#ryans writin
trainer-silv · 2 years
Hey, sorry if this is too specific or anything, but I was wondering, are you willing to write submas x reader headcannons with the reader being a grunt for one of the evil teams? (Preferably a Team Skull grunt because it would be funny, but I’d be fine with anything!)
Honestly, I don't think this one is all that great. I tried my best but god, mixing Team Skull with the Subway Bosses is like mixing oil and water. If it sucks, my bad.
Team Skull Grunt x Submas
As being a grunt for Team Skull is vastly different to a team like Rocket or Plasma, we’re going with Team Skull only for this request.
For one reason or another, Team Skull is in Unova, in the Gear Station to be specific. At least, you and a couple of your team members are. Being the usual Team Skull thug, you are loud, disrespectful, and worst of all, not abiding by the safety rules. After all, Team Skull doesn’t listen to anybody.
Usually he is as polite as he can be when dealing with unruly people in his subway, but the way you defy him pushes his buttons. There is a reason why the station has so many rules in place, and it’s to keep everyone safe!
Since you’re part of Team Skull, your instinct is to battle whoever tries to stop you. 
Ingo absolutely does not want to battle on a train platform considering that is literally what the trains are meant to withstand, but you started the fight by throwing out a Salandit. Unfortunately for you, the battle doesn’t last long as Chandelure takes your Pokemon out in a single hit. You ran to your Salandit’s side and held the fainted Pokemon.
With just that single move, Ingo could tell you cared for your Pokemon. The last time he encountered a group was Team Plasma, and while they claimed to be fighting for the good of Pokemon, a few of them would treat their partners as tools.
Ingo would let his guard down just a bit seeing that you’re just a bit of a troublemaker. 
If you come back to the station, he will probably keep an eye on you just to make sure you’re following the rules. He would probably invite you and your Pokemon to ride on the battle trains at one point, if you’re on your best behavior.
If any bigger threats come to the station and you stand against them, Ingo would greatly appreciate it. He understands that your Team Skull get-up is basically to make you appear tough. 
The elder twin definitely understands that appearances aren’t everything. After a while of visiting the subway, he’ll recognize you less as a Team Skull grunt and more like an everyday Pokemon Trainer.
If you decide to stop associating with Team Skull, Ingo is one of the first to support you! He can even assist you in getting a job in Gear Station.
Essentially, Ingo’s first impression of you would be bad, but he can easily look past that as he gets to know you.
Just please. Remember there are reasons for rules in the first place.
If Emmet confronts you instead of Ingo, then may Arceus grant you strength. While Emmet is outwardly friendly looking, he is much stricter about rules than his older brother. 
The younger twin is more action, less talk. He will quickly demand you cease your behavior, whatever it may be. 
If you decide to battle him, he doesn’t hesitate to send out a Pokemon. Much like against Ingo however, you would lose quickly. 
Emmet doesn’t have patience for this, and he tells you if you’re ever serious about battling him, ride the battle subway. Otherwise, leave. 
You take offense at him insinuating that you weren’t battling seriously, and to prove him wrong, you return. 
You fight on the subway so often that you and Emmet kind of become rivals. 
You two bond over cute bug Pokemon though, especially Joltik. You inform him about the bug types that can be found in Alola while the two of you sit on one of the trains petting Emmet’s many Joltik.
You think you’re weak because you aren’t able to beat Emmet in a battle. People back home have probably told you that you’re never going to get anywhere in life, and your first encounter with the Subway Boss wasn’t friendly in the slightest.
Emmet is actually quite proud of you. You’ve become a better trainer, your Pokemon have improved greatly in battle, and the best part is that whenever someone talks you down, you only fight back stronger to prove them wrong.
Your fellow grunts are actually a bit afraid of Emmet. They think you’re either crazy, stupid, or both to hang out with him. 
When Ingo goes missing, you’re one of the first Emmet goes to for help.
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nityarawal · 2 years
Creative Teachers
Morning Songs
Unwinding A Pile Of Yarn,
Donated To Me,
By A Trafficked Friend!
She Doesn't Call Me That!
Too Hopped Up
On Nazi Drugs!
Brainwashed By
Whose Your Pregnant 
To Be Trafficked On
Baby Given To Them?
Given Back To Court,
Aborigine Genes.
Why Are You Helping
Part Of Nazi Schemes?
Don't Want To Be
Part Of That Gang!
