#isobels new bestie
revyved · 8 months
@enrhysmion said: No matter where their journeys lead them, the moon's devoted followers are all united in their hearts. Rhys hasn't met many clerics of Selune despite spending so many years traveling with his instructor, and he must confess that Isobel intrigues and inspires him. She embodies hope in a way that he could never imagine being able to; her brightness cuts through the deepest darkness. She keeps everyone alive and protects the integrity of their souls. It's a blessing—no, a miracle—that her personal adventure brought her here in the midst of all this madness.
He determines that it's the ideal time to approach her now that the others are unwinding from the attack on the Last Light Inn. Rhys has often pondered the reason for the moon goddess' unwavering confidence in him. He is a deceiver; he is a shadow that hides the radiant light, yet Selune favors him and bestows upon him powers that are not rightfully his. He considers whether the goddess might be planning something special for him. Perhaps she believes he will assist Isobel. Even though he has a lot of questions racing through his mind, he decides to ignore them. He can't put extra strain on Isobel's shoulders when he doesn't even know her. It is up to him to maintain and resolve his dilemma.
"I wish I could be of assistance. Sadly, I lack such powers, and I worry that my light is too weak to drive away the shadows. I apologize sincerely, Lady Isobel. I demonstrate that I am a poor ally and a terrible devotee of our Lady." He leans on the balcony rail, his mouth curled into a sorrowful smile. His healing skills are almost useless in this scenario, despite his usual confidence in them. Since practically everyone has already passed away, who can he pretend to save? Shadows long for souls, not bodies. He doubts his ability to deal with them.
she’s earned a moment to rest, she thinks. a quiet few minutes to settle her nerves after marcus’ abrupt appearance. even now her heart dances in an uncomfortably chaotic rhythm, not quite steady, not quite right. she still feels the earth once caked in her chest obstructing the motion. isobel should have known this would happen. such an attack was inevitable, yet she let her guard down nonetheless. foolish. if not for the new arrivals, she’d likely find herself tossed at ketheric’s muddied boots.
pale, moonlit-stricken eyes look up the moment rhys shares the balcony with her. the cold yet stale air keeps her senses sharp, still on edge after hearing the reason for marcus’ approach. ketheric wants her back — partially to doom the innocent lives here, and the other reason too distressing to think on in present time. it’s surprising to hear rhys apologize for such a thing. his words bring her from her thoughts, quietly coughing into her fist before smiling.
“ a poor ally ? while i understand your fears - such a place oft draws them out - i must also assure you of your importance in all of this. the shadows here are no ordinary magic … as you’ve readily learned. the darkness is permeated into the very land, yet i wouldn’t have offered my guidance if i figured you a lost cause. there is far more for you to achieve here than you think. “
her smile warms akin to a starry night. “ our lady of silver has a path for you, one she knows you have the means to walk. she shares our dreams and our hopes, our sadness and fear. you may discover more about yourself when tested so… “ she speaks from her own experience. dying and descending into empty darkness, nothingness, until violently woken. “ i don’t think it’s a mere coincidence to meet a fellow devotee. it would bring me joy hearing more about you. i do insist though — you have nothing to apologize for. “
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xx-arisu · 3 months
I like to imagine that Shadowheart asked Aylin and Isobel to help with her Selunite form, I can see them being up all night bleaching her hair and doing fun sleepover activities with their new bestie/adopted daughter.
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silvandar · 4 months
BG3 Durge run: casualty list, sunmary etc. Durge spoilers.
I absolutely loved this run. Durge is like playing a completely different game! The plot is fantastic, and the dialogues are hilarious and very clever.
My Durge looks almost exactly like this! Love this tattoo design.
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Party: Durge fighter, Astarion, Shart, random hireling sorcerer. Picking Duergar was a Choice, their movement is dogshit and they keep getting stuck on jumps 😭
Act 1
Gale: maimed, presumed dead. Unless Mystra took pity on him.
The Grove: bloodbath. Stole everything that wasn't nailed down.
Wyll: dead
Goblin leaders: dead. Minthara tried to shiv me when i picked Astarion over her, should have rerolled just to see her romance scene but it was late and I was tired.
Karlach: dead. Attacked me on sight yelling about the Grove massacre, which was weird but cool. How did she knowwwwww.
Laezel: dead, because she tried to shiv me when i was sick. Otherwise we were besties 😭
Act 2
Oliver: squished
He Who Was: openly likes me, headcanon dating.
Last Light Inn: bloodbath
Jahira: dead
Isobel: dead
Yurgir: freed from contract because i couldn’t trick him into yeeting himself
Nightsong: dead
Shart: Dark Justiciar mode.
