#it's not like the baby will straight away born so yeah he could have changed but no i won't let him ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)(‾̀◡‾́ ๑)
ryllen · 4 months
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snap! 🫰 snap! 🫰 and it's birthing time already
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homerforsure · 6 months
Fuck It Friday
In which we continue to make slow, sporadic progress on Long Way Home.
Thank you so much @devirnis and @rewritetheending for remembering me in your tags. Someday I'll be less of a ghost.
After a moment of silence on the line, Maddie says, a little quieter, “They say it’s a better bonding experience. Just you and them. Getting to know each other without all the… whatever. You form a stronger attachment to each other.”
“Yeah?” The television screen shifts again, the camera moving away from the scene and over to the reporter, and Buck’s gaze is tugged over to it again, following the changing light automatically. It’s Taylor–one of the first times in the last couple months that she hasn’t been reporting with a hospital behind her–and Buck feels a flutter that goes beyond simple recognition to something more familiar. Like unexpectedly bumping into a friend.
“Supposed to anyway. You know you were almost born at home.”
Instantly, the television is forgotten and Buck squawks, “I was what?”
“Mmmhmm,” Maddie says, a smile underlining the sound. “It was close.” 
“I- I’m trying to even picture our parents taking their shoes off in the house, let alone- How did that even happen?”
“Well it wasn’t on purpose. But you were a little early and you were the third so things… progressed a little faster than-”
Buck makes a distressed noise somewhere between “ew” and “yuck” and Maddie laughs at him out loud this time. 
“Dad was out. Shopping maybe? I don’t remember. No cell phones so mom couldn’t reach him. She called 911. And they told her it was early; she had hours; they could send someone if she wanted, but it was going to take a while. And mom just… she kind of stood up straight and said, thank you very much, hung up the phone and told me and Daniel to get our shoes. Drove us all to the hospital and you were born half an hour later.”
“Wow. I can’t imagine any of that.”
“Dad was beside himself. He just kept saying “he’s not supposed to be here yet.” I think he expected the nurses to tell him there’d been a mistake.” 
They laugh together at that one, at Phillip and the leather-bound planner slash diary slash address book slash security blanket that was never far out of his reach explaining that he’d had the date marked down for months and they still had two weeks left. Then Maddie says, fondly, “You were the tiniest thing I’d ever seen. You weren’t cute. You were all kind of red and scrunched, but we decided to love you anyway.”
Buck smiles, laying back down again as Maddie keeps talking.
“Daniel was convinced you were going to love him the best because you were both boys and you both had blue eyes. He said you were his baby. I think we actually started to fight about it and mom said… she said “Evan’s going to have plenty of love for all of us. He’s our miracle”.”
Just like that a pall settles over the happy scene Buck’s been recreating in his mind. Margaret holding a bundle of blankets. Phillip and Maddie leaning in, their smiles Christmas morning wide. In the background, fuzzy and indistinct, is Daniel. He’s blurry and insubstantial, a mostly blank space no matter how Buck tries to fill him in, but he bends the room around himself like a pocket of immense gravity. 
It's getting late and I have no idea who has already played today so just tuck this in your pocket for later if you don't need it: @mellaithwen, @princessfbi, @bigfootsmom, @honestlydarkprincess, @messyhairdiaz, @renecdote, @sibylsleaves
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Shouting - J.K
kinda inspired by an imagine i've read before but i can't find the person to give credits, i've changed it so i'm not copying.
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“mama look at my sand castle" you heard Lockie say to you as you watched her from your sun bed. "it's beautiful baby, you want me to take a photo and send it to nanny?" you asked softly, seeing a beautiful sand castle next to her. she nodded her head frantically before you got your phone out to take a photo. you sent the photo to you mum and Joe's mum before turning your phone off, focusing on your daughter. you got up from the sun bed and walked to where Lockie was and sat down next to her. Joe finally made himself know after his swim and walked to see Lockie's sand castle.
"daddy look, look at the sand castle i made, mama sent it to nanny" she said, grabbing his hand, pulling him to see the sand castle. Joe looked at the sand castle and gasped. "wow baby, it's so amazing, did you do that all by yourself?" he asked, picking her up, putting her on his hip. she squealed and giggled. "yes i did, i love making them" she said, looking back at the sand castle and then she looked at the sea. "mama, do you think we could go in the sea?" she said, grabbing for you. since Lockie's 3rd birthday a few weeks ago, she had gotten a lot closer with you and you loved it. Joe and Lockie had been close since she was born but now she was showing her affection to both of you.
Joe let her down and walked to the sun bed and grabbed a towel, wiping his face and body. "of course we can" you said, standing up, dusting the sand off your body. you reached your hand out for her to grab and you walked hand in hand to the sea. she dipped her toes in the water and squealed when she felt the coldness of the water, making you laugh. you kneeled down in the water, being level with her. "come on, i'll walk in with you" you said, pulling her into the water slowly.
she basically clung onto your side as you 'walked' into the water. she calmed down after a few minutes of squealing at the coldness and reached down to put her left hand in the water to feel the sand at the bottom. the water was a clear ish blue and you could see the bottom of the ocean. "isn't it beautiful" you said, also putting your hand in the water, feeling the sand between your fingers.
"pretty" she whispered, pulling away from the sand, standing up straight. Lockie walked closer to you and put her arms around your neck. "you okay my love?" you questioned, putting your arms around her waist. "i love you mama" she whispered to you. your heart swelled when you heard her say that. "i love you too Locks" you said, kissing the side of her head softly. you kept her in the hug and stood up out the water, walking back to Joe who was lounging on the sun bed. "hi love" you said, sitting down on the sun bed next to him. "hi babe, you alright?" he said, sitting up. you nodded your head then pointed to Lockie who was slowly falling asleep on your shoulder.
"go home?" he whispered and you nodded your head again. you stood up and 'helped' Joe collect your belongings before you walked off to the car. you looked at the time on your phone once you got in the car and saw it was already 7:42pm. way past Lockie's bed time. the drive home was practically silent with the soft snores of Lockie in the back filling the silence. you finally arrived back at your home after a thirty minute drive and got Lockie out of her car seat. you took her up to bed and saw she sort of woke up, giving you the perfect opportunity to get her pyjamas on. "we will have a bath tomorrow yeah?" you said, kissing her forehead after pulling her top over her head. she nodded softly and once you'd finished putting on her pyjamas, you helped her climb into bed.
"you cozy?" you said, she nodded her head and closed her eyes. "do you have snuggles?" you said, seeing the teddy bear wasn't in her arms like it usually would be. her eyes shot open as she searched for him and found him at the end of her bed. she reached for him and when she got back into her comfortable position, you pulled the blanket back over her. she closed her eyes and started drifting off to sleep. you kissed her forehead and stroked her hair a few times before whispering a quick 'i love you' and walked out the room.
you walked back downstairs to see Joe sat on his phone so you pulled yours out. when you checked your social media, you saw thousands of different photos from you and Joe, to you and Lockie and Joe, taken by the paparazzi. to say you were pissed was an understatement. you wanted your daughter to be mostly private from the media but as Joe was in the public eye, it made it difficult. Joe was obviously an actor and when you started dating, everyone who was a fan of Joe knew who you were so you were both well known. you sighed angrily before turning your phone off, throwing your head backwards to the back of the sofa.
"what's the matter?" Joe questioned as he also turned his phone off, looking at you. "there was so many photos of us today, i didn't want to be photographed when i'm spending time with my family" you said honestly. "yeah well i'm famous baby, i can't control what they take photos of. it's not my fault" he said, sounding annoyed. you looked at him, a pissed expression covered your face. "i never said it was your fault Joe, i'm implying that i want to have one day where i'm not being photographed for money."
you said, sitting up fully now. Joe scoffed and looked away shaking his head in annoyance.
"maybe you should have married someone who isn't famous then" he said, standing up from the sofa. "what's that supposed to mean? what are you trying to say?" you said, standing up, following him as he stood just before the stairs. "all i'm saying is, you complain about being photographed but you married me, i'm famous so it's gonna happen and if you didn't want it to then you shouldn't of married me, you should have married someone 'normal'" he said, using quotation marks for the word 'normal'. your whole body filled with rage when he said that.
"what the fuck Joe. i didn't say anything like that, all i'm trying to say is i want one day with my family where our every move isn't being watched" you snapped, angry that he brought up your marriage. "as i said, you chose this life style, if you didn't want to be photographed, you shouldn't have married me" he shouted, walking past you into the kitchen. "what? its not a lifestyle Joe, it's invasive and personal. i don't want Lockie to think that every day she should be photographed. you know it's not only me who gets slammed by the media, she does as well and she's 3 Joe. no one of any age should be followed around with a camera" you shouted back, sick of his outlook on this.
"so we're bringing up Lockie now? well done y/n, very mature of you, always wrong so you bring up her to make me feel bad" he shouted back, running a hand through his hair, you were about to speak before he shouted out something even worse than you imagined. "maybe we should have never got married and had a kid if this was the way you were gonna react, you should have fucked someone else so i didn't have to deal with you. if i saw the future and saw this was married life i would have left you years ago" he shouted, rage filled his eyes as he screamed at you.
you were taken aback by his choice of words and looked at him with a hurt expression. you were about to speak up before you heard little footsteps running back up the stairs and a bedroom door slowly close. tears filled your eyes as you turned away from him, his words felt like a stab in the back. "y/n wait i didn't mean it-" he said, walking towards you to grab your shoulder. you shook his hand off looked at him. "that's a fucking low thing to say" you said before turning away, walking up the stairs to Lockie's room. Joe walked to the living room and sat on the sofa, eyes filling with tears as he realised what he had just said.
you knocked softly on Lockie's bedroom door and waited to hear a response but got none. "Locks, can i come in? it's mama" you said in the softest voice she had ever heard. you heard her sniffle and walked into the room, not seeing her anywhere. "where are you baby?" you questioned looking for her. you heard a quiet sob coming from under her bed and you walked towards it slowly, kneeling down to see her laying in a fetal position holding onto snuggles the bear for dear life, streams of tears falling down her cheeks at a fast pace.
"oh Lockie, it's okay angel." you said, sitting down crossed legged on the and waited for her to crawl out from under her bed. after a few minutes of sniffles, she got out from under the bed and crawled into your arms. she wrapped her arms around your neck and sobbed into your chest. "it's okay my love, we're fine" you said softly, kissing her head gently and rocked her back and forth. you hugged her for as long as she needed and waited for her to calm down. she looked up from your chest and rubbed her tears away from her eyes.
you stroked the tears away from her cheeks and pushed the stray hairs out of her face. "you and daddy gonna break up?" she said, sobbing softly again. "oh no my love, me and daddy are not breaking up, we just had a little fight" you said, trying to calm her down. in all seriousness, you had no idea where your relationship with Joe was gonna go now. "is daddy okay?" she said, looking at you with blood shot eyes. you sighed softly before putting her hair behind her ear. "daddy's okay, he's stressed baby. he's downstairs" you said, telling her he was okay.
"you both shouted" she said, looking down at her lap. you nodded your head and spoke up again. "when people love each other, they sometimes fight, we didn't mean to shout baby" you said, you felt eyes on you and saw Joe standing in the door way of Lockie's room, hesitant to enter incase he scared her. you nodded for him to come in and he sat down next to you. when Lockie saw he was there, she reached her arms out for him and the sobs started coming out again. "oh Locks, it's okay, daddy's here love" he said, kissing her head a few times before rocking her in his arms like you did previously.
he looked at you, a 'sorry' expression on his face as he looked into your eyes. he looked guilty and genuinely sorry. you nodded your head and looked back at Lockie. she looked up at you and Joe, seeing you weren't fighting anymore. "Daisy said when her mama and daddy shouted they broke up" she whispered, looking back down at her pyjamas. your heart softened and so did Joe's. this poor baby was terrified that her parents would split up. "i would never break up with your mummy Locks, she means too much to me" he said, looking away from her to look at you, then back at her.
"how about, we all stay in mummy and daddy's bed to prove to you that me and mummy are okay hmm? would that make you feel better?" he said, suggesting her favourite thing, family sleep time. she nodded her head and that's when you and Joe both stood up, Lockie in his arms, and walked to your shared room. you walked straight into your bathroom and started doing your nightly routine before you heard the door open. "shes basically asleep" he said, looking at you through the mirror. you nodded your head and looked anywhere but at him.
your body stiffened when you felt his arms go around your waist. "i'm so sorry baby" he whispered into your neck. you sighed before turning around to face him. "we shouldn't have shouted" you said, looking at him. he nodded his head, agreeing with you. "i'm so sorry baby, i should have just listened to what you had to say, i shouldn't have shot your feelings down and i should not have spoken to you like that" he said, kissing your cheek. you put your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. "i'm sorry too" you said, kissing him one last time.
you both walked back into the bedroom to see Lockie, fast asleep in the middle of the bed. "shes so pretty" you whispered, getting into bed next to her. "she looks like you" Joe said, getting in on his side. "i love you Joe" you said, putting and arm over Lockie's body, rubbing Joe's arm softly. "i love you more" he said, laying down, getting comfortable. you both had your arms around your daughter and started drifting off into a deep sleep.
