#it kinda breaks my heart a little because he's just 15 and these are Grown Ass Adults in the MOST hostile work environment
reblogglelog · 10 months
Sad Boy Hours: Billy Batson
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He's trying so hard to get the screaming adults in the room to just stop screaming at each other and be reasonable.
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He is immediately dismissed and storms off, justifiably insulted.
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And Billy goes right back to blaming himself, trying to figure out where he went wrong, how he could have fixed things, managed the emotions of the room better--even though he is 100% correct and the adults are absolutely failing, and badly.
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"Even if he's wrong...I should respect him." Honey, the thing that's eating at you is the absolute dogshit way they act and then expect you to just accept as normal. These grown-ass heroes should not be hitting each other.
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And a degree, honey. Several of them.
He sounds like a teacher trying to get the class to behave and that script keeps failing him. Over and over the adults around him dismiss him for his optimism, ignore his calls for reason. And they're heroes. They're the good guys and they tear into each other regularly and viciously. And Billy is fifteen years old in a room of adults screaming at each other. The team is sometimes down right abusive, and this child is trying to keep them from falling apart.
I worry about him, ya know?
(anyway, thank you for coming to my Sad Boy Hours)
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star1117-archives · 2 years
Look bestie, idk if hard hours are open but whatever, you'll read it when you read it.
I am frothing about how seonghwa/hongjoong/yunho...actually I'll include San & jongho as well, how they would all love it when their partners are shy & embarrassed. It has me thinking thoughts!
I'll have thoughts come up about the others but right now I'm just imaging how Yunho would make the perfect 'first bf' because I think he would just be excited to be your first & he would just make you feel so special about yourself. I think he would tease the absolutely loving heck out of you whilst doing it, 'aww you look so cute when you blush for me'.
Imagine when you start getting intimate with him and you're like undressing & you're covering yourself because it's all new for you, he would just look at you with those puppy dog eyes and rub shoulders & say in a soothing manner, 'you have a beautiful body bunny, let me see all of it'.
Plus, when you've grown more confident with him, he would definitely use it as a way to humiliate you, just imagine you're pinned underneath him & you're all red in the face because even though you've been together a long time, you're still self-conscious. He would look down at you and coo at you in a mocking tone, 'aww is my sweet bunny still shy after all this time? Maybe I need to f*ck the embarrassment out of you mmh?'
Oh my god I totally agree with you, esp Yunho !! Wait you sent this to Lune as well lmao
He’s smitten with you, treating you with the upmost care since he wants your first relationship to be nothing less than magical. He finds it cute how you’re literally a newbie at everything, blushing over the smallest things.
He’s really caring when you guys start to get intimate yet the PERVERT in him literally goes crazy when you sit on his lap or bury your face in his neck. One hundred million percent buys you lingerie in pastel colours, or like baby pink/blue. It just really gets him going Yk? Seeing you all dressed up for him.
He also likes the way that you’re so sensitive, every touch, every caress, every kiss has your head reeling. In turn, also driving yunho up the wall. Size training will obvs be very important to him since Yk, monster cock :]
When you start to get more comfortable he loves to rip your lingerie off you, wanting to ruin the innocent vibes you give off, corrupt that addictive yet blissful ignorance of yours. Pockets the panties when he’s through <;/3
He likes the fact that he’s teaching you everything. How to kiss, how to spoon, all those little things you take for granted once your used to relationships. He likes to cook for you, treating you like his little baby that must be cared for and protected.
He finds it really endearing when you buy him gifts as well, especially if you’ve put a lot of thought into them. He’ll literally just kiss and hug you as much as humanely possible because oh my god oh my god you’re so fucking cute it’s breaking his heart
The fact that he likes the whole teaching aspect of being your first boyfriend also appeals to seonghwa in more intimate ways. He absolutely loves the thought that he’s teaching you how to please him especially, no one else.
He also loves to broaden your boundaries with every encounter, slowly working you from touching to vanilla to something a little less innocent. 100% buys a toy so he can fully focus on that pretty face of yours orgasming as if it’s the first time every single time that godforsaken vib does it’s magic
He so fucking perverse with it it’s kinda creepy but in a hot way. He loves seeing you getting embarrassed over the littlest of things, especially hand placements. Like, you being visibly affected when his hand rests on your thigh in public, or when he pulls you close during movie night and loops an arm around you.
When you’re comfortable to take your relationship a little further, that’s when he goes completely feral. He isn’t as kind as the others, obviously establishing a safe word, continuously asking if you’re okay, aftercare every single time. But he just loves the thought that he’s breaking you. Ruining that innocence of yours, stealing it from you so no one else can have it but him.
He sees it as you giving yourself to him, one of the most heartfelt intimate gestures a person can do. You’re giving yourself to him, mind, body and soul. It’s fascinating to him.
Bro finds it endearing. Similar to Hongjoong, he likes making you flustered over little actions. The way you slap his shoulder in shock when he whispers filth in your ear. He absolutely loves however how dependent you are on him, as he’s your first boyfriend. He’s helping you understand life, relationships, what it is to love someone.
He loves it when you nervously play with your fingers or stutter or hide your face when talking to him, still new to this amount of affection and attention. But the thing he loves the most? When you initiate the contact, especially if you’re embarrassed afterwards. Why are you hiding your face after kissing his cheek? Why are you looking everywhere but him when you’re holding his hand? He thinks it’s utterly adorable.
This translates to intimate times as well, because bro is absolutely smitten with you. Constantly making sure you’re okay, you’re enjoying it, you want faster or slower. Doesn’t push/force you into anything, except one thing. He is a violent hater of losing eye contact or you covering yourself up.
Focus on him, watch how good he’s fucking you no matter how embarrassing you think it is. Watch the way he glides in and out of you so easily, the way he rolls his hips almost every single time into that one place that makes you see stars. And don’t you dare hide your beautiful body, San wants to see all of you
He likes that you’re inexperienced/naïve. It brings out the protective side of him, he just wants to make sure your world remains rainbows and unicorns. Yk that old sunshine/sunshine protector meme? He’s sunshine protector. He will make sure you’re happy at all costs, and if you’re not the world will burn from his wrath.
Very much a ‘let’s take it slow’ kinda guy, to the point where it’s too slow and despite your inexperience it’s you who’s initiating everything. Like San, he finds it immensely cute when you give him some form of affection and immediately start dying inside. Will die with you, cheeks red and a bashful smile on his face.
When y’all finally become intimate (after practically eons because Jongho was like let’s be sure about this, let’s not rush it, it’s your first time not yet), he treats you like you’re made of glass. Makes sure you’re okay throughout, and refuses to be rough with you in any way possible.
Bro is lovemaking, he never fucks. He only does that when he’s drunk/extremely pissed off, but it’ll take you a while to find that out. Aftercare is top notch, 10/10 would recommend to a friend.
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·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳ NSFW Taglist !! ˊˎ-
@agustd-essert @hyuckilstan @a-soft-hornytiny @nyghtwolff-1117 @artemis-in-your-area @violetwinters @katelynnsqueendom @galaxybambam @yunhobabygurl @midnightbluesnow7 @itbecina @hwaluvvu @ccarpc @anpanseok @yunhosprettyhand @wooandtaeluvr @mingitheii @vilavixg @the-answer-is-love-yrself @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @taehyunscaramelfrappe @imwhoever @cactusmalassus @mrcarrots @ateezbabysitters @owjohny @meowmeowminnie @cheline @fantasy2wonderland @empiirxn @xuxibelle @dazzlingligth @foreverinlovewithdrawings @simeonswhore
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just-jess-78 · 6 months
Things that didn’t break my heart:
Knowing that he has feelings for someone else and wants to see where it goes. Everyone deserves that. I honestly wish him the best. He’s not a horrible person. I’m thankful that he told me and I’m glad to know that he’s grown in that aspect because he certainly wouldn’t have done that in the past. I hope that he learns to let the next girl have a safe place to express her feelings no matter how hard they are for him to hear. Maybe she can teach him to communicate better and be more open sexually. I know that’s weird and leave it to me to throw something about sex in there but it makes me sad to know that he hasn’t ever had a connection like that with anyone. He doesn’t know what that’s like yet because we never had that. Not his fault not my fault just chemistry 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope that he’s able to have kids of his own someday. I can’t have anymore and even if I could, no thank you. I love mine like crazy but no more car seat, sippy cups full of milk getting lost under the seat, I’m not in that era anymore.
Things that have crushed it into a million pieces:
Never asking if I’m ok.
Not handing me the chapstick before we turned the lamps off last night like he has for the past 15 years.
Trying to turn it into something I’ve done or not done instead of just letting it be what it is. He didn’t push that though and I think he only said it because he was scared so ehhh…I’ll list it but it didn’t crush me.
Being so easy to discard. Even though I know from both experience and our relationship that eventually he will regret it. Not in a vengeful way but I know that he’s going to beat himself up eventually… if for no other reason than the way he handled it.
Letting me unknowingly help him get ready to go meet her and then coming home late and still letting me get up to switch his laundry over once he came home and went to sleep. Knowing that I’d set my alarm and get up to do it for him because I always have.
Im kinda getting a little excited about where I’ll land next…I hate new houses and I’ve been miserable in this boring bitch of a house. I want an old one. I want it to be ugly to everyone but me and then I want to make it beautiful because that’s what I love doing 💗
What a bunch of babbling bullshit but I don’t give a single fuck because I’m so glad I choose doing something uncomfortable-ish instead of just keeping it all in my head. Now I have more room to grow.
P.S…lamp just went out and no chapstick. It didn’t hurt like last night but I definitely need to add my own to my grocery list. ((Singing)) “I can buy myself chapstick” or however it goes
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
i think of Rhaenyra's life and it's just sad. imagine a 8 year old completely scared after her mother's death. then this new step mother comes and it's fine but then as she births sons little Rhaenyra's whole life turns shades darker while still a child like 😭 no matter viserys adored her so much he neglected her when she needed him. she was a child in court full of adults. didn't even have her uncle by her side and when he came back she was a woman grown and so was plagued by rumours again! and more happened and yet she kept her head high and fought for her birth right for something which was promised to her till the very end no matter how it ended.
my heart just breaks for that little rhaenyra so much. i don't think people really understand what kinda place she was living in since she was a child. a little girl.
Before people start slapping this ask with a "Rhaenyra was 15 when Daemon came back from the Stepstones, she wasn't a woman!", yes, duh.
The point of this ask is to look through Rhaenyra using what circumstances she lives through and in. In Rhaenyra's world/society, she is no longer just a child and up for marriage. Viserys had always considered her marriage to Laenor and Westerosi noblewomen (when they are not in special circumstances) usually get married in their mid-teens. For better or worse, yes, Rhaenyra occupies the place of a marriageable not-child youth of majority who was available for marriage at the time that Daemon came back. I wouldn't go so far as to say others around her would think she is a matured woman, more like that she was considered "old enough". Again, that definition of "maiden". Which is itself coming from factual medieval ideas about female life stages:
It was easy enough to pinpoint the start of medieval adolescence. As the writer John Trevisa put it, it was a ‘full age to get children’: that is, entering puberty. When it ended, however, was less clear. As Avicenna, the great Persian philosopher, wrote in a work that was translated into Latin and widely disseminated throughout the Middle Ages: ‘There is the age of growing up, which is called the age of adolescence and commonly lasts until the age of thirty.’ Avicenna was contributing to the scholarship on ‘The Ages of Man’, used by many medieval thinkers to explain the stages of man’s life. While ‘man’ might be a universal term for humanity, these schemes make it clear they were not about female experience. The 13th-century jurist Henry of Bracton said a woman reached maturity when she was able to take on the responsibilities of a housewife, but few other writers concerned themselves much with the female life cycle. Women were believed to experience the prime of their lives during adolescence, as this was the age when they were considered to be most spiritually pure and physically beautiful. For a female youth, adolescence was tied to her ‘maidenhood’ – both her youth and her virginity – and so with marriage and the loss of her virgin status she was usually perceived to have exited the most ‘perfect age’ of a woman’s life. In short, girls usually became women because of their relationships with men: when they left their natal families and became wives. Boys’ transition to manhood was a longer and more variable process.