That's Why I Moved!
So Many Slumlorded,
Falling Apart,
After Being Street Kids!
How Can You Capitalise
On Their "Hardship?"
Yet, We Need Boundaries
From "Oathkeepers,"
Pimpin' Them!
Where Is Pete?
"Did He Die?" 
Like Mitch?
"Seems That Happens
To Those Kind," 
Says His X Girlfriend
For She Thought He
Shot Adrien,
She Saw The Sawed
Off Shotgun
Weapon, At His 
Why is She Charged?
Gang Raped?
For BB Guns?
Why Do My X-Lovers
Beg To Meet Her?
Yet, She Was Caged
By Court,
Like Renee Zelwieger
In Chicago!
In Bondage Now,
Enslaved By
Officers- Indirectly- 
Sex Stings!
Jeremy Parsons,
Shane Stewart,
Daniel Crabtree,
Dan Godsnick,
Ashby (Clark) Sorrenson,
Jay Curatolo,
Mathew Robert's?
(Whitney Ryan,
Grant Funk,
Olesya Adam's,
Judge Kelly Mok,
Alicia Freeze,
Tony Dunne
Nick De Pinto
Laura Wasser
Mathew Rosengart
Roseline Farrel
Annette Hallneville
DA Summer Stephan
DA Michael Hestrin
Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie
Daniel Hidalgo
Judge Marine Mathew Brower
Judge Clark!
Whitney Ryan
Marni Entin
Kristin Scogin
Peter Pwin
Mathew Robert's 
Sheriff Bianco
Ken Carlsson 
Hannah's House)
Why Have You All
Witchhunted Me?
Sold Me On The Black
Market to Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie,
An AI Protocall!
DA Summer Stephan's
Boys' Club! And
Judge Clark's 
Officers Raped Us All!
R-A-P-E- We Mouth
Horrible Words!
Don't Even Want 
To Say Them!
Seems Like A Curse!
Thankyou Global Loves
For Going Up To Bat!
For Me!
My Sisters!
And Believe Me,
They're Connected
To You!
Over 40 Years
By "God Knows Who!"
"Morality Police!"
Funded By
Not, What Mom's
Not, What We Pay For! 
Not, What Our Vote
And Not What Our 
Feet March To!
Give Us Freedom!
Give Us Back Our Kids!
Let Me Love Whom
I want To,
Despite Ancestors
We Meet On A New
In The Unified Field
Not A "Mothers Cult."
No! It's Real!
Don't Make "Guru"
A Bad Word
Like "Liberal,"
Was I Raped From There,
To Prove A Point,
To An "Oathkeeper?"
I Begged The Sheriff,
Chad Bianco,
DA Michael Hestrin,
And Every
For Peace!
For Truth!
Told Their Lies!
Gagged For Over
360 Day's!
Stop This War!
On Journalists!
Moms, Realtors,
Tech Geniuses!
Persian Beauties
Always Allure!
Yes, Men Wonder,
Can We Get More
They Broke The Law!
OJ Simpson Murdered
His Wife,
Restraining Order 
By Brokers
And Attorneys!
You Hurt My Friends
They Didn't Want To Move!
You Made Hollywood
We "Need" Royals Rights
For Amernians,
Jews Too,
United Kingdom!
We Heard All The
About #Ponces Ruling!
The Kingdoms!
Iran Wants
Reza Shah Back!
But Has No Laws,
To Guard Their Backs!
Just Like Tehrangeles,
Paris Too,
Iranians Beg For
Freedom, In Canada
For You!
The Pope,
Dalai Lama,
Flotus Sent Her
Farsi Greeting!
But Where's Presidential
Grace To Release Us? 
Tulsi Is Flying
Peace Flag From
Still Need Full 
Disclosure Laws!
All In The Family,
Need To Know-
Whose Paying For Your
Whose Writin' Your Scripts?
Huntley Dent?
Chopra's Ghostwriter,
Author Of His Speeches,
Before He Became 
For "Perfect Health!"
Sold On A Bid!
Like Dr. Oz!
Is He In A Conservatorship?
Sold For AI,
A Vow To Court?
No More Gag Orders!
For Pseudo Gurus!
And Dr's!
Teachers I Love!
That Taught Me,
"Mechanics Of Creativity!"
I'll See You In A "Field,"
In "The Unified Field,"
I'll Meet You In A Field,
Where Both Of Us Are 
No Wrongdoings,
No Wrong Actions,
All Of It Was Lies!