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scarlettrose567 · 3 months
MyHouse.Wad: What a fucking trip
Just finished MyHouse.wad. And goddamn, just goddamn. First of all, it is a fucking fantastic game let alone considering it's a free mod, easily on par with the original doom in terms of quality.
My overall impression is that this is a type of game that could ONLY come out as a mod. I mean, can you imagine say the next Call of Duty game where you can beat the whole thing as normal, but if you dig deeper it has a whole separate game exploring an endless house?
That all being said, two main gripes
The final fight was waaay too large/long, and if it was half the size it would be twice as impactful imo.
Ending is somewhat underwhelming, although that's somewhat inevitable since it's not going to straight up tell you what happens.
Oh yeah and 3) The labyrinth.
I love the idea of the labyrinth, however wish it was developed slightly more. I don't want there to be any enemies, but maybe a scrap of story or flavor would've been warmly welcomed. As is it's completely optional and you can't do anything apart from leave. However, it is indeed very unnerving (loved the touch of having the doors you open while inside being louder than average when they close by themselves).
Oh yeah, plus the blood appearing in the airport's bathroom did feel a bit janky/random and somewhat frustrating to trigger.
But in general it's all in the spirit of what it is trying to accomplish, and it absolutely excels in making you feel on edge, like the House is trying to get you to leave while drawing you in further and further.
But, you may be asking, what about the central mystery? What the heck is MyHouse.wad about anyway??
So, I won't rehash the exact wording (you can find that online easily enough), but to put it simply the creator of the mod is allegedly brushing up an old .wad file found in the floppy disc of a deceased childhood friend, and a journal as a word document plus some photos are attached to the mod when you download it.
Reading over the journal, a few odd section stuck out to me. He mentions that an old childhood friend passed away, and yet the very next day he writes "I never imagined that I would be saying goodbye to my friend so soon." Not something you would say about someone you only knew when you were a child, and hadn't been in contact with for years.
He starts working to restore and add things to the .wad he found. Over time, he becomes increasingly obsessed with it and it starts to affect his dreams.
He dreams about a house burning down, and finding a still born baby in the attic, of being hunted and finding refuge in a cave...
Something *very* strange happens on Dec 16. He seems to revert to a childhood persona, writing "it'll be nice to have some time away from the school", despite mentioning his job earlier, and "i'm sure they'll be a lot of fun and there wilL be plenty of laughter and good times". The day after he makes a comment about lack of sleep.
He dreams more. He dreams his reflection winks back at him, that he enters his bathroom mirror and finds comfort in that strange world.
He dreams he is in a car crash, then a plane crash. He survives the car crash. He does not survive the plane crash.
Valentines day: "Happy Valentines day to the only person I ever loved. For a short time, you brought a little happiness to this painful existence called life. I hope we can be together again one day. In the meantime… I’ll keep looking for that other someone who can be the ray of light in my life that you turned out to be."
He mentions how "After 13 years" he finally has the skills to finish the map, despite him mentioning he worked on it first 20 years ago with his childhood friend, according to the original description for the .wad.
He writes how the map is altering code by itself, growing when he's not looking;
"Without my guiding hand, the map doesn’t know what to build. But I can help it. Guide it. It seems to respond to my designs, changing them to match my emotional state. It knows what I’m feeling. It knows how Thomas felt."
He dreams of lying on a beach, safe and content, only to realize it is all fake. He writes about the agony of a heaven, and eternally being tormented by your own anguish, and how lucky his winking self is, to live a mortal life on a real beach, finding happiness in the small things he can control.
He finally publishes the mod, with no further entries apart from how he managed to publish a "safe" version. He won't allow the House to corrupt anyone else.
So, what to make of it all.
First and obviously, he clearly knew his childhood friend a lot more recently than his childhood, and the Valentine's Day strongly supports the fact they were partners - however, I do think they weren't in contact for at least a few years before his friend died. The "13 years ago" comment, plus the fact that items in the mod state "It was not to be" when picked up suggest that they were together for a time after, but then broke up. Both the crash and plane crash suggest something went wrong - maybe they fought, maybe there was an actual physical action - who knows. The airport section of the map further suggests that perhaps one or both of them traveled away from where they grew up? Moreover, the creator's comments about a "mirror version, happy on that other beach" suggests that maybe he made a mistake, and he's tormented knowing in another universe he could have been happy with his partner.
During the Brutalist area of the mod, you find two dogs - one completely harmless, the other a two headed monster that can kill you relatively easily if you aren't careful. But if you kill one, the other dies as well. Similarly, they can never meet each other. That could be a metaphor for their relationship - they couldn't be together, but couldn't bear being apart either.
However, there is of course a far darker possibility. A few items in the mod tell you "I want pop", and "The boy deserves a milkshake." This suggests a father-son relationship of some kind. Indeed, the very first area outside the house itself is a nursery for very young children, suggesting at some point he and his childhood friend adopted a child at some point. However, the fact that the house can burn down at some point, plus the constant dreams of disaster and the stillborn child could point to the fact that the child died somehow, possibly in a violent manner. If this is true, this would explain why they broke up, and why the original creator buried the memory - it was simply too traumatic to think about, until the death of his former partner forced these memories up to the surface, leading to him creating this mod as a coping mechanism. His comments about dealing with his own thoughts for eternity also suggest this - he could not bear to think about what had happened over and over and over again without being able to change anything.
The constant use of mirrors within the mod also tells us how much he wishes things had turned out differently - how he wants to live in a different dimension altogether, where this didn't happen, where he remained with his partner. The fact that if you leave the house without grabbing all the items might suggest they also sold (and potentially demolished) the house itself.
The house that can never leave his mind.
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moondancediner · 2 years
daydreaming - i
summary: it's hard to run away from your past when your ghosts keep walking through the front door - and Tess Mitchell is no stranger to ghosts
bradley bradshaw x tess mitchell
word count: 3.5k
warnings: swearing, chaotic lovers, small age gap (around 5-6 years), daddy issues, best friends to lovers but it's complicated af and no i will not be apologizing, cliffhanger?
a/n: okay wow this was gonna be a cute little quick thing and it turned into a multiple parter? question mark question mark... idk how many parts but this hoe got away from me real fast she's almost at 10k already...
This was going to be a reader-insert but the character bloomed before my eyes and here's Tess Mitchell she's my fav we love her.
Italics are flashbacks, regular text is present day
Also, Rooster is an ass man you can't change my mind.
masterlist || pt.II
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you know, i'll be gone for so long,
so give me all of your love, give me something to dream about
“Rooster,” she whined, turning her back to the pool table and leaning a wobbly hip on its wooden edge to look for her husband, her lips turning slightly downward. She spotted him right away, like a moth to flame it was never hard to miss him. 
“Yeah, baby?” The beer bottle dropped from his lips as he looked at her, heart nearly stopping at the sight.
“I need help,” she drunkenly pouted. 
“With what, sweetheart?” He hadn’t moved from his spot, the both of them raising their voices across the crowd of friends. 
“I forgot how to play pool,” she shrugged, pool stick in hand, the same one she’d been losing with for a good twenty minutes now, “I need you to show me,” and Rooster nearly choked on his beer. He loved drunk Tess. 
“Well, it just so happens that I’m a master pool player, my love,”
“Is that so?” She asked, looking up at him. He towered over her, all six delicious feet of him, his own body locking her into her spot. 
“Oh, absolutely,” his sly wink sent shivers down her spine. He downed what remained of his beer, setting it on the nearest table before turning back to assess her. “Alright. Righty or lefty?” 
“I’m ambidextrous,” it was her turn to wink now. 
“Jesus, woman, you’re tryna kill me, you know that?” He placed his hands on her hips while she laughed, turning her around then taking the pool cue out of her hand. “Alright, so put your right hand here, and your left hand here… and then you line up…” His right arm left the cue, circling around her waist, thumb hooking in the belt loop of her shorts as he leaned them both over the table, sweaty bodies gluing together. 
The pool table under her body was gone. The people around them were gone. Phoenix, rolling her eyes at the other end of the table, patiently awaiting her turn - gone. All she could think about was his mouth whispering against the shell of her ear. 
“Now,” another shiver racked her spine, “are you stripes or solids?” He lowered his voice and it took everything Tess had not to lose her clothes right then and there. 
“I… really couldn’t tell you,” because all she could think about was that every inch of him was pressed against every inch of her back and his arm was keeping her ass anchored to his crotch, pinning her between the table and himself. His laugh in her ear was sinful. He stood up straight and she followed him, not willing to risk the loss of contact. 
“Phoenix, help me out here,” he asked the girl across the table. Phoenix rolled her eyes, but told him; stripes, and will you hurry up, please? “Alright, baby, here we go,” he leaned the both of them back over, lining up the shot to the correct ball this time, “whenever you’re ready Hotshot,” 
The sound of her callsign brought her back to that first night. When he walked through those bar doors, clad in his dad’s Hawaiian shirt not unlike the one he wore tonight. 
Tess did a double take when Rooster walked into the bar. She had never met Goose, was born after he died and never had the honor, but from all the pictures she’s seen of him throughout her life, it might as well have been him walking through those doors. Hawaiian shirt, aviator sunglasses, and a smile that screamed trouble.
She thought she’d had enough shock for one day when her father walked through those same doors not too long ago, but here this was. 
Her heart nearly stopped. Tess Mitchell was a planner. Things did not simply happen to her. Her life had been out of control for as long as she could remember. Pete Mitchell did not follow anyones rules or schedules, so Tess made her own. He was the only wild card in her life because she allowed him to be. She went to college in a town with no military affiliation, nowhere near a base or a landing strip. And even though she bounced around from town to town, state to state, it was never hard to find a teaching job. Until schools stopped hiring new teachers, and started firing them instead. 
Losing her teaching job was a wild card she’d never anticipated - last one hired, first one fired turned out to be more than a cautionary tale- but lucky for her, her dad's old friend Penny Benjamin owned a bar in Miramar and was looking for a new bartender. 
And even luckier for her, she didn’t know any naval aviators in the area. 
Until now of course. 
She knew where Rooster was all the time, kept track of him because nobody else was. And he was not supposed to be here. He was supposed to be overseas, not in Miramar California. Not walking into this bar. Not about to go on whatever dangerous mission Maverick was going to be taking him on. 
He rounded the bar, not seeing her, heading straight for the uniformed pilots hanging around the pool table. She noticed Maverick turning his own head away, avoiding Bradley’s eyes and the history that lay there. Their tension settled into Tess’s bones, rattling them further. 
“Hey, Hotshot,” Hangman’s voice broke Tess’s trance, “four more on the old timer,” he said, chin nodding towards Maverick across the bar. 
She pulled the four bottles out of the fridge, holding them to her chest with one arm before popping all the tops off with the bottle opener in her other hand in quick succession, setting them on the counter in front of the blonde. 
“Now I know why they call you Hotshot,” Hangman winked, clearly eyeing her now damp white tank. Tess internally groaned at her choice of outfit, but laundry day and hot weather only left her with so many options. 
“Keep dreaming, Hangman,” Tess sent him a wink of her own. He was hot - she wasn’t blind, Jake Seresin was practically a walking Greek god, sculpted by caring, detailed hands - but his ego was far too big for her liking. 
And besides, the other half of her heart just walked through those doors. 
“They still call you that?” Maverick asked when she had made her way over to his side of the bar again. Tess never joined the Navy or any other branch of the military, but growing up as Pete Mitchell’s daughter meant she learned how to fly a plane at probably a too young age and that she earned a few things she never necessarily wanted. A callsign was practically included in the package. 
“I’ll take ‘things you would know if you stayed in contact with your daughter’ for 200 please, Alex,” he had the nerve to laugh at her remark as she swept by him, pouring two shots, handing them to waiting hands and then coming back down to wipe the bar clean. It was unnerving, having him just sitting there as if he hadn’t completely ignored her for almost a year.
“You remember why we started calling you that?” 
“Cause I like to show off,” she said cooly, straight faced, still bustling about. 
Maverick smiled. He vividly remembered the first time he called her that, nearly lost his mind because she was visiting and he took her to the hangar to see all the aircraft. Turned around for two seconds and she was gone. 
He found her quickly, like father like daughter she was drawn to his F/A-14 with all the curiosity a six-year-old could muster. When Mav finally caught up with her she was half way up the ladder to the box, ready to take a ride with her dad. ‘Slow down there, Hotshot.’ He laughed about it with her mom on the phone later that night, after she called to say goodnight, and the nickname just stuck. 
“They know you’re teaching?” She asked once she was once again in ear-shot of him, head jerking in the direction of the oblivious naval aviators in the back while she pulled her long black hair into a low ponytail, eyes searching for more of those damn souvenir mugs. Pete noticed how light it had gotten since the last time he saw her - much more of a dark brown than the black it had been for most of her life - and wondered how long she had been hiding out here in the California sun. “Penny! We have any more boxes of those mugs up here?” She called over a shoulder.
“How’d you know I was teaching?” 
She smiled. “A woman never reveals her sources.” Tess didn’t need to tell him that a strong pour in the right hands usually got her the answers she was looking for, and then some she wasn’t looking for. She knew about the mission (well, she knew about the vague details she was able to squeeze out of Cyclone), she just didn’t think they were crazy enough to call her father in to lead it. 
“How long have you been here?” 
Tess smirked. “How was it going Mach 10?” 
