#it could've been one of my childhood anime but no I had to watch it in my late twenties
detnoto · 11 months
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popcat69 · 10 months
Incorrect Tmnt quotes
Mikey: What does 'take out' mean? Donnie: Food. Leo: Dating Raph: Murder Y/n: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD.
Donnie: Favourite horror movie?
Mikey: It
Raph: Saw
Leo: Annabelle
Y/n: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Leo: Croissants: dropped
Raph: Road: works ahead
Y/n: BBQ sauce: on my titties
April: Shavacado: fre
Mikey: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Donnie: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
Y/n: Change is inedible.
Donnie: Don't you mean inevitable?
Y/n, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Mikey: Hey Donnie,
Donnie: Yes?
Mikey: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Donnie: Where’s Y/n?
Donnie: April isn’t answering their phone
Y/n: I’ll call
Donnie: Casey and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
April: Hello?
Y/n: Top 30 reasons why y/n is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Raph: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Mikey: I'm incredibly fast at maths.
Y/n: Alright, what's 30x17?
Mikey: 47
Y/n: That's not even close.
Mikey: But it was fast.
Donnie: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Raph: Nope, absolutely not.
Leo: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Mikey: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Casey: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
Y/n: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Splinter: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Leo: ...I did. I broke it.
Splinter: No. No you didn't. Mikey?
Mikey: Don't look at me. Look at Y/n.
Y/n: What?! I didn't break it.
Mikey: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Y/n: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Mikey: Suspicious.
Y/n: No, it's not!
Raph: If it matters, probably not, but April was the last one to use it.
April: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Raph: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
April: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Raph!
Leo: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, person A.
Splinter: No! Who broke it!?
Raph: Splinter... Donnie’s been awfully quiet.
Donnie: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Splinter, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Splinter: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Splinter: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
'Can I copy the homework?'
Donnie: I can help you with it!
April: Yeah, sure.
Y/n: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Raph: lol nope.
Mikey: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!
Leo: *Read 5:55pm*
Leo: bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
Leo, driving y/n and April: So how was your day?
Y/n: We almost got surprise adopted!
Leo: What?
April: We almost got kidnapped.
Leo: Oh, okay.
Leo: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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sepublic · 5 months
So I watched the drawing request livestream from today that I missed out on, and I must apologize! Near the end, Dana clarified that she preferred for the requests she drew to be Patron-exclusives, with her releasing them to the public as she saw fit; As such, I've deleted my previous post showcasing them. Sorry about that...
As for some fun facts I learned during the stream; Apparently Severine is named after Dana's middle name, Mary Severine! I thought Severine was a made-up name, in reference to the word 'Severing' as per Boiling Isles morbid aesthetic, but it's actually a real one! Dana Mary Severine Terrace...
Dana also mentioned how the red grass and purple trees of the Boiling Isles were meant to invoke a bruise that's healing; Symbolic of the Boiling Isles having issues it's dealing with, since even before Belos, and the colors of the isles were meant to convey the idea of Belos striking like a sledgehammer.
We very easily could've not had The Owl House, because of a coin flip! When deciding between Animation and Illustration as a career path, Dana literally flipped a coin to decide... Talk about a gift of fate! Though she did note throughout the stream that art direction isn't her thing, nor is illustration, as it focuses on fine-tuning specific details, whereas Dana prefers things like animation, writing, drawing, etc., getting her ideas out there. TOH might’ve still happened regardless.
And yes, Dana IS a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, she watched both series when she was around 14 years old on Toonami! I freaking knew it, the similarities between TOH and FMA, the acknowledgement of Arakawa as someone Luz would've emulated in art... Dana prefers Brotherhood, since it's closer to the manga. The chimera episode messed her up like everyone else, and FMA was one of her favorite childhood cartoons alongside Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Champloo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Pokemon.
Dana also watched Dragonball Z, including the Buu and Cell arcs in real time, and was quite creeped out by Cell, as he was unlike anything she'd seen before; So the reference to DBZ in Eclipse Lake is probably from Dana's own experiences, as was the realization of how long it's been. Dana's first and favorite Ghibli film is Princess Mononoke, followed by Princess Kaguya, and she obsessed over the Gorillaz music videos.
Someone in chat suggested that for artists who want to get used to streaming themselves drawing, they can begin practicing by drawing in public! Dana liked the idea and encouraged people to also begin with friends to ease into it.
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rappaccini · 12 days
.......... kingdom of the planet of the apes thoughts
great new protagonist. excited to see how he evolves as a character. he's definitely The New Caesar, but his gentler personality is a welcome change.
damn somebody else CAN actually hit the andy serkis notes for playing an ape. props to this actor.
glad he isn't caesar's descendant and that his clan's totally apart from caesar's tribe. thank you for expanding the world instead of star warsing it. -- and for calling out the obsession with nostalgia via proximus.
his arc was great. questioning the state of things and wanting something better should hopefully spell good things for the development of the ape society in the reboots. more on that in a sec.
that or he's about to have one hell of a disillusionment arc.
these movies keep coming up with clever ways to distinguish their ape characters. the bald spot, green eyes and armband being his thing are his.
his tribe and their eagle culture is fascinating. the concept of apes using abandoned skyscrapers as towers for bird husbandry comes from a history channel documentary i remember watching as a kid and i love seeing it pop up here.
even the eagle song, which could've been so cheesy, works in context.
even his name is so well thought-out. noa as in noah, who guides people through a flood; which noa does at the climax. and noa as in 'no', the first word an ape spoke out loud in the first trilogy, which is paralleled when mae shouts his name- the first word a human speaks in the second trilogy.
.... anaya and soona were certainly there.
the soona romance felt out of nowhere. like oh ok so the one girl in the friend group is the future gf. we're doing that. fine.
and all that just so her designated bf can emotionally cheat on her with a human for two more movies. girl. get out of there now.
yes i think noa and mae had chemistry. pota is a franchise that simply does interspecies romance. a lot. you just have to roll with it if you're gonna be here.
i was wondering when that would make it to the movies again, and it seems like they're trying to see how much they can get away with.
like it's 100% intentional that they have young adults who aren't married and have no kids as the pro and deuteragonist in this trilogy. they know about the chemistry. they animated him checking her out like that on purpose. they made them co-leads for a reason. they did a parallel to the "NO" scene in rise with mae calling noa's name. they gave mae a beat of jealousy when she learned about him and soona. he's catching her on horseback and giving her a token of clothing from his clan. he's unable to choose between his childhood sweetheart and the girl he's been traveling with for weeks. there's a layer of innuendo in the climb to access the military silo that had me cackling.
they know what they're doing.
it's probably not gonna be a literal ship, more like a symbolic one. i don't want them to kiss or fuck or say i love you i want them to stare at each other, obsess over each other, debate the nature of humanity and sentience, touch foreheads, save each other, try to kill each other and die in each other's arms. they're gonna make their symbolic breakup everybody's problem.
general worldbuilding thoughts
maybe it's just that i've been getting back into fantasy but there's a very... familiar vibe to the rhythms of the story. a noble prince, a fat goofy monk and a belle dam sans merci setting off to fight an evil king. but it's apes!
damn we're really so desperate for gay rep that we're taking raka saying "he was my village" about a guy he was close to and running with it huh
(👀 at noa and mae encountering another unconventional couple. it just keeps stacking up.)
okay. then we have to talk about how the only possibly queer character is the guy who can't even admit that he's gay even though none of the characters should have a problem with it, who drowns halfway through the movie. and is played by the only person of color in the main cast. oh so i guess these apes aren't that different huh.
no this is such a gripe i have with pota reboot worldbuilding. the apes are starting a new civilization... and building it like humans. everyone's straight, even though bonobos are famously up for anything and even chimps, orangutans and gorillas have been known to get gay. apparently monogomous mates are a thing even though apes don't do that. all power is held by male characters, even though bonobos are matriarchal, orangutans wouldn't give a shit either way and female chimps may not lead their troops but they sure as shit don't hide at home with the babies. yeah okay ~they don't have to behave like their species~ but... isn't that a missed opportunity? if you're going to build a new society based on a species of animal, wouldn't it be more interesting to build it around how those animals behave? or at least do something different than the same system we have?
at least this reboot doesn't fridge any of the female characters. was sure noa's mom and soona were toast. still think they won't make it to the end of this trilogy but they got through part 1.
