#opla fic writer
fanaticsnail · 5 months
Glimpse into my life: I got the tattoo.
For my wonderful following who began their journey with me by reading my first fic "you kissed the clown"; the most of you know I was inspired by my favourite childhood movie: The Court Jester.
Plot: A former carnival performer, Hubert Hawkins (Danny Kaye) and maid-captain Jean (Glynis Johns), are assigned to protect the infant royal heir from tyrannical King Roderick I (Cecil Parker).
While Jean takes the baby to an abbey, Hawkins gains access to the court by impersonating the king's jester, unaware that the jester is really an assassin hired by scheming Sir Ravenhurst (Basil Rathbone). When Princess Gwendolyn (Angela Lansbury), falls for Hawkins, a witch secretly aids him in becoming a knight.
Tropes: friends to lovers, failing forward, clueless blumbering idiot man x strong forward-thinking woman, hopeless romantic, witchcraft, humour, sword fighting.
Mid-writing, I expressed that I had the intention of getting a tattoo to express my love for the movie, and my love the pitiful black-fox jester played by Danny Kaye.
This was the clip I showed my beautiful artist (who is a one-piece fan), and he interpreted it so wonderfully.
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It's still very raw and it'll soften a touch over time, but I adore it 🥹. It looks like a d&d module, and I love it.
He also tattooed me beneath an emotional support Luffy, so that was beautiful.
Happy New Year 🖤
@writingmysanity @sordidmusings @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @empressofmankind @tiredemomama @i-am-vita @hazzyking here it is!
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buckevantommy · 9 months
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pale and slender buff golden boy
+ bonus:
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novemberhope · 1 month
Guess I'm in my revolutionary era again... well, sue me. The story was originally supposed to feature Elliara and Sabo as well, but it's too long already, so we only have Ginny and Dragon.
Here we go:
Surprised by the soft knock on the door, Dragon looked up from the papers he'd been looking at. This was usually not the hour people came to see him. "Come in," he said. To his surprise, it was Ginny who walked in. She seemed unsure of herself and after the events of the last few days, she looked like she hadn't slept in months. Her arm was covered in bandages, she was limping and her face looked like someone had used it as a punching ball. "Gin," he greeted her. This was usually not the person who came to see him either. "How can I help you?" She had never come to him before and he wondered what that was all about. For once, she did not seem angry, which for her, was a first. "About yesterday..." Ah yes, yesterday. They were all lucky to be still alive. Many other people hadn't been that lucky. It was a big setback and they would need some time to recover from that. "I'm sorry," she said. "I tried really hard to ... I'm still to weak ... I should have..." "Ginny," he quickly interrupted her. "You did good. Really really good. There was nothing more you could have done." "Then why do I feel so miserable?" she asked.
"Because sometimes what we do sucks," he bluntly told her. "In the end, it will be worth it. But in between, it's going to be hard. We won't always win." "But like this..." She closed her eyes. "We almost didn't make it out of there... and then it would have been... all over... again..." She barely held back her tears which was unusual for her, too. He'd seen her angry many times, but never this close to tears. But knowing her backstory, he understood where she was coming from. Twice she had lost her crew - once because she had left, which had been a big mistake on her part because she had trusted the wrong person - and once due to them being captured and nearly everyone having been killed. Coming this close to a third time had clearly shaken her up.
"But we're alive," he firmly reminded her. "We're a little worse for the wear, but we've made it." "Not thanks to me." "It doesn't have to be thanks to you, Ginny. It's a team effort and we are all trained for situations like this, not just you. It was a harsh blow and we will need time to recover from this, but it's not the end of the world." It had felt like the end of the world for him too. But he had pulled himself together and forced himself to focus on the future. He was their leader, he could not allow himself to dwell on thoughts of what might have been. He had to focus on getting them ahead again.