Durge plot: think I'm figuring it out. Orin is getting slapped later.
Daddy Thorm: dead. Surprisingly easy to kill when everyone has misty step and range.
Githyanki plot: pretty much ignored.
Romances: dating Astarion, flirting with Shart.
Durge has slayer form which everyone else in the camp thinks is gross, but Durge absolutely loves it.
Act 3
Picking and choosing quests is fun! I'm already level 8 so can easily ignore stuff that feels too "good" to be of interest.
Somehow my general terribleness has made me Chronically Single. So I had to bang drow beef without the offer of a foursome. Sigh. Choosing the "kinky" options was hilarious.
Kissed and made up with Gortash. He's a good guy really, very swauve. Looking forward to killing him later.
Ascended Astarion. Went at level 10, fight was surprisingly easy now I know the mechanics of the power boosts. Also having Turn Undead is big and clever. Watching Cazador scuttle like a cockroach was very cathartic.
Murder tribunal: Met Saravok, he was fun! Chatted about the old days, killed an elephant, bathed in some blood. Good times.
Nightsong redux: Robbed Lorroakan while he sulked about the Nightsong being dead. Astarion can now summon Ghouls. (Genuinely, just hopped on downstairs and cleaned out the vault. Not a single combat reaction from anyone. Bugged? Or just wizarding hubris? Didn't try to take anything from the main tower tho as I didn't need the robes or staff.)
House of Grief: Shart turned about 1/4 of the adds to our side, so it was a surprisingly easy fight. Shart is now God's Extra Special Princess.
Orin: died in 3 turns, just went Slayer on her and ripped her apart. Fun! Astarion has a new sword.
Saravok redux: Durge has a nice new sword and hat. Although he did one-shot me at one point. Don't know why I expected anything other than a fight, honestly.
Gortash: roasted by the Netherbrain. Saves me killing him I guess. Bit annoyed that I couldn't loot him.
Ignored Raphael and Orpheus completely. Gave the Emperor the Netherstones. Pretty much zero Githyanki plot on this run, as it seemed pointless with Laezel dead.
Netherbrain: much harder with only 2 sets of allies! Blinding the dragon helped, and for some reason the mage got stuck and glitched, so I consider the fight Cheesed By Accident.
Ending: murdered the Emperor, dominated the Netherbrain, turned my party into thralls, ruled the world as Bhaal's Chosen. Epic end scene, absolutely brilliant. IN BHAAL'S NAME!
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eliteseven · 1 month
I've finally caught up on Consonance and I 😭😭😭😭😭 it's so fucking good!!! You write chemistry so beautifully 😘👌 Jealous Shadowheart made an appearance, love to see it 🤌 And fuck Shar, all my homies hate Shar!! Tav immediately being accepted into the Hallowleaf fam got me 😭 Also the way I gasped when Tav went to the pawn shop? The kiss in the rain? "What should I call you?" "...Yours."?? I am deceased and very excited for the last chapter, Tav and Shadowheart deserve all the sex and domesticity and happiness. Wonderful work ❤️
Ps. Isobel Thorm MVP
🥹💕this made my day, thank you so so much!!! I’m thrilled you liked it!! ❤️ hearing your favorite bits means everything, thank you again! 🥰
I promise next chapter is just straight up love! For the Hallowleafs, for Shadowheart, and especially Serena. (And smut bc that was promised since the beginning and I haven’t forgotten 😅). Basically just them settling into their new relationship, enjoying domesticity, and having absurd amounts of sex to make up for lost time.
…And perhaps the future of the band, a little surprise for Tav, and of course, Isobel rubbing it in Shadowheart’s face (lovingly ofc). She’s still looking out for her childhood bestie 🥹
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wearethewitches · 4 months
Me reading the last chapter of 'you slow down time': OH NOOOO ISOBEL BBY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE I LOVE YOU
hahahaha...and now you have to wait till tomorrow for the next update! i'm so glad everyone is enjoying the fic - i know my new bestie is, she's still screaming at me on discord for giving her the full document ahead of time!
for the curious: the Aylin/Isobel cryptic pregnancy au in question
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mightymizora · 6 months
hi bestie!!!!!!!!!!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
18. current number of wips
26. number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
Finally getting to these amazing fic asks! I'm going to answer them out of order so I can put the scene below the cut.
current number of wips
TOO MANY. I have 3 ongoing fics to write, and 10 more in my active WIP folder (8 have been parked indefinitely)
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year
20! I used to just subscribe to writers I liked so bookmarking is new to me!
