#naruto is too long and has too much filler
So. The story so far.
So. Firstly I would give One Piece an overall 9 as an anime. From what I've seen and heard, the show has kept up even after 20 years, thanks to the wonderful Oda, and that is very important to me as an avid watcher.
True, I never made it past episode 60 the first time I watched, I don't think, HOWEVER!!! That doesn't mean I disliked the show, I liked it a lot. I just probably have ADHD (╥_╥) which means a lot of the longer shows I want to watch get put down by accident because a new shiny show comes out that I want to watch then and there... (I'm looking at you Jujutsu Kaisen (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭.
I restarted the anime about a week ago during my move into my new apartment at episode 45, as it's the last episode I can fully remember (though I did skip through a little because I can't lie... the Buggy filler episodes were not my thing) "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა I also know that the Netflix live action ends around episode 45 as well, which- I'm happy to say, is probably the ONLY live action adaptation of an anime (apart from the theatre productions of studio ghibli films like My Neighbour Totoro) that ACTUALLY WORKED!!! Also, Jamie Lee Curtis, a true One Piece fan loved it! Plus, both Oda and Mayumi have crowned Iñaki as the real world Luffy SO SUCK ON THAT HATERS!!! True, I didn't watch the live action fully, as my friend was watching it whilst I played dragon quest 11 (good game) but I got the gist of it, and it was really good from what I could see.
I am currently on episode 57, as of writing this, which means Chopper is only 24 episodes away ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽ つ And I NEED to meet the baby!! I'm currently watching the crew sail with this little dragon doo dad (who I cannot remember the species name, but his name from Apis is Ryujii.) And shit just started happening. The boat is a rocking, the sky is raining, Zoro and Apis currently have rope burn. It's a good episode. If I recall correctly, they're about to enter the Grand Line?? I know they're right next to it at least, but I think they're trying to get Ryujii home- I just realised that they just landed on the island I am dumb. There was a strange wispy of wind a second ago, which means that one guy is likely already on the island with them I think. Who knows "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა. Either way, once again this show is showing how corrupt the government system is lmao.
Anyhoo, overall, I don't think One Piece can really be judged by episodes, unless you talk about the live action. I'd say a better judgement would be going by arcs? I will say, this arc is pretty mid, just because I've seen it before and because I don't think Apis as a character is good whatsoever. She's just kind of that npc character in an rpg that directs you on a fetch quest before telling you that she must be protected as she's annoyingly coming with instead of staying home safe- oh wait she's the only one who can talk to the dragon and therefore knows where the fetch quest main area is. Great. Yeah, she's extremely mid now that I think about it.
I wouldn't skip this arc, just because I think all arcs leading up to the Grand Line are definitely important, HOWEVER, I do think she could've been in it less. The grampa would've had more to offer in my opinion, even if it was just comedic value. Plus, he could've been a secret badass who saves the day, who knows.
Also, as I'm writing this, my wifi CUT OUT (╥ᆺ╥;) so now I'm dying of death... (╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)
Anyways, I would recommend One Piece, but at the same time, if you aren't used to watching long form anime... gooooood luck. I can only do this because I watched Naruto and Shippuden a couple years back and that- ugh that hurt. One piece was still only one episode 800 too... It hurt so much. Yes it's a good anime BUT IT WOULD BE HALF THE LENGTH IF THEY CUT THE FILLER OUT, KILLED OFF SOME OF THE USELESS CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN NARUTO, REVEALED KAKASHI'S MOLE, AND CUT THE FIGHTS TO HALF THE LENGTH!!!!
Sorry, got emotional there. But yeah. One Piece? Good show. It also only has about 50 filler episodes out of the current 1076 episodes that are released. That's an achievement. Also I am now realising how quickly they must have pumped Naruto out if that show had 750 episodes plus movies...
Final thoughts? Watch One Piece. Don't watch Naruto. It isn't worth it. Also, idgaf if people disagree. If you watch Naruto, only watch Naruto. Don't bother with Shippuden. Hinata is the only good character after Naruto, but she isn't worth it.
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ammy246 · 7 months
Just saw some Narusasu shippers shitting on Bakudeku, and as someone who's first gay ship and otp used to be Narusasu instead of Bakudeku, I have some thoughts.
I remember the heartbreak I felt the day Kishimoto ruined Narusasu by forcing them to be romantically involved with women without a single bit of relationship development. Naruto ended up with Hinata in a filler movie despite having ignored her even after her romantic confession to him, and Sasuke abandoned Sakura after having a child with her. This was not the ending any of us wanted. We wanted Naruto and Sasuke to peacefully resolve their rivalry, and find love in each other after all they've been through. But unfortunately, that's not what happened as Kishimoto had to force a next-gen onto us, and permanently friendzoned them. It's tragic and felt like a betrayal, but shounen had not been ready for queer relationships, so Narusasu being shafted was ultimately inevitable.
While I cannot say for 100% certain, I can say that Bakudeku has a much greater chance of becoming canon than Narusasu ever did. Horikoshi once stated that he will tell the story he wants to be told and not follow the stereotypical formula, contradicting Kishimoto who went with the shounen ending we've seen many times before of the protagonist accomplishing their goal and marrying a woman and having kids (even though they have no chemistry with said woman or a lack of feelings for them compared to their rival).
Horikoshi had the chance to make Izuocha canon. They could've confessed before the war, but they didn't. The two moved on with their lives, and have made no desire to talk about feelings for each other, but are rather focused on other peope (Bakugou and Toga) as that's where their hearts reside. Bakugou also has no other potential love interest aside from Midoriya as he is the one he is closest too in the entire world and knows the most which is different than Sasuke who had some moments with Sakura scattered throughout the series from the start.
Bakugou cares about Midoriya in a way that's beyond friendship. He means the word to him to the point he was willing to sacrifice himself and even die for him, and will make himself vulnerable around him and nobody else. Midoriya has hidden feelings for Bakugou as his thoughts regarding him are hidden, and his heart always spirals out of control because of Bakugou, but we have not yet been directly told why. Midoriya does not act like this around his other friends, and he has many.
Naruto and Sasuke resolved things right after their final fight, and their friendship returned stronger than ever before, but that was it. Yet even after Bakugou's apology, there are still unresolved issues even though Midoriya chose to forgive him, meaning something must still be said between the two. Midoriya did not want an apology; he wanted to deepen their bond beyond friendship, but was too afraid of rejection hence why he never confessed and hid his feelings instead.
This plotline is still unresolved as of chapter 405. Bakugou is now being honest about his feelings, yet we have still yet to see Midoriya's thoughts regarding Bakugou's death and revival only having been given face expressions. So if their friendship has returned and gotten stronger than ever before despite the series not yet being over, what else is there to develop aside from romantic feelings?
Narusasu shippers, I hate to say it, but we lost. We cannot change the past, but we can have hope for the future. Bakudeku has surpassed Narusasu long ago, and the two are closer to a love confession than ever before, which is something we never quite got close to with Narusasu. If Horikoshi is serious about not following the typical shounen formula, we might have a real chance here. We might not get a kiss or marriage, but if the two confess their feelings for each other and do not end up with women like nothing happened, then that would be a huge victory for the LGBT+ community, and hopefully open the gateway for more queer relationships in shounen jump for the future.
Both Bakudeku and Narusasu are amazing ships. I wish we could live in a reality where both became canon, but getting one would still be a major milestone. Do not attack each other over what could have been, but resolve your differences like Bakugou & Midoriya and Naruto & Sasuke did and look towards a brighter future where LGBT+ can be mainstream without us having to fight for it and fear losing.
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melrosing · 1 year
GOT low-points for Jaime
ok I don’t like complaining about GOT too much cos it gets boring and I am here for the books. but this is kind of fun so
Telling Brienne the one secret he has never told anyone, the biggest secret of his entire story…. and then telling Qyburn shortly afterwards just to have a comeback
Getting essentially murderered by pound shop Euron Greyjoy bc….??? the actors are both Danish??
Hearing Cersei has tried to kill him and going back to her approx. 10 mins later to raise a child w her x
Hanging around Dorne with Bronn in the most Naruto filler episodes of all time
That scene where he and Tyrion are making fun of their disabled cousin crushing beetles by imitating his voice for like a painfully long period of screen time. Yes I know the backstory as to why this ‘joke’ got written but I honestly don’t care, I only saw it once back in whatever year it aired and it was just excruciating
‘I never really cared about the innocent’ - absolutely iconic
Pursuing Brienne cos he heard she’s a virgin (A: obviously B: you literally already knew that), then never saying another word to her onscreen before dumping her in the snow and forgetting she exists x
Hearing Cersei is replicating Aerys’ worst instincts, going 🫤 and then hanging around King’s Landing for another season fucking Cersei and building IKEA furniture for a baby bc what else is he supposed to be doing I guess
Angrily crying over the fact Tyrion murdered Tywin as Tyrion explains in the background ‘you remember how he abused me and tried to kill me too right’
Planning atrocities till Brienne physically appears to say ‘hey remember your entire story arc? aren’t we supposed to be making more complex decisions now?’ Then jaime looking briefly inspired before explaining to Edmure he’ll kill his baby because he likes to fuck his own sister so don’t push it
Getting fired from the Kingsguard and then never thinking about it again
Killing his cousin for no real reason in season 2, then forgetting how he even did it when citing his list of sins to Brienne in season 8
Telling Joffrey there’s still time for him to fill the White Book with his deeds in season 4, then shoving it off the table to fuck his sister later in the same season
Brienne completing his entry in the same book desperately trying to frame a single act of Jaime’s as having had a point
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wasyago · 5 months
Alright this kakashi guy has intrigued me. What do you think about him? Is he one of the main characters? What should I expect watching Naruto? Isn’t it one of those long animes idk what I’m doing tbh
alright alright, well, so. kakashi is my favorite character (whoops) so there's a lot of things i think about him, but basically without spoiling much, he's the best. he is semi- one of the main characters. the title is about naruto, so naruto is the main main character, but kakashi has a lot of screentime compared to others!
and it is one of those long animes, yes 😔 if you're planning on watching, i recommend finding a website that allows you skip filler episodes (or find a list of fillers and skip them yourself). also, if the anime is too much for you, give manga a try!
naruto is one of those legendary titles that you just have to watch (read) at least once in your lifetime. so im proud of you for starting o7
now, a bit of a warning, it's an old title and it has some problems, a lot of them are about misogyny and female characters. its super sad, but the thing is still worth watching and it manages to pleasantly surprise at times.
good luck !!