Ginny slowly nodded. He looked at her and remembered the angry and broken young woman Sabo had brought back one day. It's taken some time, but she had started to change. She wasn't quite where he hoped she would be one day, but she was getting there. "When you came here, your one goal was to learn to fight, to get strong and then get the hell out of here," he reminded her. "Guess I didn't get the hell out of here," she muttered, slowly lifting her head. "You think I should have?" "I'm glad you didn't," he told her. "As long as you want to stay, you are part of this crew." He could see her face lighting up, although she was trying not to let it show too much. "Get some rest, Gin," he told her. "Knowing you, you'll be waking up Koala at the break of dawn and demand another training sesson." He paused, since she was looking more like she needed a trip to the infirmary. "I guess telling you to get some rest will be ignored anyway?" She grinned. "Probably... I feel fine... the pains helps me to push through it." She paused. "Unless it's an order?" That was something that had taken some time to get into that stubborn head of hers - that orders needed to be followed. "I'm not wasting my breath with this," he replied. "You are old enough to know your limits." Also, he trusted Koala to put a stop to it when it got out of hand because Ginny had yet to learn the meaning of "getting some rest" and "letting it go". "Okay then..." She turned towards the door but turned back around to face him. "Thanks, Dragon..." "You're welcome," he told her. He watched her go and then turned back to the papers on his desk with a sigh. He might have helped Ginny to move past it a little bit, but while he knew he needed to move forward, it would still take time until he could let it go as well.
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djarinslover · 9 months
Alright send me Nami fic ideas PLS, I’m a thirsty little lesbian with no ideas so I need help
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spirallingstarcases · 7 months
i knew live action one piece cast was hot. but holy fuck. hooooly fuck. opla sanji/zoro/nami i need you so bafdd
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cinephobia · 8 months
People who've only watched opla writing fanfiction is great and all but I just saw someone write Sanji raising his voice at Nami in a regular conversation and it made me stop for a second bc who is that man
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silverinkbottle · 9 months
So..before I dive in head first into the wonderful world that X reader. Anyone have any tips? Obviously if certain traits on important include it in the tags etc. I plan on writing in third person..unless it’s easier in a different perspective? Experienced writers help pls, welcome all tips!
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owlbee-writing · 9 months
🦉 I'm accepting requests!! 🐝
🌙 Current fandoms 🌙
-Bungo Stray Dogs
-The Magnus Archives
But if there's something else you'd like me to write feel free to ask! As long as l've seen it lIl do my best! ^^
🌼Rules & Guidelines!🌼
-I don't write smut! Though l'm fine writing suggestive or implied content
-I won't write any minor/adult content
-If the piece includes serious subject matter that requires research it might take me a while to write, want to make sure l'm handling any sensitive subjects carefully!
-for the most part any requests will be written as One-Shots since l'm currently working on a larger piece
-please let me know if you'd like the piece to be longer or shorter! I'll try my best to comply ^^
-I haven't written × readers in a while so I might be a bit rusty, but l'm still happy to write them!
-please send your request in my ask box!
-I’ll try to write as much of your request as accurately as I can, but some details may be skipped or altered either due to my comfortability writing the subject or just to how it fits into the story! ^^
🐝Thank you so much for reading!!🦉
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choism · 9 months
Hot take: if your fic is literally just 90% a word for word the script/scenes from a tv show or movie, your writing is unoriginal and you need to learn how to come up with original plot
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fayetheenthusiast · 8 months
Hey guys to add to my previous post I also like to write stuff and I really want to get back to writing. So if you have any requests for me to do please let me know! But please don't expect anything extravagant from me since I'm still a newbie at doing requests. ^^
I will write anything but smut. I'll write romantic to platonic relationships!
Things I'll write for;
F1 (depends on the driver)
F2 (depends on the driver)
A series of unfortunate events
The umbrella academy
If I didn't mention the thing that you want me to write, just let me know so we can talk abt it! Lastly, please bare with me if my English is horrible because English isn't my first language. Thanks!
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Happy New Year!
As the year draws itself to a close, I would offer my own semi-✨inebriated✨ reflections. I have drank, and when I drink, I drink.
What this year meant for me, your humble resident fanatic snail:
2023: 2020-me, a year of an adventure, reflection and reignition being the theme.
This year, I have:
Concluded a parenting milestone, my body once again becoming my own.
Lost a whopping 30kgs (67lbs for my American friends).
Involved myself in fandom (thank you, August for OPLA).
Found myself again, and enjoyed who I have become.
Fallen in love again.
Made friends that are exclusively my own: no connection via work, children or husband - purely my own for once in 7 years
@sordidmusings @feral-artistry @writingmysanity, you absolute darlings. I have enjoyed our chats immensely. I love you all so so much. You are amazing and I could not imagine my life without you.
10 years involved with my husband, 7 years married
Celebrating my final years of my youth (20s)
Writing again: creating again
Playing music again
Being hired to play music again
Learning linguistics again
Speaking Japanese again
Soft launch below the cut.
This is me, in all my snail glory. The dress was $10 from an op shop, and I love it.
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Merry Christmas, happy new year. I have loved my time here on Tumblr and appreciate everyone.