And I'm Ready To
Defend My Nation!
Whose Gonna Be
My Soldier?
AI Bot,
Or Will Men
Ever Rise?
Will I Ever
Catch, "The Big Fish?"
I'm Unknotting Yarn,
I Try!
My Public Defender
To Have Me Raped
He Sent An Email 
Didn't Say What I'd 
T-Mobile Blocks
In Idyllwild,
And Riverside!
Can't Get My Museletters!
Or My Alerts To Court
In Time!
Is USPS Blocking
My Letters Too?
Didn't Get My
Package Thursday-
And Took 10 Minutes
$60 Dollars On Gas!
Proof Of Tracking,
Before They Released
Something Insured
For $500 Dollars!
From Brotherly!
He Says He'll Do A
"Restraining Order,"
And Raped Me Too,
If I Try To Cook For
Him Or Ask What's
Been Done
To My Children!
So, I Send A "Healing
Chant" To Him 
And You!
He's Got Longterm
Karma Yogis,
Suffer Indeed!
Praying For You
Everytime Someone
Gets Covid, Or Is 
Sick- I Pray
Germ Warfare Stops,
And My "X"
Pays For What
He's Done!
Covid-19 Is No Joke,
Germ Warfare
From The Government!
I'll Whistleblow!
'Cuz I Don't Want
A Communist
Fascist Regime,
Take A Stand For #Iran
And Riverside!
Break Spells!
For What's Been Done-
I Believe In You!
Stop The Wars!
Make Love To Us,
Your Beautiful 
Kings! Free
The Matriarch!
There'll Be More
Moezzi Harems,
Huntleys' Freed!
Pray For Us!
I'll Unwind
The Yarn!
Knots- Fall Apart!
My Fingers Pull
Them Free!
"Lakshmi," They Call Me!
"Abundant" To My Man!
Need Vows!
Now, Mothers Defense!
And Safety,
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moeezi Huntley Rawal 
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glass-neo-alchemist · 6 years
When you don’t know who the fuck Jekyll would get any kind of sponsorship from for the society but don’t wanna make up a random ass character
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brightstarsystem · 7 years
The words at the end of “Cry Forum” by Mother Mother are in dutch                   
(Als allen om U heen zich reeds verloren achten
en gij alleen de kop nog boven water houdt, als gij van niemand meer vertrouwen moogt verwachten en enkel op Uzelf als op een rotssteen bouwt, als gij geduldig zijt en spoed en nijd kunt laten, Als gij belogen wordt en U niet liegend wreekt, als gij de haat aanvaardt, dit zonder zelf te haten, U niet op wijsheid roemt, noch van uw deugden spreekt;)
It’s from the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling which goes
“If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:”
But wait there’s more. The poem continues after the line in the song, and it’s also beautiful
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone,  And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,  If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,  Yours is the Earth and everything that ’s in it,  And—which is more—you ’ll be a Man, my son!
These are words to live by. My God, Ryan Guldemond (who wrote Cry Forum) is a genius <3
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vicekings · 3 years
Also ❤️💙💗 :3c
❤️ What inspired you to make this OC? How long have you had them? How have they changed in the time you’ve been developing them?
I watched Metalocalypse around May 2021 and just kinda got suckered into the story and went. OC time 😏.
JD's been a bit more fleshed out since his initial concept stages, but he's largely stayed the same in terms of like. base character function? I wanted to make a big fuckin country dude who could be the rep for outlaw country / cowboy metal, which I'd been big into for awhile before watching mtl. and then i turned around and made him
💙 How important is this OC to you? Are they a character that’s helped you through some pretty tough times or could you scrap them without feeling a thing?
I can't say i'd scrap JD without feelin a thing bc honestly hes a funky little fella and i like him a lot. i just think he's neat. He's aint been around as long as a lot of the others (mitch, bryn, etienne for example), but writin for him gave me a nice mental break during the first weeks of my internship, and he's just a lot of fun to work with.
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
A lot of JD's inspiration comes from Old Gods of Appalachia, which is a podcast that I highly recommend. His surname comes from the Walker Sisters, most of the world-building I have for the family is heavily inspired by OGOA's, and I like to consider Horsemen of the Metalocalypse to be my loving homage to the series. It turns out wild things happen when I cross the streams of what I'm really into at any given moment.
