#it is about him - a biopic - and how he got to the point of making atomic weapons and ends on a note of undeniable horror
oreolesbian · 10 months
the absolute lack of media literacy from people who haven’t even seen oppenheimer is making my head spin but whatever
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allysunny · 5 months
imagine miguel x fem!reader who absolutely LOVES disney, and she’s able to convince miguel to watch snow white and the seven dwarfs (1937) with her. At first miguel thinks it’s just a boring cartoon, but ends up enjoying it. More importantly, he enjoys watching it with you
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Watching Snow White with Miguel O'Hara
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Words: 2.1k words
Warnings: None! Just pure fluff! Miguel is very skeptical and a somewhat bore but he's OUR skeptical and a smowhat bore! Please do correct me on the spanish if it's incorrect! No beta, we die like Uncle Ben.
A/N: Hey everyone!!! Here's another one of your requests! This one is short - I've been experimenting with that bullet point headcanon sort of format I told you guys about. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I loved writing this nevertheless! It had been a while since I had watched the movie, so I got to rewatch it and have a fun time :)
It's been a while since I've written for Miggy - please go easy on me!
I hope you all enjoy this!
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You’d suggested watching Snow White after jokingly calling him “Grumpy”. He’d come home one day sulking because of some Spider Society affairs (apparently, he did not like the way that new Miles Morales kid handled thing – “too emotional”, he said), and you’d taken one good look at him and called him “Grumpy”. He clearly didn’t understand what you were referring to, so you thought it’d be a fun way for you to spend an afternoon.
Miguel didn’t get the appeal of animated movies. He thought they were for children and hadn’t watched many. They weren’t his style either – Miguel liked biopics, historical drama, not silly little animated musicals with talking animals and, in his humble opinion, “very impossible happy endings” – when you told him you believed in happy endings because you’d found yours with him, he blushed and turned away, pouting and mumbling something about “you clearly being the exception because you were special and perfect in every way”
One Saturday afternoon, you were feeling particularly lazy, so after cleaning the apartment with him, you decided to celebrate. It was time for a much-deserved rest. You prepared some popcorn, grabbed a few blankets (for yourself of course – Miguel thought you were an undiagnosed psychopath because of the number of blankets you loved to cuddle under), and sat on the couch.
When Miguel looked at you, he raised an eyebrow.
“What are you doing?” he asked, noticing the popcorn on your lap.
“I think it’s about time you get schooled on the art of animation.” You smiled and patted the seat on the couch next to you.
Miguel made a soft “tch” sound but sat nevertheless, wrapping an arm around you, as he always did. He could be grumpy and pout all he wanted, but you had him wrapped around your finger.
“So, what are you making me watch, huh muñeca?”
“We’re watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” you quickly searched for the movie on your TV, and grinned once the bright Disney logo shone.
“Really? A kid’s movie? That’s why you’re wasting my time?” Miguel quirked one eyebrow and crossed his arms.
You scoffed, clearly offended. Sure, you could see his muscles through the fabric of the shirt when he crossed his arms like that, but it was beside the point and you would not let it deter you.
“It’s not just a kid’s movie! In fact, it was the first ever animated movie! It was a trendsetter! This movie walked so all animated movies could run! It’s a landmark in cinema history, it’s - “
“Vale, vale,” Miguel interrupted you, “I get it. It’s a big deal. Very important. Can you just press play?”
And so, you did!
At first, Miguel didn’t get it. It was silly. The plot was silly. Very silly, actually. Why would a Queen be worried about not being the prettiest? It sounded like a very weak reason to hate someone. It’s not like this Snow White girl wanted to steal her throne or her kingdom. And why dress her in rags?  Clothes wouldn’t be able to hide her physical appearance. Sure, they could make her look dirty and unkempt, but they wouldn’t necessarily make her ugly. And what’s the deal with that Magic Mirror anyway? How can it talk? Why is it magic? Does magic exist in this world? How? It’s not really established, it just sort of exists. And the animation – it wasn’t at all that good. It was rather rudimentary, and not at all like the great landmark you mentioned.
“Miguel, it’s a movie. Don’t think about it too much,” you’d mumbled when you saw his expression, the one he always had, with the furrowed brows and tightened lips, the one that signalled he was deep in thought. “Just go with it, okay?”
He did.
Once the Prince and Snow White shared their first duet, he was kind of sceptical, but after taking one good look at you and your content expression, he relaxed, holding you tighter. You curled into his side and smiled.
And to be honest, he started getting into it.
After the Queen made her request to have the Huntsman hunt down Snow White, he shook his head. “What a hateful woman,” he said. “Hunting down a poor innocent girl just because of her beauty. Maybe the reason she’s not ‘the fairest of them all’ is because she’s actually hideous on the inside”. You beamed at that. Miguel seemed to be getting in the spirit.
Once Snow White found out from the Huntsman about the Queen’s order and ran away into the forest, you could sense Miguel was nervous. The dark shadows and hidden figures that so scared the young Princess had him tense up. You nearly chuckled out loud. He was scared. “Everything alright, my love?” you asked him. “Pobrecita….” Was all he said, shaking his head.
When Snow White started singing and gathering the animals around her, Miguel snorted. You looked up at him, confused. What seemed to be so funny?
“That’s you,” he said, pointing at the screen.
“Excuse me?”
“That’s you, alright. Always surrounded by people, bringing them together. Everyone in Spider Society loves you. Watching you interact with those idiots is like watching this movie.” He looked at you and you melted before those chestnut eyes. Bringing your hand up, you pressed a soft kiss on his jaw and turned to the movie once again.
How sweet he was.
He could try all he wanted. He could be tall, bulky, mean, scary Miguel all he wanted at HQ – around you, he was as needy as a lost puppy.
“Pft – look at her! Breaking into a random house in the woods. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is how she got herself killed.” “Miguel, shhh –“ “It’s the truth! What if this is a trap set by the Queen, huh? Snow White is not as careful as she should be.” You chuckled at Miguel’s comments, most of them which funny rather than annoying. His scepticism and aloofness in life provided him with a different, more realistic view on the movies. You had to admit though – he was right. What if it was a trap?
“Hah – that’s us,” Miguel said as Snow White began to clean up the house. “Although I wouldn’t want a weasel cleaning my plates – is that deer licking them?!” “It’s a –“ “Yeah, yeah, I know. ‘It’s a movie Miggy, don’t think too hard about it’. I know, I’ve heard it. I’m just stating a fact – it’s disgusting.” You hummed, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind next time you feel like licking me –“ “That’s different cariño, I just can’t help –“, “You’re not watching, Miguel!”
“That’s grumpy?!” Miguel’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. You laughed, shrugging your shoulders. “I think you look exactly like him. And look at his scowl!” Miguel shook his head and pouted, and while you should’ve stopped teasing him, you just couldn’t stop with the laughter. He looked exactly like the character, with his sulking expression and crossed arms. You had to pause the movie for a while because tears were streaming down your face. Miguel sulked even further, and only relaxed once you’d kissed him plenty and told him he was “a very handsome grumpy” and “the grumpy of your heart”.
“Tch, if I’m Grumpy, then you’re Dopey.” “WHAT?!”
It’s important to note it was only now that Miguel even realised you were clutching a bowl of popcorn, so he accused you of “hoarding” and placed in on his lap so the both of you could share. Or, well, share whatever was left of it.
You two watched the rest of the movie, Miguel still throwing in small quips about the characters here and there. He smiled as the dwarves danced with Snow White, foot actually tapping to the rhythm of the song. When Grumpy seemed to melt after the princess had kissed his head, he almost melted. “Maybe I am your Grumpy after all”, he said, to which you giggled and took a popcorn from the bowl.
 As soon as the Evil Queen appeared once again, he scowled cursing her name in Spanish.
“Snow’s far too kind for her own good. Who’d take an apple from a stranger? The dwarves told her not to let anyone in. She’s far too trusting for her own good.” He mumbled, shoving handful of popcorn into his mouth (you’d had to go get a new pack). “Well, she’s kind and good. She saw someone in need and wanted to help. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.” You replied. “Yes, but people take advantage of her. The Evil Queen is preying on her kindness. Qué pendeja…”
It was eerily quiet once Snow was inside the coffin, and the dwarves were mourning her loss. You tried to say something about it, but he quickly shushed you. The tables had turned – this was it; he was interested in the movie.
But that sadness did not last long. The Prince came along and kissed Snow White, waking her up. Of course, Miguel being Miguel, he made some sort of comment about how “how creepy it was he’d just kissed a corpse out of nowhere”, but there was a smile in his face when they rode off to his kingdom, so you paid it no mind.
After the movie had ended, you looked at him. It was hard to decipher what was going on inside that beautiful head of his, but you tried, nevertheless.
“So what?”
“Did you like it?”
Miguel stared at the television some more, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
“You’re telling me this was the first ever animated movie?” he asked, still looking at the screen.
“The very first.”
“I see. Well, the animation was quite rudimentary,” he began, “And the plot had some flaws. Snow was far too trusting.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. Of course, it had all been in your head. Why would he have liked an animated movie? It wasn’t his style and all. He probably thought it was girly and stupid, and you’d just wasted his time.
You were beginning to utter an apology when he kept speaking.
“But it was fun. I liked it.” His eyes were soft, finally holding your gaze. Sure, the movie wasn’t particularly his type. He wasn’t a big fan of princesses, and there were far too many musical numbers for his taste. But he got to spend one whole afternoon with you in his arms, watching as you smiled and giggled and gushed over this movie that you clearly held so dear in your heart, and he would do it all again in a heartbeat, just for the privilege of seeing you happy.
And if that wasn’t love, then what was it?
“It reminded me of how selfless and kind you are.”
You blushed under his praise, and hid your face in the crook of his neck. Miguel brought his hand up and caressed your cheek absentmindedly.
“I’m serious, cariño. Sure, I may be Grumpy all you want, but you’re just as good and altruistic as she is.”
You looked up into his eyes, cheeks aflame and heart all fuzzy.
“You think so?”
Miguel smiled and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“No, I’m joking. You’re Dopey.”
He laughed loudly and you huffed, throwing the now empty popcorn bowl aside to all but jump on him, attempting to tackle him doing and tickle him. He let you do whatever you wanted for a while, pretending you could compete with him, falling on the couch and feigning defeat. But he quickly got bored, and held both of your arms with one hand, flipping the two of you so you were laying on your back, and he hovered over you.
When he kissed your neck repeatedly, you laughed out loud, willing to surrender. Miguel knew all your secret spots – he nosed the one you were most ticklish in, and you yelped, feet kicking up. He merely smirked at this reaction and kept placing kiss after kiss after kiss on the column of your neck.
“As I was saying,” he said, matter-of-factly, lifting his head to kiss you gently on the lips. You were so beautiful; he wondered what the shock he must’ve done to have the privilege to be with such an amazing woman.
“I enjoyed our time together. If you’re happy, then I’m happy. ¿Mañana vemos otra?”
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doll-elvis · 7 months
~ my thoughts as an elvis fan
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(credit to @urpinkstargirl for the photo)
so I saw it last night and I’ve been stewing on it ever since as I wanted to be 100% sure in myself before saying this publicly
**brace yourselves**
After just one viewing… I feel confident in saying that I preferred this film over “Elvis” 2022 🤧. It was just so immersive and so deeply intimate that I walked away from the theater feeling like I had just lived a life with Elvis, and experienced all the ugly and wonderful things that came with it
I am seeing it again tonight and possibly tomorrow just to recapture that feeling (which made me cry… three times…)
And although I’m not the biggest fan of Sofia Coppola, there is simply no denying that she has perfected showing “girlhood” in film, and making the most unique experiences, like being Marie Antoinette and being Priscilla Presley, somehow universal to everybody. I haven’t felt being “14” since I was 14, which was a whole 5 years ago, but WHEW… I most definitely felt 14 again when watching Priscilla navigate life in Germany
Also- we all saw how Austin Butler was completely cheated out of an Oscar and so I’m begging that we do not do that again. Give the Oscar to Cailee Spaeny (who played Priscilla) right now 😤 There are no words besides “immaculate” to describe her performance. Her future is so bright as an actress, I just cannot wait to follow her career + she just seems like the sweetest person ever??
And I know it might seem insane to say that I preferred “Priscilla” over “Elvis” and some of y’all might crucify me for that take but my preference solely comes down to the fact that I appreciate Priscilla’s perspective much more so than the Colonel’s, who to me, has always been the least interesting aspect of Elvis’ story
My biggest gripe with having the Colonel narrative/tell Elvis’ life in the 2022 film is the fact that it made the film feel rather impersonal to Elvis as I don’t think the script or the storytelling ever fully allowed for Austin Butler to explore what he was like beyond the stage
And personally speaking, I have a much deeper love for Elvis the person as opposed to Elvis the performer, and I think that “Priscilla” showed the human side of him far more than “Elvis” ever did (like y’all we actually get to hear and see him reading his philosophy books in this!!!)
