#im taking ... ok care of myself
humans-are-tasty · 6 months
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yakult-kettle · 10 days
I am once again desperate for a survival game type HUD irl so i can remember I haven't eaten in 6 hrs and that's why i feel like falling over
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capricores · 10 months
gemini, virgo, pisces, cancer, capricorn and scorpio placements when someone asks them to take on another responsibility when they're already overwhelmed and completely burnt out
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littleseasalt · 6 months
"forever is a bad dad to richa-" SHUT UP!!!!!
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#qsmp#qsmp forever#qsmp richarlyson#id also add in the book he wrote for the egg museum where he talked again about forever being the one who took care of him the most#but i dont have the patience to find it in vods to screenshot it#also sorry but. some people on twitter have been stressing me out A LOT over their opinions on their relationship#ive literally been stressing about it since i woke up i needed to release this stress somehow#< also im thinking of doing a long post talk about what their relationship is and isnt#bc whenever theres angst/fight between them people take it as an opportunity to mischaracterize BOTH forever and richas#in a way that makes it clear that the person 1. doesnt keep up with forevers pov#and 2. only knows richas through one pov#like. ok#disagree with forever however you want youre free to do that#i myself think he was in the wrong in multiple situations (like the tallulah fight day)#BUT SURPRISE!! SAYING HES A BAD DAD IS LITERALLY SO WRONG!!#PEOPLE CAN MESS UP!! PEOPLE CAN MAKE MISTAKE!! NO ONE IS A PERFECT PARENT!!#NO ONE ALREADY KNOWS HOW TO BE THE PERFECT DAD AND THERES NO SUCH THING AS BEING A PERFECT DAD!!#PARENTHOOD IS SOMETHING YOU LEARN ALONG THE WAY!!!#AND LEARNING HOW TO BE A DAD IS A CORE TRAIT OF FOREVERS CHARACTER SINCE DAY ONE!!!!!!!#saying hes a bad dad literally goes against canon statements from richas#saying richas is uncomfortable with forever goes against canon#“oh but i mean in the emotional way” ok so you never watched a forever stream before#because when they fight. richas ALWAYS opens up to forever later on how he felt#the fights HAPPEN because richas is comfortable making drama in front of forever#if richas' didnt feel comfortable he would literally just “suck up” his jealously and not show it often but he does shows it often#if richas was uncomfortable after fights he would just apologize and never talk about his feelings#but after the tallulah fight? he told forever about how romero richas affects his body and how he feels#after the armor fight? he told forever about how he felt towards his own life#to which btw BOTH of these times where he opened up#he had never talked about that with anyone before
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ozlices · 3 months
speaking very bluntly and candidly from experience, if the note is genuine and he made an attempt after posting it, then i hope it was unsuccessful and he is getting help and is able to recover.
however, i don't think that a. hbomberguy should be blamed for driving him to do anything when he was calling him out for very shitty things he'd happily gotten away with for years. and hbomberguy didn't even highlight ALL of his offenses, either. & also b. i feel like mentioning nick outright in the note shouldn't be like... dismissed. as a person who's had that kinda weight/pressure put on me both from REAL tragedies that occurred afterward & ppl faking shit, that kinda shit is incredibly heavy & outright traumatic to deal with. nick is obviously not innocent, but he doesn't deserve that kinda pressure/weight on his shoulders.
this entire thing, regardless, is a huge mess that never had to or should've gotten this far. and either way it's ultimately just sad nobody can even garner if this is a true attempt or not bc he has such a manipulative history. there's many lessons to take away here, i guess.
i ultimately hope he's okay and just stays off the goddamn internet, for his own sake and the sake of his victims.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
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and if i say hehe
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hyumjim · 4 months
i do not feel like this should have to be said but when you find out that someone has a job (or even just a volunteer position) where they work with a marginalized population i.e. special ed teacher or criminal defense attorney or shelter caseworker or one of the million other jobs like this, it is not a good idea to say "youre an angel" "youre doing gods work." in fact by saying this youre implying 1. that you think the persons job is a dead end shit job such that doing that job is itself an act of noble saintly self sacrifice 2. that you could never do such a job yourself because of the repulsion you feel towards the marginalized, which all normal human non-angels feel
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basiltonpitch · 5 months
yes i'm sad and cold and unbelievably touch starved. but both of my cats are napping on their heated blanket, inches away from each other. one of them is purring so loudly i can hear it over the sound of the show i'm watching. the other is gently snoring, kicking her little feet every few minutes in her sleep. how can i feel lonely when these beautiful little animals trust me enough to sleep peacefully in my presence? how can i let the sadness overcome me when i have been blessed with the privilege to love, to protect, to cherish these creatures???
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brown-little-robin · 2 months
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I... I'm crying. People are so nice. So fucking nice and kind and lovely. Someone sent me money just now with the message "Get yourself a pizza." I'm literally in tears rn. Thank you, whoever you are. I love you, I love you, I love you. I've barely been out of bed, let alone eating right.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
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needylittlegirl · 4 months
if you know my main (or if i just follow you from it even if i never explicitly said its me) theres like a 76% chance im atleast a tiny bit in love with you
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strwbrymlkshake · 7 months
It's difficult dealing with so many people who think we aren't meant to be with eachother. I don't get why someone else's relationship can mean so much to bystanders. Can't you find something else to do?
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hueberryshortcake · 10 months
I don't think scrooge and goldie could do howl's moving castle and that's because sophie's entire arc is about learning to be confident in her own self worth and understanding that she has an inherent right to exist in this world. and neither scrooge nor goldie has ever been insecure about anything in their entire lives ever because they are both personified steamrollers who make everything about them already
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fallow-grove · 1 year
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get u a bestfriend who is exactly like you in all the opposite ways
(carrd) / (twitch) / (patreon) / (ko-fi) / (youtube) / ("official" blog)
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ironmanstan · 9 months
I am coming to the realization i have been slowly killing myself with work i think oops
#m thinking now and im like#i havent read ... anything consistently .. or watched anything .. or had time to like do anything#in genuinely so long#and i was like kinda becoming ok w it#my brain issues .. nothing matters i dont need anything all i need is me i dont need to have anyone or anything with me <- bad. stop it#part of this was the i need my dad to be proud of me braincell but well i win award i have 4.0 gpa and he still yell at me#deciding now to stop caring so much (i still do but ill ignore it) i need 2 be alive again i dont care#im so mad i dont even know .. im so viscerally angry like actually i dont even know what to do with that lmfao#my brother does shit all and u give him sm slack have NEVER treated him as bad as youve treated me#and nothing i do NOTHING is good enough or changes how u look at me#like idk he called me and i cried so much i got so fucking upset i fhkdhdkf ok. ok.#he will b like omg im so proud of u i love u so much ive always believed in u and i just think back to when#he yelled at me once like fiiive years ago and i was like u just make me feel so worthless all the time#and he was like yeah bc you are worthless#and im like hmmm idk bestie i dont think youve ever changed from looking at me like that and it is insanely obvious lmao#i dont even know bro im crazy. m insane got given an inch and tried to take a mile like omg i can actually be recognized as worth something#nevermind ill stop killing myself for that pipe dream now lol#m not even upset im just mad lmao i dont wanna hate my dad and i dont but every day i feel more and more like i should#vent
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