GRRM takes medieval ideas about womanhood and gives the word "maiden" a more technical and material existence/role in the Westerosi feudal social system, but the idea remains the same. What's different is that 15-year-old Rhaenyra--as heir and a girl coming into authority in her own right over men instead of subject to her husband's authority in the official manner--now also partially occupied that which is a male office and condition of power, so she would be simultaneously seen as not as capable and someone who should "realize" how much responsibility she's been given.
And that is where Daemon as her boon comes into play. Regarding the timeline of their relationship, Daemon treated her as a child first when she was actually young, and then as a person capable of making their decisions--at least compared to others--as well as protected her claim to the throne. No, the gifts he'd intermittently give her BEFORE he left for the Stepstones were not of the socially isolating kind.
Yeah, this can be considered grooming, semi-Doylistically. Esp since it was not official, open courting that the girl's father approved of.
Why this specification? Grooming entails:
physically or emotionally separate a victim from those protecting them and often seek out positions in which they have contact with minors
gaining the trust of a potential victim through gifts, attention, sharing “secrets” and other means to make them feel that they have a caring relationship and to train them to keep the relationship secret
will often start to touch a victim in ways that appear harmless, such as hugging, wrestling and tickling, and later escalate to increasingly more sexual contact, such as massages or showering together. Abusers may also show the victim pornography or discuss sexual topics with them, to introduce the idea of sexual contact
behaviors are not only used to gain a victim’s trust, but often are used to create a trustworthy image and relationship with their family and community. Child and teen sexual abusers are often charming, kind, and helpful — exactly the type of behavior we value in friends and acquaintances
Daemon never tried to be kind or mild enough to anyone except Rhaenyra and his kids out for well-wishes for that individual or to make them feel good for the sake of it. Even with the gold cloaks, he was a leader who had to keep the loyalty of those under his command, which entails giving a sense of purpose and confidence. The guy is not a man of complex duplicity and machination, he's a guy who has a family heritage of dragonriders that lives in an incestuous family. Both he and Rhaenyra are products and individuals shaped by their conditions. And their conditions allow/necessitate that they look to each other as first partners-by-family-and-sustained/proven-trust, then the sexual/romantic element infused into that base that is uniquely Targaryen/Valyrian dragonrider. *EDIT* REMOVED LAST SENTENCE *END OF EDIT*
Back to the ask, yes, it is a sad story. It is a weird state to acknowledge that as a princess she enjoyed a lot more luxuries and protections than "commonborn" girls and women while also having her own classist view AND how she had been so exposed to adult intrigue before she turned 10. But this is the truth. The most Rhaenyra got to live as an autonomous person doing her own thing--before marrying Daemon--as much as she could was after she left the Red Keep for Dragonstone to become its ruling "Lady" and raise her kids with her lover/guardsman Harwin Strong.
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iridiss · 1 year
Does dante have a spouse after nana in your rewrite?
Short answer: No? Probably not. But I think he'd still stay close with Nichole, I kinda go into a lot of lengthy in-depth character and relationship analysis chewing on the idea under the cut
I don’t think so. I think if he did, it’d be Nichole, but only after years of communication and healing. They’re on good, friendly terms now, but I think there’d still be a lot of trust issues and pain left over from their break-up and the messy divorce situation as a whole that they’d have to work through before they’d consider trying again. But even then I feel like my version of Dante would struggle with a lot of self-worth issues, abandonment issues, childhood trauma, and guilt, enough that he wouldn’t let himself get close to Nichole, Kawaii~Chan, or anyone else in fear of messing it up. After losing his family, Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, Aaron (those 4 due to their deaths + the Irene dimension + laurance's space-traveling disappearance), Nichole, and Kawaii~Chan, he feels like he can’t lose anyone else before breaking completely. Gene left some heavy scars
Though, I do want him to be happy, so I can see him settling down with either Nichole or another woman outside of PD in his 60s or so. It takes a while, but they end up working through it and retiring together. They likely move out of PD, get their own cabin, and live peacefully and quietly in the woods away from any wars or fighting, and Dimitri & Travis would visit frequently for tea and dinner
It’s a possibility, I don’t think it’s something I’m currently planning to explore in the fic though. I’d like to see Nichole and Dante work out their issues and find some contentment and happiness together, maybe they retire together. Or maybe Dante retires and Nichole gives Dimitri the role of Lord of Scaleswind but still continues her physical work by becoming a miner and a soldier The Phoenix Drop alliance can call in at any time to kick ass in battle, while Dante is pretty done with dealing w/ the horrors of war by age 68
Edit: Actually that gave me an idea, I think I’d end up going with that “Dante and Nichole retiring together” idea for the far-off post-ending content for my au, but their relationship is a little more convoluted than just “they get married and love each other and all is well.” As people (with these non-canon versions) Dante is a very cautious person and a coward at heart. He’s working on it, but he has a lot of guilt he’s grabbling with. By the time he’s in his 40s, he’s been through a lot, he’s matured a lot, he’s built this sort of “nest” for himself mentally. He’d much rather take things slow and finally have some peace in his life for once. And though Nichole has grown up and changed a lot too over the past 15-20~ years, I believe she’s still a fire at heart. A dampened one, but the kind of power and fury and energy she had in her youth isn’t something that’d completely go away, much like Katelyn’s. I think that would cause some personality clash between Nichole and Dante that'd make it hard for them to ever marry.
In my mind the difference between Katelyn and Nichole’s inner fire is that Katelyn could go through 20-40+ years of raw hellish suffering and come out forged all the stronger and fiercer of a fighter than she was before, she can’t be stopped, not a single chip of her would be lost. You beat Katelyn down and she’s only gonna come back swinging harder than ever. Nichole however, she doesn’t have that kind of infinitely blazing inner strength (maybe because she doesn’t have Menphia’s relic? It’s likely mostly personality differences). When she takes a debilitating blow, she gets knocked down and that fire of her grows a little smaller. She learns to steel herself and grow a thicker, stronger defense to make up for it, while Katelyn grows a stronger offense. If Katelyn is like a wolf, then Nichole is more like a fox. She finds her own, indirect ways to work around.
But that fire’s never gonna go out completely, and maybe with time she learns to reclaim the whimsy of her younger years and blazes a lot more freely and happily, in her early 60s and onwards. She regains her playful, fox-like spirit and overcomes the way most of the adults of PD left behind in the 15 year time skip were eroded away in their hope and friend’s absence. And that’s the difference between her and Dante, because Dante never fully recovered from everything that happened to him, while Nichole could and likely does bounce back, in good time. The sheer personality difference between Nichole and Dante that grows over time would make it harder for them to ever remarry and be a perfect, happy couple that’s entirely romantic. But they share a history together, they bore a son, their pasts have forever bonded them as family. Dante and Nichole are family now, that will forever effect the way they see and treat each other from now on, especially to two people who have struggled with or lost so much family before.
So I don’t think they could ever fully detach from one another. I don’t think they’d get married, but I think they’d move away to a private place together. Nichole rekindles herself by starting her own mining business, reclaiming what she used to love doing in her youth to find her heart again, and Dante tries to better himself and grow stronger as a person under her example and influence. But their personalities would be far too divided and opposing to marry (plus old, old scars that don’t quite go away) or become more anything than mildly romantically involved with one another. They wouldn’t be having any more kids any time soon. But they still stay close-by each other, because they can’t bare to see the other lost forever. They’d have to die together, of old age or sickness, less than a year apart. They wouldn’t be able to survive any longer than that. They need to be separate, for their own emotional sake, but they wouldn't dare to live without each other.
They’re not really “wife and husband,” they’re together in the sense that they maintain their own comfortable, quiet, protected home that they made together. They wouldn’t find any interest in marrying other people (mainly and especially because Kawaii~Chan goes off on her own to court Zane ((and Reese if I’m allowed to dream)). They’d have each other, as close friends, as family, as…something. Their own thing, I think. I think that’s what I’ll write for my fic, that’s where Dante ends up after the divorce
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emiarainewrites · 2 years
A Quick Ace Discussion/Ramble
Around age 19, I discovered other kids around my year were doing the sexah stuff at like age 15.
This blew my goddamn mind
When I was 15, I was staying at home mainly collecting music and making videos and trying to write stories and obsessing over people that don’t exist.
Honestly not much has changed since then.
But it should have been an indicator that I was Ace, cause I sure as hell didn’t understand why they were interested in that stuff back then. I was like “15? Is that normal? I wasn’t aware people cared about the sexah stuff at that age. I was back there trying to write a Hades & Persephone type story that I STILL HAVEN’T FINISHED and you guys were up to any kind of stuff??” Not shaming, just surprised.
I didn’t find out I was Ace until a couple years after I’d already left school. Never had a boyfriend, no significant crushes and always plagued with the thoughts that I was basically a late bloomer. I remember trying to force myself to see guys (actors) that I liked more attractive than I actually found them. I thought something was wrong with me back then.
And then I made the shocking discovery.
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It was kinda scary at first. I didn’t know what to make of it. I almost didn’t want it, because I’d never heard of it before.
Knowledge about all the different types of sexualities (not just Asexuality) should be spread far and wide. LGBTQ+ is vitally important. Not just for the people who belong with it, but also those who plain ol’ don’t understand it.
Even if you aren’t a part of this community, you should still be informed about it on some level.
I’m still largely uneducated about it, but every time I look into it I learn something new.
Not to mention, when I found out I was Ace, I was fiercely looking up everything that I could about it. And I’m just lucky that I have an awesome Mum who supports me and doesn’t treat my sexuality as something that isn’t valid. Because it is valid. I am valid. You are valid. We are all bloody valid. No one can say otherwise. My dad on the other hand seems unaware of my sexuality. He’s seen the posters I have up at my place, I know he has. But he never brings it up or shows interest. He doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t want to understand it because it’s not what he’s used to.
But on the whole, I’ve been incredibly lucky with my Mum. And it breaks my heart that other people aren’t as fortunate to have that support.
Actually, kinda funny story, I remember when I was a teen my Mum asked me about whether or not I found Hugh Jackman to be attractive. I thought that to be a weird question in general to ask - I’d grown up with X-Men & Van Helsing after all, so there was a kind of nostalgic connection that made the very idea of finding him overtly attractive really bizarre. Nevertheless, I answered “sure, I guess.” My Mum looked at me and amusedly went “are you sure you’re not gay?”
NOPE I’m all points in between!
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But seriously, even though I haven’t interacted with the Ace/LGBTQ+ community a whole lot, the little I have has been very positive and welcoming. And I haven’t come across any people who shame my sexuality or insist it’s a myth or something.
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Darlin’, if my sexuality a myth then it’s gonna be a dragon! (I am a dragon, by the way, just wanna throw that out there).
And if you’ve made it to the end of this ramble, then thank you were reading. And remember, no one can dictate to you who or what you are besides yourself.
Therefore, I am Ace. I am Valid. And I am many other things that no one can take away from me.
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My TTPD First Listen Reactions:
1. Fortnight: ~what about your quiet treason~ HAHAH THIS HURTS BECAUSE HE MOVED TO FLORIDA WITH HIS WIFE 😂😭 
2. The tortured poets department: I definitely feel like I would like this more if I was stoned rn. ~who's gonna know you like me!!!!!~ ~sometimes I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me~
3. My boy only breaks his favorite toys: the delusion of "I'll tell you that he runs because he loves me" okay 😭😭 he saw forever so he smashed it up in ONCE I FIX ME HE'S GONNA MISS ME ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
4. Down bad: what an accurate break up song lmao. ~fuck you if I can't have us~
5. So long London: "and I'm pissed off you let me give all that youth for free" yeah fuck me spending my 20s in love with you 😡😡 
6. But Daddy I love him: I wish I had this song when I was 15 and rebellious also is this song about fucking swifties who lost it when she and Matty were together 
7. Fresh out of the slammer: this song broke me. "All those night she kept me going SWIRLED YOU INTO ALL MY POEMS" 😭. (But also I really am not a fan of the weird beat change toward the end??)
8. Florida!!!: fuck me up Florida fr. I think this might be my favorite??
9. Guilty as sin?: I am going to throw up. They don't know you how you've haunted me so stunningly. I choose you and me, religiously 😭😭😭😭 am I allow to cry????? 
