#im insane this came out so good. everyone clap right now
cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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The sixty billion double-dollar man.
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goatpaste · 2 years
tell me more about your hatred for sbr <- also hated sbr
ok i just awnser a BIG chunk of what i hated in that last ask, which is mostly surrounding the circumstances of the shit poor writing of lucy's whole character story line
but im like!! i really think the general plot was neat and fun! i like parts of it a lot! the main cast are GREAT the setting is FUN i like the set up!! i like their goals and stories!!
but then when they start digging into lucy's stuff in kansas city its just like.. man this kinda fuckin sucks!
theres some neat fun chapters here and there still ofc! i really love the sugar mountain arc it was SO good. i loved johnny and gyro way more than i thought i was initially and that was one of my favirotes in terms of a narrative i wish they told about like. OUGH
ALMOST ALL of them are chasing after this stupid magic corpse for different grand reasons to fix their lives. a magical cure
Johnny to fix his legs, diego to never be looked down on again and HP to make up for her sins
their all obsessed with this and cant focus on anything else
and the end of the sugar mountain arc was SO good with the "heres to having nothing"
This a group of people fixated on some grand goal thats just always out of their reach. never realizing their are connection to people right there with them that MEAN something.
i just think some places SBR has some story character narrative and other it just falls very very flat
then when it came to the end of it, everyone got such CHEAP deaths. Diegos was close to being something, but even then he dies and they cut away to Johnny and Gyro going, woooahh thats crazy.... anyways
BUT IT SUCKS you watch hot pant begin to crumble in on herself as she realizes she will never truly be absolved of her past and now is willing to die to do something good for the world. then just dies in a manner that if you blink you'll miss it. the amount of ppl iv seen say they didnt even relize Hot Pants died in the scene she died in? INSANE
Then the finale was like, fine. it was fine. it felt very much like the p5 ending in some ways, but if it has a lil more narrative and connections between characters or whatever?
we get a decent end scene from gyro before he goes.
then goes away why johnnys on the ground spiraling
because let me tell you, i LOVE diego but those chapters made me wish diego was still fucking gone. alt diego SUCKED those chapters SUCKED there was literally no point to them
the scene with Johnnys dad reads like a "and then everyone clapped" kinda shit
and i think the ONLY reason they even did that fucking shit was to set up shit with the corpse and diego.. LIKE MAYBE IM READING TOO MUCH INTO IT, havent read jjl... but like IDK im like... you have a magic corpse and a dying diego in this room and put it into a special box to keep the corpse like a coffin.. set to stay sealed for 80 years... ok.. not gonna think about that and the potential for this diego i dont even like diego to return later or something. IDK I MIGHT BE CRAZY READING INTO IT. but the parallels to it and dio from pb and erina and everything is like... ok...
but it was duMB ALSO
the whole page about johnny going to Gyros home land jUST for his family to not even be there anymore. then be like, and that grand quest gyro was working on this whole time for that boy? well that boy was set free! gyros life and dedication to his choices payed off!!.................
then that boy died of a cold or some shit a few years later
those last chapters was a wait of all of our time
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fandomlit · 3 years
secretive (shane madej x reader)
requested by anon “Could you do a Shane Madej x reader where he thinks the reader is cheating on him with Ryan. Like they whisper things to eachother and stop when Shane enters the room, they text all the time and hang out without Shane a lot. He ends up snapping at the reader about it but it turns out they were actually planning a suprise for him.”
summary shane madej has never been an insecure guy. but when it comes to you, that side can come out to play.
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gif cred belongs to @ryanbergara​
shane was rarely insecure. he had learned to become proud of who he is, lanky limbs and all. but of course, there was the occasional slip up--especially when it came to you.
when shane first met you, he was smitten. your dorky personality, stunning beauty, and unrelenting kindness drew him into you instantly, and he chased that feeling to the ends of the earth. and now, almost a year and a half into your relationship, he could honestly say that he has never been happier.
but of course, those pesky insecurities come out to play sometimes.
shane had volunteered to do coffee run that morning before filming unsolved. when he came back to the office where he had left you both, he saw you two sitting unbearably close at the desk, talking and smiling and ignoring everyone else in the room setting up for the shoot.
trying his best to brush it off, he entered the office and gave you both a smile. “caffeine time?”
you leaned away from ryan, clapping excitedly. “caffeine time!”
he gave a wide grin at your cheeriness and grabby hands, handing you the order he had memorized on your first date. 
you stood up from the desk and giggled, “you can have your seat back. i gotta get back to work.”
“alright, have fun,” shane smiled. you gave him a quick kiss before skipping off to your workplace. after shane settled in his seat with his coffee, he said to ryan as casually as he could, “what were the whispers about?”
ryan gave him an entirely unconvincing confused look. “what whispers?”
“between you and y/n,” shane explained, motioning to the door you had just exited through.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” ryan said, shaking his head at shane. before shane could press any further, you came back into the office.
“sorry,” you giggled. “forgot my phone.” you snatched off of the small table and then pointed to ryan with a serious expression. “text me, bergara.” and then you left, just as quickly as you had come.
ryan looked up from his prepared manila folder to the camera crew, not daring to glance at the unintentionally glaring shane, and spoke, “are we ready to roll?”
“who are you texting?” shane teased when he entered the living room to see you curled up, smiling at your phone.
“just ryan,” you shrugged. that didn’t sit right with shane.
“you two seem awfully close lately,” shane tried to comment nonchalantly. but if he implicated that anything was wrong in his tone, you didn’t notice. you just giggled as your phone buzzed with another text. shane took a sip of his tea with a frown.
after a while of smiling at your phone, you moved over to cuddle with shane as he watched a show on netflix.
you placed a kiss on his cheek as you draped yourself over him. “i love you.”
that did lighten his heart a bit. “i love you, too.”
ryan and shane got lunch together many days of the week. then he would come back to the office, pay you a visit in yours, and get back to work. but today, ryan had a different idea in mind.
“why don’t we eat with y/n today?” the shorter man proposed. that unsettled shane a bit. supernatural beings were nothing to him, but a guy taking invested interest in his girl friend as of late? that rattled him.
shane excused, “she’s usually busy during our lunch.. but we can check.” he shrugged. “no harm in that.” and though his thoughts betrayed his words, he led the way to your office.
you were on the phone when shane peeked in. you waved him in as you spoke, “it’s alright, lea.” you tapped your pencil against your desk as the boys filtered in. “yeah, just send it and we can edit and complete. it’s no problem. just relax and enjoy a day off, girl. of course. see you.” you hung up and gave the boys a smile.
“what was that about?” shane asked, coming closer to your desk to give you a quick kiss.
“was that the girl who hasn’t shown up for the past few days?” ryan asked, taking the seat across from your desk.
“yes,” you groaned. “im trying to be patient with her, she’s using some sick days so i can’t really get on her, but did she have to take off in the middle of this project?” you let out a huff.
shane was slightly bothered that ryan knew more about this than he did. but instead, he asked, “would it comfort you at all if we had lunch with you today? or is this girl taking up your schedule?”
you grasped his hand in yours. “please have lunch with me.” you reached out your hand to ryan, who laughed as he took it. you squeezed both of their hands, though shane’s lips were now tightly pursed. “this morning has been insane.”
“we got you,” ryan nodded with a grin that you returned sweetly. when you looked up at shane, he quickly changed his expression into a grin. he felt his jealousy rising second by second during the entire lunch.
shane had just walked into the breakroom to see you and ryan laughing as you poured yourself a cup of tea. “that’s actually not a bad idea, bergara. where’d you come up with that one?”
“i’ve got so much in this noggin, you don’t even know, l/n,” ryan responded easily, making you laugh again. shane still hadn’t been noticed, but he felt as if his heart was beating so loud that he surely would be.
“but yeah, shane stays late every thursday,” you continued, “so if you came over right after work, we should be able to get it all done and shane wouldn’t even know!”
“im a genius,” ryan praised.
“that you are,” you agreed, holding your cup out. he clinked his water bottle against it and you both turned to the door. shane was long gone.
you had stayed a little bit late that day, and so shane was stuck pacing your shared apartment as he awaited your arrival home, thinking of what to say.
his blood boiled as he thought of the implications of the past couple of weeks. you and ryan were definitely planning something. and with how close you two were lately, it was probably something that shane, your boyfriend, would not care for at all. and if his thoughts were right, then had this happened before? is he only noticing this now? he couldn’t even begin with what he needed to say to you.
you were the most important thing to him. from the moment he met you, he knew he had to be with you. and now that you could be cheating on him with his best friend? his heart was pumping and aching in his chest, and he didn’t know whether to be angry or sad.
when you opened the door, his head immediately shot up. “hey,” you smiled. after you closed the door behind you and took in his frantic state, you asked, “something wrong?”
“we gotta talk,” was all he could manage as he shook his head.
you furrowed your brow as you slipped off your jacket and dropped your bag. “okay..?” you stepped toward him. “what about?”
but your innocence just seemed to frustrate him. “i know about you and ryan.” you stopped in your tracks, but he didn’t dare glance at your reaction to his words. he was worried about what he’d find there. “i heard you guys talking in the breakroom earlier about meeting up when im not home, and how you two always text lately, and you’re always.. touching and..” he took a breath. “i know, y/n.” he finally looked up at you to see your face frozen in what seemed to be shock and concern. you stepped closer to him.
“shane, what?” he stood his ground, arms crossed as you moved in front of him. “shane, no.. no, i love you so much, i would never cheat on you.” you placed your hands on his arms and looked him dead in his eyes. but his expression remained stone.
“why should i believe that?” he spoke lowly.
he wished he hadn’t seen your heart break in your eyes. “shane, ryan and i are your best friends, we wouldn’t dare do that to you. we..” you let out a sigh through your nose and removed your hands from his arms to fish your phone out of your pocket. you unlocked it and handed it to him, revealing the texts between you and ryan.
scrolling up, he found:
boogara, 12:38pm okay, this might be a stupid question..
y/n, 12:42pm i love it already, do tell
boogara, 12:44pm alright do you think it would be at all possible to get balloons custom made as characters from the hotdaga?
boogara, 12:46pm shane better appreciate this idea as much as you do when his birthday comes around
y/n, 12:48pm ryan, that man will celebrate harder than he’s ever celebrated before
boogara, 12:49pm he better
shane didn’t know what to make of that as he handed his phone back to you.
“we were planning a surprise party for your birthday,” you sighed, tucking your phone back into your pocket. “that’s why we’re so.. secretive.” you twiddled with your hands nervously. “but i guess not anymore.” shane didn’t know what to say. you looked up to him sadly. “you thought i was cheating on you..?”
shane’s heart burned with guilt. softly, he spoke, “i did, yeah.” your frown deepened. “but not because i don’t trust you,” he explained, taking your hand in his. you looked to your hands instead of his desperate eyes for a moment. “but because i just..” you looked up at him, and the words spilled out, “i don’t know, im just always in awe that i get to be with you and... i guess i got scared that maybe you thought i wasn’t good enough for you, because god knows im not.”
“shane,” you said softly, placing a hand on his cheek. “you’re perfect for me. ryan is definitely one of my best friends, but he doesn’t hold a candle to the love i have for you.” he offered you a short smile. “i only have eyes for you, dork.”
“im sorry,” he whispered. you pulled him in for a tight hug.
“i am, too,” you sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. “will you still act surprised for your birthday..? ryan’s pretty proud of himself.”
“i’d do anything for that little guy,” he sighed, pulling away from you to gaze at your sweet smile. “let’s go watch drunk history.”
forever tags <3 @bombardia @simonsbluee @ari-shipping-stuff @cheshirecat107 @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof
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jaeqtstuff · 3 years
― 𝑔𝒽𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊
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words count: 1.7k
playlist: ghost by justin bieber (recommend to listen to it while reading, just to get the feels because im suck at angst lol)
pls note that english is not my first language. but i had fun writing this so i hope you too! xx
[10:15pm] after escaping the most boring blind date that your friend set you up with, you came across the usual late night bar that you used to go during your days with beomgyu. yeah, your famous ex among your peers.
everybody knows how in love, how insanely perfect the two of you were for a love story but that was during high school. college was a whole different story. it suddenly becomes so toxic that it drained both of you. waking up every morning was a burden to the point you can't even breath in each other presence. you didn't know what went wrong, neither did he but as years passed, it was all because of childish reason. the most hurtful thing about this one is, you knew it could be saved but you didn't do anything. and neither did he.
"whiskey on the rocks." you choose to sit far from others, wanting more privacy. the bartender seems to recognise you by the way his mouth formed a big smile as if he was welcoming a friend. you smiled back, nonetheless.
let's just call it off. it's better this way. i mean can you do this everyday? doesn't this itch you?
you shut you eyes close as you slowly savouring every drops of it. why does it taste bitter? it shouldn't taste like this. i should've just go home.
fucking sick of it. fucking sick of everything and just piss off. don't you get tired of me? honestly i am. so get lost from my fucking sight.
the more you sip, the bitter it got. you didn't enjoy it. maybe that's the reason why some people avoid old places but you were there, drinking alone in the most romantic set up you could ever imagine for a late night bar, the low dimmed lights and slow soul music playing in the background and not to mention all the couple around you. you hate it so much but you can't deny the obvious fact that you missed it. you miss how this place used to caress you with memories you still keep in the deepest part of your heart.
"do people still come over to sing?" you casually asked the bartender as he slips your second drink. you remember how beomgyu used to say that he will sing at the small stage and dedicate a song for you infront of everyone in the bar but he never did.
"well yes. in fact, we're preparing for one." he replied, with much excitement at you. you look passed your shoulders, eyes fixed to the small stage at the corner. they were getting ready with the mic and there was single stool with a guitar at the side.
"he's a good singer." the bartender commented as he was wiping all the utensils he had used just now with a clean cloth. "really?" you look away from the stage and bring your glass close to the mouth. without wasting much, you gulped down the rest of the drink in one go before taking out your purse to pay. you could hear the soft melody of guitar playing at the back but you were more focus with the text displayed on your home screen. "it's weekend. leave me the fuck alone." you hissed under your breath.
Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow
I miss your touch on nights when I'm hollow
I know you crossed a bridge that I can't follow
Since the love that you left is all that I get
I want you to know that if I can't be close to you
I settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life
you shut the phone away and bring the card out to pay. you waited for the bartender to notice you but you were now interested with the song. your head unknowingly move with the beat, fingers tapping slowly on your bare legs. the lights on the stage were too dimmed and you couldn't see well who was the one singing but his voice was causing a whole war flashback in your head.
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
you never knew a song could break you so much, not when you least expected it but the one singing was also not helping the situation any better. he was singing his heart out, as if he was the one writing the lyrics from some kind of painful experience he ever had in his life. anyone in the bar could say the same thing.
Youngblood thinks there's always tomorrow
I need more time but time can't be borrowed
I'd leave it all behind if I could follow
Since the love that you left is all that I get
I want you to know that if I can't be close to you
the more you listen, the more your heart ached. all these years, you thought you moved on from him. you can finally accept the fact that you can live without him by your side. in those years, it's a lie if you say you never thought of him during those drunken nights with your friends. but tonight was brutal. you could relate to the lyrics so much that you had trouble holding yourself back from any breakdown that would cost you every time you said you were good without him.
I'll settle for the ghost of you
I miss you more than life, yeah
you were never good.
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy (oh)
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
you were never calm after both of you called it off. you forced yourself to drink every night so that you can sleep without thinking of him but the terrible headaches every morning was torture. the moment you get up, he was all over in your head. you remember how you wanted to run back to him every night, tell him to forget all the bad pieces and just start new but by looking at the sight of it, it would make you throw up. you definitely knew it will make things worse.
you looked at the stage, still trying to see who was the one singing. heart still hurting but deep down, you were expecting something out of wicked love story. the tears building up in your eyes were not helping as your visions got blurry from the lyrics. blinking the tears away, you were nervous to look back to the stage again.
So if I can't get close to you
I'll settle for the ghost of you
But I miss you more than life
And if you can't be next to me
Your memory is ecstasy
you breathed in deeply, struggling to gain your composure. nonetheless, the shaky eyes went back to the stage where suddenly, the lights around the stage were slowly looking brighter. you could clearly see how he was playing the guitar effortlessly with his eyes closed. the expression on his face was tormentingly raw or maybe it was just your eyes telling the lies to the mind, telling you that he was also in much pain just like you were. one thing for sure, you eyes couldn't lie the one infront of you.
I miss you more than life
I miss you more than life
how can you forget his voice? you gasped for air, breathed in every sharp air you could get because you knew, the night will only get worse, will only wreck you even more than it did before. you could never get better from it.
the people around you start clapping, telling you that he was done singing on the stage. you could hear the soft giggle from the mic before the countless thank you from him. you carefully eyed him at the stage before taking out the cash from your purse, putting the card back inside. you couldn't be bothered about the points because the last thing you want was beomgyu seeing you in this helpless state. smudge eyeliner and mascara because of the tears and also the short lacy black dress you were wearing. it was too obvious.
so you left without looking back. and oh boy, the moment the cold air hit your face, you couldn't hold back the tears. no, you were weeping, sobbing, almost throwing up on the side road. walking to home will be hard but you were quick to stop a cab.
thank god the tears stop the moment you were in the cab. the warm seat kinda cool you down a bit but your heart was eager. you didn't stop there and pulled out the phone from your back. eventhough you didn't contact each other, you knew where to find him and in those nights like this, you always check on him. last time you did was two years ago and maybe it should just stay unchecked.
the moment it hits you, there i knew i am still holding on to the past just like how i always did. and perhaps it's because you are always there. not leaving me nor forget about me. i will just settle like this, holding on to that life i miss most. ― 15 minutes ago
wish you can stay longer so that this night would not be lonely again but it's not what i thought it is. i'm sorry. ― 2 minutes ago
you lost at the last words and now fighting your own mind, telling the cab to turn around but you couldn't get the words out from your mouth. you knew beomgyu saw you, he probably saw you in that bar. sitting alone at the furthest table from the rest. he probably saw how you were struggling in your seat, looking so pathetic in that dress.
he was right. beomgyu was right.
this night will only get lonelier. if only you stayed, maybe things could change but you knew, it can only work if both of you wanted it. he had his chance but he didn't use it. in between those tears, you laugh it off, thinking how stupid could you be with just simple words like 'i'm sorry', you were ready to throw yourself again to the deepest pit of hell with him.
choi beomgyu,
the only man who wreck you this much. the only man who can prove to you that there will be no other lover like him.
"choi beomgyu."
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nadisabug · 3 years
How You Meet // Volleyball! reader
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Pairing: Bokuto Kotaro / Nishinoya Yu / Oikawa Tooru x fem! volleyball! reader
Genre: Crack. Pure crack.
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2.5 k 
Summary: You are a volleyball player in the same position as the boy, and he is taken aback at your beauty and skills. 
A/N: all of the boys would just be so supportive and hrng need me a volleyball boy
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Haikyuu Masterlist
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Bokuto K. 
Bokuto would prolly be the one that suggested cheering for the Fukurodani girls team
Like he and his bros are bored between matches
And he notices the girls are on in a different court
So he manages to drag akaashi and a couple others to go watch with him
So they enter the stands...
Bokuto walk through the door to the stands and he is immediately blown away.
"Y/n!" Your setter nearly screams. You, eyes still trained on the blockers across from you, answer with a small smirk that sends Bokuto's head spinning.