.... so are gibbons evolved too. i think raka mentioned gibbons. wtf would that be like. skinny little dudes with big voices. can we meet some.
a great deuteragonist. another gripe i had about the caesar trilogy was how male-centric it was. no seriously i was sitting in the theater ten years ago watching dawn, thinking, those humans could've sent a team of women up to restart the dam and this whole mess could've been different because koba's specifically triggered by the presence of men. because men were the people abusing him. (and because bonobos follow the females in the group)
not a coincidence that when the apes adopt a human into their tribe, it's a little girl.
so kotpota having a female deuteragonist was very needed and even something as small as noa's mom being a leader figure was too. the bar's in hell. don't love soona being The Designated Girlfriend, and mae only interacting with guys though. please let her interact with women.
seeing kingdom actually use that angle, of apes being calmer and more accepting of women than men, and having mae exploit that with those puppy eyes? oh that was smart. even if they didn't realize they were writing it that way i'll take it.
another smart detail: the bunker being in the plains. humans were grassland apes. makes sense that would be where they'd continue to exist, and where the other species would avoid.
adding onto that: humans are good swimmers compared to other primates. wish more was done with that given how much of the story revolves around being near water. i'm just saying i wish we got a scene where mae casually swims across the river while raka and noa are like. trying to inch their way over a fallen tree or something. different apes are good at different things. let's see more of that.
anyway love the mae twist. love that she isn't an astronaut-- but is setting in motion events that will lead to their return. and that there are pockets of intelligent humans out there.
extremely funny that she keeps accumulating dirt and has the rattiest side braid. this girl simply does not bathe.
i am staring hard at the implications behind mae always wearing eagle clan blue after she accepts noa's mom's blanket. it's the blanket, then the shirt, then the poncho. hm.
i'm wondering if there are in fact cultures where humans and apes are living together peacefully. or if this is the story of how one is created.
regardless it looks like the conflict's going to shape up to be humans trying to reclaim earth and apes fighting to maintain their new lead. cool.
still annoying that even in the apocalypse women have tweezed eyebrows and hairless armpits. okay.
i'm so curious about mae. how much of her backstory was true and how much was a lie. her group being massacred was clearly true, but her mother being dead may not be. she's clearly isolated from the bunker civilization given that she isn't allowed inside, so is she just... alone. unable to go home again. do they think she's contaminated. is she going to be stuck outside alone in a hostile world for years until the next movie comes out. what's going on there.
anyway the foiling of her and noa is great. smart but naive rule-following son of the chief who's never had a hard day in his life, vs bitter manipulative grimy girl who grew up in constant fear. that's juicy. he can fix her! she can make him worse!
she's clearly not evil. she's just been through some shit. you can see the wheels turning in her head as she realizes raka and noa are genuinely kind, and where her fears about apes are coming from when she literally watches them hunt other humans for sport, had her group murdered by them last week and just narrowly escaped being killed by them. her paranoia and bitterness is actually justified. when she lies to noa, it's because she has good reason to fear him and her distrust of him is well-founded. when she blows up the dam to destroy the weapons inside the vault, it was the right move because proximus absolutely would have used them to enslave more apes. and when she conceals that she has the gun, i don't blame her. (also worth noting that she takes the smallest one in the locker and leaves the rest)
... love that she's the one who made the choice for noa about ~which girl will you choose to kill~. nah bitch. she's choosing YOU.
and she WAS honest to noa about what she wanted from the bunker. dude's not gonna get what a hard drive is, so "book that lets us speak" WAS accurate.
(... very clever of the movie to have noa and co pick up a book of abcs, aka, a book that teaches you how to translate letters into sounds, and see images of apes in cages. the misunderstanding makes sense: he thinks she was here for that. and symbolically, she kind of is.)
the mission she's on IS that serious. fuck yeah getting the satellites working so we can speak to other survivors is worth taking all those risks.
.... and fuck yeah it's gonna lead to some conflict. gonna be interesting to see what mae does when that breaks out.
if she's getting a redemption arc, i love it. if she's about to turn into a tragic villain, i love it.
she's the koba of this trilogy.
(... and since koba was gay as hell for caesar. you know that that means.)
great villain. great personality. great example of the apes getting in on serfdom and organized religion. he's got an immortan joe flavoring that's exciting.
i know i'm the only person who gives a shit about this but noa should absolutely have been a bonobo and proximus should've been a chimp. putting aside that we're really doing that Good Chimp Evil Bonobo shit again... the softboy from a pacifistic clan being a bonobo just makes more sense because bonobos are the peaceful apes. like yeah ~they don't have to be exactly like the species they're based on~ but when are we gonna get a good bonobo depiction. why is every bonobo an evil wannabe dictator.
and the violent caesar wannabe being a literal chimp and using that heritage to try to claim an inherent connection to the ape messiah feels like a missed opportunity.
especially when you consider that the bronze age apes are already starting to take after humans in their social structure: the apes, all on their own, just invented organized religion, monks, animal husbandry, kingdoms, patriarchy and raiding parties that capture and forcibly convert other tribes to make them into slave labor.
... odds are speciesism is next. it's already there with the humans. how long's it gonna take before they start insisting that certain apes can only serve certain roles in society. we already have it as a given that the chimp Must Be The Protagonist and the bonobo Must Be The Antagonist, that the always-male gorilla's the enforcer, and that the orangutan's always a chill smart guy. what happens if someone doesn't fit that caste system, or if the system fragments into tribes that don't mix species. probably not anything good.
... at what point are we gonna talk about how humans are apes too. it's not the 60s anymore, let's go into that.
or how we really needed to expand the 'proximus wants to be like humans and that's why he's bad' theme to 'any ape that becomes as evolved socially as humans will end up emulating human civilization in all its best and worst ways because humanity isn't the problem, power is'
i hope we still get there. the reboot spent an entire trilogy building up how human apes are and how apelike humans are; let's see the lines start to blur.
anyway frank gallagher being his human advisor was fun. proximus has a real king louie vibe that's funny and eerie.
did proximus and frank gallagher explore each others bodies
of course this fucker's obsessed with the roman empire.
.... still think there's a missed opportunity. like. think about it: proximus wants to be human and is obsessed with evolution and speeding ahead through it by any means necessary. and with bringing an intelligent female human to his court alive and mostly unharmed, and keeping her in a gilded cage. and his manservant's warning said human female captive that whatever the fuck proximus wants with her, it might be worse than death.
all i'm saying is, when proximus literally pulled a 'bathe her and bring her to me' and had her eating at his table as he was breathing down her neck right in front of the guy who has a crush on her who he's trying to break the spirit of, talking about speedrunning evolution and how superior he thinks humans are, preening about how he's made himself a kingdom, sneering about how interesting it is when humans and apes pair up, and. uh. the innuendo in him saying he wants to speed up evolution by forcing his way into an enclosed chamber that's important to mae that she desperately wants to keep him away from that she insists is only for humans (... which she will let a different ape into anyway later that night by clinging to noa as he... you know. gets her there. as they're soaking wet.)
look i was waiting for him to drop the bombshell that he's looking for a human queen and has decided that he wants mae.
you know what that implies.
i wish they'd gone there. it's not even new territory for this franchise!
it would've given mae a visceral reason to snap necks and blow shit up that the audience would understand a lot easier than amorphous ~mistrust of the apes~ -- you really needed a concrete example of what mae personally is afraid of, and this was the best opportunity to give her that while disrupting as little of the story as possible. it would've taken one line of dialogue and maybe one gesture from him to pull that off.
it hammers in that proximus really does want to repeat the worst aspects of human civilization. which contrasts him to noa, a chance to do things differently. the law is wrong, and whatnot. what's the point of starting over if you're going to do it all the same.
it gives proximus another level of menace. fast way to switch the audience's perception from 'he's a dick but he's fun to watch' to 'oh yeah this guy needs to die.'
and since you're clearly playing with interspecies relationships, you gotta establish that they're going to start happening. this would've been a good opportunity to say "yes, we're going there" and show the audience what a bad one would look like, so they can recognize that the good one is different.
... ok so beneath the planet of the apes is next, right? and then conquest to close out the middle chapter trilogy?
my wild guess is they'll focus on mae and her bunker people to contrast noa and his clan, and they'll have a female human antagonist to balance out the male bonobo. possibly dichen lachman's character.
maybe they'll drop a male human love interest in for mae to balance things out. another layer of plausible deniability. also it would be extremely funny if he and soona met and were like 'wait a damn minute'
… if they’re really doing a beauty and the beast, what if he’s the gaston figure
and to really drive the foils home, this time noa's gonna have trust issues and instigate the shady fuckup that results in the climax.
and then in the third, there'll be another war that the apes, in some form, will win. and noa and mae will either be trying to prevent it or leading their factions into a death spiral. fun either way.
they won't ever Go There with them being a couple. like no way would they have the balls to do it, and soona being the out-of-nowhere gf for noa pretty much confirms it. unless she's fridged. (man i hope she dumps him)
but their dynamic's got that vibe for a reason. i wouldn't be shocked if they ride that ambiguity through the trilogy and then have their historical interpretations in poto 7-9 be assumed to have been a couple, the same way caesar's been reinterpreted-- either the story of a human-ape relationship that made it possible for their species to live together, or a cautionary tale about Why We Do Not Mix. or springing some indication that the first human-ape hybrid came from them after the credits roll on the third movie, assuming they survive it. which i doubt.
part of me really fucking wonders if the twist for this reboot's going to be that apes and humans DO find a way to live together and noa and mae do succeed at getting their respective factions to live together. maybe it will be some romeo and juliet/uniting the tribes through symbolic marriage shit. feels like the fullest encapsulation of the do-things-differently theme they're playing with in kotpota.
or maybe they'll kill each other. which would also be fun but in a tragedy rubberneck way.
either way i'm excited. i missed these movies!
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poliwhirl42 · 23 days
Hi! What is your opinion on every pokemon season (by region) or at least the ones you have watched?
