#in rough enough shape that i'm still getting a new one soon but now i can take a bit more time consider options and relax about it
aewrie · 5 months
had a fucking scare and anxiety time for a bit but thank fuck my phone still works
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curatoroffiction · 1 year
a huuuuge congratulations to your milestone!!!! I really love your works and everything about them is, amazing, especially the unique ideas!!!!
if it's not much can I request a scenario on where leona and vil finds out and helps yuu who has sleeping problems, I would love to see their reactions. Hope it's not too much!!! thank you ♡♡ and congrats again!!! :^]
- 💐 anon!
You're so sweet. I'm so glad you've been enjoying my works! I love writing for these fandoms, and I love seeing what people get excited about. As someone with sleeping problems myself, I really liked this prompt. I hope it's okay the direction I went with it! Thank you, 💐anon! -----
The first time Leona ever experienced your sleeping issues, it was when you stayed over at his dorm during the Azul incident. Everyone would go to sleep, but you'd still be stuck awake somewhere in the room. At first, it bothered him because you'd have a light on and that was annoying, but he soon got used to the light and wasn't bothered by it. Then he was bothered because he noticed how tired it made you when it came time to do his chores. He'd gripe at you half-heartedly as you struggled to manage, considering you to be weak and poorly self-managed. It wasn't until you got closer after those incidents that it weighed on him how much the deck was stacked against you. You were constantly tired. He'd come over to Ramshackle to hang out and find you passed out on the couch. He didn't mind at first - He'd take up a spot on a nearby couch and pass out himself, seeing as how Ramshackle was the perfect place to escape to. But when he'd wake up and you were still asleep, that was a problem. Worse were the times he'd find you on 3 hours of sleep, dealing with people who were readily taking advantage of your internal autopilot to get favors out of you. He'd find that if he saw you yawning, he'd have to stick around and keep people from asking you for favors or pushing you into shenanigans, otherwise you'd pull him in when it was already too late. Now Leona, he's not one to mince words. He tells you that your sleep schedule sucks ass. But when lighthearted bullying doesn't get you to shape up, he starts asking questions. Your bed makes your back hurt? He lets it slip to Kalim that your bed is bothering you. That guy's always looking to solve problems, and it doesn't let onto the fact that Leona's bothered by your sleeping issues. Your dorm is too cold at night? He gets someone to check out the heater while you're asleep. Your clothes aren't comfortable enough? He suggests you use some of his old PJs and suddenly gets himself a whole new wardrobe of PJs. No, he doesn't need these shirts anymore, and if you don't take them, he's going to give them to Ruggie. You're not eating well enough to sleep? Crowley gets a letter that if Ramshackle's food budget isn't doubled, someone will expose the shadier practices of his time as a headmage. The letter details incidents from even before you ever arrived, so Crowley knows it couldn't be you threatening him. At every turn, he lies and cheats and scrapes together ways to fix your problems, not wanting you to find out who it is fixing them. You once asked if he had anything to do with your sleep hurdles getting better and he said "Do I look like someone who gives a shit if you sleep well? I'm not your parent." As rough-around-the-edges as he is, he really just wants to figure out if he can solve the problem that you can't. After all, he respects you as an equal, and if you haven't been able to fix it, then it's probably a real problem. It also helps that if your sleep schedule improves, he can stop looking after you as much, which he maintains is a pain in the ass. When you said "You don't have to watch over me, whatever happens happens" he griped "Whatever bullshit you get yourself into, you'll drag me into." That's okay though, because he's been demanding payback in the form of favors where you make him food or use his card to buy him snacks. That way, Ruggie can implement fixes to your sleeping arrangements behind your back. Whether you know it or not, you have one very grouchy lion who has taken up a fight against your sleeping problems. And he doesn't lose fights. ----- For the Vil extension, click here!
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astrhae · 11 months
i know i'm asking for pain with this but:
wesper + a kiss on a scar? 🥰
double bluff | angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence, 4k
“There you are,” Wylan sighed.
He’d been waiting for Jesper to come back with lunch for two hours. The Van Eck office by the Church of Barter was an imposing building that spiraled upward to rival the Geldrenner’s clocktower. They worked on the top floor there three days a week, taking meetings and trying to grapple with the business – even after two years, the empire he’d stolen back from his father still felt impossibly large.
It felt even more impossible when he was hungry.
Things weren’t a complete loss, though: Wylan had managed to sketch some new factory floorplans while Jesper had been out, and he moved those papers away onto one of the armchairs that littered the private office, wiping the charcoal off his fingers.
They were trying to change how things worked in Ketterdam, but it was far more than an uphill battle. Sometimes, that meant upsetting people: like Councilmen who didn't approve of Wylan's plans to open up new harbors.
Jesper held up a bag of uitsmijter. He swung the door closed behind him with his hip, his pistol clattering against the polished wood. The other matching pistol was on the armchair beside the papers: they were also still working on putting down their weapons, one at a time.
“Sorry,” Jesper dropped the bag over the empty spot on the table. His words curled with the Kaelish accent that rarely ever showed itself. “There was quite a line.”
“A line?” Wylan frowned.
It was past three bells in the afternoon, the sun from the office’s bay windows was already beginning to sink near the horizon in the early winter. No one should be lining up for uitsmijter, which was why Jesper had suggested it in the first place.
“Yes,” Jesper shrugged. “Why don’t we get out of here?”
“Well,” Wylan was about to shrug it off – to say they should eat first – but he caught the red stain on the pistol at Jesper’s hip, stark against its pearl handle, and, “were you in a gunfight?”
The answer came far too quick, and far too short. Wylan walked around the table, heart hammering. Hadn’t they talked about this? The uitsmijter shop was nowhere near the Barrel – so either someone attacked Jesper, or Jesper had taken a detour. Or, more likely: both a fight and a detour. His vest was too crooked on his shoulder, jacket far more crumpled than it had been when he’d left the office two hours ago, and was that a shirt in a different color?
They could deal with everything else later. For now, one thing at a time, and the most important:
“Were you hurt?” Wylan strode closer, reaching out to take Jesper’s hand, but –
Jesper jerked away, taking a step back. “I’m fine,” he insisted, lips pressed into a thin line. “Let’s get out.”
This wasn’t like Jesper. Yes, Jesper could be impulsive and brusque and rough, and some days even Jesper couldn’t bear to be touched, the world too full and his heart too hollow to do anything except run. Still, this wasn’t like Jesper – one staccato beat off tempo, and Wylan was stumbling to catch up, to try and understand –
“Yes,” Jesper said again, nodding toward the door he’d just closed. The gaudy laurels painted on it was really something they needed to replace soon. “Out.”
Again, too short and too quick.
Wylan stared at him, grey eyes he didn’t think he knew right now. He’d seen enough people change, seen enough people be twisted out of shape: in front of him, because of him. Until there were no more silver linings to hold onto, only slivers of lies he tricked himself into calling hope.
This wasn’t like Jesper.
This wasn’t –
The door swung open and –
Instinct kicked in. He made a dash for the other pistol on the armchair –
“Don’t!” Jesper’s voice rang out.
And it was Jesper’s voice, because it was Jesper standing in the doorway, shirt sticking wet on his shoulders and jacket gone and a cut dripping from his temple. And it was Jesper, too, standing in the office with Wylan, jacket askew and blood on his pistol.
(read on ao3)
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haunt0ravensong · 1 year
The House Guest
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Summary: After a falling out with the entire gang, Kieran went off on his own and found a cabin for sale just outside of Emerald Ranch. Rumors had circulated the small ranch he works in about the cabin and how the previous owner said little people lived in their walls. He didn't think it was true until he met the tiny man himself.
Author's Note: This is an AU, obviously. Everyone is alive and had gone their own way. Arthur, Sean Lenny, and Kieran deserved better than what they got. I'm still new to writing on here so I hope you guys enjoy this :3
@pirate-pizza-party I got one done finally 👀
Eyes watched a critter skitter about in the rundown house's kitchen. For now it's only Kieran in the new place he found himself in. It isn't much, just a lonesome cabin that was for sale just outside of Emerald Ranch. He bought it for himself when Dutch's gang had their falling out.
The previous owner died of old age, but apparently was senile as well and was mocked by their wild stories of a tiny sized man living in the walls.
Well, it seems that the elder wasn't senile after all.
 Kieran had heard stories of these tiny people- Borrowers, if he recalls, from a former calvary man in the army. Borrowers aren't entirely human looking, sometimes having some animal features to better suit their needs. But most of all, Borrowers are usually terrified of people and will move to a different place if seen. 
To be honest, Kieran never believed it, but… now he's proven wrong. If the calvary man was still alive, he'd apologize for not believing, however he decides to watch the tiny being.
From what Kieran could guess, he'd say the little one is around three, maybe four inches tall. He's assuming it's the tiny man that the elder spoke of so he's going to say "he" until told otherwise. Aside from his height, Kieran spotted what looks like a long and fuzzy tail picking up a crumb and putting it inside a very small rusack hanging off his side.
One thing that amazes him is that the little one hasn't even felt his gaze yet. At the same time though, he doesn't want him to notice he's there. If he can find a way just to talk to him, maybe he won't leave.
Kieran stayed lost in his thoughts until a tiny yelp and scattering of the silverware left on the counter got his attention. He had been finally spotted.
By the time he looked to where the tiny man was, he was already inside the mouse hole by the sink. Kieran felt terrible for scaring him off although that would've happened anyways just because of him being a scary giant.
"I'm sorry for scarin' ya," he softly whispered once close enough to the mouse hole. "I didn't mean to. Here-" he fished out a small piece of chocolate he had, "- you don't gotta accept it. It's just a peace offerin'. I'm movin' into this cabin soon so if ya stay, ya might be seein' more of me. Just know that… I'm not gonna hurt ya. Ever."
He stepped away and went upstairs to see the rest of the place so he could see what needed to be done. It was in rough shape, but nothing he couldn't fix, he remembered having to fix many posts or tents with the gang.
After finally moving in and fixing up the stable and house, Kieran began to notice that the tiny man seemed to be slightly more comfortable with being seen by him. The tiny man hasn't introduced himself yet, but he'd been either giving waves or leaving small items like pieces of silver or jewelry out for him to see. He believes that they're gifts so he accepts them and leaves out bits of food and water for him in return.
This cycle had gone on for a few weeks, and while Kieran was thankful that the man hadn't left, he still felt a little… sad that he won't get near him. He understands though and refuses to try and rush knowing him. He himself was more reserved as well.
Kieran is getting ready to head back into Emerald Ranch for his job when he spotted the tiny man watching him from atop his dresser. He smiled and waved to him, and he got a wave back along with a long tail wagging like crazy. He chuckled thinking of it being more akin to a whip than a dog tail.
He carefully stepped to the dresser and bent down to get a closer look, "Hey there."
 "Hi!" The man responded back, shocking Kieran a moment before smiling even more.
 "Seems like yer excited." He softly chuckled, "Got plans today?"
 This question seemed to change the mood slightly. Not in a bad way though. The tiny man looked down to his feet and curled his tail enough around him to begin fidgeting with it. Was he… nervous? Kieran doesn't blame him one bit. Here he is a giant looking down-
 "I…I wanted to ask if I could come along?"
  His train of thought went blank, thinking he didn't hear that right. He subtly licked his lips to ease the dryness but made sure the tiny man didn't see so he wouldn't think anything of it. He didn't want to scare him.
 "You…you want to ride with me?" He wanted to double check if he heard correctly. When he received a nervous nod in response he smiled, "Sure, I don't mind. I gotta warn ya though, I'm headin' to my job so it might be a while before we get back."
The tiny seemed prepared for this and used his tail to point behind him, "I packed! The elder used to bring me out and well… I'm a little bored staying here."
Knowing that his mind is made up, Kieran gently placed his hand upright beside the man, and he climbed on after throwing his pack on his back. Kieran was slow and steady getting him up to his shirt pocket on the front and let him slide in. With how warm it is outside, he decided to not wear his new coat.
 As he walked downstairs with his riding buddy, he introduced himself, "My name's Kieran Duffy. What's yours?"
"I'm Gray. No last name though, I don't have one."
 He felt that there was a story behind that, however he decided to leave it be. There was no need to press for personal information this early on in their budding friendship. Kieran will ask questions in time, but mostly, he'll wait until Gray chooses to be more open with him.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I am finally starting to feel better. Today was rough. And after yesterday I was hoping today would be better but I felt so unhappy. It sucked. I am glad I'm starting to feel better but it is annoying that it comes at the end of the day.
I slept alright last night. I had some really intense dreams. And woke up feeling alright. James went to the doctors. I did not go with them. The doctor would tell James they are healing so well they don't need to do physical therapy??? Why is James super human??
While they were gone being praised by medical professionals I was trying to get myself together.
I liked my outfit today. And I felt good. My hair felt super clean and good. But my bangs need to be trimmed and I am having trouble with the way my hair is laying, but I felt cute.
But I also felt really low. Low isn't even the right word, I just felt nothing. I felt empty and bad.
I wanted to accomplish something. I had my leftover eggs from yesterday. I made the bed with my temperature in blanket and I love how it looks.
I got back in bed and worked on my squares. I did a lot of them today. Finishing all my blue yarn and my yellow yarn. I am making great progress on using all of the leftover colors.
James would come home soon and after I finished the square I was working on we got ready to go out.
James let me know that the doctor said they were allowed to bike again. At a park and not yet on the road. Makes me nervous. But it makes them happy so that is positive.
James took me to a park to try to cheer me up. I wanted to walk near some water. So we went to loch Raven. I also though it would be a good idea to try out one of my jackets as a test if it would be good for our honeymoon. Because it was drizzly today and would actually rain later. The issue with all of my coats is they are either to large to pack or don't zip well over my hips. I am specifically talking about the possible waterproofed ones.
But the one I wore today was alright. A little tight but not terrible.
I enjoyed the walk. I talked to James about my jacket concerns. And enjoyed seeing the birds. I tried to convince James we saw the loch Ness monster. I texted the picture to Laura and she said its Nessie's cousin Vanessa.
James would take initiative to take me to REI to look at rain coats because Jess had good luck there.
And I love looking around REI but man does it stress me out. It's so stupid expensive!! Like it is not accessable to like. Anyone. The first jacket I looked at was $300??? Then we went to the return room, that they call the garage, which is all significantly cheaper and I immediately found a coat I really liked. But it was $200. Then I found one on sale from $700 to $500?? And I was so disgusted. I tried to be positive. I figured I would st least try the one on and see if I like the style. But it didn't fit me. The xxxl jacket didn't fit me.
I was a little frustrated. Like I know sizes are fake and not a moral judgement. But the jacket that wasn't fitting me well was a large. Now a triple x isnt fitting. So I was trying not to be even more frustrated. First the price, now the sizes. I was trying to not be sad so I went to the clearance section. Tried the men's. The XXL I found fit my hips but was giant on top. Which is the problem I keep having! I need a triable shaped jacket.
James had some luck though. I gave up on looking at coats. And was looking at stuff. And James found a new helmet and bike shoe attachments for a significant discount. Since the doctor gave them the clear to ride they deserved new safety gear.
We left there and went to the pet store next door to get Sweetp dry food. I liked looking at the fish and hamsters. And then we were off.
We went to a goodwill to look at coats there. I found one I sort of liked. But not enough to actually buy. It was just a little to short. I'm glad it's not a rush but it is still frustrating. I don't actually need another coat. I have so many. But I don't feel like I have the correct one for this specific trip and that's hard.
I was still really down. We went down the street and got five guys. And that was nice. I enjoyed James's company. But I was also ready to go home.
When we got back here we got inside and took a moment to sort ourselves out. But then it was time to start putting away the Christmas decorations. It took a bit. We had to take everything down in the closet. I wanted to fit all our Christmas in one box and all our Halloween in the other. Our spring decor is in a tote bag. It would take a little bit of time to sort everything to fit as well as I wanted. But it worked great in the end.
After we put it all away James helped me redecorate the mantle in the livingroom. We went through the box we had of the stuff that had been up there. Made some choices. I love how much color is there now and while it took it came out really good. James was a ninny about me being on the ladder. But I was having fun. It was one of my favorite things we did today.
I did some more cleaning and putting things away. Just tried to feel normal. I opened the back door to get some air and sorted the shelves in our bedroom. I tried to feel okay.
James would get ready to go for their bike ride. I would do my knitting for the day and start another square. It was getting late in the afternoon. I would spend the rest of today just in bed working on squares and watching videos.
James went for their bike ride. And then to their parents house. It seems to have gone well. I enjoyed my time working on my squares. But I was also still feeling really hollow. Is sucked.
I was happy when James was home. I felt safer. The sun was going down. And they would make me a little sandwich and themself some pizza. And we just chilled.
James played video games and sweetp was here. We would have snacks. I would try to be positive.
The fog started lifting around 8. And I made James laugh a few times. I took a shower. And now we are getting ready to sleep.
Tomorrow we are back to work. O'Malley needs a ride tomorrow so we are going to pick them up in the morning. And it's a busy day with a small group but a few extra hours to watch the desk and build boxes for our reaches. I am hoping it will be a good day.
I hope tomorrow I feel like myself. I hope you all feel great. Sleep well everyone. Remember to wash your hands!!
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heartofspells · 2 years
So I want to know more about lies I tell myself (is it the Christmas one where they break up? Or maybe it wasn't you and I'm getting confused sorry)
And Common Scents (if snippets it would be perfect i think I'm already in love but maybe it's still just an idea)
And the Remus raising Harry and Sirius loses even if it's going to break me
Thank youuuuu💛
Haha! Lies I Tell Myself is the Wolfstar falling in love in their 30s that @impishtubist inspired. Set during OotP and riddled with angst, because of course it is, but we're also aiming for some fluff here as well. I don't have anything new for it yet, but I'm planning to get back to it very soon.
Remus raising Harry and Sirius losing is more of a rough idea now, with only the beginning bit written out. Basically, it's the height of the First War, and Sirius is starting to crumble. He tells Remus he doesn't want him anymore, that he doesn't love him, and they split. Sirius falls hard after that. Halloween still happens, James and Lily die, and Sirius, already too far down the rabbit hole, falls harder. Remus ends up with Harry instead and Sirius trudges through his life in a haze of his own creation. Until he runs into them years later by chance, then he becomes obsessed, essentially stalking the pair. Remus notices, because of course he does, and he tells Sirius he has no problem with Sirius being part of Harry's life, but he's got to shape himself up first.
Common Scents is...old, and not much has happened with it. Remus owns a perfume shop he inherited from his mother that caters to Muggles, but also has special access and items for wizarding kind as well. Sirius and James stumble in one day while they're Christmas shopping for Lily. Small little snippet below.
"This is pointless, James," huffs Sirius, eyeing the cloud of breath hovering in front of his face balefully. "There’s nothing down here."
James doesn’t even glance his way. "You’re mad, Black. There are loads of shops this way. We’ve been in a dozen already."
"Oh yes, I know," Sirius bites out caustically, "but you didn’t let me finish. There’s nothing down here for you."
"Good thing we’re shopping for Lily and not me, yeah." James smirks and shoves his hands in his pockets.
