#it has a lot of hijinks and shenanigans potential
hypewinter · 1 year
We've seen a lot of Danny is Damian's twin or older brother but I haven't seen many Danny is Damian's younger brother.
Dick Jason Tim Cass
I see this going two ways:
Danny gets whisked away from the league. Probably because Ra's was going to have Damian kill him as a test of loyalty but Talia or one of his nurses was having none of that. He ends up in Illinois, becomes a ghost, bla bla bla. They meet again when Sam drags Danny to a gala in Gotham with her and Damian is like "Danyal!?". Danny is utterly confused because he was too young to remember Damian or the league. Cue Damian going into overprotective 'I'm never letting you out of sight again' mode. The giw doesn't stand a chance once he finds out about them. The batfam is absolutely shocked because no one knew their youngest could be that protective of another person (Damian is 16 in this while Danny is still 14 btw). Him and Jazz are about to duke it out for custody or at least for the position as the most reliable sibling. Danny meanwhile is still processing that he has an assassin older brother. Neat.
Danny reincarnates. He retains his ghost powers somewhat which makes him special in the eyes of Ra's. This means he gets a separate training regimen. Damian sees his younger brother winning all of his grandfather's attention and promptly proceeds to pretend like he doesn't exist when he leaves for Wayne Manor. Out of jealousy and all that. Until one of the batbros is needling him about something or another and he lets it slip. The batfam is instantly like "we gotta rescue him" which Damian is not happy about. The entire rescue mission, he's complaining about how pointless this all is and how Danny is probably living like a king until they break into his room. Danny's room is bare except for a bed and when he sees Damian, he runs to him crying "you came back for me!". It turns out that Danny's training was much crueler to truly bring out the fullest force of his powers (no better trainer than survival and all that). Danny thinks his older brother came to save him and gets attached quickly. Damian refuses to admit how much the guilt is eating him up on the inside. (In this one Damian is 12 and Danny is 10)
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my tinder date wants to know why you’re banned from tinder
Ask and ye shall receive!
Gather round, folks, and lend an ear as I tell you about Arnold.
No, he’s not a first date gone wrong, nor is he a scorned ex-lover who came up as a potential match. He isn’t a rival to whom I am bitterly attracted, and he isn’t an unrequited crush.
Arnold is my son.
He is also a rubber chicken.
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[image description: a white hand holds a blue rubber chicken against a white wall. The rubber chicken has a red beak, comb, wattles, and feet, as well as a gold collar that’s says “SQUEEZE ME!”]
Let me set the scene.
A couple years ago, on a cold night in late autumn, I went to a grocery store with some friends. We all separated to get what we needed.
I don’t remember if I actually got anything for myself in that trip, but I do remember wandering around, only to come across a giant bin of rubber chickens.
Immediately thinking of the vine where that person presses a bunch of rubber chickens (geese? some sort of fowl) to make a loud noise, I did the same thing, probably to the chagrin of fellow shoppers.
Some of my friends joined me in my shenanigans, and we left the store in a jolly mood.
Days later, one of my roommates, who was one of the friends from the first grocery trip, came back from another grocery trip with a gift for me.
It was a blue and red rubber chicken.
I looked on my new child with complete adoration and named him Arnold. I thanked my roommate with all my heart and left to plan the many hijinks I would get up to with Arnold. (He has admittedly been through a lot, but the wear and tear mostly comes from love.)
One day, i had the bright idea to make Arnold a Tinder account.
I did not give myself much time to consider the idea before diving in. Arnold had a photo shoot, and I uploaded as many photos as Tinder would allow for his profile. I believe I put his age somewhere in the 20s. I picked the option for any gender to match so as many people as possible would see him. According to what I put in his bio, he got the Covid vaccine, has a natural talent for singing, lives with his mom, and likes Kpop.
Then I published his account.
While matching with people amused me at first, keeping Arnold’s Tinder account active eventually became a chore. Every so often, Tinder would email me and say my his account would be hidden if I didn’t open the app and use it.
I swiped through people, and whenever i matched with people, i would just shoot them a simple “yo.” I tried not to carry on any conversations, though, because I myself was not interested in going on any dates. This was just to entertain me and maybe some other people who came across Arnold.
One day, I got an email saying Arnold’s account was reported and I was no longer welcome on Tinder. I assume someone reported Arnold bc he isn’t an actual person, so I was technically breaking the laws of Tinder or whatever. It was honestly a relief; no more swiping through profiles just to keep the account alive.
I still have Arnold, and I still love him. But you will never see him, or me, on a dating app again.
TL/DR: I made a Tinder Account for Arnold, my rubber chicken. It took over half a year, but Arnold’s account was eventually reported for not being a real person, and I was banned from Tinder.
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animebookworm16 · 2 years
I am once again here with a weird idea that makes me giggle just a little.
So Percy is a demigod yes? Poseidon is his father and Sally Jackson is his mother etc. etc. we all know that story. So let me offer you one that kind of hurts at first then turns into a sitcom.
Percy is a tiny child, like five or six, barely able to form lasting memories tiny. And we know that he had a lot of encounters with monsters even before the sixth grade.
So let’s say that something happened. Maybe Sally made a mistake and a monster found them, maybe one of the mosters Percy encounted hit a little too close, maybe a passing messenger god saw Percy take down the snakes at preschool and gossipped about it enough that Zeus found out and went on a rampage. What happened isn’t the important part, it’s the end that matters. Sally dies. Poseidon is heartbroken, he truly had loved her. On the day of her funeral every ocean is silent.
But her death leaves Percy in a very dangerous predicament. You see, I’m going to say that this event happens after Sally marries Smelly Gabe. With him being Percy’s legal step-father, unless his biological father or someone from that side of the family claims him, Percy has to live with Smelly Gabe. And I’m fairly certain we’d all be able to see the ending of that.
So Poseidon creates a human persona for himself (and yes I am going with the meme/joke/headcanon that Paul Blowfis is really just Poseidon), buys a nice house and somehow convinces both Amphitrite and Triton to give living among the mortals for a few years a try. (Both see through him but also want to see what the potential savior/destroyer looks like) Then low and behold, the Blowfis family appears and they’re able to prove that ‘Paul’ is actually Percy’s father. 
And if Gabe Ugliano mysteriously disappears after that... well they were a whole other state away at the time.
Now despite what Athena would have everyone believe, Poseidon is not stupid. He realizes that keeping and raising Percy himself paints the biggest target on the demigod’s back. So Poseidon makes a choice (this is the part where Athena would call him an idiot) and turns Percy into a god. He then proceeds to remove the godliness and Percy becomes a godling (what I’m calling a god that gets turned into a mortal. So yes. In the ToA, Apollo is a godling).
