#paul lahote preferences
graceloveswolves · 2 years
Never in a million years would I ever think I’d live to see Daryl Dixon put his knife to Paul Lahote’s throat…
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This is like a random dream my brain makes up after writing a Paul lahote one shot while watching the walking dead.
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iveleftitwithyou · 1 month
casual | paul lahote x reader smut
NSFW | 18+ | minors DNI | word count: 2.38k
warnings: smut, dom!paul, slight angst, mention of fighting, i think that's it?
i asked you guys if i should post this now or incorporate it into ruderal, and the result was overwhelmingly to post it now, so here it is with some plot adjustments! i've been OBSESSED with this song by chappell roan and knew i needed to make it into an imagine, although this song is probably about a woman lol. highly recommend listening to the song as you read this. this is my first time EVER writing smut so i hope its not too bad - as always, let me know what you think :)
ALSO this is in an alternate timeline where the guys are all like 21+ and so is y/n :)
Paul’s hand lingered on your thigh as he drove the winding road back to Forks, his thumb rubbing small circles on your outer leg. the radio hummed with a song you couldn’t manage to pay attention to, instead focusing your gaze on the motion of his finger on your bare thigh. while you assumed the gesture was meant to comfort you, it did a lot more than that. you hoped that the darkness would obscure Paul’s peripheral vision enough for him to not realize you were ogling his muscular arms and unusually large hands. his veins protruded in a way that drove you crazy for some reason, and as much as you were still upset with him, you couldn’t help the rush of hormones that flooded at the sight.
Embry had made some stupid joke about you at the bonfire at Emily's that night, a common occurrence when you hung out with the pack. he didn’t mean anything by it, you joked around with each other like that all the time, but Paul had been extra sensitive for the last few weeks as he spent more hours on patrol. Victoria’s looming presence and the mystery murders happening around Washington meant the reservation needed increased protection, and the men in the pack had to step up. Embry’s comment led to a fight where the pair both phased, snarling and snapping until they both came to their senses and things went back to normal. you hated when Paul shifted because of you, even if it was just indirectly your fault like it was tonight. 
you two were meant to be casual, despite Paul having imprinted on you, as you had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and weren’t ready to commit to someone again. you’d been seeing each other casually for months, hanging out, and getting to know each other better. as much as you were hesitant to let him into your life completely, you couldn’t deny your attraction to Paul. he’d been nothing but a gentleman thus far, bringing you flowers on dates, opening doors for you, and following your boundaries to a T, terrified to mess anything up with you. of course, his physical form was unlike anything you’d ever seen - you were lucky that he preferred to hang out without a shirt on. things had gotten hot and heavy between you two a few times but hadn’t gone farther than some very intense making out. though, the way Paul’s hand touched you now was enough for you to throw those boundaries out the window; you wanted him - no, needed him.
you focused your eyes back on the road in front of you, only being able to see as far as the truck’s dim headlights illuminated. breathe in, breathe out, you reminded yourself, trying to calm down the butterflies in your stomach. you were unsuccessful, and it didn’t help that Paul’s hand was inching closer and closer to your hips.
suddenly, his hand snaked further inward and his grip tightened, engulfing your inner thigh. your breath hitched, and you unsuccessfully tried to mask it as a cough. you saw Paul smirk out of the corner of your eye, but he didn’t look over at you. 
you once again reminded yourself to breathe as the ache between your legs became more apparent. his hand loosened its grip and continued its journey towards your core. half of you thought about stopping him purely as punishment for fighting with Embry, but the much louder other half wouldn’t dream of it right now.
you couldn’t help but let out a small groan as his hand finally reached your jean shorts, his fingers tracing the seam that ran between your legs. the slight pressure he applied drove you absolutely crazy as you wished for more friction.
the sound that escaped your lips seemed to do something to Paul as he let out a breathy groan of his own. “alright, that’s it,” he mumbled, turning the wheel toward the side of the road. he must have known exactly where you were because he easily pulled the truck behind a set of bushes that obscured most of it from the road. any passerbys, which were few and far between at this time of night anyway, wouldn’t notice the vehicle.
almost as soon as he slammed the gear shift into park, his lips were on yours. he kissed you with a passion you’d never felt before. you melted into his lips, reminding yourself for the third time that night that if you didn’t start breathing, you would pass out. he gripped the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair as you continued to make out. his other hand traveled down your arm, to your hip, and unbuckled the seatbelt you’d been wearing. in one swift, but slightly awkward motion, he disconnected your lips for a brief moment and grabbed each side of your hips, pulling you across the center console onto his lap. you were careful not to lean too far and hit the horn with your back as you settled onto him, silently thanking Paul for owning such a spacious truck. your knees settled on either side of his legs. 
as you sat down on his lap, you brushed his hardening length with the same seam of your shorts his hand was just on, eliciting a quiet moan from both of you. impatient, Paul once again gripped your scalp and slammed your lips together. you allowed your hands to slip underneath the hem of his shirt, feeling the outline of the muscles on his bare abdomen. this feeling, combined with the warmth radiating from his bare skin, drove you insane. 
“take- it- off-” you mumbled in between kisses, tugging the hem upwards. you were unsure of where the forwardness came from, but you didn’t stop long enough to be embarrassed. 
“you don’t get to tell me what to do,” he snarked half-jokingly but obliged.
the moonlight streaming in from the windshield was just enough for you to be able to see the outline of his pecs and abs, and you really couldn’t help but stare.
“like what you see?” he chuckled, noticing your eyes widening at his physique.
you nodded, unable to form words, instead opting to smash your lips back together with all of the strength you could muster. you’d had enough of looking flustered - you wanted to take initiative.
you raised your hips again, pushing your abdomen against Paul's and lowering yourself onto his member. you rocked your hips back and forth as he moved his lips down your cheek, then your jaw, and eventually to your neck. the friction as you continued to grind against him elicited a low growl against your neck as his lips attached to your skin. you moaned embarrassingly loudly as he sucked at the delicate skin, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be sheepish. in fact, the only emotion surging through your body right now was pure desire for the god-like man leaving a series of hickeys on your neck.
“Paul, that’s gonna leave a mark,” you whined. you knew you’d regret letting him do it in the morning but right now you wanted nothing more than for him to mark you as his. you wanted to be his.
“don’t want anyone else getting any ideas. you’re all mine,” he retorted, lifting his head up to look you in the eyes. his were almost completely black with lust. “say it.” he commanded, holding your jaw tightly in his hand. “say you’re mine.”
“i’m all yours, Paul” you panted, your hips continuing to move back and forth on Paul’s lap as you stared into his dark eyes. despite your relationship still being undefined, truer words had never been spoken.
“good girl. now shut the fuck up and get back in the passenger seat.” his harsh words did nothing to discourage you from obeying as you scrambled to sit back where you were a few minutes prior. this was a side of Paul you had only seen when he was angry: dark, commanding, dominating. usually, you would have to try to calm him down when he got like this, but right now, you were very much enjoying him telling you what to do. you already missed the warmth of his body on yours as you climbed back over to the other seat, but you instinctually knew better than to voice your complaints right now.
Paul leaned across the console, reaching his hand between your knees and under the seat to move it back as far as it would go. once he was satisfied with that, he reached across your lap and pulled the reclining handle, his other hand helping to lower the seat back slowly so you weren’t sent flying backward.
“scooch back” he ordered again, and you moved your hips backward on the seat, supporting yourself with your elbows on the very edge of the seat near the headrest.
you were confused as he opened the driver-side door and hopped out of the truck. you watched as he opened the passenger-side door, it becoming clear now what his plan was. you pulled your knees towards your chest as he climbed back in, kneeling on the floor mat in front of you. god damn, this truck was spacious, and you were incredibly grateful for that right now.
his large hands fumbled to unbutton your shorts. he pulled the zipper down and you lifted your hips, followed by your legs, so he could slide them off. not wanting to wait another second, he pulled your underwear to the side and connected his thumb to your clit. you let out a loud gasp at the sensation and he chuckled proudly, knowing how good he was making you feel. Paul rubbed small, tight circles on the sensitive nub for a few seconds before you felt a finger dip into your wet folds. a guttural moan escaped your throat as you finally got the sensation you had been waiting for since his hand had rested on your thigh earlier in the night.
he added a second finger shortly after and continued to pump in and out of your heat, his thumb continuing its circular motions on your clit. you could feel your orgasm building inside of your core, and it was almost euphoric knowing it was Paul making you feel like this.
“Paul, i’m gonna-” you moaned, getting close to the edge. “what the fuck?” he’d removed his fingers altogether upon hearing this and you were not happy about it. 
“patience, princess.” he chuckled, making eye contact with you once again as he raised his fingers to his mouth to taste you on them. you were still pissed at him for teasing you like that, but the sound he made as he licked your wetness off himself almost made it worth it. almost.
“let’s take these off, shall we? or should i rip them off?” his fingers slipped under the waistband of your underwear.
“don’t you dare,” the one rational brain cell you had left replied, lifting your hips for him to slide them off like he did the shorts. you liked this pair. Paul held your hips back down as he spread your legs open, leaning his torso over the seat until you could feel his breath between your legs, amplified by the wetness that had come with the teasing.
“god, you look so fucking good” he took a second to admire the sight before him before he groaned lustfully and connected his tongue to your cunt. he made quick work of finding all the right spots to hit, causing your legs to tremble and your eyes to roll back in your head. at this rate, you wouldn’t last long, but you never wanted this moment to end.
“oh, fuck,” you moaned as he continued to circle the sensitive nub with his tongue. you had never felt this connected to someone before, not any of your exes. no one had ever made you feel as good as Paul was in this moment. as he continued the motions of his tongue, you realized Paul was perfect for you in every way, including this one. it was like pre-nut clarity.
you felt the pressure building up again, somehow even stronger than last time, unable to contain your moans. “fuck, Paul, i’m gonna cum” you groaned, arching your back against the seat as Paul continued to hold your hips down harshly against it. you figured there would be bruises there tomorrow, and the thought of him marking you up even more only exacerbated your growing orgasm.
“cum for me, princess” Paul mumbled against your clit, giving you permission to let go. it only took a couple more swipes for you to come completely unglued against his mouth.
