#im jaebum angst
jae-daddy · 1 year
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genre: romance, mature, melo  plot: two married people fall in love a/n: i know its written dull, but trust me on this.
You wake up everyday facing the balcony of your apartment. 
You never wake up to sunlight creeping in through the space between the blinds in your room. You always wake up just before the alarm, your shoes always placed perfectly so your feet slip into it as you sit on the edge. 
Every morning seems the same. The same monotonous day; the same routine. The same twenty steps around your bathroom, the same cups, the same jar holding the teabags. The same toast and eggs, the same same same same same same same same same same same. 
The same man always wakes up twenty minutes after you. 
You always just happen you be halfway through the door when he enters the kitchen. 
It’s the same bus ride to the same glass building. The same cubicle, the same work, same fake smiles and laughs, same stories. Same everything. 
Tonight you decide to make stew for dinner. But is it really a decision when you make it at least five times a month?
He comes in at nine tonight. 
You tell him to put the dinner away. You get into your bed, and close your eyes. 
Sleep never comes easy, but you close your eyes anyway. 
Your doctor told you to close your eyes even if you’re not sleeping. 
Let the eyes rest. 
But you can feel it moving underneath your eyelids, and now you can feel a migraine forming at the front of your head. 
You feel the bed dip beside you. You remain on your side, ignoring him. You even out your breath, you are asleep. 
I am sleeping. You say it as a mantra over and over again. 
It works tonight. He faces the other side, you hear his phone click open. 
He stays on that phone forever. 
The sounds of the clicking on the keyboard, the endless Tiktoks. Your head is about to burst, you are about to burst. 
And just when you cannot take it anymore, he lets out an obnoxious yawn. You ease, and he relaxes and sleeps. 
You close your eyes waiting for sleep to take you away, but it does last long. 
A few hours, and then you wake up to your balcony again. 
The slippers slide onto your feet. Your pink brush remains where you left it yesterday. 
The cup you sip your tea from as you stare out the window is the same one as yesterday. You got it as a gift from your sister one birthday. It was one of those horrifically cringe ones that says ‘The Greatest Sister Ever.’ 
You both had a fight a day before your birthday. 
You were slipping into your heels when your husband enters the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” he says just like every morning. You give him a small smile. 
Normally that is the end of it, but today there is more, “We have to go to dinner tonight.” 
You still in your actions and look up to meet his eyes. It was like looking at a stranger but worse, you couldn’t even tell what he was thinking. 
But he could read the confusion on your face, “It’s my mum’s birthday.” 
You nod, before looking at the calendar behind him. Even from the door you could see the pink marker around the date. You give him another plain smile, “I’ll pick up a gift on the way back.” 
“It’s okay,” he says, and you’re thankful for it. “I’ll pick up something.”
“Okay,” you say, and slip your shoes on completely. You stand awkwardly for a second, and he looks at you too. How can you live with someone for twelve months and feel like complete strangers with them?
“Have a good day,” he says. Your lips part, and the silence stretches for a bit too long, but you finally manage,“You too.”
You escape before anymore awkward pleasantries pass between you. 
The bus is busy like always. You find a space and smile at the girl already sitting there. 
You let out a deep breath, and then inhale. You do it three more times, and a place a hand on your chest. Your heart was beating so fast, but you didn’t know why. 
Apart from the mild heart-attack (it wasn’t actually a heart-attack, you googled it), the rest of the day was the same. The court room was the same, you had lunch with the same two girls, at the same lunchroom. The bus ride was the same; awful, humid and tiresome.
But tonight when you went home, you didn’t cook dinner. 
Instead you showered, and changed into a pretty pale yellow dress. You did your hair into a nice pretty bun. You put on makeup and the lipstick that matches you so perfectly you save it for special occasions. 
You get on your knees and pull out the box with your special heels. 
You were going to meet your in-laws, you had to look nice. 
Once ready, you took a look in the mirror. 
You looked pretty. 
How long had it been since you dressed up? 
Your husband came soon after. He gave you a small smile as he took you in. You took in the pink wrapped box in his hand, and then your eyes went to the bouquet of flowers in the other. 
He placed them both on the table next to the fruit bowl. 
He went into the bathroom, and you stared at the flowers. 
You wanted flowers too. 
Growing up you never wanted to live in an apartment. You wanted to live in a house with a lawn or the country-side, somewhere where you could plant an entire garden. You would plant every flower you could get your hands on. It didn’t even have to look pretty as long as they bloomed you were happy with it. 
You made a few attempts to plant in the apartment when you first moved in. The proof of that lies brown and dry in colourful flower pots outside on the balcony. 
You didn’t realise you were staring at the flowers the entire time until he emerged from the bedroom. 
He looked good. 
He was good-looking. 
The white shirt and casual blazer you laid out for him, hoping he would wear it, looked good on him. 
You didn’t say anything though. He didn’t too, only, “Ready?”
It wasn’t a question really, more like ready or not here we go. He picked up the keys, the gift, and bunch of flowers. You picked up the tiny handbag you prepared for the night and followed him outside. 
Maybe Uber rides were more comfortable than this. 
The last time you set in one, they asked how your day was at the very least. 
This was one of the few rare occasions you and your husband were made to be in each other’s company completely. Normally, the timings never matched up or there was someone else, or some other distraction. 
People said this is common in arranged marriages. Reassurances and promises of everything working out were passed out to you like candies to a kid on Halloween. 
You just stared out the window, you wished you could put the window down. 
You wished you were in an Uber. 
Your in-laws were good people. 
Your mother-in-law, Jenny, always was in good hopes. She shared the same smile as her son and daughter, but you saw it more on her than anyone else. 
Your husband handed you the gift and kept the flowers for himself. You hand her the pink box and she gushes, excitement evident in her voice, but she still reassures you that you shouldn’t have. 
You’re polite with them. You smile, you laugh, you talk. 
Whenever you’re with them or your own family, or whenever anyone else is around you and your husband, it feels like you’re outside your body. This woman is not you, it’s your husband’s wife. 
“My son,” she places a sloppy kiss on your husbands cheek, he grimaces but his smile is bigger making his eyes disappear. Your heart feels like a mini heart-attack again, but its nothing, google said it was nothing. 
You hug your sister-in-law Jae-e, instead. She hugs you back tightly, before complementing your lipstick, and your smile is true this time. 
Your lipstick was made for you. 
“Justin has come a long way,” you agree after Jae-e finishes her fifteen minute monologue about Justin Bieber’s highs and lows. She was a firm supporter of Selena, but she believes love changes and happens where it needs to, and Justin and Haley are together now. 
You didn’t know much about Justin, you did back in middle school. Your best friend was a die-hard fan. 
“Who’s Justin?” Your husband asks. 
“Justin Bieber,” Jae-e rolls her eyes annoyed with her brother. Your sister and you were the same, it was like you were always teenagers no matter how much time passed. 
“He only knows one JB,” she slides the comment towards you, you snort slightly, and her brother ignores it. 
Or at least he tries to because he begins asking her about her new book. 
The betrayal in her eyes is so funny, you had to bite your lip to hide your grin. 
“It’ll probably be done before I get the chance to play with mum’s grandchild,” she’s proud of her reply, but instantly regrets it when her mother’s head snaps towards you and your husband. 
You are frozen in place, your eyes on the sizzler plate. You wonder if it was still hot; and if so, how much would it burn the big mouthed twat. 
“Yes!” Your mother-in-law gushes, and you start screaming inside. You’re surprised no one can hear you, in a way you are lucky no one can. She continues her loud words and each word makes your ears bleed, “WHEN DO I GET TO PLAY WITH MY GRANDCHILD?!”
She goes on and on. Some other couple who got married after you already has a kid. Another just announced their pregnancy. 
You sat there staring at the plate, and then at the white table cloth. 
White table cloth is so impractical. It basically just highlights all the mistakes a person makes. This family of five does not know how to take out their dishes properly and now there’s stains all over.   
It was your father-in-law who finally stepped in, and said “That’s enough. This is not table conversation.” 
You liked your father-in-law. 
You bow and say goodbye to your in-laws. It was about time. 
Your stomach was so full you were going to explode, and the heel straps were cutting into your skin. You were sure your lipstick had faded away by now. 
All you wanted to do was go home and sleep. 
But you have work tomorrow- no, tomorrow is Saturday!
But you were still excited to feel sleepy, maybe you’ll actually sleep and knock out completely. 
Your thoughts got cut-off when you opened the door of your car. 
“Oh,” you gasped as you picked up a flower from your seat. You showed it to your husband who stood there on his side of the car. “This must have fallen out.”
He bit his lip and then nodded, “Must have.” 
He entered the car. 
You were smiling when you buckled into your seat. You hummed along to songs playing, and looked out the window. You were okay with having the windows up. 
The entire ride, you twirled the flower between your fingers, the yellow petals fluttering with each turn. 
You wanted flowers. 
When you get home, you head straight to the bathroom. The twenty steps increase by three as you place the flower into the cupholder. You stare it for a good minute. 
You strip, shower and change into your pyjamas. 
You watch as your husband as he goes into the bathroom. 
Tonight you wanted it. Tonight you were not going to fall asleep. 
Tonight you watched the light beneath the door. Tonight you didn’t realise as sleep took over you. 
You woke up the next day. No alarm. 
Your slippers sliding onto your feet. Twenty steps around your bathroom. 
The cup- oh. 
You halted in your steps. 
The cup on the table, breakfast spread out and ready. 
Your husband putting on his shoes as he’s rushing out the door. He looks frantic. You want to call out to him, what do you call him? 
He catches sight of you before that, “Office emergency.” 
You nod, smiling, telling him its okay. 
He hesitates, and then the door closes behind him. 
You look over the breakfast. 
Same cup. Same bread and toast. Same egg. Same table. Same room. Same apartment. 
But somehow different. 
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daintydoie · 2 years
right where you left me
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pairing: im jaebeom × park jinyoung (got7/jjp)
wc: 10.3k || 4/4 chapters
tags: post-break up, exes, friends to lovers, past relationship(s), flashbacks, fluff and angst
language: english
excerpt from chapter 1
The sun reaches its highest point on this chilly Saturday afternoon. Although there aren’t an overwhelming number of cars today, Jinyoung makes an effort to leave his house earlier than usual. He hasn’t seen his family in around 4 months due to his incredibly busy job, and him and his sisters made a bet on who could get to their parents’ house first. With an overnight bag in the passenger seat and his hands on the steering wheel, Jinyoung drives through the high rise buildings and billboards.
He reaches the main bridge that connects the city to the small towns in the countryside. It’s been a while since he passed this bridge, fewer cars here than he expected. After a couple more minutes, he sees his old hometown.
Although Jinyoung came to visit many times before, his hometown still gives off a timeless feel. The grass green and well kept, the simple rustic style of the houses, the neighbourhood children biking with their friends outside. It seemed like most of it stayed the same, minus the residents perhaps. Jinyoung drives past the other houses, as if he was in his school bus coming back home. He finds a house with a dark brown exterior and parks in front of it. Even though his parents are planning to have it repainted, he’ll miss the old brown wood color of their house. He takes his bag from the passenger seat and exits the car. The path leading to the door has small weeds, and his mother’s outdoor plants still look very much alive. He lifts his hand to ring the doorbell, but he hears someone opening the front door.
“The dishwasher has finally arrived!” His oldest sister, Minyoung, answers the door. Jinyoung looks at her, confused. While leaving his shoes near the doorway, he sees his other sister, Hwayoung, in the middle of eating lunch. “Huh? Since when did both of you get here?” “Half an hour ago.” Hwayoung answers while moving to the side and patting the seat next to her. “You guys left earlier, didn’t you?” He puts his bag down. “We left at noon, you’re just salty that you lost the bet!” Minyoung sticks her tongue at him while walking back to the dining table.
“Jinyoung, my son!” His mother gives him a warm hug and kisses his cheek. “I hope the dishes aren’t too much for you.” “Don’t worry mom, I’ll wash them all.” He side eyes his sisters, snickering while shoving kimchi rice in their mouths. “Jinyoung!” His dad calls him over. “Sit down and eat before Minyoung and Hwayoung finish it all.” Jinyoung hangs his coat and sits next to Hwayoung at the table. His mother hands him a bowl of kimchi stew and puts bulgogi on his plate. He takes a spoonful of the stew, still tastes the same even after so long, like the times he requested his mother to make it while he does his homework.
While he catches up with the rest of his family, they hear the doorbell ring. His mom stands up and goes to answer the door. “Oh, Mrs. Im!” The siblings look to the door. “Oh! I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” “No, don’t worry!” The rest of the family politely greet Mrs. Im. “Nice to know the kids came to visit. Um, could I ask for some extra ingredients? I’ll pay you back after today.” “Yes, of course! What do you need?” “Just some tofu. My son decided to surprise me with a visit today!”
Jinyoung suddenly stops eating. Jaebeom’s back? Why would he be back?
Minyoung and Hwayoung notice, and they look at their little brother worryingly. Hwayoung gently places her hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Jaebeom? Isn’t he supposed to be in America?” “That’s what I thought too! When I saw him at the doorstep, I told him: What are you doing here?!” Mrs. Im laughs at her own story. “Turns out they gave him a week off, and he flew all the way here! He’s staying at some hotel but he dropped by earlier. He’ll come back here again since I’m preparing dinner for him.”
Jinyoung stands up from the table and goes to the fridge to look for tofu. He finds it and gives it to Mrs. Im. “Oh, thank you Jinyoung!” She takes it from him. “Wow! You look so mature! And so do Minyoung and Hwayoung!” She turns to his mother. “You raised such diligent adults.” His mother proudly smiles at her children. “Oh, Jinyoung! Jaebeom is just walking around in this area, do you want me to call him and tell him you’re here too?”
“Oh no, you don’t have to.” Jinyoung hesitates a bit with his answer. “I’ll just find him and surprise him myself.”
They wave Mrs. Im goodbye and return to the table. Minyoung and Hwayoung give each other a look, surprised with Jinyoung’s answer. They say nothing and continue eating, occasionally glancing at their brother.
continue reading!
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marvelous-llama · 10 months
GOT7 recs
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liannyeong · 4 months
Polar opposites
Summary: Even amidst all the anger, he would never break the one he loves.
Word count: 1446
Pairing: Jaebeom X OC
Warning(s): Angst, minor violence
A/N: It's been a long time ~ I was clearing out my drafts when I stumbled upon this. This was written in 2018, and reading it again made me go "Oh? This doesn't seem like a bad writeup?" Heh.
Jaebum thought that their love would overcome all obstacles, just like in romance movies and novels where the couple would fight and then, make up afterwards. He thought they would live happily ever after as long as they are together. That their love could stand the test of time. That their love was such a strong force that anything was possible. But this was reality, not those made-up published fantasies of a romanticist's mind.
They were cosmic stars clashing which perfectly described their first encounter. They collided as she rushed for class while he skipped it. Papers scattered everywhere and profanities escaped his lips. She scrambled for her papers while he for his cigarettes. As soon as he collected his things, his fists were clenched and ready to land a punch on his victim's face, but she had already disappeared into the corridor. And that was the first time someone ever managed to escape the wrath of the famous delinquent, Im Jaebum.
He spent his days searching for the rude girl. In Jaebum's defense, she did not utter a word of apology for bumping into him and almost getting him in trouble. When he finally got her, she had been extremely clueless about him and that bumping incident. She blinked up at him with innocent and clueless eyes that Jaebum could not even argue anymore. Nevertheless, Jaebum found her as a new target, bullied her to no end. However, she never cared about his antics and ignored his existence. She never feared him as all the other students did. But that one time when Jaebum went too far and shoved her down the corridor, she had this flame in her eyes when she met his. For the first time, Jaebum felt scared for his own life. Nothing happened though, but she started to retaliate. She got on his nerves, but funnily enough, she always managed to get away with it. 
Amidst all the animosity, there was a change of heart. It wasn't a gradual evolution of emotion. Rather, it was something that was sparked on a snap. Jaebum had wandered into the field to taunt her. But a baseball was flying towards him unbeknownst to him.
"Look out!" he had heard someone cried out before there was a whoosh sound right in front of him.
As if time stood still, he could see clearly how each strand of her hair fluttered in the wind, how her hand was outstretched right in front of his face, how the ball slammed onto her glove.
It was stupid, Jaebum thought, to feel his heart skip a beat at such incident. But it happened and Jaebum thought she caught his heart along with the ball.
Afterwards, Jaebum became a blushing fool whenever he saw her. He still disturbed her, but no longer as extreme as before. He didn't know how or when he actually mustered courage to confess but the next thing he knew, they were a couple.
Nevertheless, couple or not, they were still two very different individuals. He still preferred streetwear -- leather jackets and dyed hair -- while she preferred smart casual. She was the epitome of a successful woman: smartly dressed, with an aura of confidence. He was violent and aggressive while she was calm and collective. He was fire while she was water. His foul temper always ruined the surroundings but never her. He ruined, she fixed. He was destructive, she was constructive. He explodes, she implodes.
Because of their contrasting personalities, their love was like hot coal. It was scalding to be held, but it spread warmth to the hearts.
Nobody understood why they were together in the first place. Their closest friends always had to deal with them barging into their place with tear-stained faces or fury. None of them understood how they manage to get married and settled down together despite the endless arguments. They were not the happiest couple. They never were. Never had anyone see them smile to each other. No one understood their love.
Except them.
"We'll be fine. We'll always be," her words rang in his ears. He scoffed. Who was she to say that? Indeed, he loved her so much. But she was not him. She could not understand the pain inside. He curled himself up on his bed, letting himself be consumed by sadness and guilt. He screwed up big this time. He had it all, but his pride just had to ruin it. Tears dripped onto the bed sheets that her scent still lingered on.
His endearment for her was too overwhelming. A month had past since the incident occurred and he missed her so bad. Jaebum hoped, every second, that she would show up on the doorstep of the apartment (he no longer called it home) with her bags. But time past by and she did not come. He laughed at the wee hours of every night. He thought to himself. He deserved it. He was a jerk who ruined everything and was a screwed up person himself. He got himself drunk with the little remnants of her in the house, in his mind. He played their memories over and over - her sloppy kisses in the morning and night, her sweet voice that was his favourite song, her soft touches on his skin. Every single little detail of her was etched deeply into his memory and onto his skin.
Every night, he roamed around the streets alone. As he drowned himself in the memories, he always ended up in the neighbourhood of his in-laws. He stood at the pavement, staring at the 9th floor of the building, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman he loved. He stood for god knows how long, not tearing his eyes away from the windows. But she never looked out of the window.
It became a habit for him to come around everyday. He was too much of a coward to knock on the door. He was too afraid to face her. He knew he was in the wrong, but he never knew why he was not brave enough to face her. He wanted her back so bad, but his body just would not move a step closer to her. She was there: she was within reach, but he just could not take the step. He missed how her silky hair would easily let his fingers card through. He missed how his hands were so much bigger than her face. He missed how perfectly fitted she was in his embrace.
