#ikevamp mozart hcs
natimiles · 4 months
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♪ He would go insane if he saw this chocolate cello (or anything this guy does, honestly).
♪ He is possessive and overprotective with his friends too. He will clean your hands if Arthur someone touches you and he will glare at random people who look at you. He does the same things with Jean.
♪ He likes meaty dishes, so I love the idea of him not liking vegetables. “What’s that green thing doing on my plate?” He then puts it in the corner of his plate while grimacing.
♪ If you miss listening to any modern music, he’ll try to learn it to play for you. You hum the melody and the lyrics, and he arranges a version. It's not 100% accurate, but it makes you happy — and makes him happy as a consequence.
♪ He will give you tickets to all the concerts he performs. If you don’t go for whatever reason, he will give you the cold shoulder for at least one week.
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♪ He’d go to the future with you in a heartbeat; he just needs you and a piano to be happy. He has been in the mansion for only one year when he met you, and his only friend is Jean.
♪ He’d be wary of cars, but would end up liking that they don’t shake as much as carriages. You can’t make him board an airplane unless he’s doped up with sleeping pills though.
♪ It would be hard for him to use his full real name, but he doesn’t care (as a fact, real Mozart changed his name a lot). He could probably use Wolfgang without any problems.
♪ For his love language, I’d put words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time in a jar and shake it real good. He likes to give and receive them all, honestly. However, words of affirmation are probably the strongest. Once he starts saying how much he loves you, he won’t stop — and he makes sure you know he likes to hear it too.
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Countdown to Wolf’s Birthday: random hcs | 1 day! IT’S TOMORROW!
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klutzyroses · 21 days
Hello I just wanted to ask if I could request a fanfic of mc having a boy friend and the suitors are jealous. is it okay if it is in the suitors Pov. can you do Mozart comet Arthur and Leonardo. thank you ☺️
IkeVamp HCs: Jealous Suitors
How do they react to reader having a boyfriend?
Suitors: Leonardo, Mozart, Arthur, Comte
Warnings: Slight angst
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Frankly? Nobody would even notice, because it wouldn't change anything.
In his mind, he wasn't good for Y/N anyway. So its just as well.
Doesn't really give away any signs of acting different. By all accounts, he is either supportive or indifferent to her relationship.
He will even advise her on it if things get rocky. Yes, he will give her actually helpful advice.
No, he will not sabotage the relationship. Come on, Cara mia.
He loves her. He won't deny it to himself, he thinks with a slightly bitter laugh.
But that's exactly why he is letting her go. Her happiness comes first and she has no future with him.
Its for the best.
Likely, Y/N and her boyfriend won't see much of Mozart to begin with...
He wouldn't be malicious, but he wouldn't put in the work to be friends with this fellow.
He would also hold Y/N at arm's length. Not avoidant necessarily, but just...distant.
He is a jealous man and he worries that eventually, he will do something that he'll do something he'll regret.
Despite how he feels he doesn't want to behave in anyway that might jeopardize her relationship with her beloved.
And as much as he resents the relationship...he cares about her more. And if she is happy with this other man, so be it.
He won't get in the way. Even if it hurts. If the relationship were to come to an end, he still wouldn't act on anything for a long time.
Arthur is many things, a flirt, a playboy, a tease, among other things.
A homewrecker is not one of those, despite what others might think.
Once Y/N is off the table, he would stop seriously pursuing her, though still remaining very much flirtatious, in a joking manner.
Except he isn't really joking.
The man is a bit...salty, to be honest. Not to her though, to the other man.
He would treat him a similar way he treats Dazai. Not trying very hard to hide his disdain for him and is a bit...short with him.
He is probably one of the most obvious in his jealousy, it bleeds into his behaviour quite clearly, according to Theo.
That said, he finds that sometimes he secretly hopes for the man to mess up in some way...and he is rather disgusted with himself for even wishing for that.
But those are just the woes of unrequited love.
This gentleman will take it in stride, much as it might sting.
He, as a pureblood, knows there are far too many barriers between him and Y/N for a relationship to work, so this was probably for the best.
But even without those barriers, he still would never potentially jeopardize her happiness for his own selfish desires.
He would be extremely supportive of the relationship, though perhaps just a tad...tense whenever it comes up. But he would never be hostile or unkind to Y/N's lover. He's better than that.
He may or may not hint at his feelings in subtle ways, maybe casually stating that he envied the other man, but nothing too...concrete.
Really, if Y/N is happy, he would never get in the way of that.
Even if it means she won't ever be with him.
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yanderepuck · 6 months
How long do you think it would realistically take for all of the guys to fall in love and want a relationship? Vincent is the only one I can see falling quickly.
This is more or less my version of the guys rather than in canon so remember that
Napoleon I feel like would want a relationship...but not the commitment of a relationship. He wants everything about it but he's not making any promises
Mozart doesn't want a relationship but damn he probably falls head over heels for someone and gets into a relationship bc of it
Leonardo??? He definitely falls in love easily but tries to keep his distance because he knows he's going to end up hurting you in the end
Theo needs to catch some kind of feelings before considering a relationship. But it's also not easy for him to catch feelings. But when he does they are STRONG
Arthur? Well same with Napoleon. He's got the commitment issues. He wants a relationship and everything that comes with it but it's not going to be a long term relationship.
Isaac has no thoughts on a relationship, or even gaining feelings. Actually. He's going out of his way to not gain feelings. He doesn't want that. He wants to focus on his research and that's it. But he's going to fall in love slowly if you do things for him
Jean is so hard to say. He's so numb imo. I feel like he would start feeling love but not realize what he's feeling. He's never really thought about a relationship, so it's going to take some time and a lot of trust
Dazai is running away from all emotions if you didn't guess already. He's a little scared to love imo?? He believes he doesn't deserve it and honestly would probably rather hurt your feelings in the beginning than get into a relationship because he knows it will end badly
Shakespeare probably also has some commitment issues. He's a huge flirt but in a way that he doesn't mean it. He says such sweet things bc that's how he talks. But he would probably try a relationship before cat hing feelings to see how it goes.
