#important documents
charlescherie · 2 years
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hidden talents
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amobilenotary · 12 days
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skillofsurvival · 1 year
How to Ensure the Safety and Security of Your Home During a Disaster
Disasters can strike at any time, so it’s important to be prepared to ensure the safety and security of your home during a disaster. Whether it’s a natural disaster such as a hurricane or tornado, or a man-made emergency such as a power outage or gas leak, being prepared can make all the difference in keeping your loved ones safe. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help…
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ivytea · 1 year
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letter-keeper's oath
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isalro · 1 year
Which Documents Need Notarization?
Different papers require in-state or out-of-state notarization. They are important legalized documents that have the potential to be legally binding and have a substantial impact on someone’s life. As a result, in order to avoid fraud, parties to such agreements must authenticate one another’s identities.
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propertyexperttips · 2 years
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Property investments need a lot of capital, and any mistakes made along the way could cost the buyer a lot of money. Due caution must be used by the buyer when reviewing the property documentation as a result of this.
Permissions for conversion and land use
Since numerous state laws prohibit non-agriculturists from purchasing agricultural property, conversion of property for non-agricultural use gains essential relevance as a result of growing urbanization and the consolidation of revenue lands with urban conglomerates. Second, the buyer needs to make sure the land is developed in line with the zoning plan, which may include residential, commercial, industrial, public/semi-public, parks and open spaces, etc. by looking through the Master Plan. It is necessary to acquire directives from the Town Planning Authority authorizing changes to land use where actual use differs from the notified zoning.
Sale Agreement
The terms and conditions, the date of possession, the payment schedule, and the plot's details are all listed in the selling agreement. The developer is also held accountable by the agreement for completing the project. This document must be shown in its original form to purchase real estate and obtain a mortgage.
Power of Attorney General
This document is necessary to demonstrate that the sale or acquisition of a certain property is being handled by an authorized representative acting on behalf of the owner. To be eligible for a house loan, this must be supplied in original form.
Deed of Sale
The most crucial paperwork needed to buy land is this one. The sale deed, which establishes who owns the property's title, must be shown in its original form. The Sub-Office Registrar of the region where the property is located is where you need to register the sale deed.
No-Objection Certificate (NOC)
A developer must obtain up to 19 NOCs from various authorities to construct a housing complex. The quantity may change based on certain state regulations. For your records, request copies of these NOCs from your developer.
Khata Certificate/Extract
An important document for the registration of new land is the Khata certificate or extract. It is also necessary if you intend to later transfer ownership of the plot. This document serves as evidence that the plot is listed in the local government records. Before approving you for a home loan, banks require this document.
Ownership Letter
This agreement, which the developer gives to the buyer, specifies the day on which the latter will give the former possession of the property. To obtain a mortgage, the original copy of this document must be presented.
Encumbrance Certificate –
An encumbrance certificate is necessary to demonstrate that the site is free of any unpaid taxes or mortgages. This is one of the important documents that banks require before approving your loan. Additionally, every detail about the property's prior transactions is included in this certificate.
Money Receipts –
If you are purchasing a fresh plot project, request the developer's original payment receipts. Ask the seller to provide a copy of the receipts to the bank if you are purchasing a resale property.
Real estate tax receipts –
Taxes are due from landowners. Make sure there are no outstanding debts and that the previous owner or occupant had paid the property taxes. Property tax invoices are also useful in demonstrating the property's legal status.
Written By
Property Expert Channel
Anurodh Jalan
Jalan Property Consultant 
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thestarsofpines · 4 months
a little wip of a combination of prompts and AUs I've seen that I just had to give my own take on.
Damian was bored. He’d followed Father around for most of the night, listening absentmindedly to the trivial blabbering of rich socialites that tried to suck up to the prince of Gotham. He could only handle it for so long, patience quickly running out as a few shoved their own children his way, perhaps hoping the young heir would make a friend and create easier access to the Wayne wealth. Pitiful. 