But before I get into what was actually depicted in film, and all my praises, I thought I would briefly state what I thought could have been done better. Don’t get me wrong, this movie was beyond amazing, however, it was definitely not without its’ faults:
1. If you have seen a lot of reviewers talk negatively about the pacing in this film- just know that they are unfortunately, completely right in that assessment. The whole timeline of Germany felt literally five minutes long, and the 70s also, felt maybe 10 minutes long which just made both the beginning and end feel rather rushed. Also there were at least 5 scenes that just faded to black before going onto the next one, and some very abrupt cuts in scenes which felt a bit awkward
2. Because this is a biopic, and because it’s based on a real life, there is no climax like you would be accustomed to normally in a film and so I think that the average viewer, like someone who may not really care about Priscilla or Elvis, will probably walk away from the film feeling unsatisfied- possibly bored. I saw it with my mom and my sister, and my mom was asleep in like 45 minutes 😭. The movie definitely got repetitive at some points but I acknowledge the fact that life is repetitive, especially for Priscilla in the 60s while Elvis was off making movies
3. While Priscilla (played by Cailee Spaeny) aged realistically and seamlessly, Elvis (played by Jacob Elordi) was essentially the same person (physically) for 95% percent of the film. For some reason, his hair was already dyed black in the Germany scenes, although we know it was brown at that time, and so there was no real transformation for him until Lisa Marie is born. The height of the actor was definitely jarring at first but eventually I got used to it…however…I damn near busted out laughing when they showed him in the Comeback special outfit 💀 His performance was nothing but incredible (ESPECIALLY THE VOICE) and so I learned to get over the physical disparities rather quickly
4. The ending of this film, particularly the song, was overwhelmingly sad and impactful but I was really disappointed that we didn’t get to see Priscilla’s and Elvis’ relationship after the divorce. This film ends with Priscilla leaving Graceland, starting her “new life”, which didn’t make much sense to me considering this movie was adapted from her book, which very much explores that part of her life, especially with Elvis
I would have really love to seen moments like this from Priscilla’s perspective ⬇️
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excerpt from “Priscilla, Elvis and me” (avoid this book)
5. NO CIRCLE G RANCH!!! It is borderline criminal to make a film about Priscilla and Elvis and to not include their time spent at Circle G ranch ** which Priscilla has always said were their happiest times together **. I assume that this was likely an issue because of the budget and the fact that they only had 30 days to film but god… I would have really appreciated some of the domestic bliss that Priscilla and Elvis shared while living in the trailer on the ranch. There were many happy moments/sequences (y’all are going to die when you see the rollerblading/go cart scenes) in this movie, but I think their gradual separation/withdrawal from one another (post marriage) would have hit harder if we saw how happy they were together during their ranch phase
6. For those who have read “Elvis and Me”, we all know about the famed LSD scene that takes place and unfortunately, Coppola heavily missed the mark on it. We don’t see Lamar Fike making out with a tree, we don’t see Jerry Schilling in a closet- instead we see Priscilla and Elvis just kind of rolling around, laughing amongst themselves while the room around them turns different colors
There were definitely many key moments/stories like that missing from the film, and I honestly wish that the movie was an hour longer so that we could have seen the book more fully fleshed out
Lastly, here’s just a general synopsis of the scenes in Germany… I was going to do the whole movie but I don’t have the stamina to type it all out 😭. If y’all want to know something specific please feel free to comment below and I will let you know <3!!
After the beginning credits are shown, the film starts with Currie Grant (who was renamed as Terry West) approaching Priscilla in a diner, inviting her to a party at Elvis’ house. After talking with her parents and assuring them that Priscilla will be looked after by him and his wife, it cuts to her in the back of a car, on her way to meet Elvis. The scene is exactly like how it is in the book, Elvis asks her how old she is, he remarks that she is “just a baby” and so on- Elvis then plays “a Whole lotta shakin” at the piano and that is one of three musical performances we see from him
Priscilla is then re-invited by Currie aka Terry via Elvis to comeback to the house again. Elvis invites Priscilla up to his room, she looks around and sees letters from Anita Wood, and a poster of Bridgette Bardot just like in the book. After Elvis talks about Gladys and how he is still reeling over her death, and how lonely he has felt since then, they share their first kiss to the song “Crimson and Clovers”
There are some scenes of Priscilla at school and some scenes of her sort of convincing her parents to let her continue to see Elvis. And they do agree, but just like in the book, they want to meet him first. Elvis is questioned by Priscilla’s father on why he wants to be with her to which Elvis replies that she is very mature for her age and that he likes talking to her since she is from home aka the United States. He then assures Priscilla’s father that she will be taken care of. After that we see them going to the movies where Elvis expresses how much he wants to be a serious actor, and then they share another kiss on the car ride home. It then cuts to Christmas time where we see Elvis giving Priscilla a watch and then BOOM- Elvis and her are on the way to the airport where they say their final goodbyes as he leaves for the United States
The film really does follow closely to the book (at least from 59’ when they meet to 69’- again the 70s were really rushed) and so I really recommended to read that prior to watching the movie
As for the more sensitive scenes-
There is no explicit sex, no graphic nudity, and no scene where Elvis forces himself upon Priscilla. He does say “this is how a real man makes love to his woman” but all he does is kiss her before she pushes him off. There is a rather long “polaroid-taking” sequence where it shows all the outfits that Elvis would Priscilla dress up in but other than that, we only see Elvis and Priscilla make out
And it did show when Elvis accidentally hit Priscilla in the eye during the pillow fight scene in her book, along with the scene of him throwing a chair in her general direction after she expressed she didn’t like a demo of one his songs, and the scene where he grabs all her clothes from the closet and tells her that she should go visit her parents. I don’t think that the scenes made Elvis look abusive: Coppola was surprisingly nuanced in showing that he had reasons for his sometimes bad temperament i.e the pills he took along with the fact that he was frustrated with his film career
It also shows Elvis’ infidelities but really only through movie magazines that Priscilla sees. So it’s never explicitly shown, I would say it’s more hinted at than anything
And there are two scenes of Priscilla with Mike Stone but again, nothing that is explicitly shown, it’s just hinted at
Finally, to finish this up, this is what I wrote on my Instagram account which I very much stand by ⬇️
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Just please give this movie a chance y’all, it was so beautiful and so sensitively done… I cannot wait to watch it again <3
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 40
The Winter Banquet.
Where the Spring Championship announcements happen for Collegiate Exy. A formal event meant to allow the ERC to showcase how their stars weren’t just brutes on the court. Look at how beautiful and handsome they all were. Look at how they danced together. Look at the smiles and laughter and-
Put that down.
Who had the great idea to put the Jackals next to the Terrapins? Things have been tense between the teams since the Captain of the Terrapins stole the Captain of the Jackal’s date during the Fall Banquet!
I thought we all agreed that there would never be any more steak knives! What was the point of paying for all the pre-cut tenderloins if we’re just going to give them steak knives?! 
Really gotta find an intern to pin this fiasco on.
Oh great the Foxes are leaving! Did we even get a picture of Kevin Day in his suit? Fuck it’s going to be a two intern firing kind of day isn’t it.
Someone get an eye on the Ravens before they try and grab some hapless idiot and sacrifice him to revive Riko Moriyama. If there’s even one more damn tabloid with a blurry photo of ‘Riko Moriyama’ to prove that his death was faked then heads will roll.
Honestly, the biopic that some Edgar Allan Film student is making about him seems pretty interesting. The ERC just wishes people would stop taking pics of the ‘lead actor’ and sending it to tabloids as proof that the King hadn’t died.
Fuck, the Foxes left before we got any decent pictures.
Well just great.
You’d think that after all these years of the Foxes leaving early they’d have learned that getting pictures as they arrive is the most important thing. 
Oh thank god it looks like the Trojans are starting to mediate the fight. You can always count on good ol’ Jeremy.
A Raven got too close to Jean Moreau and now Jeremy Knox has punched a Backliner. Great. The Trojans have formed ranks around Moreau but the kid’s just too damn tall. Someone has hit him in the head with an especially saucy meatball, he’s not injured, just confused. The Trojans are acting like it’s a gunshot he just took to the head.
The refreshment table just seemed to collapse in on itself and god wasn’t that just an allegory for this entire damn evening.
Anita Flores sighs as she watches yet another banquet go down in a riot. Honestly, she doesn’t know why they think these will end up differently. She finds herself often missing when she used to coordinate banquets for football teams.
She sighs and thinks about her least favorite interns.
Alex had been getting a bit too cocky lately. He’d make a good sacrifice.
(Three hours earlier)
The Palmetto State Foxes were on their way to the Winter Banquet. From what FF understood it was categorically always a 90% chance of a shitshow. Honestly FF was surprised that the percentage was that low.
There was a general tenseness in the air surrounding it that went beyond the Banquet’s propensity to become a fight. 
This year the Winter Banquet was going to be held up at the Binghamton Bearcat’s stadium. The nation knew the story from the news and FF knew the story from both that and from the Foxes themselves who were there at the time in bits and pieces.
Captain Neil had been kidnapped from this stadium and then he’d been tortured. FF hadn’t even been on the team when it had happened and he was anxious about Captain Neil going anywhere near the stadium.
“He was just…he was just gone.” Matt had said, “Neil was gone and Kevin said that he was probably dead when Andrew got back with his phone.” He continued as the two of them sat up late in the living room of the dorm one night back in early October.
“I thought Andrew was going to kill me y’know.” Kevin had said bottle in hand as FF tried to help him up the stairs because apparently he would 100% guarantee vomit if he was in the nausea box. “I thought that maybe I deserved it, since I didn’t help Neil. I just let him walk to his death.” He said and despite assurances that he wouldn’t puke FF’s shoes did not make it through that journey unscathed.
“We called…we called everywhere.” Nicky had stared up at the ceiling of his hospital room, “Andrew was adamant that he was still alive even though Kevin kept saying he was dead and that dead was the nicest thing he could hope for. I thought that was a terrible thing to say.” Nicky curled up closer to him.
“I told you, Andrew dragged me like I was nothing to get to Neil. I don’t think he even noticed the guns.” Wymack said to Abby as the two sat on the back porch during Aras’ going away party. “His eyes were on Neil.” he gestures towards where Andrew was watching Captain Neil wrestle with Matt.
“He looked like shit.” Aaron had said unable to stomach a diagram of different degrees of burn in his medical book. “At least he was alive.” He adds.
“A hero.” Andrew’s voice had been what could be considered teasing from Andrew, “Someone who looks like her.” he had said touching Captain Neil’s burn scars as they drove away from the stadium after coming back to pick FF up.
Captain Neil had come to him the day before they were set to drive out, “Take me somewhere no one will find me for an hour.” FF hadn’t quite understood what Captain Neil meant, he never hid anywhere. People just failed to realize where he was.
“Ok.” he says instead of trying to explain because being unnoticed means no one hid codes from him.
The roof of the Library wasn’t that much different from the roof of the Tower, only that it was taller and bigger. Captain Neil had shut his phone off after texting something, likely to Andrew, and then put it into his pocket.
FF settled on the roof, sat with his back against a heating vent to stay warm. Captain Neil settled next to him and they sat in silence. It felt like back at the start of this where Captain Neil and Andrew would come find him and just sit in silence. 
It was nice. He had missed-
“They act like the stadium is the thing that kidnapped me.” Captain Neil says.
Oh okay, quiet time is over apparently.
FF doesn’t say anything, figuring that nothing he could say right now would be the right thing and maybe Captain Neil just needs to talk through some stuff.
“That stadium is where I thought I’d have my last good memory.” Captain Neil explains, “I’m not scared of it and yet Andrew’s acting like I’ll die if I’m left alone for more than 2 seconds while we’re there. Every time we go there they all act like the most important thing in the world is that I get on that bus at the end of the night.” Captain Neil explains.
FF does remember how Andrew had grabbed Captain Neil after their October game up in Binghamton. How Captain Neil had complained bitterly but had gone after looking at Andrew.
“He’s dead!” Captain Neil exclaimed and FF couldn’t help but look over at the entrance and hoped no one heard them. “He’s dead! I watched him get shot! He can’t kidnap me again!” Captain Neil continued to yell and FF couldn’t help but worry that they’d be heard below, or worse bother a student trying to study below.