favorite line/scene you wrote this year
I had to really think about this one as I'm honestly so proud of my work on the whole this year - a few things were rushed but I wrote some really good shit that took me back to a way of writing I have missed. I found this really, really tough to choose but I really love this bit about Ketheric and Isobel from Blood and Bone, Bone and Blood. I wrote the whole fic in a day or so and this came out as is:
When he held her he. When he held her. This body cannot recall it, not fully. For when he held her, something changed in the very weaving of his veins. When he held her he was flooded by the light she bore, the light that she was born with, ever radiant, his girl. Every part of him that was good and just and right passed through into her. Every part of Melodia that was gentle and sweet and kind passed through into her. When Melodia died, all that he loved lived in Isobel. When Isobel. When she. There is a story of a man who sold himself part by part, and he tells himself that story. It is easier to tell it than to feel it again and again and again.
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hawkepockets · 4 months
misc auntie thoughts also 👹👹👹
her original name was amna (githzerai for “blood”) but after she lost her memories, the first person to speak to her was lae’zel, who assumed she was a normal githyanki like herself and mockingly used the term of address for an older kinswoman. best translation: auntie.
if u put a cigarette mom & frankenstein’s monster in a blender u would get this woman who is so so curious and hungry for belonging and sincerely thinks she can make up for accidentally instigating a slaughter of the tieflings by the grove druids if she just. keeps going. and replaces the absolute and her friends’ abusive patrons with a new pantheon!! a better pantheon!! of herself & her besties!! surely they won’t perpetuate the cycle. haha. well
officially she romanced minthara & gale but to me the whole final party (auntie/minthara/gale/astarion/halsin) was kind of a loose polycule like they were all weird abt each other
bad endings for all 👍 but she’s very dear to me. she tried to learn compassion
and. umm she learned enough to be deeply psychologically wounded by all the suffering her actions caused/failed to prevent. and she did have some true victories like bringing peace to the myconids, reuniting aylin & isobel and liberating the iron throne. but for the most part she continued to fuck up while her heart just bled and bled!
she learned the guilt part but not necessarily like. the foresight, intuition, empathy or self control to stop more tragedies yk
she did reject bhaal… but there just wasn’t enough time for her to grow all the way from amnesiac dark urge to full heroism. it all happened too fast
like i realized who she was & what the themes of her playthrough would b when, early on, i tried stealing the idol of sylvanus & killing kagha bc mol & zevlor had said that would help the tieflings. & instead it turned every druid hostile & precipitated a massacre of the tiefling refugees. i tried very hard to save anyone but it wasn’t possible with my level & builds, so every tiefling died and then we wiped out the druids too for what they’d done. and i was left sitting there like oh my god… she thought that was going to be helpful. she wanted the tieflings to like her. she wasn’t smart enough to find halsin first and open up new solutions to the conflict. she just did the 1 thing her instincts & lae’zel had told her she was good at so far, and what the first nice authoritative tiefling suggested, and killed someone. which killed everyone. yk!!
microcosm of the rest of the game for her. she’s a bhaalspawn in a china shop!!
even the iron throne quest… while i was still gloating abt having freed all the prisoners in a couple turns, all the gondians got themselves blown up in the steel watch foundry & auntie’s lives saved ledger went back into the red… owie
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ig definitionally she is cis but she also uses & responds to it/its when referring to her bhaalspawn nature like. The Dark Urge/anma as opposed to auntie. AND SHE LOOKS LIKE A WET BABY HYENA!! and a milf at the same time.
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blehfundiesims · 1 year
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Rebecca's pov: Finally, family camp is over 🙄 I can't believe I'm a teenager now! My mom has already started bringing up eligible young men we saw at camp, but it's one step closer to getting out of here even if i dont know quite how yet. My plan to behave better just in front of my parents has worked splendidly, though it does get hard to surpress my true opinions sometimes. I do, however, enjoy helping and playing with Isobel and Dayton they have such fun little personalities, and I can only hope I instill some actually good morals in these kids before I fly the coop.
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In other news, my bestie, Asher, now has a special friend, Annabel Harp they seem to get along fine, but we'll see. I really enjoy her company and she is so sweet and funny too! It sucks to say, but I have a small feeling of not wanting them to work. I'm not sure what it is, but I just kinda don't want them together 😖
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openheart12 · 1 year
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A/N: used this generator to create texts, but just some lighthearted fluff
Summary: Texts between the FBI besties.
