#it’s free real estate if someone wants a prompt
weewoo911 · 2 months
Buddie prompt:
A few days before the wedding
Marisol: So do you ever think of getting married again..? Maybe… somewhere nice in the autumn?
Eddie (barely paying attention): Nah, Buck would want a spring wedding for sure
Marisol: … Buck?
Eddie: ohshit
Then Eddie shows up single and alone at the wedding and gets absolutely hammered and refuses to discuss it
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regallibellbright · 1 year
God, I hope I manage to get people reading this fic even a HUNDREDTH as invested in this character and the family I completely invented out of whole cloth for him who have been living rent-free in my head for like two years now and steadfastly refused to make a story work until now, because I needed to get a good bit out of my head before I went to sleep, made myself cry because I cry ABSURDLY easily, and now it’s like four hours later and I need to actually get to FUCKING BED ALREADY but words keep coming, my fic is too sad, and I use a CPAP that already finds my face shape tricky and don’t want to combine that with my messy crying.
I’m just saying, it’s not fair I inflict this on myself while WRITING it. Rereading it later, sure, I’m fine with that, but writing it? What am I doing, using these characters as an outlet for emotional catharsis? Gross. Inefficient. I can’t keep writing when I need to routinely stop and wipe my eyes.
#writing with regalli#wips#I haven’t even gotten to the part that’s making me sad just to think about#no but seriously this is an actual problem for me that has happened more than once#if it works even a fraction as much as I’m hoping it will it’ll be SO GOOD and I will be SO PROUD OF THIS#but see I’m already invested and other people are not because you know. OCs.#I am deeply and profoundly attached to these OCs who have literally no implication in canon#seriously even the canon character in question is just a step or two removed from blank slate#and by this point I could write an entire fucking NOVEL in which there are maybe a couple hints of a second canon character offecreen#and then it ends with him meeting a third.#if someone talks shit about AUs not potentially engaging with the themes of the source material I fucking might.#like a really good AU that tries is DEEPLY concerned with where characters change and where they stay the same when this changes#and this particular threat of spite would be very much invested in the setting and deal with themes#but while looking at a spot that’s particularly thin in a movie that is admittedly more Vibes than plot and going ‘It’s free real estate’.#I can’t do AUs like that I struggle with differentiating character voice enough. but you know what I can do?#THIS BULLSHIT. and I am genuinely proud I can.#but it does bring a lot of anxiety when the emotional core is around characters who /I/ care deeply about#but who no one else has ever heard of because they are mine#god though THIS is the first idea I wanted to do this holiday prompt challenge for and it is WORKING for me.#the others have been aggressively Not at times and another one will be the full climax but this one actually fully fits the prompt#without the association that already existed in MY mind but which I will have to sell to not feel totally shoehorned for readers#which is admittedly a big ask under the circumstances#because the association would not be obvious if you DIDN’T know I had in fact had this idea for ages#and why would you? I have not brought it up before
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Kinktober 2022
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Prompt: Dry Humping
Pairing: Peter Parker x afab!reader
Summary: Peter doesn’t think he could come from just dry humping, you prove him wrong.
Authors note: personally i thought of tasm!peter while writing this but any of them can work. this is basically 2am thoughts, not edited.
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“i’m sorry, but there’s no fucking way someone could make me come from dry humping me.” peter splutters a laugh.
for the last hour, the two of you had been laughing over your tragedy of a love life.
“i mean, you totally would after a while, but he came after like two minutes of me grinding on him,” you wipes the tears from your eyes. “honestly it’s kinda flattering.” getting up to grab a drink from the fridge, peter narrows his eyes at you.
“i mean, i don’t think i could come from dry humping. like i don’t care how hot the girl is, there’s no way,” he laughs again.
“i don’t know parker,”
“what do you mean you don’t know? grinding with clothes on doesn’t even feel that good,”
“i bet i could make you come,” the room falls silent, and glancing at peter you realise his baffled look. “what? i wasn’t saying i will, i was saying i could.” you nonchalantly resume your position on the sofa, pulling open the tab of your soda
“sorry to bruise your ego, but there’s literally no way. maybe after like an hour, but i doubt you’d make it that long without begging me to fuck you,” it was your turn to be surprised. you’d never felt like this before, or at least not because of peter.
well, of course there was that time he walked out of the shower dripping, towel hung low. oh and there was that time he gave you a hickey, as a dare of course. there’s no way peter fucking parker, your best friend, was turning you on. right?
“so you’re saying, if i got on top of you right now, there’s no way you’d come.” you’re smirk was so strong it almost hurt your cheek.
“that’s exactly what i’m saying”
“then let’s test out your theory”
before he can even blink, you’ve swung a leg over his lap, now straddling him.
“you can tell me if you want me to get off.” you stare at each other, almost daring the other to break.
“i mean, if this is the only way we can see who’s right, we have to do it i guess,” his eyes are glassy and pupils blown out. beneath your cunt a small twitch bellows from beneath his pants.
you hop off his lap, shimmying down your jeans. peters look of bewilderment dialled up even more, if that was even possible.
“it’s not fair with jeans on,” you strip down to a pair of pink panties, lace trimming the edges.
“what? that’s cheating…” peter says barely above a whisper as you reach for the loop of his belt.
now both pants-less, you sit back on his lap, and he hisses as your heat sits on the thin layer between his cock
“it’s not too late to admit that you would come from dry humping” you taunt, pushing down slightly.
you start slow, moving rhythmically along his dick, feeling every vein through the thin undergarments
peters eyes close and he throws his head back
“shit. i wasn’t expecting it to feel like this.” a particularly well placed grind makes him thrust up, hitting your clit just right
an almost pornographic moan leaves your chest, making peter moan in turn.
your grinding becomes faster, harder, and in tandem with peters thrusts
“sure you won’t come?” you trail your nails over his chest, asking for permission to take his shirt off.
he pulls it off in one swift movement before answering. “i told you. never.” his brown locks stick to his forehead, a thin layer of sweat sheathing his skin
the now accessible skin of his chest is now free real estate, and the trailing of your nails, gently drifting over his nipples down to his happy trail seems to be torturing him.
it annoys you though that he won’t look at you, opting to throw his head back, eyes closed.
it does however, give you an idea
you practically rip your shirt off, stiff nipples pointing straight up.
“pete, look at me,”
and now he can’t keep his eyes off you.
as if he’s never seen tits before, his eyes boggle as you continue sliding your cunt up and down.
a mixture of his precum and your wetness aids these movements, and peter thinks he could die happily right now.
but he remembers why this is all happening in the first place.
he can’t come
but he needs to come.
the slick, dirty sounds that come from below, the smell, the sensation, it’s all too much for poor pete.
“touch me,” you whisper, attempting to maintain dominance, but it’s getting hard to focus on anything with the coil building up in your stomach
peters shaky hands palm your tits, pinching your nipples and caressing your side.
“i can’t.. s’ too much..” he struggles to speak as your grinding gets deeper, shifting angles slightly.
“what’s too much. spit it out baby,”
“m’ gonna cum,” peters never felt this before. he’s been with girls. he’s fucked girls. and yet nothing has felt this overwhelming, this overstimulating, this good.
“come for me peter. i want you to come on my pussy.”
a warm burst hits your core as you spasm on his dick. your simultaneous orgasms hit like a tonne of bricks. the thick spurts of cum soak your underwear, more than previously thought possible.
you rest your head on peters shoulder, gasping for air.
“told you so,”
“fuck you,”
“next time.”
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monkey-minded · 2 years
Dpx DC prompt ? Ficlit? Idono
Phantom has a very odd relationship with batman and seems to have a hyperfixation on a few things
Wally (flash) noticed how phantom when ever he got heated he would look at his reflection and seem almost melancholy or worried
Hal had found Danny (always Danny his name is nothing else) washing his hair his eyes so focused on his hair that he didn't even see hal in the League bathroom and when hal calls his name he jumps as his hair turned to flame for a split second
The way Danny holds himself always confused captain marvel he was easily seven foot tall and buffer then superman himself yet he always made himself look smaller he made his skin more human(less bule less like ...) His voice hier pitched like a teens he felt like the opposite of billy
apparently batman also noticed these oddities and pulls him aside and then at the next meeting phantom is more relaxed he gives flower to batman and then a odd Lazarus green rock then schematics echtime with a thankful smile on his fanged bule skinned flaming haired on his face
And then tower of babel happened
And Danny doesn't survive or at least half of him doesn't
Foot note:
This is an au ware Danny looks like Dan after growing up joins the JLA and finds comfort in batman knowing how to deal with him Incase he ever became like Dan and then it blows up in his face cuz fenton luck be like that and is targeted like the rest of the teem by ra's al ghul but with batman having all this info on Danny phantom and it falling in to ra's al ghul's hands he has everything needed to stop Danny and Danny is ether dead half dead or presumed dead by the justice league I prefer it to be ambiguous
I like the idea that danny got souped by ra's al ghul
and like batman eventually finds it BUT it has been shut so hard that bats can't open the pickle jar that Danny is in and eventually has to seek out wonder woman or superman to open the soup prison but he did not tell them Danny is in there so they say no because they are rightfully mad at him and now and as batman dose he just doesn't properly communicate and once he finally gets someone to un pickle Danny infront of the League it's just
Batman: I said it was important
And then Danny is just there either not knowing what happened or having heard all of this and being disappointed by the JLA's communication skills or lake there of
Plz I need others to add to this idea it free real estate do what ever you want to it but plz do something
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panur · 9 months
Witcher!Jaskier Radskier AU
AU where the redenian crown needs to hire a witcher for witcher stuff and they hire witcher!Jask who of course looks something like
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and Radovid has never, EVER wanted to suck someone's dick so bad in his life
Vizimir: Look at me. look at me in the eyes. I want you to promise you're not gonna fuck the mutant Radovid, already planning to get the witcher to fuck him so hard he'll feel it for a month: I promise I wont fuck the mutant : )
#it's free real estate prompt just tag me so i can read
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notbecauseofvictories · 8 months
Halloween Week of Horror (Games)
It’s that most horrible time of year, and I've decided to explore the spooky world of text-based games. My list of games is cribbed from this post and this post.
DAY 2: 13 laurel road, unbecoming, what girls do in the dark, the open house, return
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13 laurel road 
an interactive fiction game about the relationships we have with places and reconciling with trauma. You play as a young man named Noah who has been tasked with picking up some things from his cousin’s old house.
This one was surprisingly affective, given that there is no objective horror—no jumpscares, no mysterious noises, no ghosts beyond the perfectly ordinary ones that plague all of us.
Still, the set up (a young man, tasked with grabbing some things from the old family house) and the conclusion (coming to terms with the intergenerational cycles we fall into, giving you the chance to break free from them) worked wonderfully for me. In particular, I liked the way the game conveyed Noah's internal conflict---the refrain of "I won't think about that," and the way that you as a player aren't quite clear who is still alive as you move through the abandoned family home.
...I am a little disappointed that there weren't ghosts though.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 1/10, mostly for ambient horror and decay
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a sonically-textured interactive horror fiction exploring cycles of trauma and unspeakable forces of nature in a mythic rural American landscape.
Well, damn. I think that’s the second time I’ve put that in my notes, but also—damn. Damn does this game deserve it. Despite the lack of images (just text, white and sharp except when bleeding into red) it felt extremely well-realized, lived in. Maybe it's just because I know these places, have been to these farms, have looked at Dust Bowl photographs of children on buckling front porches, but the scenery was its own character---which is amazing when there's no actual scenery.
Not to mention that the story gets into one of my soft places and digs---the fraught ritual and cycles of repeated harm; the kind of blurry boundaries that make such effective horror. Family as obligation and a horror story you can't always escape. Not to mention how the gameplay makes you complicit in continuing that horror...
SPOOKY LEVEL: 5/10, not necessarily overtly, but uh. There is a giant hungering pit, and corpses in beds.
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what girls do in the dark
This little game is based off one of the greatest fears they had as a teenage girl: showing up late to a stranger’s slumber party.
Of all the games on this list, this was the first one that—as soon as the credits rolled—I immediately wanted to play again. I wanted to see if I could get a different ending, if I could somehow "win." There’s just something about those haunting scraps of “maybe you could have saved yourself...” that tantalize you, and make you want to try for a happier ending.
....not to mention that I have a well-documented weakness for deals with the devil.
I'll also add that the almost MS DOS style prompts ("TAKE [ITEM]" "OPEN DOOR") were devastatingly effective; a way of narrowing your choices while also giving you the illusion of choice.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 3/10, given the blood and the creeping horror
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the open house
We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator!  Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollow Oak Lane, a familiar and comfortable showcase home in one of our premier developments!