Then he saw her.
He could easily identify her even if she was drowned in the crowd, even in the darkest of the night. She wore the hoodie he recognized so well: her favourite (and his too), a present from him. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of the hoodie and she strolled down the streets, her back facing him. She was all alone, and very easily he could have approached her. But he did not. He followed as she entered the convenience store. She smiled at the cashier as she paid and he died a little inside. He yearned for that blinding smile to be directed at him again. He yearned to see the skin around her eyes to crinkle and her lids to be turned to crescents upclose again. He yearned for her so much. But he could do nothing, only to love her from afar.
The famous Im Jaebum, who never fled from a fight, was in fact, a coward.
So Jaebum came home, all drunken in his own misery and agony. What started as soft sobs escalated into fury. He threw a fit. He smashed the vases, the glass furnitures. He broke all the photos they smiled happily in. He punched holes into the walls. His skin tore and his blood dripped onto the hardwood floor. His head hung low and he rested his palm against the wall for balance, before he leaned his back against the wall. He let himself slid down in agony as he cried. He did not know what was more painful: his torn skin and dripped blood or her absence. Perhaps it was both.
Or perhaps it was the wrath he incurred himself for being destructive.
Everybody knew how bad his temper was. Him throwing a fit would mean the destruction of the world. He would break everything and anything he saw.
Even amidst all the anger, he would never break the one he loves.
The only one who braved the flames of fury was the one he vowed he would never hurt.
But he broke it.
So she left and he knew he deserved it.
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Trading Secrets
Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Summary: After ending your year long engagement with Jaebum, your older brother Jackson made it his mission to be your personal hype man. However, while playing matchmaker, he unintentionally overlooks your own feelings.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Jackson's Younger Sis AU, rich kid au, themes of classism, mentions of bad exes, fluff, some angst, typos, etc.
A/N: I have been in a rut, so I've decided to literally speed run the requests I can do rn. I HAVENT CHECKED FOR TYPOS ILL COME BACK SOON ENOUGH maybe. this request has been here forever im so sorry it took so long T_T Also obviously this is fiction ok miss me with that BS TY
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Meeting Yugyeom marked the end of an era, the end of my year long heartbreak, the closing chapter of the mopey life I lived up until that point.
He was the beginning of my sunshine, the reason I could walk with a skip in my step, it was the beginning of me feeling like myself again.
I met him at a gala, but not how you would expect. He wasn't one of our family friend's guest, in fact, he had nothing to do with Choi Youngjae's family at all, except maybe the fact he was their employee for that night. Yugyeom was a server for the party the day I met him.
I was in an emotional fit when he saw me at the gardens and he immediately felt awkward since he went outside to take a break from the stuffy atmosphere inside.
For a moment, he kept his silence, up until he decided it would be downright rude to just stand there within a few feet from me and not say anything.
"Did one of the snobby kids in the party fight you, or something?" Yugyeom tries with a lighthearted voice, hoping it would be better than asking if I was okay, when I clearly was not.
I jolted at the sudden sound of his voice, and managed a look at him. Since I was pathetic and prone to self-deprecation during this time, I simply agreed and casually stated, "yeah, my ex-fiancé was there with his next bride-to-be. It felt like I was the butt of everyone's joke, so yeah, I'd say it was a fight."
Yugyeom was not expecting that. But he did know about the dude who was flaunting his fiancé. How could he not when he was so bigheaded about her dress for tonight and the assests her father had. So, Yugyeom placed his pockets in his hands and asked, "was it that moron in the Im family? What's his face, Jaehyun? Jaeyoon, Jae-"
"Jaebum," I say, sniffling, "how'd you know?"
Yugyeom scoffs, "how could I not. He's a prick, even he knows it. Honestly, you're better off. The dude can't tip for his life. How is someone so rich yet so stingy."
I chuckle, shaking my head at the thought, "he wasn't always like that."
"Oh, baby," Yugyeom says out of instinct, it meant nothing to either person in the conversation, "don't defend him. He's not worth it."
It was at this moment, Yugyeom and I finally look at each other. Even with bloodshot eyes and a semi-runny nose, he decided in his head the view was beautiful. He suddenly felt even more annoyed by the idea of Im Jaebum.
"Thanks," I say, wiping my nose, "you gave me enough confidence to walk back in all the way to my car."
Yugyeom knits his brows, "what? Where you planning on camping here for the night?"
I chuckle, "I'm friends with the Choi's. It wouldn't be the first time I slept in their garden, although this time, intentional."
We both share a laugh. Yugyeom felt compelled to make the atmosphere ever more relaxed than it already was, and so he said, "I'll trade you a couple secrets, since you told me some."
Both a brow and a corner of my lips quirked up upon hearing this, "which part of the conversation did I tell you any secret?"
"The part where you talked about your ex and the fact you got shitfaced enough to sleep on grass."
"Hold on," I raise a finger, "I never said I was shitfaced, nor did I sleep on the g-"
"Whatever," Yugyeom laughs, "I got you rich kids all figured out."
Instantly, I feel standoffish and borderline provoked by this, but I keep it cool and only cross my arms as I throw him a face, "do you now."
"Yep," he pops the P, "you're the really rich type that doesn't even notice the fact that I accidentally stole caviar from the last party the Choi's had."
"Wait, wait," I feel my jaw drop, "how do you accidentally steal-"
"I was fixing my hair in the kitchen," Yugyeom immediately explains, "I had a jar of wax and I placed it on the counter top. I fix my hair, throw the jar back in my bag, except when I got to my gig, it was a fucking jar of caviar and not my hair wax."
I break into a laugh. Yugyeom watches my expression and matches my giggles. I shake my head and wave a hand, "wait, I have so many questions."
Yugyeom's watch beeps. He turns to his wrist and stops it, "well, they're gonna have to wait cause my break just ended."
"Oh, right... it was nice-"
"Do you want to get drinks with me after this?"
I am so stunned by his confidence that I nearly forget that he asked me a question. It takes him smiling at me, urging a response by saying, "any second now," as he did a small hop in his place. I break into another chuckle, feeling the need to wipe my nose, suddenly realizing I had just been crying before talking to him. Contrary to the voice I had in my head saying it was a bad idea, I quickly nodded my head and smiled back, "sure. I... I don't have anything better to do anyway."
That small voice in my head was wrong, getting drinks with Yugyeom after that party was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time.
He and I would hang out every weekend, and he would take me to underground art shows, rap battles, and even dances showcases where he would perform.
I would learn when he wasn't hustling for extra money, he was dancing, either professionally as a backup dancer, a teacher, or in competitions.
Slowly he was seeping deeper and deeper into my world. The causal greetings I would give him if he wound up being a waiter at another party I was invited to would turn into shy smiles from across the room. The casual hangouts we had on weekends blossomed into much awaited dates that ended with kisses and promises of meeting next week.
Still, as much as my heart thumped at the sight of him, we were taking it slow and labels were sort of up in the air. I mean, goodness, he was close enough to me that he became friends with my brother. He was close enough with me that my brother trusted Yugyeom enough to drive me home when he was too drunk to do so.
So during one party on my older brother's yacht, said older brother Jackson put me in quite a tough spot, especially considering he personally invited Yugyeom after hanging out with him enough.
It seems in all of this time Jackson has seen me with Yugyeom, he didn't notice that I was practically making googly eyes at him, cause what did he do? He sets me up with Bambam.
Bam. Bam.
"Hi, Bambam," I chuckle, awkwardly reciprocating the hug initiated. Bambam was dressed to the nines, like he always was, glasses, leather shoes, gold watch, and all.
Jackson was watching from afar, arm around Yugyeom as he squealed and shook his friend, "I have a good feeling about this."
Yugyeom could only watch with disdain.
"That bastard Jaebum really did a number on her, but I think, since she's been talking about going out on dates lately, she might be ready to date again."
Yugyeom grinds his teeth, "she's been talking about going dates?"
Jackson turns to Yugyeom, the hand that was not around his friend was holding a drink, "yeah. She told me she was thinking about dating again, and I said I knew exactly the person she'd be into."
Yugyeom scoffs, "and Bambam is that?"
Jackson takes a swig of his drink, "duhhh! He's around her age, and he went to the same school she did. He's also in charge of the same department she handles in our company, so yeah. Match made in heaven, don't you think, Gyeom?"
Yugyeom, who was annoyed by the fact Jackson totally looked over him initially, suddenly felt like he was put in his place. He was none of those things. He didn't even finish going to university. He watched as Bambam nodded his head causally, making the neatly pressed clothes on his body move just a bit at the action. Then he looked at his ripped jeans and worn out combat boots, then suddenly he was acutely aware of how out of place he really was in all this.
The Wang siblings were gracious enough to make him delude himself into thinking he had a shot at getting the girl he liked.
He didn't know if it was the yacht ride or the realization that make him feel like barfing.
Yugyeom weighs the chances he has to get to shore if he just jumps off here and now.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he tells Jackson. Jackson nods and pulls away, moving on to mingle with the rest of his guests.
Yugyeom makes his way to the tiny bathroom and looks at his reflection for a solid minute. He splashes water on his face and wipes it off with bottom of his old band t-shirt.
He is surprised by whom he meets once he exits the room.
"Hey," I chirp. The smile on my face deflates when Yugyeom returns a gloomy gaze.
I find myself frowning, "are you okay? Are you seasick?"
"No..." he shakes his head. He can't help but feel tingly at the concern, and so he involuntarily chuckles in endearment, "I'm fine."
"Well, you don't look fine," I counter, offering a wide-eyed look. Suddenly, as he shifts in his place to lean against the wall, I realize something, "is this because of Bambam?"
Yugyeom, in all his casual confidence, tenses, nonverbally answering me.
"Hey," I sigh, catching his hand in mine. Yugyeom feels his entire being burn at the slightest of contact. I knit my brows, "Jackson's just trying to help me."
Yugyeom can't meet my gaze, "I know..." he offers a half-hearted smile, "he's right... you should end up with someone like Bambam."
Yugyeom straightens himself up and tightens his hold on my hand. He looks down on me and sighs, "You're out of my atmosphere. Come on, we met at a party where I was a waiter. We're worlds apart."
I look at him with an incredulous expression, "the air pressure up there must have finally gotten to your head, huh," I mock, ripping my hand away from him to cross my arms.
He is unamused.
I sigh, "Gyeomie, do you honestly think if I cared about that, I would have my heart race when I'm around you like I always do."
"Well-" he cuts himself off once he realizes exactly what I said, "your heart races when I'm around."
I shudder out, "unfortunately yes, and you don't seem to want to take responsibility."
Yugyeom is at a loss for words. He opens his mouth and raises his hand, "I do. I do. I so do."
"Alright then," I hold back a smile, "I've told you a secret, now you tell me one."
Yugyeom perks up at that and immediately leans down as he places his hands on my shoulders. He peppers the side of my face, down to my neck with kisses, causing me to curl up at the sensation and giggle at the ticklish feeling. He pushes hair behind my ear then whispers, "I really, really, really want you to be my girlfriend."
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heonymilktea · 4 years
you make me (a teenager)
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wc: 3.3k
warnings/genre: non-idol au, friends to lovers! au, angst, childhood best friends, break up, ex-lovers au, a possible part two
    “You're following your dream, why can't I follow mine?'
    “Because my dream is here. Nowhere else.”
    “Well my dream is there, and I'm following my dream. I didn't come here to ask for your permission Jaebum, I came here to tell you that I was leaving.”
    Jaebum only silently watched as you got closer to the front door of his home— a door that you had gone through thousands of times during your friendship and relationship, stopping with your hand on the knob. He knew he was being childish— that he was being selfish, he had been so used to having you by his side every waking moment for what had seemed like his entire life, hearing that you would be leaving— to a whole different country on the other side of the world no less— had basically felt like he would be losing you. 
   “If you leave, don't come back.” Had been the last words you had heard your boyfriend, your best friend of basically your whole life, say to you.
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You couldn’t deny the feeling you had gotten as soon as the plane had landed in the airport, the longing of your hometown had grown with each day you hadn’t been back, which meant that by the end of nearly seven years you had missed it like crazy. The warmth of the golden rays hitting your skin had only reminded you even more, missing the fact that it was sunny and warm for most of the year, adding the fact that your childhood home had been so close to the beach that the shore had practically been on the edge of your backyard.  
Maybe you had to give Jisoo— your best friend and vice president— some sort of thank you present once you went back, after all it had been Jisoo who had forced you to take a vacation for the first time in your seven years of working as president of your company, but for now— you were going to enjoy the two weeks you had being here. 
Your parents had been glad to hear that you were going to come back home for once, due to your workaholic tendencies it was usually them who were the ones to do the flying out to reunite as a family. As you settled back into your childhood room, your mom had filled you in on everything that had happened in the neighborhood— talking about how Mina and Jinwoo down the street had finally married and she was about four months away from from giving birth to their first baby, and how Mr. Tanaka and his family had moved away since he had gotten a promotion to a different office that would pay him much better. There had been someone you wanted to ask her about, but you had refrained yourself from even mentioning him. 
She had all but pushed you out of the door once you were done, telling you to explore the town and see the changes that had been made in the time that you had been gone, though you hadn't exactly fought against it, you had been itching to become reacquainted with everything and possibly go to the beach ever since you had first step foot in the driveway. 
So you did. 
After a quick shower and change to more warm weather appropriate clothes. Even if spring had barely started here, it was much warmer than it had been back at— home. You didn’t really know whether you had called it your home yet, even if you had lived there for three years now, it had always felt like something had been missing, but no matter how much you had racked your brain for what that something could be, you couldn’t really place it. You know who, your heart had reminded you— maybe you had known but didn’t want to admit it just yet. 
Pushing the thought away, you instead focused on the feeling of the sun against your skin, walking down the streets you remembered so easily and reminiscing about all the memories you made before you left, before things had changed. You had passed by your favorite bookstore, elated that it had still been here despite the years that had passed, the small shopping center that held your favorite arcade had expanded, new shops lined up and down the lot, you could see all the high school students that were probably on their spring break walking around with their friends— it all reminded you of when you were in their places, making you miss how things used to be before everything had changed. 
But once again you had ignored the notion, changing your plans of re-exploring to finding what had once been your favorite coffee shop and spending the rest of the day at home. After you weaved through a couple of blocks having relied on your memory, you had finally made to the place you had been looking for— the quaint coffee shop had been tucked in a corner away from the overpopulated center of downtown, but it still had managed to gain its many loyal customers that dotted the patio of it, basking in the warmth of the spring day as they enjoyed their iced drinks. 
A few minutes later, you had been just like one of them— minus the staying in the patio. The cool condensation of the cup felt refreshing against the warmth of your hand, and you had finally gotten the caffeine fix you had been needing all day. Though, your entire walk back home your mind had been occupied with thoughts of him— whether he had continued with his music, if his hair was still dyed light brown and styled up in a fohawk like it had been in high school when you last saw him, or if he still had those bulky headphones that had almost taken permanent residence around his neck.
Thoughts and memories had clouded your mind well after dinner, but you had told your mother it had been the jetlag finally catching up to you that caused the blank stare in your eyes. She shook her head, and ushered you to your room, that she would clean the plates with your father’s help, he only smiled at her, already taking the plates to the kitchen before telling you to wash up and sleep early. 
You tried to, you really did— taking a nice bath with a bath bomb your mother had given you, placing a face mask after your extensive skincare routine, wearing your favorite pajamas that you had brung but you found yourself tossing and turning on the bed restlessly. You sat up in your bed, defeated, maybe catching up on some dramas that you had been meaning to watch could distract you (even though you secretly knew you would probably end up rewatching Goblin because it was your favorite), but before you could reach down to take your laptop out of your bag, a glimpse of your old polaroid camera had caught your eye the album where you saved all the pictures you took next to it. Climbing out of your bed, your hand glided over the leather front before bringing it with you back to bed. 
Opening it, the first picture you had seen was you and Jaebum smiling up at the camera, roughly around the age of five, you had been in pigtails and a pink dress your mom picked out while he had been in a graphic t-shirt and shorts; it had been the day you met him, he had been the son of the neighbors that had just moved in next door. Like the extroverted child you were, you had immediately invited Jaebum to play in your backyard with you, his parents wanting him to settle in, pushed Jaebum to go and that had been the start of your friendship. 
You stayed their in your bed, flipping through each page of the thick album binder, reliving all the memories that each and every picture brought— some had been of you, or you and your parents, a few of you and cousins, and some of your friends, but the ones of you and Jaebum had quickly outnumbered the others combined,  
The last picture had only managed to make your smile falter, it had been taken right after you both had taken the CSAT— the exam that would determine basically your entire future depending on how well you did— you were both in your school uniforms, both worn out from the excruciatingly long and unforgiving exam, but the smiles of relief adorned both your faces, your arms had been wrapped around his middle as his wrapped around your shoulder. You remember that Jaebum had taken you out to ice cream not long after, also remembering that it had been taken about six months after he had officially asked you out and asked to be his girlfriend. Both of your parents had been insufferable when they found out, hounding at both of you how they had called it ever since you had become friends, that it had been only a matter of not if but when. 
It only made you realize how quickly things can change, but at least you had the pictures to hold onto and relive the memories. You fell asleep with the album in your arms, even if you had wanted to move on and forget him, he was still in your heart seven years later. Instead of having a dream that night, it seemed like your mind had still been wrapped around him instead, making you relive through the last memory you had of him instead. 
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You had been wringing your hands for the past ten minutes, nervous about seeing Jaebum. Well not really nervous about seeing him, but having to tell him the news that you’ve had all morning and seeing his reaction to it. In five minutes, you would have to go over to his house (not like it was literally just next door or anything) and have your weekly movie night— a tradition that you had started long before you had become each other’s significant other, the only addition was that now you had been able to cuddle up to his side and sneak kisses between movies. 
But instead of drawing it out further and only building up your uneasiness, you would tell him as soon as you went over. He had greeted you when he heard the doorbell ring, sneaking a quick peck before letting you come inside. 
“Wait- before we sit down, I have something to tell you.”
He looked at you expectantly, letting you know that he was listening.
“Remember MILLIONS and their program I was talking to you about?”
As your boyfriend, he was probably the one that knew about the company the most out of all your friends, you had rambled about dreaming of working for them ever since the beginning of your first year of high school. 
“I got accepted...”
“That’s good, but why do you look like your cat just died?”
“They offered me the scholarship and internship. The internship to work at their headquarters.”
“But their headquarters are in New York..” He had stated, though you could see the gears in his head turning as he was beginning to connect the dots.
You stayed silent, opting to look away from him as the guilt settled in even more. Though it wasn’t like you could do much about it at that point, you had been offered a scholarship and an internship to potentially become a graphic designer— at MILLIONS nonetheless which had been your absolute dream to work for, could you really give up such an offer?