Literally crying writing this. So much love in my heart for each and every one of you who have joined me on this creative journey.
@sexc-snail @vespidphoenix @i-am-vita @gingernut1314 @empressofmankind @tiredemomama @httpwintersoldier @hazzyking I love you all dearly and I would love to get to know you better coming into the new year.
Just know, my absolute favourite moot-ship is @empressofmankind and @tiredemomama - never stop loving on each other. I adore the two of you individually and collectively. You are both stunning, please keep doing what you're doing.
@since-im-already-here, my dear, my darling, my first baby. I love you. Thank you for being here and encouraging me - enabling me. My flesh and blood, my sister 10 years younger. My first baby. Never let them dampen your sparkle.
Let's see what 2024 brings us. Love, happiness, tranquility, and reflection be the only queues and prompts I have for all of you.
愛してる。je teime. Every single one of you.
And to think, this of all started with silly little thoughts about a silly little clown.
(Disclaimer: I am an "I love you guys" kind of drinker - and I, very much, love you guys)
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hoyalaland · 9 months
listen one piece fic writers put the damn clown down and write me some fics for zoro and sanji like what opla intended
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djarinslover · 9 months
Looks like I’m gonna have to write Nami x reader fics for my own satisfaction
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moon-huny · 9 months
Stole the Moon - Chapter One
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CW: My content is not for anyone under 18. Mostly suggestive flirting and mentions of kidnapping and imprisonment. Reader character has sustained head injury. Oh, you also get choked. Buggy is an a-hole, but that's why we all love him.
Word Count: 2K
Summary: You've been kidnapped and can't remember a thing. Good news! Ole Captain Buggy is here to make you feel more like yourself.
A/N: Alright this is my first ever fan fiction to grace the website we all know and love. I originally wanted to be a fic writer when I joined tumblr, and now, my time has finally come. This Buggy is very much based off of OPLA, since I never actually got into the anime until recently. Tying to keep him in character, but the plot is very much of my own design.
Being new to this, I would love any feedback you might have. Likes, comments and reblogs are welcome, and would make my little heart sing. Okay, that's all, enjoy.
masterlist ✧˖°
• next
“Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up.” 
You woke to his voice. Your eyes slowly opening – or attempted to open – before becoming conscious of a stabbing aching pain racking your skull. You rolled over on your side, cradling your head in your hands and shutting your eyes tight. The soft candle light in the dark of your room eased the pain, but whatever relief you found was immediately wiped out by the shrill sound of him speaking.
“Ya know, I thought they killed you.” You could hear his heavy steps pacing the room, the sound too loud, his voice too harsh. He spoke with such levity, a certain air of nonchalance in his tone. He thought this was funny.
“I mean, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy getting you aboard my ship,” he paused, grabbing a chair and dragging it across the floor. A high pitched sound emitting from wood scraping wood – a sound he made on purpose just to cause more pain. You winced.
“But I didn’t think my crew hurt you this badly.” A tone of mock concern fell from his lips. “You must have put up a real knock out fight.”
He sat across from you. Spreading his legs and leaning over to get closer. Your body was curled up on a poorly made and uncomfortable plank of wood some might dare to call a bed. The “blankets” around you were nothing more than used burlap and tattered bits of sail.
He got quiet, you heard the ocean and people stomping and shouting above you. Then, so quietly, just above a whisper, “I don’t usually keep damaged goods, but you’re much better off lying here than wreaking havoc on my ship.”
It took all your strength to peel open your eyes and pull your hands away from your head. Breathing heavily, you pushed yourself upright. The clench in your jaw both from the pain you were in and the anger you felt.
Through your blurry vision, you could just barely make out a red nose. His eyes were piercing green, like the ocean after a storm. The clown makeup, the bright blue hair, you’d seen his wanted poster before.
Buggy the Clown – wanted for 15,000,000 Berry.
“I’ll burn this whole ship down,” you said. “I’ll sink it to the bottom of the East Blue.” 
Your threat came out much weaker than you intended. You were fighting nausea and an intense dizziness you were struggling to keep under control. It seems the clown caught on. He gently pushed his palm into your forehead with a flourish causing you to fall back down onto the bed gripping either side of your head in your hands.
“Aw see,” he said, standing to lean over your body. “That’s why you’re gonna stay right here,” he said, punctuating the last two words.
He made his way to the exit and grabbed the barred door. He pulled it shut with a loud clatter. You felt the metal sound resonate in your skull causing you to push your palms into your eyes.