Paul gradually slowed down his motions, guiding you through your orgasm as your hips attempted to buck against his face, craving the stimulation. eventually, your brain started to function again, and the first thing you thought was that that was definitely the best orgasm you’d ever had. you couldn’t tell Paul that, though - it would boost his ego way too much, and he already had a huge one to begin with. the second thought that went through your head was that you were ready for Paul to be your boyfriend. no man could eat you out that good and get away from you.
he admired his work as you panted in front of him, a smirk of pride on his face. he loved knowing he was the one who made you feel so good. he raised himself up on his knees to hover over you, one arm resting on the seat to support himself as the other snaked behind your back to pull you to his chest. you wrapped your arms around his back, settling your face in the crook of his neck. your breaths were soon in time with each other, basking in the body heat radiating from the both of you.
you could have stayed like that forever, but after a few minutes, Paul pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes. he seemed deep in thought before he smiled and opened his mouth to ask you a simple question: “is it casual now?”
part 2 here :)
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Paul LaHote x reader - our pasts
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Hi!!! Could I please request a paul lahote x reader (platonic or romantic) where paul accidentally sees reader's back and it's v scarred (like lashes) with reader saying something along the lines of "i got out" thanks!!! - Anon💜
TW: mentions of past abuse
You weren’t one to tell people about your past, people had secrets, and you preferred to keep yours to yourself.
You lived on the edge of the reserve, sometimes you helped the pack out, sometimes you just stayed by yourself.
They didn’t mind a human living on the edge of their home, you were polite and respectful, and you helped them with whatever they needed, be it medical care, or calming them down, or helping them plan things.
You were basically part of the pack regardless even if Sam refused to admit that a human was part of the pack.
And being Paul’s imprint helped a lot with this, though he wanted to be more than friends, he was just happy with being with you, even if you declined every attempt he made to ask you out.
And that’s where he was heading today.
He wanted to see you, so he ran down the long stretch of road to your home, listening carefully to see if you were about or not.
“(Y/N)?!” He called.
Paul slowed his run to a walk, and he carefully looked around, finding a pile of wood and other things in front of your home, he walked over.
Jumping up on the pile, Paul searched around before hearing something on the otherside, so he walked along it.
That’s where he found you.
Crouched down, doing something with some papers.
He crouched down, going to tap your shoulder and he stopped when he noticed something odd about you.
Aside from the fact you were wearing a vest instead of your usual hoodie.
The vest had risen up to show your lower back, and along it going down were large scars.
“(Y/N)?” He asked.
You replied.
You held up some papers and he took them, then held out his hand so you could stand up.
You turned around to look at him and smiled a little, taking the papers back as you began to go through them.
“What happened to your back?”
You didn’t bother to look up from your papers.
“It was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t answer my question. Who hurt you?” He growled a little.
You sighed, setting the papers next to him, and you reached out, placing your hand on his knee, and he sat down.
Paul looked at you and you gave his knee a pat before you took your hand away.
“It doesn’t matter, because they’re not in my life anymore.”
“Well it matters to me.” He snapped.
You shrugged a little bit.
“Things happen Paul, things we can’t control.”
“Let me see.”
You nodded and turned around, lifting the back of your shirt for him, and he jumped down, carefully inspecting the scars.
The only way he could describe them was lashes, like you had something brought down upon your back again and again.
You heard him breathing heavily and you turned around, letting the vest cover your back again.
He was trembling with anger.
He always got angry when you got hurt, he couldn’t help it.
Reaching out, you placed your hand on his arm and looked up at him, giving him a gentle smile.
Paul placed his hand over yours.
“Breathe Paul.”
“What happened?” He asked again.
“We can’t control much when we’re young, and I suppose we can’t sit and dwell on the past either, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what we let it do to us Paul.”
You gave another small smile and shrug.
“I got out. It took some time, and I thought I never would, but I got out Paul. I’m okay.”
You hugged him gently, and he hugged you tightly, holding you close towards him.
All he wanted to do was protect you, keep you safe, and now he had even more of a reason to do so.
Yes, he had unpredictability when it came to his anger and most of the time it got the best of him, but he could never get angry with you, or hurt you.
So whatever or whoever had done this to you, if he ever saw them he swore to himself he would rip them apart
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volturiprincess · 3 months
Little Brother
Paul Lahote x fem reader
Summary: reader has a little brother who is a shifter Warnings: some angst, I think there were some curse words A/N: So this was a request, sorry it took a while to get this out but school comes first ☺️. if anyone has a request, don't hesitate to ask me, I am open in doing them. There will be a second A/N in the end. Word count: 2k+
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Researching for colleges is such a pain in the ass, why am I doing this again? Oh yea I want to be a Doctor, more specifically a Physician. I have been in my room for over 3 hours already looking at different pamphlets of schools that have caught my eye. I have a little brother to take care of so I have been looking at schools near La Push but there are not a lot of schools that have the program I am interested in. And little old me decided to also graduate from High School one year early so that I could have a gap year to save up money and to visit different universities. I've been dragging my little brother with me to these college visits for the reason we are close and I don't like going alone on these visits. 
We are only 3 years apart but I still treat him like a small child, even if he is already slightly taller than me. I heard a sudden knock at my door and called out for them to come in. I sat up from the floor and saw my little brother walk in
“Hey Oli, what's up?”
“I just came to check on you, I haven't seen you in like days already and you missed dinner”
“Shoot, sorry, I didn't even know so much time has gone by, I been trying to narrow down my choices in colleges down to 5 but it has been a struggle but I did eat a sandwich earlier”
He nods 
“Why don't you take a break and we can go walk at La Push?”
My eyes widen at the mention of the beach
“Sounds like a plan bro, meet me outside in 10 minutes”
He rolled his eyes playfully but walked outside nevertheless. I stood off the ground and got somewhat ready, I just needed a sweater and shoes. I left my room and went outside where Oliver was waiting, we then started to walk to the beach, it was literally over the the treeline of where we live so it didn't take long. I have been coming to this beach since I was born, and when Oliver was born I made sure he came as frequently as I did or sometimes I would sneak at night just to come see the moon over the ocean. 
As we arrived at the beach I saw a group of boys and knew right away who they were, Sam Uley's pack. I went to school with them. I even had a class with some of the members but they always seem to annoy me with their loudness so I personally decided to stay away.
As we were walking Oliver asked me 
“Do you know those guys?”
“Yes I do, why do you ask?”
“Just asking, you always look at them like they killed your dog or something”
I laughed 
“Well there are just rowdy boys, and that annoys me you know?”
We kept on walking until someone shouted out “HEADS UP '', I grabbed Oliver instantly and pulled him down and saw a football flying over us. I stood up and walked over to the ball and looked at where it came from and I stiffen up when I saw it came from the pack, I grabbed the ball and threw it back to them immediately. I could hear one of the guys shout back “THANK YOU” which I just responded with a hand signal and walked off with Oliver.
“You know I'm surprised you didn't do sports in high or middle school, that was one heck of a throw, the distance you threw was easily a whole football field”
I rolled my eyes but wrapped an arm around his shoulders and ruffled his hair
“Oh yea? Easily a football field? You need to go touch the grass more often then, but I do got to agree it was a beautiful throw, an old friend of mine and I would practice throwing either a football or baseball in the backyard”
“I remember that, I preferred to sit at the porch and read a book while you two played”
“Such a bookworm, you know thats suppose to be me right, the amount of books I have read so far in the 17 years I have existed would blow your mind”
Chuckling he answered 
“I'll take your word on that”
Recently Oliver has been a bit distant with me, I thought at first it was just him being busy with school and his new job he told me he got recently but I hardly see him at the house anymore. I have approached him multiple times but his response is always “I'm just busy living my life”. He always says it in this tone that is just bland and he doesn't sound like himself. I know I've been busy with applying to colleges and stuff but he's been like this for a couple of months now. It also appears he's been getting into shape, not only has he gotten taller out of the blue but he has muscles now and on top of that he cut his beautiful thick locks. It makes me think that maybe there is a girl he likes and he wants to impress her or maybe there is something else. I wish he would come up to me but for now I am giving him his space and hoping he will come up to me when he is ready. 
I decided to go take a  walk at La Push beach to just clear my mind from the stress of life for a bit. It has been a while since I've been here and I kind wish Oliver was here with me. As I am walking on the sand, I see a group of boys all shirtless and with jorts on close by. I knew right away it was Sam Uley's pack but then I saw a familiar figure amongst them. My eyes widen and before I even think twice I shout out his name
I saw him turn his head to me slowly and his face reflects my current face. I felt slightly betrayed and went up to the group of boys and confronted my little brother.
“The hell are you doing with these guys Oliver, I told you to stay away from them”
Sam was the one who spoke up
“Miss why don't you relax and leave Oliver alone”
I snap my gaze to him 
“Excuse me? You don't get to tell me what to do when it comes to my little brother, that is between me and him. Sir”
Oliver spoke up still with that same monotone voice 
“Y/n just go home please, I will talk with you later”
I stared at him and then I saw something else I didn't notice earlier, a tattoo, the same tattoo that all of the other guys in this pack had. At that moment I had to bite my tongue so I didn't blow up on him in front of the guys so instead I nodded stiffly and walked away. So many thoughts started to flow through my mind; “why is he hanging out with older guys, more specifically why is he with those guys?” “Is that why he changed, so he could fit in with them or was he forced?” “What happened to that sweet boy who was scared of the lighting and would come to my room for comfort?”
I sat in the living room waiting for Oliver's arrival. I really wanted to blow up on him right there in front of the guys but why embarrass him like that, even if it was very tempting. I just realized I was addressed as “Miss”, I literally had a class with Sam and he sat right next to me and we were even partners once for a stupid math project. But what went totally over my head was a certain guy was watching intensely, he was looking at me like I was the only person alive. Before I could decipher this guy's name Oliver came into my view of sight.
I looked at him with narrowed eyes,
“So? Care to explain to me what I witnessed at the beach earlier? Or are you going to brush me off again like you have these past few months?
I saw for a moment he was hesitant but what he said next was expect
“You wouldn’t understand, they are helping me with stuff”
“Helping you with stuff? Like how to flirt with girls or how to be an idiot?”
