#im pretty happy :p
cheolhub · 1 year
awe pookster sounds cute ash 😭, and i'm doing okayy 😋! I bought a seventeen album nd it arrives in a few days so i'm all over the place rnn 🤭
hru tho bae??
it would be cute if he wasnt a menace hehsb im glad ur doing okay! and omg what album did u buy?? :0 who are u hoping to pull??
i’m surviving 🫡 i had two overnights in a row and i can only sleep when the sun is down so it’s been hard 😞 hoping to sleep for what feels like 10 years tonight
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theroseyhues · 25 days
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Day #13: A colorful Cub!!
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royalsealy · 6 months
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Redo of my coord for the kei con swap meet! I had finished putting together my review of this dress months ago, all that was missing was a little snip of what the dress looks like when worn.
Im thinking the video should release next week, followed by a video of my experience at Kei Con!
Thanks for reading!
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eastofaeon · 23 hours
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he can have a little medical malpractice. as a treat
my take on @majozzz 's crazy doctor ryo concept XP this ryo sorta gives me shou tucker vibes ngl
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avnasace · 1 month
hsr 2.2 spoilers (ish)
if we dont get a scene in 2.3 where aventurine thanks ratio for the note that pretty much solidified his attempt to keep living, i will be inconsolable.
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fishybehavior · 17 days
Another fic :p
Nokt walked around the dark room; "Again! Summon as much power as you can."
Jay took in a deep breath, sitting in the center of the room. His hands held close as if cradling a small creature that began to glow. Small crackles emanated from the glowing orb between his hands. Arcs of lightning sparked and crackled, lighting up the dark room with its blue glow. The light and crackling got brighter and louder as Jay's hands began to shake.
The air started to smell of ozone as Jay's hands shook too much to keep it going, and the lightning died quickly with one last angry crack. Jay sighed as he slumped forward, resting his hands in his lap as if they weighed a thousand pounds. 
Nokt scowled, "That was a poor performance." Nokt turned away from his student. "You're powers are stunted and out of control."
"I know," Jay mumbled, clenching his hands.
Nokt paced slowly, hands clasped behind his back. "How do you focus your element?" Nokt asked, turning his head towards his student. 
Jay blinked, "Uh- I just tap into it."
"No, what are you focusing on when you summon your element? A memory? A feeling? An object?"
Jay was quiet for a moment, thinking before answering.
 "I focus on the sharp pain in my hands, on how much electricity is escaping, on my breathing as I try to keep my element in control."
Walking back towards Jay, he sat in front of him, "That is the problem."
"That I'm breathing?"
"No, you are scared of your powers," Nokt sharply replied. "Each elemental power is different. Some elements ground their wielder while others must stay grounded, or you will lose control."
"How do I stay grounded?"
"You must overcome your fear, and replace it with something you can control. Something in you that is unwavering and channel your element through it. As the elemental master of lighting; it must be something unshakable in yourself, or you will lose all control. Instead of you wielding your element, your element would wield you." Nokt said, pointing his finger at Jay.
"How am I supposed to find this 'unshakable' thing? What do you use?" Jay asked. Nokt stayed silent for a moment, brows furrowed in thought.
Bringing his hand up, it began to glow with the faint white glow of his residual element that had grown weak after a millennium in the Nether-Space. "When I was just a child a god of the ocean destroyed my home. When I received my element shortly thereafter, I struggled to control my powers as well."
"Until I focused my element through the one emotion I had burning through me, focused and forged into a weapon of its own." His hand glowed stronger and turned red.
Nokt closed his hand, cutting off the little elemental power he had summoned. He said nothing else as he stood and left the room, leaving his student to ponder on his words.
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ehn-p · 1 month
wanted to practice making a ust from scratch and found it easier to do on OpenUtau !
Song: Worst Regret by youまん Voicebank: Rubi UST: me ! (Ehn)
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xamaxenta · 2 years
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Zolu vers, yeah Zoros tied to two of his swords and Luffy’s tied to Wado 🗡
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5hrignold · 9 months
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new episode came out draw ellis (this instruction is beamed into my head)
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jazzzzzzhands · 9 months
I freaking ADORE your art!! It's so DJQUQJDBFUSIW idk what words to use but I love it!! Could I possibly request a doodle of yellow guy from Don't hug me I'm scared?
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Oh!! You are gonna make me want to re-watch this series!! I'm so happy!!!!!! that you Love my art uwaaaaa QwQ <3333 Green IS a Creative Color!!!
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milkbreadtoast · 9 months
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more oc doodles... tested a braid for him!! also made the butterfly motif more obvious w the butterfly clips... i rly wanted him to have them but rarely drew him from the back so...
this post is kinda short so gonna post some old art w commentary under the cut bc i dont think i posted them here before🤧 thought i did but....