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sakuraharuno156 · 9 months
Hi! So while normally I don't indulge in anti... I can't help it, it's fun XD People are so sensitive about some things, but anyway... I'm on board with you since I realized later in life that yeah, Sakura is absolutely brilliant and Hinata is... SO not. I can't say I enjoy her character one bit anymore after she's done nothing but disappoint me. BUT! What I wanted to let you know was something else that kinda pisses me off.
Now we know that it's obvious that Studio Bones and the animators have this insane and somewhat misogynistic favoritism towards Hinata (because's quiet, submissive and kind), given how much to flanderize Sakura's temper to make her look like that's all she is.
Well I think even whoever made the video games favor Hinata too. I used to play this old-ass game called Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. Very old lol but there were some joke/unique versions of characters.
Example: "Sealed Orochimaru" in reference to how he couldn't use any jutsu thanks to 3rd Hokage's Seal. And "Nine Tailed Naruto" with Naruto as the Nine Tailed Fox.
And then there's "Byakugan Hinata" I'm not kidding you, they have this... badass version of Hinata who is a competent fighter, has a strong disposition and seems to actually care about her status as a Hyuga. Even though in canon there hasn't been a single moment where Hinata's shown to be competent in fighting (she hasn't won a single battle in combat), strong (any bold moment was just so she could look cool in front of Naruto) or given a damn about her clan or her status given that she spends every moment on panels or screen gushing and thinking about Naruto.
Now here I am thinking... how pathetic is that?
That the creators of this game made up such a farfetched and dare I say fanfic-ed version of Hinata that you can find in any badly written fiction where Hinata is suddenly a badass when she's shown repeatedly in canon that she is NOT.
Hinata is no badass. She just isn't. I thought she had potential once upon a time, and then the fillers (which aren't canon) go out of their way to make her look badass when in canon, she isn't.
So it's not just the anime, the games were guilty of this too.
Okay I'm so sorry this got long lol, but I just thought it'd be neat to tell you this because it's a game many have forgotten because it IS pretty old lol. But... looking back on it, it disappoints me.
Sakura is the true badass female of Naruto. That's a fact.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with being an anti, as long as you are anti-fictional character and not anti-real preson, then you are good! 💕
So let me welcome you to the datk side, and let's go.
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(BTW we clarified that it was supposed to say "studio pierrot", a mix-up, it happens ❤️)
100% true and the worst part is that they don't see they do her an injustice.
Like studio pierrot made Hinata a healer:
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But when it mattered she couldn't do anything, because she can't heal, so she looks just stupid.
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Neji is dying? Better let him die. People are dying all around during war? Better not heal them because why would she? 🤷‍♀️
They made her meet Naruto when they were children in The Last:
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But then Naruto at 12yo calls her a "weirdo" or in that translation "a freak who won'teven look me in the eye"?
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They make it seem like "she was always there for Naruto", but when Naruto is thinking about his first bonds she's nowhere to be found?
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And I tried to like Hinata too, I even talked about it here, so i understand, but she's such an awfull character to be shown to younger audience that it's painful.
She's selfish and rude, her whole life revolves around a boy, her whole ambition is to be with Naruto and to cook and clean for him.
And now to the games, I had to Google it, because I haven't played it, but:
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This is another injustice towards her, because it hypes her character out to be strong and hype her potential just to leave her weak and without accomplishing a thing.
And don't get me wrong, I know that games are supposed to allow the player to decide who wins and who loses based on players skills, but...
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That game came out in 2004, by then the manga was at the end of OG Naruto, so looking at how the games are trying to portray her, we (as viewers or players) can assume that she will be strong someday, and yet she never was.
We were led to believe that her father will see her as strong and with "great potential", but Hanabi is still the one that will be the head of Hyuga clan, and Neji was the one who is the strongest (and we know it, it was stated).
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"Surpassing the main branch" and "For the brilliant blood of the Hyuga to be flowing within a child who cannot become an heir what natural talent".
And then, Hiashi that had pure hatred (or at least the thought about them as a less than/slaves to main family) towards the branch PREFERRED TO TRAIN NEJI AND HINATA WAS THERE TO BRING THE TEA.
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It's pure embarrassment. 🤷‍♀️
It's an injustice to her character and I'M THE ONE WHO IS SAYING THIS, WHEN I HATE HER GUTS 🤷‍♀️
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melonteee · 4 months
Story time: When I was little and first start wachting anime (not counting Pokemon and Digimon because I didnt know what anime even was when first seeing them on tv) I learned about the big three, and wanted to watch all of them. One at a time thou.
So I watched few videos like amv or top 10 lists on yt to decide which one to start with. Bleach I found pretty boring, still do, just dont think its an anime for me. Im sure its good as it has a lot of fans. But not for me. And One Piece I thought was too childish, not sure if I saw 4kidz dub or it might be before any one of the big emotional scenes (before water 7, as in genocide wasnt a plot point yet) but I thought it was a 'friendship is magic' type of show. Naruto I saw there was blood (why I think I might have seen one piece 4kidz videos) and the nine tail fox, which I thought was the cooled thing ever. So I ended up with watching Naruto first. Spoiler: Nine tails barely have any scenes so that was a huge let down.
I didnt like Naruto because he kept trying to sneak in the womens bath and transforming into a naked girl to give people nosebleeds. Little ace me, who didnt know what asexual was, didnt approve. Sasuke I thougth was an idiot, I normally like the overly emo characters but I just thought hes reasoning and actions were stupid. (Like in the end he came back like "Im going to be the new hokage". like bitch! You are a war criminal that sided with the enemy that tried to destroy the village at one point! Why the fuck would the village want you as their leader??!!) And Sakura just seemed really pointless. There was a thing that she was supposed to be the more giften one in channeling chakra but Naruto and Sasuke quickly cought or was atleast good enough that Sakura wasnt needed that often. There was some good scenes but they were few and far between.
Not liking the main characters is a bad start when watching a show.
I dont remember that much what happend in the anime because I got so mad about how long time it took for things to happen that I ended up suppressing the memories. I didnt know what filler episodes was untill after I was almost at the end of the serie. So I watched all and every filler episodes thinking they were nessesary.
Did you know 41% of the anime was filler? 91 of 220 episodes of the original anime where filler. And 203 of 500 episodes of shippuden where filler. And one point there was even 76 episode in a row that was filler. From 13 july 2005 to 1 february 2007 where just filler episodes.
I refused to watch Bleach and One Piece after thinking they had as much filler episodes as Naruto. Untill I got recommended one piece videos on yt and decided to give it a try. But looking up which episodes where filler so I could skip it. But One piece only had 10 %. I know there were someone that had counted how many minutes where filler scenes in each episode which made that procentage a lot higher.
I know its annoying that One Piece has a lot of scene filler where things are dragged out little too long. But if I had to choose I do rather have filler scenes than filler episodes. Even thou filler episodes can be fun from time to time. But not 76 in a row.
End of story time.
Love your videos~ Keep it up!
LMAO I can't speak on the Naruto stuff, but One Piece's LACK of filler surprised me too? And I say lack of filler because, shocker! Having like, 3-5 fillers per 100 EPISODES?? SOMETIMES NOT EVEN THAT?? People truly don't realise how insane that is, and how lucky we are for that?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, people really need to watch One Piece SECOND to something else - especially second to other anime. You truly see how good you have it and how good of a show One Piece is when it's the SECOND thing you watch LMAO
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tamelee · 7 months
Hiiii 🥰 If yin HAD to choose some couples for the Next Gen which one would you choose? Personally I think Shikatema was a okay, but I don’t have any ideas for the others
Hi!~💕 Oh uhm-
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No one really, I'd be happy to eradicate it all.
