#if you watch naruto only watch naruto do not bother with shippuden
So. The story so far.
So. Firstly I would give One Piece an overall 9 as an anime. From what I've seen and heard, the show has kept up even after 20 years, thanks to the wonderful Oda, and that is very important to me as an avid watcher.
True, I never made it past episode 60 the first time I watched, I don't think, HOWEVER!!! That doesn't mean I disliked the show, I liked it a lot. I just probably have ADHD (╥_╥) which means a lot of the longer shows I want to watch get put down by accident because a new shiny show comes out that I want to watch then and there... (I'm looking at you Jujutsu Kaisen (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭.
I restarted the anime about a week ago during my move into my new apartment at episode 45, as it's the last episode I can fully remember (though I did skip through a little because I can't lie... the Buggy filler episodes were not my thing) "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა I also know that the Netflix live action ends around episode 45 as well, which- I'm happy to say, is probably the ONLY live action adaptation of an anime (apart from the theatre productions of studio ghibli films like My Neighbour Totoro) that ACTUALLY WORKED!!! Also, Jamie Lee Curtis, a true One Piece fan loved it! Plus, both Oda and Mayumi have crowned Iñaki as the real world Luffy SO SUCK ON THAT HATERS!!! True, I didn't watch the live action fully, as my friend was watching it whilst I played dragon quest 11 (good game) but I got the gist of it, and it was really good from what I could see.
I am currently on episode 57, as of writing this, which means Chopper is only 24 episodes away ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽ つ And I NEED to meet the baby!! I'm currently watching the crew sail with this little dragon doo dad (who I cannot remember the species name, but his name from Apis is Ryujii.) And shit just started happening. The boat is a rocking, the sky is raining, Zoro and Apis currently have rope burn. It's a good episode. If I recall correctly, they're about to enter the Grand Line?? I know they're right next to it at least, but I think they're trying to get Ryujii home- I just realised that they just landed on the island I am dumb. There was a strange wispy of wind a second ago, which means that one guy is likely already on the island with them I think. Who knows "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა. Either way, once again this show is showing how corrupt the government system is lmao.
Anyhoo, overall, I don't think One Piece can really be judged by episodes, unless you talk about the live action. I'd say a better judgement would be going by arcs? I will say, this arc is pretty mid, just because I've seen it before and because I don't think Apis as a character is good whatsoever. She's just kind of that npc character in an rpg that directs you on a fetch quest before telling you that she must be protected as she's annoyingly coming with instead of staying home safe- oh wait she's the only one who can talk to the dragon and therefore knows where the fetch quest main area is. Great. Yeah, she's extremely mid now that I think about it.
I wouldn't skip this arc, just because I think all arcs leading up to the Grand Line are definitely important, HOWEVER, I do think she could've been in it less. The grampa would've had more to offer in my opinion, even if it was just comedic value. Plus, he could've been a secret badass who saves the day, who knows.
Also, as I'm writing this, my wifi CUT OUT (╥ᆺ╥;) so now I'm dying of death... (╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)
Anyways, I would recommend One Piece, but at the same time, if you aren't used to watching long form anime... gooooood luck. I can only do this because I watched Naruto and Shippuden a couple years back and that- ugh that hurt. One piece was still only one episode 800 too... It hurt so much. Yes it's a good anime BUT IT WOULD BE HALF THE LENGTH IF THEY CUT THE FILLER OUT, KILLED OFF SOME OF THE USELESS CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN NARUTO, REVEALED KAKASHI'S MOLE, AND CUT THE FIGHTS TO HALF THE LENGTH!!!!
Sorry, got emotional there. But yeah. One Piece? Good show. It also only has about 50 filler episodes out of the current 1076 episodes that are released. That's an achievement. Also I am now realising how quickly they must have pumped Naruto out if that show had 750 episodes plus movies...
Final thoughts? Watch One Piece. Don't watch Naruto. It isn't worth it. Also, idgaf if people disagree. If you watch Naruto, only watch Naruto. Don't bother with Shippuden. Hinata is the only good character after Naruto, but she isn't worth it.
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keithisbae1 · 3 months
Fanfiction Masterlist
I decided to make a master list of all my stories you can find on Ao3. They are put in alphabetical order. Not all my snippets/threads are on Ao3, but I am trying to post as much as I can. If you would like to read them, you can go to my twitter profile and type #sssnippetaday or look at my pinned tweet which should have everything.
I hope you enjoy reading.
A Different Kind of Threesome (Complete, Rating M)
Sasuke and Sakura have a different kind of threesome and try something different with a clone. [Sakura/Sasuke/Male Sakura]
A Different Time (Complete, Rating G)
“There are worlds, universes out there each living their own lives. One thing they have in common is the same people, they may live different lives but anyone who you know there will also be with you somewhere else.”
“So, I should have my own Sasuke?”
“Ah, you should.” [SasuSaku]
A Heart to Heart (Complete, Rating G)
Out of all people Kizashi would never expect Fugaku to come to him for advice. [Kizashi & Fugaku]
Baby Sarada's Adventure (Ongoing, Rating G)
Little Sarada gets transported back to the past and meets all the different versions of her Papa from Genin Sasuke to Shippuden Sasuke and even angsty/revenge Shippuden Sasuke.
Can she find her way home to her parents? [Sarada & Sasuke]
Confession (Complete, Rating G)
With encouragement from his two teammates, Sakura decides to confess his feelings to Sasuke. [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
Day Off (Complete, Rating M)
Sakura just wants to spend a lazy morning in bed but with Naruto on the phone, Sakura has to make sure he doesn't hear things he shouldn't. [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
Exes and Crushes (Complete, Rating G)
How long have they have been doing this? Five minutes?
Not that he had any complaints; Sasuke was very skilled with his tongue. Electing a moan out of him every now and then. However, it didn't help how his legs were straddling him and he could feel the Uchiha smirking every time. [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
Hidari & Misaki (Drabble/One Shot Collection, Rating G)
Hidari struggles with the emotions of Uchiha Sasuke, as such he comes up with a plan that maybe having his own family will help him understand Sasuke better. [Juubi Sasuke/Juubi Sakura]
His Family (Complete, Rating G)
“Normal couples don’t act like this.” He was referring to the ones on the TV. Ah-ha, so he was paying attention to the shows she watched, even when he tried to deny it.
“Since when has that bothered you, and besides they aren’t even ninjas. It’s hardly a fair comparison.”
“It doesn’t… not always.” But it did get to him occasionally.
It was rare for Sasuke to be back home, at least now he'll be able to spend some time with his family. [SasuSaku]
I Like You (Complete, Rating G)
Sakura starts to feel jealous and wonders if there's something more going on between Satsuki and Naruto. Based on Pumpkinfriend's Fem SasuSaku comic [Fem SasuSaku]
Idol AU (Ongoing, Rating G)
Sakura and Satsuki are from different J-pop Girl Groups. Satsuki has been Sakura's fan from Day 1 and has developed a heavy crush on her. Now with their new group being the latest hit, Tsunade and Orochimaru have an idea to join the two together. Satsuki and Sakura develop a bond but can Satsuki confess her love to her?
Oh yeah and Karin is also their biggest shipper because why not?
Idol AU suggested by Mikan. Hope I did it justice [Fem SasuSaku]
Insecurity (Complete, Rating G)
“Your so dense. You think your Sasuke’s friend well when has he asked about you? It’s only been Naruto and him, the only reason he puts up with you is that Naruto considers you a friend.”
Sakura hadn’t thought about her friendship being one sided but maybe they had a point. [SasuSaku]
Is It Real? (Complete, Rating G)
Everywhere he goes people ask him about his hair colour. Sasuke decided to do something about it. Short and PURE CRACK!
[Male Sakura/Sasuke]
Matchmaker (Complete, Rating G)
Karin decides to play matchmaker with Sasuke, especially since he's not going to make any effort himself. It's up to her to do so.
[Male Sakura/Sasuke]
A Mermaid and Her Princess (Ongoing, Rating G)
Being a Princess wasn't all that that's it cracked up to be. On top of that being an Uchiha, a family that goes around hunting for mermaids/mermen. Life really couldn't get any better.
[Fem SasuSaku]
The Mershark & Mermaid (Ongoing, Rating T)
The more they pushed each other away the more they gravitated toward each other.
They both knew it would end horrible but fate is a funny thing.
(First chapter in SasuSaku Month Day 1: Connected Feelings)
Nerd Sasuke X Jock Sakura (Complete, Rating G)
How do you ask your crush out? By being complete dorks about it. See what Naruto and Ino have to put up with? [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
The Pink Hokage (Drabble/One Shot Collection, Rating G)
Being Hokage was stressful work but someone had to do it. At least Sasuke took care of her.
Hokage Sakura/Anbu Sasuke [SasuSaku]
Room 304 (Ongoing, Rating M)
It all started by accident of going to the wrong room. Sakura's client was in room 204 yet she had walked in at 304. It really was a mistake. So when she went in only to see four maybe six of the same man fucking different women at the same time her eyes widen and all she could focus on was the way he moved his body against her colleagues. [SasuSaku]
Sasuke's Fanboy (Ongoing, Rating G)
Sakura likes Ino, but Ino likes Sasuke and Sasuke likes Sakura? Well, at least Naruto thinks so. [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
SasuSaku Month 2021 (Complete, Rating M)
My first go at SasuSaku Month. Let's do this! [SasuSaku]
SasuSaku Month 2022 (Ongoing??? Rating G)
My collection of stories for SasuSaku Month 2022
Hope you enjoy! [SasuSaku]
SasuSaku Snippets (Drabble/One Shot Collection)
Random snippets and AU ideas that I just need to write down.
