#is that a homestuck icon
trainer-silv · 2 years
Hey, sorry if this is too specific or anything, but I was wondering, are you willing to write submas x reader headcannons with the reader being a grunt for one of the evil teams? (Preferably a Team Skull grunt because it would be funny, but I’d be fine with anything!)
Honestly, I don't think this one is all that great. I tried my best but god, mixing Team Skull with the Subway Bosses is like mixing oil and water. If it sucks, my bad.
Team Skull Grunt x Submas
As being a grunt for Team Skull is vastly different to a team like Rocket or Plasma, we’re going with Team Skull only for this request.
For one reason or another, Team Skull is in Unova, in the Gear Station to be specific. At least, you and a couple of your team members are. Being the usual Team Skull thug, you are loud, disrespectful, and worst of all, not abiding by the safety rules. After all, Team Skull doesn’t listen to anybody.
Usually he is as polite as he can be when dealing with unruly people in his subway, but the way you defy him pushes his buttons. There is a reason why the station has so many rules in place, and it’s to keep everyone safe!
Since you’re part of Team Skull, your instinct is to battle whoever tries to stop you. 
Ingo absolutely does not want to battle on a train platform considering that is literally what the trains are meant to withstand, but you started the fight by throwing out a Salandit. Unfortunately for you, the battle doesn’t last long as Chandelure takes your Pokemon out in a single hit. You ran to your Salandit’s side and held the fainted Pokemon.
With just that single move, Ingo could tell you cared for your Pokemon. The last time he encountered a group was Team Plasma, and while they claimed to be fighting for the good of Pokemon, a few of them would treat their partners as tools.
Ingo would let his guard down just a bit seeing that you’re just a bit of a troublemaker. 
If you come back to the station, he will probably keep an eye on you just to make sure you’re following the rules. He would probably invite you and your Pokemon to ride on the battle trains at one point, if you’re on your best behavior.
If any bigger threats come to the station and you stand against them, Ingo would greatly appreciate it. He understands that your Team Skull get-up is basically to make you appear tough. 
The elder twin definitely understands that appearances aren’t everything. After a while of visiting the subway, he’ll recognize you less as a Team Skull grunt and more like an everyday Pokemon Trainer.
If you decide to stop associating with Team Skull, Ingo is one of the first to support you! He can even assist you in getting a job in Gear Station.
Essentially, Ingo’s first impression of you would be bad, but he can easily look past that as he gets to know you.
Just please. Remember there are reasons for rules in the first place.
If Emmet confronts you instead of Ingo, then may Arceus grant you strength. While Emmet is outwardly friendly looking, he is much stricter about rules than his older brother. 
The younger twin is more action, less talk. He will quickly demand you cease your behavior, whatever it may be. 
If you decide to battle him, he doesn’t hesitate to send out a Pokemon. Much like against Ingo however, you would lose quickly. 
Emmet doesn’t have patience for this, and he tells you if you’re ever serious about battling him, ride the battle subway. Otherwise, leave. 
You take offense at him insinuating that you weren’t battling seriously, and to prove him wrong, you return. 
You fight on the subway so often that you and Emmet kind of become rivals. 
You two bond over cute bug Pokemon though, especially Joltik. You inform him about the bug types that can be found in Alola while the two of you sit on one of the trains petting Emmet’s many Joltik.
You think you’re weak because you aren’t able to beat Emmet in a battle. People back home have probably told you that you’re never going to get anywhere in life, and your first encounter with the Subway Boss wasn’t friendly in the slightest.
Emmet is actually quite proud of you. You’ve become a better trainer, your Pokemon have improved greatly in battle, and the best part is that whenever someone talks you down, you only fight back stronger to prove them wrong.
Your fellow grunts are actually a bit afraid of Emmet. They think you’re either crazy, stupid, or both to hang out with him. 
When Ingo goes missing, you’re one of the first Emmet goes to for help.
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kociakarma · 3 months
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FINISHED THE BETA KID ICONS TODAY!!! theyre all free to use so go wild!!
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fef 38)
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marblesmind · 1 year
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Tumblrz new icon is nice….
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But I have an alternative
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severedhead · 2 years
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the homestucks Help part 1 & 2 because Im sick in the head
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30 PesterQuest Icons
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joyousanarchist · 11 months
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icons, sprite edits, and a tv girl album cover redraw :33
also on twitter (and soon tumblr) I've started a daily mituna account, so keep an eye out 4 it ;3
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arizuume · 1 year
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A redraw of this post 👀 🖐️ 👁️
(you can use it as matching icons for you and your fellow war criminal wink wink)
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yaoiboypussy · 1 month
One downside of being an artist who has gotten semi-popular in some fandoms is I have to see people who have my art as their icon have the worst takes ever.
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ro--lal · 2 months
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