This particular game is just cool as hell. As someone who (like many millennials) has been addicted to Zillow and other house-hunting websites, this landed with immediate effect. What if scrolling through virtual walkthroughs on your local house hunting website opened up a portal to the unknown? What if it showed murders immediately after they were committed? What if, as you go further and further into this virtual house, you were going out---into something vast, unknown, and chilling?
Amazing, clever, wonderful.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 5/10, largely for unreality and a couple creepy images that still linger with me.
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a text-based horror game about coming home
The more of these games I play, the more it becomes clear that what I like is horror that verges on the inexplicable—dream logic and images that refuse to resolve into reasonableness. I loved that here: the static, the mycelium, the pier with its strange dead-already fish, the self that guides you through the next cycle. What does it say about our horror stories if there is no going home? If it's just cycles of returning and rebirth and horror we can't escape?
(Sidenote, I am in love with Carver, and the little bit woven in about cybernetic/android assistive devices was tantalizing.)
Again, it's amazing how these text-based games manage to convey so much, so richly, with just words. Or maybe I just have an overactive imagination.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 7/10, just because the sense of unreality is so strong, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who doesn't enjoy that
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vigilskeep · 5 months
Hiya, do u have a carrd or anything with info on your ocs? I love reading about ocs n all that crap but the tumblr search function is like actually evil. Keir seems super interesting but it’s like killing me trying to find posts to recap his lore 😭
i don’t i’m afraid!! it’s just his enormous mess of a tag as the lore built up... i might make something sometime??? i hadnt thought abt it tbh. in the meantime feel free to ask me any and all questions even if it’s something i’ve probably already said, i love going over this stuff and will do so forever if even slightly prompted. on that note, if it helps, here is a briefly condensed version:
keir is a red personality (aggressive/direct) non-mage hawke. i did his full playthrough as a warrior, i sometimes talk about switching him to rogue, but the only really important thing is that he’s a reaver and will bite you for real
he’s a man of few words, extremely blunt and threatening to the point of being absurdly over-the-top with pretty much all strangers, and much softer but still bluntly earnest with the small group of people he considers his own. he considers himself first and foremost a protector and would do anything to keep those people safe. his father malcolm was a strict man who raised him to do this and he accepted that wholeheartedly. consider him a guard dog. killed his first templar in defence of the family aged 15
he adores and idolises magic and fiercely supports mage freedom, though ultimately he would absolutely sacrifice a wider “cause” if doing so would keep his mages safe. fortunately or unfortunately, he can’t do that because the two are inextricable
he’s a proud fereldan and cares very little for kirkwall (hates kirkwall. hates kirkwall. someone please get him out of here) and its nobility, which tends to show in his appearance and behaviour. long braided hair, the streak across his nose is kaddis, and takes his mabari, silla, absolutely everywhere
he’s elf-blooded via his father, who was the bastard son of a fereldan elven servant girl and an orlesian chevalier who was with the occupation
his playthrough has circle mage bethany. he adores her and he would do anything for her but her acceptance of her fate and disillusionment with his overprotectiveness meant they had an increasingly strained relationship. it was because she was trapped that he couldn’t leave the city. once he was champion, meredith essentially had a knife to his sister’s throat whenever she wanted his compliance, not to mention the looming threat to anders and merrill, making those three years the worst and most terrifying in his life
he romances anders! friendmance and they escape kirkwall together in the end. not always easy but he really loves him, justice half included. there’s a lot of lore here ummm if i mention the “and they were housemates” timeline, that’s my silly mutual pining alternate version of events where anders moves into the amell estate for safekeeping before he and keir actually get together. if i mention aura hawke, that’s the potential daughter i occasionally hc for them
he had previous relationships with morrigan (in lothering as young 20-somethings) and merrill (during act 1). you cannot keep him away from those romanceable mages
he’s still close friends with merrill. isabela is his best friend. he has a complicated, semi-antagonistic friendship with varric, who was really closer with anders but now after the fact doesn’t want to remember that. he deeply respects and is friends with fenris. he did rivalry with sebastian, but in an agree-to-disagree way where they considered each other friends nonetheless until All That happened. he had a more genuine rivalry with aveline though still coloured by their trauma bonding
i THINK those are the main beats of his lore but he’s my most discussed and developed dragon age character so i’m sure i’ve missed some of the assorted junkyard of thoughts
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twopoppies · 2 months
Thank you Gina, here are my prompts. Just a quick disclaimer, I've never written prompts before so I have no idea if they are too detailed or not detailed enough...
Historical (victorian) AU prompts:
Harry (his father isn't in the picture, his mother is very sick (maybe dementia), his older sister, Gemma doesn't want to marry -she's quite progressive. They are very private people) is new in town and attends a ball (he keeps to himself and stays in the shadows, so noone pays him any mind) where he first lays eyes on louis (who is an eldest son, his father passed away so he's the head of the house. Has an array of younger sisters and brothers) and falls for him. The next time he meets louis (at a ball again) he pretends to be a girl (he and Gemma are very close so he confides in her, she helps her get a dress and do his makeup and hair), and gets louis' attention. They dance, talk, and get to know each other. Louis starts courting him and then inevitably falls for him (thinking he's a girl). Since the Styles are new in town and Harry only had one public appearance when he wasn't dressed as a woman, no-one suspects anything. If his mum has dementia, she might even believe that Harry (aka Harriet) was always a girl.
Louis eventually asks for harry's hand, and he only then realised what he has done. He tries to break off the engagement but can't come up with a good enough reason, and louis doesn't let him go. Harry can't make himself leave him because a small part of him wants to believe that Louis will love him as a man as well. So they get married, only for louis to realise after the ceremony that harry is actually a man (maybe harry tells him, maybe he only learns the truth when he takes harry to bed and is surprised by what he finds under the wedding dress).
They have to work things out, but that part I leave to the imagination of the dear author, but I'd be happy to help come up with the rest too! Obviously if someone wants to use this prompt they are free to make it their own and change it however they like, but I imagine it to be angsty, moody, and a bit dark. With eventual smut, but I'm fine without it as well :)
And then I have some similar but less thought through ideas as well (also set in the victorian era):
1. harry and louis fall in love and want to get married, but obviously they aren't allowed to so they decide to make harry disappear. Harry reappears as a woman a couple months later, they pretend to court, and then get married. They still have to keep harry's identity a secret, so everyone thinks he's a woman. They navigate life to the best of their abilities, but the steward at their estate suspects something. They have to convince him of harry's womanhood, so they decide to announce that harry is pregnant (fake belly and everything). They maybe adopt in secret, or one of their family members who knows their secret agrees to be their surrogate etc. Obviously happy ending.
2. louis' best friend (I'd imagine the best friend to be niall) wants to play a prank on him, so he asks his cousin (harry) who is visiting town to dress up as a woman and try to seduce him. Harry ends up falling for him and asks niall to keep his identity a secret so he can woo louis. Louis reciprocates his feelings but harry is scared that if he found out that he's actually a man he would be disgusted. Louis actually knew he wasn't a real woman from the beginning (maybe when they were dancing harry got a bit too excited and louis felt it...), but is scared that harry is just pretending to like him and would be appalled by him if he confessed he knows, so doesn't say anything.
None of these are meant to be dress kink fics, but obviously if someone wants to write them that way, be it haha.
Hi, darling. Thank you. Hopefully someone looking for detailed prompts will see this!
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alj4890 · 1 year
Confession Time
(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a Choices Red Carpet Diaries/The Royal Romance Crossover drabble
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: finally kissing the friend you've been yearning for.
Rating: G for fluff
A/N THE FINAL PROMPT!!!! I know I'm a couple days late in posting this, luckily I missed a few days during the thirty days so technically I'm still on day thirty 🤣 It seemed appropriate to end this challenge like I began it, with my OTP Thomas and Amanda. Thanks @twinkleallnight for requesting them for this prompt. And to @hopelessromantic1352 for encouraging me to start the challenge. This is something my OTP do in just about every series of mine 😂 *I couldn't decide on which gif to use of my FC for Thomas, so both were used for the beginning of this drabble 😉*
@hopelessromantic1352 @trappedinfanfiction @my-heart-beats-for-ya ​ @aworldoffandoms ​​ @flyawayboo ​​ ​​  @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations @peonierose @krsnlove
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"Any news yet?"
Thomas directed the frown he had while staring at his phone to Holly.
She sighed while handing him his notes. "Did she say when she would let you know?"
"No. She did not."
Addison came rushing over.
"I finally found pictures of the coronation. I thought it would be live, but apparently there is some Cordonian rule against filming inside the ancient cathedral."
The three crowded around her phone to see photographs of Prince Liam being crowned king.
"Wow!" Addison gushed. "Liam is so handsome! He's like what you imagine every prince should look like."
Holly nodded in agreement.
"Look! There's Amanda!"
She scrolled back a picture and pointed at the duchess they all personally knew standing off to the side of the cathedral with other nobles.
Thomas's frown deepened.
She looks lovely, he thought. A possible queen in the making.
"I love her dress!" Addison babbled on. "I wonder if she'd mind my using something similar for your next film."
Holly doubted she would. "It's almost time boss."
"Right." He handed Addison her phone back. "Where are my notes."
"In your hand." Holly reminded him.
He grimaced somewhat over that.
"Try and smile!" Addison teased. "No one will ever want to see your latest film with that sour expression of yours."
Thomas rolled his eyes on his way to the podium. This press conference was tedious at best. He wanted nothing to do with it. The last thing on his mind, which should have been the first, was going into detail about his filming process.
He couldn't stop thinking about Amanda and the very real possibility that she'd be chosen as Liam's queen.
He'd become friends with the duchess when filming, The Last Duchess, in Cordonia a couple of years earlier. They'd grown close over their similar love of classic films and had managed to spend as much time together as possible. He took a lot of his free time to visit her in Cordonia along with her estates in Scotland and Italy. She in turn would visit him in California and on his various filming locations.
Their friendship came about so easily that he almost missed the realization that he'd fallen in love with her.
It wasn't until she told him about what typically happens when a crown prince or princess is about to become the new monarch that he realized he wanted to be with her.
"I know it sounds practically gothic." She tried to tease. "But every available lady of the Court must take part in being a suitor for Liam."
Thomas had been floored. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach, even with her adding that she truly didn't think she'd be chosen.
"Liam and I are too good of friends." She explained. "He knows I don't have those types of romantic feelings for him. Plus he knows I have no desire to be queen."
"Wouldn't your friendship make you a desirable choice?" Thomas countered. "After all, I imagine he would at least want someone he knows and trusts by his side if he can't find someone he loves."
"Love isn't a necessity in the Crown's eyes." Amanda mumbled. "I never thought about being chosen because I'm his friend."
Silence fell between them as the seriousness of the situation struck them both.
He knew he couldn't tell her how he felt about her now, especially not over the phone. Thomas wanted to see her face when he admitted to being in love. She deserved to have romance and everything he could possibly do to show her how special she truly was to him.
Even more so now that she was forced into what should be a reality show scenario.
After weeks of sporadic contact with Amanda, he'd been scouring the international news sources to try and figure out just whom Liam would pick as queen. There was an American in the mix who seemed a very likely candidate. Liam certainly appeared happy with her in all of Ana De Luca's interviews and pictures.
He didn't know if he was relieved or more worried that there weren't that many images of Amanda and Liam together. If anything, there were only photographs from their past used in articles that mentioned her. They seemed so comfortable around each other. No romantic glances. No lingering touches. Nothing at all to even hint at romance.
It gave him the one glimmer of hope Thomas needed.
"Good afternoon." He gruffly greeted the members of the press. "Thank you for coming."
He placed his phone near his notes in the hopes of hearing from Amanda soon.
Thomas delivered his usual thorough explanation of both his decisions in casting along with the filming techniques he used. After years of teaching, he couldn't help but give a lecture of sorts for each press event. The reporters typically appreciated it since it made their jobs easy and he knew they were sure to have all the pertinent information.
He checked the time once he opened the floor for questions. He knew there was a nine hour time difference between Los Angeles and Cordonia. That meant that Amanda was just in the full swing of the coronation ball, the very one Liam would announce his choice.
Thomas hoped she would send him some type of text letting him know if he would be able to invite her along on his press junket or if he would be invited to her wedding.
Should I go, he wondered. Could I stand to see her marry someone who isn't in love with her now knowing how I feel?
"Mr. Hunt?" One of the reporters said a touch louder.
Thomas looked up. "Yes?"
The room waited on his response.
"Could you repeat your question?" He asked.
"What made you decide on casting Ryan Summers as the bad guy?"
Thomas ran his hand through his hair while proceeding to answer what made him choose Hollywood's most suave and handsome as the sadistic, cold, and manipulative antagonist.
His phone vibrated, causing him to pause mid-sentence.
The person he most wanted and dreaded hearing from finally sent him a message.
