#it's official we've got a name folks
misteria247 · 9 months
Some more random silliness from the Muppets concept (Welcome Home) au yahoo-
After the vase incident Barnaby doesn't let you live it down. You're constantly bombarded with little jokes about your strength and smashing the poor vase into pieces. It embarrasses you each time because it really was an accident. Other than teasing you with the violent yet embarrassing first meeting, Barnaby also tells you jokes and puns, often times earning a laugh or a groan from you. But all in all you enjoy being around him.
You figure out quickly that Julie is a ray of sunshine, but she's also extremely chaotic. There was one time when you'd come home from work only to find her sitting on top of your fridge. Just cuz she'd come up with a new game involving climbing said fridge. Took you awhile to get her down but you had fun doing it. Even if you had to replace a few things that had gotten broken in her more erratic moments. (You made sure to keep bowling balls hidden from her afterwards).
Eddie likes to go get your mail and just sit down and chat with you. Since he can't exactly be a mailman anymore he's taken to telling you about all of his deliveries he's done in the past. You always find them incredibly interesting and are always asking him questions much to his delight. You'd even began to give him your letters you're planning to send out so he can take them to your mailbox. Often times joining him on the walk to just enjoy the morning air with him.
Sally has officially overtaken your spare room as the new theater room. She'll often be found in there practicing for her shows or writing a new play. She'll drag you into some of these sessions, asking for your thoughts and even including you in some of her plays. You always have a blast. And the costumes she gets her hands on are always a delight to try on and parade in them.
You and Frank surprisingly take a bit of time to get used to one another. Mainly because Frank is still lingering in the aftermath of their last home and what had become of their last caretaker. He's a bit distant with you however eventually he comes around like the others and talks to you about his bugs. Especially his love for butterflies to which you enjoy immensely. Seeing Frank light up about them makes you incredibly happy, knowing that he's warming up to you now.
You come to learn that Poppy is a bit of a worrier and it doesn't take long for her to start mother henning you as well as her beloved friends. She'll make delicious food and treats, help keep the house tidy and clean and has even made you a few hats, scarves and sweaters. You wear them all with pride and in return you try to help her out wherever you can. From chores to helping cooking dinner it becomes a special bonding time between the two of you.
Howdy keeps trying to persuade you into starting an online shop once he'd learned about the internet. It's an ongoing discussion between the two of you, mainly cuz you have no idea what he'd even sell. But eventually you do give him the reigns to get an online shop going and he becomes successful in no time at all. You learn not to question his unique abilities in selling things. Howdy just seems to have the magic touch and charming charisma that many salesmen wish they had. You also purchased a few things from Howdy's little shop much to his giddy glee.
After finding a few doodles here and there in your home, you'd come to realize that they were made by Wally. The smallest puppet was an artist and always seemed to be fiddling with pens or pencils he found around the house and draws on any scraps of paper he could get his hands on. He doesn't ask you for it, but you get him his own little art kit, with paints included. Let's just say he clung to your leg in happiness for a good half hour before gifting you a painting he'd made sometime later. It currently hangs on your wall.
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 5
Solemn Gus's theme, whatever the hell it's called! by Nobuo Uematsu for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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awearywritersworld · 4 months
do not leave me in this abyss, where i cannot find you
sukuna x reader summary: the higher ups succeed in kidnapping you and sukuna doesn't know if he'll get you back alive. w/c: 2.85k tags/warnings: fluff and angst. reader is kidnapped and gravely injured. depictions of blood. canon typical violence. "good girl". cursing. ft gojo. aged up!yuuji. fem!reader. not canon compliant. no use of y/n. *please mind the warnings for this chapter* a/n: and finally folks, we've reached the climax of the series. there will only be one more official chapter after this one, so i hope this lives up to expectations. this could maybe be read as a stand alone, but it's certainly better when serving as a culmination to the other chapters. i'm a little nervous posting this, so i'd love to hear your thoughts :) series masterlist // masterlist
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sukuna isn't sure at first why the name is familiar, but he soon realizes that a great many of the books on your shelf are authored by women of that name, including jane eyre.
though he finds your copy of wuthering heights, written by an emily brontë, tucked away in the drawer of your nightstand, the headphones you'd asked him grab lying on top of it.
he pulls the book from its spot with care, as the cover is worn and frayed at the edges. flipping through the pages, there are quite a few quotes underlined and countless scribbles in the margins.
while you'd forced him to read jane eyre, he tucks wuthering heights under his arm of his own volition. he isn't sure if it's because you've kept this one separate from the others, or because it might give him an opportunity to know you better, or because he's positive it will make you happy, but he does it all the same.
when he steps back into the living room, he drops your headphones in your lap and takes the seat beside you, wasting no time in beginning the first chapter.