Comte????? Too many issues. He doesn't want to admit he's in love let alone think about a relationship. It's going to take a few heart to heart conversations to get him to open up about how he feels
Sebastian is going to try to avoid a relationship bc of his illness. He wouldn't be one to hide his feelings. I wouldn't say it's a commitment issue, more so as it is him being realistic.
Faust is like Isaac in wanting neither, but he's also not actively avoiding it. He gives the vibe that he doesn't realize that he can feel love, so when he starts catching feelings even he is surprised
Charles doesn't have commitment issues persay, but he's not quite sure what to do with everything he is feeling. (I feel like his route actually covers this exact question)
Drake is avoiding a relationship at all costs but is letting his feelings go wild and letting himself fall in love with anyone. Gives me flirty/hook up vibes like Arthur tbh
Galileo is similar to Isaac and Faust (science boys). But he is avoiding feelings and relationships. He doesn't want to feel either. Give him some drinks and I'm sure he'll open right up though
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niintendoqs · 1 month
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Ikemen Vampire sexuality and gender HCs 🫶 Waow I love LGBT+ HCs of the boys so much…
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
What I think the Ikevamp mansion boys would do for MC’s birthday:
Comte would take MC out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—only the best restaurants and cafes in Paris—sprinkled between shopping for clothes, furniture, and trinkets for MC’s room. Really any excuse to spend the wealth he’s accumulated over the many many centuries for one of his top three favorite residents.
Leonardo would sketch MC with all the other residents gathered in the dining room, having a wonderful time at her celebratory dinner—eating, drinking, laughing—causing Theo to go off on one of his begging sprees for Leo to get back into painting.
Theo would purchase a painting that reminds him of MC. He would also consider buying a very large painting of a dog and leaving it in front of her room just for the joke.
Vincent, catching MC taking a nap in the garden, would paint an ethereal portrait of her laying among the flowers.
Arthur would a write a collection of short stories featuring a smart heroine, remarkably familiar to the mansion’s own favorite caretaker, who outwits Holmes on every case. He’d also slip in a coupon he made on a scrap of paper that’d say: “One free night with a sexy mystery writer.”
Dazai would write poetry and recite it to MC while on an outing to their favorite spot—the collection of hydrangeas—and some home-cooked Japanese food made by Sebastian. He’d even narrate some folktales as if she was one of the children in the park.
Mozart would compose a piece and then transcribe a whole other copy of sheet music for MC when she inevitably asks for it as a prized possession from a very special occasion.
After a late-night conversation one time about traditional Japanese attire, Jean would think to craft some type of kanzashi to the best of his limited knowledge while at work in town.
Isaac would design a watch for MC so she’ll have one token from both the past and the future; it’s adorned with mini constellation patterns they talked about that very first time they stargazed together.
With perhaps the most knowledge of cooking out of all the vampires in the mansion, Napoleon would bake macarons at Jean’s suggestion.
Sebastian would force MC to take the week leading up to her birthday off so that he can get ready to plan and prepare her birthday dinner while the other residents can present their gifts. He’d make sure to cook all of her favorite meals that entire week.
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solomons-poison · 10 months
the request was for Mozart! Dancing with Mozart just sounds so dreamy :’) 🖤 and of course stargazing with Isaac ✨~
Aww I love both of these!! You got it~
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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↠ dancing
100%, dancing with Mozart is very dreamy. Although he doesn't enjoy social functions that much, he's willing to ignore the annoying aristocrats that come attached to them in order to enjoy a glamorous evening with you in his arms. You might have to help loosen him up first, may require a drink or a food he likes, but once that's done, it'll be much easier for things to progress.
At first, the smile on his face seems like the same one he gives the aristocrats, which is fake and cold. But you can see it in his eyes as he dances with you, that that is far from the truth. Something in him lights up when you're spinning across the ballroom, when he's holding you in his arms and stepping to the rhythm of the music. You're like a star to him, shining bright, and you make it the most fun he's had in years.
Anytime you and music are involved, he finds himself having fun. So you also don't have to be in the ballroom to dance with him. Take him to a festival and dance the night away with the town peoples' music and he'll be delighted. It also gives him a chance to relax from his rigid persona, so the more impromptu dance opportunities there are, the better. Wherever he is, no matter what music is playing, he loves to dance so long as it's with you.
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Isaac Newton
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↠ stargazing
Stargazing with Isaac is a must. He both has the equipment to look at them in detail, and you won't find yourself in a luckier position than having this talented astronomer to guide you to the stars. Honestly, he's itching to have someone by his side as he studies the stars he can see from the mansion, so if you bring up that you're interested, he'll be very very happy (in his own contrarian way~).
If you let him, he will go off on a whole lecture about the stars. He's just so excited to discuss his discoveries, his favorite constellations, star patterns, everything. Once he realizes he's been rambling, he will likely get embarrassed, of course. But if you assure him that you enjoy the information, that will ease his anxiety a little.
And although a lot of his stargazing work is scientific, he is also a romantic, and this is the best time to see it. Even more than telling you about the stars and his scientific research, he loves just watching them with you. Lay out a blanket on the grass and just cuddle up side by side, his heart is so full just being with you and enjoying the stars together. It's a peaceful moment and makes you two feel like the only ones in the world, like time has stood still. Nothing makes Isaac happier than holding your hand and cuddling as you watch the stars above.
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Fluffy headcanons prompt list here!
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pieground · 1 year
"There's A Bug!"
In which you asked the residents to get rid of a bug/insect in your/a room.
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➛ "F*CK U."
➛ Obviously, you chose the wrong guy.