Why is this important? Aren’t godlings and demigods practically indistinguishable? In answer to the first question, it makes Percy way harder to kill than your average demigod (as if he wasn’t hard enough to kill as is). And as for the second, yeah they’re pretty much the same, except that Percy can access his god powers in times of extreme danger. Also being a godling carries a bit more weight than a demigod. Other gods are more likely to help godlings and will acknowledge them more freely.
‘You said this would be a sitcom!’ I hear you cry. And it is.  Amphitrite and Triton have to adjust to acting human, while also figuring out how they feel about Percy (you know, the literal proof of infedelity on Poseidon’s part). Poseidon has to figure out how to be a good father so his son doesn’t grow up and decide to destroy Olympus, while also realizing that he’s kind of screwed up his marriage with Amphitrite and trying to fix that. Percy has to adjust to losing his mom, gaining his dad a step-mom and a brother (Triton insists on being called brother), and if the whispered fights he overhears between the three are anything to go off of he also now has a very large extended family most of whom will hate him on principal.
All of that under one roof. Shenanigans will be afoot.
Also for more crack, I’m imagining the Olympians all coming by at some point or other and causing hijinks to ensue.
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
Elfen Lied's identity is kind of tied in with a lot of its... visual extremities however much it can be... much. That said, it has issues in where it employs it in terms of getting across a theme of the story or... getting across a specific kink of the author.
I feel like Fairy Tail's fanservice and general thirsty designs are a part of what it is when it's a weird, wacky adventure series where hijinks ensue at the drop of a hat and feels straight out of Shojo Manga will attack. There's never a moment that doesn't feel like the author is getting kinking for the sake of sales. He's that horny.
Where it becomes a potential problem is when things get serious or emotional... and a camera angle's trying to focus on the more titilating aspects. It's a sort of, "Is now really the time for this?" vibe that I think it shares with the recent string of Bathos complaints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOj2hVjwrUo
Being honest with being horny isn't a problem. However, keeping audiences immersed in fiction means being both upfront about it from the start as well as knowing when to focus the framing on the right thing should the tone shift.
You said it so well!! Like you can have serious and horny in the same series, but you have to be exceptionally talented to pull it off well.
And I totally agree with how authors need to be upfront about the whole "this is a horny series" thing. Like so many series start out with interesting premises, worlds, and characters only for it to become apparent that it's actually a vehicle for a harem series and/or general horny shenanigans. Again, there's nothing wrong with making your horny series more interesting, but imo you should be upfront about it so that the people who aren't interested in those aspects can peace out instead of wasting a few episodes/chapters/whatever on it.
I also just admire trash that's completely aware that it's trash and isn't trying to be the next Shakespeare novel.
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ladysparklefarts · 2 years
I’ve been working on a fic that I plan to post eventually and to be perfectly honest it’s about the most Mary sue thing I’ve ever written. I have a lot of reasons for writing it, mostly cuz I wanna. But I’ve also been using it as a way to explore certain aspects of myself since it is a self-insert fanfic, in the most literal way possible. It basically explores what I would do if I ended up Isekai’d in Star Wars in the prequels. And yes I do plan on trying to give EVERYONE the happy ending I feel they deserve. I will also be dropping references left and right, introducing au’s that explore reverse circumstances, potential crossovers, and assorted other shenaniganry. I will also put this pre-post warning here. I am also using this to explore and move past certain traumas so please, TAKE CAUTION WHEN READING THIS STORY. I am trying my best to make this a rom-com type series but there will be some very dark moments as I work through my past issues. I have no doubts there will be people unhappy with the story, but I’m sure there will also be people who enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it thus far. The first however many chapters will be written in a first-person perspective until the main character has conquered her first major hurdle and can see past her own perspective. One of the biggest parts of the story will be the main character’s relationship with Anakin as he represents a lot of the issues I have dealt with, be it how i see myself or how certain toxic relationships have affected me. By giving him a happy ending and developing his character a certain way i hope to be able to work through those issues one situation at a time. So yeah, its gonna be me marysueing it up across the galaxy, fixing my brain, making good people happy, and wrecking the bad ones through hijinks and shenanigans. 
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Can I unload just a little bit?
...I really miss Till shenanigans.
Like, I get. I ABSOLUTELY get it. I believe it is prudent that the apparent policy is "no interactions outside the structure of Rammstein" because, now, any word or action on Till's part, irrespective of its intention, will provoke. Hell, even some of his acting on stage has become part of the discourse. Furthermore, he can not judge from those vying for his attention, who of them are there for genuine reasons and who are less so....
And then there's all the psychological reasons why he may seem "off"....
But, yeah, I miss the freaky hijinks on stage, which seem to come less often. I miss the stories from fans who are obviously still bubbling from meeting him, and I miss merely seeing his name outside the context of "makes-me-wanna-slam-my-head-against-the-wall" controversy.
It is a selfish feeling, to be sure, but I hope others share it 😔
(Note up front: not joining in the speculations on psychological reasons as we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors)(and to be honest there are some Till shenanigans i don't miss 😇)
Not selfish at all, you like certain parts of the show, others like other parts, but if the parts you like are not as prominent recently as in the past that is quite disappointing 🥺 There are many Till fans out there, and i'm sure many share your feelings 🌺
But indeed i'd love to see more, especially of the 'Till and Flake antics', there have been some this year that could had potential, like the synchronised Till-hammering (gif from post by @herrlindemann )
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and synchronised push ups (post by @herrlindemann )
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and ofcourse there's their big showpiece and always fan favorite Mein Teil (also from a post by @herrlindemann )
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but indeed in the old days, before 2019 there used to be lots more
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or their 'quarrels' on stage (gif by richard mooser)
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Do you think these two secretly hope that 'Bück Dich' will be back 😊
Or maybe Flake should invite Till on his treadmill again 😊
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
Bringing more spotlight to Franmarx
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I generally believe that these two make an absolutely delightful duo!
I did talk about my headcanons on how these two interact with each other in an earlier tumblr post, as well as another earlier tumblr post, but I think this has a LOT of potential for a ship. So much that I believe more people deserve to know the potential that these two could have with each other. I think they'd be a match made in hell!
So basically, you've got two extremely unhinged lunatics here. Marx is obvious, he's a shitfaced prankster that likes to cause chaos for kicks and giggles. Then you've got Francisca, who literally has a 'trophy' collection of people she has killed and encased in ice cubes, and has a chilling giggly laughter that sounds like a banshee.