I'm on my way home. Liam chose Madeleine and I will have a few weeks of freedom before the next round of court events to celebrate their upcoming wedding. I have so much to tell you! I'm exhausted from this social season and am ready to collapse in bed. I will call you tomorrow 😘
Thomas had a huge smile on his face once her message was reread. He kept up the answer of Ryan's character while his mind raced with the possibilities.
He couldn't wait to start.
Two days later...
Thomas pushed away from his car the moment Amanda stepped out of her plane. Her smile nearly matched his in delight of seeing each other after months of being apart.
He walked over to meet her at the end of the stairs, chuckling when she practically fell into his arms for a hug.
"Hello." He responded when she finally looked up at him.
"Hello!" She tilted her head. "You grew a beard."
He subconsciously rubbed his cheek. "I did."
She smiled, pressing a kiss to where his hand had been. "It suits you."
He closed his eyes over that simple touch. His mind immediately went to going ahead and telling her what he wanted from her, then he argued with himself that he should at least allow her a chance to recover from her travels.
"It feels so good to be here again." She looped her arm with his as they walked to his car. "I've never wanted to escape Cordonia as much as I have these last few months."
"Was it that bad?"
"Yes and no." She hugged his arm. "It was more tedious than anything else. Having to constantly be my best duchess persona without a chance to really relax was grating. I know it was worse on Liam."
As they drove off, she seemed to become sadder.
"What happened?" He asked. "From the few snippets of news we were able to see, it looked like Liam might choose the woman from New York."
"He intended to."
Amanda told him the entire story. His eyebrows rose a few times as she related the mysterious circumstances.
"So, he couldn't choose her?" Thomas felt a great deal of sympathy for Cordonia's young king.
"Not until he finds out who set her up." Amanda huffed. "I wish there was something more we could do. At least Riley didn't return to New York. Maxwell and Bertrand were able to convince her to stay. Liam asked though that we all wait to speak to her until the engagement tour starts. He doesn't want us to cause whoever did this to become suspicious."
"So you'll have to return to Cordonia?" Thomas frowned some at the notion.
"I don't have to, but I feel like I should help as much as I can. Liam deserves to be with the one he loves."
"I see." He muttered.
Amanda's brow furrowed as she studied his stern profile. "Is something wrong?"
His frown deepened. "Only that I intended on inviting you to come with me on my press tour."
"You did?"
He glanced at her face and saw just how happy that suggestion made her.
He reached for her hand, squeezing it in response.
"I did." He shrugged. "I've missed you and thought it would be nice to spend time with you. Plus, your company would make this part of my job much more pleasant."
"It would?" Her smile grew bigger.
"Yes." He replied.
"Where will you be going?"
"The usual spots. London, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, Tokyo, New York." He listed. "A few other spots along the way."
"Hmm. A few of those are where the Court will be traveling. I don't suppose you'd have time to attend some court events with me during this?" She asked.
"I could." He eyed her. "I would make time for them if you wanted me to."
"Then I don't see why I couldn't travel with you!"
Amanda began to explain some of the upcoming dinners and balls to him. He noticed that the idea of his attending with her made her more excited than the actual events.
He found his own heart grow lighter as he drove her to his home. Perhaps all these romantic settings would help lead her into the next step he wished to take.
A few nights later...
Thomas finished getting dressed. He checked his reflection once more. He normally wasn't a man to second guess his appearance to the degree he was tonight, but he'd come to some decisions.
Tonight would be the night he teased the idea of the two of them together to Amanda.
He'd made dinner reservations at 71Above. With Los Angeles on a gorgeous display at night from the windows, he planned on beginning to flirt with her. He knew it was one of her favorite restaurants here, especially for the view. His hope was that the romantic atmosphere along with his own actions might awaken a possible interest in Amanda.
He stepped out of his bedroom the same moment Amanda did hers.
Her shy smile flashed.
His own lips curved as his eyes swept over her figure. She'd clearly spent a lot of time trying to look her best. The crimson dress she wore was perfect for what he had in mind. It took all his self control to not step closer to her and wrap his arm around her waist.
"Thomas?" She asked hesitantly.
"Is something wrong?"
"Not at all." He gave himself a mental shake to stop staring at her.
He offered his arm to her, making her smile in response.
"You'll have to forgive me." He said as he led her downstairs.
"For staring. Red is most definitely your color."
A blush rose to her cheeks.
"You're forgiven." She teased.
He chuckled. "I'm going to be the envy of everyone at the restaurant."
Amanda scoffed at that notion.
"I believe I will be the envy of everyone." Her hazel eyes drifted along his tall frame, lingering upon his face. "How could I not be?"
Thomas covered her hand that rested in the bend of his arm with his own. He was ready to keep her here and show just the effect her words had on him.
Instead, he led her out to the waiting car and instructed their destination to their driver.
He then sat back beside her and planned.
"I insist on you ordering whatever you want." Amanda told him. "Dinner is on me in thanks for inviting me to spend the next few weeks with you."
She began to study the menu. "This and every other dinner we have."
"There's no need to do that."
"Of course there is!" She smiled at him. "You are always so gracious in opening your home up for me whenever I visit The States. The least I can do is pay for our evenings out."
"If you insist on owing me, then I believe I would like something else other than dinner." He countered.
Amanda's lips twitched with suppressed laughter. "Oh? Is it a car you wish me to purchase?"
He chuckled, draping his arm behind her shoulders. Thomas scooted a touch closer to her, his eyes never leaving her face.
"What I want, doesn't require money." He explained. "It only requires you."
Her brow furrowed in thought. "Me? For what?"
"I want our nights together to be actual dates. And since I'm the one doing the asking, I should pay for our dinner."
Her menu slipped through her fingers and slid off the table.
"I'm sorry." She whispered in disbelief. "What did you say?"
Thomas gently cupped her cheek. He brushed his thumb along her jawline and watched as a deep blush bloomed on her cheeks. It gave him hope that she might feel like he did.
"I realized a few months ago that what I feel for you goes beyond friendship."
Her lips parted in surprise.
"I intended to tell you then but you had to participate as a suitor for Liam." His eyes rested on her mouth then rose back to capture her startled gaze. "I didn't think it right for you to have to give me an answer while also possibly having to marry another friend of yours."
"So you..." Amanda sucked in a shaky breath. "You're attracted to me?"
"In every single way." He clarified. "I've never felt this way about anyone before."
Her eyes widened in response.
Thomas waited patiently for her to say something about her own feelings.
Their waiter came by, interrupting the charged moment.
"Is this going to be one check?" He asked.
"Yes." Amanda answered.
Her smile made Thomas's heart race.
"My date will take care of the check."
The next few hours, Thomas set out to charm Amanda. And in turn, she did the same to him. The smiles, the flirty comments, the heated glances and touches all pointed to this transition being successful. They were definitely moving from a close friendship into a romantic relationship.
Thomas was honestly surprised how easily they stepped into these new roles. There was no awkwardness nor hesitancy on either part.
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" He asked once dinner was done. "Or would you like to go back home?"
He leaned close to her, bracing his arm above her head, when they got into the elevator.
"We could go for a swim or watch a movie." His fingers drifted down her bare arm pausing at her waist. "We won't be interrupted there."
"I'd like that." Amanda's hands rested on his chest.
They slid up to wind around his next, tugging him closer to her.
The elevator opening along with the sound of voices from those waiting to go up to the restaurant made them slowly pull apart.
Grasping her hand, he edged his way through the crowd, nodding to those who called out to him. He ignored the photos being taken of them and held the door open for Amanda.
Once they were safely back in the town car, Thomas raised the privacy barrier.
"I think I should confess something." Amanda said, making him pause in touching her.
"Oh? Sounds ominous." He teased.
She laughed, shaking her head. "I have been working up the nerve for nearly a year to tell you that I wanted more."
Her eyes raised to his.
"That I wanted you to be mine."
Now it was his turn to be shocked.
"You were thinking the same way?"
She nodded.
His lips curved as he drew her close to his side. "Then I suppose neither of us can ever deny our feelings for each other."
"That's true." She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "I know I certainly can't. Not now since I know you feel the same way about me."
"Amanda." He moaned, turning and capturing her lips in a deep kiss.
Her hand slid up his chest to tangle in his hair. Her tongue brushed against his, needing more of his touch.
His hands moved along her thighs and lower back. He knew he should slow down and pace their interactions, but each time he heard her say something he'd hoped to hear from her he couldn't stop his need from rising up and taking over.
He couldn't deny how much he wanted her. Since she not only returned his affection but encouraged him to take it another step further. He knew he was a goner.
Amanda checked the time. She knew they had about an hour or more until they reached his home. She unbuckled and straddled his lap. Their mouths met in a steamy kiss while their hands explored the other through their clothes.
Between the kisses and caresses that were fogging up the windows, the couple expressed their hopes for their new future together. Each wish was met with a more tender kiss than the last.
16 notes · View notes
weewoo911 · 1 month
Look I’m just saying if Tommy is getting a medal you can’t tell me Buck won’t want him to wear it during sex
Or Buck will want to wear it - either way ✨
167 notes · View notes
creativia10 · 2 years
(title pending) Ghost Logan in Poly
Virgil had been planning on moving into a house with his friend/crush Roman. However, when Roman realizes Virgil found an actual haunted house to move into, Roman refuses to live there. Virgil tries to get to know the honestly not dangerous ghost and tries to convince Roman that it really is ok to join him in the house. All the while a blooming relationship is forming between human friends and ghost.
Relationships: romantic Analogical, romantic LAMP, background Dukeceit
Wordcount: 8491
Warnings: ghost Logan
Notes: Tuliptober Prompt 31- Free day
I considered just switching who in Dukeceit was the ghost, but I wanted to put more of a spin on it than that. Plus, I don’t often write Remus’ pov. It still intimidates me. I also considered making Virgil the ghost, but that almost seemed too obvious. Plus, he was the other one of the sides’ characters I could see actually being excited about living with a ghost. So with that, I thought Logan matched closest to ghost Janus’ vibe and thought this way sounded interesting.
(end note for Tuliptober series will be separate post. )
Based on @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors Ghost au
Virgil hadn’t been trying to find a haunted house to live in. No really, he wasn’t. He just found himself curious about them with his interest in ghosts. He tried to look up the history of the houses he was looking at living in anyways. The adult son, Logan, of a family who had owned the turn-of-the-century house had contracted the Spanish flu and died in the house. He was supposedly buried on the property somewhere. Virgil wasn’t sure how they’d be able to put the house on the market without listing that in the records somewhere. So he didn’t really have any confirmation for that.
Someone young died before their time in this house? Yeah, Virgil had to find out if the guy’s spirit was still around. It was better to know that sort of thing anyways so he could prepare himself.  Virgil was pretty sure his real estate agent, Mindy, thought he was some sort of Freak. She hadn’t said anything, of course, considering he actually wanted to look at her least desirable houses.
It was nerve-wracking to ask her if they could do the walkthroughs at night if possible, he knew it was strange. But he also figured it would give him a higher of figuring out if there was an actual ghost on the property. This time though, she obliged him of his strange request.
Virgil didn’t bother trying to hide the spirit box he brought with him as he walked up to join Mindy in front of the house. Like pretending he wasn’t holding the contraption would eliminate the weirdness of it. Virgil coughed.
“Uh, ready.” Then he flipped the spirit box on.
Mindy glanced at the device but chose not to comment.
“…Right,” she said, unlocking the door and leading him inside.
Mindy chatted about the houses’ features. Two bedrooms, good for his roommate situation. Virgil’s attention was divided though as he also listened to the spirit box. So far, it was just static.
“You mind if I walk around on my own for a bit?” Virgil asked.
Mindy eyed the contraption again and then slowly nodded.
“The owner doesn’t live here, and it’s between tenants, so there’s nothing you shouldn’t touch. Just-be careful.”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, of course I will.”
Virgil hurried his pace carefully up the set of stairs.
There was a widow’s walk up there that had the most reports of apparitions. Virgil figured he had the highest chance of seeing an apparition there.
“H-hello?” Virgil asked. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “Are there any spirits here willing to speak with me?”
The box cycled. Virgil didn’t hear anything.
“Is Logan here?” he tried, “Will you talk to me?”
“No,” hissed the box, “Go away,”
Virgil jumped with a gasp, fumbling the box for a moment.
“Whoa…so cool.”
He actually got an intelligent response…on his second try! And then a full, if short, sentence. That exceeded his expectations.
“Uh, don’t worry! I don’t mean you any harm. My name is Virgil!” Virgil exclaimed. He was practically vibrating. “Did you mean no as in you’re not Logan, or no, you don’t want to talk to me?”
Virgil shook himself. That was probably too complicated of a question. He should know not to go for more than yes-and-no-
“Talktoyou,” spat the box.