FF reached out and touched Captain Neil’s arm and bright blue eyes turned to him, “We’re on a library. Don’t yell.” FF said and Captain Neil looked at him incredulously.
Then he laughed. He laughed and laughed and FF was worried that he’d gone and broken his Captain.
He suddenly felt bad about his own bout of hysterical laughter a while back.
“Thanks Smith.” Captain Neil had said with a smile.
They had sat up there until it was dark and Andrew had started calling FF’s phone and Captain Neil took the call to say he was coming back.
Now they’re on the bus, dressed nicely, and on their way up to Binghamton’s stadium. Captain Neil and Andrew are hidden in the far back of the bus with Andrew looking far more like a watchdog than anything else the closer they got to their destination.
Captain Neil had seemed largely resigned to this treatment at this point. Eventually they were at the stadium and shown to their seats. They were sat across from the Trojans and it seemed like the rest of the team was quite pleased with that.
“Smith!” Captain Jeremy Knox is smiling at him, “Nice to see you again bud, nice name change too.” he says.
“It’s nice to see you too, Captain Jeremy.” FF says and doesn’t notice how Captain Neil’s head whips around to look at him.
“You two know each other?” Nicky asks looking between the two of them with excitement.
“Of course! We offered Smith a spot at the USC Trojans.” Captain Jeremy says and FF feels his stomach cramp at the memory.
That had been terrifying.
Coach Rheman and Captain Jeremy wanted to sit down to make their offer with his parents. He was still 17 and unable to sign anything legal without their permission. He’d tried to decline and move past them and Captain Jeremy had put the final nail in the coffin at the time for any thought that he could go to college on the power of his apparent Exy capabilities.
“I saw in your file that you have brothers! USC always gives a second look at student applicants who already have siblings in the university. You could go to school with your brothers!” he had smiled brightly like he wasn’t issuing FF one of the most terrifying threats he’d ever heard in his entire life.
He had given the firmest ‘No thank you, I’m not interested in playing Exy in college.’ he could and was running to his Grandma’s to breath into a bag for twenty minutes.
“I see you changed your mind about playing Exy in college.” Captain Jeremy said with the same smile that still feels like a threat.
“Coach Wymack and Captain Dan were convincing.” he says and looks to see if there’s any way he can move further away from Captain Jeremy’s attention.
“Can I ask what convinced you to be a Fox?” Captain Jeremy asks, “I’m always trying to see what support we should be offering. I found out last year that we missed out on Andrew because we didn’t offer spots to Aaron or Nicky. I thought since you had brothers that’d be the thing that got you.” Captain Jeremy leans across the table but stops when he notices the Foxes all tense. “Whoa, what’s up?” he asks.
Jean Moreau sighs from next to Captain Jeremy, “Not everyone wants to go to college with their family, Jeremy.” Jean says, “Did it not cross your mind that he changed his entire name?�� he asks with a raised brow.
Jeremy blinks, “Oh,” he looks at FF, “I guess that wasn’t the right thing to offer.” he says leaning back in his chair.
“I guess I should thank you for offering that?” Nicky says wryly before turning to look at FF, “You look better in orange anyways.” he says.
“Thank you Nicky.” FF returns loyally.
The banquet gets started shortly afterwards. Food is served. The bar is opened. People are talking. FF finds himself relaxing the longer the conversations around him go on. Matt is talking with a backliner on the Trojan line named Todd in good cheer. Captain Neil, Kevin, and Jean are all talking about the latest updates with Ichirou in French with the occasional gesture towards FF. Jean Moreau looks at him with a raised eyebrow but gives him a single nod when Captain Neil explains what happened.
Jeremy is chatting with Jack and even Jack was finding it hard to maintain his usual level of rudeness in the face of such unbridled positive energy. Nicky was talking with Katelyn and Alvarez. Aaron was chatting with a fellow med student college athlete who was an offensive dealer. 
It was shaping up to be a good night.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Four
"Lennon's late again" says Paul, as he walks in late. And sweet Ringo just gently, "between ten and eleven is the time" Which means: "Chill babe. He'll be here."
One thing that always gob smacks me is how bored George and Ringo are watching Paul pull Get Back out of the ether. They literally see him do this shit all the time which is insane to me.
His voice is so so so pretty!!! And he's just so completely in his own world. The hunched shoulders. The twitching. The gibberish. The tapping. The twisting.
Obviously this is a song with the original central feeling being let's go back to before everything went wrong but he wants to make it into a meaningless song with both story bits and almost walrus-esque bits. But why is the first lyric he comes up with about gender? Thinking of @scurators posts on Paul and gender.
Ringo's customary quiet really does add significance to his voice, so him singing along with this so quickly says something I think about his support for the song and for Paul in general.
When John walks in he's greeted with a little cocky nod and smile like "look what I've just done while you were late." And then Paul sings "get back to where you once belonged" directly at him before breaking the eye contact. It's one of those heartbreaking Lennon/McCartney miscommunications because Paul is doing this to get John back, but actually it's scaring him away, you know? Paul thinks he has to prove to John how good he is, but John's exhausted with how good Paul is.
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STFU Michael Lindsay Hogg
Paul really does love the idea of being forced out of parliament by cops and honestly so do I. Would've been iconic and might've kept them together.
John's so quiet today and also Yoko is not here. Correlation or causation I wonder.
"They say don't they say charity begins at home?" I love you forever, George. His humor is always so well-placed and so dry (even though he's clearly cracking himself up here). And it steers the conversation away from a direction he was not happy with without poking any bears. In fact, everyone's laughing. Clever boy.
"I've decided that the whole point of it is communication. And to be on TV is communication and we've got a chance to smile at people like all you need is love or something so that's me incentive for doing it." Wise, egalitarian John making a lovely appearance.
And then there's Paul. "I'm here cause I wanna do a show." Lol I love them.
Why do they say "Mr Epstein?" Is it because they're on camera and they want people to know who they're talking about? Does it have something to do with the maharishi telling them certain ways to talk about Brian? Does anyone have any thoughts about that?
Okay so you know how I just said last time how emotionally mature George was? I still think it's generally more true of him than the others, but this right here? This is not it. "I don't want to do any of my songs in the show because they'll all just turn out shitty." Man has issues.
I think it's important to recognize that George and Paul have both said the literal word "divorce" and it's NBD. But when John does it, Paul takes it as "the groups really over and I have to go into hiding and not get out of bed and maybe od who knows." Why? There's another puzzle piece here that we're missing.
"Should we leave you for a while?" "YES!"
On the one hand I'm like "working on Maxwell is the last thing you guys should be doing with this time alone." But on the other thing maybe it's the only thing they can do at this point.
"Mal? You should get a hammer. And an anvil." As he's walking away. Main character in a contrived mad genius biopic. Except it's real.
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"Joan" sounding suspiciously like "John" ... And then he goes "fool, Maxwell fool." Aka one of their ~special words~ New theory. John hates Maxwell because he dies in it. And Paul's the killer.
"Take it away Johnny." Even though it was George and John whistling before wasn't it? Did George get cut from the whistle chorus? Another straw on the camel's back.
I LOVE that John just does not know any of his own songs. Across the Universe my beloved!
On the glyn/Paul moment featured below, I have three thoughts. 1. Whore. 2. John Lennon villain origin story. 3. The fact that glyn didn't just tell John is striking.
"I wish it fucking would". "Cause I'm down." This lyric going from a self-soothing reassurance that his people aren't going to leave him that he'll always have this beautiful dream he's created with them. To this? I hate it here.
So there is a big emotional and energy difference between their Beatlemania selves singing "Rock and Roll Music" and their current selves. And part of it is due to the fact that they're just not as happy as they were then. But I think most of it is really just that they thrive when they're performing for an audience.
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Oppenheimer / immediate thoughts
ok nolan fans let's talk, i just got back.
i am very well acquainted with 20th century american history but i did not do any additional research on oppenheimer the man or the trinity test because i wanted to be surprised by the movie's narrative and imagery, so keep that in mind as you read. i'm not fact-checking for the time being... i want to go do my own reading at my leisure when it's not past midnight.
DON'T GO SEE IT IN IMAX. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND A HEADACHE. it's not inception or dunkirk or the batman films or interstellar. just go to your local theater or wait until it's available to stream. trust me on this. i'll explain why in the spoilers section below.
-this was the least nolan-y film that nolan has ever made. i see more of following in it (his very first film) than i do any other project. it was definitely a bit of a different direction for him.
-this is basically a biopic of sorts about oppenheimer. it's not about the war nor is it really about the bomb. it's about an awkward, conflicted, and possibly mentally ill physics genius who seems to not know how to do much in life beyond quantum physics theory. like yes, he's got a brilliant mind, but he's far from a well-rounded, impressive human being. the guy was a hot mess long before anyone mentioned the word bomb.
-taking that into consideration, i can see how the suffering of humans (whether the navajo nation in new mexico, or the japanese people) doesn't play a role in the film. japanese victims are mentioned, but briefly in one scene. that doesn't make any of this right. in fact a more entertaining, eye-opening, and timely film should have included more of both - but i see now that nolan wanted to focus on ONE man and cillian is indeed in practically every. single. scene.
-cillian should be nominated for an oscar and win it.
-humans are very complex and you CAN both build the bomb AND feel bad about it, yes it's entirely possible and normal, but the film is still 3 hours of white guilt. i'm openly saying it. the reason you shouldn't see it in imax is because it's 3 hours of middle aged white men sitting around making terrible decisions. it's SO MUCH TALKING, jesus.
-IMAX cameras are stupidly loud, which is why most filmmakers don't use them. you can't hear dialogue. they're for action scenes. so that very much explains why i was just ITCHING for subtitles on this. so many different accents and everyone mumbling and the score was louder than their voices and ARGHHH nolan why.
-female characters are unremarkable and underused. i know nolan and i know how he uses female characters. at this point i'm convinced he just doesn't know how to write them, and he can only work with male-driven stories and you know what... fine. it is what it is. unless he brings female writers on board, nothing will change, because he can't do it himself.
-why are there sudden bare tiddies in a nolan film. fanboys, did u love it? did u get what u wanted? was that it? finally, a sex scene in a nolan film? it added nothing and i could argue it took some things away. sorry folks. entirely unnecessary.
-ok THE BEST PART was the surprise cameos. cillian was in every scene and yet he was the least famous person among big oscar winners sometimes! it was wild! i was internally screaming at gary oldman as harry truman. excellent choice to play him like the clown he was. AND EINSTEIN??? did y'all catch that or no??? i knew it right away from the voice and the kind eyes. it's the GUY FROM THE PIT IN THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. he helps bruce recover, and narrates the ascent of "the child". terrific casting! and i haven't checked IMDB yet, but is borden (not named after the character from the prestige!) played by the arkham patient from the dark knight? the one who gets shot in the leg and interrogated by harvey dent?? tell me i am recognizing the right guy! and then we had matthew modine... casey affleck... rami malek who appeared for like 3 mins maybe?! AND Y'ALL, JOSH HARTNETT????????????????? OMG my biggest crush when i was 15. that was craaaazy. but i do like seeing nolan bring back his friends... it's very much a nolan circle as we all know. and once you're in it, you're in it!
-the use of sound was VERY GOOD. the explosion actually being silent, because light reaches us before sound? but also the way the buildup was so intense and so hyped up and then just.... complete silence to reflect on the monstrosity being produced, and how nothing will be the same.
-there was a lot of train sounds to emphasize the railroad, but also... anyone notice that the stomping noise in oppenheimer's head almost felt like a train was coming through? TELL ME YOU DIDN'T THINK ABOUT COBB'S GUILTY CONSCIENCE IN INCEPTION, and how a train would ram through the dream. nolan doing an homage to himself is absolutely hysterical and i am here for it i guess.
-i'm not sure how audiences abroad will feel about all the scenes in washington with congressional testimony. does that stuff carry over well? do you get the references? it's such inside baseball, i know, and it adds so much time to the film, and yet MORE scenes with middle aged white men talking. i could have done with less of the black and white "present day" scenes and more about the impact of the bomb, or maybe more about kitty's life and how she overcame her (presumed?) alcoholism and depression.
-the casual discussion about the 11 cities shortlisted to drop the atomic bomb "but not kyoto because of its cultural importance" made people laugh in the theater as intended, but honestly like... nothing in the movie is funny. it's really heavy stuff and i still stand by the fact that the bomb should never have been produced, despite what oppenheimer and others tried to say. because even its production is incredibly dangerous. it's not just about where you fucking drop it.
-did i mention there is too much matt damon. like, too much.
-rami malek is the only person of color with a speaking role in this film. that's right.