WC: 1,160
Warning: swearing
Power Rangers
6:12 am
Stuart: good morning
Tiffany: good morning
Jubal: good morning
Maggie: you all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit
Maggie: not that much. it’s 6 in the fucking morning
5:38 pm
Tiffany: my god, would you two just get a room already?
OA: excuse me?
Tiffany: you both keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else’s misery. so seriously, when’s the wedding?
Maggie: there is no wedding, we’re just besties
Stuart: I SHIP IT
Jubal: can you all not???
7:14 am
Stuart: how would you like your pancakes?
OA: plain
Tiffany: with sprinkles 
Jubal: chocolate chips
Maggie: potatoes 
OA: wtf maggie
Maggie: what? they’re good
5:39 pm
Jubal: what does rainbows mean to you?
Maggie: gay rights
Tiffany: there’s money
Stuart: the sign of god’s promise to never destroy the whole earth with a flood
OA: it is an optical phenomenon that separates sunlight into its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on raindrops
12:21 am
Jubal: what’s the worst thing you guys have done?
Tiffany: rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade
OA: i kicked stuart in the shin 
Stuart: so i kicked OA between the legs
Maggie: i burned a town down
Jubal: what?
Stuart: what the hell is wrong with you?!?!?
Maggie: a lot of things
OA: no shit
F is for Friends who do Stuff Together
3:13 pm
OA: my life is a little too much panic and not enough disco
Jubal: my life is a little too much fall and not enough boy
Maggie: my life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance
Stuart: my life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons
10:04 am
Maggie: my stomach growled super loud in french 
Maggie: i’d like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in french, it growled during french class
Jubal: bonjour 
Stuart: le growl
OA: hon hon hon, feed me a baguette
4:58 am
Stuart: what is love?
Jubal: an emotional minefield 
OA: a neurochemical reaction 
Maggie: baby don’t hurt me
4:24 pm
OA: and here we have a capitalist 
Stuart: did you just-
Maggie; let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible
5:28 pm
Jubal: i still don’t have a new years resolution 
OA: you could lose a few
Stuart: you could be less lazy
Maggie: don’t be such a bitch
Jubal: okay DAMN SHIT
Federal Besties of Investigation
4:38 pm
Maggie: either buckle down and do your work or you’ll end up at mcdonalds 
OA: we’re going to mcdonalds if i don’t do my work?
Maggie: no
OA: and what do i get out of this?
Maggie: a dollar
OA: what do you think i am? a chump? i would never do it for a dollar
Maggie: 2 dollars?
OA: you got yourself a deal
11:11 pm
Maggie: what?
OA: don’t read into that
Maggie: but i will read into that
Maggie: why is there a space after it, hmmmmmm????
OA: dude, really? it’s a fucking letter
Maggie: it could stand for something
Maggie: like oppression or worse…
OA: i just typed the letter O, it means nothing :/
Maggie: optometrist 
OA: omg
8:29 am
Maggie: as usual, maggie has to save the day
OA: as usual, OA has to hear about it
7:02 pm
Maggie: treat spiders the way you want to be treated
OA: killed without hesitation 
2:42 am
Maggie: strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry or milk
OA: go the fuck to sleep maggie
Maggie: you’re an asshole, man
OA: you are what you eat maggie
Maggie: i don’t think i can handle any more of your tomfuckery 
OA: oh yeah? well i can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out
12:48 pm
OA: remember what i told you
Maggie: don’t be a cunt
5:18 pm
OA: between tiffany, stuart, jubal, and isobel – if you had to – who would you punch?
Maggie: no one, they’re my friends. i wouldn’t punch any of them
OA: jubal?
Maggie: yeah but i don’t know why
1:17 am
Maggie: OA, i screwed up big time
OA: given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific
Avengers Dupe
5:27 am
Isobel: well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear motives and good hearts! let me guess, you’re out to save the world
OA: well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment
Jubal: more or less, i guess
Maggie: that sounds awesome. let’s do that
Stuart: i’m new here, but i am open to the concept
Tiffany: i thought that’s what we were doing
9:40 am
Isobel: if you got arrested, what would be the charges?
