she’s fine.” Quil’s eyes never move from Bella, I can tell he feels the same way about their conversation.
“I knew this would happen sooner or later, but right now?” I speculate out loud.
“Jake’s always had the best fucking timing.”
“Really?” I ask questioningly.
“Of course not, dumbass - it was sarcasm.”
I punch his shoulder and he recoils from me at the same time a haggard-looking Mike Newton emerges from the men’s bathroom.
“Well, I need to go home.” The marshmallow announces, interrupting whatever was happening between Jacob and Bella on the stairs. “I-I was feeling sick before the movie. What is your problem?”
Quil hurriedly pushes me towards them, somehow already sensing a shift in the conversation.
“You, you’re my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. Want me to put you in the hospital?”
Quil surges past me to play mediator at the same time Bella grabs Jacob’s wrist.
“Jake! Jake-Jake, the movie is over, what are you doing?” I standby uselessly and watch as Bella tries to calm him down.
“Hey man-” Quil lays a hand on his chest to get his attention, but it fails.
“You’re really hot… You feel like you have a fever, are you okay?” I watch as Bella’s hands move along his arm, concern flooding her voice and moving her hands.
“I don’t know what’s happening. I gotta go.” Abruptly Jacob rushes for the exit, leaving the four of us dumbfounded in the corridor.
“Dude is weird.” Mike quips, but we ignore him, worried about our friend.
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The car ride home with Quil was… Awkward. Jake blowing up on Mike ended the night on a sour note, but his behavior had my mind racing.
It’s so obvious he’s in love with Bella and I’m worried I might eventually find myself in her same shoes. I chew on my lip nervously as I tap my fingers on the steering wheel, too fast for it to be with the beat of whatever is playing on the radio.
Quil leans over to shut the music off, “Alright, what’s wrong?”
At first I’m not really sure what to tell him, the anxiety of having the conversation I know we need to have is eating me alive.
“I’m worried about Jake.”
“Jake will be fine-”
“No, I know that. I’m just worried about what’s going on with him.” My hands tighten on the steering wheel.
“I’m not following, Y/n/n.” His eyebrows bunch together as he turns his face to study me.
“He’s in love with her.” I glance at him for a second before turning back to the road. “And-and I’m worried that we-”
“Pull over, please.” He asks gently and immediately I begin to panic internally.
Slowing to a stop on the shoulder of the deserted road back to Forks, Quil reaches up to turn on the car cabin light before turning to face me fully, “Y/n.”
Slowly I let go of the steering wheel and face him, worried about what he could possibly unleash on me.
“You’re my best friend, plain and simple. Jake and Bella are not us, I don’t have feelings for you like he does for her.” A puff of air blows through my lips as I deflate in relief, but he grabs my hands and continues. “You’re my sister for all intents and purposes, you don’t need to worry about that.”
My breaths are a bit shaky as I come down from the anxiety high, “I just don’t want you to think I’m close to you because I’m looking for something…” I look down at our joined hands and squeeze his. “After him, I just can’t.”
Tears begin to make my vision swim, it hurts every fiber of my being just thinking about potentially wanting someone else.
“I don’t know what happened with Hale,” my breath hitches at the name, “I don’t need the details about that whole situation, but I’m not here to replace him. I don’t want to, I just want a best friend that won’t leave me.”
“That’s all I want too, I can’t take anyone else leaving.”
Quil leans over the center console to pull me into a hug and my body relaxes.
“I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers before letting go and leaning back into his seat.
Putting the car back into drive and continuing to the reservation to drop him off, a little sliver of dread worms its way into the cracks of my heart.
Everyone that says they aren’t going anywhere eventually goes somewhere, it’s like jinxing yourself with hard odds to beat - impossible.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
Sorry it took so long to fix!
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joannasteez · 3 months
tanks of blood (1) - circa '09
pairing: biker!roman reigns x black reader warning: this chapter contains detailed explicit content and alcohol. mentions of violence. the perspective changes oddly towards the end but who gives af, this is for funsies authors note: been sitting on this first chapter for a hot minute. its a flashback! just a little establishment of feelings and dynamics. word count: 3k tagging: @333creolelady @harmshake @theninthwonder @thesamoanqueen @kill-the-artiste @empressdede @spritelucozade @gg-trini i suck at keeping up who wants tags for what. but let me know if you want tags for just this story, roman stuff, cody or everything.
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circa '09—
pensacola summers are muggy. sticky thick air that binds to the skin. and even beyond this nasty little inconvenience, pensacola night life rages with a thundering sort of spirit. wood floors groaning under worn shoes, and the walls bleeding with a little taste of everything that's been spilled onto them—overflowed shots of smooth vodka, ice cold tequila cocktails, crisp foamy beer, and the poor stain of some too-slow-to-swing-back assholes blood — till the bitterness steeps into the grain. and this here is no real complaint, because the dross of it is the essence. the thing that stokes the fire of the night till it's a bursting flame. 
and stubbs' dive bar is a staple for all the no good, almost-there-degenerates of pensacola, florida. for not so humble street royalty. but stubbs' dive is only popular because the guys made it that way, what with the vicious rumbling of their dyna's and their cruisers. stainless steel a smooth sharp glisten under the moonlight. and they are as rowdy as their engines, a dirty heavy symphony bordering impatience always. with a mounting lust for the grime of life, inherited surely, from the fathers and uncles and elder brothers who they bore their names from. 
but maybe its nature. the heat of the day simmering quieter men to act upon deep seated urges till their thoughts roam fiery and less ashamed. and maybe thats why randy orton does what he does, acting upon desire with a selfishness, like it's a right born to him. but your indulgence is no better. intrigue rife in your skin till its heating your cheeks. his broad fingers warm, adjusting the pool stick you bend over so prettily to angle with. and if randy is nothing else he is, easy. goes about everything with a deftness that tugs your younger curiosities. so when he touches, just for the sake of touching—because all forbidden things are so damn appealing—the fearlessness in him radiates. excites the skin till its fluttering wild. pulsing. a quick shiver through the spine. the soft of your leg slipping against his rough jeans. 
"easy on the back end here. don't underestimate that hit".
you jitter. his breath warm over exposed skin. "don't underestimate this stick up your ass if i miss this". 
"a little pain is still a good time", his voice low and rumbling. seducing. free hand traveling lower, from the back end of the pool stick to the tender skin of your waist. the easy slip of his playful touch hidden by the shadows covering the back corner of the dimly lit bar. his thumb stroking soft. forcing from you deeper breaths, for the sake of even a little control. 
"randy", you warn. 
"call the pocket sweetheart". 
his thumb feels good, in that forbidden way that urges blood to rush and desire to simmer. untamed and existing messily against your skin. threatening to cause an undoing chaos. he would hate this, and you should too.
"left corner pocket". 
his fingers curl in, more similar to a deep kneading till it's caught firm, just above the denim band of your skirt. and it's a small show of the fire in his fingers, of the possibilities, choosing a tenderness that compels you closer to acting on mere curiosity. and then he's off you. your hand forcing the pool stick to clack against the cue ball. the eight ball falling into the pocket despite his teasing. your heart hammering, refusing to still. hand out as you wait. a hundred dollar bill,  ever the simple prize—carrying the weight of such palpable tension—slips in your grasp. and when all six feet and five inches of him move in to crowd your body, you feel the swell of heat that breaks off him. a lulling force that makes breathing hard. and he doesn't speak as you pocket the money. the low sit of his eyes —mischief in them not so dissimilar to a viper— sharp.
and the others are too rowdy and liquored up to notice, and maybe for both of your sakes it's best. because he would hate this. could possibly even become violent over it. 
randy's thumb, the one that'd so sweetly slipped over your skin, raises to do the same to your cheek till its sweeping over and under to your chin. skimming easy to line your bottom lip. plump and glossed and tempting. and he's considering you, the burn in your eyes, attempting to decipher whether the heat of them is fear, desire, or a mixture of the two. 
"randy", you warn again. 
because you were spoken for. even if the words were silent, known only through secret but not so secret tongue kisses and lingering stares. through wind rushing rides on the back of his dyna and the burdening curl in of his fingers. possession like a nail, screwing into the skin. 
randy's thumb leaves your lip, swiping off a streak of the glossy balm. a sugary cherry on his tongue. your blood beating in your ears, fingers twitching, small and inching towards something that feels like neediness. he knew what he was doing. but he grins, surrendering with silence to the natural order of things. to unspoken rules and terms of engagement. he stalks away, taking with him that burdening heat. the sensation of his touch lingering as your lip tenses through your teeth. eyes floating away and else where to forget that small bout of rebellion against the quiet but ever present force of him. of roman. 
maybe a shot will help the uneasy heat in your belly? or perhaps make it worse? liquid courage possessing its own bursting flame of possibility. no. tequila would be no good. a step in a worser direction. randy's viper eyes still slipping slow over your curves and balmy brown skin, watching the swing of your hips with a quiet admiration, bordering the thick edges of lust that threaten to take him in. but he's smart about such quiet desires. settles for sipping at the chilly beer nestled easy between street scarred fingers. 
you call the bartender. "water please". fingers running anxious over the bar top. 
"still playin' with fire?" the bar loud, the guys and other patrons swelling up the space with laughs and drunk jeers, but nothing stops the recognition of that voice. slightly lisped and ever playful. cody rhodes, oddly dashing for the messy biker life and more judging than the worst gossiping grandmother you've ever met. blue eyes piercing. always looking  for something. 
you sip. "still mindin' my business?"
"if not me, who else?"
"you're such a mom". fingers dipping in to flick the icy water at him. because if cody is nothing else, he's a perpetual pest. 
"and you, a child". 
"fuck you rhodes".
he snorts. snatching your water to finish it. "it would be fun i'm sure but for my own safety i'm gonna have to pass". 
and the music is louder somehow, cody leaving you to step further into the storm of men he'd pulled himself from. their shot glasses empty, scattered and growing still by the hour. voices yelling higher somehow over the hard thumping bass of music. leather littering the bar booth cushions, and any other loose chairs it can find. the worn material sewn with patches, not so dissimilar to tiny precious stones stuck to some grand old crown. and though most of the guys were mere prospects, waiting faithfully for that full patch in, the pensacola streets belonged to them still. riding comfortably off the nobility of their fathers. ripping and running. chaos at their fingertips and mischief in their eyes. 
but the warmth of the night is inviting, breezes the skin more than the stiffness of the bar. roman standing at the opening of an alley just next to the building, roughing out words, unintelligible, but the closer you get to him the better the timbre is. his big boy, taking care of business voice, you're sure of it. that slight underscoring of coarseness, even at such a young age, steeping chills into your skin. his eyes cutting up, on you now, sticking to the dip in your hips till they find lips, and then your eyes. 
he pulls you in, listening to the call still, touch instinctive. possessive. always claiming your body with a certain finesse. a wide palm stretching along your back till its comfortable, slipping into the back pocket of your skirt. and his head tilts, something slight, like he's taking a reading. and his eyes, black pushing against brown, too silent to be anger but silent enough that its uneasy. 
you know that look well. he's annoyed. 
the call ends. his phone slipping into the back pocket of worn dark denim jeans.
his nose flares. "you smell like him". like randy. because the six foot five inch mischievous piece of shit decided to crowd your space. and you'd decided against the good sense God gave you to indulge him. his spiced cologne staining your top. roman's fingers firm and only becoming firmer, slipping out till they grip into the soft of your hips. a smolder more than a bursting flame in his eyes. composed in his displeasure. "you make it real easy for him to try my patience". 
your eyes roll, feet trailing away. the lamp post a blinding yellow that forces you to see his annoyances too clearly. the side of the bar, away from the street corner and eyes of nosy pensacola pedestrians, is much darker. simple dense bricks and gravely ground. 
"you make getting bored very easy".
when you turn he's there. thick chest pressing into yours. easing you into the dampness of the bar's side brick wall. loose tendrils of hair falling against his face, inky and fine. you reach to touch, his own fingers catching yours to fold over them and in between. slipping till his thumb presses your palm. you wrap about his touch there, with soft fingers, void of rebellious intention, before pulling him in by his arms. and he's not so taut here but the wild strength and warmth in him is clear. a radiating heat that lulls you forward. and yes randy's intensity is subduing, maybe even fearfully so, but roman has a familiarity to him. a safety that makes falling into his touch easy. 
his thumb finds your cheek. caressing over the apple of it. a sweet trail over your lips, chuckling at the pitiful little kisses you give it, eyes peering up from below your lashes. ever coy and ingratiating. and down it goes, a slow stripe over your throat, before its up and over to rest at your pulse. his nose knocking tender into yours, lips faint. you can nearly taste the beer he's had. 
"you're not bored". confident in that fact. lips daintily taking yours. barely a kiss. a peak of his tongue after that forces something desperate and feathered to break from you. "just greedy". thumb smoothing into your pulse. "i gave you a little something for the first time a few weeks ago and now you don't know how to act". 
you smile. drunkenly. his scent heady. "so we both agree, this is your fault". 