SS Angst Day (Complete, Rating M)
For #SSAngstDay. Sasuke is the gang leader and has Sakura as his right-hand man. Sakura does everything as she's told and does her job well, it just annoyed her how he constantly flirts with other women in front of her but won't even look at her. [SasuSaku]
Training (Complete, Rating M)
Sasuke asks Sakura to come over for some 'training' ;) Short drabble [Male Sakura/Sasuke]
Welcome Home (Complete, Rating E)
Sakura didn't expect to get a welcome home present despite Sasuke being the one who was returning home.
Base on Shannaromie's M/M SasuSaku art on Twitter.
Other Ships:
Dinner for Four (Complete, Rating M)
With Mebuki determined to play matchmaker for her daughter, Sakura finds herself turning to her friend Angel for help. As in 'hey I need you to pretend to be a guy so my mother thinks I have a boyfriend.'
After all, that was what friends were for right? [Itachi/OC, SasuSaku]
The Three of Them (Complete, Rating M)
They were in love with each other, it was as simple as that.
College AU (NaruSakuSasu)
The Three of Us (Drabble/One Shot Collection, Rating G)
Snippets and prompts for my NaruSakuSasu college AU on Twitter.
Klance Prompts (Drabble/One Shot Collection, Rating G)
A list of prompts I've found on Tumblr (unless I think of one myself) to practice writing for these two. (Klance)
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
Heya Storm,
here's the one that suggested you No. 6. I'm really happy you like the anime.😊 I love the story and it's one of the few mangas I own. I'd love to watch a sequel to see how the characters evolve and how the city develolps. Unfortunately, since hardly anyone of my friends or familiy is interested in anime/manga, I'm particulary pleased. So if you want someone else to talk about, I'm really happy to be the one. By the way... do you know Uragiri wa Boku? 😅 And wich of the other proposed animes do you already know? Do you plan to watch one of the others?
Anyway, i finally had some time to catch up since I joined tumblr (by the way, I joined because i looked for others who love BTS and Jikook as I do and stumbled about one of your posts. Thank you for that! Your masterlist is georgeous and helped me a lot as baby army but it is soooo much. 😍🥲) and was shocked and sad how toxic my timeline has become. I'm so sorry you're being attacked and I feel I didn't/couldn't support you and other bloggers. I am sorry for that and try to be a better person next time.😓 I think you doing amazing. I really enjoy every one of your posts, especially those that are long, and I can't understand at all how someone can blame you for anti-behavior or somthing like that. All I see is how much you love BTS (and books/animes). Your posts about the diffrent albums are also great, I really hope you will do it in the future too. In general - I really miss reading your point of view about current events, etc. so much that it surprised me. Of course I unterstand what led you retreat and I think you're very strong that you post again. It hurts me that tumblr is no longer a safe place for you and I hope so much that this will change again some day or that you may find another good platform (if so, please take me with you🥺). I'm glad you have your family and wonderful friends.
I've been thinking a long time about whether to send this message at all. After some of your posts, I feel that I really don't have the right to do so and I shouldn't bother you. Finally I will send it to you, because I'm really happy you like No. 6 and I want to recommend Uragiri. Feel free to ignore the other part. Furthermore, I just want to apologize and wish you all the best. Sorry for my long message, please answer only if you have the time and desire. Not important if its here or as a DM. I would love any answer.
I hope you could enjoy Yoongis concert and/or can (re-)watch it next weekend.
Have a nice day/evening/night - Lyn
Hi Lyn! Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you so much 💜 I'll DM you after posting this so that my DMs will be open to you there as well to continue to talk books/anime if you want! And thank you for the rec for No 6! I loved it! And I recommended it immediately to another friend, who I force her and her fiance to watch everything I like 🤣
(literally I message her edits of animes to convince them to watch what I want them too, I've taken over their TV and I'm not sorry 🤣. Z, when you read this, know im waiting for yall to tell me which anime ive mentioned you are watching next!)
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I've added all the ones you rec'd in the comments that I haven't seen yet (and now also Uragiri!) To my crunchylist to watch! I'm just blind faith trusting you (and other people who've messaged me/commented) lol on these recs so we shall see how it all goes!!
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As for what I've seen so far? Here is my list:
- Attack on Titans (watched through Season 2 then DNF, too much graphic gore and blood and it scared me, im a wimp lol)
- Ouran High School Host Club (cute but sooo tropey lol)
- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (LOVED)
- Demon Slayer (LOVED - but haven't seen season 3 yet because I watch with my husband and I have to wait for him to be home for us to watch together)
- Yuri On Ice (LOVED)
- Your Name (made me cry!)
- Naruto (amazing)
- Naruto Shippuden (LOVED)
- Sasaki and Miyano (so cute I died)
- Buddy Daddies (tons of fun!)
- Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (cute!)
- Haikyuu!! (Love!)
- The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague (cute and fun, but kinda bored lol)
- Sk8 the Infinity (LOVED)
- A Silent Voice (sad but great)
- No. 6 (sooo good, so interesting, I want more)
- Given (love it, so cute)
- Hunter x Hunter (In Progress. I'm like 40 eps in and Watching with husband)
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I have read the Manga for Yona of the Dawn, Spy x Family, Inuyasha and Haikyuu too. And I've read the first volume of the Manga for The Case Study of Vanitas so far! And for my birthday I got the entire Demon Slayer Manga box set so I'm excited to read those soon!!
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thebloodredraven · 2 years
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art cred
🕷 The Akatsuki (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden) 🕷
Who I write for:  ━ All of the original Akatsuki in the iteration from the image above except Zetsu (note: I am still in the middle of watching Shippuden and have not met Tobi as Obito yet) FLUFF - 🌸 || SUGGESTIVE - 🍷 || SMUT - 🔞 || ANGST - 🌧
━ coming soon!
Akatsuki ━ Insecurities || bonus: kisame
━ Secret Kinks     part one || part two
━ Watching Happy Tree Friends
Itachi ━ coming soon!
Kakuzu ━ coming soon!
Konan ━ coming soon!
Nagato/Pein ━ coming soon!
Itachi ━ Back in Black (drabble)  🌧
━ coming soon!
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🕷 Blood Plus (anime) 🕷
Who I write for: ━ Haji ━ Saya Otonashi ━ Diva ━ Solomon Goldsmith ━ Amshel Goldsmith ━ Kai Miyagusuku (peri-hibernation only for nsfw) ━ George Miyagusuku ━ Nathan Mahler ━ Karl Fei-Ong ━ David ━ Julia ━ Min (sfw only) ━ Mui (sfw only)
FLUFF - 🌸 || SUGGESTIVE - 🍷 || SMUT - 🔞 || ANGST - 🌧
━ coming soon!
Haji ━ NSFW Alphabet (WIP)  🔞
- Headcanons (hypothetical fic)
━ unavailable for now
━ coming soon!
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Notes: ━ i work full time and do not have the attention or ability to be able to write long fics at the moment. that may change over time but for now, i’m sticking to short form work. ━ any and all iterations of the characters I write for are assumed to be 20+ for nsfw work  ━ sfw + nsfw, minors dni (will soft block anyone that doesn’t have their age visible) ━ hard limits: scat/golden showers, spit kink, a/b/o, large age gap (human muses), vomit kink, incest ━ i am uncomfortable writing male!reader for nsfw, but everything else is fine. please specify gender when requesting ━ as i add onto this list, all characters will be categorized in alphabetical order ━ please bother me about blood plus, this fandom is on its last legs and the same guy that did itachi’s english dub is haji. haji is an aggressively romantic and pouty possessive vampire that plays the cello. do with that what you will. ━ black af. take your racism elsewhere.
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
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1. Favorite Anime? Naruto, GANGSTA., Black Lagoon, Michiko to Hatchin, Ergo Proxy, Death Note, No.6, Shingeki no Kyojin would've made this list if it was written by Jewish writers bc my& mixed native jewish ass is conflicted w/ this one, Deadman Wonderland, I& haven't finished Tokyo Ghoul yet but it's really good, I& didn't finish Kuroshitsuji either but i& rly vibed w/ the aesthetic, BNHA was... ehhhh, okay, didn't really vibe w/ the whole ableist trope of "disabled coded character magically gets new powers or becomes abled" so I& dropped it, I& know for a fact that the animated ASOIAF stuff coming up is gonna make me& reverse shit myself&. all i& know is that if the books were animated that would fix me&. 2. Your Worst Anime? Can't rly think of any tbh, I'm& picky, the closest I& could think of was the Boruto series. Mostly bc it basically destroyed any kind of development in Shippuden & shit just doesn't make sense & not to mention it slaughters Sasuke's character & just the entire female cast as a whole which im& not even gonna get into for the sake of my& own sanity. lmao 3. Do you read the Manga that go with the Anime you watch? Usually yeah but I like to keep these separate tbh. I read the manga only if I know that the anime won’t get a second season and I’m still interested in what happens next. Anyway, in short, I bother with the manga only if I really love the anime ie gangsta & naruto but I& can't watch or read long series anymore due to adhd & spoonie reasons lmao 4. Favorite Genres? action, supernatural, fantasy, science fiction, comedy, horror, psychological. 5. Least Favorite Genres? Harem mostly bc the dudes are so lame & basic lmao 6. Favorite Character? Erica ( GANGSTA. ), Beretta ( GANGSTA. ), the Benriya trio ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Second & Third Destroyers regiments ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Akatsuki ( Naruto ), basically any of the founders ( Naruto ), any of the jinchuriki & tailed beasts/bijuu ( my& plural ass vibed w/ them so hard & i& didnt even know i& was plural at the time lmao ), Michiko Malandro ( what do u think lmao ), Nezumi ( No.6 ), Uchiha Madara ( Naruto; he really is That Black Air Force Energy Icon ) Eren Jaeger (snk; LISTEN HE'S MY& INSYS BF IM& CHEATING OKAY ), Mihael Kheel / Mello ( Death Note; g-d he's so fucking iconic ), Misa Amane ( Death Note ), L Lawliet ( Death Note; aro autistic mf represent ) Marco Adriano ( GANGSTA. ), Rebecca Lee / Revy ( Black Lagoon; she could beat my& ass & i'd& thank her lmao ), Eda ( Black Lagoon; smth about a nun w/ a gun who dresses up like a bimbo at night but is actually a cia agent makes me& go WOOF WOOF BARK BARK ). others im& def forgetting lmao 7. Least Favorite Character? bitch idk 8. Qualities you like in a Character? Kindhearted, caring, badass, strong-willed, cheeky, has deadpan sense of humor. women who can beat my& ass. poor little meow meows. 9. Short or Long anime? Short these days. I& litcherally Cannot watch longer anime. naruto was my& first long anime & it'll likely be my& last lmao 10. Anime or Manga? I procrastinate both but I guess manga, mostly because I can read it without fearing that the plot will go to shit  11. How do you choose the anime you watch? If it has pretty art, if the aesthetic is pretty, if my& friends watch it 12. Skip or listen to Intros/Outros? I usually always listen. I& literally never skip Naruto, Black Lagoon or the GANGSTA. openings & EDs 13. How do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? most ppl around me& like anime but if they don't i& dont give a fuck?? like. why the fuck should i& care what other ppl think lmfao 14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it? I& sometimes drop anime for no reason whatsoever. lmao It’s a waste of time if it doesn’t hold your attention, let alone if you don’t like it. it's somewhat what happened w/ bnha as explained above. i& just really dislike that trope as a disabled & neurodivergent system lmao 15. Who are you tagging to do this? @librastrai @dethqveen @abri-chan & whoever else wants to do this !!
