#if you were riding this dragon it would be stopping to graze and take naps roughly every 20 minutes
scrumpygoat · 1 year
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could not stop myself from doing the train dragon meme asdfghjkl
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wayward-hell · 7 years
Marvel, Avengers x reader fic
Idea: You never asked for this, but this is what you got. A monster
A/N: I’d suggest listening to Imagine dragons “I’ve turned into a monster” while reading this as this is what I was listening to as i wrote this. Please note that i wrote this on Tumblr and not on a Doc. ahead of time so i apologize for any errors
Warnings: Swearing? Fluff, pain, blood, and my favorite: cliffhangers.
Among being an Avenger and a trustworthy friend, you were also a healer. Ever since you could remember you’d had this ability to heal, but you kept it to yourself as there would have been many complications. You grew up thinking that if anyone figured out that you could heal anything, absolutely anything, there would’ve been thousands of people demanding you to help their loved ones.
Thankfully when every last family member you had was now gone and you had no one to turn to, you got smart and turned to the Avengers. 
Right away you told them. They could clearly see you were scared, having been told your whole life - like a Disney princess - to “hide your powers” they accepted you and helped you train with your fists, feet, legs, and anything else you were willing to fight with. 
They never asked you to help them, but occasionally they didn’t need to ask. Every mission you’d be scared for everyone of them, as none of them could snap their fingers and be completely healed. If anyone got injured bad enough that it might have been life threatening you’d step in.
It had been two months already, two months you’d spent with these people. Various different missions, or training exercises, hell even walking up the damn stairs sometimes left all of you battered and bruised from the most complex of things to the simplest - like walking up stairs.
As the days past, injuries came and went, you helped using your ability where you felt you’d needed to. For once you felt useful and trusted.
“Dibs on flying.” You spoke as you sauntered past Steve, Sam, and Bucky making your way onto the jet already in your suit and loaded with weapons. Bucky and Sam smiled to themselves knowing Steve would want to fly.
There was a small yet hilarious spat between the two of you until you decided to give up the jet to Steve seeing as you wouldn’t be leaving if the argument continued. 
It was a fairly long ride and while the boys stayed awake you curled up and napped. As you were seated between Sam and Bucky you casually spread out over them. They were cleaning and stripping their weapons, and didn’t mind you stretching out over them. 
Just before the jet landed you woke up an uneasy feeling taking over your stomach. It wasn’t about the mission, no it was something to do with your healing. 
You shrugged the feeling off as Steve came to stand in front of you and take your shoulder. 
“You good?” You nodded and shook yourself awake and went on the mission. Moving out, the jet’s bay doors opening and the four of you moving in sync.
Hours later
Steve and Bucky came running back into the jet as the doors opened, you stayed back firing everything you had at the remaining men who’d followed your group back to the jet. 
You bit back the pain as bullets grazed you. Once the rest were dead you could hear the screaming coming from inside the jet. 
You quickly shut the doors to the jet as more enemies crested the hill. Dropping your weapons you moved to the front shouting as you passed the three soldiers.
“Keep him stable until we’re safe! Rogers get the IV, left wing second shelf fourth container! Barnes get some rags and put pressure on the wound!” Once you got to the front you sat down and started up the jet.
“Which wound!?” Bucky shouted over Sam’s screaming. “The one bleeding the most! For the love of the Gods Rogers give him some painkillers in that IV something strong!” You leaned back against the chair a bit to help your voice carry.
Sam continued to scream as Bucky and Steve worked. You could hear pounding on the jets door just before you got the jet off the ground. You gripped the steering tight and maneuvered through the thick trees, and out of the way of missiles, trying to keep the jet level for the soldiers.
As you rose up the screaming subsided some telling you that Rogers had gotten Sam some damn painkillers. The clouds were airy and light as you punched in the auto pilots coordinates taking you back to the compound. 
Rushing to the back you looked over Sam, Steve and Bucky. Steve sat down getting out of your way and sighed looking down at Sam’s wing suit. 
Bucky held the rags on Sam’s wounds and with out a word you motioned for him to lift them. He did and you let out a sigh of relief.
“The bleeding has slowed, not stopped, but slowed enough that it should be safe for me to heal him now.” Pressing two fingers to Sam’s forehead and focusing, both Steve and Bucky watched as a faint golden glow drifted over Sam. The glow seeming to simply sew up his injures.
Putting the rags into a bin Bucky cleaned off his hands before coming back to see you finish healing Sam. Looking down at him you grabbed a cloth and cleaned off the dried blood and sweat.
Once you were finished and you sat down next to Bucky and sighed. Steve got up and went to the front to watch the controls. 
Without even looking at Bucky you rubbed your hands together trying to calm down. “Do you know how it happened? I didn’t even see what hit’em.” He ran a hand through his hair before answering.