➛ Would dead-stare you in the eye, hand you a broom, and leave without saying anything.
➛ What do you expect from him? Surely you can take care of a bug by yourself...RIGHT? RIGHT? SAY YOU DO OR HE'LL BE SCREAMING IN THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS FOR HELP. (It's a cannon that dis dude can scream loud enough to wake the mansion lmao)
➛ He will be anywhere but near you until that bug has perished. You will literally see him hanging sheets in the garden, eyeing you while you're in the hallway of the second floor—most likely trying to figure out if you have killed the bug or not.
➛ "A bug? Where?"
➛ Why did you ask him? Now he's obligated to chase you around with the bug squished in between his fingers.
➛ He roamed lands when he was an emperor and he came across so many insects in his life. He likes how unique different types of bugs look.
➛ He'll stop teasing you tho... when you're ready to pass out.
➛ He will toss the insect out and would laugh at your state. Of course, he will say sorry but doesn't really feel guilty about it.
➛ "Oh? Wait, give me a second."
➛ The most chill about it. Grabs a napkin and takes the bug. He'll give it a short inspection.
➛ "This is a rhinoceros beetle, it's harmless."
"Not to my mental health."
To get a mutual understanding of this, you need to compare Arthur and Dazai to a bug and why you avoid them.
➛ Will take it outside and set it free~ go birdy, fly~
➛ Make sure to thank him, he'd be extremely red in the face but it'll make him feel really good!
➛ "Deal with it on your own, I ain't got time for some goddamn insect."
➛ Two minutes later, he's in your room with a broom in his hand. Reasoning: this bug may interrupt Broer while he paints. (Not that Vincent would mind. The dude literally has a painting with a grasshopper stuck on it.)
➛ He'll do this in the Dutch way~, which is just the same way as everybody gets rid of bugs. And yes, he intends to perish it. It's Broer or the bug. His choice is obvious.
➛ He's giving Sailor Moon, but there is no moon. He'd be cussing every time he whacks the insect. Your room is now a battlefield. You might as well invite Napoleon and Jean over, maybe Arthur too, but you doubt he'd do anything at all.
➛ Would miss multiple times but mind you, he'd be hitting that thing until it's powdered, gone, perished, unexisted, unbirthed while saying things along with the thought of "regretting that it ever existed."
➛ "Bug?"
➛ Most likely that he was writing when you ask for his help. Will agree instantly, he could use some break right now.
➛ His weapon is a colander. The intent is to capture.
➛ Now, don't scream while he catches it okay? He'll scream too.
➛ That guy who goes "whoa, whoa..."
➛ When he realizes the need, he devises a plan. "Now, luv, if only you would..." and of course, his plan works. The insect is now in a makeshift cage made of a colander Sebastian now is looking for in the kitchen and a sheet of paper.
➛ Your role is to pick it up and throw it outside the window.
➛ Now there is three probabilities. 1. You can do it. 2. You can do it but you throw it along the colander. 3. You can't. Arthur's deduction says it's gonna be the 4th probability, you can't and you will throw the colander outside, leaving the insect inside your room.
➛ He was right.
➛ "WHERE?!"
➛ Will evacuate instantaneously. "What if I'm allergic to it?!" After all, bro's immune system needs immunity too.
➛ Running for the hills~
➛ If it's in your room, well good luck! He couldn't care less. If it's in the music room, that's a different story.
➛ Help Line: Leonardo or Jean. Not Sebas since they have a silent agreement about this stuff.
➛ No help available at the moment? Swat that thing with a broom— oh, it flies.
➛ Would need to get out of the room to gather courage, re-enter.
➛ but ya know, Ia also see him calmly removing the bug. Picking it up with a broom and a dustpan then tossing it outside the window before he let out a big breath. And then he will proceed to scrub every surface.
➛ introduce him to rubbing alcohol, I'm telling you, he ain't going anywhere without it.
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cow-goes-moozart · 1 year
Ikevamp bois music tastes
Napoleon - disney soundtracks (Mulan and Lion King are his faves), anything rly
Comte - jazz & classical (also listened to classic rock with Leonardo)
Mozart - classical, opera
Vincent - pop, folk, acoustic, lo-fi, some k-pop (mainly bts), maybe ska
Isaac - lo-fi, acoustic, soft rock (basically anything that doesn't give him anxiety)
Jean - gospel, blues (later gets sucked into the emo phase)
Dazai - k-pop & j-pop
Faust - hard rock, some electronic, metal
Leonardo - alternative, classic rock, some rap
Charles - pop punk, rap
Shakes - musicals & classical only, everything else is trash
Theo - anything but pop, edm, country, mumble rap
Arthur - folk, gets into pop & rap at some point
Vlad - soft rock at first, gets into heavier stuff later
Sebastian - meme music, soundtracks
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ceruleanwhore · 6 months
I just had the best start to my morning. A while ago, @xxsycamore wrote some catboy!Napoleon headcanons and posted them on ao3. I commented saying how much I loved it and asked if there was any way I could convince them to do a set of catboy hc’s for Mozart, since he was a real life catboy, to which they said that yes, they were planning on doing that at some point. This morning, I woke up to an email from ao3 telling me that this beautiful soul wrote the thing and gifted it to me and I swear it’s one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever gotten. So yeah, y’all should head on over and read both of those:
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nuttytani · 2 years
Free games that the ikevamp characters would play on their phone in the 21st century
a/n- no I am not reliving my childhood games through them nor am I being biased to certain characters laughs nervously
Theo secretly loves playing pancake tower on his phone. The excitement that he feels when he is able to break his highest current record is something else.
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Jean enjoys playing once upon a tower. All you need to do is hit some goblins and stay away from a dragon, stress free game, wouldn't you agree?