"Here I come!" You yell in response, vocalizing your claim on the ball. You squat then set off running towards the net. At the last moment you push off of your feet and jump, albeit not as high as Bokuto could, but high nonetheless for your stature. Your arm shoots up and makes contact with the ball with a satisfying smack.
In front of you are two freakishly tall blockers, and Bokuto doesn't know how you'll get the ball past. But, as soon as the ball leaves your hand, it seems to find a small gap in their block and blows past it, landing on the other side of the court in the blink of an eye.
Once everyone lands on the floor again, both teams look up at the referee. He blows his whistle and raises his arm towards the Fukurodani side of the court. The Fukurodani girls erupt into cheers and surround the girl apparently named Y/n.
The setter cheers, claps Y/n on the back and shouts. "That's our ace!"
Bokuto watches her in awe as she flashes a gorgeous smile and shyly tucks a stray hair behind her ear.
"C'mon, are you gonna sit or just stand there like an idiot?" Akaashi tugs Bokuto by the back of his collar, not giving him a choice to stand there for longer.
"She's the ace..." Bokuto mumbles dreamily.
"Yeah no shit, that was insane, blowing through that block." Akaashi mutters, no choice but to agree. He drags Bokuto to where the rest of the team has already sat down and pulls him into the seat.
"She's amazing," Bokuto breathes, his eyes still locked on you.
"Quit it before you start drooling," Akaashi rolled his eyes.
But Bokuto couldn't. From your receives to your serves, every movement you made he was mesmerized. And before he knew it Fukurodani had won consecutive sets.
Once he saw you and your team leave the court, he shot up from his seat.
"I've gotta meet her!"
Akaashi looked up at him with wide eyes. "Wait-"
But Bokuto was already leaping over chairs and scrambling to the door. Akaashi stood up too and, with a resigned sigh, followed him too.
Bokuto didn't stop running until he made it to the first floor. He skidded around a corner and finally locked eyes with you. He couldn't help himself and ran up to you, absolutely panting from the running he had done.
"You-" pant "were fucking" pant "amazing!"
Embarrassment flooded your system and you looked down at the floor nervously. The setter walked up and put herself in between you and Bokuto.
"Back away from our ace, owl-boy," she hissed. "Don't think we didn't notice you drooling over our captain during the game."
Normally you would be more confident, but once one of your teammates pointed out the boy in the stands going absolutely apeshit for you, it started to eat at you. The embarrassment of a guy - a hot one at that - calling your name from the stands and drawing everyone's attention was just too much for you.
"You're the captain too? No wonder! I am too, Im-"
"Bokuto Kotaro, I know who you are," you cut him off and put your hand on your setters shoulder. "It's okay, I can handle him."
Warily, your setter backed down and joined the rest of the team cooling down.
"You know who I am?" Bokuto beamed, his chest puffing up.
"Of course," you rolled your eyes. "You're one of Japan's top five aces. And you go to our school."
"Why hadn't I ever seen you before?" Bokuto gushed.
It was at this point that Akaashi finally caught up. "Because you leave all the grunt work to me," he sighed. He looked at you and gave you a slight nod. "Y/n."
"Akaashi," you smiled and replied.
"You know her?" Bokuto nearly yelled.
"Duh," Akaashi rolled his eyes. "We coordinate stuff together like the buses or practice."
"I wanna know her," Bokuto pouted at Akaashi. Akaashi rolled his eyes and sighed.
"What he's asking if you'd go get lunch with him sometime," Akaashi looked at you, speaking for Bokuto.
You felt a heat rising to your cheeks. 
“Sure,” you smiled. It couldn’t hurt to go out with the absolute hottie who was cheering for you all game. 
“Great!” Bokuto shouted and grabbed your hand. He started pulling you away from your team. 
“W-wait, right now?” You looked back at your setter for help, but she just shrugged. 
“I’ll cover for you!” She called as you got dragged away by the excited boy. 
You had no idea what you were in for. 
Nishinoya Y. 
Noya was definitely the one who suggested watching the girls
Girls playing his favorite sport?? What could be better?
He was able to drag most of Kurasuno to watch the girls 
Daichi ofc came to support the other captain, Yui Michimiya
But little did he know after he sat down that he was in for a big surprise
The whistle blew and a girl with h/c hair stood at the sidelines with her sign. She and another girl from the team switched out, and when they did there was a commotion in the stands. 
“Oh my god, finally! L/n is back in!” A girl in the row in front of the boys cheered.
“I know, I still can’t get over her last receive,” the other girl gushed. 
Noya looked back at you and noted the reversed colors of your jersey. 
So, she’s a libero huh, he thought to himself. He looked you closer and thought that you were a little cute. 
The game resumed and a long volley started. It looked like it was about to end when the other team set up for an unblocked spike. The setter had feinted and sent all the blockers to cover another spiker so that their one player could hit unmarked. Not a single soul was on that side of the court, and Noya could feel himself wincing as the spiker hit the ball. That was going to hurt. They were already down too many points and really didn’t stand a chance of winning. 
He waited for the ball to hit the ground, but in the blink of an eye, you were there and the ball was up. 
You called the name of your setter and quickly she set it up for one of your spikers. Since the other team had thought the had this in the bag, they were not ready for the counter attack and Kurasuno got the point. 
“Did you see that?” Hinata gushed and leaned over Noya’s shoulder. “She totally just did rolling thunder! She was like whoosh and swoosh and the bam!”
Noya nodded enthusiastically. “That was an amazing receive!” 
After that, Noya began cheering every time you made a receive, even if it wasn’t a hard one. You started noticing very early on and part of your attention was focused on the short king in the stands. You did your best to ignore it and keep your head in the game, but its kind of hard to ignore a hot boy cheering for every move you make. 
You were almost glad when the game was over. 
“Hey, Y/n,” one of your blockers smirked. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a fan.”
“I will murder you with my bare hands,” you growled, tired of the team’s teasing. They had not let up on the whole fan thing since Noya had started up in the stand, and frankly, you were tired of it. 
“Ouch, save some of your love for your boyfriend,” the blocker smiled. She then looked at something behind you and smiled even wider. 
“He’s not my boyfriend! Listen if I see that guy again, all shit will break loose- what? What are you smiling- oh.” You turned around to see the boy in the stands standing awkwardly behind you. 
“Hi,” he smiled and waved. He was acting quite demure, a stark contrast from his shenanigans in the stands. Now that he was closer, you kinda had to admit. He was kind of, sort of cute. “You were really good out there. Really impressive. Sorry if my cheers were distracting, you were just so good.”
You seemed to have lost your steam, because you couldn’t bring yourself to yell at this genuinely kind and supportive boy. Instead you rubbed the back of your neck nervously and broke eye contact. “Uh, thanks,” was all you could mumble. 
“Wanna practice together sometime?” He suggested, a nervous smile on his face. 
“Yeah sure, if you can keep up,” you responded. 
“Oh don’t worry, about me,” he puffed out his chest dramatically. 
“Okay,” you laughed a little. You pulled out your phone and handed it to him. He looked at you quizically for a second. “Number?”
At that he flushed bright red. “Oh, uh, yeah,” he stumbled over his words, typing his number in quickly. Once he was done he handed the phone back. 
“I’ll text you sometime,” you smiled and walked back to your team. Immediately after you turned around you heard an energetic voice shout. 
“Did Noya-senpai just get a date?”
After that you heard a scuffle that you only assumed was Noya silencing the other boy. 
Oikawa T. 
Okay lets be honest
The last place he wanted to be was in the stands watching girls play
First of all he could have his ~fans~ doting on him
Second of all he could be practicing
Third of all he could be watching the team they were slotted to go up against next
But all of those other options were out of the question when Iwaizumi decided that Oikawa needed a break
(and also didn’t need to be near his fans)
So grumpily Oikawa will sit in the stands to watch your game, but he’s not really watching
Instead he’s watching a match on his phone
that is until Iwaizumi says something that peaks his interest...
“Holy fuck, that’s the captains fourth service ace.”
Oikawa frowned. It was a simple sentence really, one he had heard a million times. The difference was that usually it was aimed at him, not someone else. 
Oikawa looked up from his phone to see who was apparently the  Aoba Johsai girl’s team captain. It was hard to tell from this far away, but Oikawa’s senses told him that she was a looker. The way she carried herself it was obvious that she was confident in what she was doing, and that to Oikawa was enough. 
He put down his phone and leaned forward in his chair. He was invested now, whether he liked it or not. 
He watched as the referee blew their whistle and you lined up for your serve. You threw the ball up and jumped, hitting it mid air and sending it straight to the other teams side. It landed in bounds with a satisfying thwack, completely unimpeded by the other team’s girls. 
Iwaizumi let out a low whistle. “That’s five.”
“I can count, thanks,” Oikawa snapped dryly. 
Iwaizumi looked over, cocking his eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were paying attention.”
“Well I am now.”
Iwazumi shrugged and turned back to the game. You lined up for your next serve and hit it, but this time the other team’s libero picked it up. After that your team had a chance ball. 
Oikawa huffed. 
“What, shittykawa?”
“She should have kept aiming at their number 4. She got confident aiming for their libero,” Oikawa stated matter-of-factly. 
“How do you know she was aiming for the libero?” Iwaizumi retorted. “What if it was just on accident?”
Oikawa rolled his eyes. “You don’t get five services aces and not be able to aim in the air.”
Iwaizumi shrugged. “I’m just saying it could have been an accident. Like you said, she was on a roll aiming and scoring off of their number four. Why would she switch that up?”
Oikawa pursed his lips. 
“You never know unless you ask,” Iwaizumi added slyly. “Not that you will.”
Oikawa whirled on Iwaizumi. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” Iwaizumi started without looking over at Oikawa. “You don’t talk to girls unless they fawn all over you.”
“Not true,” Oikawa huffed.
Iwaizumi just shrugged. 
“That’s not true!” Oikawa repeated in frustration. 
“Then prove it,” Iwaizumi replied bluntly. 
“Besides, how do you know she won’t like me?”
Iwaizumi laughed. 
“What?” Oikawa grit his teeth, starting to get annoyed at Iwaizumi. 
“You don’t remember?” Iwaizumi shot Oikawa a side glance. 
Oikawa just glared at Iwaizumi. 
“Hey, fine.” Iwaizumi sighed. He turned back to the game. “You hit on her at school a while back and she didn’t give you the time of day.”
Oikawa snorted. “I do not ‘hit on’ people.”
Iwaizumi shrugged. 
“Fine, come with me then,” Oikawa nearly growled. He got up from his seat and marched away. Iwaizumi sighed but got up. The game was already over and he was upset that he couldn’t enjoy it, but what did he expect from watching it with Oikawa. 
Oikawa stomped his way all the way downstairs and was a fuming mess when he finally stopped in front of you. You waved off the teammates you were walking with to go ahead and stopped to see what The Oikawa Tooru wanted from you. 
“Did you purposefully aim for the libero after the five service aces?” He growled. 
“I don’t know what crawled up your ass, but usually you’re supposed to congratulate someone on that kind of shit,” you smirked, enjoying Oikawa’s bad mood.  
“Congratulations,” he forced a smile and said sweetly. “Now did you or did you not?” 
You grinned. “How about we make a deal?”
Oikawa cocked an eyebrow but let you continue. 
“You watch out next game, and let me know if I did.”
Oikawa scoffed. “That’s hardly a deal that favors me.”
“You’re smart,” you shrugged. “You’ll figure it out.” You took your leave at that, leaving Oikawa behind, still frustrated. 
But he couldn’t help but want to watch your next game, for some odd reason. Maybe this deal wasn’t too bad. 
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
Our Stars Collided- Part 1
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THIS IS THE SURPRISE IM WRITING A JATP SERIES AND IM SO EXCITED. This first one kinda sucks at first, but I swear it gets better the more you get into it.
Words: 2.1k
Summary: The reader has been wondering who the phantoms in the band are. But when she comes face to face with a phantom will she get her answers? (This does not follow all the events of the series)
Pairing: Luke x reader
Warnings: none, except bad writing
You had lunch this period, you were one track minded in that moment, and b-lining for the cafeteria. But as you passed the lockers your half run nearly turned to a stop.
You had made eye contact with none other than the cute boy from Julie's hologram band. Except every single person in the hallway was acting like they couldn't see him. Which in their defense, they probably couldn't, you were probably going insane.
According to Julie they were holograms. But when everyone else had gasped in shock that they had suddenly disappeared, you continued to watch them. And yet no one else noticed. From that moment on you were convinced yourself that it had been a figment of your imagination. Until now, that was.
You figured it might raise suspicion if you continued staring into what everyone else believed to be nothing. So you hid behind a pole and watched.
Julie seemed to be just talking on the phone to everyone else. But you watched as she continued on her conversation with the supposed hologram. Their conversation wasn't anything interesting, it seemed to just be about what song they were playing in a few weeks; and the boy apologized for being somewhat difficult to work with. As you watched, another sophomore, named Nick approached. You peeked around the pole to see where the boy went and saw that he was staring right at you.
You flew back behind your hiding place. You felt your pulse quickening though you weren't sure if it was because you were afraid he'd seen you or for a different reason entirely.
After you'd calmed yourself down you opened your eyes, you saw the boy standing right in front of you, only a couple feet away. You clapped a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from screaming.
Wait, you can see me?" the boy asked. He sounded just as freaked out as you felt.
You nodded your head, with your hand still on your mouth.
The boy's eyes went wide for a moment. But then he looked like he was deep in thought. "Why can you see me?" he asked curiously.
Your expression went blank for a moment. How could you answer a question you didn't even know? Also did someone give you drugs, or was this actually happening?
"I have no idea, also are you even real?" You asked. You reached out to poke his shoulder, and you felt nothing. "Nope, I'm definitely imagining this," you said aloud to yourself.
You turned and started to walk away. "Wait!" the boy yelled.
"Yes, imaginary person who I have probably made up in my head?" you asked.
He talked as he walked to catch up with you. "I'm real, I'm very, very real. I'm just also dead."
You crossed your arms and faced him. "So you're a ghost?" you asked.
You crossed your arms. "So prove it, how do I know you're not a figment of my imagination?"
The boy paused for a moment to think. "Umm I know there's a student named Julie that goes here and she has fourth period dance class, and you probably don't know that, so how would a figment of your imagination know that?" After finishing his trail of thought the boy looked over at you with a hopeful smile.
You thought over it for a moment which was mildly difficult with that face looking at you. "Yeah, okay, that adds up I suppose." His smile turned into a slight smugness that he had convinced you.
"See, I told you I was real."
You pushed down the heat attempting to rise to your cheeks.
"But how?" you asked.
"Wellllllllll that's a little bit more of a complicated question," Luke explained, as he itched the back of his head.
Somehow, you were still getting more confused. "How is it complicated?"
"That's kinda a long story. But, I can explain some of it," he offered.
You gestured to him that the floor was his.
"Oh, not right now because I'm pretty sure I've made like at least five people think you're crazy already." He gestured around to people at their lockers who were staring at you.
"But I can tell you later, if you meet me at Julie's house, after school," he promised.
"Okay, yeah, I'm not doing anything, and I've been there before so I know where it is," you agreed.
"Cool! I never caught your name by the way," he mentioned.
"Oh it's y/n, and you are?"
"Luke, and I'll see you then!" He waved at you and in a poof he was gone.
It was definitely not a normal way to start your lunch. But you supposed that from the day that they had performed your life hadn't been normal.
Three hours later you found yourself standing in front of Julie Molina's house. You were silently hoping that this was the right house, because that would be a very interesting conversation if it wasn't. Luckily enough, Julie was the one who opened the door.
"Hi, um I'm here to see Luke?" you hesitantly asked.
"Oh yeah, he told me about you, come on I’ll show you where he is.” She closed the door and started leading you through a garden, as you tried not to read too deeply into what she had said. Eventually, you walked down a set of steps to some sort of studio. As she opened the wide white entrance doors you saw all three of the guys you had watched play with Julie a week ago.
You stood in shock for a moment. So you hadn’t been seeing things! You only came back to reality when you heard Julie say your name.
“Meet Reggie, Alex, and you already met Luke. So Reggie and Alex, meet y/n,” she introduced.
“Hello!” Reggie waved.
“Hi,” said Alex.
“Hi,” you responded.
“So now is your time to ask questions without someone thinking you are going insane,” Luke offered, as he sat down on a couch.
“Okay, so you guys are ghosts, right?”
The three all nodded their heads.
“But for some reason Julie and I can see you?” you observed.
“Yes, but we don’t actually know the reason for that. Or to a lot of things for that matter. But we think it might mean that you two are related to our pasts in some sort of way,” the one you remembered to be Alex, suggested.
“Okay, interesting. Do you know why people can see you when you play?” you inquired.
“No, I mean we think it’s because we are connected to Julie and that we are still connected with music, but other than that we have no idea,” Luke said.
You continued asking them questions for quite some time, until you couldn’t think of anything anymore. Granted, there was still a lot you didn’t know, but that was fine with you. Afterall, asking someone how they died felt a little too personal; even if they did make you think you were losing your mind for a week straight.
Eventually your conversation diverged into other matters like school, and music, and of course food.
“You play the guitar?” Luke asked in surprise.
You turned to him from a conversation you were having with Alex. “I mean, I’m not as good as you, but yes,” you admitted.
“Wait, you play guitar TOO?” Reggie asked in awe.
You had to laugh at the sudden fascination with you. “Yes, I do.”
Reggie seemed to be ecstatic. “You have to play something; here, use Luke’s guitar,” he offered.
Alex lightly slapped his arm and you watched the corner of your eye as Luke muttered something along the lines of what the hell Reggie.
“It’s okay, I don’t wanna steal someone else’s equipment, and I usually only play in my room by myself. Besides, you probably don’t wanna hear me anyways,” you pointed out.
“You don’t have to play, but that’s b.s. I’ve heard you’d play and you’re obviously talented,” Julie chimed in. You were slightly embarrassed but you accepted the compliment. Soon enough your conversation died down and it was decided that you should probably head back home as it was getting late. You waved goodbye to the boys and told Julie you would see her tomorrow.
As you ate supper, you realized that even though you had one of the most eventful days in history you could tell no one about it, including your family. Otherwise they would think you were just as insane as you thought you were. But you supposed there were worse problems to have then knowing a band that you couldn’t talk about.
As you got ready for bed you decided to bring out your acoustic guitar.
You started strumming before realizing there was a particular song you hadn’t played in a long while. It took you a couple attempts to remember the fingering for it, but once you did the music started to flow out of you.
“When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love.”
You then jumped to the melody at a higher octave. You decided to go all out and sing it to your heart's content.
“I know you haven’t made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong. I’ve known it from the moment that we met. No doubt in my mind where you belong.”
You strummed a couple more chords before placing your guitar down. You turned around and came inches away from Luke’s face.
“Shit!” you yelled on instinct. You paused for a moment to make sure no one had heard you, but you didn’t hear anything.
“What are you two doing here?” you hissed.
Reggie was the first to open his mouth. “Well uh you see here, we actually have a very good reason for being here. Yep, and Luke’s going to tell you that reason.” He clapped his bandmate on the shoulder, and Luke glared at him.
“Y/n I’m really sorry, but he really wanted to hear you play. And I was super curious too, and we just couldn’t resist,” Luke apologized.
