#in her other bad ending she kills herself because she doesn't have anywhere to go
There are two wolves inside of me. One wants to make Raphael the worst person alive to Agnezes and torture her, and the other wants to make him be kind to Agnezes while still being a little shit. They are both kissing and fighting eachother.
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As much as I like matpat I am dreading when he plays ruin because this is just going to fuel his 'gregory is evil' stich which I HATE.
Like, maybe stop demonizing this 9 year old. I get it, he has committed many crimes, as he should, and destroyed the glamrocks, but they can be FIXED. THEY ARE ROBOTS. THEY CAN BE PUT TOGETHER AGAIN AND ARE EVEN STILL FUNCTIONAL EVEN AFTER BEING SHATTERED.
You know who can't be fixed if he loses an arm or an eye? GREGORY (because he isn't a robot because FUCK THAT) like???
He is a homeless kid, of course he's going to be a brutal little shit and prioritizes survival against morals, he is on the fucking streets, and the animatronics have been trying to kill him for an entire night, making him run all across the PizzaPlex. You know how fucking big that place is!?
Also, him betraying Cassie makes zero sense for multiple reasons,
1: He went through fucking hell for Freddy and he only knew him for 6 hours, like. He was willing to steal a car and live with him on the road in one ending, tries to save him in the Afton ending, carries his head around, and is shown to cry when he's disassembled, something he is only seen to do in the Bad Ending or when Freddy is ok.
Even when Freddy is possessed by Peepaw William, instead of trying to dismantle him, he tries to save him instead, when if it was any other animatronic he wouldn't have hesitated to destroy them.
Because of what the cutouts in Roxy Raceway tell us, Gregory and Cassie have a close friendship, him being the only one to show up to her birthday and giving her a napkin to clean up her tears. When you see his missing posters, you can see Cassie is crying, and due to him being homeless, she probably made those posters herself.
(which i am sorely disappointed if no one has made an angsty thing yet c'mon guys)
(I HC them as siblings, but I guess steel wool said fuck you entropy)
So why, if he was willing to do all of that for Freddy, where it was a plot point for all of the endings, would he betray Cassie and try to kill her? It doesn't make sense to me, adding onto my other point:
2: At the end, as everyone predicted, the mimic was pretending to be Gregory this entire time. I don't know why exactly it was luring cassie, probably to kill her or something, but the mimic is a whole other rant because it brings the books explicitly and that means GGY could be canon which. Ugh.
Anyways, it's revealed again to everyone's predictions, that Gregory isn't in the PizzaPlex, which I think is a missed opportunity but that's just me. Cassie escapes the Mimic and 'gregory' says that she awakened it (Afton) and then the elevator falls.
I see people saying that Gregory killed her, but my question is how?
If he isn't anywhere in the PizzaPlex, and can only see the layout, how was he able to cut the elevator wires if not physically present? Did he teleport? Did he magically get into the mainframe and somehow break it down? No.
In conclusion, if there's an installment following this it better not have a villain Gregory or I swear to God steel wool I am able to forgive you for hello neighbor I will NOT forgive you for that
EDIT: just some more things I want to add because MatPat is playing ruin and I am fueled with dread and excitement.
I see people bringing up the books and the whole patient 46 or 42 or 420 or whichever the fuck, which is still do not get, but I don't understand most things in this franchise anyways so.
Even if the mimic and GGY are canon, I still firmly believe that gregory's actions (if he did do them) were manipulated by William/Glitchtrap, with him being mind-controlled like Vanessa. If your going to demonize him for that, then you would have to do the same thing for Vanessa, who has canonically killed enough children to fill out a newspaper as seen in the Bad Ending when it's revealed Gregory is homeless.
(I don't know how or when old willy put his hands on my boy's mind, but It is not because he is a robot because he isn't. the only reason Freddy say's he's broken is because of censorship.
(PS, please stop censoring horror franchises unless it's actually depicts idk SA, talking to you Megan Is Missing. The original line was that gregory cut himself while in the vents. you didn't need to censor that idqbnofq)
Also, for people saying that Gregory is sadistic for destroying and harvesting the animatronics....
I see your point, and I raise that he is a homeless child who probably just got out of mind-control and is now being chased around a massive mall bigger than a 10 Walmart's and Targets put together, trying to escape 3 (4 and 5 if you count sun & moon and a hell of a lot more counting the security bots and damn endos) eight to seven foot hunks of heavy metal and sharp teeth capable of and known for destroying security bots because of Pizza and Jealousy Issues (Roxy and Chica) another that's infamous for destroying fences, his own room and is rumored/thought to have destroyed another robot, and a security guard who, (in yet again deleted voice lines that should have been in the game god damnit steel wool) he saw change into a skipping bunny with a kitchen knife all trying to kill him with only one protector for 6-7 hours straight with barely a moment to breathe.
What do you expect? him to be all "I'm so sorry *cries* let's all be friends!!" NO. in a better world and in a better made game maybe we could have that, but in this world no. Maybe he's a little remorseful, but in the way you kill a bug kind of remorseful.
Also, again, homeless children who probably had to raise themselves aren't going to be the most morally aware children, of course he's going to worry about his and the one person/robot who took care of him in a while above the ones who are attempting to murder him.
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heikeee · 4 months
no but i need to scream into the void or i'll go mad. listen. kikyo wasn't a bitch. i don't think the way she was written did her any justice; it just makes her easy to hate. and don't get me wrong, this isn't about her relationship with inuyasha or kagome at all, i just want to talk about her as a character because she is one of the most complex of them and she needs to be looked at with more empathy.
i've said it before and i'll say it again: her whole thing is that she is tragedy personified. think about it. everything, and i mean every single thing that could have gone wrong in her life, HAS gone wrong. she had a difficult upbringing, having to raise her little sister and having to shoulder the burden of being the sole purifier of the shikon jewel (which constantly put her and her village under threat). she was never dealt an easy hand to begin with. then, she finds solace in love, tries her best to think of a way of unraveling herself from her duties to live a free life, while still caring for others selflessly: she took in onigumo, and he betrayed her. by pretending to be inuyasha, he had her think that her lover had betrayed her as well, and succumbed to wounds inflicted by him (or so she thought), while sealing him to the goshinboku.
the last wish she spoke of was to take the shikon jewel to the beyond with herself. later, kagome finds a way to actually destroy the jewel, which was what kikyo had intended to do but couldn't. in her heart, her last wish was to see inuyasha again. the jewel corrupts this wish and grants it in the most fucked up way possible.
