#it is like the universe wants to tell me something x'D
mitamicah · 1 month
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Bojan meeting his danish doublegänger :3
I might need to give some context for this one x'D (look under the line if you are curious)
On April 22 I was at a concert in Copenhagen (it too was my birthday but that's not important for this part of the story x'D). The very first band on stage was called Cold Culture and my heart skipped a beat when I realised that the front man looked familiar; he sort of looked like Bojan!! (if Bojan was a slight bit taller, blue eyed and danish that is). The rest of the show I couldn't unsee this resemblance and so - as brainrotted as I am - I immediately felt a kinship to Mads (the name of the frontman). I even met him and his bandmembers afterwards and he was so kind and silly and very much Bojan coded in personality as well :'D xD
8 days later and my mind still hasn't let go of this thought so here's Bojan meeting Mads x'D.
The band itself btw was really good - probably the one making the best impression on me that evening. I have had their EP on repeat together with Kot Kot for a week now x'D. If you like bands such as Blind Channel and Bring Me the Horizon I can recommend Cold Culture ^V^
Comparison pictures of Mads (taken by me 04.22.24 in Copenhagen) and Bojan (taken by me 03.15.24 in Malmö)
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Me with the band + Mads and Andy (drummer) hanging out around the venue after midnight.
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starcrossedjedis · 10 months
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I told you, I'd probably end up compiling a list of my favourite original WIPs and make my problem your problem x'D
No, but it's actually nice to see that out of all my ideas (so, so many ideas on this cursed Google Drive) there are indeed some that are dearer to my heart than others.
As per usual, feel free to let me know which one intrigues you the most (and whatever else you might wanna tell me or ask me about these, don't ever be shy about popping up in my askbox <3)
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All her life Eleanor has looked over the river at the bright, shimmering lights of King’s Island; wondering what it would be like to be part of the elite - never worry about the future, never want for anything… There’s always been this whole different world just a short boat ride away, but for someone like Eleanor it might as well have been on another planet.
King’s Island is for royalty, for diplomats and for the filthy rich. Eleanor has been born on the wrong side of the river and she has no reason to doubt that this is where she’s going to die some day.
That is until one day she receives a letter bearing the Royal Seal. A letter that will change her life forever…
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“No one was supposed to find our ritual site. Hell, we even cloaked our path. We took every precaution in the book to keep tourists and townies from waltzing in on our dance and exposing our existence to the world. And yet... Here we are. Here you are. I do believe something about Salem has been calling you, Liliana Cooper, but I don’t think it’s a post grad in Women’s Studies…”
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There are days when Alice Hawkins feels like suffocating from the lies that dictate her life.
While her father risks much more than just his position as head of a private paramilitary organisation by covering up her healing abilities, she jeopardizes everything by hiding four strangers with special abilities from that exact same organization.
With the whole world against them all they have is each other, but will a dark secret from her troubled past as a spoiled corporate princess ultimately leave Alice cast out of both worlds…?
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Athena has been Odysseus’ patron goddess for most of his life, always intervening when he is in danger, always ensuring the cunning young man comes out on top. Yet she has never fully revealed herself to him - only ever guiding him through visions; whispers from beyond the veil that separates her from the mortal realm.
But it’s always been a universal truth that the Olympians envy the human life and desire a taste of the passion and urgency that comes with mortality.
When Athena witnesses Odysseus spare the life of Hector’s infant son, an act so merciful and tender and against everything she’s taught him over the years, she cannot fight this curiosity any longer.
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Can a year spent with the people closest to her father - and charming foreman Alex - change Calleigh’s feelings for the land she grew up resenting? Where will her heart lead when this year is over?
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Prince Damian has been betrothed to Princess Melayna ever since they both were children, growing up together at her court following the assassination of Damian’s parents.
