#it's SO CLOSE
laf-outloud · 8 days
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Jared's heading to Denver! (He's listed as being there Thurs. and Fri. only).
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
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While the second opening was disingenuous to the heart of Izuku's solo arc, the actual content of the anime itself has remained quite faithful. Even going so far as to add or change some details to better represent the characters and their feelings. It's almost as if these changes were an amendment to the manga, just in case the manga didn't answer certain questions well enough.
Like the true reason Izuku decided to leave U.A. The manga presents Izuku's loved ones as a group, with Katsuki there as the last person your eyes should look at. But will readers make that connection? With the removal of just one word in the anime, the group part of the sentence, it shows viewers a more solid, concrete reason: It was explicitly because of Katsuki nearly dying.
Another example is how the various translations of Katsuki's line ("waatteru") created fandom friction, and they would flitter between "I know" and "We know," depending on who was translating it.
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I always thought it had a very personal "I know" vibe to it because as Katsuki stated, and this is something reminded to us only 3 chapters earlier: He is the person who "knows" Izuku best. The anime removes ambiguity of the I know/We know debate by having Izuku apologise only once he'd made it into Katsuki's arms, making their exchange of words appear even more intimate and direct to one another. Katsuki knows.
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Then after he stumbles his way into Katsuki's arms, there is that bonus clip of him being awake to hear Katsuki's gentle forgiveness of him. To express that the last of his resolve has crumbled because of Katsuki’s apology and being held in those arms he feels safe. He feels loved. So Izuku gives himself fully to Katsuki's care, murmuring out his beloved’s name with a "Ka…” right before finally succumbing to sleep. I think this extra moment makes the feel of their apology seem even more romantic… because it's supposed to.
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And now Ochaco's handhold! It being featured in the opening gave some of us grief every week simply because this arc was never about IzuOcha, it was about Katsuki and Izuku.
Katsuki realising his need for Izuku to be by his side and losing SLEEP over not knowing if he's okay. Katsuki's proud statement of knowing Izuku best and that he couldn't be left alone because of his disregard for himself. Katsuki instigating the search and rescue of Izuku. Katsuki humbling himself before Endeavor and Nezu, setting aside his pride in exchange for the safety of his most important person and best friend, PLEADING Endeavor for his help because he's SO AFRAID of Izuku being out of his sight and losing him forever.
Katsuki saving Izuku's life again. Katsuki humbling himself a second time, apologising to Izuku and telling him to put some trust into him and their hero friends; that they can be relied on to help him. Katsuki telling him his ideals of saving people weren't wrong, and they can only win by saving everyone: Izuku, the people at U.A and the people in the city.
The beautiful poetry in Izuku’s reason for leaving, to protect his most precious person, being overtaken by his reason to stay: Izuku’s unconditional, everlasting love for that person and his overwhelming need to be by their side. And here Katsuki was, finally telling him it was okay to; he wants him there.
Even Daiki-kun said the last of Izuku's resolve left him because of Kacchan’s heartfelt apology… Yes. The opening’s handhold was really out of place.
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And after Izuku is brought back to U.A, we get to the real IzuOcha handhold... But rather than grabbing his hand like she does in the manga, they have her grab the more impersonal wrist area instead. It's so hard to believe we are in a timeline where Bones are making an opening Ocha-centric, when it shouldn't be, and yet NERFING her handhold in the ACTUAL anime content…??????
All of this has got me thinking that maybe Hori himself has been directing Bones to make these changes - to make BkDk's growing love for each other a more prominent fixture in the story that’s almost impossible to miss, while dampening the IzuOcha teasing into little more than kindness between two good friends. And in doing so, the anime has now become spiritually connected to the manga because this is the exact same direction the manga has been going in lately.
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Why else were all of these changes and enhancements made in the anime? Maybe it’s because Horikoshi is preparing people for the bkdk romance that's about to go into full bloom.
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just2bubbly · 10 months
"We've been expecting you" like hell yea. I thought it would take another year but no this is like 5 months away and I'm going frenzy with it!!
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koreandragon · 2 years
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heretherebedork · 23 days
There are twelve more days in the school year and I just have to survive the teacher I work with and then never see her again.
Working with a bad teacher is one of the most stressful things y'all.
12 more days. At least I know she's not teaching summer school.
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fraddit · 9 days
Ready for it to be tomorrow, so I can do more editing on my fic.
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I have three (3) fics I want to finish by sometime in June, which is a lot for the worlds slowest writer and most easily suddenly depressed person 😳
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deluweil · 1 year
Dramaclubfox: Can't believe they're back next week!
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lost-estradiographer · 4 months
Every time I think about what HRT will give me and finally take away, I have trouble sitting still. Sure the process is probably going to suck sometimes, but it'll be great in the long run. It'll finally be good. I got so much done around my apartment today and all I could think about along the way was how much I'm going to love taking care of myself and the space around me from now on. The energy of the excitement I need to express would break my frail human body.
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herondales · 2 years
the james and cordelia chain of thorns teasers alone are making me go feral. imagine when i get the full scenes and their love confession? imma need 3-5 business days to process every scene 
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hecckyeah · 7 months
someone slap me in the face so i go finish the b99/rookie crossover i've had sitting in my WIPs for weeks
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lizzie-bennetdarcy · 1 year
Last line game
Tagged by my dearest @hippolotamus 🥰😘
"I was so nervous, and uncertain about where we stood then. Now, I've never been more sure that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be."
Tagging @smblmn @smallumbrella369 @mostlyinthemorning @treluna4 and anyone else who is in a sharing mood! 😊
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thirddeadlysin · 4 months
i can tell by how long it is between turning off the car and getting out of the car to go inside even though it's only like 25F/-4C outside that i am Doing Poorly (Mild) but unfortunately knowing doesn't do much about it not turning into Doing Poorly (Intense)
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allbridgesburn · 4 months
Waiting for new wasteland with bated breath 🫨
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senshockey · 1 year
I'm being very chill about our wildcard chances I swear
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miss-biophys · 6 months
Scientist superhero
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AI generated image of me...
Female superhero scientist with half-shaved head fighting bacteria in the lab.
I LOVE it!
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