“I thought you were going to stay here with me, remember the promise we made.”
“We made that promise at the beginning of middle school 'Beom, we were practically children. We weren't thinking of the future, much less of our careers. You're following your dream, why can't I follow mine?'
“Because my dream is here. Nowhere else.”
“Well my dream is there, and I'm following my dream. I didn't come here to ask for your permission Jaebum, I came here to tell you that I was leaving.”
Jaebum only silently watched as you got closer to the front door of his home— a door that you had gone through thousands of times during your friendship and relationship, stopping with your hand on the knob. He knew he was being childish— that he was being selfish, he had been so used to having you by his side every waking moment for what had seemed like his entire life, hearing that you would be leaving— to a whole different country on the other side of the world no less— had basically felt like he would be losing you. 
“If you leave, don't come back.” Had been the last words you had heard your boyfriend, your best friend of basically your whole life, say to you.
You woke up to the sound of your phone relentlessly vibrating on top of your night stand, your hand reaching aimlessly til it felt the glass of the screen, your fingers wrapping around it before pulling it up to your ear, jerking away when it vibrated once again— it had only been an alarm to prevent you from sleeping the entire morning away. Now fully awake, you wished you could've completely shaken off the dream/memory— it had been seven years since it happened, it had been about five since you thought about him at all, why now?
Before you could dwindle on it further, you felt your stomach rumble, hungry to eat the first meal of the day— you were never one to skip out on breakfast since being the workaholic perfectionist you were meant that your hours at the office often meant that you’d skip a meal to get work done. Heading to the kitchen, you weren’t surprised to find your mom already there— humming to herself as she chopped some vegetables for the side dishes of breakfast, you could hear your dad humming outside the window, probably sitting on the porch reading the morning newspaper. 
It had been a normal breakfast, your dad relaying the information of the newspaper he had read earlier while your mother and you sat listening and inputting your opinions every once in a while, and just like the day before she had shooed you away after you all had finished, telling you to actually visit the beach for once, since you hadn’t given yourself the opportunity to yesterday. 
After having learnt that your favorite coffee shop was still open, you made your way to it first, your heart craving to have an iced matcha latte (plus you had to make the most of the two weeks you had here, you didn’t know exactly when would be the next time Jisoo would push you to take a mandatory vacation). It seemed like you were probably going to visit it every time you could, which probably meant a couple times a day if you had allowed yourself. 
You were waiting inside the shop this time, opting to stay in the air conditioned room than outside on the patio in the warmth— you were going to stay in the sun for most of the day already, you really didn’t have to start now, at least at the beach you had the sea spray to help keep you cool. Your eyes wandered around the different people as you waited, startled to cross eyes with the person you had least expected to see— Im Jaebum. 
You hadn’t really thought you would’ve run the possibility of running into him, even though you knew that he was still living here— but it was a big neighborhood in an even bigger city, the chances had been so slim. But here you were, your feet glued to the ground as you saw him approach you. You never really imagined what you would say to him if you ever saw him after the incident— he had made it very clear to you that he no longer wanted anything to do with you, going as far as blocking your number and all your accounts of any social media that you shared. You had stopped trying to reach him, if he really wanted nothing to do with you then you wouldn’t waste your time— uni classes and the internship had already consumed most of it. And after gaining a new friend group, you forgot about him almost completely by the end of your first year.  
Now, after seven years, he was the one coming to you. It looks like all the questions you had had the night before were answered though— his hair was back to its natural onyx color and much longer than before, the ends just barely grazing his chin, the earphones were absent from their purchase on his neck, replaced with wireless ones that were in their case on his keys. You knew he had always been handsome, but you hadn’t really expected him to get this handsome, if you had known him, you would’ve probably had a crush on him. But you couldn’t let him come to you like nothing had happened, he had broken your heart twice over— as your ex-boyfriend and as your ex-best friend. 
“I didn’t know you came back.” Jaebum had approached you. 
When he saw you, he felt himself revert back to the high schooler he used to be, remembering all the time you both had spent together before he had gone and ruined it all. He had been selfish, he had been extremely stupid, but most of all he had been scared. Scared of losing you to people he didn’t know, that maybe you would find someone to replace him and he would be left behind without you. 
He didn’t know how his messed up teen logic had come to the conclusion of pushing you away would stop you from leaving, but by the time he had realized that he had made the biggest mistake in his life, you had already gone, you had given up on reaching out to him basically disappearing from existence apart from the occasional update he got from his mother who had gotten it from your mom. 
You were beautiful, much more beautiful than before— sure you had been pretty in high school, he was the lucky one to date you then, but you were shy (middle school does that to you) and cared a lot more about your studies than your looks. There had been an air around you now, you held yourself differently than the last time he had seen you— you were more sure of yourself and made your presence known whenever you came into the room. 
“Why would you? You had been the one to tell me not to,” you scoffed, almost turning your nose up at him— was that really the best he could come up with?
Your words stung him, but they had been right, and as much as he wanted to go back to the past and slap some sense into his high school self, he couldn’t.
“Can we talk? Please?” His fingers reaching out to hold your arm.
“You’ve missed your chances of talking, Jaebum. You have no right to anymore,” you pulled your arm out of his reach as if his touch had burned your skin.
“I know, but I want to apologize—” 
“It’s too late to. I don’t care about hearing an apology from you,” You had taken your drink and tried to leave, but he had followed right behind you. 
“Please Y/n—”
“Listen Jaebum. You were the one that told me to not come back if I left. You’re the one that ignored all my calls and texts for nearly two months, you avoided me completely on social media and whenever I tried to talk to you after talking to your parents. I was the one crying and begging for forgiveness to your voicemail. All you had to do was answer, all you had to do was listen. Listen to me say that even despite going to MILLIONS was my dream, you were also my dream. 
But you didn’t, so I stopped trying. You think it didn’t hurt me? To lose you? Yes you were my boyfriend, but you had also been my best friend, the one person that I had relied on through everything. I had no one there, no one to talk to, but you know what? I pushed myself to move on,  I did move on. Now so should you.” You took a step back and smoothed your hair out, having finally released all your pent up feelings. “You made the decision, I only acted accordingly. So, please don’t look for me.”
And so you left.
The only thing Jaebum could do was watch as your figure disappeared down the street and around the corner, knowing that he had lost you for good. 
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bearseokie · 4 years
hello can i request a ex with benefits im jaebum thank you!! you can make it as angsty as possible of super sweet n fluffy its up to you ! -🌱
Dismay | ijb
pairing: ex! jaebum x reader genre: angst, slight fluff, smut, romance, one-shot [warnings]: heartbreak, cheating, vague sexual content word count: 849 summary: A plan to tell Jaebum your feelings fails when he leaves to go out with friends, but he knows when you’re sad. A/N: idk if this is exactly what you wanted lmao
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got7 m.list | navi.
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His eyes had dark circles beneath them, his breathing shaky as you walked by him on the street. He didn't even look like Jaebum. Black hair long and a wreck, veins poking out of his arms more than usual, he even sulked while walking. His hood was half over his head, face watching the cracks in the concrete as he walked.
"Jaebum," you called for him, watching his step stutter as he tried to keep walking, believing your voice was nothing but a mirage.
"Jaebum!" you called for him again, finally catching his attention as he swiveled, finding your smaller frame next to him as you caught up.
"Hey." his faint smile hurt you, eyes running up and down your healthy body as he offered you his hand, just as he always did.
You gave him yours, your smaller, warm hand in his large and cold one seeming too fit for the situation. He raised your hand to his lips, a gentle kiss on your knuckles as he let you pull it back to your side, slipping his own back into the pocket of his sweatshirt.
"Uhm, how are you?" he wondered, gesturing for you to walk with him down the sidewalk, slowing his pace so you could keep up with him.
"I'm fine!" you smiled, his lips rising and falling in tandem to the conversation, a lingering look in his eyes when you would stare at him as you walked.
"Are you now?" he questioned, a small knock of his shoulder into yours as he pried for you to talk to him, though he already knew all of your answers.
You had broken up with him months ago, infatuated with someone else that you had met when he was out of town. The news was hurtful to him, convinced he would never recatch your heart. One day, he followed you out, keeping his distance as he watched you go running up to them, jumping into their arms as they spun you around, an occurrence you and Jaebum had when you would see each other for the first time in a while. The sight broke him, and he distanced himself so far away from you that it was concerning until you officially broke it off.
Weeks passed as he believed that he lost you until you met his gaze one night at a bar while out with friends. Your drunken states were no match for holding you back, and he had taken you right there in the bathroom, chanting that he loved you, that you need him. You couldn't disagree, his warm embrace around you so alluring that night, you couldn't help but realize that he was something more to you than the one you followed out. Parting from him to go home churned his guts, making him almost ill as he watched you leave him again, reconvinced he meant nothing to you.
And yet, here you were: walking by his side down the street.
"Things aren't going okay," you said, voice dropping as his senses knew something was wrong.
His hand stopped you from walking, turning you to face him as he made your eyes find his, a hand under your chin. Dark eyes staring into yours, Jaebum realized you didn't look as healthy as he thought you did. Your eyes had dark circles too, nights you had stayed up waiting on the one you were dating to return home to you, but never showed.
"I love you," he stated, the wind blowing sideways as his hood fell around his neck.
You stuttered at his words, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with you through the crowd as you finally found your building, tightening your grip as you lead him up the steps and into your apartment.
"I went so far out of my way for you, but you kept walking in the wrong direction. I don't understand what I did wrong," he said, tears sliding down his cheeks as he fell back against the wall beside your front door.
"I was just confused and lonely." you cried with him, his sweater-covered hands cupping your face as he leaned against the wall.
"You were lonely in a relationship with me?" he sobbed, head falling down onto your shoulder as his hands moved to your arms, fingers clinging to your own coat as he cried against you.
"I didn't realize how much I had, Jaebum. I had you right there, but I still got tempted by someone else. I wasn't right for doing that to you, and I'm so sorry." you said, arms wrapping around him to hold you to him.
His face found yours, lips connecting for the first time in months as you could taste his tears. He held you to him as you tightened your grip around him, breathing the same air as you drew back from the kiss for a deep breath.
"Would you leave me again?" he asked, Jaebum's tall figure so full of agony and sorrow he seemed barely existent.
"Never again, Jaebum. Never." you cried to him. "I love you, too."
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taexual · 5 years
HOLIC - 27 | jb x reader
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pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: tiiiiiny bit of angst but also fluff?
words: 4.6k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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Calling in sick wasn’t an option the next day because that would have meant you’d have to stay home, in the exact same place where Jaebum had kissed you last night, and you didn’t think you’d have managed to stay there the whole day without going insane. You needed something to do so you wouldn’t think of what his lips had felt like. So you wouldn’t dream of kissing him again.
You’d managed to convince Eva to excuse you from working on the preparations for Jiho’s exhibition and, instead, you occupied yourself with what you usually did at the gallery anyway – customer service. Somehow, though, no matter how many obnoxious rich people you had to direct to the same paintings over and over again, you still couldn’t focus on anything but all that had happened before the kiss and all that had happened after – which was nothing.
Jaebum had left your room without saying anything last night and he’d stayed in his room this morning when you woke up to go to work. You wouldn’t have thought that he was avoiding you because he could have just been sleeping, but the lack of explanations about the kiss still left you wondering.
Why had he kissed you? Why didn’t he say anything afterwards? What was going to happen now?
Jaebum had insinuated that you were in love a few nights ago after you admitted that his song – that was meant to be full of bitterness – still seemed like a love song to you. He’d explicitly told you that people who were in love tended to see love everywhere and you didn’t object. More than that, he didn’t ask you to elaborate on why you didn’t bother to argue with him. In retrospective, you couldn’t really find a reason that would have explained why he wasn’t curious about your lack of objections. Unless, of course, he knew all about your feelings for him.
You groaned suddenly, shaking your head. You might have let your mind wander into the territory of hopeless dreams as you wondered if it was possible for Jaebum to develop feelings for you as well – hence why he might not have been bothered with the knowledge that you were in love with him – but you’ve never expected him to actually show you what he was feeling and then leave, raising even more questions.
Was it actually possible for him to fall in love with you, too? Was it possible for him to understand that you two had mutual feelings for each other and act on those feelings instead of talking about them? Was it possible that the reason why he couldn’t explain his jealousy that provoked him to text Suji, was because he’d been jealous of someone else being with you?
No. You couldn’t do this to yourself.
You put your headphones on, desperate to quiet your thoughts down. If you kept at it, either your heart was going to break a hole in your ribcage with its rapid beating, or you were going to break a hole in the floor of the gallery after dropping – for the fourth time that day, no less – your tablet on the floor again.
Here you’d thought your biggest problem today was going to be avoiding Jiho – you were still too aware of his presence somewhere in the building and you dreaded seeing him when you rounded corners during your shift – but you were completely out of it and Jiho was only partially to blame for that.
It was as if Jaebum’s kiss had teleported you to a galaxy you had no way of coming back from, not even if you distracted yourself with loud music, and not even if he explained his reasons for kissing you. That was just how scarily powerful he was – he didn’t just sweep you off your feet; he took you to a whole different world.
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As you drove home from work that evening, heavy rain all around you, you tried not to allow yourself to get distracted even more than you already were, but you still couldn’t help but feel anxious about what was awaiting you at home.
You wouldn’t put it past Jaebum to just leave – he excelled in avoiding his problems – and stay at Jackson’s studio until he was sure you’d fallen asleep. You weren’t sure if you were comforted by this possible outcome, though. On the one hand, you wouldn’t have to discuss what had happened if you didn’t see Jaebum. On the other hand, however, you wouldn’t get to see him – and even despite the obviously messy situation between the two of you, you still couldn’t help but want to see him.
The car on the expressway in front of you was in no rush – you didn’t blame them, in weather like this, you weren’t in that big of a hurry, either – so, as you drove behind it, going at a far less than appropriate speed for the first time in your life, you didn’t just find yourself reminiscing and reliving the kiss through memory. You found yourself conjuring up scenarios where the universe aligned itself perfectly for you and Jaebum to share another moment of intimacy. Only this time, you wouldn’t get interrupted by the sudden reality-check, by your own insecurities, or by the unexpected nature of the situation.
This time, you’d get lost in the kiss and you’d stay lost.
A pathetic little pang of hope whispered that perhaps this was exactly what was going to happen when you got home tonight but you tried not to focus on this thought too much because the bigger part of you was able to recognize how unlikely that was. You and Jaebum were obviously not the type of people who, when confronted with a problem, found a common ground instead of fighting about it or just moving past it without stopping to discuss it at all.
You’d kissed. And, depending on which way you looked at it from, you could have either said that it was out of the blue – because, in a way, it really was – or that everything in your life had been leading up to that: all the fights, the make-ups, and, finally, the actual bonding that came like a calm after a torturously long storm. It was unexpected. But maybe it was also meant to happen.
You sighed slowly, suddenly feeling an unexplainable urge to get home and actually see what awaited you there for yourself instead of coming up with possible outcomes that just exhausted you and was now starting to give you anxiety on top of everything, too.
The car in front of you still hadn’t sped up, so, glancing briefly at your front mirror to make sure there were no cars behind you, you switched lanes, hoping to drive around it and carry on – but faster. The rain made it difficult to maneouver the car and, only when you had already pulled into the counterflowing lane, did you notice the headlights, headed right at you.
You hadn’t realized there was a car coming in your direction and, by the time you did, your heart was already in your throat as you turned the wheel of the car, the vehicle skidding off the main road, puddles of rain splashing all around you.
The car had passed you safely – beeping wildly – as you panicked, attempting to stop your car before you tumbled down the hill on the roadside or ended up in the middle of the lane again, causing an actual car accident. Although the hillside wasn’t too steep – you probably wouldn’t have died – you knew you couldn’t afford to total the car by allowing it to drive itself down to the bottom of it.
Still not breathing and only hearing a weird, constant beeping in your ears, you caught sight of the pole of the road sign when your car was millimeters away from it, thus driving right into it because, by that time, it was too late to stop and find a way to drive around it or return to your rightful lane. Colliding into the pole actually helped you stop the vehicle and you finally exhaled all the air that you’d been holding in ever since you nearly drove right into a car in the opposite lane.
By now, the cars were signaling all around you, confused and annoyed to see you stopped on the side of the road, the bumper of your car pushed against the pole that had stopped you. One of the cars stopped right behind you and a man got out, yelling something. You were deaf to most of the world – the only thing you could hear was the rain, pitter-pattering on the hood of your car, on the windshield, and all around you. The man, unhappy by how quickly he’d gotten wet, got back into his own car and generously offered you another tirade of soundless curse words as he drove past you.
Swallowing and trying to stop your hands from shaking, you opened your car door to check the damage.
For the first few seconds, you couldn’t see much of anything. The rain wasn’t just deafening anymore, it was also blinding. You weren’t expecting a downpour like this, so you didn’t bring an umbrella with you when you left this morning, but now you truly wished you had. Although, it probably wouldn’t have saved you from the accident.
One thing was obvious – you’d dented the front of the car and cracked the left headlight. The pole you’d driven into had surprisingly remained standing – alright, so it seemed like the car stopped almost immediately after you touched the pole so perhaps the impact wasn’t as severe as it’d felt to you inside of the vehicle – which was one less problem for you to worry about, but now you were left debating if you should have called the police or just the tow guys to take your car away.
You didn’t feel confident enough to drive again in rain like this. Clearly, you didn’t have the right mindset to get behind the wheel in the first place – what were you thinking, daydreaming in the middle of heavy rain while on the expressway? – but now you felt even worse. Thank God you hadn’t gotten hurt or, worse, hurt anyone else.
Another car stopped across the road and, this time, a woman stepped outside. She said something but, after you didn’t hear her, she waved her hands, loudly asking if you needed an ambulance.
The collision wasn’t that bad, you were fine. What you really needed in that moment was a shock of electric current to wake you up but you doubted the ambulance provided such services for people who were completely fine physically.
“I’m okay!” you called back to the woman, hoping she’ll hear you. After she didn’t respond, you raised your hand, giving her a thumbs-up. “Thank you!”
She watched you for another few moments before getting back in her car. She didn’t drive away and, as you continued to stand in the rain, still utterly confused and almost appalled that you had actually almost caused a car accident, you saw her step out of the car again.
“I’ve called the police,” she called out to you, turning her head both ways. She looked like she wanted to get to you but there were too many cars between the two of you for her to safely cross the two lanes separating you. “They’ll be here in a moment. Are you sure you’re fine?”
You nodded but then understood that it was nearly impossible for her to see you through the rain.
“I’m fine,” you tried to respond but your voice broke on the last syllable.
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The policemen, of course, gave you a lecture before getting down to business. After that, they handled everything, including getting your car towed away to get it fixed and explaining the insurance policies to you. They had even taken you home, which would have been very sweet of them had they not continued to lecture you and make crude jokes about “typical female drivers” all the way to your house.
