#insomnia cooking with hell
hellenhighwater · 2 years
If you've ever looked at a bit of crumbling drywall and gone "boy am I hungry right now" then meringues are the recipe for you. They're simultaneously very simple and very finnicky, but if you can get the hang of them then you can experience eating chalk (but sweet!) whenever you want, with none of the limestone content involved in eating real chalk. A batch of meringues is just 3 egg whites, (at ROOM TEMPERATURE) 1/8th teaspoon cream of tartar, 3/4 cups regular white granulated sugar, and a half teaspoon of vanilla extract. (or you could do a different flavor, if you like your conkrete to be fancy. I do not. I am here to experience texture with minimal flavor.)
You combine all the ingredients but the sugar in a mixer with a whisk attachment, and whisk at high speed until soft peaks form. Then slowly sift in the granulated sugar, whisking as you go. Once all the sugar is whisked in, keep mixing for another five minutes--the mix should be glossy and sleek, not dry.
Then pipe the cookies onto a parchment-lined pan, about two inches across, leaving an inch of space between. If you have fancy frosting tips and a piping bag, use them. Bafflingly, I do not have those (why? what have I been doing with my life that I own three machetes but not frosting tips?) so I just used a gallon ziplock with a hole poked into it and made beautiful little angel turd shapes.
They bake at 200 F for 45 minutes, and then should be allowed to rest in the oven for another half hour with the temperature off. Don't open the oven while they bake! Let them cool completely, and then you can eat something that has both the visual look and the mouth-feel of a packing peanut.
I love these things. I'll post an out-of-oven picture when they're done in like an hour.
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goddess-reborn · 4 months
I’m so sick of not being able to sleep. I’m literally so fucking tired, I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this shift let alone the rest of this week. I wouldn’t wish insomnia on even my worst enemy.
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0bticeo · 3 months
welcome to the show!
summary: vox sends you as a spy to the hazbin hotel. alastor decides to give him a show.
tw: voyeurism, biting, blood play, fingering, valentino mentioned. english isn't my mother tongue.
you're thrown in hell - quite literally. the fall from purgatory and its beasts was long, arduous, and painful.
you've led an ordinary life. woken up. worked. slept. repeatead. same old decaying matter as everything else. you didn't think too much of it, of course not. you were twenty something and rising slowly, steadily in your company as an esteemed lawyer. memento mori didn't ring a bell. maybe it should've.
now you're in hell, and you're burning with sheer, unbridled rage, because how dare they throw you in there? (you're all in hell for a reason. all of you, fangs and bad intentions bare to the world.)
you take up your old job at vox tech. lawyer for a corrupt company. old habits die harder than you do. there, there's the thrill of probing the opposing companies and sinking your fangs into them, corrupt little fox with a too wide smile on your face.
what you gather is this: velvette's sense of fashion involves too much purple, valentino is the embodiment of everything you hate and vox... vox is obsessed with the radio demon. he's disappeared not too long after being asked to join the vees. you'd know, you're the one who wrote the contract he refused to sign. bastard.
could've been fine, really. but they work you to the bone and treat you as little less than a glorified secretary. when valentino throws the cup of coffee you brought him to a board meeting with the other executives of the company, you slam the door on your way out and don't look back.
it goes like this: you've been in hell for a while, and you're done playing the part of the sinner. so you tell charlie morningstar when she greets you at the hazbin hotel.
she accepts you, welcomes you with, out of all things, a song. too much trouble for dear old you.
"nonsense! everyone deserves to be given their rightful importance!"
that one hit close home.
you don't have the time to thank her before she's introducing you to the staff and the rest of the hotel.
vaggie, staring you down with a suspicious eye, fingers itching to reach for her spear. ah. an angel. fascinating.
angel dust. you have to thank him for being here. after you murder him for calling you an enticing little vixen and winking at you.
husker. former overlord. sold his soul to the radio demon in a bad game of poker.
your hair stand at the back of your neck. static crackles in the air. your ear twitches. alastor's entered the game.
"alastor, it's a pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure my dear!"
he brings your gloved hand to his lips. even through the thin leather, you can feel the warmth of his breath, the press of his teeth like a warning.
his grin deepens when you introduce yourself in turn. a glimmer of recognition flashes in his eye.
you've always liked to cook. there's something about the glimmering edge of a knife cutting thin slices of meat that appeases you. tonight, you crave some rabbit.
somewhere in the kitchen, the clock ticks the minutes away, time bleeding out. doesn't matter when you have eternity to atone for your sins. 
the watch at your wrist flashes. 2:37. of course, insomnia had to follow you down to hell. it served you at voxtech, back when you were pouring over contracts and meaningless paperwork.
you make your way towards the fridge, hoping to god you'll find something to satiate your appetite.
"ah, feeling peckish my dear?"
you startle.
you turn, back facing the counter, resisting the urge to bare your fangs. there he is, slithering out of darkness, a spectre in red. you wonder if it's a reminder of the blood he's shed.
"what do you want?" you snarl.
he laughs, static buzzing in your ears. you blink. when your eyes open, he's inches away from your face, craning your neck towards him - he's tall, that fucker.
"why so aggressive, little vixen?"
his fingers dip down your shoulder, down your arm, until they close on your wrist. his teeth press against the bracelet of your watch, scraping the skin beneath, drawing a drop of blood. the screen glows, a faint blue light in the penumbra of the kitchen.
your breath catches in your throat. he's gorgeous, blue light draped over his hair like threads of moonlight.
he hums, the vibration settling low in your gut.
"i just want a little taste..."
you shiver at that. at the way he looks at you like he wants to devour you, consume you whole. at the way his tongue presses on the cut, lapping at the blood. you tense, biting back a soft, needy little sound.
his leg pushes your thighs apart. you don't realise you've been humping against the warmth of him until his hand settles on your hip, claws digging into your skin hard enough to draw blood.
"behave, little spy."
you laugh at that, baring your throat.
"was it really that obvious?"
he hums, clawed finger trailing down the column of your flesh, pressing against the jugular. he can feel your pulse, staccato little thing beating wildly as you look up at him, lips parted with want.
his smile stretches, impossibly wide.
"vox wouldn't have let his precious little lawyer go." his claws tap against your watch. "and i'd be a fool not to get a taste."
he kisses you. he kisses you, teeth nipping at your mouth until you can feel static against your tongue, until you arch your back against him. you whine, claws digging in his shirt, eager for more. of course, he pulls away. bastard.
"patience, my dear. all good things come to those who wait."
you scoff.
"because seven years and s'more weren't enough?"
a pause. his lips trail down your throat.
"i suppose that's fair."
he bites you, teeth sinking at the junction of your throat and shoulder. you keen, a breathless moan of his name as you feel him grind against you. you shouldn't let this happen. shouldn't revel in the warmth of him, body going limp in his grasp. shouldn't drag his hand towards your aching core, let him press his fingers against your slit and chuckle at how wet you are. you can't let him finger you on the kitchen's counter, can't mewl like a wanton whore.
you do.
you do, his name like a prayer on your lips, hips stuttering, desperate for release. you feel him against you, lapping at your flesh like a starved hound. when he lets you go, there's a spider-web thin string of blood connecting him to your shoulder.
the sight of him takes your breath away.
there he is, eyes half lidded, looking at you. there he is, blood, your blood, dripping down his lips, his chin.
he leans closer, watching you, the way your shiver at his every touch, as his free hand digs in the tender skin of your breast and sinks into the flesh.
something snaps in you - you're on fire, head thrown back in a silent cry of his name.
on your wrist, the watch flashes blue. alastor grasps your wrist in his hand, bringing it up. it's easy for vox to see you. you, disheveled, red fur a mess of sweat and blood, panting, cheek pressed against alastor's chest. you, nightgown hiked up to your hips. you, legs wrapped around alastor's waist, teeth sinking into the meat of his shoulder to muffle your moans as he drills his cock into you.
vox groans at the sight, pants growing too tight.
the radio demon smiles.
"hope you enjoyed the show, old pal!"