The young teen stood off to the side of a polished dance floor that had couples mingling and swaying to the soft classical music playing. He’d picked up a drink and was sipping at it slowly, just to have something to do with his hands. He itched for something to do that wasn’t making small, meaningless talk.
He hears footsteps approaching, perhaps a bit heavier than intended, as if it was a warning for someone that they were approaching.
“Little Badger, we talked about this in great detail earlier, you are not to leave my sight-“
Just as a man moves to place a hand on Damian’s shoulder, the teen turns around and glares at the man. He takes in the details of the man quickly; older, likely mid forties if not older, gray hair pulled back into a low ponytail, vibrant blue eyes that at first are narrowed at him in perhaps annoyance before they turn wide with shock. The man recovers quickly, expression turning apologetic as he steps back.
“Oh-my most sincere apologies, I thought you were someone else!” He breathes out, and his expression shifts again to one of slight surprise as he takes in more of Damian’s features from the front. “My, you two do look quite alike.” He says easily, hand coming back to rest beside him before he places both his hands behind his back. “I do apologize again, young sir…?��
Bruce spots this interaction, politely ends the conversation he was in, and makes his way over to investigate. 
“Damian Wayne, my son.” Bruce slides up to the pair, standing easily at Damian’s right. “Vlad Masters, yes?”
Said man’s eyes widen ever so slightly at the easy recognition and at the fact that he could’ve accidentally torn into such an influential young man as he’d been planning to do to whoever he was looking for, but he recovers quickly again.
“Yes, I was just apologizing to your boy here, Mr. Wayne. It seems he has quite a lot of physical similarities to my godson.”
Damian remains silent, but nods in the direction of the billionaire. Something isn’t sitting right with him about Masters, but he can’t put it into words. He’ll allow Father to handle the situation, for the moment. 
“Oh? Why, that is quite interesting.” Bruce smiles, open and disarming. He places a hand on Damian’s shoulder, and gives a subtle squeeze. “What’s the young man’s name?”
“Daniel,” And the grip tightens ever so slightly. “He is the son of some old family friends who unfortunately cannot take care of him anymore, so I’ve become his legal guardian in their stead.”
“How kind, opening your house to a youth in need.” Bruce continues, pushing for more information. “From experience I know how hard that can be. Raising a teenager is no cakewalk that’s for sure.”
“Oh yes, I do recall hearing of your experiences with adoption; you’re up to four adoptions now, yes?” There’s a hint of something in Vlad’s eyes, likely aware of the information seeking nature of this conversation but unconcerned by it. Intriguing. “I can hardly claim to have such kindness, one fifteen year old is enough for me.”
Damian has to physically restrain his face from reacting. Perhaps this is another cloning situation. Perhaps this Vlad Masters should be higher on the priority list of people to investigate closely. 
“Oh, well I do believe I have taken up enough of your time, Mr. Wayne. I really must get looking for Daniel, as we do intend to leave soon.” Vlad holds out a hand to the two, smiling confidently. “It was a pleasure to meet you both.” 
Bruce takes it and shakes it politely; Damian’s following is more forced in its gentleness. Vlad Masters unsettles him and it is driving him mad that he cannot pinpoint why. 
“Enjoy the rest of the gala, Vlad Masters. Perhaps our paths will cross again soon.”