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(oct 2020) happy to see visible improvement from then heh... this is where i first got him closer to his current design/palette + decided on the purple/yellow palette and the inverting eye color idea... normally pretty and shiny but w a creepy spotted butterfly eye look when using his powers (simplified the dots to just 3 in his current design)...
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more recent doodles (apr 2022)... these r cute tbh i like the 2nd pic, he looks so fluffy + u can see the butterfly hairtie... but i still wasnt satisfied w his design...
in my most recent attempt at designing him(aug 2023) i changed several things... made his bangs longer for a more elegant look(which is actually closer to how it was before)... figured out how to draw his eyes + eyebrows better + more consistent(had been going back n forth btwn double/mono eyelids and thick/thin eyebrows... finally settled on sleepy double eyelids + thick brows) + i also changed the placement of his moles... (used to be right under his eye; changed to middle of cheek + another near the nose.. aka the txt soobin mole KFJKS I like how this new placement gives him a softer and gentle elegant look?? it's subtle but I like it a lot better... Oh also I made his sideburn locks shorter instead of long and curly and I like this change a lot too... idk it looks cuter to me KJFKS I gave him the long curly ones before bc i thought it'd look more unique but... i decided it's more important that I personally like it rather than just give traits to set him apart... he already looks plenty flashy w his eyes and colors anyway🤧
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bonus: another pass from p recently (may 2023) where, unsatisfied and wondering how to fix his design, attempted straying further from prev attempts by testing a middle part (and also a mole near his mouth)... but I was actually getting colder and not warmer.... I don't like these but at least I tested it to know that I don't like it!! u can also see a test doodle of the spiky green guy (hyojun) here lol
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And finally, here's 1 of his very first design attempts from way back in aug 2019!!! (u can see early hyojun too...)
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This was back when I was just starting to figure the current ver of his chara/personality/role in the story... not fleshed out at all but i at least had a vague idea and this was when I decided he would be purple (instead of other palette ideas i had considered earlier like brown hair, orange coding...) But at this early stage I hadnt come up with the butterfly motif, or the purple/yellow palette (he was purple/magenta here) or darker skin... Tbh I consider this a "beta design" bc theres sm thing that were diff/not decided yet but it's technically the same chara ckdbf
I can't fit any more images ㅠㅠ but u can see more concept sketches in this twitter thread... and yea I was testing an inverted eye concept even back then... I really liked this idea so I didn't want to abandon it, and im happy I made it even better since w the butterfly concept *_*
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rapidhighway · 6 months
ive been shaking for two days straigh now with it varying between like very tiny little tremors in my fingers to i cant put the key in the keyhole on scratch my face because i keep missing the spot so. ouough? hasn't really affected my ability to draw i think but im concerned
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malikselfindulgence · 8 months
Do you guys mind if I use he/she/they pronouns for Red Son in x reader fics?
If you're transphobic/homophobic this poll is not for you, and neither is my page . Fuck off !!
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leoxxii · 13 days
ok im editing my desktop themes again but im too tired to finish them up 2night. this post is a reminder to myself to FINISH DOING THAT!!!
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autism-corner · 19 days
dad wont let me be excited about my new wounds which he attributes to the horrors >:(
#man wont let me be happy.#at least. i think he attributes it to the horrors. yeah im pretty sure#BUT ITS NOT.#genuinely all the wounds i have these days are accidental.#sure. im more prone to wounds but thats just because i have a restless and wreckless soul.#and i am admittedly also. not normal about wounds.#but that is LITERALLY not any different than from before the horrors started. so >:P#sillyposting#anyway *twirls hair* lemme talk about my wound >:3#okay so first one today was while prepping condiments. weve gotta put them in tiny tubs for the guests#and somehow. the pumping hold-onto-thingy. caught the hand-part of the thumb.#which was really annoying bc this was at the START of my shift and bandaids refused to stick (bc high movement)#anyway that one is pretty cool but not. serious.#neither is the next one but =w=b#ANYWAY the next one....#idk i was putting away a glass to be cleaned and. it exploded a little. whoops. no clue how.#but it nagged a part of my finger pretty hard.#so. ofc. blood. whatever. gotta go wash it off!!#i go. wash it off. and then i let the water stream from the same direction i was cut from. and i YELLED.#the water revealed part of the wound that was still concealed from me. namely. the part under the skinflap the glass had created.#so i got direct water into a relatively deep and fresh wound. yayy#we have someone thats in college for like. nursery or summ so she helped me put a bandaid on =w=b how nice.#so!! back to work i go!! absolutely not minding my finger and just going about. but then..... i look down again.#and blood is pearling trough the bandaid. trought the multiple layered bandaid.#back to nurse girl we go. o7#new bandaid and some gauge this time. ok =w=b#anyway yeah not much else but this is pretty awesome rn if i do say so myslef.#i hope it scars but :/ since its in high movement....#idk#=w=b
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kellystar321 · 11 months
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