"what've you got there?" you eventually question, even though you know the answer.
he doesn't spare you a glance when he responds, "a book."
"oh, yeah? what kind of book?"
he elects to ignore you, which only serves to encourage your mischievous tone. "i thought romance novels were beneath you and your refined taste."
finally looking at you, he narrows his eyes at your childish taunt. "do you want me to read it or not?"
"of course—"
"then i suggest you be a good girl and behave yourself."
your mouth snaps shut so abruptly that your teeth click as they meet, something sukuna takes note of with a raised brow. you're thankful when he returns to reading rather than saying anything more.
so without any additional interruptions, he delves into the tragic story of heathcliff and catherine. or more precisely, the pain and destruction that follows it.
the further he reads, the better he discerns that while you seem to have a penchant for the brontë sisters, they seem to have a penchant for writing about men that are wicked and callous.
the very notion makes him chuckle.
maybe it explains why he's sitting here with your feet in his lap, while you try and fail (rather cutely) to stifle your giggles at some stupid youtube video.
"what?" you ask, taking out one of your headphones once you notice he's staring at you with a small smile.
"nothing. just enjoying the story."
the way you beam in response makes his mouth go dry.
"hah! i knew it! you're a romantic at heart."
you make a big show of pressing your hands to your chest and swooning.
"settle down there," he chides, his hand patting your thigh. "you're getting ahead of yourself."
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two days later, sukuna feels that something isn't quite right. it's barely perceptible, nothing more than a minute shift in the atmosphere, but it grows more palpable as time stretches on.
yuuji's mission takes him farther from home than usual, to a little town about two hours outside of the city.
the curse he exorcises upon his arrival is much weaker than he's grown accustomed to, probably only a third or fourth grade.
yuuji doesn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, or at least, he pretends not to. sukuna thinks that's the problem with optimists— they don't take action quickly enough, too busy wasting their time hoping for the best.
when he returns home late that afternoon only to find your apartment door slightly ajar, his hand hesitates before pushing it open.
he discovers that the living room is littered with residuals, but it's eerie how nothing else is out of place... save for you, who is no where to be found.
in a disbelieving panic, he begins checking all the rooms, not hearing sukuna's frantic voice even though it's coming from inside his own head. "she's not here... idiot, she's not here. we have to go. we have to go now."
he eventually finds a note lying on the coffee table, but even this he hardly processes— something about surrendering himself and sukuna to the higher ups at headquarters in exchange for your life.
"listen to me, brat... you're wasting time... idiot!"
"what?" he barks abruptly.
"she isn't far, a couple blocks to the east at most—"
"it doesn't matter. headquarters is to the west. that's where we need to go."
"have you failed to comprehend a single thing i've said about the higher ups?" sukuna sneers. "they'll kill us, then kill her too. she knows too much about jujutsu society. they won't let her live, and that's if she's not... if she isn't already..."
he can't get the word out.
"no... no, they wouldn't..."
"now is not the time for your blind faith in the integrity of others." sukuna tries again and again to assume control of his vessel, and while the force behind it makes yuuji's head pound, it's no use. "for fuck's sake— please, yuuji!"
it's the first time he's heard the curse occupying his body say his actual name or use the word please, and in a strange way, it seems to ground him to some degree.
itadori yuuji has always been uncannily fast, but as soon as he makes his way out onto the street, it's like his feet aren't even touching the pavement. he appears as a blur to the people he passes by and it happens so briefly that they more than likely disregard it as a trick of the light.
the ruby decorating your neck leads them right to you, a low hum of frequency that only sukuna can hear.
yuuji comes to a stop in front of an old warehouse building. there are several wooden boards nailed across the main entrance, which splinter and fall to the earth under the impact of his impatient fist.
although the people down the hall quiet themselves upon hearing the crash, he can still sense their energy. he just can't seem to pick up on yours.
maybe sukuna is wrong? maybe you're not here after all.