Sirius rolls his eyes. "Same difference," he mumbles.
James finally looks at Sirius. "It’s really not – "
Sirius continues as though James hadn’t spoken. "C’mon, Potter, it’s freezing," Sirius whinges, stomping his feet on the frosty pavement to enforce his words. "Let’s call it a day and you can try again in a few days. Without me." James opens his mouth to provide Sirius with some biting retort or another, but Sirius clamps a cold hand over James’ mouth and shouts in excitement, "Look! There’s a shop. I think we should go in there. We’re going in there."
James’ eyes lose focus for a brief second as though he is contemplating something. Sirius’ eyes widen in horror as he realises what’s about to happen but doesn’t have enough time to remove his hand before James gives it a good, long, wet lick.
"Yeurgh!" exclaims Sirius in disgust, removing his hand and giving it a violent shake. "And you call me an animal."
James glances across the street to the shop Sirius had previously been excited about. Sirius’ "Merlin, I’ve been violated!" goes ignored. "That’s a café, Sirius. What would I get Lily in there? A cup of tea?"
"What did you eat today? Molasses?"
"Though I suppose they could sale prepackaged things," muses James, still ignoring Sirius. "Lily loves those flavored coffees."
"Wait. Is that smell coming from my hand? Merlin, this is vile. Why did Lily even give you a second look?"
"It is cold," murmurs James thoughtfully. "It wouldn’t hurt to go inside and see what they’ve got to offer. S’pose we could warm up a bit while we’re at it."
"Good man," says Sirius, patting James on the shoulder, effectively ridding himself of saliva. James glares at him. "And just so you know, using my maneuvers against me isn’t fair play." James wiggles his tongue in his friend’s direction and Sirius steps back, nose crinkling in repulsion.
‘I should have let the Giant Squid keep you that time he got hold of you," says Sirius with a delicate sniff, turning his back on James and walking towards the café. He hears a soft scuffle as James scrambles to follow him. "I highly doubt you would have plastered your disgusting tongue all over him."
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kenniononion · 2 years
Is it okay if I requested a Oikawa or Kuroo with a male reader who’s a contortionist or just really flexible?
Thank you for your request, so sorry it took me so long to finish this, I forgot all about Tumblr, I'm so sorry!
!!WARNING(s)!!: none
Oikawa Tooru
You guys would meet in high school
You were a male cheerleader for their volleyball team
He found out about your "abilities" when you had to do cartwheels and then the splits.
"Wow, that's amazing y/n-chan, is there anything else you can do?" He asks.
you just reply by getting on your belly and bending your back so that your feet are now at your head.
You would often impress his team by doing a couple of tricks you knew would puzzle people.
He was always flirting as a joke till one day he realized...
He fell for you first.
You, not long after, fell for him.
you both decided to date and by the time you both left high school, you got engaged to each other.
He honestly was the one to suggest you doing the splits while you guys fuck.
It turns him on so much to see how flexible you can be.
You guys even try new positions every time you guys fuck.
He always says it's normal to try new positions.
But when he wanted to do it everyday.
That was a problem.
But you never complained honestly.
You were currently fucking while doing the splits.
He was on top of you.
You had your legs spread for more access.
He held himself up as he proceeded to lower himself into you. You moaned softly, as he held your legs open for him. "Such a good slut.~" Oikawa said, kissing your neck gently, giving you hickeys. You leaned your head back in slight pain and ecstasy. Your moans could be heard for only Oikawa and he knew it too. He smirked at your weak state.
His pace began to grow faster and harder as he began to thrust in and out of you. His hips harshly slapped against yours. Tooru groaned deeply, his mouth near your ear and he smirked again at your facial expression. "My precious baby.~" He said.
Kuroo Tetsurou
You both had met In High school.
He was a third year.
You, a second year.
You were Kenma's childhood best friend
He would flirt with you as a joke at first.
But as soon as he realized his feelings for you, that was all you needed.
Kenma kinda set you both up on a date.
He called you guys his OTP
Anyways. after high school, when he became an employee at an Economy Supply Service Department, you became a contortionist entertainer.
It was then he realized your ability to morph your body into weird shapes.
It lowkey made him love you more because it was a strange quirk and he loved when you had strange hobbies.
He would proudly announce that he loved when you'd do the splits while riding him.
He loved filling you with his cock as you spread your legs wide for him.
His favorite position would be either the cowboy or the viennese oyster position.
And right now you were riding him with your legs spread widely.
He helped you by holding your legs open for him.
He loved having the control of your body
And putting you in different sexual poses.
It was like having a sex doll.
He always called you his little fucktoy, or sex doll as a joke but during sex
You basically were that to him.
"Yeah? You like this? My little fucktoy.~" He groans in your ear, placing his hand on your ass. He smacks it lightly, not enough to leave any marks, but rough enough to get his point across. You moan softly, leaning your head forwards so you were now in the crook of his neck, still bouncing on his cock softly.
He squeezes your ass in his massive hands and proceeds to thrust up to meet with your hips. "Please Kuroo~" You begged, whispering in his ear as you moan gently, nearing your end. He only smirked in reply.
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Hey there!!! Can you please write a smut on SF9 finding out their partner reading smuts 🥺🌝 (I want to see how dirty they can go🌝) And if you don't want to write for all of them then maybe you can just do it for any member you're comfortable to write on. Literally, ANY MEMBER WOULD WORK. I really want to read something like this haha🤭
Also, I genuinely love your writings! I'm new to Tumblr but I'm literally binge reading your posts. Gosh you're talented as fuck😫💗✨
Lots of love, and thank youuuu💕
TMI: Not gonna lie, I was thinking about this when my mom came into my room to talk to me, and my recent story was literally right there just open and I was panicking. Although she doesn't know anything 💀. She's cute like that, my mom.
You are so sweet anon 🥺🥺. Go on make me cry with your lovely words 😭. I will try my best to write more and sorry this took so long 💞💖 LOVE YOU 💓
S/O reads Smuts 🤭
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 18+ ages and all readers (nothing specified with respect to gender, appearance, etc of reader). Rough sex (YB). Thigh riding (IS). Dick riding (JY). Marking. Biting. Humping. Dining table sex (DW). Low key strength kink? Idk (RW). Biting using teeth (ZH). Exhibitionism. Terrace sex (TY). Slight voyeurism. Oral - reader receiving (HY). Somehow I end up writing the filthiest things for Hwi. Cockwarming to sex (CH). It's really difficult to think of 9 different things for 9 different people😤. Also some may be unprotected sex, don't do it unless you want kids. Lmk if I need to add more!
Word Count: HAH jokes 😂
All members under the cut!
Doesn't understand at first 💀
But he isn't scared to ask so he'll just ask you
The panic on your face makes him panic
Apologizes 🥺
Then you explain that it's no big deal and that it's just a story
But he saw his name 💀💀💀
So he's curious and so he does research aka Googles it
Has a mixed reaction, doesn't know what to think
On one hand, he's flattered...?
Like, oh sweet, you are reading a story about him probably railing you to death
On the other hand, why are you reading it?
Did he not satisfy you enough? Should he do more? He wants to
So he will pick a random one, read it and be like, Okay. This is how it's gonna play tonight
So determined 🥺
Picks you up for your date and stuff
Timeskip to the bedroom by a steamed dumpling Dawon
So touchy and observant
Tries his best to remember what was in the story
Forgets but that's okay tho cause now he knows what you want
More Dom than usual
More vocal than usual
His grip on your skin leaves so many bruises and literal fingerprint shaped marks
Bites your neck a lot
Doesn't hold back one bit
Secretly satisfies his wishes too
Teases you for being so ready
Teases you for every reaction
Pulls your hair
Overstimulates you
Until you're tired and can't take it anymore
He could go for a round more
So he does
It's also like, he's lowkey angry at himself cause you were reading smut which made him think, maybe you thought he was too vanilla
But after you've both cooled down you ask him what happened and why he was so rough, not that you had a problem
Expresses his concerns and you tell him that you read those only cause you wanted to know what the fandom thinks of him and the way they think he likes to have sex
Blushy babyyyy
So cute 🥺
Do I even need to 😂
He's probably written a few 💀
He seems like he's into roleplay 👀
So when he does find a tab open on your phone about literal PORN, in words
He doesn't think much of it tbh
But is curious
He'll tease you like you are both high schoolers
Holds you phone up high so you can't reach it
Satisfied when you whine and pout
Tucks your phone in his back pocket and grabs your face
" I think it's hot "
Peck's your lips and slaps your butt leaving you wide eyed
You need a minute to process what just happened lol
Running after him you pull him down on the couch, sitting on hids lap
Bite you lip and grab his face pls
Now he's wide eyed 😂
Kiss his neck and talk to him sexily
" Do you really like that I read smut? "
You look so innocent he would cum right there
Poor man is dumbfolded
So much that he doesn't even realize you were grinding down on his thigh the whole while
Grabbing your hips he nudges your hips to continue their movement
Loves having you so close
Especially after discovering your secret
Suck him off after and he'll do any and everything for you 😉
Oo this one is fun
He won't confront you immediately
He'll just think about it a lot
" How are they so cute when they read such things for fun? "
Stares at you from across the room
Smirks at your cute smiles
Timeskip this time by Baek Huru
Surprises you by kissing your neck
Humps your butt
Pecks you neck
Rolls your nipples in his fingers
Moans in your ear, deeply and hoarsely
Pulls away dragging you to the bed
Sits near the headboard
Beckons you to come closer and naked 👀
Forces your dick in you, slowly tho, don't worry
Doesn't give you a lot of time to react
But, all this seems familiar
Then you realize that he's trying to recreate the imagine you were reading before
The whole idea made you hot
Istg you've never finished so soon
He tells you that you don't need to read those stories when you have the real deal right there
Smug bastard
He's happy that you're thinking and reading about him even when he isn't with you
He will actually read the warnings and is mildly surprised lol
Wow you really into all that?
He has no shame so he will ask you directly
You stop doing what you're doing and just slowly turn towards him
He's scared lmao
Then explains himself and says sorry
Tbh, you're more shocked that he isn't angry
Blinking you slowly make him sit on the dining table chair
Pacing you start to think of and explanation now
Is there any explanation for reading smut? Idk 😂
Honestly, he asked you so that you could actually do what the warnings said in real life
Gets up, takes your hand pulling you close and lifts you, making you sit on the dining table
Removes his shirt before kissing you intensely
Tells you that he wants to fuck you on the table like in the smut
Nodding you let him take over
Makes you cum twice easily
It's more romantic than rough
Passionate, very passionate
Kisses you a lot
Hands on you all over you
Pulls you closer and closer by your thighs
Lays you down and fucks you till your back is no where on the table
Sweet reassuring smooches when you're done
Tells you to talk to him about such ideas rather than just reading them
He is shocked™
Listen okay
He's tall
He's scared that he'll hurt you if he does what he wants without thinking
Reads multiple smuts 💀
Only the ones you've liked so far tho
Fuckin uses your account so yeah obviously
Now he'll be ready to talk to you about it
So shy omg
Stutters words out cause he's so flustered
You need to read his mind, literally
Once, somehow you are finally clear about what he was talking about
You'd just laugh at his cuteness
Boy is confused ??
Pushing him down on the bed you climb on top of him
Yes climb
Needy but still shy and shocked
Wastes no time in getting naked
Allows you to do whatever you want to him
No, really
Let's you take charge that is only until you tease him
Flips you and thrusts into you so hard the bed is shaking and you feel like it might break
Strong grips on your thighs and hips and belly and arms
Definitely sore for a few many days 💀
I'm not sure tbh
Either he won't care at all like
" Oh yeah this is just their thing "
Or he'd be so into it like hed wonder why you were reading it, was it for ideas?
He already has those so you don't need them from someone else
He won't ask you about it tho
But you will bring up an idea that was in one of them
And he's down
Or up, whichever you want
Asks you what you want more times than usual
But it doesn't make sense cause you're literally going crazy with the way his cock feels inside you and he asks you what you want?
Starts moving before you answer
Asks you again and again till all you can say out loud is " More "
He's fine with that answer
Hands above your head
Teeth scraping your the front of your throat drawing so many sounds from you
He's driving his dick in you so fast that you're moving away from him
Praises you with his deep ass voice
Gives you his Vampire stare™
That's all you need to cum undone
Keeps it a secret, won't ask you unless you bring up your little extracurricular activity 😌
Yoo Taeyang
So pink when he realizes what you're reading lol
But he's so mesmerised that he goes on reading it 😂
You catch him looking at your phone, no big deal
But he's looking at it as though he saw a ghost
He's turned on but at the same time he's appalled
Do people see him like that? Do you want him to be that?
He's gonna need a lot of time to process the information
When you reassure him that he doesn't need to change anything at all, he's more calm then
But on a fine ass blue moon, his fine ass is gonna decide that he's gonna try something new
So there you are, on the terrace talking to someone on the phone. After ending the call he'll come and hug you from behind
It's all aww so cute till you feel his dick press into your butt
Forces your head back to rest on hius shoulder slowly but hotly
Unbuttons your jeans and pulls them down in one swift motion and his hands are all over you
Somehow the idea of having sex in the open night sky is so exciting
Stops just before you reach your high so that he can fuck you
You're leaning on the terrace wall
Face pressed slightly on it as your butt sticks out for him
Giving him permission to do anything to you
The orgasm hits you so fast but it's so fulfilling 🤤
And your pants are being pulled up even faster 💀
Maybe you should leave smut laying around
You've found the saucuest lil smut about your boyfriend
He's sitting at the table, on his laptop composing and writing songs while you are here on the bed, blanket over your legs
Now see, you aren't really one to get off of smut but this particular one was so realistic
The description
The reaction
The dialogues
Reading it made you body move on instinct
Lower lip getting stck in your teeth
Hand travelling down to your privates
Your hips thrusting forward into your hand and fingers
Your breathy moans, that you tried your best to stick to, were louyd enough for him to hear
At first he thought you were doing a breathing practice or something
That is until he recognized the pattern
Lifting his blank phone up, he moved it to look at you through it
Boy is so shocked
It's like his own private porn show
Placing it back on the table gently, he moves the blanket slowly, getting under it
Licking his lips, he tucks his tongue out, licking the area that your fingers just slid over
Gasping at the sudden feeling you drop your phone and move your blanket off
You inevitably moan at the sinful sight below you
Your lovely boyfriend, looking up at you through his lashes, tongue coated with his saliva and your leaking juices
Holding your wrist, he nudges you to continue what you were doing, with his tongue never leaving you
Gripping your thighs, he bites your inner thigh as you work yourself closer to your high
After you cum, he'll lick off all your juices
Then he'll be all sweet asking you what you were reading
Round 2? 😉
He'll find it funny 💀
Why do people write these things
Why do people read these things
What is the use?
He is partly curious lol
When you tell him it stimulates the necessary regions, boy is shook
Then he's like nah
So you make him read one
He can't even make it halfway through lol
The foreplay itself made him hard enough to want you and to want to be in you
Grabs the phone and sits next to you
" I'm hard "
You look at him like boy what
Then he tell you that he now understood why people read them and that he's happy that people read them too help themselves
And you're like okay and what's the point
Pulls you on his lap
Whines at the feeling of to your butt on his arousal
Makes you stand now lol
Pulls his pants to his thighs and even yours
Places himself in you so that now when you sit on his lap again, not only is your back to his chest
Also his dick is in you
Somehow finishes the rest of the fic and just thrusts up into you
Cause you feel so heavently around him
Goes on and on and on till you're bouncing on his lap
Cums in you and just stays there till you finish your work
Still has mixed feeling now tho
Cause if reads them he wants you to be there near him and he wants to read more cause these fics are very addicting
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tommyhardyx · 3 years
Mr Solomons - Chapter Eleven
** Updated Version **
Pairing: Modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader Word Count: 2K Summary: You make it to the hospital to check on Alfie. Warnings: swearing Note: I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get new chapters to you guys, just struggling with motivation at the moment but hopefully I'll be able to get back into things soon. If you enjoy this chapter please, please consider leaving a comment, you don't know how much it helps. Enjoy!
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Time seems to move in slow motion as you sit in the back of an Uber, phone clutched in a white knuckle grip, on your way to the hospital. Every second seems to stretch on for hours, the panic causing ridiculous scenarios to flood through your thoughts as you try not to work yourself into a hyperventilating mess.
Your driver seems to notice your anxiety and doesn’t bother to try and make small talk with you, leaving you to your thoughts as you grip your phone waiting for Hannah to answer one of the dozens of texts you’d sent hoping to get a clear idea of what condition Alfie is in.
The first thing you notice, rushing to the doors of the hospital is Ollie standing off to the side, his face full of concern but he seems to soften when he spots you straightening up from where he had been resting against the side of the building.
“Ollie! Is Alfie okay? What happened? Hannah didn’t give me any details she just told me to get here,” you gush, gripping onto his arms when you get close enough.
Ollie sighs, wrapping long arms around your body and pulling you in close. His warmth seems to settle you, and you grip onto the back of his shirt.
“He’s okay, well he will be okay, he’s pretty beaten up but it’s not life-threatening,” he explains, his confirmation that the man you love isn’t on his deathbed working to calm you down.
“Oh, thank god,” you breathe into him. “Can I see him?”
“Yeah, he’s asleep right now but I just wanted to tell you what happened before you head in,” he explains as you pull away from him, wrapping your arms around yourself. “He wanted to check something at work after you guys got back so he went in. The door was open when he got there but he just figured it was just some kids breaking in on a dare and Alfie being Alfie he didn’t call the police just went in. Three guys, well he’s pretty sure it was three, were waiting for him and beat the crap out of him. He’s got a broken leg, a couple of cracked ribs and his face is all cut and bruised.”
Pressing your lips together, you try to keep the tears from your eyes through Ollie’s recount of events, the thought of anyone managing to hurt Alfie sounds so far-fetched to you, it’s hard to believe. But by the look on Ollie’s face, you know it’s all too real.
“He looks worse than he is, mostly he’s pissed because it happened. Alfie likes to think he’s tough, so he’s never been happy when anyone’s been able to beat him up. Come on, I’ll take you to see him.”
You nod, following Ollie through the doors of the hospital and through the twisting hallways, keeping your eyes from the rooms full of sick and hurt people as you pass, the feeling of being in a hospital making you feel a little queasy.
As you move towards Alfie’s room, Ollie catches your arm and you turn back to him.
“Just don’t treat him any different. He doesn’t want pity, that’ll just make him feel worse.”
Stepping into Alfie’s hospital room, you can’t help but gasp. Somehow you thought he was indestructible, even when his back puts him in enough pain to force him to use his cane, he still seems so strong, like nothing can hurt him.
“Alfie?” you mumble slipping your hand into his as he groans to turn as you sink into the chair by his bed.
Hannah smiles slightly at you from her spot on the other side of the room, her usual sunny demeanor dampened at the sight of her brother in such bad shape.
“Hello love,” he mutters, his voice rough as it always is when he first wakes up but today it is accompanied by an edge of pain that makes you wince.
“How are you feeling?” you ask, not sure how else to talk to him when he’s like this.