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cordeliawhohung · 8 months
Since you still have to go to a family dinner tonight: what would a family dinner with Simon or Price look like? Do you think they‘d be more talkative around your relatives, or just listen and/or suffer through it in silence? Do they leave room for dessert? And are you staying until the end or leaving as soon as it’s socially acceptable to catch up on much needed sleep? ❤️🌙 - A
Ah yes, family dinners a;skldfj they're fun but gosh can they be exhausting! luckily everyone only stayed around for about two hours, and as much as i'd love to catch up on sleep, i have terrible insomnia, so enjoy these little drabble/headcanons of our boys instead <3
But ah, Price, my love, I have yet to give him the attention he deserves!!!
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Family Dinner with Price and Simon
I feel like Price is the perfect gentleman, and would be great to take home to your parents!! Your mother would be instantly smitten with him with that charm he holds and the sweet tone to his voice. Careful, she might try and steal him from you! He gets along fine with your father, though there is this awkward tension between the two of them. Just fatherly instincts of course, but Price is good with the small talk that comes with these type of events.
I can just imagine sitting at the table, Price next to you trying to choke down the bitter taste of wine (because your mother told your dad he needed to lay off the beer) and he smiles as everyone converses. He eats the lavish meal your mum spent hours preparing, and even though he definitely did not save room for dessert, he can't say no to the brownies she baked!
I also imagine that this man is trying to hold your hand at least half the time. Underneath the table, he reaches for your hand and pulls it to rest on the edge of his thigh just so he can rub his thumb over your knuckles. He does it because he loves your touch, but maybe also to calm his nerves. (any man who isn't afraid of his partner's parents is a stupid one.)
By the end of the night your mother is chatting him up, asking what he does for work, how much time he has off, and if he'll be free for another dinner sometime in the future. It's not until the second dinner that Price fully wins your dad over by bringing a small case of beer with him as a gift (but really, he brought it for himself because there's no way in hell he's choking down that wine again).
Simon? Well, he's certainly a gentleman, but your mother does not like him in the least. What's with his mask? Sure he took it off at the table, but he looks like a criminal! (i feel like he would remove his mask for a dinner with parents because there's no way this man would just sit at the table and brood lmao). And what's with that tattoo peeking out beneath his sleeve? He's more of a brute than a boyfriend )))):
Your father, on the other hand, laughs at least twenty times that night due to Simon's dry, and flat humor. It's the type of jokes that gruff old men enjoy and the puns dads harass their children with. Your mother doesn't start warming up to Simon until later in the night. He's been quiet and reserved the whole night, not really speaking much about himself, and really, you've done all the talking for him. Eventually, something sort of clicks in Simon, and he goes off on this ramble about you of all things. A funny story of a mishap back at the flat, or maybe some milestone in your life that you had forgotten to tell your parents. Seeing you through his eyes makes her soften up a bit.
Like Price, Simon stuffs himself full, as he's never been one to turn down a home cooked meal (especially because, let's face it, i doubt the man is all that great at cooking) but he has to politely decline your mothers delicious pie because of it ):
By the end of the night, Simon sneaks off to the kitchen at some point to do the dishes. You find him there, sleeves rolled up, that terrible tattoo (according to your mother) on display and shiny with soap and water, and you chuckle and tell him he doesn't need to clean up. He retorts by saying it's the only proper way to thank someone for a meal. (i'm dying on this hill that acts of service is his love language) Your mother walks in on the two of you, Simon covered in more water and soap than should be humanly possible (no thanks to you) and when she sees the smile on your face and the giggles rumbling through your throat, well, she's sending the two of you home with the left over pie and the request that you two return sometime soon. (:
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dickarchivist · 24 days
Lullaby of the Wolffe
Wolffe × GN!Reader
Word Count: 1087
Playlist: Lullaby of the Wolffe
Rating: PG Fluff, but as always Minors DNI 🔞
Contents and Warnings: Insomnia, growing panic due to Insomnia, service animal (charhound), intrusive thoughts, swear words, soft Wolffe, potentially OOC Wolffe, fluff, hurt/comfort, soft sleepy singing
Summary: plagued by anxiety, you can't sleep. Despite your best efforts, Wolffe wakes up beside you. Instead of being angry, he offers you a Lullaby to try and help calm you down.
Author's Notes: The other night I had really bad panic Insomnia and I wanted a comfort fic tailored to my bullshit. I decided it would be a good idea to make a playlist of songs I felt like Wolffe would sing to me in a soft baritone while rubbing my back and trying to soothe me out of my panic. Now that I've made it through the night, I'm writing the fic to go with the playlist. Please enjoy both! I hope you get some rest.
Taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga @atomickidsoul @moonwreckd
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You can't sleep.
You went for a run. You hit the gym. You walked your charhound. You read a whole book, from start to finish. Cooked meals for the whole week, cleaned the house top to bottom, The laundry was even folded.
You can't sleep.
It wasn't for lack of trying. You'd lay in your bed, but as soon as you'd turned off the distractions, you were alone, and everything else came rushing in to attack you.
"You left the stove on. No. Not the stove, the oven. What's that smell? Are you burning the house down!?" You jump out of bed, run to the kitchen, and there's nothing wrong. The place is just how you left it. That burning smell was the crisp charcoal smell of your service charhound, Soot. You mentally kick yourself, how could you be so stupid? You know that smell, you've known it since she was a pup...
Back in bed. Okay, you think, okay this time will be it. This time you'll sleep.
"You forgot to feed Soot. Useless stupid owner how could you do that to your own baby?" But Soot is asleep at your bedside, her belly warm with her meal. You lay back down. You try to sleep.
You. Can't. Sleep.
Tears well in your eyes and you scream. You're so tired. You can't believe how exhausted you are and yet not a single moment of rest finds you. Soot gets up and puts herself in your arms to keep you from getting distructive. Her higher temperature keeps you warm, but all you feel is cold. You don't sleep a moment all night.
You feel sick, you're sluggish all the next day, because of course. You couldn't sleep. It's been 52 hours. The first day you could hide it, the second it started to show, but today... today you're with the wolfpack. If Plo Koon doesn't bring it to anyone's attention first, you know that Wolffe won't let it slide when he sees you. You've never wanted to stay away from the steely eyed commander more than today.
"You look like hell." Wolffe actually takes his helmet off to get a look at you, and it makes your stomach hurt when you see the concern on his face.
You sigh, roll your eyes, "Thanks. Go away." and turn away from Wolffe, trying to focus on your own work.
"No." His voice is hard, and you want to lash out, but when he grabs your wrist and turns you around, all your anger dissolves at his orders, "Tell me what's going on. Now."
Tears welling in the corners of your eyes, you try to blink them away, try to act tough, but you break under his gaze. "I can't sleep!"
You sob, hard. Wolffe jumps when you rush forward to close the gap, pressing your face against his chestplate, arms clinging around him, and openly sobbing. He hesitates, but eventually puts his arms around you, rubbing your back. It's so comforting, but it only serves to make you cry harder. It makes you realize just how touch starved you've been...
"Alright Cyar'ika, why can't you sleep?" You didn't know his voice could be so soft...
"I d-dont- dont know!" When you pull back, he holds your cheek, rubbing away tears. You close your eyes, and try to breath a little more evenly, "I h-have Insomnia, a-and it's been a few days since-"
"Days?!" Wolffe barks, now holding your face in both hands, "Kriff- you're coming with me."
He grabs your wrist, hauling you through the hallways of the ship. He opens a door to reveal a vacant sleeping quarters, and your stomach drops. "N-no, Wolffe, you don't get it... nothing is going to help, and especially not without Soot here, I won't be able to fall asleep. It's hard enough with Soot, but alone, I can't-"
"Shut up." You do, looking away bashfully, until the door closes behind the two of you, at which point Wolffe starts to take off his armor, "Get in the bed."
You blush wildly, covering your eyes, "Wolffe I'm sleep deprived, not- not sex deprived, I'm really sorry if I misled you but- s-stop laughing!"
"Cyar'ika, we are not having sex. Just getting my armor off so I'm comfortable too. Get in the damn bed, you'll see." Wolffe takes your hands from your eyes and leads you over to a bunk.
He helps you down, takes off your boots, and guides you to lay down. Your face is still hot when he gets into the bed with you, and he earns a squeak from you when he handles you into a cradled position. Your head rests on a pillow between yourself and his arm, comfortable for both of you. His other arms curls around you and you feel his hand rubbing soothingly up and down your back.