Other than OGOA, JD's also heavily inspired by a few other podcasts- namely Welcome to Night Vale, The Story Must Be Told, and Last Podcast on the Left. His musical inspiration comes from Volbeat, Geoff Castellucci, Goodnight Texas, and Johnny Cash. I've taken design cues for JD from characters like Arthur Morgan, Dean Winchester (I try to escape spn's influence on me as much as possible, but the plaid shirts/blue jeans/workboots/henleys style trends always claw their way to the surface), and John Constantine as portrayed by Matt Ryan.
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Sunday Sneak:
Doin’ it differently this week. This week I control the sneak. I only worked on two things this week other than Black and one I’m unwilling to share peeks of, so by default you get this:
You quickly responded to Greg and Missy, telling them to stay safe and keep you posted about tomorrow. Dropping your phone onto the bed next to you with a soft thud, you swung your legs to the side to stand when another sound hit your ear and froze you in your tracks. It was the sound of his voice, and though you couldn’t hear every word and weren’t familiar with the song, you were captivated. You took a few steps closer to your door, hoping that you’d be able to hear him more clearly. You could, but you realized that he was only singing a few words at a time then intermittently humming, and you wondered if it was a new song that he was working on, or an old song that he was trying to recall the comfort of. You wondered if it had meaning, or if it simply made him happy, or if it was just what came to mind for no reason other than to fill the silence.
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(psst. Ryan’s writin’ songs in your house. just let that sink in.) 
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I’m over here hatin on Jackie, lovin on Ryan and writin bout a snowstorm. Wanna add to my inspiration and point pen “Junebug” ?
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Sorry for choosing the worst place on my paper.
Also added a little bounce because I feel like the real Bug would appreciate that.
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aprettystrangeblog · 6 years
Ryan Reynolds really out here writin real life fix it fanfic via Deadpool 2
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trainer-silv · 2 years
would you write headcannons for emmet and ingo and a reader that is verrrry pokestupid 👉👈🥺 i love how you write them so much waaah and i feel like youd get it without dumbing it down to be just soft reader if it clashes with personalities 😝
I'm going to make sure you never ask me for anything ever again by putting you on blast for my followers to see. You want dumb of ass reader, I'm giving you dumb of ass reader.
Pokestupid Reader Headcanons
Note: Pokestupid is @smutav 's way of saying they don't really understand Pokemon. Ingo x Reader / Emmet x Reader
Ingo is much more patient than Emmet when it comes to your lack of understanding type strengths and weaknesses.
He tries his best to help you understand different parts of a battle and what can make or break a battle.
If you’re embarrassed about not knowing a Pokemon’s type, Ingo assures you that it's quite alright! Everyone starts somewhere! 
“Haxorus is a….bug type?” 
“No…they’re just dragons. I suppose the tusks can be seen as bug-like!”
He’s almost too nice. He’d kind of just accept that not everyone is made to be a trainer.
You’d insist on him training you. You’re not taking no for an answer, especially from someone as strong as Ingo.
Once he gives in, he would be a serious teacher, but he would explain in much more detail, hoping that you would be able to grasp something and connect dots on your own.
It’s your tendency to forget or not understand why a Pokemon is weak to another typing that scares him. For both your safety and your Pokemon. (Your Zoroark also has developed a fear of Vespiquen, the poor guy.)
If you’re going out in the wilds, he wants to make sure you have plenty of medical supplies, or he just wants to come along to assure you’re safe.
When you start to get a better grasp on types and battles, Ingo can’t help but feel excitement, cheering you on with his usual “Bravo!!!”
Emmet is much more blunt, and frankly, rude, when it comes to your grasp on Pokemon and battles.
He wouldn’t normally care, but the fact you want to become a trainer and battle is what causes him to push you.
“You want to battle? Do you even know what stats your Pokemon have?”
When you say the only stat that matters is HP, he visibly cringes.
Emmet will test you. Do not fail his tests. He will be verrrrrry displeased. 
Okay he won’t do anything, but he will be upset. And probably tease you endlessly whenever he learns another thing you don’t get.
His way of teaching you will be personally battling you over and over. 
At first, you would send a water type out against his Galvantula. Em would remind you that you are currently at a disadvantage unless your Pokemon knows any specific moves to counter his electric bug. You didn’t.
He eventually realizes that not everyone is as gifted in Pokemon training as he and Ingo. But how do you teach someone the basics of Pokemon?