You took a look at them still wanting to be mad, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. They looked not unlike sad puppies.
You fake sighed, but you couldn’t fight the smile on your face. “I guess I can let you guys off the hook this time.”
“I swear it won’t happen again,” Reggie promised.
“Next time just knock instead of scaring the shit out of me, okay?” you asked.
“You got it, though I can’t say we won’t scare you. I mean we are ghosts,” Luke teased, with a glint in his eyes that you couldn’t figure out.
You amusedly rolled your eyes at him, “Whatever, Luke.”
The next day you couldn’t really focus on your clases. All you could think about were theories on why you could see Alex, Reggie, and Luke and why everyone else couldn’t. By the time lunch rolled around you were very thankful Julie was in the same lunch period as you.
“Hey!” she greeted you.
“What’s up?” you asked, shutting your locker.
“Just something I want to show you, follow me,” she gestured. You didn’t know where she was taking you but you just shrugged and went with it. She led you over to the next set of lockers and down a set of steps to a pretty much vacant part of the school. And once you turned the corner you heard a very loud ‘surprise!’
“Aeeehp!” you yelled in shock.
“Oh my god, you guys have got to stop doing that,” you said to the three.
“Yeah, they never do,” Julie sighed.
“But anyways, we brought you down here to tell you, drumroll please?” Julie requested.
They all started stomping their feet.
“We want you to join Julie and the Phantoms!” Alex announced.
“Wait, what?” you excitedly asked.
“Well after the little stunt that Luke and Reggie pulled, which I do not approve of by the way,” she sent a glare back at the two of them, “we had a band meeting and decided that we want you in the band, that is of course if you want to be in the band?”
You were positively beaming. “Yes of course I do! But what do you want me to do? You already have two singers and an electric guitarist.”
“Well we always have room for more singing, and I’m just lead guitar. We used to have three guitars in sunset curve, so why not in Julie and the Phantoms?” Luke questioned.
“I’m game if you guys are.”
“So you’re in?” Reggie asked.
You smiled brightly, “I’m so in.”
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scxrlettwxtches · 4 years
[6:24p.m.] kiss at a party + no reason at all | seo changbin
warnings: very light make-out scene
requested: yes!
a/n: im sorry this isn’t super good, anon. >.< 
Was it wrong to shamelessly stare at your best friend’s arms as he did push ups? Probably. Did you care in the moment? Absolutely not.
As you stood leaning against the kitchen counter with your plastic cup of spiked punch, watching Changbin complete a stupid dare to do a hundred push ups, your mind was filled with the most indecent thoughts, thoughts that you definitely were not supposed to have about your best friend. 
This was Changbin, for god’s sake. Surely thinking about the way his arm would flex if he shoved you against the wall was--like--against some sort of bro code, right?
Still, as the ecstatic spectators counted down the remaining push ups, you could only focus on the way his triceps flexed with every repetition, the way his damp hair fell towards his face as a bead of sweat dripped down his cheek and--
Okay, your brain needed some serious deep cleaning.
The cheers were deafening as Changbin finished his last push up, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to clap. All you could think about was the fact that you just had dirty thoughts about your best friend. What would he even think of you if he found out? The fear made your stomach churn, and you slipped out of the crowd, heading to the front porch of the house to get some air, oblivious to the pair of observant eyes spotting your swift departure.
You were sitting outside in the relaxing summer breeze, the type of weather one would only see once the sun had set and spared everyone from another nasty burn, when you heard a familiar voice drawl behind you.
“Didn’t like the show?”
“Are you talking about the show where Jisung tried to fit five ping pong balls into his cheeks or the show where Chan attempted Mariah Carey’s whistle note? You’re going to have to be a little more specific,” you said, feigning nonchalance as you sipped at your punch.
Changbin chuckled, settling on the porch beside you, “Not either of those, dummy. I was talking about my show.”
You gave him a deadpan stare, controlling the blush that threatened to appear on your cheeks, “What show?”
“Don’t be mean,” Your friend pouted, flicking your forehead lightly, “I know you were there. I saw you with your judgy little eyes watching me from the kitchen.” 
Rubbing your forehead with a pout, you elbowed Changbin with your free arm, “You don’t know your own strength anymore!” You complained, “I think you’ve hit the gym enough, Captain America.”
To your surprise, Changbin suddenly looked embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck as he looked down at his lap, “You noticed?”
“Notice what?” You mumbled irritably, still massaging your sore temple.
“That--you know--” Changbin gestured uselessly with his arms, making them flex again in a way that made you want to tear your hair out and scream, “I’ve been working out.”
You blinked, your mind going blank for one second, then two, then three, before you finally spluttered out, “Y-you thought I wouldn’t notice that you started working out?”
“Well, you never mentioned it!” Your friend said, sounding affronted, “How was I supposed to know that you noticed?!”
“Changbin, no offense, but you were a literal stick when summer started,” you laughed, putting your cup down beside you and leaning back to rest on your arms as you spoke, the alcohol loosening your mouth, “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice when you came back from camp and suddenly got all buff and hot as hell--”
“Wait, what?” Changbin choked on something in his throat, gawking at you with wide eyes.
You turned to look at him, “What? What did I say?” You asked obliviously. You weren’t really paying attention to your words just then, surely you couldn’t have said something stupid in the ten seconds you weren’t checking yourself.
“Do you really think that?” He asked, his voice significantly softer than before, a tone in his voice that almost sounded like...nervousness.
“Look, Changbin, I’m a little tipsy, so you’re really gonna have to be more specific--”
“Do you really think I’m hot as hell?” Changbin blurted out, a bright pink blush coloring his cheeks as your head whipped around to stare at him.
“Did I say that?!” you squeaked, leaning away from your friend as your face grew hot.
Changbin nodded firmly, “You definitely said it just now,” he confirmed your fears before asking again, wanting--needing--a real answer, “Do you really think that I’m hot?”
Well, there was no turning back now. You looked down at your lap, your hair falling to cover your face as you mumbled, “Do you want the truth, or the answer that will keep our relationship where it is right now?”
“The truth,” Changbin answered without hesitation as he scooted closer to you, his eyebrows furrowed with worry even as his heart pounded. As much as he’s been dreaming for this moment, he’d never want it to happen at the expense of you staying comfortable with him. 
You let out a resigned sigh, “I think you’re hot,” You said, paying far more attention to the hem of your dress than the reaction on his face, “I mean--I always thought you were really good looking--”
Changbin didn’t waste a second as he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, pressing his lips against yours. Despite the urgency and the desperation because god, this was a long time coming, his kiss was gentle, never once making you feel like you were out of your element. Instinctively, you scooted closer to him, your hand naturally falling to rest against his firm chest as his hand moved to cup your face, the other carding through your hair. 
“I’ve waited--we’ve waited too long to do this,” The boy mumbled against your lips, and you wholeheartedly agreed, deepening the kiss as you leaned towards him, letting all of your pent up feelings, your secret infatuation for your best friend spill out into the kiss.
Even your lips pulled away from each other, both of you breathing heavily, neither were willing to let go, Changbin’s hands still touching you anywhere he could, your waist, your neck, your cheeks, your hair, and your hands rested on his chest, leaving featherlight touches down his torso which almost drove him insane. 
“Y/N…” he said breathlessly, his fingers brushing your hair away from your face, “I have--I have to tell you something.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you leaned forward curiously, letting his lips brush against your ear, “What is it?”
His lips curled into a smile, his voice no more than a soft murmur as he spoke, “I saw you staring at my arms during the push up dare. You’re not very subtle, you know.”
“S-Seo Changbin!”
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kaimelia · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Amelia smiled widely as she looked at the scene in front of her; her husband chasing their 4-year-old son around the grass in the park as their 2-year-old daughter lay draped across her lap, picking at the grass and flowers scattered around her. It all felt unreal, she often wondered what she did to truly deserve this type of joy. She knew that this happiness wouldn’t last forever, between the dramatic and exhausting birth of their daughter Charlotte and Scout’s broken arm last year, they’d had some hardships but every time, they got through it. Together.
“Mommy!” She glanced up to see her son running towards her while giggling. “Daddy’s gonna catch me!” Amelia held out her other arm to catch him as he bolted towards her, shielding him as Link approached them.
“And what are you doing to him?” She questioned, watching as he sat down across from her on their small blanket. He matched the grin on her face and held his hands out to take Charlotte, who was mumbling ‘Dada’ while attempting to break out of her mother’s grasp.
“Daddy was gonna catch me so I came to you to protect me.” Amelia looked down at her son’s wide eyes and pulled him to sit on her leg. “Quick, we have to help Char! Mommy! Daddy’s gonna get her!” Scout frowned as his sister climbed onto her father’s lap and settled into his embrace.
“I think Char just wants to spend some time with Daddy.” Link grinned at his son, raising his eyebrows as the little girl laughed in his arms. “So,” Amelia began, looking into her husband’s eyes while smiling, “Mommy and Daddy have a surprise for you.” Scout shifted in her lap to look up at her.
“Surprise?” He questioned, his eyes wide with curiosity. She brushed his blonde hair out of his face, laughing softly at his expression.
“Yup, a surprise,” Link spoke. Both of the children turned to their father. “We decided that for Scout’s birthday, we could go to New York to see Grandma and your Aunties.” Scout quickly stood up, clapping his hands in excitement. They’d only spent a short amount of time with Amelia’s side of the family, but the kids had quickly come to especially love their Aunt Nancy and Grandma Carolyn, allowing Amelia to bond more with them, too. Scout had been asking for months to go and visit them in New York, along with going to the Museum of National History to see the dinosaurs.
“Really?” Link nodded as his son quickly ran to him, throwing his small arms around his father. “We’re gonna go to New York!” Charlotte matched her brother’s excitement and clapped her hands together while smiling widely. Their excitement calmed after a few moments as Scout turned back to his mother. “Thank you!” Amelia grinned and embraced him tightly. Link noticed a tear rolling down her face, confusion spreading across his expression.
“You okay?” He whispered, placing a hand on her arm. She nodded.
“I’m good.” Scout pulled away, drawing his father’s attention as he ran around on the grass.
“I have to go catch your son, but you’re not avoiding this,” he muttered, standing up to chase the little boy, with Charlotte on his back. Amelia laughed and shook her head, her smile wide as she watched her family.
She softly closed Charlotte’s bedroom door, tiptoeing down the hallway towards the light coming from her and Link’s bedroom. She found him laying on the bed with his iPad in hand while watching a baseball game. Amelia crawled into bed next to him, throwing an arm over his body and sighing, nuzzling her face into his chest. He set the tablet down on the table after shutting it off and pulled her closer to his body. “I love you,” she whispered, relaxing as his hand ran through his hair. “I feel like I don’t tell you that enough, but I do.” He kissed the top of her head, shifting so he was laying down with her head on his chest.
“Are you okay?” She lifted up her head, seeing his confused expression. “You’ve been weird today.” She laid her head back down and wrapped her arm around him tighter.
“I was just thinking while we were at the park. About how lucky we are, and how happy I am. I mean, a few years ago if you had told me this is what my life would be like, I would’ve told you that you’re insane.”
“Yeah, after you rejected me.” She lightly slapped his chest, emitting a laugh from him.
“You didn’t even like me. You just did it because Maggie told you to.”
“Maybe I didn’t like you at the time, but I thought you were hot.” Amelia giggled, shaking her head slowly.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous.” She placed her arm back around his body and closed her eyes. “I still love you, though.” Link turned off the lamp beside him, pulling the covers up over their bodies.
“I kind of love you too.” He laughed softly.
“What?” She asked, turning her head to look up at him.
“Just how you were saying how a few years ago, this all would’ve sounded insane to us. Our lives sound like a fairytale, I don’t think I would’ve believed this was possible.” She leaned up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
“That’s because you’re my happily ever after.”
A/N: hi everyone, im really sorry for the delay in posting. this is the last one shot I'll be writing for a little bit. over these past few weeks, one of my family members got a really big and frankly a scary diagnosis, and we’re trying to figure that out and I honestly dont know what's going to happen. grey’s didn't prepare me for this one. I'm also applying to schools, and its a lot of work for me right now. so, I’ll be taking a break for I dont know how long. but that you to everyone who has supported and liked my writing, I never thought id have so many people who enjoyed my writing. thank you for understanding
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Graphic depiction of torture, graphic physical violence, captured/kidnapping, major character death
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
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Word Count: 5,133
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,
AN: And it all goes downhill from here, Ladies...
Chapter 51: Begin
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“I can’t stand you crying. I want to cry instead, although I can’t.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Seoul – Samseong; Gangnam District South Korea
9:45 AM
Jungkook was three steps from heading to the insane asylum.
One step represented each day that he hadn’t been able to track Eden down.
He barely heard the words of comfort that Jimin was giving him. He knew that it had something to do with it not being his fault, but how could it not have been? He hadn’t heard from his wife in three days, assuming she got wrapped up with family affairs and was too busy to check in on the first day. The second day had him concerned that she’d gotten hurt. By the third day, Jungkook was at his wit’s end.
Only to find out that she’d been snatched up before she ever got the chance to leave for Daegu. He shouldn’t have put her second to his job. He shouldn’t have let her leave their house to go to the train station alone.
He shouldn’t have let this happen.
The image of Eden’s beaten form in the video clip was branded across the forefront of his mind. Hoseok was angry, determined to track down the Jade Fang members who’d done this. Jungkook was angry that they were still part of the equation. They should have been eliminated years ago.
It wasn’t like they weren’t aware of what Im Changkyun was capable of. They’d seen the vicious things he’d done while they were Jade Fang members themselves. He didn’t think it was necessary to attend district meetings, feeling the rest of the bosses were beneath his standards of proper mafia leadership. Hoseok was his only equal and it appeared that he continued to see him as such.
Divine Intervention prevented Jungkook from leaving the house that night and storming the stronghold of the Jade Fangs alone. He would have burned every single one of their businesses down; he was determined to do so. Jimin escorted him home that night and there was a parcel waiting at home for Jungkook. His brother made him a drink and when Jungkook opened the package, he collapsed on the floor and cried until he could barely breathe.
It was a gift Eden prepared for him for his birthday – a handmade model of his dream car. Seated in the car were miniature figures of Eden and himself. He didn’t remember passing out. He didn’t remember Jimin tucking a blanket over him. He could only remember Eden’s face, smiling as they shared breakfast together the morning she was taken.
“Jungkook-ah,” called Jimin, pulling Jungkook out of his inner musings. There was concern painted over his brother’s face and he took a breath, waiting for him to continue. “I think we’ve covered everywhere here.”
Jungkook said nothing. Instead, he pulled out the small notebook he carried with him and scratched out Gangnam from the list. For two and a half days, they combed every single section of Gangnam they could. There was a part of him that knew that the Jade Fangs wouldn’t be so arrogant to hold her hostage in their former territory. But there was also a part of him that could reason Im Changkyun doing something so ridiculous as a form of “poetic justice” against them.
To him, the Golden Jackals never disbanded.
“What about the others?”
Jimin sighed, leaning against the driver’s side door of the car. “They’re hitting the other areas. Hoseok called in some favors from the other district bosses to let us through.”
All Jungkook did was nod. There was something off about this whole situation. Very off. There shouldn’t have been a single obstacle in the way of the other district heads when it came to taking over their territories. Yongsan and Gangnam were completely up for grabs; Hoseok said as much. Jungkook could only guess that Changkyun’s influence prevented them from stepping a single foot into their turf. He more than likely was determined to get Hoseok and the others back so they could do a mass district takeover.
“I don’t like that Tae Hyung went off by himself,” he suddenly said, meeting Jimin’s gaze.
“Yeah,” he replied softly, “I don’t either.”
Jungkook frowned. “He still hasn’t checked in yet?”
He didn’t want to prod any further. Jimin was probably more worried about Taehyung than any of them. While it was unsurprising that he went off on his own, it was unlike him to not have checked in by now. Taehyung wasn’t a morning person, which was why they all knew that he hadn’t slept while he was on the hunt.
Then again, none of them were really sleeping.
A soft ache throbbed at Jungkook’s temple. He pressed a hand to his chest, taking a small amount of comfort in feeling his wedding band dangling from the necklace chain. He didn’t know how much longer he could handle not knowing what was happening with Eden.
“Hyung, I—”
“She’s fine, Jungkook-ah.” Jimin’s words sliced through his own, as if he’d already predicted what he was going to say. When he met his brother’s gaze, he saw the reassuring smile tinged with just a hint of worry. “If I know her, she’ll make them regret the day they decided to take her.���
“Not before I do.”
Suddenly, Jimin and Jungkook’s phones chimed simultaneously – indicating they received a message. Both looked at their phones immediately and Jungkook felt his heart rate escalate. It wasn’t a matter of him losing hope as seeing the message renewed his vigor.
It was from Taehyung.
Taehyung: I found her. She’s near Namyangju in Gyeonggi-do. Somewhere in the Industrial District. I’m heading back now.
Jungkook looked at Jimin the same time he did. Without uttering a word, they flung the doors open to the car and hopped in. Jimin fired up the engine and punched it, speeding out of Gangnam. Jungkook stared at his phone as more messages came through from the others. It didn’t take him long to figure out that they were closer to that location than everyone else. It was a half an hour drive, traffic willing.
They’d get there first.
10:17 AM
Namyangju – Gyeonggi Province South Korea
Jungkook felt like it took them a hundred years to get to their destination. With every mile marker they passed, it brought him one step closer to finding Eden. One step closer to bringing her home. He clung to the smallest shreds of his willpower not to scream at Jimin to drive faster. They didn’t need to get into any kind of accident before they reached her.
Jimin swung the car into an empty street, the desolate district eerie even in the morning light. Jungkook tumbled from the passenger side, all but tearing his seatbelt from his body in the process. Jimin called after him, but he paid him no mind. His legs ate up the ground as he ran headlong into the central area of the decrepit buildings.
No one lived in the abandoned sections of the province anymore, but the government hadn’t bothered with tearing it down. His hope began to dwindle, realizing just how expansive the district was. It would take them hours to find her at this rate.
Resisting the urge to scream, he slowed to a jogging pace before stopping altogether. Running around blindly without a single clue as to where to look would get him nowhere. They were just wasting time. There was even the chance that the group would up and relocate themselves before they could even have a chance at finding them.
Eden would be lost forever.
He heard Jimin run up behind him, clapping a hand to his shoulder. Jungkook did his best to tether his scattered thoughts, chasing away the worst possibilities from his mind. He needed to calm down and think.
“There were a few cars parked near the back,” he said after catching his breath, “we might need to go up top to get a better idea of where they might be.”
Jungkook nodded, pointing straight ahead. “I’ll head to that building down there. Text me if you find anything.”
Just as he was about to take off, Jimin grabbed him – halting his movements.
“No, we stick together.” Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, but Jimin’s glare quickly silenced him. “If something happens, we won’t be able to do anything alone. We’re stronger together.”
While he wanted to argue, he knew that his brother was right. Even if splitting up would help them cover more ground, there was a good chance that they wouldn’t have a way to defend themselves if they got caught in a sticky situation. Jungkook did his best to push down his mounting impulsivities. Charging in blindly was foolish and would most likely get them killed.
“Alright, Hyung,” Jungkook said, relenting, “let’s go together.”
Not wasting another moment, they tore off down the center of the district – eyes rapidly searching in every direction their necks would allow them to turn.