"I could use a rest, and you definitely need one. Get some sleep... that's an order." He chuckles at the last part, and for a moment, you think this might actually work.
Unfortunately, as soothing as it is, Wolffe's presence did nothing to stop the panic Insomnia. As soon as it's quiet, your mind starts racing. Thoughts of guilt, of shame, thoughts that this is all pity, that he didn't want you because you're undesirable, that-
"Cyare, quit squirming. What's going through that head of yours?"
"E-everything..." damn it. You didn't even notice your movements, but they'd been enough to wake Wolffe, "Once it's quiet, I can't sleep... can't stop the thoughts..."
There's a long, painfully quiet moment where you think you've said something wrong, until you hear Wolffe take a very deep breath. He kisses your forehead, whisping on your skin, "If you tell anyone about this I swear..."
It starts as a hum, a familiar tune rumbling in his chest. Eventually it builds, and he's whispering the song to you. You pull away a little, looking at Wolffe in awe, "Are you... singing me to sleep?"
"If it works." He kisses your forehead, encourages you to get comfortable again, and then picks up his song again once you're secured to his chest.
You don't even notice when you fall asleep. And you don't know how long you slept, but it was peaceful. Restful. You don't even remember the dreams you had, if you had then at all.
"Hey there Cyar'ika, sleep well?" Waking up in his arms, that's what really felt like a dream.
"Thanks to you, I did."
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AITA for slapping my mother in law?
I (27F) am married to my husband Jay (26M) and we recently had our first child Lily.
Well the pregnancy was a very very difficult one. I was throwing up every day for over six months, suffered long bouts of insomnia, developed gestational diabetes, standing up too fast made me incredibly dizzy, my entire body just constantly hurt, Lily kicked me so hard I legit had tears in my eyes (which combined with full body pain was...not pleasant) and to top it all off Lily weighed ELEVEN pounds and I tore really really badly.
I love my daughter to death but never again. Ever.
Anyways after that literal hell of a pregnancy, I've been more or less bedbound for several weeks now while healing from that entire ordeal. Which means Jay has been taking care of pretty much everything, keeping the house clean, making food, taking care of me and Lily, etc. Its a lot I know and I wish I could do more to help but Jay has been insisting that I rest and recover and that he's got this. He's been handling everything like an absolute champ. Honestly if I didnt have him I dont know how I would be doing anything.
Well this morning Jay's parents came to visit and meet their granddaughter. So I was moved to the living room so I could introduce them to Lily and socialize a bit while Jay cooked lunch.
Now Jay's parents are very traditional. They believe that men make the money and that its the woman's job to take care of the house, the cooking, and the children.
You can probably see where this is going.
I introduce Mother in law to Lily and we get to talking. (Father in law went outside to go smoke)
Thats when mother in law asks why Jay is cooking. More importantly why Im NOT cooking. I tell her I physically cant even stand UP without help so how am I supposed to cook.
She only scoffed saying that I was just making excuses. I am very used to her bullshit by now so I just roll my eyes.
Then Lily started crying because she needed a diaper change. Mother in law tells me to go change her diaper. Again I cant even stand up by myself, much less get up to change a diaper.
I call Jay and he happily comes to get our daughter. Mother in law starts yelling, telling Jay no that I should do it because its my job. She grabs Lily and shoves her back into my arms and tells me to get up and go do it.
Jay, my wonderful angel, tried to tell her that I physically couldnt move for weeks and to mind her own damn business.
She then started yelling even more saying that I was making my husband do my job for me, calling me lazy and a slut (What that has anything to do with this? I have no idea) she went off on a complete tangent about how it was a woman's job to take care of the home and the children, that SHE managed just fine and she had five small children, that I was completely emasculating Jay, that I was a disgrace, etc.
She just kept going and going while not letting me and Jay even get a word in. Until eventually she said that my daughter will probably grow up to be a whore like I am.
I think it was a mix of pure exhaustion and hormones because somehow I managed to stand up for a moment and slap her across the face before immediately falling back on the couch.
Jay looked shocked, Mother in law looked livid. (Father in law was just watching from the doorway, equally as shocked.)
Mother in law started full on screaming, calling me every single name in the book until father in law physically dragged her out of the house by her arm.
Now hours later my phone has been blowing up with messages from my brothers and sister in laws, telling me that I was an asshole and that I had no excuse for hitting their mother.
Hell even my friends think I was in the wrong for hitting her (completely ignoring how she was yelling, calling me horrible names, in front of a newborn baby no less.)
What are these acronyms?
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
been loving ur mcyt preferences, and was wondering if you would do one where reader has insomnia???
I take medication for it and i got took off it for a break UGHH. anyways luv ur writing and take ur time plz:))
ooooo okay!! ; and thank you thank you, I appreciate it 🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; insomniac/night owl
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, & quackity
warnings ; language, sleep paralysis, jokes about OD'ing (melatonin)
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genuinley feels so bad bc the second he closes his eyes, he's passed the hell out
he'll try and stay awake with you though and wait for the melatonin or just sleep in general to kick in
"if you're too tired to work, then don't. go back to sleep, don't worry about it"
compares you to tubbo 24/7
will bring you cherries and some milk because natural melatonin ❗️❗️
sometimes he'll try and stay awake with you and turn a movie on and he'll just pass out on your shoulder
you'll walk into his stream after sleeping until like 5 in the evening and quietly wave with a groggy look on your face
he laughs (in a very lighthearted way dw)
"y/nnnnn I know you're tired but we gotta go before we miss it"
"I'm coming, I'm coming"
you're basically just a night owl, like his personal guard dog lmao
he'll joke about it a bit too, how you're protecting him in the dark from the monsters 😭
honestly same
you'll both be up all night and sleep all day
you can go a solid two days without sleep and start tweaking and he'll basically have to rock you to sleep like a baby
"shhh, it's okay. just relax, listen to the rain"
jokes about you overdosing on melatonin as well 💀
"Oh nah, the sleep paralysis demon is gonna get me if I sleep"
"so I have to sleep but you don't have too? mkay pal"
if he can't sleep while you finally are, he'll actually cook for once in his life
and he'll save the leftovers for whenever you wake up
he genuinley won't wake you up unless you're gonna be late for something LMFAO
he gets it tho
this dynamic you got with him, 🔛🔝
he can and will stay up all night with you
mostly plays video games with you in hopes you'll get tired that way
which works a bit
does insane amounts of research, gets you eating all sorts of natural melatonin before bed and even gets you like children's melatonin gummies 💀💀
"do you have a sleep paralysis demon? are you just scared to sleep?"