“Oh my gosh,” said Virgil. “Oh my gosh, you’re an actual ghost in here. That is so heckin’ cool! You’re so cool oh my gosh! And you’re having a whole heckin- full blown conversation with my oh my gosh you’re so smart! You must be. Okay, okay, so you are Logan then?”
There was a longer pause this time. Virgil held his breath.
Virgil jumped again slightly. Less so than the first time though. He then pumped his fist in the air.
“Awesome! Logan, you have totally just made my day- week, month, year, oh my, you are just, literally actually just talking to me! This is so stinkin’ cool!”
Virgil paused to take a breath and reign himself in. He was getting very excited, but he didn’t want to scare Logan off.
“Okay, Logan. I won’t make you talk to me if you don’t want to. Just know your very existence here, to me, is really cool. I hope you don’t mind me looking into this house. The last thing you need is more residents disturbing your peace. I’m hoping I can find some way not to disturb your ghostly existence if you’ll give me the chance though. I’ll try my best to make accommodations for you. You did live here first after all.”
Virgil winced at his last sentence, he probably could have worded that better.
Virgil waited a moment to see if he’d get anything else, then he started to turn around. But then, Virgil noticed in the corner of his eye, the delicate outline of a hand, a partial apparition-
On instinct, Virgil reached for the hand, but it vanished before he even got close. His hand closed around on nothing but cold, empty air. Virgil caught his breath again.
He made his way down the stairs. He was smiling when he made his way over to Mindy. For some reason, she jumped upon seeing him there suddenly.
“I think this might be the one.”
“…Yeah?” said Mindy, looking cautiously excited.
Virgil nodded.
“Yeah, like you said. Sometimes you just feel the perfect one in your heart. I am sure feeling that.”
Logan watched as the latest human chattered with the real estate agent about buying the house as they left. Logan felt…well, strange. This was not how these typical interactions went. Not that Logan had very many, especially not as of late. A potential buyer bringing in a spirit box was odd. Most people who had heard the house was haunted and still wanted to buy it were the ones who didn’t actually believe that it was haunted. But this man-Virgil- had been looking to see if he was there. He seemed to be relatively sure about Logan’s potential ghostly existence there. He spoke to Logan…and seemed very excited to speak to Logan. 
Gosh. Logan could barely recall the last time someone actually wanted to talk to him. It must have easily been decades then. Granted, much of it came from the fact that Logan was well a ghost. But even still though, he’d take what he could get. Virgil still seemed to treat Logan with a certain level of respect, from what Logan could tell.
Logan tried to humor Virgil the next few times he came to his house. It started to become easier to use that little screaming box the more he did. He could still only manage short sentences though. That would not fly. Logan hated his communication is so limited. It was one of the most frustrating parts of being a ghost. Logan had been known for his long-winded contributions to a conversation when he was alive. It was something he missed honestly. Like another part from his life lost.
At least Virgil didn’t seem to mind though. The other did his best to keep up a conversation with Logan, even if it was just a retelling of his day. He always seemed delighted to simply be able to chat with Logan at all. Even if with this restriction Logan was a truly abysmal conversation partner.
Logan found he wasn’t dreading this new roommate though. Unlike how he usually was.
Renters didn’t seem to want to stay in the house very long. Logan rolled his eyes as he thought about it.It wasn’t that he didn’t understand the fear of ghosts. That just didn’t make it any less annoying when at times he would hardly do anything. There had been a constant rotation of irritating, skittish families. It was exhausting.
Especially when Logan would find himself fading to almost nothing for a few weeks. He’d wake up to find the entire house full of new furniture, people, and everything. There was only so much he could do to avoid scares when he wasn’t fully in control of where he faded into. There was a time he tried to be more accommodating. He just didn’t see the point anymore.
Logan was someone who liked to have more control of things in his life when he was alive. Getting sick and having to deal with the nebulousness of being a spiritual entity was not fun. The way he was unable to grasp onto time and the newer technologies was frustrating as well. He used to love new technology. He loved being very knowledge about what was considered intellectual knowledge of his time. Yet, now he was very much not on top of things.
 So he tended to hate the new things on the sheer basis of no longer being in on knowing about their function. He actually got headaches for these new things when he tried to wrap his brain around them.
But Virgil- he came several times before he moved in. He greeted Logan politely and sometimes shared fun facts about himself while being generally cordial. It felt like Virgil was waiting on something though.
Maybe even…waiting on Logan.
Ah. Maybe he was hoping for some sign of approval that it was okay for Virgil to move in? Logan would almost think it was out of protective instincts. But Virgil has loosened up more as their almost conversations had continued. Logan didn’t think Virgil was scared of him. More likely, Virgil wanted to respect his wants. Respect Logan’s claim on the house he had died in. It was very considerate, and something Logan had not received ever since passing.
He thought it fair to give Virgil the permission he was seeking.
The next time Virgil arrived, Logan watched as he set up the little box on the kitchen counter. Logan summoned all his energy and tapped the little box to speak first as soon as it was ready,
“Salutations,” He said. Logan tried his best to enunciate, but it seemed distortions were inevitable with the creaming machine. Perhaps communication would continue better if Logan practiced speaking out loud on his own. He hated how this thing screeched.
Virgil gaped and his eyes widened. He looked around the area, before directing his gaze back to the box.
“Uh, hey Lo!” Virgil said enthusiastically. “You usually don’t start so chatty when I come by. Are you glad to see me?”
Logan took a breath he didn’t really need.
“Yes,” he said. Virgil gasped and then his face split into a grin.
“…Yeah? It’s good to hear from you too.”
Logan felt like he could smile too. Perhaps this was something new that he could be ok with.
On move-in day, Virgil brought in his ghost equipment first. He hoped this wouldn’t seem like it was going against his promise of meaning no harm. But Virgil wasn’t going to do anything to Logan from this of course. He couldn’t help his curiosity. Virgil set up a camera system and thermometers in each room. Also, an EMF recorder in the widow’s walk and the two bedrooms that shared a wall, which seemed to be the spots Logan had the easiest time talking in. Virgil couldn’t leave the spirit bow on all the time, but he wanted to try and catch any glimpse of Logan that he could even when it was off.
“I’m just doing my gear right now,” Virgil spoke into the phone as he hooked up the camera in the kitchen.
Roman sighed on the phone. “When will you be done then? Pat wants to be sure you won’t try to move in yourself.”
Virgil huffed. “Just come tomorrow. I’m too much of an anxious mess to do that anyways. Remy is gonna lend me the truck tomorrow to start bringing in my actual stuff,” said Virgil.
Roman hmmed.
“Roman, it really is fine.”
“No Virgil, it is not.”
In Virgil’s excitement about meeting an actual ghost, there was something he forgot to consider. He was planning to move into this house with someone else. His friend/crush Roman. Roman pretty much refused to go near the house as soon as he learned it was haunted. It was disheartening. Virgil was excited about the house, but he had also been looking forward to moving in somewhere with Roman. He hoped he’d be able to eventually convince Roman to give the place a chance. For now, Roman crashed with his brother Remus who was living with his boyfriend Janus. Since they lived near the new house.
“You moved into the most haunted house you’ve ever successfully recorded something in, said Roman, “On purpose. You chat with the ghost like it’s your friend.”
“Hey,” said Virgil, “I think he is my friend. It’s really not bad. Nothing has really seemed dangerous about this.”
Virgil heard Roman scoff. There was an abrupt hissing sound from the other room, and Virgil stilled.
“Hold on,” he said. Virgil moved into the living room. He found that Logan slid his box containing the camera set-up Virgil hadn’t gotten to yet in this room from one corner to another.
“Whoa,” Virgil couldn’t help but still be amazed every time he saw something new from Logan.
“Why did you do that, Lo? Is something wrong?”
“I hear you talking to it,” groused Roman. Virgil sighed.
“Him, Ro,” Virgil corrected, “Okay, Lo, I’ll put the camera in that corner instead. I’ll get out the spirit box in case you want to tell me why you even care.”
There was no response, but hopefully, Logan still heard him. So Virgil moved back to finish in the kitchen.
“Fine, he,” said Roman, “He who is dead, and probably not all that there. He could totally pull a Poltergeist on you. Then I will have to live with knowing my b- friend experienced the plot of a horror movie.”
“Ro..,” said Virgil, “Lo’s cool. He’s actually, kinda sweet.”
Roman paused for a long moment.
“Virgil,” Roman said with a hint of something unreadable.
“Please tell me you are not developing a crush on this ghost.”
Virgil sputtered. That was the last thing he wanted Roman to think.
Someone spoke on Roman’s end of the line too indistinct for him to make out. Roman sighed.
“Yeah yeah, I’m aware you don’t believe in ghosts, Janus,” said Roman. “When Virgil is ready to let us over to his new place, I’m sure you can share you skepticism to your heart’s content.”
“Oh, I think Lo make a believe out of him yet.” Said Virgil, “He talks to me just like anyone, there’s no way to explain it away.”
There was another sliding noise, this time in the back hall. Virgil went over to where he’d heard it, and found that Logan had again moved his box of equipment, this time toward the back door.
“And, he has opinions on the camera setup, apparently.”
Roman made a distressed noise at that. Virgil sighed again.
“I’ll find a way to show it really is ok here, Ro. I’m gonna go for now to see what he wants. Don’t panic. I’ll check in with you periodically.”
Virgil hoped that getting other friends to see that Logan wasn’t bad would help him to eventually convince Roman to move in with him. He didn’t know if Logan would be comfortable with that either, but maybe this would convince him.
Virgil’s…equipment set Logan’s teeth on edge. Virgil had explained that these were more devices like the screaming box, things that would help him to see and talk to and interact with Logan. It’s just that, it felt like a lot. Something in every room, and facing out in the yard where Logan’s urn was buried somewhere. He didn’t really remember.
Virgil was doing everything he could, it seemed, to meet Logan properly. But this wasn’t just for Virgil apparently. Virgil had brought over a friend. Logan wasn’t sure how he felt about it. This person seemed nice enough, and didn’t completely freak out when Virgil mentioned wanting to show him that his new ghost roommate was nice. Logan didn’t want to be some sideshow, but he didn’t think that was Virgil’s intention anyways.
Logan had been trying to figure out what the issue was, with context clues and a bit of eavesdropping. Virgil wanted someone named Roman to join him in moving in. Logan didn’t understand the significance. Clearly, this was a relationship Virgil valued, with this person. And yet he wasn’t just leaving Logan either. It was nice in a way, even if Logan didn’t understand it.
So this current friend visiting, who wasn’t Roman. He wore glasses, like Logan’s own. He smiled but with uncertainty. Not outright skittish like some Logan had seen in the past, but not as open as Virgil. Logan didn’t understand the point of this.
“It’s possible nothing will happen, of course. I get the feeling he’s shy around other people, which is honestly understandable.”
The friend nodded. “Lo?”
“Oh,” Virgil blushed and shuffled.
“Yeah, his name is Logan. I probably should have made sure a nickname was ok first, hm? Here. Hey Lo! Do you like it if I call you Lo as a nickname? Knock once for no, twice for yes.”
Logan didn’t hesitate to almost immediately double knock, just inside the wall of the room they were in. Both Virgil and the friend startled. Then Virgil smiled fondly.
“Sweet,” he crowed.
“Oh my gosh,” said the friend, “I heard that.”
Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh yeah, he hasn’t done that before. It’s probably easier than using that spirit bow.”
 Logan had been practicing when he had the space to on his own, to talk out loud. Because he found that, for the first time in decades, he really wanted to talk to someone. To properly talk to Virgil.
Virgil placed his hand on the spot Logan’s knock had come from.  Logan found himself longing to be able to press his hand right alongside Virgil. Virgil ran his thumb over the old drypaper with a smile.
“Oh! That reminds me.”
Virgil guided Patton over to where he could watch the videos from the cameras set up. Logan of course followed.
“Wow,” Virgil breathed. Logan hovered over their shoulders to get a look at whatever it was they were seeing, “Ghostlights everywhere. In every room, and a lot of them. You sure do move around a lot, Lo.”
Yeah, thought Logan fondly, I was following you.
“But you seem to like this room best. It probably used to be yours, didn’t it?”
Logan didn’t really need to respond. He noticed though that Virgil seemed to like it better when he did. He knocked firmly on the floor twice, figuring Virgil would remember it had meant yes earlier. The friend jumped again and looked at the spot on the floor where Logan had knocked.
Virgil smiled and nodded. “Yeah I thought as much.” Then his face fell slightly.
“Wait, is it okay for me to still stay in this room? Oh, why didn’t I think about that earlier? Logan decided then that Virgil’s distress was a higher priority than possibly spooking the friend.
Logan knocked twice again, even louder. Virgil relaxed.
“Ok, thanks. Just let me know if that changes. I don’t want to seem like I’m taking anything of yours, even if I technically own this house now,”
“Virgil,” The friend gently put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“This Lo-or Logan, made an effort to reassure you that sleeping here was ok when you were in distress. As far I’m concerned, that’s a sure good sign that this is okay. And uh, I trust your judgement about this. He seems nice. I look forward to getting to know him more with you.”