Oh man, a great question! I'll try to condense my thoughts about each into a few sentences but you should probably prepare for a novel haha:
Kanto: Honestly, when I watch the Original Series, I actually prefer watching the Orange Islands and Johto over the first season (I'll get to why in the next section). I think the first season is incredibly nostalgic to watch and has some of the most iconic moments in the entire anime, and the rest of the Pokemon anime wouldn't exist without it as a foundation, so I have to give it credit. Aside from most of the gym battles being kinda stupid, I do wish they'd followed up on lore they introduced that could've been incredibly interesting to explore, like Ash's childhood/his father's whereabouts, Jessie's mom, the Mewtwo/Mew stuff and other Team Rocket history from the CD drama, etc. But I also realize that the writers were just getting their bearings with making an anime adaptation in the midst of a rapidly-growing cultural phenomenon based off a video game, so I recognize the challenges and uncertainties that came along with that. Also quickly adding I highly enjoyed Orange Islands and my Pokeshipping heart revisits certain episodes from time to time as well.
Johto: Those who know me well know I LOVE the Johto series. I'm actually in the middle of a rewatch of it. Definitely rewatching it in full nowadays though, has definitely made me recognize that this series was far from perfect, but looking past its writing flaws, it's just purely entertaining for me. The English voice actors really found their voices and added so much to their characters, especially with the dialogue and the creative liberties they took in creating the dub. I like how certain backstories like Jessie's were explored a bit more in Johto as well, and I definitely think the gym battles were taken a little more seriously than they were in the first season. There were also some GREAT Brock episodes which I highly appreciated, and I never tire of watching the Butch and Cassidy episodes (aka the fortune telling one and the Lugia Arc). Also, Gary and Ash's battle in the League is my second favorite League battle of all time behind Ash VS Paul. Johto is also not only my favorite region but is also home to my favorite Pokemon opening song/OST of all time, and I generally just loved the vibes with this series where not every episode or scene had to be jam-packed with action every single second. It was nice to have episodes of them helping out a Character-of-the-Day or visiting a city or just laying in the grass taking a nap after camping out or having lunch. When I think of a Pokemon journey, those in-between moments are for me just as special as the action-packed high stakes moments. I definitely recognize the downside of this, though, because I do recognize that the constant repetitive pattern of Johto's plotlines in many episodes was fatiguing for many fans who wanted to see something different, and as much as I enjoy watching it, I agree. Johto itself is so RICH with its history and traditional Japanese roots and culture and it really felt like the writers shied away from integrating Ash's journey with a lot of the Johto game lore. It would've been cool to have characters like Jimmy and Marina interact with Ash, perhaps have Silver be introduced, and I also think they really dropped the ball on having characters like Casey and Ritchie be rivals in the Silver Conference. This is getting long though lol so onto AG next!
Advanced Generation: AG to me is like the underrated gem of the pokeani series. I think sometimes it slips through the cracks because it's not as "nostalgic" as OS but not as "hyped up" as XY or DP are. I really like AG a lot even though I don't talk about it much, but I do admittedly feel like several episodes or arcs at least in Hoenn are kind of forgettable to me or lackluster- the two major ones that come to mind are the Hoenn League and the Aqua/Magma arc, both of which should've been FAR more exciting and entertaining. DESPITE THAT THOUGH, I thought the group of four- Ash, Brock, May and Max was incredibly entertaining and brought a whole new dynamic which was different from the OG trio's. I also loved May assuming the role of dual protagonist and absolutely loved the concept of contests! I love Contestshipping and adored every moment May's rivals appeared on screen with their quips and banter. Her growth in this series was fantastic and her battle with Drew at the end of Battle Frontier was chef's kiss. Ash himself, this is actually my favorite portrayal of Ash as he's such a little egotistical brat in Hoenn- other people don't like this as much but I still eat it up, like you just wanna punch him but he's so funny. The battles were also SO MUCH BETTER in AG; I loved little scenes where Ash was teaching his pokemon new moves and actively training alongside them; really showed he was getting more and more serious about being a Pokemon trainer.
Diamond and Pearl: Aside from Johto, DP is my favorite series and is actually the series that was currently airing when I first became fully invested in the Pokemon anime (I did not watch it much as a child), so it's very nostalgic for me. I love almost everything about it, between Dawn continuing the dual protagonist role, contests still being included, Ash's entire team, Paul being an amazing rival, the Sinnoh League being amazing and still my favorite League, rivals like Conway, Zoey, Kenny, Ursula, Nando, and Barry all being awesome in their own ways, so many fun arcs like the summer camp arc, Wallace Cup, Hearthome Tag Battle, Team Galactic's major involvement, Brock's development leading up to him becoming a Pokemon Doctor...I can't get enough of this series. The only thing I don't like is probably the giant amount of filler episodes they really didn't need at certain points and the gaps between Ash's gym battles; even though I love it to pieces like I do Johto, I agree that similarly both did not need to be drawn out as long as they did.
Best Wishes: Besto Wishes!!! So aside from me blabbering on about how much I love Burgundy, gosh I absolutely love BW. There are some things about it I will unfortunately never be able to forgive- like the confirmation of Ash being 10, the Rocket/Plasma arc being canceled, and basically the soft-reboot essentially making all of Ash's development pre-BW for naught. But gosh was this series so refreshing in other ways. Iris and Cilan, both amazing characters, offered a new dynamic with Ash that the previous characters didn't and I will die on this hill disagreeing with everyone who says that Misty and Brock are just like Iris and Cilan. I think Iris out of all the Pokegirls actually had the BEST portrayal of a backstory and I like the development she received. I also love that Ash rotated between pokemon that he caught, aside from his DP team I'm also very attached to his BW and loved all their starkly different personalities. BW was just so much FUN to watch. I go back so many times to rewatch the fun Battle Club arcs and I definitely think the rivals made the series so entertaining. I wish they had explored the connoisseur thing more and wish that Cilan had gotten way more episodes than he did. I wish his rivalry with Burgundy had been explored more as well, and honestly I think they could've done without the Decolore Islands arc. I really wish they had just stayed in Unova and had characters like Georgia and Burgundy return at least one final time since they weren't present for the Unova League. I could say a lot more of course but again don't wanna make this a novel so moving on...~
XY: XY is unfortunately the series I've seen the least of and it's known to be well...not one of my favorites lol. I have a lot of issues with the way Ash is portrayed which is why it's taken me so long to watch it. I have, ironically, seen all of XYZ though, and think the Team Flare arc is the absolute greatest villain arc in the entire series. But I'm still working through all the previous stuff! I was in college when XY aired, so I had unfortunately missed a lot of parts due to being so busy, but it also has its own layer of nostalgia for me, mainly because it was between BW-XY when I first came into the Pokeani fandom on Tumblr and was introduced to a variety of incredible friends, many of which I've now met in person and am still close with to this day. One day I hope to sit down and just power through all of it, because despite some of the issues I have, I know that it has so many good moments and is absolutely gorgeously animated. Also Sawyer is best boy he's my fave and his battle with Ash was one of the best things I've ever seen (my 3rd favorite battle ever).
Sun and Moon: Sun and Moon is simultaneously hilarious and depressing as hell, and I absolutely love it. I don't know if I can say too much because it's been a VERY long time since I've watched SM. It was the first series I watched consistently as it was airing but I also had a lot of stuff going on IRL so by the end I had dropped off just a little bit against my own will. Nonetheless I love so many things about it, between the humor, Ash's found family in Kukui/Burnet, Ash's team, the TRio's team and being so entertaining in this series, Team Skull/Guzma (I find Guzma very attractive lol), and of course Ash winning the Alola League which was amazing to experience and be part of that moment! I love the concept of family in this series and it's just so incredibly heartwarming, hilarious, AND heartwrenching all in one. I really need to do a rewatch of it though.
JN: I'm biting my tongue but I really do not like Journeys lol. I don't really wanna talk about it haha it makes me sad that everything I wanted to happen in the future didn't and it was just so poorly written. The only episodes I like honestly are Lillie/Gladion's return and Paul's return.
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cescalr · 8 months
New tag game: list ten of your childhood ships!
tagged by @babybeale <3... forever ago. Uh. Whoops!
[I will also state my current feelings regarding the ship, and I'll go into as little or as much detail as I feel like <3 I'm also. I have a sieve brain. I'm trying to remember what the fuck it was I shipped as a kid lmao. Anything I shipped, say, pre 2016, I think should count? ftr that means I was 14 or under when I shipped it.]
Nina/Fabian, from House of Anubis;
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They're still cute. Better than what they pulled in the last season ;-; fabian and mara...... why...........
2. Sam and Freddie, from iCarly;
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This show was just. Not good at writing romance. At all. It was bad at it. But I am very smart and know better than them (/joke) so I could do seddie justice. Er. Maybe trying to do that right now, actually. Shh.
[also, friend; jade and beck is so complicated, you're right. A fun mess, but still a mess lmao. Me and my rarepairs was always a fan of stuff that never ended up being canon though. Might as well put it next, I guess? Looking at your 3.... when it comes to icarly; we could not possibly have had more different opinions on the matter <3 lmao]
3. Tori Vega / André Harris;
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I haven't watched it in years so I do not remember why! But I do remember that I did. I think. Don't - don't quote me on anything ever.