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Of course, Piano Tiles is most loved by our dear Mozart. Yes, he started playing it just to make fun of it but is now ironically... playing it like his music career depends on it. Later on he discovered project sekai, which he has to say, is close to becoming his most favourite game overall.
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Do you remember Fruit Ninja? Yeah that game, guess who loves playing it? Our poster boy, Napoleon. Slicing these bad ass fruits with swords that have different effects is just chef kiss for him
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Arthur LOVES LOVES LOVES playing dangerous fellows. No I am not taking any criticism on this, he just loves it, okay? Oh his close second is Mystic Messenger. The weird chat timing doesn't bother him because he barely sleeps on time, and it's always a nice break in the middle of 3 am.
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Candy crush is Comte's favourite. No one knows why. He just enjoys it.
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Vincent doesn't like playing much, but when he's in the mood, he adores my little terrarium, it's super relaxing for him.
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Dots and Co., is Leonardo's jam. He installed the app on a whim but ended up getting addicted to it. Plays it whenever he's not sleeping or is free.
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Dazai is also not really a fan of playing games, but tap tap fish is close to his heart. No stress, just cute little aquatic animals.
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Does anyone remember unholyc? It was quite the hype like some time ago, Shakespeare got curious and installed it to see what it was about. He doesn't regret getting it
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Sometimes, the mansion residents and shakespeare have game nights. They all play among us while voice chatting through discord.
(hit the image limit, so....no line break RIP)
taglist: @spoopy-fish-writes @ahanenohi @cheese-ception @tsubaki3192 join my taglist if you wish to be notified of my posts! (also pinned on blog)
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klutzyroses · 8 months
IkeVamp HCs: Feminine Energy Reader
How do they react to a feminine reader who is classy, mysterious, magnetic and also plays hard to get?
Suitors: Mozart, Arthur, Theo, Galileo
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Upon first meeting her, he was his typical icy self, but even so, he could still tell there was something...oddly beguiling about her.
Granted, his initial coldness is met with elegance as she gracefully turns on her heel and leaves the exchange confidently.
An example of this is when he tells her on her first day that he despises her and the commotion she has made with her arrival to the mansion, she merely blinks very slowly, her long lashes brushing her cheeks before those lovely lips parted to coolly respond with;
"Blaming me for not being unable to focus on your work seems to be your own issue of lacking the resolve. You might want to do something about that."
Before turning around without giving him a chance to respond and walking out, her head held high as he stares after her.
He finds it...appealing how she conducts herself with so much poise, yet with full confidence within her femininity.
It actually makes him feel a little...guilty for treating her the way he has. Especially since now, the beautiful woman is acting almost as frosty as himself, yet different. Less outwardly rude and more...classy, so to speak. It gives the impression that he offended a princess or something of that nature.
Her detached politeness is slowly chipped away when he clears the air himself and she very slowly begins to trust him.
Learning different aspects of her personality becomes surprisingly stimulating to the musician as she lets him discover her little by little. The fact that she doesn't offer too much of herself at once made her something of a mystery.
He in turn, opens up a little to her in reciprocation, silently curious to uncover more of her and learn her like a song he has yet to decipher and play. He figures it wouldn't be so bad if he could decode her just a little more...
Arthur is intrigued right away. Her gorgeous looks brings the initial attraction, but its her demeanor that hooks him.
Her feminine allure, her delicate body language and soft spoken manner is something he finds quite fetching.
He learns firsthand what a challenge she would be when he first started flirting with her. She had gazed upon him somewhat impassively before her fingers gracefully move the hair framing her sweet face and responding with his flirtation with a prim;
"No thank you, Sir Arthur, I'm sure you can ask one of your admirers. Good day."
Straight shut down. Calm and classy, without being overly cruel or rude, before walking around him to be on her way.
Surprised as he was, that little exchange cemented his interest in her.
After all, being surrounded by women who threw themselves at him was the norm for the mystery author but her? No.
She was far more...composed, enigmatic and effortlessly exuded feminine class.
She never falls all over herself to get his attention, she never has to. She naturally inspires curiosity with her gentle, mysterious charisma. She, without words, lets him know that she is not one to offer her heart at the first sign of interest.
He finds himself enjoying the chase. Pursuing her begins to be quite the fun challenge, especially because Y/N herself tends to tease him by making him work for her trust and rewarding his efforts with little glimpses of her innermost heart.
He finds pleasure in how she allows him to pursue her and her subtle expression of her interest in him by figuratively "dropping the handkerchief" was both encouraging and enticing to Arthur.
She is like a beautifully intricate puzzle box and the author is definitely up to the challenge of unlocking her heart.
So...he definitely got off on the wrong foot with the mysterious beauty.
Theo being Theo, wasn't quite expecting her to be like this when he first spoke to her. He very quickly learns that, despite her pretty face, Y/N is not to be spoken to like any average woman.
The way she carries herself, dainty and girly, elegant and confident gives him pause. Makes his insults and barbs rest in his head for a little longer than any other woman would.
He feels a little more respect for her, even if he will never say it, but soon, he has little choice in the matter when he first started addressing her as "hondje". When the Y/N caught wind of what that meant, she was quick to issue him an ultimatum.
She turns those soft eyes toward him, without breaking eye contact, in response to whatever rude thing has come out of his mouth and she speaks in a short tone of finality, hinting at her offended disposition.
"Mr Van Gogh, if you have a problem speaking to me with respect or even remembering my name, I suggest you don't speak to me at all."
She turns her lovely self around, smacking him in the face with her hair, though unintentionally, as she walked away, her hips swaying slightly after putting him in his place, without ever raising her voice.
Since then, Theo learns that if he wants the girl to even give him the time of day, he's going to have to pull some verbal punches....alot of punches.
He won't say it, but he respects and admires her for her quiet dignity, her charming confidence and self worth. She isn't arrogant or self important, but she clearly has self respect, he will give her that.