Maverick’s smile dropped completely. “How did you-“ 
“I think the rest are in the basement, peach cheeks,” Penny called from the other end of the bar, interrupting her father.
“Aw, damnit,” Tess groaned, looking up to the ceiling, beyond the comical number of model planes and jets and anything else that flew were more souvenir mugs. The bar was decorated with them, but they were just that, decorations… Well, they were supposed to be anyway. She weighed her options and decided that the bar was far too packed for her to make her way to the basement and back in a timely manner. 
She couldn’t just leave poor Penny up here by herself, now could she?
“Did she just call you peach cheeks?” Maverick asked, eyeing his old flame, the confusion evident in the way his brows creased slightly in the middle and Tess didn’t know if it was from her question or Penny’s words. Tess stopped for the first time since he’d arrived that night, a half-smile that reminded him so much of his own, and braced both arms on the bartop in front of him. 
“About two months ago some drunk creep told me my ass looked like a peach, whatever the fuck that means,” she rolled her green eyes and Pete cursed himself for how much she looked like him right now, “anyway, he ended up paying for a round but now Penny calls me peach cheeks whenever she feels like she wants to annoy me.”
It was the first straight answer she’d given him all night, and he had a feeling it would be the last. 
Tess turned, looking to the ceiling again like the light gray mugs were just going to start raining down on her, and when they didn’t she took a minor running start - really it was just a couple steps across the wide end of the bar - and hoisted herself to the top. Black sneakers landed in a spot nobody was occupying at the time and she stood tall - all five feet and four inches of her - before she started grabbing cups from where they hung above her head. 
She received a couple whistles for her efforts, but her hands were already too full to flip any of them off, and she was concentrating too hard on not falling when the bell rang again, a little harder than the first time. She paused her movements to watch Hangman and two others she didn’t learn the names of yet walk over to Maverick to toss him out into the sand with a smile. 
“Tess?” She whipped around at the sound of his voice, aviators pulled down his nose, eyebrows drawn in in disbelief.
“Hey, Bradshaw,” her smile nearly blinded him.
“Tess Mitchell! What did I tell you about climbing on top of my bar?” 
Like the snap of a finger she was that ten year old kid again, getting yelled at for hanging upside down on the monkey bars at the park his mom used to take them too on the weekends and Rooster couldn’t help but smile at the look that came across her face when she was caught red-handed.
“Sorry, Pen, I’ll replace them later, I promise,” 
Rooster didn’t waste another second, feet moving to the bartop where she was now sitting. She was at the perfect height for him to slot himself into her body, arms circling her waist, her own arms going around his neck while her legs secured around his hips, squeezing him tight.
He still smelled the same as she remembered, his minty aftershave clouding her every thought and judgment. She wanted to keep her face buried in his neck for the rest of time. 
“Hey, Hotshot,” he said the words quietly enough that only she could hear, crushing her body into his. “Damn, how long’s it been?” 
“Too long,” Tess pulled away only so she could see him up close and he gently set her down on her feet, keeping his hands on her body. She took his sunglasses off, hanging them on the front of her tank top before putting her hands on either side of his face, inspecting his dark eyes and golden, sun-kissed skin for any more scars than the ones that already riddled his face. “I like the stach,” she nodded her approval and his smile grew impossibly bigger.
“Yeah? Took me two years to grow,” 
Her belly laugh had him smiling even bigger. “Shit, I missed you,” Rooster could only shake his head at her, amazed that she was even standing in front of him right now. But the amazement was short lived when the joy in her green eyes turned a dangerous shade of dark he hated being on the receiving end of. 
“You idiot,” she landed a firm smack on the side of his head.
“Ow!” He brought a hand up to rub the spot that was sure to be sore in the morning, and he could’ve sworn he heard a few snickering laughs from behind him. “What the hell T?” 
“Why didn’t you call me,” it wasn’t a question, it was a stern statement and Bradley couldn’t help but put his hands on her cheeks, mirroring the position she just had him in, a small smile creeping over his lips.
“I just got in, I was going to call you first thing in the morning.”
The sincerity in his voice, the honesty in his eyes nearly melted Tess into a puddle on the dirty bar floor. 
“We have one rule, Bradshaw.” 
When he lands, he calls. That’s their rule.
“I know, I know, I should’ve called,” his golden eyes danced between her sharp green while they softened. “But, to be fair you didn’t tell me you were working here.”
She simply shrugged, “I told you I was in the area.” 
He could only smile. 
“What’s your boss's name?” He asked, that little glint of trouble shining through his eyes.
“Penny Benjamin.”
The realization of who she was flashed across his already amused face but he tucked that nugget of information in his back pocket for another day because Tess Mitchell was standing in front of him and he wasn’t stupid enough to waste her time. 
“Penny!” He called, ripping his eyes away from her face, “I’m stealing your bartender!” 
“Have her back in fifteen!” And that was all he needed to squat down, throw Tess over his shoulder, and carry her away. 
“Rooster!” She screeched, hands gripping his shirt as if that would save her if he dared to drop her. “Put me down you big idiot!” But he didn’t listen, and she felt his laugh vibrate on her chest and she tried really hard to think of anything other than the fact that his hand was impossibly close to her ass, clamping down on her bare thighs. And that she was one wrong move away from flashing half the building.
He walked over to the Jukebox, squatted down - which Tess tried, and failed, to not be impressed with - and ripped the cord out of the wall. The crowd voiced their disdain but he didn’t slow down. He sat her down on the bench in front of the piano, stole his sunglasses back and swung his leg around so he was seated behind her.
The bench was small enough that she felt every inch of him behind her, and when he started playing Great Balls of Fire, his fellow pilots all crowding around to sing, Tess leaned back into him, singing along with her whole heart that belonged fully to him. 
“Hell yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talking about!” Rooster stood and Tess turned around, high fiving his hand in high before slamming her hand down on his hard ass, him doing the exact same. 
“Hmm..” She hummed, looking around her direct area after their celebration, “it appears I have no drink.” 
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” Bradley took the cue from her hand, passing it off to Bob before holding out his arm for her to take, “this way my lady.” 
“Why thank you kind sir,” Tess looped her arm into his, chin pointed to the sky but his laugh had her breaking and a giggling mess by the time they made it to the bar. Her husband took the chance to once again pin her against his body, both arms coming around to lean on the sticky countertop in front of her, caging her into him. 
Tess leaned back into his strong arms, let the back of her head connect with his chest and fall to the side until it hit his shoulder, and his mouth was like a magnet to her skin, finding it, leaving a trail of hot, scratchy kisses down her neck, turning her body into a putty for his hands. His low moans in her ear had her ready to head for the door. 
“Come on, let’s just go home,” he whined against her skull, right at the base of her jaw, reading her mind. Everything in her vibrated and hummed in response to him.
“I can’t leave my own birthday party early,” she countered, turning so she could place a kiss on his waiting lips. And then another. And then another. 
“What can I get for the birthday girl?” Penny appeared, yelling over the crowd of people.
“Two shots of tequila!” Tess yelled, she turned back to the bar, raising an arm above her head with two fingers held up. Penny quickly looked over her shoulder, confirming with Rooster, who nodded, one quick move of his chin downward - as if he could ever say no to her. 
“I’m in for a wild night,” he commented with a smile, remembering the last time she got drunk off Tequila. It didn’t happen often, but when it did the only thing he could do was sit back and enjoy the ride. 
“Make it three, Penny,” Maverick appeared next to them, clad in his usual leather jacket.
“Dad!” Tess screamed, ducking under Bradley’s arm so she could hug him, “you made it!”
“Of course, like I’m gonna miss my best girl’s birthday?” He hugged her tight, remembering a time when he couldn’t do such a thing. Too afraid of his own mortality to get close to the best thing to ever happen in his life. 
“Here you go guys,” Penny was gone as soon as she arrived, dropping the shots and disappearing. Normally, Tess would be working with her on such a busy Friday night, but apparently there’s a rule around here about working on birthdays - a rule that didn’t exist last year, but Tess knew that was an argument she wouldn’t win. 
“Cheers fellas,”
“Cheers my love,” Rooster held up his glass to hers and Mav’s.
“Cheers sweetheart,” Maverick said, clinking their glasses and then tossing his back. Tess was quick to swallow hers down, and even quicker to shove a slice of lime in her mouth, grimacing against the burn down her throat. Tequila was really great until you had to actually do a shot of it. Bradley leaned down to swipe the lime out of her mouth with his own and sucked down whatever juice was left, leaving Tess staring at his mouth in a not-so-subtle way.
“I’m gonna go say hi to everyone,” Mav yelled over the crowd, placing a quick kiss on his daughter's cheek before disappearing into the mass of people, aiming for the rowdy group in the back. 
Tess’s eyes found their way back to her husbands face, the way his golden skin glowed in the dim lighting of the bar, sunglasses dripping down his nose, that carefree and confident air he had about him left her breathless on a normal day, but with the alcohol buzzing through her system she was about ready to take his clothes off in the middle of this bar. It’s how he’d always been, ever since she could remember. Cool, calm, collected. Her rock in the middle of a storm.
And so damn good looking. Leaning against the side of the bar, one arm resting on the counter, the other hand tucked securely in her back pocket, keeping her close, eyes roaming the room. She noticed that he did that every couple minutes, checked the perimeter for any disturbances, a habit she was sure he picked up from flying. 
“You’re staring,” the left corner of his mouth hiked up an inch and his eyes found their way back to hers. She could only smile back. Caught red handed. 
“Do you remember the first time you told me you loved me?” He laughed at her words, remembering exactly the first time those words slipped from his lips.
thnks for reading, i love you a whole lot
want more? all you gotta do is ask babes
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
pairing: cc!Karl Jacobs x reader!
Masterlist here!
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Karl and I were playfully fighting over something ridiculous until it turns out to be an actual fight.
-I can't believe you haven't killed each other yet.- George speak and we turn to face him-
-Well.- i smirk looking at karl.
-We shared a dorm at college, if we could survive that, we could survive anything.- he laughs when finishing the sentence and I join him nodding.
Karl finishes the fight and hugs me.
-Isn't amazing how we were just friends at college and now we are literally dating?- he showers my face in kisses.
-Yeah, it actually is.- I kiss his lips. -I'm enchanted to meet you.- we smile.
We keep hanging out with the boys who claimed to be overwhelmed by how clingy we were.
After a few years, we were both trying to make the next step: move together but something was out of place, Karl was being a little distant and I couldn't stop my thoughts about how he probably is over with me and wants to break up.
My phone rang and I pick up, it was him.
-So, hey babe, do you think I can pick you up now?- he asks and I just see myself in the mirror.
-For what?- I walk to my room and straight to my closet.
-Just dinner.- I hear the car door locking.
-I'll see you in like ten minutes, love you.- he sings the love you and I feel my heart melt like the first time.
-Love you too.- I hang up the phone and change my clothes quickly.
I slip into some black jeans and a T-shirt, due he never told me how I should dress. Some shoes and I was ready, take my phone, and made my way to the driveway just to see Karl's car a block away.
-Are you single beautiful?- he jokes right after rolling the window down.
-No, I have an extremely hot boyfriend, sorry.- I joke back getting into the car to smooch him.
The food was incredible, and he took me to my favorite restaurant, which is where he took me on our first date.
-Do you think you could wait for me a minute?- he says and I nod.
He turns and left in the direction of the bathrooms.
When he came back, he kneel down to grab something, and then I realize. He was on one knee.
-Well, I´ve been trying to find a good way to say this, there are so many ways of proposing, but I wanted to make this all about us being teenagers and enjoying each other's presence in the slightest. I feel like we are together since before being actually born, I want to grow old with you, I want to have babies with you, all I have I want to share with you, would you marry me?- he holds the tiny box in his hands shaking and waiting for my answer.
-Yes, I want to do all those things with you, I do want to marry you.- he smiles and slips the ring on my finger, I pull him from the collar of his t-shirt and kiss him.
A few weeks later, a lot of boxes were decorating Karls's house.
-I didn't realize you had so many things until now.- he smirks and I follow him.
-All I actually need, it's you.- I sit on his lap on the couch we was sitting on.
-You're also I´ll I ever wanted and all I need.- he pulls me for a kiss that deepens second over second.
-NOp, Jacobs up, there are a lot of things to do instead of this.
-But just a few minutes.- he pouts.
-When we finish all.- I wink at him and he gets up to start helping me.
-Wow, that winks says a lot about you.- we both laugh.-Is my girlfriend a perv?- he smirks
-I'm not you're girlfriend anymore.- I make him stand.-We're getting married in less than a month.-
-You can't leave me now, you're mine.- he leans his face closer to mine.
-I've been always yours- I close the gap between our lips and smile.
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sc0tters · 5 months
Winning Start ☆ The BC Girls Take On Sweden
When the girls were waiting for their boys they actually had Ivy and Bailey on FaceTime so they could all unbox the game together “is J okay?” Ivy brought up the question that had plagued her mind all day.
Lillian nodded as she smiled “got a broken tooth but I don’t think that guy will be okay if Jamie sees him again.” If she hadn’t been dazed by the hit she would have gone to hit him “Gabe almost did it for us.” Ryan had to get in between Gabe and the other guy when he saw him go for a punch.