OA: theft
Jubal: disturbing the peace
Tiffany: aggravated assault
Stuart: arson 
Maggie: all of the above, probably in that order
7:25 pm
Stuart: rules were made to be broken
Jubal: they were made to be followed, nothing is made to be broken
OA: piñatas
Maggie: glow sticks
Tiffany: karate boards
Isobel: spaghetti when you have a small pot
Stuart: rules
Jubal: …
10:51 pm
OA: fine, judge me all you want but stuart married a lesbian, isobel left a man at the altar, maggie fell in love with a gay ice dancer, tiffany threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire, and jubal lives in a box
Maggie: damn way to air out all of our dirty laundry 
2:58 pm
Stuart: imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life
Isobel: it would be nice to have my sense of purpose back…
OA: oh wow, you found my childhood innocence! thank you for finding it
Tiffany: my will to live! i haven’t seen this in years
Maggie: i knew i lost that potential somewhere 
Jubal: mental stability, my old friend
Stuart: jesus, could you guys lighten up a little
4:48 am
Isobel: who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to jubal and stuart’s convo?
OA: me, i’m in the laundry basket 
Tiffany: i’m in the washing machine
Maggie: i’m in the closet
OA: we accept you maggie <3
Maggie: no, i’m literally in the closet 
OA: love is love <3
Tiffany: ALLY
8:37 am
Maggie: you guys don’t wanna mess with me
OA: yeah, maggie will straight up cry in public. don’t try her
Maggie: exactly, i will straight up…
Maggie: why would you say that? :( 
Jubal: great, now she’s crying in the middle of the JOC 
4:39 pm
OA: i’d die for you guys
Stuart: then perish
Tiffany: you will
Jubal: please don’t
Isobel: cool
Maggie: i’d die for you first
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
If you are still taking prompts, I had something that I was hoping to see play out in canon but nothing yet 😭
I was really hoping that there would be more Malex with friends scenes so we could get some of the group’s reactions to Malex. I was hoping we’d either get some group scenes ragging on Malex for being so in love. I can picture Isobel and Kyle being so happy for their besties while also loving teasing their love bubble. (I can see a comment from Kyle to Michael like, “no, you’re definitely in love. you were actually nice to me yesterday, no snarky comments included.” or something silly like that!)
Or we’d get some scenes now of their friends teasing Michael while Alex is away. I can see someone saying something like “you’re grumpier when Alex isn’t around”.
If these don’t spark your writing muse, no worries at all! I will (and always do!) love anything you write! Whenever I get a notification that you have posted something new, it makes me so happy and I cannot wait to get home and read it! Thank you for continuing to write Malex and share with us. 💛💛💛💛💛
I kind of already did this in multiple other fics. Let me see if I can sift through for a few of them.
Sanders notices Michael misses Alex
Isobel and Max try to get rid of Michael's goatee
Isobel tries to get rid of Michael's mustache
Alex thinks Michael smells like rain, but Maria doesn't
And there are several others, but those were the ones I could round up now. I hope that's okay xx
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
If you still want to do the character asks, how about Max? 😁
I’m always up to talk about my favs (especially Max tbh, so always feel free to bug me) <3
one aspect about them i love:
he’s an optimist and a dreamer, always finding something to wax poetic about (usually Liz <3), his heart is just so big, cause for him creation has less to do with him and self expression and more to do with nurturing and protecting (he’s a mother hen, quite literally), I mean 1x06 where he says he wants to write a novel that feels like home so people can feel safe just breaks my heart
one aspect i wish more people understood about them:
a lot of his mistakes are reactions to his past traumas and his anxiety, which isn’t an excuse but an explanation and a starting point for him to work on himself, he’s a good person but as all good people he falls short sometimes in very scary/painful ways
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character:
he read Warrior Cats, and that’s all I’ll say on the subject
he would pack lunches for him, Isobel and Michael in highschool (practicing his culinary skills, which stopped at boxed pancakes and the one dish he can do really well)
his book is a historical romance about a widower (I’ve got minimal evidence to back this up, lol)
one character i love seeing them interact with:
Liz Ortecho, it’s echo all the time over here <3
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more:
Rosa Ortecho, they should be besties and go bowling and call each other terrible nicknames and do a book swap and discuss all the new art methods she’s researching as he pretends to understand the difference between acrylics and oil paint (he even makes her a few easels)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character:
him and Michael are responsible for the IZZY rings Iz always wears, they didn’t know what to get her for their birthday and just went for the age old her name on jewelry bit
his and Isobel’s psychic bond was made by Nora/Louise/Theo as a way to keep him chained even outside of his chains (I will stick with this till canon proves me wrong, I like my psychic twins angst)
send me a character <3
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lovecolibri · 2 years
The list of things the show tries to credit M*ria with has become increasingly ridiculous but praising her for keeping her cool during a crisis is some next level nonsense. She has literally never done this ever and it's just another way to gaslight Michael into thinking he's somehow being unreasonable about his own boyfriend missing. I never thought Michael would get the s2 Alex treatment where everyone who supposedly loves him manipulates him with his own trauma and he has to keep praising the people who actively harm him (Liz and Max falls into this category too) but here we are. Every word of the spoilertv review was gold but especially that part.