Pictures. Yeah he’s getting picture books. Type match-up charts made for children and what not. 
You were getting better. You’d remember Durant is 4x weak to fire, and react appropriately. By not sending a dark type out pleasestopsendingZoroarkoutagainstbugs.
While you might never surpass Emmet, he does find joy in being able to battle you seriously.
Yes he will endlessly remind you of your stupidity. No matter what. You aren’t living this down.
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lumiereswig · 6 years
happy christmas, everyone!
particularly happy christmases to:
squad @batbobsession @cad-enza@forr-everrmorre @im-too-obssesed @plumettesfeathers @saberhilt
all people writin plumiere fic for my desolate ass
gugu mbatha-raw
the entire scottish nation
all those sassy anons
shane madej and ryan bergara
dave malloy
ray fearon, forever underappreciated
and me, for putting up with all y’alls shit.
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bioshockaudio · 7 years
Persephone... secret home o' Sinclair Solutions. I bet against Andy Ryan's vision o' harmony in Rapture -- offered him a quiet place to send anybody who wasn't workin' out. And now I'm sittin' on my own private think tank. Technically, Utopia shouldn't have much use for a detention facility... but if you do business as long as I have... well, you learn to pick a brand name from the writin' on the wall.
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wolfbeware · 5 years
its ya boy ryan at 3 am yall
if i were to write somethin (that aint a fic or anythin just like my own original art)
would it get attention?
probs not
will i enjoy writin it?
hell yeah
question is how to post it
i dont wanna clutter this blog with random nonsense so i might just link a google doc or w/e we'll find out
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trainer-silv · 2 years
I always thought it’d be cool if the gear station had rumors of a ghost train that runs at night. Like it looks like any of the other trains on the line but if you walk into it you can’t leave. Trainers go missing every so often, but the subway bros haven’t ever seen it, so they think it’s just a rumor.
Maybe one night the reader goes to visit them after hours to get them a late night snack or just some support and they get led away onto the ghost train. Maybe the twins see them on the security cameras walking off in a daze towards the train lines. I’d think it’d be interesting to see their reaction to a phenomena they didn’t believe was real happening in front of them. Especially if the reader could be in danger.
Maybe it’s just a rotom that took control over an old train car that was taken out of commission that likes to disappear people for mischief reasons. Or maybe its something sinister.
I got carried away with this one, oops.
Ingo x GN!Reader x Emmet, can be seen as either platonic or romantic. No reader descriptions or pronouns used to try and help you insert yourself in better. Takes place after Legends.
Summary: You visit the Gear Station one night to surprise your favorite twins, but the three of you aren't alone. CW: Near death experience.
You would occasionally hear stories children would tell one another within the Gear Station. Tales ranging from 'Subway Boss Emmet is actually a Zoroark', to 'Subway Boss Ingo is a robot' or whatever else their imaginations came up with. It got especially bad when the eldest twin suddenly vanished, and echoes of different 'theories' made up by kids would make their way across the city. "Maybe he got abducted by aliens!" one kid would say, while another would reply with "aliens aren't real, dumb dumb. Obviously, he's Boss Emmet's shadow and he went back to the shadow realm." 
Thankfully none of these were true, as a couple of months after his disappearance, Ingo returned just as mysteriously, wandering the tunnels of the subway. His coat had been in tatters, he had developed a slouch, and he looked exhausted. Or as Emmet had bluntly put it, "Brother! You look like shit."
Two months had passed since his return and he had quickly gotten back on track running the station. He still had gaps in his memory and he would occasionally space out. His voice would remain quieter, except for when the two worked. Ingo and Emmet loved to spend their time reminiscing about their shared past. Every “I remember that!” from Ingo would almost bring Emmet to tears. Things were nearly back to normal. Nearly.
One night the twins were working late, as usual. You hadn't seen either of them often since Ingo's disappearance, so you decided to bring them a surprise: their favorite black and white cookies from a bakery nearby. 
As you stepped into the station, you didn't realize how eerily quiet the building was until you heard how loudly your footsteps echoed off the brick walls. You couldn't hear the distant sound of employees or even the hollering of either of the twins. There wasn't even the cooing of a wild Pidove who made its way in. You could hear your heart pound against your chest.
The sudden sound of a train horn startled you.