"everything is my fault". his mouth retreating to tender skin. pulling at the gentleness of it. leading with the slip of his tongue till his lips begin to lay claim. a heated suck that's all possession. 
you moan. "m'happy you know this". 
"if you're happy then fine". 
and if not for the kiss itself, you'd hate the crisp hoppy flavor of his tongue, but the slip of it is too comforting to ignore. the light summer breeze and his warmth, swaddling your skin till it's arresting your bones. an excitement dancing your nerves. and he's holding you tightly, a hand splayed against your back, pressing into him as he's pressing you further into coarse brick. the other roughing and kneading its way over and under your skirt, feeling up the exposure of your inner thighs. the heat there revving the pulse in his blood. surely it wouldn't take much to slip between your panties. to touch you firmly till you came. his legs long, stout, angling wider to trap you in. 
it reminds him of some few weeks ago. his birthday. the day had been loud and crazy. gift after gift, and who would expect anything less for the prince of pensacola. whose father birthed the bloodline. and so that night had went on, you tucked under him by his own wordless request, lingering eyes and his hands searching for comfort in your skin, till you could no longer avoid the heat of them. and so they'd dug and littered pleasure harshly. a greedy taking. a years long build released suddenly and so terribly blissed. sounds he'd never heard before from you, wanting to hear them now all the time. tremblings in your skin that'd bruised the harsher parts of him to a softness. 
the now midnight air streams against your skin, easy but chilling. his touch hot as it fingers past your panties to slip over your slit. and the sudden invasiveness of it is maddening, a sweet rolling over, wet and firm at your clit. your blood taking to a wild thrumming as his tongue licks wide into your mouth. everywhere that he finds himself, embraced over the whole of you, steadied and controlled. a fervor that weakens your knees. 
the honk of a car reminds you of where you are. the coarse bricks of the wall he's fastened you to. the too bright lamp post not so far away. the guys, rowdy in the bar still, and the possibility of a passerby. 
"were-were outside". your voice rushed and whispered. 
"it's dark". the wet glide of a finger pushing patient against lush resistance. lips still working over yours, lapping sweetly, to calm the unease of your nerves. "no one will see us", so sure of himself. stroking gentle through the tight clutch of your pussy. groaning in time with the throbbing take you give his finger. and the intimacy here is odd, exposed to a somewhat weirdly lit street corner, but so very isolated still. your hands burying into the loose knot of his hair, breathing ragged against his mouth. the fear of being found and the thrill of release tugging the nerves beneath your skin. and when he's there, deep and caressing, his lips pulling to smile as you curse into the midnight breeze. "and if you're quiet, no one will hear us either". 
roman's teeth pry at the part of your lips, sinking into the plush of the bottom one. steeping his fingers into the soak of you as his urges crash into you with an easy willingness. his ears sweetened by every sound that stretches out. fragile and dainty one moment, and then overtaken by something more feverish and raw the next. 
"if my birthday is anything to go by though", his mouth at your ear. breath hot. shivering your spine. "then there ain't no gettin you to just shut up and take it huh?"
your belly coils. wrecks your voice. "fuck you"
"whenever you want". 
and his persistence is tiring to the doubtful parts of you. the ones that fear sudden judgement and interruption. white heat over your brows, rising in your cheeks. a second finger slipping in with the first, a deep take as they go, stretching with leisure, as if the night has oh so graciously slowed for this moment. and dammit you wish it did, just a little if it meant holding him against you longer. your nails threatening to break into the muscle of him, running mindless over the leather covering his back. black and worn and familiar, smelling of warm amber wood as it works to soak your skin. a strong silent claim. 
but there were always other things. 
"yoo!", a voice calls. 
it sounded like one of the twins. like jimmy. 
but roman continues his ministrations. shushes into your cheek before kissing you to drown your whimpering noises. and you curl into him, figuring his broad body will shield you. 
and you're nearly there. blood rushing and the heat sharp. pressure in your core, tight and unrelenting. 
but jimmy is closing in. "yoo uce!". step after step, grinding the dirt under his heavy feet. "jey in here going at it. we need them hands". 
the moment caves in till its collapsing, and roman slips his fingers from you. annoyed and sucking his teeth. fishing for something in his pockets till he's wiping your arousal away with a tissue. "i'm sorry", jaw twitching. a sharp clacking sounding in his other pocket. fishing again till he pulls out two carved rings. he slips them on, looking at you still, your eyes and your lips, searching for tells of anger. 
still, he hasn't moved. doesn't want to leave you. 
"it's okay", you break from his eyes. pushing him lightly towards where jimmy's voice calls from. "go".
and your legs, despite the thought-numbing heat, are suddenly cooler now. missing the sweet burn of him as they chill up. a breeze whisking to fill in the absence of him. and the circumstances are annoying. frustration rife in your body as it runs with a shiver. but it seems to be a better deal than toughing it out inside the bar. because even from the outside front of stubbs' you can hear the chaos of it all. screaming voices and wood cracking bangs. a fight of some sort. the inevitable unraveling. because who were the guys if they didn't get themselves into some shit. proud about their leather and proud about their pride. it only ever made for rougher nights, especially after the drinks were poured and savored. words back and forth till a fist flew to silence it all. 
in the end it was sure to be wordless and bloody, because the guys had a perpetual hard on for mess. and then came the screeching wheels against asphalt and parked cars blaring their own sirens. stubbs' bar bound to be lit up with blue and red because the cops had a perpetual hard on for the guys. a cycle of bullshit indeed. 
you wait by their parked bikes. a uniformed line of black and steel. each styled with crimson red fenders. a pout in your lips because tequila sounds like a good deal. something smooth and clear to eat at the unsettling ball in the pit of your gut. 
and the street has a ghostly silence to it. an air that is comfortable in how still it is. 
your eyes close and for the first time, you settle into the quiet of the night. the nothingness of it all, sweet and new. no rattling engines or clinking metal. neither were there jarring or jeering voices, threatening to break against the skin. no ruptures of the air from sure fated chaos. just a simple lonely breath. you like this. 
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carionto · 9 months
See, we got this... inclination
The Galactic Coalition is no stranger to war. Every sapient race has a history filled with external conflict, and most with some internal strife as well. Even now, the Coalition is in a stalemate with the United Federation on the North-Western arm of the Galaxy, a recently cooled hot war over what the Federation call foreign meddling in internal affairs, while the Coalition claim is an abusive contractual effective enslavement of a pre-stellar civilization, which goes against the Coalition's Ethics Directorate For All Sapient Encounters.
The Humans, who managed to learn of this on their own, sparking a hushed debate about their espionage capabilities, wanted to send their own delegation to the established Neutral Zone to speak with the Federation. As a party to the Coalition governing body, they have free reign to make contact with anyone on their own terms, with the understanding such individual activity will not represent the Coalition itself.
It did not take long for the Humans to reach back to us with an inquiry:
"So like, this might just be us, but these fellas are giving us some nasty fascist vibes, ya feel me? Maybe we're wrong (though we do got a lot of experience with that), but have a look at this data we've gathered so far."
What we saw were shockingly detailed and up-close images of clearly Federation design medical and emergency disaster relief encampments. A baffling number in fact, but technically nothing that would indicate wrongful action or intent. But there were a lot of them all across the planet.
"Yeah, we only got data from right now, so do you got info on this planet and it's folk from earlier? My gut, and all these shuttles full of some kinda cargo we can't scan hyperin' away, is telling me that it's not gonna match well."
The Human, or his... gut?... (we'll have to ask them to elaborate, we thought they only had one mind?) is correct, startlingly so. We informed the Human the atmosphere was far thinner than it was merely 40 years ago, containing a third less Nitrogen and almost no trace gasses at all, save for CO2, which was at nominal levels, but the planet used to have an abundance of Helium, now almost entirely gone. If further investigation corroborates this, and perhaps other inconsistencies, this will be cause for a full open investigation and possible sanctions!
"So... can we fight them?"
The Human's question startled us from our anger, now replaced with confusion and worry. Humanity boasted the most powerful fleet in Coalition space, there was no question about it, but they are still only a singular planet with some specialist stations dotted around local space, while the Federation was composed of dozens of races across thousands of planets in a very efficient hierarchical structure, plus the true strength of their military was unknown.
This is a delicate matter and we need them to not act rashly. We have learned, however, that outright denying Humans anything leads them to desire it more, so we must adopt a new approach to each situation we wish the Humans to... not take the initiative on.
Offering the delegation leader command of our own covert investigation units, and requesting he withdraw his ships to act as emergency response and intervention forces in the area seemed to please him. He had an important task to do, and his crew busied themselves preparing for a variety of possibilities, thus making the Humans feel both needed and engaged in productive activity, preventing them from escalating the situation. For now.
We really hope this "gut" will not cause rash action.
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margo-mania · 10 months
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heres EVERYONE in a beautiful big post (with all my design notes rambles and reasonings) for your (and my) reblogging pleasure
From left to right top row then bottom row
Jane Doe: the biggest notes i have on Jane is that her bubble braids are inspired by @/lauren-t-lampe 's Jane Doe, she's so freaking cute. i like to think my jane is very baby jane
Mischa Bachinski: i didnt really have a plan for mischa other than well mullet so heres the ukrainian bad boy in all his glory
Noel Gruber: noel is extremely gender, i wanted him to be the tallest out of everyone because why not.
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg: i gave her glasses cause i feel like she'd constantly push them up before saying "um acshually.." I always see Ocean as Asexual tbh
Ricky Potts: Nothing much here, i guess i just wanted to give him glasses. it was my first time drawing crutches so i'm always going to try to improve on them
Constance Blackwood: i wanted to make her chubbier than the others like in the 2016 slime tut, but it's definitely something i have to work on improving imo. i feel like if she had more confidence in herself she'd wear the stickers on her face all the time
Penny Lamb: main reason for the short hair? i wanted to be unique since i always see penny with braids and also i gave Jane bubble braids and i kind of wanted to seperate the designs. lesser reason? dont come for me but alice from twilights hair is cool af (tysm to @/cam-stopped-eating-candles for the explaination on penny's hair in legoland!)
(Na)Talia: screw you she's real and i love her. had a lot of free reign since the only detail Mischa mentions is her hair (which i had to google lol). Talia is my absolute favourite rtc song so i wanted to keep the flowey skirts from the 2016 choreography but gave her a bit of an edge because she canonically listens to (and presumably enjoys) rap
Vergil: he's a lil rat in a t-shirt
Monique Gibeou: no notes on this design no need to change anything imo UwU
Space Age Bachelor Man: i like to think what he wears is covered in sparkles and the glitter on his face is a nice touch. I wanted to make something on him colourful so i made the hair/tail colourful uwu
The Amazing Karnak: still a bit....eh on his design but i'm liking it a lot more after sleeping on it. love his coat the most
and thats all of them!! i really want to make keychains/stickers one day so if you have ideas for it let me know! :3
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thezombieprostitute · 2 months
Hummingbird - Part 8
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Summary: You didn't want to break into someone's party but you were desperate to see the art at the gallery before it was gone. You're so busy trying to make sure no one sees you that you miss the ever present gaze of Steve Rogers who is wondering why you crashed his party.
Word Count: ~1.8k
A/N: Reader is AFAB. No physical descriptors used.
Warnings: Rough sex, Smut. Please let me know if I missed any.
Part 7 -- Epilogue
Series Masterlist
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In the weeks following Steve made sure your move was as easy and simple as possible. During the days he gave you free reign to reorganize and redecorate whatever you wanted, except for his office. During the nights he made sure to hold you tight and cuddle you as you fell asleep. You’d never felt more relaxed than when you were with his strong arms wrapped around you. 
After the dust settled from your move and redecoration, Steve suggested an art gallery visit to celebrate. You put on the dress you wore during your first art gallery date with him, the gift from Monica’s mothers. Part of you wonders if Steve knew, way back then, that you would eventually be living together. You know you certainly had no idea. It was amazing how much had changed for you since you crashed that party. 
Steve finds you getting ready and he smiles at you, eyes full of love and your heart flutters. He’s so good at schooling his expressions and body language that you treasure how genuine he is with you. 
“Are you ready, Hummingbird?”
“Just about. I’m guessing, given the late hour, it’ll be just the two of us at the gallery?”
“Correct. But don’t worry about it looking like a break in. I got the curator to let us in.”
“Thank you for that,” you chuckle. “I know you like the roleplay but I really do prefer the easy way.”
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The gallery had a special theme for the month based around flora of all kinds. There were plenty of paintings based on native flora but the main event was a wing that had been filled with sculptures and made to look like a park. They called it the Garden of Wonders. Glass flowers, some made to look like they’d been encased in ice. Bronze trees with copper leaves, already showing signs of turning green. Marble lilac bushes where you could make out the individual petals. There were even small animal depictions mixed in to add to the ambiance. You felt like you were walking in a magical garden. 
Every bit was breathtaking.  