her remains are robbed from her grave and she is brought back to life with NO agency on the matter, by someone who wanted only to exploit her powers. now, untethered from from her past duties, she is finally free to experience emotion. and that includes bad emotions. so anger, resentment, jealousy, contempt, loneliness, selfishness (and that's part of being human). every unfulfilled wish, the unfairness of it all. she spends the rest of the series navigating this undead existence, the duality of not belonging anywhere, constantly torn between doing what is right and what needs to be done to reach her goal, having no choice but to consume souls of recently departed girls to have the energy to fight her only fight (destroying naraku), all the while helping villagers and kids, and even the inugang, despite not wanting to align with their agenda at first. she contemplates sacrificing kohaku, yes, but ultimately her redemption is that she chose to save him instead of purifying the jewel in the end. she showed that she trusted the inugang to finish what she couldn't, and chose to spare another life, if possible (she says so herself in ch441)
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it is very difficult to relate to someone that doesn't give access to her vulnerable side very often. her and sango are the two characters who had it the hardest and were forced to make the most difficult decisions out of everyone. but we love sango, even when she chose to sacrifice rin, even when she contemplated killing kohaku then herself, because we know where sango's heart lies and how torn she is about all of it. kikyo, on the other hand, is stoic and hardened by her life (and also post-life), but ultimately her biggest trait was kindness. we don't get to see her cry and be like woe is me about it, something that could've made us more empathetic towards her like we are with sango.
my point is kikyo deserves to be looked at through kinder eyes. she is a complex character, and she requires a bit more analysis and compassion to actually see who she really is. my tragic girl
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Actually, i think it's closer to a year or more for how long Bai He was possessed. Which is honestly terrifying because why the hell did nobody notice or set up any missing child posters!?
Also, LBD probably didn't know Wukong was, well, a Spiritual Stone Monkey. So she ended up with the most interesting bit of fortune by picking a child to possess, not only because Bai He was the easy target, but because she had inadvertently managed to give herself and inate advantage against Sun Wukong by using the body of a child. As she had said Wukong,
"You're plan is to... fist fight a child!?"
No... not that's not what Wukong's plan was. But it was the only plan he had left. And with LBD piloting a child's body and openly admitting she's a child, she gave herself the advantage with that line alone. Because Wukong may have been going strong it with everything he had, not holding back, but when it came down to it, he hesitated. And it's entirely because his instincts were screaming at him not to do it.
I have no doubt Wukong was pretty messed up mentally and emotionally after being freed from the LBD, notvjyst from the actions he performed while possessed (Grievously wounding his mate, attacking his little big brother Nez Ha and nephew Red Son, kidnapping Mei snd imprisoning her in ice, almost killing MK), but also for his actions right before being possessed. I think, before Macaque has dragged Bai He into the nest, Wukong may have actively avoiding the child he had tried to kill. But then his silly mate bad to go and force the two into the same spot.
Oh Bai He has been under LBD's control since before New Years, and I feel like S2 & 3 is extended over a few weeks to account for Wukong's "vacation".
One subtle detail I noticed at the end of S1 is that the Little Girl's hair is shorter before she's possessed, suggesting that LBD has been possessing her long enough for it to grow out.
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And since Wukong describes "still feeling her [LBD] under my skin", I imagine being possesed felt like Bai He's very skeleton was being puppeted by an icy hand.
For months.
And there was no sign of missing persons posters anywhere around town post-S1 finale. Even though Metropolis is a big city on par with Shanghai or similar, and demon/monster attacks have become commonplace; there would still have been something mentioned about a child going missing in the area. Unless no one was looking out for her...
Bai He would Not Be Fine in the aftermath of S3. She was possessed by a demon for nearly a year - that has to leave lasting effects on the body and soul. I'm shocked that she didn't return in S4 as a full character, even just to provide an outsiders view of all the nonsense going on. She isn't anyone's reincarnation or anyone important, but she will help her new friends by anymeans nessesary!
Wukong def feels awkward being around the little girl seeing how his nemesis was wearing her face for the last while. Bai He on the otherhand is screaming internally cus "Doesn't this guy kill demons for a living!? I'm a demon now!"
She oddly bonds quicker with Macaque, as they both see each other as victims/tools of LBD at the end of the day. Macaque thinks it's oddly cute annoying to have the pipsqueak at his heels, but he at least owes her someone who can related to the pain she's feeling.
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yandere-fics · 3 months
♡ How They Have Sex In Public ♡
(I was thinking of drabbles but then I thought doing that many drabbles might kill me lmao so here's headcanons instead, sorry. Nikki is excluded because she's tired, she would only want to do it on her bed. Nora is excluded because our poor girl needs to be in control of the situation and doing it outside is the opposite of control.)
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♡ When you pull her into the changing room and start making out with her she literally has no clue what to do, sure she really shouldn't be doing it with her mate in the changing room of a designer store you both frequent very often but at the same time you frequent it very often so the employees would likely turn a blind eye just to keep her business. She gives in but only to eating you out because if she allows you to touch her she'll be too loud and while she doesn't mind humiliating herself, she doesn't want you to have to deal with the employees staring all because your girlfriend couldn't keep her damn mouth shut. ♡
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♡ Eliza is down to do it anywhere you want, or anywhere even if you don't want it, so if you initiate in public she'll be very excited that her puppy needs her enough to want to do it in public even. You probably do it at a park, she makes you get on top unless you ask for her to be on top mostly because she doesn't want a stick to poke into you whiles she's railing you and hurt you but if you want to feel the pain from that she's more than willing to oblige, she might also try to do it up against a tree, she might be short but she can definitely lift you and pin you to a tree. ♡
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♡ She does it with you in a movie theater when she's taken you out on a date on a day off. She really wants to rail you to entire movie but when you pull her other for a kiss cause the movie is boring you, the seats are instantly going down and she's pounding the shit out of you, don't worry no one can see or hear what you're doing because she rented out the theater for a favor since she wanted to take you on a date but didn't want anyone to see you, sure she had to do extra work but it was worth it to be able to fuck you like this. Doesn't mean an employee doesn't walk in and get scarred for life, or at least until Kassien ends them just in case they got to see your beautiful form. ♡
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♡ When you initiate in front of one of her victims she could not be more in love in that moment, this is the best day of her life, she can die happy now. She feels the need to be extra brutal with the killing just to ensure you're impressed with her as she makes out with you in between cuts and then for the grand finale she makes sure to be a bit extra rough with your body too and is extra degrading cause you just watched the life leave that persons eyes yet here you are under her moaning for more. ♡
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♡ The second you even hint at wanting to knot when you return home, she orders everyone in the restaurant to evacuate, don't worry everyone will have their meals paid for and the waiters will get a generous tip but they all must leave for the next hour until she finishes ravaging you. If anyone dares to come back in before she says they can, they are getting forested because firstly they should never ever be able to see her mate, but also she needs to get her knot in so bad and if someone comes in then her darling might stop wanting to let her knot them and that would get them a very brutal punishment. ♡
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
okay you are wrong about the whole Thomas Sharpe thing cause he was truly a bad guy and he did redeem himself in the end so wtf are you talking about?