“Missile was shot at him, and he didn’t get out of there fast enough before it blew.” He glanced at you and saw your face drop at the thought of one of those bastards shooting a missile at Sam. 
“Hey, if it weren’t for you I doubt he would have made it. You saved him Y/N. You did good doll.” He slung his right arm over your shoulders and gave you a side hug trying to reassure you. You took the hug and just sighed into him as the jet made it’s way back home. 
You separated and gave him a sober look as you stood up to tidy up the jet a bit. In your rush you’d dropped your weapons and scattered them around the floor. 
“Thanks Bucky. Thanks Steve.” Were your last words before the flight home became competently silent.
Sam had woken up sometime later in the compound, fully healed yet he was still placed into the medical bay to monitor his situation. When one of the Doctors led him out in a t-shirt and sweats into the common room where you and the rest of the Avengers sat Steve and Bucky were the first to get up and practically scold him for standing up.
“Geez calm down, i’ll sit, i’ll sit.” He tried waving away the two as they kept bugging him - more Steve than Bucky. You just smiled and laughed as the rest of the Avengers interrogated him on what happened even though they’ed already heard it from Steve, Bucky and yourself. 
You kept watching the group just laugh and talk together like one huge family, but something still didn’t feel right about you powers. You hadn’t noticed the Doctor come up to you until he placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Oh, uh... yeah Doc? What can I do for you?” You questioned taken aback by the weird feeling you were having. 
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you, but are you alright? You have blood stains on your clothes.” Of course as soon as he mentioned the idea of you not being alright the whole group turned on you. 
Ignoring them you found the various blood stains leaking through your casual clothing. 
“Oh shit, didn’t even see that, thanks i’ll go wash up and take care of these I totally forgot.” You smiled up at him as you stood and moved to leave. 
The Doctor had managed to scurry out before you and you now had the whole group staring at you in question and concern while Steve and Bucky blocked your exit.
“What did you forget about doll? What are those blood stains?” Bucky asked firmly, arms crossed over his chest and metal plates shifting beneath his long sleeve shirt.
Since he found out that you were to be a new Avenger and that you and Steve got a long quite well he’d made it his personal job to make sure you were safe and sound. 
You sighed running your hand through your hair nervously. “It’s nothing really just a few grazes, id forgotten about them awhile ago.” Not fully satisfied with your answer, but having gotten a nod from Natasha they let you pass. 
Upon entering the bathroom attached to your room you closed the door locking it and stripped your shirt off. Multiple grazes were visible and were still leaking blood. You snapped your fingers to heal yourself, but nothing happened.
This had happened before where it’d taken a moment or two for the golden glow to flow over your wounds. It was always easier to heal others rather than yourself. You tried something different, using the mirror you stared at one of the grazes on your arm then snapped summoning up the flow of energy. 
It took a couple of seconds, but it did come the magic like energy flowing over your wound. Something was off though that same damn feeling kept coming back, now it felt stronger though and you realized it might not have been “butterflies” in your stomach, but rather the magic itself warning you.
Thinking nothing of it you continued to the next one, again the golden light came over the wound, but it was harder to guide, it didn’t flow directly to the wound instead it practically raced across your skin like a car losing control.
When it did finally get to the wound you found yourself breathing heavily. It had never taken so much work to guide it before. Looking in the mirror you saw your eyes had done the typical thing where they changed to the same golden light, glowing brighter, but like that of the magic it was faint. Not as bright anymore, but there was something else.
Something else was pulling at you to use it. It felt stronger, but harsher, angry almost. So instead of going down that road you simply bandaged the last few grazes and left the bathroom changing into a different shirt and an over sized hoodie. 
You made your way back down the halls to the common room just to find two new people standing outside and a ways away from the group of Avengers inside the now closed common room. Frowning at the bickering group inside the glass room you moved to the two new people.
Both tall, both handsome, but many differences. One wore reds and silvers a hammer on the table next to him, while the other wore deep greens, gold, and blacks, but this one was chained. A set of handcuffs by the likes that you’d never seen before and a matching set of metal covering his mouth.
The one in red was a blonde with blue eyes focused on the Avengers his arms crossed as he watched, a frown forming on his face. The other had ebony black hair and piercing green blue eyes that weren't staring at the Avengers, but rather at you. This time you knew it was a gut instinct yelling at you, this time you listened. Coming short and stopping you stared at him.
This had trouble written all over it.
A/N: HEY! You made it to the end, okay first off yes I do plan on making a next part, but I currently only have one person to tag in this! So if you want to be tagged let me know. Have suggestions? TELL ME I like to hear from you, i know I’m not all that active, but i like to hear from you. Another thing, comments are great, but i don’t seem to get any notification about them so if you really want to make sure i get the message either send me a private message or an ask. Again sorry if there are any mistakes in it btw. <3
Thanks for reading! 
The only person tagged: @shyperson16 
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