Obviously Naruto and Sasuke should've figured their shit out. Both internally and externally and then say; take it or leave it' to the entire village and system. You either going to get two gay-men leading the village and a new system because their bond was the entire answer against war or nothing at all and then just... die ig while Naruto sleeps his years away and Sasuke is stuck in a damn tree 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Otherwise.... (aka, 'Boruto' meetings be like;) Shitpost (don't take me seriously);
Naruto and Gaara although it probably won't last long. Naruto'd probably settle for some black-haired girl and make her cut her hair so it reminds him of Sasuke if he squints really hard and doesn't think about it and covers his ears, oh wait-
Charasuke and Dark Naruto, fem version. Menma and Zetsu. Since non of it is Canon anyway, Sasuke and his pet lizard from the filler story. They seemed to have an 'okay' connection, yeah? Well, ShikaTema is fine, it's understandable and predicted. I don't even know who Kiba, Shino, Lee or Choji are with lmao. I can look it up, but... I really don't even remember :') I think one of them is with the Kumo girl, right? Sai and Kumo girl would've been better though. They can argue about loyalty and stuff. Wouldn't she kinda think it was hot how he stopped her fist from plunging into Naruto's 'refusing to talk about Sasuke's face?' That's the extend of their development, but it's 'Boruto', the bar is low here. Or.. if we ignore the homophobia for a second, Sai and Gaara. I mean whatever. Size matters obviously to Sai and Gaara had huge bde before his questionable haircut (no I don't think him becoming Kazekage made him weak) and I also don't think Gaara's lack of expressive emotion currently would be too overwhelming for someone that doesn't understand them much. Not a lot of energy in that relationship though but Gaara is very beautiful to draw let's be honest but the lack of eyebrow does make it challenging. Or Sai and Deidara. A bit difficult because one isn't there, but still, just throwing it out there. Or even Kankuro would be good. Gosh, Sai has so many options... and then he ended up with someone he thought was ugly ;-; (Ino is very beautiful though so he's wrong, but still.) Idk, I think Kiba should've married a cat-girl or the blonde one from Kumo. Lee should be with someone that appreciates effort especially now that his effort is proven absolutely worthless -.- and is seen as a loser again which destroyed the poor guy. Well, I wouldn't have minded Tenten, but... GaaLee 👌👀? Aren't they both single fathers? Or? Idk. Maybe Sai Gaara and Lee together, why not. Throw the Shi guy from Kumo in there also, he kinda looks like blonde Sai. Even Naruto thought he was handsome as he used him for inspiration for his sexy reversed harem Jutsu.  Actually, Tenten and Kotetsu would've been a good surprise. It makes no sense Canon-wise and I don't think it even works age-wise, but I approve otherwise and they're both weaponized. I rhyme and reason. Ino and Suigetsu. Okay, hear me out. He can water all her plants. That's all, that's it. Sakura and Kankuro? I mean, by 'Boruto's low standards, they could've made it work and they'd even have history. And fine, even Sasori could've been interesting a little. Or that girl from the Sound from the beginning. Or the guy. Or Kimimaro. Or Kabuto. We're not too difficult here, pick one, but I guess some are dead though. Everyone but Sasuke ffs. Obviously Neji should've lived. Well I'm okay with Tenten or even Lee, but it doesn't make too much sense to me. Actually, let's ship him with Haku for no other reason than them looking good together. Or Neji and Juugo, maybe Juugo'd be able to set the bird free iykwim. I'd say Hinata and her beloved 'Oro-chan'. (Yes she called him that in some novel.) Both creepy as hell. Except one of them is somewhat likable and it ain't Hinata. But age-wise that doesn't work. Or, maybe someone can make her a Mecha Naruto, that's a bit more appropriate. Not much, but still. I'm sure she has the money and I don't think she really minds because she knows Naruto as much as she'd know a robot version of him. I see no difference there. OR, Kankuro's puppet. That way she can always walk next to the one she 'loves' as it follows her anyway with some basic puppet training and have the sentimental wood around for comfort when she reminisces about the time she thought Naruto wasn't gay. No need to be shy either as it doesn't say much. Then Naruto can visit tree-Sasuke in peace without a creepy face glancing up at him from behind it only to be ignored anyway. 
Or maybe a lousy Daimyo because we can't have any less than a Hero or royalty for the princess, of course. CHOJI ACTUALLY should've married the daughter from the ramen stand. Idk her age though.. Or the owner of the BBQ restaurant? If he didn't already. Or, it would've been good if there was a younger version of Tsunade, I think they'd get along. Akamaru and one of Kakashi's dogs- sorry, Ninken. I think Pakkun is too old maybe. Idk what he's into. Maybe Punpun? Am I missing anyone? Oh lmao, Shino ;-; He would've been good with Fu, Jinchuriki of the 7-tails, the flying bug thing. Guess that's not possible either, but we can't have them single and focussing on the world either so... we gotta create imaginary filler babies somehow. Karin with that other guy who emphasized with her during her confession-thing. I mean, what other reason do you need. That's true love right there.  Kakashi and Shizune? Kakashi and Iruka? Kakashi and Gai? Kakashi and Genma? Kakashi and Obit- oh no. Kakashi and secret-ANBU waifu? Kakashi and actress of the movie adaptation of his ero-novel? Kakashi living his best aro life?
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I mean, we could always create a card game if you will and match whatever comes up first. There'd be no difference really.
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gyroshrike · 1 year
if there r no filler episodes in avatar then what about the great divide
Oooooh, I don't know if I want to go sticking my nose into potential Avatar Discourse, but I will just for this because I actually love this episode AND I have strong opinions over what people complain is "filler."
This probably isn’t going to be very organized or concise because if I try to make it too fancy, I’ll take forever to write it and never post it ahaha.
So, for starters, the only kind of episodes I refer to as "filler" is usually for when an anime series catches up to the manga chapters and the production team has to stall by making up new episodes to tide the audience over. To literally fill up empty space.
For example, Naruto episodes 143 through 219 are "filler" because they were never in the manga and they needed episodes while they waited before jumping into Naruto: Shippuden. Then they completely returned to the canon plot.
Filler is what I use to categorize new content written to act as a pause or spacer between canon plot arcs when they don't have enough canon content to work with. AND I usually tend to refer to episodes as filler when they are entire arcs, not just one episode or scene added for fun or to flesh out plot or characters. I'll elaborate on this later.
If a writer goes in, writes a script, and consciously makes the decision to have an episode as part of the story... that's not filler.
People seem so caught up on the Main Plot that they jump to label anything that doesn't technically contribute to moving it along as filler. These people aren't considering that it's not just Plot that makes up storytelling. Every episode of Avatar contributes to the overall experience in some way.
They flesh out the characters—either themselves as people or their dynamics with each other. We get to see motivations, how they think, how they handle different conflicts, who they are as people.
They contribute to world building—the world of Avatar is so rich and interesting, on it's own, but also in its current state of transition as a land shaped by war and refugees.
Immediately this episode visits 1.) the themes of Aang's role in solving conflict and 2.) Katara and Sokka's differing ways of doing things.
Aang is not above simple motivations. Custard tart. He's not some all knowing wise man, he's a person who gets hungry, gets driven by silly things. We also get to see something very important. Aang gets angry, but not very often, so it’s impactful to see what makes him angry. He's not above getting fed up with bullshit. He's realistic and rounded! He gets a chance to get angry at people selfishly putting lives at risk.
There's two rival clans who have the same goal and Aang agrees to protect them on their journey and help keep peace between them. The conflict between the two clans have origins so long ago neither of them can prove which origin story is true, but they are determined to cling to their hate for the other and refuse to work together to the point of endanger their own lives and the lives around them. And right when the fighting is about to come to a head, Aang steps in to say he knows the TRUE origin story and the conflict was actually just a big misunderstanding.
He... He LIES. Aang LIES to end this conflict that doesn't matter! And I think that's so cool. The first time I saw this episode, I thought to myself, "Ah, well that's really lucky that Aang knew those guys. I guess Being 100 Years Old plot point saves the day again. That doesn't bother me, but wow, it sure is a convenient thing." Then, out of earshot, AANG REVEALS THE TRUTH. He totally made up that story! There was no coincidence! That blew my mind as a kid! And that is so much more realistic and it gives us such cool, interesting insight to Aang's character. Aang's moral compass is very strong and he will fight for what he thinks is right. But he's also not unreasonable or stupid to get so hung up on what's "good" or "bad" on paper because, "Oh nooo, lying is baaaaad. We can't do thaaaaat it's wroooong." Which is something I feel like we expect out of characters like him. We see him lie, we see him steal, we see him cheat.
I really think this is a great example of how Aang believes in spreading joy and reducing suffering in the world above all else. Not black and white morality and rules of what a good person is or is not supposed to do.
I feel like shows that have morals to teach often rigidly set their "good" characters (especially characters like Aang) to Never Do Bad Things Ever (which is why Avatar is so good, because it challenges that.)
Lying was the right choice there! It was the smart choice! Aang's job is to keep peace and he made a choice to tell a lie that wouldn't hurt anyone in order to create peace. Between two rival clans! Who have been rivals for a century! And it having such a stupid solution really reflects how stupid the conflict was. It's also a good example on how history can get totally warped until no one knows the truth anymore, but these clans would rather cling to forgotten half-truths and hate each other than seek a solution for a better future.
This episode even lets us see a bit into Katara and Sokka as characters too. Katara sided with the Gan Jin because she believed they were the victims and had the moral high ground. Sokka admits to taking the Zhang’s side, "Because they fed [him]." That's still the show taking time to flesh out these characters for us and deal with a type of conflict they haven't before. We now understand the siblings better as characters!
This episode also gave us more inside into the lengths that people of the world have to go to in order to escape the war. It’s not just this one town or this one group of people. It’s everyone who is feeling the effects of the Fire Nation. We see examples of it over and over and over again and I feel like that is important.