The girls were all surprised by it but they figured they would just ask Jamie about it later “Bails there he is!” Ava smiled as she flipped the phone around letting Will’s face light up when he saw Max and Bailey sat together and their son was in his BC merch that the boys got him when he was born “hey buddy!” Will cheered taking the phone from the girl so he could talk to the duo. They literally spoke every day but Will found himself missing Bailey to the point where he wished she came with to Sweden.
Jacob did the same with Lillian’s phone when he saw Ivy curled up in his hoodie “miss you sweets.” His voice was soft as he could see how tired she was since the game was at 8 for her but she was up at 5 sending Jacob messages “why don’t you go back to sleep and we can talk later?” He proposed with a shrug not wanting to see her go but she could barely keep her eyes open as she nodded “love you.” She mumbled not noticing that it was the first time she said it to him.
Ryan was out next and he went straight for Ava who cheered as she saw him “you played so well!” She cupped his cheeks so she could peck his lips “nope baby I want more than that.” Ryan shook his head making her laugh as he kissed her properly “now that’s more like it.” He pointed out pecking her lips once more just because he wanted to.
Last was Cutter who Lillian swore was the hottest man alive in that moment as he looked at her with his hair all sweaty sticking to his face “cat got your tongue?” He teased seeing how she stared up at him “no but you sure as hell do.” Lillian blurted out making him laugh “note to self, wet hair is the way to go when you’re dating you.” Cutter pulled her into a hug before he kissed her lips too.
Jamie found herself skipping out on the coaches speech at the end of the game because she was in with the medical staff who tried to not laugh at the fact that she had chipped her tooth. One of the Norwegian players shoulder charged her mouth and as her mouth guard wasn’t in properly it meant she lost half her tooth “this isn’t funny!” She complained hearing the giggles that that come the staff as they booked her an appointment with the dentist on their off day.
Jamie wanted to cry as she stared at it in the mirror running her tongue where part of the tooth once was “if you’ve come to laugh go away.” She lisped seeing Gabe in the reflection of her mirror “wanted to check on you.” His voice was soft as the medical team left the room as they needed to start moving their equipment back to the bus “let me see the damage.” Gabe sighed as he sat on the chair next to her.
Her smile was half assed as she showed him her tooth “it’s kind of cute on you.” Gabe joked making her laugh “you think I could still get laid without it?” Jamie was getting it fixed regardless of what he said.” The boy nodded “I’d still sleep with you toothless.” The new nickname had her reaching out to hit him “Ga-vin?” Jamie turned her head to see the Umich player stood looking at them.
Gavin stood there awkwardly as Gabe’s mood changed “I just wanted to come and check if you were okay.” He explained with a smile “yeah it’s a fun little memory.” Jamie shrugged as she watched him rake his fingers through his hair “think the girls want to talk to you J.” Gabe couldn’t help but smirk as she nodded when he placed his hand on her back ushering her out of there.
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fanficfanattic · 7 months
Three beautiful red roses for meeeee?
Roy/Jamie, S1, Roy goes to Keeley for advice on handling Tartt but he doesn’t ignore her advice like Ted did:
Back in the locker room after practice, Jamie hasn’t even changed out of his kit or thought about showering. Just goes straight to Roy and asked if he’d been good enough.
“No.” Jamie’s face starts to fall but Roy keeps talking. “You’re going to have to work for it, Tartt. You aren’t afraid of hard work, so I’m not worried that you’ll get there.”
“Okay. Okay, yeah Captain.” And since Jamie didn’t whine or bitch or moan, Roy decides to give him a treat. That will also test how honest Keeley was truly being with him.
“You can have my fingers in your mouth for two minutes. Consider it incentive for tomorrow.” Roy didn’t move his hands, though, and Jamie was as good at reading his intentions in that moment as he was at reading opponents on the pitch. He gracefully sunk to his knees, angled himself lower, and took Roy’s first and middle finger into his mouth from below them.
The instant look of serenity on his face confirmed Keeley had maybe even undersold how effective this would be. Tartt’s gentle humming buzzed against the skin of his finger. Making him think this was going to be a much better experience than he thought it might be even just the night before.
He hadn’t used his watch, so he wasn’t sure how long had passed. But right when he was ready to pull away because surely two minutes had passed, Tartt pulled himself away. But he was cheeky enough to then rest his forehead on Roy’s hip while he took deep, steadying breaths.
Then, like a bubble popping, Roy tuned in and realized that the room was filled with feverish whispering gossip.
“Oi! What did I say earlier? You make shit harder, you answer to me.” And the room went back to as close to normal as they could make it.
Gen fic, S1, family curse story. Georgie and Simon come down as fast as they can to help with caretaking (so Georgie can snuggle her little boy as much as possible while he’s little again):
“Oh, that boy! The only one here born yesterday is you, isn’t that right poppet,” she singsongs at the baby Jamie in her arms.
Then the smile slid off her face as she looked between Ted and Beard. She was visibly deliberating before deciding who to start with.
“Coach Lasso. Jamie told me you have a son of your own, dontcha?” Her tone was carefully neutral which was an alarm bell given how much warmth and playfulness she’d spoken with to her family. Still, he stood up straight and smiled friendly at her.
“I do, yes, Henry. He’s 8 years old and Jamie was very kind to him during his visit.” His tone didn’t change at any point during his response, just as bright at the beginning as the end. Despite the fact he felt the conversation was already fraught.
“Of course he were. Jamie loves kids, always goes out of his way to make them feel like they’re special,” she replied firmly. It was an immutable fact so far as she was concerned. “He’d never take his frustrations with someone else out on a child.”
“Of course not, you’re right.” She raised her eyebrows high at that before cocking her head to the side. He really had no idea how to talk to her, she realized. And it seemed like today had really thrown him for a loop. Like others, he was apparently one of those people who thought they knew her son just from how he played.
Few things made her angrier.
“I’m going to be honest, Coach Lasso. You don’t much strike me as a person who appreciates conflict. Me? I don’t much either but I don’t run away from it. And that seems like your go-to move from what I’ve observed.
So it’s hard to want to show you respect already. But I also don’t much have use for men what abandon their families. And I’m sure you think your reasons are compelling, but from where I’m standing there is no way in hell they could be.
There isn’t a thing on this earth that would take me halfway across it away from me Jamie.”
From nothing solid yet:
The thing is. The thing is, and it’s not fair, he knows. But the thing is that Jamie has spent a dozen years dreading his phone’s screen notifying him of a text from “dad”. So now, even though his dad had graduated from rehab to a sober house, that knee-jerk dread still hasn’t faded.
It feels unfair to his dad. And it is definitely unfair that if he isn’t in a completely solid frame of mind when a text comes in, that it can send him spiraling faster than he can sprint.
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Oh Baby Part 17
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“Daichi” you sighed in pain,” I know, honey. I’m sorry,” he said drying your tears before pressing a kiss on your forehead,” Should I ask for anaesthetics?” he asked softly, and you nodded slowly,” Please”. Daichi slowly got up to get a nurse,” Sorry, my girlfriend wants some anaesthetics for pain” he asked with a soft smile,” How old are you?” the nurse asked with a raised brow,”18″ he said,” Quite young to be a dad” Daichi sighed and stuffed his hands in his pocket,” Can we please get the anaesthetics? She is in pain” Daichi said ignoring her remark,” Sure, I will be there in a second” the nurse said. Daichi turned on his heels just when is phone began buzzing,” Suga?” he asked confused,” WHY DIDNT YOU TELL Y/N WAS IN LABOUR?” Daichi hissed and pulled the phone from his ear,” Because, y/n isn’t interested in you barging and watching her give birth” Daichi reasoned,” But I’m the godfather” he said and Daichi could hear the pout from the other side,” Suga, no” he scolded,” You can be here once Haruto is born, is that okay”,” Yeah, I guess but I better the first one to be called. Got it” he said before hanging up. Daichi shook his head,” I have a feeling Haruto be easier to raise than anyone on the team”.
A bit later, the nurse came back and gave you the anaesthetics.” How long have you been here already?” she asked while inserting the needle into your arm,” Nearly a whole day, the pain was bearable but now… ow” you hissed as she inserted another in your back,” Sorry but it will relieve your back pains a bit” she gave you a soft smile, but slight judgment can read in her eyes, “ I get the doctor, so we can check your dilation”. Daichi watched the nurse walk out with crossed arms,” She was judging right?” you asked slowly relaxing as anaesthetics start to set effect,” She hit me with aren’t you it young to be a dad” he said sitting down on the chair beside your bed,” Feeling a little better?” you hummed grabbing his large rough hand and cuddled your face into it.” We be parents soon” you said softly, Daichi nodded and pressed his lips against your forehead. Soon his son is in the world, it be real, he be a dad, his life didn’t change so much, he just got a job that’s it. But soon, his life will be changed completely, his chest began to tighten and his breath picked up,” I need some fresh air. I send my mom in” he said quickly walking out the door. You were shocked at Daichi’s reaction,” Daichi?” you said softly after him but he didn’t turn to look at you.
Daichi walked out of the hospital and took a deep breath of the cold air. He sat down on a bench under a small tree which still had some leaves on it, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the first ultrasound, which changed from him wanting to keep the baby and now actually second-guessing himself. Does he really want to change his lifestyle? He’s going to nationals in Tokyo soon, “Daichi?” his Dad’s voice interrupted his thoughts,” It’s real now, Haruto be here soon….. I don’t know if I’m ready after all, I thought he I was but when y/n said about us being parents soon, it just hit me” Daichi said as tears pooled in his eyes,” No one is born ready to be a parent, and if they say they do, it’s a lie. Being pregnant and actually taking care of a small human are very different. It’s okay to worried Daichi, but if you after all not ready to be a parent, you tell y/n straight away”,” I love her so much, she sacrificed everything for him because I initially wanted him. If I second guess now, I ruined her life for nothing” he admitted,” Are you actually second-guessing or just worried about being a dad? As if it’s the second one, like how I said no one is born to be a parent, you will make mistakes, there be a lot of sacrifices you be making for his sake, there be a lot of highs and lows, but everything will be worth it once you look at your son's face and see how a great man he has become” he began not taking his eyes of Daichi,” I need to go back to y/n” he said getting up, drying his is tears and stuffing the ultrasound back into his pocket,” Thanks dad” he smiled at him.
“Daichi, you came back” you smiled happily,” I get something for you to drink honey, and something for you to eat,” Daichi’s mom said patting Daichi’s back on her way out,” Sorry for storming out, it just hit me about our situation. I thought I wasn't ready after all to be a dad but after speaking to my dad, I found I was just scared, but now I know, I will be fine, so long I am at your side, we can do anything, we need time but I think we great, we already got practice on Karasuno” he joked kneeling beside your bed taking your hand,” I love you Dai, thanks for the honesty. I was worried that you abandoned me-”,” I will never, I will be at your side forever” he pecked your lips and stroked your darkened cheek from the crying you did.” Miss y/n? I’m your Doctor, I will be checking how far along you are” the doctor said with a smile.
“I think it is wise for you to be given Labour-inducing drugs. You are already late, and the dilation seems to be slow as well” the doctor said making you screw your eyes shut,” I tell the nurse to strengthen your anaesthetics as well” she patted your shoulder and left,” He’s being stubborn” you whimper,” Than he already fits in the family” Daichi joked,” You might want to consider having a c-section” Daichi said rubbing belly to relieve some pain,” No, I want it to be natural” you pouted making Daichi smiled gently,” Okay, feel free take your pain out on me. I need to make it up to you” he said with a grimace.
The Labour- inducing drug did help after a while, now you were ready for the actual birth. Daichi was at your side through the whole progress, Daichi’s mom was also there but his Dad went back home to check on the rest.” Deep breaths sweety” his mom said placing a cold wet towel on your forehead, Daichi was holding your hand, at times whimpering at the pressure you are putting on his hand but he didn't complain out loud, knowing that your pain is nothing compared what you are going through, both emotionally and physically. After another hour, a soft cry was heard from the other side of the room, a nurse was holding a small baby in her arms, “Hello Haruto” Daichi smiled as the nurse placed the baby on your chest,” Hello Haru” you whispered, gently rubbing the babies tiny hair, his crying stopped the second he made skin contact with you, which just melted your heart. You looked at Daichi who was crying,” Happy tears?” you asked, carefully wondering if Daichi was not still second-guessing himself,” Yes, I couldn't believe I was second-guessing myself” he said taking his son’s tiny hand in his,” Do you want to cut the umbilcacord?” the nurse asked with scissors in her hand,” It won't hurt him?” the nurse shook her head,” No, it won’t” Daichi carefully took the scissors from her hands and even more carefully cut the cord, finally cutting the physical connection between the two of you.” He is so tiny” Daichi cooed,” You were triple his size Daichi,” his mom said making Daichi blush,” Thanks mom” he chuckled awkwardly,” We be cleaning him, and taking his measurements,” a nurse said putting a blanket on Haruto before scooping him up,” Where are you taking him?” you asked concerned,” Just a couple of rooms away, he will be back the second we are done” she smiled making you nod carefully.” Sleep for a bit. I wait for him to be back” Daichi said,” I leave you to be, I text your father” his mom said,” Talk about texting” he mumbled to himself, reaching for his phone to text Suga.