“As I said you would not understand? How could you, you are only focusing on yourself and your future, I seen the pamphlets you been looking at, and they are all colleges far away from here”
I tried my best to be face to face with him but he is at this point he is a whole foot taller than me now
“For your information little brother, I have been looking at schools near here, why do you think it's been so hard for me to find the one, and for your information you think I am so self absorbed that I don't think about you? Why do you think you don't live with mom and dad? it's because they never paid attention to you or even cared to  raise you, it was all ME who raised you. I am trying to work towards a good career so that I could give you a better childhood that mom and dad failed to give you.”
I didn't even know a tear spilled from my eye but I quickly wiped it away and stood my ground, but for some reason he huffed and stormed out of the house without giving me a second glance or anything. I stared at the door for a while until I decided to just drop this for now. Teenagers really are something else, I really wish I did have someone to confide in when I face these problems with him but there is nobody. I decided to just make dinner and call it a night already, if he does not want to talk with me then so be it. 
I was getting ready to go visit another college alone once again when I heard a knock at my front door. I went to it and did not expect to see Paul Lahote there. Secretly I thought he was pretty cute, even if he flirted with all the girls at school but I just admired him from a distance and in silence. 
He was the one to speak first 
“Can I have a quick word with you?”
“Yea sure, what's up?”
“It's about you brother”
My mood dropped at that moment
“What about him?”
“Are you familiar with the Quileute legends?”
I nodded with suspicion 
“Yes i'm aware of them, but they are just stories”
I saw that look of hesitation once again, it was the same face Oliver did when I confronted him at home after the beach incident.
“Well, to some people it is but they are real you see, and your brother happens to be a shifter along with me and the other guys”
My hand went straight to the dorm frame to steady myself and Paul instantly went to a concerned stance.
“Hey you good?”
“You-your telling me, that my little brother who is 14, is a shifter, that the stories I grew up listening to are true and he didn't even tell me?”
He gave me a sheepish look
“Well the thing is, he couldn't tell you, it's a secret that is between the pack, it's to protect each other and not to reveal others our existence, can you imagine if others found out about us, the panic everyone would go through?”
I nodded since he did made a valid point.
“Yes well you have a point, but why are you telling me then, why not Oliver or Sam for instance?”
He scratched the back of his neck and he avoided eye contact with me. It's strange to see him like this, all flustered and nervous when I knew him as some cocky and flirty guy from High School. 
“Well you see I um….. imprinted on you….”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion 
“Imprinted on me? What the hell is that? And why me to be exact?”
“Well you see it's an involuntary mechanism that us shifters go through when we find out soulmates, we have no choice in who we get to imprint on, it just you know.......happens”
At the mention of soulmates my eyes widened in shock, the guy who I secretly liked but annoyed me at the same time is supposedly my soulmate. I always thought soulmates was an interesting topic hence my obsession with Greek Mythology and the topic that Zeus splitted people's souls in half and it was mortal's mission to find their other half. I looked back into his eyes 
“Soulmates? That's insane”
He chuckled and teased in return
“Oh and not shifting to a big wolf is not insane, your brother definitely knew you would react like this”
“Well I have heard the legends for years, so it's not like `oh what the hell your mental” kind of situation, at least I knew some part of this, but soulmates? You got to admit that's something you don't hear everyday”
Rolling his eyes playfully he gave a me a smile that stopped my heart for a minute 
“Fair but you're not too creeped out by this or have questions or whatsoever?”
I chuckled at his rambling but asked him 
“Well now that you say that I think about 1 million questions came up, please don't tell me Oliver has found an imprint yet?”
“No he hasn't yet, he's still figuring this whole shifting and stuff”
I nodded along
“Good, Good, I don't think I would accept it right away thinking he found love so young, but I also wanted to thank you”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“For what?”
“You and the other guys probably were a great help to him with all of this, even if I was completely clueless to all of this, he was for sure scared and confused with all of this, wasn't he?”
He nodded 
“Yea he was lucky me and Sam were close by, we heard a yell of pain and then a growl and well we knew what it was, we went up to him and calmed him down and then we explained everything to him”
When he said yell of pain, that hit me, as much as I might not tell Oliver directly that I love him, I do, I just show it a different way by being there and being his best friend. I looked up at Paul and hugged him tightly. I felt him stiffen from shock but eventually he wrapped his arms around me. He was so warm, even with the layers of clothing he had on, his heat was radiating through it to me. I felt him caressing the back of my head while I just had my cheek against his chest.
We pulled apart shortly after and I looking down mumbled 
“I'm sorry for calling you and your pack a cult and annoying behind your back”
I heard him chuckling loudly and I looked up at him with a surprised look
“No need to apologize sweetheart, we know we are annoying and I could never be mad at you”
I rolled my eyes playfully but let out a breath of relief
“Is Oliver with the other guys?”
He nods 
“I can take you to him, the cat is out of the bag already or this case the wolf is out of the bag”
I punched his arm playfully 
“Your such a nerd”
He did a fake pout but smiled while offering his arm for me to take. He guided me to his car and we drove off to who knows where. We eventually arrived at a cabin in the woods and I saw a bunch of shirtless guys running outside of the house towards us. I spotted Oliver and ran into his arms and pulled him into a deep hug. He returned the gesture immediately and I felt some small tears spill 
“I know everything, I'm sorry for blowing up on you”
He pulled away slightly to look at with slightly teary eyes
“It wasn't your fault y/n, it's mine, I just wished I could've told you about this but you know why I didn't, right?”
I nodded and wiped away his tears
“I'm just glad you didn’t have to deal with all of this alone” I turned to all of the guys “Thanks to all of you” they all nodded in a reassurance and some of them went back inside the house 
“So Paul also told you about him imprinting on you?”
I nodded 
“And he told me you have not found an imprint yet which is a relief, I don't think I would be ready to see you with someone yet, your just a little boy”
I ruffle his hair and he just chuckled slightly 
“Im 14, almost 15, and I'm taller than you also”
I huffed at his response
“Well i'm older and more mature than you”
Paul came up to us,
“She's got you there dude”
I looked at Paul who winked at me and Oliver just groaned in disgust
“Can you not be like that in front of me”
“Hey! since I know about all of this, you will see more of me and Paul together”
He scoffed but then smiled 
“Whatever, at least you won't be alone that often now”
Paul wrapped an arm around me and looked down on me 
“She will never be alone”
My heart skipped a beat at his response
A/N: My third one-shot DONE. Anyways I will get to that extended version of that Felix drabble/random idea/ im not sure what to call it, hopefully I will get it down in the next couple of days. Plus I will work on another moodboard since its been a while.
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ervotica · 2 months
doing a lil celebration for 3k! nothing official, just asking for blurb requests for characters from these fandoms:
fourth wing, twilight, acotar, outer banks, call of duty, the walking dead, stranger things, the maze runner, harry potter
— preferred characters -> liam mairi, garrick tavis, paul lahote, jasper hale, eris vanserra, rhysand, rafe cameron, jj maybank, captain john price, simon “ghost” riley, johnny “soap” mactavish, könig, glenn rhee, daryl dixon, steve harrington, gally, theodore nott
— preferred genres -> WHUMP, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, smut, heavy heavy fluff
can be from my prompt lists or your own request!
tagging some mutuals for reach (please rb if you can!); @wroteclassicaly @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eve175 @rafescurtainbangz @rafescokenostril @theostrophywife @tacticalprincess @thehighladywrites @hotchfiles @jjsmarijuana @kissitbttr @lovelyghst @littlemisstrouble @callsign-rogueone @venuslore @void-my-warranty @vampieteeth @vermithorn @nocasdatsgay @mockerycrow @murdrdocs @shellxrls @targaryenvampireslayer @taintedcigs @princessmaybank @prythianpages @babygorewhore @serpentandlily @sociorafe @proactivetypaperson @morwap @cinnamoncunt @daycourtofficial @azsazz @anqeliclust @tsunami-of-tears @plainemmanem
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mybadlywrittenstories · 2 months
Enchanted to meet you (Paul Lahote X OC)
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“Shhh.” Amelia shushed her little sister Evelyn as she tip-toed down the staircase leading to the foyer. Both girls stopped before the last step, hiding behind the wall which separated them from their expected guest—well their parents expected guests.
Amelia and Evelyn were the two daughters of head of the north American coven. Well, their mother was head of the coven, their father was Fae; a simple mythical creature known mainly for their connection with nature and healing magic. It was common for Fae and witches to mingle amongst one another, as witches channeled the powers of nature for their spells and potions; much like the Fae. Procreation between the two species was a special rarity, most Fae never made romantic or sexual connections as there was no real need. You see, Fae is not made through conventional means.
If you’ve ever been out in nature, in a secluded spot where it almost seems untouched by humanity, you feel the sudden sense of calmness rushing over you. The sun seems to illuminate the world around you in a blanket of warmth and bliss, and it feels as if in that moment everything is perfect; that means a Fae was probably just born near you. The Fae believes that mother nature carefully crafts each and every Fae, their bodies created from the earth itself, and then she releases them to live their lives and protect her earth. Other species have different theories on how the Fae came to be, but no one can say with complete certainty.
This seeming species wide asexuality is why it causes everyone a shock when a Fae bares a child physically, and to do so with not only a witch but one of the most powerful witches in existence? The leader of the North American Coven? Now that creates two very interesting girls.
Amelia Boleyn is an 18-year-old halfling, those halves being part witch and Fae. She stands on the shorter side, just under 5’3—however if anyone ever called her anything less than 5’3 she’d make sure to put them in their place. She cropped her hair just above her shoulders with some rusty kitchen scissors during a slightly tipsy night she shared with her sister. Her skin was naturally on the tanner side, resembling her father’s coloring of curly dark hair and tan skin, more so than her mother’s red hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She came into her powers when she was 13 years of age, although she showed much promise with her witchcraft already being a fourth level spell caster. She much preferred dabbling in the simple powers of her father, a stereotypical daddy’s girl. She would much rather go out into the woods, lay in a field, and connect with nature rather than sit at home and stare at old grimoires.