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baked-hylian · 1 year
Tagged by @hirazuki -- thanks buddy!
1.Three ships?
Two off the bat are Wangxian from MDZS and Hualian from TGCF, the third would be Zelink from the LoZ franchise.
2. First ever ship?  
Zelink was baby Carl's first ship
3. Last song?
In the Backroom by Syudou I will die on the hill that it's the best song used for the endings in the csm anime
4. Last movie?
Sonic the Hedgehog on Netflix, I really am not up to date on movies much anymore
5. Currently reading?
Well I literally just finished the second book in the Burning Kingdoms series, The Oleander Sword, by Tasha Suri. Now I'm currently on re:Zero volume 20.
6. Currently watching?
I've been rewatching Naruto. So much Naruto. Way too much Naruto tbh in less than six months I've plowed through the first part and most of shippuden (on episode 367 meow.) Although it helps that I'm skipping episodes that only contain filler content.
Started the new Trigun reboot and I really enjoy the use of CGI in it so far, tbh it's way better than I had anticipated and arguably, I think it looks better than the current Berserk reboot. However the pacing in the new Trigun feels, a little whack at times.
I'm also slowing watching The Untamed, as I can't get enough of Wei Ying and the actor playing him does such a wonderful job (same with Lan Zhan's actor)
7. Currently consuming?
8. Currently craving?
The motivation to repot my one plant that is in desperate need of being removed from the terra cotta one I got it in before it dries out entirely because I can't be bothered to ever to remember to water it regularly.
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals.
1. Are you named after anyone?
A soap opera character, Days of Our Lives iirc
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night because I was laughing so hard at my cat being stupid about something (this is a regular occurrence with her)
3. Do you have kids?
I mean, if you count the kind that walk on all fours and bark or meow at you? Then two.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I've never used sarcasm once in my life, ever.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their body language and how they carry themselves
6. What’s your eye colour?
Atm, a like blue-y green-y grey-y mess, with a hint of orange. Usually just depends on the lighting but I've never had a consistent results
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Horror movies
8. Any special talents?
Stupid luck. I don't win contests, or prizes, but I have the best luck when it comes to procrastinating something and still getting it done with the results I needed just in the nick of time. Getting my driver's license is a good example as it was only a week out from expiring after my booked drive test. Which I booked during covid, and when everyone was struggling to get booked within a reasonable amount of time, but I managed to luck out with the one time slot left available in my city.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, annoying my cat
11. Have you any pets?
We established earlier that these are my children, one cat and one dog
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to be pretty good at volleyball, but I was short and could barely spike the ball past the net, so I didn't make the team after the first year.
13. How tall are you?
About 5'4''
14. Favourite subject in school?
Writer's craft. It was the creative writing course offered at my school, but I mainly liked it because I had spare before it so I would always go home and get stoned before coming back to write lol
15. Dream job?
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be an author. It's something I still kinda struggle with due to something stupid that was said to me when I was 12, but I'm overcoming that.
I tag whomstever wants to do this! Because I don't have enough mutuals for it
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applecheeks255 · 1 year
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Anyway, here comes info!
My tag for art is #apple get's artsy ! If you wanna find every art piece i posted, that's the way. You can also find through the Archive.
Watch out for the #suggestive tag!!
Where can you find me?
Instagram | Ao3 | ArtFight | Ko-Fi | X
More oficial platforms on my Linktree.
Where could you contact me?
My asks are always open! But you can also DM me. I usually respond as soon as i can.
For a quicker response i suggest DMing me on my Instagram account, it's where i am more active.
What happened to your old account?
Got hacked and had to delete it :(
Do i take requests?
Sometimes i'll leave the requests open, i'll only do the suggestions i'm interested in though. But you can also pay me to do it, if you'd like... 👀
Requests [CLOSED] - Rules down below!
How to increase the probability of me doing your request?
Well, i am pretty multifandom. But the fandoms i'm mostly interested in doing content are: UNDERTALE, DELTARUNE, Friday Night Funkin, TMNT (2003, 2012, 2014-2016) and MINECRAFT.
And there's also animes, that may or not get my attention: Boku no Hero Academia, One Punch Man, InuYasha, Naruto/Shippuden, MobPsycho100, CardCaptorSakura, Kimi ni Todoke, Demon Slayer, One Piece. There's also a few other games, like: God of War (any of them), Fortnite (a bit), Overcooked, Hollow Knight, Celeste, Crash (of the Titans) and that's a few i can think of. I also enjoy DC, Marvel, Disney (besides being a little pissed off by them), Pixar, Barbie and DreamWorks... Yeah, there's a lot lol, and i probably forgot a few.
What are the requests rules?
Please don't send me the same request again.
The max is a second time. If i do comment that i deleted one by accident or something like that. Besides that, don't do it. If i take too long to do your request, i may not have had the time or i may not be interested in it.
Related to the first one, Don't spam me.
If you keep bothering me in the DMs if i took too long to do your requests, that goes without saying, but i will block you. If you're one of those bots wanting attention with art requests, i will also block you.
One request per blog/person.
You can request more than one thing from me, but only if your last request has been completed, or if many days have passed and you're sure i wasn't interested in your idea. That also is related to the last rule. Do not spam me with requests.
I will not draw anything NSFW related.
I don't do this kind of artwork. If you want something like this, go find yourself an artist to do it on twitter/X.
Requests are supposed to be simple.
I will not draw anything that challenges me too much. Requests are for training the habilities i already have and to also do something for you guys. Anything too complicated may be ignored.
This post will be edited and updated as if fond necessary.
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thelengthyposts · 15 years
As you know,
I don't complain much... but this time... I will. So bear with me.. as I go through this EMO RANT with you...
30 things I hate about MY life...
1. I hate it when everyone THINKS i'm soooooooooooooo intelligent..smart... or anything of the like... I may be great about one thing.. but definitely not everything.
2. I hate it when people put me on a pedestal. I'm not superior to anybody.. I'm just human like everyone else....
3. I hate it when people act all aloof and think i'm a snob..... i REPEAT. i'm not special. you can talk to me if you want. There is nothing to be aloof about.
4. I hate it when people ASSUME i'm good in math and science JUST because I'm majoring in Chemistry. I am NOT good in math and science. I hate numbers.. thus the reason why I will never DARE to take accountancy or engineering.
5. I hate it when I miss out on opportunities because I dislike changes that MIGHT occur when i grab the said opportunity.
6. I hate it when people think I'm OH SO FUCKING PERFECT.. when i'm not.. I have problems too. As mentioned above, I am HUMAN people!!!!!!
7. I hate being left behind. All my former classmates here are now either college [2 year course] graduates, or in their junior year of college. and YET.. they still look up to me when all along... the truth is.. i am much more far behind than them.... I suppose it's one of the reasons why I watched Naruto Shippuden in the beginning.. because like me, Naruto's the only genin in his age group, right? Likewise, my classmates in the US are now finishing their 2nd semester of college... when i am finishing my first. I've always been left behind... the others were already taking calculus.. while i was still taking trigonometry...
8. I hate it when i can't take courses like art, or theater.. or business... or dance. I hate it how my choice seems to be limited only to the medical courses.. not because my parents are forcing me.. but because i can't afford to not go in the field with all the pressure i get from.. basically everything. For one, my parents depend on me. I'm an only child.. I'm the only one that can help them once i graduate... Two, it's kinda expected I take a well-paid job in the future..... my mother's family are all intellectuals.. and though they do not mean it.. they unconsciously look down on people with those kinds of jobs.. as for my father's family... they all expect me to be the one to help my dad with money.... basically.. they're richer than my family.. likewise with my mom's side. My family is poorest... and as an only child i carry the burden of making our small family of three catch up with the others... though of course it has never been said aloud.. still..... it's there. and i feel it.
9. I hate how i can't act the "natural" me.. if you would call it that. In the US, I was myself. Quiet... never talked to anyone unless spoken to... kinda apathetic... i didn't care much if it didn't had anything to do with me.... yet. I was loud.. and FRANK with my friends. I do not speak much, but when i did... I spoke my mind.. directly.. aaaight? Yet, here.... I hate how i can only be like that to my closest of friends.. sometimes not even! I hate how.... acting like the ME me... would push them away.. or something. I hate how.. my normal quiet self... if shown.... would be interpreted as me finding the company boring.. when really... it isnt.