10. Who's afraid of little old me?: this one is gonna have to grow on me, I think. Okay actually now that I'm into it, it's grown on me lmao
11. I can fix him (no really I can): this is...okay. just okay.
12. Loml: literally crying immediately. "I felt a glow like this, never before and never since" 😭 "I felt a hole like this, never before and ever since" 😭😭😭 LOSS OF MY LIFE??? This fuckin broke me.
13. I can do it with a broken heart: holy whiplash. A BOP????? Incredible. Wow. I love this. Thanks for rubbing how much better you are than me in my face Taylor lmao
14. The smallest man who ever lived: verse three makes this song tbh. 
15. The alchemy: aw I miss that happy in love everything is meant to be feeling.
16. Clara Bow: promise to be dazzling (I need a pinky promise emoji) the outro 🥺🥺🥺🥺
17. The Black Dog: "and I may never open up the way I did for you" 😭😭😭 holy fuck just break me why don't you. "I still can't believe it" 
18. imgonnagetyouback: Olivia Rodrigo has the chance to do the funniest thing ever here lmaoooo "say you got someone else say I got someone too" wow wow wow PICK YOUR POISON BABE I'M POISON EITHER WAY????!!!!!
19. The Albatross: I don't think I have anymore coherent thoughts right now but I dig it??
20. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus: cause I wonder will I always wonder????????? 🥺 
21. How did it end? I really wanted to like this one but I'm not there yet lol the tempo is just weird 
22. So high school: this is so cute omg
23. I hate it here: I'm lonely but I'm good I'm bitter but I swear I'm fine.......this place made me feel worthless. It's ok I don't live in Charleston anymore. 
24. thanK you aIME: IMAGINE ANDREA SWIFT HATING YOU I really like this one it's kinda like mean 
25. I look in people's windows: "I'm afflicted by the not knowing" babe me too "does it feel alright to not know me I'm addicted to the "if only"" SCREAMING. 
26. The prophecy: fuck man fuck fuck fuck. 
27. Cassandra: oh this is for the Greek mythology girlies huh? Alright I'm in.
28. Peter: yes babe more piano pls hahah do you know how long it took me to realize this was referencing Peter Pan I'm so dumb 
29. The Bolter: "excellent fun 'til you get to know her" me too.  
30. Robin: this one is really sweet omg
31. The Manuscript: but the story isn't mine anymore 🥺
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babu-haitani · 2 years
RANDOM and LOCO (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Mostly Crack, Suggestive, SMAU
Pairings: Bonten x FEM! Reader
TW: This Series may contain Spoilers from Bonten ARC and it may also contain mentions of suggestive themes, use of cocaine, definitely a lot of cussing, and mainly SANZU. Don’t pretend ya’ll don’t know why Sanzu is in the warning…
A/N: This is just a series I came up with because I need to post my jokes somewhere! I’m a verified clown (That can both mean negative and positive POV’s)
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"You could've chosen someone aside from him! Why Him!??!" Rindou asked as he frantically waved his arms around in the air. You let out a sigh as you massaged the bridge of your nose.
"For the last fucking time, I'm not a kid! and what is it to you!?"
"Because we like you too!" Ran added as looked at you in disbelief while pointing himself and his brother back and forth.
You just stood there with a disgusted face, A few moment of silence until the Haitani Brothers suddenly scrunched their noses.
"You know what...on second thought, we don't like you. I juts realized how weird that sounds especially when we kinda treated you like a little sister..." Rindou reasoned out, both you and Ran could only hum in agreement.
"But Y/N, are you seriously going to pick that bastard?" Ran asked as he pointed at Sanzu who was opening a pill and sprinkling the powder on the cake with a smile plastered on his face. You let out a sigh.
"We're still not together, we haven't even fucking dated yet!" You replied.
"Dated schmated! whatever! It will someday lead to that direction!" Ran mockingly added.
"That is definitely not fucking true!" You retorted.
"It's true! I read it on the wikipedia! so take that bitch!" Ran replied as he flipped his imaginary long hair, if this was a cartoon; your forehead would have an irk mark due to irritation.
"Wikipedia would never post something that idiotic! and don't fucking believe what the internet tells you" You continued. Ran only has a smug expression on him while Rindou looked over at his brother and copied his brother's expression.
"We can pay Wikipedia to post it though, so jokes in you! It can still be valid!" Rindou added, You were about speak again but was stopped Takeomi.
"Y/N isn't a kid anymore, you both don't have any rights to tell her who to date. If she wants to date Sanzu then so be it, If you hate it then stop looking or just fucking gauge out your eyes. We don't know what the future holds and besides it's not like they're a couple already" Takeomi spoke as he took slices of cake and ate it in between his talk. You and the others could only stare at him in disbelief.
"Wow Takeomi...You really are an old man..." Sanzu commented, you raised your hand and smacked the back of his head. The pinkenette turned to look up at you pouted, you only rolled your eyes.
"Takeomi is right though, Y/N is what? 20 something? She's already at a legal age" Kakucho added, you slowly smiled as you stared at Kakucho.
"It's questionable how a girl with a Doctorate would end up with a drug adduct who has pink hair but then again we don't have any say since Y/N is a grown ass woman, she earns her own money and she has a job and basically 2 fake brothers and 5 friends who're criminals---" Koko stopped talking and stared at Sanzu.
"If Sanzu dared to break Y/N's heart, I'll kill him myself..." Mikey continued as he looked at his number two with blood lust. You saw how Sanzu lightly trembled as he looked back at his boss.
"Don't threathen Sanzu...I can handle myself" You added before sitting back down, grabbing a plate, Sanzu placed a slice of cake and handed you a fork. You smiled and looked back at Ran and Rindou who was looking at you, they both let out a sigh and sat down.
"Fine! I don't care if you wouldn't let us but if that son of a bitch ever did something shady...I'm gonna stick my baton up his ass!" Ran hissed as he glared at Sanzu.
"Just make sure to put some lube" Sanzu snorted, Ran only stared at him in disgust.
"See what I mean, Y/N?!" Ran yelled as both of his hands are are directed to the pinkenette beside you.
You just let out a sigh as you turned to look beside you who was Mochi.
"Mochi..." You whsipered as you tapped Mochi's shoulder, Mochi turned to look at you and then took out the earplugs he was wearing.
"Can I have some?" You asked as you pointed towards the earplugs, Mochi just shrugged his shoulders as he gave you a new pair.
You thank him and then placed the earplugs in your ears, the noises of arguments was now muffled. Peace...you thought as you continue to eat cake.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Rindou yelled but you were busy eating, Sanzu looked over at you and saw the black plugs in your ears.
"She's wearing earplugs..." Sanzu added, Ran and Rindou only sighed.
Taglist: @tisiphoneee
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loquaciousquark · 3 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E116-119 (Dec. 15, 2020)
Hi! I missed the first three minutes or so and opened the stream to Brian giving an absolutely incoherent ...ad? for some jewel game? Six thousand jewels just for logging in? Some app in the app store and he’s literally been talking about this now for six minutes and I don’t know what he’s talking about. He finally wraps up, Laura brings the show to a close, and we’re all a little worse than we were before.
Ashley tries to get us back on track and Henry bays over her. Brian tries to ask the first question and breaks off into feigned sobs halfway through. This is chaos incarnate.
Tonight’s guests: Laura Bailey & Ashley Johnson.
How’s Yasha feeling right now about Molly? She and Jester both are desperately curious about whether there’s a spark of Molly left in Lucien that can be brought back. It’s not the same as when Yasha was controlled by Obann; this seems more like just the way this is now. They’d settle for even finding the good in him, like they did with Essek. Brian jokes that they can monitor his mental state if Matt’s Irish accent starts to slip a little bit.
Jester is a little wary about scrying on Lucien now since he’s able to see her back.  She’s interested to try again now that Fjord’s given her the necklace.
Ashley has to run and grab a replacement set of headphones from Brian after hers get “crunchy.” It’s pretty cute seeing them run around and smooch on another screen. Brian teases that he doesn’t have any more questions for Jester since Caduceus has been doing all the healing lately. Laura tells us indignantly that she had Heal prepared for Caduceus in that last big fight, but Fjord got to Cad first. Brian explains how this is the same as all the good jokes he always lines up for Talks but never tells. Ashley’s crunchiness continues and we go briefly to a technical difficulties screen while Brian hops up to fix it.
Dani pips in to get this show back on track. Save us, Dani!
Ashley hadn’t thought about the aspect of Lucien controlling his friends’ minds, but finds it really creepy. It’s a cool game dynamic, and it’s a little different because they’re there willingly, but it’s really weird.
Jester thinks that “the tarot cards know all. She wants to buy into it real hard.” If it doesn’t make sense now, it will later. Laura has an Idiot’s Guide to Tarot Reading.
They’re super interested in why Aeor is like it is. Were they more advanced than us? Did they evolve along a different line? Ashley loves sci-fi and is all about this, especially since she wasn’t there for Happy Fun Ball time & hasn’t been able to get caught up on some of the things she missed in between, so she’s using this as an erstwhile replacement. She can already tell there are some things from this campaign that will bother her the way the unopened box did from C1. She and Laura both seethe at the camera about having to leave the spider behind.
Cosplay of the Week! Harland3r on instagram with a gorgeous winged Pike with a shield & mace. It’s an incredible photo and the wings look great.
Travis distracts Laura by dancing like a Trex offscreen. That seems right for this episode.
Jester’s encouragement of Yasha pursuing Beau was important in a lot of ways, not least because Ashley considered herself as uninterested in D&D romance as Travis & was a little unsure of activating a romance among her friends. However, it felt really natural within the game and it was really helpful to have Jester’s in-game encouragement. Yasha’s grown a lot and is in a much more positive place and is ready to find out what’s possible. Laura: “Jester from the get-go has seen Yasha as this wonderful soul from the beginning, and has seen how sad Yasha’s been through everything, and to see the difference that she exhibits when talking about Beau is drastic and wonderful. Jester’s joy in life is helping others find joy.”
Ashley points out it’s also so fun to “yes-and” with Laura because you’re like a little kid being dragged along by the hand - you don’t know where it’s going, but you know it’s going to be fun along the way.
Ashley does have a sense of “thank goodness Marisha isn’t jumping right into this” so she can coax herself into it, but when she tried to figure out the poem she had a lot of drafts that didn’t survive. She intentionally crafted the letter to give Beau an out if she didn’t feel the same way. There’s a lot going on with Lucien right now and there’s constantly a running thought in the back of her head about “maybe Beau is not into this.” Even the last couple episodes with Jester & Fjord have had Ashley finally understand shipping.
Brian brings us to the moment “almost as romantic as the pre-season finale of the Bachelorette.” Jester was “goo” afterwards. Early on in the campaign, Jester was very forward with her flirtations with Fjord & he shut her down. And then he kissed her underwater and immediately went and slept with Avantika, and Jester automatically shut herself down, because she thought she was misunderstanding & would only be hurt by those emotions. She deliberately focused on just being there with her friends, making everyone healthy and happy. These last few episodes where Fjord was flirting back felt like “my teenage heart again, my first kiss, the boy I like actually likes me back!” and she was able to open back up.
Yasha definitely has some instrument plans for those bones. She doesn’t know if she’s going to add to her harp or create a new one.
Ashley and Laura cheer about Travis stepping out his comfort zone. Laura thinks it was really good that he was doing it with her, his real-life wife, to see if he likes that sort of stuff in his D&D campaign. “It was just so sweet. It was just so sweet.” Brian says he’s actually a really romantic dude & Dani is so glad he asked before the kiss. Brian: “It’s going to be so sad when he breaks your heart and goes back to the corpse of Avantika.” Laura: “It’s fine, Jester will be long dead by then anyway.”
Jester does believe the four-year time trade was worth it, but that the city leaves “a mark on your brain,” especially as in-depth as she saw it. “Jester’s always been reticent to talk about her age because she’s aware she’s perceived in a juvenile way by a lot of people, and she’s insecure about that. She grew up by herself without a lot of social interactions and is experienced in a lot of ways now and naive in others; she’s very aware of human emotion around her, but chooses to see it in a certain way.” Losing the time makes her wonder if she needs to grow up & become an adult about certain things now. Laura: “I think actually she’s closer to Fjord’s age now. Actually, I’m not sure about his age. I don’t know how old he is - I’ve never even asked Travis!” Brian: “I think he’s definitely fifteen.” Laura: “Travis, how old is Fjord?” Travis, off-screen: “Sixty-five,” but he’s had the Mask of Many Faces up this whole time. Later, he adds that he’s in his early 30s.