As was your custom, Steve let you take the lead. You would flit between pieces, occasionally staring, divining the most subtle of touches as he smiles at you. Steve never told you but after every visit he made sure word got to the various artists about all of the details you loved, noticed and appreciated. He never told you because he was worried it would temper your reactions or make you feel guilty for not noticing more. But he knew you’d appreciate the artists getting their due praise. 
Your happiness was probably the most important thing in the world for him. You’d never once taken advantage of his power or money. You supported his plans and ideals. You were so much stronger than you thought. He smiles fondly at the memory of how nervous you were when you’d been “caught’ crashing his party. How your eyes widened in surprise when he finally got you to take him up on his offer. How deliciously evil your smirk was when you showed his guests that you were his partner, not his charity case. 
True to your word, you never did tell him who it was that put those ideas in your head. He did figure it out, though, and had to agree that Carter and Lane’s faces of anger and frustration were a lot more fun than not inviting them ever again. He had to give it to you, you know how to do revenge right. You really made his social obligations that much more fun and enjoyable, making it easier for him to do his work, support his communities, keep his people paid and well taken care of. 
There were still moments you doubted, though you tried to hide them. Steve hated that you could still doubt yourself, or doubt his intentions. He hoped tonight would help allay some of those. 
Flitting through the Garden you pause at one of the pathways and blink. A small table had been set out. There was a small bouquet of purple roses with a card. Steve refrains from chuckling as he watches you circle the table, trying to figure out if it’s part of the display. Your eyes light up when you get close enough to see your first and last name on the card. You look to Steve and he nods as he moves behind you. 
Opening the card it reads, “turn around”. You do, confusion giving way to surprise as you see the open box in Steve’s hand. Inside is a gorgeous golden ring, made to look like a hummingbird holding a blue diamond. Your hand flies up to your face in shock as tears start forming in the corners of your eyes. You search his face for any indication he’s not serious or has hesitations. Of course you find none.  
“Y-you, you mean it, Steve?”
“I do, Hummingbird.”
You hold out your left hand and he gently places the ring on your finger. Of course it’s a perfect fit. Just like with the dress you’re wearing now, Steve has always been able to size you up. You smile, eyes full of happy tears, before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Thank you, Steve.”
“No thanks needed, Hummingbird. You saying ‘yes’ is all I need.”
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The second you had gotten home he helped you out of your dress and started kissing every inch of you. He’d ended up not being able to wait for the bedroom and bent you over the back of the couch, smacking your butt-cheeks until they were sore and your pussy was dripping wet for him. He’d barely undone his zipper before shoving himself into you, making you cry out in pleasure at the stretch. 
“You always feel so good,” he grunts as he keeps slamming into you. “Always able to take me so well, like the good girl you are.” You can barely hear him over your own lewd moans. He reaches around your hips and starts playing with your pearl, making you cry out appreciatively. 
His other hand goes to your throat and moves so your back is right up against him. “Look so fucking pretty with that ring on your finger. Can’t wait to make it official. Make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” 
“Yes, please, Sir,” you pant. “Please mark me as yours.”
“So fucking pretty when you beg,” he nips at your skin. “Come for me, Hummingbird.” Your response is immediate and he groans as your walls clench around him. “Always feels so damn good,” he grumbles. His hips stutter as he finds his own release and he starts kissing along your back. “So good for me. So wonderful.”
He pulls out slowly and your whine is replaced by a gasp as he pushes his fingers into your pussy. 
“Not gonna let a single drop spill out,” he states. “Gonna mark you in every way, Hummingbird.”
“Yes, Sir,” you gasp. “Yes, please mark me with your come, Sir! Want everyone to know I belong to you!”
Instead of switching to aftercare mode Steve gets you to the bedroom and gently pushes you onto the bed. You proudly note that you’ve ruined his pants with your slick. Steve lays over you, one of his arms holding his weight, the other continuing to play with your oversensitive pussy. 
“Yes! Yes! YES,” you scream as Steve makes you come on his fingers yet again. 
“I don’t recall giving you permission, Hummingbird,” Steve snarls as he nips the skin on your neck. “You’re gonna have to make that up to me.”
“Y-yes, Sir,” you moan, fighting the urge to pull away from Steve’s hand that hasn’t stopped. You’re so sensitive it’s almost painful but Steve’s hands have always made you feel so good. So have his lips, his arms, his everything.
He stands up away from the bed, finally removing his fingers. You’re simultaneously grateful for the reprieve and missing the fullness his fingers gave you. 
“On all fours, facing me,” he orders and you move quickly to obey. He undresses and you let yourself ogle at his figure. You’re not surprised he’s already hard again as you wait for your next order, mouth open. “Always so eager for me,” he chuckles. 
“Yes, Sir. Just for you.”
Steve puts his hands on each side of your face as he shoves his erection into your mouth. You lick, hollow your cheeks, moan, whatever you can to make sure it feels good for him. You love when he uses your mouth so roughly you’re left hoarse for hours. He fucks your mouth with abandon as you focus your energy on keeping yourself from collapsing. You can feel yourself leaking down your thighs and it only makes everything feel more debauched, more erotic, more pleasurable. 
You can tell Steve’s ready to come and prepare yourself but he pulls out of your mouth. You whine and his hands guide your face to look at his. “No whining, Hummingbird. Only one of your holes is getting my come. Now get on your back.”
“Y-yes, Sir,” you croak as you move to obey. You’re slower than he’d like but he recognizes that you’re dazed and strokes himself as he watches you. 
As soon as you’re on your back he pushes your knees to your chest and thrusts into your pussy. You moan appreciatively, though he doesn’t give you time to adjust. His eyes are fixated on where your bodies meet and he’s relentless in his movements. One of his hands moves to your overly sensitive clit and starts rubbing. You gasp at the sensation and he groans as you clench down on him. 
It doesn’t take long for you to become a babbling mess of, “please, Sir,” “yes, SIr,” “thank you, SIr,” “need to come, Sir, please!” 
“Go ahead, Hummingbird, come all over my cock. Push me over the edge.”
“Thank you, Sir,” you scream as you fall apart. You’re so lost in your own pleasure you don’t hear Steve’s pants and grunts as he spills into you. 
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The next morning you wake up in Steve’s arms and smile at the ring on your finger. You snuggle in closer to him and he sleepily kisses your hair.
"Good morning, Mrs. Rogers," he coos.
"We're not married yet," you gently chide.
"No, but we will be soon enough. And hopefully by then we can start looking into making a nursery." You feel your thighs clench at his words and he chuckles, "maybe should go a few more rounds to make sure it sticks."
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Part 7 -- Epilogue
Series Masterlist
@alicedopey; @aryhyuuga; @cynic-spirit; @icefrozendeadlyqueen @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @ktficworld; @leryg0; @rayofdawnworld; @rebekahdawkins; @texmexdarling
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angelyuji · 4 months
yandere superman headcanons
tw kidnapping, "nice" guys/incel behavior (kinda), isolation as punishment, manipulation, yandere stuff... the usual
yandere clark kent x gn!reader
diana prince is next guys I LOVE WOMEN!!! lemme know abt any tags i miss or just any other superman thoughts (yandere or not) cuz i love superman a lot
hes so big and buff and strong
ive been obsessed with superman and lois recently and i thought to myself “i need him so bad id do unspeakable things”
ALSOOOOOO have u guys seen the new superman??? ohmygodddd HELLOOO SAILOR
anyway here we go :)
sweetest kindest angel alive… at first glance
actual clark is genuinely the best sweetest guy in the world and i don’t think that would technically change but if anything he’d start buying into the incel/nice guy pills and that’s what would warp him
he’s literally sooo sweet to you (i cant get over how much a of cutie pie clark kent is)
ok pause lemme start from the beginning
when he first met you, he was e n a m o u r e d like he thinks youre the most beautiful person in the world type stuff
at first, the relationship is normal, you guys are friends, study buddies, coworkers, yk normal shit
he’s still super in love but hes kinda aware that its one-sided and he can’t make you like him
you guys are super close friends tho
but as his crush progresses, he starts to consult more than his friends and normal relationship advice, he starts to consult incel chatrooms and subreddits
he wants to go further than friendship with you, but all the guys in these chatrooms are telling him awful things abt u. for example:
‘hi! requesting help for getting out of the friendzone with my friend’ i’ve been friends with them for a long time, but i see them as more than a friend. ive had to watch as they date all these awful people and i just want them to see me more than a friend. any advice is appreciated!
– dude these ungrateful bitches are never gonna see u
– people like them never see the good guy until its too late
– u just gotta make them like u, nobody understands the nice guy until u make them
– all of these responses are so weird, just be normal and flirt a little!
ur stupid fuckign idiot nice guys don’t get a chance till u make them give u chance
women are so fucking stupid
reading all these “helpful” comments really warped his mindset
he went from innocent farm boy to incel misogynist becuz
they have to be right! like why else have u not given him the time of day as more than a friend
so soon, ur gonna notice these changes
he went from being supportive bestie to making snide comments, putting you down, making moves on you that you clearly don’t want
ur hurt, heartbroken, your friend became something unrecognizable
u’ll ask for some distance, just to think abt if u want to continue the friendship and clark will realize that he can’t make you like him from just this
so you’re gonna go home, take a nap, and next thing you know you’re getting snatched from bed by freaking superman
he genuinely believes he’s done the right thing
he’ll bring u to the fortress first. he has everything set up already, so u wont freeze or starve to death
i wont bore with the details but he would NEVER lay a hand on u
that’s NOT my superman
its more like
“i need you to eat something.” clark begs you, his eyes filled with worry. he had crouched down next to where you sat. clark had given you free-reign around his fortress, but you chose to sit in the corner near the entrance.
“fuck you.” you turn away from him, anger dripping from your voice. you haven’t eaten since he brought you to his ice castle, but you can’t remember how long ago that was. you missed home, your friends, your family. you missed freedom. you hear clark sigh.
“you’re gonna get sick if you keep going like this, (y/n).” his hand touches your face and you slap his hand away. you know there was no way you could hurt superman, but he holds his hand looking hurt, and you feel a twinge of guilt. he holds out a bag from Big Belly Burgers and places it next to you.
you scooch back, your back hitting the wall, not willing to back down. “i’ll eat if you let me go.” you feel like a child throwing a tantrum, but you would do anything to go home.
you see him rub his forehead in frustration, “this isn’t working.” he mutters to himself. you don’t say anything, wanting to see what he would do. instead of trying to fight you again, clark picks up the bag. “i’ll come back when you’re ready.” he says.
“come back? what are you talking ab-” in one blast of air, clark was gone and you were alone.
days had gone by, you felt like you were going crazy from the solitude and the hunger. thankfully, clark had left mountains of water bottles for you, so you tried to fill up with those. it wasn’t enough, you had started to miss your kidnapper’s company after many conversations with yourself. all you could do was sleep or stare at the wall, blankly. after a week, you couldn’t take the isolation. “clark?” you call out, weakly. not a moment passes before he appeared before you.
his eyes were filled with pity and worry, “are you ready, sweetheart?” his hands cup your face and you lean into the warmth, nodding.
he could never hurt you. that entire week away was killing him, but the commenters were right. you just needed to know that he was all you needed.
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doodlemcjazzhands · 2 months
do you have any tips on drawing backgrounds. I struggle with them so much and can’t always make them cohesive with the drawing yk
Oh man, yeah. I do indeed know, all too well U_U Backgrounds are a STRUGGLE
Here are some things I’ve picked up, that have helped make them a little less difficult (feel free to take what you think might be helpful and then scrap the rest!):
1. Map out your Composition, Tones and Colors in a Rough Thumbnail
-I think the main thing that helps me, is planning. If you’re gonna do a background, don’t think of it as an after thought. I find it’s helpful to plan out the background at the same time you’re planning the character pose, rather that just slapping in a background, once the character is already finished. It’s like a little dance, making the environment work to accommodate the character while simultaneously making the character work to accommodate the BG.
-I usually do a small thumbnail and color key before I actually go into the drawing itself
-I like to think of the thumbnail like a little roadmap that I can always refer back to when I’m stuck. It's something that is easy to experiment with and will help me keep the big picture in mind, while working, rather than fussing over all of the small details.
-you can plan how you might want to use light and other elements of the bg to frame important things, or point and lead your eye to the focal point, or divide up the frame.
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When I’m working on the actual drawing, I’ll always keep my thumbnail visible off in the corner of my workspace, just as a reminder of where I want to go with the piece, and to keep it available to color pick from, when I want to.
2. Try Sticking to 1 or 2 Dominant Colors and try not to stray too far, unless it’s an intentional accent
I usually choose 1-2 main colors and then paint bucket fill the canvas with those colors as a base, before I even start on the "cleaned up" linework. Then when I start painting, for real, I choose my colors based off how warm or cold they are, compared to the main color(s).
So say, for example, I want the dominating color of the illustration to be red, if I’m coloring an apple (that is naturally red) I would keep it the same hue, but might change the tone or saturation. However, if I’m painting a carrot (that would naturally be orange) I might just shift the hue to be a warmer red, rather than a full blown orange. Conversely, if I wanted to paint a naturally blue sky, I would shift the hue from red to be a bit colder, maybe more of a purple, but not necessarily a true blue.