Being shaken up about the accident had provided you with a plausible excuse not to stop by the police station – and the officers took pity on you anyway, before joking about how “the road sign only suffered a minor whiplash, so it’s probably not going to sue” – and, instead, you were outside of your apartment door, ready to go home within two hours of the unexpected end of your day.
When you finally unlocked the door and entered the apartment, your empty eyes scanning the equally empty hallway, you realized you might have been here alone. Aside from the helpful woman who’d stayed with you until the police escorted you home, you hadn’t told anyone else about what had happened and, thus, didn’t receive any comfort from anyone you were actually close to, so realizing that the apartment was empty was awfully disappointing.
You were still far too shocked to text your friends about this and, looking back, the thoughts that had worried you before the accident – what were you and Jaebum going to do – seemed too childish to even remember in that moment – let alone talk about it – so you didn’t even try to contact them, choosing to focus on getting yourself to your bed instead.
“Oh, hey,” you suddenly heard and, consequently, noticed the door of Jaebum’s bedroom open. “I was—whoa, you okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied automatically, your stomach clenching at the sight of him even despite having just decided that you had no energy to worry about where the two of you were standing anymore. “Collided into a pole on the expressway on my way home. But I’m fine.”
“You—what?” his eyes widened in shock as he walked out of his room and, in few quick strides, stopped right in front of you, his hands immediately reaching for your face to—gently—lift it to his so he could see your eyes. “What happened? Were you hurt?”
The unexpectedly bold gesture left you surprised and yet the feeling of someone else taking the control of what you were doing – because you absolutely did not know what to do or where to look – was almost relieving.
“No, I’m fine,” you repeated. “It was raining and I was stupid enough not to focus on my driving and instead… thought of other things. I almost crashed into a different car but I didn’t. It was just a pole. So, I’m fine. The pole is… fine, too.”
Jaebum frowned, wanting to question what was it that you were thinking of but choosing not to because the hollowness behind your eyes told him enough. You were still too surprised—and scared—by all that you’d allowed to happen and you needed to get your thoughts together before you could talk about today.
“Come here,” Jaebum said, letting go of your face and taking your hand instead. “You need to lie down.”
“You’re lying down,” he rephrased himself, making the decision for you as he guided you towards his bedroom. You didn’t question why but – as he stopped by his bed, moving the blankets aside and helping you lie down on the mattress – your shock from the accident seemed to mold into surprise about the way Jaebum was treating you.
“I’m fine,” you felt the need to assure him again. “I’ll just change into something dry and I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, no, I can hear the way your heart’s beating from over here,” he shot back, refusing to let you leave the room. “Stay here. Let me get you some tea and some fresh clothes, and then you can tell me what happened.”
“I already told you,” you kept on insisting. “It’s nothing serious, I’m really—”
“I swear, you claim I’m the stubborn one in this house,” he cut you off, “but you’re making it really difficult for me to take care of you right now.”
You closed your mouth, swallowing your argument.
“You don’t have t—” you started to say but stopped when Jaebum shook his head.
“You’ve been in a car accident, the severity of which doesn’t really matter,” he told you. “It’s obviously great that you suffered no physical injuries but, clearly, it still affected you. So, stay here. Let me be—uh, let me bring you some tea.”
He looked like he wanted to ask you to let him be something else—a good rommate? A friend?—but reconsidered at the last moment.
After you didn’t respond, he left the room only to return a few moments later, a towel and a dark hoodie in his hands. He’d left you to change and only went back into the room once he had finished making the tea.
He closed the door of his room on his way back and, after placing the mug on the floor by the bed – the lack of furniture in your apartment would have been almost alarming if you didn’t constantly have bigger things on your mind – sat down next to you.
“Be honest now,” Jaebum said, his eyes full of genuine concern, “do I need to call an ambulance?”
“An—no,” you said, trying to sit up. “I’m fine.”
“I know you keep saying that but—”
“That’s because I am, really,” you said and then, after noticing that he still didn’t believe you, exhaled slowly before admitting, “I’m just shocked, I think. And worried about the car. I mean, the damage wasn’t horrible but it will take some time—and money—to get it fixed. Most of all, I guess, I’m just confused. I’ve been driving for years now and t-this was the first time that something like this happened. I rarely get distracted when I’m behind the w-wheel but the rain and t-the—”
“It could happen to anyone,” Jaebum said, catching your stuttering and quickly realizing that it was difficult for you to talk about it. He leaned down to pick the mug up and, after making sure it wasn’t too hot, he passed it to you. “You didn’t hurt anyone, did you? So, you shouldn’t blame yourself.”
“Well, no, but I could have,” you replied, taking the mug from him and ignoring the sparks of electricity that went through your body after your hand brushed against his. “I’m surprised I didn’t get fined for reckless driving. I should have. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ve been out-of-it the whole day and I still didn’t think it was dangerous to get behind the wheel in that condition, on top of the horrible weather.”
Jaebum was biting his lip now. You didn’t know if he understood that last night’s kiss was partially the reason why you were so distracted the whole day today but you were more than ready to convince him that your accident wasn’t his fault. Sure, he’d kissed you and then left without an explanation, but it was your—deeper than you probably realized—feelings for him that had allowed the kiss to affect you this much.
“You could have called me,” Jaebum said then, tiny flickers of guilt hidden in his voice. He understood. “I would have taken you home. I have a car, too.”
It was as though both of you knew the reasons why you didn’t call him to take you home – not that you ever considered that as an option – and yet you successfully avoided talking about them out loud.
“Yeah,” you looked down at the mug in your hands. “I obviously don’t make great decisions in life. But, hey! Looking at the bright side, this is actually a very good excuse not to attend Jiho’s exhibition at my gallery tonight.”
“Oh, that’s right,” Jaebum nodded, remembering. “You weren’t going to attend anyway, though, were you?”
“Yeah, but anything I’d have said as an excuse would have sounded stupid,” you said. “And now I have an almost totaled car to prove I’ve got far more important things to deal with tonight.”
Jaebum considered this for a moment, his jaw tense.
“You’re planning to talk to him again?” he asked then.
You shook your head. “Not if I can help it.”
“Hmm,” he mumbled, choosing to change the topic before he asked something else that could have made him sound even more suspicious—or, for the lack of a better word, jealous—than he had already sounded. “I still think you should let a doctor take a look at you. Sometimes, you don’t even see the injuries at first but—”
“No, I’m really okay,” you said. “The collision wasn’t that bad, I’m just—I’ve never been in a situation like that before. It’s the shock. I’ll be fine when I calm down.”
“Okay,” he finally gave in, a sigh following. “Drink your tea.”
A small smile crept up your lips. “You’re very bossy.”
Jaebum smiled back at you, glad to hear the playful tone of your voice replace the shaky one he’d heard before. He waited until you’ve tasted the drink in your hands before replying.
“I am,” he didn’t deny it, “but you make it hard to be.”
“Well,” you replied, settling on humor as a coping mechanism, “I can’t always let you have your way.”
“No. You can’t,” he agreed. “But it’d be nice if you let me win once in a while.”
“I let you win plenty.”
Once again, Jaebum paused when he saw you raise the mug to your lips – as if he didn’t want to say anything in case you’d get distracted and refrain from drinking the tea he’d made – and only spoke again once you’ve taken a sip.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he said, enjoying the playful banter more than he would have ever cared to admit. “I can never win with you.”
“Okay, this sounds very accusing and I’m afraid you’re using my vulnerable state to blame me for things that aren’t true,” you said, your voice full of obvious mocking.
“I thought you said you were fine,” he pointed out, grinning.
You took a deep breath, suddenly turning serious.
“I wasn’t,” the confession left your lips in a whisper as you lifted your eyes from the mug in your hands to look at him, “but I think I am now.”
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Once your tea was finished and you and Jaebum have gotten into three minor arguments about three different and very irrelevant things – that were all, undoubtedly, meant to distract you from the shock you’d experienced today – you felt the drowsiness kick in. It wasn’t very late yet but once the adrenaline you’d felt after the accident had passed, you realized just how tired you were.
After yawning for the third time in the past minute, Jaebum called you out on it.
“You should sleep,” he said, getting up from the bed to stretch. He’d been perched on the bed across from you, his eyes not leaving your face even for a second as if he’d been afraid you’d only showcase signs of a serious injury if he looked away. “You’ve had a long day.”
Nodding lazily, you let yourself watch him for a moment longer before speaking up.
“Thank you,” you said slowly. “I’m sorry I distracted you from whatever you were going to do today.”
“Oh, not at all,” he replied. “Believe it or not, my plans for today included looking after you.”
You would have laughed if you weren’t so tired, so you just smiled and shook your head.
“No, I mean it,” you insisted. “You didn’t have to do stay with me all this time but I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t make it sound like it’s been a torture for me to be here,” Jaebum said, sitting down on the bed again. “You’re not that bad of a company.”
“Not that bad,” you repeated. “I’ll take it.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I, uh, kind of prefer to hang out with you when you’re not all shaken up and I’m not all worried.”
You smiled again, throwing the blanket off of yourself and yawning again before setting your feet down on the floor. You wanted to stay and talk – more than anything – but you knew you’ve already stolen enough of his time today already. Taking care of someone who was experiencing aftershocks of an accident was bound to be as difficult as going through the shock yourself and you weren’t sure if you had enough energy to feel guilty right now.
“I think I’ll go to sleep now,” you told him.
“Okay,” Jaebum replied, a confused frown on his face. “Are you going to sleep standing up?”
You turned your head to look at him. “Uh… ideally, not. Why?”
“Well, then why are you getting out of bed?”
You looked down instinctively, not quite sure what he was asking you.
“Because this is your bed,” you said then, feeling awkward.
“And you really think I spent all this time making sure you were really okay only to let you out of my sight a few hours later?” Jaebum said. “Get back in bed. You’re sleeping here.”
Your heart – which had not rested for one bit today – was back at it with the rapid beating again. You were sure your ribcage was going to get permanent bruises from all the extra beats that Jaebum had given you ever since you moved in with him.
“I can’t,” you said weakly. “You’ve already done so much for me, I’ll just—”
“God, you really need me to say it loud and clear, don’t you?” he cut you off.
You blinked in surprise, wondering if the stress of the accident had affected your brain in more ways than you’d have suspected. “Say w-what?”
“I don’t mind taking care of you,” he said, speaking purposefully slowly. “And I want you to stay here with me tonight.”
The room was as quiet as it had been before your kiss last night. It was truly magnificent how few simple words from his lips could turn the volume of the whole world off for you and, similarly, it was almost impossible for you to imagine that the same few words – that were obviously very difficult for him to say; and yet he said them with an equal amount of confidence as vulnerability – would provide the reassurance for all of your lingerings doubts and create even more hope that you were now too tired to dismiss.
There was nothing wrong with being hopeful, you thought as you gave Jaebum a nod.
There was nothing wrong with not knowing exactly what the two of you were, you decided as you got back into bed.
There was nothing wrong with the feelings that had swollen in your chest and were threatening to spill out as you whispered, “okay. I’ll stay here.”
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This wasn’t the first time you and him were going to sleep in the same bed together but this was the first time you’d both made the conscious decision to share a bed. And, after what had happened the night before, sleeping next to each other – with each other? – seemed like additional progress towards something you haven’t quite figured out yet. It was as though the two of you had voluntarily boarded the express train headed wherever and were both completely fine with whatever happened during your journey there even though you both knew that your actions right now, on this train, were going to influence what your final destination was going to be.
Last night’s kiss had seemed like a mere memory when you got home tonight but when, an hour later, you were still awake enough to feel Jaebum climb into bed with you, it was suddenly hanging heavy between your bodies like the metaphorical elephant in the room that both of you continued to pretend wasn’t there.
You would have considered pretending to have already fallen asleep if Jaebum hadn’t tentatively placed an arm around your waist. You inhaled sharply at the feeling of his hand on your skin and suddenly, he knew you were awake. He even considered retreating, not quite sure what to make of your reaction, but then he felt your fingertips gently come to rest on his arm as you kept it in place, enjoying the sense of security his touch had provided for you.
Jaebum wanted you to feel safe. Feeling bad about what you had to go through today, he wanted to do anything to make you feel better. A part of him suspected that the reason why you were so distracted the whole day was because he’d kissed you and then left with no explanation and, thinking that your accident was partially his fault, made him reconsider everything.
He may have not found it wrong to leave the kiss hanging in the air and never bring it up again unless it was absolutely necessary. Hell, he might have even wanted to move past it and never mention it again – but only briefly. Because now, more than anything, Jaebum wanted to kiss you. And, feeling his arms wrapped protectively around your waist as his heavy breaths calmed your tired mind down, you wanted him to kiss you, too.
But, with your last kiss still unresolved, neither of you moved. And resisting the magnetic pull between your bodies was almost as difficult as falling asleep when all you wanted to do was remain in the drowsy state between dreams and reality where Jaebum had his arms wrapped around you.
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strawberryjmilk · 5 years
so about wednesday | im jaebum
word count : 1952
imagine contains bad language!
also a note : the jimin mentioned is jimin park [jiminxjamie] go stan
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You were a walking cliche. A living, breathing person that came right out of the cheesiest movie.
How absolutely idiotic could you be? Falling in love with your best friend — what a trope! Except, you weren't in love with him right now.
No — you wouldn't mind breaking his nose at the moment, actually.
Sighing, you could feel the annoyance show on your face. Your tongue was perched between your teeth, poking your cheek in agitation. You could feel his eyes follow you — you knew they were drooped and watery in the way they always were when he wanted to apologize. You fought with yourself — you always forgave him, even when he was being the biggest asshole in the universe.
You couldn't this time — you shouldn't.
"Y/N," he drawled out with a whine. You continued to shuffle through the rack of hangers you were re-positioning — you have work, you scolded yourself. Pretty, sparkling brown eyes are not more important than your paycheck. "How long are you going to be mad at me?"
You continued to ignore him. Slithering a pale pink blouse onto a hanger, you put it in its designated spot. He scoffed, "are you seriously ignoring me right now? The silent treatment, Y/N?"
You turned, nose in the air as you walked away from him. Another scoff — this one filled with disbelief. He continued to follow you, hoping to cut you off eventually. "I don't even know why you're mad at me!"
This caused you to pause, turning to look at him for the first time that day. Your eyes slid into a glare, teeth clenching together. The anger and hurt you felt swelled until your nostrils flared and your resolve evaporated.
"Im Jaebum," you said his name slowly, scornfully. You shut your eyes, counting and breathing slowly to calm yourself down. "You left me at a strangers house because you saw a lovely little dress trample up the stairs. You left me — alone — because you can't keep your dick in your pants."
Your eyes flew open, your glare no longer being needed because the malice in your eyes was enough. "Yes, I'm giving you the silent treatment. And, yes, I am absolutely still pissed at you."
Jaebum sighed, reaching his hand out to lace his fingers with yours gently. "Oh, sweetheart—"
"Do not sweetheart me, Jae," you glared again. Truthfully, you adored the pet-name he always called you out of habit. You hated, however, that he seemed to call everyone else sweetheart, too. "Let me work. Go do whatever it is you do without me."
"Fine," Jaebum agreed after a round of silence. He leaned in closer to you with a grin — that stupid, pretty smile that always softened you up when you were upset. "Wanna come over later? It'll be fun — like a sleepover!"
You snorted, rolling your eyes so he couldn't tell how flustered that made you. "A sleepover? What are we, five?"
"Come on," Jaebum tsked. He leaned in more, his forehead laying against yours. That stupid, stupid smile still present. "Just you and me, sweetheart."
You hated that you agreed.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Jaebum spoke up. You were at his apartment, your overnight bag still perched against the sofa you sat on. Jaebum had taken you into his arms as soon as you knocked on his apartment door, squeezing you to his side gently. You were leaning your head on his shoulder, eyes trained on your intertwined hands. Jaebum sighed before setting his nose on the top of your head. "So very, very sorry. I know you hate being alone, and I still left you."
Your lips formed into a frown — you really would always fall into Im Jaebum, wouldn't you? You bit your lip, "if you leave me or ignore me again just to toddle off for a steamy night, I will rip every hair follicle you have out of your body."
Jaebum laughed softly, his arm dropping from around your shoulders to your waist. He nudged you so the left side of your body was melded to his right entirely. Jaebum dropped a gentle kiss to the top of your cheekbone, "you've got it, sweetheart."
It was quiet, the only sound coming from the movie that you'd stopped paying attention to. There was a sudden knock on the door — you sat up, drifting away from Jaebum slightly.
He looked sheepish under your icy stare. Jaebum sunk into the sofa guiltily, "Sungjin wanted to talk about something. It'll be quick, promise!"
Sungjin had invited friends. And, quickly, your night for two turned into a small party.
You sat on the sofa — alone, again — and sighed. Jaebum had trailed into the kitchen with a smoldering grin — one that meant he was looking for his next hook-up. You pursed your lips, picking at your nails absentmindedly as your mind began to wander.
It was inevitable. Truly, it had happened before and you were sure it would happen again. Watching him kiss someone else; watching his eyes linger for longer than you'd like — it was familiar.
You always missed each other.
You'd turn left, and he would go right. Two people, passing by and sharing smiles that held secrets and gazes that held emotions. But, you waited.
And waited. And waited. Until you were choking on cries and blowing your nose into the roughest tissues you'd ever felt. The taste of ice cream and cupcakes had become common things to cover up the lingering taste of heartache that still settled into you.
"Hey," someone spoke as they sat beside you. You blinked, turning your head to see Jimin smiling at you, her hair newly dyed orange and cut short. "You looked a little lonely."
You snorted. You couldn't keep the sullen edge off of your tongue as you responded. "What gave you that idea?"
"Oh," she blinked. Jimin took a sip from the cup she held, nodding her head slowly. "Wanna talk about whatever is making you upset?"
You didn't realize how much you needed someone to just listen as you ranted and complained.
Jimin had moved your melancholic party of two from the living room to the kitchen when she noticed that your eyes grew teary. Jaebum had completely left from your view and you winced once you realized where he probably ran off to.
She picked at a bag of chips nonchalantly, "and you think he's blowing you off again?"
"Yeah," you sighed. You were standing with your back to the door, and you felt like everyone was listening to and watching you. You shrugged — you'd been doing that a lot, you realized. "Not much I can do about it, though. It's his life — I have no say."
She studied you silently, standing straight. Jimin's eyes scanned your face — pouted lips; eyes that wouldn't meet her gaze. Then they wandered down — nervous hands that wouldn't stop tangling together; body scrunched in on itself. The kitchen was silent, only the two of you occupying it — you tried to ignore the party that was going on.
Jimin's body seemed to deflate. You hated the way she was looking at you — tenderly, with pitying eyes and parted lips. Her voice was airy, "you love him."