Ashley has really enjoyed digging into Yasha’s more humorous side lately. It’s how she gets comfortable as a player, making it fun and light in a way that this year needs. “It’s also really funny to think that Yasha doesn’t know how Message works.”
Brian congratulates Laura & Ashley both on their game awards nominations. Brian vamps trying to get himself in as the presenter, but incidentally refers to Laura as his sister in the conversation and it’s super cute. “I would like to be the one to give the award to either my fiancee, or my sister!”
Fanart of the Week: @ethanmaldridge with an illustrated page from the Katzenprinz book. It’s just beautiful.
Jester’s polymorph gambit was terrifying, but the stakes got even higher when everyone else got stunned. She does lament choosing a bunny at the start. “Frickin’ Fjord’s armor!”
Yasha loves being polymorphed lately. She thinks it’s kinda funny, especially given her rigid upbringing with such defined roles.
Laura feels like Jester and Vex are weirdly two halves of herself. Brian: “You see the very bargainy, I’m gonna use my wit & smarts to negotiate situations. But at the same time, you’re very open to what people are thinking & feeling and navigating that. What you end up putting out (though it comes across as innocent and naive) is something pure because she truly believes it.” Laura thinks Yasha and Pike are the same way for Ashley, though Ashley feels a little closer to Yasha right now. Sometimes you just feel really exposed. Laura compares how much idealism she put into Jester to her character from Fruits Basket.
Since Yasha didn’t belong to either side in the war, she’s not hugely concerned by the fallout; she more wants to make sure her found family are okay and safe. Jester is the same way, Laura tells us. Jester doesn’t have any greater vision of the Empire & Dynasty interacting; she cares about the people, and it hasn’t been until the vision with the city that she kind of woke up and realized they have to really stop this now. It feels bigger than the Dynasty/Empire. Ashley: “It seems more of a thing for Beau and Caleb to care about.”
Really, up to now Jester was mostly concerned about getting Molly back, but now the stakes seem much higher. “We have to do this. We have to complete this, to beat them, to keep them from doing this.” Yasha is just going with the flow for now. There’s a lot coming at them and they are ready to find out what’s next.
And that’s that for tonight! Brian thanks the crew especially for working incredibly hard on switching everything to home-based streaming. He then gets stuck halfway spinning around in his chair and the last thing we hear is him idly wondering “What’s Fjord taste like?” which seems pretty on brand for tonight’s show. Is it Thursday yet?
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
I Don’t Lose.
Pairing - Tartaglia/Childe/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - VERY mild angst, so much so that I wasn’t even going to tag it at first.
Other Comments - I promise I am working on asks! I just kinda wanted to post this little drabble, since I was working on it before I went on hiatus! Anyway be prepared for my garabgo posts to come back up on your pages >:^))
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      Childe’s work schedule was horrendous; and calling it a schedule is an overstatement if anything. Now (Y/n) knew that Childe’s time out for work was going to be long, but it seemed as though recently the guy just couldn’t catch a break. He’s been gone for about three months now, with the only contact being a couple of hastily written letters.
      (Y/n) and Childe were never officially dating each other, but they had gotten pretty close over the time that they’d known each other in Liyue. Though he’s not the only person the young traveler had gotten close to. (Y/n) was extremely sociable and charismatic, which is what drew Childe to them, but it also attracted a certain ex Geo Archon.
      Zhongli seemed to always be asking for (Y/n) to accompany him every where or vice versa, borderline addicted to their presence with him. He had grown used to it when they were trying to set up the Lantern Rite a couple months back. Childe was still in Liyue at that point in time so the Geo Archon knew to keep his distance, but now with the Harbinger out of the picture he didn’t have to worry about him anymore.
      Zhongli was aware of how Childe felt about (Y/n) even if Childe himself wasn’t fully aware of his feelings, and in addition to that he was also Childe’s friend too. So there was a small voice in the back of his mind telling him that it was wrong to try to steal (Y/n) while Childe was off on a mission. He couldn’t help but think though, that he would be a better match for the traveler. He wasn’t going to be gone in a different part of Teyvat for months at a time, and if they permitted him to he could even accompany them on THEIR travels; something Childe was unable to do.
      Everyday Zhongli made it his mission to get (Y/n) tea to help start of their day, and much to his ignorance the traveler had started to expect the small cup of professionally brewed tea at their doorstep with a soft smiling Zhongli gently holding it out to them, before being invited inside the small apartment in the middle of the busy harbor.
      And today was no different, at least not to Zhongli or (Y/n). The traveler smoothly opened their door, being greeted by the ex Archon before opening the door a little wider for him to walk in and set the cup down.
      On a completely different side of Teyvat, it was Childe’s last day in Inazuma for the mission he was sent on, yearning to see the young traveler who had captured his heart. He had sent out a letter to them about a week before to give it enough time to reach them, telling them that he was going to be Liyue for a while after this mission which he was excited for, before quickly jotting down the place he wanted to meet (Y/n) and the estimated time he would be getting there; 13:00 sharp.
      It was now 15:03 and (Y/n) and Zhongli had set out on a daily commission which he had offered to help them with. It was always fun when Zhongli came along with (Y/n) on their mission, as it got lonely traveling through this unknown place with no one but Paimon by their side; so the company and help was greatly appreciated.
      Childe on the other hand, was not having as great of a time, as he had waited around in the previously mentioned spot for about an hour before giving up and deciding to go straight to their apartment. There had to be a logical explanation as to why they never came, maybe they didn’t get the letter? Childe had a habit of letting himself into (Y/n)’s apartment and today was no exception. As he quickly picked the doors lock and let himself in, he once again was let down, as his expectations were not met and (Y/n) was no where to be found in their cramped apartment.
      He couldn’t help but search around their home, looking for the one thing that would have notified them of his arrival; half heartedly hoping that it wasn’t going to be their wanting them to have a good reason as to why they never came. But after a couple minutes of searching, he found the familiar envelope with his name written across the corner in fancy calligraphy. It was sat atop the small side table next to the young travelers bed; irritating Childe even more. Not only had (Y/n) not even bothered to open the envelope, but they went through the length of setting it next to their bed, giving them another chance to open it this morning.
      Meanwhile Zhongli and (Y/n) had just finished up the rest of the commissions they needed to get done, but (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel as though they were forgetting about something. Zhongli was in Heaven right now, he loves spending the entirety of his day with them, nothing brought him more joy than seeing the way (Y/n) would celebrate to themselves a little when finishing off a couple treasure hoarders, or an angry hoard of hillichurls. The day was coming to an end though, and it was starting to get dark so the idea of getting food then going home really resonated with the two.
      As usual once they got into the harbor again they went straight to Wanmin Restaurant, as much as they liked the other expensive restaurants that Liyue Harbor was full of, nothing could compare to to homestyle meals of Wanmin. As the pair was finishing up their meals, Zhongli had placed a large hand atop (Y/n)’s.
      “(Y/n) it has been a pleasure spending the day with you as always. I thoroughly enjoyed fighting the ruin guard with you, and I am disappointed that our day is coming to an end. I was wondering if you would let me accompany you again tomorrow?” Zhongli’s hand had began to gently hold (Y/n) and their face was dusted a light shade of rose. Zhongli sat their waiting for what felt like an eternity for their answer; he spent this time memorizing every detail on their face as to never forget it. 
      (Y/n) smiled shyly and nodded before giving Zhongli’s hand a subtle squeeze and finishing off their meal.  Zhongli could feel a sense of dread forming in his heart. He new Childe was back in Liyue, which he knew because he had spotted him staring at the back of (Y/n)’s back for the entirety of their meal; How the traveler didn’t notice this he would never know.
      (Y/n) noticed the small change in Zhongli’s demeanor and the way his eyes stayed fixated on something, causing (Y/n) to turn around and see what the ex Archon was staying at so intensely. When their eyes met with Childe’s cerulean ones, they gasped quickly getting up and rushing over to him. Zhongli sighed, before quickly footing the bill and going to follow (Y/n).
      “Childe I didn’t realize you were coming back today! When did you get here?” There was something odd in Childe’s eyes, as the way he was staring at Zhongli with such malice made (Y/n)’s blood chill a little.
      “Yeah, no wonder you didn’t know (Y/n). You disregarded my letter like trash. I got here a little after noon, and waited for you at Wangshu in for almost an hour.” Childe’s voice was serious and deep, something the traveler had rarely heard come from Childe. (Y/n) pulse was racing, the look in Childe’s eye was never a good thing. 
      “And you. I had a thought of you doing this but I brushed it off cause I never thought you would. Clearly I was wrong. But here’s something you don’t know Zhongli. I. Don’t. Lose. So your advances on (Y/n) aren’t going to do anything. I am willing to do anything to anyone who tried to take away my world, you are not an exception just because we’re friends.”
      Zhongli rolled his eyes before chuckling to himself, only further infuriating Childe; and before anyone could stop him the Harbinger pushed Zhongli to the ground, quickly materializing his hydro blades and pointing them at the ex Archons throat, his amber eyes widening with shock.
      “Like I said Rex. I don’t lose. Don’t ever touch what’s mine again, no matter how long I’m out of Liyue for.” Childe’s arm wrapped tightly around (Y/n)’s should, roughly pulling them against his side; before walking off and leaving Zhongli on the ground. The walk back to (Y/n)’s was filled with tense silence. Once they had gotten back into their home, Childe unloaded everything.
      “Why (Y/n)? Why would you not even try to open my letter? Have you gotten tired of me? I know my work is crazy and hectic but you have to be mine. I’ll go crazy if I see you with anyone else.” 
      “I never got a letter from you Ajax! Zhongli had been bringing my mail to me so I only ever saw what he had given me. I need you to trust me! Doing that to Zhongli in the middle of the harbor was uncalled for and you know it.” Childe’s eyes were staring into (Y/n).
      “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll apologize to Zhongli later, but tonight it’s just gonna be you and me. I need to make up for all the time I’ve been gone. Who knows what Zhongli has done to you.” Childe’s signature smirk was back on his face, bringing (Y/n) an odd sense of comfort before nodding in agreement. (Y/n) giggled in response before lightly punching Childe’s arm.
      “So does this mean we’re official?” Childe barked out a laugh before pressing a soft kiss to (Y/n)’s lips.
      “What do you think?”
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graceloveswolves · 4 years
Paul Lahote Oneshot
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Requested by @youralternantpersonality​
*Paul x Reader: Y/n (who’s adopted to residents in Forks) is friends with Jacob, who abandons her at her worst time (adopted parents are giving her up) because he shifts. She doesn’t like confrontation, so she just goes to the Res to return his stuff and grab hers at Billy’s when he runs into her. The pack is behind her while she and jake are arguing. She goes to leave and Paul imprints on her, not know she may or may not come back to her home town*
______________________________________________________________   “Sorry, I’m busy right now. Leave a message”
      I wiped my tears from my face and dropped my phone on my bed, trying to hold in my cries. My bestest and closest friend- ex friend- has officially decimated our friendship, with no explanation. No reason for it, all I got was “Don’t talk to me again.” and “We aren’t friends anymore.” Pretty subtle, and brutal. Even for Jacob, his words had hit deep, and with no one around me to take it out on but myself. And to make things worse, my parents-adopted parents- have told me that they can’t take care of me anymore, and that they are giving me to someone in Southern Texas for awhile, if not forever. So in a way, I guess I was going to lose Jacob Black anyway. I guess our friendship was just bound to crash and burn, just like my other ones.
   I stared at my phone, debating if I should call him back or not. I then looked around at my empty, boxed up room. Today was my last day in Forks, I spent the last week packing my room up and loading it into a moving van. Preparing to say goodbye to Forks for awhile, or at least until my adopted family could financially support me again. Which I have my doubts on, so I spent every minute I could spare, soaking up Forks before I mostly likely say goodbye to this tiny town for good.