A couple minutes later the nurse returned with Haruto swaddled in a blue blanket,” Here you, all cleaned. He’s under five pounds but he will gain weight by drinking breast milk, so need to be worried. His lungs are also fine, other than being tiny, your son seems healthy” the nurse said handing the baby to Daichi, who nervously took the child into his arms,” Here put your hands right there” she said guiding his hand to the baby’s head,” Thanks” he whispered not taking his eyes of Haruto, his cheeks were chubby just like a pair of dumplings which were pressed against the blue blanket. His eyes were shut but he could see the resemblance in shape to your eyes. Daichi heard a clicking sound which made him look up, it was his mother who gave him an apologetic look as she moved her phone down,” Sorry honey, your father and siblings be here soon” she said,” Hello Haruto, it’s Granny” she said softly as she didn't want to wake you, she gently rubbed his cheeks making him scrunch his nose up,” My hands are cold I know, I’m sorry” she said with a small laugh,” UNCLE SUGA IS HERE” the silvered setter screamed bursting in the room,” Shhh” Daichi hissed pointing at you, but you were so tired not even a bomb could wake you up at the moment,” sorry, uncle suga is here” he said again quieter,” Daichi, he is tiny, tiny” Suga said kneeling down in front of the Captain, admiring the infant in his arms,”It looks so funny, a tiny little baby in your big arms” he chuckled making Daichi and his mom chuckle as well,” I brought something” he said grabbing into the bag he brought, he pulled out a black fluffy something,”What is that?”,” A crow” he said matter of factly,” I did it myself, I wanted something more from the heart, as I'm his godfather” he said shyly,” Thanks Suga, he will love it” Daichi said taking the handmade toy from his best friend,”Let me take a picture, so we send it to there others” Suga suggested,” Let me take the photo” Daichi’s mom offered,” Can I hold him?” Daichi thought for a second before nodding,” Be gentle” he scolded, carefully handling his son towards his friend.
The worry about not being a good parent still lingered inside of Daichi but he knew that he and you have the best support system someone could ask for. He can't wait for Haruto to meet the others, he even looked forward to Tokyo even more now. 
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cassatine · 2 years
I love love love hearing you talk about the bastard thing and how it was legit never about legitimacy but the throne. So many people seem to debate genetics and how they COULD be laenor’s kids etc but I feel like it totally misses the point
Thank you it is my lil’ hill to camp out and die on… it's like, sure, some things are up to interpretation, but not that one. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it could hardly be more obvious that the kids’ legitimacy was never the problem. It’s in the fucking text ffs… Otto & Hobert were already having their lil discussions about putting Aegon on the throne when he was two and Rhaenyra was still years away from being married or having kids… Otto straight up tells Alicent that Rhaenyra could have been Jaehaerys reborn and it wouldn’t have changed shit because she was born without a dick also before she even got married or had kids. How those scenes went over so many heads I don’t fucking know, but it’s kind of amazing how people can look at something that’s clearly meant to be an indictment of the patriarchy and still go… ok ok but listen… what if… what if the text is really meant to be read with the fake patriarchal medievish mores in mind?? What if the issue really is the kids' legitimacy?
The brain rot is so bad, we could have a Greek chorus looking at the camera, telling the audience “it has nothing to do with legitimacy and everything to do with patriarchal structures & the Hightower patriarchs thirsting for power” and people would STILL be like, but but but how can the chorus be reliable?? Don’t the fake patriarchal medievish mores say sex out of wedlock is dishonorable whore behavior and bastards are by nature wanton and treacherous??
The fake patriarchal medievish mores also say you shouldn’t break guests rights, or kinslay, and that protecting people who did such things is bad, all things the people who point the finger at a woman having consensual sex out of wedlock with one (1) dude that isn’t her gay husband don’t seem to care overly much about for some reason -- don't even start me on how fucking yikes it is that people are like "well clearly Rhaenyra & Laenor didn't try hard enough they didn't do their quote unquote duty :((".
And lmao people are bringing genetics into it?? Missing the point indeed. I love to push the watsonian approach to its limits as much as anyone else but ffs, HotD isn’t. like. the real world. What we see is what the people telling the story chose to show and if they’d wanted us to think for even a hot second that maybe the kids were Laenor’s, the hints would have been on the fucking screen: the Velaryons would have been white, Rhaenys would have had her dark Baratheon hair like in F&B, Harwin wouldn’t have had that scene holding baby Joffrey, Rhaenyra wouldn’t have had that scene telling Jace “you’re Targs and that’s what matters” -- nor would she have told Daemon “yeah Laenor and I tried and it didn’t work,” etc etc.
And in any case…: if the kids had been Laenor's, then Otto & Hobert & co would just have pulled a different card, such as: well Laenor is super gay so how do we know the kids aren’t quote unquote deviants as well, can’t have a gay King in the future can we? Or: well Laenor is super gay so how do we know the kids actually aren’t some other Velaryon’s kids, Rhaenyra was spotted talking to Vaemond for more than two minutes twice in the last ten years, isn’t it sus? Etc etc -- and of course, they could always have defaulted to the classic “well Rhaenyra doesn’t have a dick so she clearly isn’t qualified to rule.”
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hagelpoint-3821 · 1 year
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Chapter 3
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Summary: Sydnee introduces Brandon to her sister Jessica for the first time, Brandon expresses his true feelings for Sydnee
TW: Past family issues, family fighting
Notes: Sorry for the delay in upload! Between the holidays and I was going through a rough mental time I just didn’t feel like posting. But uploads should be getting to normal.
Word count: 2309
We get up and get our shoes on and then get into his car, when he starts driving he reaches over and grabs my hand, smiling softly.
I smile softly back at him, lacing our fingers together. Taking my phone out and taking a picture of our hands together, and then I change the lock screen on my phone, he sees what I’m doing and grins at me. So it's cheesy. Who cares?
“What? It’s a genuine good picture. I like it.”
“I didn’t say anything!” He laughs. “I like the fact that you like simple things like this.”
“Simple is the best way to be.”
We ride is silence for a bit, my head resting against the back of the seat, it isn’t an awkward silence, but a peaceful one. I’m looking out the window when he speaks up.
“So other than your sister, tell me about your family.”
“Well, there isn’t much. Jess was planned and I wasn’t. And for whatever reason our parents take it out on me. Like I asked to be born. They have always favored Jess over me. Spoiled the crap out of her, took her on trips that I didn’t even know they were taking. Um what else.. oh my dad is definitely something else. He always calls me worthless and a waste of space. Hints why my mental health is so bad. That is all I’ve ever heard. My sister could get away with whatever she wanted. I had straight A's in school, had a job at 16, graduated college in 2 years. It was a 4 year program mind you, still wasn’t good enough for them. Especially him.”
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry.” He grabs my hand tighter.
I only shrug, “it’s okay I guess. I’m used to it at this point.”
“Well I think you’re an amazing person and everything that they say about you isn’t true.”
Smiling softly, I look over at him, “thank you.”
“Of course. Now what surprises me is how close you and your sister are.”
“I mean we have definitely fought and we still do fight every now and again, as every set of siblings do, but for the most part she was more of a mother figure than my actual mother was.”
“Wow, I can’t even imagine.” His voice trails off.
“Yeah it’s.. not fun, that’s for sure. I mean even now that we are grown you’d think that would change right? Nope. Holidays I literally spend alone. They all get together with everyone and I stay home. It's less painful to spend it alone than with a family that doesn’t want me around.”
“Well I promise you this, you don’t have to go through anything alone again. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” He pulls my hand up and kisses the top of it.
*Sydnee hold it together.* I tell myself but a tear falls, I quickly wipe it away, hoping he didn’t see it.
“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying. I’m not sad, I just never have had someone care so much about me the way that you do. It’s so sweet I just can’t help it.”
“Well I mean it, you don’t have to go through anything alone anymore.”
“Oh my gosh Brandon stop it!” I laugh as I wipe my face again.
When we get to my house, I walk in with Brandon behind me, “Jess I’m here! Also I have company!”
“Company? What?” She ask, walking into the living room where we are, “oh. Company as in Brandon Hagel is literally standing in our living room.”
“Yes. I wanted him to properly meet you.”
Brandon smiles at her and holds his hand out, “Hi. I’m Brandon.”
Jess is shocked but shakes his hand, “I’m Jessica, but most just call me Jess.”
“And I call you a pain in the ass.” I chime in which causes the other two to laugh. I turn and look at Jess, giving her the •I told you so• look.
“Oh shut up.” She laughs.
“Woah, what just happened?” Brandon asked.
“What do you mean?” I look over at him, genuinely confused.
“You two just had a full conversation without a word being said.”
“Oh! That happens a lot. We have lived together since literally forever.” Jess laughs.
“Oh yeah. We can have like three conversations at one time without a single word being said.” I say and laugh. “So Jess, where are you going for the weekend?”
“Over to Iowa for the weekend. Just taking a girls trip.”
“Oh okay, I mean I don’t care. I think since you’re going to be gone I’m going to stay with Brandon.”
“Oh nice!”
Brandon’s face lights up as he hears me say I’m going to stay with him, I hadn’t told him I wanted to stay with him yet. Oops.
“You’re going to stay with me?”
“If that’s okay with you.”
“Of course! I don’t care. I want you all to myself.”
We smile at each other and then I look over at Jess, “see. He is one of the good ones.”
I relax as I feel him put his arm around me.
“I mean I believed you but now I see the way he is treating you, I really believe you.”
Brandon rest his chin on my shoulder, “I would never ever hurt her.”
Jess smiles softly at us, “good, she’s been through a lot and she needs someone like you in her life.”
“Well her battles are now mine, I’m not letting her go through life alone anymore.”
“Good.” She pulls her phone out of her pocket and checks it. “Okay they are here. Have fun you two! But not too much fun!” She winks as she grabs her bag and throws it over her shoulder.
“Jess!” I laugh. “Go on and get out of here with that.”
She laughs and walks out of the house.
“God she’s such a shit.” Brandon and I both laugh.
“But she cares so much about you, you can hear it when she talks about you.”
“Again, she’s more like my mom and my actual mom. I’m going to go to my room and pack, you’re more than welcome to come up there or stay here. Either way it doesn’t matter to me.”
I start walking to my room when I hear his footsteps behind me, smiling softly as I reach my bedroom doorway.
I reach for the door handle and pause when I grip the knob, “I’m sorry for my room, I love my sports.” Side note people, my room is filled wall to wall with sports things, cubs, hawks, all types of memorabilia. Signed baseballs, bats, gloves. Pucks, sticks and jerseys from hockey also fill my room. You name it I’m sure I have it. I open the door and walk in.
“Yeah, um it’s a little much I know.” I say softly.
“No! This is so cool!“ he said as he looks around and starts walking around the room, checking everything out.
“I’m a collector, big sports fan. I love finding this stuff.” I say as I grab a bag from my closet.
“Your room is so cool. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I’ve spent more money than I care to admit.” I chuckle, starting to pack my bag.
He sits on my bed and watches me pack. “No being serious here, I love this. This is some serious dedication here.”
“I told you I loved my sports. I wasn’t joking.”
He smiles, “it’s great, also do you need help with anything?”
I stop and think for a minute, “um, can you go into my bathroom and get my makeup bag and straightener off the sink? Also my shampoo and conditioner from the shower?”
“Sure, but is the makeup really needed? You are beautiful without it.”
Oh my god I died a little
“T-thank you.” I say as a blush turns my face red, I turn so he can’t see me.
“Just speaking facts babe.”
“Yes.” A wicked grin comes across his face. “When I say I was going to treat you right I meant it.”
I sigh happily as I watch him walk to the bathroom. Maybe Jess is right, maybe I really am falling for him. But for once in my life, I'm not going to fight what is happening, because I like where this is going and I don’t want this feeling to go away.
He comes back out of the bathroom, “holy pineapple takeover.”
I’m sitting on my bed at this point getting the last of my bag packed up when I see him come back in.
“What? Ever heard of lucky pineapples before?”
“Nope not till now.” He hands everything that I asked for. “There is so much I need to learn about you. And I can’t wait until the day I get to know all of you.”
I’m at a loss for words, I just get up and hug him. I smile as I feel his arms around my lower back.
“I don’t know what the future holds, but I want you in it.” I say as I look up at him.
He smiles softly at me, “l’m going to be here as long as you want me to be.”
“I never want you to leave.”
“I’m here baby.” He said softly, leaning down and kissed me.
I’m completely shocked at first but quickly kiss him back.
We stay like this for a few minutes before I finally pull back, only because my stomach decided that NOW it wanted to growl. I don’t want to move out of his arms though.
“If you’re hungry we can go eat,” he says as he picks up my bag.
“I am hungry, actually.”
“Perfect. Then let’s go eat.”
We get back in his car, he puts my bag in the back seat and then gets in the driver's seat.
“Can we get pizza? I’m craving pizza.”
He laughs as he pulls out of the drive, “we can get whatever you want. If that means that you’ll eat then we will get it.”
“Yay!” I don’t know where this sudden burst of energy came from, but I like the way that I’m feeling right now and I don’t want it to go away. He grabs my hand as he starts to drive.
“You know I really didn’t want to go to the game the other day, but now I’m so glad that I did.” I smile over at him.
“I’m glad you did too.” He says as a smile grows across his face.
When we get to Giordano’s hengets the car parked and before I can get out of the car, he is at my door and opens it for me.