Her sister Evelyn, however, is the opposite. She is 16 and also a halfling, her skin only a shade or two darker than her mothers, she also had her mother’s straight auburn hair and sparkling green eyes. She was also one who could spend hours sitting in her room, reading her ancestors grimoires and attempting to learn to cast new and more advanced spells, already dabbling the same level as her older sisters, but severely struggling with any Fae related magic.
The two girls are very possibly going to become two of the strongest women alive, and here they were huddled together behind a flimsy wooden wall, straining to eavesdrop on their parents’ conversation. Amelia and Evelyn both shared worried looks as they heard multiple heavy footsteps walking into the house. Their father Aeon had told them of the recent killings of magic folk in the area, forbidding them from going out alone even for the most insignificant of tasks. Whoever was responsible for the killings was targeting young adults and teens, and although they have yet to kill a Fae child or witch child, the matter needed to be dealt with.
As far as anyone could tell, going off the bodies of the victims, the killer was a vampire. Incredibly fast, and efficient killers, but not known to go after other supernatural’s. Something was brewing, and Jenny and Aeon Boleyn had made the decision to call in the only supernatural’s who were properly equipped to deal with a vampire, wolf shifters.
Amelia and Evelyn were fascinated when their father explained who was coming, and why they had to keep their distance. The northwestern shifters were notorious for being big, burly brutes with wicked tempers. Tales of the smallest disagreement turning into massive fights involving clashing canines spread like wildfire when they seemingly reappeared a few years back after being presumed extinct. To the girls, however, this made them a group of very fascinating subjects to poke and prod at—youthful stupidity mixed with curiosity.
Amelia leaned closer to the edge of doorway as she heard a somehow quiet, yet booming voice start to speak. “Aeon it’s been too long.” A small pause filled with the sound of scuffing shoes and a door closing, “I only wish this meeting was under better circumstances.” The same voice spoke again, sounding sympathetic.
“It’s so nice to see you, Sam.” Their mother’s sweet voice greeted, “It’s so nice to see all of you. Though, I do see a few new faces. Please everyone come inside and sit down I’m sure your journey has been very tiring.” Multiple deep voices muttered hellos, and then heavy footsteps followed the woman into the small living room.
Most of the men opted to sit on the grown, allowing Sam their pack alpha to sit on the couch with Jen and Aeon. They all trusted Sam when he said the couple could be trusted, perhaps it was the wolf in them that made them skeptical of the unknown but regardless of the reason, no one but Sam wanted to be too close to the two.
The two girls waited on the stairs for a few minutes, trying to strain and hear what was being said, but all they could pick up on was the low mumbling of conversation. “You think we should try to get closer?” Evelyn whispered into her older sister’s ear, her heart thrumming quickly with excitement.
Amelia considered for a moment, weighing if the risk of getting caught was worth satiating her curiosity, in the end the latter won. “Yes, but don’t make any noise. I so do not want to hear the lecture from mom and dad if they catch us snooping.”
Unbeknownst to the pair, the shifters had exceptional hearing and all of them had picked up on the quiet encounter a few yards away. Sam simply ignored the two girls, seeing no real threat in them eavesdropping, Quill, Embry, Seth, Collin, Brady, and Paul all shared sly smirks to one another—not so subtly glancing at the small door way as gentle and slow footstep inched forward.
“You should take a peek—see what they look like! “Evelyn urged faintly, Nudging her sister with her arm. “Why me? So, I’m the one who gets caught?” Amelia shot a pointed glare towards her younger, yet taller sister. “Yes! Now look, Mom said werewolves were usually all ruggedly handsome! Maybe the same applies for shifters.” Evelyn had a wicked smirk on her mouth as she envisioned a group of big burly men fresh for the pickings waiting in her living room—those teenage hormones surging through her body at the prospect.
“That’s gross, Eve.” Amelia sighed, rolling her eyes, “But I’ll do it… not because you said they were hot though.” The two sisters shared a mischievous look together, before Amelia crouched down to knee level and carefully leaned past the doorway, bracing herself on the wall so as not to fall and peering into the living room.
A not so silent profanity left her lips as her eyes met six other pairs of eyes looking directly back at her. In her shock her grip slipped on the door frame, and she tumbled into full view of everyone—including her parents. Evelyn silently died of laughter still hidden behind the wall, before quickly making her escape back up the stairs, abandoning her sister to the wolves.
“Uh—Hi!” Amelia chirper, looking around at the men in her living room, very purposely not making eye contact with her parents. “I just… uhm” Evelyn quickly looked around the floor around her, a somewhat stupid plan popping her head, but hell it was her only idea. She reached forward and grabbed a lost pen from the floor and held it up swinging it in the air. “Was just lookin for this!” As her eyes travelled back up to the unknown men, the pen almost fell from her hands.
Amelia thought it was just due to the surprise of meeting eyes with—in her opinion—the most attractive man in the room. Paul, however, felt as if he was cemented in his place, sitting on an old Abrash rug in a run-down but quaint little cottage, looking into a pair of beautiful dark eyes. A gentle click in his brain, and he knew what this feeling was, this feeling as if he had just taken off a filter from his eyes and he was finally seeing clearly. Her confused face tempting him to come closer, and to never leave. His imprint.
Everyone but Amelia could feel the shift in the air, Jen Boleyn silently screaming in her head as it dawned on her. Her precious eldest daughter being imprinted upon by a shifter? A breed who was made to kill and slaughter their enemies without a moment of remorse, she opened her mouth to speak but no words would leave her lips.
Amelia looked around at all the shocked and speechless faces, assuming this was caused solely by her interruption, her face reddened, and she quickly stood up, ignoring the slight ache in her hips where she landed. “I’m just going to go, it was nice—uh—meeting all of you!” She smiled before quickly making her exit and running up the stairs.
Amelia threw herself into her room and hopped up onto her bed. She knew she was in for it but she silently prayed to mother nature that her parents wouldn’t be too pissed about the interruption—a pointless prayer and she knew it. Remaining under her covers she shimmied off her jeans and bra and turned over towards her window. Listening to the now significantly louder voices downstairs speak and watching the pale blue clouds pass by the full moon outside. She laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality, was only thirty minutes, waiting for her parents’ lecture to come—but it never did. Instead, she was slowly lulled into one of the deepest slumbers she had in a very long time, strangely plagued by the sight of those deep brown eyes of one of the very handsome but strange young man.
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Paul Lahote head-cannons
[some x reader head-cannons towards the end]
-he welds, this is a job that his family kinda all do. His father, grandfather all weld. HOWEVER he creates art and sculptures in his breaks. His welding is an art form, yet he is too scared to call it art.
-before phasing he hated the forest, he could never remember his way home and it always made him uncomfortable. But since phasing he adores it. He goes on hikes constantly, a personal goal of his is to hike in every national park around the country.
-he has three brothers and lives with his dad, none of them are home for long but they all love each other deeply, even if no one mentions it. His mother sadly passed away in hospital when he was 14.
-he'd never had a relationship before phasing since he was so young, all he remembers from the first shift was just pain and anger.
-he hates the idea of an imprint, unless its on the one person he grew up loving... but he'd never admit to that... (possible fic incoming)
-listens to a mix of classic rock and indie/country
-lives and breathes his leather jacket, it was his grandfathers.
-everyday after school he'd go to his grandparents home, he'd spend hours with them. He now takes his grandfather on hikes with him.
-his favorite snack is his grandmas granola, its amazing.
-on your first date its a small hike to a local river, there are flowers everywhere, the pair of you sit under a willow tree and talk for hours.
-despite this mans love for hiking he doesn't own a pair of hiking boots!! its killing you! he hikes in an old pair of vans, please get this man a pair of hiking boots even if he heals super fast it just can't be comfortable.
-he doesn't get angry at his partner, he was raised in a loving household and idolized both his parents and grandparents loving relationships. He sees his partner as an equal, he just gets protective other his pack brothers, family and significant other.
-has zero physical preference, he used to lie to his friends and make up a type but he genuinely doesn't know. It used to confuse him but he knows now that he loves someone (wonder who) for their kindness, stubbornness and the constant ability to always fight back.
-his grandparents are the only ones in his family who know about his phasing, he wont let his brothers know, as the oldest child he feels responsibility.
paul’s pinterest board
{this is part one in my twilight head-cannons series! Stay tuned, stay safe and love each other, I love you- em x}
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nephitis · 7 months
Preference; I’d Understand
Alec Volturi and Paul Lahote preference requested by anon! “Yoo hows my favorite blog?? I’m doin’ alright. Can i get a alec or paul imagine where they’re scared about reader leaving him. Due to alec being a vampire that likes human blood. Or if you do pauls about him being a hothead. Hopefully it makes sense” Hope you like it!
You had been warned of this very scenario from the moment Paul’s realities had been revealed to you, the moment you became involved in the fiery universe that he was so ingrained in. You’d seen the evidence of a destructive temper on Emily’s face, scarring her for life, a warning sign to the other members of Sam’s pack: don’t get too close. You hadn’t had any issues as far as trust went; Paul was relatively calm when you were around, incredibly cautious to the point of over-protectiveness, and as kind and loving as the day you’d met him. He was well-prepared to prevent injuries similar to Emily’s, or worse, and handled his rage better than he had before you stumbled into him. According to his pack, he’d been a bit of a loose canon before imprinting, but your presence acted as a sedative to his usual rowdy, unpredictable nature. You’d been assured that his mannerisms, specifically his impulse to phase, had been quieted after he imprinted, but his actions spoke to combat the promises his brothers made.