To be so overtly and unapologetically feminine in a mansion full of men is respectable in itself.
Even as they get closer, he is not quite sure what is going on in her beautiful mind, what she is thinking behind that enigmatic smile of hers.
He would like nothing more than the scrub away the paint to uncover just what she is hiding.
The man is an art dealer, so obviously, his philolocalist mind is set on opening her up to him.
Being as standoffish as he is, he will admit that the woman is a beauty, more as a fact than something that actually moves him. Even then, it wasn't something he would state aloud.
When he first met her, his first reaction was to tell her to leave, that she was in his way. The woman did not get upset or flustered over his harsh wording or delivery. She doesn't snap at him or pout or fall into an apologetic frenzy.
Instead she leveled him with a strangely inscrutable look in her eyes, quiet for but a moment before those delicate, manicured hands push the girl upright as she stands and speaks evenly.
"I apologize for intruding. Pardon me, Monsieur."
Her soft, calming voice is the only sound in the classroom before she walks away, brushing past him slightly by mistake as she leaves, her intoxicating presence unfortunately left behind as the silent Galileo watches her leave.
He is no fool, he knows full well, despite how composed she was, that the woman was offended by him. Had he been anyone else, he probably wouldn't have realized that because of the respectful and almost regal behaviour she possessed.
Clearly not a woman that wears her heart on her sleeve. He finds himself mildly wondering what she had been thinking when she hadn't responded to him right away. In that moment, she was a mystery to him, a sweet riddle with a lovely face.
He may find himself thinking every now and again of that lovely face with the strange... soft femininity that he found a little difficult to forget.
The world is full of many mysteries, but that woman is just one more to add to the complexities he thought about.
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spoopy-fish-writes · 1 year
Okay, so I’m originally a Fate/GO fan but recently I’ve gotten into Ikevamp and there are a few overlapping characters(cause both are based on historical people). So, my request is some headcanons on basically Ikevamp guys meeting their Fate counterparts. Specifically: Leonardo, Jean/Jeanne, Napoleon, Mozart, Shakespeare, Vlad, and Charles.(I think Vincent is in Fate too but I can’t remember) Also… Holmes is in fate, and I really wanna see Arthur meeting him.
Mainly curious cause they are so different in Fate. Like, for example, Mozart in Fate is sociable and a pervert. If it’s too many characters I guess just whichever you choose, I am mainly morbidly curious about Arthur meeting Holmes and Charles and Mozart meeting their heroic spirit selves.
Thank you for indulging me, I hope you have a nice day! ☺️
| | Mozart, Charles and Arthur reacting to their Fate G/O counterparts | |
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Suitor(s): Mozart, Charles and Arthur
TW: Disgust, a tad bit of self depreciation and angst
Notes: I hope you have a nice day too 😌😌 || Fate Charles and ikevamp Charles are kinda similar actually did not expect that 🤔 It's just that ikevamp Charles stopped acting how fate Charles acts when he became a vampire (mostly kind of) || Doing all of those characters wasn’t working out for me so I ended up just choosing three
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Disgusted, appalled, horrified, don't even say that they share the same name, who is that man?!
If he isn't at least initially horrified at his clothing and hair (which he very much is), then he's glaring right at him the moment that he opens his mouth, he doesn’t even have so much self restraint as to force himself to even try and be polite in this situation
He's not this sociable! This man absolutely isn't him, why would anyone say that?!
About to verbally shred him to pieces the second that he hears a dirty joke come out of his mouth, he's supposed to be a composer! Composers are supposed to be the epitome of social standards to be able to gain people's favour, he can't just be this casual with everyone!
He doesn't even try to sugar coat it when he flat out refuses his offer to shake his hand, he detestes the idea of touching him in any way shape or form. He doesn’t so much as want to be in the same room as him, Arthur is having a blast watching Wolfe ask Comte to install several locks on the piano room so that the other him could never even dream of coming in
And he didn’t even do anything like that for Arthur!
Where he had had some semblance of respect for him before he'd spoken due to being told about his reputation and talent as well as his more heroic tendencies, there is none now
He reminds him of Arthur and he cannot take it and the thought of that being him in another world just about sends him spiralling
Absolutely horrified at him, he genuinely feels disgusted whenever someone refers to them by the same name during their meeting please have some mercy on this man
He’s actually pretty excited to meet his other self as one would expect and doesn’t find himself too disappointed when he meets him
He blabbers on so much that you wouldn’t think him and the other Charles are supposed to be different versions of the same person
“Isn’t that coat uncomfortable?” “Do you use magic for the modifications that show up on it?” “If you’re me, then is your life similar to mine?”
It takes a while after all of the questions, but they settle into a kind of mutual understanding of one another
He thinks of fate Charles of being like him before he’d met Vlad, understanding of his duty but more willing to do it than he ever was. He doesn’t know how to feel about that part at least
He even offers to have other Charles live with him with Vlad in the hopes that it will help him - not that Vlad agrees - but he doesn’t regret the meeting but is definitely a bit uncomfortable seeing what he feels like is his human self and bringing back one too many memories that he doesn’t quite enjoy
Internally begging and praying that he doesn’t have to meet this alternate reality Sherlock Holmes please don’t force him
The only reason he goes somewhat willingly is so that he can find out a bit more about the whole alternate reality thing since he’s heard that there’s another Mozart, Leonardo and so on and his writer’s curiosity got the better of him
Upon meeting him, however, and getting over the initial shock of all of the magnifying glasses and calling in Leonardo to take a look at how the strange contraption around his torso works, he can - with absolute confidence - say that he has never hated a person more
He acts exactly like Arthur wishes he could
He’s everything that he was written to be and thereby everything that Arthur couldn’t be and he wants to set the man aflame
He has never been so impolite and curt and insistent for a person to leave the mansion and the restraint that he exhibits when Sherlock deduces exactly why Arthur wants him to leave so badly - the fact that Arthur wishes so badly to be him and yet also wishes to tear the man apart - is something that Leonardo mentally applauds him for
He almost manages to get Comte to promise not to bring any more people to the mansion, he’s so distressed by the whole meeting
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koco-coko · 6 months
Koco's official suitor tier list (until galileo and francis eng routes arrive)
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Tier 1: THE suitors. I love them a bit too much and I wanna just rhhajgdhsghadgdsgRAHHHH you know what I mean. Theodorus was kinda a jumpscare in there, though. I was expecting to hate his route but I was smitten
Tier 2:
Arthur has a bit of bias since he was my first route but... you know.