The laugh that escaped your lips was sharp and resentful. "But, that's not doing me any good, is it?"
When Jimin stayed silent, your curiosity grew. You moved your gaze from the floor slowly, stopping on her widened and frantic eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed — why did she look so panicked?
You heard a sharp inhale, "what?"
You turned around quickly, seeing Jaebum standing in the doorway. His shirt was untucked and wrinkled, the buttons unevenly done. His hair was messy and his lips were puffy and swollen. You dropped your eyes immediately.
To your surprise, Jimin scoffed. "Oh, no, pretty boy. You are not going to waltz in here looking like that and interrupt our conversation. Out!"
Jaebum seemed to ignore that she was trying to kick him out of his own kitchen. His eyes stayed on you, a choked gasp trying to leave his parted lips. His voice was breathy, "Y/N?"
You swallowed harshly, avoiding his stare. Jimin walked beside of you, throwing a comforting arm around you softly. She stuck her nose in the air, her voice patronizing and firm as she walked you out of the kitchen. "Fine, we'll leave then."
The air from the balcony seemed to calm your frantic heart and mind. Jimin was biting her lip, studying you again as if she was waiting for you to explode.
You took a deep, trembling breath. "How humiliating! How- how am I supposed to make him forget that he heard that? Do I play the as a friend or as a brother card?"
"Y/N, breathe," Jimin placed her hands on your shoulders. She tried to smile at you, but she seemed to be panicking as much as you were. "It'll be okay. He's your best friend, right? Just talk to him."
You nodded — really, though, you knew things weren't going to be the same.
The music began to fade along with the conversations, sounds bouncing from inside the apartment to the parking lot. You stayed on the balcony, just watching the scenery around you change as time slipped away.
Jimin had left a while ago — you didn't even know what time it was, really. Part of you hoped Jaebum would forget what he heard. But, you knew he probably hadn't stopped thinking of it.
Im Jaebum did not like change — but he really didn't like commitment, and you were trying to get rid of the friend barrier that separated the both of you.
Soon, the balcony door was creaking open and you could smell the cologne that always lingered around Jaebum's neck. You closed your eyes — if you tried hard enough, you could outrun him. Maybe.
Jaebum didn't speak as he came to stand beside you, his arm brushing against yours as he leaned on the balcony's railing. The night was muted and calm, the air rustling around you gently every once in a while. He took a deep breath, and you prepared yourself.
"Did-" Jaebum paused. You glanced at him, seeing that his ears were red and his hands were shaky. Your hope melted, however, when you spotted the hidden red bruises that sprinkled his neck. Jaebum cleared his throat, adjusting his shirt slightly. "Is what Jimin said true? Do- do you love me?"
You laughed emptily, shoving his arm slightly. "Of course I love you, you're my best friend!"
"Y/N," his voice sounded exasperated and stressed — like he didn't want to believe it. "You know that's not what I mean."
You didn't answer him right away. Truthfully, you were fighting every urge you had to leave. You licked your lips, eyes focused on your hands because you couldn't look at him. "We were always supposed to find our way back to each other. Y/N and Jaebum — that's how it's supposed to be. But, you took a different path. You made that choice, not me."
The only sound was the wind, blowing across your face. You noticed your eyes were misty and your nose was tingling — you couldn't cry; you wouldn't allow yourself to. You could feel Jaebum's stare; you could see him gazing at you through your peripheral vision.
You finally turned to look at him, searching his eyes for a response.
It was still silent. You looked to his neck again, where the red was fading into a deeper tone. You bit your quivering lip. With his silence, and his empty gaze, you had your answer.
You turned around — and you left.
— i.. have no words. i actually,,, might like this? idk seemed a lil rushed in the end anyways i watched love, rosie but i wanted to make it sad so,, here we are! i hope you enjoyed this!! thank you for reading, ♡
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yves-saintlaurwang · 5 years
[requested: so starting off in a relationship with jinyoung → accident → amnesia → relying almost  entirely on jaebum (hint at love triangle) + the choice of ending was left up to me]
“Why don’t we just let it go?”
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Have you ever loved someone so much, you can barely breathe when you’re with them?
“I had a lot of fun with you tonight.”
“Was that before or after you had to carry me home?”
His laugh reverberates in his chest, tickling mine as I feel it against his back. I lift my head to rest it on his shoulder and nudge my temple against his neck.
“You didn’t have to,” I say softly even as my arms instinctively tighten around his shoulders.
“True, and you are kind of heavy.”
“Park Jinyoung!”
He laughs again, letting his head fall against mine before his arms – hooked under my knees – lifts me a little. “You said you were dizzy! And you live ten minutes away.”
“Twenty,” I mumble defensively to express my guilt.
“No one drinks wine like you, okay? You’re supposed to hold it up to your nose, smell it first, and then sip.”
“I did that!”
He stops walking and tilts his head, staring at me incredulously. “You chugged it from a paper cup.”
“I take big sips,” I snort.
He’s silent as his eyes narrow judgmentally. I have a clever remark waiting at the tip of my tongue for him, but he pecks my cheek and a laugh spills from my mouth.
“Hey.” I tap his arms for him to let me down, nudging his side with my knee until he carefully lowers me, never letting go until my feet are on the ground. I hold out my hand and he takes it as we continue the short way back to my place.
I know he was indulging in my vanity when he carried me from the studio. Knowing I wanted to show off a little, that I was proud of being able to say that we were together, even if for tonight.
For all I know, he could rethink the entire thing and decide to stay friends. It’s not like we were in a relationship. He was just the guy who asked me to get food with him sometimes. Some guy from my philosophy class I painted for an assignment.
But I sneak a glance at him as we walk along the empty streets and he’s so entirely his own.
Jinyoung was the kind of person who didn’t care what people thought of him. Maybe he indulged in his own vanity, but he never struck me as the type who could be someone else’s somebody.
I envied that. And I was self-conscious as somebody he wanted to know. The truth is, I go back and forth between reassuring myself that I’m doing what’s best for me and reminding myself what a fuck-up I am for it. I mean, I did take pride in my work and I was afraid to show that sometimes I didn’t. It just never occurred to me that what Jinyoung thought of me would ever be important.
I want that. I want that to be important to me. I want him to be important to me.
As we stand together waiting for the light to turn, maybe because I’m a little disoriented, I can’t stop thinking about his hand in mine and the warmth of his palm. And my hands being so grossly sweaty, but he hasn’t said or done anything to indicate he notices.
I take a step closer and he takes his hand back, to my disappointment. But he wraps his arm around my shoulders and gently brings me into his side as we wait. His jacket is soft against the skin of my cheek and I hesitate before wrapping my arm around his waist.
Between the cars passing us, I can just barely hear him murmur to me, maybe even to himself, “You don’t have to hide from me.”
Without thinking, without stopping to wonder what I’d meant to him then, nothing else seemed to matter. I was so used to having to explain myself to the people who told me it was a hopeless dream, an unproductive, uncertain thing to love. When he told me not to, I couldn’t help myself.
I held back hot tears, hid them under gasping laughter because, for the first time in a long time, someone believed in me. Even just the littlest amount, however much it is, Jinyoung believed in me.
“They were beautiful,” he said softly under the streetlights, “I’m proud of you.”
And he squeezes my shoulder, but I bury my face in his jacket. He lets me catch my breath. I manage to whisper, “I’m sorry,” and repeat it again and again only for myself to hear.
I’m sorry because I fell in love tonight.
I found him sitting outside the art department waiting for me, just like he said he would. Even after I told him I could walk myself home, he stopped answering those texts. That was almost an hour ago.
As I get closer, my footsteps become lighter and I tilt my head only to smile at the book in his lap. Always had a book in his lap, his knee crossed over the other, and his hair fallen over his forehead.
I bend down behind the bench and put my hands over Jinyoung’s eyes, holding back a guilty laugh when he visibly jumps. His hands grip the book just for a moment before he relaxes against his seat.
“Guess who,” I sing coyly.
The muscles in his face move under my touch, his cheekbones too, as he wrinkles his nose. “It’s pretty obvious, I know your voice.”
I roll my eyes and throw my hands up, resting them on his shoulders. “You’re so broody.”
But I kiss his cheek noisily, smiling when he turns to me with one of his own. That serene, relaxed kind that looked sleepy when I first met him. Soft. Jinyoung was so terribly soft.
His hand reaches out to touch my cheek. The back of his knuckles skim my jaw and chin, stroking the corner of my mouth with the pad of his thumb. He looks at me and I don’t want to move. I’ve never been touched so tenderly by someone, never felt so entranced by the way someone’s eyes can hold mine.
He has touched my lips and kissed every inch of my skin, but I’m still getting used to being loved by him.
“And you’ve got too much energy for me,” Jinyoung murmurs before kissing me gently.
Beside myself, my lips twitch and I lower my head, laughing silently as I press my hand over the one he cradles my face in. I lace my fingers through his and stand up as he extends his arm so I could walk around the bench, never letting go of him.
“I’m sorry you had to wait so long.”
He shakes his head, “I had to get some reading done anyway. I’m standing in for a professor next week and I really don’t want to blank in front of eighty kids.”
“Freshman,” he corrects himself, exasperated. “I want to be respectable.”
I look down at his pale blue button-down shirt and pressed black slacks, blinking at the patent leather shoes before meeting the amused expression on his face.
“Jinyoung,” I sigh out, “You already dress like their grandfathers, you don’t have to worry about being respectable.”
He blinks, tilting his head up at me. “Why are we together again?”
“Because you feel safe going completely unhinged around me?”
“Huh.” He lets go of my hand and puts his book in his shiny, pressed leather messenger bag that I thought was so damn pretentious. “Thought it was because you’re charming and ridiculously full of life. Could have something to do with your ability to paint me extremely well.”
“If you love me, you can just say so. I mean, if your pride can handle it,” I grin widely.
“And spoil you? Absolutely not.” He stands up and takes my chin between his fingers again to kiss my forehead. “Besides, that’s too simple. And there are other ways to say it.”
“Like, I can’t wait to have dinner with your parents next week and tell them what an incredibly talented daughter they have.”
I lower my eyes, biting my lip to hide the girlish glee bubbling in my stomach. “My dad wouldn’t let you in the house after that.”
“That’s too bad,” Jinyoung shrugs, not feeling sorry at all. “Guess I’ll just climb up through your window. Get real Shakespearean with it.”
“You’re such a nerd.”
“You love this nerd.”
I shake my head and pull him away from the bench. “Can’t argue with that logic. I call Romeo!”
“You don’t want to be Juliet? She owns the last half of the play.”
“No way, you’d look way better in the dress.”
He laughs next to me, nudging his shoulder into mine before putting his hand on the small of my back and pulling me to him, walking together in strides.
“So what kept you?” he asked.
“Struggling with a piece,” I shrug, “Couldn’t quite get it how I wanted.”
“Another block?”
“Something like that.”
Jinyoung squeezes my hip as we stop at the crosswalk. “You’ll figure it out. There’s nothing you can’t paint.”
That gentle, so certain confidence in his voice takes my breath away. I want to tell him that that’s not true. There are plenty of things I couldn’t put on canvas, not even the best artists could.
But I look at him and find the pride I searched for in people I’ve known all my life. So does it even matter?
He’s going to say I painted the sun and stars and the moon in the sky if I tried to argue anyway.
He turns his head to look back at me knowingly and shakes his head with an amused smirk.
But I could never paint the depth of his gaze when he’s reading words off a page out loud. Or hear his laugh even though I’ve memorized every line in his face, every curve and crook of his hands when he covers his mouth.
Even though it’s never stopped me from trying, I could never capture Jinyoung in all that he is.
There are no colors, shades, hues of any kind that could give life to the light he brings out of me or the one I spark in him.
I don’t expect Jinyoung to come to the studio. I don’t expect anything, or even allow myself to want anything from him. Not when he hasn’t tried to contact me and knowing that what was left between us was all we had left.
In an entirely selfish way, I think maybe it’s better if he decides to never see me again. At least then he could forget me. It’s only fair when I’d forgotten him. I try not to listen to myself, to that little part of me that is getting easier to ignore whenever the thought that I deserve to be forgotten creeps into my mind.
Still, it doesn’t stop me from waiting for him.
But six o’clock passes, then seven, and eight. K leaves at nine after he hands me the keys. The time passes either like a blur or achingly slow, and I’m caught between looking over a work-in-progress and washing up. In the end, I’m just waiting and trying to hide it.
He comes, I’ll talk to him.
He doesn’t, then he doesn’t.
He comes, I’ll tell him the truth.
He doesn’t, then he doesn’t.
He comes, I’ll tell him to forget.
He doesn’t, then he doesn’t.
If he comes, I deserve it.
If he doesn’t, I deserve it.
I’m not ready. Whether Jinyoung will show up or not, I’m not ready to face him now and Jaebum is right. I’ll never be ready to face him. I’m afraid to do the hard thing if it means that I’ll be hurting him.
But I’m afraid that if I don’t, I won’t be—
A chill runs up my spine as I put my dirty brushes in the sink and take a step towards the door. With hesitating hands, I push it open. He’s not up yet.
Hide in the cleanup. Maybe he’ll leave.
He won’t. Jinyoung is not someone who just gives up after not even trying. He doesn’t believe in doing the easy thing. He cares too much to ever choose the easy thing.
I’m scared. But I step outside and work up that bit of bravery he saw in me to call out, “Up here! Cleaning!”
Like nothing’s wrong. As if he didn’t leave my hospital room with his hands balled into fists and his head down because he couldn’t bear to look at me.
Be brave, I tell myself and shut my eyes, opening them when footsteps echo from the steps. Be brave.
I walk over to meet him halfway, but the sight of him leaves me breathless. His chest is heaving slightly like he was trying to catch his breath and sweat gleamed from his temple down his neck. Tucked under one of his arms is a small shoebox.
Did he run here? To give my stuff back?
My eyes are fixated on the white box, at the little bits of paper tucked inside and instinctively wrack my brain for what it could be that I gave to him. Thinking it could distract me from this gnawing emptiness in my stomach.
“I wasn’t sure—“ His voice cuts through the silence between us.
I look to him and find that he’s staring right back. Jinyoung, who was beautiful even with tears shining in his eyes, the beautiful boy who waited for me. Who told me that everything was going to be okay when I didn’t even know his voice anymore.
Jinyoung who promised to love me if he never saw me again.
“I honestly didn’t know if I should have come,” he murmurs. And I hear it in his voice, the uncertainty and that doubt he tried so hard to hide from me. If it meant protecting me, he’d choke on his own pain before any of it could touch me.
I smooth my already dry hands on my jeans, not knowing what to say. “Sorry. I mean, thank you,” I add quickly, blinking at the floor. “Sorry, it’s late.”
“It’s fine. Are you okay?”
“How can you ask me that?” I blurt out before I can take it back.
He flinches as if I’ve just hit him.
I purse my lips and look up at the ceiling so he can’t see me, but I know he does and that makes it so much worse. My fingers squeeze the thick fabric of my jeans, trying to stay calm. To keep myself level, think good thoughts, think real and good thoughts.
I am not broken. I am not broken.
My throat feels tight as I watch Jinyoung watch me in stunned silence, but I can’t keep him waiting like this. I take a shaky breath in, then carefully out.
“All this time, even now, you’ve put me before you. Even when it hurt to hear me say that I-I forgot—“
I covered my mouth and breathe through my nose, keeping my eyes up. Keep the tears back and show him that I am not this broken thing. I am not fragile, not the glass girl he was too scared to even touch in that hospital bed.
“I’m sorry, Jinyoung.” I raise my chin and meet his eyes even when all I want to do is put my head down. “I wanted to tell you that you didn’t deserve that. And I’m sorry for making you wait for me. I’m sorry for every minute and every second that I ever wanted you to wait for me.”
I’m sorry to him even now for wanting him to meet the distance between us, knowing it could drag him to sink with me.
He clears his throat and it echoes through the empty room before he takes the steps closer to me.
As he nears, I notice how tired Jinyoung actually looks. His shoulders slightly slacked, footsteps heavy. There was a bit of color under his eyes and a barely noticeable sag in the lines of his mouth.
He stops in front of me with the box still securely tucked under his arm. And he says to me very carefully, “You could have died.”
“I almost lost you,” he cuts me off, drawing closer until he’s standing over me. “Maybe it’s selfish. I’m sorry if it is, but I almost lost the girl I love. The last thing I wanted is for you to apologize to me for losing yourself.”
I shake my head, not knowing what else to say or do to make this better or how to tell him that that wasn’t what I meant. I want to run away. I’m not ready. I need to run away.
The box falls with a loud clack, flutters of paper and pit-pats of things I couldn’t discern. All I know is that Jinyoung has his arms around me. He can still find it in himself, in all the pain I didn’t mean to give him, to wrap me up.
His fingers find my hair, trying to give me tenderness when all he wanted was to know that I feel it, to want to make me feel it. His other hand is at my back, squeezing me to him.
“Why did you wait?” My question is a whimper against his shoulder and I want to hook my arms around them, but it still feels too scary. Too terrible to want someone so much.
“I told you. If there was a chance, I would. I told you,” he says, so sure of himself. So unfamiliar, but I know. “So why don’t we just let it go?”
The weight of his arms lifts, but he takes my face in his hands and I search for him as he searches for me. I don’t want to let it go. I don’t want to this to be all that we’re living for.
“I said I’d wait for you to be you,” Jinyoung says with a forlorn smile. It didn’t reach his eyes and neither did mine. “And in the meantime, I’d be me. I thought, Im Jaebum – maybe – I didn’t think. And I forgot you too when I was angry.”
I held his wrists in my hands, allowing myself this selfishness. I let myself need his closeness, to want his tenderness, want his longing for me. I want to wrap him up, want to kiss his lips. I want him to be wanted.
But all too soon, the warmth of his touch leaves my skin. He takes my hands in his, his own fingers twitch before he squeezes mine. “I didn’t come here to change my mind.”
“Even with what we have left?” I ask in spite of my selfish thoughts. “Even when it’s broken?”
“It doesn’t have to be forever,” he answers hoarsely, stopping to clear his throat again. “We aren’t broken; this isn’t your fault. I want you to be you and I’ll still be me and I still want what we have. It was never broken for me. You were never broken to me.”
“Then why did you bring my stuff back?”
He bends down and picks up some of the papers that’d fallen, all creased from folding and covered in ink or pencil shavings, easel stains, oil blots. Jinyoung holds them out and up to me, unfolding them carefully.
“You can’t keep this, these are all things you gave me,” he says defensively, eyes wide and determined. “I didn’t come here to give it all back, I wanted to show you that they’re real. And so are we. And so was this part of you.”
“Then I want to know the part of me that had you.”
Maybe we can’t ever be the same. I don’t think there’s anything in the world that could fix what’s wrong or replace what’s gone. So why shouldn’t we let that go if it means we can start here?