"I just cannot sleep, I just toss and turn all night, I swear to god"
one of those people to do endless amounts of research to try and help
"do you wanna go to the doctor and get a prescription or something? maybe it'll help"
tweeting/posting about dumb shit you do at night
"y/n made a whole loaf of bread overnight someone send help"
"tell me why I woke up this morning to my partner staring into my soul holy shit"
also feels rlly bad that he can't help you
also brings you cherries, bananas and milk for natural melatonin in hopes it'll help a bit
will genuinley take you to a doctor to get you a prescription or something
also tweets about the shit you do while he's asleep overnight
"guys y/n picked up crocheting overnight wth"
"love when my partner wakes me up at 5am for breakfast because it was going cold 🥰 (they started cooking at 3:30am)
he can't stay up too late most days, he's a busy man
he feels so bad if you're sleeping through the whole day, he barely ever wakes you up bc he knows you're tired
"love, go back to sleep, you were up all night, I'll call you in sick, don't worry about it"
he strays away from od jokes when you're taking melatonin gummies/pills but sometimes he just has to say it
if you have a sleep paralysis demon as well, yk damn well he'll find his way into your dreams and beat the bitch up
if you can't sleep but he can, he'll just hold you and hope that you'll sleep soon
you'll usually sit there and play with his hair and admire him til you gotta get up and do something
like ranboo, she puts in endless research of just trying to find things that might help you
she feels so bad
especially when you're sleeping all through the day and feel groggy as hell 24/7
if you have a paralysis demon she always reassures you that she'll beat it up for you next time it comes around
anything to make you smile bro
she's so sweet about it, if you're sleeping she makes sure to keep it quiet because this is one of the rare chances when you're sleeping
if you go multiple days without sleep and start tweaking out, she'll comfort you to sleep, doesn't matter how long it'll take
"It's okay, honey. it's okay, just focus on the rain sounds outside"
dedicated a whole kinda calm music playlist to help you sleep/relax yourself
finds it so funny when you do shit during the night to try and entertain yourself and it's the most random shit
like you'll go out and feed stray cats, accidently steal a shopping cart, fight the air and record it, etc
sleepy on stream hugs >>>
"well good morning, sunshine. its seven pm"
"bro how do you not sleep"
if you got a sleep paralysis demon.... oh it's over for that mf
tweets about the dumb exhausted shit you do
"how do I turn y/n off at bedtime? I'm tired of waking up to see them staring into my soul"
"I love waking up to breakfast (I've been woken up at 4am for the past 2 weeks help me rn)"
thinks it's funny and sad at the same time when you start tweaking after not sleeping
"bro, go to sleep, cmon, it's okay, you're fine" as he's trying not to laugh at you
literally stuffs you with melatonin around 7:30 to see if it'll help LMAO
even talks on stream about how he's gonna fight the demons and pretends whoever he's fighting w is one LMAO
loves when you walk into stream all groggy and tired because he can finally spend a little time w you
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123puppy · 1 month
Lucifer losing his temper is a terrifying yet interesting concept especially when Alastor is the main reason, because he's too prideful and a stubborn ass
But this is still The Devil, THE King of Hell, and you don't push your luck with someone that rules all of Hell
No Lucifer is going to make it clear and he doesn't allow his daughter to call him out when he grabs Al and slams him down on the fall, hot breath blowing smoke as his anger grows and spirals out of control
He's far gone, eyes blazed, horns enlarged, tail thrashing, face demented as he stares into the crimson eyes of a sinner that dared challenge HIM-
But those eyes, usually filled with fire, amusement, mockery, are dying...? Lucifer didn't realize how tight he was squeezing Alastor's throat, it's so tight that he'd cut off his ability to breathe, and not only that, his claws were digging into the soft flesh of his jugular that he was drawing blood
He comes back from his rage to feel Charlie trying to pull his arm away from Alastor as the deer's eyes roll into the back of his head, limp in Lucifer's grip, screaming at her father to let go
And he does
But Al is not breathing
Commotion arises and Lucifer just stands there, staring at the lifeless body. He raised his hand, nails tinged in red, red eyes wide and full of shock
He looks towards Alastor's prone body, Charlie trying to do compressions on his chest, Vaggie swearing in Spanish as she kneels by her girlfriend, Angel standing a few steps away holding Nifty who is screaming at Al to 'wake up' and Husker standing near the Arachnid, face unreadable
He didn't... He can't be...
A choked cough-
Alastor takes in a struggling breath, chest stuttering, flinching away from Charlie's touch
Charlie is crying in relief and Vaggie gently pulls her away to give Al some space as he wheezes
And then his eyes fly open, zipping from each and every person in the room, before zeroing on Lucifer, who is still in his demon form
Just as fast as his eyes caught every single living being in the foyer, he vanishes
Now look I'm a sucker for this so those who aren't fond of this part, DON'T READ, it's slightly out-of-character from here on:
Alastor does not make an appearance, for weeks
The first week didn't register as much with everyone, especially Lucifer, who's also not appeared in the halls of the hotel since that day, and as awkward as it was it didn't garner any property damage or loud arguments within the hotel
It was peaceful...?
When Lucifer did come out of his room, he'd expect to see Alastor in the kitchen. The sinner can be a fuckhead any time of the day but the kitchen is his sanctuary, his 'comfort 'home', Alastor lives in the kitchen during the wee hours of the night, always cooking up a storm, doesn't mean he shares it unless Charlie wanders in, he always cleans up after himself before the residence of the hotel can catch him in an apron
Lucifer is one of those rare culprits catching Alastor in the act, and he won't lie, he cannot resist the sinner's food when he 'stole' a piece of peach cobbler and beelined it out the door, tentacles chucking forks and knives
He will take his ass to the grave before he'll admit he craves more desserts from Al, but that's if he catches him cooking because Al started switching up his days to throw Lucifer off as much as possible because ofc the deer picked up on the fallen angel's aggressive sweet tooth that piece of-
He didn't find Al in the kitchen, not even the aroma that would be left behind after he finished cooking was absent in the air
No big deal, Lucifer is the worst insomnia next to Al, he'll catch him during one of the late hours, especially when Lucifer can smell the delicious bouquet after becoming 'addicted' familiar with Al's sleeping habits
He doesn't smell anything within the kitchen for a whole week
Okay that's weird but still not a big deal right?
Then he sees Charlie pacing and rambling to her girlfriend and asks what's up and Charlie exclaims she hasn't seen or heard from Al in a month
It hardly bothered Lucifer and he tried to brush it off for Charlie, saying he'd turn up soon
Another month and a half passes
No sign of Alastor
Honestly, it should be a relief, but Lucifer can feel that nagging feeling of worry and he shouldn't feel anything for a sinner that treats him like garbage
A sinner that challenged him, belittled him, insulted him, why does Charlie even care so much!? Everything feels normal without that tacky asshole
Except, the kitchen feels empty somehow...?
The halls are quieter without the soft jazz playing when the demon would patrol the halls
Lucifer has no one to bicker with...
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
I have transcended here, so follow my vision:
Jungkook is always taunting the hybe staff that monitors his lives right? What about a fic where he does this because he kinda likes the pretty new IT intern 👉👈 and she is always stressed out working the night shift and wondering is he asleep yet should I end the live? oh no is he about to give a major spoiler, he would not do it right? workout sounds are kinda suspicious and low-key obscene should I "accidentally" end the live?
Hm... warning for like.. jungkook flirting? And suggestive themes lol
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Your heart beats faster whenever you get the notification. But not because of the same reasons the fans pulses might race quicker.
No, you personally get palpitations because of him, personally.
You don't even know why he's bitten into you like a stubborn dog like this, not daring to let go, teeth buried deep in your skin. You don't think you're outstandingly pretty, you're not special, you're not even supposed to have any sort of friendly or private contact with him whatsoever. Your job is on the line every time he has his 'fun'. But every time you scold him with that fact, he's got the same answer.
'I've got enough money for both of us, baby.'
You're not sure how the hell the agency has not yet caught onto his games- teasing words never directed at the fans, but you on the other side monitoring- them hearing in on it simply collateral damage. He knows you watch him every time he goes live. Your angry emojis you send him every time he edges on getting inappropriate in front of millions worth it every time, as he has to imagine you angrily scolding him so cutely just like last time you did.
He wonders how long you'll let him toy around with you like this.
He remembers when you ended his live when he fell asleep, calling and ringing his doorbell in panic because of the still burning candle- but when he'd tried to lure you into his claws, offering to have you sleep over at his place since it was late and raining heavily, you'd declined- probably having sensed his actual hidden motive.
You're not easy. And he can't deny that he loves the chase.
At first, it was just fun. He thought if he played it cool and most of all smart enough, you'd eventually cave in- but by now, he's actually become much more personally interested in you. It's not just about what you might feel like all messed up under his hands with his dick balls deep inside you anymore- that's somewhat moved into the background, lust no longer the main reason for his interest.
It's the soft domesticity you offer him here and there, gentle care a man like him can do nothing but fall for.
You're nothing but IT staff, newly hired for your exceptional skills when it comes to recovering data from the most messed up hard drives, and your talent for making sure nothing leaks out where it's not supposed to. You take your job seriously, work with all your soul and energy, always try and do your best even in the most lost-cause-scenarios. But he remembers you restoring almost all of his files after his pc crashed, offering him gentle reassurance and some water to calm him down. And a few weeks later when his tablet was infected with a virus (most likely stemming from the.. not so family friendly he occasionally visits...), you'd simply giggled about it, not making a huge deal out of it, even sharing your homemade food with him in his office while you waited for the new firmware to install.
You cook really well. Not perfect- but perfectly imperfect, just like home cooking is supposed to be. And you're so sweet- it's giving him cavities just thinking of you.