The spoilertv review is now my favorite part of any new episode! I owe that reviewer some cookies for giving me something to look forward to each week.
You said it absolutely correctly, this was just another way to prove to Michael that he’s being irrational and illogical about his soulmate disappearing. The reason she was so “calm” and “collected” is because there is nothing for her character to do here. She wasn’t so much “calm” as she was useless. 10/10 I would rather have had Kyle (Trevino could have directed a different episode) and had this be one of her missing episodes. Instead of Isobel having meaningless conversations with m*ria, we could have actually seen her and Kyle interacting, even if it was awkward silence they both try to break at once and an intense stare that gets broken when Max wakes up or something. There was no need to have m*ria here if they were cool bringing in rando guest stars to fill Kyle and Alex’s places in Liz’s “family”.
I know other people have talked about Liz’s mind seeing Michael as a “lackey” eternally grateful for Max’s help and willing to do anything for her, but can we talk about how she also sees him as hotheaded and impulsive and his action of going after the man who shot his father figure is played out as cocky and leads to his death? Because that sure was....a choice that was made.
I’m eternally bitter that they set up Liz/Michael science bro besties and instead of actually letting us see them work together for more than one or two scenes over several seasons, we get this instead. 😒
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winged-fool · 2 years
Would you please write a summary for this episode?
Always my friend!
Let me start by saying this had the potential to be a fun campy filler episode but because it's this show with these writers, we didn't get that.
Okay so it starts off with Liz being rushed into Deep Sky and everyone basically dismissing Michael as a viable alien scientist and lamenting that Kyle isn't there. It was Very Rude because Michael even started doubting himself and is further proof of why we need Alex because he ALWAYS hypes Michael up and believes in him but whatever.
Isobel decides to mindscape Liz and Max insists on going too so they go in, there are cowboys all around the Pony and Isobel calls out to one of the cowboys in the shadows on a horse where Liz Ortecho is and then they shoot her and kidnap Max. Isobel is forced out of the mindscape and Max stays behind
Rosa is like I'm going to call someone and then boom Heath shows up and is the "former adversary" that is going to help them. Which if they were going to bring Heath back how come they didn't idk MENTION him for 8 fucking eps?? Anyway, turns out he's been at med school in New York and he and Rosa have been bonding because she needed someone to help her with her alien powers and didn't ask Liz or Kyle because she didn't want to look weak in front of them. It kind of seemed like there might have been something romantic brewing between them but Rosa said he wasn't her boyfriend and he made another love confession to Dallas, but idk still unclear...
It cuts to Liz waking up in the mindscape and she's the sheriff and she realizes that she's in the mindscape and based on her own symptoms she's dying. Arturo shows up and he's the retired sheriff and calls himself Deputy Machete which was cute.
She goes to a saloon? maybe? where Maria is singing and then when she's done Liz (with Rosa) go ask her to go to the backroom and she takes them. Michael is playing poker with someone while Sanders is acting like a lookout? Liz approaches the table and it's Clyde that Michael's playing so she's like I bet you Max's location if Michael wins and he's like deal but I want that ring that's in your pocket and it was the engagement ring Max got from Arturo in ep 1. Michael wins but Clyde flips the table over and is like psych! I can't give you Max and then runs out of the saloon.
Other shit happens and then Liz goes to confront who has Max and surprise! It's evil!Liz looking hot and making great points! She's like Max is always holding us back, he can't even look after himself, he gave up his powers, he sucks, he's going to force us into a life of mediocrity. So true bestie! POP 👏🏼 OFF 👏🏼
She fails at getting Max back and then gathers everyone (Arturo, Rosa, Maria, Michael, Sanders, and Heath) and is like I need to face my evil side with my whole family (which somehow includes Sanders who she's literally never shared a scene with?? And Heath who she seemingly forgot about until this convenient scene??). So they go and they fail because a million Clydes keep popping up and killing everyone.
Just as Liz is ready to give up Ali (Shiri) shows up which she had a scene earlier but whatever who cares, and shoots evil Liz. Oh and back in the real world Isobel is feeling sad about keeping Kyle away and Maria gives her love advice blah blah blah
I missed the end of the episode because I had to go deal with a mouse in my apartment but I guess evil Liz came out of the mindscape (which awesome) and Maria and Michael shared a fireside chat (boooo). The promo showed that Michael and Kyle are going to team up to look for Alex next week.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Parker Knightly Pronouns: Up To Player Age: 21 years old     Hometown: Upper East Side, NY   Occupation: Senior at Columbia University (formerly UCLA) Social Status: Insider   Faceclaim Suggestion: Ross Butler (if choosing an alternate, remember that Parker’s twin sister’s FC is Natasha Liu Bordizzo)
Who Is Parker?