“Fucking brilliant, don’t I look it?” he jokes, and you lift his hand to your lips pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it.
“You look awful,” Ollie teases, earning a glare from Alfie.
“Oi, you just watch yourself mate,” Alfie mutters, though you can hear the humor in his voice as he says it.
Your thumb brushes over the back of his hand, and your face must betray how shocked you are to see Alfie like this because Ollie sighs and throws an arm around Hannah’s shoulders, who leans into him as he does so, and looks down at her with all the fondness of an older brother.
“How about we give them a minute?” he suggests, and Hannah nods, slipping her phone into her back pocket. “We’ll go get some coffee.”
You give them a smile as they leave, grateful for the chance to be alone with Alfie, at least for a little while.
Alfie turns to look at you, his beaten face making you wince as you squeeze his hand.
“Ollie tell you what happened?” he asks, his voice rough.
“Yeah Ollie told me. Who the hell would want to do something like this to you?” you ask.
The name sounds familiar, and it takes a few seconds for you to place it, remembering the only thing you knew about Alfie before you went to interview him all those months ago.
“The guy whose nose you broke a few months ago? How would you know that?”
“Didn’t want to tell Ollie, I only punched Sabini because he made a comment about Ollie’s wife so if he knew this happened because of that he’d feel bad, yeah, but they told me they were sent there by Sabini.”
“Shit Alfie! You need to call the police, this is serious.”
Alfie just shakes his head, groaning as he tries to readjust and find a more comfortable position for his broken body.
“Not talking to any fucking police. Look, the cunt got me back. That's the end of it alright? Just want to forget about it.”
You sigh, deciding against pushing him further as you hold his hand against your cheek looking over his bruised face, to the bandages wrapped around his body and finally to the cast encasing his right leg.
“When do they expect you’ll be able to head home?” you ask.
“Hopefully tomorrow, want to get out of this fucking place,” he grumbles.
Unsure how to comfort him, you continue to brush your thumb over the back of his hand as Ollie and Hannah make their way back into the room, Hannah handing you a cup of coffee and resting a hand on your shoulder as she says something to Alfie that you’re not paying attention to.
“Are you sure you’re okay there?”
Alfie’s frown deepens as you once again try to get him to move into a different position, worried that the current spot, like all the others, isn’t quite right for him.
“I’m fine, just fucking leave it alright?” he huffs.
His mood has been sour since you had helped him down onto the couch. Part of him is glad to be home, to be on his couch with Cyril lying on the floor beside him, his hand reaching down to pat the dog’s head.
You sigh, nodding as you move into the kitchen to find something for him to eat, Alfie groans and looks over his shoulder at you.
“Love, come ‘ere, please,” he mutters, holding a hand out over the back of the couch.
Moving towards him, you slip your hand into his sighing as he rubs the back of it with his thumb.
“I’m sorry, I’m being a prick,” he mutters, pulling you down so he can kiss you. “I don’t mean to snap at ya.”
“I know Alf, it’s okay,” you mutter, kissing his head. “Can I get you anything?”
He shakes his head, hand moving to rest on your hip calloused fingers brushing at the hint of skin he finds where your t-shirt has ridden up.
“Just come sit with me, yeah? Move the armchair over and sit in that,” he says, pointing blindly to one of the armchairs.
You pull the chair closer, sinking into it and tucking your feet up under you as you lean on the arm of the chair to watch him, smiling when he reaches out to brush his thumb against your arm.
“I thought maybe I’d stay here with you for a while, at least until you’re up and moving around without as much help,” you offer and Alfie nods, glancing down at Cyril.
“It’s a good idea, I won’t be able to do much with him, especially with my ribs,” he admits. “And it’d be nice to have you around all the time.”
You smile looking down at the dog who hasn’t left his dad’s side since he got home and reach out to rub your foot along his back.
“We just need to make sure he doesn’t try to jump up on your chest,” you point out, and Alfie nods, his face turning serious.
“Fuck, I didn’t think of that. Need to make sure he doesn’t get too excited around me,” he grumbles, the thought of having to be wary of his boy bringing the frown back to his face as he looks down at Cyril.
“We’ll work it out Alf, don’t worry,” you tell him, standing up and pressing a kiss to his head. “If you don’t need anything else I’m going to head home and pack a couple of bags. Anything you want me to get while I’m out?”
He shakes his head, giving your hand a quick squeeze before it slips from his own.
“If I think of anything I’ll call you. Take my car yeah? Keys are by the door,” he says.
Picking up the keys, you promise you won’t be too long and that you won’t crash his beloved car you head out.
At home, you find Nancy in the middle of cleaning, and the moment she spots you she wraps her arms around you, holding you tight.
“How are you doing?”
It’s the first time since you found out what happened to Alfie that someone’s asked how you are, all night and all this morning you’ve answered phone calls and texts from his friends asking after him, but not a single person has asked how you’re doing with the news, not that you think they should ask after you, but it is nice to have someone to check in on you.
“I’m alright, overwhelmed with everything but alright. Alfie’s okay, he’s in pain and in a bad mood but he’s alright,” you explain as you pull away, sighing as you sink into one of the stools at the kitchen counter.
“So what happened?” she asks, as she moves into the kitchen to turn on the coffee machine.
“Do you remember the man Alfie had punched back before I did that piece on him? Well apparently he sent three guys to wait for Alfie at the distillery and they beat the crap out of him. He’s got a broken leg, a few broken ribs and he’s covered in bruises,” you explain.
“Shit! How’s he doing? Is he alright?” she asks, pouring you a cup of coffee and sliding it across the bench to you.
“Thanks. And he’s okay, he just needs to rest which isn’t something he’s too keen on. I told him I’d stay with him at least until he’s able to move around on his own a bit easier so I won’t be here very much for a while.”
Nancy nods, sipping her own coffee as she leans against the counter.
“I thought you might do something like that, the broken leg might not be too difficult to deal with to look after himself but with that huge dog of his and broken ribs, he’s going to struggle. He’s lucky he’s got you,” she says with a smile.
As you sip your coffee you can't help but hope she's right.
@lizyshores @innerpaperexpertcloud @lauren-raines-x @joan2914 @durdntheoryx @misselsbells06 @tommymcartney @tommydoesntpayforsuits
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tamcitrus · 4 years
vacation night
pairing: Benimaru Shinmon x f!reader
genre: nsfw (i really tried giving it a background, i really did)
warnings: spit play, spanking, slight dom/sub, breath play?, little degradation
words: 2.7 k
summary: working as a fire force officer you inevitably met and worked with the Seventh Company’s Captain and you grew a soft spot for him, so you went to visit him on your “vacations”
tam’s notes: it’s finally here, my first Fire Force fic. I knew as soon as I saw this man that I had to write for him. I hope my fellow Benimaru lovers enjoy reading this as much as I did while writing it.
tags: @writeiolite​ , @shinsotired​ , @loneveenas​ , @vventure​
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"Ugh, you here again?" Benimaru walked past you and his friend, with the twins behind him. "I'm not interested in what you have to say, so please leave."
He was already in the next room when he finished talking.
"I'm sorry, he's… stubborn," Konro explained.
"Oh, don't worry, Konro-san. I can assure you I'm even more stubborn," you laughed. "Do you know a nice place where I can stay the night? I won't bother him now, I don't want to ruin your dinner."
"We have extra rooms, you can stay here if you like."
"Thanks. I'll take a look around the city and I'll be back," you smiled at the gentle man that made you company until now.
You walked around the city, bought some candies and went to sit by the river under the moonlight. A few minutes later you heard steps behind you and a big arm brushed yours when a person sat by your side.
"Why are you still here? Didn't I make myself clear?" Benimaru couldn't understand what it was about you that made him nervous.
"I'm not here for official business," you explained.
You were sitting on a bench facing the river and the man by your side had his back facing the river. You couldn't quite see the other's face but it wasn't necessary.
"I might apply for a new company," you whispered.
"We don't take people outside Asakusa," he anticipated.
"You don't."
"I'm not in charge."
"I'll ask Konro-san then."
"Tsk," he clicked his tongue and sighed. "Why―?"
"I like Asakusa. I'd like to be away from the Holy Sol Temple for a while…"
"Take some vacations," he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
You burst out in laughter. You couldn't believe a man this powerful could be so dense sometimes.
"I'm not making myself clear, I see. I'm here for you.”
He sighed. He had his suspicions and he was right.
“I don’t have time for this,” he answered.
You stayed silent. You had your suspicions too. Benimaru Shinmon didn’t look like a man interested in a relationship or any kind of romance. He had his job and his kingdom. And he was satisfied with it.
“Try not to wake up anyone when you come back to the headquarters,” he said as he walked away.
You smiled at him and observed his shadow disappear in the night. It was ok, you weren't hurt. It was just a simple crush on him, not like he was the love of your life or something. He could be but whatever.
You waited a few long minutes to stand up and walk back to the Seventh Company headquarter. Konro left a note with the room he had prepared for you and a little map to not get lost or get into someone else’s room, all of them marked with an X. You walked there and stared at the ceiling for another long period of time. You weren’t getting any sleep that night, you just knew, so you decided to leave. But you couldn’t leave without any notice so you wrote a note for Benimaru and walked to his door ―which Konro kindly pointed in the map with a different mark― to leave it there.
Once there, the curiosity bit you. You couldn’t hear anything, not even the slightest sign of his breathing, so you slowly opened the door to get inside and deliver your note.
It all happened so fast. You barely saw a flash of fire and then a hand in your throat had you pinned against the wall, without making a sound.
“Easy there, destruction king,” you said. He had your throat in one hand and your hand with the note in the other. “It's just me.”
“I could’ve killed you. What the fuck―?”
“Just wanted to leave a note before going my way,” you interrupted, as calm as you could with him all over you. “I didn’t think you would be so territorial.”
“Do you know how many people have tried something against me? Sneaking here and shit?”
“Pretty sure after a few tries they learned their lesson,” you joked.
“Are you leaving?” he asked without letting go even a little bit.
“I had a nice stay here today but I have to go,” you shrugged.
“What are you even wearing? In the middle of the night are you gonna walk out like this? Without a uniform?”
“A dress. Civilian clothes, Beni, I'm on vacation, remember? You should try it sometime,” you said, the pressure on your neck a bit lighter. “You’d look good without―”
Without your uniform, that's what you wanted to say. His mouth was over yours before you could mock him one more time. You made him come closer to you with your leg around his waist. He let go your arm and neck to grab your legs, you held to his shoulders to jump and cling to him. His torso had you against the wall as his hands explored your thighs.
You didn’t waste a second thinking about how he rejected you a few hours ago. You couldn't focus on anything else but his hands and his tongue, that wet muscle that was now tracing the veins from your neck to your shoulder. You moaned as his big hands grabbed your ass as hard as he could. He walked to his bed and let you fall there, as if you weighed nothing. You gasped when you felt your body hit his mattress. He was taking off his clothes without getting his eyes off of you for a second. It was almost like a lion stalking his prey before jumping to its neck to end the job.
“You’re big under all those oversized clothes,” you commented.
“You talk a lot,” he said.
“Want me to use my mouth for something else besides talking?” you smiled, you put up the most innocent smile that you could in that situation.
He sighed and rolled your dress up to your waist to position himself between your legs. You rolled your eyes at him even when he couldn’t see you. He bit your inner thigh and you closed your legs on pure instinct. You tried to, at least, but Benimaru’s hands held your legs at a safe distance from his head as he kept going up your skin and finally got to the point. He kissed your clothed clit and his mouth went up to your pelvis and belly until he met your dress again. He clicked his tongue and stood up to take your dress in his hands and ripped it apart, like it was a buttoned shirt.
You opened your mouth to complain but all you left out was a moan when you felt Benimaru’s mouth over your nipple. You tangled your hands in his hair and you were surprised by how soft it was. You threw your arm down between your bodies and took his erection on your hand to jack him off. He was… huge. Just like everything else on him, he was big and intimidating. His broad shoulders and chest, his big hands that could easily cover your whole face in one touch, he was just so powerful and big.
“What’s wrong?” he said and stopped to look at you. His different eyes looked at you through long locks of hair and even in the dark you could see a little blush on his face.
“Nothing,” you cleared your throat and moved your hand again before spacing out in your thoughts again.
Why get lost in a thought if you had the original one all over your body and kissing you in that same moment? You pulled his hair to hear him make some noise one more time, just in case you were dreaming. He growled when you moved your hips up and grinded your wet underwear against his bare dick.
“Just fuck me already, Beni,” you whispered on his ear as you tried to get rid of your underwear.
He helped you to get it off and then step back to admire your naked form on his bed. He also set your panty on fire, as if that little piece of fabric just did the most unforgivable thing to him. You giggled as you bent your knees and spread your legs open for him. He stood right in front of you again and took two of his fingers to his mouth and then to your pussy. You wiggled your hips at his touch so he rested one knee between your legs and put his other hand around your neck to try to keep you still.
You held to his bicep with both hands ―yes you needed both to get a hold around his arm― and moaned. You moved your hips desperately, silently begging for more. Without letting go of your throat he took his dick and teased your entrance, going up and down with his tip full of precum.
He could tease you like this the whole night just to watch you squirm and whine under his hands. But the reality was he wanted to fuck you just as much as you did. So he finally gave you -and himself- what you wanted. You arched your back at the feeling of him stretching you. Even with all the teasing and preparation you still needed a minute to adjust to his huge erection. He could be a bit rough with you but he still waited for you to signal him to keep going and when you squeezed his arm he took it as his signal.
He started thrusting slow, taking his time to see his dick disappearing between your folds. Once he had enough of that hypnotic view, he pushed himself balls deep into you, like his life depended on it. The pleasure clouded your mind, you had no space for something that wasn’t him right now, nor mentally or physically.
“Oh god fuck,” you whispered when he threw one of your legs over his shoulder and started thrusting in a new position. 
You couldn’t hear anything besides his heavy breathing, your moans and the constant skin-against-skin sounds. He pulled out and bent down to kiss you again.
“Turn around,” he ordered and you obeyed without a thought.
He slapped your ass and you screamed as you shut your eyes. You couldn’t hear him or see what he was doing so the expectation only added to your arousal. Then you felt his palm again on your skin and your pussy clenched around nothing.
“Again, p-please,” you said.
He chuckled and obliged. Your ass had three red marks with his hand shape and he felt proud of it. He used his fingers on you again as he kissed your spine up until he finally reached your head and whispered in your ear.
“Do you like it when I’m rough with you?” he asked. His deep voice made you feel like you were dreaming.
You nodded with desperate energy. You just wanted his dick inside you again, stretching you so good it almost hurted. And as he could read your mind, he kneeled behind you and used his hands to elevate your hips and thrust again into you. Seeing your ass hit against his pelvis was a glorious sight, he could feel himself on the edge of an orgasm just with it. But he couldn't do that to you. He took a fistful of your hair and pulled back so you couldn't muffle your moans with his cover anymore.
Beni fuck, holy sun and derivatives were the only things you could say between your moans and screams of pleasure. He slapped your ass again with all his strength when his thrusts became sloppy. Sweat dripped from his face to your back and tears of pleasure threatened to fall from your eyes if he kept that monstrous rhythm while ramming into you.
"This is what you wanted, right? Why don't you cum so I can see how bad you wanted this?" he said and slapped you again.
You moaned his name and your arms gave up to your weight and the strength of Benimaru's thrusts. He used a hand to touch your clit and rub it. That was your limit. Your climax hit you and you couldn't even keep your hips up, you collapsed on the bed as the man behind you observed as you struggled to catch your breath. He pumped his dick a few times before he started grinding against your ass and sucking bruises on your neck and shoulder, holding his weight with his hands on both sides of your head.
You felt cornered, trapped under his body and his dick still grinding between your ass cheeks, but you wanted more. So you asked for it.
"Such a good subordinate," he said as he made you roll on your back again.
He took your legs and threw them over his shoulders as he aligned his cock with your pussy to thrust again. He spit over his dick and your clit before starting to move, massaging over your sensitive organ to make you clench on him as he moved forward.
"Fuck," he hissed. He was balls deep inside you again but he didn't move this time.
You whined at the feeling of his cock stretching you again. It almost hurted, to feel him fill you like that and not move an inch.
He was biting his lower lip. You tried to move and he held your hips to make you stop.
"What's the rush?" he whispered and you were on the verge of tears again.
He knew what was the rush. He felt it too, your walls clenching on his dick, your legs trembling on his shoulders with the denial of pleasure.
He sighed. He couldn't keep his façade much longer, his balls ached for release. So he moved again, back and forward, hitting your cervix each time. You screamed and cried, it was too much. First nothing and then too much at once. You had your second and faster orgasm of your life. Benimaru lost it too, finally giving his body release, filling you up with his cum. He stood still again, feeling your pussy frantically clamping on his dick as your climax went down and your legs shaked still over his broad shoulders.
When you could breathe normally again he pulled out of you, cum dripping from your cunt and his dick to the bed.
You observed as he walked outside naked and came back with towels. You sat on the bed as you could, your legs were still shaking. Benimaru helped you to get up and cleaned you before taking off the covers and sheet of his bed.
"You shouldn't walk around naked, what if someone sees you?" you said. What if someone heard us, you thought.
"My room is the only one occupied on this wing, no one's around," he answered. "You can still stay here tonight."
"Here in the seventh or…?"
He didn't answer but he threw you one of his giant shirts before putting on some underwear and walking out again to get clean sheets. You walked out to the bathroom next to his room to wash your face and body. You would have marks in a few hours on a lot of places. You took your bag that was forgotten in the hallway and rushed inside his room again, you were still ashamed that someone saw you.
Benimaru was already sprawled on his bed, semi-naked and with one arm stretched to his side. You took that as an invitation to use it as a pillow as you laid by his side and tiredness finally took over your body.
When you woke up, Beni was gone. You assumed he was already working. You got dressed and you were ready to leave (again). When you walked outside, hoping no one was around, you were met by a soft oh that scared you.
"Konro-san, good morning!" you nervously smiled.
"Good morning. Did you enjoy your stay?"
You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but you decided it was the latter. He didn't look the type to laugh at a nervous woman.
"I did, thank you. Your map was really helpful," you tried to joke now. "I have to go now, sadly. My vacations will be over soon."
"Come to see us whenever you like, I'm sure Waka will be pleased," he smiled.
"Thanks, again. See you next time," you said and walked away after slightly bowing to him.
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bktaro · 3 years
seven-three (part 3)
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pairing: nanami x f!reader
themes/rating: explicit, 18+, clubs, bars, masquerade parties, rough sex
tw: daddy kink, spitting, sex toys, dirty talk, creampie, cockwarming, anal, voyerism(ish), squirting
wc: 9.5k
ao3 | part 1 | part 2​ | part 3
Nanami Kento had a hardened shell surrounding his personal life. Clocking out at five ‘o’clock on the dot every day, he left little to no room for others to get to know him better— leaving him as an unsolvable mystery amongst the office.
Likewise, you too aimed to clock out at five ‘o’ clock. You preferred routine during the workday, finding comfort in maintaining equilibrium and peace and wanting to do nothing more or nothing less than what was required of you.