10:32 AM
Minutes crept by at a snail’s pace.
Jungkook did everything he could to keep his head together. There were too many horrifying images playing rapidly in his head, like a flipbook that ended in blood splatters. Jimin stayed at his side, matching his pace as well as his fervor. Every so often, they would stop to peek into various buildings. They climbed up to higher vantage points to get a better lay of the area, dipping off to resume their search.
Everything looked so dead from the inside out.
A scream tore through the vast emptiness, causing Jungkook to trip over his own feet and he came crashing to the ground. Jimin was immediately beside him, grabbing him by the arm and hoisting him back up. Jungkook’s heart pounded double-time in his chest; it hurt. A cold sweat broke out over his skin and he couldn’t stop his body from trembling, even though Jimin rubbed small circles on his back.
“E-Eden,” he barely managed to croak, his legs shaking to the point where it was difficult to stand. Jimin continued to hold him up. “That was her!”
The sound was close.
Jimin said nothing. He continued to guide them along the path, turning around corners until he heard his wife scream again. It was even closer. They were almost to her!
He felt his brother release the hold he had on him and Jungkook involuntarily sagged against the side of a building. He didn’t know where they were or how deep into the district they’d gone. Jimin’s expression was focused and if he was feeling any sort of turmoil, it never showed. Not once.
The building they were pressed against was yellowed from age and neglect. Numerous cracks ran along the sides and bits of paint were peeling back; some pieces flying away from even the slightest gust of wind. The window had a long crack running from an upward angle to the corner of the pane; dirty and smudged. Jimin wiped a hand across the bottom to get rid of the dirt so he could see inside. Jungkook sidled up beside him to peek in as well.
He could feel Jimin’s vice-like grip on his shoulder, pinning him in place. Jungkook’s vision blurred momentarily before regaining focus, zeroing in on the image of his wife strung up like some animal. There were a few lackeys around and appeared to be bored – as if they were waiting for something interesting to happen. Jungkook felt the muscle at his jaw throbbing viciously as he clenched his teeth, grinding them in anger.
He wanted a gun. He would have emptied a clip into every single one of them.
Jungkook tried to move, but Jimin wouldn’t let him go.
“Hyung!” came his harsh whisper, but Jimin shook his head roughly.
“Wait, Jungkook,” he hissed back, finally letting him go, “just wait.”
“I can’t, dammit!”
“You can and you will.” Jimin’s words were final. “We don’t even know what kind of weapons they have in there. If Changkyun’s willing to play dirty like this, there’s no guarantee that his men won’t fill us full of holes with guns they obtained illegally.”
Jungkook wanted to protest, but he knew that Jimin was right. They needed to assess the situation fully before making a move. If they ran in there blindly without understanding what they were up against, there was a chance that Eden would die in the crossfire.
“So what now?”
Jimin continued to look through the window and he could see the wheels in his head turning. Strategy was his strongest suit so Jungkook did his best to be as patient as possible. A handful of seconds passed before he turned to meet his gaze.
“I’m going to go in from the front.”
“What?!” Jungkook gave him an incredulous look. “That’s crazy. Are you crazy?!”
“Shut-up and listen to me.” Jimin turned to look back through the window. “I’m going to draw their attention to me. This window is loose so as soon as I get them to chase me, I want you to go in and grab Eden and then get the hell out of here.”
He didn’t like this plan.
“There’s ten of them, Hyung. Maybe more. You can’t outrun them all.”
Jimin grinned, still peering into the building. “I can try.”
Jungkook grabbed his shoulder. “Hyung!”
He felt his arm being yanked off abruptly, causing him to take a step back. Jimin cast an icy glare in his direction.
“Do what I say.”
He wanted to protest again. He wanted to tell him that this was suicide. They should wait for the others. Wouldn’t that have been the smart thing?
But if they waited too long, then they may miss their chance. The Jade Fangs could probably swarm them, call for more men, and then overtake them completely. Jungkook knew that the plan was the best option they had right now.
It didn’t mean he had to like it.
Without waiting for him to agree or even disagree, Jimin turned and ran down one side of the building. He rounded the corner and disappeared on the other side, leaving Jungkook alone to wait. There was a distinct feeling of dread sweeping over him, telling him that there was danger to watch out for. But wasn’t that obvious? Didn’t they understand that, knowingly showing up to this place?
This was unavoidable.
A loud bang rang out inside the large interior. Jungkook peered over the bottom of the window, craning his neck as best he could. Light flooded into the dark space as he watched Jimin’s shadow stretching along the floor. All the men inside turned around, grabbing what weapons they had near them to launch an assault. Jimin immediately dispatched one of the lackeys close to the door before turning to run away from the building. All but two gave chase.
Jungkook thrust the window open, causing it to break further from the force. He leaped in through the opening and charged forward. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction caused by his entrance, Jungkook barreled into the man closest to him – taking him down with a swift grappling throw. The man landed on his head; a distinct crack heard from his skull smacking into the concrete.
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, a flash of silver, and he dodged at the last second. Whirling his body around, he jumped back with his arms extended out as another man tried to hit him with a metal bat. Jungkook bobbed and weaved out of the way, moving just out of reach at the last possible moment. Pivoting on his back leg, he waited for the man to try to swing at him again before catching the bat in his hand and pulling it toward him. The man slid on his heels, the distance closing rapidly. Jungkook aimed a kick straight for his stomach and sent him flying.
He brought the bat down over the man’s head for good measure.
With the two men unconscious, Jungkook swerved around and ran toward Eden. He did his best to avoid looking at her injuries, not wanting to distract himself from the most important task he had: freeing her. As he looked at her restraints, he did his best to concentrate on her face. She was semi-conscious, the noise bringing her out of whatever fugue state she was in.
“J-Jungkook-ah?” She coughed. “Y-You shouldn’t be here…”
“Shh,” he admonished, his eyes flicking over her bindings, “save your strength.”
His hands moved with lightning speed, fidgeting over the ropes and chains binding her as she hung from a large hook attached to the ceiling. When he finally managed to loosen the ropes, he lifted her up by her waist so he could untether her from the hook. Her arms dangled limply around his neck; the chains clamped around her wrists jingling together with the sudden movement.
Her body lacked the strength to keep herself upright and she nearly collapsed to the ground. Jungkook held fast to her, moving her arms over his head so he could undo the chains around her wrists. He could tell she’d lost weight and she seemed almost a shell of who he knew her to be. He focused on getting her to safety – choosing to smother his fury into the pit of his stomach.
“Go,” she whispered as he held onto her, “get out of here.” She coughed again. “Leave me.”
“Not a chance in hell,” he snapped, draping her arm over his shoulder as he held onto her waist, “now come on.”
Jungkook wouldn’t hear anymore of this nonsense, even if it was coming from the woman he loved. She was barefoot, but there wasn’t any glass on the ground. If she didn’t think she’d be able to walk, he’d carry her on his back and dare her to say otherwise.
Shuffling toward the entrance, he could hear men yelling in the distance. But it sounded like it was getting closer. Jimin was circling back, probably to make sure that they’d gotten out. If they could hold out a little longer, the others would come and then they could cause a big enough scene to get the hell out.
Just as he reached the entryway, he turned to make sure the two men he’d dealt with were still on the ground. Satisfied that they weren’t going to be getting up anytime soon, he turned back toward the exit.
A shadow moved from the corner. Eden saw it before he did. Jungkook shuffled to the left. He was half a step short.
The pain didn’t register at first. All he could focus on was Yoo Kihyun who was now directly in his path to freedom. It wasn’t until he saw the older man take a step forward that Jungkook took a step back. But not of his own freewill. He was forced to step back.
The knife in his gut pushed him to move.
Eden screamed but he barely heard it. Jungkook nearly dropped her, but his stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to fall. Not in front of him; her captor. A chilling smile painted over Kihyun’s face as he tilted his head, peering into Jungkook’s eyes. It was like he was asking him what his next move would be without having to say it out loud. For a split second, Jungkook’s vision blurred.
Releasing the hold he had on Eden’s arm, he grabbed a hold of the knife and pushed back – pulling the blade slowly from his gut. Kihyun blinked in surprise at him, watching as he drew the older man’s arm away from his body while still holding his wife fast to him. Again, Eden screamed, but this time she moved with whatever strength was left in her body – arms reaching out in a feral manner.
She scratched her nails across Kihyun’s face, forcing him to reach up and cover his cheek. Jungkook stepped forward, pulling the knife completely from his stomach, before spinning it in his blood-soaked fingers to grasp the blade’s handle. Kihyun stumbled backward a step and Jungkook quickly closed the distance, plunging the knife directly into his shoulder and aiming a kick to his knee. He waited for him to hit the dirt before pulling Eden quickly behind him.
He didn’t have to express the need for urgency.
They both disappeared into a nearby cluster of reeds.
10:45 AM
Blood wept from the side of Jimin’s head as he rounded the corner of a building. He held onto a rusty metal pipe, clutching it at his side. He knew one of his ribs were broken, if not two, and there was a good chance he very nearly sprained his ankle hopping over a broken-down car to avoid being clobbered with a length of chain. He quickly did a tally in his head, making a note that he was able to knock down four of the eight that were chasing him. Two of them he tripped up along their pursuit and the rest were now trying to comb the nearby streets in search of him.
Hearing Eden’s scream forced him to double back toward the building where he’d left Jungkook. It wasn’t the sound of agony. It was of outrage. Something must have happened. He needed to get back to them and quickly.
Jimin wiped some of the sweat and blood from his head, spitting at the ground. Once his heart calmed down, he tried to ascertain his whereabouts. Just two buildings over and he’d be right back where he’d started.
Come on, Park Jimin. Calm down and focus.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out, eyeing the screen. It was from Yoongi.
Yoongi: We’re almost there! Where are you guys? Give us a landmark!
Taking a moment to breathe, he turned his head in every direction to try and gauge a decent landmark for the others to follow. There was a cluster of blue barrels far away from the abandoned buildings, just toward the edge where a large field of reeds were. He quickly texted him back, letting him know the location.
He slid the phone back into his pocket, gripping the metal pipe in both hands. Now he just needed to get back to Jungkook who, he hoped, had Eden in tow.
His phone buzzed again; this time in succession. Someone was calling him.
Dipping into a nearby building, he hunkered down in a shadowed corner to look at the phone. It was Jungkook. He answered.
Jimin could tell something was wrong.
“Where are you?”
“T-The…the reeds…”
He had to refrain from cursing. There were reeds in every direction. He took a breath to calm his nerves.
“What else do you see around you?”
There was a pregnant pause and he wondered if something was happening with the call.
It was Eden. His heart practically jumped into his throat.
“Oh, thank God he got you out. Are you alright?”
“Never mind that. Jungkook’s hurt.”
He could hear the frantic tone in her voice. Jimin tried to smooth his voice out in a way that would help take the edge off for her.
“Okay, just breathe. Can you tell me where you guys are right now?”
“I can’t really see anything. The reeds are so thick.”
“Can you see any barrels around you?”
“Hold on.”
It was only a few seconds, but Jimin felt like he was losing years off his life as he waited for her to answer.
“I can see some blue ones. But they’re far away.”
He resisted the urge to smile. They weren’t that far from his current location.
“How far?”
“Several yards. They’re across that dirt path.”
“Okay, good.” His side screamed at him from the position he was in, but he ignored it. “I want you to meet me there, okay?”
It sounded like she was about to sob which unnerved him.
“Can’t you just come here? Jungkook’s hurt badly and I don’t have the strength to carry him.”
Jimin hissed quietly to himself. I told him to be careful… He took a breath. “Alright, I’ll come to you. I’ll be there soon.”
Ending the call, Jimin slipped out the back of the building and made his way around the next bend. Part of him wanted to throw the pipe off in a different direction, hoping the noise would distract others away from his path. But if they got flanked, he’d need a way to defend Eden, Jungkook, and himself. Especially if Jungkook was as hurt as Eden claimed he was.
This isn’t good, he thought, tearing through the back alleyway and heading up the side of the street to disappear into the thicket of reeds.
10:57 AM
Even though he knew he’d only traveled a few blocks, it felt like he’d been moving for miles. Each turn he made, Jimin thought he was getting more and more lost. Every so often, he’d turn his head to look over his shoulder and spy out the buildings – making sure that he was still on a straight path to the others. He heard some of the other men shouting at each other, trying to figure out where they’d gone, and each of these times, Jimin would pause so that he didn’t give away his position.
Just as he was about to resume his search, he heard a distinct shuffling sound off to his right. It was close.
“J-Jimin-ah? Is that you?”
It was Eden. She sounded exhausted and halfway to the underworld, but it was her. Jimin quickly darted in the direction of her voice, parting the reeds in front of him as he went.
A lump of ice dropped in his stomach at what he saw.
There, cradled in her arms, was Jungkook. A large blood stain blossomed from his shirt and he saw Eden pressing his jacket to his stomach and putting pressure on the injury. She was crying, doing her best to keep her sobs nonexistent so they didn’t alert the others of where they were. She looked up, relief and despair battling for dominance over her features. Jimin dropped the pipe in his hands, his legs slowly carrying him toward Jungkook just as he spit up blood from his mouth.
“J-Jungkook-ah,” he stammered, collapsing to his knees.
Despite the obvious pain he was in, Jungkook flashed him a smile full of blood-stained teeth. “H-Hyung,” he managed to get out, albeit garbled from a mouthful of blood, “what took you so long?”
Jimin didn’t have the energy to snap back. He felt like part of his soul just left him completely. His eyes roved over Jungkook’s body, trying to figure out the cause of his brother’s current state. He lifted his gaze to meet Eden’s.
“What happened?”
“It was Kihyun,” she said weakly while brushing some of the fringe off of Jungkook’s forehead, “he came out of nowhere and—”
“That doesn’t matter,” Jungkook interjected, causing them both to focus on him, “Hyung, get her out of here.”
Another piece of his soul was pulled away.
Eden shifted him in her arms, clinging to him in desperation. “I’m not leaving you!”
“Yes, you are.” Jungkook reached up to his neck, grabbing the necklace and popping it off in one quick motion. He smeared blood over his skin and clothes, holding it up for Eden. “Take it and go.”
She emphatically shook her head and Jimin could tell that even doing this was zapping her of what strength she had left.
“You bastard,” she muttered, curling her fingers into the fabric of his jacket, “how can you expect me to leave you? Huh?” Eden lowered herself, pulling him against her body to hug him close. “Till death do us part, remember?”
Jungkook did his best to wrap an arm around her, coughing more blood out and staining her shirt. “…and this…is where…we part.”
Eden shot back, looking down at Jungkook as tears streamed down her face, dripping onto his cheeks.
“J-Jungkook,” she stammered, her bottom lip trembling as her voice shook.
Again, he smiled up at her. “I love you, Eden.” He grabbed her hand and placed the necklace inside her palm, closing her fingers over it. “If…if I’m reborn, let me love you in the next life too, okay?”
Jimin could hear his own heart shattering in his chest.
“Hyung…take her and go.”
“But Jungkook-ah—”
Tears leaked out of Jimin’s eyes. It took everything he had, but he stood up and crossed over to where Eden was. She continued to hold onto her husband, refusing to let go even as Jimin tried to pull her up and onto her feet. She fought him but even she knew that she didn’t have the strength to keep it up. Jimin held her against him and they both gazed at the satisfied and peaceful expression on Jungkook’s face. He nodded to them, mouthing for them to go.
Jimin turned, hauling Eden with him as she wailed silently into the crook of his shoulder.
I’ll come back for you, Jungkook. I won’t leave you alone out here...
11:05 AM
He knew that it was only a few minutes since he watched Eden and his brother leave. In those few minutes, Jungkook believed it was several lifetimes. In those few minutes, he thought back to everything that led to this very moment. All the choices he’d made, the road he’d traveled, and the people he’d traveled on that road with along the way.
He regretted nothing up until that moment.
The only thing he knew he would have to repent for would be leaving his beautiful wife behind alone. They’d had a few chapters written in their life together, but they were pages filled with hopes and dreams for an uncertain future. Life never gave guarantees. The only certainty for life was death. It was the same for everyone.
The sun was reaching its peak over the skies. There were very little clouds littering the pale blue blanket above him and he wasn’t sure if it was the bright light that was making it difficult to see or something else. Jungkook lost feeling to the lower half of his body nearly two minutes earlier.
Again, he coughed and more blood sprayed from his mouth. Tears brimmed his eyes, slipping from the corners to seep into his ears.
My brothers…
Jungkook could feel his eyelids growing a little heavier with each passing second, but he forced them to stay open.
But the darkness began to creep around the corners of his vision, blurring out the light until it was a faint glow in his line of sight.
He wanted to keep feeling the warmth of the sun on his face until the very end.
…until we meet again.
21 notes · View notes
capricornus-rex · 4 years
i live for you qUEEN! i LOVE your writing. if you have the time, could you do a fic where reader is the most reckless badass and Cal is like ‘wait don’t do THAT’ and she is just ‘im living life BABYY’. she does the most insane things that always somehow work and Cal is literally like what the F*CK’. reader is basically a GOD. please and thank you🙏🥳
Hi Queen~! Sorry if I have taken a while in writing this fic. But still, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long and I hope you enjoy this fic! 💝
“Bad Ideas Make Good Memories” | Cal Kestis x Reader
Additional tags: Rebel fleet, Rebel base
Also posted in AO3
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
Imperials have targeted the small rebel base of Andaro, a planet rich in resources such as ores for metals and substances that can be converted into fuel, however, in order to get such prizes they have to fight through the rebel cell that hinders them from doing so.
“What good can a small band of insurgents do? They have no match against our forces!”
The Moff Sedho Loon barked confidently from the bridge of his Star Destroyer, the blue glow of the planet’s hologram projection highlighted the wrinkles along his once-prominent cheekbones.
The ship operators followed his order to chart a course to the planet.
“We will arrive in T-minus 15 minutes if we make the jump to hyperspace,” a cadet reported from his computer station.
“They’ll never see us coming,” the Moff sniggered. “Prepare the calculations and accelerate at will.”
Meanwhile in the planet’s surface, the Mantis crew has proved to the rebels that they’re in the same team. The Mantis backed up the base’s crude technology when it comes to communications and signals, that’s where Cere comes into the picture. You and Cal offered whatever help you can, Merrin proved herself that she can fight and quite stealthily too, and Greez offered his cooking skills to make sure the rebels don’t fight with an empty stomach.
You and Cal lounge in the hangar where the fighter ships are, they were an interesting bunch: retrofitted starfighters, gunships, and transport ships from the Republic era.
“Have you ever flown a starfighter before?” you thought out loud, directing the question to Cal.
“Well, once or twice, but I always stayed close to Master Tapal,”
“Did you…” you trailed “See some in Bracca?”
Cal recalls that one wrecked Jedi Interceptor that sat on the wing of a Venator. Unconsciously, he rubbed his fingers together, as if the grime that he stroked off from that fighter ship’s fin remained.
“Yeah, only one,”
That topic never continued, but you’re still examining the pair of Jedi Interceptors that were loaned to you. Cal saw you climbing up into the cockpit.
“Whoa hey, we’re still in clear, [y/n]!”
The astromech droids in each starfighter beeped in reaction, concurring to Cal, and you settled yourself in the pilot’s seat.