I'm wrong...that he loved Lucille? That's what I posted about most recently and I feel like it's pretty self-evident in canon.
(Keep in mind that he's fictional so people can interpret him however they want; this is not a serious Hill To Die On for me. Just a fandom debate. Cool? Cool.)
He was indeed truly a bad guy! We agree on that! As for redemption, I don't personally find that a useful lens through which to interpret the story. Because how could he, by that logic? How can loving and trying to save one innocent person make up for being (at minimum) an accessory to the murder of three others? Arguably four- he didn't have anything to do with Carter's murder physically, but he chose Edith and in so doing, signed Carter's death warrant.
He also doesn't really do anything towards saving Edith, honestly. She figured out about the tea herself. She saves herself. People say he "distracts" Lucille as a ghost, but he just sort of- appears. EDITH calls Lucille's attention to him while he stands there looking at both of them. He doesn't kill Alan, but Alan is out of commission for the whole climax anyway, with Edith doing everything herself. I guess he does try to talk Lucille down twice, but neither attempt goes anywhere and the second just gets him killed and she's still after Edith's blood.
The way I see it, no outside force pronounces them Redeemed or Damned. Thomas moves on because he can let go. Lucille stays because she can't. It's their own choices that free or trap them, like Edith said of her characters. That is a far more interesting story to me.
...and all of that is irrelevant to the fact that I DO think he loved Lucille, all the way through. What does that have to do with whether he was bad or whether he redeemed himself?
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rubylarkspur22 · 11 months
In your Tsugikuni swap AU, what is Nezuko´s relationship with the rest of the Demon Moons/Kizuki like?
Short Answer: criminally underpaid mom, Muzan does NOT give her enough help running this level of crazy, and she's waiting on child support.
Long Answer, here's what she thinks of her fellow Upper Moons(+Rui and Enmu):
Douma: she hates him as much as the next person. It isn't helped by the fact he has both flirted with her and tried to devour her. She's threatened him with decapitation and consumption several times since he joined the ranks of the Twelve Kizuki. Only reason she hasn't followed through is because he's a very powerful demon with expert use of his Blood Demon Art.
Akaza: she doesn't mind him. She's the only woman he has ever fought, and she admits he gives her a good battle. Plus, something about him triggers her maternal instincts. In privacy (what little they can get), she sometimes sits and offers to talk or listen to Akaza when he has a bad day. If he has ended up having a breakdown for some reason or other, no one heard about it from her.
Hantengu: hates him. She's never been fond of cowardice, both as a human and as a demon, so Hantengu being a sniveling coward has made him one of her least favourite of the Upper Moons. Especially since most of their interactions involve him screaming and begging for forgiveness and mercy the second she looks at him.
Gyokko: she's a little creeped out by him. Even as a demon, Nezuko prefers quick and relatively painless deaths for her victims before they're devoured. So seeing the "art" Gyokko makes with his food is... unsettling for her at times. But she admits his art not involving humans isn't half bad, and has a small pot he made for her and gifted her once.
Gyutaro and Daki: Mom Mode was triggered hard when the Shabana siblings arrived. Gyutaro reminds her of Tanjirou, especially when he fusses over Daki. She dotes on the both of them a lot, often getting scolded by Muzan for coddling. She doesn't care, though, and Muzan leaves it be. He can't deny the two having a parental figure among the Upper Moons makes it easier to keep in check. Nezuko has occasionally visited Yoshiwara to check on the siblings, and let Daki do her hair while Nezuko would sometimes run a comb through Gyutaro's hair. She was quite saddened when the Upper Moons received the news that the siblings had been killed. If she had to pick a favourite Upper Moon, it'd be a toss-up between these two and Akaza.
Kaigaku: Nezuko saw potential in him when they met. Though she thoroughly scolded him for being willing to become a demon with so little fight, and warned him she'd kill him herself if he ever turned his back on the demons to save his own skin. She's kept a close eye on him since his transformation, and can tell he's anywhere from nervous to downright terrified in her presence.
Enmu: another low ranker on her list. Enmu is another demon that creeps her out, and his sadism doesn't help. She rarely so much as looks at the Lower Moons, anyways, but Enmu being a single rank behind Daki and Gyutaro had her concerned about the guy joining Douma and Gyokko in the Sadistic Nutcase Club. She'll relent that the train plan was clever, as foolish as it was to get a Hashira under his spell.
Rui: Nezuko has mixed feelings regarding Rui. On one hand, he's a young child that has her maternal instincts going nuts. On the other hand, the way he treats his family is abhorrent, especially to Nezuko, as she had been a sister and later a mother in this universe. He's the only Lower Moon she's had any significant amounts of interaction with. She sometimes tried to get him to understand what he's doing is wrong, but Muzan is a lot less forgiving towards her when she tries dissuading Rui from his tyrannical approach to family than when she's taking care of Daki and Gyutaro. As such, she's mostly given up that endeavor, sticking almost exclusively to the Upper Moons after a while.
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blueberryshelves · 3 months
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Book Review
Title: The Ivies Author: Alexa Donne
Series: stand-alone
No. of Pages: 336
ISBN:  9780593303733 (paperback) 9780593303702 (hardcover) 9780593303726 (ebook)
Enroll in this boarding school thriller about a group of prep school elites who would kill to get into the college of their dreams...literally."
The Plastics meet the Heathers in this murder mystery about ruthless Ivy League ambition." -Kirkus Reviews Everyone knows the Ivies: the most coveted universities in the United States. Far more important are the Ivies. The Ivies at Claflin Academy, that is. Five girls with the same mission: to get into the Ivy League by any means necessary. I would know. I'm one of them. We disrupt class ranks, club leaderships, and academic competitions...among other things. We improve our own odds by decreasing the fortunes of others. Because hyper-elite competitive college admissions is serious business. And in some cases, it's deadly. Alexa Donne delivers a nail-biting and timely thriller about teens who will stop at nothing to get into the college of their dreams. Too bad no one told them murder isn't an extracurricular.
What did I think of the book?