Little did you know the two of you shared an interesting weekend hobby.
a/n : hi all! thank you for waiting so patiently. this chapter is a personal favourite of mine (of all time), and i'm so excited to finally share it with you all. i originally wanted to make this a one shot smut, but i’ve been wanting to expand it into a mini fic. not sure if tumblr is the place for uploading that type of content, but please let me know if it’s something you would be interested in reading!!
anyways, enjoy this nastyyy chapter!! 
An absolute masterpiece— that’s what Nanami thinks you are. A magnificent work of art, somehow misplaced and laid out on the bed in front of him instead of an exhibit in some renowned museum.
Every inch of you is enticing to him. From the strands of hair sprayed across the pillow case caressing the back of your head, your chest that rises up and down in anticipation, the glistening sheen of sweat of your body illuminated under the peaking moonlight from the windows, and his favourite, your legs that are propped open just enough for him to see droplets of your juice threatening to leak on to the bedsheets below— he’s mesmerized by it all . By no means was he an intensely religious man, but in the moment he couldn’t be more thankful for God’s utmost greatest and most beautiful creation— women .
He considers himself to be a good and honest man, yet nowhere close to a saint to be deserving of what God had offered and placed right in front of him. Nanami thinks it has to be a dream— and just maybe the best damn dream he’s ever had. You just look too good to be real, splayed across the bed naked with nothing but desire in your eyes, waiting only for him.
But when his hands roam to explore the soft flesh of your bare skin, feeling you shudder slightly under his touch alongside the tiny whimpers leaving your lips, Nanami knows— and silently thanks God— it’s real. You were real.
His gaze on your body is intense with hunger, so much so you could practically feel his eyes digging into the depths of your skin, and you begin to think it’s deep enough to reach even into the surface of your soul. Mixed with the grazes of his fingers, it’s an alluring sensation despite the minimal touch on the areas most needy, causing you to let out a louder whine and roll your hips just the slightest into the mattress in the search of any sort of physical relief.
“Please…” Your voice comes out shaky, pupils directly looking into his above yours. “...I need you.”
Unable to hold back, a low, nearly inaudible grumble vibrates in his throat at your actions and words. Perhaps he’s the one who saved a nation in his past life, something remarkable of that sort to be lucky enough to be alive and present in this very moment. Or he truly really was just one lucky ass bastard, somehow having a Goddess of a woman practically begging him to fuck her right underneath him.
True, you were the one granting him a wish, but by no means did that mean he couldn’t help grant a few of your own wishes at the same time. Alongside the original, he now had an additional goal that was simple: give you the experience like none other so no other partner could ever compare to him. And of course, Nanami is nothing but confident he’ll be able to achieve just that. Failure was never an option in his books— especially not now.
“Patience, pretty girl.” Nanami whispers, fingers softly caressing the side of your jawline. “First, open your mouth again for me.”
You oblige without hesitation, mind still partially woozy from your second orgasm minutes ago. Nanami grins at the view of your semi dazed expression, tongue hanging out before his instructions to even do so. Gently, he allows a string of saliva to fall from his mouth and into yours, watching the glob of foreign liquid pool onto the pad of your tongue.
“Stay just like that, and don’t move an inch until I say so.”
You do just as he commands, remaining still the best you can for the few seconds you can feel him shuffling on the bed to reach into the bedside drawers. Despite being clouded in the aftermath of your orgasmic high, when you hear the cluttering of his hands rummaging through the contents of the drawer your mind wanders to the possibilities of what Nanami was searching for. Lube? Condoms?
It then instantly dawns on you what else it could be. The rustling of a cardboard box being opened is enough of a signal to confirm your thoughts even seconds before Nanami returns with the suspected item in hand. A sex toy, replicating the shape of a generous sized penis and colored in a translucent purple hue dangles above your eyes, causing them to widen once more.
“It’s nowhere as good as my cock, of course...” Nanami begins, leaving another soft, comforting kiss in the crook of your neck. “...but we need to get that sweet little hole of yours ready for me, don’t we?”
He doesn’t wait for your reply, a trend of his throughout the night thus far, placing the tip of the dildo on the surface of your tongue. A satisfied hum vibrates in his throat when he watches your lips wrap around the rest of the toy, taking it deeper into your mouth while keeping your eyes locked onto his.
You work your tongue up and down the rubber surface, tracing the ridges and coating the surface with as much saliva as you could. Nanami can’t help but to silently watch in awe your head bob up and down the toy, a part of him almost becoming jealous that it isn’t his dick back in your mouth instead.
After a few more rounds of making sure the toy was properly lubed and ready, Nanami pulls the toy away from your puckered lips. He smirks at your disappointed whine at the sudden retraction, bringing a hand to caress the top of your head in reassurance.
“No more, you’re making me start to get jealous of a fucking piece of rubber.” Nanami whispers, continuing to stroke your hair and soon after leaving a gentle kiss on the edge of your forehead. His hands halt their movements moments later, moving to tilt your chin up towards him forcing you to see the coy grin now spread across his lips.
“Tell me, are you ready to get fucked stupid, doll? To have that pretty little mind of yours be filled with nothing but my cock?”
Watching the string of saliva connecting your bottom lip to the tip of the now glistening rubber tip of the toy break off, you nod your head frantically. You were more than ready, desperate in desire for more. Even without saying a single word, it was written all over you— in that moment there was nothing more you wanted in the world than him .
Lucky for you, Nanami was fluent in reading the writing of the unwritten plea of a girl searching for the remedy for her lustful trance. He was an intelligent man, after all. Yet, no matter how incredibly alluring you were to him, somehow at the same time you were just as cute, eyes wide blinking up towards him just like an actual doll. He thinks only an insane, evil man would be crazy enough to leave someone as cute as you in the distress you were in.
Thankfully, Nanami considered himself a good man— once again, not a saint of any sorts, but simply a good man. And as a good man, he wouldn’t let you suffer any longer.
Nanami shifts his body, moving to crouch in between your spread legs. You’re so wet, pussy glistening with a layer of the sweet sheen he just couldn’t get enough of, holding himself back from licking it all up then and there. Perhaps he didn’t even need you to prep the toy with your joint saliva— you had more than enough lube naturally already, and you could feel it too.
So you’re shocked when you feel him spit on your cunt— and you're even more surprised when you feel his fingers spread the mixture of liquids from your cunt down to your ass, and slip a finger teasingly into your hole. You can’t help but let out a loud moan at the sudden unexpected intrusion, feeling a bit shy at the position yet already immensely satisfied with the bare minimum of a touch.
“Oh, darling,” Nanami grins, watching your sudden jerk in movements at his actions, pussy clenching at nothing in front of his eyes. “You like that, don’t you?”
You did, you really did— and there was no reason to lie and say you didn’t.
“Yes… please give me more.”
“Where do you want it, doll? In here?” Nanami asks, removing his finger and hovering the tip of the dildo by the entrance of your cunt, before slowly bringing it down to graze over your ass instead. “Or maybe here?”
It’s almost like a game to him, perhaps his new favourite game, seeing just how far he could tease you and watch you whine and wriggle in desire.
Yet, it’s a game Nanami was running out of will for him to continue to play.
His body adjusts once more to hover above yours again, cupping the side of your cheek to bring your lips upwards into a kiss. It’s another gentle kiss, calming and reassuring in nature, feeling the warmth of his body on yours that makes you wonder if time could be kind enough to stop right then and there forever.
But your wonder shifts back into reality, reverting to what you really were desiring at the moment when you feel the tip of the dildo finally sink inside you, breaking the kiss and replacing it with a moan into his mouth. Your hands come up to grip the blades of his broad shoulders, head tilting back in pure relief.
“Oh god …”
“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
All you can do is whimper out a wordless response, nodding your head instead. It’s good— so fucking good, to finally get your aching hole tended too, yet you still feel as though something is missing. You know all too well what it is, and Nanami chuckles because of course, even though your face twinges in pleasure and soft moans escape your lips the deeper he pushes the dildo in, he too already knows.
He thinks maybe in a previous life he had already explored you, well aware of every single area you were most sensitive in and how to make you feel good because it’s almost scary how he knows you all too well already. Despite never having laid a single finger on you before tonight, he’s already fluent in reading the language of your body and what you’re truly wanting long before you even muster the strength to say it.
So he could give you what you want right then and there. But he also could keep his favourite game going— just a little bit longer than he planned too.
“Yes… so fucking good… but… I-I want… you.”
“You want me?” Nanami asks, almost too nonchalantly compared to the twitching of his hard cock at your plea. “The toy in your ass isn’t enough for my slutty girl?”
“No…I want your cock… inside me.”
A dildo now deep in your ass was more than pleasurable and nice, but the both of you knew feeling his pulsating cock in your aching cunt is what you desired even more . To feel him, all eleven inches throbbing inside of you, fucking your tight hole senseless.
And he’ll give up his favourite game and give you just that. Nanami is a good man, after all.
“I’ll share your mouth and ass with this toy— but from here on out your pussy is mine and only mine.”
Nanami moves in an instant, roughly spreading your legs just a bit further with his own, pushing your knees apart in order to fixate himself properly in between. A shudder travels up your spine once more feeling the hot flesh of his cock against your bare skin, the length caressed and rubbing in between your cunt up and down while the tip grazes just teasingly against your swollen clit.
“You’ve been so good for me, sweet girl.” Nanami leans forward on his forearms beside each side of your head and murmurs into your ear, breath hot against your skin. “Now it’s my turn to make you feel so fucking good.”
It’s the last bit of words you could properly understand and digest before your mind melts into mush, turning into nothing but putty right into the palm of his hands. The room fills with nothing but the sound of two harmonious moans when the head of his cock finally dips inside your cunt, the nails of your fingers digging deeper into his shoulders in desperate search of something to grab onto.
“Breathe baby.” Nanami whispers. “You can take it all.”
He’s big — so big it’s a mystery to both you and him on how he’s able to continue to push into you inch by inch, your cunt squeezing him tighter the deeper and deeper he goes. Alongside the dildo deep inside your hole, it’s already too intense— and when the last inch of his cock finds its way inside you it breaks the last sheer remainder of strength you have left. Your mind becomes woozy once more, back arching off the bed while your hands roam to grip the back of his hair as your body twitches on his cock, releasing a loud moan that overpowers his simultaneous one and echoes throughout the room.
Nanami’s eyes widen in realization in the aftermath, watching your body loosen and relax onto the bed, fingers loosely locked behind his neck.
You feel your face turn warm, and once again you're thankful for the mask that partially covers the redness of your embarrassed cheeks. Yet, you think it’s still not enough to hide behind, releasing your fingers from behind him and raising up both your hands to conceal your face instead.
“Shut up…”
“No, don’t be embarrassed.” Nanami chuckles, reaching for one of your hands to pry them away from your face and bringing it to his lips to leave a kiss on the inside of your wrist instead. “I’m glad I can make you feel that good… not to mention it’s was also extremely fucking sexy watching you cum on my cock.”
You begin to think it’s truly a hidden talent of his you were lucky to see. He seemed to just have the right words everytime to put you in such a lust filled trance again and again— and you just couldn’t get enough.
“You have to make me do that again at least five more times, daddy .”
A cheeky grin creeps up on Nanami’s face. You wonder if it’s because of the flirtatious manner of your words, or if it's the soft moan you let out instantly when you feel his cock twitch inside of you that serves as a silent response to your words itself.
“It’ll be my pleasure to watch you cum, darling.” Nanami pins your wrist in his hand down above your head and into the mattress, kissing your lips with his in between his words. “Over and over , again and again until you can’t take it anymore.”
There’s a part of you that wonders if his lips had some sort of transparent chemicals difficult for the human eye to see. You were beginning to find yourself already addicted to the feeling of them, especially against your own. Soft like previously or hot and passionate like now, his kisses were nothing but hypnotic, drawing you effortlessly faster and deeper into the abyss of Nanami Kento.
You’re only snapped out of the trance of his kiss when it’s broken once again with a moan escaping your lips, feeling the length of his cock slowly slip out of you. The sudden emptiness leaves you aching for something more, clenching against nothing in the hopes of hugging even just an inch of him from escaping you.
“No…” You whisper, your free hand coming up to grip the back of his shoulder in an effort to push his body closer to you. “Put it back in…”
Your efforts show no successful action, his frame much too broad and built to be waived by the strength of just one of your arms. But your plea yields different results, a low, rumbling groan vibrating in his throat and the head of his cock sinking back inside your pulsating walls.
His movements are slow and gentle at first, allowing you to feel and grip every inch of his cock enter and leave your cunt. Rhythmic in pattern, Nanami’s hips work in what feels like matches the beat of your heart, filling you up and emptying you again and again, his soft grunts of pleasure quiet and low, but loud enough to sound like a subtle melody to your ears.
Gradually, the pace of his hips thrusting into you increases the more he feels your cunt adjust and mould into the shape of him, alongside the sound of your moans filling the room increasing in volume. The tips of your fingers can’t help but curl against his back with the rising pleasure, digging into his skin and scratching the surface, surely bound to leave marks to serve as a momento for the night later on.
You think maybe Nanami is angry momentarily at your markings on his skin, his hand that pinned yours down into the mattress above your head releasing for only a second to roughly grab yours behind his shoulder. Bringing that hand to join your other, Nanami now held both your hands down by the wrist, restricting you from freely moving.
“Bad girl. That’s gonna hurt later.”
The now familiar smirk reappearing on his face hovered over yours was more than enough to tell you he wasn’t angry at all. It was the opposite in actuality— the stinging pain would just remind him later on how he fucked you just that good, and his cock throbs just merely at the thought already.
“Punish me then.” You spit out. “Don’t be gentle like you do with good girls— fuck me like bad girls deserve.”
Nanami lets out another groan, and you can feel his cock twitch mid thrust inside of you. Somehow, he was more turned on than he already was— his vision shifting you from the complying, good girl you were in his eyes to the slutty, needy fuck doll you wanted to be.
He readjusts to sit partially upright, releasing his weight holding him up by his forearm and instead using that arm to grip onto the meat of the back of your thigh. Pushing your leg upwards his arm wraps around your thigh, spreading you open more and tossing your leg above his shoulder.
“I’ll fuck you just like a bad girl then.” Nanami mumbles, the grip on your wrists becoming stronger. “I’ll fuck you like you’re a little slut that knows nothing but getting stuffed with cock.”
You can’t help but clench your cunt at his words, feeling yourself get wetter in response. Nanami feels it too, your excitement squeezing his cock even tighter, and he flashes you a quick tiny, knowing grin that lasts only for a few seconds, before roughly snapping his hips back into you.
His pace is fast, still rhythmic but now much faster— pounding your cunt at a speed that makes it difficult for you to even catch your breath. Your leg held up and on his shoulder spread your cunt even further than before, allowing him to reach deeper inside of your cunt and just barely hitting your most sensitive area, causing you to cry out every time his cock mercilessly pounded deep into you.
Seeing your eyes roll back, Nanami moans at the feeling of your pussy clench around his cock even tighter. It’s a sign he’s familiar with— you were close, and he thinks it's the perfect moment to release his grip from your wrists. Your hands instantly curl into fists, gripping at nothing in pleasure while with his now free hand, he brings it to tend to your swollen clit, rubbing the bud with the pads of his fingers.
“Fuck… if you do that I’ll… I’m…”
“You’re what?” Nanami groans, his fingers pressing harder circles onto your clit. “Say it clearly.”
“I’m gonna cum.” You whine, arching your back off the mattress and grinding on his cock the best you could. “I’m gonna fucking cum…”
It’s overwhelming. You’re sensitive to the touch, already overstimulated with his cock pounding your pussy, fingers rubbing your clit, and dildo still shoved in your ass. But it feels so damn good that the familiar knot in your stomach releases once more, curling your toes and sending you into bliss.
Nanami curses under his breath, slowing the movements of his hips before pulling completely out to watch your body relax on the bed once more. Your breaths come out in haggered pants, struggling to catch your breath, and you feel the Nanami’s weight sink into the bed beside you, the callousness of his hands soon after rubbing up and down the skin of your legs in an attempt to soothe the shaking of them down.
“You’re so gorgeous when you cum.” Nanami murmurs, breath warm against the shell of your ear with his body now laying beside you on his side. “So. Fucking. Gorgeous.”
His hands find their way to inch upwards from your legs to your hips, gently turning you around to face your body towards his. Fingers instantly find themselves in their habitual spot, just underneath the surface of your chin, lifting up your lips and trapping them into another fiery kiss with him.
The kiss breaks when Nanami pulls away with a smirk, releasing his hands from your body to lean backwards onto the mattress on his backside. A hand holds the back of his head propped upon a pillow behind him that leans against the headboard of the bed, legs spread and open in a way that almost serves to proudly display his fully erected cock, his other hand pumping the shaft covered with a sheen of your liquid.
A lump forms in your throat at the sight, a reaction formed as a result of a mix of nervousness, embarrassment and excitement. You still had no idea just how he was able to pound into you with something of that caliber, and how now he was suggesting now you were supposed to fuck yourself on it. Yet, the glistening liquid belonging to you coating his cock— a tad embarrassing in retrospect—  was a clear indication that he was in fact able to fit it all inside you, and the pleasure was that you’ve never experienced before.
Despite growing increasingly exhausted and tired, you still wanted him again. Again and again, you wanted nothing more than him .
You feel your cunt throb at the thought, biting your bottom lip down in the hopes of holding back the drool you might just let escape, hungry for more of him. And you would be a complete fool to think Nanami doesn’t notice your entranced expression, the tiny smirk on his face transforming into a larger, smug grin instead.
“Doll.” Nanami calls, a single finger rising into the air gesturing to you to come closer towards him. “Why don’t you come here and ride my cock?”
It’s a request you're more than willing to fulfill, finding your body moving on its own accord onto your hands and knees, slowly crawling forward towards him. Your palms rest flat on top of his chiseled abdomen when you finally reach close enough to touch him, utilizing the surface to balance yourself on to your knees to straddle both sides of his body.
Nanami’s hand pumping his cock retracts, joining his other supporting his head against the headboard when your hands travel to wrap around his length. Gathering another pool of saliva in your mouth, you let the trail spit drop down to the head, using your hands to twist and jerk his cock, coating the surface with the liquid.
“Oh fuck .” Nanami hisses, face suddenly wincing when one of your hands roam just a touch lower, squeezing on his balls. “You’re a little minx.”
A staggered groan escapes his lips watching you drop your body lower, beginning to grind your wet cunt onto the shaft of his cock. You feel one particular vein, perhaps the same protruding one from earlier throb at the warmth of your cunt rubbing back and forth on his, causing the corner of your lip to hitch upwards.
“What are you going to do after tonight?” You ask with a small grin, continuing to grind yourself on him. “You won’t be able to stop thinking about me.”
Nanami chuckles, instantly shooting you a confident smile back.
“Darling, what a ridiculous question. I thought you knew your pussy was going to be mine and only mine after tonight.”
In an instant, his body swiftly sits upright, giving you little time to react and forcing you to abruptly halt your movement. Your eyes widen, letting out a startled gasp when you feel an arm snake around your waist from behind, pulling your body close enough towards him so his chest was now pressed up against yours.