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marisatomay · 3 days
I’d love to hear the slutty Tom Cruise stories you’ve heard 👀
Tom Cruise was pulled into Scientology because in 1988 his first wife Mimi Rogers freaked out that her 25 year old formerly repressed Catholic global movie star husband whom she convinced to marry her could not keep it in his pants to save his life and was having sex with any willing woman or man he could find (and considering he was Him and looked like That it was basically everyone on earth) and he did not want to stop partying and doing coke with his fellow movie star friends so she made him go to Scientology marriage counseling and they brainwashed him enough to get him to stop doing coke but apparently despite their best efforts to keep him in the closet they’ve never been able to fix his sexual appetites and drive
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weebsinstash · 14 days
You know, that reblog was to the wrong blog and it took me a while to notice but uhhh
I know in my heart of hearts that a yandere Laios would be a 200% certified goddamn FREAK
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There would be no winning with this man. Beat him up? That's hot! Wow you're so strong, tell him all about the techniques you used and where you learned them! Ignore him? He couldn't recognize a cold shoulder if he was in the arctic. Be nice to him? why do you think that would make this golden retriever any less attached to you
This man. This fucking guy. Saying the most out of pocket inappropriate weird fucking shit. Senshi could be over here, "we ran out of that minotaur blood we were making sauce and marinades with" and Laios with his full chest would say, "Oh, oh, Y/N is on their period, can we use that?!" and Marcille has to give him a good whack with her cane and let him know Hey Dude That's Legit Gross
I will humble myself and say I haven't. Hm. Actually started watching the show but I feel like you'd be sitting there with your fucking, dryad porridge or whatever, and the rest of the crew is having Weird Ass Discussions about you In Front Of You and they're being like, scientific about it yeah but, it's still fucking weird
"Yeah, so, Y/N's stomach is cramping because unlike other mammals, humans actually shed their entire uterine lining when they have a menstrual cycle--"
"Oh wow and you mean they're gonna start ovulating afterwards?"
"You know, some cultures believe that consuming the placenta after giving birth has actual health benefits--"
*dragon ball z narrator voice* the gang has eaten cockatrice, minotaur, living armor, but are they ready to dig deep and find the strength within themselves to eat the most challenging but succulent meat of all: ASS? Find out next time on Delicious in Dungeon--
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pussy-ache · 2 years
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edit, added commentary from the notes:
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amobilenotary · 3 months
🗿Friendly reminder: Notarizing forms for family members! Make sure to follow the rules and keep everything legit! #NotaryPublic #KeepItOfficial #AMobileNotary #easteredition🐇 #FAMILY #notarypublicstory 📝✅
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misty-missdee · 2 months
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rabiosass · 3 days
I knowww he was sweating (my own screen recording bc Tumblr is annoying about playing videos from other apps)
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
What kinda style do you think Nightmare would paint in? Like do you think he'd have something more classical? Maybe realism? old timey stuff? Or impressionism maybe, I feel like he'd enjoy painting outside
I wanna hear your thoughts on this!
Hm yes yes, I definitely have thoughts about this (<- failed their art exam and very quickly googled painting styles lol)
If I'm understanding what I've read right, I think he'd be into realism or impressionism, I can see him spending ages on lots of little details in a picture. I could definitely see him painting outside though! It's easier to just set up in a secluded area than get anyone to look normal while the king of negativity stares at them for a few hours lol
It kind of goes hand in hand with the idea that he documents aus as a hobby as well I guess, like maybe he tries to paint little scenes of certain aus that stick out to him or just to keep as reference in case anything happens to them. Maybe Horror has a little painting in his room of his snowdin to help when he gets homesick?
He definitely doesn't have several paintings hidden in a closet somewhere of his own au before the incident, with a big tall apple-filled tree and a little yellow flag around the trunk and two yellow and purple dots nearby that are probably just a mistake didn't mean to add those don't read into that
Also not that I read your tags on that post but imagine him trying to do a family portrait. First problem is none of them will sit still. Okay that's a lie Cross probably would stand completely still for hours he has royal guard training, but the others are definitely not. I give it 10 minutes at most before Killer's annoying Dust into trying to kill him, Horror probably forgets what they're doing after an hour and starts walking off and has to be called back. At the end of it all he miraculously has a painting but immediately gets hit with "hey wait this is just us!! why aren't you in it? D:" as if he was supposed to go stand behind them and paint himself somehow??
About a week after he hangs it up, he finds somebody has drawn a little cartoonish version of him and taped it onto the painting like he was in it too and he pretends it doesn't make him as happy as it does.
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ehghtyseven · 5 months
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drawn in like a magnet... also h e i g h t d i f f e r e n c e
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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