10. I hate how I miss living the life I had in the US... it was.. less constricting.... I was..freer. I was..... not subject to sooo much society rules.. that this culture of mine seem to have..... where in.... if i'm seen with a guy.. people would think we were TOGETHER....
11. At the same time, I hate the life I led in the US.... because it was the "ME" who ran away from all her problems.. to start anew... and now, I'm back here.... and the problems aren't really bothering me anymore.... after all if you know me.. you know i'm UNFORTUNATELY.. very forgiving and do not really hold grudges..... still.... it's very..warying..
12. I hate whenever I say something in a joking manner.. everything I say is taken seriously. Perhaps I'm not a joker. I can't deliver jokes very well... but really.... by these jokes.. i mean.. jokes as in "just kidding" jokes.... but NO. everyone ALWAYS takes me seriously....
13. I hate how I miss living my easy life in the US.. how... I NEVER mind nor HOLD my phone.. how.. EVERYONE understood.... i do not use my phone unless it is for emergencies only..... Yet now... not replying to a text message seems like "the end" of a friendship....
14. I hate how different types of media like text messaging can put barriers on people.... and make them... SHY and ALOOF to the people in person. I hate how..... I often have to say "Makapal ang mukha ko" literally "I have a thick face" ... meaning I am.. shameless.. for lack of a better word... whenever I step forward to ask strangers something... or when I have to do the asking for a friend..... I know being reserved and..... aloof and shy.... is a part of my homeland's culture. ANd i know it can be one of our best assets at times.. but I still hate how I have to SAY that in a joking and confident manner in order to not make them see me as arrogant or over-confident.. when i'm not.
15. I hate how I have to constantly play the part of the "cool student" who does not care about grades in order to deal with the stress and pressure... when in fact, I do care about grades... I just don't like admitting it to myself because I do not want to be disappointed whenever I fail an exam or two.
16. I hate how I can't talk to my parents about my grades because I already know they'll tell me it's my fault because I didn't study..... but sometimes.. i really DO study.... it's just that... Math and I.. we simply do not get along.
17. I hate how I loose myself in the Internet... just reading fanfiction....watching dramas... reading mangas.. and writing blogs like this.. as an outlet.. to forget and escape from the real world from time to time....
18. I hate how I seem so lose with no future plans on what I am going to become.
19. I hate how I just can't tell my parents or basically ANYBODY how I want to major in International Relations, Music - Piano, Dance, or anything that has to do with the law...... I mean.. I want to be an optometrist. I WILL become an optometrist. BUt it is not the only thing i wanna do in my life. I want to do many things.... and for that.. I need CASH.. which of course brings me back to the medical field........
20. I hate it when people THINK i'm rich.. when really.. if I was rich.. would I be worrying about money all the time? DO you know i only spend, at the most, P20 a day..... converted to $0.41 a day...... when everyone around me probably spends P100 [$2.06] a day or more? I am not a "gastadora" ..slang term for someone who does wastes money left and right..yet.. i HATE it when i leave this kind of impression on people.
21. I hate it when Life is like a game of chess, in which there are an infinite number of complex moves possible. The choice is open, but the move contains within itself all future moves. One is free to choose, but what follows is the result of one's choice. From the consequences of one's action there is never any escape. - Shelley Smith, The Ballad of the Running Man GOD! Have you seen my play chess? I am EFFIN horibble at it!
22. I hate how life seems more complex nowadays compared to the olden days.... yes we are freer.... more.. open... but in those constrictions places are... the worst kind of constrictions yet... the unspoken ones.. that people have to adheer.... at least in the olden days.. they openly said what u can;t do.... coz then you're not guessing. Now..... it really is a guessing game.. a trial and error... with a little whip of good luck attached in the end.... hopeing everything goes well
23. I hate how I discovered I'm actually more of a right-brained person than a left-brained person..... in the society today.. left-brained people are more easily able to get money... unless of course you're a celebrity.. but really.
24. I hate how i'm sounding like a money freak.. how that seems to be the only thing i care about.. when it's not.. it's simply a necessity.. and I hate how I am thinking about this material thing so much i might go insane. Yes, i am young. I have years ahead of me... but really... yes, life truly hasn't began for me.. but the situation i face now isn;t simple either...
25. I hate missing the intellectual "what-ifs" situations I had with my friends in the US.... the intellectually stimulating conversations about history.. life... fantasy... ancient times... hell.. even MOVIES!  I can't seem to have those kinds of conversation here without appearing to be toooooo sage-like, wise, emo.. or overly sentimental.
26. I hate it when I am different from everyone.. yet at the same time.. glad for it. For one.. I hate how most people I know experiences "culture shock" whereas I seem to be quite immuned to it ever since having experienced it once in 5th grade.. when I first came to the US.. and changed my school environment from a catholic school in a conservative country to a public school in a more liberal country....... and again when i came back to the said conservative country in 6th grade when i found my classmates.. "all grown up" compared to me.....
27. I hate it when I stand out in a crowd. I admit, I sorta grew up in the limelight. And for that, I can tell you now. Being popular does have its quirks.. but it sucks most of the time too. For one.. people are wary they will offend you.. even if they say a joke that may be interpreted as something else. Two.. all your moves are watched.... you find a bazillion eyes on you.... or hear people talking behind your back.. whether good OR bad.... Perhaps that is why I'm rather cautious as well.... quite guarded.. if you will.... i was raised in that environment.. and it has certainly helped me build that wall around me.... the said wall.. it's rather transparent....  As a result... when I went to the US.. i saw a chance for a news start..... and from there, I began to develop the NEW me... the quiet.... in the background... not wanting any attention whatsoever... For that I constantly wore grey... or white... because it did not stand out. And i often sat near the walls in a classroom too..... And from that... a new me emerged... free.... relaxed... more open.... and more.... REAL.
28. The problem is this then: I hate how I can't seem to show the REAL me... the one that developed without restraints.. now that I am back in the society.. This is actually one of the transitions I am facing...... one of the problems that's been bothering me as well...
29. I hate how I can't really tell anyone I came from the US... because aside from the "arrogant" part.... that fact brings along with it many associations like the word "rich" "superior" " and anything positive you could possibly think of... i HATE it. i LOATHE it.
30. I hate how I am complaining here.. writing this blog.. when I know i'm sounding like a sissy since after all.. everyone has problems.. and i really believe releasing my frustrations in a blog like this is soooooooo beneath me it's not even funny... because i really don't need to dump my problems on you you know?
Anyhow, I am most open to my blogs here in devart because i am basically anonymous here...... MUCH more anonymous compared to my other sites......
Thanks for bearing with me on this one...
Ja ne!!
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This is a backdated post.
The original post my 18-year-old self wrote is on devianart.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Heya, Ray. Tis I, back here again to ramble your ear off!
So in terms of timeline, I'm still somewhat obsessed with Figuring It Out™ but I've been trying to go easier on that front. But here's the stuff I found whilst on my merry adventures!
Nagato is in Amegakure. Nagato, an Uzumaki descendant, is in Amegakure. Oh while it is possible that a clan's members could very well live outside their village I decided to take it to mean that Uzushio was already down by then. Nagato's age when his parents died, and his age when he met the Sannin, are not stated so it's “???”.
The wiki states his age was 36 in Shippuden, if I remember correctly. That means he was 33 in Naruto part 1. And with a bit of fiddling I found that Minato and Kushina would've been 36-37 in Naruto part 1 had they lived. So there's a 3-4 year age gap between them.
Honestly I thought the gap would be bigger than this.
But nonetheless I can try and maybe extrapolate that Nagato, Yahiko and Konan could've been 3-4 when... they met the Sannin...
I have not watched that scene in years but they do not look 3/4 in that scene in my memory. Wtf?
I came to that conclusion because Minato was apparently 10 when Jiraiya came back and started training him. And Jiraiya was in Amegakure for three years. Minato would've been 7 at the beginning of that three-year period and thus the Ame trio would've been 6-7 by that point which is... isn't it way too young? Jiraiya wtf? Kishimoto??? Explain???
Anyways moving on, I deduced that there was a 13(/14) year age gap between the Sannin and MinaKushi. So Jiraiya would've been like, 23 when he came back.
I made Dan like, two years older than them. I found no evidence that he was indeed three years older than Tsunade but hmm... not like there's a huge difference between two and three anyways so I don't know why I bothered with that—
This gives us two whole years before he dies and Tsunade leaves. Yay. Maybe cousin shenanigans afoot?
I have yet to decide Nawaki's age. All we know is that he died at age 12 and that he died before Dan did, which isn't a lot to go on...
(though he may already be dead by the time Tsunade met Dan because well... iirc her hairstyles are different and the fact that she has the necklace back but I may just be being dumb and stating the obvious)
For a very long time I'd been trying to pin down Kushina's age when she came to Konoha but now I just went: “screw it, she's eight”.
Which means the Sannin and Hoshiori would be 21.
I just went completely random and assigned Sakumo's age as being four years older than the Sannin. I do not know why, just roll with it.
And since there's like, a ten-year age gap between MinaKushi and Kakashi, Kakashi would only be born in the year Jiraiya comes back. Tsunade's still around.
Uzushio's fall might've been the final straw on the camel's back that made everything escalate into war, but I wouldn't really know since I need to know more about the Second Shinobi World War.
But still! This half-assed ““timeline”” of mine gives Hoshiori to prance around wrecking shit in the frontlines. That's fun.
Also apparently samurai exist in the Naruto world. I'm trying not to give into my impulses and have tiny Hoshi interact with Land of Iron. Fuck.
