#inebriated thoughts
fanaticsnail · 5 months
Happy New Year!
As the year draws itself to a close, I would offer my own semi-✨inebriated✨ reflections. I have drank, and when I drink, I drink.
What this year meant for me, your humble resident fanatic snail:
2023: 2020-me, a year of an adventure, reflection and reignition being the theme.
This year, I have:
Concluded a parenting milestone, my body once again becoming my own.
Lost a whopping 30kgs (67lbs for my American friends).
Involved myself in fandom (thank you, August for OPLA).
Found myself again, and enjoyed who I have become.
Fallen in love again.
Made friends that are exclusively my own: no connection via work, children or husband - purely my own for once in 7 years
@sordidmusings @feral-artistry @writingmysanity, you absolute darlings. I have enjoyed our chats immensely. I love you all so so much. You are amazing and I could not imagine my life without you.
10 years involved with my husband, 7 years married
Celebrating my final years of my youth (20s)
Writing again: creating again
Playing music again
Being hired to play music again
Learning linguistics again
Speaking Japanese again
Soft launch below the cut.
This is me, in all my snail glory. The dress was $10 from an op shop, and I love it.
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Merry Christmas, happy new year. I have loved my time here on Tumblr and appreciate everyone.
Literally crying writing this. So much love in my heart for each and every one of you who have joined me on this creative journey.
@sexc-snail @vespidphoenix @i-am-vita @gingernut1314 @empressofmankind @tiredemomama @httpwintersoldier @hazzyking I love you all dearly and I would love to get to know you better coming into the new year.
Just know, my absolute favourite moot-ship is @empressofmankind and @tiredemomama - never stop loving on each other. I adore the two of you individually and collectively. You are both stunning, please keep doing what you're doing.
@since-im-already-here, my dear, my darling, my first baby. I love you. Thank you for being here and encouraging me - enabling me. My flesh and blood, my sister 10 years younger. My first baby. Never let them dampen your sparkle.
Let's see what 2024 brings us. Love, happiness, tranquility, and reflection be the only queues and prompts I have for all of you.
愛してる。je teime. Every single one of you.
And to think, this of all started with silly little thoughts about a silly little clown.
(Disclaimer: I am an "I love you guys" kind of drinker - and I, very much, love you guys)
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cottoncandy-cult · 4 months
ok ok ok ok so it's early morning, I'm writing and listening to music, having a drink and a toke. And I had a thought, a twisted wonderland type thought. Now an important question is, does anyone remember the Vocaloid: Alice Of Human Sacrifice? If no I'll throw links to a good english cover of it, and the oldest one I can remember of having watched. But like, what if at the end of twisted wonderland we discover it all really was a dream and Yu was just another Alice meant to get lost and go mad in their world so that it can continue to exist? Or Yu is just going insane and has been transferred to special facility and this is just their hallucinatory way of coping with their school and what feels like to them to be in a school of broken people, it's all just a crazed delusion because they're struggling to get Yu's medication balanced or worse yet is treatment resistant.
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junglejim4322 · 2 months
Was somewhat drunk and slipped in mud and landed straight on my ass in the mud which I don’t even think was because i was drunk I was just in a weird pitch black park at 4 am with literally no lighting anywhere but I feel every day I get closer to being a looney toons character trapped in some kind of twin peaks ao3 au
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Never thought I'd see Jack Skellington play guitar to Lady Gaga's Poker Face....
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malewifeph1lza · 6 months
rewatching that one bit of pierre’s lore where his mind gets surgically transferred into ayrobot and idk cucurucho saying ‘thank you for everything’ does make it sound like he fucking died after
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euesworld · 1 year
"She's got whiskey lips and a tequila soul, it's easy to get drunk on her thoughts cause she is never dull.. I would be a fool not to crave her, she is the nectar of the gods. With a vodka smile and that spiced rum bod.."
It's easy to get inebriated on her smile, it's so beautiful that it makes my head spin - eUë
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I watched the first ep and I'm already grumpy and ready to swing at anyone who comes near Uea.