     Unlike some, I actually enjoyed this tiny area. I felt like I had a destiny here, like I was meant to be here. I felt it deep in my bones, like I haven’t fulfilled my destiny yet. Like my existence hasn’t served its purpose here yet. Maybe its the nostalgia, or broken heart. But I felt like my fate was telling me to stay, that I wasn’t done yet. I shake my head from my sadden thoughts and pick up the last box in my room. Looking down at the label in sharpie, I read JACOB BLACK.        I sighed, closing my eyes for a few minutes. If Jake won’t answer the phone, then I guess I’ll just have to drop his stuff off at his house myself, at least then I can go grab a few of my things I left in his house over time, since we practically lived in each others houses growing up, despite being in different areas. I walked out of my ex guardians house, refusing to look at them, I get into my car, throwing the box in the back seat, feeling glad he didn’t answer the phone, at least then I have a chance of getting in and out without facing him, because after the fight we had, I don’t think I want to run into him.      I drive away from the house I once lived in, knowing that I’ll probably never see those people ever again. The people who raised me, made me who I am today. Even though they were barely in the house, and I never really grew close with either one of them, it still hurt, knowing that the only relationship I had with someone that meant something to me, apparently never meant anything to him. I bit my lip, refusing to let another tear shed over someone who didn’t give a damn about me. 
    Once I made it to Jake’s house, I turn the car off, sitting there, bracing myself to say goodbye to everything that ever made me happy. I started to recall all of the memories I had made here. From me breaking my arm for the first time, to Jake losing his tooth for the first time, to me accidentally knocking him out playing tag To him making me pass out from being in a head lock for too long. I laughed quietly to myself from the funny memory, before the sound of little tapping on my car roof snapped me back to reality. 
   I frowned up at my windshield that was quickly starting to be overruled by raindrops. Typical. Of course, could this get any worse? I thought to myself as  I got out of the car quickly, grabbing Jake’s box and making my way to the tiny house that grew to be my second home growing up. I didn’t bother knocking, since I would only be a minute and I practically lived here all my life. I opened the door quietly and set the box down on the counter as I welcomed myself into Jake’s house.
    I looked around the house and started picking up a few things that were mine like my favorite shirts, or my hairbrush. Once I searched every room but one, I bit my lip, glancing at Billy’s room, he must still be sleeping, it was still kinda early in the morning, I didn’t  search it, not wanting to wake him, I don’t think much of mine is in his room anyway. I decided to skip his room and put all my items into my purse that I had brought with me, and gave the house one more last look, before I started walking out of the tiny red house and closing the door behind me.    I gasped, meeting face to face with the last person I wanted to see right now. He had grown at least a foot, and had cut his hair, which was now cropped and soaking wet from standing in the pouring rain. “What do you think you’re doing?” Jake had questioned, in a deep and serious tone. “I-I... I tried to call you, you didn’t answer.” I clutched to my purse, taken back from the size of his muscles, he had grown at least twice the size in like two weeks.
  “You didn’t answer my question Y/n.” Jake said a little louder, I was about to snap back at him, but something caught my eye over his gigantic shoulder, it was other people, it was Sam, and his stupid minions. Anger suddenly boiled over me, everything had now made sense. He had left me for drugs, drugs and other stupid arrogant boys. Then another though crossed my mind. He didn’t leave me, he replaced me.    I was over here, tearing myself apart wondering what I did wrong, crying myself to sleep for a week, while he was sleeping peacefully and having a wonderful time not having a care in the world, no doubt doing drugs with his new buddies and partying. Fine, if I really didn’t mean anything to him, then why should he mean something to me. I shook my head in pure anger.
  “You know what Jake? You are pathetic! You dodge my calls all week and leave me with no explanation only to find out I had been replace by a bunch of stupid boys that we both hated together?! Seriously, is testosterone and steroids worth more then our friendship? Do you feel cool now? Bad boy Jake is all grown up now?!” I yell at him, backing him up to the point where we both are standing in the freezing rain. However unlike me, he hadn’t been shivering at all.        “Why are you even here? I already told you we aren’t friends anymore and I don’t want you around anymore? What part of that don’t you get?” He answered with sass, throwing his hands up. His buddies stepped closer, obviously not minding their own business. “I’m sorry that I’m having trouble grasping the fact that the only true friend that I’ve grown up with for 15 years has suddenly left me like I never meant anything. You hurt me Jake. I’m hurt. And I don’t even know w-why.” I choked on the last word, feeling my throat tighten, and tears threatening to spill.        We stood in the rain in silence, my ex best friend was looking down at the ground, as if he was trying to find something to say. I crossed my arms, standing there, drenched in the rain, waiting for him to say something, anything.
  “Go home Y/n.” Jake replied, looking down at his feet. Not even being able to look me in the face like a man. That’s when the water works started to kick in. Once he heard my sniffling, he perked his head up. I gave up trying to keep my tears in, I have had a shitty week and he deserves to know how much he’s hurt me. However, I looked up back at him, so many hateful things to spit at him floating in my head, however I couldn’t find the courage to spit them out. Because deep down I still cared for him like my brother, and I don’t want my last moments with him to be worst then they already are.    “I-I-I don’t have a h-home anym-m-more.” Was all I said to him, brushing past him, wiping my eyes from both the tears and rain. I suddenly felt his extremely warm hand wrap around my wrist and turn me around, my back facing his new crew and my car. “What is that supposed to mean?” He looked down at me, his eyes scanning my tiny figure. As if he was suddenly panicking from my response.
   “I’m moving you stupid cow! My parents can’t afford to support me anymore! I go to Texas tonight, so don’t worry, you’ll never have to see me again.” I snapped, ripping myself out of his grip, turning around not letting him have the last word. As I went to take a step, I accidentally walking right into one of his new druggie friends. Who I hadn’t realize were right behind me and were so close. The rock hard frame had caught me, leaving me stunned from whiplash. “Watch it asshole!” I spat up at him, anger snapping out. Our eyes locked, and I had noticed which one I had ran into. 
I believed his name was Paul, very hotheaded if I remember right from Jake. I suddenly regretting snapping this particular member once noticing him staring dead back at me, not letting go of my hips which were in his grasp. However as I looked closer, his stare didn’t hold anger, it held surprise, and shock. And it was making me uncomfortable, just like my soggy wet clothes I was currently in, and would be driving in, all the way to Texas. “Get off me perv!” I exclaimed, pushing the star struck guy away from me, marching my way into my car. 
 Once I was in the safety of my car, I start to uncontrollably sob. Everything that had ever happened within the years I lived here meant nothing, friendships, memories, relationships, all of it, gone. And I had to pack up and start over, leaving everything behind forever. As I drove away I couldn’t help but feel as if I left a piece of me there, like I had not finished nor served my purpose here.  Maybe I’ll come back, maybe one day I will come back and find my purpose, if it’s still waiting for me.
Here’s to knowing you have to wake up at 5:30am tomorrow but still staying up to write this anyways because fuck sleep, its overrated... until I hear my alarm clock. - graceloveswolves :)   
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angstysebfan · 3 years
What’s Done is Done - Part 2
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Requested by: @joannie95
It’s been 3 months since you moved out of the tower. You still went on missions with the team, and would go there to train during the week, but other than that, you stayed far away. Wanda and Nat would meet up with you for girls nights, and you would hang out with Sam frequently, but all out of the tower. You didn’t know this, but Bucky was miserable not seeing you. The only times he got a chance was briefings and a few missions. You begged Steve and Tony to keep you on separate missions, unless the whole team was needed. 
The whole team gave Bucky the riot act after you moved out. He knew what he did was stupid, but he just couldn’t understand how a beautiful and kind woman such as yourself could love him. You had helped relieve the nightmares, but after a mission where you were being openly threatened to get a reaction out of him, he just didn’t know what else to do. He thought you would break it off after being threatened because of him, but no. You told him it wasn’t his fault, which just made the guilt even worse.
He knows he went about things all wrong, and he knows the longer he waits, the worse things will be. However, out of respect for you, no one will tell him where you are. Even FRIDAY is keeping it confidential. He tries to follow his friends, but it’s like they know he would be doing it and make sure that they don’t go near you. He just wants to apologize and beg on his knees for forgiveness. He is lying on his bed on morning thinking of begging Steve for information when there is a knock on his door.
After alerting the person they can come in, Sam enters with an annoyed expression. “Listen, Y/N is coming to the tower today. This is the first time he is coming to hang out with the team, and you better not ruin it. You have done enough. Got it?” he sneers at Bucky. Bucky sighs, “Sam, I told you everything. I want to apologize to her. I get it if she won’t take me back. Just please let me apologize to her,” Bucky begs. 
Sam shakes his head, “If she lets you then fine. But don’t be afraid if she doesn’t. She is finally getting back to her old self,” Sam says before leaving the room. Bucky quickly flies out of bed to shower and change. He makes sure to wear your favorite shirt of his, hoping that will get your attention. He heads out to the common room and hears everyone talking. His heart pounds when he hears your voice, but quickly drops when he hears what you announce to the room.
“Everyone, this is my boyfriend Tommy,” you say with a large smile, while holding Tommy’s hand. Sam gets up and shakes Tommy’s hand as he looks behind him to see Bucky’s fallen expression. Although Sam is pissed at Bucky, he somewhat feels for the guy, but then thinks he deserves it. You continue to make introductions with the team before you finally turn around and see Bucky. Tommy looks up at the man, not realizing who he is and goes to shake his hand. “Uh... Tommy, this is... Sergeant Barnes,” you say nonchalantly. 
Bucky looks at you when you address him with his title, and his heart breaks slightly more, but he knows he deserves this and more, so he keeps his mouth shut and jealousy pools throughout him. Bucky shakes Tommy’s hand, and makes sure to squeeze just a little too hard, which makes Tommy flinch. You pull Tommy away and into the common room with the rest of the team, hoping Bucky will just leave, but of course he doesn’t.
The team is asking how you guys met, and how long you had been dating. Suddenly Bucky’s voice pops up, “So... have you fucked yet?” he asks. You look at him with wide eyes. Tommy clears his throat, “Uh... that’s kinda personal Sergeant Barnes,” he says, looking at you. You squeeze Tommy’s hand, trying to tell him to ignore him. “Well if you need pointers, I know all the things Y/N likes in the bedroom so,” Bucky says like he is talking about the weather.
“Bucky!” you yell. He just shrugs his shoulders like he hasn’t said anything wrong. “Tommy, please ignore him. He is an asshole,” you say glaring at Bucky. He gives you innocent eyes, and you can’t help but want to laugh because he looks adorable, but you shake your thoughts away. “Well, maybe we should just go, if this is how today is going to go,” you say standing up. You hear the group begging you to stay and yelling at Bucky. “Doll, I’m sorry. I’ll stop,” he says with pleading eyes.
You nod and sit back down, getting back into easy conversation with the team, trying to ignore Bucky. You kept looking over at him and he would give you a small smile each time, that would make butterflies form in your stomach. You scold yourself because he hurt you so damn bad, but your reaction to him cannot be helped. Especially since he is wearing your favorite shirt. You love the way it fits on him, showing all his bulging muscles. It’s like he did that on purpose, but you know he doesn’t care about you.
After spending the afternoon, you and Tommy take your leave. You say goodbye to your friends and are heading out when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Bucky, “Uh... I was hoping maybe we could talk.” You shake your head, “I... I don’t think I’m ready to talk Bucky. Don’t you have a date with some slut or something to get to?” you ask before going to walk away. Bucky grabs your arm, “If you think that man could ever make you feel the way I make you feel, you are only joking yourself,” he says in a jealous rage. 
You yank your arm away, “You’re right. He doesn’t make me feel the way you did. He is so much better,” you say before walking away. Bucky just stares at you, wanting to run after you. He didn’t mean the talk to go that way, but his jealousy got the best of him. Sam glares at him as he walks past, “Told ya not to get your hopes up Barnes,” he says before walking away.
A big mission came up a few weeks later. The whole team was brought it, which you hated because that meant Bucky was going to be there. You did your best to just ignore his existence and focus on what Steve and Tony were saying, but you felt his eyes on you. Once the briefing was over, you go get dressed in your kevlar suite and start grabbing all your weapons before heading to the quinjet.
You make sure to sit on the opposite side of the jet from Bucky, getting yourself psyched for the mission. Nat walks over to you, “You doing alright?” she asks. You look at her and smile, “It’s my job, I’ll be fine,” you respond. She nods and walks up to the pilot seat as Sam walks over, “If you want I’ll shoot him from the sky and say it was an accident,” he says making you laugh. “No, it’s ok Sammy. I’ll be fine,” you say giving him a hug. 