-ok what else guys??? i wanna hear thoughts. there's a lot more but i'm so tired at this hour
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foreverdolly · 2 years
would it be a sin? | austin butler x fempresley!oc
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part one
pairings: austin butler x fem!oc
word count: 3,422
summary: austin is over the moon about getting the lead role in the up and coming elvis biopic, but he's beginning to buckle under the immense pressure. there's a fine line that had to be drawn between himself and elvis presley, but it's beginning to blur as the days go by. when austin is introduced to lisa-marie's daughter, it's love at first sight. he's terrified of blending work with pleasure, but it's getting impossible to deny his heart.
warnings: mild cursing and fluff- the mouthwatering smut comes later.
notes:i wanted to start this first chapter off by saying that all of this is a work of fiction. i will be talking about things that are personal to both austin butler as well as the presley family, but i will be doing it with the utmost respect. this first chapter is tame, but there will be smut as well as the mention of the loss of family members through unfortunate circumstances in future chapters. the topics of drug use and death will not be romanticized or sensationalized in any way. if you have any requests for one shots for austin!elvis or austin butler x reader, please feel free to ask!
masterlist | requests are currently open for business !
Austin, most days, no longer felt like himself. It was hard to differentiate where Austin started and Elvis began. Over the months of nonstop research and dedication, the two of them melded together somehow. Who was who? He didn’t know anymore. Couldn’t really remember, either. 
Austin wasn’t just playing a part in a film anymore. It felt too real. Too dangerous. It was bound to all get worse before it got better. When Baz officially calls it all a wrap and shuts off the cameras for good, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. He was already flailing, trying to get a grip on things. . .  on life. His long term relationship of nine years had ended towards the very beginning of the project. He had just cut and dyed his hair and had thrown himself into his art. Maybe it was his fault that things ended, but he didn’t regret it. Not even for an instant; no matter how horrible that may sound. Working on the movie had made it an easy transition from living everyday life with a long term partner to suddenly being single and alone. He had hidden himself away in his new flat in Australia. Due to Covid he rarely had any visitors. He had been able to sort out his own feelings back then. He took the time to really sort through his emotions and wrap his head around things.
 His ex had been a major part of his life. She had helped to mold and shape him into the man that he was today. Austin had learned what he liked and didn’t like in a relationship. He learned how to be patient and how to properly care for a woman. She would always be an essential part of who he was- but as a building block. She had been an essential stepping stone. That first relationship had acted as his training wheels- but Austin knew how to ride now- so it was natural for him to take them off. So he had. 
He mourned the relationship for a few short days, but the tears didn’t last for very long. He had ripped off the band-aid, and there was something oddly cathartic about it all. He felt better than he really had in years, and it was because things felt right. He had been resolute in his decision, and though he knew that it had been painful for her, she had agreed with him on all points. All that they had ever known was each other, and towards the five year mark, that had been the only thing that really kept them together. Familiarity and comfortability had been the glue that kept them stuck in that odd state of limbo. Austin stopped thinking about marriage and children as the years ticked by with her. He had stopped planning out their future. Instead they seemed to live day by day, making excuses to themselves and loved ones whenever anyone pried or if they tried to do any serious soul searching. 
The call where he had ended things had only lasted fifteen minutes and thirty-nine seconds.  He had kept things simple- sugar coated some things so that they would be easier for her to digest- and waited for her reaction. There had been tears. He could hear them, but she understood. He could tell that she agreed, and maybe that had been the hardest part of it all for her. The realization that they had been clinging onto each other for dear life, all while knowing that they weren’t the ones for each other. Change was a terrifying thing, and so they had ignored their own feelings and desires, hoping that eventually it would fade out. 
Austin’s true feelings never flickered out though. They had stayed, and with it came the doubt. Then the decision. 
He had told himself that he wouldn’t date for a while. He needed to dive head first into his project, and he couldn’t have any distractions. For a time that was exactly what he had done. He had put so much pressure on himself to do well that he found it hard to think of much else. He lived and breathed Elvis. For four long months there hadn’t been much else. It had been a lot to get used to for his friends and family. For the first couple of weeks, his sudden change of accent had been shocking for them. His father had been the most worried about it. He was scared about what would happen after they finished everything. Austin had assured everyone that he wanted the accent to feel natural to him, and that he had just chosen to take a more method approach so that he could fully immerse himself into the project.
These days, he had trouble remembering what he sounded like before they started filming. That was terrifying. He felt his grip on reality shifting. He was losing an uphill battle, because if he was going to be completely honest with himself, his mental health had never been all that great. 
It was the day after that self realization that he had sought out personal advice, going to Tom Hanks in the hopes that he’d help to ground him. The man’s words had been simple, yet crucial. He needed to take time for himself. Not Elvis. Austin. 
Austin had ordered a book later that night that reminded him of his years in high school. He had been forced to read it for an essay, but had found himself unable to put it down. Every night that week he curled up on the couch and read The Great Gatsby. Instead of feeling like somebody else completely, in those moments he only felt nostalgic. The line between Austin and Elvis had slowly been carved, no matter how faint. 
But then she came along. 
It had been a regular day on set, and a particularly hard one at that. After all of the karate lessons, dialect coaching, and dance classes the man was absolutely exhausted. He didn’t have too much left in him to give that day, and he was excited to crawl back home and fall asleep under his weighted blanket. He had moved to stand behind the camera, one of the crew member’s playing a scene back for him so that he could see exactly where he had gone wrong. Rather than moving his hips while he performed, he had been using his knees instead. He was hurting badly because of it, and it didn’t look the same. It didn’t look right. His mood had soured instantly, his blue eyes narrowing on the small screen as he took a step closer, watching his footing again and again. “Play that back one more time for me.” The crew member started to wind the shot back, but Baz had stepped in, his arm wrapped tightly around an unfamiliar figure. Austin was in no mood to meet anyone or exchange niceties with any of the extras. Not today at least. Today he was feeling majorly self conscious, and it was bleeding into his attitude. 
“We’re about to wrap up for the day, so I wanted you to meet someone.” Austin wanted to groan. To ruffle his greased up hair and throw an absolute fit. The entire Presley family were eventually going to see the film, and he was letting them down, he just knew it. He was letting everybody down by this performance. How the hell was he supposed to smile and play nice? Austin turned on his heel, wishing that he had mastered the art of the fake smile over the years he had spent in Hollywood. He was good at acting, but he had the inability to be fake. 
He turned on his heel, shoving his hands into the pockets of his blue slacks before eying Baz. The older man gently pushed the mystery woman forward, motioning with his head in her direction. Austin let his eyes focus on her in the dim studio lighting. He found himself instantly regretting everything. His initial expression, his inability to properly execute today’s scenes, the fact that he had eaten garlic hummus with his lunch that day- all of it. 
Oh god, it was almost as though the world had shifted beneath his feet. His heart jumped up into his throat, his hands began to sweat, and he found it nearly impossible to function. All words escaped him. The only thing that left his lips for the first few seconds was a breathy huff, his blue eyes locking on her small figure. She was short and compact, daintily made in a way that made his protective instincts flare. Her hair was dark against the bright colors of her dress, the contrast a bit shocking. The first thing he noticed were her large eyes- so bright and so very blue. Then she smiled at him. The words weren’t the only thing to escape him. So had the ability to breathe. If Baz noticed the man’s reaction, he didn’t say anything. Instead he took the opportunity to fill the silence, gesturing between the two of them. 
“Austin, this is Elliot. She wasn’t able to meet you back when we had the original luncheon with the rest of her family.” His reaction was delayed as he tried to piece together exactly what his director was trying to say. 
It wasn’t until she reached her hand out towards him that it finally registered. “You’re related to Priscilla then?” He felt stupid the second the question left his lips, and he couldn’t help but smile nervously as he reached out and took her small hand in his, giving it a couple of shakes. 
Thankfully she found humor in his reaction and laughed, and though the busy studio overshadowed the gorgeous sound, it reverberated in his ears nonetheless. “I’m one of her granddaughters. Lisa-Marie is my mother.” Austin’s eyes really honed in on each one of her dainty features. Her small pointed nose, her warm smile and bright blue eyes. He felt embarrassed that he didn’t instantly recognize her. It was almost as though he was shaking hands with Priscilla back when she was in her twenties. The resemblance was uncanny.
“That’s it for today people! You all did great!” Baz called out, the bright lights shutting off loudly as the cameras were moved out of position. Elliot stumbled out of the way, moving to Austin’s side so that extras could begin making their way off stage and to the dressing rooms. She lingered by his side, her arm gently brushing against his as cast and crew filed past. A few people looked in their direction, staring a little too long as they tried to decipher just who she was and what they were doing together. “I got here about thirty minutes ago, so I saw the last few takes.” She explained. 
Austin pinched the bridge of his nose, his cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. Of course she just so happened to show up today of all days. He had been off of his game all day long. “You were dazzling.” His eyes flickered open so that he could stare down at her, his mascara coated lashes brushing against his brow bone as he watched her expression carefully. He raised an eyebrow dubiously at her, completely unbelieving of the sweet sentiment. She threw her hands up in surrender, her smile widening. 
“No, no. I’m serious, Austin. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. It was surreal.” He had been getting a lot of positive feedback as of late, but he still wasn’t used to it. He couldn’t keep the grin off of his face as he stared down at his feet, raising his hand so that he could nervously rub at the back of his neck.
“Well that means a lot comin’ from you.” He felt like an idiot talking to her in the accent, but he was already neck deep in it. He was positive that he couldn’t turn the voice off even if he tried. 
“Baz is incredibly proud of you, by the way. He kept telling me about how dedicated you are to playing this part, and it really shows.” Elliot would never know how much her words meant to him. Today, of all days, he really needed to hear those things. 
The fear of getting it all wrong kept him up most nights. Last night had been incredibly hard for him. The anxiety was eating him alive. He hadn’t even been able to keep down his breakfast this morning, his nerves getting the best of him. “One of my grandfather’s biggest fears was people dehumanizing him. Everyone has turned him into more of a character and less of a man. He wanted to do something important with his life- make an impact, you know? Your performance felt human.” The woman was quick to reach out, placing her warm palm against his sleeve. Her fingers wrapped around his arm, giving him a few quick squeezes. Austin wasn’t sure if she was trying to reassure him or comfort him. Either way, she was handling him with a sort of softness that he wasn’t used to. 
The actor could listen to her talk all day, he was positive. There was something about her voice that made his muscles untense and his mind quiet. It was soft and melodic, and if it wasn’t the kindness in her eyes that made him melt, then it was certainly the gentle way that she spoke to him that did the trick. Austin was certain that his knees were quivering beneath him. “I want to pick your brain,” He spoke up before he had time to second guess himself. “Would you like to have dinner with me? If you have other plans, I completely understand. Just thought it would be nice, is all.” 
The girl shook her head, her dark locks falling off of her shoulders with the movement. For a second he was scared that he was being rejected, but she motioned towards the door with a sweep of her hand. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.” He let out a sigh of relief, a nervous laugh bubbling up and out of his throat soon after. 
“Just let me go get changed, okay? It will only take a minute.” He had to remind himself not to run through the studio, his heart pounding in his ears as he closed the door firmly behind him. He had been terrified out of his mind whenever he had met Priscilla and Lisa-Marie for the first time. He had called Baz the night before, hoping for some sort of guidance. The director had become more of a mentor over the last couple of months, and he was hoping for some kind of a pick-me-up. Despite his constant words of nonchalance and encouragement, the anxiety lingered. He carried it in the pit of his stomach the next afternoon, and it didn’t ease throughout the entire luncheon. Austin wasn’t quite sure how he had managed to eat, but he had scarfed down way more than he was used to consuming. He went home with sweaty palms, an overactive imagination, and a stomach that was packed to full capacity. This felt oddly similar, but different at the same time. 
This wasn’t a date, but Austin couldn’t seem to get the point across to the rest of his body. “Fuck.” He whispered under his breath, reaching for the hanger so that he could neatly begin taking off the outfit. He took the time to make sure that everything was hung up to Catherine’s liking before grabbing his leather duffle bag, pulling on his clothes like a mad man. He had worn a pair of light washed jeans and his favorite pair of brown boots to the studio this morning. He had spilled coffee on his shirt early in the afternoon, so Catherine had given him a spare white tee to wear home. He made a mental note to thank her whenever he saw her in the morning. Clearing his throat he moved closer to the mirror, taking a look at his hair that had been slicked back hours ago. He ran his fingers through it, trying his hardest to disarrange the hairstyle, but it only made his hair look dirty. With an exasperated groan he used his fingers to put it back into place, taking a step back to look at the eyeliner that had been dragged over his top lash line. He had half the mind to try and rub it off as well, but he knew that he’d only make himself look like a raccoon, what with the mascara on his top and bottom lashes. 