And yeah- you're also called his 'babysitter' whenever he's live randomly at night, since you yourself can't sleep all that much. He wonders if it's insomnia, or another health issue. He wonders if he could do something to help you sleep at night.
He wonders if you'd hold onto him when asleep. He wonders if you like holding hands.
He's asked you these things privately often, at first just to tease, but these days he means those questions. He wants to know more about you, about who you are apart from your job, but you take your role in the company pretty seriously it seems like. You never break your contract, always remind him that you're not allowed to either answer his questions, or have any private contact at all.
And he hates it. He hates that you're so goddamn nice, never daring to break any rules.
"Hm? Ah yes, it's late.." he comments at the chat flowing with thousands of messages, not truly paying attention to them. "Its late, I can't sleep~" He hums, leaning back against his couch, sighing. "Maybe I should eat? I'm not on a diet right now.." he wonders to himself, picking at his new piercing. "..maybe. Would you eat with me?" He wonders, and on the other side of the live, in your office chair, you want to hit your head on your keyboard.
He knows exactly what he's doing. You want to punch that dumb smirk right off his face.
"Hm, would you.. I'll make some food, yes." He nods to himself, getting up to take the phone with him, setting it up in his kitchen. "Late night Ramyeon.. yes." He sings, dancing a little as he opens two bowls. "I'll eat two. I've got.. a big appetite." He says, having turned around to look at the chat again- or more so the camera. "And I'll put some sauce in it too. I like it hot, you know?" He giggles, and you on the other side wonder if it would cost you your job if you 'accidentally' cut the connection.
Instead, you send a red-faced angry emoji and a pointing finger as a warning.
And the moment he receives it he brightly grins laughing to himself. Are you watching him from your office at the company building? Or maybe you watch him from home? Possibly in bed? And if so, are you wearing anything? Images of you in nothing but underwear spark in his mind, making him space out as he leans on the kitchen counter, hand playing with his bottom lip. He'd bet half of his wealth you probably wear cute lacy underwear, with bows in the middle.
He could probably rip the frail fabric of your underwear off your pretty body with his bare hands. He knows he's got the strength for it.
"Hm, maybe I can't finish two though?" He wonders as he fills both bowls up with hot water. "But I'll try.." he sings to himself, not a care in the world while you watch, being tortured by the sight of his broad back. It would be a lie to say that he's not attractive- he knows it too, after all, and you're not blind. You're simply just not putting your job on the line for a simple affair- you won't be used like that.
You've been through that before. You can't do this again.
The rest of his live is uneventful, he doesn't actually eat any of his food, ends the live with the excuse that he's tired after all, and you're finally falling head first in your lap before your phone rings. Accepting it, you don't answer, but his voice on the other end does.
"If you come over now, it'll still be hot when you're here." He chuckles, and you know he refers to the instant food he'd made.
"Jungkook-ssi, I can't do that.!" You groan.
"Why not?" He wonders almost innocently. "Its not like people will know." He tells you.
"I'm not putting my job on the line for.. an affair." You decline. "You might have your fun, but I'll have to deal with the consequences later." You say, and for a moment, there's no sound, before he sighs.
"You know.." he starts, sitting down on a chair at his kitchen table. "..weeks prior I would've given up at this point. Would've told you 'alright, cool' and then let it go, you know?" He tells you, one hand supporting his head while his phone lays on the table. "But I honestly don't wanna just.. have an affair, as you call it."
"Oh?" You scoff. "Jungkook-ssi, I have to end this call. Please refrain from-"
"I want to get to know you." He rushes out. "I.. genuinely want to. I take all of the blame if things go south. I'll make sure you get the best job if Hybe kicks you out, promise." He offers, before he sighs yet again. "Just.. let's just eat ramyon at my place, no strings attached." He asks, and you laugh after a moment, making him grin too.
"Eat ramyeon at your place?" You giggle, and he clicks his tongue.
"You say 'wanna see my cat' these days." He says, and you get up into a sitting position.
"Well, I mean, you were aiming to see a cat, in a way." You attempt to flirt back, and its quiet. "Oh my God sorry, I really shouldn't-"
"No, no-" he laughs. "That was adorable, really." He grins to himself on the other end of the call. "So?"
"I can't." You decline. "I don't have anything else than this job. Please don't make me do this." You say, and he bites his lower lip.
"I meant it." He repeats. "No funny business. Dick stays inside my pants, and I really will make sure to get you a new even better job if someone finds out and gets you fired." He promises.
"How can I trust you?" You ask.
"Have I ever done something to get you into trouble?" He asks, and you think.
"I can think of a few times-" you start, before laughing when he groans out in agony. "The food is cold now anyway." You say.
"I can heat it up." He offers.
"I don't like spicy things." You respond.
"Nothing wrong with being vanilla." He jokes, and you roll your eyes on your side of the call.
"You're such a pervert. What would the fans think?" You scold playfully.
"They love it." He chuckles. "Just like you'll love me."
"Bold claim." You say.
"Just give me a chance." He offers. "One chance to make you fall for me."
"What if you won't fall for me?" You ask.
"Impossible." He hums, voice low as he watches the phone on his table. "Already did."
And you're quiet for a moment, before you sigh.
"I'll bite your hand off if you touch me inappropriately." You threaten, and he laughs.
"And I'll willingly accept my punishment, baby."
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biibini · 5 months
Could you possibly write something for modern mizu with a gf that bakes alot during the odd hours at night due to insomnia to past the time :^ due to this, mizu gets gifted a bunch of sweets and pastries
modern!mizu x baker!reader (request)
a/n: this is such a cute idea omg,,, personally im more of a cook over baker (my roomie bakes more than me) but i do like a good pastry. time to add my fav gif of mizu … isn’t she just so dreamy 😻
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the first few times u stayed over, u were able to sleep in peace with mizu
surprisingly, ur insomnia didn’t keep u fully awake while ur gf was sleeping
feeling her warm arms wrap around ur body made u feel more secure as u started to slumber
u weren’t fully knocking out every night but it became easier to fall asleep and stay asleep for a good duration of the night
it felt so satisfying to finally sleep through most nights
as midterms became closer & closer, the quality of ur sleep began to decrease dramatically
most nights spent with mizu ended up into some
and then some nights became few
at first, u attempted to hide ur insomnia with using homework and projects as an excuse
initally, they weren’t excuses but u had played the card so much that it started to become one
It was a week and a half before midterms week, aka hell on earth. You and Mizu had just finished dinner, now relaxing on her bed. While she was busy on her phone, you were preparing to find the best way to fall asleep successfully. Staring into your laptop in front of you, you felt her get up from the bed.
She walked over to the bathroom and getting ready to go slumber. You on the other hand, are still mentally stuck on how well you will sleep tonight.
Having insomnia meant having many off days and nights. During high-school, it was more difficult to manage your sleep schedule due to the amount of extra-curricular activities and schoolwork you had to balance while growing up. You’ve found a few ways and simple tricks to fight against it.
One way that helped you calm down during high school was baking. A messy task, yes, but the end result was worth it. It had been a few years since it’s gotten this bad. Junior year was a while ago, and the thought of college during that time sent your stress levels through the roof.
Maybe bringing back baking wouldn’t be so bad…
“Hey baby?”
You snapped out of your empty stare and look up at Mizu.
“Are you going to wash up soon? It’s past midnight and you have a 9 AM tomorrow.” she reminded. Mizu knew how grumpy you could be the next day if you stayed up too long.
“Yeah, um” you glance at your computer only to find a title slide on a history presentation, “I’ll sleep soon, I just want to finish my part of this project.”
Mizu nodded as she turned off every light except for the night next to you. You look up to her, a small smile growing on your face.
“M’kay,” she placed a hand on your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead, “Just not too late.”
She moved to your lips, giving them a good night kiss.
“I’ll try.” You say as you reach for her face to share another good night kiss. You lower the brightness of your laptop as Mizu tucks herself in next to you.
An hour later, you end up finish your part of the presentation. You check your phone to let your group know about your completion. Putting it down, you read the time. 1:30 AM.
Fuck, you should really get some sleep for tomorrow’s lecture.