*sometimes the saturation can mess around with a perceived color as well, (like how a desaturated yellow, will often look green), so I find there’s a lot of trial and error and messing around to be done with color, which I guess is half of the fun :P
(obviously this isn’t the only way to approach color, but I find it helpful for reigning myself in and keeping things a little more cohesive)
3. Add Depth
-Think of your environment as a 3D space with overlapping elements. Consider what your foreground, midground and background elements might be, to give depth to the drawing.
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The further away something is, the less details the human eye can make out, and atmosphere will create a sort of hazy look to things that are set far away. So to mimic this effect for things that you want to recede into the distance, you can use less saturated colors, less contrast, do less detail, less line work (maybe even go lineless) and use slightly cooler colors. Maybe even add a little gaussian blur if it looks good. Conversely, for things you want push forward, just do the opposite (higher contrast, higher saturation, heavier line, more detail ect.)
4a. Study and Play with Lighting
I think lighting can be a big factor in helping make a character feel like they fit and belong in their environment. Study how light works and interacts with the world and think about how it might effect every element of your environment. How does it break apart when it’s going through something translucent? Is it going to cast harsh or soft shadows? Are there multiple light sources? Are they different colors? different intensities? Is the light source visible or not? Is it a controlled beam of light, like a laser, or more open, like the sun?
4b. Make use of Reflected Light and Color
So, when light hits an object, that is near another object, some of it’s color can be reflected onto the nearby object, if the angle is right. So for reflected light, I usually add a clipping mask layer to the affected object and add a gradient coming from the first object, using a color that has be color picked from the first object. Then I’ll turn down the opacity to my liking.
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^(Ok, this first example of reflected light is super subtle on Sirius’s jacket, but it’s a little clearer to see the reflected light from the tub reflecting onto Sirius’s face and Remus’s arms, in the second example)
5. Add a Little Bit of *Spice*
If by the end of my coloring, I still want to do some tweaking, these are my general go to’s:
-Edit with filters and/or gradients. If you’re working digitally, play around with blending modes. You can make a new layer, fill it with a color or a gradient, then see what different blending modes and levels of opacities will do to it.
-Color your lines so that the black isn’t so harsh against the other colors in the scene. Sometimes I like to go completely lineless in some areas, if it's an area blown out by light, or is maybe pulling your attention away from the focal point
-You could add a little bit of grain and noise (to do this in photoshop, make a new layer, fill it with a grey colour (or experiment with other colours) then go to filter>noise>add noise>ok and turndown the fill and maybe change the blending mode)
-Adjust the levels, if you’re still not fully satisfied with the contrast, you can adjust the levels (ctrl +L in photoshop)
-Adjust the Color balance if you're not fully satisfied with the saturation and colors (ctrl+ B in photoshop)  
Ok, gosh, there’s so much, but I think I’ve rambled on long enough… hope this helps and wasn't too obvious or convoluted!
Good luck!!
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
HELLO IM BACK FROM MY BREAK ITS ONE OF ALICE’S ANONS (in all honesty i forgot which emoji i was) ANYWAYS
i would like to request
cocolia (hsr) x reader (obviously fem) <3 angst to smut :) i give u free reign <3
NO ONE WRITES FOR HER AND IT MAKES ME SAD i just finished the trailblazer mission, I MISS HER
Hello, welcome back anon! Good to see you again <3
You have no idea how much I relate with you; truth be told that her death and unplayability is one of the main reasons I'm not playing the game (others are I don't like turn based plus I have way too many gacha games in my mantel).
I had found out what happens in beta itself and decided to save myself the pain and suffering, it feels like they repeated Signora's case. Mihoyo has something against blonde ice mommies I'm sure. Your request came at a perfect time since I was really craving to write something on her!
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: HSR Cocolia x fem! reader (trailblazer)
Type: Smut and Angst (comfort sex, fingering, oral, scissoring, kissing, Cocolia doesn't die because we protect fine women like her <3
W.C: Uh....very long. This is pretty much a rewrite of the mission, please bear with me :(
The moment you laid your eyes on her, you were mesmerised. She appeared like a goddess, a queen— so regal, commanding, beautiful yet harbouring something....cold deep within. The moment your eyes met her violet ones, you felt a connection, an unknown feeling awakened inside you.
"Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze, or perhaps I should say from beyond the sky. I'm Cocolia Rand, the Supreme Guardian of Belobog. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come."
The enchanting woman in front of you spoke, her eyes gazing at you and your allies. You felt her look at you particularly, the same violet eyes staring deeply into you and making you entranced.
"Ahem, Y/n— answer her." March whispered to you, making you come back to your senses and blink a few times.
"Apologies, thank you for accepting us. It's surprising that you don't seem to doubt our identity."
"Hehe~ Do you want me to doubt it? Or are you not confident in it yourself? Rest assured, I don't doubt it. I can see you are not from this world and....for 700 hundred years, the Architects received no communication from the stars but I knew of your existence. Tell me why you have come."
Dan Heng took over from here and began explaining to her about the Stellaron and the Fragmentum Corrosion that plagued the planet, Cocolia listened intently and seemed slightly surprised that he summed up the planet's situation down to the exact details.
"I see....You understand our situation well but, I fail to understand why you would want to help us. Even if this Stellaron you speak of did bring about disaster, I fail to see its connection to you. I don't believe that anyone would go to such lengths to help a world unrelated to them....unless they had something to gain."
You then further explained to her and she eventually agreed to take your help, the negotiation went quite smoothly unlike your expectations but you were glad to see she seemingly trusted you.
"Very well, I'm willing to assist you in any way possible to locate the Stellaron. You must be tired now, I'll have you escorted to our most comfortable hotel to rest. Get a good night's sleep and we can discuss this matter in more detail tomorrow."
"Thank you for believing us, ma'am. We'd be glad to help restore the planet and help you live in prosperity like old times."
You spoke determinedly while looking at Cocolia, making her slightly surprised at your conviction. She gave a small smile and nodded then you turned around to go out with March and Dan Heng but suddenly heard an eerie whisper in your mind, making you stop and look back at Cocolia who was now looking out of the window and pondering.
"What was that? Why does it feel like there's someone with her, speaking to her....?"
You squinted your eyes then shook off the thought and walked out to meet up with Dan Heng and March. You were shown around the city by Gepard before finally being dropped at Goethe Hotel, you bid farewell to March and Dan Heng as they went to their respective rooms to sleep while you went to yours and rested on the bed, pondering about the day's happenings.
"It's been a long day. The Supreme Guardian was really something....so strong, commanding and....beautiful. Her voice was....really attractive too."
Your face turned redder as Cocolia continuously appeared in your mind; there was something about her that had captured your attention— the way she spoke, acted, smiled— everything was captivating you. You shook your head and turned over in bed, trying to keep your thoughts aside and sleep. You had barely closed your eyes when suddenly the same strange whispers echoed in your mind followed by a faint dream.
"Cocolia...Cocolia..." the whisper spoke.
"Wh-Who are you? What are you....?" Cocolia replied back.
"We are allies....allies of the guardians through generations."
"....What do you want?
"To rebuild....this dying world...To help you....achieve your wish."
You struggled around in bed and held onto a pillow, the dream becoming unbearable but it didn't stop yet.
"They will suffer, sacrifice and die because of my order...." Cocolia spoke.
"It is not death which greets them....They will be swept into the infancy of a new world." the whisper replied.
"What about the Underworlders? They will lose the protection of the Architects. They will see me....as a tyrant."
"You have witnessed....the world we have promised. A temporary misunderstanding....for an eternity of prosperity. We will honor....your decision."
"....I understand."
You immediately opened your eyes and sat up on the bed, gasping for breath loudly. You held your head and looked around to see it was still the middle of the night then thought back to what just happened.
"Those voices....Cocolia? And who? Who was she speaking to....? And why can I hear this....? Don't tell me....it was the Stellaron? It can't be....she didn't know what the Stellaron was. Unless....she was lying. Could the whisper I heard there be the same thing....? I need more clues....It seemed like she started talking to it at a young age, or more like it manipulated her from a young age...."
You looked at the time again then firmed your decision and stood up to walk out of the room, discreetly, without waking up March and Dan Heng. You navigated through the city to escape the gaze of the Silvermane Guards and reached the place where the Astral Express was parked.
"Himeko, Welt. I want to talk to both of you."
The two of them came out into the lounge area at your announcement, surprised to see you here all alone.
"Y/n? What happened? Why are you here alone?" Himeko questioned.
"I....I think I figured out something about the Stellaron on this planet. And I need your help, I didn't tell March and Dan Heng yet...."
"Fine, go ahead." Welt replied.
"We met the Supreme Guardian some hours ago and got her approval to let us remove the Stellaron. When I was there, I heard some....eerie whispers for a short moment and it also felt like there was someone else in the room with Cocolia but we couldn't see anything. Then later, when I tried to sleep....I had dreams. I'm not sure but it sounded like the Supreme Guardian was talking to a Stellaron."
Both Welt and Himeko were caught by surprise then pondered for a while before Himeko spoke, "Are you sure, Y/n? Did you also see something?"
"Yes, not very clearly but....it looked like her younger self, she seemed to be in pain and agony, trying to resist the voice but it kept showing her something that she couldn't refuse. It said something like....fulfilling her wish to save the planet by giving her a new world...."
"....I see. It's manipulating her by showing the world it'll make by destroying this current one, and little does she know that the Stellaron won't do anything it showed her....It's simply going to destroy everything and take over the world...." Welt spoke.
You nodded along and looked down in distress, trying to think what to do.
"I....I don't want anything bad to happen to her....Of course, I don't want the planet to suffer either but Cocolia herself too, she just wants to protect everyone and be a good Supreme Guardian and a mother...."
Himeko looked at you sympathetically then smiled softly and patted your head, "It seems we underestimated our newest member, Welt. She exceeded both Dan Heng and March already and is even showing considerable conviction~"
You blushed slightly at her compliment then Welt spoke, "So, do you have any suggestion, Y/n?"
"Uh....maybe we can try talking to her and persuading her before anything else happens. I think she started believing in the Stellaron because their own God didn't do anything for so long, the planet is still facing the Eternal Freeze and the Fragmentum Corrosion has even reached the city."
"Mhm, seems reasonable. Then Y/n, I assign you this mission— meet with the Supreme Guardian and persuade her will, with as little struggle as possible."
"W-Wait, me?! Just me?!" you exclaimed in shock.
"Yes, you. You have to do this, Y/n. You are the only the one who has seen and heard the dreams, you know it clearly unlike any of us. Not to mention, if she is already so persuaded by it then she'll likely show an aggressive nature when you reveal everything to her. If there are too many people then she might see it as an ambush."
"....Alright, I'll do my best."
You exited the train and made your way over the residence of the Supreme Guardian; naturally expecting to meet guards outside, you told them you wished to see Cocolia and they took her permission then escorted you to her chambers. Yes, it was her personal chamber and not the office you had been in earlier. You gently knocked on the door and heard a stern 'come in' then opened to go in and found Cocolia standing near the edge of the bed, wearing a sleeping gown and robe.
"My apologies for disturbing you at this hour, ma'am. I...wished to talk to you about something."
"Was it so important that you couldn't wait until our meeting tomorrow? And I see that your companions aren't here either...."
"Y-Yes, they don't know I'm here. I wanted to talk to you personally."
"Hm, interesting. And here I thought you all were faithful to each other but I suppose everyone has their secrets...."
"....Even you?"
You questioned in between making her slightly surprised then sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.
"If you wish to know, then yes, I do. I do have secrets of my own, some that even my daughter doesn't know."
"I have been wondering for some time, is Bronya your real daughter?"
"No, I adopted her some years ago. But I treat her no less than my own, she will eventually follow in my steps and take up this mantel."
"I see, that's a really kind gesture. To give a home to an orphan and groom her into such a capable adult."
Cocolia looked at you in surprise then smiled and stood up, "Forgive my manners, have a seat if you'd like. Shall I serve you something?"
"No, I'm fine. Thank you."
"Hm. Well, was this what you wanted to talk about? My personal life?"
You struggled to answer her as you hadn't really thought out the conversation in advance, but you realized you had to be careful as you couldn't just spring up the question of her alliance with the Stellaron so casually.
"If you don't find it offensive then yes, I did wish to know more about you personally. I was just curious how your life has been, serving as the Supreme Guardian and before it."
"What an intriguing outlander. If I didn't treat you as the highest guest of honor then I would have thrown you into the prison by now."
"Ah....I understand that....I know it's late and we just met, I would offer to tell you about myself too but I unfortunately don't remember anything...."
"You don't remember anything? How very strange...."
You awkwardly looked away, finding it difficult to hold the conversation and move to the important topic.
"....You know, I did wonder about something when I saw you. Why are you with the Astral Express? Why become this....trailblazer?"