The argument about fun, silly, or side plot episodes being "filler" makes me angry because if those episodes DIDN'T exist, people would complain about the reverse. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people critiquing shows or other media for having too many characters and not taking time to develop them all, for being all action and not taking time to breathe, for not showing us the characters domestic sides or letting them have fun.
Shows deserve to have down time, as do the characters, either literally or from the main plot. It lets us see fun new sides of them, see them dealing with situations we haven't before and in almost all episodes that I see people calling filler, but were written intentionally, we get so much fun character development or insight which is a GOOD THING.
Revisiting the anime thing, let me be clear, I don't think ALL extra episodes or scenes added that weren't in the original iteration is filler. In the Boku No Hero Academia anime, we see a whole pool scene added that wasn't in the manga, along with a scene of Bakugou and Kirishima walking together afterwards (I THINK that wasn’t in the manga, sorry if that’s wrong). These scenes give us just a bit more sense of the class's dynamic outside of school and the growing friendship between Kirishima and Bakugou, which becomes plot relevant later. These kinds of things help better establish the emotional ties between the characters and make it more believable and satisfying when high stakes emotional conflict happens.
In Spy x Family, the anime made a much bigger event out of Anya's school acceptance celebration, a whole episode. Just because they close to drag it out and give it fanfare it didn't get before doesn't mean it's filler. It was just fun! It was just breathing more life into what was there! And that scene gave us an exciting way to see the lengths Loid, Yor, and Franky are willing to go to make Anya happy, (even if Loid frames it as being part of the mission) while giving us the audience a darned good time.
The Owl House production got cut down and basically all the "filler" episodes had to be ditched. Luz pretty much says in the show that we lost out on a beach episode! And we were pissed about that! Everyone would have loved a beach episode! That's what happens when you cut "filler" stuff. We lose out on fun shenanigans and seeing our heroes and how the operate in domestic settings, because people can be very different people in the "battlefield" verses in a home. Or in a dangerous situation verses a fun or safe one. Hunter basically didn't know what to do at first in a safe environment. That's an important thing to learn about characters!
Characters just doing things has meaning. It has use. It has weight. Your story is as much your characters and world as it is your plot. Fleshing out any of those is worth taking the time to do so.
[Aang hate is not welcome on this post]
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narhinafan · 7 months
Honestly I cannot stand SP why currently adopt Naruto and Bleach without considering their bullshit fanfiction bias towards specific ships? Thank God Kubo is involved in the thousand Year blood work I wish kishimoto treated his serious the same way Kubo did considering how much Kubo hated what the bleach anime did to his characters.
At first SP did a good job with the Naruto anime until they got to Shippuden where they start inserting their bullshit fanfiction into Canon scenes. One piece is the only one of the big three where you don't have this bullshit yeah it is the worst of the three in terms of the anime because of how awful the pacing is think goodness for one pace but it doesn't change the fact at least the characters don't feel different from their manga counterparts.
When the Boruto anime returns I hope we get a different team in the fan fiction ship bias and I'm sick and tired of the nonsense just adapt what's in the manga for God's sake is that too much to ask?
Other then the bias they tend to be a good studio as far as animation quality is. Plus in Japan anime are meant to advertise the manga since the manga is more popular and released long before the anime in Japan. As where in the western countries series tend to be known by their anime with the official translations only getting picked up once the anime has traction.
Part of it is also the fact the team that works on the anime changes ep to ep, as you said Naruto was alright at first and they gave Hinata quite the good spotlight in the original anime at times and NaruSaku was mostly just gags. But then in Shippuden they started getting really bias towards NaruSaku and in turn against Hinata. We still got some decent eps or arcs involving Hinata and NaruHina, but a lot of the filler and all the movies force feed NaruSaku all the time that it is sicking.
I agree if they are going to add more then at least keep the general tone of the original source and don't completely change things in canon just cause of bias towards a certain ship.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi !
Just passing by to say that I really enjoy your writing! It's always so fun to read. I would like to read even more from you. Would you recommend any of your the other series you write for to me considering that I have read khr and bsd ?
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Aww, thank you so much dear!! That's so nice to hear and I'm so glad you enjoy it! And it flatters me so much that you want to read more of it!
Now, as for recommendations, I will say that every single fandom I write for is one that I would recommend. I write for each of them because I love them and honestly do think they're amazing, in terms of story or character, but there's also caveats to each of them! So I'm just going to do the reasons I think you should check them out and what I think are their downfalls that might make them not your particular thing, just in case anyone else was wondering the same thing!
K PROJECT is definitely a huge one on here, and chances are that if you liked BSD and KHR, you probably will like this one too. It has a pretty art style and a tendency, much like the others, to have very bishie characters and cool uses of powers. The story is solid the entire way through and honestly, everyone will be able to find a character in this large cast of them who they really do love. Add onto that that, for the most part, the K fandom is large for an older anime, and really a very, chill, accepting fandom. Drawbacks: There is more noticeable fanservice in regards to female characters. And it is a big one to get into - on top of a two season anime, there are films, light novels, manga spin-offs (and honestly, Memory of Red is such a love of mine, same with Days of Blue)...I'm not saying that you have to consume all the content, just that there is a lot of it out there, if you do tend to be someone who really does need to read/watch everything for a show you enjoy, and some of it is hard to find.
NANBAKA is one I dearly love. It starts off a lot like KHR did, as a gag comedy series with some action elements and, a lot like KHR, shifts itself into a shounen with comedic elements. Again, much like KHR and BSD, you'll find a cast of very bishie men, and I do like all the female characters introduced so far, who are all smartly written. Again, it's another story with a huge cast of characters, so there really is something for everyone. It's got two seasons of its anime, and the manga isn't wildly ahead of where it's last anime season stopped (though I've only read until 192, where my manga app stopped, though I recently got a source to read further, so I'm planning on doing that), and I do feel you get pretty much the same story either reading or watching. Drawbacks: The first three episodes for sure are a bit of a slog to get through unless you really like gag comedy. Much like the Daily Life Arc in KHR, it's mostly just introducing characters. At episode four, the story for the first season starts to really shape up, but episode seven is pure filler for the most part and always seems really disjointed to me. For episode eight onwards, I was hooked - so hooked I had to go read the manga for more. I will also say that it has a very unique art style and character design, with a lot of very bright colours used, so if a very soft, pretty art style is something you're after, this might not be your cuppa.
WELCOME TO DEMON SCHOOL, IRUMA-KUN! is a more recent fandom of mine but a great one. It's one where I watched the anime first and am now just reading the manga, so I'm warning that most of these opinions are based mostly on the anime, which is three seasons long, so a bit more of a commitment than some of my other fandoms. I don't know how to really explain it, but it has a really nostalgic feel to me. It takes me back to when One Piece, Naruto and Bleach were these major things in anime. I feel like Iruma really has that classic shounen feel to it in some ways. I feel like, if you like shounen overall as a genre, you're going to end up liking this show. Drawbacks: That being said, there are drawbacks. Again, it's a bigger commitment and I do feel like Iruma, the anime at least, does have some serious pacing issues at times. If you are someone sensitive to pacing in your stories and need the story to progress rapidly from one thing to the next, you might not enjoy this one so much.
SERVAMP is one that I do think any fans of KHR and BSD will like. It's got a similar art style, really cool uses of powers, interesting characters, and a solid story. Drawbacks: The anime ended while the manga continued. While the anime was a good adaption of the manga up to the point where the anime ended, it does have a different storyline near the ending, because they just didn't have more material to work with. So, while it's a short anime, easy to watch with only 12 episodes, and is a really good show on its own, I will write about characters as a manga reader, with all the new twists and turns and all the new characters introduced so you might find yourself lost on some things as a strictly only anime person, if you are one.
SAIYUKI has been such a long time fandom of mine. I read the manga, but I think the anime adaptions have mostly been fantastic, though they do censor quite a bit. The characters are insanely easy to connect with and love, the story is well thought out and paced well. You can watch the original starter anime on youtube here. Drawbacks: That being said, there are definite drawbacks. It is an older series, with the art reflecting that. And it's a huge series, with there being multiple parts to it - the original Saiyuki, Saiyuki Gaiden (exploring the character's past lives), Saiyuki Reload, Saiyuki Reload Bast, Saiyuki Ibun (a prequel that explores the story of an important side character)...and another, major drawback, is that, much like Hunter x Hunter for example, I really don't think that there's ever going to be a solid ending for this series.
MYSTIC MESSENGER has so many interesting characters, and unlike some other otome games, the story is so incredibly well-developed, thought through so well, and it really has a way of breaking your heart at moments, with some fantastic character development and story arcs. Drawbacks: It is an otome game, so you do have to like those, and I argue that it's an otome game that takes a shit-ton of commitment to play, more so than any other game I've played.
IKEMEN REVOLUTION has beautiful art, interesting characters, and some of the routes they came out with had such amazing storylines. You will definitely find a favourite character. Drawbacks: It's an otome game, so you do have to enjoy those. Some of the routes can be a little bland, and because it's not getting any new content, there's a chance the person who ends up being your favourite might not ever have a route (FUCKING GIVE ME A BLANC ROUTE!!!)
EYESHIELD 21 is, in my opinion, everything a sports series should be. There's interesting and complex characters, well developed character relationships, exciting moments, moments that break your heart, and you really, really grow connected to some of these characters so easily. It spoiled me on a lot of other sports series, honestly. Like KHR, it really undergoes a fantastic art evolution which is also really interesting to see. Drawbacks: It's a sports manga, so you have to like that sort of thing. Also, I say manga because, while it does have an anime, I do think the anime has to be one of the ugliest I've seen and they did my favourites so dirty.