But when he travels to her kingdom years later to finally take her as his wife, he falls in love with Selena; the heiress to the Travelling Court who is serving as a Lady in his betrothed’s court… 
tagged:@acabecca @akabluekat @asirensrage @bravelittleflower @curious-kittens-ocs @darknightfrombeyond @darkwolf76 @drbobbimorse @eddiemunscns @elmunson @emilykaldwen @far-shores @fcundwitch @foxesandmagic @fragilestorm @harleyquinnzelz @if-you-onlyknew @katiekinswrites @kingsmakers @mabonetsamhain @margoshansons @mystic-scripture @ocappreciationtag @sgtbuckyybarnes @stachedocs @susiesamurai @victoriapedrcttis
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amethystina · 1 year
Hi !!! :)
4. What detail in "The Devil's Due" are you really proud of?
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "The Devil's Due"? Answer it now!
6. What’s one fact about the universe of "The Devil's Due" that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I'm sorry for being this obssessed :/
No need to apologise! I'm glad my writing can make you this excited! 💜
4. What detail in "The Devil's Due" are you really proud of?
I think the tension and power balance? Specifically the one that comes from seeing Yo Han from Ga On's POV in this setting, when he's a defendant rather than a young judge sent to spy on him. It shifts the power balance and while that is a delicate thing that can easily be abused, I had a lot of fun portraying it in this first chapter. And it'll even out in the rest of the story which, in turn, will give me new opportunities and situations to play around with.
Because, well, Yo Han will be older, sure, and therefore someone Ga On should respect according to the rules of Korean society. He'll also have helped Ga On avoid getting a record, which means that Ga On is indebted to him, but he won't be Ga On's boss. So, when they meet again later, Yo Han will actually have less power over Ga On in that regard. Ga On can do whatever the fuck he wants and he'll be called disrespectful, sure, but there are fewer stakes. And this will give Ga On more room to be reckless and blunt which, in case you haven't noticed, is something I love (as does Yo Han, tbh).
One detail I didn't like, however — and is something I'll probably go back and change once I continue working on the story — is Ga On's vocabulary in this first chapter. He's supposed to be a teenager so I should probably go back and simplify it a little. But that's for later.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about "The Devil's Due"? Answer it now!
I wish someone would ask me about the research I did because, oh man, was that a ride.
Basically, I wanted to figure out just how long it takes to become a judge in South Korea, partly because the rest of the fic will take place during the time Ga On is studying to do just that and I needed to get my timeline straight. But also because I wanted to maybe figure out when Yo Han might have become one in canon. Like, was he a judge before Isaac died? Or was that a career path he chose specifically to get revenge? (which I still haven't found an answer to, by the way, but it was worth a try)
In The Devil's Due, I clearly went with the former, with him being one even before Isaac died. Perhaps Yo Han thought it would make Isaac proud if he worked in the law field? Or maybe it was a fuck you to his father? Who knows?
ANYWAY. The point is that, during this research, I realised that canon gives fewer shits about this than I do x'D The drama is inaccurate in its depiction of how long it takes to become a judge. Ga On cannot possibly have become one at his age with the system South Korea currently uses unless he started practising law at 19 and completely skipped military service (which I'm going to assume he didn't).
Instead, they seem to be using the old system that was revised back in 2008. Which honestly isn't a big deal because they can just say that this is a dystopian, fictional version of South Korea so maybe that's just one of the things that never happened and helped bring about the society they now live in? Because, let me tell you, they must have gotten quite a lot of questionable judges with that old system (the education was, uh, worryingly short).
The real reason, however, I think is as simple as Moon Yoo Seok deciding to go with the system that (based on his age) was used when he became a judge. Either because of that whole "write what you know" thing or simply because it made the story more exciting. Because, honestly, it wouldn't have been as fun if Ga On wasn't the young and idealistic man that he is in canon. With the new system, he'd have to have practised law for at least 10 years before ever ending up on the Live Court Show. Which would definitely not have created as fun of a dynamic between him and Yo Han. Like, Ga On wouldn't even be a sugar baby twink at that point, would he? And we definitely can't have that!