Steve calls everyone over to go over the game plan 1 more time. You and Nat were the ones to get into the computer to upload several files we were after. It was Steve, Bucky, and Wanda’s job to get you there. Sam, Tony, Clint, and Vision were to maintain the outside parameter. Bruce was to stay onboard unless he was needed to go green. You all nodded in understanding and got ready to to disembark the jet.
Once the jet landed, Steve, Bucky and Wanda went out first, followed up Sam, Tony, Clint and Vision. You and Nat came out last waiting for the all clear sign to enter the building. Once you were inside, you both followed the map, given to you, to get to the computer. You didn’t come across too much action while inside, maybe an agent here or there, but they were dealt with quickly.
“Almost seems too easy, right?” you ask Natasha, who nods in response. You both finally make it to the computer room and Nat sits down to start the upload, which will take about 10-15 minutes, while you stood guard. After almost 10 minutes, and no one was trying to stop you you turn to Nat, “Something is not right,” you say. You try your comm to call Steve, but there was nothing. 
“My comm is out, what about yours?” you ask Nat. Nat also tried to call out to the team with no response. Once the upload was done, you both start to head out the way you came. As you turned the corner, you come face to face with 15-20 HYDRA soldiers with their guns drawn. You and Nat both draw your weapons ready for a fight. It took all of 2 seconds for all hell to break loose. 
You and Nat are working seamlessly side by side, until you feel a sharp pain in your ribs. You look down and see a knife sticking out of your torso and you drop to your knees. You already know your lung has been punctured, but you keep trying to fight, as breathing gets harder. Nat turns and looks and sees you down, and fights hard to get to you. 
You are then kicked down and collapse on the floor. You hear Nat yell, but don’t hear what she is saying. All the chaos around you sounds so far away. Suddenly you feel yourself being lifted off the grown, “Y/N, open your eyes, Doll. Open your eyes,” you hear, but you can’t seem to open them. They are just too heavy.
Bucky runs back to the quinjet with you in his arms. He is panicking, as you are unresponsive. He brings you to Bruce, you immediately sets you up on a machine, and they see the faintest heart beat. Bucky holds your hand, begging you to be ok. Bruce asks someone to take Bucky away, which Steve does. Sam is being held by Nat, as he is also freaking out, as Tony flies the jet home. 
“Steve, I need her to be ok. Please, I need her to be ok. She needs to know... she needs to know,” Bucky says as Steve hugs him to keep him away from you. “Know what?” Steve asks, trying to get Bucky to calm down. “She needs to know that I never stopped loving her. I was stupid and didn’t think I was worthy of her. She could have died because of me and I... I didn’t think I deserved her. I’m sorry... I’m so fucking sorry,” Bucky says sobbing.
Steve holds onto Bucky, as he is still trying to get to you. Meanwhile Bruce has you hooked up to oxygen and an IV and regulates your heartbeat until you can get to the compound. Bucky looks helplessly at your pale skin, thinking how you could possibly die without knowing that he really did love you. That he didn’t mean to break your heart. That he wants to die, instead of you.
Part 3 coming soon! Happy New Year Everyone!
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @arundhati1609 @amandamdiehl​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @its-izzys​ @roserose26​ @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8​ @bestofbucky
Story Taglist: @calwitch, @jaysayey, @shamelessfangirl-3, @tcc-gizmachine
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szivtalan · 3 years
otp questions for endhawks.........will u kick me if i'm greedy and say ALL OF THE NUMBERS
I WILL NOT but this might take a while tho!!!!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
hawks is more physically affectionate - he'll link their arms together, cuddle to enji's side in public, climb in his lap when they're home, hold his hand, initiate kisses more. but it's enji that people notice sending fond looks for his boyfriend so many times it becomes embarrassing - tabloids will have a whole article on endeavor's "heart eyes" ("my eyes are not hearts" enji frowns at the magazine in hawks' hands, who just shrugs and grins "seems like they are for me") so i would say, deep down the big man's a softie too
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
enji/hawks. unless enji has a nightmare, because in that case, hawks is more than happy to be his lil jetpack.
3. Most common argument?
ah they fight about the most useless things but one of my favorites that must come up often is enji thinking that hawks deserves better than him, and hawks insisting that he's everything he ever wanted.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
kicking villain ass and family dinners. hawks likes to eat, and enji likes to eat with his loved ones all in one place. he wonders why hawks gets along so well with his children, and then he realizes - he forgot (again) how insanely young hawks is, and that he's merely a few years older than his youngest son, too. ngl natsuo glares daggers at his old man for having a boyfriend half his age ahahaha
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
given that enji could swing hawks around like a yo-yo, i think it's him ADJGSGH
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
hawks likes everything about enji. he's really into his body, but also his dry sarcasm, his occasional goofy jokes, and most of all, his heart. hawks will watch enji kneel down to a couple of children at a battlefield, his own face and hands dripping with blood, grunt out "are you alright, kiddos? come here, i'll get you somewhere safe" and see him do exactly that, scoop the kids up in his arms and carry them on shaking legs that could barely keep himself up, and then he will see him let his eldest burn the world, his second eldest scream at his face, his youngest treat him like dirt and know that he still cares so deeply for them, know that he loves them and wants the best for them and if the best is torment their father until he dies or worse, he'll let them without so much as a complaint.
enji, on the other hand, loves how easily hawks can lift the mood. he's learned to see through facades, and he'll call him out if he senses that it's hurting hawks to put on a mask, but hawks joking around and mouthing off makes our atlas feel like the weight of the world is a little lighter that day. he loves him for how driven he is, how graceful and hard-working and focused he seems in a fight, and thinks about how those traits were most important to him in the past but now he can see hawks use them to create a world where they can rest, and he realizes... that's not so bad an idea after all.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
enji speeds up the process of divorcing his wife lol. also he becomes more nervous around hawks, because shit, he likes him too, but he shouldn't be liked, why does hawks even like him? when hawks learns that enji likes him too, he gets shamelessly flirty. he doesn't make a move, of course - enji is still a married man, but he'll laugh at his nervousness, play with his own hair for enji's viewing pleasure and send suggestive winks his way like the damn tease he is.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
enji calling hawks birdie is pretty obvious. hawks alternates every petname imaginable for enji when he learns that he's never been called one (he figures it out when he jokingly calls him darling once and enji blushes to the roots of his hair), his favorite is "sweetheart" and "baby". enji also calls hawks his angel, but only when he's being very soft for him
9. Who worries the most?
i mean..... both? enji tends to worry more for hawks' safety and hawks worries more for the crushing guilt enji lives with.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
hawks - claims he does, but the truth is, he says a different thing each time and enji's happy to try new things as long as hawks will beam at him proudly after ordering
11. Who tops?
depends. they both do. enji topped more at the beginning because hawks was really into it and he was kinda insecure about asking for anything else, but hawks once offered and found out that he has a delicious bottom bitch on his hands.
12. Who initiates kisses?
hawks. height difference doesn't really matter when you have wings to fly up to your boyfriend's face and kiss him stupid
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
enji does. he wants to feel that hawks is by his side all the time, safe and sound.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
again, enji. his kisses get desperate, his hands rough. his temperature goes up despite his will and he just wants hawks to melt against him
15. Who wakes up first?
enji does! he's used to working out in the early morning before going to work
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
hawks does!! deep down he's still a rebellious lazy teen and whenever he has a day off, he likes to sleep until 12. he swears he considers breaking up with enji the first time the man wakes him up at 6 to ask if he wants to come work out with him
17. Who says I love you first?
surprisingly, enji does. hawks is way too protective of his own feelings to let them flow out so soon, but enji is desperate, he wants hawks by his side for ever, and the first time he says it is the first time he realizes it's true. they're out eating dinner one day, and enji watches hawks chew around the food in his mouth, downing chicken like his life depended on it, and he watches the last rays of sunlight hit his golden hair, his golden eye, paint his wings blood red, and he knows he hasn't seen anything more perfect than that sight. he tells him he loves him, and hawks laughs so much he almost chokes on food. "pretty fucked up to tell me that while i'm deepthroating yakitori" he tells him, giggling
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
hawks!!! it usually says cheesy things like "good luck at work, endeavor-san!" or "don't forget to eat ur vegetables!" when there are zero vegetables in the lunches hawks packs for him
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
i mean hawks doesn't have much connection to his family, or has many friends, but enji is kind of pressed to tell his family all about his relationship since, you know. the news would reach them sooner or later anyway
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
mirko is THRILLED that hawks is dating endeavor. the todoroki family, i mean.... shoto is confused, natsuo is mad, fuyumi and rei are both supportive and say they both want the best for enji. but mostly they just all think that he's really. Really young lol
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
hawks!!! he likes to dance around the kitchen while enji is cooking or doing the dishes, and sometimes manages to seduce enji into his arms too.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
hawks is a better cook, but he never tells enji about that. he just lets him suffer and teach himself how to cook because it's so much fun
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
hawks, but he says nothing he would ever say can beat enji calling him his angel. that's the cheesiest it can get, and it's also only because of his wings, like shut up enji omg that's so embarrassing
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
hawks gets bored on important meetings. then he looks over to enji in a suit and gets horny. one of his favorite hobbies is watching enji squirm and struggle to keep it together after he's stroked his thigh under the table and whispered filth in his ear
25. Who needs more assurance?
enji does. he really, honestly thinks he doesn't deserve the love hawks has for him.
26. What would be their theme song?
my dude every song on ur playlist could be but this one in particular takes the cake for real
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
in an au where enji's kids are still kids instead of grown adults, hawks would definitely read to them (sometimes legit tales, sometimes just colored-up and censored versions of their dad's missions) and cuddle them to sleep while he hums to them softly. in a non-au, enji catches him with shoto sleeping all wrapped up in his arms and wings, right after comforting him when he had a nightmare, trying to keep awake but slowly dozing off holding enji's youngest, most precious son, and enji kind of falls in love a lot more.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
text, call, videochat. hawks makes a show of wearing some of enji's clothes, but really, you can't keep these assholes away from each other.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
enji will never think he deserves to have hawks by his side
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
hawks will never grow tired of showing enji how much he deserves him.
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neoraso · 4 years
royal guard!minho
requested | some gender neutral hc for how he starts to wish he was maybe more than just a guard to you 
to put things lightly, minho was the ace of your entire guard
like he was better than anyone …at everything
so originally he was on (your father) the king’s immediate guard
he was nothing but professional and saved the king too many times to count even from like stepping on rocks idk 
when you turned like 17 and had to do more public appearances obv u were in a lot more danger so ur father jumped at having minho reassigned to u as the head of your personal guard “nothing but the best for his child”
the first time you met him… he only nodded or said yes or no to everything u asked him n ur jus like ok not much of a talker that’s not so bad ig haha ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
he was so quiet and “polite” for months despite you constantly trying to get something out of him
ur other guards always tried not to laugh bc if only u knew he had like two friends and was generally a pretty serious guy
but one day there was a festival in your kingdom’s central city so obv you had to make an appearance which u were very excited abt bc you only get to go into town like twice a year and THIS was one of those times
being “of age” and that much closer to taking the throne you might as well have painted a big red target on your head to signal people against the throne
everything was going fine, everyone was having fun and you decided to visit some of the booths and musicians around the square
minho was already suspicious of the situation and tightens the rest of your guard without u evenn rlly noticing but like
just as you turned to show these cute little candies to minho to maybe get a reaction for once -
the second he looks at you, someone moves to grab you but the flash of a knife in his other hand causes minho to jump immediately into action
honestly who knows what rlly happened minho moved so damn fast but the next thing you know, ur in the middle of your whole guard squad
looking through the gaps of their shoulders you see minho pinning down your assailant with a blade against his neck waiting for someone to arrest him even though he rlly wanted to just execute the guy right there 
the festivities were kind of killed for u after that bc you and your family were rushed back home which u might’ve been more sad abt if u werent in so much shock :<
obv minho was the one to escort you back but like all he said was “you’re okay?” and after u dumbly nodded with wide eyes he walked with you but kept a hand around your shoulder
no one really talked after that which wasn’t unusual for him but in his mind he was rlly like 
“?? ok i know its literally my job to protect this family but?? hm whyyyy do i seem to care sm more rnnn??//?” help him sdhskjd
u just looked so shaken up and disappointed and suddenly he was like damn </3 they rlly have no fun in their life and this one time they could was ruined :///
u had to stay inside for weeks after that bc it turns out there was a whole conspiracy to “eliminate” your family line so you waited in safety until the criminals were “taken care of” 
minho had everything triple checked around the castle for your safety and secretly made sure you had extra treats and warm drinks sent to your room sometimes with little notes that he had the cook pretend to have sent because lately he’d heard you had trouble sleeping sometimes he’s shy boy aw
he started to realize how much he had gotten used to your smile and your little jokes and the way you sometimes tripped on the corners of rugs. and he thought maybe it was a good thing you guys didnt have many interactions lately because he was way too attached
you on the other hand, couldnt even rlly complain about having to stay inside so much bc you had everything you needed and- you knew it was for ur safety but- it wassss kind of suffocating at times
u tried sneaking out at first ((just to the garden!!)) which obviously was a bad idea bc it’s impossible to get past minhos fcking hawk eyes lmao
he STILL didnt say anything like he would just follow right behind you
n like u kinda huffed but whatever honestly at least it was just him and not 15 other guards like everyone acted like you needed
plus it was somewhat comforting to have someone so solid around even if he never talked smh
one night you sat near the little pond and tried to calm your mind by watching how the moonlight rippled in the water
you can feel him behind you so u just turn around and look at him ignoring how he was already looking at you
 “would you at least sit with me?”