That brought a warm feeling to Logan. Warmth. Gosh, had he ever felt warm since he died? Considering his last living moments he was wracked with chills, it had likely been even longer.
Virgil smiled at his living friend. “Thanks Patton, I really appreciate it.
Patton. Maybe he could use this. For his friend and potential other friend, Patton, who also seemed nice. Logan focused on the warm feeling, putting all his focus into it, and spoke,
“Hello, Virgil…friend,” He said. Logan watched Virgil’s face light up even as he instantly felt drained and exhausted. Patton looked shocked for a moment before his face lit up as well. That had definitely been worth it. Being able to make someone he cared about smile again.
It was nice when communicating with Logan became easier and more normal. Almost like living with any other roommate. Virgil could call out across the house and almost always get an answer in response. Which was so wild and amazing. Virgil was glad he had gotten distracted from his initial plan to document everything to take to the public as proof of ghosts’ existence. He wouldn’t want to do that now. Logan was special. Logan could be a normal ghost or something completely unique.
It was nice to share this special thing with Patton for now as well. Patton was starting to come over more. He didn’t always have an experience with Logan, like that first time with the knocking. Ghostly events, you could almost call them, took energy out of Logan. Patton was there for a lot of them though. Virgil was starting to feel a softness for Patton as well. He was gentle, kind, understanding, and patient with ghostly circumstances.
On the increasingly rare occasions Logan couldn’t call back, he’d know to let Virgil know he’d heard him. Virgil would switch to yes or no questions until Logan’s voice came back. Patton was good with these adjustments as well. Neither of them had seen Logan yet though.
There had been more glimpses like that first day. Shadows in the corner of Virgil’s eyes, the shape of a wrist, the swirl of a coat disappearing around the corner of another doorway. These were usually with Virgil alone. But as Patton started to come over more, he saw a couple of glimpses as well.
Each one left Virgil’s heart pounding. He fought to keep his voice steady every time he turned to the shape and greeted Logan, even after it had vanished from sight. Virgil wanted to see Logan so badly. He suspected Patton did as well.
(Not to mention, he had some level of self-awareness. He knew what it meant when he felt the flip in his chest when Logan called out to him. The way his breath stuttered when he saw glimpses and the way he ached to Logan’s face like he was missing something desperately. He was definitely screwed.)
There had been more glimpses closer together that day-the full shape of a sleeve. When Patton was over earlier, he mentioned seeing something that might have been a wave. Then that fraction of a moment where they both thought they saw a face. Virgil could tell because they both silently exchanged a look Virgil’s heart had nearly leaped into his throat. At one point, Virgil had been sure Logan was simply standing in a doorway, but when he turned to look it had been empty.
Virgil didn’t point it out though, no matter how excited each time made him. Virgil could practically feel how ghost him would be self-conscious about such a thing. If Logan was trying, if he was doing it on purpose, it could have embarrassed him into stopping. It could make him feel bad if he didn’t manage it today.
So Virgil would be patient. For Logan. It was worth it to wait. He continued about his day trying to be subtle about the way he watched and hoped.
Virgil didn’t know how he would have expected it to go.
Logan simply walked into their bedroom. There was figure standing there, plain as day.
They stared a each other for a moment. It had to be Logan. Logan’s eyes widened a little as their eyes met.
“…Lo?” asked Virgil, voice cracking.
Logan’s eyes widened even further. His lips flickered into a smile as he nodded.
“Salutations,” he said, the same voice Logan had been hearing for weeks.
The moment was here, and Virgil could barely manage speak. He took a shaky step towards Logan.
“You’re…it’s really you. I’m really seeing you.”
Logan was a little see-through, not quite gray-scale but his colors were washed out toward silvery. It was pretty in an ethereal sort of way. Logan looked down and shuffled a bit.
“…yes.” They both walked towards each other slowly. Logan reached out a hand as though to meet his hand like Virgil had pictured with that time in the kitchen. Virgil mirrored him and stopped his hand just in front of Logan’s. Then he pushed his hand forward as though to complete the almost high five.
Virgil’s hand passed right through Logan’s. Virgil felt a shock of sensation, like dunking his hand in a bucket of ice water. Logan’s face flickered into a frown. Logan lowered his hand.
“Hey” said Virgil soothingly, “It’s ok, Lo. I’ll live without a high five.”
Virgil had a brief moment of wanting to facepalm from his own word choice when Logan smiled again and laughed. A dazzling, and half-echo-y and beautiful oh. Yeah, Virgil really couldn’t deny it now. Virgil had definitely fallen for his ghost roommate.
The more Logan appeared to another, the easier it became. On his best days, he simply walked around the house visible without having to think much about it. It was a wonderful experience he continued to favor.
It was almost heady, to with another again. To spend time with Virgil in silence and know that even when he didn’t speak Virgil knew that he was there and cared that he was. Wanted Logan there.
Even though Virgil’s friend Patton had seen signs of Logan, and didn’t look scared anymore, Logan was still hesitant to visibly show to another.
Logan walked between rooms of the house to find Virgil instead of simply appeared. He spoke without prompting, asked him questions, told him things even when he hadn’t been asked. Not to mention now Virgil could respond to Virgil based on something he observed with Logan.
Logan hmmed audibly. Virgil looked up and quirked his brow in curiosity.
Logan looked up.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Virgil set down what he was doing.
“Yes, but you have that ‘I’m annoyed with technology’ glare on your face. What is it this time?”
Logan frowned. He didn’t realize he had been obvious in his glaring at Virgil’s device.
Logan sighed and gestured at it.
“My tablet? Do you know why?”
They’d figured out that if they could identify what annoyed him about the object, Virgil could often explain it in  a way that it became less frustrating.
Logan shrugged. “I don’t know. The laptop doesn’t bother me anymore.”
Virgil hummed and looked it over.
“Could it be the touch screen? Does my phone bother you too?”
Virgil got out his phone as an example. Logan thought it over and then nodded. Virgil waved him over.
“Maybe if I show you some of the gestures it’ll help.”
Logan walked across the room and sat beside him. Close enough that he could feel the heat radiating off of Virgil’s body. Another returned sensation. Logan had slowly been able to distinguish temperatures, despite sucking all the heat out of the air around them like a sponge himself.
Virgil demonstrated several gestures with the tablet. What helped was the explanation on how touch screen worked by detecting things that conducted electricity. Like a bare human finger.
 It helped Logan to relax. He let Virgil’s voice wash over him, feeling warm, real, and well almost alive.
Virgil found he had a bit of a problem. He definitely had a crush on Logan. A pretty big one. But he already had a crush on his friend Roman. And now, Patton was starting to get added to the mix. Virgil wasn’t really sure what to do. But Logan was the one Virgil lived with. He was the one Virgil was around the most and therefore caused the gushiest heart palpitations. The one he was surer of with how he felt at the moment, for some reason. So, he could start there.
Virgil was almost nervous to head over, but he wasn’t sure who else to talk to about this. Virgil gulped. Janus raised a brow as he let Virgil in.
“Roman’s not here,”
“I’m uh, not here for him.” Virgil kept walking before Janus could question him further.
Virgil sighed and let himself into Remus’s room.
“I need your help…but I need you to not tell Roman about it.”
Remus gave him a curiosu look.
“Ohh? Sounds spicy if you’re keeping a secret from brother dearest.”
“It’s like, not a secret or anything, just, I dunno. Just don’t tell him, please and don’t tell him I told you not to tell him.”
Remus rolled and tsked at him with a headshake.
“Well now you’ve piqued my interest.”
“It’s related to like squishy feelings and stuff.”
Remus wrinkled his nose. “I am not giving you dating advice related to my brother. Believe it or not, I have standards.”
“What? No! Nothing like that, gosh!”
Okay, Virgil was definitely blushing now.
Remus hmmed, not seeming convinced.
“Alright, are you ditching my brother then?”
“There’s nothing to ditch! We’re friends.”
“Mhm, just get on with it then.”
Virgil huffed out a breath.
“I think I might like my ghost roommate.”
Remus’s eyebrows raised. Then he gave Virgil an unhinged grin.
“Hell yeah dude, get that ghost bod!”
Virgil groaned. “You don’t have to say it like that! Anyways, you seem likely to have some idea how to do that. And don’t just recommend uncomfy things! Give me actual advice.”
Remus hmmed and stroked his mustache.
“First, let’s eliminate the impossible. Can he leave the house?”
Virgil thought.
“I don’t know actually,” He said slowly, “I don’t think he’s ever tried?”
“Probably not then,” said Remus, “So you can come up with something indoors, no eating, or electronics, that could limit you to Netflix movies…”
Virgil nodded. “That could work. That’s like go to stuff for me, although it would be nice if we could leave the house though.”
Remus nodded.
“Yeah he’s incorporeal and bound to the house, so he’d need a body.”
Virgil blinked, “What?”
Remus gave him a look.
“Are you actually suggesting I purposefully let him possess me? I mean, I don’t doubt he wouldn’t hurt me, but I’m still not sure,”
Remus started giggling and clapping his hands, “Oh that sounds like so much fun. Please let me know how it goes. I can only imagine the super kinky stuff that could happen from that. Hey, if you don’t want to, can I be his meat bag?”
“No!” Virgil exclaimed. Remus merely giggled again.
Janus sighed as he stopped by Remus’s door. “Really? Virgil this is truly getting ridiculous, I hardly think-“
“Whoa, what’s going on here? Who is congregating by Remus’s door?” Roman asked as he came back into the apartment.”
Remus was jumping up and down now. “Virgil’s gonna offer to let Logan posses him because he’s thirsty for ghost dick, apparently,”
Virgil screeched. “No, I’m not, I didn’t say, I mean,- aghhhh!” Virgil just fled the apartment after that, hiding in his hood and unable to look Roman in the face. He was definitely blushing. Maybe going to Remus for advice had been a mistake.
When Virgil arrived home from the frustratingly vague “hanging with a friend”, Logan could tell something was up right away. Virgil slammed the door and he was currently hiding in his hood. A sure sign that Virgil was in distress. Well that just wouldn’t do.
“…Virgil?” He asked carefully.
Virgil huffed a breath. “Yeah, Lo?
“Are you okay?”
“Mhmm,” Virgil practically mumbled, still refusing to look at Logan. “Totally good, yeah.”
Logan sighed. “Is that why you’re avoiding looking at me?”
Virgil sighed. “Nothing get’s past you, huh Lo?” Virgil looked over, but his face was still somewhat covered. Logan gestured for him to continue.
Virgil took a deep breath and let it out.
“I want to a friend for advice. He was horribly obscene in his responses, but I still got an idea from it.”
Logan tilted his head. Well that sounded, curious.
“I, well, I thought maybe-“
He paused and bit his lip. Logan refrained from telling him to stop that.
“Have you ever, like, possessed anyone?” He blurted.
Logan blinked. Well, he hadn’t expected that question.
“Uh, I cannot say that I have,” said Logan wasily.
“Have you ever like wanted to?”
Logan stared.
“I was wondering, if you’d like want to possess me?”
“W-why would-“
“I was just thinking,”
 Virgil started to ramble, fidgeting with his fingers, “that we or you could, and then we could like- you know go somewhere, maybe a movie, or to eat some easy casual food and walk or-you know.”
Logan again almost came across a sensation that was surely not possible as a ghost, such as his chest thrumming with something. A yearning of some kind, a warm inflation of some sort of glee.
“Virgil,” Logan croaked, and then cleared his throat, “Are you asking me on a date?”
Virgil slumped in relief and smiled nervously. “Uh, yeah, that’s-that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“…I’m dead,” said Logan.
Virgil looked at him.
Logan let out a laugh at that.
“Okay, but, I thought you were already with someone?”
Virgil blinked, “Who?”
Logan shrugged. “I wasn’t sure, but it seemed like you were.”
“No, I’m not.”
Logan nodded, thinking on that.
“We could, like, go with Patton or something though,” Virgil said. Logan blinked and looked at him.
Virgil shrugged. “Yeah, like, we trust him. And you know, wouldn’t have to pretend like I’m having a date with one body. Not that I’d be embarrassed to go with just you or anything!”
“No, it’s ok. I understand…I would not be opposed to that, actually.”
Virgil met his eyes then. They seemed to communicate the same thing there. After a moment, Virgil smiled.
 Logan crossed the room and Virgil’s arms opened as he reached for him. Logan longed to feel arms wrapped around him, he could almost feel it. But instead-
Their chest met, and the room spun viciously. Logan found himself facing the opposite direction.
“What?” he-they?-said.
“Oh my gosh,” and that must have been Virgil, but Logan felt the shape, flow, and voice of it with his own mouth.