The Ivies by Alexa Donne My rating: ⭐ 1 of 5 stars (1.5 really) *Disclaimer: Spoilers.* So far, my experience with author youtubers who give advice on writing hasn't been great. The advice is usually solid, and in Alexa Donne's case, I found many of her videos really helpful for figuring out what was wrong with my own writing practices. However, I'm starting to realize why best selling authors with strong prose, plot, and characters, tend to NOT be youtubers. Author youtubers seem to excel at teaching, and giving information, but their actual writing doesn't tend to reflect their apparent knowledge (speaking from my own experiences). So, here lands The Ivies. This is the first of Alex Donne's work that I've read, and I'm totally confused. Despite the fact that the book had me finishing it in two days, rapidly going through page after page on the edge of my seat with it's insane rabbit hole; it left me feeling that the story just wasn't finished. I don't mean "finished" as in, there needs to be a second book; I mean, in the end, no one really solved anything, and there was no closure on the murder. No one changed or grew or improved, if anything, the characters just became even more unhinged as the book went on until it lead to a deflating reveal of the actual killer with a horrifically ridiculous motive. The story was drowned in red herrings and misleads to the point of suffocating the fun out of the book. They were so frequent, and so many that it became downright frustrating and exhausting to read. There were more loose ends that were never tied up than a torn knitted jumper. The "false" reveal was a lot more tense and interesting to read, and the book honestly could have cut out the entirety of act 3 for me, and skipped to the end. The pacing was good in the first half of the book, but suffered in the second half, and dragged on. By the end, I began to suspect Olivia, the MC. Maybe this wasn't the intention, but her choices at the end of the book made me seriously consider if I just got mind-fucked by what she was narrating to herself for the entire story, and she really was the killer all along. Might explain why she never got anywhere in her "investigation" or withholding information from authority for her so-called friends, and we're just being lied to as the readers (she did, after all, have access to everything apparently). While the writing style was easy to get into, it had one issue: Too. Much. Telling. (and swearing…). At the end of almost every chapter, whatever big revelation occurred in the chapter is just told to you in black and white, rather than letting you ride the wave of the realization in your own head. Much of the natural tension of having the realizations on my own as the reader were completely lost, and ruined every tension bubble attempted to be created. It worked great for the end of the first chapter, but it just didn't for the rest. The same can be said for all the schemes the Ivies apparently did. We're just told they happened, but we never get to see these girls actually in action from their PoV. Favorite character/s: Well, not many of the characters are "likeable". It's almost laughable how unlikeable the characters are to the point of 'okay, I kind of hate you all, but I want to know how far the rabbit hole goes, so…'. What drew me to the book? I wanted a thriller to study that wouldn't give me nightmares, and finally check out Alexa Donne's work. Stars: 1.5/5, pretty interesting concept, but too many problems with the execution of it. View all my reviews
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exec-proton · 2 months
Headcanon question: what do you think Proton would had pursued as a career, had he never joined Rocket?
That's a good question!
I somewhat explored this idea before with the whole "Normal-guy-Proton" mixup thing, but I never really went in-depth about it.
It's a hard question, because the answer is a solid it-depends.
A simple answer is, probably something to do with either cooking or engineering. I ramble for quite a bit under the cut about the specifics of his potential "Non-rocket" paths, however!
Proton was, in a way, forced into Rocket. He had a violent father as a young kid, and took odd-jobs from Rocket to have enough money to feed himself. Eventually, his father got much more physically violent, which ended up with Proton killing the man.
In short, he panicked. He had nowhere to go, other than the gang. He wouldn't be persecuted there, so that's where he went.
What he would do as a job, if it weren't for that really depends on what happens after he kills his father, or if we're going with a sort of AU where he isn't pushed to do that, whether because he managed to leave with his mother before the abuse becomes really bad (Normal-Guy-Proton), or because someone else notices the situation and calls the Pokemon equivalent of CPS.
Let's say that he does still kill is father, but instead of running to Rocket, he calls the police and confesses. He's sixteen at the time.
What happens next depends on what exactly he's charged with, and whether or not he's prosecuted as an adult. If the court agrees that it's self-defense, then Proton presumably gets sent somewhere better equipped to take care of him, which at this point is practically anywhere. This is the best case scenario. He gets to actually acquire life skills he wouldn't have a chance too otherwise.
If he's charged with murder, it would probably be second-degree. The killing wasn't premeditated, and it could certainly be argued that his intent wasn't to actually kill his father. In this case, I presume he would either be prosecuted as an adult, and sent to jail, or sent to a juvenile center. In this case, once he gets out, he probably struggles a bit, again, because of the lack of life skills. Not only that, but a criminal record would make it hard for him to find a job. In this scenario, he would probably end up falling in with Rocket anyways.
Now, if he doesn't kill his father, his prospects are far better.
What I affectionately call Normal-Guy-Proton is the scenario where his mother leaves his father, taking baby Proton with. She returns to her family, or otherwise finds a way to provide for herself and her child that isn't an abusive, alcoholic man, and Proton ends up with a fairly normal childhood. He goes to school, gets a job, and all of that. This is the one where I think he'd get a job in engineering. He enjoys tinkering with things, and he'd actually be able to pursue that. This is the overall best case scenario, and one I explored a bit for one of the Muse Mixup things that happened.
The other situation is where someone else actually decides to do something, and Proton is removed from his father. Again, this could go either way, depending on whether or not he's screwed by the system, but I'm going to go ahead and say that he manages to come out of it without much trouble. He's still troubled, but it's not quite as bad as the "I just killed my own father oh shit" trauma. This is where I think he'd go more into cooking, as he would still have some of the childhood experiences of having to fend for himself, making use of whatever he can have to eat.
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 34
I'm trying not to think about how few episodes I have left
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Wait, I thought that WAS the official verdict. I'm assuming that because this dude has been sitting here gloating for like an hour that it's going to be overturned somehow.
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I love that this is a gathering all all the team captains plus Wenzhou's husband
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Still unclear what he did to warrant a lifetime ban.
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Okay now I want Shaotian to lead a revolution where no one will play because there's no point if their most worthy competitor has been banned.
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Yes! Lead them into a strike! Also, this is my 700th screenshot of this drama. Nothing else I have liveblogged (or livetweeted as I used to do) has come anywhere near this amount and I've watched stuff WAY longer than this. Well, maybe my Lost Tomb Reboot rewatch but nothing else!
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Wenqing is like 'I'm not sure 'friends' is the word I'd use for what we are'
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Are you sure about that?
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See, this is why I love them. Shaotian is loud and passionate, Wenzhou is quiet and rational. They balance each other perfectly and they love each other so much
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I love that during his whole speech Wenzhou has his hand on Shaotian's shoulder. Probably to stop Shaotian from launching himself across the table and fighting the chairman of the league
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It's a good thing Shiqin is there as the Excellent Era vice captain because Sun Xiang would never admit this even if he knows it's true
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Not me crying because, for the first time, Shaotian decided to be tactful and stay quiet but his husband is there to encourage him to speak
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So this dude said 'I can only overturn the ban if you give me a good reason', the captains gave him several good reasons, and the response was just 'cool but you have to respect the decision to ban him'. Well, that was a waste of 5 minutes (apart from letting me see the Blue Rain husbands who I have missed)
Okay, next we need the fans to protest I guess? If the pros and the fans all protest you don't have a league anymore
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It seems weird to me that the captains of the other teams know Ye Xiu has been banned but his own team doesn't. Anyway, they've made him a sub which I hope means he's going to get unbanned in time to show up and help them win
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That is not a good tactic. What if he doesn't show up? Also, you told Mo Fan to stall for time and he got a yellow card
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Oh I hope she ends up having to fight three of them by herself and wipes them all out like she said she was going to do. Fighting!