“Night night, doll! We’ll chat some more tomorrow.” A loud cackling laugh resounded down the hallway. It made you want to scream.
And so, he came back to torture you everyday. Never brought you food or water, instead opting to send random crew members each visit. He didn’t want you making any friends. The only constant was one meal at night and a prompt visit from him following. He never said much, and if he did, you could hardly recall what you spoke about.
You started feeling better. You were able to get up, start walking around your prison. You clocked that you’d been at sea only four days. One porthole you could see out of – if you climbed some precarious boxes – told you you were in the middle of nowhere. Far away from any visible land.
The sun was setting, the sky turning a gorgeous orange color and the ocean turning pink in return. His boots thumped down the stairs, you could hear him shouting up towards the deck, “Hey, shit for brains, if I didn’t make myself clear earlier, I want to be docked in that harbor YESTERDAY! GET. A. MOVE ON!” 
Wherever this circus boat was headed, it was moving fast, but clearly not fast enough. What was the hurry? What was the clown’s goal? And with so little in the cargo hold … It wasn’t like he had a huge haul. Were we being followed by another ship? You didn’t ever see anyone from your tiny window, and the conversations above were so muffled that gathering any kind of intelligence was near impossible.
You ran from your porthole back onto the bed, pulling the blankets up around you. You did your best to slow your breathing and pretend you were asleep.
“Oh sweets,” he sighed, draping himself through the bars. “I know you’re awake.”
The smile you knew he had on, the sickeningly sweet way he spoke to you, it made you angry. You heard the door unlock and slowly swing open. 
You were feeling stronger. Though the ship was in the middle of nowhere, if you could just surprise him, lock him up long enough to get to a lifeboat. You could get away.
“Doll, enough games, okay? It's only fun when I want to play, and I really don’t feel like playing with my toys right now.”
He got closer, close enough you decided. You sprang from the bed making a move to pull any number of the knives from his belt. As you grabbed for his waist, you felt a gloved hand wrap itself around your throat and push you against the wall.
“Oh ho ho, you have GOT to be KIDDING.” He laughed hysterically. “I mean wow, honey, I knew you were bold but I didn’t take you for an idiot,” he spat the last insult inches from your face tightening his grip. Your hands flew up to his wrist attempting to loosen the strangling grip he had on you.
His body pressed to yours, his knee slotting itself in the space between your legs. You were fully pinned, unable to move with the full weight of the pirate against you.
That’s when you heard the long knife unsheathe itself from his belt. The sharp metal pushing into your side. Your eyes, once full of defiance, widened to reflect the fear you felt. Your eyebrows pressing together in a pleading look as your lungs burned, the need for air growing stronger.
“Mhmm, I knew I’d like that face on you,” he whispered. “You gonna be a good girl if I let you go?” You nodded slowly, then felt the knife push impossibly further to the flesh of your hip. The nod quickened, your eyes clamping shut, preparing for the worst.
Then, he let you drop. Your hands flying to your throat, bruising surely setting in, as you gasped for air.
“I told you, doll, not in the mood to play,” he said, sheathing the weapon. “I have something I need from you.”
He nodded in the direction of the small table and stools. You hesitantly pulled yourself upright, sharpened gaze never once leaving his larger figure. You were like a mouse in a cage with a snake – look away and you might be his next meal.
You sat across one another as he pulled a map from his coat. His large gloved hands smoothed the cotton-soft paper out in front of you. The candlelight flickered over the page, the night finally setting in, the air growing colder. 
The thin slip-like dress you wore did barely enough to retain your modesty. You pulled your arms across your chest, staving off the cold and attempting to cover your chest. Sitting there with him eyeing you across the table, you became more aware of your body and the night air prickling your skin. If he was attracted to your shape, he didn’t show it.
“You know what this is?” he asked.
“A map,” you replied flatly.
He laughed. “Funny, sweetheart. Yeah, your captain knows it’s – .”
“YOU are NOT my captain,” you spat back before he could even finish his sentence.
The smile spread further across his face, “If you aren’t joining my crew then you'll stay my prisoner.”
“Is that what this is about, you want me to join your band of seafaring freaks?” You were picking a fight you knew you couldn’t win. He knew it too.
“I think I made myself very clear but, if you need a little extra explaining, I don’t mind. You did hit that pretty head very hard a few weeks ago.”
“Weeks?” You did your best to keep your voice even as panic began to settle in your chest. 