“This is-fascinating,” said Logan. Virgil lifted his hand to touch their lips. Oh. Thar was certainly a sensation. So Logan ran his finger over the soft swell.
“This is so cool,” breathed Virgil. Logan laughed, in Virgil’s slightly lower voice than his own.
“So…what do you wanna do?” asked Virgil. He swung their arms some. “We can go see a movie or just walk in the park. Maybe a restaurant? It can be just the two of us at first, or we can go with Patton, I can give him a call, whichever is more comfortable. Anything you want,”
Gently, Logan ran his hands down through the soft hair on Virgil’s forearm, and then clasped their hands together, palm to palm in front of them.
“…Lo?” Asked Virgil, quiet.
“Could we go another time?” asked Logan, unfortunately unable to hide the shake to his voice, “This is-a lot.”
“Yeah,” said Virgil, soft, “Of course, Lo. Do you want-we wear something soft. Or take a relaxing bath.”
Logan squeaked, “Virgil!” He could actually feel heat flood his cheeks in a blush, “I’m not going to take a bath like this,”
“…oh, right.” Virgil shuffled self-consciously, “Didn’t uh, really think that one through.”
“Wearing something like pajamas sounds nice though,” Logan said.
Virgil nodded. “We’ll still have to get somewhat undressed to get in pajamas, you know.”
Logan sighed. “Yeah, it’s fine.
Logan made his way over to their bedroom, their heart thrumming, hands still clasped.
Logan still pretty much avoided most people except Virgil when he had guest over. Virgil figured it made sense. A hundred years of almost been exclusively ignored or feared was bound to make anyone a little standoffish. Virgil was hoping it would eventually get better, as he hadn’t given up on trying to convince Roman it was safe enough to move in. But Virgil wasn’t going to push it.
Remus and Janus took up part of the couch. The other half had Roman and Patton. And Virgil, not trusting how he would be around either Roman or Patton, had banished himself to the chair. They were chatting about, Virgil thought something academic related to Janus. He had honestly missed what  the exact topic was. It probably went over his head, but Virgil would not admit it around the other.
So it arrested his full attention the moment Logan walked out of the kitchen doorway.
“Virgil, dear, have you seen the silver mirror, my reflection is being spotty again and I wanted to check-“
Logan froze in the doorway, like he startled to see the other people there. Which was…odd. Logan was usually always aware of all the life in the house.
“…hello,” said Janus, “Virgil, you didn’t tell us you had another guest over. That’s poor host etiquette there.”
“No way,” said Roman, gaping.
“What was that you said about your reflection?” asked Remus.
Logan stayed frozen for another moment, before he simply winked out of existence.
Roman and Patton screamed. Janus leapt up from the couch with complete shock and some panic. Remus looked torn between awe and terror.
“Whoa, guys! It’s alright! Everybody calm down. You’re gonna freak him out.”
“I’m going to freak him out!?” Exclaimed Roman. Virgil winced.
Patton took a breath. “Sorry Virgil, and sorry Logan. Just caught me off guard.”
The others turned to him.
“You knew about this?” Roman asked, voice strangled. Patton made a so-so motion.
“Virgil has invited me over a few times to meet Logan, but I’d never actually seen him before.”
They had been meaning to have a possessed date accompanying Patton, but neither Virgil nor Logan combined had worked up the nerve to yet.
Virgil took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yeah, so it’s fine. See?”
Patton nodded. “Yes.”
“Okay. So everyone, sit back down. No more screaming. And we can continue this calmly without anyone scaring each other. Alright?”
They sat back down on the couch. Virgil turned and cleared his throat.
“Hey, Lo?” He said gently, “it’s really fine. They’re not gonna hurt you, it’s fine to come out.”
There was a wavering minute. Virgil started to think maybe Logan was gonna stay invisible, but then the air in front of the wall opposite the couch shimmered and Logan appeared.
“Salutations,” said Logan.
“Virgil,” said Janus, strangled. “If you’re somehow playing a practical joke on us, I ask you please pull your ‘gotcha’ now.”
“No practical joke,” said Virgil, “Logan, this is Roman, Patton who’ve seen before, Roman’s brother Remus, and his boyfriend Janus. Everyone, this is my boyfriend Logan.”
At which point Virgil realized that in spite of their possession-based dates that was the first time he’d ever actually used the word boyfriend.
He had a few reasons to worry about his usage of that word then.
Sitting in the chair, Virgil gestured for Logan to come closer. Slow, almost ginger, Logan moved across the room and sat on the arm of Virgil’s chair, smiling hesitantly.
“I’m Logan,” he said, “I’m dead, as you may have noticed. It’s nice to meet you,”
“Uh yeah, Likewise,” said Janus, his voice still choked with confusion and panic.
“…Well!” said Patton, bright. “It’s nice to finally see you! How long have you been together now?”
“Since September,” said Logan. Virgil’s chest filled with warmth at how they were apparently on the same page in spite of the lack of verbal communication.
“Soo,” Remus started, “You actually went through our seduction via possession plan?!”
Logan’s face shimmered like a holograph. Virgil pursed his lips and made a smothered noise in embarrassment.
In spite of himself, Logan found that as the night went on, he was able to relax.
Since Logan had gotten a taste of what it felt like to be treated simply like another person, a friend, someone loved again, after so long. From being with Virgil. He’d been dreading the possibility of returning to that cold, ignorant fear, if he revealed himself to anyone else. He acknowledged to himself that longing, even if he hadn’t been thrilled by it before.
And they had been afraid-at first. Patton was the first of them to get comfortable with Logan since Virgil had slowly introduced him. Remus hadn’t really seemed scared, but that didn’t make him any more comfortable to be around. It was hard to get a read on him. Luckily the more Logan spoke, the more the others relaxed. It became easier to speak and exchange social pleasantries and feel normal.
There was a twinge when Janus offered to shake his hand before they left. Logan had to tell him it wasn’t possible but it was small, compared to the warmth in his chest.
Roman hung back from the others for a moment before they left. He fidgeted some before looking at Virgil.
“Okay…I’ll concede it’s fine to live here. Do you still want me to move in? Or has the offer passed from me being a stubborn ass.”
Virgil grinned wide. “No, of course you can still move in Ro! I’m so glad you came around.”
Virgil pulled Roman in for a hug, a move a bit unlike him, before chattering about moving in plans and how quickly Roman could get his stuff in. Logan saw the soft way Roman looked at Virgil. Well, Logan had expected as much. Even if he hadn’t actually seen the other in person til that day. He did overhear things. It was a good thing he trusted Virgil’s judgment about another potential roommate to their situation. It was still nerve-wracking. They looked at eeach otherwith adoration as Roman left. Really, how were they so oblivious?
Then Logan got distracted from bringing it up. Virgil started showering Logan with praises over how proud he was for how Logan was around new people for the first time in a while.
Logan turned away to hide his face in embarrassment. He heard Virgil cross the room to him, cooing.
He wasn’t expecting to feel the faint, warm pressure of Virgil’s hand passing through his. Logan turned to Virgil again to see him frowning at the spot where his hand hovered, just inches away.
“You know you can’t touch me, Virgil,” Logan said gently.
“Yeah...,” Virgil said and shrugged. “I’m not gonna stop trying, though.”
Virgil leaned in, slow and careful, and brushed his nose and mouth against Logan’s cheek. It was warm. Both like and yet not quite like touching something while sharing Logan’s body, and also something uniquely all its own.
“I love you,” said Logan, quietly. He almost couldn’t believe he’d said it, but wouldn’t take it back.
Virgil inhale sharply and pulled away to look Logan in the eye, face shining.
“I love you, too.”
Roman moving in went smoother than expected. He was still wary at times around ghostly things, but he bounced back quickly. It helped that Logan could lightly needle him into a lighthearted debate on something. Virgil would smile softly at those moments, reminded of his own banters with Roman. So that pining hadn’t gone anywhere yet. Virgil and Logan did finally work up the nerve to go on possession dates where Patton joined them. It was nice. Patton was around even more than before. Before anyone even said anything, he had sort of joined Virgil and Logan so now they were three.
Virgil still got nervous about Roman knowing, but he seemed supportive. It was a bit hard to tell how he felt. Although little did he know, Logan did notice all the shared looks between all of them. The ghost was just not the best at figuring out how to get to the next step. The final bridging od the gap came from an unexpected situation.
Virgil was going to be away for a couple of days. He was nervously repeating things for Logan to remember, in an honestly cute way.
“Having Roman around will help you not to lose time. And Patton can probably come around often, like for times when Roman isn’t here.”
“I know. Virgil,” Logan laughed and came towards him.
“You’ve told me everything a dozen times. I did exist in this house for a hundred years before you got here, you know.”
Virgil let out a slightly nervous laugh. “Yeah, I know,” He said, rubbing the back of his head, “I just-hate leaving you. I don’t want to come back to find you’ve lost a bunch of time, it-feels like I’m abandoning you or something.”
Logan gave him a small smile.
“You aren’t,” he said softly, “I know you’re coming back. And you’ve got me wonderfully set up here.”
Virgil nodded. “You’re right,” he said. “You’ll hardly notice I’m gone, will you?”
“Almost,” said Logan, “I will scarcely register your absence.”
Virgil shook his head. He stopped to grab his band and heaved it over his shoulder.
Roman came out to wish him goodbye as well.
“Don’t worry dark and stormy, we got you covered here. Don’t take too long now.”
“Alright,” said Virgil. “See you both on Monday. Love you,”
“Love you too,” said Logan. Virgil leaned in to hug Roman and kiss him. Then he leaned in to press a quick, light kiss to Logan’s mouth. They separated with a little smack, and Virgil waved with his free hand.
“Bye, babes,” he said, walking out the door.
As Virgil climbed into his car, he furrowed his brow. He was forgetting something. But he couldn’t figure out what is was. Used to feeling like he forgot something, Virgil shrugged, and pulled out of his parking space and drove away.
Both Logan and Roman spent several minutes after Virgil left staring at the door, moths agape. Logan could still feel the phantom press of Virgil’s lips.So warm and a little chapped and so gentle where they’d touched his-leaving a barely-there aftertaste against his.
Hesitantly, Logan pressed his fingertips to his mouth.
Roman made some sort of squeak, but Logan was hardly paying attention. Virgil had kissed him. Virgil had kissed him, and it had been real, nothing ghostly or facsimile about it.
Logan turned to Roman and felt overcome to test something. He walked up to Roman and poked him.
“Did you feel that?”
Roman blinked at him. “Uh…yes?”
Logan tried again. He set his hand on Roman’s arm. Roman’s breath caught. Logan was really touching him. It felt nice. He moved his hand away, and then focused on his hand and Roman’s arm. His hand passed right through. Roman jolted back at that and he gave Logan a pout.
“Hey, don’t do that.”
Logan was more distracted by this new discovery though. He tested this a few more times on Roman and every object he could get ahold of in the house. Roman just watched. When Logan wanted to touch things, he did. When he wanted to be incorporeal, he was.
Logan came over to the tablet, lifting if from the side table and sitting on the couch with it held in front of him, the way he’d seen Remus do so many times. He managed to find the correct icons, clicking it. He set up a group call.
Patton spoke first.
“Virgil, I know you want us to check on Logan but you just left, and-“
 “Hello, Patton,” said Logan.
Patton stared at him through the video call.
“Logan? Is Roman there?”
“Technically yes, but,”
Roman waved his hands in front of the screen to show he wasn’t operating the tablet.
“Virgil just left. And he kissed me,”
“And me!” Roman chimed in.
“but don’t tell him, because I want to see how long it takes him to realize,” Logan said with a smile.
“He kissed you?” gasped Patton.
“Yes,” said Logan, unable to help but smile wide and besotted.
“And I’m currently holding the tablet, which is novel. Janus and Remus will probably want to come over, I’m sure they’ll have a wonderful time figuring out what the hell is going on.”
Janus and Remus arrived with half an hour, and when they did put Logan through all manner of experiments.
“It seems you are truly able to be either corporeal or not, entirely at will,” said Janus.
“and this had never happened before?” Remus asked.
“I’m pretty sure I would remember something as notable as this,” said Logan.
Remus then offered to give him a hug. The firm warm arms squeezing around him was a pleasant experience Logan hadn’t realized he was missing before.
“I believe I have a theory,” Janus said.
He went on to explain how, as Roman put it, love made Janus solid. A realization that Patton and Roman both loved to jump on, in order to ‘charge him up’.
Monday arrived. Virgil had called no one in a fit of confusion. He seemed totally unaware of the way he’d completely changed Logan’s afterlife before walking out the door.
He was looking forward to this. Logan could tell that Roman was as well. Maybe the last pieces to their dance would stop and all the pining could be resolved.
Logan smiled as the front door opened.
“Hey Lo, Ro. I’m home,” Virgil called.