I headcanon that all three mage sisters like to cause chaos, but Francisca is by far the most twisted, psychotic and freakish of them.
Marx would sure love a partner that's also very nuts like he is!
I would imagine that Francisca would enable Marx and his antics a lot more than almost anyone else in the Kirby cast would.
While I of course headcanon Magolor being prankster buddies with Marx like most people in the fandom tend to do, I also headcanon that Magolor has clear standards and he'd hold Marx accountable if he were to go too far in overstepping someone's boundaries. This also applies to Daroach and the animal friends, whom I also headcanon having a knack for mischief and being friends with Marx as well, but similar to Magolor, they also have standards and wouldn't just let all of Marx's shenanigans slide, they'd also stop him if he crosses a line.
Francisca however? In my headcanons, she enables Marx a lot more than the rest of his friends do. She's the closest one to his level in terms of willingness to go crazy in trouble. That's not necessarily to say she would enable him in every single situation, but she's far more unlikely to hold him accountable than the rest are. Flamberge and Zan Partizanne like some good mischief and chaos themselves, but they're both generally kinder and not quite as unbridled in twistedness as Francisca is. Compared to her, they nearly seem tame.
These two could be very, very unhinged together. It'd be delightfully devious! Imagine all the hijinks these two would be willing to cause.
They've both got ridiculous laughters, too. If they laughed together at the same time, you know that some insane tomfoolery will come.
I think even Magolor, despite being buddies with Marx, would be scared to join in on some of the hijinks that this duo would be causing. To get an idea on how I interpret it, Magolor tries to make Marx better, but Francisca would make him worse, and vice versa. LOL.
And like I mentioned in my previous tumblr posts, I headcanon that Marx hypes up Francisca's frozen corpse collection. Most of the other dream friends feel uncomfortable of her decision to keep that trophy collection, but Marx is an outlier as he is delighted by it. He'd perhaps even want to start a collection like that on his own. Francisca could probably train him on that. And I bet it could all be quite possible, since Marx is one of the dream friends that can be given elements in Star Allies, with blizzard being one of those elements.
That's basically the gist of my thoughts on the potential of this ship. I think it could be amazing, and like I said earlier, I believe that more people deserve to acknowledge this potential ship pairing.
I also wouldn't mind the idea of shipping Marx with one of the other two mage sisters, too, whether it be Zanmarx or Flammarx/Marxberge (not sure what you'd call that one), but I personally would ship him with Francisca out of the three mages since she's the most unhinged out of the three, which he'd love.
I want to give a shout-out to @kirby-rarepair-tourney as this ship did exist in the ongoing Kirby rarepair tournament, but got eliminated as soon as the second round. If they ever decide to start another entire Kirby rarepair tournament in the future after the current one, then I think this ship absolutely deserves to show up again. And maybe hopefully it could perform better next time! I'd be all over for it.
This is my second favorite ship for the series, with my first favorite being Taransusie, although I'm sure that one is going to win the ongoing rarepair tournament and actually seems to be popular enough to have no need to be in a future tournament should that exist. This ship, however? I think this ship could use more awareness!
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blorbologist · 2 years
"Housespouses" sounds fun! Care to share a bit more about it? :D
This is one I've had in mind since Campaign 2 ended - I was sleep deprived and hadn't quite understood Shadowghast had become canon at that point, so I threw myself headlong into this silly, fluffy idea.
Beau and Yasha get a wonderful house in the Shimmer Ward, as befitting two of the people who bargained for peace (and kinda have the Cerberus Assembly scared out of their fucking minds). Beau's taken to her day job sniffing out corruption and gleefully beating the shit out of people verbally (or physically, when the Assembly occasionally tries to take her down a peg), while Yasha delights in being a housewife.
The only hiccup in all this is Astrid. She's still a driven, ambitious woman, you know, and though she and Beau were on the same side that doesn't mean they like or trust eachother. As Trent's replacement on the Assembly, Astrid is a particular pain in the ass to Beau because she's NOT actually done anything as Archmage and was a victim of Trent, but she's still vaguely shady and generally doesn't appreciate Beau potentially dismantling the power she recently acquired.
That wouldn't be Yasha's problem if she hadn't run into Eadwulf at the market one day. They chatted incredibly awkwardly, kept bidding eachother good day only to realize they were headed in the same direction.
Turns out the Empire equivalent of witness protection failed to inform Beau that Astrid and Eadwulf moved in not two houses down from where she and Yasha is. Apparently, they didn't know either.
Cue shenanigans such as:
These two being Extremely Competitive about who is the Best Spouse to their girlboss wife.
Both are absolutely certain their wives don't know they are neighbors, otherwise they would never hear the end of it, and they intend to keep it that way.
Competitive gardening. Yasha's consistently is the talk of every neighborhood potluck, because she gets cuttings from the Blooming Grove and Essek kinda smuggles her some Xorhaussian ones.
But Eadwulf's patronage to the Raven Queen lends itself to befriending the local flock of crows, which is its own delight.
There's a proxy war of how pretty
Caleb spends one year going over to Beau and Yasha's nightly to set up a permanent teleportation circle (because having one in his home, where a fugitive lives, would be exceedingly stupid should the wrong people drop in, and Beau is busy and he'd rather not get woken up at 3am 4 days in a row Again, Beauregard). Cue hijinks as he figures out what's going on and is terribly amused and exasperated.
A bit more serious hijinks is hiding Essek's visits and departures, because though Astrid is a workaholic Eadwulf is home a lot and Yasha doesn't know if he might out Essek or not.
Yasha and Eadwulf eventually becoming friends and resolving not to tell their wives because, again, they would never hear the end of it.
Wulf and Yasha share several recipes over the years, buf Wulf can never quite match the texture or moistness to many of the Barbarian’s dishes (it’s bugs it’s absolutely bugs)
They sometimes spar together because it's important to stay fit.
Sometimes nasties come to try and take Yasha hostage but she usually deals with them before Beau's home for dinner, though they usually order takeout given she's a lil tired.
Less funny assassins' sometimes try for Wulf, not to nab him but kill him, pissed off Scroungers namely, and Yasha takes to helping him deal with them and nudges Beau into directing investigative attention into the issue.
Eventually ofc Astrid and Beau find out, perhaps because Wulf actually gets nabbed and has to be rescued by three strong women. There's perhaps a lot of exasperation, which proves Yasha and Wulf right. And they all end up as more or less friends, though Beau and Astrid still rub eachother the wrong way half the time.