4. Willoz - from buffy the vampire slayer;
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No gifs for them :( :( :( love them still so very much <3
5. Honestly, I'd steal your number 5 bestie, 6Teen was great. In the spirit of obscure animated TV shows, though - and It's been so damn long I forgot the names of some characters, had to look up the guy's name, lol - Zero and Vin from The Invisible Network of Kids. It left a profound impact on my psyche because they did something really fucked up in the last episode, plus left us on a cliffhanger, and then the show got cancelled </3 rip. Haven't watched it in a decade or so. No idea if it holds up, but I was super invested in these kids doing spy work and experiencing insane levels of trauma that would be ignored come each new episode </3. I was literally 8 years old <3. It has a TV tropes page and the entire show is availible on the Internet Archive, of all places, sooooooo I may browse. For nostalgia's sake. There are literally zero gifs available for this one, because. I mean. No shit.
7. Didn't watch any of that continuity - only got so far as Tracey Beaker Returns... alas. Anyway, my pic for 7..... hm. Sigh.
Stiles/Lydia, Teen Wolf.
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This ^ is NOT romantic! she slams her mouth onto his in the middle of a panic attack. Babe. No. No. Regardless; I don't like it </3. They really. Oh god they really fucked up this one. Like a lot. Plus, they both just ended up with much better canon ships (stalia, marrish) that then got shafted for this mess to be the endgame and then the movie breaks them up anyway!!! OFFSCREEN!!!! they didn't even last 2 weeks!!!! fuck!!!!!!!! I don't like them. But I used to. Playlist, for proof. I feel like this counts, because I shipped them when I first watched the show as it aired (I was 10 when the show started), but I did still ship the pairing until well into my teens (16 or so) before I wised up (the show made them very bad in a really boring way. Not that they weren't bad before. Love how they both do things that are otherwise reprehensible but the show frames them as romantic for some fucking reason </3 I was like 13 when I saw this kiss on screen. They're lucky I did research and didn't just take it at face value or I could've gotten some really bad ideas about what's healthy in a situation like this!).
8. Zikki (Zane/Rikki), H20: Just Add Water;
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Season 3 does not exist <3 [also, the way they wrote the 'cheating' plotline was fucked up. That woman planted one on him!!! he did not consent!!! Why are we supposed to be blaming him for being sexually harassed in the workplace!!! No!!!]. Still ship them fr fr.
8. maf;lkasjd;f yeahhh. Think if you watched friends as a kid, it was inevitable you'd ship rosschel, the damn thing was pushed so hard. Stand in regretful solidarity;
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For really obvious reasons (being that it is rosschel); hot damn no I do not!
9. Harry and Ginny, Harry Potter.
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Ignoring the horrendous movie adaptation, when I read the hp books I basically just defaulted to shipping whatever was canon. Luckily for me, the canon hp ships are actually pretty good ones! If you ignore the canaries in the room. (I. Do not. Famously. Well. Infamously.) As for Hinny, whilst its a garbage ship name, the pairing itself is pretty great <3
10. kaljdflkasdt thank god I don't remember jack shit about watching glee for the first time! the sieve brain is a blessing in this one occasion. I've already mentioned in another (tagged <3) post my vaguely-relevant hsm ships, though, so..... hmm. What should I pick.... let's think.... I'm kidding. I don't need to think.
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Shoker is a major missed opportunity in ME, and I've been mad about the choices for my fem!shep for YEARS because. Look. Kaiden she did not cheat on you. You left!! You accused her of being evil and fucked off after she was resurrected!! what else was she supposed to think other than 'guess he doesn't want to date me anymore. Rude.' And. You could have sex with Jack but not romance her, that was locked to male characters >:| biphobia [Jack can have sexual relations with women, but her only real connections are to men. Rude!]. And, Liara in my games always turned herself down for romance because she assumed my shep wanted to date Kaiden because she's not a total dick to him and there's no way for me to clarify otherwise, also people making assumptions :/ not great. Plus Li becomes the shadow broker and it's a whole thing, so that doesn't really work out narratively for me anyway. Can't romance Miranda. Can't romance Tali (wouldn't anyway - Tali/Garrus <3). Refuse to romance Garrus that is just so platonic a dynamic it's not even funny. Jacob cheats and dips, so fuck him. Like... all of the fem!shep romances are terrible (or Trainor, I guess, but she's... kind of. Nobody. She's Just There. Sorry. It's not narratively interesting enough for me.) and Joker was right there and augh. Augh! Still ship. Still mad about it. Hatboy Project is doing the lord's work! I salute thee soldier in thine endeavours. Waiting to replay LE until it's been finished <3.
If anyone wants to pick this up, go for it!
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marine-indie-gal · 28 days
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So if you're one of the Many People who follow Me, you'll know that I've created my own Personal Bully Character for my own Rudolph Adaptation Project. Welp, here he is. Just as I've been doubting on what the Son of Blitzen would even look like but after sketching it out and even coloring it, so far, this is the True Concept on how I imagine my own Antagonistic Reindeer character would be.
Meet Storm, one of the Yearlings of one of the Reindeer of Santa Claus (Blitzen) as well as an Arch-Rival to Rudolph. Inspired by the Character from the 1998 Version, Arrow. Those who have seen the Famous Rankin Bass version might very unfamiliar towards the Underrated Goodtimes version (to those who haven't seen nor never watched the 90s version), specifically being very unfamiliar on who this "Arrow" is that I speak of that this Character of Mine is based on within Another (yet, Obscure) Adaptation. 
If you're "Half" the kind of Christmas Movie fan that's unaware of the Lost Media of Christmas films out there or to those who have a Lost Memory in case if any of y'all have at least seen the Goodtimes version in your own Childhoods, I'll give you guys some brief info of where my own Character draws from;
Arrow is a Cousin to Rudolph (specifically in that version where Rudolph is Blitzen's Son, Cupid, Comet, and Dasher are Rudolph's Uncles/Blitzen's Brothers as Arrow is the Son of Cupid). He basically constantly bullies his own Cousin because of his Red Nose at School just to ridicule Rudolph, but only then that it's confirmed that there's a Love Triangle between The Two Cousins over one Doe that being Zoey (not "Clarice" like in the R/B version). In addition to this Original Character's lore, at the Reindeer Games, when Rudolph's Nose glows (only to cause Arrow and the Other Reindeer to go blind and lost the game), Arrow is crowned champ & for some reason, Zoey breaks up with him after all of these years somehow (causing his own Cousin to go off on a Lost Journey where his Ex-Girlfriend had to find him).
Now while I do think that the idea of a Love Triangle for a Character within the Trope of The Ugly Duckling sounds very Interesting, the Writing behind the OG Love Triangle is such a confusing mess that I personally think it could've been done better. I don't wish to spoil every much detail of that version but given on how that Goodtimes Entertainment is a Dead Company, only to be infamously known that their own personal Adaptations are only infamously known to be "Bootlegs", I don't personality understand nor why people would randomly call a Non-Disney adaptation of a Famous Old Story a "Knock-Off" just because of the Cheap Animation that almost looks similar to your average run-of-the-mill Decade 2D Animated Film. Though, one thing that I will have to admit is how some of their adaptations can be poorly written or just left explain as the '98 does have a lot of its problems than the '64 one.
(Seriously, you need to look up on how that their Movies are so comparable to Disney's).
Granted, I KNOW for a fact that the '64 definitely didn't aged well either, but in regards, I wouldn't even want to come close as to wanting to call the '98 version "Problematic", it's just suffers from most of Goodtimes' writing and so many Interesting concepts were left out on what could've been.
Without any further, here is some brief info about my Personal Rival Character;
Storm is the Son of Blitzen and Pele, as well as The Youngest Brother of Lighting.. He is a Braggart whose shown to be Misogynistic, Arrogant, Overconfident, and Narcissistic whose shown to be within of a more "Bad Boy" type as he tends to prove willingly that he's strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh someday in order to follow and take over his own Father's hooves. He's also very envious as he shown to be very jealous of Rudolph. Deep down, outside of his Mean-Spirited Nature, he's shown to be passionate and loyal enough for his Father in order to improve himself that he can be complex when it comes to his practice towards his Flying Skills. 
He somewhat holds an Platonic Interest towards Ava as he likes to tease her just for giggles (though No Romantic Affection is shown as to why he likes her), but he desires to have her and other yearlings be on his Future Team for someday when they fly the Sleigh as The Next Generation of Santa's Reindeer to gain his Father's legacy and prove that he can actually be the lead Reindeer of his own herd.
When Rudolph came to class for the very first time, Storm recognized his Red Nose as he began to make fun of it (causing the Other Yearlings to ridicule him), making Poor Rudolph to cry. However, when Ava came and took Rudolph in her own Friend Group, Storm somewhat became jealous of Rudolph that he took one of the Yearlings off his own future team. Although He didn't seem to care about Ava's own herd anyways, since the Reindeer Bully had to look for New Yearlings for Special Teammates in order to produce a "Friend" Group of his own Herd to start a Bully Posse.
When the Day that the Reindeer Games came, Storm and his own Group rivaled against Other Yearling Teams (including Rudolph's) as The Reindeer Games only had about 5 Teams of their own Herds. But Storm and his Herd were a Match against Rudolph's, beating every level that the Naughty Reindeer Posse could just so that they could afford to win an award of their own. During the Final Showdown, when Storm was about to beat the Very Last Level of the Games, Storm instantly threw dust into Rudolph's eyes, causing his Nose to blast a huge glow (which made Storm's final award to be ruined) as everyone else was very shocked to see Rudolph's shining nose.
This huge level failure caused Storm to be angered and even more envious for he wanted to get revenge on the Reindeer for doing so on what he did to him in the Games.