(why is there only one samurai nation and why hasn't it been invaded already— what are their techniques like? I wanna know more)
Hopefully now that I've got the “who's where in this particular time frame” thing down hopefully my damn brain will finally let me write.
God there's so much and you're parsing through it so yeah may the writing gods bless you and Hoshi
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey. So when do you think Sasuke realised his true feelings for Naruto? I feel like he knew since part one itself, in some way at least. He was aware of something. When Sasuke tells Naruto his body moved on its own, I feel like there were seeds of realisation or at least a trigger point. In Shippuden, he always seems like he is fully aware of his depth of feelings for Naruto, he gets super emotional because of it. The fact that he is driven to ask Naruto again and again about his feelings, and is disappointed except for chapter 698 proves that he knew this feeling was somehow different, and he wanted understanding from Naruto, maybe to validate his own feelings, since he is equally inexperienced if not oblivious like Naruto.
He knows deep down that Naruto is special to him, he adores Naruto privately, he had since before the genin days. At the end of vote 1, I think he realises it fully, his true feelings for Naruto. What do you think?
Wonderful Ask, Anon!!! 😍😍😍. 
[[Lengthy Post ahead]]
I am damn sure, like 100%, the moment he realized his true feelings is when he thought he was going to die and recollected all the memories he shared with Naruto (including the Accidental Kiss and Roasting Sakura for insulting Naruto) for one Last Time in the Land of the Waves Arc.
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You might be thinking now, "What makes you so sure?"
Well, Kishimoto just hammered into our faces in many plotlines.
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How is this panel has to do anything with Sasuke?, You may ask.
The answer is here.
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"You will realize what you are, as death comes to embrace you".
Itachi, no matter how cold he acted before Sasuke in that battle, he simply couldn't keep up his Evil Brother act at the final moment of his death.
He just smiled. That is who Itachi really was and always will be for Sasuke.
Again, you may ask, 'All this happens much later in the series, Kishi might've had a different mindset back when he was drawing part 1'.
You are right. But Kishi's mindset was the same all the time. He even established this 'True face before Death' theme very strongly in Land of the Waves arc itself.
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This is who Zabuza really was. He didn't treat Haku like a Tool. Infact, his final words were, "I wanted to go the same place as you".
Kakashi made sure to convey this message to Haku in the War Arc, when he fought with the Edo Tensei'ed Haku and Zabuza.
And there are many characters who died in this series. Almost all of them projects their true feelings before their death. Just rewind the deaths of Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, Obito, Madara. You might've noticed that there won't be any lies. For Example, Obito. When he died for the first time, he was really thinking about Kakashi and Rin. He even said, ‘I wish I could’ve spent more time with them’. That’s who Obito really was. He was convinced with that Tsukuyomi plan because he wanted to live in a dream world where Rin and Kakashi will be with him happily. 
So, a person, at their final moment thinks only about all their memories shared with that 'precious' person signifies only one thing. That person must have unconditionally loved the one they thought about.
Sasuke realized that he loves Naruto at that moment and he had no regrets because he smiled before falling into Naruto's lap.
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And I always wondered, 'Why did Sasuke thought only about Naruto? Didn't he have any other good memories other than the ones he shared with Naruto?'.
Well, this goes way back when he was just 8, right after the Massacre. Yes, the chapter 698 confession. But I am not going to attach all the panels here as I will go in-depth about it later in this post.
However, there are three panels that provides the general gist of what Sasuke felt about Naruto, the whole time.
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Whenever Sasuke watches Naruto, he reminded him of his family and it made Sasuke 'felt relieved' or 'feel warm and fuzzy'. Simply put, Naruto's presence made him happy.
And did Sasuke ever felt relieved?
Yes, he did!!
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This above scene happens sometime after the massacre and yet, somehow Naruto could make him smile even in that distressful situation.
And this is one recurring feeling which Sasuke experience whenever he comes in contact with Naruto. After the Massacre, somehow Naruto became his source of happiness or relief. This panel right after massacre, that smile before his ‘supposed’ death, on seeing the Great Naruto Bridge with a relaxed smile, VoTE2  smile.....  
Sasuke smiled at all these scenes and you know the reason why!!!
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This is exactly opposite from how he felt earlier. And this conflicting thoughts are what Sasuke was battling in his mind throughout Part 1 and Part 2 until Chapter 697. He liked Naruto's presence. But, For him, the very thought of bonding with him made him feel weak. 
According to Sasuke, the stronger he bonds with someone the more he has to worry about losing them and the very thought of losing them will put him in a precarious position which is considered as a weakness. And Sasuke doesn’t want to experience this again. 
Meaning, Sasuke doesn’t want to feel the pain of loss over someone, ever again. He wants to be the person who don’t care about anyone.
Did Sasuke ever expose his weakness?
Yes he did!!! 
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This is his absolute display of weakness and this is what he always wanted to avoid. The very thought of something is going to happen to Naruto made him do something that put him under immense pain. 
Yes, In his mind, he doesn’t want to care about anyone’s loss. But his body doesn’t seem to listen to him. And that’s why his body moved on it’s own.
God!!! This made me cry!!!!
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Now, this feeling Sasuke had towards Naruto was very evident in the War Arc. That one time he sensed Naruto’s Chakra in Konoha and asked Orochimaru to hurry up. Also when Naruto was bawling after seeing countless shinobi’s deaths, Sasuke’s reaction changed from ‘I don’t care 😶’ to ‘How dare you😠’, I consider all these moments where Sasuke was bothered about Naruto . But since, I want to focus only on Pre- Land of the Waves moments, I’m not going to add those moments here.
Did Sasuke felt pain in Part 1?
Of course, he did!!!
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Well, I always consider this scene as something ‘very personal’ for Sasuke. 
In this post, I’ve written about how chapter 3 is masked by the ‘Accidental Kiss’ as a comical facade but when you analyze it deeply you will find that Naruto and Sasuke’s rivalry thing goes long back, even before the series started.
After hearing Pinky’s insensitive comment, what Sasuke did here was completely extreme. He was just giving her a ‘Murder Stare’ which was way too extreme for Naruto, if he was just a teammate. When in reality, Naruto was not just his teammate. That’s why I think Sasuke was bothered by this insensitive comment and roasted her because he knew Naruto was suffering from this loneliness ever since he saw him when he was 8. And when someone made fun of his loneliness, Sasuke just couldn’t keep quiet. 
Isn’t this some form of feeling pain of the person you care about and standing up for them?
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This is another scene which I don’t have to go in detail about. 
On my first watch, I always wondered, ‘Why Sasuke was making exceptions for Naruto? They just know for a very few days and yet why was he giving his lunch and standing up for him, which he doesn’t have to in the first place? It’s just 2 episodes in and Sasuke has already made 4 exceptions, why was he doing this?’
But after watching Episode 478, I came to the realization that Sasuke did all these because he knew about Naruto before the series even started. 
It’s funny that before this scene, Sasuke was giving his long-ass serious speech to Pinky about how he is an avenger, he was crying at that time, he wants to get stronger than someone and wants to kill him, he can’t waste his time here..... And yet when he saw Naruto suffering from Hunger, he just gave his lunch without minding the consequences. (Ninja Career says Hello!!!!)
Now, Let’s get back to my previous question I posed here, 
Why did Sasuke thought only about Naruto in his final moments? Didn't he have any other good memories other than the ones he shared with Naruto?
The answer is, ‘Sasuke always felt any one of the three extreme emotions such as Happiness, Weakness, Pain in the presence of Naruto. And all these 3 extremities are not something you feel for everyone unless that person shares your blood or the person you love unconditionally. Sasuke, at this point has no one that shares his blood plus the only blood relation left was the one he wants to kill. And since Sasuke thinks he is going to die, he doesn’t mind thinking about his happiest moments with the person he considers as ‘precious’ , because somehow Sasuke considers Naruto as ‘His Person’ or you can say ‘a part of himself’’
And that’s why I think Sasuke realized his true feelings just when he was about to die. 
At the end of vote 1, I think he realizes it fully, his true feelings for Naruto.
I had this same thought before, anon!!! But after multiple re-watches, I realized something else. You cannot realize your true feelings and say a painful ‘Good Bye’ at the same time.
Realizing true feelings works only in two ways,
You either say a ‘Good Bye’ to someone. After leaving that person you may realize you miss that person and eventually you may come to term with your feelings.
You already have a strong feeling established in your heart and say a painful ‘Good Bye’. And VoTE 1 belongs to this category.
Simply put, Break ups and Love realization cannot happen simultaneously.
And that’s why Sasuke casually said, “To me, you’ve become my closest friend” without any hesitation. Because he already knew it otherwise obtaining Mangekyou Sharingan (MS) will not be possible if you don’t have such a strong feelings established already.
That whole battle started off as a way to obtain MS but then it changed into his desperate attempt to cut off his bond with Naruto to become stronger and only killing him can sever it because it’s such a strong one. It’s not a bond that will be severed by saying a simple, ‘Thank you’.
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At this moment, Sasuke must be realizing he simply cannot cut off this bond and he is again making an exception by letting this one weakness to exist and embracing it by being closer to him for one final time.
And this is one of the hauntingly brilliant way of conveying A Connection indirectly. And the best part is... this scene is not accidental. We know Sasuke felt stinging pain in his arms and knelt down & coughed up blood. How did he end up straight above Naruto’s face?
It’s because Sasuke simply wanted to convey his unbroken bond with Naruto by deliberately leaning towards his face. Rain falls on Sasuke and all those droplets passes through Sasuke’s face and falls upon Naruto’s face or it is very possible that Sasuke might by crying and his tears might be touching his face, but either way, it creates a Connection which he couldn’t able to cut off. In the fillers, Sasuke’s sweat drop falls on Naruto. It’s almost similar to how at the end of chapter 698, both of their blood connects together to form a connection. Which means only death can separate their connection.