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sashimiyas · 1 year
when i party on the weekends, i want to make it all your problems. BUT I DONT! so brave so strong of me.
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artfulusername · 9 months
I was at an outdoor festival yesterday. I was covered from head to toe because I am pasty and prefer not to be sunburned. I had also hoped to deter mosquitoes from making a feast of me.
And yet.
And yet...
Those fuckers bit me through my socks.
Am I really that tasty? Is my blood some sort of mosquito delicacy that they aren't even bothered by a layer of clothing between them and my skin? Is there a way I can pass my particular gift to someone else? I don't want to be favored by mosquitoes.
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oh no its that time og night where im hallucinating screaming again
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theyreallgaylol · 9 months
The show my mom just made me binge-watch with her was fuckin crazyyyyyy
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starpros-sunshine · 10 months
Love watching stuff like this go down I am so numbed to everything resembling this semi mass hysteria that this is just very entertaining to watch
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never-dissever · 1 year
Tell me why I had a mental breakdown driving five minutes home while tipsy about who I am as a person and mourning the loves I could have had, had I made different decisions in my life.
Definitely didn't have "crying on a Monday night after book club" on my bingo card for the week, but here we are.
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gaysails · 1 year
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 10 months
Gilear and gortholax i am rotating them in my mind
#random thoughts#fantasy high#gilear absolutely fucking instigates it are you kidding me#like after a while of gilear and gorthalax hanging out for fig's sake they're in a weird 'only friends cuz out kids are friends' kinda thing#except their kids are the same kid#also they both work at the school so they're in meetings and at school events#and gilear keeps the cooler in the locker room stocked with drinks and snacks for the bloodrush players so you KNOW#you KNOW they're bumping into each other#the teachers have a bimonthly get-together where the location changes each time#sometimes it's at krom's diner or basrar's soda fountain but it's MOSTLY at the black pit for drinks#before gorthalax started his job gileat never attended one of these get-togethers because 1. he's gilear and 2. couldn't afford it#gorthalax didn't hear about it until he was in a conversation with a fellow teacher and gilear and the teacher brought it up#gorthalax's like 'why didn't you tell me about this??? we're going' because that man LOVES SOCIAL INTERACTION#and he offers to cover all gilear's drinks because he just wants him to get out of the house already#and gilear's like 'well if you're paying i suppose it would be rude of me not to indulge'#gorthalax is the designated driver for the night </3 baby can't drink#gilear gets absolutely SMASHED for the first time in god knows how long#he goes from ramrod straight 'i am extremely inebriated' to loose and giggly and leaning into gorthalax's side because he's very warm#and there is some point in the night where gorthalax goes from 'hell yeah im helping my friend have a good time' to 'oh dude'#'i think you should sit down' to 'oh you are VERY MUCH COMING ONTO ME and you are VERY DRUNK'#he eventually takes gilear home early (it's fine porter doesnt drink either) and stays there until he falls asleep#and also sleeps on the couch because he's a LITTLE concerned gilear's gonna get up to some shit#just imagine gorthalax sleeping on this tiny couch. like a mastiff in a cat bed#he ends up cooking him breakfast which gilear takes in the COMPLETELY WRONG WAY and is like 'oh god did we . . . ???'#and gorthalax is immediately like 'NO NO NO YOU WERE WAYYYY TOO DRUNK I JUST STAYED OVER BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU'D HURT YOURSELF OR SOMETHING'#'btw your kitchen is like. super sparse. i bought you some groceries.'#gilear is also very apologetic for coming onto him 👏 the 👏 whole 👏 night 👏 and hopes he didn't make him uncomfortable#and gorthalax is like 'oh no you're fine i would have stopped you if you crossed a line. would have stopped you very easily actually'#'im eight feet tall' and gilear's like 'that you are'#gilear's flirting is the epitome of 'how tall are you?' 'idk 8 feet 8'5 with the horns' 'with the horns you're SO funny' babygirl's deranged
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fogerist · 1 year
Got tipsy, cleaned my room, installed new LED lights around my room, played some modded Minecraft, and now debating whether I should write a little bit more of this prologue for the fanfic
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