THE OUTSIDERS is a novel I've loved since grade nine. I love the story, the characters and their relationships with each other, the dynamics between those who were born with privilege and those born in poverty. All around, a fantastically written book. Drawbacks: It's going to break your heart towards the end.
RONIN WARRIORS is a long, long, LONG time love of mine. It's cheesy, it's fun, it's got a good overall story and I love the characters to death. It's easy to find, with the series on YouTube here. Drawbacks: It is an old anime, with the art, voice acting, and animation style reflecting that. I also find that the anime took a bit to get going, and I honestly find myself rewatching the OVA's a lot more than the actual series. I love all three but Gaiden is my favourite, and I probably suggest trying the movie first to see if you connect with the characters, since it takes a lot less time.
KEKKAISHI info. Drawbacks: I really don't think you can get as good a story or as much of an impact without reading the manga, which does take a little bit to really get going. I do remember the first volume being really slow and a bit of a slog to get going, though it's a slog that is well worth it for the story you get in the end and the interesting, complex, realistic characters you get and the amazing powers and power systems you do find in it.
GETBACKERS is a really fun anime. It has these wonderful, fascinating characters with well-developed and interesting relationships among themselves. The story line is really solid and well-paced. The power system is really cool, and in the anime, the fanservice isn't too unbearable. Drawbacks: This is one where I honestly couldn't finish the manga because of the horrific amount of gratitutious fanservice on the part of their female characters, so I do recommend the anime, which can be found here on YouTube. I do warn that it is an older anime, and the art can lean that way at times, though I still personally enjoy it!
BLUSH BLUSH is my go-to relax and forget the world game. It is technically an otome game, though one with a lot of grinding elements and it doesn't really have too much in the way of actual character routes, having more of a general storyline and fun dialogue. Drawbacks: You really do have to enjoy those kinds of games, and some characters and things like the fully voiced DLC and the 18+ DLC that allows you to see the guys naked do cost actual money.
CLASS OF THE TITANS is a really fantastic Canadian cartoon. It's an older one, but I really don't think that impacts it negatively at all, since the art was really unique and well done, the animation still holds up, the characters themselves are wonderful. Also, for Greek mythology nerds, you'll have fun with this series! You can find the first season here! Drawbacks: Worst ending to the series and worst final arc I've ever seen, but that is just my own personal opinions and I know some people who loved it.
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN is arguably one of my favourite superhero cartoons. It was done by Disney XD, with a fun art style, good voice acting talent, and the fact that it's set in high-school is a definite difference from a lot of the typical superhero cartoons and something that really did work in its favour. It's humorous, the characters are great and they each really do get their moment in the spotlight. Drawbacks: It is a cartoon, not an anime, and that might not appeal to some people, and it might be a bit difficult to find.
There are also some fandoms I love and would honestly love to write for and add to the fandom list on here, but that I'm not sure if there'd be any interest in, so I'm just going to briefly list them here!
DOGS: BULLETS & CARNAGE - fantastic manga, though definitely goes to some dark, dark places and if you're someone who can't really stomach things that are more on the seinen side, I definitely don't recommend viewing it.
BLACK CAT - It's a pretty solid anime, but I really do feel you get a much better story and a much better look at the characters in the manga. However, just watching, it's still really good but again, as with a lot of my other fandoms, this is very much an older one, so the art style does reflect that.
HUNTER X HUNTER - Both as an anime and as a manga, it's a fantastic story, full of fascinating, complex characters and is definitely a shounen classic for a reason. However, much like Saiyuki above, I really don't think we're ever going to get a proper ending for Hunter x Hunter, just my personal opinion, and that is something that might bother some people.
KARNEVAL - It's a really pretty show and manga. The art is gorgeous, and the story is interesting, though I feel some of the characters do fall a bit flat at times.
THE ROYAL TUTOR - Fantastic show, beautiful manga. You're going to find a favourite character with no issues, because they're all unique and charming. However, it can be a little too slice of life or non-action packed for your typical shounen fan.
GANGSTA. - Fantastic show but an amazing manga. That being said, much like Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, it goes into some dark places and does have some things that might go over the line for some people.
PSYCHO-PASS - I cannot say enough good things about this and if you liked the character designs in KHR, you'll likely love these. However, again, it definitely crosses some lines that people might not be able to handle.
THE MIGHTY DUCKS - I love them, but honestly, I'll admit - it's a set of three hockey movies from the 90's, made for kids, so I doubt anyone else still remembers and loves them.
THE COVENANT - Long live the Sons of Ipswich! This is just a really fun movie, full of really pretty guys and some good action scenes, an interesting premise, and it's one of my favourites but...it's corny as hell and I admit that.
DATE WARP is a fun otome game that doesn't take a long time to play, has an interesting story line, and some really, really great characters! However, it is an otome game, so you have to enjoy those, and the art isn't as polished as it is in some other otomes.
SEDUCE ME THE OTOME is another really great otome game, with a sequel game that really, really fleshed out the storyline and characters so well. However, again, it's an otome game so you have to enjoy those and the art is very unique compared to some of the art used in other fandoms.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 9 months
Random anime/manga recommendations (good oldies!) I have for y'all just bc I love them and hope you would too! also I just want to talk about them bc I love and miss them all!!!
In the list:
Hikaru no Go
Shaman King
Yami no Matsuei
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hikaru no Go:
it's about the board game Go but I promise it's so much more heavy than that and the character interaction/development is top tierrrr. also one of the only series that made me bawl like a dumb baby. also!!! you get to watch the characters GROW UP!!! from tiny baby faces to grown teenagers!!! and the fun of it is that while you watch/read, you don't even notice it happening!!! you just look back and go holy shit they were literal BABIES!!!
85 episodes and one OVA, but the OVA only covers half of the final arc, which is manga only. very faithful to the manga otherwise though.
Shaman King:
uhhh okay hear me out you gotta like, read the manga first or watch the 2001 anime first, then do the other one. then you can read the spinoffs. then you can read the sequel if you feel like it but it's more second gen esque and has been off and on for many years, long story, and it's also cut into two different names, long story, but it's flowers and the super star.
once you've read the manga and watched the 2001 anime, the 2021 anime is the remake of the 2001 anime bc the 2001 anime was concluded bc the manga was on hiatus and had caught up to the source material, so they did an anime only ending while sprinkling in bits and pieces of canon into that. the remake was insanely rushed though and cut a lot of content (including a majority of my favorite characters' content which was already low!!!) and super cut corners so imo it's really not a replacement for the manga, hence why I suggest the manga first.
some ppl have said watching the 2001 anime after the manga kinda made the anime feel less great overall bc of the anime only direction it had to take (if it hadn't, it would've ended up like naruto with filler and if y'all were there for that ride, uhhh... never again lmao), so it may be a better experience to watch it first then read the manga.
the anime is aaaaalmost completely faithful (some changes and alterations, but mainly ones that were meant to develop the main characters more and quicker) up until around episode 25, and then it starts getting... timeline-wonky but does follow canon. it just follows the events somewhat incorrectly, put in anime only aspects and swapped things around. after that point, when the characters reach the Patch Village, it's all basically anime only from there with the very final arc sprinkling in some manga only stuff.
anime ending is pretty standard shounen unfortunately, but the manga's ending was a breath of fresh air where it actually follows its themes and story beats right to the end.
that said, the original series is completed. the sequel is... ongoing... sometimes... when it's not blocked by a wall of hiatus bc of the magazine it gets into going under like every single magazine it goes into... but if you don't care for the sequel (understandable tho since it's very different!) that's not a problem. there are tons of spinoffs/side stories though that are both completed and ongoing. there are... a... lot... so basically SK universe is like forever ongoing, but the main series is completed.
** fun fact: hikaru no go and shaman king ran together in shonen jump!
okay so I promise this one is good, but it does feature trigger topics and overall more mature topics.
general premise is hella cringe, cat ppl with cat ears and a tail until they have sex. generally a shounen-ai but there are also het and wlw relationships. older dude claims to be in love with younger dude but it's actually fake and he was just told to say that, so that part goes from cringe to like, actually having backstory.
pretty much a psychological series with side romance (bc as much as it markets itself as romance, there's no "real" romance between the two main characters and the only confirmed pairs are not them). tackles a manipulative, emotionally abusive person who is yandere toward his younger brother, hence tackling more mature and potentially triggering topics. rape is also talked about/implied, though we don't actually see it in explicit detail.
series is complex though and some enemy characters become friendly with the main characters, some just neutral, and some become very close to them. the relationships and dynamics are all amazing though and I love how the more mature topics are handled (tastefully, in other words. it doesn't make light of them and gives depth to the characters) and how the main villain is handled. some more morally gray leaning villainish without being a villain characters are there too.
unfortunate parts of this is that the anime is only like 12 or 13 episodes and was never brought back. worse part is that volume 13 started and the manga went on indefinite hiatus a very, very, very long time ago and has not been touched since and probably never will be again. still an amazing series, but pretty much in permanent limbo unless the author magically decides to take it up again.