'What the? The trains aren't scheduled to be running until morning. Maybe those two are doing maintenance?' You thought, heading towards the tunnel you heard the sound from. Where there are trains, there are twins.
For a while, there was nothing. No lights, no sounds, no trains. 'Was this platform always this long?' you questioned.
Shortly after, the headlights of a subway train finally appeared. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw Emmet wave from the front. The doors opened with a chime and the usual announcement to "mind the gap" played as you hopped on. 
You sighed in relief and headed towards the cab where you saw Emmet. “Thank the Legends I found you guys, I thought for a second I was going to be jumped by a Gengar-” You stopped when you saw that the younger twin was gone. The cab was empty. You were sure you had seen Emmet here just a moment ago. You searched for a sign of his presence. “Emmet, this isn’t very funny, where’d you go?” 
You caught the sound of the doors shutting. No one but you was in the cab and you hadn’t touched the controls. A chill ran down your spine and you sprinted to one of the doors. They were sealed shut. Even the emergency exits had vanished, as if they had never existed. 
You recalled one of those Gear Station stories you overheard earlier.
"Have you heard of the ghost train?" An older kid said to a younger, frightened boy.
"G-Ghost train?" The child gripped his Teddiursa plush tightly.
The first boy smirked and continued. "They say after the trains stop running in the Gear Station, one train can still be heard running. People say they've seen passengers get on...but never get off." 
The second child squeaked in fear, now hiding behind the small bear. 
"Michael quit scaring your brother," the boy's father said, as he ruffled the eldest's hair. 
You didn't pay any mind to the tale then, as you believed it was just a scary story between siblings. "That was just something that kid made up, I'm just...having a bad dream," you whispered to yourself, slumping to the floor. You desperately wanted to convince yourself this wasn't real.
Your heart stopped when you felt the train begin to move. You nearly tripped over yourself getting up and rushing for the doors. You cried for help. You screamed for Ingo and Emmet. The train slowly gained speed, and the faster you traveled, the faster your hope began to wane. Falling to your knees, you weakly pounded on the doors and sobbed.
You're done for. 
You perked up at the faintest sound of a voice. A familiar voice. 
"Snap out of it!" Ingo. You could hear them clearer. They sounded out of breath, like they had been sprinting. 
You didn't have much time to dwell on it as something suddenly crashed into you. You yelped, squeezing your eyes tight and bracing yourself. You were surprised to feel a body under you and you opened your eyes to see...Emmet? You would have asked where he came from but the sudden rush of a subway train next to you derailed that immediate thought. His arms wrapped around you tightly. His white cap blew off in the wind but he didn't move to save it. It was then you noticed the tracks next to you, and the concrete tunnel taking up your surroundings. You weren't in the cab anymore. The wind settled as the train headed further down the tracks, and you noticed Ingo standing on the platform above you. 
'How did I get on the tracks…?' You couldn't recall ever leaving the platform, except for stepping aboard the train. 
"Emmet, the tracks are clear!" Ingo called down. The younger twin wasted no time lifting you up and running across the metal tracks. 
"What...happened?" You finally asked, in a daze.
The elder twin assisted you in getting back onto the platform. "It seems I wasn't the only passenger to get off at this station," he replied. 
"It was a Zoroark," Emmet climbed back up to safety. 
"One from ancient Sinnoh, that is," Ingo clarified.
"Wait so...that was all an illusion?" You stared down at the tracks where you and Emmet previously laid.
Oh Arceus, you had nearly died. The realization sunk in and you felt sick. Hot tears spilled from your eyes. You collapsed, but the pair caught you and held you close. You sobbed into one of their coats and your throat began to sting from your wails. 
"It's going to be okay, you're safe with us," Ingo said, rubbing your back. 
"Mhm, we would never let you come to harm!" Emmet smiled. "Ingo has captured the pokemon so it won't be a problem anymore!" 
"That is correct, Zoroark will no longer be a hazard." The older twin looked to his brother. "Emmet, why don't we shut down for the night and return to our stations...all of us could use the rest."
"Sleepover?" Emmet beamed. His brother chuckled. Your cries dissipated as the three of you exited the station and planned the rest of the night, full of laughter. 
I do hope this tale serves as a warning to whoever else may become a victim of the ghost train...or anything else even more sinister lurking in the dark.
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trainer-silv · 2 years
Subway Bosses Headcanons
My brain has been going non-stop with these boys so here's some of my random headcanons
We know Ingo is loud, but he had to learn to be quiet while he was in Hisui. Being loud would just attract wild Pokemon to him.