You slowly get out of bed, checking to make sure Mizu hasn’t waken up from your movement. All you hear is a turn to the other side away from you.
You plug in your laptop quickly on the desk, making sure that all the lights in the apartment were closed. You gently tugged at the sheets, tucking yourself in as quietly as you could. As you started to close your eyes, you took a deep breath.
In. Out.
In. Out.
In. Out.
A grumble could be heard from Mizu, turning back towards you. You feel her hands try to find you, slowly grabbing what she could find. As she pulled you closer, you continued to relax your body.
Eyes closed, mind empty.
Yet, your mind does reach a thought. An anxious thought.
What if I wake up tired, like before?
You try to shake away the thought, enveloping yourself with Mizu’s presence. Forcing your eyes shut, you continue to take slow & deep breaths.
2:30 rolls in and you’re still stuck trying to fall asleep. Technically, you should be in dreamland right now instead of being awake. Your eyes are heavy but they not too heavy to completely close. Your body is still yet your mind keeps racing.
You trusted your old tricks would help you fall asleep. Hoping that they would work, your mind finally begins to clear up and rest.
as the days went by, it got progressively worse and worse
it went to the point where u were just always up, maybe spare an hour or two for a nap, and then the nightly attempt to fall asleep next to mizu
ur aware of what was happening yet ur mind wouldn’t stop running at full speed
u wish ur mind would just shut off
and if it wasn’t ur mind staying awake for once, it was ur body keeping u awake
it was so tiring to think ab peace night after night after night, hoping for a good nights sleep but to end up feeling drained and half awake once the sun rose
on nights where ur mind or body wouldn’t shut down, u ended up succumbing to ur old habits and took out the baking pan & sheets
u thought u could stay quiet like a few years before
on the other hand, mizu began to notice the slight changes in the house
whenever she would wake up for morning workouts, ur laptop would open and on ur lap
or the baking pan and whisks and mixing bowls would be dripping wet on the drying rack
once she found a new loaf of bread in the pantry, something was up
she figured u were just up cleaning late at night as a break from the late night homework grind
but with the random loaf, it didn’t quite fit the story she had in mind
one early morning, she heard a metal noise mid toilet and tiktok session in
(a/n: i’m guilty of doing that too sorry)
concerned, she went go check in the bedroom to find an empty bed
“Y/N?” she quietly called into the hallway.
God damnit.
You had accidentally banged the baking pan on the oven’s metal rack. You quickly slid the pan into the oven, hoping the croissants u had just prepped wouldn’t be seen. You peeked over your shoulder to see Mizu’s eyes half awake, trying to comprehend what she was seeing.
You quickly checked the time on the clock. No way it was already time for her workout.
5:30 AM.
“Morning, Mizu.” A weak smile spread on your face. You felt blood rushing to your cheeks, stemming from the embarrassment of getting caught in the act.
“I just went to the bathroom and heard a noise. What’s going on, Y/N?”
She looked down into the oven, spotting the croissants.
“Did you want a sweet treat that badly?” her voice questioning you and slightly concerned. She walked towards you and gently pressed your hand.
“No, it’s just that…”
You took a deep breath as you glanced down at her hand grasping onto yours. You look up to her eyes, ready to tell the truth. Her blue eyes seemed more awake and ready to listen, almost glowing in the dark.
“I have insomnia.” You let the truth spill out. “It hasn’t been this bad since high school but coping with it has been a bit difficult these days. I’ve tried so many ways to shut my mind off but nothing’s working.”
“Aw, baby…”
“And the best way I managed it back when it was worse was baking. It helped me keep my mind off things and pass the time.” You took a step back to find your phone and put on a timer for 12 minutes.
“So here I am. Back to old habits.” You ended, sighing in relief. You weren’t sure of what Mizu’s reaction would be. A little part of you was frightened, anxiously waiting for her response.
You didn’t expect her next actions. She let go of your hand and headed toward the sink, calmly washing the bowls and other dishes that have collected over the night.
Stunned, you watched as she continued to wash up. You looked over to see her reaction only to find a calm face.
“Mizu?” you asked, still confused about her response.
She looked up, her hands still cleaning the mixing bowls you had used.
“Did you need help with anything else before I go to the gym? I know insomnia must be hard to cope with but if this is what helps you pass the time,” Mizu finishing the final bowl, placing it gently on the dishwasher rack. “I’d like to help out in any way I can.”
“No, I’m okay but thank you for cleaning up for me.” Coming up to her, you give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles at you and nods.
“Anytime, hon.”
She takes a glance at the clock. 5:40 AM.
“I’m gonna get ready now. Let me know if you need anything or any ingredients.” She hurries into the bedroom, getting ready to change into gym clothes.
“Okayyy.” You say, checking your phone for the timer.
A thought comes to mind.
“Actually, there is one thing you can do.” You say, following her into the bedroom. Mizu, mid-tying her hair, paused and gave you her full attention. “You can be my little taste tester.”
She chuckled as she fixed her hair into a bun.
“I get first dibs? For lil ol’ me?”, she says playfully as she grabs one of her light zip-up jackets from the closet, completing her workout outfit.
You nod happily. “Mhm. You can even request a recipe or two.”
How enticing, Mizu thought.
if u were up during her workout days, she would always find a fresh batch of pastries sitting on the dining table
on days that her or ringo had classes, u would leave a little bag or container of pastries that they go bring to school
u would always leave a little love note with a little heart and a “To my Mizu”
mizu loved the little gifts, especially if they were at her request
one night, she asked for a peach cobbler pie
woke up the next morning to find a slice in a container and a sticky note atop reading “a request for my love ♥︎”
she placed the sticky note by her desk
and brought the slice to school with her
after her class she shared with akemi, they decided to get some late morning tea by the coffee shop nearby
mizu’s eyes widen after the first bite settled in
it was bomb
peaches were practically bursting in her mouth
she continued to eat, trying to contain the deliciousness of the pie
she would text u later ab how good it was
in full detail
many paragraphs
many positive critiques
and end with a thank you for ur baking ♥︎
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womp-womp-waa · 2 months
Aiden always dealt with hallucinations atleast twice a month because of his lack of sleep. His parents did get him some medicine to help him sleep, he never took them. He hated how the medication made him feel, so he avoided it like the plauge. This was his fifth all nighter he was pulling because of his insomnia. Trudging down to the kitchen, he prepared to make himself a snack. He wasn't to sure if he was gonna cook, bake or just grab something random. Searching through the fridge, trying to find something easy to make without making much noise. Ben had always been a light sleeper, and Aiden always managed to wake Ben up, who always came downstairs and forced Aiden to try and go to bed.
He found some fries that he could easily cook. Turning around satisfied with his search, he saw the eyes and a smile that he could recognise from anywhere.
A phantom 
A panicked scream tore through his throat, as he threw the packet of fries at the monster in the corner. He used his hands to push himself away from the monster, who started to make it's way closer to him. His back hit the wall, he had no where else to go and the phantom was closing the space between them.
Footsteps came from upstairs, he couldn't breathe. Why was this happening? Phantoms shouldn't be here, why was it here. Swiftly, he reached for a kitchen knife and pointed towards the threat. He tried to ignore how much his hands were shaking, he saw a shadow in the corner of his eye. Oh God is there more of them? How the hell did it even get in the house, Ben normally locks the door and- Wait Ben. Oh no, Ben what's Ben gonna do when he finds out there's phantoms in the house. Should he shout for him? As much as he wanted to shout he couldn't manage to squeeze anything out, his throat felt constricted as he took in quick small breathes. The phantom just kept on approaching him, clearly ignoring the knife pointing towards it. Why? Why did it have to keep on getting closer? Why is this the way he's gonna die?
A light turned onAnd just like that the phantom disappeared. Like it never existed. He was still shaking and breathing heavily, he knows that he should put down the knife but it just stayed in place threatening the air. What was happening, is it safe now?
A hand took the knife from his hand, eyes still locked on the vacant space where the phantom use to be standing. Normally, when the hands tool away his only weapon he would've atleast flinched away, but he couldn't he was still struggling to calm down and in shock from that mysterious phantom. Ben's face came into frame, his eyes wide in shock. Did Ben see the phantom as well? Is that why he's so freaked out. "Ben." He managed to heave out, still struggling to catch his breathe "Did you see where the phantom went?" The only answer Aiden was given was a concerned and confused look. 'What happened?' Ben signed to him.