This entire situation was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Here he was, giddy over the potential of getting to know her better, all while dressed like her grandfather. The humor of the situation was lost on him. Instead he rubbed his large hands down his cheeks, letting out an aggravated groan. He felt like he was in high school all over again. He hadn’t been this nervous about a girl in. . . well. . . - now that he thought about it, had he ever been this nervous over a girl? He hadn’t been single since he was twenty-one. He had been fresh out of high school, and the only dates he had been on prior to his ex had been double dates that his guy friends had coerced him into. He was nearly thirty years old, acting as though he was still in his twenties. He felt ashamed. 
Austin braced either of his hands on the dressing room counter, staring up at himself through his lashes. He had rather liked the dyed black hair, but he suddenly felt ridiculous standing there in the mirror. He had to go ahead and set himself up for disappointment. If he didn’t try, then there would be no chance of rejection. He needed to go ahead and dash whatever fantasies were floating around in his brain before they got the better of him, because how embarrassing would that make things for him? He wouldn’t just be friendzoned, he would be grandpa-zoned. Elliot saw him as one of the men tasked with telling her family’s tragic story. This was important to her, he could tell. This dinner was going to be nothing more than two potential friends talking with one another. It was going to be a great opportunity for him to hear rather intimate stories about the legend, passed down to her by the only woman that really knew the true Elvis. After a few deep breaths he stood up, brushing his hands over his shirt a few times before heading out the door. The overhead studio lights had been turned back on, a few of the crew members still lingering around as they taped wires to the floor, readjusted certain lights, and readied themselves for tomorrow's busy schedule. 
Elliot’s back was to him, so he took the opportunity to get a better look at her. Her dress was a seventies style slip dress that brushed against her upper thighs. Her short dress and calf high boots made her look a lot taller than she really was from where he was standing. Of course he had seen her up close, and knew that she was well below his chin. Both her mother and grandmother were on the shorter side, so he wasn’t surprised. Her hair, which he hadn’t gotten a very good look at when the two had first been introduced, was incredibly long. It cascaded down her back in loose waves, ending right at her hips.  Austin didn’t allow himself to stare at her for too long, not wanting to get carried away. ‘Friends’, he reminded himself as he walked up to her. “Elliot,” He called her name to get her attention, his eyebrows furrowing when he noticed that there was something in her hand. She turned her head to face him, grinning ear to ear as she flashed him a pair of ivory white panties. She had her fingers looped into the waistband, and it didn’t take him long to figure out that she had stumbled across the prop by accident. She must have been laughing to herself for a little while. Her cheeks were slightly red from smiling. “Nice.” She said simply, tossing them into one of the crew member’s folding chairs before nodding her head towards the door. “Shall we? I’m starving.”
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elisysd · 11 months
Difficult - Gracie Abrams
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
To name this feeling Would take a hundred thousand years, some kind of grieving But over what I never had, so I've been speaking To my therapist, I call her every weekend
It was raining in Monaco when Lyanna logged on to Zoom with her Macbook and Sophia's face appeared on the screen. Lyanna could see that she was at her office, which was quite rare.
“Hey, gorgeous! So how is Monaco?”
“Gloomy.” Answered Lyanna trying to show her the downpour that was taking place at that moment.
“Nice. It reminds you of London, that way.”
“Believe it or not, but I was kind of used to the sun.”
“Who are you and what did you do to Lyanna Michel? I’ve never thought that I would hear you saying that. You hate when it’s hot outside.”
“Yeah well, people change.”
“Love changed you, in your case. Speaking of, where is lover boy?”
“With his physio. He has to make some physical tests to evaluate his condition and build a plan to get him back in shape for the new season.”
“I’m glad to hear that he is okay. Now maybe, you are going to come back home in London?”
A long silence followed. Lyanna had been thinking for a few weeks. She didn't really miss London, she didn't miss her flat either, she was working very well from Monaco and then she had Charles. When she thought about London and her potential return, a lump formed in her stomach and it made her feel sad.
“About that… I’m thinking of moving out.” She confessed.
“What? Where? Do you mean moving out of the flat or of London?”
“Well both… I haven’t thought this through but… I was thinking of getting something closer to Charles. Like Nice? I have to find a real estate agent. Monaco is way too expensive for me.”
“Or you could just straight up move in with Charles instead of getting something for yourself. You are basically living together, already.”
“It’s different. I’m here because Charles needed someone to help him. It did not feel like moving – moving you see what I mean? I still want my independence and Charles will be away most of the year. I don’t see myself living here on my own. I would feel like an intruder. And moving with someone is a big step. As much as I love Charles, I’m not ready for that. But anyway, what is the oh so secret project you wanted to talk to me about?”
Suddenly, Sophia's face lit up and Lyanna could see the excitement on her face. Lyanna knew that look well; it was the same one she had worn when she had told her that her name was being seriously considered for the Oscar nominations.
“I got a call at the end of last week from Michael Mann’s team. He is working on his next movie and they would really like to have you on board. I did not tell you sooner because I wanted to see by myself what the project would look like and if it’s something that could interest you. But Lyanna, this movie can be the one to give you the Oscar. I’m sure of it. It’s such a big project with an intention to be shown at the Venice’s Mostra. That’s how big it is.”
“Wow.. okay. Michael Mann is a legend. What is the movie about? Do you know if other people have been casted or contacted?”
“Adam Driver and Penelope Cruz have signed up for it from what I’ve been told. They are searching for their last lead actress. Lead actress Lya. Up for consideration for the Oscars. Can you imagine?”
“You still have not told me about the kind of movie.” Pointed out Lyanna.
“It’s a biopic about Enzo Ferrari.”
Across town, in a private gym, Andrea and a Ferrari doctor were putting Charles through a series of tests to see how he was doing. Overall, they were satisfied with the Monegasque, who not only showed good physical health, but also an excellent mental state. He was ready to face the new season and give it his all. It was as if his accident and forced rest had mentally rebooted him. All Charles wanted to do was get back into an F1 car as quickly as possible. In fact, Ferrari was planning to do so, to test him on track and also because it would make good photos to feed the Scuderia's official accounts.
“Yeah, I talked to Silvia about that. The PR team planned a whole program to show people that I’m alive and well.”
“What have they in store for you?” asked Andrea.
“An interview in my flat, in Monaco. They also want to shoot a video like a day in my life like kind of thing. And me at the factory. And I’m going to go the FIA prize giving ceremony. She did not ask me to go, I’m forced. And here I thought that I would have had a few weeks off before Christmas… And you know the best thing? They want to include Lya. They still have not given up on the idea. I mean, I want her by my side at the FIA ceremony that’s for sure. But during the video shoot? Not sure about that.”
“And no stupid Christmas challenge with Carlos?”
“Don’t get me started on that. They want us to have a competition of who is going to make the best gingerbread house.”
“You know how they are.” Tried to resonate Andrea with him.
“I don’t mind doing that. But I don’t want them to use my relationship. Especially when I can feel that it’s purely in a marketing way. I have to talk to Lya about it and see what she wants to do. If she is down for it why not, but I doubt it. But the worst thing is that I know that even if we both say no, they are still going to do it so we might as well try to do what they want and have a little bit of control over it.”
When Charles returned to the flat in the late afternoon, it was almost dark. The living room was dimly lit and he found Lyanna, with a cup of tea in her hands, staring out of the window. Charles wondered what she could see: it was pouring rain and there wasn't much visibility.
“Hey, love. What are you staring out?”
She let out a long sigh and shrugged her shoulders, which worried Charles. She didn't look too good. He knew she'd had a telephone appointment with Sophia earlier in the day and wondered if that was the reason for her distant behaviour. He put his sports bag down in the entrance hall and walked over to her, holding her by the waist. If she usually let herself go naturally against him, this time he felt her stiffen. 
“Everything’s okay?” insisted Charles.
She freed herself from his arms and went into the kitchen to empty her cup and rinse it. Charles had the impression that she was trying to avoid him and he hated that feeling, reminding him of moments in their relationship that he would like to leave in the past.
“Lyanna?” he tried to get her attention as he followed her.
“I’m not in the mood for talking, Charles.” She finally decided to speak to him.
“Did I do something wrong? If it's because I left the toilet seat up again, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be careful.”
“Not everything revolves around you, Charles.” she replied sharply.
“So… I did something wrong.”
“For fuck’s sake, I told you I didn’t want to talk about it, so please drop it!”
Charles felt unsettled, it had been a while since he'd had an argument and he had to admit that he didn't miss it at all. He could see that something was tormenting Lyanna, he wasn't blind. The only logical conclusion he could come to, if it wasn't his fault, was the video call with Sophia.
“Did something happen with your work?”
The fact that Lyanna stopped dead in her tracks as she headed for the bedroom made him realise that he had been right. The young woman turned back and sat down on the sofa, where Charles joined her.
“A biopic about Ferrari is about to be shot and they want me onboard as a lead. It’s a huge project and probably Oscar worthy.” She said bluntly.
“What? Lyanna, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you! If you need help to prepare, I can find archives and…”
“I said no.”
“What do you mean you said no?” asked Charles, confused.
“They don’t want me. They want Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend.” She explained with tears in her eyes.
“Come on Lya, you know it’s not true…”
The young woman stood up abruptly, startling Charles.
“Don’t be stupid Charles! I think it’s pretty convenient to be called for this movie not so long after we made our relationship public!”
“Or they think you are talented and deserve to be part of it, Lya.”
“Do you know how humiliated I felt? Do you have the slightest idea? No of course you don’t. My career is what matters the most to me. I worked my ass off to be where I am today, to feel deserving of it. And it’s still feels like it’s a big dream and that I will wake up at any minute. When I understood why they wanted me, it was like all my work, my blood, sweat and tears, all of that was for nothing. I didn’t feel like Lyanna Michel, the actress. I felt like Lyanna Michel, Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend and actress. And it hurt. So bad. I felt robbed.”
“I’m so sorry, Lya… I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have anything to say. It is what it is. But I can’t accept to make a movie like this. I would wake up every day wondering if I stole someone’s place. And I would end up hating you because of that, and that’s the last thing I want.”
“I still think you should take time to think this through, maybe talk with the people involved.”
“There is nothing to talk about. My decision is final and I’m asking you to respect it. I should not even have said something, it was stupid you don’t understand. You can’t understand.”
“I understand! Truly, I do! But it’s something that we could have sorted out together, instead you preferred to do things on your own. I don’t to be an obstacle to your career, Lya. I want to see you succeed.”
“It’s my career Charles. I can do whatever the hell I want! I don’t interfere in yours so please don’t interfere in mine!”
“How do I interfere? Tell me? I don’t because you never talk to me.”
“What is the point? You know who could understand me? Arthur. He knows what it feels like to be associated to you and how painful it can get.”
It was a low blow for Charles.
“Don’t bring Arthur into it, please.” He told her with a serious tone.
“Why shouldn’t I? Have you ever wondered how he could feel? To always be in your shadow, to be compared to you? I never thought that it would be something that I would one day experience but here we are.”
“You are being dramatic. Really. It’s just a movie, Lya? Why are we fighting?”
“It’s deeper than just a movie. It’s about my place in your life. It’s about balance. How would you feel if tomorrow you would get a sponsorship with a brand because you were my boyfriend?”
“I would be proud!”
“Let me doubt that.”
“Listen… I’m tired and I’m stressed out. And obviously we are both stubborn about it and fighting is pointless. I’m going to go to bed.”
Seeing the young woman heading for the guest room rather than their bedroom, Charles questioned her.
“I don’t feel like being near you, right now.”
This hurt Charles; it felt like his heart was being torn in two. He spent an absolutely horrible night, tossing and turning all the time. And when he got up the next morning with the firm intention of having a frank and calm discussion with his girlfriend in order to find a solution, he had the impression that it was no longer his heart that had been torn in two, but his soul. She was gone.
author's note: It's always one step forward and three steps back between this two. I'm curious, where do you think Lyanna went? Is he gone for good? Is she just out for a walk? Who knows (me I know) Let me know your thoughts and theories, I can't wait to hear them. As usual, a like, a reblog, a comment help giving visibility to the story and it supports the author! taglist:
@zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @karmabyfernando @stargaryenx @pitlanebabe @boiohboii @reengard
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
✨ fic masterlist ✨
please send requests to @bcolfanfic , thank you!