“Your…” it took a moment for him to find the right words, “temperament was difficult to say the least. If I thought getting you on board was hard, oh boy! Talk about keeping you quiet! But, it wasn’t anything a little sleeping powder couldn’t fix.” 
He’s cocky, he knew springing this information on you would leave you feeling confused and uncertain. Was every move he made this calculated? 
“We all got used to how quiet you were, so much … easier to watch.” His eyes traced up and down your frame. You got your answer, that remark was calculated and so was his decision to finally regard your attire.
He was stronger, he had more weapons at his disposal. The clown capitan knew he could say whatever he wanted, and there was hardly anything you could do about it. But that didn’t stop you from opening your mouth.
“What do you want with me and why the hell am I on your ship?”
All he could do was smile and chuckle in return, “That’s so funny, beautiful, truly. You are so much more entertaining when you're conscious. But, I’m going to need you to stop playing dumb, okay? It’s really starting to piss me off.”
His eyes were getting darker, his words sharpening. You were really starting to wish you knew what he was talking about but, god help you, you had no clue. You couldn’t remember how you got here, and now that you started racking your brain for answers, you realized you couldn’t remember anything about yourself. 
Your name? Yes. You knew that. Family? Nothing. Village? A small seaside town, but the details were fuzzy. Who were you before this? You didn’t even know how long you were at sea and now you can’t even remember the basics.
The confusion in your mind began to make itself plain on your face.
“Oh no,” his tone began to change, the grin dropping from his face. “No no no no no -- you really don’t know do you?”
You looked up and saw his expression contorted between realization and anger. “SHIT! No! Gah! This was not supposed to happen this way! God fucking DAMN IT!”
He pushed himself up from the table with a fury, and something you’d never seen him carry before, frustration. Up until now, the blue haired man had acted with such a confident air, but now, it seemed like everything was falling apart. You made no move to speak, just watched as he paced the room spitting various curses into the empty space.
Then he finally turned to you, slowly on his heels. “No, you know what, this is fine.” He smiled, collecting himself. “All of this is just fine.” He began to stalk toward you.
“You’re here, on my ship, and that is alllllll that matters right now.” He placed both hands down on the table in front of you, leaning over the map and getting dangerously close to your face.
“We will just have to work through this little hiccup together. Huh? What do you say?”
“You can go to hell. I don’t know anything about this map, or what you need from me. Any information you're looking for is gone because your moronic sideshow and its excessive force scrambled any memories I had,” you spat.
“Okay gorgeous,” his emerald eyes not breaking contact with your (e/c). “Suit yourself.” 
His tactics weren’t working, he knew it. It was time to change the game. Play from a different angle. You didn’t remember who you were, what you were, he’d help you remember, and maybe add a few memories into the mix. The mind was a fragile place, its chemistry could be changed so easily. Enough of the fear and frustration, it’s always easier to attract flies with honey than with vinegar.
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silverinkbottle · 9 months
I want to X reader fic, but I cannot get over the idea of throwing the word ‘you’ or Y/N. in it every five seconds. Anyone have any tips or tricks to navigate around this? Do I bite the bullet and just it an X OC?
Third person limited?
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goddessofmischief · 8 months
Hey, thanks for tagging :) I am 34, so the "old men" are not so old to me and quite frankly, watching Shanks, Buggy and Mihawk in OPLA is feeling like coming home to old friends back from 20 years ago. (I was crushing on Shanks and Buggy so much...😅) So I thought, maybe you could write something where fem!reader already knows them and has a soft spot for each of them, since back when they were flirting and making fun when they were young. Now as adults they meet again and the chemistry is still there.
I remember one of my stories from back then. I was jealous of mermaids, because all the pirates got stupid once they're around, and a drunk Shanks said: "nah, you wouldn't like to be one; You'd be missing slamming doors and Buggy would drown on daily basis just to say hi-." Both Buggy and Reader: "shut up! So not true!". Just like young stupids are... :)
Anyways, thanks for your writing and I can't wait to read more about the "get-shit-done"-squad Mihawk, Shanks and Buggy
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A/N: Hope this is alright: since your formal request was so in line with what the theme of the series will be anyway, I used the excerpt of your line as basis for this particular fic. All credit of course goes to you for coming up with the lines and the idea. On a personal note, I just want to say how much I respect that you were an OG fic writer and still have interest in and love for these characters. Welcome home.
You would have believed that you had been at sea for years, until Buggy reminded you that it had only been weeks.