“Relax, I’m just getting a feel of it before we actually do get some action,” you shrugged.
The glass dome remained up. Your eyes panned left and right on the dashboard controls, remembering the functions of each and every switch. Trembling hands closed in on the steering wheel, you hesitate for a few moments, until your hands curled around the curved shafts and your thumbs rested above the trigger buttons.
Nostalgia overwhelmed you that you had to take a breath. Memories, both fond and sad, played in your mind—the thrill of a dogfight, the satisfaction of taking down vulture droids, and the horror of watching one of your ships go down.
“You okay in there, [y/n]?” Cal called.
“Yeah, just… Just getting a feel of things again,”
You decided to dismount the ship and the astromech droid appeared to be conversing with you using trills and beeps.
“You’ll have my back out there, won’t you R-12?”
The droid beeped in a cheery response and you smiled back in response.
“Thanks, little guy!”
Meanwhile, Cere was tinkering in the ship’s communications until a nearly-invisible blip blinking in the radar caught her eye. She leaned closer to the monitor—her suspicion had gotten the best of her—and focused on that tiny, unassuming mark. A few moments later, the blip started blinking rapidly and became more opaque on the screens by the second.
“Oh no…!” she gasped, she didn’t expect it to be within Greez’s earshot.
“What? What’s up?”
“We’re gonna have company!”
Cere sprang out of her seat and ran out of the ship. She sprinted towards the rebel leader conferring with her guerilla fighters.
“Miccah! Captain Miccah!”
The captain instantly caught the urgency of Cere’s voice. She allowed the woman to catch her breath and collect her words.
“Cere, what is it?”
“The Imperials…!” the former Jedi huffed. “They’re coming out of hyperspace!”
“Do you know how many are there?”
“I don’t know, but it’s a fleet—we can only anticipate that they’ll have fighters deployed on us!”
The fighters murmured amongst one another in the presence of their leader, anticipating for Captain Miccah to start barking orders—which she did in the next second. The captain’s jaw clenched, her grip tightened around the handle of her blaster rifle, and turned to her soldiers.
“People, man your battlestations!”
“Alright, you heard the captain!”
The rebels dispersed, spreading the captain’s word, and within a minute, everybody starts scrambling around the base—barking orders here and there, clapping their hands to coax the people to move double time, and the pilots were already donning their protective aerial assault gear.
You and Cal were still standing by the ships when Cere came running towards the captain. Neither of you heard their conversation, but you can take the hint that something’s not right. Your assumption was verified when you heard the captain start barking order and everyone scattered across the place.
“Wow, sooner than I thought,” you blurted.
Cal noted the mischievous smile on your face, you’ve been practically thirsting for action—and your brand of fun—before either of you could climb up to your ships, Cere walked up to you to relay her report to the captain.
“Imperials are approaching the planet, they’re coming out of hyperspace,”
“Does that mean we get to fly these bad boys now?”
“Yes, but!” Cere firmly emphasized the last word with a finger pointed at you. “Stay alive out there and lay low with the stunts?”
Cal turned to gaze at you, anticipating what response is going to come out of your mouth, he noticed that sly smirk curling about on your lips while having your arms crossed with one another.
You shrugged, “Sure!”
When Cere left you to return to the Mantis, Cal stopped you from jumping back into your ships.
“Oh man, I know that look. You’re planning something!”
“Am not!” you chortled.
The two of you proceeded to hop into your respective starfighters, the astromech droids have already done the initial preparations for you.
“She’s definitely planning something,” Cal whispered to his astromech droid, R-16.
“You know, you shouldn’t put your headset on while saying something I shouldn’t be hearing!” you wired through the communications.
Cal laughed as he’s caught in the act. Despite your youthful adrenaline pumping in your system, the two of you put your heads in the game—since the rebels assigned you as the vanguard of the airstrike.
“I love you,” he cooed, compensating for that comment he made seconds ago.
You smiled to yourself, but he felt it through your response, “I know.”
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stonerchik420 · 4 years
Newest Assistant.
Hi guys ! I had a dream and I thought I would share it with you ❤😁
Im sorry I've been MIA, tbings have been insane for me and I was in a bad place mentally but I think I've figured it out now.
Let me know if you think I should make this into a short series??
Warnings: flufffyyyy, light smut (the lightest of the light), mentions of drinking.
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"Hey, you up? Can I come hang out ? I'm bored."
David texted you.
"Sure, im bored too" you replied
You were David's newest assistant and you were living at the house temporarily until Taylor and yourself could find a nice apartment in LA to split. Almost impossible though. The real estate here is booming and everything was either too small or too much money at the moment. You had been David's new assistant for about 2 months now and things have been surprisingly fun for you. Granted with the quarentine you haven't seen a real filming day yet and all the crazy stress that comes with it but as of right now, things were chill and fun.
Natalie and Ilya were both visiting their families together back in Chicago so that meant that you and David had the house to yourselves when Taylor went home to her apartment at the end of the day.
There was no denying that the last couple of weeks there has been some kind of sexual tension between David and yourself. Well. Maybe not sexual tension exactly but there was something ... some kind of tension.
When everyone was in the house including Jason and Joe, David would always glance at you for longer than a few seconds. He probably wasn't aware that you noticed but when you did your cheeks became warm and he would smirk. If there was a chance, he would sit next to you on the couch or at the bar. Not touching you but close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of his body. There were beginnings of shared inside jokes no one knew about. Your secret conversations and whispering on the couch while watching movies or just hanging out with the squad making fun of them. There were late night texts to each other, sharing memes and tiktoks from separate rooms. Occasionally you would end up hanging in David's room while he played xbox or just to hang out and talk.
David entered your room smiling looking all cozy in his black hoodie, messy hair poking out under the hood, black basketball shorts on and wearing his glasses. He brought in snacks for you to share.
"Hey Y/N." He said grinning
"Hey!" You smiled, "you brought my favorite snacks !!" You said sitting up in bed clapping.
"Of course! And a glass of wine"
David and you were similar in the fact to you both didn't drink much but he knew since you had moved in you occasionally enjoyed a good glass of wine or two after a long day, especially to calm your nerves of moving so far away from your family and friends.
"You're the best!"
David settled into bed under the covers next to you with the bowl of snacks in between you. You took a sip from your glass and set it on the table next to you.
"Let's watch a movie" you suggested, "what do you wanna watch ? Iron man ?"
You knew David was obsessed with Iron Man and the movies were great !
"Nah," he said "I've honestly watched them so much I wouldn't pay attention at all"
You giggled, "okay then"
You scrolled through some movies on Netflix until you and David both settled on some dumb looking comedy knowing you both weren't really going to watch it anyways. You were both probably about to share the funny videos or memes you had found on the internet during the day and share them with each other.
"Wanna watch TikToks with me ?" David asked not even 10 minutes after the movie started, already bored with it anyways.
You laughed, "duh!"
Over the last 2 months you really came out of your shell. You started your job here kind of nervous and more reserved but within a week or two you and everyone in the house became pretty close to each other, specifically David of course.
With the bowl of snacks still in between you two, you leaned up against the pillows more to get closer to David to see his screen. You found a few funny videos and the two of you started cracking jokes back and forth dying of laughter.
The wine was starting to get to you and you felt warm and more relaxed. By now the bowl of snack was moved out from between you two and you were lying directly next to David now, the movie still playing in the background. You were very close to him now, closer than you've ever been to him before. You could smell his strawberry shampoo mixed with his laundry detergent and a slight breeze of colonge. You felt your cheeks get warmer and you bit your lip.
You couldn't deny your feelings for David had grown a lot. But there was a part of you that felt like nothing was ever going to happen between you two. I mean you worked for him. It wouldn't be professional and if things went south then you would be out of a job and screwed.
"Penny for your thoughts?" David asked smirking leaning his head away from yours to get a better look at your face.
"Huh?" You asked.
"You haven't really been watching these tiktoks, so whatre you thinking about?" David asked still looking at you with a side eye.
"Oh nothing at all," you said waving your hand. "Just relaxing honestly."
"Yeah okay Y/N" David said in a mocking voice
"Shut up!" You said smacking his chest and smiling
"You're gonna regret that" David said biting his lip.
He threw his phone on the night stand next to him and turned back over to you and started tickling your stomach.
You began shrieking and laughing trying to push him off of you but also accepting his sudden touch. You rolled over on top of him in hopes that you could pin him down and tickle him back. However, when you flipped your body on top of his you found yourself face to face with David.
He stopped tickling you and you caught your breath in your throat as you had both realized how close your faces were to each other in that moment. David was holding onto your hips now and he closed the gap between the two of you kissing you on the lips lightly.
Your heart lept. This is all you've wanted to do in the last few weeks. You pulled away first and bit your lip while looking at him.
"What?" He asked smiling up at you.
You didn't answer, you bent your head down kissing him again. This time more aggressively than before. The kisses slowly became more sloppy and you adjusted yourself on top of him so you were kneeling with both legs on either side of his hips. His hands moved from the bottom of your thighs to your butt and the kiss turned into more of a sloppy make out. He squeezed your ass and your breath hitched as it was more aggressive than you were expecting.
"Sorry," he said pulling away and smirking "I've been looking at your ass for 2 months now and all I've wanted to do was this"
You giggled then leaned down again to kiss him. He wrapped his arm around the bottom of your back and flipped himself on top of you. You shrieked at the sudden movement now smiling like crazy below him.
"I've wanted this for so so long Y/N" David said leaning back into the kiss
You wrapped one arm around the back of his neck holding tugging at the bottom of his hair.
You pulled away from the kiss first letting go of your breath. You smiled up at him and he did the same back. "What?" He asked cocking his head to the side and licking his bottom lip, smiling.
You giggled and covered your mouth with one hand fully aware of how hot your cheeks were now.
"Nothing David, just happy you did that"
He rolled over next to you and pulled you into his arms kissing the top of your head and humming into your hair for a moment. You felt his hand trail down and hold onto your hip gripping it tightly for a moment which made your heart skip a beat. You wanted to continue making out, you wanted to take it further with David. More than anything. But you were too nervous and you had a feeling that this wine wasn't helping your decision making. So you settled with cuddling for now.
"Dave?" You asked looking at the TV.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Will you stay and cuddle with me tonight ?"
"Of course I will" he said moving his hand up to your chin and pulling you in for one more quick kiss before settling back into your original positions.
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x1protector · 5 years
Chef!AU Seungyoun
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Author’s note: Happy 100 followers (we’re actually at 117 omg)! This is insane we have 2 prologues guys ;;; here’s a little something I made enjoy while you wait for the first Royal AU storyline. We’re working on it but it is taking a while because we want it to be good anyway enjoy!! -Admin V 🌻
p a i r i n g: seungyoun au (extend for x gender neutral reader)
g e n r e: fluff; chef au; bullet au
w a r n i n g s: mentions of knife
w o r d  c o u n t: 1k
Chef!AU Seungyoun
Read Chef!AU Wooseok here.
got personally scouted as head chef of a famous restaurant because he's That Good
handpicks everyone in his entire team and trusts them with his life
can do anything: pastry, saucer, chef de partie, meat, fish, etc--jack of all trades, master of all
pastry chef Seungwoo once saw him juggle three saucers in one hand while boning a fish with the other
an actual mess
tries to keep it together in front of his subordinates tho
graduated top of his class, but no one talks about it since he gets so embarrassed
a clumsy mess if he’s not focused tho and probably put sauce in pastries before
sous chef Hangyul swore on his life that he's never giving seungyoun a white attire because he keeps spilling things on himself
so he wears the black attire, which is symbolic as head chef in this restaurant but also;;;; to hide the embarrassment that is seungyoun's clumsiness
can handle a knife like no other 
but cut his hands too often and is now required (by his staff) to wear thick gloves whenever he wields a particular sharp knife
touches hot food so often, the calluses on his fingers formed thickly and can take the heat so now he doesn't even need to use gloves
Seungyoun, holding a sizzling plate of fish: Hangyul look how cool I am!
Hangyul: the skin cells on your fingers hate you
Seungyoun: that’s assuming they’re alive
“seriously how did this kid get through culinary school in one piece?” --everyone
walks around without the chef hat and only puts it on when there's inspection
when he doesn’t have it on tho, his hair is either all clipped back with huge hair clamps or in a net for cleanliness reason
everyone thinks he looks absolutely adorable either way
goes around the kitchen checking on people and giving encouraging praises
“oooooh Yohannnn i see you garnishing with the right twist of the wrist”
“Seungwoo-hyung love what you’ve done with the brulee, it’s exquisite *chef kiss*”
never yells at anyone
except when Dohyon accidentally burned himself spilling sauce Seungyoun yelled at him and banned him from the kitchen for a week to recover
was actually more sad than Dohyon
Seungyoun: ...do you think Dohyon hate me now D;;
Yohan: NO OF COURSE NOT HE KNOWS you mean well;;;;;
Hangyul: yes lmao
Yohan: did you just say lmao out loud
Seungyoun: yes lmao
Dohyon came back fully healed and Seungyoun cried b/c he missed Dohyon so much
looks very soft and smiley but will fight anyone that picks on his team
one time a high-profile guest dined at the restaurant and hated one of the dishes, so they told the owner to fire whoever made it
but no one got fired because Seungyoun threatened to leave if they so much as touch anyone on his team
a very responsible head chef, takes the blame for things he didn’t do and cover up for the kids
Minhee: im sorry hyung... we lost an expensive shipment because of me, I deserved to be fired..
Seungyoun: but if you leave, we would suffer a bigger loss
Minhee: but you got scolded because of me..
Seungyoun: then I guess you can buy me dinner hehe
a precious bub
always going out of his way to make others happy
one time his team was so tired due to a particularly long, grueling day of work, so he like.. jumps and claps his feet in the air and wouldn’t stop till they started laughing
honestly if not for the obvious black attire, no one would think he was head chef of this prestigious restaurant
(keep reading for x reader)
you know head chef Seungyoun because you were the one who scouted him
as well as the one who fought management team in order for him to handpick his own staff
you’re basically an extended part of the kitchen, and you visit the team often to make sure they have everything they need
everyone adores you and saves you all the good snacks from the kitchen
Seungyoun is especially sweet on you and everyone knows but you
Minhee: did boss make you chocolate soufflé again?
You: yeah! It’s delicious as usual, do you want some?
Minhee: thanks, but I already had some! Did you know it’s very tricky to make? We only get to eat this from the boss when you’re around so thank you!
You: what do you mean
Minhee: heheheh I have to get back to work enjoy your soufflé
Everyone dotes on you tho b/c you’re the reason they’re all here together
You always just brush it off you’re honestly just doing your job
Seungyoun is especially grateful, and he tells you that a lot
Sure, he’s good, but he wasn’t a conventional chef and his unique cooking techniques weren’t widely accepted among the pro circle
If it wasn’t for you, he would still be looking for a job out of culinary school
But that’s not all he feels
He likes seeing you enjoy his food, hearing your voice ringing with laughters, and feeling like the butterflies from his stomach migrating to his head, making nests and driving him crazy the more he sees you smile
Seungyoun knows what this feeling is, and he thought he hid it well, not wanting to ruin your current relationship
But let’s be honest Seungyoun is so obvious his entire staff knew since day 1
The boy literally had to clutch his hands behind his back to stop himself from shaking when he’s near you
Smiles a little too much (even for Seungyoun) when you’re around
Stares at you a little too long when you’re sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying the soufflé because that’s the first recipe he made for you when you first met
heart eyes @ you 24/7 literally how do you not see this--
Hangyul: is he gonna make a move today or do we have to wait till next year?
Yohan: let him live omg he’s shy
Finally made you chocolate on valentine with a little note that read “will you be the chocolate to my soufflé?”
the entire kitchen staff: just go out with him already he keeps whining to us
so you do and gave him a little kiss after accepting the confession
y'all are cute
couple of the year tbh
Read Chef!AU Wooseok here.
--Admin V🌻
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tim-stonker · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, mentioned Georgie Barker/Melanie King Characters: Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Melanie King, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, mentioned Basira Hussain, im sorry queen it was a 5+1 and u were number 6 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Powers, more like AU elias isnt a bitch, 5 Times, Mutual Pining, implied Nonbinar Jonathan Sims, he's gnc, Getting Together, Comfort No Hurt, bc we need that, Just Pals Being Soft, dimples as a plot point Summary:
5 times people didn't see jon's smile plus the 1 time someone did
i wrote some gay shit about jon smiling and it became this. whole thing is under the cut, check it out on ao3 if u wanna !
Jonathan Sims was an unexpected candidate for the position of Archivist, following Gertrude Robinson’s rather abrupt retirement (Elias still wasn’t sure if she was actually telling the truth when she said she wanted to spend more time travelling with her grandson. He didn’t even know if she actually had a grandson.) When word got out that there was an opening for head archivist, it surprised both Elias and Jon’s manager when he put his application into the pool. While Jon wasn’t the highest position in Research, he wasn’t at the lowest tier either, and everyone knew that being Head Archivist was much like being the mayor of a ghost town. Sure, you had a fancy title, but not much else. The Archives were in the basement, they were cold and dusty, and typically, if a budget needed to be cut, it was the Archives that took the brunt of the slashes. But, Jon was organized, faked his confidence well enough, was willing to put in the work, and, if Elias was being honest with himself, there wasn’t exactly a queue out the door to take over the vacancy that Gertrude left. 
The interview went well enough, though Jon was clearly filled with nervous excitement. He kept reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear - it was too short to stay in place, but much too long to not be a bother. His voice almost echoed in Elias’ office, strong and precise, even when he struggled with some questions that Elias asked about his strengths and weaknesses. Elias appreciated the way that Jon carried himself, the slight aura of grandeur and pride that he seemed to give off, contrasting starkly with his awkward attempts at being personable. 
Though Elias told Jon that he’ll be in touch within a few days to inform him whether or not he’ll be transferred to the Archives, he’s already certain that there’s no better candidate, and, if nothing else, he loathes having new hires from outside the Institute. He can overlook a few missing qualifications if it means he can cut down on the number of interviews he has to conduct. 
Elias waited a few more days, finished up more interviews, and found his suspicions were correct. Jon - despite the roughness around his edges, and his lack of a library sciences degree (an aspect that makes Rosie raise her eyebrows at Elias when he mentions it) - is the best fit for the archives that Elias has. He calls Jon into his office again, watching as Jon delicately maneuvers into the chair on the other side of Elias’s desk, fingers picking at the sleeves of his cardigan.
“I’m happy to tell you, Jonathan, that after much consideration, that you have been promoted to Head Archivist. Your transfer from the Research department will be put through promptly, and - unless you have any objections - you can begin your new role as soon as next Monday. Congratulations.”
As Elias spoke, he watched as Jon’s eyes widened, eyebrows raise, as the tension melted out of his shoulders. The corners of his lips seemed to flicker, wanting to curl upwards, but not quite able to.
“I, oh, wow. Thank you, Elias. I, uh, I’m really excited to be working in the Archives.” Jon stammered out. His voice had less of the confident bravado that it had during his interview, and while that would usually make Elias reconsider his choice, the fact that all of Jon’s nervous ticks seemed to have disappeared sated his concern.  
Elias nodded, hummed, and launched into the less fun aspect of promotion, namely discussion of new contracts, pay raises, the fact that Jon would be able to ask some of his co-workers to become his assistants, but any vacancies will be filled at Elias’s discretion. Jon nodded along and asked the appropriate questions at the right time.