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austin x reader series
invisible string : a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
social media/phone blurb 1, 2, 3
random headcanon/s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
what started in beautiful rooms (priscilla actress!reader) : “what happened between you and austin?” is a question you dread. it makes your gut twist, even if only proposed through a pointed look. the short answer is “a lot”. the long answer is more complicated.
part 1, 2, 3, wip blurbs
headcanons + social media/phone blurbs (can be applied to the WSIBR universe or read as stand alone pa!reader content)
pregnancy scare/'babygate' 1, 2, 3, 4
graceland/presley fam ish 1, 2, 3,
austin x pa!reader x luke bracey 1, 2,
on nail biting and the multiverse theory, a press tour anecdote
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olivia dejonge x reader one shots + blurbs
friends to lovers headcanons
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aus!elvis/elvis x reader one shots + blurbs
you got me : some guys at a tour stop get too close for comfort while elvis is off talking to a reporter. a lil angst + hurt comfort.
itty bitty pretty one : elvis being lost in playing peekaboo or making faces for his baby daughter to get her to laugh, so much so that he doesn't realize you've walked in.
bad habit : you knew the first fight was going to happen at some point. and as the honeymoon phase started to slip away you could feel it edging in from around the corner. little things were starting to get under your skin, and you could sense that elvis was experiencing the same.
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austin x reader one shots + blurbs
wherever you go, i'll follow : the cannes film festival is your first big press event and when your nerves get the best of you you're worried that austin will want someone who can keep up with his lifestyle. hurt/comfort with a lil' fluff.
rubble to rubble : starting a family with austin doesn't come as easy you thought it would.
hey little hollywood : austin butler was a part time expert in seeing right through every wall you put up, which you'd come to accept as both a gift and a curse.
late night "talking" : surprising austin at set after a long day didn’t come without an ulterior motive. which he fed into happily of course.
bad idea : "austin and reader are watching the 68 comeback special, reader is a huge elvis fan and is getting super hot & bothered watching elvis (so HOT in the special). austin is amused and teases her and then it turns into smut with maybe some role play austin as elvis. just my thoughts!"
pov you're dating austin butler and looking at your phone
pov you're the priscilla actress @elvisabutler talks about and you're on your phone a lot
everything changes : austin waiting for the birth of his child and offering encouraging words during birth &lt;3
never grow up : you'd excepted you and your daughter to shed some tears on her first day of kindergarten, and not that you didn't think austin wouldn't be emotional. you just didn't think he'd be more bent out of shape than the both of you combined.
austin x law student gf reader headcanons
austin x gracie abrams fc!reader fake ig
look after you : as proud of austin as you were for how hard he’d worked, elvis wrapping felt like being able to exhale again. until he ended up in the hospital.
austin x maisie peters fc!reader fake ig
but i would hit him in a heartbeat now : a run in with an a horrible boyfriend of years past rattles both you and austin.
boy dad!austin butler fake ig
newly wed austin x reader fake ig
single dad!austin headcanons
awards szn screening austin x baby mama!reader headcanons
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
It’s just so exhausting hearing the same conversation from so called Tom fans every 3-5 business days. No one is saying that you guys need to love everything he does but it really does feel like some of you harp on every single thing about the man to a point it doesn’t feel like you’re fans. His agents, his friends, his family, just constant nitpicking. And I’ve never been in an fandom where people truly think they have a say or can control a grown ass man like this. And some of the criticism that you guys have are the same regurgitated criticism that film twitter bros have who have a gripe with MCU. It’s never actually productive or constructive. It sounds like you guys are mouth pieces for that sector who decided to hate Tom 2 years ago because they decided to hate Marvel and he went public with Z. It’s annoying. The man is one of the most successful unproblematic young actors of his generation. He keeps to himself and his family and friends and girlfriend but I swear there’s always this hate train going on him. You have to see how people can get tired of it especially when he’s done nothing to warrant the constant ragging.
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Exactly Anon! 💯
It just gets old.... and exhausting 😩 And I think it mainly gets old not only because it's every 3-5 business days, but ALSO bcoz it's coming from people who supposedly call themselves fans of Tom. With fans like these, who needs enemies?? 🥴
It would be one thing if these people were open haters of Tom and just admitted it. Then the hate and constant nitpicking would at least make some SENSE (okay, you're not a fan of the dude.... got it).
But when it comes from so-called "fans" who are following a blog of someone who's obviously a FAN of Tom's, it just feels really weird to me....
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Like you said, Tom is unproblematic, he minds his business, he works hard, he's talented, and he doesn't do anything wrong or offensive to anyone!
Atp, fans can't even enjoy any new project news for Tom, because fans of his are ready to complain 24/7. 🙄
The TCR Filming Announcement came out:
"Omg....I wish Tom didn't take this project on. It's just going to make people with DID look like monsters! Hollywood always does this! I wish Tom would drop this project." (Keep in mind, the series had not even started FILMING yet, let alone come out. 😒)
The FA Filming Announcement came out:
"Ugh!! I HAAAATE biopic films! I'm so sick and tired of them!! They're just Oscar bait films anyway..." 🙄
Tom Simply TALKS about a possible SM4 movie in the works later on down the line:
"I sure hope they don't do another trilogy. Tom needs to STOP playing Spiderman and do more serious indie films instead of getting sucked into SUCKY Sony and the MCU. He's being held back by his Spiderman contracts!!"
A simple TWEET comes out that Mark Wahlberg has said that the script for "Uncharted 2" is has been written:
"Nooooooo!!!! 😫 I hated that movie! It wasn't funny, it wasn't charming, and it wasn't even a 'good' action movie! I wish Tom would drop this franchise and do smthg else!" 😭
All it sounds like in Tom's fandom is this all the time.....
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After a while, it just gets tiring.... 😓
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lewis-winters · 3 months
yes all of what you just said is exactly what i was thinking. when i first watched bob and tp they blew my mind and really opened up how i viewed the world. mota has some good enjoyable character moments but its nothing like that its more vibes and aesthetic.
like last anon said (are you the same anon? if so, I apologize, and hello again!): MotA is as fanfiction-y as historical biopics can get. it literally feels like a person's Austin Butler or [insert other fave here] x reader WW2 au fic. which on its own, as its own separate genre, is not bad! but it's like.......... a multi-million dollar show. I expect multi-million dollar writing, ya know? not 'this person writes as a hobby' type of writing.
HELL even ppl who write as a hobby can probably make a better screenplay than this :/ i like @baberoe 's post about how in a better timeline, MotA's focus could've been racism in pre-civil rights america by following both the tuskegee men and the 100th division before culminating in the POW camp. like!! did nobody pitch that in the writers' room???? was it pitched and then the executive producers shut it down bc of internal biases???? because why else would they shut it down, that idea's fucking brilliant!!
my lolo said a similar thing in that he pointed out how they tried to follow the pacific's format with the separate books being the pieces of a whole, but ultimately failed because each individual story just wasn't cohesive enough to make a strong foundation. the tuskgee men's story is too short, it feels like a blip on the horizon for something marketed to be such a big part of the whole? we got the resistance storyline... and then lost it within two episodes! buck and bucky, as much as i love them, are taking up too much space without much of a point. crosby was great in the beginning, kinda petered out near the end. rosie is better, in comparison, but so much so that you wish it was just about him, instead. they're supposed to be intertwined stories, right? they're supposed to form a tight braid. well. they don't. and coming after the heels of bob and tp and genkill? it's laughable how bad mota is.
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michaelsfavgirl · 1 month
"Remember that recorded phone convo where Mike was saying how Joe had called him beggin for money? To call your son, who you abused and scarred mentally, for money because you were financially irresponsible at a grown ass age is just so shameless." - the kicker is, this wasn't the first time he did it either. The fandom really needs to discuss the absolute hell Michael went through at the hands of that man. And how the family would use Katherine as a pawn to get money out of Michael,since she was the only one he actively checked for. And how both Joe and Katherine were trying to convince Michael to do a tour with his brothers.........while he was doing This Is It. All because the brothers wanted money and they knew Michael's presence would increase profits.
Even now,the brothers and their families are still living off of Michael. Hayvenhurst? Paid for with Michael's money. The Calabasas house? Same thing. Man was actively supporting his brothers' baby mama, his nephews and cousins at one point too. There's a reason why 3T acts like he's their dad, because he practically was.
(Also, Latoya's not seeing heaven either for the shit she allowed to go down in her presence. I haven't forgotten that allegedly her and her ex-fiancé pretty much robbed Michael's home the day he passed. In fact, the same ex-fiancé actually got hemmed up just last year or so by the estate and the police for attempting to auction off three of Michael's laptops,which allegedly contained hundreds,if not thousands of hours of home videos he made per laptop. He sold Michael's passport too,if I remember correctly.
I'll see if I can find the article about it,because the situation is absolutely insane and is just further proof of how his own family didn't see him as a human being. Is it any wonder why he clung to his mom and kids?)
I wonder if they’re going to make the family look better than they actually were in the upcoming biopic? (Probably) I’m glad that the family’s involved but at the same time I don’t want what happened to bohemian rhapsody to happen to Michael. The involvement of the band made the movie more bland and skimmed over very important events in Freddie’s life. Let’s pray our biopic will be decent. 🤞🏻
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dre6ming · 2 years
Our very last kiss
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Part II - I’m a soldier who’s returning half her weight
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem reader
Warnings: smut 18+, unclear consent, depression, anxiety, cursing, medication use, crying….oh I hope that’s it~let me know if I missed something
Plot: you’re a 21 year old actress and you get casted to play Priscilla in the new Elvis biopic. You fall for Austin, but it ends up that he only thought you were going method with him, so when filming ends so does your relationship. For him at least.
Word count: 4400
Disclaimer: this story was inspired but Taylor Swift’s song “Wildest dreams” I’m not making any assumptions about anything. Also I wrote an Austin that is far from who I hope he is in real life.
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Pain. You've felt it before. You and pain have sat down and chatted like old friends many times. But at some point pain would get bored, get up and leave, so that the healing could begin and you would get to meet up with other feelings again. This time though? Well this time pain was stubborn, it doesn't seem to want to ever leave. It has brought with it some new tools as well, little gimmicks to use on you body, so that everyone could know you were dining with pain. Everyone but that one person. That one mass of flesh, blood and bones. How could he not see? You used to scream that question at the sky, you used to pray for an answer but it never came.
You knew from the beginning it was wrong, but you couldn't help yourself. And you tried, you'll give yourself that much credit, but somewhere along the way you stopped restraining yourself. Now you eat mouthfuls of the dish you prepared.
You close your eyes trying to push back the tears from your eyes. You don't know how it's possible to cry anymore, how you still physically have any power to do that. You want to physically rip your heart out and start slicing it with a blunt kitchen knife, but that's not possible. Instead you open your eyes again, look pain dead in those black eyes and speak.
"Let me tell you the story of how I got here. How I was stupid to believe. Stupid to let myself go. Stupid to love. Stupid, stupid, stupid, so FUCKING stupid"
It started so simple and cliché, because it started with him smiling at you.
It's your first day of filming and to say you're nervous and scared would be understatement. This is your first big thing. Playing Priscilla Presley is a scary, exiting and overwhelming task. You worry that your very little experience and young age might be an obstacle in doing justice to the amazing person she is. You are only 21 and you've acted in some other small projects, but never something this big and highly anticipated. You are mortified at the thought of stepping foot on that set and making a fool of yourself. "Ok we're done!" The make up artist says putting her brushes away.
You get up from the makeup chair, wiping your sweaty palms on your dress. The first scene you'll film is the one where Elvis and Priscilla are in his room in Germany listening to music while she babbles on about her parents.
You try calm your heart as you walk, but nothing helps, it feels like your chest might explode with the pressure inside it. Biting your nails, you read over the script, making sure to have it tattooed in your brain. "Hi, nice to see you again!" A hand comes in sight, starched out for you to shake. You take it and pray that your palm is just slightly sweaty and not uncomfortably drenched with nerves. "Hi" it's Austin standing In from of you, dressed in military uniform, hair sleeked back and smile as bright as the last time you saw him, at the last table read you attended. That was over a few weeks ago.
"Are you ready for the scene?" The question catches you off guard. Is he asking that so make conversation or to make sure you don't screw up? It must be the later. "Yeah, of course." You try to hide the tremble in your voice by laughing a bit, but that only comes out as a strangled sound. You blush terribly and look away. "Hey, it's going to be fine, alright?" He crooks his head to the side to look you in the eyes. You can see how honest he is.