"Uh, well....for one, they were the ones who found me when I had just awoken with no memories. They took me in and I have been travelling with them since, Jarilo-VI is the first planet I have visited with them."
"Hm. So....they are like family to you."
"....In a way, I guess. At least they are willing to keep me and treat me well, doing these missions for them is a way of repayment. I somewhat relate with Bronya's situation here...."
"Ah, I suppose you could be seen as an orphan indeed, adopted by the crew."
"Yes and....I won't let any harm come to them, just like how Bronya would always protect you."
Cocolia's eyes widened at that and she looked away with a distressed expression, "I can't say for how long....If she disagrees with me some day then we'll be on opposite sides."
You sensed a weakness, an opening. You cautiously walked towards her and sat beside her on the bed, looking at her with sympathy.
"Is this part of your secret from her?"
Cocolia moved her gaze towards you to be met by a worried expression, catching her off guard. Suddenly, she turned away and you heard the same eerie whisper in your head. You looked at Cocolia and moved slightly closer and heard her mumble, "I know. Just....give me time."
She then turned towards you again and you quickly moved back, resuming your old posture.
"....It is part of it indeed, a secret so grave that she might not see me as her mother anymore."
"I see.....I hope that doesn't happen, the two of you are very affectionate with each other."
"Thank you for your kind words, I hope you can stay with the crew for as long as well."
You smiled then looked around the room slightly before continuing, "So, uhm, what did you do before becoming the Supreme Guardian? I feel like you took up the post at a young age."
"I did, I took up the post as soon as I graduated from my studies. I adopted Bronya just some time after it."
"Oh, so there is a school here."
"What? Did you expect we are so down in the drain that we can't even offer proper education to our citizens?"
"N-No! I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!"
"Hmph, we have all facilities any normal functioning city would. We just have too much ice all around."
"....And the Fragmentum Corrosion."
"Yes, looks like you saw that it has made its way into the city."
"I did, that's why we need to remove the Stellaron as quickly as possible...."
You again heard whisper and saw her turn away from you; this time, you tried to focus what it was saying to her.
"You are....wasting time....Put her....away...."
"I know....I'm just looking for the right moment...."
"She will....create problems...."
"Ma'am? Are you okay?" you called out to her in the middle of the conversation and she turned towards you with a distressed look on her face, almost as if she was in constant pain. 
"I'm fine. Is there more you want to talk about? Unlike you, I do need sleep to maintain my body."
"....What are these whispers that you hear?"
Cocolia was extremely shocked at your question and squinted her eyes into a glare, "What whispers are you talking about?"
"...The voice in your head, it's the Stellaron, isn't it?"
She glared even more and stood up, making you stand up as well and take a few steps away towards the door.
"Seems I underestimated you. You are much more perceptive than your companions."
"It has been talking to you since a young age, hasn't it?!"
"Silence! Do not question this further. Guards!"
She shouted and 2 Silvermane Guards immediately came inside the room with weapons.
"Put her in the prison, she is a traitor now!"
"Wait, listen to me! I know what it is and what you hear! It's controlling you! You are being brainwashed! Don't listen to it!"
You shouted as you fought with the guards, knocking them out one by one.
"The Stellaron won't save the planet! It only wants to destroy everything, it won't rebuild it the way it has shown you!"
"How dare you speak of the true God this way?! Our God has long abandoned us and this our only hope!"
"It isn't, it's going to destroy everything! Your home, your people, your daughter!"
Cocolia was suddenly taken aback and became silent before raising her arm and shouting, "I was going to wait until morning but....In the name of the Supreme Guardian, I hereby strip you of your freedom and beseech the highest degree of treason on you and your companions!"
You gritted your teeth and heard sound of fast approaching footsteps hence prepared to escape as quickly as possible.
"Please think about what I said. I promise to save you."
You ran out of the fort with hordes of guards behind you, you were soon surrounded by even more guards then heard Dan Heng and March coming towards you. They cleared a way for you and the three of you ran away together into the alley you had seen before.
"How did you both know where I was?!"
"We have been following you since you left the hotel." Dan Heng replied.
"That's right! Don't you dare abandon us and run away on your own like that ever again, Y/n!" March 7th followed in.
You eventually met up with Sampo again and followed him as he took you three away from the guards. Bronya had also caught up in the pursuit as you all reached the Underground and formed a temporary truce while looking for the Wildfire group. After you had left, Cocolia was in deep thought. The words you spoke resonated deeply with her and she pondered over her actions but the voice of the Stellaron soon plagued her again, sending her into the same torment she had been tolerating for years.
"Look what happened....she knew....It's your fault..."
"Shut up! She...she....she is right..."
"We showed you what we'll give you....you accepted it....You know the truth"
"When I finally had someone who understood me....you took them away...."
"Useless sentiments....it's your duty as the guardian to do this...."
Cocolia clenched her head then stood up, her resolution firm once again, "I know...it will all be over soon."
Upon making allies with the Wildfire group, you had been escorted to the Goethe Hotel in the Underground to rest. In the past few days, you had gathered a lot of information about the planet and Cocolia as a person. You talked to Bronya as she was the closest to her and found out more about her and how she had been ruling in recent times. All the things connected too well— she lost faith in the Preservation and started following the Stellaron as it promised a new world to her free from the disaster.
You were currently laying down on your bed at the hotel, thinking about your mission and about Cocolia. You did not want her to go down this path of ruin any longer, the times you heard her thoughts, you also sensed her pain and suffering. You could sense how much she had tried to resist it but she was only human, the continuous torment weighed on her too much. Just then, the whisper returned again and another dream flashed before you.
"I lost her....My wish, your so-called plan....What is the point of it all?" Cocolia barely spoke, her voice shaking from the constant despair she was facing.
"Your grief....sorrow....useless sentiments....abandon them all..."
"Silence! She is my daughter, my only....You soulless thing— how could you begin to fathom!? You will never understand....Never!"
"You did not lose her....She waits to be reunited with you on the other side."
"A new world...."
"Rise....guardian. Fulfill your destiny...Fulfill a mother's wish."
The voices finally stopped and you were on shaking by now, it felt too much to you. Her pain, sorrow, grief— everything was shared with you and made you scared, uncertain. How did she survive for so long with all that constant torment? How is she still carrying on her Guardian's Will? She was no frail woman but no ordinary human could tolerate such mental torture for so long.
"I need to do something quick. She's....dying, she's practically dying like this....Would she listen to Bronya? Maybe, I can try. They have ignored the Underworld for so long, now Bronya has seen it and she understands.....But, there needs to be something more concrete, she needs to be shown that the Amber Lord is still watching over them."
You had talked to Bronya soon after and explained her everything you had been experiencing, trying to make her understand how her mother had been suffering for such a long time all because she wanted to save the planet. Yet, your attempts had been in vain so far and here you were, at the battlefield of ice and snow, facing Cocolia in all her power.
You fought and struggled, trying to find a way to turn her over but her will was unshaken. The Stellaron gave her immense power, she awakened the Engine of Creation which created even more obstacles for you but you were determined. You were going to defeat the Stellaron and bring her back, there was no way you were going to leave her.
"If that thing is the Stellaron then....we need to weaken it to power her down." you thought while looking at the structure beside you that was radiating an eerie and powerful glow. You turned to face your comrades and called them near to explain your plan.
"Bronya, you said you heard the Stellaron there, right?" Bronya nodded. "Okay then, help me reach her up there and when I signal, all of you attack that structure with all your powers. You can't destroy it but we just need an opening for me."
Everyone was surprised at your proposition but agreed as they trusted your judgement, they readied themselves and assisted you as you navigated your way atop the Engine of Creation and be face to face with Cocolia again.
"You again....What a persistent little one you are."
"I promised to save you and make things right, I'm going to keep it!"
"Hmph, big words from a gullible Nameless! Only I understand that Stellaron is the true hope for this world, your name will be engraved on the foundation of the new world that the Stellaron has promised!"
She drew more of the Stellaron's power and transformed into a new form, complete with accessories made of ice and her body reflecting the galaxy. She summoned a lance and jumped at you, piercing you in the left side of your chest, very near to the heart. You gasped and were pushed back from the force but held yourself in place by holding onto the lance, she struggled and applied more force to thrust it deeper when you suddenly heard the whispers in your mind that were also in Cocolia's mind.
The whispers soon faded away and your mind went numb from the pain, you then found yourself in a place surrounded by nebulous stars, seemingly enveloped by an amber-colored destiny. A small child was in front of you who called itself the Guardian's Will, it spoke about the Supreme Guardian's duties and how it felt it had failed them since even the strongest minds could succumb to dark desires like this.
"We could not deny the will of the Stellaron after all...The Fragmentum had been expanding for the past 700 years. There is no faith nor wealth left for our successors...only despair. To see the home we vowed to preserved wither away....That in itself is torture. Not to mention the haunting whisper of temptation...." the child spoke.
"....Cocolia only did what she did to save the planet, your home. The Stellaron tormented her for awful long years, she has experienced so much pain and suffering all for the Will that she succeeded into. She felt she found a way, even if that way leads to destruction first but she saw paradise beyond it. That is why she succumbed, for her people, for humanity."
"....What are you implying, outsider? The day will come when even the strongest of wills cannot help but give in to such influence. It is only a matter of time before the Amber Lord forsakes us."
"I'm saying she needs to be guided again! She has a good heart and a strong will; she is a good mother and did her duties exceptionally all this time. You can't abandon her like this!"
"You wish to save her? You, a stranger, seek to bind your destiny to hers?"
"....I don't want to be a hero. I just want everyone to be well and happy, that includes her too."
"Hm, very well. Touch the light of the Amber, trailblazer. See if your will can attract their gaze."
You walked up to the shining fiery lance and proceeded to touch it, only to feel slightly burned by the intense heat. You remembered Cocolia's face and firmed yourself to be stronger, you were going to do this for her. You grasped the handle and pulled out the lance when you saw a faint imagery of a higher existence, the Amber Lord. At the same time, your consciousness was restored in your body and you found yourself at the same place like before.
You were tightly holding Cocolia's lance as it pierced you and she was unable to shake you off. You gasped and opened your eyes to look around then clenched her lance tighter, channeling fire through it which made Cocolia shocked and she tried to retract back but you reacted faster.
"Now! Everyone do it now!" you shouted as loudly as possible and at your command, everyone down below attacked the Stellaron with all their strength. Cocolia felt her power weaken for a few moments and held her head, that's when you established a connection with her and showed her what you had previously seen.
"Look, Cocolia! The Amber Lord! He's still there, the Will of the Preservation lives on! Don't listen to the Stellaron anymore!!"
Cocolia heard your words loud and clear, she found herself in the place you were at earlier and gazed at the Amber Lord for a brief moment. Her body trembled at its presence and she kneeled down in horror, trying to grasp the situation. However, this is as long as you had. The Stellaron repelled your allies and established its connection with Cocolia again, causing you to be pushed back with the lance still pierced in your body.
You both fell down to the platform below where everyone else was and pulled out the lance with all force you had and it soon turned into a weapon of fire; at the same time, Cocolia turned back to her normal form and was struggling very hard against the Stellaron's impending influence. Dan Heng and Bronya helped you stand up and watched as Cocolia struggled around, kneeling down and holding her head.
"Out of my way!" you shouted and ran up to Cocolia to hold her, the Stellaron was not letting her go and continued feeding its powers to her.
"The Fragmentum Corrosion will overwhelm her if this goes on!"
You thought hard and fast, time was running out. Cocolia now clenched her chest as a light started glowing around it and for the first time, she uttered her plea, her cry for help with a trembling and pained voice.
"H-H....Help....Please....I don't w-w....want to...."
You were caught by surprise then firmly held her shoulders and made your decision, this was the only way you could think of. You leaned forward and connected your lips to her, her body immediately stopping at the sudden contact. You heard gasps of surprise from behind you, not surprising but you had no time to care for them. You connected with the Stellaron that was powering her and channeled your own energy to overpower it.
"Get out! Leave her alone!"
The moment lasted for a short while, the Stellaron had left its control over her and you released the kiss. You opened your eyes and gazed into her teary yet gentle ones, clearly surprised by what you just did but she soon fainted in your arms before she could say anything. She clearly exhausted all her strength earlier but she was fine and breathing, that's all you cared about. 
Your companions walked around you as you picked up Cocolia in your arms bridal style and stood up. March was blushing and covering her face in excitement, she was ready to burst out any moment. Dan Heng had his usual stern expression; Seele was grinning in a weird way while Bronya seemed embarrassment but was the first to clear her throat and speak.
"Ahem, thank you for your help, all of you....especially you, Y/n."
"N-No, it's okay....Happy to help...."
Bronya smiled, "We can keep mother at the residence then discuss what to do from now on."
You nodded then looked at Dan Heng, "We have to inform Welt and Himeko to deal with the Stellaron now."