William Dazai and Mozart are all in the same level of "oh way i didnt mind those routes too much." I also was obsessed with William when I first saw him.... he actually got me into the game....
Still going through Vlad's but it's so melodramatic it's fun. Also he's just a silly little guy.
Tier 3: With all of them it's the same story: I like them better when I'm not dating them... Like, it makes me wish for friendship routes almost haha.
Tier 4:
I love Vincent. One of my favorites. I love him in game. He was actually a huge inspo for me when I was young, too. He's my angel baby boy I love him I'd let him cook me anything. That being said... I'm not sure how happy I am about Vincent's mental illnesses in game being so underplayed. Like.... him cutting his ear off is one of the biggest things people know about him irl... and it's not even mentioned? Not even Gaugin is blamed for it?? Personally I have so many hcs about Vincent that he's almost a whole new character. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy ingame Vincent I love him but yk... I don't mind the others either....
Everything I said about Vincent, put that on Jean and double it (even the part about young me looking up to them). I'm sorry but CHANGING THE GENDER OF JOAN OF ARC??? doesnt,, doesnt that defeat the whole.... urggh yeah that one irked me for a while. HOWEVER. If you're big brain like me and hc Jean as transmasc then Jean becomes the best pookie bear in the world. He's so autistic coded (I'm autistic so I may just be projecting) and I love him so much. He's also a silly pookiebear.
So um yeah that's my thoughts on them hehe. If anyone agrees or disagrees lemme know I wanna become more talkative and active on ikevamp tumblr haha
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
Okay okay okay, this isn't really a request, just a question for opinion, or... A fub little something? No idea.
You know how people generally tend to have some weird little habits? Say, some people need to clean things in one particular order, or have items only they can use, or have a little song they sing when nobody watches? That sorta stuff.
Do you think IkeSen and/or IkeVamp guys have some?
My personal headcanon is that, although Masamune is ambidextrous, he can hold knife only with his right hand. Chopping stuff while holding it in his left one just feels clunky??
Oh, and for Mitsuhide 👀 He strikes me as a person who'd sing quietly once it's dark? You know, it's late and he's coming home, and humming to himself to kill the time...
Ohohoho this was too fun but not sure if I can call these habits per se?? 😸😸 here’s what I figure:
He walks every inch of the castle alone either very early in the morning (like before sunrise) or late at night before he goes to bed. I mean, he’s just so bored. But! While he’s patrolling, looking for a reason to fight someone or something, he actually comes to find that maybe, he really enjoys this! Hooray! While everyone else can see why a walk can be a great way to meditate or alleviate stress, Kenshin is just a tad bit confused as to why he’s compelled to incorporate these walks into his busy schedule.
Okay, as much as he feels affronted that Shingen has him selling women’s accessories, he still wants to do a good job and refuses to give anyone trying to do honest business a bad rep, and so, without fail, Yuki will always arrive to his post early (irrespective of his spy duties) and take his time arranging all the charms and whatnot so it’s all presentable—presentable in a way that makes sense to Yuki, so we’re not talking about organizing it by color or accessory type, but rather in size order lol. All with a determined look on his face. (Maybe his tongue is poking out a bit because, of course, arranging the accessories in such a way requires concentration.)
Now, this is specific to Mitsunari and MC. As the mother hen he is, I think if he sees one part looking out of place (obi, a lock of hair, etc.), he feels very compulsive and rather than fixing that one part first, he’ll go from the bottom up (or top down) and scan your person and will fix anything that needs to be fixed in that order so Mitsunari and MC will always look prim and proper.
I agree, he definitely hums a little diddy when he’s by himself, whether it’s walking back to his manor in the middle of the night or getting out of the bath and getting dressed for bed. Something very traditional and maybe even a melody he considers to be really beautiful and sweet. I also like to think that if ever a performance happens at the castle (traditional Noh theater for example) he’ll find himself mumbling the words later on.
I believe that whenever there’s a family dinner with all the residents and Mozart undoubtedly finishes first so he can go back to practicing, he will always dab his mouth with a napkin, refold it, and set it on the table; he’ll place all the utensils the way they were before he began eating; and if he’s grabbed the salt or pepper, he’ll put it back in the exact position as he found it. Everything is spotless, everything looks the way it did before dinner was called. It’s almost like he was never there. No one bats an eye at his behavior. But Sebas has tried to tell him time and again that it’s unnecessary but Mozart, for all the times he’s been a bit rude or short with Sebas, this was his way of helping out by making his mess as inexistent as possible. Though he would never say it aloud.
I think Arthur and Dazai tease Isaac about him only reading books about philosophy and science and that he should be adventurous and dive into fiction, but little did they know, if Isaac can spare the time, he’ll check out books from the library—all titles the two of them have said in passing conversation, and he’ll make little notes on scrap paper since he can’t annotate in the margins, and he’ll have conversations with himself about the plot as he’s reading before bed. And he has to resist the urge to talk about the book he’s currently reading lest he be teased even more for giving in to the authors’ previous jests.