That’s why I feel that this is the moment where he is painfully saying his Good Bye for one last time, it pains him immensely because he already knows that leaving his ‘precious’ person who became a part of himself is not very easy added to that he hurt him so much during the battle. And for this reason, Sasuke felt ‘leaving Naruto is like ripping off half of his body’.
He knows deep down that Naruto is special to him, he adores Naruto privately, he had since before the genin days. What do you think?
Sasuke always fights this inner battle within himself. Mind Vs Heart & Body. 
His mind says, ‘No more Bonds. Just stay alone. That will save you a lot of pain’.
His body says, ‘Create Bonds. Feel Relieved’. 
When Sasuke met Naruto near the lake pier, His body wins the battle and that’s why he smiled back at him despite the trauma he went through few days earlier. This is when Naruto became special to him.
When Sasuke attempted to make friendship with Naruto. His body wins the battle and that’s why he offered food, trained along with him.
When Sasuke died for Naruto by casting away his dreams, his body moved on its own.
At the beginning of VoTE1 battle, his mind said, ‘Leave Naruto. Pursue your dreams by treading in a darker path by filling your heart with hatred’. His body said, ‘Be with Naruto. Achieve your goals by filling your heart with Love’.
By the end of VoTE1, Sasuke came to the conclusion that he really couldn’t sever his bond with Naruto, no matter how hard he tried. That’s why his body moved on its own and ended up straight above Naruto’s face for one last time. Carrying all the heart break of a painful breakup, Sasuke treads towards the darker path. For the very first time, Sasuke’s mind won the inner battle. And he was extremely saddened by it.
Throughout Shippuden, Sasuke mostly listened to his mind and whenever he does, he was seen pushing Naruto away like leaving with Orochimaru, ramming chidori through Naruto’s Shadow Clone when pursuing Itachi, promising to kill Naruto before Attacking Konoha, wanting to fight with Naruto in VoTE2.
But whenever he followed his heart, you can see scenes like Sasuke occupying Naruto’s personal space in Orochimaru hideout, Sasuke smiling at Great Naruto Bridge, asking Obito about Kyuubi (Naruto) when he joined Akatsuki, stopping his rampage on seeing Naruto’s eyes under The Bridge, asking Obito to wait and listened to Naruto under the Bridge, sensing Naruto’s chakra in Konoha and getting concerned about it, prioritize saving Naruto over everyone in the War Arc, switching off Sharingan at the last moment. These are all the moment where Sasuke’s heart was winning over his mind.
And finally at the end of VoTE2, Sasuke happily claimed, ‘I lost’, meaning, his mind which always asked him to cut the bond with Naruto lost to his Heart and Body which always wanted him to be with Naruto. And when Sasuke felt that he was unconditionally loved by Naruto who was willing to share his pain, Sasuke cried happily and finally sealed his Bond with Naruto.
But anyways, I still get this question, why do Sasuke had to battle his feelings for Naruto like a lover? And why Naruto had to act all Tsundere towards Sasuke for most of the Part 1 if only they are friends!!! Like Shikamaru was never shown to be acting tsundere towards Chouji or Naruto. Or Obito was never shown to battle his feelings towards Kakashi!!! Itachi was never shown to be obsessed about Sasuke all the time. Or Hashirama was never obsessed about Tobirama either. Like we were shown many fraternal bonds, friendly bonds throughout the series. And yet why none of those bonds fits for Naruto and Sasuke? 
Well, this post is not the right place to cover these questions and I am simply going to leave it at that. 
Sasuke realized it very early and that’s why he decided to push Naruto away by the end of Part 1. Whereas Naruto truly realized his feelings at the end of Part 1 and decided to put himself close with Sasuke in Part 2 and finally confessed in VoTE2 that, ‘Remember, you once gave me your food during the Bell Test? It’s because you simply can’t tolerate to watch me suffer before your eyes.... I also feel the same way about you.. I simply cannot see you suffer alone when you were willing to give your body to Orochimaru... It just hurt me a lot inside’.
They finally realize the feelings they had for each other is a love in a broader sense which cannot be labelled under a certain term (it may include a father, a mother, a friend, a lover too) and we can call them as Pure Soulmates, where one cannot live without the other, where one cannot bear to see the other one suffer and they always wanted to be standing next to each other sharing their happiness and pain in their hearts. 
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sneezemonster15 · 3 years
I ship Sasuke and Naruto. I have never shipped anyone else. I never cared enough to.
The thing is I probably wouldn't be bothered so much with Naruto's ending, in terms of pairings, if only these ladies were properly written.
Not one, and I repeat, not one female character in Naruto is worth watching in her own right. As compared to the male characters in Naruto, the female characters are just so pathetically and/or insufficiently developed, that pairing them with not only the most well developed characters but characters that define this piece of media, is just anticlimactic and a big disservice to the narrative of Naruto.
On top of that, after the way Naruto and Shippuden were written, with the most emotionally gratifying/impactful storyline and scenes given to Naruto and Sasuke, these two behemoths who acquired godly powers for the sake of each other, through emotional, physical and mental churning, for Naruto to bring Sasuke back and for Sasuke to eventually kill Naruto - after this kind of intense, fruit bearing development, they were lugged with two other characters whose only claim to fame was that they apparently loved these two boys. For no significant reason. (And no, Hinata doesn't get Naruto. She can see he is lonely, as many others do, I mean Naruto is an orphan so it's not that difficult to see. But no, she doesn't really get Naruto. She never has. I think they are extremely ill suited to each other. Gawd, I still can't believe they killed someone like Neji for her).
Imagine these two young lonely creatures who finally found someone with whom they could feel connected even when they hadn't ever spoken to each other, despite All odds they reached each other and rewrote history with their bond, were coupled with a delusional, selfish fangirl and a stalking, annoying wallflower, who have absolutely nothing important to say to the audience.
As a viewer, it was just a shame to see it happening. Of course I wanted an SNS ending. What else could a conscientious and objective viewer want? It was just wish fulfilment of course even though if anyone could have done it, it was Naruto's makers, but I would have been fine only if they had written decent female characters for them to pair with, women who could actually go shoulder to shoulder with Naruto and Sasuke's characters. Who had goals and motivations of their own, beliefs and convictions, powers and skills.
But no, instead we got Sakura and Hinata, the two characters who were written worse than the least influential male characters.
Tenten and Temari were the only two female characters that I didn't cringe looking at when watching Naruto. But again, insufficient development and even lesser screentime.
Like seriously, What. A. Waste.
Kishi I will never forgive you for not giving me closure.
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Naruto (Part 1 - Team 7)
Man, I’ve got strong opinions on some of these *cough* Kakashi *cough*, but some of the others I’m flexible about. It depends on the story you’re telling with the character. These are the ones I have for the canon/near canon of the Naruto show itself (incl. Shippuden, but not Boruto). Here goes... something:
Naruto Uzumaki gives off so much bi energy, with the way he falls hard for both Sakura and later Sasuke as well. He’s a cis boy who uses he/him pronouns, and wouldn’t realise you were talking about him if you used any others. He’s biromantic and demisexual (asexual until he has a deeper emotional connection with someone). He’s also definitely an ADHD kid, and would have been diagnosed rather quickly if he’d tried at any point. His mind jumps from topic to topic, and can’t concentrate on anything if he’s not hyperfixated on it at the moment.
Sasuke Uchiha is very much gay. He is so gay, extremely gay. The gayest. At no point does he show any kind of attraction towards Sakura, or any other woman, but Naruto on the other hand. It’s obvious that he cares, but he doesn’t want to care. He’s probably demiromantic and demisexual, since it took him having an emotional connection with Naruto before he actually fell for him. He’s a cis man who uses he/they pronouns, not really caring which people use more. There is a chance he is autistic or OCD, given his obsessiveness in hunting down Itachi, but I haven’t thought about that one enough to really be sure in any way.
Sakura Haruno is probably bi, with a preference towards men. She seems to be greyromantic bisexual, and fell for Sasuke immediately. It took her a while longer to fall for Naruto, and she didn’t realise that what she felt for Ino was a crush until they were already very close. She could be read as either cis or trans, but honestly I see her as a cis woman most of the time. Definitely she/her pronouns and would get angry at anyone who got it wrong (which probably wouldn’t happen unless she was trans).
Kakashi Hatake. Oh boi do I have a lot to say about Kakashi. He’s my favourite character in the whole show, and the only reason I kept watching in the first place, so there’s definitely some projecting going on here. First and foremost, Kakashi is aromantic and asexual. At no point in the show has he shown romantic or sexual interest in anyone. By the end of it they are one of the few people who doesn’t have a love interest whatsoever, and that is perfect for them. They’re a good example of the fact that aroace people can still enjoy sexual media, although I’m quite certain he reads Icha-Icha for the plot (why else would spoilers bother them so much?). Next up, gender~ Kakashi is transmasc (afab) and bigender, fluctuating between male and agender. They use he/they pronouns, although which they prefer over the other fluctuates between the two depending on which of them he’s feeling at the moment. Kakashi being transmasc is barely disproven by canon (only two filler episodes show him shirtless, other than that he is always wearing his ‘binder’) and some moments definitely feel like they’re feeding the headcanon. Kakashi is autistic. He isn’t good at social interactions, and he’s bad at showing his emotions correctly. The mask is likely to block smells so he doesn’t get overstimulated as easily. Their extremely quick progression through the ranks shows that their special interests are likely fighting-based. A lot of autistic people hold rules in extremely high regard, as we see young Kakashi doing. Him joining the ANBU was likely a way to find strict routine, and it’s once again evident that he’s extremely dedicated to it. Once he found the Icha Icha series, that became one of his special interests. Later we can see that he’s always late, because his routine of visiting the memorial stone is extremely important to him. Also his dogs! They’re his comfort animals, and Pakkun especially seems like he knows how to calm him down when he’s stressed. It’s quite probable that Kakashi is ADHD as well. Their mind works fast, but they often seem to get distracted by their own thoughts, and unless there’s a fight or something going on he always seems to be lost in thought (or Icha-Icha, if he’s reading).