"I know, I already did that. They'll be here soon. Now that the Stellaron is sealed, the Eternal Freeze will slowly recede. The Fragmentum won't aggressively expand anymore, but nor will it disappear. Jarilo-VI has a chance to return to life, but it will take time..."
You smiled then looked at Bronya and Seele, "I'm sure they'll handle it."
Exchanging nods of agreement, you proceeded to go to Qlipoth Fort to place Cocolia in her room and let her rest. The guards were ready to attack you but seeing you carry Cocolia that way made them retract back and wait for further orders. An eventful day finally came to an end, you went to the Underworld and explained the situation to them as discussed with Bronya until Cocolia awakens so you can further decide what to do.
It seems your expedition had come to an end, now it was in the hands of the people of Belobog to take it from here. You spent the day bidding farewell to all your companions before you finally returned to the Astral Express to continue your journey. You had wished to meet Cocolia one last time before leaving but it seems that was not quite possible, nobody knew when she would wake up and you were to leave as soon as possible.
It was the morning of next day, you woke up to find messages from Bronya telling you that Cocolia had woken up and was asking to see you. Surprised yet relieved, you informed Himeko and excused yourself to go to Qlipoth Fort since you had time, the train was scheduled to depart in the afternoon. You were escorted to Cocolia's chamber, the same one from earlier. You saw her sitting on the edge of the bed and stand up as soon you entered, the two of you looking at each other shyly.
"Uh...do sit down, Y/n. Would you like something to eat and drink?"
"Um, just a coffee is fine...."
Cocolia nodded with a smile and ordered her butler who soon served 2 cups of coffee to both of you. You sat upon the bed beside each other, finding it difficult to speak. All of a sudden, you felt nervous around her, you couldn't look her in the eye. You would feel your face heat up at her gaze and you'd stutter your words, almost appearing like a fool.
"....I heard everything from Bronya. And I do remember many things myself now that I have recovered sufficiently."
"I-I see...."
"It was all my fault....my weakness made everyone suffer so much...The people of the Underworld I neglected, my guards that I sacrificed with no remorse, the friendships I broke and....threatened my own daughter's life. I don't think I can ever forgive myself...."
You looked at her wide eyed then gently held her hand, causing her to face you. "Don't blame yourself this way, you only did what you felt was right for the planet, to save it. The Stellaron manipulated you, it's not your fault."
"....I couldn't resist it's influence. If I was strong enough and held on to the Preservation then none of this would have happened."
"Yet you tolerated the Stellaron's torment for so long, that's no ordinary feat. That shows how strong you are, for not breaking for so long. You have what it takes to bear the Guardian's Will, don't think you are undeserving."
"You...." Cocolia fumbled on her words, tears filling her eyes as she gazed at you and recalled all that you did.
"You had no reason to do all this yet you....went so far for me...."
"I...I didn't do much...."
"You did...You saved me and all of us....How can I ever repay you....?"
She came closer and cupped your face, gazing at you with love and causing you to blush. 
"D-Don't worry about those things....I just wanted everyone to be well and happy, that's all. I don't want anything in return."
Tears rolled down her cheeks which she wiped away then moved her hands towards your chest, "I'm sorry for hurting you. Does it still pain? Did I leave a scar?"
You smiled then moved your shirt down slightly, exposing some of your chest to show her.
"See? Everything is fine. I don't know how but the lance didn't pierce my skin at all, or maybe it did but I healed and I didn't even realize it...."
You chuckled and she smiled in return looking at you, you had unintentionally come very close to her face. Your eyes trailed over her exquisite features, her captivating violet eyes, long lashes and rosy red lips. She too was gazing at you the same way, your lips enrapturing her as she remembered what you had done the day before.
"I-I'm sorry for....k-kissing you that way yesterday. I stepped into your personal space without permission, it's the only way I could think of to get the Stellaron away from you....."
You blurted out an apology as sincere as you could, you were still overwhelmed by her presence. She squinted her eyes then suddenly held your face firmly, looking at you with determination.
"Then, you have permission now. Do anything....even more than just a kiss."
Your words were blocked as she crashed her lips against yours, engaging in a gentle yet passionate kiss. A softness enveloped your lips instantly, her lips moving with yours in perfect harmony, as if they were made for each other. You felt blissful, a strange yet addicting feeling engulfed you. She was slow and gentle, savoring the feeling and taste of your lips and you of hers. 
Your hands settled on her waist and subconsciously pulled her closer, her body pressed against yours as she pushed you back by your shoulders, making you lean on your elbows. She was practically all over you, capturing you within herself in every way. She was already occupying your mind for days and at this moment, she had your body wrapped around herself as well.
"Aaah~ Mhmm....Y-Y/n~"
She muffled out moans of your name, her tongue swiped your lower lip and you naturally let her in, almost too eagerly in some way. The kiss became rougher as you continued, her tongue swirled with yours in exquisite rhythm. Your hands crawled around her back, sliding into the hip windows of her dress before she finally stopped and abruptly pulled away. Flushed, she straddled your waist and you quickly removed your hands from her body.
"I-I'm so-"
"Ssh~ Don't be, don't you dare be." she placed her finger on your lip, effectively stopping you from uttering the wrong phrase.
She took a moment to compose herself, breathing in and out a few times before shyly looking away.
"Are you sure you want to do this with someone like me....? Y-You know I'm not exactly considered young now, you might want someone your age. Not to mention, all the heinous things I did....I'm not really desirable."
"....I didn't think of those but....I could say the same things. You would be better with someone your age; I have no experience in this so I may not be able to satisfy you. I don't consider myself attractive either, nobody really compliments me for my looks—"
"That's not true! You are really adorable!"
Cocolia exclaimed and held your face, leaning down near you.
"I had found you cute the first time we met; I didn't express it but I really did think that."
Your eyes widened in surprise then you extended you hand towards her face, "What a coincidence. I had found you very beautiful at that time too, I didn't even think about your age. I was just...instantly captivated."
Her face flushed even more; you could look at this adorable expression all day.
"Does that mean you....liked me since then?"
"....I did. I didn't realize it back then but now I do. I really like you."
You spoke honestly, not wanting to hide your feelings any longer. You expected her to be surprised— which she was— but not for long. She instead smiled and gently pecked your lips, "....I like you too. And I want to show my gratitude for all that you did, will you let me?"
There was no need for that but you didn't deny her, you felt this was the only time you could be together like this. Nobody knew how long it would be when you'd return to this planet, and nobody knew how she would change in that time. You had yearned to hold her, feel her and if she was willing as well then there was no greater joy for you.
You both sat up and she proceeded to untie her hair, letting them freely flow before taking off your jacket and t-shirt. She caressed the same spot on your chest as before, possibly still feeling guilty about what she did. She then leaned in and placed soft kisses on the spot, feather like kisses that felt comforting and sent shivers in your body. She moved to your neck and planted more kisses, along with licking and biting at some spots.
"I'll give you a good time. Do tell me if there's something you don't like, I don't want to do something wrong that would....make you hate me." she whispered in your ear while kissing the lobe, her warm breath tickling you and making you squirm in place.
"D-Don't worry, I trust you....I won't hate you, ever."
She smiled in contentment then pushed you down before sliding off her down clothes, her ample breasts displayed in front of your eyes. She sensed your gaze was fixated on her chest, she then leaned down and laced your palms together, fingers interlocking while she initiated a passionate kiss. She seemed to be cautious, considerate that it was your first time. And possibly, she didn't want to hurt you in any form, you were the only one who still loved her this way.
Tears formed in her eyes as you kissed, she became uncontrollable now. She knew things would never be the same with her people, her daughter. She'd most likely be punished once she steps outside this room, and once everyone knew the truth then nobody would ever look up to her the same way again. She released your palms and instead held your face, her lips trembling but she didn't want to part from the kiss.
"I-I'm sorry....really sorry. And thank you....thank you very much...." she mumbled while ghosting over your lips, you felt disheartened and wrapped your arms around her to hold her close. She then started kissing you passionately again, roughly moving her lips with yours. The uncertainty and despair in her mind were reflected in her love, she was desperate and needy but also careful and gentle. 
Before long, her hand slid down to your pants and slipped underneath, making you groan in surprise. She released the kiss to let you breathe, both of you panting while gazing at each other. She crawled down unbuttoned your pants and removed them, leaving you in just your underwear. Your face flushed as she stared at your naked self, but she gave an assuring smile before planting kisses on your stomach.
"You are really cute, Y/n. Your reactions are adorable and I want to see them more~"
You blushed even more and averted your gaze, too embarrassed by her words. She chuckled then gently moved your face up front again and pecking your lips.
"Don't be shy, let me look at you. I want to engrave all your expressions in my mind~"
You slowly nodded then she slid her hand under your panties, gently caressing your folds. Her face buried in your shoulder, lips right near the ear as she whispered sweet praises and encouragement while rubbing your clit. You shuddered; her fingers were slightly cold yet felt so good. Her sweet voice didn't stop mumbling at all, at some point you couldn't make out anymore what she was saying because your mind was hazy from the way her fingers moved.
She gathered your juices and thrusted in, delicately at first to let you get used to and find your sensitive spots. She kept note of your reactions profoundly, she wanted this to be perfect. The jerk of your legs and moans spilling from your lips whenever she touched that one spot gave her all the assurance, your breathing became ragged as she fastened her pace now. She inserted another finger seeing how wet you were and it gave her confidence, confidence that she was doing good.
You bit your lip as you tried to stifle your moans but she instead held it in her teeth to make you release, an indication that she wanted you to let it out as much as you wanted. The action sent you over the edge and she didn't miss that, your walls contracted on her fingers and she started thrusting faster now. Incoherent moans and gasps left your mouth and she relished those.
Cocolia was also strangely quite....motherly during the whole act. She was continuously praising you, encouraging you, telling you how adorable you were. You felt like being pampered, not that you were against it. Perhaps it was in her nature, intentionally or not. She kissed your cheeks before burying herself in your shoulder again, you clenched the bedsheet as you felt your high approaching soon.
"Cumming? Let it out, sweetheart~"
Adding that nickname was the last thing you needed, you had no restraint now. You arched back and released all over her fingers, your eyes shut tight and a loud moan echoing in the room. She smiled and gazed at your panting self before taking out her fingers, coated with your juices. What followed was something even more arousing to you— she licked all your juices from her fingers, not missing a single drop and cleaning it completely. You swear you almost came again watching that sight.
"How sweet....just like you~"
She slurred on her words; oh, how irresistible the sight was.
"Was it good? Something you didn't like or would prefer?" she questioned with sincerity. Even though it was clear how much you liked it, she wanted to be sure.
You smiled and nodded then sat up, she smiled back and was about to lean closer but you suddenly turned over and placed her on the bed instead, straddling her now. She was extremely surprised yet aroused, your eyes glinted with an insatiable desire while gazing at her. She felt like burning at your intense gaze, rubbing her legs together and face turning redder. She was likely not expecting this from you but she couldn't be more ready.
"You said you wanted to show your gratitude through this. Then....I want to show my love, and the fact that I will always support you and be there for you. I know you are feeling very distressed over what happened, you are blaming yourself too much for it all. I-I know it may seem like empty words considering I won't be here but—"
Cocolia quickly pulled you down and crashed your lips onto hers, preventing you from speaking further.
"Don't say more, don't...." you smiled then she pulled you down and hugged you, your head enveloped between her boobs while she caressed your hair. 
You blushed and moved your hands to cup her breasts and knead them, soft gasps leaving her mouth. You attached your mouth to her nipple and flicked your tongue, her chest instantly heaving and back arching as she gasped out. You swirled your tongue around the hardened bud while pinching the other one, she was holding you close the whole time, almost hugging you like a baby.
You sucked on her nipple then released it with a pop, continuing to plant kisses down her stomach until you reached her core. You spread her legs making her shiver in anticipation, she was already so wet, clearly inviting you. Her scent engulfed your senses, you pecked her clit and she instantly cried out then attempted to close her legs but you held them open. You then smirked and wrapped your lips around the sensitive clit, licking long strips over it before sucking.
Her head flew back and fingers intertwined in your hair, her hips jerked up and she moaned out loudly. "Aaah~ Y-Y/n.....More....Hahn!~"
You complied and sucked on her clit harder before licking her walls and inserting your tongue inside, your thumb was playing with her bud while you scissored your tongue inside her spongy hot walls. Juices flowed down as her grip in your hair tightened, you could feel her move her hips on her own as your tongue thrusted in and out. 
Cocolia cried out and moaned feverishly, messy whines accompanied by incoherent words filled the room. Her thighs enclosed around your face giving you the chance to raise her body up and go deeper with your tongue, that had her undone soon enough. She pulled you closer in and you religiously ate her out, taking a moment to look at her face which was drowned in pleasure and laced with sweat.
"Y/n! Cumming!~ I'm cumming! Aaaaaahn!~"
She released her sweet and addicting juices over your tongue and you delightedly drank them, savoring the taste. You put her legs down and gazed at her panting self, she smiled and extended her arms for you to come in and hug her, wrapping her whole body around you and holding you contently.