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hello i know a little bit about guilty gear and understand much less, but uh if you want could you do a lore dump on axl low?
I’d be happy to! His story isn’t the most plot significant but it is certainly interesting.
Note: I will be referencing events talked about in my other post so I don’t have to describe every single thing.
An important thing to know about Axl is that his lore is supposed to be convoluted and confusing, because his whole gimmick for the early games is that he is constantly being hurtled back and forth through time against his control. Most of his story beats involve him happening to appear at a certain time and place and be involved in the plot before being thrown through time again.
Axl Low was just a mostly ordinary (for a guilty gear character) guy in late 1900s Britain. He was very skilled at martial arts and took it upon himself to end gang assaults in the neighborhood by fighting gang members. He was apparently very successful and managed to run gangs out of the area without a single casualty. He was dating a girl named Megumi, who he was deeply in love with. They both swore their futures to one another, but fate had other plans. In a completely separate timeline, Megumi was the one chosen to become the vessel of the magical focus that was created by the combined will of humanity to achieve a bright future during the various apocalypses. Megumi was granted godlike power and became I-no. In 1998 in Axl’s timeline, his nearness to Megumi for some reason caused him to be hurtled through time to the year 2178, 3 years after the end of the Crusades.
He spent the next 2 years searching for a way back to his timeline with no success. But then he heard about the Sacred Knights tournament that supposedly granted a wish to the winner, so he joined. The whole thing turned out to be a hoax caused by Testament to resurrect Justice. He aids in the plot to stop Justice and Sol Badguy succeeds in killing Justice. Axl was let down that his opportunity to go back to his time was a lie, but then the crowd of the tournament cheered him on and he realized he could make new friends in this future, right when he reached out to the people he was hurtled through time again.
Most of Axl’s story goes along these lines, he appears at a certain place in time, partakes in whatever plot hijinks is happening, and then gets thrown through time again. None of it is particularly important, and I’m trying to avoid just paraphrasing the wiki page, so I’ll just get to the parts that matter for his overarching story arc. Just know that he does time traveling shenanigans and meets his own double a couple times, at one point he gets sent back to 1998 but before he can talk to Megumi he is whisked away again.
Anyway he eventually learns of That Man and tries to seek him out because he’s supposedly a time traveler. He then meets I-no, who works for That Man at the time. His next important time slip involves him being sent to a desolate future version of 2192, where The Original tells him to deliver a message to That Man, Axl doesn’t understand what the message means but agrees all the same. Then he’s slips through time to Bedman (a creepy guy who lives his entire life in a dream strapped to a robot bed, I don’t really understand Bedman’s lore other than that he tries to kill people a lot of the time)‘s nightmare theater, but before Bedman can kill him, I-no pulls him back through time to the desolate 2192, intending to kill him for knowing about the existence of The Original. He explains that he has a message from The Original so she sends him back through time to give the message to That Man.
Afterwards Axl realized I-no’s time powers can send him back home, so he tracks her down, but when he finds her he learns that if he were to be sent back in time, it could potentially change and destroy the timeline he is currently in, so I-no doesn’t want to do it. Axl gives up on returning home and tries to find purpose here in the future, he eventually even learns to control the time powers he has, allowing him to slow down, compress, and potentially even freeze time.
From this point on Axl doesn’t slip through time much if at all. He tries not to look back on the past, but eventually realizes it would be possible to trade places with Megumi, bringing her to the future at the cost of himself, but that it wouldn’t succeed at bringing them together.
Axl starts having premonitions of the future, including one where Happy Chaos (who used to be The Original) tells him that they haven’t seen eachother since 2192 (the year he met The Original in the desolate future). Axl gets a premonition that something bad is going to happen at a certain area of the city, on the day when it happens, Happy Chaos blows up a building to free Nagoriyuki (a black vampire samurai and one of the coolest characters in guilty gear) as Chaos intends to take control of Nagoriyuki and use him for his plot to restore I-no to godhood. When the explosion happens, Axl freezes time and teleports the civilians in the building to safety, where he meets and has a brief conversation with I-no.
At the end of the Strive storyline, when I-no has ascended to godhood and is fighting with essentially everyone else who don’t want her to abuse her power, Axl tries to reason with her, but it doesn’t work. Axl and Ky distract her, and Sol Badguy steals her magic electric guitar and uses it to strike a presumably lethal blow to I-no. While she lay there presumably dying, Axl cries and begs her to remember something. With I-no defeated Axl finds himself alone in a park, when suddenly Megumi from his timeline appears next to him bearing a message from I-no. I believe the implication is that I-no did what Axl considered earlier, trading places with the Megumi from his timeline to bring her to the future, this way in the end Axl and Megumi finally get to be together, and I-no’s whereabouts and even whether or not she is still alive remain a mystery. And Axl and Megumi lived happily ever after.
I just wanted to say that since Axl is one of the few characters with a definitive concrete end to his story arc, I’m curious how/if it will be continued whenever the next guilty gear releases, but that is a long ways away
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6-and-7 · 1 year
Top 10s Meme
I was tagged by @lurking-latinist, or at least they said that anyone who was interested could do it, which is much of a muchness. Thanks!
Rules: List your "top 10" (or up to 10 if you haven't written that many) fics ranked by kudos on AO3. Are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? Then, under a cut, provide your ranking of your personal top 10 fics (with explanations if you want!), and then tag a few fellow writers! 
My top 10 fics by kudos:
Five Times the Doctor's Fam Suspected She Had Tentacles, and One Time They Were Proven Right (Dr. Nyarlathotep fluff and silliness with 13 and the Fam)
Scuffle of the Titans (Dr. Nyarlathotep fluff and silliness with 3, the Master, Jo, and the Brig)
TARDIS Moving, Inc. (12 and Bill, immediately post- "Knock Knock")
The Sunset Archives vol. 1 (Equestria Girls and Magnus Archives crossover fic, part 1 of planned 3) (The Sunset Archives vol. 2 is technically #9 on this list, but I count them all as the same story.)
The Music of the Fears (Basira and Jon, feghoot)
Dr Cthulwho (Dr. Nyarlathotep oneshots)
Call of Cthulestia, and Other Strange Tales (Eldritch My Little Pony oneshots, fluff and silliness, side-order of Dr. Nyarlathotep)
Deaths of the Doctor (Emotional H/C. 13 has a breakdown about immortality, Yaz tries to make it better)
Allons-y! (Start of my Doctor Whooves series)
Piece of Cake (6, Evelyn, and River Song. Crossover with The Mouse that Roared.)