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Nope she got killed again. So much for getting to redeem herself.
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Okay, I'm glad they rescinded the ban. But how do you even enforce this? Didn't he win them the championship a bunch of times? Are they going to take that back and give it to another team?
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Sucks to be this guy though. And hi Blue Rain husbands in the background. I can't believe they've decided all of this in less time than it takes for Team Happy to finish a tournament. If this was real life there would be months, maybe even years of meeting with lawyers and league board members etc
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I choose to believe Shaotian and Wenzhou are holding hands just out of frame
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They could at least have given him a ride back to the game that they pulled him out of instead of making him try and find a taxi
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He has friends who were in that meeting even if the league weren't prepared to drive him back to the game. Does no one in this universe own a car?
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YAY! I have no idea how he got there so fast given he was hailing a cab like a minute ago but let's just go with it
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I love her! Plays for another team but just walks on stage and sits with Team Happy in front of everyone after dropping off Ye Xiu
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Aww you must be new here
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Okay, it's not very clear in the screenshot but Baozi just punched the ground so hard he collapsed the cliff everyone was standing on and It Was Awesome
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And they lost. Devastating. What happens now? Are they out of running to win the league?
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God I can't stand it when he's sad. It was bad enough when his dad made him cry. This is way worse
Well, that was a real downer to end on. More tomorrow I guess.
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carrottyshark · 11 months
ooh oc post! i never saw you talk about your oc(s), not that i'm following you for a long time but anyway!! will you tell me about them 👀
I didn't expect to get an ask about my OCs in this time, but I did talk? about them before from an ask, which is on the left.
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Thing is, it's been a long while and I've sort of drifted off from them. Recently, I've been thinking about a pair of OCs more inclined and focused on the Milgram theme which is on the right! (So that I can match what my blog is mostly focused on as well. Although, I'm more focused on their backgrounds rather than their current Milgram state.) You inspired me to draw the mini reference sheet of them, so thank you! I'll add a short description of each of their lives below too, but it's not fully fleshed out yet since this is pretty recent XD
Fair warning, some of what I'll mention can be upsetting and will contain suicide, abuse, drugs, murder, and violence.
Small background, but this would mostly take place in the slums, and one would know what to assume in places like this. This got a bit long, sorry!
So before Milgram, Krow was a troubled teen. The core reason he landed in Milgram was due to his mentality of "ending things from the root" which shaped him this way thanks to his past. Having a shitty life at home led by parents who only want to meet their end, at one point he's figured the only way out was by force, and kills his parents, whom he deems to be the root, or the cause. Around this time, Milgram doesn't register this yet, and his life continues. (Man, I just realized how edgy this sounds, he would possibly be a year or so younger when this happened, anyway continuing.)
A year or so figuring out a way through life, although going more and more downhill, he finds his way to the slums. His life by himself wasn't as bad as he thought, but it wasn't too great either. He moves from place to place, some taking him for a few days, but at the end of the day the entire environment he was in could only do so much. He could only get as much pay as well, along with the side jobs he could get and handle. His knowledge and experience did increase, and he's thankful, as a person who's killed his parents, he'd always had lingering doubts. That his mentality might as well be who he really is, but he thought that might not be the case after all.
There in the slums, he meets Yui. They get along, and even with a rough life, she still tries to find places she thought he could at least stay in, give him as much food as she can, and managed to help him. It doesn't take long for Krow to learn about her rough life; in a place filled with drug abusers, Yui receives the terrible end from both of her parents, things unimaginable. He figures the way out was none other than back then, and he strikes for the kill. Running wouldn't get them anywhere with their deteriorating state, and they wouldn't be able to recover in time if they're continued to be pushed down.
Yui is a kind person to a fault, frustratingly so, and doesn't let this happen. She didn't want him to be a killer, and at the very start, she had always wanted to take her own life, but she just couldn't.
The catch? Krow had already killed someone. This was something he admitted, but regardless she never wanted him to harm anyone ever again. Out of all options, one day, Yui tries to stab herself to end it all. Krow intervenes of course, and what he thought that he'd long forgotten comes back again, his idea of simply "ending things from the root". He kills Yui himself, to which she didn't want. He tries to kill himself after, but he end up not doing it. Here she unravels the truth he's always avoided, that yet being so similar, they're also both vastly different. She would never hurt anyone, no matter what she's faced, the very thing he's done now. Worse, it was something she didn't actually want. Was it out of desperation that she didn't actually want to die? Was it because she didn't want him to be a killer? Was it something else? It was too late and he'll never figure it out.
She also made him realize things aren't entirely black and white, like his household, like how the people in the slums ended up, simply killing her, or anyone else, can't be the only option. Right? He tries to end things for himself too, but he ends up not being able to, and his only way was to move forward. This time vowing he wouldn't hurt again.
Cue Milgram, which would be a few years after, and he'd be around 21-23. I don't really know how to insert him in the canon story, and even figure out the timeline plus time gap, but for the sake of the idea I had, Mahiru, especially T2, would be who he's going to be connected to most, for the better or worse.
So the question, Would the cycle continue?
And that's it! Thank you if you read this far! Since the focus was more on Krow, Yui got a bit overshadowed, but I do treasure her as much (if not more.) One thing I want to point out as well is the symbolism I have for them, because I fricking love symbolism:
The Cosmos symbolize Yui as a flower, before he "pulls it from its roots" and hangs it by rope.
Essentially, most plants grow fuller only when cut, and this is the case for Krow (similarly Yui). Having endured too many hardships, he's grown the most, but anything too much is a bad thing. The flower that would symbolize him would be Black Dahlias.
Orange Cosmos in flower language means resilience when healing oneself, and also forgiveness.
They both have plant clippers, symbolizing how they can harm either their own self or someone else. Krow's is rusted for obvious reasons, meanwhile Yui's isn't.
The rope itself is a metaphor about how Krow kills the person "for them", as so far the people he had killed were those he thought and deemed to "not want to live" anymore. He also happens to like dried flowers.
He brought the two hair bands Yui uses to Milgram.
The flowers that would symbolize Krow's deceased parents would be Yellow Carnations and White Roses.
Some other stuff! This is the audio I was continuously listening to and thought would work if he had a song.
(I don't really know the lyrics, I just liked the vibe LMAO)
Finally, this is the closest thing to Krow wearing a Milgram prisoner outfit (I didn't really think I'd be too into it before and just drew for something for the heck of it but here we are now.)
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Thank you again if you read this far!