On a regular basis of a day, He and his Group pretends that they've completely reformed for themselves as Storm (lyingly) apologizes to Rudolph of what he did to him of all these years of ridiculing. Believing in Storm's lie, Storm then leads Rudolph the way (along with his troops) into a long walk through the Forest away from Christmas Town. Confused about where they're at now, Storm instantly pushes Rudolph off of a small cliff as he lands on the Ground hurt which soon reveals the hidden dark truth as Storm and his Gang leave him to rot alone in the Forest.
Throughout the Story, Storm sures himself not be worried about anything if his Father were to find out the Truth about Rudolph or else, he won't get any presents for Christmas as he keeps his own Truth to be hidden while Rudolph and Ava (who are split apart by their own Groups) are still out there looking for each other.
Near the end of the Story, when everyone found out about where Rudolph was all along throughout that Crazy Snow Storm, Blitzen was extremely pissed and disappointed in his Son for not telling the truth all along that he left Rudolph out there in the Woods, when Storm tried to convinced his Father not to ground him and swear that he'll change for the better, he was then punished to be on the Naughty List as he was not allowed to get Presents this Year as Storm would then for now on have to face his own actions for his consequences after when Christmas was over.
In an early concept when creating this Character, I was originally going to name him "Spike" (to try rhythming it with "Blitzen") but then I realize that the first name itself had absolutely nothing to do with the common nature of Blitzen (but I also realize on how stupid the name was and how it was often more of a Dog's name rather than an Reindeer name), so I instantly switched it to a much and more fitting name to suit within of a Spawn of a Particular Folk Figure's Meaning behind the Name itself.
Storm (c) Me Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May
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orchidsangel · 4 months
what are your thoughts on the short lived live action netflix winx show queen?
i personally couldn’t get past the outfits 😔
I loooooove questions like this that let me ramble about my interests outside of dc, also sorry it took so long to post. I hope you're still around to see it <33
Okay, so I vividly remember when the news that a live-action Winx was coming, and everybody was soooooo stoked (including me), and there was the craziest surge of fancast tweets ever. Like, I literally fought with someone on Twitter who fancasted Madelaine Petsch as Bloom, and I was like...well, no! Either way, the role went to Abigail Cowen, who actually plays Dorcas in 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina', which is a part of the Riverdale universe that Madelaine Petsch is also in because, well, she's in Riverdale. And then K-pop stans were fighting over whether or not Twice's Momo or Blackpink's Lisa would be a better Musa; it was just a crazy day. Understandably so; it's always a big deal when beloved animated shows are adapted into something more real. I personally was jumping for joy.
And then the promo pics were released, and everybody very quickly went, "wtf?" (including me)
Good god, those outfits were so fucking awful. No, they weren't, actually, they were pretty normal, but when you take into account the source content, it was actually pretty fucking bad. That was only a part of the outrage, though; a lot of it came from the whitewashing of Flora's character, which actually wasn't whitewashing but a completely new character named "Terra." Which. Is so...! they ended up introducing Flora later, but I feel like that was due in part to the outrage because, similarly to Bratz, Winx was partially so popular due to its diverse range of characters and cutting out the Latina character to replace her with a white one with the EXACT SAME POWERS is absurd.
Also, they whitewashed Musa, a fully Chinese character. The actress that plays her is part Singaporean, which, yes, is Asian, but they're not interchangeable. Even crazier is she's mostly European and very white-passing, so it's like, uhhhhh.
I do love the dark-skin representation with Aisha, tho, like they ate that ONE thing.
Okay, so now for MY thoughts. I don't hate the show, not in the slightest. I only watched season 1, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and the only reason I didn't watch s2 is because when it came out, I didn't have the steam to watch something entirely new, and I ended up just forgetting about it. I don't think the show is bad; I just think that when you remember the name it's attached to, it becomes very, very bleak in comparison to its source material.
There's been a very big trend within the past ten or so years where big media companies are "rebooting" childhood favorites but with darker and more mature plots, which was cool the first couple of times, like Riverdale s1, absolute gold (before it devolved into whatever tf it became) and the early seasons of chilling adventures of Sabrina. It was something new and fresh like Twin Peaks meets your beloved animated characters from when you were kids, but it very quickly started to feel like it was an easy way to gain an audience. Fate: The Winx Saga could've been something good had it not been attached to the Winx brand. But then it would've run the risk of failing (which it did anyway) instead of being an overnight smash hit solely because of the namesake. Even if people hate watched it, those are still views, and those company execs get their paychecks.
Like I said, I'd have no qualms about it if it was an original series, and oftentimes I forgot that it wasn't one. But that's the problem, it wasn't.
Making live-action versions of cartoons will always prove to be difficult because those cartoons aren't necessarily meant to translate into real life; that's the whole point. They're not real. They're different and original and have special powers, unrealistic proportions, and weird stances!! When those cartoons are made into life action shows, they try to make them as natural as possible bc, duh, a real person doing those things would look dumb as hell, but also, those shows were enjoyed because of all of those little things that don't translate well in real life. At least that's why I enjoyed them.
I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to even compare the shows because, in my head, they're not even remotely similar. Like it was beyond "making it darker," it really was just an entire show; there was even some continuity between the Archie comics and the bizarre acid trip that was Riverdale. I know I probably sound like a broken record saying how drastically different it was, but the laundry list of differences is so insanely long.
I've rewatched the original Winx many, many times. I know the pilot episode like the back of my hand and all of the major plot points of the first few seasons (bc I abandoned it once that 3d animation came into play). I supposed this is how people who watch movie adaptations of books feel, pointing out details that are "minor" but don't feel minor when you know the source material so well.
Here's a list of differences I can think of off the top of my head from the first season alone because I didn't watch the second in its entirety, so this is just from my understanding:
alfea is in Solaria, which...ughhh, don't piss me off. It's located in Magix in the OG series, along with the Cloud Tower (school for witches) and the Red Fountain (school for specialists), which, btw, were both axed as far as I know.
Witches are kinda sorta a thing? Instead of witches going to a whole different school and having their own unique powers, they live in hiding and are called blood witches because they blood bend.
There are no Trix, just Beatrix. Who is a fairy and an annoying evil one at that?
They are all British. Everyone is British. I don't understand why Bloom is the token American. I don't understand why she is the sole American to go to that school; it doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. Like, if it's a school for all fairies, then...why? And if it was only for British fairies, then...why?
Sky and Stella date, there is so Brandon; in fact, most of the specialists have been axed. (Helia plz come back to me, bae. I took you for granted last time)
Obviously, there's no flora until season 2...which. Don't pmo.
Ummm, the whole "the burned plot"? Which is interesting, I'll admit.
No transformations except that weak ass one they had in s2 that I saw on Twitter and closed the app in a fit of rage
Stella is a bitch?????? She's literally the definition of a girl's best friend, fashion icon, willing to die for the people she loves, and big golden retriever energy. And they just. They made her so awful. She does have a redemption arc, but it's just so...
I can't think of any more off the top of my head, but those are the ones that really stuck with me well over a year after I've seen it.
so what does this mean? This means...well, idk what this means. Like I said previously, the show, if it was standalone, would be absolutely fire i think, but the moment they attached the Winx name to it, it suddenly had really big shoes to fill, and it just couldn't do it, not with those major changes. So many beloved aspects of the original show were taken out for a bunch of new things to be added in, making it feel like something completely new.
If the show wasn't advertised as a Winx show and someone approached me saying, "Hey, ro, if you like Winx, you'll like this show because it's like a darker, more mature version of it." I'd be interested. But the moment it became "Hey, ro, have you seen the new winx show?" it became something else, something with expectations, which often doesn't fare well for live adaptations.
Sorry, this got so long, and sorry I took so long to post it. I hope this jargon made sense, I got carried away.
tldr: I fw it when I forget it's Winx
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punkhazardlaw · 2 years
Okay, I never write posts about anime and how I feel about them. But Oda, as an author, really, truly encapsulates every facet of incredible plot writing.
I have to admit, I knew that the ASL brothers were just that, brothers, because I had that spoiled for me. I cannot even imagine how I would be reacting right now if I didn't know Sabo was alive, because even knowing Sabo is still alive I'm in shambles. I just watched the episode about Sabo showing up to the colosseum battles and approaching Luffy so they could switch places, allowing Sabo to use Luffy's disguise to go win Ace's devil fruit. The lead up to this (in the anime at least, I haven't looked into the manga panels) was breathtaking.
Sabo's initial reveal has suspense and is not entirely blatantly obvious at first glance. WE know who it is, but do we? Is it a Sabo lookalike? An imposter to fool Luffy? No. It's fucking Sabo, in the flesh. Luffy thought Sabo literally died all those years ago and has been living with this guilt that him and Ace could've done more to try to save him. Luffy has lived how many years thinking that one of his sworn brothers was dead? Twelve. 12 whole years. The anime doesn't show Sabo's face during the initial reveal episode (663), but shows his classic style of the top hat and goggles, the dress coat, the blonde hair.