Thoughts and my personal top 10 under the cut
This one is a bit hit-or-miss for me. I think most of these are pretty good, but I definitely have better ones. A lot of these are just goofy ideas that I came up with and banged out all in the same afternoon -- good and fun, but not a lot of effort or editing put into them. This is especially true of Scuffle of the Titans, Music of the Fears, and most of Dr. Cthulwho. Similarly, TARDIS Moving, Inc. and Piece of Cake were both done for exchanges and therefore got a bit of a boost from that traffic.
I'm not entirely surprised that so many of them are Dr Nyarlathotep or similarly eldritch -- it's a pretty small category of fics with a ravenous fanbase, so most of them are going to jump on any new works in the category.
Allons-y! is the only one that really surprised me. It's not bad, per se, but it's one of my earliest works and you can kinda tell. On the other hand, it's the start of a long series of connected fics, so presumably a lot of people are going to start there and potentially fall off before they can kudos some of the later, better entries in the series.
Five Times and The Sunset Archives are the only ones that I think truly deserve top 10 status (though Five Times probably doesn't quite deserve the top spot).
My list:
The Sunset Archives (Still a work in progress, but I've got Plans)
My Little Pony, My Little Pony, and Me 317: Hello, Humans! (Barely failed to make the top 10 kudos'd fics. The McElroys talk about horses so much, now it's their turn to be horses. Well. Ponies.)
The Unexpected Adventures of Trixie and Sunset (Doctor Whooves without the Doctor. Sunset Shimmer and the Great and Powerful Trixie have accidentally stolen the TARDIS. Hijinks, time shenanigans, and romance ensue)
Black and Blue and Bloodied (Doctor Whooves -- 9th Doctor and a very reluctant Prince Blueblood)
Ruler of Everything (My longest fic by far. Culmination of the first arc of my Doctor Whooves series. Broke the knob off the angst machine with this. I do encourage you to read the preceding stories first, or at least skip around a bit for ones that look interesting)
Five Times the Doctor's Fam Suspected She Had Tentacles, and One Time They Were Proven Right
Breakthrough (Dr Nyarlathotep + Game of Rassilon)
Growing Pains (Spike/Rarity, comedy of errors, best described as 'Wodehousian')
Played on Strings (On extended hiatus while I work on The Sunset Archives. Doctor Whooves, again without the Doctor. Featuring Romana, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Faction Paradox, the Beatles, and H.P. Lovecraft)
The Rising Night (Yet another Doctor Whooves one. I got a lot of 'em. 7th Doctor, young Celestia and Luna.)
But hey, don't just take my word for it -- check them out for yourself!
Can't think of anyone to tag, but if you're interested, go for it!
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Maulrex for the ship ask game?
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
My friend Svar for sure! Absolute mad lad, saw two completely unrelated characters in the Clone Wars, said "haha watch this" and then proceeded to fabricate tragic messed up fucky love story after tragic messed up fucky love story almost whole cloth really? Like I'm pretty sure the first ridiculously long slowburn epic got started before season 7 (or at least the Mandalore arc) even dropped?? Crazy stuff. Anyway I love both of these characters individually and they're just so crunchy together.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They're both so stubborn and principled but like, in the opposite directions. Like Rex really believes in making a better world, in protecting the innocent whenever possible, in fighting for what's right and good (as much as he can), in standing strong in the face of evil and corruption. And Maul literally has the soul of a feral raccoon and will do any-fucking-thing in order to come out on top, or avoid coming out at the bottom, and isn't so great at the self-control. Smack 'em together like barbie dolls and you've got a rather excellent trash fire!
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think almost everyone I've seen talking or making stuff about it is from the same general group, so not really? As always I'm just a lot more interested in the comedy potential, the hijinks and shenanigans, than like. Any kind of in-depth character exploration or theming. But that's true of anything you can pick out of a hat for me lol!
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call-me-strega · 1 year
AU Idea: Luck Runs Out
Okay so I don't know if any of you have heard of EPIC: The Musical, a project in development by Jorge Rivera-Herrans or @jayherrans on TikTok (it's an amazing project you should really check it out!) and it's basically a retelling of the Odyssey. So I re-listened to this snippet recently and was like huh I could totally hear this as a conversation between Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk and thus this idea was born.
Basically after Kim Dokja has done something seemingly reckless again, mostly likely scamming, messing with, or pissing off a constellation, and he almost got hurt. Yoo Joonghyuk confronts him asking how much longer he'll act like this and put himself in danger. He is also recalling his past regressions because something hit a nerve about the earlier situation and now he's on edge. He is obviously upset and worried about KDJ and is showing it the only way he knows how by yelling at him about it and not properly communicating. KDJ is mostly brushing it off and telling YJH to trust him. He doesn't see his actions as a bad thing and doesn't really understand YJH and his friends are worried he'll get hurt bc they care about him.
Unfortunately, some bastard constellation hears this and creates either a hidden or sub scenario where they are transported in almost like a video game type set-up (similar to the movie theater dungeon) where you have stats including strength, intelligence, constitution, wisdom, agility, charisma, and luck. All your stats are quantifiable and you run out of one you can't use it anymore. So say I need to lift a car I'd use like 20 strength points to lift and 10 constitution not to f-up my hands and they are subtracted from a total. There are ways to gain points back but either it's hard to do or needs a ridiculous amount of coins or something. The goal is basically to beat the game and get back into the real world but the lower your stats the harder it is and levels get harder as you get closer to the end. It also has a bunch of rules that make it hard. The clear condition if you enter as a team is for everyone to get out safely, or yourself if you're solo.
Basically, KDJ and YJH earlier confrontation is realized, as KDJ literally has to worry about his luck running out before the end of the scenario. Of course he has KimCom to help him but it's ideal not to let any of their stats hit zero because if they do it gets a lot harder. And because the clear condition is all of them getting out safely he can't pull any sacrificing himself or staying behind bullshit. Essentially, I'm trying to force KDJ to trust and rely on his friends more, as well as actually take care of himself. Basically, forcing him to realize he is loved and should take care of himself. I'll probably sprinkle in some Joongdok and Dadja in there too. Some good potential for angst with a happy ending, hijinks and shenanigans, hurt/comfort, and fluff. I'm not 100% where to go with it yet
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tell me about princesses (and their minions 😉)
i did not scream when i say ladyofthenoodle in my inbox what are you talking about
I’m guessing you mean both Operation Disney Princess Ladrien and the tinder au??? Ok here we go! (Under a cut bc it’s long shdkdhsg)
Operation Disney Princess Ladrien:
so I have the intro chapter and the Snow White chapter posted. The first Cinderella chapter is so close to being done!