“I’m greedy, you know. I want to keep you to myself, and I don’t like sharing what’s mine.” He begins, voice low and fingers coming to grip your chin to lock your gaze onto him. “And I also know you won’t be able to stop thinking about me either, so this works for us well, doesn’t it?”
Nanami leans forward, trapping your lips with his into a sensual kiss, serving as almost a metaphorical action in sealing the deal to his words that were nothing but truthful in nature.
A part of you completely agreed that in hindsight it was a rather ridiculous claim to be so hooked onto the other so quickly. You could more than understand the foolishness in agreeing to only reserve your bodies for one another after merely a single sexual encounter.
Yet you already could imagine how lackluster any other partner would be in comparison to the sex you experienced with Nanami thus far, only becoming better and better with each passing second. And as much as part of you screams internally of how uncharacteristically weak you were to him, falling right into the palm of his hand exactly how he wanted you, you just couldn’t help it. If it wasn’t already so painfully crystal clear before, Nanami Kento was definitely not your ordinary hook up at all— he was much more enticing, luring you every bit through whatever spell he had casted onto you.
Gojo would have to wait for his threesome longer than anticipated— you had signed the dotted lines on the metaphoric contract, returning the kiss with just as much passion and lust.
“There’s some truth to that, I suppose.” You give him a tiny grin against his lips and a wink when you pull away, and Nanami answers in a hearty chuckle.
“That’s a good enough response for me.”
“Is it really? Somehow I don’t buy that.”
“Words don’t hold the entire amount of truth— I’m a firm believer that actions speak louder instead.”
You let out a startled gasp, feeling Nanami’s large hands suddenly snake down your body, roughly grasping onto the curves of your ass.
“And what I’m saying is I’d rather see you start bouncing on my cock— only if you really agree, gorgeous.”
Nanami releases his hands from your body, falling back onto the mattress with his hands returning against the headboard. Holding the back of his head, he’s arguably waiting almost too calmly for your next move. He had given all the power in your court, allowing you to choose the next course of action.
And when he watches your body readjust, steadily gripping onto his cock and angling it to sit yourself on top of it, he can’t help but let out a wide grin, silently celebrating his victory.
“Hold on baby. I want you to turn around and ride it— show me how you can bounce that ass.”
You do just that with no hesitation, turning yourself swiftly around, straddling him with your backside faced towards him. The new position itself makes your cheeks grow warm in both excitement and embarrassment, all your most intimate places now on full display for him to see.
It takes every ounce of strength in Nanami’s entire body to hold back from letting his cock bust right then and there as soon as he watches you slowly lower yourself and take him in, your soft moans once more breaking the silence in the room. The sight is so lewd and erotic to him, focused on nothing but how his cock continues to disappear inch by inch inside you, tightly gripping him as if you were holding on to dear life and the purple dildo still sticking out of your ass.
“Oh my god, baby .” You moan when the final inch slides in, now balls deep on top of him. “You’re so fucking big, baby… filling me up so good.”
Nanami’s mind begins to teeter violently at the combination of it all, your words, the lewd sight and sounds, and he’s no longer confident in how much longer he can hold back from reaching his peak. And when you begin to move, allowing yourself to bounce up and down his cock, he knows he's a goner sooner than later.
His hands reach forward to grip onto either side of your hips, simultaneously grinding his upwards in sync with yours helping you reach the deepest parts of your cunt with every bounce increasing in both intensity and speed. The head of his cock brushes past your most sensitive area, feeling him just right in the pit of your stomach that makes you cry out a moan that echoes the entire room and clench onto him even tighter.
The purple toy glides teasing in and out of your ass with every assisted bounce on his cock, and the view is almost taunting to Nanami, becoming embarrassingly jealous once more at the inanimate object. But it also leaves him curious just how much more you could take, so much so his hands move quicker than his brain, wrapping his fingers around the toy and beginning to pump it in and out inside of you.
Curses drop from underneath your tongue, falling partially forward on the palms of your hands, fingers gripping onto Nanami’s legs in overwhelming pleasure coming from both your holes now getting fucked. Yet you find it impossible to stop yourself from moving your hips up and down, not wanting the pleasure to end even for a second, continuing to take now both his cock and dildo inside of you.
“Fuck… I can’t…it’s so much… filling me up.”
“Yes you can, baby. You’re doing so good, taking it all in... I can feel you getting so much wetter and tighter just for me.”
You’ve grown even wetter now, becoming even more drunk on lust the moment your second hole became another slutty little hole, with the temporary only purpose to be used for pleasure purposes. Nanami also grows more and more drunk on lust seeing your body react, watching the way you squeeze on both his cock and the dildo, your own slick now dripping out of your cunt and down your thighs. The movement of his hips become increasingly sporadic and less rhythmic, mind clouded with nothing but the need to continue to fuck you senseless.
“Say it, you like getting both of your holes fucked by me, don’t you?”
“I love getting both my holes fucked by your big cock.”
“You want to be filled with my cum, don’t you, dirty girl?”
“Yes...please fill my slutty hole with your cum...”
You’re a moaning mess, the air around you filled with nothing but the lewd squelching noises, Nanami’s grunts pounding into you, and your cries of pleasure. With one final thrust of his throbbing cock, you feel the hot load of Nanami’s cum shoot inside your cunt, a shiver traveling up your spine as you simultaneously reach your own orgasm at the sensation.
A moment of serenity envelops the room; you have collapsed fully now onto his legs, Nanami unmoving, cock still deep buried inside you with his cum now trickling out of your cunt and onto his cock. Only the sounds of panting can be heard from the both of you, blissfully recovering from your post orgasm high.
But of course, it lasts for just a moment. Nanami wasn’t one to let things last longer than necessary, after all.
“I didn’t get to see you cum.” Nanami states, shattering the silence in the air. “Do it again.”
You can’t help but blink a few times, turning your head slightly back to look at the man behind you.
“ What ?” Surely you heard wrong, right?
You didn’t. It was exactly as you heard, confirmed when Nanami flashes you another half grin, just a peek of the whites of his teeth showing through.
“You heard me. I missed seeing you cum, so sit on my cock facing me and do it again.”
“You’re crazy.” You let out a small scoff in disbelief, only to transition into the corner of your lips tugged upwards in an excited smirk you fail to hold yourself back from hiding.
“Am I?” Nanami questions, reaching forward to teasingly squeeze the meaty flesh of your ass that triggers you to release a whimper at the touch. “Your little pussy that just throbbed on my cock is telling me differently— you like this idea too.”
His hands move once more, slowly pulling the dildo out of your ass that in return brings about another soft groan to rumble from your throat. Nanami is already a sucker to the sound, growing incredibly weak to it mixed with the sight in front of him of both your cunt and asshole clenching at the sudden loss, instinctively gripping whatever you could to remain filled up. His dick hardens once more at the sensation and sight, twitching against your walls again.
“Guess actions really do speak louder than words, huh?” You grin, your words come out in between breathy moans, eyeing him from just over your shoulder.
“Exactly, you’re one to catch on quickly.”
Nanami’s hands roam again, tossing the purple dildo to the side of the bed and placing his hands to grip either side of your hips. When you feel them gently squeeze your skin, you take it as a sign to readjust your position, briefly lifting yourself off of him, only to sit back down on his cock when you turn back around to now face him.
You lean forward, both your hands softly grasping either side of his neck to pull him in for another kiss, both sloppy and needy in nature. It only breaks when Nanami lets out a low moan, feeling you teasingly clench your cunt around his cock.
“Fuck, stop doing that.”
“Why should I?” You ask, grinning once more. “Maybe I want to see you cum too.”
“If you keep doing that, you definitely will.”
You let out a gentle laugh against his lips, bringing your lips back onto his. Nanami’s hands find refuge on the sides of your hip once more, sitting back upright to deepen the kiss, further exploring your mouth with his tongue.
One hand slowly begins to dip from the side of your hip, on to your thighs, his fingertips trickling skillfully back and forth in the inner part of your upper legs. It’s only when his fingers suddenly move upwards to caress the swollen bud of your clit in steady circles you interrupt the kiss once more, tilting your head back and letting a breathy moan escape.
“Feels good…”
Nanami catches sight of the skin of your neck, the smooth and soft surface now fully inviting him the more you tilt your head back. Similar to a magnetic pull, his body is drawn instantly, lips finding themselves attacking the sensitive skin.
“It does, doesn’t it?” His words come out muffled, in between the kisses against your neck. “Especially when your clit is extra sensitive from getting fucked so hard.”
Your fingers curl once more against the blades of his shoulders, feeling the hand remaining on your hip beginning to guide you in moving back and forth.
“You make me feel so good too darling, knowing you’re just filled with my cum, and warming my cock so good just like this.”
You’re immensely spoiled. At least, that’s the thought that races throughout your mind feeling Nanami work carefully on all the most sensitive areas of your body. As rough as he could be, Nanami concurrently treated your body as if it was a sacred possession tending attentively to all the areas that could give you the most pleasure, in return making you feel as if you were on cloud nine with every kiss, nip and touch. And when the pressure of his fingers against your clit grows harder, and the large, firm hand on your hip directs your hips to grind on his cock faster, the all too familiar pressure in your stomach builds once more.
It arrives faster than Nanami thinks— he too is already fully aware of your little whimpers and increased movements that indicate your upcoming release.  But he really isn’t surprised, you were only growing more and more sensitive and overstimulated with every second passing that now perhaps even the tiniest bits of effort from him were enough to make you clench your cunt around him just the way he liked it.
This time, Nanami makes sure to watch your face thoroughly, drinking in every twinge in your face, bite to your lower lip, and moan that drops from your mouth. It’s a shame to him the mask of yours, as pretty as it is, covers him from seeing the entirety of your face just on the edge of cumming, but Nanami prefers to think you make it up in other ways. The shaking of your legs growing weaker despite hips moving faster, the bouncing of your breasts with every movement, and his personal favourite in contrary to his slight teasing for it earlier— your nails that scratch up and down his back, desperately clawing away in the hopes of reaching for something— he’s enthralled by it all, how the gorgeous, well put together woman he saw hours before at the bar was the same as the one in his arms on the verge of her sixth orgasam of the night.
So when you finally do cum once again, letting the more than familiar build up knot in your stomach loose once more, Nanami is of course, mesmerized by it all, filling the air with his own moans at the feeling of your cunt clenching around him tighter than ever before. Yet, not a single ounce of how turned on you made him dwindle, somehow only intensifying— especially amplified at the hint of the sunrise beginning to seep into the room past the sheer curtains of the window beside the bed, reminding him of a little promise he had made to you earlier in the night.
He doesn’t give you much time to think about it, a few mere seconds at most if you were truly to keep record. Although a fan of foreplay and buildup, he was already far too lost in lust and desire to wait any longer. Your body slumped against his chest, head on his shoulder, breaths heavy and arms wrapped around his neck is the perfect position for him to lift you from the back of your thighs up almost too effortlessly, a startled yelp leaving your mouth at the sudden movement.
“Hush, it’s okay baby.” Nanami soothes, a tiny chuckle following, feeling your arms strength and your legs wrap instictintly around him. “You did so good, and now I just wanted to show you what I promised you earlier.”
A sudden jolt of coldness attacks your backside, sending a shiver to run down your spine. You let out another gasp at the abruptness of it all, only to be responded with the tiny grin on Nanami’s lips, ushering you to turn around and look behind you.
“It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?”
His grip behind your legs loosening and steady hands resting on yours hips once more gently assisting your weak legs in standing up. There were zero lies in his words, confirmed when you turn around and see the view for yourself peeking through the partially opened curtains of the floor to ceiling windows.
The familiar city before you was now blanketed with an orange hue matching the color of the sun rising from a distance away. The current time remains a mystery to you, but what you could gather was that it was the hour of the day where the city just began to stir awake, the sounds of traffic and humans minimal, and only the true early birds of the world awake and roaming the streets. It was tranquility at its finest, rare to see in the normally bustling city you called home, and a spectacular view that makes you stop and stare in awe.
“It is.” You whisper. “I forgot this city can look this gorg—”
You’re unable to finish the sentence, abruptly cut off midway through. A loud moan replaces it instead, your body falling forward and both your hands flat against the glass in front of you for support when you suddenly feel the head of Nanami’s cock slide back in from behind you unexpectedly, cursing under your breath at the sensation.
“I wasn’t talking about the city.” Nanami smirks, fully aware you’re eyeing his every move through the subtle reflection of the glass. “I was talking about you . This sexy body, this pretty face, this ass, and this pussy… this fucking pussy … words couldn’t describe how it makes me go crazy… my god .”
You let out a louder moan, fingers curling against the window feeling Nanami’s thick and long cock quickly filling you up balls deep. Contrary to before, this time he spent little time teasing you, going slow and making sure you felt every single inch. You had already become accustomed to his body, and Nanami had been accustomed to yours— Nanami no longer had the patience to wait to fuck you senseless once more.
His hands briefly leave your sides, reaching up towards the curtains instead. Grabbing each one on either side of your bodies, Nanami pulls the fabric away, allowing more light to enter the room, and more of the window exposed from the protection of the curtains to the outside. Your eyes widen at the realization, but when Nanami’s hands grip at your waist once more, pulling his cock out and then slamming back in, words of argument become difficult to formulate.  
“Wait… there could be people outside…” You manage to mumble in between the mewls releasing at the sensation of his cock slowly sliding in and out of you. “What if they see… that’s embarrassing…”
“I said I’d fuck you so everyone could see, didn’t I?” Nanami hisses, thrusts beginning to increase in speed. “And even though you say that your pussy throbbing on me is telling me you like the idea of people seeing you get fucked up against this window, don’t you?”
He knows you too well. And as scary as it should be for someone whom you practically just met to know you this well, to you the rush of it all is more overpowering— all you can do is let out a tiny grin because he was right. Something about him railing you against the window of a penthouse hotel room, in full view during the sunrise of a beautiful morning for anyone at the right place and time to see was enthralling.  
“You’re right, baby, it turns me on so much that someone might be able to watch me get fucked hard by your big cock.” You moan, feeling the tip of his cock brushing against your womb. “Everyone watching me get used as your little slutty fuck doll makes me so wet.”
Nanami does nothing but groan loudly at your words, serving more than enough as a response. His hands ghosts upwards to reach to tangle into the back of your hair, fingers gripping the strands and pulling them back rough enough your entire body follows suit. With your back against his chest, Nanami takes a step forward, pushing your breasts and the side of your face against the window, and all your hands can do is still support his rough movements by clawing away at the window.
“Whose pussy is this? Tell me if you want me to fuck you harder.”
“Yours, It belongs to you!”
“That’s my girl.” Nanami coos, grip on your hair becoming stronger. “My slutty girl.”
The sound of skin slapping and moans echoes throughout the room, Nanami’s hips snapping into you harder with every passing second, pushing you back and forth against the window. Your knees buckle instantly when Nanami’s cock brushes past your most sensitive spot, releasing a moan that comes straight from the depths of your lungs.
“Right there,” You gasp, eyes fluttering shut, too overwhelmed with pleasure. “Oh my god, right fucking there—!”
Nanami grins, knowing he’s found the spot that makes your toes curl in pleasure, eyes roll to the back of your head, and legs shake, threatening to give out at any moment. And when his thrusts pinpoint that specific spot, rhythmically hitting on beat to a silent song that makes your head spin once more, both you and him know all too well what’s to come next.
“It feels so fucking good,” You cry out, endless strings of moans and curses dropping from your lips. “I can’t… I’m gonna—”
“Don’t hold back. Cum baby, cum all over my cock.”
You don’t— not even in the slightest bit. You let your mind grow numb, the high of the orgasm riding your entire body, allowing Nanami to give his last few thrusts, only an unworldly noise leaving your throat. Your body jolts in a way you’ve never experienced before, so much so Nanami has to snake an arm around your waist, holding you steady upright from collapsing from your now completely weakened knees.
“Baby, look at me.” Nanami calls, voice soft with a twinge of startled concern. “Are you tired? We can stop now if you want.”
His movements cease, slowly pulling his length from you emitting a groan from both of you. You muster up the strength you have remaining once more to stand upright, looking behind your shoulder and give him a small, reassuring smile, shaking your head side to side.
“No… I’m still okay, thank you for asking.” A hand reaches backwards, latching on to the side of his neck to bring him down for a brief and comforting kiss. “You’re actually such a sweetie, you know?”
Nanami shrugs his shoulders when you let him go, clearing his throat and reaching to scratch at the back of his neck. His actions were uncharacteristically bashful compared to what he had shown you throughout the night thus far, and it was both intimate and refreshing to you to see another side of him you haven’t seen before.
You wanted to know more about him, effortlessly encapsulated by the growing enigma that was him — Nanami Kento. The more you learnt about him, the more you wondered what other side of him he could possibly surprise you further with.
However, for now, there was another issue present to solve in the current moment. The feeling of Nanami’s rock hard cock, long and stiff looming over your backside, reminded you that he had pleased you so well up until now, and it was now his turn to be absolutely spoiled by you.
You lean forward once more, bending fully over to display your ass towards him. Looking over your shoulder once more, a small grin forms upon your face watching Nanami’s stunned expression, eyes fixated right on your assets showcased in front of him.
“I can’t let you just stay this hard, baby.” You whisper, your hands reaching behind you to spread both of your cheeks open.  “I want you to let it all out inside here.”
“Fuck,” Nanami curses, watching you wriggle your ass back and forth against his cock. “How did I get so fucking lucky with you?”
“Because you’re a good man… with a blessed cock to follow. Now hurry up and fuck my ass.”
The once cold glass of the window had now turned warm, condensation coating the surface of the glass with droplets of water— except for where the silhouette of your body that was pressed up against the window was not too long ago. The sight is erotic and incredibly lewd, and a part of Nanami wonders if he even had the strength to make it inside you.
But he does nonetheless, moving slowly to allow the tighter hole to adjust to his impressive length and girth. You weren’t a stranger to anal at all, but you definitely weren’t accustomed to someone of Nanami’s size, slightly wincing in the initial discomfort. Nanami takes notice of this, gently soothing the sides of your body in encouragement.
“Baby… you’re taking me so good. Let me know when you’re ready for me to move.”
A few more moments is all it takes, the discomfort quickly dwindling and pleasure replacing its spot. When a breathless moan parts from your lips, fingers scratching the surface of the window in front of you once more in search of more pleasure, you start to move your hips slightly, taking in the rest of his length.
Nanami’s hands grip the sides of your waist once more, beginning to guide your hips up and down his cock. You squeeze him tighter than ever before, Nanami watching the inches of his cock disappear, stretching the tiny hole more than you could take.
“ Fuck. You’re squeezing me so fucking tight, darling.”
A new pool of wetness forms from your cunt, and mixed with creaminess of Nanami’s cum inside from earlier you feel the liquids begin to drip in between your legs, running down the insides of your thighs. Removing one hand from the window, you dip your hand in between your legs, examining the slick in between the folds of your cunt. Bringing the fingers back up to your mouth, you make sure to look at Nanami over your shoulder before sticking your tongue out, humming in satisfaction while licking the liquids off your fingers.