Logan stepped up to him. “Hello dear,” said Logan fondly, before throwing his arms around Virgil’s neck and kissing him square on the mouth.
Virgil froze for a moment, before wrapping his arms firmly around Logan’s waist and pulling him so close Logan’s feet were barely touching the floor.
Breaking away with a gasp, Virgil frantically pressed one hand firmly to Janus’s face.
“Wha- Lo-“
“I’ll explain in a minute,” said Logan breathlessly.
 “Only I’ve just figured out that kissing you feels quite a bit like flying, so I’d appreciate it if we could do a bit more of that first.”
Virgil let out a slightly hysterical laugh. He moved to seal their mouths together, but then,
“Hey, give me a chance!”
Virgil turned to give Roman a wide-eyed look. Roman smirked at him. “Lo isn’t the only you surprise kissed before leaving.”
Roman came over to him, and they were both touching Virgil now. It was a lot. It was wonderful. They would still need to talk about this, but Logan could tell though, for the first time in a long time, this would all be happy.
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mediacrushin · 1 year
Had a thought. Related to RWBY v9 episode 8.
So now we know more of what the cat was planning. We can look back and see their little digs were pretty much tailored to hit Ruby specifically where it hurt. They were trying to empty her out to use as a host, only so 'helpful' to keep her alive so they could jump in on that free real estate.
Well, Ruby got her final push this episode... but we see the cat frantic and upset that the tree took her before they could.
So here's my thought. I'm not entirely sure the tea was poison at all. It had the leaves of the tree in it, yeah, bit we've seen someone ingest the leaves before. We saw all of team RWBY breath in their smoke when Herb burned them, and instead of dying to it they were prompted to change. That was what Herb was trying to do as the herbalist, and that's probably why the cat got him sent back to the tree so quickly when they didn't do that to the Prince.
Seeing the Paper Pleasers wanting the leaves and Jaune stop them, I don't think the leaves are poisonous.
I think the leaves are a way for the tree to reach out and prompt people to choose whether or not they're ready to change. WBY denied that and were in no danger of being taken by the tree, but Ruby couldn't fight back and probably would've been taken. Because the cat only intervened in the moment when it came to her. Because they didn't want the tree to take her before they could make her their host!
So Ruby drank the tea, she started glowing, and the tree took her. Because she wants to change now, she's open to change, and the tree only takes people who are willing and ready to change.
We also still don't know what happened with Alyx and Lewis, if the cat really didn't know what happened or maybe the tree did something to them before the cat could try their plan with them too.
I still think we'll see the Blacksmith again, especially now that Ruby has been taken. I saw someone mention the Friendly Carpenter might have a connection with the tree too, so it'd be interesting to see both of them... it would also be interesting if it was like:
If a non afteran went through full ascension via the tree they are sent back to where they came from, but they do still change. And maybe a piece of them stays behind in the Ever After to be introduced into the worlds cycle of purpose. I kinda wonder if both of the siblings made it out and had a piece of each of them become the Blacksmith and the Carpenter, thus changing and having a piece of them stay behind to help others change. Or if Alyx chose to change by staying behind to become the Blacksmith and Lewis didn't need to change and just went home alone.
There's stuff we still don't know about the siblings and I'm really curious to see if we get those answers.
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ruu-https · 8 months
Fluff Prompts
P.S. Feel free to ask me to write with any of these in my ask box!
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“You look really good in my clothes” 
“This reminded me of you” 
“Your hands are warm” 
“I just want to relax in your arms” 
“Let’s go home” “I’m already home” 
“Make a wish!” 
“I could just stare at you forever” “Creep” 
“I’m so lucky to know you” 
“You’re the most beautiful being on the earth” 
“Hold me”                 
“You smell amazing” 
“I wish you could see the way I see you” 
“What are you doing?” “I was trying to make pancakes but it didn’t exactly work” 
“This isn’t just a(n) [object], it’s a promise��� 
“Sing to me again” 
“Come back to bed” 
“You’re the only person I want to spend my life with” 
“My parents love you” 
“… sorry, I talked too much” “No no no not at all. Keep talking” 
“Oh my god you never told me you could cook” 
“Our kids are gonna be *mwah*!” 
“Come on. I’ll show you how to dance” 
“I can’t believe I never heard you sing before” 
“I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies” 
“Let’s go and look at the stars” 
“Is that … is that a dog?” 
“I’m gonna need someone to kiss at midnight” 
“I can’t stop thinking about you” 
“Get on my shoulders, you’ll see better” 
“Im going to be a great parent, I’m just saying” 
*Fogs up mirror and writes a message* 
“I never thought I could miss someone this much” 
“Not to be drastic, but I would jump off of a cliff for you” 
“You’re breathtaking” 
“You’re my new pillow” 
 “can i sleep in your room tonight? is that weird to ask?” 
 “you put a blanket over me when i was sleeping? what are we, an old married couple?” 
 “you need some real food. come sit, i made dinner.” 
 “i love you, i swear i do, but if you buy one more cushion for the sofa i’m moving out.” 
 “i’m not saying there’s anything wrong with going out for dinner, but our first date shouldn’t be something we’ve done together every night for the last two years.” 
 “please, stop brushing me off and just let me take care of you.” 
 “okay, we need to decide who’s bedroom it is that’s going to be ours from now on. i feel like i’m back in highschool, sneaking from one to the other every second night!”  
 “your ex didn’t deserve you. anyone with sense would give you the love and respect you deserve, which is so much more than they did.” 
 “i’m sorry, about earlier. i didn’t know you had… company over.” 
 “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner. i was just so scared of ruining our friendship, you know it means the world to me. you do.” 
 “thank you for looking after me last night.” 
 “you’re my best friend. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, nothing at all.” 
 “i can’t remember a time where i didn’t know you. i’m not sure i want to, either.” 
 “look, i- i have to tell you something.” 
"Oh- hold still, you got a little something just there on your face.... May I get it for you?" 
"Oh dear! Your hands are so cold... Here, let me warm them for you- ah, that is, if you're not opposed...?" 
"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful laugh?" 
"You know... Whenever I look at you, I immediately feel like everything is going to be okay." 
"I love making you smile! It always feels like an accomplishment." 
"My favorite place in the entire world? That's easy- it's right next to you, of course." 
"There are billions of stars in the sky but all I care to look at are the ones in your eyes." 
"Of course I believe in happy endings; we're together after all, aren't we?" 
"Why, look at that! Our hands fit just perfectly, don't you think?" 
"I thought you might be hungry! Here, I brought this for you." 
"Scoot a little closer, won't you Y/N? My shoulder is prime real estate for that pretty head of yours." 
"I saw this while I was out- it made me think of you. I... Well, I hope you like it." 
"I'll keep the nightmares at bay; just rest for now; I got you, I'll be here when you wake up." 
 "It's hard not to be chipper every morning when the first thing I see is always you." 
"What's my favorite color? Oh, simple- the color of your eyes." 
"I could sit like this with you forever, Y/N." 
"May I brush your hair for you?" 
"Sorry, I'm absolutely listening, it's just that I got a little sidetracked by how excited you obviously are about all of this; it's beautiful to see you so passionate- please continue?" 
"I'm looking forward to growing old together with you." 
"Five, ten, even twenty years may pass us by someday but I'll never, ever forget this moment with you, Y/N, I promise." 
"I want you back."  
"You need to stop calling me that."  
"You did not just boop me."  
"Give me back my bra!"  
"Don't laugh at me. How can I not laugh when you make that face?"  
"You lost me in a crowd once! It's not my fault you're so short!" 
"We should get a puppy." 
"Is that my shirt?"  
"Get out of the dog bed. But it's comfy!"  
"I'm working."  
"Okay, okay. It's my turn on the Xbox."  
"It's raining and you wanna go to the park?"  
"Baby wants a hug."  
"I'm concentrating..."  
"Grab some popcorn and cuddle me." 
"Kiss me. Not with that morning breath."  
"So, will you marry me?"  
"How'd you do that? Magic."  
"It's my happy juice."  
"You need to cover up. I'm uncovered for a reason."   
"Why can't you be more like this?"  
"Because I'm not an illiterate two-year-old."  
"Why does it look like that?"  
"Do we have to go to bed?"  
"Maybe if you didn't fool around so much we could actually get something done."  
"If you fluff that pillow one more time..."  
"Why did you do that? Because I thought it would be cool..."  
"Why is there a pig in a tutu on the couch?"  
"It's sleepy time."  
"You did not just mimic me."  
"I'm on my period and I want chocolate. Now go."  
"I'm not like other girls."  
"What did I tell you not to do? Forget the lid to the blender... And what did you do? Forget the lid to the blender..."  
"Excuse you, I am 6ft of pure testosterone."  
"And this is why I don't go shopping with you."  
"I left you for five minutes." 
"What's the magic word? The French Revolution?"  
"What has ten toes and just learned how to eat with their feet? A monkey?"  
"Can we get a dog? No. This house has room for only one bitch."  
"Tell me why I deal with you again?"  
"Kiss it better. Please." 
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@ruu-https -----2023 || All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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panur · 6 months
you know those time travel AU's where jaskier goes back in time to fuck young Vesemir influence Nightmare of the Wolf timeline, and while that's a lovely plotline i would gladly read it got me thinking...
what if instead of Vesemir, Jaskier met and rescued LUKA?? a hot, adorable, talented bard who is fiercely pro Witchers??
this man would be all over the bard in record time! and Jaskier!
a hot Witcher guy who has a sense of fashion, incredible hair and flirts back??
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i want this so badly, if someone ever, please @ me!!
#it’s free real estate prompt just tag me so i can read
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rfhomebuyers118 · 1 month
We Buy Houses in Louisville KY even with a Lien
Are you facing financial difficulties or have you inherited a property with a lien? Selling a house with a lien can be daunting, but “we buy houses in Louisville KY” Rapid Fire Home Buyers is here to help.
We will explore who Rapid Fire Home Buyers are, what a lien on a house is, and why someone would want to sell a house with a lien. We will discuss how Rapid Fire Home Buyers can assist with selling a house with a lien, the benefits of working with them, and how you can get started.
Stay tuned to learn more about selling a house with a lien in Louisville, KY.
We Buy Houses in Louisville KY Key Takeaways: You can sell your house in Louisville KY, even with a lien, with the help of Rapid Fire Home Buyers. Rapid Fire Home Buyers offers cash for your house and handles the lien negotiation process, making selling with a lien hassle-free. Selling to Rapid Fire Home Buyers means no need to pay off the lien, make repairs, or go through a lengthy selling process, providing quick and convenient solutions for those in financial difficulties or needing to sell quickly. Who Are Rapid Fire Home Buyers? Rapid Fire Home Buyers are a professional real estate buying company operating in Kentucky, specifically in Louisville. They specialize in offering competitive cash offers to individuals looking to sell their houses quickly and hassle-free.
With their extensive knowledge of the local market and streamlined processes, Rapid Fire Home Buyers can provide homeowners with a stress-free selling experience. They understand the importance of a quick turnaround in real estate transactions, ensuring that sellers receive fair cash offers promptly. Rapid Fire Home Buyers offer a convenient solution for those seeking to sell their properties efficiently by eliminating the need for repairs, showings, and the uncertainty of traditional listings.
What is a Lien on a House? A property lien is a legal claim that a creditor can place on a property to secure the payment of a debt. In real estate, a lien on a house means that the property cannot be sold or transferred without satisfying the debt owed to the lienholder.
This can significantly impact real estate transactions, as potential buyers may be hesitant to purchase a property with an existing lien, and lenders may be reluctant to provide financing for such properties. The presence of a lien creates a cloud on the title, affecting the marketability of the property and complicating the closing process. Sellers need to resolve liens before selling the property to avoid delays and legal complications. Creditors have the right to foreclose on the property if the debt remains unpaid, leading to a potential loss of ownership for the current owner.
Why Would Someone Want to Sell a House with a Lien? There are several reasons someone may consider selling a house with a lien, such as financial difficulties, inherited property with existing liens, or the need to sell quickly due to legal issues or impending foreclosure.
Financial challenges are often a significant factor driving individuals to sell their property despite the encumbrance of a lien. When facing economic hardship, selling a house with a lien can provide much-needed relief by alleviating financial burdens and generating immediate cash flow. Inherited properties with existing liens pose a unique dilemma, prompting heirs to opt for a sale to resolve legal obligations efficiently.
The urgency to sell quickly, especially in cases involving pending legal issues or foreclosure proceedings, can lead homeowners to explore options for a fast sale. Cash offers from investors or real estate companies present a viable solution for those seeking a swift transaction and a way out of the complexities of owning a house with a lien. Such scenarios highlight the diverse motivations behind selling a property under lien and the various considerations that come into play.”