Now it was Aiden's turn to be confused. What did he mean. "The phantom." He clarified once again all he got in response was Ben's confused face getting increasingly more worried as the conversation continued. "You know the phantom that was stood over there and coming towards me." He motioned over to the space where he last saw the phantom. "You couldn't miss it." He stressed, what if Ben thought he was going insane. What if he was going insane. What would the others think if he did finally lose it, would they be sad, disappointed, concerned maybe they wouldn't be surprised at all.
'When was the last time you slept?' Ben asked, Aiden failed to understand why that was relevant to anything. "Um, like on Monday." He watched as Ben practically sagged in relief at that statement. Why is he so calm about this? There's a phantom in their house. 'Aiden, I think that it was just a hallucination' Ben explained 'There is no phantom, your safe.' A hallucination, huh. Uncertainty still plauged his mind, but he trusts his cousin and didn't resist when his cousin led him to their living room.
Ben handed him the remote as he left the room. He started flickering through movies on Netflix before finally settling on Tangled. Once, Ben returned he placed a blanket over Aiden as he settled beside him on the couch. Aiden subconsciously began to lean on Ben. His body felt like it had bricks tied to it, the events of the night left him exhausted. After a while, the movie became white noise in his ears and Aiden felt himself drift off to sleep. He is safe here with Ben. He is safe.
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jelicoxoxo · 8 months
Summary: Your favorite had embarrassingly made a mistake in potionology class, which ultimately resulted in them turning into a cat! They hunt you down to care for them, escaping their usual routine for the day.
Warnings: N/A. Can be seen platonic or romantic, OC friendly. No proofread cause i’ll wanna delete it
A/N: I’m posting this at 12AM, so if Leona’s looks or sounds sort of off(or OOC), it’s probably because I’m surviving off of insomnia and leftover energy from an energy burst (ADHD).
(Heartslabyul) (Savanaclaw) (Octavinelle) (Scarabia) (Pomefiore) (Ignihyde) (Diasomnia)
- He was irritated. Extremely. All the time.
- See, Leona skipped the class that would have told him NOT to do X, Y, and Z. So what did he do when he came without that knowledge? yeah.
- At first, he was just grumpy as hell (whats new)
-But eventually he stopped caring, found a good hidden spot in the botanical garden and took the longest nap because nobody could even find him.
-Aside from you that is. You scooped up this pretty… large… brown tabby, and plopped him in your bag immediately after cooing in his grumpy face.
-only reason he didn’t hiss and scratch was because it was you, anyone else and they would have had their day ruined in seconds.
-You took him back with you and put him on your bed, staring at him as you thought of how you where going to go about this. You seriously thought he was just a regular cat, and that you could keep him.
-The first thing you attempted to do was give him cat food, and he turned his nose and walked away. Then, you tried a bath. That didn’t work since you turned around for literally 4 seconds and he was gone.
-You found him asleep on your bed after a while of looking, deciding to let him sleep while you switched your focus from him and his failed bath-time, to studying for this upcoming history test.
-While you where writing, you look up and leona is SNORING on your bed, not the perfectly normal tabby cat you thought you had brought home.
-“the fuck do I do now” for a moment.
-He wonders if this is how Leona feels on a regular, or if this is how Jack feels when he uses his signature spell.
-Escapes quickly and makes his way to wherever you are, running his body against your ankles with a sweet meow. You had absolutely no idea the little tan colored cat was him, crouching to pet him and pick him up, immediately accepting him as yours.
-refused to eat cat food, but ate UP whatever you cooked. He was so full after omg.
- cried while he had diarrhea. it was bad, he was so embarrassed, refuses to talk about it regardless of how long ago it was.
-he’ll play with and collect any toys you give him just because you bought them for him, and bring you one he wants you to throw. He has nothing else to do but be a cat, so why not?
- Brings back coins and thaumarks he finds on the ground anywhere and hides them in a pile somewhere for him to have when he turns back. Flicked his tail at you when you found his stash and SWATTED AT YOU when you tried getting near it.
- When he turned back, he came back only for his stash. Or so he said, because he hung around you for a good hour before going back to whatever business he had.
- His partner knocked the bottle over, which he tried to save it, and the potion wasn’t even the right one, so now he’s a cat.
- Wasn’t sure how to feel about being a wolf one moment and a cat the next
- He tried not to do anything that would irritate or upset you, but his CHATTERING.
- He will chatter even if theres nothing to chatter at, he’ll do it in your ear, at you, he just would not stop when he figured out he could do such a thing.
- He’ll stop doing anything IMMEDIATELY if you spray him with water, and will sulk for an hour after.
- Will bolt from one end of your dorm to the other. If you get him toy’s he’ll play with them, but not for long.
- ^ I say not for long because he eventually RUNS AWAY and explores twisted wonderland by himself as a cat, just to see what all he could do with this new kind of flexibility and agility.
- Stares at you while you do things while he sits on your desk. Not like he’s plotting something or anything, just observes you while you continue your routine.
- When his time as a cat was up, he was glad to be back, but also slightly disappointed when he thought of new things he could’ve done beforehand.
- He came back to you as his original beastman self(??) since he was out when it happened, and thanked you for anything you provided even if it was simply playing with him.
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izu · 3 days
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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blueaetherr · 1 year
HELLLO HOPE UR OKAY!! If u have time could u write anything with Neymar? <3 THANK U ITS ALRIGHT IF U DONT THO!!
pairing: neymar jr x fem!oc (natalia) [she/her]
warning(s): descriptions of insomnia
summary: the one where neymar can't sleep until natalia does
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Entering their bedroom from the bathroom, Neymar witnessed Natalia spread across their bed. Her face planted into her pillow, her arms crossed under her body, constantly shifting her sleeping position like she was uncomfortable; it looked like she was going through it. And Neymar thought so too. In fact, deep down, he knew what was up, it was the same old every time. And yet he decided to be careful and mindful and simply ask just in case. 
Approaching their bed, he sat at the edge of the bed. At the tiny sound made by the bed, Y/N let out a small groan, causing Neymar to scoff a small laugh. She still isn't asleep yet. His initial thoughts were proving to be right. Rubbing her back, he wondered, "You okay, Nat?"
Exhaling loudly, she turned herself around so she was now facing her partner. She began rubbing a hand over her face, whole yet tired, "I've been in bed for how long and I've gained no desire to fall asleep." And Neymar's initial thoughts were, indeed, correct. 
After a long day of work, errands and many chores, the ordinary individual wouldn't take rest for granted. If they were given the chance to lay in all day, to ignore and avoid all the responsibilities of tomorrow, to sleep and not have to worry about work the next day, they would take it; anyone would. To rest up and be told that your responsibilities were long gone, it all sounded like a dream, one so attractive and irresistible. 
But according to Natalia's sleeping schedule, it seemed as if she did take the daily rest for granted from time to time. She could work, do chores and run errands, and she would still find herself tired as hell. Sleeping was where the problem lay. She had told Neymar some hours ago that she would turn in around eight because of her long day; two hours later and she was still awake, rolling around on the bed trying to find a comfortable position.
"Trouble sleeping?" Neymar hummed, letting their hands interlock. He definitely felt for Natalia. For her (sometimes) sleepless nights, for the nights he came back late and she was still awake. The tired eyes, the worn-out expressions, the deep breaths; she had to endure all that fatigue he couldn't take away nor did he know how to directly help with. He gave her hand a little squeeze. "We could always stay up and do a little something to help."
Her eyes closed, she sighed low. "And do what exactly?"
Neymar shrugged, even though she had no sight of him. "Anything you want."
Soon she did have her sight on him, opening her eyes to meet his. "You sure?" Natalia appreciated Neymar's efforts to make her feel better, she really did. But she didn't want it to seem like she was forcing him to lose sleep too. Like herself, Neymar had a long day and she knew his plan was to turn in if she had fallen asleep by now. And seeing as she wasn't, she knew that Neymar wouldn't get a blink of sleep before she did. "You don't have to, you know."
