drmarr · 2 years
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“I suck at dating,” is what I thought when I first started dating… I am a serial monogamist - went from a 5 year relationship to another 5 year, to 6, etc… no dating in between. So by the time I started dating, I didn’t really know what to do 😆 At 32, I had literally never been on ONE casual date. (Talk about overthinking!) UNfortunately, this lead me to think I had to be flexible in my approach to getting to know people as I “wasn’t sure what I was doing…”. This lead me to give people more chances, when in reality, they were signs to close the door (immediately 😆). And at my core I knew that, but I still questioned myself. This was new territory. “Maybe this is what dating is like?”, I thought. FORTUNATELY, I learned quite quickly, that if you don’t like how the situation is making you FEEL, THAT is all that matters. THAT is what you listen to, and THAT takes top priority. This is the power of an anchor statement. The moment I started owning this, making it my philosophy, making it the only thing that mattered (above and beyond all excuses or justifications for behavior and feelings), is the exact moment I started to trust in love, feel whole, and feel hopeful. You don’t need to make excuses for behavior that doesn’t align with your needs. What you want exists (and you deserve it). #KnowThis #dating101 #datingadvice #newtodating #thedatingworld #findinglove #findingloveagain #anchorstatements #isuckatdating #firstdate #firstdates #dating #truetoyourself #selflove #selftrust #serialmonogamist #breakup #breakuprecovery #trustyourself #respectyourboundaries #healthydating #learninghowtodateagain #relationshipcoach #relationshipadvice #meaningfullove #meaningfulrelationships #loveyourlove #lovelove #youdeservelove #startingagain https://www.instagram.com/p/CcnW2qnOKYZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grimmyjimmy · 6 years
I legitimately think that if I don’t fuck soon my balls will explode and I will drop dead...
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madammaury-blog · 7 years
What to do if you’re just as shitty at online dating as you are irl-dating?
Flee to the Bahamas, call yourself Barbara (Babsy for short) and adopt 5 cat, 10 dogs, 16 birds and a turtle named Jefferson.
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sheilanky-blog · 6 years
Finding love the wrong way
Okay. So i'm on a mission. A mission to find my soul mate.
I'm 29, sexy, curvy (or rather plump) ...and witty.
And i haven't really dated for a while. So after countless advice from friends, I've decided to be more social.
I'm embarking on a till_the_end of September live journey.
1st part of the mega plan it's to visit hangouts where i can find connect with potential spouses making it look as natural as possible without looking desperate. 😑😑😑
So i'm at The erm ther HONEYSUCKLE. Sipping on a mojito i can't afford.
Ha ha ha.
So far so bad.
I barely fit in... sitting alone seems desperate...i think...
Everyone is with someone.😞
And the time is not moving.
Bad idea.
Let's see how the night ends.
Any ideas anyone?
Signed. #isuckatdating
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Friend Zone
How do you tell a guy that you only want to be friends? You go out on a date and realize half way through the date he's a nice guy but not your nice guy. You explain to him that you're not ready to settle and just want to be friends but he puts the pressure on. Calling can I see you how's the day going. How do you tell him for him to understand.....
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Freaking Out... Maaaan
"Ah email. Allowing bashful nerds to get laid for just over a decade now." ~Pepper
Last Thursday, I let the chicken inside win. I sent an e-mail to Beletranger, letting them know I was interested.
Haven't heard back. They don't check e-mail often, so maybe they haven't seen it yet. But my chicken brain poses other possibilities.
Have I embarrassed myself, and they aren't responding because they're trying to help me save face? Are they being French, and keeping silent to discourage my bad behaviour? Are they just shocked that I'd make a move?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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haileyrae19 · 10 years
Mixed signals are like a box of chocolates
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pokeoutmyiris-blog1 · 11 years
my textual lyfe
what i write: "hey, hows your week been?"
what i really mean is : "i'm pathetic and want to hear from you because i haven't since our date, so here's me stupidly showing you that im thinking about you still, by acting heaps casual."
what i actually wish i could write: "fucking text me and don't leave me hanging, you fuck."
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