Anyway, in The Devil's Due, I'll honour the canon and just go with whatever the hell I want. Probably a combination of the old and new system, where you at least have to become a lawyer first (which, uh, didn't seem to be a requirement with the old system?) and THEN become a judge. But I'll remove the "has to have worked as a lawyer for at least 10 years" part.
So yeah. The more you know? xD
6. What’s one fact about the universe of "The Devil's Due" that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I honestly mentioned the majority of them in my short notes on the actual post and the rest will (hopefully) become apparent as the story continues. But I think one thing I'd like to emphasise is the fact that their first meeting is the ONLY thing I'll knowingly change from canon.
That's not to say that other things won't be different — because they sure as hell will be — but I'll try to keep my intentional influence limited to that one detail. And then see just how much that will change the characters' choices going forward and, consequentially, their lives and the unfolding story.
So, for example, Komi unfortunately won't be in this fic since she seems to have been a relatively new addition once the drama starts. Jin Joo also won't appear, as sad as that makes me, because I don't think there will be a chance for them to run into each other. But Ga On has his gay/sub/sugar baby awakening a LOT sooner because he just happened to come across a suitable sugar daddy (which I assume he didn't in canon) and, because of that, figures out his feelings for Soo Hyun long before he meets Yo Han again, years later.
Basically, what I want to explore with this fic is how that one meeting will change everything that happens between Yo Han and Ga On. And the hilarious part is that Ga On is going to be responsible for the majority of those changes. He is the one who will seek Yo Han out. He is the one who'll get a little bit obsessed. He is the one who won't be able to let Yo Han go.
And that alone is such a fun change that I can't wait to explore it. Let's watch Ga On be the instigator and pursuer for once! (though, obviously, Yo Han is still the one mostly in charge because, well, Yo Han x'D)
Questions for fic writers
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
What is your opinion on Daenerys and drogo? Many people romanticise it a little too much.
Hi there Anon!
I am inclined to say one of those people might be George 😂 either that or he fooled me well - he might have though to be honest, I am not a very insightful person. And I am not trying to be funny here, I might really be missing stuff because I am sort of dumb/slow sometimes.
I don't think he would have two people call each other "Moon of my Life" and "My Sun and Stars" if he wasn't trying to be romantic. Did he achieve this though? In my opinion no, and actually one of the things I would say *&* did better than George was how they wrote Dany and Drogo's wedding night, because in the books it felt like something not even a 12 year old on Wattpad would write.
Let's break it down. So Dany starts as being scared sh:t, finds Drogo terrifying, has 0 sexual experience, yet he gives her a massage and all of a sudden she's h0rny as f:ck and wants to bang on the spot? Going as far as putting his 👆 on her 🐈?
That scene in a nutshell: Tell me you don't understand anything about women or female sexuality without telling me you... you know where I am going with this. All that was missing for the perfect fanfiction s£x scene would be him entering her in a super painful way *blood and gore everywhere*, she cries in pain, and her still having a gazillion orgasms from 🍆 in 🐈 alone.
Not my first rodeo, George. Been reading fanfiction since I was *not saying*. And for someone who hates fanfiction that scene was like *sigh* fit for any DarkCharater fic I ever read. Not good. Not good.
On a side note during my years loving Twilight I read a lot of DarkEdward fics 😂😂 y'all can mock me for this, I mock myself.
Having seen the show (first two seasons) before reading the first book, I must say I quite preferred their relationship in there, or at least it made more sense because they went from bad to... I don't want to say good but better? In the books it makes no sense.
So Dany is terrified and doesn't want to marry him. Then he gives her the massage of a lifetime - I would pay to know what kind of f_cking massage that was - and she wants some hanky panky and they do IT. And then after seeking some sort of consent (?) from her, Drogo starts to not need it anymore and it's just r@pe fest :D 24/7 with Dany crying out in pain and wanting to kill herself. Then, after in a way being betrayed (?) by Drogo, who goes from seeking some sort of consent (?) to not caring and just f_ck her raw, she decided she wants to please him? Why?