As you can see, long post. I had a lot to say and now I’ve said it, thank you for reading if you bothered at all! 
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yama-hoe · 3 years
What's your opinion on Boruto?
Ok, so I had to wait until I was on my laptop for a bit to respond to this one, because, it's complicated and long. I have only watched up to "Himawari's Ninja Trial Session" #154 so far.
On the one hand,
•I like that we get to see the characters all grown up, and seeing their children is super fun! Mitsuki, Inojin, Chocho, Himawari, and Shikadai are all a lot of fun to watch and my favorites in the show. We get to see Kakashi, and Gai, and Tenten, Ino, Sai, and other of my favorite og Naruto characters all grown up and living their best lives.
On the other hand.... (and this one will be a lot longer ghdskfld).
• The characterization for a lot of the og Naruto characters, is, let's just say, off. Naruto, after everything with his parents and wishing he could have his parents back, being an absent father? Especially with all of the shadow clones he can make and chakra he has? No. Tsunade and Kakashi AND Naruto all letting Orochimaru go free, after everything he has done to Konoha, and being able to experiment more? No. Sakura being ok with being basically a single mother, raising Sarada all by herself, never getting over Sasuke? Nope!
• But, here's the thing: I'm also rather bothered by the ending of Shippuden. The beginning of the series, there is a really strong stance on "breaking the cycle of hatred." Once Naruto becomes more mainstream, the solution for "breaking the cycle of hatred" is finally revealed: don't seek reparations, don't try and change the current system too much, and just forgive and forget.
➼ Naruto, shunned and hated by the village? There is never any reparations shown, just, now that he has saved them all and is a hero, they pretend it never happens? No one apologizes, or talks about it? There's just a small scene with Naruto accepting the "dark" side of himself that is upset with how he is treated, and it's all brushed over.
➼ Same with Kakashi, being shunned as a kid for Sakumo saving his team? Later labeled a "friend killer" and still shunned, when all he is doing is doing his best for the village and acting on their rules. And Sakumo, driven to the unthinkable because of the hatred of the village. There is never actually any action taken there.
➼ This includes the Uchiha and Sasuke. His entire clan was shunned, considered "cursed with hatred", ostracized, and eventually killed because of Danzo, his brother made out to be the only perpetrator. He, rightfully, wants revolution, an entire upturning of the current system that allowed this to happen. He went a little too far in killing others not involved in this system, but he wasn't wrong. He and his entire clan that he represents were grievously mistreated by this system, and nothing is ever really done about it. Sure, Danzo is killed, but he wasn't the only one complicit in the massacre. The only reason Sasuke doesn't get the reparations he deserves is because of Naruto, too, because he would have had to kill him, his best friend, to do it. And isn't that fucked up, that you have to even hurt, let alone kill, your best friend to get the justice you deserve? Sasuke was given the short end of the stick on that one.
• And, finally: the aliens from space were a complete cop-out on the writers part. No, seriously. Everything bad ever done is blamed on Zetsu and Kaguya manipulating from the shadows, with the exception of a couple of the worst ones (looking at you Danzo). Madara still started a war and killed hundreds over it, same with Obito. The villages still behaved terribly towards those who were different (Gaara, the kekkei genkai massacre in Mist, Naruto, Kakashi, Uchiha clan, Tailed Beasts, etc.).
➼ If they actually wanted to stick to the og message of "breaking the cycle of hatred", they would have had Madara be the actual final villain, the wronged clan leader of the Uchiha, and they would have won, sure, but barely, and recognized how their own prejudices and behavior lead to another great war. Maybe Obito would have survived, to not leave the Uchiha clan with only one member. There would be a new generation after the war, of people who realized that the previous way wasn't working; that it was wrong. With Sasuke and Obito helping lead that change, with Kakashi and Naruto as their Hokages. There would be ACTUAL CHANGE.
This all could have translated over to Boruto, with actual justice for those wronged, and not just burying the past and hoping the next generation will never find out. I hate that Sarada has no idea what happened to her own clan, that she is so far removed from her own clan and history. Boruto doesn't really understand what his dad went through as a kid. Naruto as an absent father. A scientist that experiments on a kills children, allowed to walk free, with the children he experimented on (Yamato, Karin, Suigetsu, Jugo) having to either stay with him or watch him 24/7.
So, anon, sorry that turned into an essay, ghdskflsd, but the above bullets are how I feel on Boruto. If the ending of Naruto Shippuden and Boruto actually addressed the systemic injustices and issues in the villages, I would have absolutely loved it. As it is now, I will probably still watch it, but I get upset over all the above bullet points each time I watch and rant to all my discord friends about it (sorry about that ghdskflsd)
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madara-fate · 3 years
I don't see how could Sasuke have thought that sending a letter in which he told Sarada and Sakura he misses them would've compromised his mission in any way. Because it literally doesn't. He is a smart character yet does not realize how his absence and complete lack of contact would affect his kid? Especially since he had to grow up without parents too after the massacre and especially since he knows how it feels to be neglected by his father (Fugaku didn't really bother with Sasuke much until he realized Itachi was a lost cause, but I don't hold it against him because the man was carrying a lot on his shoulders at that point). And are you seriously using popularity to justify SS being apparently well written and a good representation of romantic relationships? That's weak. Popularity is not always an indicative of quality and many times popular things suck. And also I was not comparing Shippuden Sasuke with Minato or Dan. I was strictly reffering to Adult Sasuke, that has no "Curse of Hatred" affecting him. And many people think Adult Sasuke does not love Sakura, despite Kishimoto saying that "love is the real deal" and Sasuke replying "...yeah" after Sarada asked him if his heart was truly connected to Sakura's. Note how Sasuke hesitated before even replying. Like the man really had to think about it, huh?
How you feel about Sasuke making the mistake itself is irrelevant. The fact is, he made that mistake, and apologised for it.
Furthermore, are you really not seeing your glaring hypocrisy here? You're admonishing me for using SS's popularity as an indication that Kishi didn't fail in SS's depiction, and yet you clearly have no qualms in using SS's apparent unpopularity as an indication of Kishi's failure. So what? You think it's fine for you to say...
"The fact that there are so many people arguing whether Sasuke loves Sakura or not, and many people believing he doesn't is just proof that Kishimoto failed somewhere"
And yet you admonish me for using the many people who clearly don't question whether or not Sasuke loves Sakura as proof that he didn't fail? I literally just used the same logic you did.
Frankly, the only thing that's weak here, is you saying "many times popular things suck". Because that's you bringing subjectivity to a discussion about objective matters. Yeah, some people don't like it, other people do, just like some people don't like Naruto as a character, while others do. People aren't wrong to dislike SS; that's their opinion and it's subjective. However, people are wrong to say that Sasuke doesn't love Sakura, because it has been explicitly proven to not be the case in the story, and regardless of how you feel about the quality of it's execution, the fact remains that it was said in canon, it's set in stone. Feel free to dislike it all you want, but it's those who deny it who are clearly at fault. Thinking that something was done poorly doesn't mean that it wasn't done at all.
Lastly, the fact that you think that Sasuke's answer to Sarada's question shows hesitation on his part, really tells me a lot. So just because of the "...", that means he's hesitant to answer the question according to you?
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Have you not realised how often "..." is used in the manga? So do you think that Sarada hesitated to say that Sakura was squishing her?
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Or that Sakura hesitated to say that Sarada was her bonafide offspring? Or that Naruto was hesitating to... Watch this unfold?
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Goodness gracious man.
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writingnojutsu · 4 years
The moon and the deer boy (Sasuke x Reader x Shikamaru)
A/N: here’s my one-shot/imagine Sasuke x Shikamaru fic??? I absolutely loved writing this with my whole heart since Sasuke and Shikamaru are my most loved men. I
I just want to make it clear that the reader, Sasuke and Shikamaru are all of age for this fic and that even though Sasuke left the village way before Shippuden, we all should ignore that and pretend he left it when he was way older so this can all make sense alright? thanks.
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The moon and the deer boy
Sasuke x Reader x Shikamaru
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The lights were low and the sound of the clock ticking was the only noise left. You looked through the window only to see the moon keeping you company. Your head was pounding and your eyes were dry from the tears that made their way out just a few hours ago.
“Why wasn’t I enough to stop you from leaving?” Your voice trembled as you whispered to yourself, “Why have I never been enough for you?”
Your heart was beating too fast but everything around you moved slowly. You were tired and drained.
It had been a year since Sasuke left the village and didn’t look back. You’d tried everything to convince him to stay but it was never enough. Not even your love made him stay.
You always knew loving him would be hard, you knew it wouldn’t be a normal relationship and that the one who loved and cared the most would always be you, but deciding to face it was what your heart convinced you to do.
A year since your love left meant a year of sleepless nights. Some nights you did manage to sleep a couple hours but you always ended up waking due to the countless of nightmares that made their way through your head.
It was driving you crazy not knowing what was happening to him. Not knowing if he was even alive.
A knock on your door made you snap out of your thoughts and you wondered who could be knocking at almost 3 in the morning.
“Maybe it’s Naruto.”  You thought as you made your way to the front door.
You were used to giving a place to sleep to Naruto since his nightmares about Sasuke were equally as bad as yours. The two of you felt guilty most of the time for Sasuke leaving Konoha, no matter how many times people said to stop those thoughts.
As you opened the door, the smell of smoke met your nose and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your best friend.
“Took you long enough to open the door woman,” Shikamaru said as he threw away his cigarette, knowing how you constantly complain about his new habit of smoking, “I nearly finished my cigarette.”