I think this is more of a recent thing where he never really minded a messy station or working area whenever he was in town at his job, but now he’d like nothing more than to have everything in its own place and it definitely makes life just a tad easier. And ever since MC started teaching Jean how to read and write, he’ll label anything he can and is really proud of how organized he can be. And I think Jean would do that with anything else that can be labeled as long as he knows he’s not being a disturbance to anyone in the mansion. He’d probably start in the kitchen with jars and spices (under supervision from Sebas, of course).
Theo and Vincent
I think they both share similar nervous ticks. It could be tugging at their ear, bouncing their leg up and down, checking their wristwatch—all simultaneously. It never makes sense to anyone in the mansion to see them like this cause they’re almost never nervous wrecks but damn, once you see them so anxious, they look like two boys again. Usually, everyone is quick to console and/or help tackle the problem at its source. For Theo, it’s whatever gallery he’s secretly holding next. For Vincent, it’s usually because Theo has lost his cool.
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Relating to my previous post about Isaac making little videos of Harry for TikTok or YouTube, I'm thinking about some of the IkeVamp boys also doing those vids, maybe even having a group account.
Isaac just shows cute moments with Harry, sometimes Harry will have like a little toy hat on or cape or something. He's awful at responding to comments, he gets really flustered especially if someone compliments him (he tries not to be shown in his videos after that ;;)
Arthur definitely tries to attract the ladies with his adorable Vic, taking cute videos where they're somehow both winking. Also video clips of his detective adventures with Vic and MC.
Vincent makes little videos with Brush where maybe he's painting something and Brush is imitating him. Also other cute little raccoon mannerisms, like washing his food or when they're cuddling together.
Theo reluctantly does videos, but only because Vincent does it and Arthur won't stop hounding him. It's him showing what tricks King can do, but often its bloopers where King refuses to do a trick or is tackling Theo (RIP his reputation).
Comte of course is also involved. Like Arthur, he uses his natural charm and the natural cuteness of Time, also dressing up Time in little outfits provided by MC. He is one of the most popular/most-requested suitors on the account.
Leonardo's videos often consist of him and Lumiere taking a cat nap. People comment about how similar Lumiere is with his "daddy" Leo.
Napoleon makes informative videos about Jupiter, showing how Jupiter hunts or fetches items, checking out his talons and wingspan. He's one of the cooler ones on the account.
Shakespeare is no foe of the camera. He'll do little scenes with Puck, reciting either his own works or even improvising on the spot. Everyone goes nuts over his overflowing charisma and, of course, the adorable little Puck.
Sebastian is the one doing a lot of the filming of the others, but he'll occasionally sneak in a video of Rotte here and there.
Dazai, Jean, and Mozart are a little harder to convince to do videos. Dazai is simply elusive, but Bunta will make little cameos in the others' videos. Jean does not want to be on camera, he's extremely shy of showing his face, but he'll let MC show Chérie so long as Chérie seems OK with it. Mozart is also not keen to be seen in video, nor does he particularly want to show off Schelm and he doesn't quite understand the craze of making pet videos. However, he may allow a single video, perhaps of Schelm sleeping, to slip through the cracks if he's in a good mood.
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ikeromantic · 2 years
Hello!! Good day!!! im the one who request hc on how to boys ike vamp ( with theo, napoleon, comte, issac, mozart and arthur) or ike rev (with edgar, ray, lance, jonah, harr and sirius) react when they meet mc's parents and ask there daugther's hands to for marriage. if its ok? Sorry in advance if its handy a request and bad english.. thank u soooo much... ❤ 😶
This one took awhile! I hope it satisfies ^_^ Approx. 1600 words with the Ikevamp boys and how they react to meeting MC's parents/asking for her hand in marriage.
Theo glanced up as Arthur slid onto the bar stool beside him. “What?”
“Hey! Can’t a guy join his friend for an afternoon drink?” Arthur’s grin was wide and comically innocent. 
The ice in Theo’s eyes as he knocked back the rest of his whiskey was all the reply Doyle would get. Theo didn’t have the patience today to deal with jibes, good natured or otherwise. He motioned to the bartender for a refill.
“Not to be a buzzkill, old boy, but are you sure you should keep drinking? Aren’t you meeting with -”
“Shut up.” Theo spoke slowly, his voice flat and inflectionless. “Go away.” 
Arthur chuckled. “What a mood you’re in. Why . . . one might even mistake your churlishness for fear. Not me, of course. But someone could.”
Theo felt his teeth scrape as his jaw tightened. He didn’t need to justify himself. Not to Doyle. 
A few minutes of blessed silence passed when the bartender delivered their drinks. The whiskey burned down Theo’s throat and set coals ablaze in his belly. The familiar sensation didn’t come with the longed for release though. His shoulders were tense and his chest constricted. He sighed in defeat and stood. “Come on.”
Arthur got up and followed him out of the tavern. “If you’re wondering, they’re at the Louvre.”
“I know,” Theo straightened his shoulders. 
Arthur clapped him on the arm. “They’re going to adore you, old boy.”
Theo raised an eyebrow. 
“And if not, we’ll just throw Vincent at them and let him win them over with his innocent charm, right?” Arthur laughed. 
“Right.” Theo cracked his first smile of the night, some of his tension leaking out. “Move it, Doyle. We’re late.” 
His friend hurried after him, grinning. 
Napoleon wore a relaxed smile, confident his charm would win the day. He held his fiancée’s hand, sharing his certainty with her. Her fingers clutched his tightly. Across from them sat a forbidding man with an unreadable expression, and a woman with a strict face. 
If he had not known they were her mother and father, he never would have guessed. They had none of her sweetness, only a distant, hard affection that showed itself in the interrogation of their daughter. ‘How are you,’ they asked, before ‘Where have you been?’ and that was proof enough, even if there wasn’t the hint of a smile on either face.
