#imperial armour
titanomancy · 6 months
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Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Badab Sector.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Firstborn Space Marine Brother Kalius of the Raptors Chapter, 3rd Company, 2nd Tactical Squad, deployed during the Taros Campaign, wearing a modified suit of Mark VII Aquila Power Armour.
Source: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kalius.
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kris-belleau · 1 year
New Imperial Armour datasheets Warhammer 40,000 10th edition New40K Thou...
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echojedis · 1 year
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Based on this reply
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butchhansolo · 1 year
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crosshair sketch page from january i forgot i made OTL
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The Fists of the First Templar
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badzaba · 8 months
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cruoren · 5 months
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as the poets say... who is doing it like him
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romegreeceart · 2 years
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Roman emperor / general
* Roman Britain
* British Museum
London, July 2022
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tamedstray · 2 months
Wear this Cain! (a Vigor costume in the style of a Cheap boxstore Halloween re-creation of his signature look)
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⸺ 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒆 Send “Wear this!” and an outfit and my muse will have to wear that outfit for yours
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Cain unfurls the tightly packed costume. His face twists in disgust as he inspects the task before him. ❝Have the gods finally abandoned me? Is this what they send in lieu of a messenger? Auugh— the smell!❞
      It is, if nothing else, mercifully easy to put on, the design so devoid of detail that Vigor's igote is printed onto his shirt, and the breeches have been replaced with spandex with the seams printed on. The coat is the most substantial piece, helping mask the horrors that lay underneath. While the colour is off, looking more ruby than warm, oxblood red, and there definitely aren't pockets, it could at least be worn without shame. No shoes were provided, so he borrows a pair of short brown boots to try to make it work.
      ❝I know I say this all the time, but I must be released from these clothes!❞
      The package contains a wig and fake moustache, unnaturally shiny gold, knotted and already starting to shed. Cain sighs and simply disguises himself with blond hair in a similar brassy tone. The makers of this abomination clearly couldn't decide whether Vigor should have long hair or short hair, so they compromised and gave him a mullet.
      He finally emerges from this tent. For once, Cain is devoid of his usual charm and flare, dead-eyed and devoid of joy as he approaches Vigor. There is a long pause as Vigor stares at his ill-fated brother, wide-eyed and speechless, before succumbing to a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He drops to the ground as he wildly clutches his chest and stomach before finding the breath to speak. ❝A poor artist blames his tools. I just don't think you can pull it off...❞ Vigor says as he wipes away his tears. ❝Now, let's show the others.❞
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titanomancy · 10 months
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Culln Kolyan lives in death.
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mustbealoosewire · 9 months
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by Snip105
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echojedis · 1 year
I've got one for your expression challenge practice.
I would like to see me and Crosshair together giving each other expressions 1A (me) and 3C (him). It happens more often than you'd think, usually with my hands on my hips and his arms folded.
And if you're really feeling it this afternoon, a touch of arson (the color scheme, not the act) might be a fun addition.
(Whether you get around to it or not, thank you for the expressions you've already worked on. It's easy to see how much love you have for your subject matter and I may have a few of your drawings tucked away among the Archium's treasures.)
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Adding “Phee and Crosshair become besties” to my season 3 wishlist
(Thank you!! I hope people get the same joy out of these as I do drawing them 🫶)
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robotsprinkles · 1 year
for all the issues I have with AoE and TLK (because they're crap) I do like the idea that the dinobots are legendary warriors from Cybertron's past.
Okay fine I'm being a bit dishonest here. one of my older headcanons for grimlock (not specific to any universe or canon) was that he had an iron code of honour and he and the other dinobots had a similar relationship to liu bei, guan yu, and zhang fei do in sanguoyanyi. namely the oath of loyalty and brotherhood and calling each other brother in that way. I think I had an idea of them flat out doing a ritual where they all cut their hands/arms with their blades and mixed their energon/oil in a bowl and everyone drank some to seal the oath.
also they were all blacksmiths (if I want to be. me. about it. armourers and bladesmiths) because hehe forging cool.
the fact that aoe made them canonically legendary warriors is just convenient to me as a "hey I'm not just making my faves do/be all the things I think are cool [points to x piece of canon]" for the fanfic
(I am just making them do/be all the things I think are cool though. sorry. I am, however, going to probably kick the crap out of them a bunch)
I do think I might make my redesigns of them lean a bit into the knight/medieval/feudal aesthetic though (which is actually inspired by AoE)
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stale-wars · 1 year
Just wanna personally thank the Clone Wars designers for making the clones so damn skinny so I can cosplay Captain Tough Manly Man Rex without being self conscious for being built like a pencil
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