You nod and go to move some hair behind your ear, but quickly slam the hand back on your lap, you can't ruin your hair. "Okay" Austin lets go of your hand, placing both his hand in the pockets of his pants, smiling at you. You didn't miss the way his eyes looked you over from head to toe. "Alright people, Austin on your mark, on the floor. (Y/n) you begin at the window, come on now. Let's move!" Baz says. Shaking your head and making yourself shift into character, you take your position and start the scene.
Several takes over the next 3 to 4 hours are necessary to complete the scene. You were the one always messing up. 'Too stiff' that called you. By the time the take number 105 and the 3rd hour rolled around you could see that the nice attitude Austin presented himself with, had dissolved into one of annoyance. He was nice enough to not say anything, but his body language spoke volumes. The constant eye rolls, sighs, huffs and scowls, told you how over the whole situation he was.
Eventually you managed to get a few good takes, so Baz let you go home for the day. You feel bad that you get to go home, while Austin has to stay behind for some more shots. "That's it miss, you're free." With your hair down and face red from the makeup being removed, you make your way over to costumes. "Hi I'm here to change?" You say quietly, so you don't disturb anyone. The lady doesn't even look at you and motions for you to go in the changing room. "Put the clothes nicely on the hanger!" Is all she says as you move. You struggle with the zipper of your dress for several minutes, before letting out a defeated cry. "I'm sorry, can someone help my, I can't reach the zipper.
You close you eyes, sure no one heard you, so when a pair of hands goes to the back of your dress and slides the zipper down, you almost jump out of your skin. Looking behind you to thank the person helping, you almost faint at the sight of Austin, still in his costume. "Thank you!" You say trying to fight the blush rising to your cheeks. "No problem, darlin'" the Elvis voice still with him, makes you shiver and when a hand comes to sit on your lower back, brushing some of the skin there, the breath gets caught in your lungs. "Don't worry about today, it was only your first scene, I sure it'll get better." He leans forward a bit to speak straight into your ear. Goosebumps form all over your skin. No man has even been this close to you.
You slowly nod your head as he removes his hand, turns around and leaves. You're stuck, frozen, not one muscle in your body want to move. Quickly, with shaky hands you undress yourself and get into your comfortable sweat set. Leaving the dress up on the hanger, you run out of there. You don't know how you do it, but you somehow ignore the ache in your body and keep running. The next moments are a blur, until your head hits the pillow in the hotel room and you can finally cry. Sleep is kind enough to you that it comes fast and easy, but your dreams are relentless.
The next morning you wake up dressed in the same clothes as the ones you changed into after filming yesterday. Looking at the watch on the nightstand you see it's only 9am. Taking a hot shower hoping to wash the shame and the embarrassment off of you.
You know it's coming, you feel it, so later when you’re in the makeup chair and Baz walks is you brace yourself. 'Don't cry, don't cry' you repeat over and over again in your head. "(Y/n) dear, I want to know what's wrong? Hm? Come on talk to me, I know something's up. Your audition tapes were the best impressions of Priscilla I've seen." He's here to fire you, you know that. "I'm just nervous, I don't want to mess up" you blink back tears. Baz's face says he gets it, but still it doesn't mean he won't fire you. "Nothing to be scared of here, we're all a team. If you mess up, it's fine. Have you tried talking to Austin? He's going to be your partner for 90% of the scene, warming up to him might help." He suggests brushing a reassuring hand up and down your shoulder. "I'll try" you say as he leaves.
Today ends up being hectic, 10 different costume changes, hair and make up being done and redone 5 or 6 times. You are tiered, but pleased with your performance today, it wasn't the best, but way better than yesterday. On painfully sore legs you make your way to Austin's trailer, hoping he hasn't left.
You stare at the door, you can see the light in there, meaning he hasn't left. Before you can gather up enough courage to knock, the door swings open, revealing an Austin with damp hair crowning his head, white shirt lose on his shoulders and light wash jeans dressing his legs. He looks so good, he always looks good, but it's mostly Elvis good and rarely Austin good. You don't know if what you're thinking makes sense, but you snap out of it when you see his lips move. "I'm sorry what?" You say brushing a hand through your hair.
He chuckles lightly stepping out of the trailer and closing the door. "I said, can I help you?" You blush and take a few steps back, tightening your hold on you bag. "Um I was wondering, Baz suggested that we talk, you know get friendly. So I was just, I mean you know, but it's fine if you can't, I-, just, yeah..." nothing of what you say makes sense and he's laughing. He's laughing at you. Your face falls and it dawns on you how stupid he must think you are. Pathetic.
When Austin sees the change in your attitude, he stops laughing. "Just breathe (Y/n)." You do that, but it doesn't help. "Come on try again, slowly, you can do it." He chuckles a bit, resting his hands on his hips, waiting for you. "Would you maybe want to grab a drink?" You ask so quietly, he turns he's ear towards you to make sure he heard right. He seems to give it some thought and then nods. "Sure, come on I'll drive!" He starts walking and your just left there, standing, until he turns to look at you with a big grin on his face. You take that as your sign to move.
You actually have a good time at the bar with Austin, turns out he was a lot nicer than you thought. He encourages you, telling you about the kind words Priscilla said to him when they met. You two end up talkin until late at night, when the bar is almost empty and he looks at his watch surprised to see the late hour. As you stand up to follow him, you feel the 4 martinis you had, go straight to your legs, numbing them. Losing your balance you lean on him and his hands go to your waist to hold you up. Your breath gets caught in you lungs once again. You've never had a man hold you like this. Not outside the filming studio at least, never unscripted.
That night you acknowledge the fact that now things will be a lot more difficult, since you can't erase the feeling of Austin's hands on you.
After that night you two keep talking, as it turns out you have lots in common. You both love books, long walks, coffee without sugar and you both agree that the last season of "Game of thrones" never happened. You become close friends and filming gets easier, but you can't stop the crush that you develop. One night you decide to spend at his apartment drinking, while he forces you to watch "the lord of the rings", since you've never seen it.
The wine goes to your head very fast and you can't stop yourself when you talk. "Why are you so handsome? Hm? It's not fair, your girl is very lucky. You're nice too, whole package deal." Austin laughs blushing. Blushing?! No it can't be. "I don't have a girl." He says. He comes closer in the couch to you, takes the glass from your hands and puts it on the coffee table. Grabbing your face in his hands, he looks you dead in the eyes. "So pretty satnin" the pet name used by Elvis makes you feel lightheaded. Never does it cross your mind it's weird for his to call you that.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, lips so close to yours, you can taste his breath. Nodding you close your eyes and try to hear something else than the heart beating in your ears. Threading your fingers in his soft hair, your bring his head closer. The kiss is slow, sweet and when his tongue brushes your bottom lip, a whimper escapes you, letting him in to explore. He's fast to grab your waist and put you on his lap, straddling his hips. Austin’s hands move to your breasts, kneading them. You moan in his mouth, the feeling is euphoric, you've never done this before, no one has ever touched you like this, made you feel like this.
When he starts to lift up your shirt, it hits you like a wall, so you push his hands off, get up from his lap and stumble to the ground. He looks confused at you, pupils blown, chest heaving. "You ok?" He asks, picking up his wine glass to drink some. You want to cry. You don't feel tipsy anymore, quite the opposite, you feel wide awake. "Yeah!" You slowly get up from the floor and start looking for your things. You want to go. "Hey." He says taking your hands in his, stoping you from running circles around the living room. "It's ok, I get it, we're costars, you want to keep it professional. I should've known better then to do that while you're clearly intoxicated."
You swallow the lump in your throat. "No, it's not that. I just.." he's eyebrows draw together. "You just?" He asks trying to make some sense of what you're trying to say. "I've never..." you look down embarrassed to admit you're a almost 22 year old virgin. You are not even sure why you're embarrassed by it, you've never felt life that about it before. "Oh, oh, it's fine, we don't have to rush." Your eyes snap up at him. You don't have to rush? So he plans for it to happen at one point? You don't know what to say so you just nod. The night goes on like nothing happened, you watch the movies and then go to your place to sleep. But you can't sleep, you're up all night wondering if he really felt the same.
As the filming progresses, you two keep close, not putting a label on what it is that you are doing. Stealing kisses everywhere, hot make out sessions behind closed doors, cuddling at night. You can't help the love that grows in your heart.
Eventually one day when the two of you are cuddled up in bed, watching "The office" you let it slip. "I think I love you!" You say, anxiety rising as you wait for him to say something. Austin just stays quiet, frozen in place, as you lay on his side, head on his chest. You're slowly dying, the silence eating at your heart. He then moves, flipping you over. Hovering over you, wrapping your legs around his waist. He kisses you, a hungry, hurried kiss.
Your mind gets fuzzy with the feeling of the position you're in. You feel his hips slowly grinding against you. You moan and he moves to kiss your neck. You're too caught up to say stop now. So you go with it. Hands traveling down to take his shirt off. He's beautiful and you can't believe he likes you like this. Austin and you move like this for a while, removing clothing items in between kisses and tender touches. The feeling of skin on skin is so new, exiting and scary. You're afraid you won't be able to make him feel good, being so inexperienced as you are. "It's going it be okay, baby, it'll feel so good, promise!" He says caressing your face, trying to calm down the nerves.
Austin moves off of you, extending a hand to the nightstand drawer. Retrieving the condom, he sits up on his knees, pumps himself a few times and then rolls it on. Coming back on top of you he kisses you, slowly moving his hips so you can feel him. Grabbing your hands and intertwining your fingers, he brings his mouth to your ear. "This will hurt for a minute, but it'll pass, princess." You tremble with anticipation. Austin kisses you again, this time to swallow your cries as he pushes in you. It's slow, but it hurt, it hurts so bad, you try to fight his hands to push him away, but his stronger.
When he bottoms you, he goes to kiss away the tears falling down your cheeks. "Breathe satnin, breathe" he says, again the pet name escaping you mind, as you are to focused on the pain. After some time, Austin pulls his hips away from you and you hiss in pain. "Hurts!" You say through gritted teeth, hands still held in place by his. "I know, it'll pass" it's all he says as he starts a slow rhythm of fucking into you. He's right soon the pain subsided and pleasure took over you.
When one of his hands moves down to play with your clit, you lose it all. "Austin!" You say throwing you head back at the new feeling. "So good, mhm so tight, all for me!" He praised you. Soon enough your vision became blurry, your orgasm sending your body in a drunk state of mind. He stills inside you and you feel him twitch as he grunts loudly. You stay like that, connected with him by your most intimate parts.
Austin is the one to move first, going to the bathroom, to dispose of the used condom and bring a washcloth to clean you. When he's done, he throws it on the ground and comes in bed with you, hugging you from behind and covering your naked bodies with the duvet. Soon you feel his slow breath on the back of your neck, indicating that he fell asleep. Walking your eyes around the room, trying to figure out what you’ve just done, you see the washcloth, laying on the floor, blood is on it. As you stare a those red stains, your eyes fill with tears. You fall asleep crying in his arms. You just lost your virginity after saying 'I love you' to Austin. And it would've been fine, if he would've said it back.
You wanted to have sex with him, you really did, but something about the way it all happened, sits wrong with you. The feeling of being used plants itself in your chest, and it only grows over time, as the production goes on and you and Austin still have no label on what you are. The only thing that's changed is that you two sneak around to have sex now. You love him so much you almost never notice how he never said he loves you, or how he never looks you in the eyes when you two are intimate.
Slowly as your work together on set is done, you raise your hopes up, thinking he had been holding back to be professional. But that hope is crushed rather quickly, when a month goes by after you finish filming and he hasn't answered not one of your calls and texts. So you give up trying to contact him.
And now here you are, in a room filled with people handling you like a rag doll, dressing you up for the met gala. This is only the first event in the press tour coming up. You’re numb, you've spend the last 2 months crying in therapy, abusing sleep medication to get some few hours of rest. Your stylists huff angry at you, as you've lost a significant amount of weight since your last fitting. They are now speed sewing the dress onto you.
You don't want to see him, but you'll do it and you'll act professional about it. That's what you tell yourself, but that was until you walked the carpet to see him. Austin in a black suit, looking finer then ever in the three years you've worked with him. His hair is now back to the natural blonde, curly and wild. You start you walk up to him, but stop dead in your tracks as he turns a bit and you spot her. The 20 year model hugging his waist. She smiles at him, kissing his cheek. He smiles back. They kiss. And you die. You die and you walk. You die and you take pictures. You die and you smile for the camera. You die and you hug his waist saying hello. You die and pose with him. You die and you go inside.
The whole night you stay quiet, people speak to you, or at least they try, but give up quickly. You sit at the table, watching them dance and laugh together. In your head you're getting up, walking to him, slapping the grin from his face, asking 'why?'. Why did he take things from you, only to throw you away. But you'll probably never know.