It takes him a while to speak normally again since he's a bit nervous. Living in Hisui can do that to ya.
Ingo and Emmet have matching pocket watches with a photo of them together inside.
Ingo writes in ALL CAPS
Emmet writes in cursive
The Gear Station mascot is a Klink. Because obviously it's the GEAR station and I think it symbolizes the twins nicely.
Asexual. Do I need to elaborate?
Autistic. Yeah this is basically canon.
Elesa and the twins started working around the same time, so Elesa designed their uniforms and they engineered the rollercoaster in her gym.
Emmet always compliments Ingo's smile since he knows his big brother is insecure about his inability to do so.
Ingo in Hisui loves being in Sneasler's basket. The motion feels comforting, almost like a train.
Sneasler knew of Ingo's arrival to Hisui, much like the starter Pokemon knew of the player's arrival.
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trainer-silv · 2 years
What if Ingo with an s/o who has a very similar personality to his own? Like, he's used to dealing with Emmet, who is virtually his opposite. How would he feel about dating someone who is just like him?
Ingo x S/O with a similar personality
Ingo x Reader || Headcanons
Yes, Ingo is verrrrry used to dealing with Emmet, so he knows how to treat someone who has no problem showing emotions, yet is verbally quiet. However, Ingo meeting someone just like him, someone who struggles to show his emotions but does so verbally, would make him overjoyed, I would say! I'm not at all saying he's tired of Emmet, he could never be, but it's different having someone understand you due to personal experience.
More under the cut
Ingo is used to strangers being intimidated by him due to his 'resting bitch face'. People at the station tend to find Emmet more approachable, so it is rare for passengers to seek out Ingo. You are someone verrrrry similar to Ingo, so you seek him out instead. Somehow this pops up in conversation and you two really hit it off, becoming fast friends.
You and Ingo are (most likely) very used to hearing people wish for you to smile more, or assume you're in a bad mood. It's a relief being around someone who doesn't pressure you to show emotions, whether you can and choose not to or don't know how.
You both can read each other like a book. You learn Ingo's tiny nervous ticks that let you know he's uncomfortable, and he learns to search for that little sparkle in your eyes that shows your happiness, no matter how unnoticeable it is to others.
You two can talk for hours without getting tired. He listens intently to everything you say and you do the same for him. If you are interested in trains, expect Emmet to butt in and listen.
Speaking of Emmet, since you're basically another Ingo, you are now Emmet's new sibling. If you didn't have siblings before, now you do.
Do you ever have to pretend to react to someone so you don't come off as rude or uncaring? No need with Ingo! He knows how hard even the smallest smile can be and he is never offended.
You and Ingo make sure to tell each other how much you love each other. Communication is important after all! Get used to hearing his twin groan in (pretend) disgust though.
Overall, you're a comfortable presence to Ingo. You understand him personally and communication is never an issue between you two.
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trainer-silv · 2 years
Does train twins causing havoc in Hisui together grab you as a writing prompt <3.
If you want to :)
I did this on my phone so I hope the formatting isn't awful.
Here's a really short, fluffy thing with mainly Emmet being a menace under the cut.
Blankshippers dni
"Good morning, brother!"
Ingo let out a grumble, squinting at the morning light. Someone was peering over the edge of the bunk above him upside down, smiling. "G'morning, Emmet…" 
The younger brother laughed. "You were always a night Hoothoot. Good to see that that hasn't changed!" He notes, sitting back up on his bed. 
The older brother grumbled something that Emmet couldn't quite hear. "What?" 
"What's a Hoothoot?" Ingo asked again, lifting his head up. Right. Hisui doesn't have Hoothoots. 
"Rowlet," Emmet substitutes. Ingo's head falls back to his pillow.
With a gentle thump, Emmet hops down from his bed, seeing Ingo's face back in the pillow. Instead of kindly reminding his brother it is time to wake up and attend to Lady Sneasler, he had a better idea. Emmet quietly reached up to his bed, grasping at a pillow before…
Bringing it down on Ingo's unsuspecting head. The older brother let out a loud, "hey!" before grabbing his matching pillow and returning the blow. The youngest ran out of the tent, plush weapon in hand, knowing the eldest would be quick to follow. 
Somewhere a noble pokemon sighed, wondering who's supposed to be taking care of who.
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