I put my hands at the sides of his neck and I look at Jinyoung the way he has always wanted. He doesn’t dare touch me now and I see his hesitation despite wanting to.
“Can I kiss you?” I ask as he lowers his head to mine. His nose brushes along the length of mine and I can almost taste his warm breath as it fans over my mouth.
He cradles my chin between his knuckles and strokes my cheek with his thumb.
We don’t know if anything is going to be okay. We don’t even know if this could turn out the way we want or if Jinyoung and I would find what we’re hoping to find. I don’t need him to fix me. He cannot whisper the aching in my bones away or lick my wounds to vanish.
Only I can do what I need to do for me, on my own, to live with the scars.
All I know is his kiss, how he says, “I love you” in all the different ways he knows how without making it simple.
All I know is this moment, I cannot say that I don’t remember him when I know this happiness. I know the depth of his love brimming in those glassy eyes that I can’t paint. I know the sound of his laugh as it’s one that’s hard to hear.
He crushes me to him with his hands in my hair and his mouth coaxing mine open. I hear myself whisper his name and feel us both let it go.
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virgo-mark · 5 years
The rapid beating of your heart fills your ears and you feel it fall to the pit of your stomach. You felt your entire world shift and you could feel your relationship slowly disintegrate into thin air right in front of you. A heavy weight falls onto your shoulders and a dark cloud looms over your head as you sit in front of the one person that once meant the entire world to you.
Jaebum knew this moment would come and he did everything in his power to fight it, but at the cost of pushing you away. Neither of you wanted this to end, but working it out seemed like a far-fetched reality at this point. As his warm hands held yours, tears began staining your flushed cheeks and a dry lump formed in your throat. His eyes soften and quickly fills with regret.
“Don’t leave,” Jaebum whispers softly. “We can’t work it out if you leave.”
A shaky sigh leaves your lips, swollen and numb from the constant biting you did to calm your nerves. Shaking your head, you feel his thumb gently stroke your cheek, wiping away your salty tears. Pushing his hand away, his expression drops and a knot forms in his stomach. All you ever craved for was his touch and now it felt almost disgusting to have him comfort you when he was the reason behind your pain.
“I can’t stay. I don’t want to,” you mutter before moving his hands away from you. “Staying will just make me resent you even more.”
Jaebum felt his entire world shatter as he hears your brutally honest words leave the lips he loves. Every word cut through his chest, making it harder for him to breathe.
“What happened to us?” Jaebum questions. His voice trembles and his eyes divert away from you, afraid and worried about your response.
“Nothing has changed,” you bitterly reply, knowing it was nothing but lies.
“Yes it has and you know it.” Jaebum’s tone switches as he responds angrily at your attempt to belittle the situation. “If nothing changed, you wouldn’t be leaving!” Frustration builds inside of him as he runs his fingers through his thick, dark locks.
“And if you stopped running away from your problems, it wouldn’t have gotten to this point,” you snap at him before taking a hold of your suitcase and turning on your heel. “I waited for you to man up and face the problems in front of you, but you ignored it. I’m tired of waiting for you, I’m sorry.”
His grip around your arm tightens before he falls to his knees and allowing the salty tears he held back to fall. “Please,” he sobs. “Please don’t go. I’ll change. Everything will change. Please, don’t leave me.”
Your bottom lip trembles as you fight the urge to cave into your emotions. Removing yourself from his grasp, you don’t say another word. Jaebum’s sobs and the creaking of the wooden floors fill the room before the front door slams shut, leaving him broken and defeated.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
jaebum lucifer / hades AU
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pairing: reader x jaebum  genre: fantasy, romance, angst plot: jaebum has waited an eternity waiting for his Lilth, and now he finally found you.  a/n: hi so i felt inspired and i did this. i think this is a oneshot... i’ll see. but like its a mixture of the devil/ lucifer and hades, my two fav misunderstood bois <3 hope y’all enjoy it. not edited <3
The room remained a mystery to you no matter how many hours passed. By now you had lost count of the time you had spent in the dark room. You tried keeping count in the beginning. You used your internal clock to guess, two days had passed. But after endless naps and the irregular timings of the meals you couldn’t keep up. 
The room as blanketed with a darkness you had never seen before. It was darker than black. It felt thick and heavy, and clung onto you as you leaned against the wall behind you. 
The room continued to be a mystery. The wall behind you at first was brick, then it became cement and now it felt clammy and soft like clay. You had no idea what the room looked like, or where anything was. 
The briefest hints came to you when the meal was pushed in by a sliding plate. It glowed in the dark, but not like neon or from chemicals. In the painted darkness, the food was the only thing that you were able to see. 
You had been freaked out at first. 
You didn’t eat at first. 
You screamed and yelled and begged. 
You tried putting the food at different places, holding it together, everything to see what the room looked like. But it was to no help. Only the food was visible and everything else remained dark. 
Your mind felt tired. It was broken, bent and slowly cracking. You were losing your mind. The light in your soul slowly fading away. But you couldn’t give up, not now. 
It felt too long and too early, at once. You were scared that as soon as you give up it’ll change and you’ll be out of here. You didn’t know how long this would go on for, but you didn’t want to quit too early. You kept on telling yourself, a bit long. Just a bit longer, and something, anything will change, 
Someone will walk in. Even if its the people who kept you captive. 
Something new will happen. You’ll figure out what the room looked like. 
Soon you’ll get used to the dark and be able to paint the edges of the frames in the dark room.
Soon. Soon. Soon. 
Just hold on. A bit more. 
It wasn’t like this was your first time locked up in a room. You had been used to this life by now.
But today, today as you tried to tell yourself to hold on a bit more. To not give up. To keep on going. Your heart didn’t listen. 
It shivered, it cowered. It was tired. It wanted to just stop. 
Just a bit more. 
You closed your eyes as you leaned back against the soft wall. Today you felt plants around you. You were terrified that there were bugs or rats in the room, but you didn’t have the energy to act on it. 
You just closed your eyes, and imagined the green filling the room. You imaged large fern like plants, small leaved bushes, you imagined them tall and short. You felt the soft dirt underneath you, and imagined it dark brown, so dark it looked like it was bleeding. 
You imagined it all, and tried to hold onto your sanity. 
You didn’t know how you ended up here. One night you went to sleep, and the next you wake up in a dark room, screaming. 
You weren’t sure how many nights had passed since you arrived here. 
You closed your eyes, softly began singing to yourself. You let the roaring panic bleed white and let faintness fall over you. This was how you caught any sleep in the room. Moments of panic becoming so much that you knock out for unknown periods of time. 
You welcomed the darkness that fall over you, at least this one you should navigate. 
You woke up to heat underneath your feet. You pressed your palms into the dirt that was cool a moment ago, but was getting warmer by every passing second. 
Fear gripped your heart. You weren’t sure what this was. 
This had never happened before. You had never felt a change in the room. It would just happen suddenly, never like this. You never felt anything physically external from the room. It never did anything. 
But it was now. 
The ground warmed up. The dusty dirt glowing red, the colour of dried blood. You stood up. 
Lines of beaming golden traced the dirt, tangling with eachother, creating some sort a pattern. 
You took a step forward, your chest tightly gripping your racing heart. Your chest heaved, your palms getting sweaty, you noticed a circle in the centre of the room. 
The soil underneath your feet getting hotter as you got closer to the circle. You looked around the room. It was empty. It looked like an old cave. It didn’t look like anything it felt like. The walls were riddled with dips and rises, but all you felt was a smooth surface like the walls of a room. 
You stood in the middle of the circle. 
Nothing happened. 
And then a deafening scream filled the room. 
It took you a moment to realise it was you. You screamed again; this time you felt it. 
You felt a searing hot pain shoot up your spine. Your eyes turning back, as your throat choked closed. Your fingers spreading in pain, your knuckles bending, as your arms straigthened. 
The pain was unbearable.
Your scream was excruciating. 
You felt as if your whole body was melting, as you sank to the ground. You felt as if your skin was peeling off, and your bones become sticky hot liquid. You felt everything and nothing all at once, but the pain didn’t go away. Your body felt the pain, but your mind switched off not knowing how to deal it. 
Just as suddenly as the pain came it vanished. 
You fell to your knees and palm. You choked, trying to breathe and stay upright. 
You lifted your gaze, and you noticed the bright light in front of you. 
Your chest heaved as you looked around you. 
You weren’t in the old cave that you kept you captive anymore. You were in a hall. A majestic hall decorated with gold and red. It belonged in a palace from fantasy worlds; the kind you see in movies, and read in books. 
It was in front of you, and it was breathtaking. 
“Lilth.” Someone calls out. You turn, and as your eyes meet golden ones. A calm fell over you. 
It was him. 
“Welcome home, my dear Lilth.” His voice soft and tender. He smiled at you gently, as he carrased your face. His touch set your body on fire with desire. 
He was as beautiful as he was everytime you saw him. He looked as much of an angel as he did whenever you met him. 
A crown rested on his head made up of golden roses, skulls and thorns. His dark hair trousled effortlessly. His lips red and inviting. 
You leaned into him, despite yourself. You welcomed the warmth and calm his touch brought you. You let your eyes close resting, basking in his feeling and presence. 
You opened your eyes after a minute, to find his taking you in. His eyes gentle, the golden in them shining. He looked at you with such softness that made you feel fragil. As if you’d disappear or break at any moment. 
You peered into his eyes, and felt emotions swirl in your chest. A heaviness tearing up your heart the longer you looked at him. 
A tear you tried to hold back fell your eyes.
Your hand reached up, hesistantly, before resting it lightly on his sharp cheeks.
His skin was velvety and cool. 
It felt as if his heartbeat ran through him and into your veins. It made your mind hazy, and heart expand. 
He leaned into your palm, his eyes softening as he took you in. 
“You’re...” you whispered to the man who had haunted your dreams since you were a child. “You are real.”
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arsyeong · 5 years
[2] thief | ijb.
Tumblr media
o n e  /  t h r e e  /  f o u r  /  f i v e  /  s i x  /  s e v e n  /  e i g h t
summary: the thief is back and he’s as mysterious as ever. word count: 2,314
Work had to push through even on rainy days.
When it got especially hard, you decide to take shelter at a nearby drink shop.
"Hey," you greet when you walk inside, "can I stay here for a while? The rain's a lot stronger than I expected."
"(Y/N)? Is that you?" someone calls out. You turn to face Vana and Ivan, the two owners of the shop.
"Hi!" you greet again. You then realize that you weren't standing on the welcome mat while you were dripping, so you take a step back onto it with an awkward smile. "Sorry about that."
"It's fine, darling," says Vana, "I'll go get you a towel."
You watch her disappear into a door at the back of the room, leaving you to stand there in silence until Ivan clears his throat.
"She's been wanting to get busy since we got the notice," he says. Your eyes shoot to him in confusion, and he lifts a piece of paper. "I am to grace your bar with my presence this midnight," he reads, "JB."
You couldn't believe your ears.
"Pretty shocking, I know," he says, probably as a comment to your widened eyes, "We've never really had a thief until now, especially a thief like this."
You remain silent. Up until that moment, you never really thought of JB as a thief though you knew he was one. He just seemed so kind and ... normal.
Yet, here he was (or had been), alerting the drink shop couple of his thieving plans.
Vana enters the room then. She walks to you with a towel in hand and some clothes folded over her arm. "You must be freezing," she murmurs as she begins patting the towel down on you.
"I can do it myself, Vana," you say softly, trying to take the towel from her but failing.
"I'll help you get changed," she says. Vana takes your hand and doesn't wait for your signal to start pulling you to her room.
As you change into the set of clothes she's given you, you can't help but worry about the couple. They've spent years saving up for their wedding. If JB were to take that away from them, they would be devastated.
"I suppose Ivan's told you the news," she says. You do your best to make an agreeing sound while you jump in an attempt to pull up the pants she'd lent you. You make another noise, one of struggling, and you hear her sigh. You feel bad.
"I don't know what he'd want from us," she goes on sadly, "I don't know why he wants to steal, really. If he was having financial problems, the mayor of the next town has a project for that. Why does he have to resort to thieving from innocents?"
Fortunately, she turns to you at the moment you finish changing. Her eyes brighten for a moment as she looks you up and down. "You look beautiful," she compliments. You thank her softly in return.
She groans again and falls back down on her bed. "Why does it have to be us?"
"If it'll make you feel better," you start as you walk over to her, "I think he tried (Y/F/N)'s house too."
"Is he going for everyone in this town?" she asks in disbelief. "We don't even have much for him! If he wants to steal, he should go where people are too wealthy to notice they've lost something."
"Pretty stupid, I know," says another voice. Both of you look to see Ivan leaning on the doorframe. "Knock, knock," he adds in singsong.
Vana groans again and flops back down on the bed. "I hate thieves!"
"I hate them too," agrees Ivan calmly. He walks over to his lover, and you make space for him to sit beside her. He smiles in gratitude before he starts stroking Vana's hair, playing with it to soothe her.
In the moment of silence that follows, you watch them together.
You remember the time you developed a crush on Ivan. He was sweet and attractive, but he had made it clear he had eyes for no one but Vana. Looking at them now, you feel glad he fought for her to the end; they were perfect for each other.
"Let's view this positively," he suggests, "He left us a note."
"That note gave me anxiety!"
"But he gave us a time," he continues, and you notice his hand trace the side of her face before resting on her shoulder.
It's after then that you get his message. "We can catch him."
Ivan nods. "And we can end his thieving forever."
"We'll need back-up," Vana says as she sits up, "We can't do this alone."
"I'll help!"
She looks at you, her eyes shining in gratitude as she exclaims her thanks. When she hugs you, Ivan nods at you with a gentle smile.
"It'll be best if you come here around 11PM," he instructs when Vana pulls away, "Let's catch that thief!"
You take your time walking to the drink shop.
You look left and right, already searching for the thief though it had only turned 10:50. Your heart was beating fast again, no lie there, but it wasn't because you were afraid of the confrontation.
But it was because you were excited.
Wherever he got that written in the stars bullshit, it was trustworthy.
"You came!" Vana greets, welcoming you with a hug the moment she lays her eyes on you. You feel bad when you hug her back, thinking you were here more for seeing him than helping them.
"Vana's been twitchy ever since you left," Ivan says and, while she shoots him a glare, he gives her a look of nothing but love.
Vana pulls away from you and ushers you in. "I got more help throughout the day," she tells you happily, "We've got (Y/F/N) and Bambam on patrol."
Your eyes widen at the latter. "Bambam?"
"He's a good lad," says Ivan, appearing beside the two of you with a drink in hand. You immediately take a sip of it as soon as it's handed to you, suddenly losing interest in the thief.
If I'd gotten here earlier, you can't help but wonder, would I have been the one on patrol with Bambam?
"Sweetie," consoles Vana, seeming to pick up on the sudden change of your mood, "I don't think (Y/F/N) would make a move on Bambam, no matter how much she likes him. She respects you that much."
"But what if he makes a move on her?" you counter, "You and I both know what type of guy he is."
"I should really lend you one of my books sometime," she says, shaking her head and laughing softly, "They're about the magic of players and the right girl for them."
You take another sip. "What if I'm not the right girl for him?"
"Oh," she whispers, "I have good reason to believe you are."
She winks and disappears before you could inquire any further. With a final sigh, you finish your drink and watch the couple close up the shop. They make sure to place their earnings for the day in the (possible) safety of Vana's attic room.
After a few minutes of idly standing around, Ivan starts to sniff around. "You look like a dog, Ivan," Vana laughs.
"I smell curry," he explains, not phased at all by her comment. Vana takes a sniff as well, and her eyes brighten. No words were spoken between them before they exited the shop and left you alone.
"Wow," you mutter to yourself in disbelief, "So much for catching him."
You're on your way out when the door opens. In walks JB, his expression mirroring your surprised one.
It lasts a second longer before his smile (which looks more like a smirk now) returns to his face. "We meet again, beautiful maiden."
He bows in the same way he did that other night, but he looks up with a different glint in his eyes this time. "CHICK-BEAM ... FIRE!"
Your eyes widen, and that was the most you could do. The rest of your body was paralyzed. "What the fuck?" you exclaim disbelievingly.
"I don't usually do this to darlings like you," he begins, walking past you and making his way to the counter, "but I just had to for tonight."
"When will it go away?" you ask, starting to feel quite panicky. You weren't even able to curl your toes or fist your hands. You've never felt so helpless and stuck before.
You let out a frustrated groan, causing him to turn to you. You think you see some worry in his eyes, but it's gone before you're sure. He goes back to browsing for goods.
"Why are you a thief?" you ask again, recalling your earlier conversation with Vana. Speaking would also take your mind of your current disability.
"I don't know," he shrugs. He doesn't even bother to face you while answering.
"So you steal for fun?" you ask again in a sharper tone, letting your annoyance out through your words. It's as if it can get out any other way.
"Maybe," he replies, "Maybe not."
"JB," you say through gritted teeth, "Is that even your name?"
He faces you then, his face smug and his stance relaxed. "You want to know more about me, don't you?" he asks teasingly, "But it would be boring if I simply tell you."
"Answering to people when they ask questions is called being polite," you hiss, "and being polite isn't boring."
"Anger doesn't suit you, fair maiden."
"Cut the bullshit!" you snap. His smile remains on his face even as he takes a step back. "You probably aren't used to your fair maidens screaming at you like this, huh? You're probably used to all of them swooning over your words and letting you get away with your fuckery?"
"(Y/N)," he starts, but you're quick to cut him off.
"You do know my name," he says softly. For a moment, you think he's hurt by your outburst, but you don't find yourself caring. "My name's really JB."
"It's not," you say again, "It stands for something."
"I could have sworn that smell was coming from here," you hear someone say from outside. You look at JB again and see a bit of fear in his expression. When he turns to you again, it's gone.
"If you catch me, I'll tell you anything you want," he tells you casually, even leaning on the counter before adding, "I promise."
"I wonder what time it is," you hear the distinct voice of Vana say, "Maybe it's midnight already?"
"Well," he says with a nonchalant glance at the front door, "I guess I'm pressed for time again."
"You're a thief," you deadpan. He laughs at this.
He walks over to you briskly and places a hand on your shoulder. You give him the best glare you've got as he says, "Good luck, (Y/N). I'm counting on you."
He leaves before you could even stick your tongue at him. Only a few seconds pass before the front door opens once more. You wish they've caught him on his way out but is disappointed when you're met with Ivan and Vana's shriek.
"WHAT?!" she screams, "THE THIEF WAS HERE?"
"We've lost three bottles of wine," announces Ivan, standing in the space JB had been earlier.
You frown. "I didn't see him walking away with anything?"
"It must have been magic again," says a new voice. The three of you turn to see Bambam at the doorway.
He gestures at you and explains, "If he could freeze her like, he probably has more magic tricks."
You let out a groan at the reminder of your state. When will this wear off?
"I'm sorry we left you, honey," says Vana apologetically.