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bionicle-ramblings · 8 months
The whump ideas, both emotional and physical
Takua, in Ta-Metru, having an inexplicable, sometimes irrational fear of the dark. It gets to the point where he can't even go out at night or go anywhere that has no light. It's so bad that he sleeps holding a light stone. It goes well until he is one day arretsed and left alone in the dark. It's not long until Takua PANICS because he's alone in the dark and anything could get him. After he's let out, he never sleeps without a light stone. It's a fear that stays with him even when he's in Mata Nui, though Turaga Vakama does help him deal with it
The Toa Metru are in Ko-Metru and have to cross a canal. They all have ideas, but Nuju's wins when he freezes the water so it's thick enough for them to walk across. There is the tense feeling that the ice could break at any given second, so the Toa all try to be quick as they walk. There's a moment where someone falls on the ice, but doesn't break it, which makes everyone hold their breath for a moment. They all hear the ice cracking around them and pick up the pace, but they realize that Vakama has stopped moving entirely, and see that he's producing heat and slowly melting the ice around him until it starts cracking beneath him. Nuju and Nokama try to tell him to stay calm as Vakama slowly approaches, trying not to panic as he sees the cracks follow him, and he ultimately falls into the ice. It sends everyone into a panic, more so when Nokama dives after him and, out of sheer panic, Nuju's powers activate at the worst possible time and refreezes the ice, trapping Vakama and Nokama under the water. They are able to get both Toa out of the freezing waters and the team gets away from the canal with their lives, but where Nokama is freezing and can't stop shivering, Vakama is more or less knocked out cold, having passed out after nearly drowning and freezing to death. The team does get to a somewhere they can get a fore going and get their brother and dister warmed back up, but it's the first time they see Nuju look so genuinely afraid for his fellow Toa and also look haunted at what he'd nearly caused to happen, even when Whenua comforts him
Lhikan starting off as an optimistic, looker-ahead when he starts off as a Toa, but he ends up no longer being as hopeful, as he loses his friends, previous life, and even having to kill one of his own friends and see another betray him and get mutated into a four legged monster
Vakama's visions cause him headaches. Bad ones. And if he isn't racing to the visions and either dodging or racing stuff that isn't there, imagine if he instead froze on the spot or had a panic/anxiety attack or, most damaging, had a seizure, either while standing or collapsing to the ground in front of the other Toa. If it's the latter, it's something the team and Vakama keep an eye on because if he starts collapsing during battle, they cannot save him
Roodaka capturing Toa or Toa-Hordika Vakama, and when manipulating him doesn't work, she leaves him alone in the cell/"room" he was tied in. Maybe Vakama shouts that leaving him alone is a bad idea because he can just escape, but after a day or two, and being unable to get out, the solotude starts getting to him and he starts hearing and seeing things that aren't there, the hallucinations getting worse the longer he's left alone. Maybe to make it worse, Roodaka still visits Vakama and offers her proposal again and again. As much as Vakama revels in seeing an actual physical being and not a figment of his mind, he does not listen, so Roodaka casually tortures him and leaves him alone again, even when Vakama shouts for for not to, because he's that desperate to not be alone again.
Nokama having a sort of "freak out" because she's so used to being a teacher, a mentor, a natural leader, and having that weight taken off of her by Vakama and the other Toa is fine, but she's not sure what to do with herself.
This idea came from @sammykat2hb-blog . After their escape from the coliseum, instead of what's seen in the movie/book, Matau, Nokama, and Vakama are shaken and stirred after the day's events, even more so when Dume announces that they're frauds and frames them for all Metru Nui to see. Nokama, in a moment of complete anger and despair, shouts and maybe even punches one of the chute towers, which only hurts her. Matau is completely silent, only crouching to the ground as he reels and maybe gets overwhelmed with emotions. Vakama is caught between the two, being distraught to where he wants to just break down, but freezing because some small part of him knows Lhikan wouldn't have broken like that, and that leads to an inward battle of wanting to be upset, to be hurt, to break for a second; he was a mask-maker and a tool-maker. He knows how to put things back together again. Instead, the three simply sit side by side under the tower, all of them terrified and holding onto each other, a gesture that is awkward because they've never reached out for comfort like needing to be held, but they've got each other
Alternatively, in their cell, Onewa is doing everything he can to try and get out, banging on the door, striking the ceiling window above, and shouting that they were framed, maybe even shouting for the dark hunters to come back and deal with the Toa themselves. Whenua is taking a more quiet approach and trying to figure out what's around them, but he's having a hard time because Onewa won't shut up. Nuju, unlike both of them, has pressed himself into the corner as hard as he can, trying not to snap because, being more of the "solitary" type, there's nowhere he can go to get away from Onewa and Whenua, and, with where their cell is, he can't even look up or see the stars or sky(the light is reflected off a mountain side) so he's not having a good time. It all comes to a head when Whenua makes Onewa stop yelling and Onewa just stares at the Toa with absolute fear in his eyes because they're trapped in prison, they don't have their mask or elemental powers, they have no idea where the others Toa are, and they can't get out, so, for all they know, they could end up worse off than Lhikan: Disappearing, having their names dragging through the mud, and eventually being forgotten amd lost to time. Nuju screams at them both to shut up and the three, like Vakama, Matau, and Nokama, sit side by side, terrified, but together. It's awkward to sit together, but they've got each other and that's enough to calm them down
Vakama and the other Toa Metru struggling with the fact they were chosen and did not choose, dealing with a loss of autonomy over themselves and with how they didn’t get a say in what happened to them because they were chosen and, if they're going to be Toa, then they'll be the best Toa they can be despite it
The Matoran on Mata Nui all struggling post-memory wipe because they all know they're forgetting something, but don't know what it is, and all have knowledge they don't remember learning. It frightens them and confuses them, but they learn to cope as they adjust to their island home
In Time Trap, to try and get Vakama to spill the beans, Teridax uses the illusion of Takua and Jaller to try and get Vakama to tell him where the Mask of Time is, knowing the three were close. It goes well with Vakama being ruefully fooled into thinking he's with his friends, even as he goes to look around Metru Nui for answers about the new "reality" around him. When Vakama does realize and have it confirmed that the world he's in isn't real, he's gutted because he misses his old life and his friends. When "Takua" and "Jaller" try asking him what's up, Vakama admits he knows they're not really there, that they're in their forced slumber and they won't remember him when they wake up, that the world they're all in isn't real even if there's some part of him that wants it to be. With that, and his "friends" asking what he's talking about, Vakama throws a Kanoka disk, and it passes through them both. Vakama is resolved as the illusion breaks, but is still haunted by seeing his friends again because he'll never really have that friendship again
Jaller as a Toa experiencing TREMENDOUS guilt because as much as he fights to do the right thing, it's done nothing but hurt everyone because it didn't stop Teridax. Add to that the events of the final arc in Bionicle where he's mesmerized by a Golden being(I could be wrong about the name) and effects of being free from that feel like going through withdrawl even if being mesmerized left him open to be killed
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maoam · 1 year
Hey. I have a few questions and they might be all over the place so apologies in advance.