Their observations had not been entirely false; Paul was, without doubt, a changed man, but he carried with him a fire that even you could not put out. While he wasn’t explosive, his fuse was relatively short. You hadn’t had the chance to argue, given the amount of time you’d known him, but you’d be witness to his quick temper. You’d never felt threatened in any way other than the typical back-away-if-he-starts-shaking, but that applied to any of the wolves. They all had off-days, but Paul was never someone to be feared, never someone to be wary of. He treated you with the utmost respect and care, but even he couldn’t put a stopper on the floodgates when you’d been approached by a group of men on First Beach. Their salutations had been more insult than greeting, their words slipping like an oil slick from between their unwashed teeth, their faces gleaming with a drunken sweat you could smell radiating from their bodies as you passed them by. Paul, of course, was not about to stand for this ill-treatment. You’d felt the vibrations rolling from his body through the hand that held his, heard his laboured breathing by your ear. You had enough time to extract your hand from his and press a palm to his chest before turning to the trio of vulgar men, warning them to leave before someone (here meaning them, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you also spoke in your own defense) was hurt. One look at Paul was enough to seal your threat in concrete. There was no question about his anger, and his bare torso was promise enough that any retribution would be undeniably painful. They fled, joining a throng of townspeople vacating the beach. Your eyes locked on his, his lips curling over his teeth. You’d attempted to whisper a few calming words before realizing how far gone he truly was. You backed away from his trembling form, every visible muscle tensing on his body as he too backed away from you.
“Y/n,” he snarled, his eyes flitting around as his convulsions intensified, watching the last of the beach’s crowd fade into the night. His unspoken plea was clear: run. You turned your back on him and joined the masses abandoning the darkness of the waters, their voices nearly masking the tear of clothing as Paul exploded from his skin. You turned in time to watch his tail disappear into the tree line. You headed for Emily’s place, hoping to find Sam or Jared holed-up in her kitchen. One of them must be willing to talk Paul down from his heated precipice. You knew they’d all done it before. Your trek was short-lived, and the harmonies reaching from Emily’s open windows carried promises of aid in the form of two, possibly three werewolves. You helped yourself in, your eyes finding Sam’s in the crowd surrounding Emily’s table. His face, lightened by Emily’s company, went dark when he met your gaze. It seemed he already knew. You cleared your throat, running a hand through your hair, watching as Jared, Quil, and Emily focused their attention on you.
“Anyone willing to track my boyfriend for me?” Jared cursed aloud, damning Paul to Hell as he dropped his half-eaten muffin onto his plate, clearly irritated with his friend’s lack of control. Quil offered an apologetic grimace, clapping you on the shoulder as he made his way to the door with Jared nipping at his heels. Sam said nothing outside of asking for Paul’s last-known location, departing with a a final glance at Emily, his fists balled around a pair of jean shorts. Emily’s hands fluttered about her table, sweeping crumbs from the surface, her eyes on your face. She nodded you over, inviting you to sit as she prepared her dinner, promising you that Paul’s episodes never lasted more than half an hour, and that was before you came along. She was almost certain he’d be back sooner. You chatted with her for the next fifteen minutes, your mind preoccupied, replaying the fading image of Paul ducking into the woods on the blank expanse of your eyelids. It wasn’t until Emily offered you a cup of tea that you noticed your hands were trembling. “Maybe I’m a wolf too,” you whispered, your voice failing your attempt at humour, Emily’s arms wrapping around your back as your body shuddered. She, of all people, knew the fear that now pooled in your stomach. Another ten minutes passed before you heard their approach, the sound of footsteps crunching against soil paired with Sam’s low, angry whispers. The three members of Paul’s rescue party had returned, and all three entered without a word, sitting at the table in absolute silence. Emily’s eyes focused on the doorway before finding yours, shooting you a sisterly glance you understood to be cautionary.
“Y/n,” your name was soft on his lips, a gentle tone meant to exhibit his level of calmness. You turned in your seat, abandoning your tea, your eyes falling on his form, propped-up against the open doorway. He gestured for you to join him outside, his hand running through his shorn hair. They did not tremble. You excused yourself and followed him onto Emily’s lawn, watching his shoulders heave with as he sighed, his back gleaming beneath the light of the moon. His hands were swinging at his sides, his muscles tensing and releasing as he paced. When he stopped, you were a good distance away from the house, out of earshot, you assumed, and away from any scrutiny. He turned, slowly, his every movement calculated, the effort behind his actions obvious. He was going out of his way to eliminate any perception you could have of him being a threat to your safety. He kept his distance, addressing you in a whisper from a handful of feet away, his bare feet digging into the earth as he spoke. “Y/n, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. That was… I put you at risk, and I’m so, so sorry.” His eyes lifted to the stars, his head shaking with frustration. “And, you know, I can’t even promise that it won’t happen again. I’m not in control, not like that. This can happen again, and that…” his voice dropped off, his sentence hanging open, fluttering in the breeze. When his eyes returned to yours, his face was broken, his lips pursed to keep them from quivering. “I mean, I’d understand if it’s too much. As much as it kills me, I can understand if you need to go.” He raised his hands, surrendering. “I want you safe, that’s all. I can’t promise you’ll be safe around me. I can’t.” You shook your head, closing the distance between you, continuing even after he mirrored your first few steps, eager to keep you out of harm’s way.
“Paul, if anything, you went out of your way to keep me safe tonight. You warned me that you were losing control, and you backed up, and you gave me time to step back.” He opened his mouth to speak, but you refused to let berate himself further. “You are not a threat to me, and I’m not going anywhere.” He exhaled deeply, relieved, and closed his arms around your back, pulling you to the warmth of his chest.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
He Imprints On You Part 4
I glanced up at my alarm clock, it was currently 6:58 in the morning. I sighed, despite the sun still being asleep I don’t think I could go back to sleep knowing Jake could be spending his last few days with Billy. I just don’t see why he wouldn’t just tell me what was wrong with his dad though. It was partly infuriating. Hell, Jacob was infuriating. I opened my phone and started looking through flights, not even knowing how I was going to get packed and ready or what I was going to tell the Berlys. That’s of course, if they would even notice I was gone in the first place. It would probably be better if they didn’t. The good thing about the Beryl’s is that they were loaded with money, and didn’t care much about me to begin with. The cheapest flight I could find was a one way ticket to Washington at 9:45 in the morning today. Good. Bought.
I could have gotten a more expensive ticket considering it was the Beryl’s card I was using, but some part of me felt guilty and I knew I could survive it anyways, I mean anyone who lived on the Res was by all means used to living in poverty. Hell more then half of them probably never even been on a plane let alone out of Washington. Now it was time to pack. How long would I be there? A day? A week? A month? Hell, who knows, with luck Jacob would still have some of my clothes I didn’t bother to grab last time I was there. Should I tell the Beryl’s? What would they say? Would they let me? I shook my head, it will probably better if I text them before I take off on my flight, that way they’ll just have to accept it for what it is. And as soon as I had showered, packed, and took the trash out, I was in my car and on the way to the airport.
“ID please.” The tall man stated, not even bothering to look at me. I picked through my wallet quickly and pulled it out, handed it to him. I noticed a silver band on his wedding finger. It was strange, all these people you meet or encounter in your life have a whole other life as well, with spouses, children, pets, and probably have thousands of things in common with you. Yet, you potentially walk past some people that could’ve been one of the most important people in your life if given the chance to know them. “Alright, to your left.” The guy said, pointing briefly in that direction where you saw TSA employees and a conveyor belt with empty gray bins next to it. “Here we go” I huffed, ready to just be back at the Rez.
The flight wasn’t bad, aside from the screaming babies and kids kicking the back of your seat. Once I landed, I called Jacob, who picked up almost immediately. “Hey, I just got off the plane. Where are you?” I searched the crowd for signs of him, it was weird, I caught myself trying to look for the scrawny long haired boy I grew up with. “Geez about time that was a long flight huh.” Jake sassed, ignoring my question. “Yeah it was and I didn’t fly all the way over here to lis-“ “okay okay, I’m sorry I get it.” He cut me off, surrendering. “We are by the baggage claim, already got your suitcase.” “We?! Who is we?” I furrowed my eyebrows, “Seriously Jake don’t tell me you dragged Billy all the way out here.” I said, making my way to the sign that pointed towards Baggage Claim. “Relax, it’s just a friend. I’ll see you in a few. Bye.” He ended shortly, as I hung up the phone and shoved it aggressively in my pocket. “Friend… friend…” I repeated as I scoffed.
It wasn’t hard to find him, his new abnormal growth spurt had him and his friend peering over the people who were racing towards their loved ones or scrambling to get their suitcases. As I was getting closer I tried to keep making out who his friend was but people kept blocking the view or getting in my way, it didn’t help I wasn’t exactly tall. But eventually as I shoved my way past I saw him.
* As I went to take a step, I accidentally walking right into one of his new druggie friends. Who I hadn’t realize were right behind me and were so close.
The rock hard frame had caught me, leaving me stunned from whiplash. “Watch it asshole!” I spat up at him, anger snapping out. Our eyes locked, and I had noticed which one I had ran into. I believed his name was Paul, very hotheaded if I remember right from Jake.
I suddenly regretting snapping this particular member once noticing him staring dead back at me, not letting go of my hips which were in his grasp. However as I looked closer, his stare didn’t hold anger, it held surprise, and shock.
And it was making me uncomfortable, just like my soggy wet clothes I was currently in, and would be driving in, all the way to Texas. “Get off me perv!” I exclaimed, pushing the star struck guy away from me, marching my way into my car. *
Paul Lahote… out of all the friends he had to bring, he brought the one I insulted. It had me partly wondering if he had done this on purpose. He stated back at me intensely, as if I was the only person in this airport. “Hi. I believe you have something that belongs to me.” I said, reaching my hand out towards Paul, who was holding my suitcase. Jacob nudge him slightly, and without breaking eye contact he handed me my suitcase.
“It’s a nice color.” I looked up at Paul, looking confused. “T-the suitcase, it’s a nice color.” He clarified, pointing to the red suitcase in my arms. “Oh. Thank you. It’s my favorite color.” I brushed off, looking towards Jake, who awkwardly laughed. “Y/n, you remember Paul?” “Yes.”I responded, which was all I got out, nervously laughing at the awkward situation. “Well the traffic isn’t getting any lighter.” Jake sarcastically remarked, dragging all of us towards the exit sign. As we got to his car, he popped the trunk and I flinched a bit at the feel of my arm being lighter. I looked over and saw Paul walking over to the car with my suitcase. “I’d thought you would’ve packed heavier, which is why I brought Paul. But I should’ve known better, you’ve always been unprepared.” Jake teased.