"no," comes sukuna's voice, cold and hard. "she's here."
he makes his way down the stretch of hallway and to an open door where he stops, both of his feet planting firmly on the ground. everything appears to be frozen as he stares at ten sorcerers who quietly stare back.
it's clear they were not expecting yuuji, but he knows the higher ups assigned so many sorcerers just in case he did somehow figure out where they brought you.
he recognizes many of their faces and even knows some of their names, their familiarity no doubt intended to discourage him from engaging them.
after a few moments, yuuji's eyes land on your figure— motionless on the floor.
he has to admit, the higher up have put together a fairly sound plan. it's just that there's one small detail they failed to account for.
a curious and constraining sensation erupts from the center of his chest, and yuuji doesn't quite understand what's happening until he registers he's no longer the one in control of his body.
the king of curses remains completely still as he studies you from afar with a slight tilt of his head, his mind refusing to believe the scene right before his eyes.
when the gravity of the situation finally settles in, a gut churning agony blossoms in his stomach and bleeds into every part of his body. every bone. every pore. every vein.
the entirety of him burns, both inside and out.
the air in the room is heavy, overburdened with hostility and raw power. it makes the sorcerers' knees buckle and they nearly collapse beneath the immense pressure.
as sukuna takes a step toward the nearest person, the edges of his vision turn white.
he moves with deadly precision, at a speed which very few people on earth could even begin to comprehend.
it's a joke how quickly it's all over.
some of them are in pieces. others have exploded into nothingness. a few are burnt to ash.
in his haste, sukuna nearly misses the final sorcerer. he's probably the youngest of them all, cowering in the corner of the room. his eyes are wide with horror and his body shakes with fear.
"p-please, spare m-me. i didn't touch her," he sputters out.
the laugh that follows is utterly humorless. "do you actually believe that makes a difference to me?"
"i told t-them not to hurt her! i swear. that's how i got this." he points to his bottom lip, busted open and swollen. "she even told me she was sorry that i got hurt... that i didn't have to defend her."
this gives sukuna pause and his jaw clenches as he considers what you would tell him right now were you conscious.
so even as every fiber of his being screams at him to end the sorcerer's miserable, pathetic life... he restrains himself and pins him to the wall instead, pressing a forearm to his throat.
"go back to the higher ups. go and tell them that if anyone lays a hand on her ever again, i will ruin them," he spits, venom lacing each word. "i'll slaughter every last one of them. i'll level their homes. i'll take everything from them. tell them this is a promise they shouldn't take lightly."
when sukuna takes a step back, the young sorcerer crumbles to the ground. "i- i- i will."
"then get out of my sight," he growls.
returning his attention to you, his demeanor shifts in every respect.
you're going to be okay. you're going to wake up. he's going to take you home and it will be like none of this ever happened.
but when he falls to your side, his knees meeting the ground so brutally that it cracks beneath his weight, his conviction falters.
your blood is spilt onto the concrete. your skin is cold. he can't tell if you're breathing. he can't feel your heartbeat.
he determines that the gash across your side deserves his attention first and his hands tremble as they move to cover it.
he puts every ounce of power he has into his reverse cursed technique, but your eyes don't flutter and your chest doesn't rise nor fall.
his palms stain crimson, and while blood has never bothered him before, the fact that it's yours forces the bile to rise from his stomach and into his throat.
and his face is wet.
why is his face wet?
why are his lips trembling?
why is his vision blurred?
he wipes at his cheeks, leaving a trail of your blood across his face in the process.
"no," he chokes out. "please, don't do this. you're fine. please, you have to be fine. please."
the king of curses begs, but he has no idea who his desperation is directed toward. maybe it's you. maybe it's the gods. maybe it's some entity that's unknowable to him.
hell, maybe it's just whoever will listen to him. there has to be someone out there, right? something.
unbeknownst to him, and poetic in sorrowful sort of a way, his next pleas are reminiscent of heathcliff's after he learns of catherine's death.
"be with me always"
"stay with me, angel. please don't go."
"take any form"
"hate me for this if you want, for being the reason you're in this mess. you can't hate me anymore than i already hate myself."