I am trying to include Disney princess sequel movies, so Cinderella ii and iii, the little mermaid ii and iii, maybe the beauty and the beast Christmas special, etc. is it ambitious? Yes. Will it maybe take a million years? Also yes. But I feel like this has a lot of crack potential.
some ideas I’m particularly excited about are Sleeping Beauty (which involves dungeons and dragons, voodoo, and Ladybug slapping Adrien but it’s to help him, I promise) and The Little Mermaid ii (I’m thinking Jubilation baby hijinks)
Lots of identity shenanigans, love square is endgame of course, and djwifi is also prominent. I’ve been playing around with this idea since before I even got tumblr (2021), but I am so scatterbrained and slow. I won’t give up though!
as for the tinder au (I will think of a better name I promise):
so basically Marinette and Adrien are adults and this is a no miraculous au. Marinette and Adrien haven’t met before the tinder incident.
Marinette runs a successful fashion boutique. While she’s not opposed to tinder dates, she just doesn’t really prioritize a romantic relationship right now (mostly bc I wanted to keep Adrien as her first real love like in the show). She does, however, prioritize goofing around on tumblr and she makes the fateful post you did, not expecting anything of it. It goes just like in real life. She has accepted her fate bc Marinette is a woman of her word.
Adrien was able to get out of his abusive home and start over. He’s still famous, so he tries to be as incognito as possible. He set up a joke tinder account with Chat Noir as his alias. (Fun fact I’m actually banned from tinder, if anyone asks I will explain why.) Marinette’s bio comes up and of course he wants to know more.
You will have to wait and see the rest!!! (I’m admittedly trying to get something important done in my personal life; it’s a long process, but I think I’m getting to the end. However, I’m still excited about this and am trying to get it done as quickly but as high quality as possible.)
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thenightlymartini · 3 years
Headcannon #61
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Kimchiburger: I mean, these two are quite the social butterflies, so being stuck in one spot with limited human interaction (whether nation or not) drives them stir-crazy a lot. These two are totally the ones who will use Face-Time and any other platforms all the time just so they can at least talk to people. If they were stuck in their respective countries, you can bet they have Face-Time dates, complete with their own respective diners, funny 2020 memes, and online gaming. If they were stuck together, they might have a few more arguments (as being stuck in close proximity for too long will do to people) than normal, but potentially more hijinks, shenanigans, and “doing the dirty”. These two would be the ones that come out of quarantine with pounds that need to be lost again (especially America with how much take out he ordered over the course of 2020, to which SK only moderately chastises cause he’s guilty himself).
Rusnk: These two are not social people under the best of circumstances. So, now they have to stay at home for extended periods of time with little human interaction? These two are totally cool with it. They typically have a small social circle regardless, so every once in a while having to do meetings online or periodic Face-Times are usually the most they need. (NK really loves online meetings cause he can mute whoever he wants or blame bad internet connection to drop out of the call whenever he wants).
They usually spend their time catching up on extra-curricular activities and hobbies, from knitting (Russia) to reading or practicing on their musical instruments (NK). Overall, their quarantine is pretty chill. These introverts have spent their lives in training for a sh*t storm like this.
Commieburger: Oh....no....
Let’s just say if these two were stuck together in quarantine, it would result in a tally of how many each one of them has died by the other (they also have a golden award for the most creative kill).
Like they would drive each other insane, what with America getting stir-crazy and pulling pranks or sharing memes just to keep sane and NK wanting to be left the hell alone and be productive. Or miscommunication occurs cause America forgets that NK doesn’t get memes all that much:
America: Well what do you plan on doing?
NK: Practicing one of my musical instruments.
America: Instruments of torture don’t count.
NK: (in a dangerous tone) ...what?
America: It’s a meme, honey.
If they were separate, I doubt they would Face-Time each other that much outside of business, cause they would worry about their calls being watched.
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zosonils · 3 years
A, E, F, I, K, N, P, T, X, and Z for the fandom prompts? Sorry if it’s too many
a - ships that you currently like a lot - every day my brain is filled with queerplatonic phinabella and bu[ferb]jeet, and i’ve also been thinking about canderemy quite a bit lately because it’s genuinely really sweet?? like They Care Each Other and it’s nice to have a canonically established pairing that’s really healthy and supportive and if nobody else is going to think about jeremy i will fucking do it all myself
e - have you added anything hilarious to your fandom? - i’ve definitely contributed my fair share of shitposts but i don’t think i’ve made any significant widespread impact yet lmao. maybe there’s another timeline out there where catu sparked a phineas and ferb fandom renaissance and my post about ferb and buford texting british recipes to each other has 47,000 notes [1200 of which are a violent in-character debate between two sans roleplay blogs] and haunts me every day and night
f - what’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? - i’ve been into sonic since i was 7 and i’m nearly an adult now and it terrifies me
i - has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms? - answered here
k - what character has your favourite development arc? - to be honest basically every character development arc i like is one that i made up myself in my many extensive fuck canon timelines, but i really love how whisper’s been developing in idw sonic so far :) it’s really really good to see her making friends and coming out of her shell in contrast to her first appearances while still having extremely clear boundaries, and as more of her previous trauma is revealed it’s really interesting to see how that recontextualises her actions - she’s such an amazingly written character and i love how respectfully she’s handled without the writing around her ever getting more serious than anything else in idw sonic [which is on the grim side for sonic media, literally the third arc was a zombie apocalypse and it lasted like 2 years, but it’s still pretty full of ye olde goofy sonic the heck hijinks and handles all but the darkest of moments pretty lightheartedly]
n - name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom - i already answered this one but i’m doin it again! i’m cheating and naming six babey! god may judge me but his sins outnumber my own, as they say
aro phineas [with queerplatonic phinabella optional but recommended] please please please please please please please plea
i want early flynn-fletcher family shenanigans!! ferb meeting his new siblings, the kids all getting used to having two parents, baby perry?? has anyone written this? i’ll write it damn it! i might not because writing is hard but also if nobody else is gonna do it then i will!!!!! give me shape babies god fucking damn it!
i wish more people acknowledged the fact that doof is canonically a double amputee like. i know it only comes up in one episode and is never mentioned again and was probably intended as a bit of dark-ish comedy but it’s a really cool fact about him that’s got so much potential for art and fics alike [and even if it didn’t, acknowledging canonically disabled characters even if it’s only canon on a technicality and as a probable joke is still always important!]