“Lucky to be coming home again.”
Welcome back to the Upper East Side, Parker. How cute of us to arrive at the same time, right? I can imagine you’ve missed us all dreadfully. There’s no place like home... I’m sure you’ll be welcomed back by everyone with open arms. You’ve always been a fan favourite. You’re kind, caring and always take an interest in other people. You’ve always been popular and not just because your twin is Jessica Knightly. But you’ve never been bothered about it. Gossip doesn’t interest you and you don’t need to be adored. Ever the sensitive artist, you’d rather just focus on strumming your guitar and writing down your feelings. You’re a romantic and a sweetheart. Honestly, I find it hard to fault you, Parker. Maybe you can write a song about me. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
UTP (two paragraphs of biography; helpful key points listed below -  message  if you’d like to make any changes or note in the app if you’d  rather the bio written up  for you!)  
Parker is creative. They play guitar and write songs, poems and keep a dream journal just in case their subconscious is holding all the best stuff out on them. It’s always been more of a hobby than something they’d like as a career but you never know.
Is a genuine sweetheart. Parker was brought up to be kind and polite, to take an interest in other people and their feelings. They were also brought up to not take crap though so Parker doesn’t let their kindness get taken advantage of. If Parker doesn’t like someone or, more accurately, something they did, they won’t pretend it was okay.
After graduating high school, Parker headed off to UCLA , studying to become an architect. It was hard to leave home, to leave behind their friends and especially their high school sweetheart (they both agreed it was for the best but...). Things were going good, you know? Things were going fine. Parker’s parents admittedly pulled a few strings to get the transfer sorted but they are officially coming back to New York for their senior year of college. It feels right.
Three years is a long time to be gone though. Parker doesn’t expect that everyone will remember them or welcome them back with open arms (let’s be honest though, they will!). Is excited to reunite with old friends, play guitar at one of Logan Hunter’s bonfire beach parties and not have to worry about Gossip Girl posting about them. Wait.
Loves to play with fashion especially when it comes to digging out vintage pieces. Loves rare vinyls and songs that tell a story. Parker’s just trying to do their best, you know?
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
UTP (if applicable; alternatively you can note their thoughts on Gossip Girl’s return!)
Jessica Knightly - the twin! Parker and Jess are super close. Jess has never needed anyone to fight her battles so Parker stays in their lane in that respect. They’re both a little dramatic, bubbly and can never say no to a good party!
Baby Beaumont - the high school sweetheart. Parker was so in love with Baby Beaumont. They were so smart, sweet and interesting. A beautiful soul. But they both agreed that when Parker went off to college, it was best to call it quits. A clean break. Yup, that was an awesome idea.
Logan Hunter, Isobel Prescott and Ceren Celik-Montgomery - Jess’ best friends and found family. Parker has known them their entire life and loves ‘em just as much as Jess. Doesn’t like what Isobel did with Jess’ then boyfriend Oliver Andrews but apparently we’re past that.
Tripp Vanderbilt - the bestie! Parker’s missed Tripp a lot and can’t wait to be in the same city as him again.
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lim-pwrist · 3 years
i want isobel to either be a single ready to mingle girlboss or have a meaningful plotty on-screen relationship with a woman there's no in between
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Rewatch time. Now I can take notes.
*what the hell is that wedding cake made of. They’re using an entire sword and two of them can hardly cut it? No wonder mrs p looks so suspicious of the food.
* I’m still p salty that Cora didn’t let her hair down.
* Edith and Mary being all sisterly.
* “I think it’s an awful idea.” No shit brother. “We don’t need to talk about money.” Robert. Jesus.
* so Violet has been moved into the big house for the end, yeah?
(This is where I point out that I saw this at an Alamo drafthouse and had quite a bit of liquid by the time the movie started and I had to pee SO BAD but refused to leave the theater.)
*this silver dress is so stunning. Robert’s ears are extra sticky-outy.
* Cora’s ‘I’d love it’ at Edith wanting to come along hits different now. I’m cry.
*why was robert only worried about edith’s second child.
* of all the names, did they have to pick Dagleish? IT TOOK ME HALF THE MOVIE TO GET PAST “dog leash”.