You sit through months of press tour, doing interviews in the day and crying at night. You didn't speak a single word to him and if Baz or anyone else around you noticed, they didn't push to ask why. The worst part wasn't having to be in his proximity, or watching his and the girl make out every chance the got. No that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when you had to do photo shoots together, playing once again the Priscilla to his Elvis. Posing for pictures, having to stare lovingly at each other, knowing you loved him and he was just acting. Every time he was directed to touch you, you flinched and almost screamed.
You pushed through all of that though, because what else were you supposed to do? You just endured it. That is of course until the very last piece of press you have to do. He's alone today, girlfriend nowhere in sight. When you're done with answering questions and you're free to go, you follow him. "Hey!" He says scratching the back of his head, smiling. How can he? How dare he smile at you? "Fuck you!" You spit venom. He looks confused, catching his chin between his thumb and pointer, massaging the skin there. "What?"
"Fuck you! Fuck you! You ... you took advantage of me, you played me! Fuck you!" You scream, going forward to hit him in the chest over and over again. Austin grabs your wrists and stops your assault on him. "Are you crazy, woman? How did I take advantage of you?" You freeze, you can't believe it. "I told you I loved you and you took my virginity away, I told you I love you and you left me." You whisper watching his face for any gram of regret. Tears slowly fall on your cheeks. "I thought you knew it was only for the role, nothing more, when you've said you've never done anything like that, I thought you meant going method, not sex. I thought you were acting, you said Baz suggested it." You step back, shaking you head. "Liar, fucking liar!" You scream. It's a lie, it has to be. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at you like he's waiting for you to be done with all this so he can go home.
You pick up what little pride you have left, turn around and leave. Something broke inside you forever, he took so many firsts from you. But what hurts the most is that you let him. You gave yourself to him and he thought you were acting. When you get back home, you tell your assistant that no matter what you won't be doing anymore press for the movie, you can't be forced. If they want they can sue you, but you are going to forget about this movie. From now on it's only going forward and to heal you have to let go. So you skip all the award shows and when the little statues get delivered, you shove them away in a closet. You never speak to the press about the movie, avoiding the subject every time it comes up. The tabloids are going crazy with theories about why you're acting like this. In the weeks coming up to the Oscars you avoid it as much as you can, spending time reading though scripts for next projects. And when Baz call you personally to convince you to come to the award ceremony, you tell him to forget you were in this movie.
'Elvis' ends up taking home 8 out of all the 14 nominations, Austin got best leading actor and you got best leading actress, or so you're told by your manager, when he comes the next day to tell you that you need to make a thank you video. You hold your ground, saying "I won the award, I worked for it, I don't need to thank anyone." You were irrational, you knew, but you couldn't care less. The media makes a big fuss about your silence for a while and then it gets quiet. Soon you're almost 25, still recovering from those 3 years. You are now working on your first movie since 'Elvis', this one movie being the first in a list of other 4 you've booked for the next years. You are great full for the big break in your career that the movie offered, but you'll forever hurt thinking about that time.
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
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michelle-is-writing · 2 years
Name Upgrade, Daniel Webber
The reader is Mick Mars’ daughter.
Request: Can you do a mick mars where his daughter and her husband surprises her father when he on the stadium and comes out on stage with News on a card that says your being promoted to grandpa. Which makes mick cry.
I also received a request a while back for a dad!Mick Mars x reader, so this fulfills both of those requests.
Tumblr media
Word Count: 900~
I never thought my dad would still be doing concerts after 60, but watching him rock out on the stage at 71 makes me so happy. He’s still living it up like he did in the early days of Motley Crue, all except for the copious amounts of drugs and liquor in the 80s and 90s. Granted, he never let me see that side of the group, only finding out about it later on in my life when my Uncle Nikki talked about going into rehab many years ago. My dad tried to avoid me finding out about that stuff, and I understand, but it never changed how I felt about him and my uncles.
Seeing my dad up on that stage makes me feel like I’m a little girl again, watching my dad from behind the stage as he jams out on his guitar and my uncles rock out alongside him. Only now, I’m backstage with my husband, the very man who got to play Vince in their biopic film. It wasn’t my dad’s plan for Daniel and me to meet during the making of the movie, but as soon as he introduced himself with his Australian accent and nervous stutter, I knew I was a goner.
Once my dad discovered that we both had a thing for each other after my uncles pointed out the obvious to him, he rolled his eyes and leaned his head down, slowly shaking it. “Of course it had to be Vince’s actor,” Daniel and I heard my dad murmuring, causing us to look at each other and gently laugh. The scene itself was wholesome, and I was so glad my dad was okay with us being together.
“I’m so glad we could come tonight,” Daniel says to me, his hand moving from my side to my stomach. Immediately, my heart skips a beat at his action, being reminded of the news we recently got. “I can’t wait to see his reaction.”
“He’s going to be so happy,” I murmur, leaning up to kiss Daniel’s cheek. His smile only grows at this, gently swaying me in his hold as we resume looking back at the band I grew up watching my entire life, and obviously, that never changed.
“Alright, guys, we have a special announcement tonight,” Nikki announces to the crowd as they all recover from the constant playing they’ve been doing since they started. My dad simply looks around in slight confusion, unsure of what’s going on as the whole show has been perfect. “My beautiful goddaughter and her husband have something to say. Mick,” Nikki adds, turning toward my dad as Daniel and I walk out on stage to join him. The crowd cheers as we do so, my dad greeting us with an almost confused smile when we stop in front of him.
“Well,” he starts, his eyes flicking between Daniel and me as we remain in each other's hold. “What’s the word, pumpkin?”
Hearing my dad call me the nickname he always used for me as a kid makes tears begin to well up in my eyes. This is already an emotional moment for me because I’m pregnant, but honestly, I never imagined I would be as happy as I am now. It’s definitely overwhelming, but not in a bad way.
“We have some news for you,” I tell him, resting back against Daniel’s side as I hand my dad the card I made especially for him. I watch as he takes it from me with a curious look on his face, the guys watching him with wide smiles etched onto all their faces as he does so. They all helped me and Daniel form this plan to surprise my dad, managing to get some extra time after their most recent show to allow us to surprise him.
Opening the card, my dad’s eyes scan over the words on the paper in front of him, a few seconds passing before he lowers the card down. In one hand, he holds the card while the other grasps the small ultra sound picture I put in there. Tears in his eyes, my dad smiles and shakes his head.
“Oh, pumpkin,” He murmurs, lifting his arms out to me. I accept his offer immediately and hug him close, my emotions only worsening as my dad pulls Daniel in the hug too, not wanting to forget him during such a big moment. “I’m so happy for you two,” he tells us, still holding me close with one arm as his other rests against Daniel’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you two.”
With tears now streaming down my face, I smile at my dad while Daniel wipes away my tears, never letting a tear be able to slide down my face on his watch. “Ladies and gentlemen, Mick Mars is going to be a grandfather!” Nikki says to the crowd, making them all erupt into cheers. Soon enough, the guys all come over and join our hug. Nikki, Tommy, and Vince watched me grow up, practically making them my uncles hence why I refer to them as such. Now, they get to watch a new life grow up and call them uncle as well, but on the other hand, my dad finally gets to be called grandpa without it being one of the guys' many jokes about his age.
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jadespadegames · 5 months
My ★★½ review of Napoleon on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/5pDz3x
-Napoleon Bonaparte (apparently)
The fundamental problem with this film can be summed up by the ending text which describes how Napoleon fought in 61 battles and lists out the few battles that were seen in the movie. Beside these names are, of all things, the number of casualties of each battle. It then says that in total, 3 million people died in his battles.
I'm not sure why that's the final takeaway Scott wanted us to have about Napoleon. The man was certainly flawed and ended up losing his power, but there is no denying that he was a military genius so charismatic and cunning that he swiftly rose from general to emperor. If you knew nothing about him before watching this movie, you would never know that he won almost 90% of his battles despite being outnumbered in many of them. Instead, we only see about 5 of these battles, 2 of which he loses and the others being strangely insignificant. During the battle of Waterloo, the British commander even points out that Napoleon is sleeping. Is this movie all just one big joke?
We see none of his military prowess or political acumen and instead have to watch him behave like a pathetic, petulant child desperate for power and his wife Josephine. While I believe there could be a good movie centered around Napoleon and Josephine, this was certainly not one. Despite their complicated relationship being the emotional crux of the film, it was absolutely cringeworthy and painful to watch and I was not invested in either of them. Part of that cringe was intentional, but I feel like that only makes it worse. It boggles my mind that Scott thought it was more important to depict Napoleon whining and stomping his feet because his wife wouldn't have sex with him NOW than his true military accomplishments or any of the major reforms he made to France as emperor.
This is an absolute joke of a Napoleon film that is so inaccurate and insulting to its subject that I can't even call it a biopic in good faith. I truly believe it was only made to tear down his image, and while I am all for depicting the flaws of historical figures, this was done insincerely here. Worst of all, it's not even entertaining to watch—the few battles were underwhelming and it felt like the film was mostly just dragging us through scene after scene with little connection in-between. I barely got by with the little knowledge of French history I had, I cannot imagine comprehending this film without any. Things just happen on-screen with little emphasis on their significance. It also does a bad job of depicting the passage of time, and sometimes I only realized years had passed between scenes because of a line or two of dialogue. Perhaps this is because of the hours of content that were cut out for the theatrical release, but the fundamental issues with this film make me believe that the director's cut will not be much better.
Do not watch this if you want a film that actually depicts Napoleon and his life. Watch this if you want to see a film that's "so bad it's funny" though the funny parts are few and the rest is just cringeworthy.
(I also have to point out how lazy and mismatched the soundtrack felt. Twice they used the iconic piano song "Dawn" that was ripped straight from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice film of all things. Having had to watch that movie countless times growing up because my older sister loved it to pieces, I instantly recognized the song and it took me out of the movie each time. That song is far too iconic and inherently linked with P&P and I'm not sure why the composer chose to use such a gentle, romantic tune for scenes with Napoleon and Josephine when their toxic relationship was nothing like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's. It just left me feeling like I could be watching a better film that actually makes me feel invested in their central pair.)
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halfagone · 11 months
Abt ur au danny poll, can we have some hints as to what direction u would take for each career? Like for singer, what genre of music would he do/what would his songs be about? characters he would play in shows or movies? And would he be a runway model or model clothes to be photographed / be an influencer?
Or let us know if his career is just a side thing that's not super important to the au 😅
So there are a couple different directions each type of AU could go. It's one of the reasons why I'm asking in the first place, because there are already so many versions, at least this way I can narrow it down to one, you know? XD
But for a Singer!AU, I could have it go in one of two ways. In LL's Ascent I do headcanon that Danny can sing really high notes thanks to his Wail, and it would likely carry over onto this fic. So this means he could technically do more vocal-based genres, like ballads. But I have been told he could totally rock... well, the rock genre, which I do think would be more his style since he canonically listens to Dumpty Humpty in the show.
As for Actor!AU, I did make a post about this a while back, which you can find here. In that post, Danny was more of a newer actor, that was brought in to play a young Bruce Wayne for a biopic, short-series. However, I do really like the idea of Danny being a childhood actor that stopped acting when he realized he wanted to be an astronaut, but after The Accident, he realized he never could be so he went back to acting. This kind of AU does have the added advantage of one of the Batkids having a huge baby crush on him when they were all little, so when he comes back, they are having the time of their life.
For the Model!AU, he would probably be more like a runway model, because I cannot imagine he would enjoy being an influencer. Of course, we could always mix a Model and Actor!AU since a lot of famous actors/actresses do get brand deals. There are also brand ambassadors, which- if you're famous enough- you could also have. If you don't know what that is, usually it means you wear your brand's clothes to all major events to promote the company.
I did already have an idea for this AU, which is: At some point in his career, Danny gets pressured to do shirtless or topless shots, and Danny- who is heavily scarred- keeps fighting it until one day the paparazzi manages to catch a shot of him without his shirt on and blasts it across the internet. So now he has to deal with the fallout from that. And in this case, since this is a crossover, that would prompt the attention of a great deal of heroes, who are concerned why a supposed civilian has that many scars. So that would be an interesting storyline to explore.
Since this is a social media fic, this mostly controls how the story is set-up and how the characters (and perhaps chosen ship) meet each other. So while the overarching storyline is probably not going to be all about his (possible) fame and career, it is a deciding factor in how the fic will look. I don't want this to be solely a social media, I would like for there to be prose interspersed with the social media, but depending on the AU, it might not be long enough to make happen. So choose wisely!
This got really long, but I have a lot to say about these AUs XD I hope this helped somewhat!
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