p - invent a random au for any fandom - i think i made exactly one post about this and then forgot about it but fuck it phineas and ferb sonic adventure 2 au. phineas goes fast. perry is a chao and he does something really cool, probably. vanessa is contractually obligated to die unfortunately because she’s the best stand-in for maria. ferb might also die but also i could decide he doesn’t if i want to because i sure as hell did that with shadow [i know he comes back but it’s bad so i’m re-killing him and re-reviving him and making an alternate timeline fuck you sega shadow wouldn’t be a cop]. baljeet causes immeasurable damage to government property while upbeat synth music plays
t - any hard and fast headcanons you’ll die defending - [SLAMS BINDER THE SIZE OF A SMALL TO MEDIUM COUNTRY ON TABLE] i literally could not name all of them if i TRIED. i have so many it’s genuinely hard just to pick a handful to showcase as example. in most cases i’m genuinely fine with other interpretations even though i like mine better but there are a select few that i refuse to budge a goddamn planck length on and that automatically make me kinda suspicious of anyone who adamantly disagrees; mostly these are autistic headcanons because what kind of a MANIAC thinks ferb ‘nonverbal no eye contact hyperfocusing king’ fletcher is neurotypical
x - a trope which you’re almost certain to love in any fandom - FOUND FUCKING FAMILY BABEY!!!!! it’s so fucking good even when some or all of the characters already have pretty good relationships with their biological/legal family, there’s a flavour of it to suit basically any group of characters and it makes my heart go bkngjbn hsbvhfnvhjf hsnvjwnvjkfn hjfvnksjvnf hfnvfjk every time :’)
z - ramble about anything fan related - i can’t fuckin do this without a prompt because my brain turns into soup when i’m put on the spot hfnvkfgnj sorry but uhhhhh autistic ferb good and i’m genuinely so so so so glad that it’s received some level of acknowledgement/approval from dan. honestly if you want an answer for this question just scroll through my blog for any length of time hjndfvkfnkbn
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kihaku-gato · 3 years
Random Webcomic Reccomendations
This post is dedicated to bringing to the spotlight several webcomics
(some would be considered webmanga but I’m counting them too since they are primarily presented on webcomic websites) which I’ve been enjoying that I hope can get more traction/fandom with this post. Due to my personal tastes I can say many/most have a sci fi or fantasy theming as well as some (definitely not all) have wlw as well.
Since this post will be quite extensive, I’ll first start with a “table of contents” for those who don’t want synopsises or ramblings, but instead just want titles and want to just check them out themselves.
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My Dragon Girlfriend
Straylight Tiger
Amongst Us
Kiss It Goodbye
Seven Miles Down
Hosted on its own website under hiveworkscomics
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This is a historical semi-fantasy set during the infamous Tulip Mania period of Dutch/European history when people would pay an arm and a leg for even a single potentially valuable tulip bulb.
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In this setting we follow two devils Basil and Ludwig and their avian familiars strut into the action, pretending to be foreign investors getting in on the tulip hype, probably to ensnare some desperate souls, all the while keeping man and beast alike from catching sus that they are not as human as they claim to be.
As of writing this the story is just starting up but is already making quite the unique statement. The distinct black and white artstyle is clearly holding homage to the historical “Woodcut” printmaking style in how it’s drawn, lined, and textured, which is a refreshing way to artistically state that the comic is “set in the past” w/o doing just grayscale or sepia tone that one is used to seeing for media set in historical times.
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The interactions between the devils as well as the animals they can communicate with so far have been quite amusing.
If you don’t directly use hiveworkscomics for your usual webcomic browsing (so don’t get notified by it) they do have both a tumblr and twitter which frequently announce/link its updates. Bonus following their twitter/tumblr being you get to see occasionally “sketches” (I say that term very loosely) of the characters outside of the webcomic series if you’re into that.
 My Dragon Girlfriend
Available on Webtoons and Twitter
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Fantasy alongside modern era setting. It is primarily a wlw webcomic series about a human girl named Christy who is swept off her feet by a dragon girl named Dani, semi-magical/mythical wlw hijinks ensue. It’s hard for me to pin its identity entirely, cause while I wanna say it’s a “Slice of Life” the webcomic is at the point where Dani is fighting a werewolf tooth and nail so it’s hard to pin. It’s clearly romance genre, as even if Dani and Chirsty end up together lickity split (a blink of the eye compared to the slow-burn of most romance stories) there are other wlw subplots going on with secondary primary characters which you’ll be routing for.
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It has its steamy moments and implies sex but not so far as to show full-on nudity of the main characters characters. Though there is some nudity of some of the monstergirls such as the fawn girls on the other hand it does not beat around the bush with, but luckily takes the nudity in a natural non-sexual way Correction as of writing this; only the Twitter version shows nudity, they had to censor with bras on Webtoons cause it got flagged.
If you want it hotter/steamier, sign up to the artist’s patreon. It’s definitely a nice softish wlw webomic if you’re craving a lil monstergirl flavour.
Available on Tapas and Webtoons
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Full-on adventure fantasy setting set in a world where magic and mages have been persecuted to the point of going into secrecy.
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It stars a cute red-riding-hood-like implied secret-royal (that was too much a mouthful) lady named Red, and a tall gorgeous beefy secretly mage lady named Morgan which Red has dragged into her shenanigans with.
It’s early to call this a wlw gem as of the current updates, but it is tagged as lgbt+ so take that with potential further wisdom.
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This webcomic uses colour a fair bit to set its tone/mood, but otherwise has a very comfy/warm feeling about it somehow, like some of those old comics/webcomics/novels you would welcome to read while snuggled under blankets. Also the outfits are REALLY nicely designed, and I could definitely see some peeps having fun cosplaying many of these characters.
As the story slowly progresses I am holding with baited breath to how Red and Morgan’s interactions/relationship may or may not evolve, as I am totally an absolute sucker for “friendly/bubbly naïveish character dragging along the cool/grumpy don’t-get-involved character that has a hidden soft heart” trope.
  Straylight Tiger
Available on Webtoons and Tapas
WARNING- while infrequent this one has some blood/gore that will shake you up, though it puts it where it would be most sensible to. Lucky for you most blood in this series is not the usual human-red blood which tones the edge down.
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It may have lots of fantasy elements but this one definitely holds its identity as Sci Fi. Set in a futuristic cyberesque city full of both good and bad superhumans (one group being animal shapeshifters and the other being elemental casters), there is an extremist cult out to wreck havoc in the city, so a company responds by recruiting a handful of individuals from all 3 races to make a secret task force to eliminate the threat.