"drive me mad"
"i'll read every single stupid romance novel on your bookshelf. i promise i'll play all of your ridiculous card games."
"only do not leave me in this abyss, where i cannot find you!"
"just don't leave me here without you. i don't want to be here without you.
"oh, god! it is unutterable!"
"please," he whimpers.
"i cannot live without my life!"
"you're everything. you are everything. you can't leave me with nothing."
"i cannot live without my soul!"
"i love you," sukuna laments. "i love you."
he doesn't even comprehend the words that have been tumbling past his lips, because they're coming from a part of himself that he long believed to be dead and buried.
it's the part of him that can feel suffering and regret and loss and love.
it's the part of him that you've been painstakingly unearthing whenever you send a smile his way. whenever you curl into his side. whenever you press your lips to his.
and he's so undeserving of it each and every time. he's known that. god, has he known that.
he thinks bitterly of the night you'd walked to the park together hand in hand— when you told him the universe had sent you to knock him down a peg.
turns out you were wrong.
the universe gave you to him, but only so it could take you away too.
and it won't just knock him down a peg. it will fucking destroy him. it will completely and irrevocably destroy him.
this is what he does deserve.
how is it that you can be both his salvation and his undoing?
"i love you," he repeats, his voice barely above a whisper.
it's ironic that the three words he's never once said in his entire life are the only ones he can manage in this moment.
he hears a quiet sigh escape your lips, but he knows that it's just his imagination— nothing more than the universe playing its final sick joke.
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the sun is out and its rays are peeking through the window of your bedroom. sukuna thinks it's despicable.
everything should be cold and dark today.
you're lying in bed half dead and the only thing keeping sukuna's sanity intact is the shallow rise and fall of your chest.
he should go to jujutsu headquarters and deliver a slow, painful death to every single person involved in yesterday's events. then he should turn their headquarters to ash and stand there watching until the wind blows every last bit away.
but more than that, he should be by your side, so that's where he's remained.
it's been nearly a day and you still haven't woken up, so he's taken to performing reverse cursed technique on you every few hours.
yuuji had shoko come by last night and she assured him your body just needs time, but sukuna doesn't intend on taking any chances. aside from the brat, there isn't a single sorcerer he trusts.
so naturally when gojo teleports directly in the middle of your living room unannounced, sukuna moves swiftly to his feet and blocks the doorway to your room.
gojo regards him nonchalantly, hiding his surprise that yuuji is not the one to greet him. "what are you doing... out and about?"
"that's none of your concern."
"right. well, i came to check in."
"that's not necessary."
the two men watch one another carefully, before gojo eventually chuckles. "god, you actually care about her. i guess the whole soul thing should have been proof enough, but i couldn't bring myself to really believe it until now."
sukuna doesn't respond, so the other man continues. "you should know that the threat to her has been... dealt with."
"that so?" sukuna asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"mhmmm. word of this spread to the three clans and they agreed civilians have no place in jujutsu politics if it can be helped. not to mention your little... messenger. it all caused quite the ruckus for the higher ups."
"i don't think ruckus is enough to deter them." his tone makes it clear that he feels gojo is wasting his time.
"this isn't the heian era anymore, you know. the higher ups may still be the figureheads of jujutsu society, but they have little say when all three clans concur on a matter." receiving nothing more than a blank stare, he adds, "besides, i'm rather fond of her myself, so i may or may not have made certain threats of my own."
sukuna's eye twitches. "anything else you feel compelled to share before you leave?"
"can i at least see her before i go?" gojo questions, peering over sukuna's shoulder.
"if you do not value your life, i welcome you to try."
a sly grin breaks out on gojo's face.
"eager to make good on your promise of killing me from all those years ago?" he pauses, his hand coming to rest on his chin as if he's pondering something of great importance. "as much as i'd love to see you try, we shouldn't wake our precious sleeping beauty before she's ready, so maybe another time."
with that, he disappears, leaving a very irritated sukuna in his wake.
"our," he repeats under his breath, shaking his head. "that unbearable imbecile."
when he turns on his heel, however, the malicious look is immediately wiped from his face because you're awake.
you're awake and peering at him from behind heavy lids.