Perhaps he’s just bad at expressing emotions, Elias thought, though the thought is both fleeting and insignificant. It gets pushed out of the way, quickly, and is discarded, not to be thought again. 
When the meeting was over, Elias stood up to show Jon to the door. Just before Jon left, Elias stuck his hand out, and once again said, “Congratulations, Jon.”
Jon looked startled for a second, before reaching out and giving Elias a hearty handshake.
“Thank you, Elias, really,” Jon replied. While saying that, the corner of his mouth twitched once again, and for a moment, Jon’s face began to break out into a smile. Eyes excited and bright, before he schooled his expression back into one of vaguely happy neutrality. 
Elias released Jon’s hand, and when his office was once again empty of everyone except himself, he briefly wondered why anyone cares enough about smiling to prevent themselves from doing it.
Like most intrapersonal thoughts, though, Elias waved it away, going back to his own work, just glad that he didn’t have to get Rosie to put up any more job listings on Linkedin. 
Tim was surprised when Jon approached him with the job offer. Sure, he and Jon had worked together for a few years and Jon frequently complimented Tim on his work and whenever Jon actually showed up to work get-togethers, he seemed to awkwardly stick to Tim’s side like glue until the event was done. But Jon always declined Tim’s invites to non-work social gatherings, and sometimes it was hard to tell if the snark in Jon’s voice came from malice or…. Something else. 
Tim had chalked all that up to awkwardness or to Jon’s work ethic, but for some reason, he never thought that Jon actually considered Tim to be a friend, even though he did tentatively think of Jon as one. So it was rather shocking when Jon marched up to him, a small stack of papers in his hands at the end of the workday, and announced, 
“I’ve been promoted to Head Archivist.”
“Oh, well, congrats, Jon,” Tim said, smiling. He clapped Jon on the shoulder. “Yeah, I heard you put your application in.” Tim didn’t mention that he heard because some of their co-workers were making jokes about hoping to see the last of Jon, with his insane work ethic and snappish remarks. 
Jon nodded. “I’m also allowed to pick my own assistants since many of Gertrude’s have quit or been reassigned since her absence.”
“That’s cool.”
“I was wondering if you would like to join me in the Archives, Tim.”
“Oh,” Tim said, eyes widening. Jon looked straight at him, unflinching, though his hands were curled into tight balls at his sides. This was certainly unexpected. 
“I think we work well together. You do really good work, and while I’m not exactly sure what… extra work transferring to the archives will entail, I’m that your presence will be beneficial.” Finally, Jon broke Tim’s gaze. “Also, I… quite enjoy your company.”
“Wow, well, thank you, Jon,” Tim managed to stammer out. He looked at Jon’s now sheepish expression and how his cheeks had taken on a slightly red tinge from the honesty. “Uh, can I… think about it? For a few days? It’s just… kind of a big change.”
“Oh, of course, Tim,” Jon nodded earnestly, passing Tim the stack of papers, which Tim now saw as a would-be employment contract, with different sections highlighted, presumably the parts that Jon thought Tim would find important. Jon made like he was about to turn to leave before he paused and said, “Also I. I won’t be offended if you decide to stay put.”
“Oh, I know,” Tim said, even though he wasn’t sure why he knew. Jon nodded again.
“Well, see you tomorrow.” And with that and a brief wave, Jon walked away, leaving Tim to stare at the employment papers and to think about what to do. And Tim did consider it. He had a pretty good thing going on in the Research department. He was well-liked, and many of his managers said that he could probably get promoted to a higher position with a better salary in a few years, and though the entry position of archival assistant was better paying than his current gig, Tim knew he was never going to get promoted from that role. 
Tim had friends in Research, but he also had friends in artifacts, and finance, and HR. The more he thought about it, it wasn’t like his work-social life would end if he went to the basement. And, as much as his co-workers liked to poke fun at Jon, Tim did genuinely enjoy his company. He liked his wit, and snark, and the way he tried to play off his awkwardness and usually failed. And despite his somewhat clumsy attempts at socializing, anytime Tim talked about his life outside of work, Jon listened, made jokes, and was friendly. 
Jon was also quite easy on the eyes, in his own strange way. 
Tim found it wasn’t really much of a hard decision after all. So when he walked into work the next day and tossed the signed contract on Jon’s desk, all he said was, “It better not be as dusty as everyone says it is.” 
Before walking off to his own desk to finish up his own projects, for a moment he thought he saw Jon duck his head to smile. But when he looked back, Jon was just holding the contract, and though his eyes were happy, his face was straight. 
Sasha enjoyed her work as an archival assistant, despite all the dust, and Jon’s moodiness, and the strange errands that the statements sent everyone on. It was an unorthodox job, cleaning up the decades of bizarre filing that Gertrude left, hunting down follow-ups from people who were clearly drunk, sick, or delirious at the time that these ‘occurrences’, well, occurred. 
She certainly enjoyed her co-workers, basement dwellers that they were. While archives and research had many employees and had been on floors where different departments mingled, the four of them - Tim, Sasha, Martin, and Jon - were stuck down in the cool basement, surrounded by files, and books, and old foundation. While she had been on amicable terms with Tim before, the forced proximity brought them much closer, and she was happy to meet and befriend Martin. Pretty quickly the three of them began to go out for drinks after work, plan dinners, and movie nights, and get-togethers on weekends. They sometimes invited Jon, but the answer was also unanimously no.
Still, despite Jon’s rebuffs at having a social life, Sasha always felt like her relationship with him was… different than the others. While Tim and Jon had prior acquaintanceship, Sasha only briefly knew Jon in research; and Jon was either oblivious or blatantly ignoring Martin’s crush on him, rebuffing his attempts of flirting and courtship with harsh words and mumbled, unfocused ‘thank yous’ when Martin brought him tea. 
It surprised her how highly Jon thought of her, and how well they got on. 
“Here’s that statement you were after,” Sasha said, after knocking on Jon’s office door. Jon turned in his chair to face her, hand outreached to take the folder when she got close enough.
“Thank you, Sasha,” Jon said, as he grasped the folder. Sasha nodded and was about to let go when she glanced down and saw Jon’s hand.
“Is that nail polish?” She asked suddenly, voice coming out more accusatory than she intended. Jon snatched the folder away from her, curling his fingers into his palms as soon as the paper hit the desk surface. He still wore his face of neutrality, but his jaw was tense. Sasha was surprised at how defensive, and how quickly, Jon reacted to the question, but immediately saw she needed to remedy it. She quickly added, “It looks nice.”
As soon as the compliment was said, Jon seemed to relax a bit. His jaw unclenched and slowly he unfurled his fingers. His nails were a simple black, though it was a messy job and they were already chipping. 
“Oh, thank you.” He said softly.
“Did you do them yourself?” Sasha asked, even though she couldn’t imagine Jon asking for help to do his nails.
“Yes, er. As a child, I always wanted to paint my nails but I couldn’t, so.” He held up his hands, wiggling his fingers. “They’re not very good, are they?”
Sasha shrugged. “Pretty good for a first time, though. Next time you’ll want to push your cuticles back first, and you should probably get a varnish too. It’ll stop them from chipping so much.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you, Sasha,” Jon said, clearly not expecting advice. Sasha gave one last nod, and a, “No problem.” before leaving Jon’s office. 
After that - or maybe Sasha just noticed it more afterwards - Jon seemed to come to work ‘prettied up’ more often. He seemed to listen to her nail advice, and while he often sported plain, black nails - sans chipping, thanks to the nice clear coat he put on - a few times he came into work with blue, or red, or green nails. While Martin and Tim always complimented them, if they noticed, Jon began going up to Sasha to show her every fresh set. Often it would be a week or two between appearances; Jon seemed to just let the previous coat chip off completely before repainting them, approaching Sasha with his hands curled in a way so that he could view his own nails before showing them off to her. Sasha always made sure that she seemed excited to see them, even if they weren’t always that good. The way that Jon seemed to loosen after every compliment, the way his face would soften just a tad made it worth it. 
Soon it became their little routine, even as Jon’s habits changed. While it started with nails, soon Jon would awkwardly approach her to show off the fancy braid he just learned how to do with his growing hair. Often, they were messy and uneven, large strands falling out of the cheap hair ties, but Sasha would say it was nice, before offering to fix it for him. Jon always declined, disappearing into his office and coming out later, braid abandoned and hair in its usual neat bun, but Sasha always offered. For a while, Jon had taken to looking at the clothes Sasha came to work in, awkwardly complimenting her on whatever coat or blouse or shoes she had worn. It took Sasha a few times to realize what he was saying - or at least thinking. 
“I like your skirt,” Jon mumbled one day, as he and Sasha walked into the archives. “It’s very pretty.”
Sasha hummed, looking down at it. It wasn’t anything fantastic, just a black a-line skirt with a vaguely plaid pattern, long enough to be work-appropriate without annoying her. She mostly wore it because the growing pile of dirty laundry in her flat left her few other options. 
“Thank you, Jon,” she replied, before pursing her lips. “You know, I think you would look quite nice in a skirt.”
A bold move, Sasha knew, but after Jon sputtered for a moment, he managed to choke out, “You… you do?”
“Oh, yes. You got nice, slender legs, and if one a little longer it would just add to the frumpy librarian look quite nicely.” Sasha laughed a little, unable to resist the urge to tease a little. Jon gave a polite chuckle and nodded. 
They repeated this process a few more times, over a few weeks. Jon would give Sasha a sincere, if not a bit bumbling compliment on her wardrobe or appearance (often for items Sasha did not care for that much) and after thanking him, she would flip it around and say, “I think this lipgloss colour would suit you better than me” or " a blouse like this would make your collarbones look good” or even being as bold as saying “You should get a dress like it, then we can match.” 
Jon would brush the comments off with a laugh or a denial, but Sasha could see the wheels in his head-turning, the way he would occasionally look at whatever pair of pants he was wearing that day and frown. 
Eventually, Sasha’s hard and not-so-subtle work paid off when she saw Jon shuffle into the archives, not in his usual attire of plain cardigan and button-up, tucked into a pair of boring pants, but with a new look: a cardigan and plain button-up tucked into a shockingly boring skirt. It suited him, though; the long grey fabric skimming his ankles, the way it would flow behind and the way his feet would kick it in front. Jon’s fingers seemed to be absent-mindedly twisting themselves into the fabric, as he made his way towards his office.
Sasha was right; Jon did rock the frumpy librarian look.
“Good morning, Jon,” Sasha greeted, cheerfully. Jon looked up.
“Morning, Sasha.”
“New wardrobe?” She asked, nodding at his outfit. Jon seemed to falter a little, standing still, waiting for her assessment. “I like it! Really suits you.”
And while that was a bit of a lie - Sasha found it to be a bit boring, and she would never have even considered buying herself, though it did quite Jon wonderfully - Sasha couldn’t bring herself to feel the least bit bad, when she heard Jon mutter a soft, “Thank you,” before hurrying to his office. For a split second, Sasha would have sworn that his lips were pulled into a smile, thought for a moment she saw a flash of his teeth, but he was opening and closing his office door before she could confirm.
Despite all her grumbling, thrown insults, and jabs, Melanie didn’t actually dislike Jon. Well, no, she did dislike him, immensely. He’s smug, and rude, and has a know-it-all attitude, and he absolutely did not take her show seriously. But, behind all of that, he respected her abilities and her competence, if not the way that she uses it. She thought of it like she wouldn’t want anything to hurt Jon unless it was her giving him a good slap around the head. 
Still, when she ended up hanging around the Archives more - and shockingly, no one, not even Jon, tried to stop her - after her show fell apart and took most of her professional network with it, she’s surprised how much common ground she shares with Jon. At first, they needed someone else in the room with them, to grease the wheels of conversation - either Sasha siding with Melanie every once in a while, or a well-timed joke from Tim, or Martin’s placating tone - but every time they found themselves able to stand each other without any assistance, even starting their own conversation. Without her show, with its staged dramatics and clickbait titles to feed Jon’s antagonisms, they find that they have similar opinions and histories with the supernatural. 
“Most statements and stories are completely false,” Jon had repeated many times. But soon he began to add, “But the ones that are real are… deeply concerning, and hard to come by.”
More than a few times Jon had caught Melanie digging through filing cabinets, looking for a statement with a shred of truth in it, anything to follow up or make a story out of. After the third time that Jon threw open the door to the filing room and nearly gave himself a heart attack when the light illuminated Melanie’s hunch over figure, reading through a pile of folders that she most certainly was not going to put away properly, Jon sighed and asked, “Why don’t I just give you some statements that seem real.”
Melanie looked up from the file in her hand that she was about to discard. “You’d do that? Isn’t that against ‘policy’ or something.”
Jon rolled his eyes. “I’m sure it’s no more breaking rules than allowing you in here in the first place.” He eyed the pile of statements on the floor, the open drawer with crumbled papers shoved in. “Besides, I’m tired of having to spend an entire day refiling after you pop in.”
And so, Jon started keeping track of statements he believes. First on sticky notes, then on looseleaf paper, and eventually in a notebook so that Melanie can keep track as she goes along, Jon wrote down the name and case number of what he believes are credible cases, and Melanie dug them out of their dusty tombs. Even if she didn’t put them away - which she rarely did, can’t go making Jon’s life too easy, she thought with a grin - it was clear that he appreciated knowing exactly where they came from. She still browsed around, skimming through statements that Jon doesn’t believe, but she puts those ones back where she finds them if they weren't worth her time. 
Their strange friendship continued like that for a few months. They steered clear of personal topics, even, no, especially,  as Melanie began going on dates with Georgie. Occasionally, a personal detail would slip in; Jon mentioned that he hates denim skirts after telling Melanie about a statement that, for some reason, explicitly mentions them (“And what makes you an expert on what women should wear?” Melanie asked, annoyance clear in her. 
Jon furrowed his eyebrows. “What? No, I’m talking about me. I hate wearing denim skirts.”
“Oh,” Melanie says, the wind coming out of her sails. “Uh, me too.”). At one point Melanie mentioned that she loves artificial blue raspberry, which made Jon scrunch his nose in disgust. Before they knew it, Melanie and Jon knew about the other’s thoughts on movies, books, fashion, the weather, politics, animals, food, and whether or not Rosie is dating that one woman from HR.
It was a slow and gradual shift, one that caught both of them off guard. But neither was anxious to prevent it and really, Melanie was kind of interested to see where it would go. It’s with that thought in mind, seeing how this will go, that she throws a folder onto Jon’s desk. He hadn’t looked up when she knocked and entered without waiting, but with the manila folder obscuring whatever paperwork he was doing, he sighs and lifts his head. 
“Yes, Melanie?”
“This statement was misfiled,” Melanie said, glee and gloating oozing out of her voice. She cackled when she saw Jon scowl, arms crossing automatically. He glanced down at the casefile.
“It most certainly was not,” Jon huffed, picking it up. He doesn’t even mention how it wasn’t a file he gave her, so keen to prove her wrong. “It was filed by year, 2006, subsection ‘non-human creature’, subsection ‘false’ and-”
“Exactly,” Melanie interrupted. “It’s not fake.”
“What do you mean it’s not fake.” Jon narrowed his eyes. “It’s about a bloody sea monster!”
“A sea monster which is described in another statement from 1984,” Melanie threw another folder onto his desk, which Jon hadn’t noticed in her hand in his haste to disagree, “And, one that causes damage similar to this accident report,” Melanie unlocked her phone and shoved it into Jon’s face. His eyes crossed and squinted as he tried to read the news article on the screen. “Which, by the way, all occur in the same region of the Barents Sea.”
Jon lifted his eyes from the phone screen, still slightly glaring at Melanie. He looked away after a second, raising a hand to scratch the side of his face.
“Well, then, I guess we will have to look into it some more,” his voice was different than what Melanie was used to. Behind the movement of his hand, Melanie thought she saw some falses of teeth and saw a slight twinkle in his eye. He quickly dropped his face, expression and voice back to normal, “But, this is not permission for you to go back to rummaging through my files!”
Melanie grinned wolfishly, putting a hand on her hip. The gentle voice and expression were already leaving her mind. “Like I ever needed your permission, Jon.”
It was almost surprising how well Daisy got on with Jon. She supposed it was because they were both a bit quieter than the people around them, got a bit more drained from human interaction than others, a bit more like old souls. Only, Daisy was more of an ‘old soul’ because the thought of all the therapy she had to go through years ago still made her tired and because she was literally about fifteen years older than everyone else in the Archives. 
“Why is it that your joints hurt more than mine even though you’re a baby?” Daisy asked, after finding Jon laying on the floor of his office, hair and dress fanned out on the floor. When she had questioned his state, he just mumbled, “m’back hurts.”
Calling him a baby made him grumble more. “I’m not a baby, I am a grown man-”
“More like an old man.” Daisy joked, sitting down cross-legged by his head. “Seriously, you’re too young to be aching this much.”
Jon shrugged, shirt rustling against the carpet. “I’ve always ached. I guess having a desk job just made it worse.”
Daisy nodded. She couldn’t really relate; all her old aches hadn’t been physical, and before the archives all her jobs involved in a lot of moving - whether it was fast food as a teenager, or retail as a young adult, and then the police. 
“You should go to a chiropractor, get a massage.” She suggested.
“Chiropractor and masseuse are two different professions.”
“Piss off, you know what I’m saying.” Jon rolled his eyes and squirmed a bit on the floor. 
“I don’t like the thought of someone… massaging me.”
“It feels really good,” Daisy replies, thinking back to the few massages she had gotten in her life. “And chiropractors don’t really massage, they just snap your joints back into place and then give you weird exercises to do.”
Jon shrugged again and didn’t say anything. Daisy wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t have anything to say, or if his previous movement made something along his spine twinge. After a minute of silence, with Jon’s face occasionally morphing from boredom to discomfort, Daisy got an idea. 
“Stand up,” she said, getting to her feet herself. Jon looked up, startled.
“Just do it,” Daisy stuck her hand out for Jon to take. With a little effort, Jon sat up, groaning a little, before taking her stand to stand. As soon as he was upright, Daisy reached down to hold Jon from under his armpits.
“Uh, Daisy, what are you doing?” Jon asked, arms sticking straight out, stiff, as Daisy brought his body closer to her.
“I’m going to reset your back,” Daisy said, as Jon’s face squished against her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve done this a few times, it usually helps.”
Jon mumbled something, before yelping when Daisy stood closer to her full height and he was lifted a few inches off the ground. Jon’s arms instinctually went around Daisy’s shoulders, even though she was fully supporting his weight. 
“Okay, you gotta relax your body, untense your muscles- Jon that is the opposite of untensing. There you go, okay, you’re going to hear a crack,” She said, before squeezing Jon into her body, forearms pressed across different parts of his back. There was a loud crack as she felt Jon tighten his arms around her and give a little yell into her shoulder. 
She loosened her grip, but still held him close for a second, just in case. She felt his mouth move against her shirt, and at first, she thought he was mumbling something, but then the movement ceased for a few seconds. Another small movement, and then no motion once again. Finally, she lowered Jon to the floor and released him. He stood, and quickly went to smoothing out his shirt.
“How’d that feel?” Daisy asks, noticing how he wasn’t automatically going back to lie on the ground. Jon stilled for a second, before saying,
“It feels a lot better. Thank you, Daisy.”