“You and I taste so good together.” You grin as best as you can, eyes partially closed and brain fucked out to the core, bringing your hand out behind you towards him in offering. “Don’t we?”
Nanami groans loudly, rejecting your offering. Instead, you feel the palm of his hand pushing the small of your back down once more, forcing you to look forward once more and to hold back onto the window. His hips pick up, increasing its speed entering in and out of you, but this time you feel his chest against your back, a hand snaking forward and fingers rubbing your clit back and forth.
“You’re gonna fucking be the death of me princess.” Nanami whispers, breath heavy against your ear. “But I can play against you and your little minx ways.”
His body moves faster, an outburst of the last bit of his remaining stamina bursting in both his hips thrusting into you, and his fingers moving against your clit frantically back and forth. Numbness clouds your mind once more, eyes shutting close and rolling to the back of your head.
“That’s fucking right baby doll, you tease me like that and I’ll make that pretty little brain of yours turn stupid with nothing but cock on your mind.”
It was too much. In your overstimulated, over sensitive current state, the combination of everything was just too much. The tension in the pit of your stomach grows, this time differently than previous— more intense, striking you in a way you’ve only felt just a few times in your life.
“Oh my god—” You cry out, eyes shut closed so tight you can feel the formation of a few tears in the corners of your eyes. “No— I’m gonna—”
The synchronization is almost artistic. The way your body convulses underneath his, liquid squirting from your cunt across the lower part of the window and onto the floor below, joined merely seconds later by the drips of Nanami’s cum painting your insides that overflow outwards onto the floor below. Your knees finally give in, falling onto the ground in exhaustion and Nanami finds himself accompanying you in an instance, the last of his stamina escaping him and fatigue overwhelming him.
It’s arguably messy. Definitely to most not the most desired situation, laying on the cold, marble floor surrounded by the physical fragments of both your orgasms. But when you turn around to face Nanami, softly panting in an attempt to recollect his breath from his high, the back of his hand resting on his forehead in exhaustion, you can’t help but let out a small, weak laugh. And when Nanami’s eyes flicker towards you at the sound of your laughter, he can’t help but join in as well, fully understanding the beauty of the moment.
Something about it was almost ironic. You were in the most luxurious penthouse suite, experiencing the most sexy, alluring nearly dream-like night with a man almost too good to be true. This part now was most likely the most realistic portion of the dream-like night, yet, it was your favourite.
It was perfect. Imperfectly perfect. You wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“I’m going to wash up. Care to join me?”
“You know that’s not gonna work.” You reply, pointing up at your mask. “We can’t keep these on in the shower.”
“I don’t care anymore, you’re more than just a quick fuck to me now.” Nanami smiles, a hand reaching forward to tangle with yours.“I already know you’re gorgeous, but I want to see your entire face for myself.”
You wanted to. You really did. But the reality looming over you was too strong to ignore. Despite being your prince for the night, in reality, he still remained your colleague in the office. You knew mixing pleasure with work was never a good idea, and you knew the responsible choice was to remain keeping the two separate.
“Not yet.” Your hand squeezes his back. “Let’s keep up the mystery a little longer.”
“Marlboro’s? These are impossible to find here, how’d you get your hands on this?”
You climb back onto the bed, shaking a towel into your damp hair with one hand in an attempt to dry your hair, nudging at the red cardboard box that laid on top of Nanami’s lap. Nanami shrugs, taking two cigarettes out of the box, placing one in his mouth and offering the other in your direction.
Taking the cigarette, you toss the damp towel onto the armrest of the nearby chair. You join Nanami under the covers of the duvet, and when you situate yourself to mimic him in leaning against the headboard, he reaches over his bedside table for the metallic lighter.
“What, did I just fuck some wanted gangster or something?”
“Not at all,” Nanami chuckles, finding humour in your accusation. “I’m just a regular salaryman… with an interesting part time job.”
He lights the tip of your cigarette first, lighting his own shortly after. A short silence fills the air when the both of you simultaneously take the first drag, seeping in the bitter flavor.
“I won’t ask.” You wink at him, and Nanami rolls his eyes in response. “Keeps you more sexy, like a mystery, you know?”
“What do you smoke then?”
“Awful.” Nanami scrunches his nose in a cringe, instantly tossing the red cardboard box onto your lap covered with the duvet. “Take this pack on me, and treat yourself to something not garbage once in a while.”
“Cigarettes are garbage in general. Literally poison killing you slowly— but for some reason I can’t stop.
Nanami nods in agreement, taking another drag.
“I could never give up — especially cigarettes after sex. Something about ending the night with a good cigarette is the cherry on top.”
“Blackstones taste like cherry, so that could be literal if you wanted it to be.”
“Huh, makes sense.” Nanami pauses, turning to you with a cheeky smile. “You kind of tasted like cherries and tobacco when I first kissed you.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows raise, reciprocating his coy smile back “What about now?”
Nanami leans forward, his free hand reaching to cup the side of your neck, lifting your face upwards towards him. Your eyes flutter closed when your lips meet his, gently caressing with yours and delicately exploring you, drinking in every single flavour he could.
“A mix of tobacco,” Nanami grins against your lips. “And a little bit of me.”
113 notes · View notes
zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
For those who dont know here is the link for the first part of this lil thing :3
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You exhaled with a smile at seeing the new look on your apartment. It came with a generous amount of space on both living room and bedroom. Some of the Hassaikai members helped you with all the mobile and some boxes you still had to look over to put things back in order.
Humming to a song that was stuck in your head (and he wadled away wadle wadle) you kneeled on the ground to open a tiny box to start, but you soon frowned at seeing the contents of it...
It was a tiny little glass box, with a carnation safetly placed inside of it... along, it came a bit of your treasures you savored.. a pair of white yet with tiny little delicate detailsyou knrw he knew you love it; a tiny necklace, simple yet elegant, pingent of a heart attached to it; earings with the symbol of the hassaikai and others that were little white wings...
You soon took notice of the drops of tears that were falling down on your lap and inside the boz as you picked the earrings of the Hassaikai... Chisaki gave you this when you both started dating... it was the first ever gift he gave to you along with the carnation...
'I am by far one of the most normal men considering of what the society sees me... but I hope you that you have the patience to bear with me until I give you a life and a clean world to live in until there my dear.'
The words repeated on your head as sobs started to rip from your tgroat as you clenched the earing to the point they pierced your skin enough to hurt as you curped yourself on the floor in misery...
You wanted to forgive him. You wanted to forget what happened on that disgrace if a day...
But you just couldn't. You couldn't forget thhe warth yet neither that murderous gaze Kai had on you. You couldn't forget how his rough hands that usually touched you like you were made out of glass instead grabbed roughly on your arm to the point you cried in pain.
You couldn't forget how he used his quirk on you out of anger.
"Thank you." He muttered monotonously as he grabbed the bouquet full of roses, safetly wrapped up so it couldn't come in contact with him as he exuted the shop.
Ever since the accident, he hadn't been able to get sleep without having night terrors of the terrified look you had... the screams for him to get away from you, to not wven rouch you with a single finger...
He felt worse than the dirt his shoes collected while walking on the dirty streets of where he lived.
He stared at one single rouse out of all in the bouquet he just paid for it, sighing as he adjusted a petal that was a tad bit out of place only for him to accidentaly rip it from the poor flower.
He stopped at that, watching the petal dance while falling into the ground... his eyebrows frowned as he merely sighed after closing his eyes.
"It seems everything I do I end it up ruining it on a way or another..." he whispered to himself, lowering both arms in defeat.
In others it would be seen as childish for him to get all depressed over a simple petal falling from the bouquet... but not for him.
He was the one that was abandoned on the streets to starve; he was the one whose only brought problems more than pride to the man whose took care of him as his only son... he was the one that hurt and traumatized the one he loved over a anger tantrum...
What was wrong with him..? He though, bringing his free hand ro rub his face and sigh deepely.
Although, his ears peeked up at a sound of laughter. Your laughter. His precious angel's laughter which he hadn't heard from months... he swear he felt like crying in glee as he started to almost run towards that beautiful sound he oh missed so dearly.
What wasn't he expecting was get right in front of a scene that left his heart immediately dropping to his stomach... you were indeed laughing of course.
But in the arms of another man.
On the other side of the street he saw how the taller male bear hugged you and lifted you up off the ground and twirles you around as you squealed. Scrunching up your nose at him kissing hard on your cheek.
He slowly lowered down his hand where it held the bouquet as he stared at the scene that completely torn his insodes out as his eyes carried sadness and heartache...
Despite all of those feelings, he still found himself smiling as a tear ran down his face... it was better this way. You could have a normal life, not surrounded by body guards, not have to worry about constant magging of getting clean or sickness... having someone that could give you what you deserved...
He turned his back to walk away... but what wasn't him expecting was that you had noticed him. Walking away. You furrowed your eyebrows, and against your better judgment, you started to run toawrds him, not seing the open signal neither the car that was coming...
"Ka-Chisaki!" He heard you and let out a confused sound before turning and widening his eyes in horror and dropping the amount of flowers he had at the sign of a car coming and honking.
His feet moved before his mind could, his gloves already dissapeared as he shouted foe you or the car, he didn't know anymore, to stop.
Your eyes widened at the sound of honking and before could let out a sound you were engulfed in muscular arm, bringing you close to his chest as he almosy broke his wrist when making contact with the car and overhauling it in a question of seconds.
The screams were gone for a minute and all you could hear was your and Kai's heartbeat at top speed and his uncrotoled shorts of breath.
A half of the citizens clapped their hands while others immediately left the local as the owner of the car, a young man, finally recovered from the state of panic and got down angry yelling at both of you.
"You stupid bitch! Couldn't see a damn sign that I WAS THE ONE TO GO?! AND YOU TOO YOU DICK! You conpletely destroyed my car you asshole!" The male shouted as Kai put you back on your feet as he glared daggers at the short man.
"If a car cost more than a life so there-" the car was back in shape as soons as he destroyed "You can have it. But just for you to know I am not just an 'asshole' as you reffered me." He growled between teeh as you tensed... you knew that tone of voicw way too well...
"Pff-! Yeah whatever old man-" Chisaki grabbed the hem of the shit of the man and stared dead in his eye "H-Hey! Let go basta-"
"You're bold enough ti call the leader of the yakusa a bastard, arent you?" He growled, and the life of the brunnete seemes to fade away from his eyes as he heard those words.
Before you could say something the scared male face was brought to you as Kai growled and overhauled just a tad bit of yhe hem of his shirt to prove his point.
"This you rascal. Is not a bitch. She is a woman. One that deserves respects and was almost killed by you driving at an unforgible speed you irresponsible germ. So before I lose my patience, say your apologies. Now."
The man stuttered some apologies as your eyes widened at Chisaki before he let go of the brunnete to dall on his knees qs Kai glared at him.
"Get out of my sign before I change my kind on cutting your fingers off."
You stared dumbfounded at the zpeed the little man had to enter his car and get the hell out of thwre becore you gasped at seing Chisaki starting to walk away from you once again.
"H-Hey! Chisaki!" You called but he only stopped and crouched down "You're seriously not gonna say-" you stopped when he got up and turnes to you with a brojen face as he stared at the absolute destroyed bouquet... the majority of them were sprawled on the ground and somewere broken and petals lost and sprawled on the ground and on the street.
"I'm sorry," He mumbled as you stared confusely until he spoke on a sadder tone "Those were meant for you.." you hesitantly grabbed and stared in pity yet a tad bit of ahocked at the warmth you felt on your chest.
"You.. didn't had to." He sinply blinked at your astonished expression.
"I know. But is the least I could do." He muttered before a bit of awkward silence was in the air as you stared at the white roses in your hand, threatening to appear a smile on your lips until the man just sighed and turned midway away from you.
"Have a good afternoon." You eyes widened and before you could even mutter the words wait, he just left. Hands stuffed on his pockets and head hung low.
You furrowed your eyebrows before your eyes dropped to the ground where a mess of white petals and broken roaes were sprawled...
You buffed before looking at a meteo station and walking on the direction of your new apartment.
"You know," he heard the old male's voice ring from the door way as he tried to listen to some calm music layed on his bed and documments on hand "You could take a break now at then Chisaki, maybe some tea to help calm those nervs boy." He stopped reading for a moment as he sighed, looking at Pops unamused.
"Thank you for the offer. But I shall decline."
"Son you camt expect to just succumb into depression like that and think I would allow it." The words of the epder shocked him to some instant before he hesitantly locked eyes with grey ones "I bet you havent triies to verbally apologize to them even once, am I wrong?" Pops croased his arms as he stared at the man dressed in black.
"... try saying sorry for breaking a cup. The word itself wont make the cup return to its original form, it will still be broken." He sighed as he placed the papers on the desn after getting up "This is the same situation. Is not like I deserve or neither knows how to love someone anyway."
"So you just will accept (Y/n) to walk out, end things and be like that?" The elder gesture with his hand at Chisaki "You want to end things with the one you claimed to lo-"
"I didn't want it too, OKAY?!" he banged his fist on the desk as he droppes his head with closed eyes as Pops frowned "I didn't... I.. I cant take the thought of (Y/n) leaving me... but at the same time.." the elder widened hsi eyes at the drop of water that fell on the papers, staining a bit.
"I cant take the thought..of hurting such an angel like I did again... I wouldn't forgive myself." He spoke through teeth in hopes a sob wouldn't escaped until he felt the hand of his mentor pulling him into a firm hug.
"And you say you dont know how to love, huh?" Pops muttered with a smile whipe putting all of his force on the hug as Chisaki's tears deopped silently "Idiot boy, you are just as worth to love someone as anyone else. A mistake wont lwt you stop you if you do know you were on the wrong of it and want to be better." His hand patter the brown hair of Kai much as he did inumerous times as when he was just a child.
He pushed Kai away and sadly smirked at seeing the face of Chisaki all stained with dry tears but no traces of redness... just a broken look.
"When you act like this. Like a man. Is the times I am most proud of you, my son." His breath hitched at the male's words "i will get some herbal tea wether you want it or not. And believe me boy, things are going to get better soon or later."
"... sounds impossible." He muttered as soon as the elder left the room and closed the door.
It was his birthday. Tommorow was his birthday.
You frowned before inhaling sharply. It would complete almost three months since you just stopped talking with him. You were better. But you continually beated yourself up for craving that man's touch or just for hearing some word out of him.
The tiny little presents had stopped when you read a card where he apologized to seen like a stalker and would leave you alone for you to move on. One day after the day you almost got run over by a car and he had saved you and even defended your moral from that asshole that almost shitted his pants at only knowing Chisaki was from the yakusa.
You sighed... this was the first of a ever time Kai had hurted you... and this seemed like it did not only affected you. You sure was hoping for Kai to get possesive or even threatening you to come back to him like many cases you saw on the T.v. But you should have know that by now, Kai was different.
Despite how much he denied, he was a old and gentleman at heart, always looking for ways to please you through gifts since he hadn't has any form of touching in his lifetime that he didn't saw as sick...
... that was it. You had decided over fighting with yourself over three weeks by now.
You were going to give Chisaki. Your Kai Chisaki, another chance.
Packing your purse and everything you could carry on your suitcase, you locked the door of your apartment and left on destination of the house of the Shie Hassaikai.
The gates openes coincdentaly when a black car entered and you took the chance to sneak in. Tip toeing to your once shared bedroom and letting your things over there before you jumped with a squeal at a soind of cough.
"Is such a pleasure to have you back here my dear." You smiled at the old man's face and immediately hugged him, catching the elder in surprise before he chuckled and returned your hug "Care if I may ask why are you back out of the sudden?"
"I... I missed your son. So much." You spoke in embarrassment as the elder smiled and showed with his hand the hallway.
"I guess he is on a room reading something, go text your luck." You nodded, bowing with gratitide as you hesitantly walked and indeed found Kai sitting on a sofa, leg crossed over another as he read a book.
"'The only thing we never get enough of, is love; and the only thing we dont give enough of is also love.' Tsk... not a tad bit wrong Miller sir.." you heard your boyfriend mumbling to himself as he closed the book with a sigh to rub between hsi eyebrows.
You took careful steps while arms crosses behind your back as you looked at his hunched over form and messy dark brow hair.
"I never took you the type to read love quotes." You speak quietly, giggling at how Chisaki flinched and opened his eyes wide at seeing you just mere feet away from him "Hi."
"(Y/n)?" He spoke almost in disbelief as he stood up , hope on his eye swith a fraction of second before returning to that hollow look "What.. what brings you here?"
You rubbed your arm while taking carefull steps towards him, seeing how tense he was.
"I.. think we should at least had talked.. before all of this happened at least."
"You dont have too." He immediatly replied with a stoic look "Is all clear. And I dont take your reasons away from you. You have the right to have a life of your own." You furrowed your eyebrows and honestly being hurt by his words.
"What? So.. so you are okay with this? W-With.. is all this about us?" You pointed at the two of you as sadness overtook his features.
"... I juust know is for the best. For your happiness and safety at least. You dont have to make excuses to make me feel better. I know what I did. And believe, I regret it and hate myself with every piece of my soul."
"Well... I sure cant just pat your head and tell that 'aw baby it was nothing you want a cookie?'-" you saw how he cringed at your words and looked down at his feet "But... but I can say other things." He arched an eyebrows before his breath hitched when he felt your arma circle his chest as you rested your cheek where you could hear his heartbeat...
He stood there with hands on the air in both fear of hurring you and conoekte shock until you spoke something that completely broke him.
"I forgive you Kai... we can still be together... if you want of course."
The sobs ripped from his theoat without warning as his arms came down to gently hold you as he buries his face in your for the sake of his pride.
You felt tears of your own fall as well, staining Kai black social shirt, which he wa completely hot on it, as you clinged for dear life on him, after months finally feeling secure on his arms like you used to do...
"I'm so sorry..." he mumblex, swallowing a hiccup as he rested his chin on your head as you closed your eyes to let the tears fall.
"I know..." you mumbled before parting away from hin as you both stared at eachother until you smiled sadly as he wiped your tears away as you mirrored his actions. "Who would have thought.. a simple quirkless girl making the big bad yakusa cry like a child." You giggled as you saw the hint of tiny smirk beneath that mask.
You saw how he pushed down the said article to reveap his whole handsome face as he stares back at you.
"Should we start all over then?" You offered as his eyebrows quirked up.
"What about that guy you were talking with before... the almost acvident if you could say."
"... my friend thhat was telling me about his wedding in the next month you mean?" You asked with a tiny laugh as his face dropped in realization. "Y-You thought I was dating him?!"
"Well..." he sighed, looking away from you " You had your reasons to."
He widened his eyes at the sudden touch of your hands on his jaw and almost gasped when you pulled him to crush your lips with his... finaly registering what was happening he allowed himself to close his eyes and just... enjoy the moment.
"My jelly bean." You whispered with foreheads conected as Kai scoffed with a smile.
"Dont start with the stupid nicknames now." You smiled at him before he hesitamtly put his hands on your waist "so.. about what happened-" you shushed him gently before ppacing a more sweet kiss on his lips.