Luffy joined the colosseum fights to preserve the honor of Ace's devil fruit, even though he can't even use it. The flame-flame fruit is the last physical memento of his pressumably-only-living brother, his role model, his childhood best friend, his found family. Can you imagine the emotions he must have felt first knowing that Sabo was alive after 12 fucking years, let alone that his presumably-assumed-dead-now-actually-alive brother would like to take his place to obtain the flame-flame fruit? And this sworn brotherhood wasn't some childhood phase, as we see with Ace and Luffy throughout the show. They call each other brothers, they believe more than anything that they are brothers. Sworn over sake, the ASL trio took their promise to heart. Now, yeah, Luffy is a little oblivious and doesn't think to explain the whole brotherhood situation, even though people know or have heard through the grapevine that Ace and Luffy have different fathers, but does this phase him? Of course not. "Yeah that's my brother." Full stop, no need for explanation, take it or leave it.
There is no one in the entire OP universe that is more deserving of this fruit in Luffy's opinion, and Ace agrees, you know he feels just as strongly about this situation as Luffy does in the afterlife. Sabo is alive, Ace is dead, and the flame-flame fruit is within reach. Oda writes incredible stories and phenomenal characters which is blatantly obvious throughout the entire show, but THIS moment broke me in the best way possible. This show has truly changed the way I read or watch any form of media for the rest of my life.
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matt0044 · 9 months
Have you ever found yourself asking, "I should hate this but... why don't I?" for any given Fandom punching bag?
The Rise of Skywalker was messy production wise and it doesn't go unnoticed in the film itself. It is the one opinion that Alt-Right Griftters and actually sane Star Wars fans will agree upon generally even if how they present their point will diverge completely.
So many have poured over what's widely considered the world of the worst and yet... I enjoyed it when I caught it the Christmas after it first premiered. I still look back on moments of it and my general opinions generally match that of CinemaWins on the whole.
A lot of the internet promised me a masterpiece of a mess but I exited the theaters largely satisfied. The star ships coming to help the Resistance being people and no formalized army. Rey's little dance with the devil being actually pretty cool.
Shit, even Kylo Ren turning himself around got me in the feels. Though yes, that kiss reeeeeeeeally could've been left on the cutting room floor. No shame to Reylo shippers but it was far from earned.
Fairy Tail is considered to be trash. It's Shonen Anime of the lowest common denominator. One Piece Lite. Power Scaling is shot. And don't even get anyone started on the Power of Friendship crap.
Yet I love it. In my book, it's solid 9 out of 10. I'm eager for the Century Quest series to be animated and I stan the hell out of it every chance I get. There's a unironic glee to its proclamation of bonds and found family. Even with its smut, there's a clearly passion and love put into it that I can never hate.
RWBY had the misfortune of being streamed on Crunchyroll where the wider Anime community took note of an Anime-esque web show, holding it to bigger studio titles like Attack on Titan. It's accrued a hatedom and grifters of said hatedom obsessing over what the story wasn't vs. what it actually is.
Yet I love it. I feel like leaving the school setting behind was to its benefit and allowed the characters to experience situations that had other sides to them revealed that Beacon wouldn't have.
Ren and Nora confronting their childhood trauma in Volume 4. Yang meeting Raven and trying to sort out her messy feeling about Blake. Weiss opening up more of her family life. It all felt more freed without the Anime warrior school restrictions in place.
Additionally, the earlier episodes are rough yet have a lot of heart put into what they're doing. It's an amateurish quality that attracts me to internet based series compared to the polish of Hollywood.
Back to the main point, I often find myself disconnected with the wider communities at play.
I'm supposed to rip on RWBY as expected of an Anime fan like me who liked top tier titles and nothing trashy.
I'm supposed to leave all that silly Shonen immaturity like in Fairy Tail behind. I'm a grown up. I gotta watch grown up stuff.
I'm suppose to hate The Sequel Trilogy with a red hot passion but... I just don't.
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buzzsawbrando · 11 months
I’m not sure if this has been already asked before, but what inspired you to make art?
First time someone's asked me this, actually!
But, my art is a very strange amalgamation of inspired things, because I take inspiration from everything I get into to be able to improve my own artwork. But if you're asking direct inspirations (as in what really started me to draw) then I'll end up talking about both. Because I like rambling lol
What started making me draw probably isn't what most people expect from me,
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Since I was a young kid, I would primarily stick to drawing really simple shaped characters. Kirby and Starfy characters were really easy for me to draw, and it helped me branch out to drawing more complex things like Pokemon or characters I liked from Brawl. (Captain Falcon was a character I mained extensively in Brawl and REALLY wanted to draw him as a kid. I still main him in SSB Ultimate alongside Kirby!)
Though, I did have way more relevant things from my childhood that probably left WAY more of an impact on my current art style today than anything else.
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Resi 4 and Resi 6 specifically are the RE games I remember the most clearly from my childhood. ESPECIALLY Resi 4. Kind of strange to hear that 8 year old me ended up getting into these games alongside shit like Kirby, but my parents were never ones to really 'censor' what kind of gaming content their kids consumed and I would always watch my mom play through Resi 4 and Resi 6.
Resi 6 especially had a big influence on me because of one certain guy...
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It becomes a common theme with me and evil blonde men, for some reason.
This is either going to be really long or take nearly no time at all to write out. So here we go.
The most GLARINGLY obvious inspiration in my work (and has been for years) is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
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Jojo part 1 and 4 had probably the biggest impacts on my art-style today. I even own Hirohiko Araki's Manga in Theory and Practice book which helped me draw muscles the way I do! He has an entire section in that book showing off his sketches and how he drew bodies during the development of Jojolion, which helped me out tenfold in regards to drawing muscular bodies to get results I wanted.
Also can't forget the.. Most glaring awakening I had in my entire life because of this series.
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fuck you jojo
Berserk is a much more recent inspiration but its weaseled its way into my art in quite a few ways.
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I've always loved Dark Fantasy as a genre, but consistently despised how it was handled. I avoided Berserk for a lot of reasons, but man binging it was probably the best decision I could've made even if I'm late to the party. It is DEFINITELY not a story for everyone, but I read it at a time when I think I needed it most in my life and it'll always stick with me for that. Berserk isn't a perfect story by any means, but I will always appreciate its influence and the ways it handled trauma as a subject. I still hope one day to capture some of the gorgeous aspects of Miura's artwork in my own, if that's even possible.
Skullgirls was a big inspiration in my work as a young'un, surprisingly enough.
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It was a Fighting Game that really got me into FG's as a whole, and I think its really cartoony and 'bubbly' style absolutely inspired the way I draw a lot of things today. Eye shapes, thick lines, bright and poppy colors etc etc.. SG definitely had an influence on my work, even if it's hard to see today buried underneath all my other inspirations.
Osomatsu-San is probably my most shameful inspiration. To date.
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It's not a bad anime or anything. In fact, it holds up really well. Hell, I've been planning to binge it again someday when I get the chance.
It's shameful because I got into it at its peak, where people really had a hard-on for shipping the brothers. And still do. I will refrain from commenting on that, but speaking as an ex-"blmatsu" it was probably the most shameful time of my entire life LMAO. I was a stupid fucking kid and I am extremely glad I grew out of it.
Despite my frankly cringe-infested past, this was still an anime that ended up really kickstarting my artstyle into the more cartoon-y side of things. It also is the anime that made me love coloring my lineart things other than pure black, the deep blue of the Osomatsu lineart has always been really appealing to me and I've always liked it from an artist standpoint. I've always been meaning to draw more matsu stuff.
Yeah yeah, hold your horses, but I read Chainsaw Man before the anime was even ANNOUNCED so give me a break here.
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I'm an insanely huge shounen fan, if it isn't obvious already. The only thing is that I am a picky shounen fan. Chainsaw Man ended up scratching an itch other modern shounens like Demon Slayer or whatever couldn't really reach, which was how it handled monsters.
The monster design in CSM is probably the BIGGEST reason it's up here, it is one of my biggest inspirations with creature design and generally making unique looking beasts. This mixed with Berserk ends up making a horrid amalgam of beasts in my head and what I want to create someday.
Speaking of creature inspirations, here's something that isn't a manga or anime.
Gemini Home Entertainment is, in my personal opinion, one of the better analog horrors out there.
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Analog horror is really oversaturated nowdays, but GHE is such a cool end-of-the-world scenario with peak body horror that I can't get anywhere else. Scarcely uploads, but christ when it does it's haunting and I love it. GHE is also a big inspiration for a character I have that i've been working on!
Do I have to explain this next one. I never shut up about Guilty Gear. No big surprise.
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GGST is the first FG i've gotten into that really kicked in how much i really love FG's as a whole.
Plus, buff men. I'm a big fan of tit what can I say.
And before this post gets too long, here's some honorable mentions.
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sorry this post is so long but . I have a LOT of inspirations always.
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jrueships · 2 years
top 5 movies
OOOO OKAY so i actually hate doing top tens because i overthink everything and constantly switch things around SOO... im just gonna do a collection of five things bee likes SORRY FOR THE FALSE ADVERTISING 😭
1 City of God
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i hate telling people this is one of my fav movies cus I don't wanna seem like that pretentious person who only watches foreign films for the sake of watching foreign films. This is literally my favorite movie because it's my favorite movie. I don't really watch a lot of movies and this just happened to be one i found and happened to like! I read the book first (dont. By the way. It kinda sucks partly because it got translated poorly so not it's fault but mainly because it's violence for the sake of violence. Like if the movie went just by book, i wouldn't like it. But it doesn't so <3 )
think of the movie and the book like No Country For Old Men. The book goes for shock and suspense and the movie goes to make it Art. It's a really pretty film and you kinda value it more knowing like. None of the actors went anywhere. They did their piece for the film then that's pretty much all. It's a good film of a bad film that made it good film? Like what happens is bad, but the bad doesn't happen just to happen and be Bad. IDK man !