"hey," you greet in a small voice.
his eyes grow impossibly soft and he sits on the bed beside you, his hand moving to caress your cheek. your skin is warm again.
"hey, angel."
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taglist: @96jnie @ay0nha @sad-darksoul @bbysatoruuu @luciiferian @risuola @lirasmoon @disaster-rose @archivist-ghoul606 @creative1writings @sloppyzengarden @omismicrowave @cecesharktales @tanyeonn @hiqhkey @ruixrei @yellowsubiesdance @thefallofruins @anything-and-everything-here69 @emzalot @elusivemoon @annoyingstrawberryballoon @miabiar @hyeon-yi @iluv-ace @wineyoungie @vduxx @inflatabledinosaurs19 @harrystylesfan2686 @silentmajesticfox @am-the-renegade @certainduckanchor @moons-reblog @scarletrosesposts @th3-audac1ty @darlink-xoxo @ayeputita @nanmiik @namjooningera @hermxssaa @annieleonhardtsbitch @nugget-eater123 @integers @thefunbanshee @thepup356 @browneyedgirl22 @lantsovheiress @luckypeacevoid @kiki17483 @ruttteerr @yourbelloved @heyohalie // users in bold could not be tagged. if i forgot to tag anyone, my apologies!! just give me a heads up.
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lumentears · 2 months
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
Preliminary Round! Who will be the Third's champion in the unofficial-official Most Smashable Scions bracket?
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💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
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👑 princess-ianthes-foreskin Follow
uh yeah i sure hope she is ;)))))
💎 twinkovertheriver Follow
thanks for the addition necrumblr user princess ianthe's foreskin
🦴 boningthescions-bracket Follow
By the King Undying, you people are dogs. I will reblog as usual.
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⚔ middlechild-diagnosed Follow
Me: Haha, I went to Ida and came back with snow blindness from all the fake glitz. :D Haha, I went to the Koinortus Court and came back seven years ago - I would have posted sooner but the joke was pending approval :D Always, Without Fail, Some Fucking Dipshit:
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🪐 p4x-d0m1n1 Follow
*Koniortos. Stay in school, kids.
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🥴 badjokesbyjohn Follow
A prodigy child spirit talker has escaped Fifth House custody after stealing a priceless artifact. That's right, folks, we've got a small medium at large.
👻 siphon-me-harder Follow
john we've talked about the name thing
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⚜ cavpositivity Follow
Hydration Check!
Has your necromancer had water and taken their vitamins/probiotics/perscriptions today?
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🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
(un)friendly reminder that there's nothing wrong with kinky roleplay and the suggestions and scenarios on this blog do not equal endorsement of irl cavalier-necromancer relationships.
🩸 saints-alive Follow
You know what? No. Fuck this, and fuck you fetishising cavalierdom. Frankly, as a necromancer, I'm digusted knowing that my cavalier can't even wipe the blood sweat from my brow without you making it sexual!
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
My brother under Dominicus you literally write reader x Necrolord Prime x lyctor fanfic
💀 bonetopick Follow
are we forgetting that OP has literally admitted to owning unpaid servants?
🗡 cavaliercot-suggestions Follow
they're skeletons?????????????
💀 bonetopick Follow
they didn't die to pick up your laundry lazy motherfucker
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📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
taking my final exam tonight wish me luck guys!
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
what thefuck. what the fuck. my cousin Throckmorton told me my metaphors were uninspired and my performance stilted. IF HE KNEW THE FUCKING NUMBERS MY EROTIC POETRY DOES ON NECRUMBLR
📜 solace-in-thighs Follow
joining the cohort. if anyone even cares.
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🌹 the-rose-blown-semifrequently Follow
a novel where a flesh magician and a spirit talker become roommates and have wacky adventures
plot twist: the spirit talker is super extroverted and slutty and the life of every party while the flesh magician is so prudish they keep their clothes on in the sonic and so timid they faint at the sight of blood
the novel is called "the spirit is willing but the flesh is meek"
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 19
"A Hole in the World" AKA Clothes Call Back Night
Folks, when that first sneak peek came out, I dissolved into laughter in the dining room, and my husband had to momentarily question my sanity (just like every Sunday afternoon). It hit on practically every discussion point from the Chenford Twitterverse over the past few weeks.