Yami no Matsuei:
uhhh listen it's another shounen-ai BUT it's not just romance. i don't really read purely romance series and always need substance and story/plot.
uhhh listen this one's kinda difficult to explain but basically it's a group of dudes who are detective-like ppl who are all actually dead and they get partners assigned who are also dead. villain is batshit nuts.
story can be pretty heavy on the romance/one-sided romance and stuff, but that didn't deter me.
also, talking bird buddies.
as above, the unfortunate parts are one season of about 13 episodes and not picked back up, and the manga is on indefinite hiatus and probably will not continue.
Yu Yu Hakusho:
uhhh you all probably at least know the premise of this one but im gonna come out and say it!!! ...watch the jp dub. promise. i know ppl say the dub was good but. i don't. rly feel that way??? despite growing up with the dub??? and also the sub sounds better to me???
anyway watch this series (or read it!)! :D
** fun fact again!: this series also ran with hng and sk in shonen jump!
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pokeworldrevisited · 1 year
Figured I should get this off my chest.
If you don't like the fact that Ash won't be the protagonist of the Scarlet and Violet anime, that's fine.
If it might take some time to get used to the change, that's fine.
If you don't want to watch the SV anime when Ash is gone, that's also fine.
What ISN'T fine, however, is claiming that the anime is doomed for failure, that the story will be bad and the new characters will be bland just because the writers dared to retire Ash.
Yes, he was the protagonist for over 25 years. 8 regions, over a thousand episodes and a bunch of movies. For a lot of people he's what got them into Pokemon to begin with (and honestly, I was one of those people). He's the only protagonist we've ever known so naturally changing that after so long will lead to backlash.
But I also feel like this is the best choice? For Ash's case, he's the strongest trainer in the Pokemon world, there's not really many challenges that Ash can't easily face. I mean they could, but I feel like that would lead to more controversy than anything else.
And this is also the best choice for the writers. Seeing as they can work with two new protagonists with new dreams, this could potentially open up a bunch of new opportunities for stories that they couldn't really write with Ash. Wether or not they actually do this is up for debate, though.
I've seen some people, mainly on youtube comments, claim that Ash leaving will cause the anime to be like Boruto. Which I haven't watched but I heard it's pretty bad? But like, there's plenty of series that change protagonists that actually end up pretty good. And from what I could gather, the issue with Boruto was less about Naruto no longer being the protagonist, but the writing in general.
(aka, too many filler eps, fluctuating animation quality, kid characters being carbon copies of their parents among some other things. What I'm saying is that a change of protags could work as long as the writers don't botch it up)
It's fair if you're worried that'll happen, but being worried and saying that it'll happen without a shred of doubt are two completely different things.
Right now, we don't know much about the new anime. We've only had two animated trailers which only featured one of the new protags. All we know about the new protagonists is that they both have mysterious items (+ Roy's dream is to fight the Poke-Gods). We know about their travel buddy and his crew which the more I look at the more part of me worries that they might become bad guys.
The animation, if I'm being honest, looks pretty good. Like look at the fire animation on Ceruledge! How Friede flies in on the obligatory charizard! Right now the anime has no glaring issues.
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mistninja · 11 months
not really what the ask meme was about but i'll bite. what do you think about boruto (the series)? i'll say i will save sarada and chouchou from that series and move them somewhere else
the thing about boruto is that all the issues i have with it started in naruto. like by far my biggest issue is that i find the alien stuff too silly to take it seriously, and that started with kaguya, so boruto was already set up for failure in my eyes.
i have said it before but for me the ideal ending for naruto was a world without ninjas, a complete dismantling of the ninja system, so boruto not only having to follow on the stupid alien concept introduced in the war arc, but also being set on a basically unchanged world, is already not going to be a compelling story for me. my favorite part of naruto was when the characters confronted the gritty and dark and morally gray aspects of their world, but all this has been left behind in boruto. boruto is not concerned with the faults of ninja society, because we are led to believe that despite nothing fundamentally changing about the world, theres no longer any war or hatred between the ninjas, the entire conflict (from what i have gathered) is just alien bullshit. every time i look at a screenshot from boruto it looks too sanitized, too clean and soft. not to sound like an old person but. In MY chunin exams people were killing each other. to me boruto feels like the entire thing is one long naruto filler arc. and also it looks kinda ugly. the character design is shit. the manga artstyle is awful, i think its an insane downgrade from kishimotos style. boruto the character is so annoying to me. the way naruto and sasuke are written is so out of character, why is naruto such a shitty dad and why would sasuke, whose entire story is about how much he loves his family, be a dead beat dad??? And i dont even want to get into how the women were nerfed.
i DO like sarada, and chouchous design is really cool, i think having sarada as a main character might have made the story somewhat better, but the entire set up of boruto is too dumb for me
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casliveblog · 10 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 143 Rundown
Spy X Family: So despite being Bluey-level involved parents, apparently the neighbors are now suspicious of Loid because he’s out working late every night on Spy shit which it’s kinda funny because the show never shows us Loid or Yor doing their jobs all that much and somehow neither really gets in the way of their family façade but apparently Loid’s been out doing Spy shit this whole time and it’s one of those Fairly Oddparents retcons of ‘oh yeah it’s always been this way because that’s how it has to be for the plot/joke to work’. So yeah, despite being a walking zombie Loid plans an Aquarium trip for some fatherly-enforced family fun, honestly planning a trip and putting a lot of pressure on the family to ‘have fun or else’ is probably the most normal dad thing Loid’s done so far. I mean not that Loid can’t be a cheating husband with a double life AND take his family to the aquarium but people seem stupid so it’s probably fine. Loid gets another mission while at the aquarium and he has to… get info out of a penguin, that seems like the dumbest way to exchange info like can’t you just stick it in one of the statues or tanks or something holy shit why stick it inside an animal? Apparently Anya can read penguin minds too so that’s fucking dope but because they’re penguins it’s not much to read. Still Loid’s able to break in and get to the penguin she finds that looks suspicious and is it just me or does the Forger family seem kinda like Team Rocket in that they feel like they have an excellent set of skills to do several other jobs than the one they’re doing, like Loid could definitely retire and become a penguin wrangler. Anyway after some hiccups, Loid gets the penguin and Anya reverse-kidnaps herself to have Yor beat the shit out of the enemy spy so mission accomplished. There’s also a little skit of Anya giving her review of the house before being stopped before going in Loid or Yor’s rooms which is pretty cute, nice way to end off the first half of the season.
Inuyasha: With last week’s revelation that the literal last jewel shard is at Inuyasha’s dad’s grave we spend a good portion of the episode going ‘wait how did that work again?’ given it was like, episode five we’re over a hundred episodes in at this point and unlike Naruto, Inuyasha doesn’t flash back to the same few key scenes every couple episodes despite being as absurdly long and filler-ridden. Inuyasha goes to find Myoga and Totosai to get him to yank the death portal out of his eye but they’re like ‘sorry bro, one way trip, gotta take it up with the guy who made it’ and it’s really funny because they really abuse the pearl in Yashahime and kinda plaster over it by throwing New Hosenki from this episode in there to be like ‘yeah I fixed it and made it better’ despite him saying in this episode it’d take him a hundred years to do it but I also vaguely recall Riku having some shenanigans on that front. Anyway Hakudoshi’s basically stringing Inuyasha along this whole episode and making it clear he has no fucking clue how to get into the afterlife and is teasing Inuyasha so he can do it first and Hakudoshi can pull an Ocarina of Time and be like ‘well since you opened the door for me’ and it’s really silly because Hakudoshi appears to Inuyasha and ONLY Inuyasha just to ‘neener neener neener, I’ll get to the grave first’ and then like two hours later sends Kagura to deliver a message about how to actually get there so Inuyasha does all the life-risking grunt work but like BITCH YOU JUST TALKED TO HIM AN HOUR AGO AND SAID NOTHING OF VALUE, YOU COULDN’T HAVE TOLD HIM THEN!? Like they don’t even play it smart and make it look like Kagura’s rebelling again and telling them something they shouldn’t know, she straight up says Hakudoshi told her to tell them this, so Hakudoshi’s just being an extra little albino bitch but he’s like eight days old at this point so I guess I have to cut him some slack.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Well Yusuke is definitely 100% dead forever and Hiei, Kurama and Kuwabara immediately power up to follow Sensui through the tunnel. Hiei blasts a Dragon of the Darkness Flame and it really just pushes Sensui into demon world but it does fucking obliterate every minor demon that was on its way so the tunnel is clear for the moment, also Kurama is apparently able to turn into Yoko as like a Super Saiyan form while keeping his own personality now so it just goes to show those two have not been taking a single fight in this arc seriously up until now. Meanwhile we catch up with the Koenmas, our usual Koenma basically spelling out Sensui’s plan to enrage everyone to chase him into demon world and have Kuwabara slice through the mosquito net barrier stopping the eldritch demons from coming out meanwhile King Yamma is mobilizing the Law & Order Special Demons Unit to go take care of some shit but he’s vague about what he means exactly. Meanwhile in the limbo world that proves Bleach really did steal everything from YYH, Kuwabara jokes about the grid pattern basically being a video game and Hiei who was just literally in a video game where they had to murder a child to get out tells him to shut the fuck up. They get to the big barrier and Sensui’s not a demon so he can run right through but because Hiei and Kurama are now Super Saiyan demons they got blocked, now Kuwbara either has to fight Sensui alone or slice up the barrier to let them through. Now there’s a couple things I like about this exchange: 1. They absolutely don’t have to continue the fight, they can actually just fucking walk away right now and Sensui’s kinda screwed like he can’t chase them or cut the barrier on his own, but nobody’s willing to just let Sensui go after he killed Yusuke. 2. When Kuwabara does cut through the barrier, unlike usual when he does something stupid, no one tells him to stop and I like to think that Hiei and especially Kurama are smart enough to know Sensui’s playing them but they’re not willing to back down at this point, even if it means making things on Earth a whole lot worse. 3. Kuwabara does have the option of being headstrong and self-sacrificing as usual and throw himself at Sensui and die senselessly while claiming he doesn’t need anybody’s help but he admits he can’t beat Sensui on his own and needs help from his friends and does the (relatively) more level-headed thing. So yeah, Sensui gets through to Demon World and checks ‘see the world of the creatures you thoughtlessly murdered’ off his bucket list and goes into his super ultimate armor form which is basically just ‘no’ the ability, you can’t be stronger than it, can’t break through it, just no. Like Hiei swallows the dragon and does his DBZ shit, Kurama does some kinda hell plant thing, notably Sensui does still have to dodge Kuwabara’s dimension sword so if they were able to pin him down and force that to hit him that might have worked but yeah everyone’s just kinda fucked at this point.