"You said it's your first time but that was really good, didn't seem like you were inexperienced at all." she mused, kissing your forehead.
"Really? I'm glad then."
You raised yourself up and gently kissed her lips, gazing at each other for a while before you crawled back again and settled yourself between her legs. She was confused for a moment but soon understood what you were doing as you intertwined your legs with hers, making a scissor formatting. She flushed with excitement and embarrassment, she didn't expect this from you but she would be lying if she said she didn't want this.
You came closer and slowly rubbed your clits together, an electrical feeling going through both of you. She watched you from beneath as you groaned and whined, picking up the pace and finding the right rhythm. You too watched her from above, her boobs jiggling with your thrusts and her eyes glimmering dark with hunger. 
You planted your hands beside her and leaned down more before vigorously rubbing against her. You moaned in unison, your clits rolling with ease due to your juices coating one another. Her own hips began rolling upwards while her hands wrapped around your back and clenched your skin, nails digging in and leaving marks. 
"Mhmmm~ Faster Y/n! M-More!~"
She shamelessly whined, her clit is hard and throbbing, wet with arousal. You could see her body tremble and how she wriggled with the tension building in her stomach. She looked like an absolute goddess, a queen, so needy for you. Her head flew back and she wailed in pleasure before biting on your shoulder to stifle her moans, you hissed as you felt her teeth sink in and suck on your skin. You were sure a bright mark would be left, not that you minded it. If anything, you wanted her to leave more such marks.
You rutted your hips faster and so did she, your cunts were wet and messy with each other's juices, she squealed and jerked up as she came all over your cunt. You wanted to continue more and take in more of her heavenly expressions but you soon approached your own release as well and came over her. Both of you crying out in pleasure together then you fell atop her and she lovingly held you close, planting soft and sweet kisses on your shoulder and face.
Sometime later, you were lying down beside each other under the sheets. Your face was nestled comfortably on her chest while she ran her fingers through your hair and hummed softly. Both of you felt at peace and were comfortable, your arm wrapped over her waist and she occasionally planted kisses on your head.
"Y/n, I wanted to tell you something."
"I....I have decided to give up the position of Supreme Guardian."
You were taken by surprise and looked up at her, "Why? Are you still—"
"No, that's not it. I feel it's the right time. It's true what I did is also weighing on me and the judgement panel will likely strip it off me anyways but....I do feel I should give it now. Bronya is more than capable, she has even seen how the Underworld is and I trust in her to make Belobog prosperous again. I don't want to hide the truth of what happened, it's okay if the people end up hating me. It's their right and I deserve it. I will accept whatever punishment is bestowed upon me and wish Belobog a happy future with their new leader."
"Cocolia....are you sure?"
"I am, and you gave me the courage for it. I'm okay with this...."
You slowly nodded as you knew she has made this decision with all her heart and there likely is no other way. You thought for a moment then an idea came to you which you weren't sure of saying but firmed yourself.
"Then, I have a suggestion."
"Hm? What is it?"
"Come with me, aboard the Astral Express. Become one of us, we'll travel together and stay with each other. I'm sure the crew will listen if I insist and I know they don't hate you, they will accept you."
Her eyes widened in shock and she wasn't sure of what to say, "Y/n....I appreciate your offer but....I can't leave Bronya alone. I can't make her bear the responsibility and just leave without offering any aid...."
"You can. You just said she's more than capable. And she has many people by her side, there's Seele, Serval, Gepard, all the people of the Underworld— I know she will be able to handle."
Cocolia thought for some time then nodded, "Alright, I'll see what I can do after the judgement. Will you wait for me until then?"
You smiled, "Of course, I will. I have anyways delayed our time of departure so might as well stay a bit more~"
"Did you not inform them?"
"I did— but I didn't foresee doing this before coming here, you know?~"
You teased making her giggle and peck your lips before holding you closely again. Time came to pass and you were back at the Express and explained the situation to everyone. Welt scolded you for leaving like that without any information while Himeko calmed the situation and accepted your request. More time passed and you heard the door of the train open, a visitor coming in.
You went to check in the lobby and found none other than Cocolia standing there with a bag in her hand, she smiled looking at you then spoke. 
"May I come aboard the Astral Express and travel with everyone?"
She said intently and you smiled widely then lunged into her arms, tightly hugging her with happiness. 
"I wish to stay with you from now on, Y/n...." she whispered while hugging you and you happily nodded. No matter where the journey was going to go from here, you were glad to have the woman you love beside you during it.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
hi there, 1st of all, really like all your fics, they are really enjoyable!
2nd of all, i hope you still are taking requests (feel free to ignore this if not!),
may I request a good old angsty filled rollercoaster ride where it's the reader that picks out the queen card instead of Nat?
obvs reader and Nat have some kind of relationship, will leave that up to you how serious it would be!
And all giving you free reign whether the reader survives, or javi still dies for the reader (could be pretty fun if the mistyxnat situation would happen, but it would be Nat dragging reader away from saving Javi), or reader dies and gets eaten, whatever you'll feel like writing when the idea sparks♡
thank you so much in advance and have a lovely rest of the week
A/N: OMG!? thank you sm for taking the time to write such a polite and detailed request!! I love this idea and I hope you'll enjoy the one-shot I wrote!!
Warnings: literally the hunt scene from yellowjackets, basic yellowjackets warnings
Hunters and queens
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It all happened so fast.
After the "accident" with Lottie and Shauna the whole cabin was concerned, Lottie was in terrible conditions and, just like everybody else, extremely undernourished.
Nat and Travis couldn't find any game even after searching and searching for miles on their long hunts.
Something had to be done.
And just like that, you all stood in a big circle inside the dimly lit living room, Van was mixing the cards, holding up the queen card and showing it to the others.
Natalie's hand tightly clasped in yours, her eyes lingering on you, while you looked back at her. Scared.
And then it all started.
Everyone took a card out of the deck, when it was Javi's turn he was trembling, picking a card, and once realized he was safe, running into his brother's arms. That made you faintly smile, happy that the poor boy was saved.
But the little glimpse of relief didn't last long, because soon, it was Natalie's turn, her hand cautiously picking up the card, you heard her take a deep breath and then, she showed it to the group, seven of diamonds.
She was safe, she was okay.
But now, it was your turn.
Like everyone else did, you took a card and the moment you turned it around to reveal your fate, an horrified expression formed on your face, silently, a tear slipped out from your eye, and even before you showed the card, Natalie knew what was coming.
The Queen of hearts.
Everyone looked at you, not sure how to proceed, that's when Shauna stepped up "Come here" she said
Before you could do anything you felt a hand on your shoulder "That's insane, you aren't going to kill her, you can't kill her" it was Natalie, her voice firm, terrified, but firm.
"Back off Nat" Shauna spat at her, Natalie simply stepped forward, keeping you behind her.
Your mind wasn't there at that moment, you were frozen on your spot, shaking. The moment Natalie was torn away from you by Van was the moment you realized that it was really the end for you
"Turn around" was the last thing you heard, paired with the feeling of a cold blade placed at your neck. The last thing you heard before a loud thud on the ground followed by yelling and shouting "Run y/n, go! It'll be alright, just run!" , Natalie.
You did as she said, slamming the door open and diving into the snow, deep into the wilderness, you could hear howling and grunting, another day your mind could've thought those were wolves, but today, that didn't even cross your mind, those were your friends, and you, were their pray.
Suddenly, while you were running, someone grabbed your forearms and steadied you, instantly, you screamed
"No no no shhhhh" Natalie shushed you, it was just her, trying to protect you like she always did "Nat..." you whispered with tears streaming down your face, she was crying too but she was also trying her best to be strong for you "I know" she tried to reassure you "Javi...he told me about this place, it's like a cave, I'm gonna bring you there" in that moment you realized that Javi was there too, looking as scared as the both of you.
Then you three ran, faster than ever, until you reached a land with no trees "We are near" Javi announced and walked in front of you and Natalie, while running her hand tightly held yours, afraid that someone could separate the two of you again.
Crack. You furrowed your brows, and one second later, just feet away from you, the surface under Javi's feet broke.
It wasn't a land, it was the lake.
"JAVI!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, yanking you hand away from Nat's and running to him.
"Hold my hand!" You yelled while offering your freezing limb to him "y/n!" He begged "Help!", your two hands clasped and in a moment of weakness, you slipped, ending up in the cold icy water.
And just like him, you were gasping for air and slowly freezing to death for what felt like forever. Then, when you were barely conscious, you were pulled away from the water and back up to the surface.
You instantly felt a pair of arms wrapping around your shaking frame and brushing your wet hair away from your face
"Javi!" You cried out, sobbing, "it's okay, shhhh, you're safe... you're safe baby" Natalie mumbled pulling you to her chest.
You looked around, the other girls were there too, but they weren't even looking at you, they took Javi out of the lake, "thank God" you thought, but then you noticed his blue skin and his wide open eyes, he was gone.
It should've been you.
You were so tired, and soon even the strength to cry left your body, so you just relaxed in your girlfriend's arms, knowing that whatever happened to Javi was your fault and your fault only.
That night everyone ate, but you didn't, you stayed in a corner by the fire, still feeling shivers all over your body and deep inside your bones, and only half of them were from the cold.
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mcheang · 8 months
The return of Amy Squirrel
“When the superintendent personally asks you to work at one of the worst schools…you say yes.”
Not only is Amy a more suspicious teacher than Ms Bustier, but she will be taking over Ms Bustier’s class while the latter is on maternity leave.
Now Amy may treat everyone like they are in kindergarten, but she has a history. She was forcibly transferred after her rival framed her for being on drugs. Said rival Elizabeth was now a guidance counselor but it galled Amy to be sent to Paris, aka the emotionally troubled city, to teach the akuma class, under false charges. In hindsight, she really should have returned Elizabeth’s desk after stealing it to check for drugs.
The unfairness and humiliation made Amy reflect on the situation and she vowed to be smarter, more prepared to see through such tricks.
Naturally, when it comes to Chloe’s bullying, Amy puts Chloe in a time out. When Chloe calls her father angrily, but Amy scolds her for talking to her father as if he is her servant. And Chloe is making her family look bad. Audrey happens to be near Andre when Amy says this and hearing this, agrees Claudine should be disciplined and gives Amy free reign. Until she is respectable, she isn’t a Bourgeois. Chloe is akumatized except Amy has a solution for this. While the butterfly is happily accepted by Chloe, Amy punches her, knocking her unconscious while Alya posts on her blog about the akuma so Ladybug has an excuse to come purify the butterfly.
Chloe: You punched me!
Amy: Your mother authorised me to use any means to make sure you don’t keep embarrassing her. Frankly, you losing again to Ladybug would be humiliating since it just enforces to your mother that you are a loser.
Chloe is stunned to see she has lost influential power. Aka she can be sent to detention and her parents won’t help her.
Now, Marinette is holding a car wash for a future field trip. Seeing Marinette’s clumsy and efficient record (she was practically doing half of Caline’s work for the pregnant lady), Amy did not mind. She minded however when Lila, who did not show up at the car wash at all, said she felt bad about not being able to help and volunteered to help with the money arrangements.
Marinette and Caline: Absolutely not
The class was stunned. Marinette was not expecting someone to be on her side.
Caline: I know your reputation for being charitable Lila, unfortunately it is that reputation that leads me to mistrust you with this. Mylene told me how you had donated the money she organised to your fundraiser for the poor instead of her preferred save the earth charity. While the cause is still noble, the donators wanted the money to go to the earth. I cannot risk you donating our fundraiser trip money to another one of your noble causes. If you are that worried about their causes, you can ask your class to help with another fundraiser, except Marinette and Alya, they need to help me plan the field trip.
Lila gritted her teeth. This immature teacher was a hindrance!
Amy had done her research on Lila too. A disturbing number of ailments and disorders, long leaves of absences with parent approval, and she was not unaware how the class catered to Lila by helping her copy notes, buy her lunch, carry her backpack, etc. All in all, Amy would not want to look before she leapt and think Lila a liar but she finds her suspicious. When she confides to Damocles, he mentions Lila’s lying disorder.
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Amy: THAT’S BONKERS! And if she is telling the truth, how can you know when she lies, we need a proper authority figure to guide us on how to help accommodate Lila’s needs. We cannot trust the poor girl whose ability to distinguish fact from fiction is so hampered.
Damocles: I have tried reaching out to her mother, but she’s so busy, I’m afraid emails are allowed. Rest assured they are detailed.
Having dealt with Elizabeth, Amy was not discounting the possibility that the email was a fake.
Amy: May I see Mrs Rossi’s occupation? What job is more important than being here for her daughter.
Principal passed her a paper. “She’s the ambassador of Italy.“
Amy: And what does it mean for Italy if she cannot even be there for her child?
Principal had no idea how to respond to that.
Amy personally went to the embassy to talk to Mrs Rossi and boy was there some clarifications to be made.
If Amy was immature, Diplomat Rossi was oblivious/ignorant. The diplomat readily agreed to come with Amy and see the principal.