Financial Difficulties Financial difficulties, such as falling behind on mortgage payments or facing foreclosure, can prompt homeowners in Kentucky, especially in Louisville, to seek solutions like selling their house for a fair cash offer to alleviate their debts.
When individuals find themselves struggling to keep up with the mortgage, the stress and pressure can become unbearable. In Louisville, where the real estate market can be competitive, selling a house for a cash offer may resolve the financial strain quicker.
Many homeowners facing foreclosure may see selling for cash as a way to avoid the complexities and uncertainties of traditional sales methods. Cash offers often involve a streamlined process, offering a convenient and efficient way to offload a distressed property.
Inherited Property with a Lien Inherited property with a pre-existing lien, such as an estate tax lien, can create complexities for individuals in Kentucky looking to sell the house, requiring a lien resolution before a successful house sale can occur.
Resolving estate tax liens and other property-related debts is crucial in Kentucky, as these issues can significantly impact the selling process.
One of the main challenges heirs face inheriting a property with liens is determining the total amount owed. Addressing these liens often involves negotiating with creditors and finding ways to settle outstanding debts. Property inspections and appraisals can also pose challenges in accurately assessing the property’s value, significantly when liens complicate the ownership status.
Legal guidance may be necessary to navigate the complex legal processes of resolving property liens.
Need to Sell Quickly Urgent situations like being behind on mortgage payments or facing foreclosure may drive homeowners in Louisville and across Kentucky to seek fast solutions by engaging with cash home buyers for a quick house sale.
These homeowners often find themselves in a tight spot, struggling to keep up with monthly payments and fearing the repercussions of potential foreclosure.
Cash home buyers present a practical solution by offering to purchase properties in as-is condition, eliminating the need for repairs or costly renovations.
Their ability to provide a quick turnaround on property transactions can help homeowners alleviate financial burdens and avoid the stress of a prolonged selling process.
How Does Rapid Fire Home Buyers Help Selling a House with a Lien? Rapid Fire Home Buyers assists in selling houses with liens by providing cash offers in Kentucky, including the Louisville area. They streamline the process of handling lien negotiations and ensure a quick closing for the sale.
By offering cash offers, Rapid Fire Home Buyers eliminate the uncertainties often accompanying traditional sales, providing sellers with a straightforward and efficient option. Their expertise in navigating the complexities of properties with liens allows them to expedite the process and offer competitive deals that benefit both the buyers and sellers.
Offers Cash for the House Rapid Fire Home Buyers make competitive cash offers for houses with property liens in Kentucky, where the buyer assumes responsibility for resolving the lien issues, ensuring a hassle-free transaction for the seller.
By offering cash deals for properties entangled in liens, Rapid Fire Home Buyers distinguish themselves as dedicated buyers committed to simplifying the selling process for homeowners. Their expertise in handling lien-related matters alleviates the burden on the seller and speeds up the transaction, providing a quick solution to a potentially complex situation. Sellers in Kentucky can benefit from the swift and efficient services this reputable buyer offers, ensuring a seamless experience from offer acceptance to closing.
Handles the Lien Negotiation Process Rapid Fire Home Buyers take charge of the lien negotiation process with lienholders, ensuring efficient resolution of lien issues to facilitate a smooth house sale experience for homeowners in Kentucky.
By leveraging their expertise in handling intricate negotiations, Rapid Fire Home Buyers diligently work with the lienholders to reach mutually beneficial agreements that pave the way for a successful property transaction. They navigate the complexities of lien resolutions with finesse, showcasing their commitment to streamlining the selling process. Clear communication and transparency play key roles in their approach, fostering trust and cooperation among all parties involved. This strategic handling of lien negotiations expedites the sale and minimizes potential roadblocks, allowing Kentucky homeowners to embark on their next chapter seamlessly.
Closes the Sale Quickly Rapid Fire Home Buyers expedite the closing process for house sales, minimizing the time and costs associated with real estate transactions in Kentucky, particularly in Louisville. This provides sellers with a swift and efficient selling experience.
Their streamlined approach involves a quick evaluation of properties, often within 24 hours, allowing for rapid decisions. Once an offer is accepted, they work diligently and efficiently to push through the paperwork and legalities. Their strong network of professionals ensures a smooth process from start to finish, eliminating unnecessary delays.
This agile method saves time and helps reduce costs related to traditional sales, such as agent fees and extensive repairs. Sellers benefit greatly from the convenience and speed offered by Rapid Fire Home Buyers, allowing them to move on quickly without the typical hassles of selling a house.
What Are the Benefits of Selling a House with a Lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers? Selling a house with a lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers comes with advantages like no need to pay off the lien before selling, no requirement for repairs or improvements, and a quick, hassle-free selling process in Kentucky with fair cash offers.
By selling your property with a lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers, you can sidestep the burden of settling the lien amount out of pocket, allowing you to move forward without delays or financial setbacks swiftly. You are relieved from the responsibility of carrying out any costly repairs or renovations to make the property market-ready, saving you both time and money. The efficient and transparent selling process offered by Rapid Fire Home Buyers ensures you can enjoy a smooth transaction backed by competitive cash offers that cater to your needs and timeline.
No Need to Pay Off the Lien Before Selling Selling a house with a lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers eliminates the necessity of paying off the lien before the sale, streamlining the process and reducing closing costs for homeowners in Kentucky.
By bypassing the requirement to settle the lien independently, homeowners can save substantial money that would have otherwise been spent on lien satisfaction. This cost-saving benefit not only speeds up the selling process but also eases the financial burden of dealing with liens.
Rapid Fire Home Buyers’ streamlined approach simplifies the entire transaction, making it a hassle-free experience for Kentucky residents looking to sell their property quickly. This efficient process is designed to provide homeowners with a stress-free solution to their property sale needs.
No Need to Make Repairs or Improvements Rapid Fire Home Buyers allow sellers to offload houses with liens without requiring any repairs or improvements, offering fair cash offers based on the property’s existing condition in Kentucky, particularly in Louisville.
By taking the hassle out of handling liens and extensive property repairs, Rapid Fire Home Buyers presents an ideal solution for homeowners looking to sell quickly and effortlessly. Their process involves evaluating the property as-is, ensuring that sellers receive a competitive cash offer that accurately reflects the current market value. This approach saves sellers time and money and provides a convenient way to bypass the traditional real estate sales process. In Louisville, Kentucky, Rapid Fire Home Buyers stand out for their transparent and efficient transactions, helping homeowners easily navigate challenging situations.
No Need to Go Through a Lengthy Selling Process By choosing Rapid Fire Home Buyers, homeowners with liens can skip the extended selling process and enjoy a quick offer and closing timeline in Kentucky. Engaging with efficient cash home buyers facilitates this.
Upon contacting Rapid Fire Home Buyers, sellers find relief in the seamless transaction process tailored to expedite the sale of properties with existing liens.
Through close collaboration with experienced professionals, homeowners receive a competitive cash offer, eliminating the uncertainties typically associated with traditional real estate transactions.
The streamlined approach ensures a stress-free selling experience with a rapid closing timeline, allowing homeowners to resolve their property-related challenges swiftly.
How to Start Selling a House with a Lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers? Initiating selling a house with a lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers involves contacting the company, providing details about the property and lien, and ultimately receiving a competitive cash offer to close the sale swiftly.
To initiate this process, contact Rapid Fire Home Buyers via their website or contact number. Once in touch, share all relevant information regarding your property, including the specifics of the lien on the house. Transparency is key in these transactions to ensure a smooth and efficient sale process. After conveying all necessary details, you can anticipate Rapid Fire Home Buyers to thoroughly evaluate the property and lien situation. This evaluation stage is crucial as it will lead to the formulation of a lucrative cash offer tailored to your unique circumstances. Upon receiving their offer, you can consider the terms and swiftly move towards finalizing the sale, enabling you to resolve the lien on your property promptly.”
Contact Rapid Fire Home Buyers The initial step in selling a house with a lien to Rapid Fire Home Buyers is to contact the company, providing essential details about the property to receive a fair market price assessment in Kentucky, particularly in Louisville.
Upon contacting Rapid Fire Home Buyers, a dedicated team member will guide you through the process, emphasizing the importance of sharing accurate property specifics. This information includes the property’s location, size, condition, and any relevant details about the lien on the house.
By furnishing these details promptly, you enable the experts at Rapid Fire Home Buyers to conduct a thorough evaluation and provide a personalized fair market price for your property in Louisville, ensuring a transparent and efficient selling experience.
Provide Information about the House and Lien Following the initial contact, sellers must furnish detailed information about the house and the existing lien, allowing Rapid Fire Home Buyers to conduct a property viewing and present a fair cash offer based on the assessment in Kentucky, especially in Louisville.
Providing this comprehensive data is crucial as it helps the home-buying process proceed smoothly and efficiently. By offering a transparent overview of the property and any financial obligations attached to it, sellers enable Rapid Fire Home Buyers to make an informed evaluation.
A thorough understanding of the house and lien allows the buyers to tailor their cash offer to reflect the property’s condition and market value accurately. This level of detail ensures a fair and satisfactory transaction for both parties involved.
Receive a Cash Offer and Close the Sale Upon evaluating the property and lien, Rapid Fire Home Buyers present a cash offer to the seller, initiating the closing process that concludes with a seamless sale, allowing for a swift transition, particularly in Kentucky, including Louisville.
Through this final stage, the focus shifts to expediting the process efficiently, ensuring sellers can swiftly move on to their next chapter without unnecessary delays. Rapid Fire Home Buyers’ cash offer adds a layer of convenience, eliminating the uncertainties associated with traditional financing.
As the closing procedures kickstart, the seller can witness a streamlined transition, underscoring Rapid Fire Home Buyers’ hands-on approach to facilitating a hassle-free experience.
Frequently Asked Questions What does it mean for a house to have a lien? A lien on a house is a legal claim against the property that ensures the owner pays off any outstanding debts or obligations before selling the house.
Can I still sell my house in Louisville, KY if it has a lien? Yes, you can still sell your house even with a lien. However, the lien must be paid off before the sale can be finalized.
How can I sell my house in Louisville, KY, with a lien? You can sell your house with a lien by working with a professional home-buying company, such as Rapid Fire Home Buyers, who can handle the lien payments and facilitate a smooth sale.
Will I still receive a fair price for my house with a lien? Rapid Fire Home Buyers is committed to providing fair and competitive prices for all houses, regardless of any liens or other issues.
What type of liens can you help with when buying a house in Louisville, KY? We can help with various liens, including tax liens, mechanic’s liens, and mortgage liens. Our team has experience dealing with all types of liens and can navigate the process efficiently.
Are there any fees or commissions when selling a house with a lien in Louisville, KY? No, there are no fees or commissions when selling your house to Rapid Fire Home Buyers. We cover all closing costs and handle the lien payments, allowing you to sell your house without additional expenses.
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chauhanparkash2006 · 9 months
Exploring the Convenience of Free Classified Sites in California
In the sunny state of California, where innovation and technology thrive, free classified sites have become an integral part of daily life. From buying and selling products to finding services and jobs, these online platforms offer Californians a convenient and efficient way to connect with their local community and beyond.
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Top Free Classified Sites in California
Craigslist: Craigslist is perhaps the most well-known classified site, and it has a strong presence in California. It offers a vast array of categories, making it suitable for all types of transactions.
OfferUp: OfferUp is a mobile-focused platform that's gained popularity for its user-friendly app. It's an excellent choice for buying and selling locally.
Facebook Marketplace: With its extensive user base, Facebook Marketplace is a thriving hub for buying and selling items. It's seamlessly integrated with Facebook profiles and is widely used in California.
Letgo: Letgo is known for its sleek design and straightforward approach. It's an ideal platform for those who want to declutter by selling used items.
Geebo: Geebo is a reliable classified site that emphasizes safety and security. It's a popular choice for job listings and real estate in California.
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Create Compelling Ads: Write clear and engaging ad descriptions. Highlight key features, and use high-quality images to attract potential buyers.
Include Relevant Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your ad title and description to improve visibility in search results.
Be Prompt and Responsive: If you're a seller, respond promptly to inquiries. Being courteous and responsive builds trust with potential buyers.
Meet Safely: When arranging meetings to exchange items or services, prioritize safety. Choose public meeting places and bring a friend if possible.
Regularly Update Ads: If your item or service is still available, be sure to update your ads or mark them as available. This prevents unnecessary inquiries.
In conclusion, free classified sites in California are a valuable resource for anyone looking to buy, sell, or connect within the Golden State. With their ease of use and broad range of categories, these platforms have become an indispensable part of daily life in California, facilitating countless transactions and connections. Whether you're a business owner, job seeker, or someone simply looking to declutter your home, California's free classified sites offer a convenient and efficient way to achieve your goals. So, dive into the world of online classifieds and unlock the convenience they bring to the Golden State.
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