“Quite the gentleman aren’t we Bagel?” I giggle as I step out of the car.
He laughs, shutting the door and grabs my hand, walking inside.
“Hey guys! Just the two of you today?” The person running the host stand asked.
“Yep, just the two of us.” I speak up before Brandon could say anything. He looks at me surprised. Honestly I’m a little surprised myself at this new confidence. When we get seated he just looks at me.
“Nothing, I’m just shocked that you spoke up first, just different. In a good way. I like this side of you.
“Well, I feel different. You give me the confidence that I’ve been lacking for years.”
“That makes my heart so happy.” He smiles at me.
I smile at him and then start looking through the menu.
“Gosh everything looks so good I could eat it all.”
He looks up and laughs , “do you want to share a pizza or?”
“Yes! And breadsticks too. Please?”
“Anything you want babe. The fact that you want to eat is music to my ears.”
When the server comes over, he gets our order, he freezes when he finally gets a good look at Brandon.
“Oh. My. God. You’re Brandon Hagel!”
“Last time I checked.” Brandon laughs.
The server pulls his phone out, “I’m sorry to ask this but can I get a picture? I’m a huge hawks fan and you’re quickly becoming a favorite around here in Chicago.”
“Of course I don’t mind. Babe can you take it for us?” He asked as he stands up.
“Sure.” I stand up and get the picture, hanging the phone back to our server.
He smiles brightly at both of us, “I’ll get your order rang in and it’ll be ready in about 15-20 minutes!”
“Thank you.” I smile at him.
He nods and walks off.
“See, if people acted like that. I wouldn’t mind it at all, but that host this morning was completely flirting with me and it was beyond rude.” He says as he looks at me.
“She just seemed like a person who thinks the world revolves around her. I mean she looked right at you like I wasn’t even there.” I say as I get a drink.
“Her face when I caught her flirting with me and shutting her down was completely priceless.” He laughs. “I do only have eyes for one woman and she’s sitting right across from me.”
I can feel my heart flutter in my chest. Our server comes out with our breadsticks, “pizza should be ready in a few more minutes. Anything I can get right now for you guys?”
“Um no I don’t think so. Thank you.” Brandon says.
I take a breadstick, rip a piece off and eat it, doing a little happy dance as I do so.
He looks at me and grins, “ okay I don’t know what the heck that was, but it was beyond adorable.”
I giggle and grin, “I’m just in a really good mood right now.”
“I love this side of you.”
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How Does It Affect You If Someone Is Different
To all the straight transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist people. Why is it that someone who is remotely different than you insult you so much.
You create this vision that everyone has to be exactly like you, why do you freak out if a man wants to be a woman it doesn't harm you in anyway it doesn't affect your life in a horrible way it's really none of your business if someone wants to be a different gender, date the same sex, not have sex, not be interested romantically, or is a different race. It. Is. Not. Your. Business. Yeah go ahead and tell me I'm wrong you're only making yourself looked stupid, if you don't want to be a part of it or support them don't make a huge deal about it and carry on with your life, no one will listen to you if you're going to be the enemy of the good.
And why does it matter to you if a woman has a regret of becoming a parent it's not your business you're not in her body, and what if she can't have the child she is bearing because of birth defects don't force her through the pain it's already hard enough for her to have to lose her baby, plus the only killers are you because she has a possibility of losing her life and you're taking away her right to live. Get your head out of her vagina and shove a stick up your ass if you disagree it's not your body you don't own her she is a human being, and you're a certified pain in the ass. Literally someone else's business is not your own.
And who the fuck cares if he has a dark complexion, or she's Asian your the one making it a big deal your the one who looks stupid, and when you tell someone who has a different ethnicity than you and you tell them to go back to their country guess what! We all are traced back to Africa the first person was a BLACK. WOMAN. Not Adam or Eve who were as white as snow as us whites say. She was black and very beautiful so how about you think before you speak because we are all traced back to Africa. AND FUN FACT THE DEFAULT SEX ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE VAGINAS. Yeah boast all you want it's been recorded that men have a mark on their genitals where their vagina was supposed to be I'm not saying women are better but it seems a lot of men run around with the thought that women are weak when the only way men are here is through genetic mutations, GUESS WHAT the only reason women are quote "weaker" is because of insecure men with fragile egos who's gets no bitches because they expect women to bow to them simply because they have a dick, after we moved from hunter gatherers society we put women in charge of the kids. Back in those days if a woman wanted to go hunting she could and if the man wanted to stay home and watch the kids he could but when humans figured out how to round up animals and farm that changed and now we have toxic masculinity and weaker women. (Which are fed up with this bs called misogyny)
A man wanting to be a woman isn't wrong, actually it's good because if he finds interest in his life as a woman she should be able to be herself. lots of men feel unheard because they're told at a young age that emotion aside from anger is unacceptable and maybe if we have more trans people around they could feel a bit more heard because they want to be able express themselves it's important to listen plus maybe if you'd give the trans community and listen to their side of the story maybe you could see why they want to be the opposite sex hey maybe you can find interest in the feelings of not being born as the right sex, plus gender is something we have made up to keep people in line and yes you might have a different sex then someone else but in the end your still human the sex your born with shouldn't be the reason you can't be yourself. And It's the same for women who want to be a man maybe they feel their feelings are not being heard, or just don't feel comfortable with the gender they were given, Yes they might not have a dick but that doesn't mean they can't be a man it's really none of your business and in the end it doesn't affect your life negatively in the reality you're the problem and making it harder for yourself if I'm being honest.
If you're disgusted by Jane liking Rebecca then maybe you need to look inside yourself before you judge because if you can't come to terms that people can love whatever gender they want obviously that's saying something about you, as I've said before you're not a part of their relationship and in that case it's none of your business. Personally I feel more comfortable with my friends who are a part of LGBTQIA+ not because I am a bisexual in question but because I feel like I can relate to people who have struggled which we all have. Did you know women with gay friends who are male feel more safe because they feel like they won't be judged or assaulted. Maybe being attracted to the same gender or multiple isn't that bad, if you can find trust in people who are different from you maybe you can change too.
What angers me the most is I've heard men say "well women are always weaker then men because their girls" you are stupid and jealous of women because they have the ability to bring life into this world. But you miss that they have to carry one or more children for nine months and in the last trimester babys can weigh 6.5 or more, now multiply that by two or more if she's having twins she has to carry at least 13 pounds, and on top of that she can have high risk of death and miscarriages, miscarriages are a painful thing to go through women often feel guilty because their body rejected the child when it's not their fault, even if it's nature it still hurts the mother physically, mentally, and emotionally, so if you say being pregnant is easy think again!
I don't care if a man wears a skirt so why should you! in the end it's just a piece of fabric. Or if a woman doesn't want kids. Shouldn't we just be happy with what we have already so drop the nasty attitude and accept the chance to let people be themselves and express their choices. Because in the end the only thing you can control is yourself and your actions and no one likes a hater. So don't get into someone else's business and find better things to do because in the end the world will not stop for your opinion simply because you're scared of change and the power you'll lose, don't make greed be the cause of your downfall.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
253 of 2023
Personal Your first and middle name?
Joeri Stijn, so very Dutch.
Your next birthday is how long away?
Two months.
Your current age?
What's your sign?
Taurus, but I don’t care about such things.
Where were you born?
Oostende, Belgium. This is not my hometown, though.
Where do you currently live?
Bruges, Belgium.
How long have you lived in the area you currently reside?
Five years.
Do you have a religious background?
I come from a mixed religion family, Catholic dad and Protestant mum. I consider myself agnostic, though.
Are you currently seeing anyone?
Seeing? What does it mean?
Are you Gay, Straight, or Bi Sexual?
Gay, but asexual.
Do you currently have any children?
No. What’s “currently” anyway? You make babies and then get rid of them?
What do you do for a living?
I’m an electrician in some French rail-making company. (Yes, this one.)
Do you have any pets?
Yeah, two cats.
Do you currently live with your parents?
You crazy? I’m in my 30s, ffs. I live with my husband.
Firsts How old where you when you had your first kiss?
22. I wasn’t much interested.
Who was your first kiss?
My first ex.
First time you flew on plane where did you go?
I’ve never been on a plane. Never will, most likely.
Who was your First grade teacher?
Mrs. W. I still remember her, but she’s deceased now.
First time you skipped school what did you do?
Who remembers that? Probably went to the beach with my friends. Then the school called our parents. Then we got punished. Fun times indeed.
First person you go to when you are in trouble?
My husband.
Who was your first crush?
In all seriousness, probably Nielsje. Unless my *celebrity crush* counts, 17 years and counting. :P
How old were you when you had sex the first time?
24. Never been interested either.
When did you first realize you were interested in the same/opposite sex?
About 15 or so.
Who was your first serious relationship?
What was your first ever pet?
I had two: a dog named Brutus and a cat named Agatha.
What’s your first choice for a college?
Man, it was years ago. Not gonna share the name, though.
What the first CD you ever owned?
Who remembers that.
What was the first concert you went to?
If… (you must make a choice or anwser) If you got the chance to talk to one political leader which one would you pick?
I wanted to say our king, but is he really political?
If you had to wear one colour forever what colour would you choose?
If you had to pick one song to describe your whole life what would it be?
Lange Frans & Baas B - Ik Wacht Al Zo Lang.
If you had to live the rest of your life without one person who would it be?
Bianca lol. Everyone would say that.
If you could go back to any one day in life what would it be?
The day we went to Amsterdam. Lots of fun and weed everywhere.
If you had to cut a parent out of your life who would you cut out?
Probably my mum, but we’re good now.
If you had to be stuck in a house with 1 person forever who would you pick?
My husband.
If you could go out and buy anything right now what would you get?
Nothing’s open at that time of a day.
What’s worse? If you had to shave your head or never shave again?
Never shave again, because my facial hair is stupid.
If you had to get a piercing right now what would you get done?
Another cartillage in one of my ears.
If you had to change one thing in the past what would it be?
That brain incident.
If you had to marry your spouse today or never see them again would you?
Fail, we’re married already.
If you could change one law what would it be?
I don’t habe brains for that.
If you had to erase one memory what would you pick?
Sexual abuse.
Numbers Name your 5 favorite colors?
Five? You crazy?
Who are/were your favourite 3 celebs of all time?
I only have one, this Dutch rapper.
Who is the #1 person/ thing in your life?
My husband.
What are 2 things you wish you never did?
Jeez, what a question.
What are 3 things you want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
Get the full mobility of my hand, my medication to be perfectly adjusted, come back to uni.
Where were you on New Years 2000?
Probably at home. I was 10 then.
Name 3 people who have really influenced your life?
Can’t find 3. I’m an oddball out there, I don’t follow anyone.
What are the last 2 books you read?
I’ve been reading one book for long time.
What are 3 movies you could watch over and over again?
I don’t watch movies.
5 cities in the US you want to see before you die?
I’ve only ever wanted to visit New York.
Do/Did you have 1 parent or 2?
1 to 100 what is your favourite number?
What 3 Countries would you love to see?
Finland, Sweden and Spain.
What are 4 things you cannot live without?
My camera, my husband, my cats, travels.
This Or That? Gay for a day or never able to orgasm again?
Gay for a day? Man, I was gay for my whole life.
1 year of love and that’s it or a lifetime of loneliness?
Either way.
Would you rather have TV or Radio for the rest of your life?
I’m gonna choose TV anyway.
Having a baby now or never being able to have one?
Never being able to have one, that would be a blessing.
Would you rather go blind or deaf?
Stupid question.
Do you want a son or daughter?
A relationship with someone with good looks or good personality?
Personality. A person with beautiful personality is always beautiful.
Who do you like better Adam Levine or Avril Lavigne?
Who the hell is Adam Levine?
Would you rather drive a Ford or Chevy?
Whatever, as long as it drives.
What’s worse physical abuse or verbal abuse?
Both are awful, wtf.
What scares you more a Hurricane or a Tornado?
We don’t have tornadoes here.
Would you rather have 3 personal wishes or world peace?
World peace.
Colors What where/is your High school colors?
We don’t do that in Europe.
Last thing that you held in your hand that was Green?
A highlighter.
What is the nearest object that you can find that is Yellow?
Post-It cards.
What colour are your toe nails?
Normal colour? lol.
What were your favourite colours when you were a kid?
What was the colour of the last car you were in?
Is the grass in your yard green or brown?
We don’t even have a yard.
What’s something that you own that is purple?
A highlighter, lol.
Did you eat the different coloured ketchups when they came out?
What? I’ve never seen anything like that.
Do you prefer brown eggs or white?
What’s the difference? An egg is an egg.
What colour do you consider the sun to be really?
White, all colours at once. It’s basic physics.
What colour are the moons in lucky charms?
Who cares?
What do you like better black leather or white lace?
Last thing you touched that was silver?
Probably a fork.
Finishing up… What’s the last song you listened to?
Allt - Rupture.
What are you hungry for right now?
Last person to speak to you?
My husband.
What’s the last text you received in your phone say?
Jesus Christ, the most overrated question ever.
Last time the phone rang who was it?
I don’t remember, probably a scammer.
What are you doing when you finish this?
Going to my physiotherapist, or yet another one.
Would you ever see the Bloodhound Gang in concert?