Next is
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YEAH SO. LMAO um 😭 let's get this clear i hate b*ll i hated him from the beginning righteous prick and i always skipped his parts in the show or used it to do homework when i was lil. I JUST REALLY LOVED THE ANIMATION!! the show and the movie is ass tho. BUT IT'S THE KINDA ASS... you Enjoy 😈. All intentions possible. I love love LOVE watching this movie with friends so we can make fun of it and point out the terrible writing, not in a 'we're better sense' but a 'LMFAO WTF WAS THAT????'
it's a very WTF WAS THAT movie and i love it 😭. Weird Harold, Rudy, and Otis (yall don't even know any of these people but especially Otis. All u gotta know is he's the best) carried. Dumb Donald has a great design cartoon wise but he got on my nerves. He's alright tho
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the harder they fall's soundtrack is SO good. It's so cool, it's just a COOL movie. It's an action movie so some of the characters could've been written better (especially some of the women. They werent written horrible but they had more potential that you can feel wasnt justly reached), but the characters they spent time on, you could tell. From their stories and personalities and dialogue and interactions, very cool!!! Sometimes an almost anime-esque kind of movie? Sometimes shot like Scott pilgrim? Sometimes sphagetti western.. Sometimes action.. Sometimes comedy! It's a COOL movie that you can think about a little bit but not cramp yourself over. It's not a complete turn your brain off though. It's engaging in what it is! Which is a lot of things, so it's very engaging!!!
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Blade!!!!!! The patron Saint of joth gf!! my first!!! my beloved!! my EVERYTHING!!!!! the movie's writing shows its time in only having personality in 'crazy side villain who dies' 'clever quip when someone dies' 'sad for short time when someone dies'. Maybe the new blade movie wouldn't be in such a fumbling state if i was in the writer's room with my divine, lifesaving advice of 'just make blade more babygirl'. Literally. That's all you have to do. It's not that difficult. ANYWAYS yeah he and the flash and hawkman were my 3 only childhood 'superhero' heroes. This is more of a personal childhood attachment thing like Albert than being a.. Good movie. BUT it DOES have its cinematography! You can feel the wuxia inspiration in some scenes
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these two can sit in the same space because they're both childhood films as well. Boyz was better at leaning into characters as human (which i value a lot) and menace was better at showing the edge of what life can do to characters. They're both good films in their own right! Check em out! I liked menace way more than the other when i was younger but growing up im leaning more toward the other but they're AGAIN theyre both super snazzy
Some honorable mentions... to make up for the lack of a ranking system:
- New Jack City: NEWWW JACK! CIIIITYYY (NEW JACK CITYY 🎶 !!) older blaxplotation movie so cheesy, cheap, but like? Cool??? cut out the cheesy old cop crud and you get an entertaining villain with an entertaining mob. Also there's one death in the movie that's a brutal one, and it's offscreen. You just see a glimpse of the desecrated aftermath. Those are like the best deaths in a movie tbh. The imagination being our biggest friend and our biggest enemy. Love it love it!
- dead presidents: WAR IS TRAUMATIZING!!!
- mean girls: the Brutus speech about Cesar.. no essay can compare. Shakespeare shut the fuck up bitch
- clueless: 🥰
- little shop of horrors: open up here i come
- in the wood: STACY!!!!!!!
- Rocky: Apollo slayed and then he died
- sky high + high school musical: Disney peaked with these characters then never again
- FRIDAY + Friday 2: loved the 'you don't need a weapon' moral trying to be taught then using a weapon (brick) in the end. Seamless
- ratatouille: the wii game ratatouille was my red dead redemption
- baby jody: all manchilds need to watch this. It's hilarious and it's true. Don't be a manchild. Grow up. OH also the mom has a little garden and it's really cute. And she's super buff. People try to plant shit in her garden. Makes me so mad. We can never have nice things!!!
- coraline: the movie was so cool.. the video game on the wii scared me so bad i had nightmares from the bad game over screens. But the designs were great the elements the songs the using good characters abilities into their bad character abilities UGH it was SO cool!!! i hate people that like coraline though... it's like.. idk how to describe it. there's like two types of theater people... either really really nice or seems really nice, actually a huge usually passive aggressive or control freak holier than thou smart ass who thinks they're the stem of theater because their personality is loving hamilton (i fucking hate hamilto
- hot boyz: this movie is straight ass
- king of New york: this one kinda sucked too but the secondary villain was gay and awesome
- Good Burger: i watched a blossoming boy romance in a place that sells burgers. Good burgers.
- Monster House
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they survived because they had sex
-Kung fu panda all of them except maybe not the 3rd: just gorgeous gorgeous movies. The animation is stunning
- Hustle & flow: Ludacris !!!!!!!!! Acts!! He gets his ass kicked but that's ok. I think in another film he also gets his ass kicked? I can't remember tho. He loves losing
- Se7en: themed kills that play with unique abilities 🥰🥰 i don't have the patience for a murder mystery so i don't remember who did it or what was in the box and i don't cool. Seven deadly sins awesome
- Barbershop: mollusk man and preppy man should've had sex. Hate sex specifically
- that one movie? 9?: i watched it when i was little and alone. The Bara fucking dies
- Johnny English Reborn aka THE MR BEAN X DANIEL KALUUYA MOVIE IM TELLING YOU THEY HAD S*X!!!!!!@ it's actually a mainly unfunny movie with some funny parts like most older comedies but it's gay so it's ok
- encanto: i don't like encanto like Some people like encanto but it was the first movie that made me upset, I can't even Identify why?? It got me in my feelings and i don't even know!! How!! Or what!!!! I wouldn't say it's my favorite movie in terms of i want to see it again because i Like it, but it IS a good movie!! Like objectively it's great
- night at the museum: gay
- white chicks: the dancing scene? Monster high wishes it could
- cars: the purple car was so hot
- mo' better blues: so much could be solved if hate sex...
- remember the titans: football polycule and mean man
- fences: father issues . The Movie.
- into the spiderverse: yes.
- the players club: her boyfriend's name was Lance who tf is called Lance who is real? Like a real person? Lance is for GTA Lance Vance who likes to Dance. He cheated because he was always fake. Like Lance armstrong.. they are not. Real people.
- NOPE: the spectacle idea is SOOOOO
- glory road: gay people gay people gay basketball people gay
- space jam: i thought this was the coolest shit when i was little but the part where Michael's manager got flattened gave me nightmares.
Let It Shine: lord of Da Bling.....
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-space jam 2: robot dame is still hot
- Get Out: I liked reading the script a lot for this one!! Also gay. Loving gay couple who survived crazy white people and coparent a tiny dog very well. A well deserved happiness
- jump in: this movie is like fat albert to me
- white men can't jump: gay couple school the system (love wins)
- Jason takes manhattan: my favorite character is on watchmojo top ten best Jason kills 😭😭 Julius gaw you should've won and i stand by that. Should've donkeykicked him in the stomach ROLL CREDITS!!!!
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anime-re-views · 2 years
Devilman Crybaby - It Made me Feel Insignificant (Review)
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Major Spoilers
General Info: (From MAL)
Genres: Action, Avant Garde, Gore, Horror, Mythology, Supernatural
Episodes: 10
Runtime per episode: ~25 min
Studio:Science SARU
Rating: R+
Streaming Service: Netflix
Summary I guess: Akira Fudou is a crybaby. When childhood friend Ryo Asuka asks him to help uncover devils, he accepts without hesitation. They go to Sabbath: a place full of drugs and sex. Ryo stabs a bunch of people with a broken alcohol bottle, and chaos ensues. A bunch of people turn into devils. Akira attempts to save Ryo, but he merges with the devil Amon. Akira then becomes a Devilman. He slays the remaining demons. Akira has this new power, but it awakens a more violent part of him. Akira and Ryo work together to destroy devils and save humanity.
Story: 7/10 - I went into this anime completely blind. I had never read a synopsis, I just knew it was really hyped up. Oh my god I was not prepared. For one, everybody fucking dies. I am not kidding. It's not just characters we know either, it's EVERYBODY. The world gets demolished at the very end. Don't get attached to anyone. I got attached to the guys that would rap all the time, I got attached to both of the Mikis, and they all fuckin die. at first I thought it'd be a "devil of the episode" type thing. Like they'd fight a devil or two each episode and for the last two or something, it'd be a big fight with everyone. Nope. After episode 5, everything goes batshit insane and off the deep end. Everything gave me whiplash. If it was meant to be shocking, it certainly worked.
Characters: 7/10 - Nobody got character development except for Akira and Ryo. I did like most of the characters though. My favorite was Kukun, I fell in love with him after he rapped his feelings to Miki Kuroda. I'm rating this a 7 though because I wish we got more time with these guys. I am impressed with how I managed to get so attached.
Art: 10/10 - I've seen some people say it looks goofy, which I guess it does when Akira is running, but aside from that it looks really good. I will say, the gore could've been a lot better. I know this anime isn't super detailed, but it felt like they wanted to go all out with it, but decided not to. Does that make sense? I don't know. The animation was consistently really good.
Sound: 10/10 - The voice acting and music were pretty good.