The next morning, Lila was called to the principal’s office where she was roundly scolded for lying and framing Marinette.
Damocles: Lila Rossi, you are hereby expelled.
Lila promptly runs away, to become Cerise. She has 2 more mothers to financially rely on.
Mrs Rossi speaks to the class and tells them the truth about Lila. She apologises to Marinette. She also asks that if Lila should contact them, to call her.
Only, Lila isn’t answering any of their calls.
Marinette is so thrilled with Amy handling her bullies. She is so much more efficient than Ms Bustier!
Her efforts were enough to get her promoted from substitute to main teacher.
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don't support here lies love the musical as it comes to bway
my post on here lies love is getting rounds and while i still stand by everything i said on that post, my grievances with the musical has Grown in the last couple of weeks of me researching about it. granted, i still need to do more— i want to do an essay on it in the future because i would hate for it to run on broadway for long, but because that takes time, i thought, at least, i would need to make a post detailing what i find wrong about this musical. even if it's not the most comprehensive, i want more people to be informed about it as soon as possible.
so, have this. ramblings at 5am. i'll try my best to gather sources, but information i have regarding the marcoses comes from a lot of non-digital resources like classes, museums, and physical books. in this case, i recommend the following resources to learn more about who the marcos family is and what they did:
"the kingmaker" by lauren greenfield. native filipinos can watch this free on youtube, but if you aren't from the ph i recommend using a vpn to access it or find a pirated version somewhere else
online martial law museum
if you can buy it, "some are smarter than others" by ricardo manapat, a book detailing marcos' crony capitalism and all his faults
i'd also like to preface: i am not a saint. i am not a historian nor the smartest person who can detail everything marcos did when he was born. i'm trying to do my best with what i know, and i am down to learn more if others want to chime in.
lastly, here's a fresher on the names of people involved, because it can be confusing:
ferdinand marcos — i will try my best calling him ferdinand but most people, including myself, often call him just "marcos" despite the fact that they technically all are marcoses. he was the president from 1965-1986
imelda marcos — i will refer to her as imelda. wife to ferdinand and contributed a lot to his reign of terror. she is still alive today.
bong bong marcos — son of ferdinand and imelda. his name is often shorted to bbm, which i will use. he is currently the present of the philippines
ninoy aquino — marcos' main rival who he indirectly murdered. not a perfect guy tho, just the lesser evil. i will just call him ninoy
now, onto the real deal:
thesis statement, so this can be easy to follow: despite the intentions of the musical being anti-marcos, much of how it is written and presented will inevitably become propaganda to brighten the image of the marcoses. by putting imelda in the forefront, making her entire character do what she does supposedly out of love, audiences will come out of the theatre sympathizing with her and her family. not only is this politically dangerous, but it is incredibly insensitive to native filipinos who have not only gone through the struggle of martial law, but also is suffering through bbm's presidency today.
[rest of the post under the cut]
despite what a lot of criticisms claim, the intentions of the musical is not to be pro-marcos. this is stated in their instagram post:
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david bryne also stated these in an article from the guardian:
"The mindset of the Marcos regime and the mindset of disco music to me doesn’t seem all that distant. The hedonistic, escapist feeling of losing yourself and being transported to another world, like you feel on the dance floor and like you feel in a dance club, that’s a means to divorce yourself from the rest of the world, just as Imelda did.
When you’re dancing, you’re in this psychological and sonic bubble, in the same way that powerful people create a bubble around themselves. So I wanted to give an audience a taste of that feeling.
In the first half, when the play is dealing with her childhood, her upbringing and her meeting with Ferdinand Marcos, it’s meant to get the audience to empathise with her and understand what’s driving her and then they’ll understand how that manifests later on."
so, it seems promising: an anti-marcos musical that will make audiences dislike empathizing with her. initially, i really liked the concept of audiences being lost with the music similar to how the marcoses were able to play a lot of their supporters.
but, and a big but, 1.) there's a lot to pick apart from these statements, and 2.) i fucking despise how they presented imelda in the musical.
let's discuss the first point: the instagram post details that the intent of the musical is to dispel disinformation created about the marcoses. first thing's first, if this truly was a musical that aims to educate, then broadway is probably the worst way to do it. while the west and native filipinos could share the award of most misinformed about the marcoses, native filipinos are the ones most affected by it. we just suffered a terrible election last year with constant speculation and reports of vote buying. i've heard accounts from people from the province that bbm would send representatives to bribe those in poverty to ensure a vote. we are suffering in the worst education crisis, with the most corrupt politicians you can think of.
so, if this musical aims to educate, the fact that you can only access it by viewing it live on broadway is incredibly... backwards. how are you opting to dispel information when those most affected can't even access it?
what's worse is the statement that says that modern history of the philippines cannot be told without the usa. it is such a patronizing, surface-level statement that gets my blood boiling. it is true that our histories and present-day contexts are intertwined, especially since the filipino diaspora in the usa is incredibly huge, but that's because this is all a product of american colonization + imperialism. stating like the philippines owes the usa to retell our native stories mirrors much of the savior complex-esque sentiments the usa had when they colonized us.
now, onto bryne's statement. the main problem i have with it is him insinuating that imelda is a victim of circumstance. he wants us the audience "empathize" with her and understand her downfall. this is common rhetoric uninformed people, even filipinos, used to excuse imelda's contributions. that she was supposedly "poor", that marcos put her through hell. but genuinely, and i cannot emphasize this enough, imelda was an absolute ass on her own accord.
no, she did not grow up poor. her wikipedia even states that she grew up in a wealthy family, born into the romualdez political dynasty. my history professor even claimed that she attempted bribing the mayor when she lost one of her beauty pageants. despite the repetitive "i'm doing this for love!" bullshit the musical regurgitates, imelda did not even marry marcos out of love. in ricardo manapat's book, he details how marcos attempted to swoon imelda by showing her his vault of money (of course, possibly stolen). she was enraptured by marcos the moment she saw his WEALTH.
i want to emphasize: imelda is not fucking stupid. much of what marcos did to the philippines was thanks to her. i would recommend watching the kingmaker documentary for all the details, but just know she is still alive and incredibly wealthy. she is well-known for her absolute gaudiness and all of that comes from her money-centric mindset. she does not give a shit about love.
here's some accounts by ricardo manapat from his book. on imelda falling in love with marcos (btw, she had a fiance at the time and didn't tell him she was marrying marcos until said fiance found out on the damn newspaper):
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imelda being aware of the wealth she accumulates in politics:
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on this note, i'd love to discuss how historically inaccurate the musical is. i'd like to preface that i've only listened to the only available version of the musical which is the 2013 version on spotify. this could have changed, but either way, the general tone of the narrative already reads to me as extremely incorrect, anyway. i'd also love to detail every discrepancy of each song, but again, i'll save that for a future essay.
in general, the musical's plotline follows imelda, a "humble and poor" girl from leyte who grows up and marries ferdinand. she repeatedly expresses she's doing this all out of love. thus, the musical insinuates that imelda is merely a victim of circumstance, and that she didn't become evil on her own accord. and yet, from what i've presented so far, she was very much aware! she was not passive. you have to understand, SHE was the reason both men and women had equal opportunities to become corrupt in our government.
what marcos did was also imelda's fault. the genocide and displacement of indigenous people, the mass torture and murder of journalists and politicians, the stealing of companies and mass wealth, the mass delivery of non-native animals to the philippines. she condoned all that. yes, marcos cheated on her, but she also used that as a means to manipulate him into doing whatever she wanted. they are both horrible people.
speaking of, marcos' song in the musical was also really bad. he could be written as lying for all we know, but his "fear" of japanese soldiers invading the philippines is also up for debate. there is speculation of the marcoses collaborating with japanese troops, which also led to the murder of marcos' father's political rival.
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and while i don't know if there's actual dialogue outside of the songs, i don't think this musical actually informs us much of the marcos' faults. the songs, which will be the most accessible thing to native filipinos, express nothing but generic descriptions of what characters feel about certain situations. it's hard to understand or know what these people are actually doing because it's just so vague and ambiguous. how are you supposed to inform when none of the music details, well, anything? the information given is so minimal that i pray, at least, the musical would have more explicit scenes about marcos' atrocities.
and that's my main problem with the musical. with how much they spend sympathizing with imelda in the first act, i don't think everything the marcoses have done can be encapsulated in the second. of course, i'm not asking to give me a detailed rundown of everything they did, but let's be honest, this musical was never about dispelling disinformation. if it was, then they wouldn't spend an entire act and a half sucking imelda's dick. it's not about educating audiences about martial law. it's about humanizing imelda, with martial law and the marcoses' atrocities as a second priority. it makes me sick to my stomach seeing how pure imelda is presented when travelling to meet other world leaders, or how she's seen as the person who insisted that ninoy move away from the philippines.
it was never about education or re-information. in the end, these were such pretentious and performative statements to defend a historically inaccurate musical.
and tbh, that's just the tip of the iceberg of why i hate this musical. another thing is that, holy shit is it obvious that it's written by two white people. they mispronounce "tacloban" (should be tacLOban not tacloBAN). these characters are also just... not distinctly filipino? they're so white in mannerisms. i need more insulting humor, more grit. in fairness, the richer you are in the philippines the more connected you are to western culture, but i would have loved to see that disaparity more in the songwriting. they really peaked (/s) when they wrote these lyrics:
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this is... awful, in a cringey what the hell manner. i hope they changed it for the bway production, because this was blatant evidence that the songwriters barely took the time to understand our culture before writing.
if you don't understand what it says, "titi mo" (the correct spelling is tite but i digress) means "your dick". i think imelda is trying to call marcos a dick, but they literally translated dick in tagalog. but tite isn't an insult, it literally refers to a penis. "mo" is the equivalent of "your" which also makes ZERO sense. the lyric literally goes "how can a your penis run the country?", like WHAT.
so you know, maybe there's a reason why many filipinos fucking despise this show on twitter. we are insulted for good reason. they are sensationalizing and glamorizing our suffering for their own gain. we native filipinos and other filipino diaspora who can't access the show have nothing to gain. here lies love is profiting from our struggles that we are still recovering from and experiencing today. imagine if you made a musical about hitler explaining he is a victim of circumstance to disco music. insensitive, isn't it? i'd love to ask the cast of here lies love if they'd ever show the musical to living survivors and families of victims of martial law.
and what's worse, because of course it gets worse, misinformation like this is what boosts the reputation of corrupt politicians in the first place. manapat quotes what leonard saffir wrote about how marcos built his reputation in new york via a biography filled with disinformation. the excerpt is too long but it's quoted from this article by the new york times. and now we are living in an era of another musical based on imelda being shown in new york — time is a flat fucking circle.
what sickens me is that this musical is possibly a lot of americans' first exposure to the marcoses, and what will they think? imelda is just a poor girl, imelda is just a victim, imelda is blah blah blah. that will be stamped in their head. even if some filipinos have come out of this musical dreadful that they sympathized with imelda, not everyone is gonna have the same experience.
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^ this an excerpt from one of theatermania's articles. dictators have feelings too, i guess!
objectively, there is nuance when it comes to anyone. but the problem is, we cannot afford to consider nuance in politics. we cannot sympathize with imelda right now when people are dying of poverty under the marcoses' hand. the marcoses are very much alive, very much in power, and very much willing to lend their offspring to other positions of power. they turned the entirety of ilocos into a bunch of marcos dicksuckers, and i'm afraid that this musical can make a ton of their audiences be oblivious to the true extents of the marcos' atrocities. i'm already seeing people on tiktok say that there's nothing wrong about this musical, or that this can exist when miss saigon and evita exist (which in on itself are problematic beliefs, because they are glamorizing other country's sufferings too).
i am privileged enough to be educated about marcos, and while there is much to be done in terms of disability and lgbtqia+ rights, i am lucky to be less impacted by the marcoses compared to other people. but there are hundreds of thousands of filipinos severely affected by marcos. what's worse, is that there are plenty extremely uneducated that they are unaware that marcos is directly contributing to their suffering. my history professor told us that other countries are using the philippines as their model for successful disinformation campaigns. in this era of disinformation, we cannot afford to disinform even more. as sad as it is, the usa has a lot of power and control over the philippines (and the world, tbh), so one wrong step into the wrong direction and we're fucked. this musical fails the message it attempts to preach and i cannot imagine how much more people are going to spread misinformation about the philippines like they did during the 2022 elections.
to end off, i'd like to mention to everyone that imelda marcos has actually listened to the musical. in this new york times article, she says, "i'm flattered, i can't believe it!". i don't know what to tell you— if imelda herself says she likes the musical you claim to be anti-marcos, then what does that say about the musical?
i guess i'll end with, i am willing to change opinions once i see how the musical is being executed. if they emphasize the atrocities done by marcos and give proper information about the timeline of events, then i can be more lenient. but if i still see any attempts woobifying imelda, then i stand by what i say. this musical is insensitive, disrespectful, and just fucking hurtful.
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