Martin knew he wasn’t subtle, at least not when it came to Jon. He knew practically anyone who came down to the Archives could tell he had a crush, knew that his attempts to coddle, and talk to, and make Jon proud were just about as sly as painting a banner that said: “I WANT TO DATE JONATHAN SIMS.”
He almost couldn’t help it. Sure, he had gotten a bit better at not letting Jon treat him like a doormat over the years - sometimes Jon even seemed pleasantly surprised when Martin told him off for being mean - but there was still an undeniable urge to be gentle with him, to treat him kindly, to make him smile. 
Not that anyone had any recollection of Jon smiling - hell, Tim even made a few jokes that Jon was probably in a terrible accident as a smile and ‘broke his smile muscles, but left his annoying muscles intact’. It wasn’t very funny, but Martin and Sasha still laughed. 
Still, in some masochistic kind of way, Martin enjoyed this prolonged courtship. And even though his friends were sure that nothing was advancing, that Martin was still being a pining fool (which wasn’t an inaccurate description) and Jon was still being an unrequiting idiot, Martin was sure that he was making progress. Jon and he were having more… moments. More times where they would make eye contact and Jon’s face would soften, more conversations where Jon would ramble off-topic, at ease and relaxed, before remembering himself and Martin and roping him back into the conversation. There would be times where Martin would pass Jon a cup of tea, mug angled so that Jon could easily grab the handle, and yet Jon would take the mug in such a way that their fingers would brush. Sometimes they even lingered there, the heat of ceramic burning his hand, almost unnoticeable in comparison to the heat of his face as Jon glanced at him through his eyelashes, saying, “Thank you, Martin.”
Maybe it was just because no one else was privy to these moments, or maybe Martin really was just a yearning fool, desperately grasping at anything that suggested Jon returned his affection, but no one else seemed to understand these moments or take them seriously. 
“Your crush is getting out of control,” Tim said one day, after watching Martin bring Jon tea in a mug covered in hearts. “Like, legally speaking, I think it’s too much.”
Martin rolled his eyes. Jon had stared at the mug for a few seconds before taking it, and even though it was still piping hot, much too warm to comfortably drink, he took a sip as soon as it was in his grasp. “This is lovely, Martin. Thank you.”
“Leave it alone, Tim, it’s fine,” Martin replied, going back to sit at his desk. 
“No, it is getting a bit ridiculous,” Sasha agreed. “I mean, how long have you been after him? Like, I love Jon, trust me, but he’s either oblivious or ignoring your, uh, flirting attempts.”
“He’s not ignoring them.”
“So he’s just oblivious?”
“I don’t think so.” Sasha and Tim looked at him strangely. He sighed. “Look, things are fine, okay? It’s fine, just let me… do my thing.”
“Fine, we will ‘let you do your thing’ but, for the record, you probably could have gotten with at least three people in the time that you’ve been lusting after Jon,” Tim said, earning a laugh from Sasha. 
But it was fine, whatever he and Jon had. It was certainly more than what he had been getting before, and even though he wanted more - chest aching at the sight of a frazzled or tired Jon, feeling the need to brush his hair out of his face, to press tender kisses to his eyelids, the near unbearably desire to just hold him, and care for him - Martin wasn’t unhappy. And somehow he knew Jon wasn’t either. 
Sometimes Jon even sought Martin out, intentionally leaving his stuffy office only to walk over to Martin's desk and chat with him for a few minutes before returning. Often he would have to return a minute later, muttering about leaving a pen or a pencil or a hair tie. (One time, as Jon turned around to leave, Martin saw the pen on the edge of his desk, and said, “You left your pen.”
Jon had turned around, looking almost disappointed. “Oh. Yes, thank you, Martin.”
He collected his pen and returned to his office. Martin didn’t see him until he said goodbye for the night. The next time he saw Jon dropping something at his desk, he didn’t mention it.)
When Jon actually remembered to eat lunch now, he would only come out to eat if Martin hadn’t eaten already, as he had taken to sitting either across or directly next to him during meal times. If Jon was sitting next to him - usually because Melanie or Basira were sitting across the shifty breakroom table - Martin could feel Jon gently, almost shyly, pressing his knee against Martin’s leg. Jon’s face was always blank, but if Martin made any move to shift away, Jon’s head would snap towards him until contact was either completely broken or restored. 
Of course, there wasn’t an easy way to explain this to anyone else. How could Martin have possibly hoped to quantify glances, and touches, and the new intonations when Jon said ‘Martin’, the name now completely different than what Jon used to call him, despite no letters changing. How to explain it when no one else seemed to notice the magnitude of these changes if they noticed the changes at all?
So Martin rolled his eyes and made jokes with the others as they teased and prodded him about his ‘crush that was going nowhere on the boss’, and hoped, like so many times before, that Jon couldn’t hear them through his office door.
As pathetic as it sounded, Martin was prepared to play the long game, to continue this dance he and Jon had begun as long as it took, to tolerate the unbearable loneliness that crept up on him at home so long as he got to see Jon at work, to keep bringing him tea every day until, well, until something happened, or until one of them left the archives. Martin had made peace with that fact, though he loathed to admit it, even to himself. 
And then, Jon asked for his help one day. 
“Can you stay late with me this evening? I need some assistance looking into a statement.” Jon had been formal, professional when he asked. 
“Of course,” Martin said, if not because any time spent with Jon was a good time (usually, not even Martin was in deep enough to enjoy some of Jon’s moods), then because he did take his job seriously. “Anything you need.”
“I can stay behind too if you need extra help,” Basira offered, turning to look at Jon.
Jon nodded at her. “Thank you for offering, but I’ll only be needing Martin.”
And he has to admit, hearing that did bring warmth to his face and to his chest.
The help that Jon needed was minimal. Some of it was just reaching a file of a self that was too high since the stepladder that he used to use had broken, and Martin knew that Jon had too much pride to ask for help reaching something when everyone was in. Otherwise, all he needed assistance with was looking over a few files to see if a name popped up in all of them. All in all, it only took about half an hour, including the time it took to re-sort the files and put the relevant ones on Jon’s desk. 
As Martin was preparing to leave, Jon approached him one more time, also clad in his winter coat and bulky scarf tucked under his chin. He stood in front of Martin, looking intently. Martin waited for, well, something. Jon took a deep breath.
“Would- Are you- Do,” Jon scowled at himself, took another breath and reached up to tug his scarf lower again so that more of his face was visible. “Martin, would you like to go out to eat with me?”
“Yeah, of course,” Martin replied, cheeks reddening slightly. Jon paused for a moment.
“I mean this as a date.”
Martin looked at Jon, bundled in his winter wear, hair slightly tangled, fumbling over asking Martin out!
“I knew that’s what you meant,” Martin said with a smile. He looked down at Jon’s hands, clenched tightly into themselves. He reached a hand out and carefully brushed a finger along the knuckles of on. “Of course, I would like to go on a date with you.”
And when he looked up, he saw Jon smiling, and it felt like seeing the stars for the first time. Jon always said he looked much older than he was, which Martin was inclined to agree, but when he smiled, he looked more his age. The tiredness and stress that plagued his expressions disappeared under the glow of his grin, eyes crinkled, and. Dimples. 
Jon had dimples, nestled in between his smile lines, a secret that Martin knew he was now the only one in the Institute besides Jon who knew they existed. 
“You have dimples,” Martin said, a smile creeping onto his own face. “They’re cute.”
Jon sputtered a, “No they’re not!” and Martin could see he was trying to return his face to its usually impassive expression, but it seemed that every time he got close, his grin would break through. Eventually, Jon tugged his scarf up to cover his mouth, but Martin still saw his eyes crinkled, somehow still felt Jon smiling through the layers.
“They’re cute,” Martin repeated, wanting to pull Jon’s scarf down again. This want was different than what he usually felt, a desire not tinged with sadness or loss. Maybe it was presumptuous, but Martin knew that this urge would be met. Maybe not now, but soon. 
And Martin thought about Jon’s smile, even when he asked, voice muffled behind the layers of wool, where Martin wanted to go to eat, and would Martin like to walk, transit or take a cab there, and, and and.
Martin thought about Jon’s smile, knowing he was one of the few people to see it, knowing that he would get to see it again
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lgbtyrus · 5 years
Two Exes on Mars
A Tyrus fic where they’re aged up + broken up :) It will have a ‘happily ever after’, I promise. Note: IDK if you know your Andi Mack lore, but just in case, Shadyside is in a fictional US state called Midwest.
Part 1/? (I’m thinking 3 or 4)
Words: 2,668
He kissed him goodbye. It wasn’t even rainy or cloudy outside, much less foggy. It was super bright and sunny, and Cyrus could hear every single bird in Shadyside chirping as his now ex-boyfriend walked out the front door of his house. He waited until TJ was out of his driveway to shut the door and break out in tears, pressing his forehead and fist against his door.
Why? he wondered. Why? Why? Why?
But he knew why. He knew why TJ had let him go in the worst breakup in the world. He had tried to a week ago which led to Cyrus breaking down in front of him and ended up with them back together. But the tension between them was so obviously, and it lead to TJ’s horrible mood swings and random outbursts he never apologized for. It made Cyrus feel like crap. Then in the middle of the week, TJ tried breaking up with him over text. Cyrus ignored it, and TJ went over to his house the next day like nothing had happened. Not even three days later, TJ came over to break up him a third time. For good.
That just happened two minutes ago, and Cyrus silently let him leave this time. He shouldn’t have ever let him see him cry.
“You have to go to California, Cyrus,” TJ had told him, his eyes red and his hands clenching into tight fists. All Cyrus could do was stare at the floor. It’s not everyday you get a chance to go to USC, but it also meant leaving everyone you loved behind- including TJ. Him and TJ had been together since the 8th grade, and he had included TJ in all of his future plans. For him, being in a long distance relationship was a possibility, and he never thought TJ would be against it.
“I want to go to MSU,” Cyrus shook his head, refusing to look at him. TJ was going to MSU on a basketball scholarship, and yeah, they had a theatre and screenwriting, but it wasn’t USC. It was one of the hardest choices Cyrus had to make.
“You’re clearly lying, Cyrus,” TJ let out a frustrated sigh, “I know when you’re lying.” It’s true, he did. His hands always instinctively went inside a pocket, and Cyrus has never been able to stop it. “Cyrus. I know I’m the main reason why you want to stay in Midwest, but I want you to go to USC. It’s what you want.”
“Does that mean we have to break up, though?” Cyrus asked him sadly, his voice quiet. TJ ran his fingers through his blonde hair and let out a deep breath.
“We’d be doing long distance for four years, Cyrus. I don’t want to hold you back from being at your prime if you’re moping around missing me the entire time.”
“Are you just saying this because you’re the one that’s not going to be fine?” There wasn’t even a pause.
“Yes, Cyrus!” TJ said loudly, startling Cyrus. “I can’t spend four years of my life being sad because I miss you all the time, but I also can’t live with the guilt I’m going to feel if you don’t go to USC. This entire situation is driving me insane, and I really think breaking up is the best way to go.”
“You honestly think that?” Cyrus frowned, looking right up at him. He didn’t want to break down like he did the first time. “You’re just giving up? Not even giving long distance a try. After five years, TJ?”
TJ shamefully looked away before saying, “I love you, Cyrus. But I think it’d hurt less to let you go.”
“How?” Cyrus’ voice started to tremble as he spoke in complete disbelief, “How can you even say you love me right now?” TJ didn’t say anything. He just slowly walking up to Cyrus, each step taking its own time before cupping his face in his hands and kissing him softly.
TJ pulled away, whispering, “Bye, Cyrus.”
Cyrus was now sitting on his bedroom floor, playing music louder than his occasional sob. Andi and Buffy were on their way, but until then, it was him, and a lone polaroid picture he had of him and TJ on their first Valentine’s Day together right in front of him. Him and TJ were sitting on one side of the booth at The Spoon while Marty and Buffy sat on the other side. TJ had his arms around him and was smiling in to his cheek, leaving a very fluttered Cyrus to be captured forever.
“Cyrus!” someone yelled out from downstairs. “We’re here.”
“Upstairs!” Cyrus yelled out, his voice slightly cracking. He hadn’t spoken since TJ left, and his throat hurt. He was glad he left the door unlocked for them because he didn’t have the energy to move.
Andi peaked her head through his bedroom door, frowning when she saw him, “Hi, Cyrus.”
“Hey,” Cyrus waved, “come in.” He hadn’t seen Andi in about three weeks was she was getting busy with her senior art project for SAVA. He loved her for being here during a busy time. Buffy trailed in behind Andi with two loaded grocery bags.
“We brought ice cream and pie,” Buffy held the bags up. “We stopped by your kitchen to get utensils.”
“Thank you because I was not going to move,” Cyrus said. Andi and Buffy sat down on each side of him and rested their heads on his shoulder.
“You can cry if you want,” Andi told him.
“Yeah,” Buffy agreed, “we bought three tissue boxes.”
“I’ve been crying for like an hour, and I’m just tired of it at this point. But this is also probably just the start,” Cyrus mumbled. “How am I supposed to accept that someone I talked to everyday for five years is leaving my life?”
“I know it hurts, Cyrus,” Buffy whispered. “But you’re stronger than you think. You’re going to get through this. Trust me. I’m always right.”
“I know you are,” Cyrus smiled slightly. “You know what sucks the most though?”
“What?” they asked in unison.
“We already have matching tuxedos from prom.” -
Cyrus and TJ showed up with new tuxedos to prom. Andi herself made Cyrus a brand new one. The according to different sources, both Cyrus and TJ had both begged Gus to cancel their Prom Court nomination. Gus thought it was funny until Buffy stepped in, and he got scared.
Cyrus and TJ didn’t sit together at lunch anymore or do homework together or visit the swing sets every Tuesday after TJ got out of tutoring. Cyrus submitted his paperwork to attend USC in the fall and according to Amber who was at Shadyside’s community college, TJ was going to go to MSU to play for their basketball team. Buffy and Marty would be seeing him at MSU seeing they got track scholarships.
Cyrus cried every night for the rest of the school year after finishing his homework because he worked to hard to have his GPA suffer over a boy who clearly didn’t care if he fell apart. He sometimes sat in the bathtub and let music fill his whole bathroom and no matter what, every single song would remind him of TJ. Of course, that was his fault for playing the playlists TJ had made him on Spotify. He wondered if he could see that he was listening to them. He hoped he did.
Cyrus didn’t have any communication with TJ since the last texts he sent him. It was a 2AM on a Saturday night, about three weeks since the breakup. He felt horrible and didn’t know how to stop crying. Even though Buffy had told him to call him whenever, he couldn’t keep dumping everything on her.
Cyrus: hey tj I hope im not waking u up idk if you still have your phone set so that u only get text alerts from me but I just wanted to say that I miss you.
Cyrus: I miss you so much tj idk what to do without you. Everything hurts all the time and I just want to talk to you and hear you voice even if we cant date anymore please talk to me. Please be my friend again tj we were best friends for 5 years we work so good together
Cyrus: I love you. I think that ill always be in love with you.
TJ: Goodnight Underdog.
Cyrus didn’t remember what time he went to sleep, but he felt like he cried for hours after that. The pain in his chest beat him up completely until he was too weak to flip his pillow to the dry side.
At their graduation, Cyrus gave a speech and then walked off stage to everyone in the auditorium clapping. It felt surreal. When he looked up smiling, out of all of the people he saw in the sea of graduates, he saw TJ clapping. He had his lip curled up in one corner which showed that he was on the verge of tears. That was the only time that night Cyrus wanted to cry.
A month into USC and without a doubt, Cyrus was homesick and probably depressed. He had made a great group of friends that were similar to him and super positive. He appreciated them, but 8 out of 10 times, they could never convince him to leave his room. He just stayed in and did homework and work on his script. It was about a man who gets his heart shattered and decided to move to Mars as part of a science experiment and when he’s already in space, he realize that his ex is one of the 100 people on board. Things quickly escalate. His friends loved the scripts and always asked to read updates, but he still sent snippets to Bex because he missed her.
It had been months since the breakup with TJ that happened late April. He should be over it now, he thought a lot of the time. But it still hurt. TJ really shot a hole in his heart and there was nothing he could do about it. He didn’t cry everyday like he used to. But every other few weeks, he snuck into the bathroom to cry so his roommate wouldn’t see. It was embarrassing to admit.
Cyrus kept things in a rotation. Script, class, eat, homework, sometimes friends, and sleep. It was hard to stay happy and to enjoy himself. It was hard to feel like he was living through something when he’s been dead inside for months. With Halloween coming up, he felt even worse. He’s never not had anyone to match costumes with. For five years, him and TJ did a couple’s costume and before that, him, Buffy, and Andi always had something up their sleeves. He missed all of them.
Then one day, his roommate let one of his friends into their dorm room. His roommate was part of his friend group, so there was that. Cyrus was working on his infamous script and didn’t even get a text that he was coming. Usually, he said no, though. “Hey, Rich,” Cyrus said as he walked in.
“Hey, Cy,” he said. “I was in the building and wanted to drop by.”
“Why’d you text Karson and not me?” Cyrus asked.  
“You always say no.”
“True. Anyways, what’s up?”
“We need one more person for our Halloween costume. It’s Full House. We need an Uncle Jesse. You in?”
“Yeah,” Cyrus grinned, “of course.”
“Damn,” his friend Bogie said. “That TJ foo fucked you up bad, huh?” All eight of them were sitting around a bonfire before Thanksgiving break. It had been a long night of confessions and telling each other things not a lot of other people knew. Somehow in the moment, Cyrus spent thirty minutes telling them the becoming and downfall of him and TJ. Rich had convinced him to go to therapy on campus early November, and Cyrus wished he had gone sooner. It was getting so much easier to be around his friends and have open conversations.
“Yeah,” Cyrus admitted. “I cried everyday for months. I still cry sometimes.”
“Is that why you spend forever in the bathroom?” Karson asked him. Cyrus nodded.
“Damn, Cy,” Roxana mumbled, “no wonder you were so distant at the beginning of the school year. I thought you were just stuck up, but I guess I was wrong. I’m glad you trust us now, though.”
“Me, too,” Cyrus said.
“So, this TJ,” Bogie asked, “what’s he up to?”
“Besides knowing that he plays basketball for Midwest State U, I have no idea. I haven’t talked to him since I last texted him after the breakup. I’m still good friends with his sister, but she never says anything.”
“Dang, so he’s a baller?” Bogie asked.
“Probably just getting fucked up at parties,” Mikhenna suggested. Cyrus didn’t respond. He just shrugged.
“Do you still love him?” Roxana asked him.
“I don’t think so,” Cyrus shook his head. “I’d be stupid to. But thanks for listening, guys. I feel a lot better. I feel like I belong and that I can finally move on.”
Cyrus didn’t see the point of flying all the way back home for a week long break, so he decided to stay behind in California and take a train to his aunt and uncle’s place. They had a daughter that thirteen and always had juicy middle school drama.
When he was laying down on the bed of the guest room, his phone started vibrating. Buffy was on Facetime, and he answered immediately saying, “Hey, Buff.”
“Hey, Cyrus,” Buffy grinned widely before switching the camera, “look who’s with me!”
Andi waved at the camera, “Hey, Cyrus!”
“Andi,” Cyrus grinned. “How are you? We haven’t talked in like four days.”