They’d agreed not to mention time travel, or to say a word about who he really was. Meeting them like this, in a sidewalk cafe of modern day Paris, he understood why. There was no way her parents were fanciful enough to believe such a story, no matter how true it was.
After she introduced him and answered their rapid fire questions, both gazes turned to him. “It seems our daughter has grown close to you,” her father said, his eyebrow twitching slightly. “Thank you for keeping an eye on her for us.”
“You’re welcome, of course. It was nothing.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly beneath the table. “I look forward to caring for her for many years to come.”
The twitching eyebrow rose. “Unnecessary. We’ll be taking your leave this evening. It’s time for our little girl to come home.”
“Dad, No. I didn’t ask you to come see me so you could drag me back. I wanted you to meet Napoleone. Because I - I’m in love with him.”
Her mother shook her head, lips pressed together in a firm, thin line. “Of course you think that. Months of no real work, no responsibilities. Being romanced by some Frenchman. But my dear, you must come back to reality.”
“With all due respect, madame, your daughter has worked hard in her time here. And our relationship, though short, has been thoroughly tried. I love her.” He lifted his chin. “I would like to ask your blessing to marry her.”
“Why do you want to marry her? To what end?” Her father’s brows were lowered now, and he clenched his hand into a fist where it lay on the table.
Napoleon smiled and glanced at his beloved. His silly, precious nunuche. The woman that filled every day with her light. “It is my wish to love her alone, to make her happy, to do nothing which would contradict her wishes. This is my destiny and the meaning of my life.” 
Le Comte
“Monsieur, Mademoiselle, welcome!” Le Comte swept a polite bow as the curious couple passed the threshold. Their curious eyes took in the space, clearly overwhelmed. As well they should be.
The home and everything in it were purchased entirely for this meeting. Each detail calculated for impact, every impression accounted for. He would marry his cherie, and because it was important to her, he would have her parents’ approval. 
“Mom! Dad!” She hurried from the sitting room into the entrance hall and threw her arms around each of them. “I missed you so much!” 
They hugged her back, tears in their eyes. “We were so worried,” sighed her mother, voice thick with relief. 
She pulled them to the sitting room, apologies interspersed with an abridged narrative of her two months away from home. 
Le Comte followed, a wistful smile on his face. He could see his beauty reflected in the faces of her parents. Her father’s kind eyes and smiling mouth, her mother’s steely spirit and delicate brow. He felt almost as if he already knew them. 
They would say yes, he thought, and not because of his artful persuasion. They would let him marry their little girl because he brought her joy.
“I don’t want to go.” Isaac knew he looked like a pouting child as he crossed his arms and sat back in his chair, but he didn’t care. 
“We can’t just leave my parents waiting for us at the cafe.” His fiancée sighed. Then she sat down across from him and leaned her head against the back of the chair.
He knew she was right, of course. They would have to go. It was just . . . in his mind’s eye, meeting her parents turned into a disaster in every instance he could imagine. He might say something that offended them. Or stumble over his words and sound like a fool. Or worse yet, find himself completely tongue-tied and unable to say a word, anything that might convince them to let him marry their daughter. Then what? 
“I . . . I don’t want to mess this up,” Isaac finally said, admitting to his worries aloud. “What if I say the wrong thing? Or nothing at all? Or what if I say all the right things and they don’t believe me?”
She tilted her head so that she could look him in the eye. “Do you think I will love you less if any of that happens?”
A slight flush rose in his cheeks as he shook his head. 
“Then the worst that could happen isn’t so bad, right?” She smiled. 
That smile reminded Isaac of all the stolen moments they’d shared. The quick kisses traded in passing. Little whispered promises. The long nights spent sweetly, mapping each others’ pleasures. All of that would still be there for them, no matter what happened today. “Alright. Let’s go then.”
Mozart’s hand shook as he pulled his hair back into a queue. He examined his collar, the lay of his vest against his chest. He looked perfect. The exact image of a gentleman. Yet knowing that didn’t reassure him at all. 
“Your hair. It’s different.” Jean looked in on him, his one visible brow raised.
“Yes.” Mozart replied stiffly. 
Jean’s lips twitched into a small smile. “It looks very good.”
“Well . . . let’s go. They’re waiting.” He felt slightly better for the compliment but his nerves were still jangling, his shoulders tight. The only relief would be getting it over with.
The two men made their way to the parlor. At the door, Mozart paused. Jean set his hand on his shoulder, and together, they shared a breath. Then Mozart pushed the door open.
“Wolf!” His lover’s smile washed away his anxiety as the summer sun chased away the gloom of a storm. “This is my mother,” she gestured to a woman who’s resemblance to her was clear. “And my father.” The man stood and held out his hand.
Mozart took a breath and with a smile, introduced himself. He shook hands with the father of his beloved, and felt not a twinge of his usual disgust as that hand enveloped his own. Though they’d only just met, he felt connected to them. As if they were . . . family. 
Arthur stubbed out the hand-rolled cigarette. He wasn’t normally a smoker, but he’d needed something - anything - to steady his nerves. To quiet the voice in the back of his mind that kept insisting he wasn’t good enough. It didn’t matter, he told himself, because she’d chosen him. She loved him. 
The balcony door swung open and Sebas poked his head out. “They’re waiting for you in the parlor, if you’re ready.” 
“Of course I’m ready.” He pushed off the rail. Arthur adjusted his jacket and ran a hand through his hair. “Nothing to it, right? Just going to tell the skirt’s parents I’m marrying her and that’s . . . that. Right?”
“Right,” Sebas nodded with the hint of a smile. “But maybe, don’t call her a skirt in there.”
“Yeah. Yes. Right.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t suppose we could knock back a drink or two first?”
“Not a good idea, sir.” Sebastian held the door as he came through it. 
Arthur nodded. “You’re right, old boy. Let’s just . . . get this over with.” He straightened his back and squared his shoulders like a man headed into battle.
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