"Hush, is over now. In the past. I know you didn't meaant it, and I forgive you. Dont overthinking about it okay? Is over now my love." You nuzzled on his neck as he leg out a watery chuckle and engulfing you on his arms.
".. I guess.. I guess is over." He smiled as he closed his eyes and breathe din the svent he so desperately craved for months.
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pixelwisp-archive · 3 years
Itadakimasu!! | Part 11: I'm Sorry (Written Chapter)
word count: 3.1k
The Mixtape: Thinking of you | CA, 1979
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The music that pooled out of Onigiri Miya was anything but what you expected.  A small smile crept up onto your face - despite your best efforts - and with a featherlight touch, you crept into the restaurant, silently thanking the soft jazz for drowning out the creaks as you pushed the door open in search of a certain chef.
Osamu stood at the sink, hands working some leftover dishes from the work day. He hummed softly along to the music, and it surprised you just how nice  he sounded - how his deep hum complemented the honey voice that dripped through the speakers; rich, thick, and soft like velvet. You padded into the kitchen, clutching the wine and apron closer to your frame so as not to bump it on anything that could give you away, and allowed yourself a few minutes to listen and appreciate before ultimately ruining the moment.
“I didn’t know you could sing, Miya.” You brought a hand up to suppress a giggle as he stiffened and dropped the plate he had been washing with a loud clatter. Osamu bowed his head and cleared his throat, loud enough to drown out the music for a brief moment before it ultimately pervaded the kitchen once more. He grabbed the nearest towel to dry his hands before reaching for the remote, the music ceasing with a quick click. Once he turned around, your eyes immediately fell on the dusted pink that settled onto his cheeks, and you did your best to ignore the warmth that ignited in your chest at the sight.
"So, Etta James, huh?" Osamu coughed awkwardly, turning his attention back toward the sink to finish up the last few dishes that lingered in the basin.
"Ya know Etta James?" An affirming hum left your lips as you placed the bottle of wine and your apron on the island, eyes flitting over the rustic kitchen in search of wine glasses.
The kitchen was a decent size, the bright wooden counters and cabinets a stark contrast to the dark iron of the appliances, but it complemented each other and suited the space well. The soft ivory paint on the walls kept the overall area from being too loud compared to the rest of the restaurant, and you wondered if Kita was behind the greenery that added a lush, vibrant addition to the otherwise plain shop. Your eyes landed on a modest pile of cookbooks stored neatly in the corner, and you let out a huff of victory as you made your way over to the wine glasses that sat in a windowed cabinet above them.
"My parents were big fans, they've always had a funny fascination with America," you explained, and from the corner of your eye you saw him nod. The two of you relished in the, for once, comfortable beats of silence that followed, and you were surprised when he - for a second time since you had met him - decided to be the one break it.
"My Ma used to have this busted up, old, mix tape that she would play every night when she made dinner. Got it at a flea market when she spent a semester abroad in California. She always talked about how she wished she could visit again." The fondness in his voice made your heart squeeze. You busied yourself, listening intently as you placed two wine glasses onto the counter and filled them generously. "Eventually the cassette broke from years of abuse, but I managed to find the songs and make her a playlist. She still listens to it, every night, and I guess I got so used to it that it feels almost...wrong, to cook without hearin' it in the background, even though I'm not home anymore." You slid one glass over to him and he raised a brow at it, a soft smile pointed your way.
"I think ya skimped me a bit," he joked, and you chuckled sheepishly, a hand coming to scratch the back of your neck.
"What can I say, I like my wine." He chuckles as you reach for the small remote. 
"You didn't have to stop it, you know. I love me some Etta," you said, and his smile widened ever so slightly as you pressed play, the smooth voice fluttering through the speakers once more, softer this time as you adjusted the volume. You lifted the wine glass to your lips, taking a tentative first sip. The second the bittersweet liquid hit your tongue, you closed your eyes and sighed into the familiarity. It flashed you back to Tokyo; the seemingly endless nights on the balcony with Tendou and Semi, your drunken laughter rivaling the music in volume as Semi sang along with fervor - but, really, does anyone sound good when they're nearly a bottle deep?
Reality slammed into you like a meteor, and you were instantly struck back into the present moment, meeting Osamu's eyes as he watched you curiously. You felt the warmth crawl up your neck from the embarrassment, and you cleared your throat in the hopes that you could divert his attention to literally anything else.
"So,  are you gonna teach me how to properly make some Onigiri tonight?" His eyes fell on the apron you brought, the one he gifted to you, and his eyebrows shot up in surprise as his lips settled into a playful smirk.
"Who said anythin' about 'teach'? I said I'd show ya how I make it; I didn' say nothin' about teachin' ya."
"And miss out on learning how to make Onigiri Miya's signature dish? No way." Osamu scoffed as you grabbed your apron and began tying it around your waist. His arms folded in front of him, his lips a thin line. You couldn't tell if he was thinking or already disapproving.
"This was meant to be an apology, you know," he started, but you cut him off.
"I know! And what better apology than by helping me perfect my shaping?" The resigned sigh that followed meant a victory for you, the grin proof enough for both of you that you had won. "So, what are we making today?"
"I figured I'd keep it simple tonight. Ya like fatty tuna?" Of course you do.  Who doesn’t? "Great, let's get started then."
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To be honest, you weren't expecting Osamu to be as patient with you as he was. Even though you were decently acquainted with the 'art form' that was Onigiri (as so eloquently and dramatically described by Osamu), you decided to entertain him and pretend to struggle with every step - over shredding the tuna, spilling the spices, adding too much mayo - in the minor hope that you could catch him stressed and maybe a bit frustrated - but to your somewhat disappointment, mostly pleasant surprise, every effort to get at least a furrowed brow or a groan was met with a warm smile, sometimes a breathy chuckle, and a strong pair of arms gently guiding you through the correct steps.
It was as equally frustrating as it was endearing.
"Now ya wanna dip yer hands into the dish of water I left on the side for ya, yeah, great, that's it - now grab a pinch of salt - not too much, just a pinch, and ya wanna rub it into yer hands to prep for the rice."
"What if I have a cut somewhere?"
"Do ya have a cut?"
"Well, not that I know of, but what if there's a cut I don't know about?"
"Well then I guess we'll find out soon, won' we?"
You huffed, but nonetheless pinched the tiny mountain of salt and collected a modest amount before tentatively rubbing it into your hands. Your shoulders were stiff the entire time, prepared for the sudden sting on the off chance the salt decided to acquaint itself with an unknown wound on your hand. You heard Osamu stifle a laugh, and your eyes met his as he smirked at your cautious form.
"Stop staring at me, focus on your own stupid rice ball." He laughed - loudly, beautifully - and you felt your hands tremble the slightest bit as you tried to put all of your focus on making a stupid, dumb triangle out of some stupid, dumb rice.
"Need some help?" You merely grumbled in response as the little bundle of rice and filling crumbled in your hands, despite your feeble attempts at shaping it. He set his own, perfectly shaped, onigiri aside and scooched over to you, his arms reaching around your form, chest pressed lightly against your back. "Yer pressing in too softly, so the rice isn't holding. Cup yer hands like this-" he cupped your hands within his own "-just like that. Now press a little firmer, like this." You were trying your best to pay attention to what he was showing you, you really were - but you couldn't help but marvel at how soft his hands were. You expected them to be rough; calloused from years of cooking, volleyball, and the handyman side hobby, but clearly that wasn’t the case. What kind of lotion did he use to make them feel so smooth? Probably some fancy homemade Aloe Vera lotion Kita made for him, you thought with a scoff.
This new revelation had also made you hyper aware that your hands were not, in fact, soft - countless burns, cuts, and other various acts of carelessness in the kitchen have given your hands a battle worn texture that no amount of hoity toity, all natural Aloe Vera would be able to soften up. He must have been cringing inside just having to touch the absolute burlap that is your haggard looking, stupid hands, oh god-
"Nice job, yer doin' great." The gentleness in his voice plucked you from your inner turmoil, effectively grounding you back to the task at hand. What was once a crumbling mess of rice and tuna now stood a beautifully crafted onigiri, the plump triangle nestled snuggly in between your hands. A gasp left you as you beamed at the finished product, and you whipped your head toward him, twisting slightly within his grip so you could face him properly.
It was then that you realized just how close he was to you.
Whatever words you had planned to say to him died in your throat as your brain tried to comprehend why the hell his face was so close to yours. Osamu seemed to be in a similar state of shock, eyes wide and mouth emulating a fish, opening and shutting when the words weren't coming to him. From the way your own mouth gaped, you imagined you shared a similar expression.
Simultaneously, almost comically, you separated yourselves and severed eye contact, Osamu finding something above you particularly interesting. What exactly, you weren't sure - you were too busy eyeing every minute detail of the remarkably plain tile flooring.
Like an awkward embrace from an old friend you never truly vibed with, the uncomfortable silence settled between you two once again.
It would have almost felt nostalgic, if you didn't hate it with a seething passion.
'And my arms need someone, someone to enfold'
The playful jazz number cut through the silence, and you mentally cursed Etta for clearly not reading the room - your arms were certainly not looking to enfold anybody at the moment, and you imagined it was likely that Osamu felt the same.
You spun back around toward your work station, a quick roll of your shoulders the only indication that you were gonna keep working, because you sure as shit didn't trust whatever would have come out of your mouth had you chosen to open it. Lucky for you, he seemed to get the hint and moved back toward his own work station, making quick work of shaping what he had left, while you continued to struggle, albeit far less than before.
Not a word had been uttered in the moments that followed, the music filling the awkward rift that split between you.
To be honest, you felt guilty that nearly every interaction between you two inevitably dissolved into a dense, unbearable tension; the once lighthearted mood suddenly cracked open like a fault line, the quiet settling between you like dust, and it always felt so thick that trying to bring the moment back its old, enlightened state seemed to take such an immense amount of effort - effort that neither one of you appeared to want to put forth.
You wondered if Osamu shared a similar sentiment.
While you finished up the last of your onigiri, you allowed your attention to flicker to Osamu as he eyed the leftover tuna filling with seemingly great interest, brows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line. You watched as he scooped the mess onto his finger, putting obvious effort into keeping it balanced as he brought the teetering pile to his lips. Right as he went to close his lips around his finger, the tiny mountain fell, smearing onto his chin and landing on the counter with the saddest little ‘splat’ you'd ever heard. The disappointment he exuded at his misfortune is what ultimately broke you, and you laughed - a bright, gleeful sound that dispelled the suffocating air in an instant, and made you feel like you could finally breathe again (which was ironic, considering how out of breath you were from the incessant giggles that sprung free with absolutely no regard for your lung capacity).
Your hand flew to your mouth in an (admittedly failed) attempt to stifle yourself, as well as possibly save the last shred of rapidly waning dignity Osamu was probably holding onto for dear life. You folded in on yourself, laughter bouncing off the restaurant floor and - again, probably - stabbing directly into Osamu's crumbling pride.
Just as you opened your mouth to apologize, Osamu's loud, beautiful laugh cut through your own, and at the sight of his uncharacteristically bright smile, accompanied with the little smear of mayo on his chin, you realized that, maybe, probably, he was actually doing just fine; and that this - laughing with him - was something you'd never been given the chance to do before, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't something you wished you could do more often.
You hoped that, maybe, Osamu wanted that, too.
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"So, I take it they didn't teach you how to make onigiri at your fancy schmancy culinary school?" He smiled as you bit back a groan. It was embarrassing, how ugly your onigiri looked next to his. Sure, you were joking about your incompetence in the beginning in the hopes to rile him up a little; but when it came to actually forming the balls, well - there's a reason the spite onigiri you made were small and round.
"You win this time, rice man." He boldly plucked one of your creations and plopped it onto his plate, while you opted for one of his. You knew yours were gonna have too much mayo and way too much seasoning, and you weren't about to subject yourself to that.
You took a bite out of the rice ball and audibly moaned - how is something so simple so delicious? He chuckled, lazy smile draped across his features as he watched you eat. The little sparkle in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by you, and you felt a tiny tug on your heart at how excited he was that you were enjoying his food, even if he wasn't being outwardly showy about it like you tended to be.
"'This time'? Does that mean we're doing this again?" You reached for another one of his as you hummed to yourself.
"Hmm, maybe. Maybe I'll force you to bake me some macarons." You were kidding, of course - you wouldn't wish that upon even your worst enemies - but the way his eyes brightened and he agreed with a small but noticeable lilt to his voice had you wondering if maybe making macarons wouldn't be all that bad if you made them with him.
He bit into your onigiri, taking a far more generous bite than you would have, and you snickered at the obvious attempt to conceal the grimace he had involuntarily made upon swallowing. The way he tiptoed around his critique of your failure was incredibly endearing ("It's not bad, just...mayo-y." "You don't have to eat it, you know." "No no, you worked hard, I'm gonna eat it."), and you felt the first little crack form in the walls you had begun to keep up around him ever since the curry incident.
The longer you enjoyed the food, wine, and - surprisingly - company, the harder it became to ignore the guilt that had settled onto your heart earlier in the evening. What started off as a mere twinge had become a sizeable weight in your chest, growing each moment you spent with him that didn't make you want to launch him off the summit of Mount Fuji.
"I'm sorry," you said, quiet and out of the blue. He shot you a confused smile.
"Pretty sure that's my job right now," he pointed out, and you offered a meek chuckle in response.
"I shouldn't have sold the dessert onigiri. Seeing just how passionate you are makes me realize the gravity of what I did. My ego was a little bruised and instead of being an adult about it, I openly insulted you and Kita by making a mockery of your business. I took it too far, and I'm really sorry about that. I'm sure it goes without saying, but I'm gonna stop making them so you don't have to worry anymore." He was quiet, staring at you in a way he hadn't before, and it made you feel far too exposed, playing with the rice crumbled on your plate as you waited for a reaction.
"I'm sorry, too. I only said those things because the idea of you expanding yer menu terrified me. Yer an amazin' chef, and I honestly think ya could run me out of business one day." His voice was soft, too; and you felt the crack grow considerably wider, your vulnerability peeking through pinched brows and hands that you couldn't seem to keep still. "I've always wanted to open up a location in Tokyo, and expand the menu. Onigiri made sense because it's always been a source of comfort, but as much as I love makin' em, there're others things I wanna make, too."
The air between you was...light. The weight that usually settled itself into your shoulder blades seemed to have dissipated, and you couldn't tell if it was the wine, the time, or Osamu. Maybe it was all three.
"I...I like it better when we don't hate each other," you said.
"I never hated you," he said.
"I never hated you either," you admitted.
"Does that mean we can stop pretending we do?" He looked you, and you saw hope.
You smiled.
"Yeah," you said. "We can."
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Prev | Masterlist | Next
Fun facts -
Osamu listening to old 60′s love songs just did something to me ok, especially my girl Etta
Kita is 100% responsible for the plants 
Osamu’s mom kept the tape, even after it finally broke beyond repair. It reminds her of Osamu’s father, who she met that summer in Cali
he was another exchange student from Japan. They had a summer fling and inevitably said their goodbyes when the summer was over and he had to fly back home.
They ended up bumping into each other a year after she moved back - and fate has been a big theme for the Miya’s ever since. 
Osamu has always felt a little funny about it - it feels too convenient, and he doesn’t like the idea of not being in control of his own path.
He thought your ugly rice balls were disgusting, obviously, and he was sure to eat his own after the first one lmao
A/n - when you haven’t updated in so long you have to look at past chapters to remember how you formatted 😭. BUT ITS FINALLY DONEEEE, this chapter KICKED my ass oh my god but it feels so good to be finished and we’re finally moving into new territory~ I’m very excited for the next few chapters!! I hope you guys enjoy this latest chapter, please don’t be afraid to shoot me messages if you have questions!! I have a LOT of behind the scenes content that doesn’t make it into the fic sometimes and I���m always eager to share 🤩✨💛
Taglist (bolded cannot be tagged!)-
@larkspyrr @oikawaandkuroostan @fucktheworlddude​ @doctorspencereid​ @keiarma​ @cherriechurros​ @halesandy​ @k3nma-fairy​ @jewlmin​ @tabipleats​ @kaleidoscopekai​ @confusedturtle​ @vintagexparker​ @hoeevern @syaziahvg​ @hallothankmas​ @lilith412426​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @oikawakuns​ @reina-de-tay​ @prettyinblack231​ @snowyseungs​ @darlingkuroo​ @chloji​ @1sillylittlething​ 
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
What Station Is Playing?
tw; for general body injuries (nothing too explicit but that stuff can be icky and I hate blood and bandaids 2 dude)
Keigo Takami x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,623
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You felt heavy and light at the same time. You tried to move, to open your mouth, but you were so tired and exhausted. For a brief moment your eyes fluttered open. Sounds filtered in for just a moment.
White, hospital white and blue. You were laying on your back, eyes on the ceiling. You cast your gaze down and see Hawks. He's frantic in his motions, trying to communicate with a nurse.
There are multiple doctors and nurses around you. Little clinks of metal, beeping of machines. But you focus on Hawks as best you can.
"I can't let you stay back here, this is for family and spouses only, you'll have to stay in the general waiting area out front"
Hawks hands fumbled around each other like they could help him properly grasp his words.
"But I'm, I'm-"
Then you're gone again.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
The next time you are able to maintain consciousness, it is only because of the pain. Your body was in so much physical pain. Some of the bruises were still forming on your skin, so prominent you felt every inch of sore muscle. A twitch causes your skin to rub against your heavily bandaged arms, the scabs and blood send tingles of pain all over. You sit in silence, blinking yourself awake trying to collect your thoughts.
“Took you long enough”
Hawk’s voice was rough. Like someone had ran his voice through a metal drain and then let it sit in the desert sun without water.
Is the only thing you can manage to respond with.
“You should have waited for back up”
Oh right. Your memories started to click together in your head. You were the only hero in the area who could respond in time. You went alone. You had been evacuating civilians from a window when there was an explosion. Then there was the fight.
You turned away from him. A hot angry feeling boiling in your chest, so striking that it surpassed the physical pain you were feeling. This was your job, you had signed up for this. You knew. You didn't want a lecture or his pity. Especially after just having woken up in the hospital.
“If you had just waited a few more minutes before running off,”
That searing bubble of rage in you threatened to pop. But you had no energy to do so, no energy to snap back at him, to tell him off because how many times had he done this exact thing? Been in that exact situation? A wide breath opened up your chest as you attempted to speak.
The sound of your voice surprised you. It was so raspy, so small. Hawks also seemed shocked by it. He was immediate in your request though, quickly reaching to the counter where water was waiting for you. He had to help you drink. He was tense, rigid in his movements, making sure not to disturb you.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
Several days had passed and a multitude of visitors had passed through your hospital room. No one ever stayed very long because of how weakened you still were. The only serious injury you had was your broken wrist. But you had deep cuts on some parts of your body that had required stitches. The simplest acts opened up smaller cuts that littered your limbs.
Your non-dominant hand was in pretty bad shape too. It hurt to curl your fingers around your eating utensils. You were sure there would be tiny scars on your knuckles, because every action of your fingers opened the wounds. There were clusters of different sized scabs on your palms. Like a child who had played too rough outside in the summer.