Overall: 6/10 - I know I've shown some praise, but I think this anime is pretty average. More than anything, it made me feel insignificant after I watched it, which y'know is a terrible feeling. Gorey anime and anime where literally everybody dies tend to have that effect on me though. I also don't understand the hype, but maybe it's because of the original Devilman. I've seen a lot of hype around that. It was alright
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derekscorner · 2 months
A part of me is dangerously curious-
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-About Fate/Kaleid
I mean, from what I've not only seen but, also heard, it has one of the best versions of Shirou Emiya. If not THE best version of Shirou Emiya. The one known as "miyu Shirou".
All the praise I had for Shirou's character in Heaven's Feel supposedly done just as much justice in this alternate Shirou. His world is dying and his focus is his adoptive sister.
This Shirou solos an entire fucking grail war. I see manga panels of him using UBW to whip out guns and all this other crazy shit.
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On the flipside, this Kaleid work features two parallel universes. So you not only get a glimpse of Shirou at his best but you get a look at what the Emiya family could've been.
Kiritsugu and Iri are live, Illya had a normal childhood, there's a whole family dynamic there that I would love to see. Most Fate stories are rather grim or at least have dark moments so being able to see a glimpse of this world in a happier shade is a strong curiosity for me.
My problem is I can't bring myself to watch or read. I do not know what the manga lets slide but the animes version of fan service is...well to be blunt it's a bit too far in a pervy preference that I am willing to tolerate.
I've had internet exposure since the early 2000s, I have seen some shit but that niche is one I do not wish to tolerate let alone indulge.
That said, it still makes me sad because despite not watching it I get manga panels appearing on my feed from time to time. Real gold writing sh*t too like this:
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Just look at this, this is fucking great right here. This is a talk any version of Shirou needed.
Then there's just blatant decent fan service like the original servants from Fate/Stay Night seemingly working together like here:
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It's like this story has all the things I'd love to see behind a "can you tolerate the grade schoolers making out" pay wall.
If someone's read the manga and is willing to tell me I'm wrong I'm all ears. I'd love to see a version of this Fate story that won't be off putting for me.
Or, at the very least, I'd love to see another Fate story use some of these ideas like a full Emiya household. I've only followed Fate for a year and a half, if I'm missing something please tell me.
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webbedphantom · 6 months
Aaron in the Spider-Verse
This is something I've thought about on occasion, though I've never done much with it because it's always so... awkward starting interactions with other superhero accounts (aside from MHA OCs for some reason-). I don't even know why, it's probably just from my experiences with them over on Twitter. The Persona verse was much more accepting of Aaron as a concept than most other Marvel accounts, so it's always been hard to reach out.
ANYWAYS, back on topic-
I don't think Aaron would really have much of a place in the Spider-Verse, at least the comic book one. To put it in layman terms, there are these things called totems, people embodying or empowered by different animals, and Spider Totems are special for some big multiversal thingy that holds all the worlds together for reasons I can't remember and don't feel like looking up. And there are even special-er totems that take on a specific role in some cycle or whatever-
Anyways, I bring all this up because Aaron isn't any of that. He has spider powers, but he's not a totem (because yes that can happen). Aaron's kind of an outlier, in both the Spider-Verse and among other Persona users, even other Jokers. The things that allow him to be both a Spider-Man and a Persona user are also the things that keep him from truly fitting in with either group.
I've even thrown around the idea of Aaron not being his world's Spider-Person, that it's actually his kid (whoever that turns out to be) who becomes their link to the Web of Life and Destiny. But maybe that's a bit too far.
I don't know, I just like Aaron being an outcast among outcasts for some reason.
For the movie Spider-Verse though, he'd fit in alright. They don't really have totems as far as I know, and Aaron's definitely had a few canon events, at least in the main AU.
Though he also never has an Uncle Ben moment, since he didn't need one (Canonically, Joker helps that woman without a second thought, so he didn't need to learn anything to become a hero. Just needed to reaffirm the beliefs he already had). The closest he has is Shiho, but no matter the verse there is nothing he could've done to prevent what happened... yet he blames himself anyway, because of course he does.
So yeah, he'd fit in fine and relate to a bunch of the different Spiders. Though, I imagine as excited as he'd be by the idea of alternate realities (he's a massive nerd after all), he'd be a bit more conflicted on the idea of him being a part of some massive legacy. Like he wouldn't be sure if he deserved to be a part of it, and would be constantly terrified of tarnishing it in some way.
Something else I think would be interesting is meeting up with a few particular Spiders. Generally any Spider around his age would be someone he would grow attached to. It's hard to find people who just... get exactly what you're going through. He'd similarly bond pretty well with any Spider that started in their teens, and would take their advice to heart should they offer any.
But the biggest one has to be Miguel O'Hara (My favorite fictional character of all time!!) Because Spidey 2099 is literally the character he grew up reading, who inspired him in so many ways, who he partially based his outfit on, albeit subconsciously. And while Miguel isn't identical to the Prophet of Thor Aaron is such a big fan of, he's close enough that he'd recognize him immediately and fan boy his heart out.
This last part is gonna get into spoilers for Across the Spider-Verse, so if you somehow haven't seen it yet, first of all go watch it right now. This is a threat. Secondly, come back to this after you've seen it to see that-
So, let's talk about the Spider Society and canon. Aaron would probably be really excited about the place at first, super happy to be around other people like him, not to mention working alongside a guy who is all but living incarnation of his childhood hero. But over time, he'd get a bit... less so. Namely when it comes to the canon.
Aaron has two simple beliefs that are the core of who he is. "Inaction makes you complicit" and "There is always a better way."
In other words, if someone gets hurt and you had a chance to stop it, it's on you. And if you come across a situation that forces you to break or bend your moral code, you weren't looking hard enough.
Simple, a bit naive in some ways, but that's just who he is.
So finding out that the Spiders are actively letting people die for the sake of the multiverse... Yeah, he'd hate that.
I mean on one hand, he'd kinda understand because with that many lives at stake, of course you wouldn't want to risk it, but on the other "There's always another way." And it's the fact that they don't seem to be looking for it, that they seem content to just let people die to keep the status quo, that would really piss him off.
I do feel like he'd try to give them the benefit of the doubt at first, like wait a bit before doing anything to drastic and try to see things from their perspective, since he would want to get along with them, especially Miguel. But eventually, especially if someone's life is on the line, he's going to turn on them.
Originally when I thought up this idea, the life that was on the line was someone close to him, someone who's death would be a canon event. But while I do think that would still work, I realized it really doesn't have to be anyone from his universe, anyone he knows at all. Sure, it's impactful to see how far he'd go for someone he cares about, but I think it's even moreso if he goes that same distance for a complete stranger, not to mention totally in line with his character.
It would really tear him up inside to go against them, especially Miguel since he's again, basically his childhood hero on par with Batman and Sonic... But he's gotta stay true to his beliefs.
Now herein lies the issue with writing anything related to canon and the Spider-Verse movies-
We don't know who's right.
Yes, there are hints throughout the film that Miguel is wrong and that canon isn't what holds the multiverse together or that there is another way, but we don't know the how or why of it, nor what that other way is yet. Which is a pretty important thing to know when writing a story where two characters fight over something like this. And until Beyond the Spider-Verse comes out, the only way to really tell the kind of story that I want to tell, of Aaron going against the Society and desperately searching for either proof that they're wrong, or another way to keep the canon intact without letting people die, is to just make something up... which could end up being disproven whenever the movie eventually releases.
Which as someone who is obsessed with continuity, is not really something I want to happen-
So as much as I would like to write that stuff, I think I'd rather just wait for Beyond...
Still down to interact with other Spiders though. Just gotta work up the courage to... y'know, do that-
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lohengrinoverture · 10 months
“Castles Crumbling” by Taylor Swift is such a Mytho-coded song. Especially with the fairytale-Esau’s aspects of the show.
Once, I had an empire in a golden age
I was held up so high, I used to be great
They used to cheer when they saw my face.
He’s the handsome storybook prince, universally beloved, always saving everyone. Everyone loves him, everyone wants to protect him.
And I feel like my castle's crumbling down
And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground
And you don't want to know me
I will just let you down
As the raven’s blood further corrupts him, he turns cruel to everyone around him—even Rue as Kraehe who wanted him to love only her. Even Fakir who’s been at his side since childhood. Even Princess Tutu who he once viewed as his savior.
Power went to my head, and I couldn't stop
Ones I loved tried to help, so I ran them off
And here I sit alone, behind walls of regret
Falling down like promises that I never kept
The greater the raven’s blood infects him, the hungrier he becomes. He starts preying on the hearts and innocent love of the girls at school. At one point, he demands why Kraehe won’t love him more. The more the main cast tries to help him, his actions as raven!Mytho further alienates them, as he even sets the ghost knight against Fakir and preys on his sister figure Raetsel. He can’t be the perfect prince, the heroic savior everyone sees him as from the story.
My foes and friends watch my reign end
I don't know how it could've ended this way
Smoke billows from my ships in the harbor
People look at me like I'm a monster
Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name
Now they're screaming that they hate me
Never wanted you to hate me
Even at his lowest point, Mytho still very much craves love. His corruption at this point has ruined his reputation at the academy, with the girls now fearing his new nature. Yet he reaches out to Ahiru in her duck form as an innocent animal, the part of him still desperate to be saved.
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