“Well I mean when you call me at the crack of dawn with this life threatening emergency, I packed as fast as I could. Speaking of, are you going to tell me what’s wrong with Billy, and you for that matter I mean seriously, wanna slide me whatever you’ve been putting in your cereal?” I joked, poking at his large bicep. Which I heard a deep chuckle from Paul, who looked even larger then Jake. “This is going to be a long car ride.” Jake muttered before we all got into the car.
The drive was long, but not bad as Paul kept asking me a bunch of questions from how I liked the Beryl’s and what my favorite class was to what animals I liked. To which Jake would pitch in from time to time with his own commentary. But once we finally arrived to the house and got out of the car, I saw Jacob and Paul tense and go quiet. I went to get my bag from the trunk but Paul beat me to it. “Thank you.” I responded, as he silently offered to carry it to the tiny red house I practically grew up in. For a cult, these guys might not be that bad. I thought I’d feel nervous or even sick, coming back here, but I couldn’t help but feel very calm. Like I was right were I needed to be.
Once we walked inside, I looked around, and not to my surprise, nothing changed. “So..” Jake trailed, shutting the door behind us three. “There’s something we need to talk about.” I raised an eyebrow, feeling my heart pick up a few paces. “Y/n! You’re back! Jacob told me you were coming back to visit.” I turned around and saw Billy, who was in his wheelchair all nicely dressed with his hat on.
“Billy…. You look….healthy.”
I turned around and gave Jacob and Paul the biggest glare ever. Boy did they have some explaining to do.
Okay okay go ahead and yell at me guys… sorry for the cliffhanger! But also I have to say I will not be doing a tag list anymore because i would be spending hours tagging everyone who wants to be tagged IM SORRY!!! But I finally have found some time to write and will probably post a few more requests today. I will be continuing this series probably for awhile. I hope you guys like it and I’m so so so grateful for every single one of you guys.
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prpfs · 1 month
Hello! Please call me Cass. ❤ I tried to split this up for the mods so that it's easier to read, so hopefully this works for you! I'm 21+ looking for RP partner(s) for the following: Fandoms - Marvel (preferably Avengers era) - Harry Potter (HP) - Supernatural (SPN) - Twilight
Characters: - Marvel: Loki, Tony Stark, Thor - HP: Draco Malfoy, Fred and George Weasley, Cedric Diggory - SPN: Dean Winchester (human or demon), Gabriel - Twilight: Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote
Ships - Original Character x Canon Character Triggers Pretty much open to anything; we can discuss further in a message.
Genres - Dead dove - Rough pasts (depending on the roleplay and comfort of my partners, my OC has abuse, non-con, and being drugged in their past) - NSFW/smut - Romance - Adventure - Action
Plot Ideas Depends on which universe, but I have a separate blog for roleplay that has most of my character info for each universe.
Where Preferably in reblogs and/or Tumblr messages. More explicit messages I would rather take to Tumblr messages.
Other Info Please be semi-literate to literate (no shorthanded, carelessly written replies, etc.). I also tend to prefer longer roleplays. Plotline and character development are essential to me because it furthers the roleplay. If you're interested, please like this post and I'll message you if I think we'd be a good match 😊
give a like and anon will get back to you
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iliumheightnights · 2 years
Paul Lahote x shy male reader who was made uncomfortable being flirted/asked out at school but Paul comes to his resuce being very furious that someone was touching his darling
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Paul and M/n we’re the couple no one would expect. Not just because they were two guys, but because Paul was hot-headed and outgoing while M/n was more laid back and shy. They were complete opposites in almost every way. Though you know the saying, opposites attract. That must have been really true for them.
At first, M/n and Paul agreed to not really be a couple in public. at school at least. The last thing M/n wanted in his college career was to be the target of unwanted attention. He preferred to keep his head down until he was done.
All that changed when some random guy came up and started to flirt with him. At first, M/n politely acknowledged him, but it was pretty obvious he was uncomfortable. It got worse when the man put his hand on M/n's shoulder. The next thing he knew the man's hand was off of him and Paul stood in front of him shouting at the person.
M/n looked around and saw the eyes on them. He took Paul's hand and lead him away. So much for going under the radar. Paul on the other hand was smiling, at least now everyone knew M/n was his.
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twilight-volterra · 25 days
What ships do you roleplay for Twilight?
Hello, lovely anon! ❤
Thanks for the ask! While I don't do roleplays on this blog since it's my aesthetics blog, I can certainly answer your question here. If you're interested in starting a roleplay, I have this blog for that; under the "universes" tab, you'll find my OC SFW & NSFW character sheets. I also double up on characters and I'm comfortable playing most of them (aside from potentially ones like Charlie and Billy, but I'm willing to give them a shot).
Note that my character sheets come with a warning because the SFW character sheets still have the basic trigger warnings rather than more detailed descriptions like the NSFW ones have; if there's anything you find triggering in them, I'm also willing to compromise and change parts to ensure we're both comfortable. 😊
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The ships that I roleplay for Twilight vary, and I'm usually open to exploring ships; the only ones I really don't condone are Jacob/Renesmee and Quil/Claire for obvious reasons. If they're aged up and have a few adjustments to their histories together, that would be fine, but I don't like that they're literally children in canon.
I actually have a list of my ships here (I'm still working on the tags for some of them because I haven't reblogged/made anything for the "filler" ones just yet, but I don't like a lot of the ship names they were given, so I'm making a few adjustments for personal preference).
I tend to prefer OC x Canon because some of the ships just feel like they don't mesh well in canon. For instance, Emmett and Rosalie; I completely understand Emmett's draw toward Rosalie for saving his life, but I feel like they have more of a physical connection than anything else, at least from what we're shown from the other points of view. I would absolutely love to see their relationship from the inside, however, and see if Emmett helps Rosalie cope with her past, how they hunt together, their internal thoughts, etc. (I also don't like that Emmett reminded Rosalie of her friend's baby...??? That was a weird choice on Smeyer's part in my opinion.)
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Some of my favorite canon ships that didn't make the ships page yet (in no particular order):
- Angela Weber and Eric Yorkie - Paul Lahote and Rachel Black; he literally tries hard to be a better person for her - and himself, of course - and I think that's actually really sweet - Sam Uley and Emily Young; while I understand Leah is hurt by them, I don't like that she's constantly upset by it because Leah also deserves happiness and I feel like she really should have been given the chance to move on from that by Smeyer
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Dividers created by @jiyascepter
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woniebunny · 2 years
A/N: Hello! Ive decided to start writing some wolf pack preferences/imagines and hopefully some fics as I don't really see many new ones and Im tired of reading the same stories over and over again hehe. Please feel free to comment any advice or ideas you may have as I would greatly appreciate the feedback! I really hope you guys enjoy!
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You met Sam when he accidentally phased in front of you while you were heading to the cliff you always went to when you were deep in thought. You grew up on the Reservation and had heard about him and seen him a handful of times at school but never actually met or spoke to him. When you saw him you froze and didn't know what to do and you could tell Sam was freaking out about being caught. Slowly you started walking towards him taking small steps as not to spook him until he looked into your eyes and you felt like everything stopped and suddenly you weren't so worried anymore and gently ran your fingers through his fur. He slowly backed away and went behind a tree to phase back and once he came out he explained everything to you. It took you some time to get used to it but you grew to love and support each other and would do anything for each other. Once the other members started phasing you took on the role of being the pack mom and a safe place for all of the boys and they loved you
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You were best friends with Kim and did everything together, you didn't have the best relationship with your family but she was like your sister and the most important person in your life..she was all you needed. You met Jared in class and worked with him a few times on group projects always with other classmates. You thought he was nice and funny but never gave him much thought as you knew how much Kim liked him. Once he phased and started attending school again you were paired together for a project again. You turned to ask him what topic you guys should do and when he looked into your eyes he froze and started acting weird but you brushed it off to him being out for so long. Over the next few weeks you noticed how close you guys were getting and his constant effort to be your friend and the sinking feeling of guilt you had because of Kims feelings and not wanting to hurt her. As an attempt to protect your friendship you slowly distanced yourself from him, despite you not wanting to admit that it did hurt a bit as you've grown to care for the class clown.
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You grew up next door to Paul since he moved from Tacoma, Washington at the age of 7 while you were 6. You quickly became best friends and protective of the other especially with your home lives. Having only one parent did make your childhood a bit difficult but at least you guys had each other. Once Paul started experiencing the symptoms to phase you noticed the increased anger in him and it worried you. You guys told each other everything and the fact you felt like you couldn't help hurt you so much. The day he phased you happened to have went over to his house to check on him. Seeing him answer the door dripping in sweat and shaky you immediately grabbed him and took him to his room to lay down. In the middle of you taking care of him Sam showed up to help him with the shift and all you could do was watch your other half screaming in agony and pain as he phased. Once he phased back you ran to him and held him as you comforted him and as soon as you made him look at you to whisper reassurances you knew you would never lose him. He was your forever.
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You and Embry have known each other your entire lives. Embry’s mum and your mum were pregnant at the same time and met during one of their ultrasound appointments and became best friends. Being single mums, it made it easy for them to get along and understand each other. For as long as you could remember Embry was your other half and always protected you and cared about you. Starting highschool together just enhanced your bond. Hence after 2 days of not hearing from Embry brought you to approaching his friends Quil Ateara and Jacob Black. You didn’t really know the boys too well but knew he hung out with them a lot. Once they told you he was out sick and was acting weird, you knew you had to check on him. When you showed up at his house sadly you were turned away by his mum, who said he was too sick to be around at the moment and she would let you know when you could see him. After 2 weeks of what felt like torturing and worrying about him you decide to check on him again. When you showed up you saw him and Paul Lahote walking out of the forest line towards his house and ran to meet him. “Embry are you okay? What happened? Where the hell have you been and why have you not said anything? I thought we tell each other everything? Do you know how worried I’ve been about you the past few weeks?”. You could tell he was gonna try and brush you off based on his expression but as soon as he looked in your eyes you saw his expression change to awe. Embry felt so relieved that he imprinted on you but guilty for making you worry about him. Luckily he can tell you everything now and wouldn’t have to stay away from you ever again.
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thedeathlysallows · 1 year
Summary: No one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you, but fleeing to Volterra, Italy probably isn’t a good idea.  