"The curry was probably his doing," Ivan adds with the same sorry look. You notice Bambam glaring at him, however, in a way he did only when he was truly annoyed.
"Obviously," he grumbles as he walks over to you. Your heart beats in the same way it did earlier when you still weren't pissed off at JB. He leans in and whispers, "Are you okay?"
"I'm frozen and I feel vulnerable," you blurt out in a tone angrier than what you were going for. You realize this and immediately apologize.
"It's fine," he says gently, "I understand. In a way. You know?"
You can't help but chuckle upon hearing those familiar words. Bambam had always liked making sure people understood him, and he had used 'You know?' more often than not.
When he takes a seat, you realize (Y/F/N) wasn't there. You can't help but ask for her.
"I walked her home," he says with a shrug, "Charles might have killed me if she wasn't back there before midnight."
"Oh, Charles," you chuckle, and he laughs with you.
"I'll walk you home too," he states, not even sounding like he was asking for permission. "It's late and a thief with magic freezing powers is at large. It wouldn't be safe for you to go home alone."
"You worry too much," you say, looking away from him in hopes to hide your red face, "I might even fall asleep like this here."
"I'll wait until it wears off," he says seriously, "Besides, I would sleep better if I knew you got home safely."
"If you insist," you say as casually as you can. You see him grin at the corner of your eye and can't help but do the same.
You wonder how you could have forgotten him, even for a while, when he was everything you could ever ask for, when he was Bambam.
When he was the guy you actually love.
p r e v i o u s  /  n e x t
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im-whatchamccallit · 5 years
Are You Mine?// Im Jaebum (Got7)
Request: hiya 🥰 could I please request a got7 JB scenario angst where him and y/n have a huge fight over another girl trying to get with him? thx so much
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Probably confusing lol
Words: 4.7k
“Let me see if I remember: Hyunmin you met while b-boying, Minjae you met in middle school, and Sujin? Your parents were friends so you’ve known her since birth, right?” You asked as Jaebum shut the car door behind you, locking it quickly before grasping your hand to lead you up the doorway of his home.
“Yes, but Minjae was a b-boy too, he wouldn’t want you to forget that.” He noted, your head nodding understandingly.
He had told you his friends from Goyang were coming to visit and, this being their first night in Seoul and seeing him in what felt like years, was the perfect opportunity for his old friends to meet his new ones. He especially wanted them to meet you. Just a way to surprise them with the knowledge that he, someone who used to be so aloof and reserved, could find someone so outgoing and cordial.
He opened the door to reveal everyone was already inside, talking and laughing as if they’d know each other all their lives.
“Jaebum!” A girl yelled as he shut the door, your grin wide and genuine as she approached you both.
She was just as Jaebum described her to you: so happy and energetic, ready for a conversation at any moment with the largest smile on her face. Maybe, if the opportunity was present, you’d become friends.
“You must be Sujin. I’m (Y/n), it’s really nice to me-“
“Jaebum, Minjae found this video from years ago of one of your modeling competitions. Look!” She exclaimed enthusiastically as she hooked her arm with his, pulling him from the entrance as you stood dumbfounded.
You sighed as you held onto your glass of wine, your hand swaying side to side with disinterest as you watched the dark red liquid crash against the sides of the crystalware.
It was already two hours into the night and you felt miserable. Sure, you were with the other boys of Got7, joking around and catching up, even Minjae and Hyunmin making an effort to get to know you, but you couldn’t help but feel so ignored by Jaebum and Sujin. Anytime he turned to converse with you, she interrupted, regaining his attention for something so mundane, but his kind nature refused to let him tell her how uninterested he was.
You had watched her closely all night to see what her deal was. She was nice and talkative yet had no intentions of giving you a second of her time.
You were starting to believe it was you.
Maybe your attitude came off the wrong way or you were trying too hard but, from the way she kept her arm looped with Jaebum’s, her hand on his knee as they spoke, her over the top laughter followed by her head falling onto his shoulder, you knew this wasn’t about you. It was all about him.
“I’m gonna get something to eat.” You announced lowly, standing from your spot between Jackson and BamBam before heading to the kitchen, Jaebum’s brows furrowing as he followed your obviously upset figure.
Jaebum was starting to worry that you weren’t fond of Sujin from the way you abruptly stopped trying speaking to her. You were two of the most important people in his life and the idea of one of you not liking the other was a bit disheartening for him. He looked to Sujin, her eyes already fixated on him as she moved slightly closer, her side digging further into his.
“Sujin, do you think you can get some snacks from the kitchen for me? (Y/n) usually doesn’t bring any back.” He lied.
“Of course.” She said cheerfully, but unwillingly released his arm, starting to make her way to the kitchen where you stood, grasping the large bag of Doritos and chewing lazily.
Your eyes fell upon one another as she sized you up, not saying a word as she looked into his fridge for some snacks to bring back. You cleared your throat as you swallowed slightly.
“I never realized how close you and Jaebum were, Sujin.” She slowly stood and faced you, shutting the fridge door to lean against it, a small smile on her lips.
“Yeah. That tends to happen when you’ve been friends with someone for so long.”
You laughed dryly at her tone, something about it so bitter and sarcastic. You weren’t usually one to fight over something so petty but every instinct in your body was yearning for you to tell her off.
“So just friends? From the way things looked, I’d say it seemed like more.”
“Are you accusing me of something, (Y/n)?”
“Oh, so you do know my name? I figured, from the way you flocked to Jaebum as soon as we came in, you didn’t catch it.” There was a brief silence after your small outburst before she sighed, her eyes glaring into yours as you both contemplated if you should make this discussion physical or not.
“Look, he is my best friend and-“
“And my boyfriend. And we both know he wants us to get along so, let’s put this aside, play nice, and maybe get to know each other. If you have feelings for him, that’s fine, tons of people do, but don’t throw yourself at him knowing he’s with someone.”
She said nothing as you stepped past her, reentering the living room and finding a seat next to Jaebum with the large bag, almost everybody grabbing at it despite having already eaten. Jaebum looked to the kitchen’s entrance, no sign of Sujin as you angrily bit into the triangle snack.
“Where’s Sujin?” He asked you, your finger pointing to the kitchen as Minjae asked you more about your hometown, seeing as you weren’t from Seoul either.
You tried to ignore Jaebum as he stood and headed in that direction, using all of your will power to not roll your eyes as he went to her rescue.
Jaebum heard a small sniffle as he stepped inside the kitchen, Sujin sitting at the table with her head in the palm of her hand, the other wiping away a stray tear as she looked up to see him staring at her.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, lowering his voice as he approached her, her hand waving him off as she looked anywhere but him.
“It’s nothing. It’s just that,” She took a shaky breath, swallowing slightly as she finally glanced at him, her eyes red and refilling with tears.
“I don’t think (Y/n) likes me.”
(Y/n)? But you loved everyone, within reason. It was one of the reasons Jaebum fell in love with you.
When he told you about his friends coming to visit, you were just as excited as him, maybe more. You were always into meeting new people, you were even more into working hard to make sure they liked you. But you were also someone who was difficult to bother. Nothing ever seemed to get under your skin, only in rare cases has Jaebum seen you breakdown or express hatred for someone. And Sujin fit perfectly in the category of people you tend to love. It didn’t make sense.
“What do you mean? Did she say that?” He asked, waiting patiently for her response.
“No, but she has this crazy idea that I’m trying to steal you from her. I tried to tell her we were just friends and she snapped at me. I don’t blame her though. Maybe I am too close to you.” She said sadly, a sharp pain in Jaebum’s chest from a mix of anger and hurt.
Of all people to act this way, he never expected it’d be you. You barely talked to her all night and randomly decide you hate her? It was so out of character for you but, from the way Sujin continued to weep, thinking back to the events that occurred just a minutes ago.
“I’ll be back.” He said calmly before heading back to the living room, Sujin’s lips curling into a smirk as she wiped her now dry eyes.
“(Y/n), it’s getting late. I need to take you home.” Jaebum said as soon as he saw you, your eyes questioningly darting from the movie Yugyeom decided to put on. From the way the scowl on his face deepened at your expression, you decided it was best to just go along with him.
You pulled yourself up and said your farewells, looking for Sujin to have an at least properly goodbye with her but she still wasn’t back. Jaebum grabbed your hand and hurried you to the front door, both of you slipping your shoes on in silence before he left out the door before you. It was unlike him. He always waited for you to go first then went ahead to open the passenger door for you but, instead, you did it yourself, neither of you exchanging a glance or words as he began the route to your apartment.
You stared out the window and tried to find some way to bring up his behavior. You didn’t want to come off too hostile but didn’t want to make it seem like you were going to easily forgive him for being so cold to you, especially for nothing.
“Sujin told me what happened.” He finally spoke, causing you to turn in his direction while his eyes remained on the road that was now becoming empty as he turned onto your street.
“It was just a small talk, I didn’t want to make it a big thing. I was making an effort to get her to like me but we barely had a real conversation.”
“Maybe it’s because you were ignoring her all night and a made up some fantasy that she was trying to steal me from you.” You scoffed and sat up, staring at him with disbelief at the fact that he thought you were intentionally giving her the cold shoulder and not the other way around.
“You can’t sit here and tell me I didn’t try to talk to her. The moment I walked in, I was nice, and she cut me off trying to get to you. And I’m not sure if it’s your desperate need to have and keep friends, but you practically let her throw herself at you. You never once told her to back off!”
“You’re being paranoid and ridiculous. She is my friend, if that’s something you have a problem with, you can tell me and I won’t bring you around her again but don’t sit there and act like you couldn’t have been nice.”
“She was all over you, touching you every-fucking-where, and you did nothing to stop her! All night! While I was right there! If I was like that with Jinyoung, would you not feel somewhat angry?” You waited for his response as he pulled into the guest parking lot, finding a spot closest to the entrance.
You watched as he turned to face you, his scowl gone but his eyes narrow and glaring.
“I would be pissed. But the difference is, you met him two years ago, I’ve known her my whole life. We’re close enough to do those things.”
“Bullshit, Jaebum. I know you’re not stupid so, please, tell me how you cannot see that she’s in love with you?”
“Even if she was, (Y/n), I’d think you’d trust me enough to not try anything with her.” You sighed in exasperation and sat back in your seat, shutting your eyes as you recollected yourself.
Maybe it was all in your head and you were reading too deep into everything. But you had a feeling you were right. That she was after him and such a small lie, from her of all people, would ruin your relationship. But you didn’t want to lose this relationship. You loved Jaebum. You’d give anything to be with him. And, as much as you hated to admit it, your sanity was one of those things.
“I do trust you. I just need to know that nothing is going to happen between you two, because I really don’t want to lose you.” You confessed, opening your eyes at the feeling of his hand on yours.
“How about you come over tomorrow and we settle everything? You, me, and Sujin. She’ll tell you herself that she has no feelings for me and we can forget everything that happened tonight.”
You sucked on your lower lip before nodding hesitantly, chuckling softly as his lips pressed to your cheek before you turned so they could meet yours, you both reluctantly pulling away.
“Want me to walk you inside?”
“Nah. The dragon doesn’t usually show up around this time so, I’ll be fine.” You joked with a small chuckle before exiting the car, making your way to the apartment’s side door just as he drove away.
The faint sound of his ringtone alarmed him, causing him to blindly search for it in his pocket, pressing answer unquestionably.
“Hey, we finished cleaning up and everyone just left. Do you want me to stay here until you get back?” Sujin asked, pacing his living room with a hopeful tone in her voice.
“Uhm, no, that’s fine, you can go. But I need to talk to you.”
“What about?” She tried to hide the excitement in her voice as she took a seat on his sofa.
“I asked (Y/n) to come by tomorrow so we can all talk. Do you think you can stop by in the morning? I just want to make sure everything’s okay between you both.”
She felt her smile fall and quickly replace with an annoyed frown.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Thanks, Sujin. See you at 10.”
Sujin hung up immediately and groaned, dialing for a taxi to take her to her hotel, he body unwillingly lifting from his couch as she went to wait outside.
You did as Jaebum asked, showing up bright and early to meet with him and Sujin to discuss the night before. Jaebum wanted to remain neutral, sitting on a neighboring chair as you both sat on the sofa, eyeing both of you cautiously while Nora and Odd walked around aimlessly.
No one was speaking and the silence was starting to bother you, your body straightening as you prepared an awkward apology for the girl.
“Sujin, I’m sorry if I came off a bit harsh last night. I think I misinterpreted everything between you and Jaebum. You seem like a really nice girl and I’d love to talk to you more and hopefully become friends.”
The apology was forced but still genuine. You weren’t sorry about your gut feeling, it was almost never wrong, you were just sorry the first real conversation between you had to be an intervention.
“Of course, (Y/n). I guess we both made mistakes.” Sujin smiled before holding out her arms for you.
You laughed awkwardly as you tried to hold back a remark to refute her last statement, accepting her hug before slowly pulling away.
“Do you think we should all go out to eat? Maybe actually get to know each other?” Sujin offered although it was out of politeness and not a genuine desire, her eyes darting between to you and Jaebum.
“I actually can’t. I have to finish cleaning for my apartment inspection today.” You admitted sadly, slowly standing with Jaebum as you gave him a quick hug and peck.
“I’ll see you tonight. Bye, Sujin.” You said, hastily making an exit to get home before the maintenance workers realize you repaired your stove yourself.
Sujin groaned loudly to catch Jaebum’s attention, his eyes worriedly finding her as she readjusted herself on the couch.
“Thank god, she’s gone. I’ve been wanting to tell you something’s off about her since last night.” She said with a laugh, her childhood friend finding no amusement in her words.
“I thought you just said you were fine with her.”
“For you, Jae, but really? She’s so insecure and manipulative. The moment I saw her, I knew something was weird about her.”
“She isn’t like that, Sujin.”
“She assumed I was in love with you, she threatened me to stay away from you, and, not to mention, you.”
“Me?” Jaebum asked, watching his overly-skeptical friend smile sadly at him.
“When you first started dating, you used to tell me how she was always crying about you not being with her all the time because of your schedule, and how you were exhausted trying to make time for her and your idol career, but she never once tried to visit you on tour while you’ve flown back to Seoul quite a few times for her, to my understanding. She’s toxic for you, Jaebum.”
As much as he refused to believe it, she was right. You were always doing whatever you could to get your way with him. He was sacrificing so much to be with you but what have you done for him? And now that Sujin’s brought it up, you were a bit possessive and unstable as well. It’s like he was seeing you as a completely different person. Not the sweet and loving girl he met almost two years ago that would drive halfway across the city just to have dinner with him, but a monster that was yanking the leash you forced onto his neck with every breath he took.
He said nothing as he grabbed his keys, storming out of his home and making his way to yours, leaving Sujin to relish in her bittersweet scheme.
You didn’t live that far from Jaebum, just a five minute drive. But, at the speed he was going, he made it in three. You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound of keys unlocking your door, your body relaxing as you noticed it was Jaebum.
“You scared me.” You said lightly as you stretched higher to clean the large, glass balcony door.
“I’ve noticed something about you.” He said lowly, watching as you continued to wipe away at the large window.
“You’ve been doing these subtle things that I always thought were so cute and normal but, really, you were controlling me.”
“Controlling you?” You questioned playfully, finally placing the spray bottle and paper towel down to face him.
“You always make me go the extra mile for you yet never do anything in return for me. You almost ended my friendship with Sujin because you’re so self-conscious and insecure. You always text me and expect me to be by your side. Like, what if I didn’t want to see you tonight? You just assumed I’d be there.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his outburst, taking a step closer to him.
“The reason I don’t do everything for you that you’ve done for me is because you’re a singer, Jaebum. You get paid so much more than I do and, even when I beg you to not do those things, you do them. Plus, Sujin and I have talked it out and made amends, I just misread the situation and I apologized for that. And you don’t have to be with me all the time. If you want to be alone, say you want to be alone, but the reason I always text you is to make sure you’re okay. It’s called being a good girlfriend.”
“Please, you’ve done so much more crap that’s way worse than this, (Y/n). Even Sujin thinks you’re just ruining m-“
“Sujin? Sujin said this to you?” You both froze as you let out a loud, obnoxious but angry laugh.
You knew your gut was right all along. That sleazy, no good rat was trying to ruin your relationship and you were strong enough to not let it happen. Jaebum, on the other hand, wasn’t. Being manipulated so easily but accusing the wrong person of it.
“What? Are you going to say she’s trying to steal me from you again?”
“Yes, because that’s exactly what’s she’s doing! She’s lying to you so that you’ll break up with me and she’ll be your shoulder to cry on. Just because she’s been your friends for years and has only met me once, you think she knows me? I’ve been with you for two fucking years! You have seen every possible side of me and yet now, the moment she arrives and has one forced talk with me, she has me all figured out? Are you that fucking stupid or are you just being a dick right now?”
He glared at you while you let out a deep breath, finding some power in you to calm down, wanting to at least talk this out reasonably but you were so zoned out, you didn’t notice he was leaving your apartment.
“Jaebum, wait!” You called, rushing towards him to grab his hand but he snatched it back harshly, almost knocking you over in the process.
“I don’t want to be around you, (Y/n).”
“Look, we’re both angry but fighting is normal, every couple does it. We just need to talk-“
“And then what? You’ll cry, I’ll forgive you, and we do whatever you want so you can feel better?” His words hurt a bit from how true they were. But you weren’t going to give up so easily, even if you had to do something you never thought you’d have to.
“Jaebum, I want to work this out with you, but I can only do that if we talk. You can either come inside so we can discuss this like adults or you can leave but, if you do, we’re over.”
This was the first time you’ve used an ultimatum with him, or anyone for that matter, and all Jaebum heard was Sujin’s voice whispering that you’re tricking him. He could tell by the look in your eyes you were hoping he’d go back inside but he was torn. Would he believe you or his best friend? Someone he’s known two years or someone he’s grown up with? He knew her better than he though he knew you, and he knew that she couldn’t possibly lie to him.
You nearly whimpered as you watched him walk away, your lips curling as you felt your eyes start to swell with tears, your body sadly turning as you stepped back into your apartment and slammed the door shut, now knowing where you really stood in his life.
The sound of his front door opening alarmed Sujin, her body sitting upright on the couch as she muted the television, watching as Jaebum bitterly kicked off his shoes, tossing his keys to a nearby table. She slowly stood and approached him, unsure of what to expect when she finally stood before him.
“What’s going on?” She asked cautiously, her eyes examining his to see that they were glossed over. Sure it was heartbreaking but it was a sign of hope for her.
“I confronted (Y/n), and, I guess we’re not together anymore.” He muttered, Sujin’s mouth falling agape.
“Are you serious?”
“She said she wanted to talk but if I left, it’d be over. I don’t know why I-“ He nearly fell over as Sujin practically jumped into his arms, a wide smile on her face as she leaned in to kiss him, his head turning so she only caught his cheek.