“I was asleep.” You lied, not wanting your friend to worry about your mental state.
But Shikamaru knew you way too well and was way too smart to know how badly affected you were by Sasuke. He could easily tell when you lied, even when you did your best to hide your sadness with smiles and your dark circles with concealer.
“Yeah and I’m feeling motivated enough to go for a hike with Rock Lee.” His sarcastic tone made you roll your eyes at him.
“Whatever,” you muttered, “why are you here at this hour anyway? Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“There’s nothing I want more than that,” he quietly chuckled at his words until he noticed your puffy eyes and straight face, “but I’d rather know you’re okay.”
“I’m alright Shika.” You assured him, avoiding any possible eye contact with him.
“Should I mention the hike with Rock Lee again or?” He raised his eyebrow at you, pressuring you in his laidback and calm way to speak up.
“I just have to meet Neji early tomorrow to train and I’m nervous he will beat me.” You lied again.
“Right, sure.” He sighed and made his way towards your room.
You watched as he grabbed one of your pillows and put it on the left side of the bed, knowing how you prefer to sleep on the right side. He slowly took his socks off and climbed into bed, placing both of his hands behind his head and letting out a loud and classic Shikamaru sigh.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
It had been a long time since Shikamaru stayed over at your place, or vice versa. Being best friends since childhood had made the act of staying at each other’s places something very common and casual, until you got into a relationship with Sasuke and the two of you stopped.
“Sleeping.” He muttered, his eyes closed.
You copied his sighing and joined him in bed. There was a pretty big space between the two of you, not that it was uncommon since Shikamaru wasn’t exactly the guy to cuddle, well at least not after the two of you joined the academy and he decided that the two of you were already pretty old to do that since you were just friends, so the cuddling also stopped.
You turned off the lights and closed your eyes, Shikamaru’s calming breathing making your mind ease from all the overthinking.
“I hate seeing you like this.” His voice made you open your eyes, but you remained silent.
“It’s such a drag to see how much light you lost after Sasuke left. You know he doesn’t deserve you and you don’t deserve to go through all this bullshit when he didn’t even bother to think about you before he left th-“
“I know I wasn’t enough for him Shikamaru, I fucking know it alright?!” You snapped out at him, your voice breaking as fresh tears came out of your eyes.
There was a long silence. Shikamaru was not one to fight or make you lose your temper, he tried his best to avoid any conflict so you knew he would just stay silent if you showed any signs of starting a fight with him.
So you were surprised when you felt him wrap his arms around your shaking body. It had been an extremely long time since he had shown any physical affection towards you.
“You’re wrong,” he whispered softly against your shoulder, “you were more than enough for him. God damn it, you’re everything.”
His last words made your heart stop for a second and your breathing speed up.
“Shikamaru,” you breathed out as you slowly turned to face him, his eyes were closed but you could feel his heart beating rapidly.
“If I were him I would’ve never left.” He kept going, his eyes still closed even though yours were wide open, trying to process his words.
“Shikamaru,” you whispered again, this time carefully cupping his cheek, “what are you saying?”
He took a deep breath and remained silent for a few seconds. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest, and so did his.
“I’m just saying,” he said as he opened his eyes to look at you, “it would be a drag to live without you when there’s clearly no one else like you in the world. Man, I don’t even want to bother on meeting anyone else.”
You felt a few tears stream down your cheeks and Shikamaru’s hand was surprisingly quick to wipe them away. You didn’t know how to take his words but they made your stomach burst with butterflies and your heart get a warm feeling that had been long gone.
Shikamaru knew you well enough to know this would take time so even though everything inside him wanted to make a move, he stopped himself and just pulled your body closer to his as he positioned himself to sleep.
“Don’t cry or else it will get in the way of sleeping.” You smiled at his words, feeling the warmth of his body near yours.
“Goodnight Shika.” You whispered as you snuggled closer to him, taking in his minty scent mixed with the cigarette he had smoked a few minutes ago.
“Goodnight.” He replied and you closed your eyes.
The lights were still low and the sound of the clock ticking was still the only noise left, but as you looked through the window, you smiled at knowing the moon was not the only one keeping you company anymore tonight.
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i-simp-for-gintoki · 4 years
Shikamaru with an Uchiha!S/o
“I saw that you did a Yamanaka!s/o for that anon, it was great! Can I ask for another one with Shikamaru, but this time with a Uchiha!s/o? Like, idk, if Sasuke had a twin sister and she stayed on the village, but she's a shinobi too? And she uses a sword like her brother, and some people of the village look at her suspiciously because of what her brother did? Thank you!!!” -anon
This came out kinda way longer then i meant it too be and wasn’t 100% focused on you and shikamaru so im sorry about that. 
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Oh b o y
Where do i even start?
Being an uchiha, especially directly related to sasuke did not make you look good what so ever
You two were close at one point, inseparable even, but once your elder brother slaughtered your whole clan, you both kinda drifted a bit.
Don’t get me wrong, sasuke still cared for you and vice versa but he was much more cold and closed off about his feelings
No more “lets train to impress nii-san, y/n-chan” type of shit anymore
You still tried to remain a bit positive, and be nice to others unlike your brother
You didn’t agree with wanting to kill Itachi, because what good would that bring? How would killing someone because they killed solve anything?
During the first few years of school, shikamaru might not care much for you
Just another classmate in his eyes
Might even have a few negative thoughts in the back of his mind since you guys are twins
He never cared for sasuke since he’s never anything but an ass to people
And when he’s not he’s acting like a cocky shit
He thought you guys acted the same but that proved to not be the case when he saw you outside of class once
He was out getting some dango at a new place with choji and thats where he saw you
He didn’t really want to greet you but much to his surprise you greeted them with a smile
Even offered some of your dango and choji was extremely grateful for that
You guys held a pleasant conversation and ever since then have hung out at the dango place after school
After you guys became official shinobi, you didn’t have time to hang out every day but you did when you had the chance
You once got shikamaru to wear his headband actually on his head instead of his arm and boy did he look stupidly handsome
During some point in the chunnin exams, you noticed your brother’s desire for power has grown an alarming amount
It was no longer “lets train and ask our sensei’s to give us jutsu” but “I will do anything and everything in order to gain more strength”
It honestly scared you and so you went to shikamaru and ranted about it
He acted annoyed that you went on and on about someone he didn’t care for, but did truly listen to your words
“Don’t worry, its just his teenage angst faze kicking in.” “...maybe”  “I’m pretty sure everyone gets it, it’ll pass” “Even you?” “my emo faze lasted three whole minutes as i watched choji eat the food i was looking forward to all day”
Sasuke basically stopped showing emotions to you after the exam and it really saddened you
He basically treated you as someone he lived with
Not family or friend but like “oh thats my room mate i guess”
You were out with shikamaru when sasuke ran off to find naruto, he didn’t bother to explain and you honestly didn’t care
He wants to brawl with the loud blonde? Go for it
What you didn’t know is that he would run into Itachi
Or that itachi joined some terrorist group
You didn’t hear this news until later on when your sensei sat you down and explained the situation
shikamaru cheered you up as best as he could
when the Nara became chunin, instead of sitting besides sasuke all day who was recovering from a mission, you hung out with him
Sasuke wasnt that injured anyways and he may or may not have told you to quit worrying about him
called him handsome and he basically turned into a tomato 
got some bbq with his friends and when ino started commented about minding your weight and looks and stuff you kinda became slightly insecure in the moment
he cheered you and choji up by making a few jokes
you gave him a peck on the cheek and dude he had such a dumb smile on his face
ah man ive written too much and havent even reached shippuden yet im sorrryyy
lets speed threw this then
when sasuke left the village you were distraught but he did his best to cheer you up
reassured you he and his team will bring him back
you wanted in the mission and he was hesitant about it
you were a damn good kunoichi and you also had the sharingan too so that could help 
he eventually agrees
when yall fail the mission you cry because your emo duck-bitch of a twin didnt even bother to say good bye
Shikamaru does his best to make you feel better but he feels so guilty
he sincerely apologizes and chokes up a bit when hes talking about how he failed the mission and broke his promise on getting him back
you hug him and say its okay
from then on you guys get closer than ever
You dont remember exactly when but you got a sword, almost like a katana 
you learn how to use it and love it
Add some fire or lightning to it, man you feel like a bad ass
you carry it everywhere with you
little do you know you basically chose the same sword as sasu-gay
by the time shippuden starts, shikamaru awkwardly asks you out and you agree
as much as shikamaru loves you, the village doesnt think to well of you
your eldest brother slaughtered your clan and joined a terrorist group
and now your twin goes rouge and is proceeding to head down a darker path with orochimaru
they probably expect you to do something similar
some people even think that you only stayed in the village so you can give them intel and sell out the leaf’s secrets
basically the village cares for you as much as Tobirama did for the uchiha
not too much. 
in fact if you were gone they could finally be free of any uchiha
If your bothered by those rumors or things people say, shikamaru can’t really do anything to stop them
But he can do his best to take your mind off it
Might get you some dango and say to go cloud watching, or nap under some tree to let you relax
But remember this isn’t a one way relationship, you do stuff for shikamaru as well
When he was feeling stressed (though he didn’t really show it) about planning the next chunnin event, you gave him a massage and just let him relax
You got him his favorite food and took him to his favorite hill
He doesn’t really rant or talk a lot about his problems
He’s too lazy too and doesn’t feel like its that important
You make it clear to him that every opinion he has matters
You two some times go on little small lunch dates
Ino and choji are always somewhere in the background watching
Ino probably comments that you got the uchiha good looks and with out thinking shikamaru just agrees
Definitely became embarrassed when ino squealed and shook him around
Ah man there is actually to much drama around sasuke and itachi in shippuden and im lazy so lets forget about that 
I think shikamaru with an uchiha!s/o would probably be an 8/10 experience depending on how angsty you get
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