Pairing:  Roseanna Swan x Felix Volturi; Roseanna Swan x Paul Lahote
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Ch. 5
               Roseanna feels her blood go cold in her veins as panic sits heavy in her stomach. “What are you talking about?”
               “It started when the blood-“ Paul stumbles over his own words, interrupting himself with a cough. “The Cullens. It started when the Cullens came back.”
               Roseanna scoffs. “Oh, you’re so full of shit, Paul. You blame them for everything and half the time they aren’t even involved. Remember that really bad storm we got a year ago? Whose fault was that again? Oh, right, it was the Cullens’ for having the nerve to live a town over from you.”
               “But Bella is in trouble. Maybe not in this exact moment, but-”
               “What?!” Roseanna tries her best to keep her voice from turning to a shriek. “You call me and tell me my sister is in danger after everything that just happened with her and Edward, only to backtrack two sentences later?! Un-fucking-believable. God, I can’t believe I was ever stupid enough to be with you!”
               Paul is silent for a few seconds before speaking, his voice dangerously low, almost nearing a growl. “How would you know if I’m lying or not? You aren’t even here. You ran away like a little girl after I broke your heart, didn’t you? Poor little Rosie. The big bad wolf was mean to her. News flash, princess, we never would’ve lasted anyway.” The smirk in his voice is undeniable when he says, “fooling around with the Sheriff’s perfect oldest daughter was pretty fun, though.”
               “You’re a bastard.”
               “What’s new there?”
               Quiet settles over the line as Paul and Roseanna wait to see who draws blood next. Both of them were always more than a bit temperamental, Roseanna inheriting the worst traits of her mother, and Paul inheriting the worst traits of his own family. Both of them were always more than a bit temperamental, but they always kept each other out of the crossfire.
               Out of the corner of her eye, Roseanna can see Felix staring at her unblinking. It’s unnerving, something she still hasn’t grown accustomed to. She’s about to end the conversation with Paul and go back to Felix when Paul asks the one thing she’s been wondering herself:
               “What happened to us Rosie?”
               “I don’t know. Maybe… maybe we just grew up?” All the bitterness Roseanna had been holding rushes out of her in one breath. “You’re right. We never would’ve lasted.”
               “You really think that?”
               “Do you?” Roseanna waits for Paul to answer, sighing when he never does. “I’ll take that as a yes. Paul, look, we broke up. You don’t have to worry about me anymore and I don’t really want you to. It’ll only lead us down a dark road. I’m not really into the lovers to enemies trope.”
               “Then which trope are you into?”
               “Lovers to strangers, preferably.”
“I can’t do that. You’re my best friend even if you aren’t my girlfriend.”
Roseanna’s throat constricts and she has to blink back tears. “I can’t be your best friend. Not after all this. I’m moving on like you are.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Just like that Paul’s anger returns full force. “There’s no way you’ve already met someone else.”
“And why is that so unbelievable?”
“Bella said you were going to work on yourself, not hop on another dick.”
“I’ll hop on whatever dick I want to.” Her cheeks flair red when she hears Felix chuckle happily. “Shut up, Paul!”
“Oh, that’s real mature. We were too close to having a real conversation, huh?”
Rather than answer and keep going in circles, Roseanna hangs up her phone, resisting the urge to smash it into the nearest object. Was he always such an asshole? Did she just miss all the signs? Is this what their relationship is going to be? Hitting each other where it hurts every single time they interact?
“That went as well as it could have, I think,” Felix says as Roseanna moves robotically to the bookshelf on the other side of the bedroom. He watches her carefully, noticing the way her eyes are glazed over and how shallow her breathing is. “Roseanna?”
“Hm?” She looks at him in surprise. Like she’s just noticing him. “Oh, uh, yeah.”
Felix taps the arm of the couch with one long pointer finger, his others curling tightly into the fabric. “I see it’s up to me to state the obvious: his attempt to manipulate you was lazy at best, narcissistic at worst, yes?”
“Yes.” But still… “Maybe I should call Bella.”
Roseanna looks at Felix. Really looks at him. He answered very quickly and with none of his usual playfulness or flirtation. “Why? Felix, what do you know?”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, shutting his eyes tightly. The day had been so nice up until now. “It’s nothing to worry about, I promise.”
“But there is something?”
“It’s nothing to do with your sister.”
Roseanna walks back over to the couch and lowers herself to sit beside him. His eyes are bright from a recent feed, he never leaves himself alone with her unless his hunger is mostly satisfied, and he doesn’t flinch away from her gaze. Eyes are the window to the soul and he’s never bothered to hide from her. So…
“Why don’t I believe you?” Her voice is barely above a whisper. “What are you hiding from me?”
Felix isn’t pleased with the unspoken accusation. “I’m many things, my love- a soldier first and foremost. I can’t betray Aro.”
Roseanna scoffs, looking away to hide the hurt. “So this is the life I’m destined for, I guess. Every man in my life answers to some higher power that I’ll always play second fiddle to. Do you understand how frustrating it is? To be a secondary character in my own life? Always left behind in the dark because someone else has something more important going on?”
Felix slides closer to her, putting one hand on her shoulder and letting the other rest on her thigh. “It’s only while you remain human.”
And there it is.
Roseanna always prided herself on her adaptability. Mostly because she could just pretend whatever situation she was in wasn’t real. Like this entire situation with the Volturi. It just isn’t real. She’s on vacation in Italy, sure, but she wasn’t kidnapped. Felix isn’t real either. No matter how badly she wants him to be real, he just isn’t. Vampires aren’t real. None of it is real, just a passing dream she’ll wake up from any minute now. The last two weeks of her life have only been a dream.
“You’re panicking.” Felix looks at her worriedly. He can hear her heartbeat speeding up erratically and all the color is quickly fading from her face.
“This isn’t real,” she chants as the room spins around her. “You aren’t real. Vampires aren’t real.”            
Felix is taken aback when Roseanna shoves at him, crying hysterically. He tries to calm her, but no amount of sweet names or reassuring whispers helps. Eventually, the darkness comes, though. It always comes. Roseanna collapses in his arms, but it’s okay. She’s okay. This is just a dream.
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runwithwolvcs · 2 years
Right Where You Left Me
Part Two: Invisible String Warnings: Mentions of Death
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My head aches from the lack of sleep I got the night before. Delta had decided at the last minute to start her science project and I had been roped in to glueing little glow in the dark stars to a black bristol board until the morning sun shone bright through the dining room window.
Resting my head on my forearms, closing my eyes to subside the burning sensation. Maybe I can just take a small nap…
“Look alive, Saskia!”
 I grimace at his choice of words but sit up anyways, picking my pencil back up and rereading the questions in front of me for the millionth time as if the answer would just magically pop into my head.
“I hate to be that friend, but Paul Lahote has been staring at the back of your head for almost the entire period,” Tessa said, scribbling an answer down on her worksheet. He’s been doing that ever since I’ve gotten back to school. They gave me two weeks to ‘grieve’, before handing me all the work I’d missed, with a small goodluck catching up. If only Paul could grow the balls to say something to me, anything. So I'd finally have an excuse to yell at him, throw a massive fit over the fact that I trusted him with a secret and when that secret blew up in my face unexpectedly, he just watched from the sidelines. Not saying a word.
I roll my eyes, “What’s the answer for question four?”
“Um, hello? You’re the one that gives me the answers, remember?” 
“I didn’t read the chapter.” Ignoring the look of concern she shot at me, I wrote down what I think the answer could be before setting my pencil down, completely giving up on the assignment.
“Maybe you should go back to fucking, Lahote. I’m sure he’s still down, even if he is into all that gang stuff. You're still a smokeshow.” Tessa suggests before going back to chewing on the end of her pen, 
“I’d rather sit through another one of Mrs. Bear’s grief counselling sessions.” I say in a harsh tone, before mimicking the counsellor's voice, “Grief is the price we pay for love.”
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at her attempt to counsel me, so I left and I haven't been back. I felt as though grief counselling would just prolong the process anyways. I don’t need to talk about my problems, I lived with them and that was hard enough as it was.
“I can’t believe she said that to you, as if her stupid hallmark quotes would actually help you grieve.” 
I shrug and lean my head in my hands, “As long as Delta is doing well, nothing else matters.”
“Is she still doing that baking class over at the Clearwaters bakery?”
I nod, “yeah, Leahs mom has helped out a lot. Keeping Delta busy and whatever.”
Sue Clearwater was like a second mother. She helped a lot during my mom's chemo treatment, being a volunteer nurse at the hospital in Forks, the neighbouring town. Sue and her sister owned a small bakery that taught kids how to bake every wednesdays and Fridays, which Delta was fond of. I made sure she got the chance to go whenever she asked, even if it meant sitting in the parking lot doing my homework while I waited.
“Now you just need to keep busy, preferably in someone's bed. What about Cal?”
I got to tell her that, that is the most ridiculous idea she has ever had, and she's had many but the bell rings. I never told her about what Paul had said to me, and what Shiloh had said to him. My anger simmers at the fact that even Shiloh had the decency to express his condolences.
“Mr. Lahote stay after class please, the rest of you hand in your questions and you're free to go.” Mr Faire announces and everyone begins to pack up and head on with their days.
I slowly gather my things, losing the battle I had been winning with my mind all class long, glancing back at the boy who disappeared from every inch of my life. His window is no longer an escape for me to use as I please. He’s talking to Jared Cameron, another one of Sam’s groupies, and his girlfriend Kim. I look away before he can catch me staring and shove the rest of my things in my bag. 
Walking up to the teachers desk, I’m the last to hand in my worksheet besides the three lingerers. It's like they can’t do anything independently, always stuck to each other like magnets.
I handed the teacher my paper, knowing that the grade for it was not ideal. I’ve stopped caring, it’s not like I’m going to college anytime soon. Not while my sister still needs me here.
“A lot of these are still unanswered” He notes disapprovingly.
“I didn’t have time to read the chapter last night.” I tell him honestly, between my other three classes and Delta needing help with her own homework, I couldn’t even find the time to take the book out of my bag.
He sighs, “I get that with your mom passing recently, life might be a bit hectic for you, but it’s no excuse for not fulfilling your responsibilities in school. I expect more from you.”