“What’s wrong?” She asked with a giggle, watching as he gently placed her down, his face a mixture of disgust and shock.
“What are you doing?”
“You just said you left her for me.” He felt his mouth open to explain how wrong she was but nothing came out, leaving her to approach him once more, his feet instantly moving him back.
“Jaebum, I’ve been contemplating saying this for the past three and a half years but I’m in love with you. I always have been. If we were together, it’d just make sense. (Y/n) doesn’t know you like I know you, she couldn’t be there for you like I’ve been. We’re practically soulmates.”
“We’re only friends, Sujin.” He said definitively, catching her off guard.
The confession just made him feel even worse.
You were right all along.
From the very first day you met Sujin, you warned him, and he ignored you. He called you crazy. He always took so much pride in knowing each person in his life, especially you, he forgot to remember that you were never someone to jump to conclusions so wildly. You were even willing to set your own dignity aside to make up with someone you didn’t trust, for him. You were probably about to take the blame for everything wrong with your damn-near perfect relationship for him. And your relationship? It was over because one of the people he confided in most lied to him.
“I think you should go.” He said in a low, wary tone.
Sujin didn’t bother to argue as she stormed past him and grabbed her shoes, slipping them on quickly and exiting his home, knowing that everything she did was for nothing but humiliation at her expense.
Jaebum quickly grabbed his phone and dialed your number, the line going straight to your voicemail. He continued trying, only producing the same results before texting you instead, a message appearing to let him know he could no longer send messages to you either. You must have been serious about the break up. He never doubted you but, to block him on everything so fast and so easily, it made it stomach churn.
Jaebum grabbed his keys once more and quickly put on his shoes, rushing back to his car for what felt like the fifth time today and rushing to your apartment.
He didn’t bother to say hello to your elderly neighbor as he usually did, climbing the three flights of stairs eagerly before finding himself at your door. He didn’t hesitate to place his key into the lock, staring in confusion as it didn’t work, trying again with the top lock but to no avail.
“(Y/n)!” He called, knocking on the door loudly, hoping you were inside.
And you were. Blankly staring at TV as you listened to Jaebum scream your name, your nose still runny as your tear stained cheeks  hurt with each sniffle, your sobs dying down long ago as you sat in silence. Your hand instantly grabbed the remote and turned the volume up to the highest setting, drowning his panicked voice and knocks out.
He froze at the familiar sound of The Last Empress, causing him to bang on the door even more. He didn’t seem to notice the small male approaching him, an angered but cautious look on his face.
“Excuse me.” He spoke, tapping Jaebum on the shoulder to gain his attention.
“What’s going on here?” He asked, the younger man unsure of whether to respond to him or not.
“I need to get in but my key doesn’t work.”
“Oh, is this apartment 24? Ms. (Y/l/n) asked us to change them earlier. Doorknob, deadbolt, and all.” The man said proudly as that was only twenty minutes or so ago.
“Are you the maintenance worker here? Do you have a key to get in?”
“I do, but I know every tenant here, and I’m certain you aren’t included on Ms. (Y/l/n)’s lease. I can’t let you in without her permission.” Jaebum nearly growled at the man but instead returned to slamming his hand against the door, calling out your name in anger while frantically yanking at the doorknob.
The older male sighed and turned to leave the scene, knowing his frail body couldn’t fight off someone both youthful and angry.
Jaebum was near the point of tears, kicking and ramming his shoulder into the almost impenetrable door, knowing you could hear him, even over the sounds of Shin Sung-Rok’s monologuing.
He uncertainly grabbed his phone, knowing he’d never be able to reach you but unwilling to stop trying, not ready to go back to his home and admit defeat. He was about to unlock it when a stray message appeared, Sujin’s name bold and infuriating, but not as infuriating as her words.
‘I guess we’re both alone now, Jae.’
The realization set in that he really was alone. He lost one of his best friends and, now, you. All because of his own stupidity. And there was no apology big enough to get either of you back.
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 5 years
Thousand Years | Im Jaebum
italics - flashback
normal font - current time
Word count - 1,131 words
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Jaebum watched you as you sighed running your fingers through your hair. Words couldn’t even explain how you two felt. His job was just straining the relationship you two had - tearing the two of you apart. He inhaled sharply, watching your every move. 
“Why are you doing this?” you asked, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
He looked at you, emotionless. “I don’t love you anymore. It’s just not there.”
He lied. He couldn’t take it back either. Not now. 
Tears were already spilling from your eyes as the words left his lips. You pressed your lips together and nodded slowly, taking in his words. You couldn’t look at him. 
He knew that if he had told you the truth as to why he had to break up with you, you would try to make it work and he couldn’t risk that. He couldn’t risk his job - his group. He couldn’t let them down. 
So he chose to let you down. 
“No, Jaebum. You don’t have to say anything. It’s already done...” You said, looking up at him. 
He wanted to hold you, take everything back and forget the conversation even happened. But you were already leaving. He watched you disappear down the dark street. 
Finally, he began to cry. Sobs racked through his body as he wiped his hand over his face. 
You were out of his life, and he was just going to have to learn how to cope with it.
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Jaebum laughed along with his members as they sat at the bar, ordering more drinks. He looked around the bar, taking in his surroundings. He heard the sound of his friends voices muffled in the background. 
His eyes landed on someone familiar. Someone he knew. His breath caught in his throat and everything seemed like it was frozen in one place. He watched the girl run her fingers through her hair. 
“Y/N.” he whispered to himself.
You were alone. In the same bar as him. What are the odds that would happen? Seoul is a big place and there are many bars, but you chose this one. He chose this one. 
He stared at you for a moment, taking a deep breath. Jackson waved his hand in front of Jaebum’s face, laughing. “Dude, you’re practically drooling.” he joked. 
Jaebum didn’t take his eyes off you. He continued to stare as he racked his brain on what to do. Jackson then followed his gaze. “Is that-”
Jaebum nodded, cutting him off. “Yeah. It is.”
“Why don’t you just go talk to her?” Jaebum looked at him. “Come on. I know how you two ended, but what if she feels the same?”
“She doesn’t.” Jaebum said, sulking. 
“How would you know?” 
“I just do.” He muttered.
Jackson huffed, shoving him lightly. “Go talk to her, man.”
Jaebum looked at you for a moment, sliding off his stool. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he started towards you. He encouraged himself to continue to approach you.
You were just a few feet away now, drinking your beverage sparingly in attempts to stay somewhat sober so you could get home. You weren’t aware of his presence. He stared at you for a few moments before clearing his throat.
Jaebum smiled as you looked at him. Your eyes grew wide. “J-Jaebum… hi!” you exclaimed nervously, not expecting to see him. You were happy to see him, but you couldn’t necessarily let him know that.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“How have you been?” you asked, trying to make conversation.
“I’ve been- I’ve been okay.” He said, taking a seat on the stool next to you. You froze, your heart racing.
You nodded, taking another swig of your beer. You were going to need it if he was going to stay. “That’s good to hear.” You chuckled, looking down at the bottle. You reached up your hand, asking the bartender for another.
“Jaebum!” you hear someone shout. You follow the sound of the voice, as does he. Jackson and the others are smiling and waving. “We’re going to head out! See you back at the dorm!” he shouted, winking.
Your eyes shifted to Jaebum. You furrowed your eyebrows as you see him, give them a desperate look. He looked at you and smiled nervously. “I should get going…” You nodded, pursing your lips.
You knew seeing him after two years was too good to be true. “Sure…”
Just as he was about to stand up, Jackson shouted. “You can stay and catch up with Y/N. See you later!”
“Bye Y/N!” they all shouted together, waving at you. You smiled and waved at the boys you were once friends with.
Jaebum slowly lowered himself back on the stool and looked at you. You could tell he was nervous. You couldn’t help but smile back. “So…” he said as a bartender slid a drink to him. You smirked at his anxious state.
“Why are you here?” you asked curiously, eyeing him.
He wrinkled his nose, thinking of what to say. He took a drink of his beer and looked at you with an all too serious look. “I…” he stopped himself, sighing. “I don’t like how we ended.” He muttered.
His words made your heart drop. “What?” you asked, your voice almost a whisper.
He shifted in his spot. “I hate not seeing you every day.” He said, studying your expression. “I miss you, Y/N.”
You’re breath hitched in your throat. You stared at him with a baffled look. You had imagined him saying those words time and time again, hoping that one day it would actually happen.
Now it has, and you couldn’t be happier. He was all you ever wanted and you weren’t willing to let him go, not for a second.
He watched you for a moment, scared to death of what you would say. For all he knows you were over him, you moved on.
But you didn’t. You could never. A small smile took its place on your lips. You press your lips together in attempts to suppress it.
He saw it though. The smile he was all too fond of. He smiled as well, waiting for you to say something. “I miss you too, Jaebum.” You said softly, not being able to hold back your smile.
He slid off the bar stool and stood in front of you. He studied your face, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. He then kissed your forehead and pulled you into a hug.
You smiled and cling onto him, not wanting to let him go. His hand rested at the back of your head and tears formed in his eyes.
He had finally gotten you back and this time he wasn’t letting you go.
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thepencilnerd · 6 years
- 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐦 - 4
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➳ Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 ||  Part 4
➳ Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
➳ Summary: AU! After taking a gap year from college to pay for your tuition, you felt like your life was finally back on track- until you met him. What happens when life doesn’t go the way you intended it to? What happens when you find out that your anchor is just as broken as you are?
➳ Genre: AU! Fluff, angst, friends to lovers
➳ Word Count: 2k
➳ Warnings: Swearing, playful banter
♪ Game- Mating Ritual
a/n: Masterlist & links to other parts can be found @ my main URL
A crisp gust of wind swept across my face, making my hair blow into and prick my already dry eyes. Finals were over and winter break was just around the corner, but what normally would have been an already snowy day was instead a foggy and frigid one. 
I was walking up the stairs to the rooftop and couldn’t contain the excitement that came whenever I went to admire the sky from up above. I never noticed how happy gloomy weather made me until I actually counted the days I spent up there during overcast days. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a person admiring the view with their hands resting on the ledge and posture slightly hunched. 
“Oh,” I jolted slightly, surprised at Jaebum’s presence. “I didn’t think you’d be up here. I can just—I’ll go—” 
The edges of his lips curled upward into a slight grin and his head shook in response. “No, it’s fine. It’s not like it’s I own the building.” He gestured with his hand for me to stand next to him, sliding over to make some room. 
I responded with a tight-lipped smile, I distanced myself a foot away as I stood beside him, shifting uncomfortably as I tried to stay as far away as possible without making it seem too obvious. I noticed he was wearing white today; no wonder he looked less intimidating. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he spoke up. “How were your finals?” 
I bit the inside of my cheek, a habit I picked up in my childhood years, and retorted plainly. “They were okay.” Refusing to make eye contact with him to see what he was doing, I assumed he simply nodded his head.
His head turned to face me, making me immediately glance at the near-dead rose bushes behind us. Glancing around at the planter boxes, I realized that most of the plants had already begun to wither away. Had it been that long since the last time I was up here? 
“Do you think any of the professors curved your grade for you?” Jaebum asked, snapping you out your daze and clearly making a desperate effort to make do with any kind of conversation he could. 
I just shook my head, reluctant to give him anything that would encourage any kind of small talk. “Nope.” 
Jaebum bit his lip and sighed, noticing what my aim was. “I’m trying really hard to get on at least casual talking terms with you. Can you at least try to be on a ‘basic conversational’ level with me?” he said with a raised eyebrow. 
My face tensed as my gaze narrowed at him. “I still don’t get why you’re trying so hard. I’m not anyone special and you’re wasting your time, so don’t make me feel bad by trying that hard.” 
“When I asked you to give me a chance, I thought it implied that you’d be on a neutral standpoint, not consciously making an effort to discourage and dislike me.” His angular eyes bore into mine, making me see that he was genuinely hurt by my actions. 
I exhaled forcefully, feeling a pang of guilt for being rude to him when he was just like any other normal person who tried to befriend me. However, unlike the others, he hadn’t gone about it by using annoying tactics-yet. Closing my eyes tightly and biting down on my lip, I forced out a small apology. 
“I’m sorry. I’m not-” I struggled to find words for some reason, trying my hardest to avoid making eye contact with him. “I don’t-I don’t do the whole-”
“Friends thing?” he finished my sentence for me. My eyes abruptly snapped to look him in the eyes. 
“Are you seriously a psychic or something?” I asked with squinted eyes. Jaebum laughed deeply. 
He has a nice laugh.
Repressing the haphazard subconscious thought, I stood there and waited for his response. 
“I told you,” he grinned. “We’re a lot similar than you think.”
“But I’m not a psychic...” I mumbled. Pressing my lips together in a thin line, I scoffed. “Fine. Okay. Prove it.”
He raised his eyebrow again but this time, it was accompanied by a hint of a smirk. “What’s your favorite type of weather?” Leaning in closer to me, I could practically feel his body heat radiating off of him in waves as my cheeks started to heat up from the distance between us. 
“Rain,” we replied in unison, without a second of a delay. I gawked at him before immediately crinkling my face into a frown. “That was just good timing.” I crossed my arms and faced away from him, hell-bent on making sure that he couldn’t read any of my microexpressions or pre-cursors to words. 
“I’m not reading your lips if that’s what you’re wondering.” He chuckled, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smug grin as he sat down on the edge of the planter box. “How about you come up with  questions and then I answer first so I can prove I’m not cheating?” 
Half scoffing, I agreed and sat down next to him. Two could play at this game. “Ketchup or mustard?” I started off with a painfully dumb and stupid question to throw him off. There was no way he would say what I was thinking.
“I’m more of a barbeque sauce person,” he responded confidently. “And don’t tell me that doesn’t count because I know damn well you hate ketchup and mustard.”
“Okay, hold it there Mr. Wise Guy,” I halted, throwing my hand up in defense at his accusation. “I do not hate ketchup and mustard, I just don’t particularly like them. And how did you know about the barbeque sauce?” 
“We had a class picnic in freshman year and while everyone else was eating lunch in the quad, you grabbed your food to go sit by yourself and eat in the field.” His ability to recall memories in such detail was both terrifying and astounding. 
Chuckling at my tilted head and agape expression, he continued. “I was eating by myself underneath the bleachers and then I saw you coming to sit a few feet across and right above me. Your burger had ketchup and mustard on it so you took off the bun and actually scraped all of it away before you ate it. Then you tore open a packet of barbeque sauce and drowned your fries in it.” 
I couldn’t think of anything to say. “When—how did—do you just stalk and observe me in your spare time? Is that your hobby? How do you remember that of all things? And from freshman year?” Questions suddenly poured out of me like a tornado of word vomit.
“I told you,” he reminded me again. “You’ve always been the only one who’s constantly intrigued me.”
“Isn’t it a little unfair that you know a lot more about me than I know about you?” I questioned, tip-toeing around the subject of actually getting to know each other. 
“I never said you couldn’t ask me things about myself.” He pointed it out as if it weren’t so blatantly obvious. 
Trying to come up with a half-ass and somewhat decent question, I settled on one. “Why do you like the rain?” 
He glanced up towards the sky. Closing his eyes for a moment before answering, he sighed softly. “I like the way it makes me feel.”
Assuming that he would explain further, I waited patiently for him to continue.
“I like how cloudy it gets, but not the dark kind of cloudy-the kind where you can still see through the grey and it’s still bright out is the best. The cold air that swirls around right before it rains; the smell of petrichor once the water settles into the cement and dirt; even the sound of the rain when it hits your umbrella or trees. The whole atmosphere changes when it rains.” 
I sat quietly and listened to him, captivated entirely by his words and gaze. 
“I like cold weather too, not just rain,” he quickly added.
“Is that why you were on the field that night?” I pondered. 
He smiled and nodded. Thinking over that night on the field, I thought about how much time had already passed since the first day of school. 
“I like running in the rain too,” he resumed. “When it rains really hard on campus, I leave my umbrella in my room on purpose so I can run to class in my jacket. Something about dashing against the cold air and rain hitting your face is just—” 
“Invigorating,” the word rolling off of my tongue like second nature. This time, it was my turn to finish his sentence. 
“I know you like it too,” he grinned, tipping his head ever so slightly as if to study my facial expression. “I saw you walking out of the coffee shop that day before bio.” 
I widened my eyes at his comment. “You saw that?” 
“Yeah,” he smiled, a small laugh nearly slipping out in the process. His gaze deepened before he elaborated even more. “I was at the table the farthest from the door when I saw you through the window. Almost as soon as I saw you, you sprinted headfirst into the rain and looked—” he wavered, taking a small pause to laugh and replay the moment in his head. “Happy. Really happy.” 
Suddenly, I couldn’t tell whether I was beaming or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “Out of all of the people that I’ve dealt with in this hell of a school,” I said, voice faltering slightly. “I think you’re the most bearable one I’ve met so far.” 
His face broke into a full-blown smile. With flawless teeth and crow’s feet that began to form at the edges of his eyes, it was one that made my heart almost double out of my chest. I quickly adjusted my sitting position to hide the sudden twinge discomfort I felt. 
What the hell was wrong with me today?
Letting out a small huff, I realized that we had unintentionally moved closer together so that we were now seated a mere two inches apart. 
Don’t move, I thought to myself. If you move, it'll show him that you’re affected by him. Don’t move. 
Jaebum must have sensed my discomfort, ducking his head down to analyze my expression. “Do I make you uncomfortable, Y/N?” 
I contemplated answering with a proper response or rebutting with a question, so I decided to go with the latter. “Honest answer or the one that’ll make you feel better?”
“Honest answer,” he replied, once again without a single ounce of hesitation. 
Why did he have to be so ballsy?
“You’re intimidating. You make me go into a full-blown panic mode.” Scanning his face before I continued, I saw a flash of worry cross his features. “You scare the shit out of me because you seem to understand me better than anyone I’ve known in my entire life, and we don’t even know each other yet.” My heart was beating frantically now.  
Jaebum blinked a few times before registering my genuine confession. “Yet?”
Shaking my head and giggling, I gently patted him on the shoulder. “You have about five and a half months left, champ. Make do with what you can.” He smiled again and stood up at the same time I did. 
“I’m still up for the challenge,” he asserted with determination in his voice. “How about we celebrate with some hot chocolate? My treat.” 
Unable to hold my laughter back, I let out a fit of stifled chuckles and agreed with slight skepticism. It was just two classmates going together to get hot chocolate. No big deal. “How’d you know I like hot chocolate?” 
“Everyone loves hot chocolate,” he stated matter-of-factly. “It doesn’t take a psychic to know that.” Mocking me for my remark earlier and picking my bag up, he swung it over his shoulder and jogged down the stairs without me.
“You coming or not?” he shouted from a flight of stairs below, sticking his tongue out and taunting me to hurry up. 
Just two classmates going together to get hot chocolate. No big deal. It didn’t mean anything. 
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