Most of the time you spent sleeping. Occasionally waking up to the dim sound of the radio that the house keeping had one while cleaning the room and the rooms around you. Hawks came by often. You weren't sure how long he stayed but he always opened the curtains before he left.
Once, at night you had awoken to one of the cuts breaking open on your leg. You hissed in pain trying to soothe yourself, you must have turned over in your sleep, disturbing the injury. There out in the bright floursents of the hallway was red. Hawks red. Hawks wings red. The door to your room was agar just enough that you could spot his wings. He must have been sitting out in the hall. Before you fell asleep again you wondered if he was sleeping as well.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
“You’re total shit at this”
Hawks said as he twirled new bandages around your arm.  
“Yeah, you wrapping my hand has nothing to do with my broken wrist”
You said dryly. It was early afternoon. A breeze flowing through the window, cooling off the stuffy hospital room.  This was the first day that you had stayed up this long without taking a nap. You were especially sore though and hoped that you would become sleepy again soon, you didn't want to feel so physically defeated for this long.
“I shouldn't have told you, I shouldn't have told you,”
Hawks repeated himself as he got a footing on his words.
“That you should have waited. You did the right thing. Anyone else would have done the same. I was scolding you, and I’m in no position to do that to you, especially right after you woke up. I’m sorry. I was wrong.”
Your cheeks were burning. It was like he had lifted the lid off a boiling pot of water and all the steam was rushing towards you. While he was usually honest, he was rarely so blatantly genuine in his words.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 
It was late. You could tell from the way the air moved outside. The moon shone brightly illuminating the room in a soft milky blue hue. You sat up slowly. You weren't tired for the first time since being in the hospital. You felt awake. It was a gentle ‘awake’ though.
You tilted your head towards the hall hoping to see that flash of red. He was there.
You whisper yelled, it made you feel much younger. Like you were hiding something from a prying teacher. He did not stir from his place out in the hall though. You tried again, a little louder this time.
He jerked up, reacting as if you had called for help instead of just the whisper you had given him. Rushing into the room he was at your bedside prepared to take orders from you.
“Do you hear that?”
He seemed stunned by how quiet you were speaking. But he followed along.
Realizing that you weren't in some sort of danger his shoulders relaxed and he let out a cautious sigh.
He said more urgently now.
“The radio. What are they playing?”
“I don't know, I can barely hear it”
You had your hands on his shoulders. Using him to help you move closer to the edge of the bed.
“Help me”
He tried to stop you.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting up, help me”
He looked away in thought, but turned back to help you. Once your feet were on the cold tiles you couldn't bring yourself to let go of his shoulders. You were afraid you would falter in steadiness.
“Are you okay?”
You stood there unsure of what to do now that you were on the ground. How to move was temporarily forigen. You picked one of your feet up before setting it back down. Then did the same with your other. You pushed your heel back. Then turned your body. Hawks followed the motion moving with you.
You were deliberate at first. Your legs stiff, anticipating the dread of your wounds. But no pain like that came. It actually felt refreshing to be roaming the room like this. Hawks reached for your waist when you had stumbled over your ankle. His hands hovered here, touching, then not touching, as you swayed with a mellow tenderness.
You had your eyes closed not wanting to look at him, not sure what his expression would tell you, but also because it made it easier to concentrate on the distant music. You tried to keep up with the song that was playing, your steps getting a little more complex the more you moved.
“Are we dancing?”
You state in a whisper, opening your eyes to see a timid Hawks, or as timid as he could appear to you. It was more like he was scared of something, like he was going to hurt you by dancing like this.
“Twirl me once and then I’ll go back to the bed”
He was taken aback by this. You were gradual with the removal of your hands from his shoulders. To show him that you were stable on your own feet. His wings fanned out as he took your hand in his. It was a passive rise to the air. He was considerate, making sure that your arm would not get twisted. You hold tighter to his palm as you picked up your leg ever so slightly. Then there was the careful spin.
His shoes were loud on the tile when the hovering stopped. That click sound of his soles on the ground was awakening. You were suddenly aware of the weight of your body, the bandages on your skin, the itch of the stitches and scabs. Exhaustion came over you like a clean sheet down onto a mattress.
“Okay now help me back into the bed”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Wrote a lot of original content stuff this week and boy oh boy was that draining. Writing stuff like this is a real break from my other more serious stuff that still allows me to feel like “hey I wrote today” , going to drink orange juice and play supermonkey ball. Also as usual, no, I did not edit this :) 
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lovelywingsart · 3 years
First Impressions
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/They)--
Ah, my first attempt at a story on here! I've got an entire storyline for them, but let's see how this first one goes...! QuQ I'm definitely more of an artist than I am a writer, but I hope everyone likes it...! I'll definitely post the rest at some point but for now I'm leading with this one aldfjghjk-
*Warnings?: Slight angst? Potentially life-threatening 'testing', mention of memory loss, injury
Summary: Emelia was a worker for Umbrella Corporation Europe, an Engineer and technician, before having been kidnapped by Miranda during a 'trip' to Romania. All of a sudden, she woke up in a large area... Where was she? Who was this man that had appeared out of the darkness? And why couldn't she remember anything?
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Darkness and pain...
Emelia woke with a pained gasp, almost choking in loose dirt as it was kicked up by her movements. She scrambled to a kneeling position, coughing and wheezing. There was pain with each breath, she found, and she tried harder to contain her hacking. Once the coughs died down, she managed to look up and around. There was... nothing. Maybe a few parts of machinery along the walls here and there... She looked around frantically. Where the hell was she?? It almost looked like a strange chamber of sorts...
"H... Hello...?" She called, her voice gravely from the strain on her throat.
She couldn't see a thing, though something about her body felt... odd. She couldn't remember a thing about getting here... Hell, she could barely remember anything except her name... DID she remember her name?? She looked down at herself, seeing dark clothing and feeling a small patch on her shoulder as she reached up to rub it. She tugged the patch closer to get a look at it, but still couldn't remember the odd-looking octagon shaped symbol. Another once-over led her to a patch on her chest, and she sighed. Great, a nametag... At least that was taken care of.
"Hello...?" Emelia tried again, this time met with a chuckle.
"Ah, you're awake!" A man's voice called out with a surprised glee. Startled, she looked up to see a dark figure stand along what was very quickly becoming seen as a steel pathway along the wall that lead into stairs. He stood in front of an open door that let in a dim light, his silhouette showing that he wore a large jacket and a hat, but she could barely see much else. Beside the man was a large object... A hammer?? But her attention stayed on the figure, watching as a glowing orange spot moved, indicating smoking of some sort. The man seemed to lean over a railing as he looked down at her.
"Where... Where am I...?" She asked, panic growing in her chest as her eyes became adjusted to the darkness once she tore her eyes away from him. It was definitely a large room of some sort, but... underground...? Her surroundings were stone... Stone and metal scraps, with piping along the walls themselves. The walls and ceiling had been chipped away, the marks of axes or hammers still evident in the rough rock texture, and a massive industrial fan was imbedded into the wall at her far left. The piece of equipment was still, but she had a feeling she wouldn't have been alive if it were active.
She suddenly flinched with a breath, causing her to cough once more and press a hand to the middle of her chest. This wasn't normal... she could feel... SOMETHING inside her chest. WAS it inside...? Maybe it was her imagination... She looked up as she heard another chuckle, before jumping as there was a small explosion above her. She looked up in time to see a small mass of falling stone, managing to jump and roll out of the way with a scream to avoid them as they landed with a *CRUNCH* . She looked back up at him, her eyes wide with fear.
"What the bloody hell is going on...?!" She finally yelled, managing to push herself up to a stand with a pained grunt. "Who... Who are you...?!"
"This, Sweetheart, is a test." The man said. "I want to see why she sent you here. Just play along, and you'll be fine!" She watched him flick his wrist towards the ceiling, and another explosion was heard.
Emelia looked up to see yet another cluster of rocks falling, and this time she ran. She heard laughter from the man as soon as the rocks landed, along with two other explosions. She stopped along the wall for a single moment before pushing off again as the stones fell, nearly catching her under them. A third went off, and she was nearly blown back by the force of them landing too close for comfort. She gave small grunts of pain as small bits of rock flew and hit her from breaking on impact, holding her arm and feeling a warm, wet sensation. There was a snicker from the railing.
"Well, you're not that fast..." The man commented, seemingly unimpressed. "But you're not a Lycan."
She glared up at him with tears threatening to fall from frustration and dust.
"You're crazy...!!!" She yelled. He drew back slightly, only to laugh once more.
"What makes you say that?" He asked, nodding his head slightly. More small explosions went off, and he watched as the falling rocks seemed to trail her as she ran.
She stopped as she came face to face with another heap of fallen rubble, turning to run, only to find metal scraps being torn from the ground to block her path. The same happened on her other side, and suddenly she was trapped. Breathing was difficult... It was as if something was blocking her lungs... She was nearly hyperventilating from panic. She looked around frantically, bleeding from small cuts due to smaller rocks. It wasn't until she looked at her forearm that she noticed, the cuts were... healing? She watched as her skin sealed itself slowly, leaving little to no mark save for a small, white scar and the blood that had previously been pouring from it. She froze as she watched more cuts seal and bruises form, now more terrified than she was. What... What WAS she...?? She clearly wasn't human... In fact, she barely remembered BEING human... But she felt as if she was, or at least used to be...
With tears now streaming down her dirt covered face, she looked up with fury.
"WHO ARE YOU??!!" She screamed, not noticing as her own voice seemed to distort itself. She did notice, however, as a large spasm shot through her right arm. The man chuckled as she moved quickly to hold onto it as it jerked away from her body slightly.
"Now things are getting interesting..." he said, leaning over the railing once more. "If you survive, I'll tell you everything. Think of it as a prize."
"If I... WHAT?!" She stared up at him, her face that of disbelief. But she couldn't hold the stare, instead returning her focus on her spasming arm and nearly screaming in horror at the feeling of... SOMETHING erupting from the skin of her chest. The spasms shot up her right jaw shortly after, and she swore she felt her teeth elongate... She only looked up as she heard a rumbling, followed by another large explosion directly above her. Time seemed to slow down as she realized she had nowhere to run... The falling rubble would have crushed her entirely. She felt fear and anger course through her body as she watched the stones fall, instinctively holding up her arms in defense.
In a split second, everything stopped. The dust settled and there was no sound, even from the man watching over her. In fact, he looked... disappointed. As if a new toy of his had been broken. And yet, as he began to push himself away from the railing, there was a low growl from the rubble. He froze, watching intently as the largest stone began to move, in which he noticed it hadn't fallen completely onto the ground. Actually, it was a good distance AWAY from the ground... He watched as it was lifted with a struggling, growling roar, before suddenly shattering.
Underneath the falling pieces was Emelia, standing and shaking with panting, growling breaths. But it wasn't HER... Her right half had transformed... Mutated into a muscular-like creature that threatened to rip out of the shirt she wore as she held a clawed hand over her head, gripping small rocks and dust. The same arm, the man noticed, which had shattered the stone that had fallen on it. The mutated woman stood in the middle of the rubble for a moment with heavy breaths before shakily looking at her arm. More fear entered her mind, but it was replaced quickly with rage. The only thing she now had on her mind was to escape... And kill. She punched through more of the rock with an enraged yell, climbing and ripping the stones open to get out. The stones and rubble ripped like weak fabric from the force. She only stopped as she heard joyful laughter, turning to see the man hold his arms open.
"Great show!!!" He cheered, grabbing a hammer-like object and slinging it over his shoulder. "I see why that heinous bitch sent you here! You're perfect."
Emelia stared at him, her vision going red with much more anger than she thought possible. She suddenly shot forward with a snarling yell, jumping over the rubble with relative ease despite fumbling over loose rocks. She had tunnel vision as she slammed her mutated shoulder against the wall near the stairs before darting up them. She gave a guttural yell and reared her mutated arm back, claws posed to strike the man down; but she didn't. Each breath was a growl as she noticed she had stopped moving entirely, close enough to see the sly smirk on his face, his eyes hidden behind dark, rounded shades. It wasn't until she looked at her arm that she realized she was stopped by metal pieces, only to give a surprised yell as she was flung and pinned against the wall with the metal itself. She struggled for a moment, only stopping as he stepped in front of her with a chuckle.
"You'll fit right in." He smiled, taking a drag on the cigar he held. Emelia curled her lip in a snarl.
"Who the hell are you?!" She snarled with a low, warped voice, baring her teeth as her muscles shook from rage and exertion. The man chuckled.
"Well, you DID survive, so I guess you get to know." He smiled.
With a step back, the metal was flung away, and Emelia was dropped to her knees. She coughed once more as more dust was kicked up. With a shudder and a few cracks of muscle and bone, she watched with near horror as whatever mutation retreated back under her skin as near black tendrils.
"What the fuck..." she muttered, carefully reaching back and rubbing her neck having felt something along her spine. She then looked up to see the man had taken off the glasses in near astonishment. There was a moment of silence before the man broke into a sinister grin.
"That crazy bitch." He said, holding out his hand for her. She eyed it for a moment before hesitantly holding onto it, wobbling and leaning against the wall as he helped her up. "Karl Heisenberg." He grinned. "You?"
"... why am I trusting you?" Emelia mumbled, taking a step back. "You just attempted to KILL me."
"Kill, schmill, it was a test!"
"Trying to crush me was a TEST?!"
"I had to see what Miranda meant in sending you here, but turns out you're a bit more than she knew." He returned his glasses to his face, adjusting the hammer-like object on his shoulder. "She would have kept you had she known about that. Now, your name."
She stared at him for a moment before giving an annoyed huff her gaze falling back to her arm.
"Walsh. Emelia Walsh."
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fadedflame · 3 years
Ghosts in the Machine Day 25
Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge from @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Day twenty five-Incomplete
Part four: Hank finally has Connor
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Ao3 or
This whole thing looked sketchy as hell, but if he got Connor back, Hank wasn't going to complain.
He pulled into the alley as he had been instructed, the headlights from the car being the only illumination. For a moment, he wondered if he was being set up for some sort of trap.
A side door opened almost as soon as Hank pulled the vehicle to a stop. There was no light from inside, but Hank could see the two shadowed figures exiting the building. He put the car in park, ready to get out and help. The figures were faster though. One of them opened the passenger door without prompting and issued the other inside.
"Lieutenant Anderson?" The first man addressed him through the open car door. Judging by the voice, this was Sal.
"Yeah," Hank confirmed, but quickly turned his attention to the other. "Connor? You ok?"
"Yes," He said quietly. He wasn't viable beneath the oversized hoodie he was wearing, but Hank would recognize his kid anywhere.
"You need to go quick," Sal told them, getting Connor situated in the seat. "It won't be long before they figure out you're gone."
Connor nodded, buckling his seatbelt with a soft click. Hank thought he saw a flash of white as he moved, but it was gone in an instant as the kid tucked his hands back into the hoodie. "Thank you, Mr.Torres," he whispered back.
"Take care, Connor," he said softly. He nodded once to Hank before stepping away and shutting the door.
Hank barely stopped to wave at the man before pulling away.
The rumbling of the car engine was all that could be heard for several minutes as he drove. The kid's silence did nothing to lessen Hank's anxiety. "You ok?" He asked again.
"Yes," Connor insisted. He sounded more confident, but didn't elaborate on his condition any further.
Hank spared him a glance. He was still buried in the hoodie, hiding if he'd ever seen it. That wasn't a good sign. "You bullshitting me?" He demanded. "I'm serious, Connor. You were in rough shape. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine, Hank," for a moment it looked like he was going to turn toward him, but thought better about it.
"Uh huh," Hank said skeptically. "Wanna try looking me in the eye when you say that?"
Connor didn't respond. Instead, he turned away more, as though suddenly very interested in the dark cityscape outside the window.
"Fuck it," he swore, pulling the car to the side and putting on the break. They were far enough away from CyberLife now, he had to know what was up with Connor.
"Hank, what are you doing?" Connor asked, noticing the change.
"Connor, I need to know you're ok," he said, trying to soften his voice. As riled up as he was, the kid probably didn't need him yelling right now.
"I already told you I'm ok," he retorted. He was starting to sound frustrated, which wasn't what Hank wanted, but there was obviously something wrong and he needed to know what.
"Then why wouldn't you look at me?" He asked, not dancing around the subject anymore.
Connor was quiet again, contemplating how much he wanted to say. "I am ok, Hank," he said. "I'm perfectly functional, not in danger of shutdown. I just… the repairs were incomplete."
"Incomplete? How?" His worry only increased. "Those fuckers didn't fix you right? That why the Sal guy wanted to get you out of there?"
"They fixed me appropriately," Connor responded. "For the most part. They just… I left before they could finish."
Hank sighed. Connor still wasn't looking at him and it was driving him crazy. "Just out with it, Connor. Why the rush to leave, and why are you hiding?"
"I overheard them talking," he admitted. "They wanted to… experiment. Among other things. They wanted to upload new code. And… Amanda."
"Fucking hell!" Hank swore. He knew damn well the struggle Connor had with that bitch. "They… fuck. I should go back there and kick their asses!"
"Yeah, I know," he sighed again. He wasn't actually going to do it, but he wanted to. "We got you out of there in time, yeah?"
"Yes," he said. "Mr. Torres didn't agree with what they wanted to do."
"Thank god for that." Hank waited for a moment, ready for Connor to continue, but he didn't. "You gonna answer the other question?"
God, the kid looked tense, but he somehow managed to stiffen even more. "They, well… They didn't get to repairing my external displays," he said.
"External displays?" Hank asked, confused. It wasn't until the kid nodded dejectedly that he understood what was going on. He was self conscious. Embarrassed. "Wait, you mean your skin?"
Connor nodded again. "It doesn't work. I've tried activating it but..." He sighed, sounding almost defeated. "I understand that humans find skinless androids unsettling."
Wait, he was worried about what he would think? "Connor, don't tell me that's what you're worried about. You know I don't care right?"
"Hank, it's ok if-"
"No," he interrupted. "Seriously kid, I look like shit, you really think I care what people look like? Come on, look at me please. I haven't seen you in days."
"Are you sure?" Connor asked.
"Of course," he said, without hesitation.
Slowly, Connor raised his head and Hank schooled himself, knowing Connor would pick up on any microexpression that could point to disapproval. The smooth white plastic was jarring, but it was better than the molten chaos it was. And the eyes, those were unmistakable. This was his kid. "There you are," Hank smiled at him.
"It really doesn't bother you?" God, he sounded so hesitant.
"Hell no." Hank reached over, slowly so the kid could stop him if he wanted too, and pulled the hood from his head. "I'll admit, it's not my favorite look for you, but you look goofy even with your skin," he joked.
Finally, Connor smiled. He didn't let Hank pull his hand back, leaning into the touch. After the week he had, he didn't blame the kid for being touch starved. "In all seriousness," he told him, "the only problem I have with this is that there's something wrong. I don't care what you look like, you're my kid no matter what, but we'll get you fixed up, ok?"
"Ok," Connor agreed. He looked disappointed as Hank let go of his face to start the car up again, but didn't protest.
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