"Well, I want to," Neymar said with his grin, and Natalia rolled her eyes but in the end, it was the two of them that were laughing, clutching onto one another. He spoke like his words were so obvious, like Natalia should know by now. Of course I'll stay up with you. In what case have I not? "Now, c'mon."
"Diagonal or horizontal cut?"
The look of disgust and confusion on Neymar's face had Natalia letting out a gasp before laughing, so much that she'd to cover her mouth. Despite this disgust and confusion, Neymar carried out her request by cutting her sandwich down the middle, muttering the whole time saying that there was now less bread compared to if he'd cut it any other way. But when he served her the sandwich and Natalia was smiling, taste-testing and approving his "cooking" skills with her thumbs up, he let his argument go and joined her.
In the dimly lit kitchen, Neymar and Natalia enjoyed the atmosphere they created, one kind and smooth. They laughed at every joke told, they played around as they moved about in the kitchen, they ate (and shared) one another's food. A bit of banter here, with Neymar modelling his cooking apron, and a bit of banter there, with Natalia dashing flour in her partner's face. It was a moment for them to have fun and be unserious, and that's what they did; that's what they chose to do at such late hours.
While they discussed, while they played around, while they ate and shared their food, fatigue slowly began to wash over Neymar. The hidden yawns through laughter, fanning his face to keep himself alert, his curved posture; he was ready to turn in. But watching Natalia enjoy every snack they made—witnessing her animately tired eyes—she wasn't ready for bed, nowhere near it. So he mustered up his energy and continued to entertain their conversation.
Trailing away from the kitchen, the couple wandered out to their back patio. Where the couches that were all so comfortable and cosy gave them a space to lay down and rest under the night sky. Where when the lights were on, they would star gaze, awing and pointing upward even though they had no knowledge of the stars, galaxies or any otherworldly wonders. Where the two could shy away from everyone else after a long day apart, a space for discussions that were purely gossip.
So that's what Neymar did. He let the focus of the discussion fall on Natalia, letting her take the lead on everything being said. From her work colleagues to random interactions she'd had with strangers, she brought it up. And they would have fun and be so unserious about everything; from Neymar encouraging more the gossip with his agreement and laughter to every word his girlfriend spoke to Natalia letting the discussion flow smooth like a river, her inflection and speech natural yet animated and open.
Under the stars, the galaxies and any otherworldly wonders—gossiping, laughing and more—Neymar slipped further into his fatigue. His yawns began to drown out his laughs, his eyes constantly caving and opening, Natalia holding onto him more than he was with her; he could've fallen asleep as if he so desperately wanted to. 
But watching Natalia enjoy the stars and fun and unseriousness that they were sharing—hearing her shallow breaths against his shoulder—the desire to fall asleep for the night still wasn't there for her yet. And neither was it for Neymar, so he leaned back into the couch and let the lights, both indoor and nightly ones, keep him awake during their gossip session.
Eventually, the two returned to their bedroom. Ridding themselves of their kitchen activities, they got ready for the night by laying in bed. In their bedroom, in bed, Neymar and Natalia could've done so much and more. From the innocent cuddling to one's natural intimacy. For the purpose of sleeping, they chose to lay in bed– close and intimate– and listen to music.
Music that was calming and comfortable, sounds that had the couple slowly caving into one another. Voices of artists playing that were also lullabies themselves, loud silence replacing conversations as they soon began to fall short. They remained present, of course, but just simply slower and inward and lagged from the two falling in and out of consciousness.
Under the cosy voices of singers, the silence soon became deafening. Neymar's fatigue was far too present and real, so much that he could feel it, perhaps even reach for it. His yawns were too sounding to hide now, he found himself mumbling with closed eyes, the music began to slip out of his ear range. He was ready to fall asleep, and that sleep was ready to pull him under.
Barely opening his eyes and turning his head, he smiled drunkenly. And there Natalia was, fast asleep in a slumber, her body leaning perfectly into his, her breaths shallow yet calm, her face just above the blanket. Witnessing Natalia asleep, in such peace and respite, Neymar finally let his pending fatigue too, wash over him to join her as he always did.
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foggyfanfic · 6 months
Bruno's Health After the Walls
This has probably been done before, in fact there's an analysis of the long term effects Bruno's terrible posture has probably had on his spine out there somewhere, that lives rent free in my head. But I wanna do it anyways!
So, let's talk about how living in the walls for ten years probably affected Bruno's health.
First and foremost, let's talk about what isolation does to a person, particularly lack of human touch. Because Bruno was probably ok listening in on his family's conversations, but he has gone a decade without a single hug. I'm sure most of us have heard of that one study where they took a couple of orphaned babies and just didn't give them any physical contact. The babies almost died. So yeah! Bruno is not ok.
Then there's lack of sunlight. It's possible that he's been sneaking out to get fresh air every once in a while, so we'll say this is minimal. But a slight vitamin D deficiency still means lethargy, insomnia, bone/muscle pain, and his OCD would be worse (sunlight helps boost serotonin). So, Bruno is not ok.
He's probably malnourished, even if he's stealing enough food from the kitchen quantity wise, his cooking limitations and reliance on scraps probably means he's not getting a balanced diet. Depending on what nutrients he's not getting this could lead to muscle loss, decrease bone density, affect his immune system, and cause heart problems. And if he's relying too much on a certain food group that could lead to all sorts of long term damage to his digestive system, think things like an overworked liver. Bruno is not ok.
Sanitation is another thing, we see that his living space is overrun with rats. They are a remarkably clean animal, but they still have to poop and stuff. Overexposure to feces of any animal exposes you to all types of disease, viruses, bacteria, mold, you name it. Combined with how dusty it is back there and Bruno is probably breathing the grossest air in human history, possibly doing permanent damage to his respiratory system. Bruno is not ok.
Finally, add in the physical activity required for him to navigate in the walls. There's that big ass hole in the floor that he's apparently been vaulting over for years now. While running is good for your cardiovascular health, it is hell on your joints, and if he already has all of the problems listed above it’s a miracle his knees haven’t given out. Some have suggested that Julieta’s food only heals people if she’s the one giving it, let’s hope for Bruno’s sake that’s not the case, because otherwise… Bruno is NOT ok.
In conclusion, Bruno is not ok after spending ten years in the walls and he is going to need some serious rehabilitation. Honestly, realistically, I would expect him to have scurvy, or be missing hair and fingernails, or something; but it’s a kid’s movie so let’s just handwave a little and say the miracle has prevented the worst of it. The good news is he seems to have held up remarkably well mentally speaking, and is only a little crazy, so with some love and support (and healing magic) he’s still able to have a happy life.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
20 just playing the part — bereal? i’d rather bedead !
scaramouche x g!n reader
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You stab the pasta with the fork and ignore the piercing stare Scaramouche is sending you as you chew on it.
“So?” he says, “Is it good?”
“Yeah, better than the shit they serve at the cafeteria,” you honestly say, you could tease him as much as you wanted but even you couldn’t hide the look on your face from the taste of his cooking.
“I know,” he smiles, going back to his plate. It would be cute if it wasn’t Scaramouche.
“Did your mom teach you how to cook this good?” you ask, shoveling it into your mouth. You hadn’t eaten this well in a while.
Scaramouche doesn’t respond as quickly, quietly poking at his plate. You assume he’s ignoring your attempt at small talk but he speaks up once again.
“No, I taught myself. My mom’s a shitty cook,” he answers, giving you a half-lidded look, “I’m better than her.”
You nod, not wanting to pry into whatever the hell that was. You both finish the meal in mostly silence, aside from occasionally kicking each other’s feet under the table.
Before you knew it your plates were empty.
“Are you still hungry?” he asks, grabbing your plate from you, ignoring how you tug it back.
“No, thanks for that. The least I could do is wash the plate.”
“If your washing skills are anything like your chopping skills then no thanks,” he mutters, standing up to place the by the sink, “I’ll make Childe clean them,” he grins, more so to himself at the thought of torturing his roommate.
You tap your nails on the counter, not sure what to do now.
He turns to you.
“Let’s go get ice cream, then I’ll take you home.”
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
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taglist—OPEN!: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @euhla @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend [1/2]
author’s notes: i have insomnia so here’s another chapter you guys are so spoiled 🙄💓
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