What I don't really get is Sasuke's whole journey to atone for his sins things. What sins did he actually commit? The samurai went after him first. I guess he almost killed Karin but she was fine in the end. He tried killing Naruto too but that never went anywhere, Naruto understood what he was doing and where he was coming from after all. I guess Sasuke also planned on destroying Konoha but that also never went anywhere, and yeah he wanted to execute the Kage but again that never happened either. It seems to me he's on a journey for "almost sins". He told Sakura "my sins have nothing to do with you" and he tried killing her too, so all those almost murder attempts don't seem to weigh on his mind after all? Unless he just meant "My life has nothing to do with you at all Sakura." The only thing I can think of is killing Itachi and the sorting out of his feelings towards him perhaps? I mean I never expected Sasuke to stay in the Leaf Village though it seems he did spend a few months there after everything happened, but to primarily portray him like he did something wrong and that he needs to atone for stuff is weird. Am I missing something here? (I say primarily because he also added on that there was something bothering him, which I'm assuming is Otsutsuki related stuff). Anyways why is Sasuke the only one atoning and not the Leaf Village Elders who actually have some atoning to do? Doesn't make sense. Or literally any other criminal.
You also mentioned before that Sasuke seemed self-punishing at times. At the end of VoTE2 Sasuke was prepared to put an end to himself. But why would he accept Naruto's feelings and then just want to die? He said he doesn't care what other people think of him before so why would he did he say "the others may not agree" as if he needed their approval in the first place? Does this tie in to his whole sins things? That maybe he felt what he was doing was wrong so he might as well die but then because he agreed to cooperate with Naruto he still needs to self-punish in some way and go on a journey of atonement at least?
Sasuke telling Sakura his sins have nothing to do with her was just Kishimoto's way of making fun of her. And Sakura does hang her head in disappointment. She clearly seems to think she suffered a lot because of Sasuke's actions. Her "suffering" in Sasuke's hands is not relevant though. And I agree since she brought it on herself.
Konoha and even someone like Kakashi would think Sasuke committed sins since he went against Konoha and since he attacked the Kage Summit. I don't really feel Sasuke felt that bad considering his apology was pretty... lackluster.
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I do think he wanted to do some self-reflection, and help others, and that he did regret the way he treated Naruto, though I prefer to think he eventually understands not to dwell on it. I think Sasuke's "others may not agree" might be him thinking Naruto is being too optimistic in his plans, rather than feeling sad others don't like him. That's why Naruto tells him to not mope. I think it's understandable that Sasuke would regret and feel bad about the way things went with Naruto, without it being a massively problematic thing like some Sasuke stans seem to think. Naruto doesn't expect Sasuke to grovel at his feet. He just wants Sasuke to understand he understands why he did what he did and that he could be in his place.
Your concerns are valid and that's why we consider the ending to suck. It doesn't make sense other than for Naruto and Sasuke's reconciliation. Even Neji's death sucked massively and that was before the ending.
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maleyanderecafe · 9 months
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When the Villainess Loves (Webcomic)
Created by: HJ , 붉구
Genre: Isekai
I'm writing this recommendation mostly because reading 88 chapters of this was...tedious and there is technically a yandere in it (though for the heroine and not the main character, which is the Villainess) but because of the Villainess's actions, he gets downplayed. A lot. That being said, he does have some small moments in the story and there can be some interesting portions to it if this is the kind of story you enjoy. The artwork, if anything is at least extremely gorgeous in this story.
The story starts out with the MC feeling bad about the Villainess Libertina in the story she's reading, how she is essentially jailed and dies at the end without much reason. She ends up getting isekaied into the story as Libertina much to her happiness. The MC ends up talking to Libertina about what happened and that Libertina's body will be unstable because she's in her body. However, she came up with a failsafe for the MC which allows her to gain memories of Libertina's past which will (ultimately) allow her to be less weak. Happy with this, the MC decides to more or less fawn over and befriend all of the handsome boys that were originally in the heroine's route including Cain, a magic user, Eugene, a knight and Herence a theif member who is sent to spy on her. The first fourty or so chapters develops the MC with each of these male leads which (at least what it seemed like) her building a harem. The MC swears to not let her brother, Lavrov get everyone killed as that's what happened in the original story, where the male leads end up dying or sacrificing themselves to help the heroine (Ariel), thus why she goes to them first. Because of her sickly body and her gaining memories, everyone in the castle thinks that she will die in a year as she constantly passes out and that she requested to leave the castle after a year. Lavrov eventually does enter the scene, and the MC, afraid that Libertina's half brother will kill her for getting near Ariel, submits herself to him, and promises that he will bring no harm or competition to his relationship. Lavrov amusingly accepts this, and the MC even tries to help Lavrov write his love letters to Ariel in exchange for a contract. The MC does eventually meet Daniel, the main love interest (after 40 chapters) and the two bond together very quickly. Ariel eventually enters the picture as well, but everything seems to be going pretty smoothly. That is until she tries to stop a threat during a ball, causing her to pass out for three days. Here the MC gains the memory of a ritual that Libertina had to partake in, essentially cursing her. The MC swears to help her in this endeavor and the last couple of chapters does just this.
To be honest, I feel like I should have disliked the MC a lot more than I did. The MC's personality sways pretty heavily between being extremely dense and getting distracted by eyecandy (aka all of the guys that he meets). A lot of the drama around her and her harem are based off of misunderstandings- with the guys (and the others in her household) worried that she's going to die after a year and that she's really brave when in reality the original Libertina already created a plan to keep her alive and the reason she either keeps passing out or coughing up blood is because of the plan of seeing memories or because she (somehow) passed out after seeing too many hot guys. She also complains about Ariel being dense and naive when she is pretty much the exact thing (it's explained later that this MC and Ariel are actually sisters? Which I feel like is still a whole other can of worms). She doesn't really do much as the protagonist anyways other than fawn over a bunch of guys and do random activities like helping some homeless characters or helping a female character get a job she wanted, but it doesn't really feel like the plot was going anywhere, even near the end where she goes to help Libertina. I feel like the inital idea of her gaining Libertina's memories slowly was at least interesting, but alas it really doesn't go anywhere. Even so, I feel like I can't really hate or dislike her, but only because there's not much to like or dislike about her. She just feels like... she's there.