“Well maybe if you actually taught us something inside of just forcing us to read sixty pages of worthless material every night, I would have been more prepared.” I snapped at him before turning on my heel, and walking straight into what felt like a brick wall. Paul's hands steadied me from tripping over my own two feet, his unusually hot hands scorching my skin causing me to jerk away from him. I can’t look at him, the frustrated tears in my eyes blur my vision as I push past him and head for the door.
I am an idiot. 
I took Tessa's advice and invited Calian over, as if in the year that we had broken up, he had somehow learned how to please a woman. With Delta at a friend's house for a sleepover, and my dad working the night shift, I didn’t want to be alone in our house. It would be the first time since she was gone, and I couldn’t stomach it.
I sat in his lap, my clothes discarded long ago, in just my  bra and panties. His shirt is lost on the floor with mine as he kisses at my neck and I try to build some kind of friction, rocking my hips against his. He doesn’t get the message.
My phone rings and I look at the caller ID from where I’m seated. Paul Lahote.
I let it ring, sending it voicemail. I sigh in content as the thought of him trying to contact me fades from my mind.
It rings again.
I snatch my phone off of my bedside table and harshly hit answer.
“What do you want?” I ask, Calian doesn’t stop his assault on my neck. I have to chew on the inside of my cheek as palms my breast, roughly tweaking the hard nub.
“I’m locked out, can you climb through my window and let me in?” Paul's voice sounded desperate. 
“No, I’m busy.”
“It’s raining.” He tried and I rolled my eyes.
“It’s always raining.” I remind him. We live in the wettest state in America, the constant cover of clouds was depressing, but home.
“Please, Saskia.” he says, his tone laced with annoyance. Fuck this, I think before hanging up on him.
I grab Calians discarded tshirt and throw it on, “I'll be right back, my neighbours locked out.”
 I opened my window to see that it was partially open, as if he meant to open it and then changed his mind. I raise it further, giving me enough space to get into his room before climbing in.
His room looked the exact same as it did when I last visited him in the middle of the night. I glare at the halfnaked woman in a fancy car, still the only poster left in his room before bounding down the stairs and unlocking the door, nearly ripping the door off its hinges as I open it.
“Thanks, I owe you.” Paul says relieved and I roll my eyes.  Looking at him with an annoyed gaze before saying, “Whatever.”
His eyes connected with mine, and it was like time stopped around us. I couldn't breathe. His hard, angry eyes softened and the look of knowing crossed his face.  The man in front of me looked completely and utterly captivated, he’s never looked at me like this before, not even when I was sprawled out naked in his sheets. His usual dark, rage infused eyes held the peace that I had been searching looking for in the past few years. The solace I had so desperately tried to find in him through our late night escapades. I felt as though there was suddenly an invisible string connecting myself to him, pulled as tight as could be causing me pain if i were to try and pull away. I’ve never felt this feeling before, like a gold rush.
Gasping softly, I take a step back from him. My hand pressed against my chest as if to stop my heart from beating out of my chest.
His eyes roamed my barely clothed body, like I was a shiny new toy just for him.
Paul's eyes hardened at the realisation of who’s shirt I was wearing, and it wasn’t his, “Where's your clothes?”
“Like I said, I’m busy. So if you’ll excuse me.” I mutter, trying to squeeze past his hulking figure. I avoid his gaze, afraid that I’ll grovel for him. He didn’t deserve it, not after all that he’s done, more so hasn’t done.
But his hair was damp, and dishevelled from the rain. His t-shirt slick to his body, extenuating his muscles.
I bite my lip. Would it be so bad?
Stop it, Saskia. You’re just tired, that's it, I try to convince myself.
He blocks my exit, “With who?”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t. We just, we have sex so, I would like to know what diseases you’re getting and  from where.” he spits out, his tone drowning in jealousy before adding, “To be safe.”
“We haven’t hooked up in months, Paul. So, no, it’s none of your business who I hang out with, especially considering your new friends.” I remind him, before sarcastically saying, “Consider yourself safe.”
He scoffed, “I’ve been dealing with stuff, that doesn’t mean I wanted our deal to end.”
He’s been dealing with stuff. His excuse was laughable. Paul didn’t even have the decency to check in when my mom died and now he wants me to sympathise about how hard his life has been?
 No chance.
“Well it did. It's over. Done. Goodbye.” Pushing past him, I only make it down the first two steps of his porch before he's grabbing ahold of my arm.
“Sask, wait.”
Looking back at him, annoyed beyond belief, I ask, “What, Paul?”
“Everything alright man?” The voice sounds from my porch and I look from Paul to see Calian, shirtless in just his soccer shorts, standing on my porch. Great timing, I think to myself.
“Yeah, Cal. Just got locked out.” He says, before looking back at me. I can’t read his emotions, but he doesn’t look happy as he says, “Thanks, again, Saskia.”
I scoff in annoyance, taking my arm back from his grip and crossing the lawn that separates the two properties and back inside my house. Cal's hand on my lower back as he guides me back to my room feels wrong and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m about to make a huge mistake.
I rush to my locker in between periods to switch out my textbooks. It's routine at this point. I feel a warm hand on my arm, pulling me into the nearest classroom before I can even get my combination into the lock. I look at who has a grip on my arm to see Paul. He shuts the door behind us and stands in front of it, his face unreadable. When did he get so good at hiding his emotions? The boy was as short fused as they come, you know when he was in a good mood and when he was not. As he stands in front of me, I have no idea what I’m in for.
“Did you do the reading for Mr.Faires class?” his voice was rigid.
Bad mood.
“No, I didn’t have time.”
“You had time to fuck Calian.” he gritted. His eyes gave me a once over, looking for evidence of the night before. Though he wasn’t going to find anything. Calian and I had settled for a movie after I shot down his advances after my altercation with Paul. Thats it.
“I didn’t fuck him.” he stays in my way and my patience is wearing thin, “Move.”
“Jared said there's going to be a pop quiz on last night's reading,” he offers, his body language completely changing at the knowledge that I didn’t fuck my exboyfriend.
“And you’re telling me this, why exactly?” I am confused, why is this information that I would need?
“So he doesn’t rip on you again.”
“His opinion of me means nothing.” I make a move to go around him, but he puts his hands on my shoulders, stopping me.
“He made you cry.” So he did see me. 
“Fuck you, Paul.” I grit.
“Ask nicely.” he grinned, bringing his hand up to play with the end of my braid as his eyebrow furrowed, a look of inner turmoil, “You don’t sleep well, do you? Your lights are always on..”
I cross my arms over my chest, “Why do you care?”
But he was right, I don’t sleep, too many things to do and not enough time in the day. The nightmares I keep to myself don’t help. Though I would never tell anyone, they wouldn’t understand. My mom died of cancer, a slow and nondramatic death. She wasn’t murdered, she didn’t have a freak accident, or swerve from hitting a deer. She knew death was coming, I knew her death was coming.
So why the nightmares?
She haunts me, I’m convinced. Or maybe it's the guilt of knowing my dad was cheating on her and letting her die thinking she was in a monogamous marriage. Was it wrong? Maybe. But I wanted her to be happy, I didn’t want her to question her life and the people in its loyalty as the bright, white light came for her.
When I close my eyes, all I see is her, pulling me through the dark forest. She hands me a piece of paper and  tells me to run to them and get help, that she’ll distract it. I don't ever see what it is, because everytime I turn around to look I jolt awake in a panic.  I don’t know who I was supposed to look for, or how they could help. It feels so real, her fear seeps into my mind even when I’m awake. Sleep is not worth it.
“I care about you, Sask. I’m not the best at showing it, but I do.”
I scoff, “No, you don’t.”
Paul opens his mouth to refute but I don’t let him. Whatever he has to say is bullshit, it always has been., “My mom died, and you couldn’t have cared less. You didn’t even reach out, nothing!”
“I wanted to, I just…” he starts, but I’m not done.
“What? Sam didn’t let you.” I ask loudly.
“Saskia.” It sounds like a warning and he takes a step back from.
“I didn’t peg you as being the type of guy to be someone's bitch.” The malice in my tone makes him flinch, and I almost feel guilty.
“Stop.” Paul nearly growls, taking another step back. He can’t even look at me.
I shake my head at him, “You’re pathetic. Just stay away from me!”
I roughly yank the door open and on the other side is Jared Cameron. Great, I think to myself, the other bitch.
“Hey Saskia,” he says with a warm smile, “Paul in there?”
“No idea who the fuck that is.” I say as I push past him. Pulling out my phone and calling the one person who would understand what I’m going through. 
Leah Clearwater.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
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requests are open!
characters i write for:
seth clearwater, paul lahote, embry call, jared cameron, quil ateara, leah clearwater, jacob black (rarely), sam uley (rarely), poly!sethxreaderxpaul, poly!embryxreaderxpaul, poly!sethxreaderxembry, poly!paulxreaderxjared, poly!samxreaderxpaul, poly!sethxreaderxembryxquil
what i do write:
smut, fluff, sub!reader, fem!reader, light angst
what i don’t write:
sub!seth/paul/embry/jared/jacob, major age gap, anything with a reader who has very specific physical features (certain hair color, body type, etc.), anything illegal (incest, non-con, etc.), anything too violent (death, gorey injury, etc.), gn!reader, male!reader, young!reader (i prefer to write reader and seth/paul/embry/jared/jacob as 21+)
when submitting requests:
first look at my most commonly requested fics post! if your request falls under one of the tropes posted there, no need to send it in because i've definitely gotten it before!
if you’re not sure if i’ll take a request, just ask! i don’t block anyone or anything like that (unless you’re being rude) so always feel free to ask if you’re unsure!
try and be detailed where you can (nothing super vague like “fluffy seth”)! also, try not to submit the same request twice! if i haven’t written it yet it just means i haven’t gotten around to it yet
please do not submit the same request to me and another blog! it can get confusing and result in us writing the same imagine on both of our blogs which can cause all sorts of issues
please don’t submit the same request twice! if i haven’t gotten to it yet it most likely means i just haven’t had a moment to look at it and/or write it!
important note
requests are open but i am focusing on full length imagines so they may take longer than normal to be fulfilled!
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