he kind of hesitates bc …what if someone tried to come up behind you? but with the sad look on your face he cant help but give in and sits on the stone bench at the opposite end of you
it becomes actually somewhat peaceful until you just decide to ask everything you’ve been wondering n u just blurt out-
“would it kill you to talk with me once in a while? i mean, talk like a normal person and not a machine? i dont bite i promise..”
he furrows his brow bc he’s shocked you cared at all and also he doesnt rlly know how to respond without being like “its not really in my job description to make conversation” but he honestly just thought you were being talkative out of niceties.
 before he could even form a sentence you continued,
“i mean- i’m always trying to get your attention. i dont get to meet many people for obvious reasons but my guards are the closest people to me-literally, and i dont want there to be a big gap between us just because of my status..”
he cuts you off before you ramble yourself to death 
“i didn’t know you were this troubled by it… i just take my job very seriously and i dont want to risk anyone’s safety for the sake of conversation”
u almost roll ur eyes but not wanting to be rude ur just like “even at home? i know you’re serious about your duties, believe me, i just… i get lonely.”
smthing inside him literally breakkkssss when you say that like u are such a pure and sweet person that deserves to have all the love and friends and fun in the world so he just gets quiet for a second and looks down
“im sorry.” he said it so softly you almost didnt hear him “i’ll be there for you more- if thats what you need. im essentially in charge of your safety and care and i’ll do anything to fulfill that responsibility.”
well this was good right? so why did you still feel unsatisfied?
“i dont want to just be a responsibility, cant we just be like friends? or…”
you cut yourself off before talking too much again
you had to admit to yourself you had developed a bit of a liking for minho, not just because he was probably the most handsome person in your kingdom, not even just because he saved your life, but he had really been a pillar of security in your life and you respected his loyalty and ambition.
he was more than admirable and everything you wanted as a standard for your kingdom
sometimes you let your mind wander to him getting on one knee and leading alongside you..
no, now youre getting sidetracked and delusional and he can practically hear the gears turning in your head so he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab 
“of course you’re more than a responsibility to me, come on, lets go inside it’s getting cold.’
taking his hand and realizing the conversation was over, you moved to link arms instead  as he walked you all the way to your bedroom door 
u slept a lot better that night 
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from that point on you could not get rid of minho 
like everyone was borderline uncomfortable with how jarring his change in attitude was 
like he was constantly behind you looking right over your shoulder or grabbing your arm to stop you from bumping into things
even when he wasnt technically on duty he had taken it upon himself to give you little lessons in archery and even some defensive moves to help you protect yourself in case someone wasnt fast enough to help you 
your tried not to get flustered every time he adjusted your form and the way you could feel his breath behind your ear
or the head pats when he walked you to your room at night
or his hand on your back when you guys would take walks in the garden
honestly it did not take long until one night you were sat next to your pond and after some comfortable small talk you noticed how close his face was to yours
but he noticed you didn’t pull away even as he leaned in closer and finally just kissed you
when he pulled away and saw your eyes still closed and how soft you looked his heart almost exploded
“i didnt mean to make things weird i just,, couldnt help myself, sorry”
his rushed confession pulls you out of your daze and you’re so happy (a little shocked) but you’re quick to reassure him
“it’s ok, i’ve been wanting you to do that for a while …”
he’s jus like “rlly?😳”
obviously this complicates things a lot and you aren’t really sure if you would even be allowed to have a relationship with minho bc of ur position
or if he would get in trouble for breaking the rules of attachment to u
all of this is kind of racing thru both of ur minds as you look at each other but you laugh after u both start talking at the same time
you prod him to go first so he grabs your hands and says like
“look i care about you a lot, and i know we’re not really supposed to be doing this but if i can be by your side … beyond my duties…i would really love to. but if we can’t, i can survive with just being here to protect and serve you in anyway i can”
he’s so honest and genuine and earnest it shocked u a little
even tho you were uncertain abt the situation as well you knew you had grown a little too fond and dependent on minho that you would do anything to make it work
luckily an arranged marriage was not required for you so that wasnt really the issue, but falling in love with someone not at all royal..? it was a daunting thought how the idea would be perceived 
you wouldnt have said anything if you both weren’t completely sure of your feelings;  but you really could not imagine being content or safe spending your life with anyone else so you mustered up the courage to ask the king and queen…
when you brought it up to your parents they looked pretty concerned
minho went on the whole “i’ll do anything to protect them and this kingdom” speech and your father just waved him off and was like
“i know u would …. i’ll allow it because there’s really no one better to represent the kingdom and because i want only the best for my child ;)”
u and minho were literally in shock but just quietly said thank u and left the room
when you had privacy he immediately pulled you in for a kiss (maybe several all over ur face)
you had a lot to figure out and many responsibilities but now you had an amazing person by your side to help you through it :.) <3
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Do you have any more info on the fiance situation in Las Nevadas au? :-D or just anything in that au in general (only if you want tho sbajjdkfL) since its vv cool <3 /p
i've talked about the fiances before but i'm down to expound on it a little further :DDD this is kinda half assed but still long so MSJDJD
tw: self-destructive behavior, memory loss, breakups (not too horrible i promise)
/dsmp /rp
quackity is definitely immensely hurt by his loved ones leaving him. it ruins him. he feels like his heart is left to bleed out every single day he sees that no one from the south is coming over. he has a telescope atop his hotel, the tallest building, which he uses to look closely at the south (where kinoko kingdom lies). on his free days, or sometimes in the afternoon when he doesn't attend the events, he sits on the roof and looks out at a distance.
i think the longest he's been out on the roof was when karl messaged their chat through the communicator. it was a simple “where am i”, and quackity was quick to respond. he instructs karl to go to las nevadas, assuming he was lost, so he basically cancelled every gig he had to observe his surroundings.
(turns out, he never came. quackity sat on that roof for 15 hours before he was pulled away by fundy.)
but their abandonment was never intentional. quackity knows there has to be something more to it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
he at least also got word from sapnap. after much encouragement from schlatt, quackity finally was brave enough to send him a message. first, he sent a simple “sapnap? where have you been”, then a more desperate “what happened to us?”.
sapnap replies almost immediately that it threw quackity off, “been around, adventuring, getting away from things.” then the second one took a bit longer, “not gonna lie, i thought our engagement was off ever since we kinda. stopped talking to one another. you kind of left us, didn't you?”
and quackity is hurt. he's baffled, he's irritated, but he's fucking livid. schlatt has told him multiple times that he needs to control his anger a little bit better, but in times like this, no matter how petty it may be, he wanted to fucking wreck his room. and so he did— first he threw his communicator against the wall. it was still salvageable, so quackity decided to grab his glowstone lamp and toss it against the communicator. he flips his dresser, throwing it against his bed, and it bounces off and destroys his cabinet. when he looks at his right, he sees a window, and he raises his fist to punch—
and someone is grabbing back. “q, quackity, alex, please,” schlatt pleads. when did schlatt get to his room? “come on, self-destruction is my kind of thing,” schlatt adds, and it summons a smile from quackity's lips before a sob tears out. and it doesn't stop. quackity cries— and he doesn't cry often, especially in front of his coworkers or family or whatever they are. he hates it, he hates emotions— he tried to fucking suppress it all in las nevadas because all of this, all of these casinos and hotels and bars are meant to be his coping mechanism, his distraction. the tears always finds a way to seep through, though.
eventually, they do crumble to the ground, and they sit like that for a while. quackity crying against schlatt's blazer as schlatt merely rubs comforting circles on his back. eventually, fundy does come in with some snacks and a deck of cards, and it was enough for quackity to at least feel better for the rest of the day.
on another day, where quackity was supposed to have fun partying around and doing the same old shit he does every other day, a mysterious green, whorled portal appears in the middle of his casino. most of the staff and the customers stand back, but from the portal, a white-clad brunette falls from it. he doesn't look all to phased by his fall, but when he stands, he realizes the predicament he's in and immediately stiffens awkwardly.
quackity knows him. that's karl— the karl who somehow disappeared from the server for so long that quackity forgot he even fucking existed. what happened to him? why is he all white? why have his eyes become spirals? what's going on?
“hi,” karl greets casually, but his eyebrows are furrowed awkwardly, “uhm, where am i?”
“karl?” quackity says immediately. he stands in uncertainty before fundy nudges at him to go closer whispering “talk to karl, i'll be in charge of the event.” fundy claps twice and immediately announces that their slot machines will double in payout for the next hour, and the crowd immediately goes wild. karl seems a bit lost by the noise, but quackity quickly grabs him away from the crowds and out to the streets.
“gee, those people were. eager to waste their money. gosh darn rich people,” karl says, and quackity laughs, but his smile immediately drops when karl adds,” nevermind them, i guess, but uh, who are you, exactly?"
and quackity's heart churns. he's heard of a few memory loss cases in their server—it's quite scary to hear how common it's become to just lose yourself entirely—but he didn't think it'd apply to karl. he doesn't even know where karl has BEEN all this time. what happened? why does karl not remember? does sapnap know about this?
quackity decides to not reveal much immediately, so he puts on his typical charming façade and replies, “i'm quackity, or alex, any will do. i'm the owner of this place— las nevadas. it's a place for gambling, drinking, and well, fun! do you, uh, do you remember me?"
quackity sees karl visibly shift awkwardly, and it does summon a sigh out of quackity. “guess you don't, huh?” he says sardonically.
“time travelling kinda... ruins you, sometimes,” karl replies
time travelling...? is... is that what made karl leave? not make karl remember? when in the ever living hell did karl, the nicest, sweetest man he knows, ever been allowed to time travel?
“oh,” he just says instead, “well, uh, i was a close friend of yours."
"oh?" karl replies, “kinda like uhm, uh, do you know sapnap? or george."
damn. quackity's façade immediately melts— how does he know about them and not HIM? why did karl remember them and not quackity? why was he forgotten? quackity immediately hisses, turns away and responds, “i'm giving you a free hotel room for the night and i'm calling sap to pick you up. just walk seventy blocks to your right and talk to manifold, or something, christ you fucking irritate me.” he knows karl probably won't understand, and he knows he's breaking this already broken relationship even more, but he can't... he can't look at them the same way anymore.
karl does get to a hotel room, and quackity does visit him just to make sure everything is alright. thankfully, fundy did repair his communicator after his last tantrum, and he uses it to tell sapnap to pick karl up from las nevadas. sapnap doesn't ask where it is— he simply tells him “ok” and goes offline.
when sapnap arrives, he doesn't look as miffed as quackity expected him to be. he looks... well, definitely more composed than him and karl, but he still looked a bit tired. he has some new scars, but quackity guesses sapnap probably wasn't lying when he said he was out adventuring. before quackity could greet sap, sapnap enters the room abruptly and karl practically throws himself at sapnap.
and jealousy is a fickle thing, isn't it? quackity's heart is still torn, it's still bleeding, and it continues to do so the longer he stares at the sight of the other two. he withholds a scowl, mostly because he knows he might go on another temper tantrum if he doesn't, and he also knows he can't... he can't get mad at them. he's waited forever for this moment.
