#im so mad im not sorry
mbat · 7 months
internet discourse truly has fried my brain but in the opposite way than i think people wanted it to. because the internet was so black and white about things being "good" or "bad", im literally scared to acknowledge that things i like have issues and arent perfect because the internet had to act like things being imperfect made them fucking garbage. i literally have to tell myself 'im allowed to like things even if they kinda suck' and 'just because this thing isnt perfect doesnt mean its garbage'
seriously fuck all of yall that couldnt ever just be normal about media you literally fucked up everything for everyone and most of the time yall were talking about KIDS SHOWS.
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daftmooncretin · 5 months
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spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.
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for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing
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bookshelfpassageway · 22 days
yknow i dont go here but sometimes i gotta go: seriously respect clowns. they have the worst pop culture representation in the world and also the best most thorough honor code. they're just here to be silly little guys who bring joy and are very conscientious about doing so responsibly. let them to their merriment in peace you dont hafta take potshots. i dont go here but like maybe i should, you all seem super chill
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rendevok · 11 months
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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inkskinned · 10 months
he says i hate everyone except you and that is addictive and that is kind of romantic and beautiful because you're young and you're kind of a sarcastic asshole too and you don't like bad boys, per say, but you don't really like good ones either. and you like that you were the exception, it felt like winning.
except life is not a romance book, and he was kind of being honest. he doesn't learn to be nice to your friends. he only tolerates your family. you have to beg him to come with you to birthday parties, he complains the whole time. you want to go on a date but - people are often there, wherever you're going. he's just so angry. about everything, is the thing. in the romance book, doesn't he eventually soften? can't you teach him, through your own sense of whimsy and comfort?
at first - you know introverts often need smaller friend groups, and honestly, you're fine staying at home too. you like the small, tidy life you occupy. you're not going to punish him for his personality type.
except: he really does hate everyone but you. which means he doesn't get along with his therapist. which means he has no one to talk to except for you. which means you take care of him constantly, since he otherwise has no one. which means you sometimes have to apologize for him. which means he keeps you home from seeing your friends because he hates them. you're the single exception.
about a decade from this experience, you'll type into google: how to know if a relationship is codependent.
he wraps an arm around you. i hate everyone except you. these days, you're learning what he's actually confessing is i have very little practice being kind.
#i used to think it was romantic too and then i was like. now i see it as a HUGE red flag#writeblr#it is also almost EXCLUSIVELY said by immature ppl who think this is normal#fyi even if u think it's funny and ur like 'im an introvert it's just TRUE' like. you need therapy (ily tho)#healed introversion is just ''i would prefer to be by myself'' not ''i hate every person'' ... hate is not normal. that is not healthy#im sorry. i know it feels accurate. but if you're walking around with that kind of rage....#1. you're making a LOT of assumptions about every single person u have ever met. which is often unfair and unkind#and also usually involves judging people based on their worst moments or little mistakes#2. you are being unfair to the person who is ur ''exception''#3. there is a VAST difference between ''ur my favorite person'' and ''the ONLY person i like.''#idk i think this is just a personal bias thing tbh#im sure there are people who have this experience normally#but i have YET to find a man who thinks like this and ISNT absolute DOGSHIT. although tbh.... like. im sure he exists#when u hit like 30 some of the things that were once kind of hot now just sound fucking exhausting. like ''im in a band''#edit in the tags: i used to kind of be like this too. but the thing is that like. my life became so much more peaceful#once i started believing that people are generally good. like yes i am mad at the world at large#but it's just.... a very hard way to live. you're not a bad person or wrong for the ways other people hurt you and taught you to be angry.#but that anger will continue to hurt YOU. it will punish YOU. it will prevent YOU from making new deep connections. it will protect you yes#but it will also cause MASSIVE blowback. bc if you lose the One Person... your life will fall apart. i know this personally.#i really recommend just trying to be... cautiously optimistic instead. like. yes#people can be horrible and cruel and there are some communities (incels for example) that aren't worth that optimism#but i think like... most people will hold a door for you . most people want to help you find your wallet .#i hope one day you are able to find peace. i hope that rage eventually smooths over. i know how hard it is PERSONALLY#and i know what must have happened to you. and im deeply deeply sorry we share the same wound.#but i promise - sometimes we all need someone else to help us carry the weight. eventually the rage has to die so that we can let help in#i had to spend years biting at outstretched hands. i still often do. im still very wary . and my heart breaks that you flinch too.#here's the thing: i don't blame you. but we were both acting out of fear and pain. .... not out of healthy behavior. and ... change#was needed. i needed change too. rage was useful for a while. then it just left me isolated and bitter. i had to (with effort)#choose to let that rage go. and let people in . VERY SLOWLY THO LOL
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yourlocalabomination · 2 months
Tick Tock, Teddy-Bear.
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heartorbit · 3 months
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revstar emu save me
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timothylawrence · 4 months
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sorry. having a romanced tiefling tav hold wyll's scarred face with their own sharp nails during their kiss when it's been confirmed his scars were designed to look like he'd been clawed (by Mizora)... and he doesnt flinch away or move just stares with such love and devotion...!! yes!!!
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lucabyte · 3 months
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you dream of devouring your friends whole
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fleshdyke · 5 months
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hazelnutnebula · 11 months
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looking for something, little rat~?? ❤️✨
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sereniv · 10 days
Can someone who is NOT a zionist tell me why Jewish people have so much conspiracy and hate? when did it start and why? how and why did it spread?
Preferably someone who is jewish or really knows what theyre talking about answer
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intotheelliwoods · 5 months
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Poptart to Poptart to Poptart to Poptart communication.
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messiahzzz · 6 months
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gaylenin · 8 months
"i have no spoons for sympathy for the palestinian cause" is so like... shockingly evil and bleak im truly not over it. it like perfectly encapsulates how zionists - specifically young 'progressive' zionists dress up how they talk about palestine in this extremely neutered way.
israeli settlers are just every day civillians completely divided away from the relation of colonialism they actively perpetuate, and palestinian resistance of any kind is practically coming out of nowhere and is Different and uniquely Violent. it doesnt matter that this is barely a fraction of what israel has perpetuated against palestine daily since its inception as a state
and to dress it all up in this language that transforms it from a coloniser refusing to show any sympathy for the people they benefit from colonising into just some poor victim minority is diabolical. the zionist victim complex is insane
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