This all to say I didn't find their relationship the least bit convincing. Not from Dany's part. Not from Drogo's part. In the show I found it more convincing because there's at least a logical sequence of events - that very likely lead to some sort of Stockhold Syndrome from Dany - and I think it's undeniable how much chemistry Emilia and Jason had together.
In either case, is their relationship deeply problematic? It is. Do I think George sees the full extent of how problematic it is? No, I don't. Do I think in the books Daenerys will ever have some sort of epiphany about how it was not true love between her and Drogo? Absolutely not. Just look at ALL the other couples George has made, even outside the main asoiaf books, and the types of deeply problematic relationships that are presented as true love. Yeah... not gonna happen - in my opinion at least, which is worth what it is, and if opinions were that good they would be sold not given so #there XD
I will show myself out X'D
Also in the asoiaf universe, I don't think we really are in much of a position to point the finger at problematic relationships given that IDK 99% of them are problematic in some way or the other. It's almost just a pick and choose game of what bothers people less and what they can work with.
I totally get not understanding why people like X couple, and yes I have my list of couples I don't understand why anyone likes and ships, but at the end of the day it's fiction. Ship and let ship. Focus on what you like and leave others be.
We don't have to like or understand others but we don't have a right to bother them. And this isn't targeted at you, Anon, don't think that it is please. I am just speaking in general and I do hope every one of you does this. It's one thing to rant with your friends in a private setting, quite another to call out people publicly or try to shame them when this is a fandom for one of the most problematic book series ever. If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen, people. This ain't Disney.
All the best to you, Anon 🤗
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the-nysh · 3 years
thoughts on the, uh, questionable design of the top USA hero?
Ahh, her? Ms. Star(s) and Stripe(s), aka Lady Liberty, personification of the flag?
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The fact that Hori made the US's no.1 hero representative a (huge, beefy) woman, instead of an expected man, is actually pretty neat. :O So that's a plus. Yes, she does look like a female All Might with the same characteristic face & smile, so if Hori's just being his usual harmless h0rny fanboy of western comics again, then I honestly have no problem. (He’s free to do what he wants with his taste in women, that’s fine~)
But speaking from California here, her design personally doesn't appeal to me. It's too much. x'D In an over the top, souped up gaudy way. (Which I suppose could seem on-brand 'american' according to certain stereotypes, but it doesn't click for me.) Specifically for example, her huge hair spikes and huuge trailing striped cape feel like they busily clash too much, design wise. In contrast, prime All Might's design worked because he was a fun type of gaudy, in an old-school homage, balanced type of way. This is just...comically up to 11, it tips the scales into unattractive levels for me. :'D (So oops, both her style and appearance aren’t my type.)
Also, if we were to scale her height based on those jets, then she's gigantic D8 physically too tall and imposing to even fit in those cockpits, omg! Anyway, I've no idea what her quirk might be, and whether or not she's a genuine overseas friend & pupil of All Might's we just haven't met before, or another self-proclaimed over the top fanatic (in a different way than Stain, who also stars in this chapter) remains to be seen. As we still know next to nothing about her.
Still, looking at her behavior, while jumping into action even when it's not allowed or asked for is consistent with Hori's hero ideals, it's the way she bypassed their international protocols to personally lead a fleet of stealth bombers over to Japan that honestly makes me nervous. (Is she here to preemptively nuke Shiggy or something? uhhhh o.o;;;) I can tell exactly what that looks like, with the implications how that could turn politically ugly (in-universe) very fast. But again, it could just be simply Hori’s usual harmless fanboy tendencies souping up her initial presentation with grand fanfare and all, that I don't expect he'd actually go there with such a dark statement (especially towards his own japanese audience), but just in case...editor-san please take caution. 🙏   
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