“I know right,” Andi laughed. “I’m fine. What about you?”
“I’m good, I’m good,” he said before registering completely that Andi was in Shadyside. “Wait,” he paused, “aren’t you supposed to be in Pennsylvania?”
“Yeah but a professor died, so they gave us two weeks off instead of three days and just postponed winter break.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“I have no idea who he is,” Andi shrugged. “But where are you?”
“With my dad’s sister and her family. I’m just chilling and eating home made food before I go back,” Cyrus smiled. Andi moved over to sit next to Buffy and Cyrus noted that they were at the Mack’s place.
“So enough of that,” Buffy said and then looked at Andi who gave her a stern look. “Come on, let me tell him.”
“Well now you have to tell him,” Andi rolled his eyes.
“That’s very true,” Cyrus agreed.
“I know,” Buffy smirked. “That’s why I said that. Anyways,” she looked right at the camera, “we went to the mall with Amber in her car, but it broke down in the parking lot when we were leaving. She had to call TJ to come pick us up, which was already awkward enough because I always ignore him at school, but I was like whatever, it’s a twenty minute drive. Then in the car, literally, this man, I mean, boy, can ask any question. Any question in the world. Preferably, one directed at his sister, like you know, has your car been acting funky for a while? But he asks me and Andi, ‘How is Cyrus doing?’” Cyrus’ heart dropped. He hasn’t heard anything about TJ in so long he’s forgotten how to react.
“What did you say?” Cyrus asked nervously.
“I said that I charge $50 per fact,” Buffy said, “and he didn’t say anything else.”
“That’s weird,” Cyrus frowned. “I wonder why he doesn’t just ask Amber. I literally call her once a week, every Tuesday.”
“No idea,” Buffy said. “But maybe she just doesn’t answer him for the same reasons I didn’t.”
“Which are?”
“We love you.”
anyways follow my main @webarebares <3 thank you for reading! feel free to send asks if something was confusing or if a typo was horrible or just because. i luv u.
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cinnbar-bun · 4 years
No Logic in Friendship (Magisa x Lucilius)
A/n: Quarantine has done something to me so now you get this random ship I have thought of. I love them both so the idea of them being together makes me a bit happy and the dYNAMICS?!?!? I am here for it and now you must witness my madness. As always due to not much backstory and lore to these two IM TAKING IT INTO MY OWN HANDS AND MAKING MY OWN!
He is stuck. He is trapped. Despite being given free reign to explore so long as he was being watched, he felt entirely trapped inside the large ship. He murmurs to himself as he continues scribbling messy notes onto a journal that he was given by the captain. They sure were an eccentric one, deciding to keep him hostage here while giving him access to materials he could use. He couldn’t comprehend how that lunacy destroyed him once before.
But that was then, and this is now. And now his mind is crawling for some sort of knowledge. Something he could use. Perhaps even planning his escape. His thoughts were cut off when he heard a knock on the door.
“Knock, knock, dear~!” A teasing voice called.
Of course she would appear the moment he thought of something. She didn’t wait for an answer, instead she swung open the door, book in hand as she gave him her infamous sickly sweet smile.
“Good morning, you seem sprightly.” She said sarcastically as his frown grew bigger.
“What do you want, witch?” He spat out the last word before he continued writing. She merely giggled before she pulled a chair out and plopped herself right next to him.
“Oh you know the drill, dear. My dearest captain wants me to watch you to make sure you don’t get any ideas.”
“Tell your captain they can go shove it up their-“ he sighs and rubs his eyes. He doesn’t have the energy for this.
“Aw, Lucy are you tired?” She smirked.
“Shut up.” He growled as tried his best to ignore her. She chuckles as she leans over his shoulder. He slams the book shut and glares at her. “Do you mind?!”
“No, I don’t. I’m interested in what you’re writing. I mean-what if you’re planning on killing us all? That would be awful to let it happen right under my nose.”
“Trust me, if I could’ve, I would’ve had you all burnt to a crisp.” He grumbles. “Especially you.”
“Oh? Are you saying you like me, Lucy?” Magisa teasingly smiles.
“Hardly. You’re a pain to deal with. You’re even worse than Belial.”
“Me? I haven’t even shown you all of me. Unless this is your way of saying you wish to know me more intimately~?” She innocently batted her eyelashes at him as he rolled his eyes.
“Quiet. You’re a nuisance and you’re getting in the way of my research.”
“Well, what are you researching?”
“None of your business.”
“ACTUALLY- it really is. I was told to watch you so that is a duty I will carry out.” She stated, her voice lowering. He recognized it meant she was being serious.
“I’m trying to figure out how all of you imbeciles interact with one another without killing yourselves. You all are a bunch of annoyances, and I feel myself going insane from being in this hellhole for over a week!” Lucilius snapped. Magisa nodded and shrugged.
“It’s true, we are a crew of multiple types of people. But isn’t that what makes it so unique? No two people are exactly alike.” She said as tapped her chin.
“I think you all are just insane. I have never wanted to jump of the deck until I met those two idiots who screamed about punching and kicking one another. Or that hulking moron who was crying over his lost hat despite wearing it. The only reason he found it was because that assistant of his told him!” He recounted.
“Ah, you mean Feather and Randall. The ‘hulking moron’ is Barawa and his assistant is Sarya.” Magisa explained.
“I didn’t really ask.” He sighed.
“Well I just think you need to take it slow. Here, since you’re obviously just getting started with the whole ‘being nice’ attitude, why don’t we start off small?”
“What are you referring to?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, we haven’t properly introduced ourselves besides our names. You only see us as your enemy.” She said.
“And you only see me as a prisoner.”
“If we’re gonna be friends, then I’ll say that you’re a handsome prisoner. See, it’s not so hard to be nice to someone!” She smiled. He felt his cheeks heat up as he shook his head furiously.
“I don’t want to be your friend. Nor do I plan on ‘being nice’. You’re holding me here, and I’ll get out one day.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it. One thing you should know about me, when I want something, I won’t stop until I get it.”
“And what is it that you want?”
“I would like to show you that you can make friends and be nice. I mean, think of it like this, if you behave, you’ll get more freedom. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I’ll kill you.” She said, grinning at him. “I’m sure you don’t wish to know a true power of a witch.”
He sighed.
“Good! Since you’re being compliant-“
“I never agreed.”
“Since you are compliant, let’s get this small experiment running.” She clapped her hands together.
“And what does this experiment entail?”
“Not much. It’s just about getting to know one another more. For starters, tell me what your favorite color is. I’ll go first- mine is red, as you can see.” She said as she tipped her hat.
Lucilius pondered it.
“I don’t have one. It’s stupid to prefer one color over the other. They mean nothing.”
“That’s boring. Come on, don’t think about it too much. What color makes you happy?”
“Colors don’t make people happy! What kind of idiotic statement is that?” Lucilius yelled.
“On the contrary, they do. Some people like things because it’s pleasing. Sometimes they like it because it reminds them of happy memories. You must have SOME sort of preference.” Magisa sighed in disbelief.
“You skydwellers are ridiculous. Fine. My favorite color is black. There. Is this stupid experiment done?”
“No. Why do you like black?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care to have a reason to know.” He said quickly.
“Well, maybe you should research yourself a bit more. I think you’ve forgotten about who you truly are.”
“I know who I am! I am Lucilius, head Astral researcher and I will not be talked down to like that!” Lucilius angrily shouted.
Magisa sat there, unfazed as she giggled.
“I just noticed, your eyes are a gorgeous shade of blue.” She said. “It’s a shame they’re always used for a frown.”
“Why you-! Insolent! Stupid! Gah-!” He yelled incoherently as he clawed at his hair. “I would rather be dead than endure this nonsense!”
“It’s not nonsense. It’s just what makes a person up. Surely you should know that, Head Astral Researcher.” Magisa teased.
“A color does not make a person. Their eyes do not make a person. What makes a person is their power and their intelligence!” Lucilius retorted. “What they control is what they are!”
“But you control nothing. So are you nothing then? You have no power here, Lucilius.” Magisa asked.
He growled before he looked away from her.
“Well? By your own logic you’re practically useless. But I think you should realize you’re with humans. Humans don’t need to use that logic.”
“It’s been the way we Astrals have lived by. Your use is only by what you can create and think and control.”
“And yet you Astrals were defeated by us humans. Do you see the fault in that logic?” Magisa pointed a finger at him. “Humans are more than machines. We do not need to abandon feelings in pursuit of greatness.”
“Humans are illogical. One day they’ll suffer their downfall. Human nature brings nothing but discourse and nonsense. It’s absolutely stupid that you would keep me, someone who was this close to ending the world and keep me alive. If you all were rational you would’ve just killed me.”
“Well, I’m sure there are plenty who want you dead. But nevertheless, because we are, in your words, ‘illogical’, we get more out of it. Sandalphon was once someone who felt betrayed and wanted to end the world. And now look at him. He’s one of our closest allies.” Magisa explained.
“Does that mean you wish for me to be dead?”
“Mm... I’m thinking about it. I think I would like to know you first before I decide if I should end you or not.” She grinned. “As I said, once I have a goal, I won’t stop until I get it done.”
Lucilius mulled over her words before he sighed.
“Fine. I’ll play along. I have nothing better to do and it could give me something slightly beneficial out of this.”
“I’m glad you had a change of heart. Why don’t you ask me some things?” Magisa stared at him and he pondered it for a moment.
“Why did you join this crew.”
“Because their goals aligned with mine. Of course, after I met them, I found a family to call my own. So now I wish to help them get to their goals too.”
“So you admit you were thinking selfishly? Isn’t that hypocritical?” Lucilius frowned.
“Well, yes, I was. I was thinking of myself. Just like you’re doing now. You really don’t have any interest in me, and you’re doing this now to relieve your boredom. And that’s fine. Not everything has to start off as absolutely friendly. But later on down the line, things can change. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall for me.” She grinned.
“Absolutely not.” He gagged.
“Kidding, kidding. But yes, I was selfish before. But I had made so much wonderful friends here. I think you could take the time to make some too.” Magisa explained.
“I doubt the rest agree.”
“And that’s okay too. Not everyone has to like you, just as you don’t have to like them. But maybe if you show them a side to you that’s nice, they might like you too.”
“This is ridiculous. Human relationships make no sense. There are things I’m supposed to suddenly get? You’re a hypocrite and you just agreed to that. So why am I in the wrong for doing as you once did?”
“Don’t forget you still committed a bunch of heinous acts. You definitely have that going against you. But I say this as someone who selfishly came onto this crew, things can change. And that’s what being human is all about. Changing. Who I am now is different from who I was the day I met the captain. The person I’ll be tomorrow is also different too. The same can be said for you, no matter how much you deny it.”
“Change, huh...” he repeated quietly.
“You Astrals invaded our world because your world was unchanging. And now you get a chance to change in this world, Lucilius.” He was a bit surprised that she actually said his name, and he thought of her words again.
“Okay. I’ll attempt this. Then how will you conduct this experiment? I want it all laid out for me step by step.”
“Being friends doesn’t take steps. It’s about finding out more about each other. You can’t have steps for that.”
“Then how are we supposed to get to know each other. You don’t have plan!”
“Not everything needs a plan.”
“Then how do you get things done? You expect me to just go about this unprepared?”
“You just use your feelings, Lucy. There’s nothing you need to prepare for.” Magisa responded. Lucilius sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
The thought of not having steps made him a bit anxious. Plans were what he used always. He always had a routine, a plan for everything he did. And now she just wanted him to not prepare for it? He didn’t know the first thing about her nonsensical experiment, and he was beginning to dread this project.
Damn this witch for making such stupid ideas.
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perceptor-offical · 5 years
You only become a senior once
Perceptor and Brainstorm stood in the auditorium, both smiling. Blue, black and white balloons and streamers filled the room. Brainstorm looked at Perceptor, "One step closer to being free, right Percy? It feels just like yesterday we were just Juniors."
Oh how perceptor wanted to just burst out the words. But he knew that would break Brainstorms heart. "Y-yea, feels just like yesterday." He responded happily.
Perceptor groaned as his head smacked the table. "Help me with this Geo. I-I can't just tell him!" He held his head in his hand and walked around. Geo, his sister looked up from her book, "Can you sit down first? It's broad daylight and you look insane." He sat down across from Geo.
"What do I get from helping you?"
Perceptor leaned back, "This isn't the time Geo. I just need-"
Geo faced her little brother and smirked, "You want some help. I want something back from this."
Perceptor pulled out his wallet and grabbed twenty bucks. "You can have this if you help me. After you help me." Geo crossed her arms, "Alright then. We have a deal. Follow me." She stood up and started walking towards the school campus. Perceptor looked around confused, he was just here. "Geo? Why are we going into the science room?"
Geo grabbed his shoulders and placed him in a seat. She picked up a face mask and placed it over her mouth. "This is how it's gonna go Percy. Pretend im brainstorm, and you are about to tell me that you are a senior about to get passed to college." Perceptor stared at her, "How is this gonna help?" Geo pointed to perceptor's right eye, "Take that off."
"My patch?"
"Yea. Take it off."
Perceptor removed it. His scarred, colorless, blind eye, was now shown to whoever walked into the room. His green globes glanced at Geo, "Okay. Now we start." She said. Perceptor was confused when she walked out the room, this didn't make anything easier. Not to mention Geo is pretending to be his boyfriend. Perceptor jumped when Geo was standing right in front of him.
Did she even open the door?
"Hi Percy!" She exclaimed in her most brainstorm voice.
Don't panic. "H-hello Bra-Brainstorm.."
'Brainstorm' Leaned on her arms and looked up at perceptor's face. "Something wrong." She moved some obsidian strays out his face, "You look nervous." Perceptor's body tensed, He grabbed his patch and stood up. Geo stared at her brother as he got to the door, "Where are you going? Im trying to help you!"
Perceptor shook his head, "I'll deal with it when it comes. Thanks, but never do this again." He walked out the door
Geo crossed her arms and pouted, "Do I still get the twenty bucks?" Perceptor came back and threw the cash at her, "Use it wisely." And then he walked back out.
Perceptor looked around at other kids signing up for colleges, or next school year clubs. The halls were filled with signs that said 'GRADUATION!' and 'GOOD BYE SENIORS!'
He walked around and ended back at the auditorium. He stepped onto the stage. He turned when the doors opened, Rung smiled at him, "Good evening Mr. Perceptor. Ready for graduation?" The professor asked as he placed some papers on the guest seats. Perceptor nervously laughed, "I guess so. I am still deciding which college to go to yet. So many choices."
Rung watched his face, "Is something wrong perceptor? You seem, uneven." Perceptor looked at him, "Just a little nervous about leaving this place. It'll feel so good to leave but also awful." He watch rung step on the stage and look out into the soon to be filled seats. "Out of state university or in state?"
Perceptor rubbed his head, "I have no idea. Maybe out of state."
Rung smiled and patted the teen's back, "Well, I hope you pick a good university. And live to your best life." Rung walked off the stage but not before greeting Brainstom."
Perceptor froze. Brainstorm's face was not happy at all. He heard everything, Brainstorm heard everything. "B-Brainstorm.." He had to explain everything. He watched Brainstorm run out the auditorium. "Brainstorm!"
Geo watched as the snow haired male ran past. Perceptor then came running out but she grabbed his arm, jerking him back. "Geo! Let me go!" He tried getting out of her grip, failing in the process. She shoved him into a wall, "What did you do?"
"He heard me and rung's conversation about graduation and going to college! I didn't even realize he was in the room! So please do me a favor and let me go, I need to tell him!" The dark male escaped his older sister, but only to get pulled back again. His panic got the best of him and he broke down in Geo's arms.
Geo pulled her brother into a hug, walking him outside to her car. The both got in, It was a silent ride to their parents house. Once inside, Perceptor ran up to his room, avoiding his parents looks.
Geo looked at her parents, "...Lover problems."
"Brainstorm, Im sure he was gonna tell you."
Brainstorm, who watched the lake move so effortless in the wind. "When? Was he gonna tell me after graduation. Nautica. He.. He is waiting for the last moments to break my damn heart!"
Nautica rolled her eyes, "sure he sure he wasn't trying. This is Perceptor were talking about."
Brainstorm gripped the bars of the bridge, "Perceptor. Never waits till the last minute. So tell me why. He waited. THIS LONG!?"
Nautica frowned, "I'll give you a few moments alone. Call if you need a ride." She left.
The snow haired male turned his lemon globes towards the lake. He felt a hand grasp his own, he looked to his left and saw Perceptor who also was looking towards lake. It was silent between them. Nothing but the soft sound of wind and water moving in their own direction. He felt his boyfriend's hand grip get tighter.
"I am deeply sorry for what I have done. I.. You do not deserve.. to hear it like that. You deserve the full explanation."
Brainstorm listened to Perceptor's apology. He pulled down his mask and looked perceptor in the face.
"Are you really going out state?"
The obsidian haired looked at brainstorm. His face saddening, "I don't know what im going to do yet. But I have a lot of time to pick. I only start going in the fall." He tried to sound happy about it but it felt like nothing could make the moment better. "It feels just like yesterday both of us where juniors."
Brainstorm chuckled, "Yea. But I was a Sophomore and you were the Junior." He looked back towards the lake, "Why did you wait?" It was clear both of them wanted that answer.
"I panicked. But Im sorry, really." Perceptor grabbed brainstorm's chin and made him look up. "I swear on my life. That I will not leave you in the open." He kissed brainstorm.
After a few moments they both pulled back, smiled at each other's blushing faces. "See you at graduation?" Perceptor asked. Brainstorm nodded, and kissed perceptor once more, "I'll be there." He murmured.
Graduation day. The day most people look forward to. Freshman's get upgraded to Sophomores, Sophomores get upgraded to Juniors, Junior's get up graded to seniors. Senior's go off and do what ever they want.
The hallways were loud, and got louder each time a class walked through. Brainstorm clapped for the departing seniors, his hands were happy, but he never thought the day would come where his best friend. His boyfriend, would leave the place he would be able to see him most.
Brainstorm was a senior now. And Perceptor was bound to go where ever he wants, don't have to worry about teachers yelling at him for things he shouldn't do. He could be the next president. And Brainstorm would just be another citizen in a normal city. Alone.
The principle stepped onto the stage, "Welcome students and guests. To our annual graduation. This is where it begins. And where it ends. And once those seniors step off this stage. They are adults that have come very far into the world."
Each person in every class got their degree. Brainstorm saw Perceptor smile at him as he grabbed his diploma and walked off the stage. He also watched as his boyfriend go on that stage, Perceptor was passed the mic after the principle introduced him to everyone.
"This has became a teaching moment for us all. I was once told that me and you are simpatico. And I am not leaving that, or him behind. That's why I decided that I am not going to college just yet. Because I am staying behind for the one I love most."  
Brainstorm's heart melted. His whole body turned into goo as Perceptor winked at him and sat down. The crowd cheered and more diplomas were passed out to the students.
After graduation Brainstorm ran into Perceptor's arms. Making them both fall to the ground in a giggling mess.
"You didn't need to stay back for me. But I appreciate it!" Brainstorm said as he stood back up, helping Perceptor up in the process. He laughed when Perceptor lifted him, his legs around the other's waist. Perceptor nuzzled brainstorm's neck, "Im staying until you graduate."
Brainstorm smiled even more as he threw his arms around his boyfriend's neck. "I love you way too much."
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