Jujutsu Kaisen: We get brief flashbacks of the adults making vague attempts to stop Yuji from charging in and of Junpei getting his Jellyfish Shikikami powers and then the fight is on. Yuji’s double punch shit does about as much to the jellyfish as Flats punching Spongebob but he’s able to maneuver around enough to be able to hit Junpei directly and for some reason the jellyfish’s poison doesn’t seem to affect him at all. After a round of beating the shit out of each other, Yuji gets Junpei calm enough to just fucking tell him what happened with his mom and shit and how Junpei’s basically like ‘people don’t have feelings because the alternative is the people who killed my mom are sociopaths and that’s harder to reconcile’ and Yuji gets the idea to recruit Junpei to be the late stage starter pack but before we can change the opening song too much Mahito jumps in and turns Junpei into a soul gremlin like a few seconds after he has the revelation that MAYBE the dude doing soul experiments in the sewer might be a bad guy. Yuji asks Sukuna to heal Junpei and Sukuna either can’t or won’t, he plays it off as a ‘oh watching you beg is a lot more fun than helping even for power’ but it’s most likely either he can’t heal other people or making a second pact would override the one he already made with Yuji which kinda flies in the face of Mahito’s plan and the plan further falls apart when Junpei apparently dies and Yuji gets SO fucking pissed that he PUNCHES MAHITO’S SOUL like I don’t quite understand the lingo of this show yet but getting so pissed you punch out someone’s soul is badass no matter how you slice it, it has something to do with the Yami Yugi thing Yuji and Sukuna have going but apparently Yuji can punch you so hard it literally hits your very soul and that’s freaking cool as hell. They fight for a while and it’s pretty neat because Yuji’s pissed/dumb enough to just facetank all of Mahito’s chimera shit and Mahito’s basically human silly putty so any damage doesn’t last too long. He tries to turn Yuji into a soul gremlin so he’ll have to ask Sukuna to reverse it but Sukuna stops him like ‘What the fuck you think you’re doing bro, get your dirty ass hands off my soul you franekstein motherfucker before I ram your soul so far up your ass…’ and before Mahito can properly counterattack Kento shows up and realizes Yuji has soul-punching powers so they’re gonna team up to fight this guy and that’ll be fun.
Chainsaw Man: It’s the finale and this one kinda caught me by surprise, like I thought I had two episodes left but apparently I lost count and this is it. After last week and the Ghost Devil nearly killing Aki, this time it’s decided it wants to play nice and gives him the cigarette Himeno told him he could have when he grew up and because he has no fear of the ghost devil anymore it legit can’t see him (though he also walks on it and presumably it can feel him so maybe it just wanted to die instead of being controlled by snake girl idk) He beheads it and before Snake Girl can get her snake on, Kobeni pops out of nowhere using her Sloppy Blowjob Devil powers and captures her. Denji and Power come up against a room full of zombies and Power charges right in and Denji’s just like ‘nope’ and steps back into the elevator which is probably good because the next floor has Katana Man on it. Katana Fucker is still pissed about Denji killing his grandpa which is like one of the few things Denji was NOT in the wrong about like not only did he not kill him till he was already a zombie but the dude blackmailed him all his life into indentured servitude, we’ve established that Denji’s a heartless asshole and Katana Man not wanting to even kill zombies confirms that’s not part of the Devil Man process but something innate to Denji’s character, but he was well within his rights to fucking murder that guy long before he did. Anyway the two fight and do their Spider-Man 2 train sequence and it’s cool and shit but Denji gets both his arms cut off when Katana Man starts doing his anime katana move because he has the power of god and anime on his side. They do the super awesome run past each other and slash deal where Denji says he’s gonna cut him down with his head blade but since Denji’s a lying sack of shit he pulls out his secret move, LEG CHAINSAWS and completely subverts the whole clash which is fun. Katana Boi wakes up chained to the train and I’m not entirely sure why he can’t just transform again but I guess he ran out of blood like Denji does and Denji and Aki take turns kicking him in the balls for killing Himeno which is insanely satisfying like there’s this weird kind of fusion between the ‘we won’t kill you, justice will be served’ and the sure juvenile joy of the nutshots that makes it very fun like it’s not even severe enough torture to be an ethical dilemma it’s just like ‘eh, it’ll make us feel a bit better’ and it is a nice bonding moment between Aki and Denji, even almost makes me forget that Katana Dude didn’t actually kill Himeno at all and they should be mad at Snake girl since she was the one that ate the Ghost Devil and invalidated the sacrifice in the first place (also did we ever get a reason for why Katana Man wouldn’t stay dead even under Aki’s ‘definitely kill you’ sword or was that just chalked up to ‘Devil Men basically can’t die, do not pass go do not collect $200’?). But yeah, everyone’s good, Makima says that the Gun Devil jewel shards they got from the bust gave them enough to track the Gun Devil, Snake Girl dies horrifically in front of Kobeni for maximum trauma and we get a cool montage of Denji, Power and Aki just enjoying running errands to close off the season. Also Denji has the dream he had from the beginning of the season about talking to Pochita from through a doorway which I’m guessing is his Naruto/Kurama seal place and if he opens it Pochita will take back over and drive Denji out.
So yeah, that’s the end of Season 1 for Chainsaw Man and I had a lot of fun and I want more but that’s it for now, dunno if I’ll figure out a new anime to watch for next week or just cut the block a little shorter, I’ll see how I feel when it gets closer.
Ranking of Kings: So we get a new opening and this opening song is actually how I first heard of this series and it does fucking slap so that’s cool. Bojji and Kage are still on their way to the castle and apparently Despa is on his way too but is a ways behind because, and I shit you not, his horse got too fat. Meanwhile Hilling is assaulting the gate and Sword Guy has trained Kirito Guard to become Crossbow Guy and help him infiltrate the castle to destroy the gate to the Underworld. Meanwhile Miranjo’s busted the Underworld Criminals out of prison and is just like ‘yeah go nuts I don’t give a fuck’ and they just like immediately kill her puppets but luckily she has Koro-sensei’s absolute defense mode so no one can smash her mirror. The majority of the episode is getting a feel for these criminal dudes and there are some that are just generic tough guys, one that seems to be more of a schemer and one that’s a fucking Dark Souls dude who cuts into Big Strong Guy #3 Kingbo’s tendons so he can’t hold his sword or stand and just acupunctures his back a bunch and lets him bleed out. This guy is Ouken and my working theory is that he has the same kind of training Bojji does where his fighting style targets vital points for disabling rather than crushing with strength only he went the dark murdery ‘disable and let your enemies bleed out’ route on his skill tree. They just kinda yeet Kingbo out of the castle and schemer guy takes over, Snake Guy tells the snakes to bury Kingbo but turns out he’s still alive which shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone because I don’t think anyone who’s died during this series has actually stayed dead.
Vinland Saga: Askeladd runs his men fucking ragged to try and outrun Thorkell’s advancing army that outnumbers him five to one, sending for reinforcements while heading up the river with them hot on their trails. Bjorn confronts Askeladd about his uneasiness and Askeladd admits Canute’s kind of a downer considering if they win he’s supposed to be the King of England. However they’re able to get away from Thorkell using the English’s one eternal weakness: forgetting other countries exist. They escape to Wales, the red-headed stepchild of the United Kingdom where Askeladd has some contacts that are willing to escort Canute on the chance that when he becomes King of England he’ll stay the fuck out of their country. Like Canute seems like he’d keep his word but would it really be England if they minded their own business? Negotiations do not go well because Canute is, in clinical terms, a fucking pussy. Still they set off with Thorfinn acting as Canute’s personal bodyguard as they work to reunite with the rest of the army in the nearest fort. On the way Askeladd admits that despite claiming to be a great judge of character, having faith in people like Thors hasn’t really worked out for him so maybe someone he has absolutely no faith in like Canute is the change of pace the world needs. Before they can get too deep into navelgazing they’re immediately ambushed in the next town, some deity out there heard Askeladd reminiscing about Thors and fucking trapped him in the same archer high ground bullshit he used on him.
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
...Sooo...about that RWBY Volume 9 Teaser Trailer...
I will make the same comments as I did over on Twitter. From an artistic standpoint, V9 looks stunning---possibly the most visually breathtaking RWBY will ever look!