I don’t go to concerts.
Would you ever consider joining the Military?
I did, but I’m not allowed.
Would you consider dating someone you met online?
What are your final words?
0 notes
soletlunasims · 1 year
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Continuing, practically, where we left off, Ares is struggling with coming to terms with the new reality she has set for herself.
She spent the next week locked in her room, sobbing for the majority of the time. She didn't even let the butler in to do their daily bedroom cleaning. Instead, the butler sensed that Ares was having a hard time and rather than prying into it, they prepped her tons of food and kept the rest of the house straight while turning away unwarranted guests. Ares told her professors that she had to be home for a family emergency for an extended period of time. Most of them were understanding. Others weren't as much. But all of her professors granted her temporary 'Work from home' basically making her classes online classes until further notice. It was the university's policy to grant their students this privilege at least once in case of emergencies. Ares took full advantage of this by taking the entire semesters classes fully online. The baby would be born in between semesters so she would be able to hide her pregnancy the entire time. As for when the baby arrived, she didn't know what she was going to do.
(side note: In my saves, all babies for the most part are born regardless of if it's a wanted pregnancy or not. This is for two reasons.
I play without mods because I am on console so, even if I wanted to do a story line that involved aborting a baby, it would be incredibly time consuming to do it. I have only done it once as an experiment and you really have to try.
Not to get political, but while I believe in 'my body my choice' a lot of the Sims I play with are Sims that are carrying the next gen of my family so when a sim gets pregnant, it's with purpose. Most Sims that don't want kids only have one. The one I need to continue. Sims that want families and children usually have at least 2. There are cases where I have both parent Sims unwilling to accept the baby and when that happens, the send them off to be adopted and they get played in a foster house or with an adopted family.
Maybe when I play with mods, one day, I will change that standard bit of lore across my saves but I also fear that might be too far for some readers.)
Ares was always in her head about things. But everything she worried about until now seemed so ridiculous in retrospect. There was only one thing she could rationalize about this entire situation:
She would not raise this baby.
But she also knew she couldn't just keep this a secret to herself, find a family that wanted it, and pretend like it never happened. She may have been trying to push Gunnar away up until now, but he deserved to know this. He was the father, after all and even though Ares was trying to move on and leave Gunnar behind, she realized that he had always been on her side, by her side and he would die for her. A pang of guilt hit her and she started to cry once again. This time she thought about how Gunnar would react. What if he got angry and told everyone? She didn't want anyone to know the baby was hers but she also realized how terrible of a person she had been to the one person who truly cared about her. She deserved this.
For the first time in a very long time, Ares reacted without thinking. She wiped the tears from her eyes but it didn't hide the fact that she was crying. She video called Gunnar who picked it up almost immediately. He sounded a bit cold when he answered "Ares. What's up? How's school? Tried to call you myself a couple times but I assume you were busy. I didn't want to bother you if that was the case."
Ares eyes noticably welled up with tears but she tried to force a smile. "Uh... Yeah... Um... Heh... I'm sorry about that. Yeah, no. I have actually not been feeling so well lately."
Gunnar's face softened. Maybe he wasn't being ignored the past 3 weeks if that was really the case. Maybe she had travellers flu or some other illness. He felt bad for thinking the worst "Oh, Ares..... I'm sorry. I hope it didn't affect the begining of your semester too much."
Tears streamed down Ares face. She didn't know what to say to Gunnar. How was she supposed to tell him?
Gunnar broke the silence by asking her a question. He didn't notice her crying at first because he was preoccupied with something he was doing before she called. "Oh! Hey!.... My black button up isn't anywhere here. Did you happen to accidentally pack it with your stuff, by chance?"
Ares perked up for a second. She was sitting on her bed and the suitcase was in the corner of the room, still packed up. She had been so eager for school that she didn't even bother to unpack. She rushed over to her bag, leaving her phone on the bed giving Gunnar a great view of the ceiling. That caught Gunnar's attention and he stopped what he was doing. He laughed "Don't worry about it, it's not that serious. I'll get it from you eventually."
Ares picked her phone back up. "I have it."
Gunnar then noticed something wasn't right. "Ares?.... Hey. Are you crying? What's wrong?"
Ares started bawling. Gunnar tried everything to console her but she kept crying for a good 10 minutes before Gunnar could actually get a word in to her. "Whatever it is, it'll be alright. You know I'll be here for you."
Ares stopped crying and just stared at Gunnar's face on the phone. It started to freak Gunnar out but he was afraid to say something that would trigger her to start crying again. After an uncomfortably long time Ares found the courage to tell Gunnar what she had to say.
With a dead stare into the phone, she proceeded to speak. "I'm pregnant."
Gunnar just kept looking at her. Eventually he put his head in his hands and he just sat there for a while. They were both silent. Suddenly, Gunnar piped up. "It is mine, right?"
Ares scoffed. "Who else, Gunnar?"
Gunnar: "Well. I don't know.... I don't know who you have been seeing while at school. How am I supposed to know?"
Ares looked down and started fidgeting with her nails. "Yes... It's yours. I have never been with anyone else..."
While the circumstances were less than pleasant, Gunnar felt a sense of relief wash over him when he heard that.
Ares ruined that sense of relief with what she said next. "I'm going to find a nice family for this baby. Don't worry."
Gunnar's heart sank. "What?...."
Ares: "I can't raise this baby. And if it got out that I had a baby while still in university, it would ruin my career. There's no way I would be taken seriously as a candidate for local office let alone for president. I can't keep it, Gunnar."
Gunnar started to get mad. "What, and you didn't even consider, I don't know... Asking the father if he would raise it? I kind of know the guy personally! I'd say chances are pretty fuckin' high that he would!"
Ares got defensive. "No way! Imagine if I let you do that? You would have solid proof that it's my kid. I want no ties to it!"
Gunnar: "You really think that little of me, Ares?! You would be willing to give up MY child to save your career, huh?"
Ares remained silent. Gunnar noded his head a few times before he ended the call.
Ares sighed. "That went not as expected....". She looked over at the black shirt she grabbed from the suitcase. Gunnar's black button up. She picked it up and held it to her face, inhaling his scent. For a moment she felt at peace.
Ares decided to put Gunnar's shirt on before she got in bed for the night and drifted off to sleep. It was unclear weather she was exhausted from crying, growing a human or whatever else but she had the best night's sleep she's had in a long time. So much so that she was awakened by 1 in the afternoon the next day to a loud sound from the living room.
Ares couldn't make out what was going on at first as she pressed her ear to the door. She feared she might be getting robbed. She heard the butler "Ms. Palette is not feeling well and requires time to rest. She is not taking visitors at this time. I will not repeat myself. Do not make me call the cops."
Another voice permeated through the door. "Why don't you ask her for yourself if I'm just some guest? We have business that needs to be had, as soon as possible... Please. Just tell her I'm here. See what she says."
There was no mistaking that voice. Ares opened the bedroom door to see the butler with a sheepish look on his face and his hand up as if he was about to knock on the door. He cleared his throat.
Ares nodded at him "Can you give us some privacy?"
The butler bowed and left the room. Ares darted her eyes toward her houseguest. "Why are you here, Gunnar?"
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"why are you in my shirt?", Gunnar shot back.
Ares clicked her tongue. "Unbelievable. You actually made the trip out here for this? Why?!"
Gunnar gritted his teeth. "I took the first plane out here. As soon as I hung up, I got myself a ticket. I'm angry, Ares."
Ares: "Okay and? What the fuck am I supposed to do about it? You ruined my life."
Gunnar's eyes grew wide: "I did what now? Did you forget how it all went down? You came on to me."
Ares rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You have been trying to get in my pants for the past two years, Gunnar."
Gunnar waved his hands in front of his face and turned away from her. " Go get clothes on. We'll talk about this when you're decent."
-To Gunnar's Surprise-
Ares actually listened to him. She put on jeans and a top. Immediately after, she felt the urge to get sick. She ran back through the house to the bathroom, leaving Gunnar feeling helpless as he waited for her to come out. After a few minutes, she returned, her head slightly tilted downward as if she was ashamed that anyone saw her in such a state.
Gunnar desperately wanted to hold her. To make her feel better. But he was bitter. He just looked at her, hands in his pockets. He nodded toward the door. "Wanna get some fresh air?"
They headed outside where they continued their conversation.
Gunnar kept his hands in his pockets, and stared at Ares. She felt the penetrative gaze from Gunnar but she could not find the courage to look him in the eye. After a few minutes, Gunnar came up with something to say. "You really mean what you said?"
Ares played ignorant. "About what?"
Gunnar chuckled slightly, tears welling in his eyes. He was saddened at Ares behavior and, above all else, pissed off. "You were seriously going to give my baby up? Without consulting me? That's really fucked up, Ares."
Ares was also pissed now. " Who gives you the right to tell me what to do with the baby the I'M growing. ME. I'm the one who has to go through it. NOT YOU!"
Gunnar, for the first time since Ares has known him, raised his voice at her. "THE BABY WE MADE TOGETHER! OUR BABY! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALONE....". Gunnar checked himself once he saw Ares reel at his sudden outburst. ".... You don't have to do it at all. I want to raise our kid! Ares.... Look at me!"
Ares kept her head away from him but darted her eyes to meet his for a brief second before looking at the ground near his feet.
Gunnar choked back tears. "Christ, Ares. I can't even have a conversation with you about it? For someone who prides themselves on their confidence and social skills, you're really having a tough time of it right now. Are we adults or are we not?"
Ares stood there for a moment. Gunnar waited for her response, his usual patience showing up to take the place of the beast that shocked them moments ago. Eventually, she let down her guard and turned to face Gunnar.
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She found the courage to speak her mind. "Gunnar. This was a mistake. This parasite growing inside me? A mistake. Sleeping with you? Mistake. Letting you get so close...... Being your friend for so long..... I should have known better. You could never match my energy. You're way too different. I'm gonna be something big one day. I'm going to make changes. I don't see a future where you and I are still even friends. You're better off without me. Pretend you never knew me. Pretend none of this ever happened."
Gunnar started to feel sick. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. " So that's it, huh? 10 years of friendship down the drain? You never want to see me again? And you want me to pretend like I didn't father a kid and hope it all goes back to normal?! Am I understanding you correctly?!"
Ares started to lose patience. " Yup."
Gunnar shook his head. "You're fucking unbelievable, Ares. I'm truly disgusted by how you are dealing with all of this. I ruined your life? If you get rid of my child, I will never be the same. But you don't care about that do you? No.... You only ever care about yourself."
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Ares: "That's not fair, Gunnar!"
Gunnar: "The truth isn't fair? Doesn't part of your history degree involve studying law? Maybe you aren't as smart as you perceive yourself."
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Ares: "I don't need this! Get off of my property! I don't want to talk anymore. Please leave."
Gunnar sighed and put his hands back in his pockets. He shrugged. "Guess this is goodbye, then."
Gunnar turned to walk down the drive. Ares watched him as he disappeared into the distance. She went inside and slammed the door. Her butler stood in the living room. "Is everything alright, Madam?"
Ares noded but she had a furious look in her eyes. "Pour me a glass of that Von Houte vintage red, would you?"
Her butler bowed to her and did just that.
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0 notes
midsummereve1993 · 1 year
loseing my sunshine
@appetite4savage @youlightmeupfinn @niksixx @bvcksmunson 
A/N please let me me know what you think about this story, please leave comments and i hope you like it. Please let me know what i can do to improve and get better.
Warnings- talks of childbirth  and death during childbirth.
January 1 1990 12:00 pm
Mick sit in the waiting room with his hands on his hand hoping for the best, his wife shortly after delivery there daughter started to bleee heavily and he was pushed out the door. He didn't know what he would do if he lost his wife nor did he know how to raise a daughter. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see Nikki beside him. "How Hannah Nikki said wanting to know, Nikki was mick brother-in-law and he rushed straight here after he got the called that his sister had gone into labor but when he got here he was informed by the nurses what happened. "I don't know man, "they haven't come back out yet why haven't they mick said with tears flowing from his eyes.
Nikki felt hopless as she sit there and held his brother-in-law, even though Nikki wasn't a praying man he started to pray to every God he could think of to heal his sister and make sure she was around to see her daughter grow up. Nikki heard the doors open and looked up to see the doctor comming out and just one look at his face told nikki all he needed to know. "Family of Hannah deal mick heard and shot his head up looking at the doctor."How my wife doc can I see her mick said jumping up to look at the doctor and didn't see Nikki face, "I'm sorry Mr deal we tried all we could but we couldn't save her. "Nooooooo mick said sinking down to the ground as nikki got down beside him and held the men closed. Nikki had a ton of emotion about loseing his sister because during Christmas they sit and chatted about his neice and how she was so excited to meet her daughter and jow that was taken away from her. "It's ok man I'm right here he said rubbing mick back as screamed for His wife to come back and after a few  minuets he had to be  Sedated because he couldn't calm down.
January 1 1990 2:00 pm
Nikki stood looking into the nursery window at his neice as she calmy slept not knowing her entire world had just change, Hannah was brought the hospital yesterday night after her water broke and his neice was born hours later 11:40 pm. He had just spoken to her before he left and told her he could not wait to see her again but sadly that wasn't the case. "Nikki how dad doing he heard and and turned to see mick two older children walking toward him with worry faces. "They had to  sedate him because he had a breakdown nikki said looking at mick daughter,  mick children were excited at geting another siblings especially since Hannah was such a Good person to there dad and that's all they wanted. "I that her les said looking into the window and then back at nikki, "yes that is you baby sister Kaitlyn jade he said.