Granted, this is how he reminded you:
"It's been wee-eks," Buggy whined, stretching out on his hammock. Shanks was collapsed against the wall, fingers knotted together, eyes not really focused on any particular place.
And you? You were lying on the floor, gazing up at the wooden ceiling, wondering if it would be a good idea to leave the cabin and see the stars.
Being on the ship for weeks was highly irregular for your crew. Great captain he was, Roger knew he could only keep this ragtag group sane if they stepped onto shore and ate an orange every once in awhile. This concern was triply inflated by the fact that he had three young adults onboard who became very antsy if they had to stay in one place for too long. Your patience certainly rivaled Buggy's or even Shanks', but even you had your limit, and you had met it long ago.
The ship would have planned to make port nearly a week before, but the World Government was closer to finding you than ever. It was simply too dangerous.
You soon learned how your friends reacted to a situation such as this. Shanks had retreated mostly into silence, with exception of the odd joke or attempt at conversation, and Buggy had decided he blamed you both somehow for this situation and that any words exchanged with either of you would only be of the complaining nature.
"I know, Bugs," said Shanks, and you were surprised to hear him answer Buggy's complaint. You exchanged glances with him, then turned back to Buggy.
"Let's go outside, yeah?" you suggested. "Do something fun."
"Everyone's outside," Buggy complained. "They've been yelling over something for hours."
"And you didn't think that was important to mention, Bugs?" Shanks asked, irritably. Buggy shrugged.
The thing that had sparked such interest in the crew was simply that, as your ship had sailed very far into the deepest waters, much farther than usual, you had sailed into a home of mermaids. Extremely dangerous, and the crew knew it.
It did not negate their interest whatsoever, though.
Pirates get stupid when mermaids are around. It is a core trait of pirates and no less than a sacred tenet of piracy itself. More than a few decent men have been seduced to the sea by the very concept of mermaids, and to that end, the idea of finding one.
Shanks and Buggy were no exception.
You had never really taken the care to notice how they behaved with girls. Their flirting was of no interest to you, and so you didn't bother to surveil it. But it came to your attention now that they had terribly different styles: namely, that Buggy was mostly content to sit and watch from the edge of the deck, and Shanks was more interested in yelling, waving, and nearly falling off the boat.
Granted, by this time, alcohol had become involved, and all bets were off.
Despite all the excitement, the first in weeks, Shanks had begun to notice how quiet you'd become. He approached you, somewhat cautiously, hoping you wouldn't react with a retort or a threat.
"You okay?"
You nodded, staring at the drink you held.
"You sure?"
You shrugged, whispering something under your breath that Shanks struggled to hear.
"What's that?"
You spoke again, slightly more than a whisper, but Shanks heard it all the same.
"...I wish I was a mermaid."
"You wish you were a mermaid?" He repeated loudly, almost outraged. You shushed him, and he just laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just... nah, you wouldn't like to be one. You'd be missing... slamming doors, and Buggy would drown himself on a daily basis just to say hi-"
"Shut up!" you giggled. "So not true!"
"And then, of course, there'd be all the pirates. I wouldn't like sharing you with them."
"I'm a pirate. You're a pirate."
"I'm a different sort of pirate. And you're barely a pirate at all."
You shrank back, inexplicably hurt by Shanks' drunken offhand insult.
"I'm as much of a pirate as you."
"Of course you are. I didn't mean that. Not like that. I mean, you're just... you're very careful, you're much too good for us. You're not messy or mean like the rest of us are."
"What do you think I am, then?"
"A princess," he blurted out, and you tried not to laugh. "I've always thought so."
"Mhm. The whole time."
You studied Shanks' face, seeing him in a new light that you'd never glimpsed anyone in before. Had he always been this cute, or charming, or kind?
Well, it didn't matter if he always had been, because he was now, and before you had given much thought to it at all you were pushing his straw hat back and he was meeting your lips in a kiss, your first, his first.
"You're a terribly nice pirate," you mumbled.
"You're a terribly beautiful princess," he replied.
You both parted awkwardly, staring at each other with confused half-smiles and resigning to focusing your attentions back on the ocean. For now, it was merely a strange evening, a shooting star, but later on, you would remember that night as the precise moment you began to love Red-Haired Shanks.
And Buggy, watching from across the ship, would remember that night as the second time a deep knot of resentment grew in his chest, one that would only become larger with time. The first time had been as a child, when Shanks had done something exceptionally well where Buggy had failed, and Roger placed his famous straw hat onto his head.
The second time was tonight, because of you.
taglist: @sawendel @twinklesnake
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