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The main character in this story is a secretly-a-tiger shapeshifter named Angeline.
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This is probably the most visually colourful of the webcomics in my list and is really using it to charge up its stylistic sci fi setting. Best way I could compare it to; you know those glow-in-the-dark cyber avatars you occasionally see in VRchat? Straylight Tiger matches that visual energy. Of listed so far this is also the most action-packed webcomic on the list. I could almost call it a Trigger-like comic but luckily unlike Studio Trigger it’s not into going nuts on fanservice.
If you’re craving your superhuman sci fi action, this one should at least be checked out. I want to say there’ll be wlw at some point, but it’s too early to call, and if it does I would not expect it to be a major arc when it has larger fish for plot points to deal with.
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If you’re craving wlw of at least mc and her weapons-savvy human friend, I highly recommend you checking out the artist Flying Frappe’s twitter to get some sating for you wlw cravings for the two.
Available on webtoons as well as its own webcomic site
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Tragic fantasy setting starring a supermagical woman named Veloice as she is hunted by an Assassin. I tag it as there is an undertone of death in some of the arcs, which give this colourfully magical world a more sombre tone. Among the webcomics on the list this one may be steepest when it comes to catching to speed of the world’s setting/rules/hierarchies but once you do you’ll hunger for this more.
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I can’t entirely make a perfect comparison for it (Full Metal Alchemist is as close as I could compare and they are still as different to each other as apples and oranges) but it really has that rich nostalgic old manga style/world/tone to it, and its most welcome to as well.
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The world building is rich, and Veloice is a mental/magical powerhouse even if at times she has a fragility about her. The fact she’s a Caricophona; magical beings which tend to either get persecuted or expire early at age from their own condition, definitely helps with giving her a almost “glass canon” energy about her.
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While those points have definitely helped hook me in, the thing that tends to excite me the most in this webcomic is Veloice’s interactions with the assassin who’s been send to kill her, named Blackbird. The tension between them, the fact Blackbird both wants to toy with her, Blackbird’s somewhat flirtatious nature towards Veloice OMFG I EAT IT UP!!!! They have such a enemies to lovers feeling to them (though no, they are not lovers- we can dream though) which just gets you so excited.
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I should also mention there are two other “primary characters” in the group. Two rich naïve kids ready to help Veloice however they can. You grow to like them (even if they hit tropes that may strike a nerve if you’re tired to their character type), but the mvp of this webcomic for character and interaction has to be Veloice and Blackbird.
 Amongst Us
Available on webtoons and its own website
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Say you like Veloice and Blackbird from the previous webcomic, but find the hefty fantasy setting a bit too much, and you’re more for the romance? What if I told you the artist was galaxy brained enough to make a chiller AU? That is what Amongst Us is; a music college-set slice of life with a slow burn romance between Veloice and Blackbird. They’re dorky, their cute, and seeing some of the characters you’re familiar with in Caricophona in a different setting is nice to see.
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In some ways Veloice is less proactive in Amongst Us but still feels very in-character of her. The webcomic would end pretty quick if Veloice were to get-to-the-point with Blackbird after all (granted with how we see them in the future together at the start of the webcomic it’s not like they have to be in a hurry anyways).
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Seeing a wlw / slice of life set in a college setting rather than a high school setting is extremely welcome. Please, more of this.
 Kiss it Goodbye
Available on Webtoons
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Slice of Life high-school beginnings of wlw romance. The artstyle is good, the characters are lovely. We know canonically that they end up together (as the webcomic starts with them in the future where they are a couple, as they begin to weave the story to their curious friends wanting to know how their romance came to be).
It’s not an unwelcome Slice of Life.
Available on h0lyhandgrenade’s website
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I have honestly not read this one in a while and dropped it like, several years ago, but it was interesting and is still ongoing, so I had to mention it. Set in the Pokemon universe, it stars the main character who has been thrown into the pokemon trainer career while absolutely wanting nothing to do with it. Ends up becoming a rocket grunt which is an interesting change of perspective from many pokemon fancomics. It has old-nuzelocke energy though it is not a Nuzelocke. Be prepared for the brutality as you cry for the pokemon (especially his pikachu). The undying loyalty of his Charmander as he himself struggles with his position as a trainer/grunt is interesting. He is definitely not the usual pokemon trainer protag you’re used to.
 Seven Miles Down
Available on Webtoons
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A completed oneshot psychological horror where a girl takes her submarine to the deepest unventured oceanic trench in the world. Tragic end, but horrors can be like that. The psychological nature of the horror is an interesting angle. The rounded cute style may throw you off but it works.
Availabe on its own website via hiveworkscomics
This comic has since been cancelled from continuation, but is the webcomic to set me off in making this list, so it will still be mentioned in memory/tribute, and is the grand example of why you should interact with the webcomics you read as well as share them; there is a good chance they will not hold on their own without fan interaction and traction. Excuse me as I just use two full-on pages cause I’m wearing out on this list and browsing through tons and tons of pages for highlights wears a peep out.
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Modern-set religious fantasy on an island where local their religion may be more than it seems. Stars a boy named Daniel, and Esther the Demon girl. From what can be gleaned the Demongirl knew the “god” of the island’s religion and was double crossed, so has a bone to pick with them and their “angelic” entourage now that she’s free when she got accidentally summoned by Daniel.
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This webcomic loves its use of blood, but your grow used to it after a point. The setting is interesting, and its also cool to see how the “angels” are far from the usual “pretty human-like” in their true form and are instead more monstrous than you could say even the Demon Esther is.
A lot of what makes this comic interesting, outside of the “revenge against a god” main plot going on, is how messy the characters can be.
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Daniel, Esther, and the one angel named Manual are all pretty interesting in how they interact with their roles that they’ve been put in and how they react to others, and are all very morally grey complex characters.
Daniel is an angst machine who tends to really wear himself out (though how he’s positioned/pressured by the world doesn’t help) and shoot himself in the foot a lot, and that’s even before Esther “turns” him into her lil monstrous pawn, not something you commonly see in main characters from the get-go.
Esther (the tall blondie) while being a Demon ready to get her vengeance on is in many ways naïve/childlike despite her powerful nature, and despite using Daniel as her pawn is shown to grow to have feelings/care for Daniel which is very interesting for “The Contracted Devil” position.
Manual…. We haven’t gotten to see a lot but it’s clear he’s meant to be the angelic hero position but its clear he does not like the position, and he also has a thing for a human woman named Rosamaria but we have not gotten to see why that’s the case.
This webcomic didn’t get the traction it needed to keep going, so was recently cancelled by the artist.
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