I wanted to speak briefly about Daniel, the main love interest before going into the yandere. i feel like there are ways to introduce a main love interest deeper into the story and still make it feel impactful, but this story doesn't feel like it does it right. Sure there is some brief hints on who he might be when Herence comes into the picture, however, we end up spending way more time on Cain, Eugene and Herence and developing their relationships with each other only for it to really amount to nothing since they disappear for about 20 chapters after Daniel is introduced. The two fall in love really quickly and while they do have some cute moments, there's nothing that I would find special that would have made me root for them more than I would have rooted for the MC with the other male leads. I will say that I really do like Daniel's backstory- how he was raised to be a weapon and that his surrogate father (the head knight) taught him about kindness and love-only for his real father to force him to kill the knight in front of all of the knight's children. It doesn't really tie into the rest of the story, but it does at least prove that the writer does have some skill in making an emotional scene, something that is absent in pretty much the rest of the story.
The yandere in question is Libertina's brother, Lavrov, the crown prince. He's built up to be the big bad of the series, with the MC swearing to protect the rest of the guys from having their horrible fates like in the original, where Lavrov (essentially) killed them all out of jealousy to trap Ariel- which she does successfully by stealing all of them from Ariel's harem and basically becoming Lavrov's love coach. There are some sort of comedic moments between the MC and Lavrov, mostly with the MC being scared of Lavrov's menacing personality, but it never really goes anywhere and thus sucks away the tension that was in the original story. Lavrov becomes far softer with only some vaguely comedic scary moments- which is cute, but he barely shows up at all in the first place. I did wish at least I could have seen some more interactions between Ariel and him since at least they would have been cute (and have more excuse to maybe do something with the main villain/yandere) but again. There's not really anything. That being said he DOES exist and he DOES have some moments, but it's not really worth reading the entire thing for.
All in all, I don't really know if I'd recommend this story. I mean, I didn't hate it surprisingly though I did think that many of the choices in the story are questionable and don't really have any consequences or even any relevance to anything, but it's likely because it felt mostly shallow and not even in the way I could hate it. The views around this series are very polarizing though from a ton of people hating it to a ton of other people liking it, so if you are curious, you can decide where you are on that spectrum.
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jvstheworld · 8 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E22 (part 4)
Becoming: Part 2
I swear this is the last part. It was not my intention to do this many post but I got sick.
Luckily it's the end of season 2, and I'm going to be taking a break from Buffy so I can catch up on watching it.
Here we go:
Xander catches up to Buffy as she marches on to meet Angelus, and Xander fails to do the one thing that Willow asked him to do. HE HAD ONE JOB! Tell Buffy that they are redoing the curse. But his own selfishness got in the way and he will never see any consequences for this. Not even in season 7 when it's finally revealed to Willow what Xander actually said to Buffy. How does he keep getting away with this shit?
If Buffy knew about Willow trying to curse Angelus then her game plan would have been different, because without a soul it wouldn't matter as much if Acathla awakens, she can just stab Angelus and job done. Her soulless ex is gone, and she saves the world. Two birds one stone. However, if she knew about what Willow was trying to do then she would have made more of an effort to keep Angelus away from Acathla so she wouldn't have to kill him.
Spike coming in as backup and then getting wailed on by Dru.
Yeah Giles, I wouldn't want to imagine Xander either.
Acathla is waking up, now have an badass sword fight.
When Buffy is knocked to the ground the first time during her fight with Angelus, did they reuse an earlier shot of her on the floor from when she was fighting the vamp flunkies? Because they looked the same.
Willow's first experience with powerful magic. I hope this doesn't go anywhere bad.
Spike just shrugging and leaving with Dru when he thinks Angelus is going to kill Buffy is peak mortal enemy behaviour. That attitude only lasts a few more seasons though.
One of Buffy's most badass moments. One her own, fighting her ex and it's down to the wire, the only person she can rely on is herself to get through the fight. It's not about her being alone, it's about how much belief she has in herself to get the job done. The time and engery has put into her training, her resolve to fight until the end. Whatever her flaws as a person, she comes through when the chips are down.
The spell worked. Angel got his soul back. While he has no idea what's going on, Buffy realises what she has to do.
With one final kiss, Angel is gone and Acathla is asleep again.
Sarah McLachlan knows how to do sad, poignant music. A lot of her music was used on the mid to late 90s show Due South to great effect. One other time her music is used in Buffy, that I can remember off the top of my head, is the last episode of season 6.
Buffy packs up and leaves. She watches her friends from afar recovering and getting back to school. Goodbye Sunnydale. Second saddest ending, the first being season 5.
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niobiumao3 · 1 year
The other issue with a putative Emerie-as-Tech-replacement plot arc is, simply put, it is pedestrian writing. I'm going to blather about that here, because it's bothering me the more I think about it, but might also just be me upset about the Finale.
Creating a character from an under-repsented group, fleshing them out, and then killing them off to replace them with another character of a similar caliber is bad writing. And in scifi media, where misogyny and lack of neurodivergent rep is still very much a problem, doing it in this manner is much, much...much worse. It sets up Emerie--a woman, of whom TBB has very few in the first place--to be despised by a large portion of the fandom from the word go, it removes a beloved ND character to forward Emerie's arc, and it expects us to (eventually) treat a brand new entry into the series with the same sort of attachment. That's going to blow up in their faces in a truly terrible way if they do it.
'Oh but Emerie might be neurodivergent too!' 'We don't know her story yet, it could be just as moving!' 'A sister for Omega, woo!'
All of that should have been in the story FROM THE BEGINNING. Putting them in as a twist in the wake of another character's death is bad narrative structure.
But this much aside, these things are tangential to the point, and ultimately they will not matter to the fans who are feeling the loss. You don't replace an established character of an under represented group with another character from another under represented group. Not in good writing, anyways. (Situations where an actor has proven to be a problem or has passed on not-withstanding, of course. That doesn't even apply here, as the guy voicing most of the characters hasn't gone anywhere.)
People come and go, tragedies happen, but the writer is in control of this world. They CHOOSE what is going on. When you're writing about a family dynamic with a scifi cloning plot, it almost inherently becomes ABOUT replacing one with another. That's the *entire* point of clones and is very difficult to escape if one clone dies and another joins the group. It can be written around with a deft hand, but in all honesty I don't know if I trust TBB to do that. At the end of the day they'll have tried to fill a round hole with a square peg. A lot of fans are going to hate it, setting the entire plot up for a poor reception.
And the thing is, it's exactly what I'm seeing in these episodes as I rewatch them. Emerie's importance to Hemlock, how she reveals herself as a sister to Omega (suggesting she is part of the Batch, BTW), the VA's interview about family dynamics and learning to be a sister, Emerie's attempts to mitigate what Crosshair is going through, Crosshair's decision to not kill her? This is all pointing to 'she defects and joins them in Tech's place'.
I will hold onto hope during our interregnum that this won't happen, but I am at this point Concerned <tm>. We'll have to see what the celebration panel reveals.
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