* everything will be odd and foreign for his lordship. There is one person in that house less capable of dealing with foreign soil than Robert and it’s Carson.
* the pacing of this movie is very peppy.
* nearly every woman in the house has a new hairstyle except Cora. Imma guess she didn’t cut her hair to the new style because Robert loves here hair.
* at this point I leaned over to my bestie and said “they’re gonna singing in the rain this bitch, aren’t they?”
*”Why has she asked you?” Lol she don’t want you reading her spicy letters.
*the look on Cora’s face when Isobel says that Mary will become Violet. It was glorious.
* I hope Cora teased Robert relentlessly about miss dogleash and the whole mess of a dinner.
* it’s kind of nice when there isn’t a single Bates suspected of murder the whole time.
* Cora Crawley, cruise director.
* Mr Molesley lmao.
* weird titanic vibes, tbh
*cora is tucked in so tight to Robert doing their little king of the world thing. omg why are they so cute. meanwhile, why is molesley there? Did they say and I just didn’t care?
*Sybbie inherited a bombass place tho.
* I would like mrs angry mom to do Cora’s hair though.
* Mary’s marriage the Talbot is one of the most nonsensical turns this series took. I still don’t understand it.
*Violet’s green dressing gown makes her look very mcgonagall
*the first all talking movie was a horror film? Lol
*still me taking the piss out of dog leash.
* WAIT. what happened to Spratt? Is he busy writing for Edith now?
* 😭 holding hands on the boat
* with the lawyer they’re all doing Covid seating.
* watching Robert do math in his head is hilarious.
* Cora tries to assure Edith that everything is fine. My dad, who has not seen this yet “oh lord”.
* Suppose he never steps up to the mark. He’s pretty cocky for a dude who waited as long as he did to propose is what I’m saying.
* “just a little heartburn.” Dad: uh oh. We know what happened the last time someone had that.
* did we know about Molesley’s lip reading before?
* mrs hughes - you could do it! why would that have even entered her head?
* is it actually physically impossible for Edith to keep her mouth shut at the dinner table? She’s always like oh a sensitive topic? LET’S DISCUSS.
* I’m not sure I entirely like that Brandon is now wholly ready to be the aristocracy he claimed to dislike. I think we could have found a more middle ground for him.
* Mary called Matthew perfect, a prince. Remember when he was the monster of her fairy tale? aww.
* Talbot was a stupid choice Mary. Sorry not sorry.
* “it’s not enough.” ever get tired of being such a bloody wet blanket Robert. Cora has had it UP TO HERE with his histrionics.
* it’s time! It’s time!
* am I blue. Yes.
* his hand around her neck. send help.
* my dad just told the dogs to be quiet, they’re recording. Then realized what he said. We’re invested fam.
* Daisy. Mvp. Anna’s like “did she just say that”.
* for maybe the first time in her life Mary looks abashed but being caught in the act lol.
* PLAYS IN THE ATTIC? did grow a little crop of March girls after all?
* Cora actually said dog leash. Why. Why did they.
* surgery. What did he think they might be taking out?
* “you’re welcome to ask them” lol.
* honestly at this point Mary should have married will graham over Talbot.
* “two gorgeous men fighting for my favors” lol baby. As of it would be the first time.
* not enough has been said by Cora about The Matter.
* “it must have been a shame to spoil that.” arrighty.
* “I know I can trust you to do the right thing.” shut up I’m crying. She didn’t have anyone since her mother died who she could trust to be morally right. DO NOT TOUCH ME.
* Robert comes bursting in, looking much like I imagine he looked waiting for his babies to be born.
* I don’t care how convenient it is, I adore that the downstairs group got a chance to dress up and be posh. They all look so beautiful.
* why did they give Thomas and Andy mutton chops lmao
*how does mrs h sit with that bustle holy shit.
* miss Baxter looks so pretty.
*”are you not going to kneel?” OH GIRL YES.
* “Marcus us willing” - TO. DO. WHAT?! Are they gonna live in sin?
* I’m glad Thomas finally gets his happy ending. He’s not afraid anymore.
* Tom is a good dad.
* “finished you off” really clarkson? There wasn’t a slightly better way?
* that so great a lady should go when the house is full of film people.
* “dear boy” I cry
* *sobbing* Mary wearing Violet’s brooch.
* oh shit. Isobel sitting alone. That was the part that lanced my heart right open. I can’t. I can’t.
* Cora and George.
* Henry really did just leave Mary alone to this. HE WAS A BAD CHOICE MARY. She buries her grandmother. Alone.
* one final gut punch with that portrait.
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