And as a budding 3D artist, I am genuinely excited for that aspect of the season alone mainly because I'm a fan of all the visual development behind RWBY and I cannot wait to see all the hard work the CRWBY put into bringing this season to life. It's all looking super great from the trailer so far.
However…from a story perspective, I don't know how I should feel about V9.
To me, it doesn't feel like an "official" season of RWBY. It feels like filler.
For those of you who used to watch animes like Bleach or Naruto like moi, RWBY V9 feels more like a filler season because despite continuing from the end of V8, it sounds more like its own self-contained storyline that is a part of the main story but is also disconnected from it at the same time? If that makes sense.
I feel like we're gonna end up with an Alice in Wonderland type deal where by the end of it, even when RWBY (and co) return to the Remnant, will they remember their time in the Ever After?
Or will it all feel like one big dream/nightmare they all shared together that greatly impacted them in some way but ultimately doesn't affect the overall story---y'know the one with Salem?
Maybe I'm putting way too much thought into this but I guess what I'm trying to say here is V9 doesn't feel like a traditional season of RWBY.
It sounds like a pit stop or minor detour and at this point in the main storyline with Salem, I don't understand why the showrunners would choose to do this now?
It doesn't even feel like we'll see get to see what happened with Oscar and the others during the aftermath of the Fall of Atlas in the deserts of Vacuo.
Dude, for all we know, V9 could end with RWBY getting zero help from their friends from the other side and just return home to Remnant (through some other out of nowhere magical means) right at the point where the others were fighting to fend the refugees from Atlas in the desert.
Like the whole adventure of V9 takes place in a short space of time between the Ever After and Remnant; y'know like how they had all the events of V8 take place in the span of 2 days in Remnant timeline.
Who's to say V9 won't be the same?
Imagine if…all of us who were hoping for a time skip get bamboozled yet again when RWBY return home from the Ever After and not even a minute of time has passed between their fall into the Ever After and them leaving Atlas for Vacuo because it's literally the same day---the exact moment they fell.
So their friends don't even have a minute to grieve their "deaths" because they came back immediately like they never even left at all.
I'm not saying this will be the case with the season. This is all just speculation from me at this point.
Regardless, I don't know how to feel about V9's "story". I mean…I am curious to see what this season will do for Ruby. She's been in need of proper development for a long, long, LONG while and V8 did not do her justice.
But outside of that, I dunno.
My overall feelings about V9 are more mixed up than a bowl of trail mix.
I guess I'll only know when 2023 arrives.
I will say this though. I do like (Stuart) Little though.
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We never got a Jack Pumpkinhead character in RWBY (which still displeases me) but (Stuart) Little will have to do, I suppose.
For what it's worth, I really, really hope that (Stuart) Little will stay with RWBY even after their adventures in the Ever After.
I would LOVE to see every one else' reactions to a talking mouse back home. That would be hilarious.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2022).
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Alrighty!  Time to get some hate!  Also, keep in mind these are my opinions.  You’re free to like, and feel however you want about whatever you want.  
Buuuut, time for some Temple Manga/Manhwa opinions.
Bleach and Naruto are both good at the start, however, they both suffer as the series goes on.  Kubo made it rather apparent that he didn’t even want to continue, this is a series that benefited from the color and action design from the anime as the manga itself is droll.  Everything is just a black ink blot, and he doesn’t do backgrounds.  Also he has the problem of same face.  It’s not good.  
Naruto I feel is better, but it’s still not a good series.  I will give Kishi that he’s a good artist though!  His backgrounds were very nice.  I was able to stomach through the end of both of these.  Alright story wise, but kind of meh feel wise.
In comparison O-parts Hunter or 666 Satan, did the Naruto thing but better.  It was done by his brother.  It didn’t feel drawn on, but the battles were fun and the story actually pretty sad.  You can most def see the inspiration from Naruto though.
Dragon Ball, oh god, the anime drags on way too much.  But the manga is a great read.  I think it’s a fun series, but it’s not great story wise.  
Hunter X Hunter is held back by the mangaka hard.  I know that he’s sickly, but there’s also the parts where he just doesn’t want to work most of the time.  Which ya know, fair.  It’s possible he doesn’t know what he wants to do with the series anymore, as it’s basically Hiatus x Hiatus.  Unfortunately, the Chimera Arc isn’t great, it takes a way a lto of the creativity that Nen had earlier and just goes into full on battle Arc.  It doesn’t help that the manga art turns into literal sketches at this point.
One Piece, I fucking LOVE One Piece, but it’s long.  And you have to be ready.  It can be a bit of a slow start up, however, Buggy had already drawn my interest from the start.  I do think people over hype how much oda has planned.  I do think he’s winging it a few times.  But it’s got a great feel to it, it’s probably one of the msot fun Manga, which I think is what it’s going for.  Battles, especially early in the time skip, are hard to read.  But what happens in them is amazing.  Also, I’d rather not talk about the anime, I’ll look up clips when I want to see things animated.  It’s just... episodes are drawn out way to damn long!  At least the filler is fun compared to Naruto’s.  Also Backgrounds 10/10 Oda.  This is on my to re=read list.
MHA, I enjoy it, but it hasn’t been enough to keep my attention.  I think it’s a good story, yet somehow, I was able to finish Bleach and Naruto, yet I don’t have the attention span for this series for whatever reason.  I’ll sometimes come back to it, so again, yeah not sure what’s the deal with that.  
Berserk is really good, I’m sad about the hiatus and what happened to Miura.  But his friend, the man who did Holy Land, I recommend Holy Land by the way, will be continuing it.  Though, their art styles are incredibly different so I imagine this is going to go vastly different.  One of the things I really enjoy, at least for what it was becoming, is something I enjoy about the more Recent god of War.  Someone who was ravaged by nothing but revenge, finally finding peace in themselves.
Komi Can’t Communicate, It’s cute as fuck.  But it peaked at the second year class.  Year 1 was super annoying, I hate Yamai.  That’s all.
Volcanic Age, this is a Murim styled martial arts Manhwa, so be warned.  It’s better than most!  Like, a lot better, the main character is reasonable, he doesn’t try to be the big bad man and tries to make everyone his enemy.  His knowledge actually feels well earned, compared to most of this type where they’re just gary stus.  Over all a good fun read.
Kingdom:  Fuuuuck, this manga is an emotional ride.  I don’t want to spoil it, but it’s historical fiction.  I enjoy this type of series, ancient warfare, as i was a huge fan of Romance of the Three Kingdoms growing up.  I still have the novels!  I suggest giving it a read, it’s really good.
Mashle, this is the over powered MC kind, but unlike One Punch Man, it doesn’t just remove the main character until plot demands it.  It’s about him, because it’s more than just a gag that became popular and now doesn’t know what to do with itself.  It give sthe main character to learn more about things, be more than just himself.  And he’s just a damned good person, if not a bit...k well weird.
Helck and Verndio, these are togther because one is a sequel to the other, and the effects of helck are slowly leaking it.  It’s pretty godlike.  Probably one of my favorites of all time.  Really wonderfully done, and it doesn’t last for very long.  Helck is a, OP main character, but it’s a riveting story!  You get to learn more about their world, and actually how terrifying it is.  In the end, being a single lone powerful figure just isn’t enough.  I really recommend these two.
Solo Leveling, it’s cool.  Like, it has that power fantasy down pat way more than The Gamer.  I’ll give it that for sure.  If you’ve read fics you’ve read The Gamer ones, the Gamer itself isn’t great... by any means.  Solo Leveling is definitely better, but at the same time it falls into the same problem of not being great story wise.  If you’re just in it for fantastic fucking art, and great fights though, this is really good.
On the note of Gamer style though.  Infinite Leveling: Murim.  Another Murim styled, but with stats and leveling for the main character.  This is done well, like fantastically well.  The leveling system is harsh he doesn’t just gain stats after stats, and they’re kept within the people of the world he’s with.  Those around him are truely superior, and the stats feel more like a natural progression of hard work he’s doing to train.  Unlike msot of the Gamer styled manga/manhwa, this one feels like he has to truly work for it, from excercising to training.
Worn and Torn Newbie, this is a game Manhwa, but the main character is fun and such a damn bastard.  You just can’t help but love him.  This series has really good art, and it’s a fun read if you want to just see how things go.  I suggest this one as well.
Return of the lEgendary Spear Knight, Another Manhwa, this is a breath of fresh air!  This one is one of those rare instances where people straight up change when they’re shown the error of their ways.  The world is shown to not be black and white, and characters who appear to be bastards can actually become better people due to the difference of environment.
The Lazy Prince Becomes a Genius.  The title is misleading, but this Manhwa is really damn good.  Probably my favorite Manhwa at the time of this post!  There are some pacing issues, but over all it’s great, and i feel like I’m losing point.
Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun, this will be the last one!  This is just a better RWBy style story.  If you like RWBY you’ll probably like this one way more.  The author fleshes out the characters at a much better pace, they’re all able to do things even if they aren’t combatants, and unlike RWBY, they feel like genuine friends who have good teamwork.  Story is pretty basic, but it’s elevated by the fun cast of characters who are all incredibly charming.  The main character is also just fun, he gets better and better as the series goes on.  The Rival character, so to speak, makes Bakugo eat dust for sure.
Feel free to tell me off if you want.  Just some thoughts i had when watching a Trash Tastes episode.
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