"Nikki I'm sorry about Hannah I know you were really excited to see your sister again stormy said knowing the man had a ton of emotion building up but kept it in so he could help other people, when her dad and Hannah started seeing each other both her and les could see the love they had between them and now that was ripped away and nikki no longer had a sister. "You know I wasn't too thrilled when she started dating your father because he was older then her and I was afried she would get hurt but as time went on I saw the love that they had and then I knew immediately that they were meant to be together. "Same with me and les, "Hannah aways treated us like we was her own and that made us feel good. "My mom aways said that Hannah was a good person for dad, "he knows we will be there for him right to help raise her so he won't have to do it along. "I know and so will we, "I just god that little girl has no ideal her life has just changed. "She definitely has Das features but her mom eyes, "yeah Hannah grey eyes were beautiful and now she has them. "Let's go see your dad nikki said as all three of them walked toward the room where mick was.
"Hi dad stormy said comming into the room and hug her dad before letting go, "Hi baby what are yall doing here mick said looking to his children with curious looks. "Nikki called us and told us what happed and we rushed straight over les said hugging his dad before stepping back. "So it wasn't a dream he said playing with his fingers hoping that it was all a dream but it seemed the nightmare was real. "We really sorry dad about Hannah, "but you know me and les will pitch in to help you raise her along with nikki and the band.
"Yeah man definitely nikki said looking to mick, "my sister would want this and no way in hell am I leting you do this along. "Les why don't we go down and see if we can get kaitlyn brought to dad room she said as they both walked out. After they left nikki turned back and had tears flowing down his face, "I wish it was me nikki I wish it was me because then she would have her mom. "But then she wouldn't have her dad and the band would be broken up.
"Look I know right now things are tough but it will get easier but  I promise that we will be here every step of the way nikki said puting his hand on mick shoulder. "Dad want to hold your daughter les said comming back into the room holding  his sister who had woken up and was looking at him like he had two heads. Les placed his baby sister in his dad's arms and stepped back, "Hi baby your so beautiful mick said Leaning down to kiss his daughter's head as he looked into her grey eyes.
"Nikki want to hold her mick said handingnher to him making the man brust into tears as he held his necie in his arms, "Hi Katy your so loved already and I promise to aways be here to help he said kissing his neice on the head and placing her back into her dad's waiting arms .
In that moment mick realized he may have lost his wife and his sunshine but he wasn't going to he along and knew with the help of his children and bandmates he could raised Kaitlyn.
A/n please let me know what you think about it, i'v be working on to try and get more chapters out but please let me know what you think and please voted.
A/N please let me me know what you think about this story, please leave comments and i hope you like it. 
0 notes
dearshelby · 3 years
What really makes a family | T.S.
Summary: After a hurtful comment at a party, you start wondering what really bonds Tommy to your child.
Warning: fluff and angst, cursing and english is not my native language
A/N: STEPDAD TOMMY SUPREMACY!!! I guess it feels a bit rushed, but it's so rare of me to write something like this so yeah, hope u like it
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"Do you want to sit?" Tommy whispers in your ear. Your hand goes straight to your belly, moving up and down, where you baby rests and patiently waits to be born.
"No, I'm fine. Just take this gin away from me, otherwise I'll be tempted." you smile and push away the glass he's holding. "Are the cute kids working?" 
"The wives look more excited than the men, but yeah, four huge donations until now." 
"In less than two hours? That's a new record!" 
This is probably the best business idea you ever had. The inauguration ceremony of the Shelby Institute for orphaned children took place in a cozy room, with closed windows and lighted up fireplaces, the cold breeze freezing the bones of anyone who dared to attend without a coat.
Months later, spring came to warm your bones and put a self-giving feeling into Thomas Shelby's heart. In the middle of a boring, typical week, he arrived home planning to uplift the structure of the institute's building. 
He told you the idea during the night, with his hand resting on your pregnant belly, and although he didn't tell what made him come up with it, you could clearly see his line of thought.
Tommy came from nothing, his children have everything they want and need, if he help children with a hard life like him, perhaps those children's children can also have everything.
The small change of plans you suggested put a smile on his face, instead of making a typical fundraising dinner, why not make an afternoon tea? The invitations encourage couples to bring their children, seeing those innocent little humans running around shall make them remember why to donate.
A mansion with an extraordinary garden was rented for the event, maids were hired to look after the children and butlers served biscuits and hot cups of tea, and for your surprise, now the event has more children than adults, all the couples - including you and Tommy - are outnumbered by their children. 
Your eyes run through the garden, trying to find your little ones, the younger one is the easiest, there's no safest place than inside your own mama, but it's better to keep an eye on other three:
Marie Louise Adler; whose hair and eyes looks exactly like yours. 
The twins; Henry and William Shelby, except for the eyes, are small versions of Tommy, from the physical appearance to the mannerism.
Quickly, you find William trying to teach one of John's girls how to use a slingshot. A few steps away, Henry had a hand full of biscuits and carried a toy car made of wood.
"Where is Loui-'' before you can ask, a collective ugh, followed by a child's cry gets your attention.
Louise is under a tree with her knees on the grass, the hem of her yellow dress is covered in dirt and the left leg of her white stockings is ruined, exposing her bruised knee.
Tommy reacts faster than you, his hand slides through your waist as he runs in her direction. You quickly follow after, rolling up the sleeves of your dress.
He picks up Louise, who puts her arms around his neck and seems to calm down a bit, a maid tries to apologize for neglecting your little girl, but you're too focused on following Tommy inside to answer.
Curious eyes follow your trio while you cross the hallway, and once you're in a private room, Tommy tries to put Louise on a sofa, but she doesn't want to let go.
"C'mon, love." he encourages, making her lift her crying face from his neck and allow him to sit her down.
"What happened, Lou?" you take her hair off her face and her stockings off, watching out to not brush her bruised knee.
"I was trying to climb on the tree, but I got scared and slipped up." she catches some tears with her tiny hands.
Tommy takes a napkin and wets it with gin, after kneeling in front of the girl, he asks.
"And what did me and mama say, ey?" 
She looks down, ashamed of disobeying.
"You can only climb trees when me or daddy are around to help." you rub her back, trying to comfort her.
"I'm sorry." she pouts.
"Now daddy has to clean your knee, it's full of dirt." Tommy holds her leg.
"No, daddy. It 's gonna hurt." she pulls her leg back.
"Just a little, but don't think about it." you sit at her side, holding her head to your chest. "Think about the delicious cake I'll get you when we arrive home!" 
"Can we get some too?!" William, who's been peeking the whole scene from the door, suddenly yells. Henry tries to shush him and ends up being dragged by the hand into the room.
"Boys! How long have you been there?" 
"It was William! He had the idea of following you!" Henry quickly accuses.
"That 's not true! You were curiou-" 
"Alright, boys. It doesn't matter." Tommy silences the argument before it starts, playfully hitting the twins foreheads with the napkin.
While you were distracted by the kids, Tommy had taken care of Louise's knee, and the five of you were finally allowed to go back to the event.
Louise insisted Tommy should carry her, Henry and William took your hands, and the eyes of many guests softed to the vision of you walking together. 
Soon, the kids dispersed in the garden, Tommy got the attention of charitable housewives, interested in donating to the institute, you leaned on an empty table, sipping your favourite juice and smiling at anyone who crossed your way.
"Mrs. Shelby!" an old woman walks to you with a huge smile. "I must say, this is the best charity event I attended in years!" 
 "Oh, thank you so much, misses…"
"Thompson, Aline Thompson." 
"Right, I'm y/n." 
"Nice to meet you," she shakes your hand. "you don't drink?" she questions when notices your glass of juice.
"Usually I do, but I'm pregnant." 
"Darling! That's lovely! Your husband is already so lucky to have two kids, now one more!" 
"Three." you correct her.
"Thomas and I have three children, Henry, William and Marie Louise." 
"Well, if that's the case, I guess you're the lucky one, Mr. Shelby indeed treats the girl as if she's his." 
"Hm," you press your lips together. "may I ask who told you Louise isn't Tommy's?" 
"It's written in the guest list, Y/N Adler Shelby and Marie Louise Adler, I'm sorry for Mr. Adler, I'm sure he was a good man." she smiles. "Now, if you excuse me." 
Aline leaves you with teary eyes, how dare she speak about your family like this? How dare she? But what if…? What if she's right? Does Tommy really love Louise? Does he see her as his daughter or an extension of you?
"Seven, Louise falling over had a good effect on them." Tommy held your arm, telling you about the new huge donations.
"Really? That's great, love." 
"Are you alright?" 
"Yeah, just a bit tired." 
"I'll tell the driver to take you home." 
"No! What about the tea?"
"Ada will take your place, most of the guests are leaving already anyway."
"Oh, alright then…"
"Will you take the kids?"
"Yeah, I think," you look around, searching for them. "just Louise, the boys look like they're having fun, can you look after them?"
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The way home was quiet, Louise had asked to rest on your leg and fell into deep sleep, Frances helped you to carry her to bed.
After a well-deserved bath, you had put some foundation's papers in order, so Tommy could add today's profit without any problem. Now, night is falling on, and all you can do is wait for your husband and children to arrive.
Heading upstairs, your eyes fix on a spot they usually don't, the family painting. It took months of persuasion for Tommy to agree to pose, and even longer for it to be done, since he only agreed to give away two hours of his agenda. 
Your heads lean together in a sign of unquestionable affection, Louise sits in the middle, where your right and Tommy's left leg stick together; William is on your left leg, and Henry on Tommy's right, they were less than two years old and didn't get a characteristic Shelby haircut yet. 
In general, you look like a family, no one would dare to say otherwise, unless fucking Aline Thompson.
The sound of the front door opening, followed by the maid's heels tells you Tommy arrived, you decide to wait in the stairs. Tommy shows up alone.
"Where's Henry and William?" you ask with furrowed brows. 
"At Ada's, they wanted a sleepover with Karl." 
While you both walk upstairs, he has a hand on your lower back, and you realize he didn't ask about Louise, the very first thing you did when Tommy arrived was to ask about your kids, Tommy didn't even bother, probably because Louise isn't his.
Time passed quietly, Tommy took a bath and asked a few questions about the paperwork, you told him to add today's profit and nodded to whatever else he said. Night could have been good, or at least, peaceful.
He sat on the bed looking through his paperwork, his warning made your cheeks heat up and jaw clench. "You have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow, so be home when he arrive." 
"What for?" 
"To check on our girl." he drawles, without paying attention.
"How do you know it's a girl?" 
"This pregnancy it's different from the boy's." 
"Oh," you lay down, turning your back on him. "I'm glad you at least care about this girl." 
He sighs and you hear him writing something, a few seconds pass until he asks. "What did you say?" 
You don't answer.
"Y/n, what do you mean?" he touches your shoulder, trying to make you look at him.
"Nothing, Tommy, nothing…" 
"No, the fuck you mean with this girl?" 
You sit up, taking a good look at his face before questioning. "How many children do we have, Tommy?" 
"Three, and an unborn." he harshly answers and you sigh with relief.
"This is what you say to everyone else, right? Not just for me." 
"Yeah, y/n, of course, why would you fucking ask that?" 
You tear up and Tommy's face softens, he cups your face, catching some tears and patiently waiting for you to speak.
"I have three and an unborn, you only have the twins and this one." you rub your belly.
"Who said that?" he looks at you with disbelief.
"It's the truth." 
"Louise is my child."
"You know she's not, I know it, you know it, and-"
"Aline Thompson fucking knows it." 
"Who's Aline Thompson?" 
"It doesn't matter, Tommy." 
"It fucking does, if there's someone around saying Louise isn't my child, then I have to know." 
"It won't change the facts." 
"Listen," he moves closer to you and cups your face again. "Louise is my child, I'm raising her, she's a Shelby." 
"Then why didn't you ask about her when you arrived?" 
"I asked Frances, she told me she's been sleeping since you arrived." 
"Oh." your cheeks heat up, ashamed of this huge misunderstood. 
"Who's Aline Thompson, love?" 
"A stupid woman at the charity tea, she said I was lucky for you taking Louise in and treating her as your own." 
"Lucky, eh?" he nods, making up a plan. "I bet her husband has a deal with the Shelby brothers limited." 
"No, Tommy!" you giggle.
"Oh, just a few pounds to lose."
"You're mean! Not that she doesn't deserve it." 
Hesitant knocks on the door makes you stop laughing, you and Tommy switch a look before he gets up and opens the door.
"I'm sorry to bother, Mr. Shelby," a young maid holding Louise's hands apologizes. "But Louise wants to sleep with you." 
Too sleepy to speak, your daughter rubs her eyes and walks past Tommy, climbing on the bed and laying near you. 
"Right, thank you-" 
"Oh, also, Mrs. Thorne called, the twins want to come home."
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General taglist: @retromafia @lizyshores @lapse-000 @ietss @magicalxdaydream
Tommy's taglist: @tommydoesntpayforsuits @annisse @captivatedbycillianmurphy
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