“wow,” quackity murmurs, and sap turns to him, “things really have changed."
sapnap sighs, “we built you a house in kinoko, but you never came."
"and i made las nevadas entirely for you as well." quackity responds, “i guess it's just... unfortunate timing, and all." it's silent for a few moments until, “i'm sorry”.
sapnap's look softens, “i'm— i'm sorry too.”
there's so much more words to say, things to clarify, stories to catch up on, but quackity wonders how worth it it is to cling onto his past. karl and sap's visit is quite... underwhelming, to say the least. but maybe it isn't underwhelming at all— maybe he just found a new purpose outside of them, and he's just... moved on. it hurt, obviously, but when he looks out of karl's hotel room window, he sees las nevadas. he sees the casinos he's designed for schlatt and fundy, and the bars he's designed for jack and sam, and the stages he's designed for charlie— it's just... different now. he loves karl and sapnap still, of course, but he's also been hurt by them, and he's grown into a different person from that hurt. he thinks sapnap has grown the same way as well.
but still, “you know you're invited to las nevadas if you ever want to visit again,” quackity offers with a melancholic smile.
sapnap sighs, but he mimics quackity's smile and nods, “i'll consider it.” sapnap pauses for a bit, then, “thank you for everything, quackity— i really do mean it. i hope... i hope you enjoy the life you've made for yourself here, kinda looks cool,” sapnap says, and his words were very soft and genuine— something quackity needed to end this chapter of his life with them.
“thank you too, i hope you guys do well too. take care,” quackity says, and sapnap and karl take their leave with simple goodbyes.
it isn't exactly forgiveness or getting back together but it's... closure. quackity's journey up to this point isn't exactly all smiles and rainbows, but he's happy where he is now. he just hopes sapnap, karl, and george are feeling the same as well.
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bloomyn · 4 years
you can be the cherry on top
Helloo! If its okay can I request prompts 16 and 27 from the random prompts with Ushijima where the reader introduces some spontaneity into his life, teaches him to take risks and go off a routined lifestyle like going for a drive at 2am to a convenience and like cheating a game at an arcade or something ? And he actually kinda enjoys the thrill of going out of his comfort zone and wants to get to know her more ! Thankyouu srry if it doesnt make sense😊
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
tags: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, breaking records ; fixing hearts, learning to live a little
warnings: none
tendou screeched.
“wakatoshi! you’re never going to beat the high score.”
olive - colored eyes narrowed, focusing on the screen in front of him. it was stupid game, nothing more than something he would’ve played as a child but it was the score board that ticked him off. 
1. ‘ur mom’
2. ushijima
3. ushijima
4. ushijima
5. miracle boy sa to ri!!!!
“wakatoshi let’s head back to the dorms. it’ll be fine, you can’t beat the high score so what.” 
the taller man scowled.
you’ve grown to hate the oak brown of the desk in front of you. the imitation wood has glared at you every second of everyday for the past three years and you might throw up if you have to look at them for another second. when you drop your forehead against the desk no one pays mind, you’re sure their all bored out of their minds too. it doesn’t help that the sickly gray walls of the classroom love to tease the tangerine sunlight that’s blocked by the thick window curtains. 
being a teenager is horrible. 
being a teenager stuck in a classroom with possibly the most boring people in the world is catastrophic. 
you could care less about modern japanese literature, you’re more worried about the sweat that’s pooling under your arms and the back of your thighs and..have they fixed the ac in your dorms yet?
outside of the window you could see a student jogging, it wasn’t surprising, he was always there. purple tracksuit, you had called him, always the same outfit at the same time, every single day.
how boring
“[l/n] please do not take my advice lightly, entrance exams are coming up and it is very important that-”
you nodded your head, “yes sensei i know, trust me, i’ll figure it out!”
your homeroom teacher sighed. “just, please. shiratorizawa wants to make sure that all our students succeed.”
plastering on a fake smile you started stepping backward slowly, “yep, mhm, i understand.”
“just go.”
“thank you bye bye!”
you rushed out of the hallway, passing through the classrooms and out of the gates of shiratorizawa academy. thankfully, the streets were pretty much empty save for the occasional student or cat making their way down the street. 
the arcade was visible for miles. blinding lights that lit up the block and the smell of sweaty seats that lingered for ages. 
 you waved a hello to the attendant and made your way to the back, searching for your high score (you couldn’t help it, seeing ‘ur mom’ on top the scoreboard was almost intoxicating), only to find a boy (man? maybe.) pounding harshly at the keys. you almost wanted laugh, watching this mountain of a man get so frustrated at what was no more than a child’s game. 
“you good there buddy?” you teased, making your way next to the boy. he only grunted in response, his fingers wrapping tighter around the consoles and eyes narrowing themselves, focusing solely on the screen in front of him. 
leaning against the side of the game you sighed, pretending to flick dirt out from your fingertips. 
“you know,” you drawled lazily, “ i have the high score.”
the boy froze, you could practically see his back stiffening at the sound of your words. a cold chill ran down your spine at the mere sight of his face (or more specifically the look on his face).
on the screen the “game over” flashed loudly, displaying the score board, and by the consecutive list of ‘ushijima’ underneath ‘ur mom’...
“oh, are you ushijima?”
he nodded stiffly. “you have the high score. how?”
you grinned cheekily, ignoring his obvious disbelief and disgruntlement, “wanna watch me play? i’ll blow your score out of the water. i promise.”
ushijima smirked, “show me.”
you started the game up, playing just as usual, you know; following the rules. behind you ushijima crossed his arms. you weren’t doing anything special, in fact he was pretty sure you were moving slower than him how could---
and with a quick flick of your fingers in an unknowable combination, the screen was cleared of the ‘bad guys’, and “NEW HIGH SCORE!’ bounced around on the screen. you licked your lips, whipping around to see his reaction and oh, it was so much better than you’d expected. 
“good game right?”
slowly, the taller man closed his eyes, “how?”
should you tell him the truth? you wondered. it’d be so much more fun if you lied instead; leaving him frustrated and flustered over your effortless ability to wreck his scores. 
“cheat code.” you breathed lazily, “it works for a lot of games actually, it’s really common.”
you almost rolled your eyes, “it’s just a game ushijima, don’t tell me you haven’t cheated at a game before?”
his silence spoke for him.
had this man had any fun ever? at all? even a little?
“come on ushi-kun, live a little why don’t you.”
your persistence was refreshing. maybe it was because he had only just met you and you had no idea who or what he was like that you would push him like this. he knew was blunt, there was no point in lying or drawing the truth out. but you seemed to be immune to that. 
so he held out his hand, asking for the coin.
“i can try to be more exciting.”
besides him you blew air out of your lips, “ i don’t want you to try and be more exciting, just like,” you paused, looking him up and down. “what do you do for fun?”
“and when you’re not playing volleyball...”
“i’m at school.”
you really had to think of different response besides groaning. begrudgingly you held out your hand.
“come on.” you huffed.
tentatively ushijima placed his hands in yours. “will i regret this?”
“i’d be insulted if you didn’t”
so you were breaking into your own school. well, it wasn’t exactly breaking, just sneaking into the closed volleyball gym. 
“it’s locked.”
rolling your eyes you shoved your hands around in your pockets, hoping that somehow you’d have a bobby pin, and voila! you smirked, whispering a ‘got it!’ before jamming it into the lock. 
“this would be a lot easier with a key.”
suppressing the fattest eye roll you could possibly think of you turned around, 
“obviously it-- oh.”
behind you ushijima held up a single bronze key, matching the same company as the one on the lock. oh.
“you play for the volleyball team?”
he nodded.
“wait you go to this school?”
this was not fun anymore. holy shit this was not fun.
a screech left your throat as you dodged another one of ushijimas serves. you thought volleyball was all fun and games, this was a nightmare. 
“i thought you wanted to play?” he quirked, tossing the ball up one more time.
“yeah, play. not die!”
you dove to the floor barely dodging the ball. on the other side of the net ushijima was smiling, laughing almost. 
at least one of you was having fun. 
“god ushijima do you enjoy torturing yourself?”
ushijima tossed a towel to you, while continuing to sip from his water bottle. 
grimacing, you wiped the sweat from your forehead onto the towel. 
‘geez, this guy hasn’t even broken a sweat’ 
“why volleyball?” you breathed softly.
“my father taught me how, he used to play for shiratorizawa.”
you nodded along, “that’s cool.”
an icky silence spread over the two of you as cooled of from your unintentional work out. you smiled to yourself, it was fun though, even if your bones seemed to be in danger. 
“something wrong?”
you blinked a couple times before looking up. had you accidentally made a face? (your mother had made it point to call you out whenever that ‘pinched look’ arrived) 
“no? what do you mean?”
this time you were frowning, but of course ushijima didn’t notice (or simply just didn’t care).
he set his water bottle down, “you look disappointed.”
scoffing you tossed the towel back to him. “i’m not.”
“i don’t believe you.”
this man. 
so you shrug. “ i don’t know, just feels like the day has so much potential and instead i’m going to end up laying by myself in a dorm where the ac doesn’t work.”
“it’s only 7:22.”
you sighed, “yeah but it’s too late to do anything and too early to go back to the dorms.”
in his mind ushijima had two options:
1. leave and maybe never talk to you again
2. stay and, not have any regrets about what you were going to do or if you were going to do anything because he wanted to be there, not to be with you, but to have fun, yeah to have fun, he needed to have more fun. 
“come with me.”
ideally ushijima would’ve whisked away in his new car and driven you into the sunset while listening to your ‘don’t cry just vibe’ playlist. 
unfortunately the two of you were broke third years who had no form of personal transportation and had to worry about missing volleyball practice the next morning. 
so you were on the train. 
“ushijima where are we even going.”
he hadn’t given you an answer for at least 15 minutes prior to asking so you jabbed a finger into his chest.
“answer me.”
peering down at your figure he nodded his head. “i can’t tell you.”
already you were starting to receive some stares from the others from the train so you dropped the subject. i mean you had been the one to tell him to live a little. god he didn’t even know your name! he wasn’t gonna kidnap you, no, but he could! especially with those serves--
“we’re here.”
“i only come here during school breaks but, i figured now might be an appropriate visit.”
the moon hung heavy over the dips and curves of the hills. the small lights flickered in and out, lanterns most likely, setting the scene. wonderful. 
“well.” you huffed, “aren’t we just full of surprises today.”
smiling at your words, ushijima motions upward.
“step there. you’ll have a better view.”
ah, so he was going to push you off the cliff and they would never find your body. that’s how this was going to go down. 
“just so you know ushi - kun, if any murderers coming running at us--” you take his hands, wiping a fake tear off your face, “i would die for you, i would sacrifice, my life so you could escape.”
“you just met me.” he deadpans.
stepping up on the rocks you extend your arms out. wind swept underneath them, the sounds of the hills working in tandem, your mind was gone, too absorbed in the view.  “i know.”
“does it still feel like a waste?” 
this time you shook your head, “here with you? absolutely not.”
two weeks later:
“you stole a car.”
those are the first words he speaks when he finally sees you again. after your little moment at the hills you’d disappeared for two weeks. he was starting question your existence. but here you, waiting for him at the front of the school swinging car keys between your fingers.”
“technically,” you start, “it’s my aunt’s and i’m just borrowing it.” 
you can’t describe the look he’s giving you. you can but, it wouldn’t accurately describe whatever he was feeling. “so are you getting in or what.”
“i have volleyball practice.”
you hold up the little bronze you’ve stored in your pocket. “not anymore you don’t”
-- he forgets to ask if you even have your license yet. (it’s fine, it’s you we’re talking about)
you don’t immediately start dating after that. it takes three more spontaneous tokyo roadtrips and six almost ushi - abductions for him to ask you out. and when he does, you beat him to the punch. 
“well.” you say, poking his chest a bit. “who else am i gonna drag to the arcade at 3 in the morning?”
(he says yes.)
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