I had to sit here and give the world's smallest round-of-applause-by-one to the team behind The Rookie for putting that out there. Genius way to get a lot covered in a short amount of time.
SPOILER ALERT: If you want a spoiler-free take on what's going on in Chenfordland, I'm sorry, you're in the wrong place. Come back when you're ready to be spoiled. Or don't come back at all! You're welcome to do as you choose.
For those about to rock, I salute you! So, let's dive in.
Lucy studying with note cards, written notes, and likely a practice test is just so on-brand, and I kinda love that we start the scene with her in her element.
The domesticity of Chenford never fails. It's insane to remember that as of their first kisses in the midst of undercover preparation (and under covers, of course) was only Tim's third time in that apartment, and first time there out-of-uniform.
Less than a season later, he's practically living at her place (while I head-canon Kojo is doing a great job helping his nephews with the transition to Los Angeles and playing in their yard).
And is Tim wearing the 4x01 almost-sleepover (heh) hoodie!? It might be the same bottoms, too! If they dug those up (and God bless whoever either saved them or bought duplicates), that's just amazing. I had a mini-geek out, and I bet I'm not the only one!
And for whatever reason, Tim's wearing shoes with this outfit, and I can't tell if that's because he instinctively put them on, or someone thought we wouldn't be seeing his feet in the shot. But, it made me chuckle because I'm hoping it's the former.
And is Lucy's hair being held up by a pen!? Okay, I'm officially jealous. I'm of the "chopsticks in hair" generation, and I always needed two. My friends could stick a good ole Number 2 in their hair and be good for the day. My hair's so fine and straight that I just couldn't do it. Rock it, Lucy Chen!
"Hey." "Hey." "When did you get in?" "Uh, depends. What day is it?" "That bad, huh?"
We're getting the first-blush look at these long hours we heard so much about. Remember, Tim's predecessor was dead on his feet. Yes, he had triplets at home, but that was on top of the brutal Metro hours.
"Look, I'm 80% sure it's, it's Thursday." "It's Tuesday."
Yes, it is! And we're all cozied up to our couches, beds, floors, recliners, and dining room tables to soak up the Chenford goodness. And mmmm, does it go down smooth!
"I stayed up anyways. Thought maybe I'd get lucky and he'd turn himself in."
Girlfriend. Girl. Friend! Did you really just use an undercover Tim/Lucy-ism? Throwing me straight back to 5x01 and Lucy/Juicy wondering if they could get lucky three times in the same day.
Lucy definitely wants to get lucky. But Metro hours aren't the best for getting busy, it seems.
"Oh, babe."
And there we've got the long-awaited pet name!! We still don't know what Tim calls Lucy (could also be Babe), but I saw the Twitterverse start to spin in the opposite direction at this particular name-drop.
Lucy Chen, how can you slay an entire population with a single word? You so don't know your power.
Tim sits next to the love of his life at her dining area smiling. He spent so much time last week trying to prove to the camera crews that he wasn't a softie. But we all know the truth. Tim Bradford is soft for those he loves—especially the love of his life.
His eyes trail to the notes spread atop the counter as his hand trails to her thigh.
Can we completely see it? No. But there's enough anecdotal evidence based on the placement of Tim's arm in the two-shot to conjecture, so I'm rolling with it.
Last time I didn't roll with the evidence, y'all crowded into my comments to remind me I was very wrong. It was a fun time.
"What's all this?" "What?" *arm smack*
Y'all, Lucy is so me in this moment. And I only say that because I'm older and she's fictional. To say I'm Lucy would mean I'm fictional, right? And (as far as I know) I'm real. Unless it's a Deckard in Blade Runner situation... in which case... I'm already Rachel.
But the affectionate arm smack is a total Rachel move (as my husband would confirm).
"I'm studying for the Detective's Exam." "Since when?" "I didn't tell you?"
I've seen folks jumping all over Lucy for "not telling Tim about something life-changing", but it'd be great if that could stop. Have you ever loved someone so much that you shared everything with them? I have. I tell Matthew everything.
And, yet, there are still times I'm convinced I've told him everything only to find I imagined the conversation because our lives are just too busy.
Look, Lucy and Tim already have demanding jobs with demanding hours. Yes, her going Detective would constrict their off-time more, but they're already grappling with the realities of cops-in-love juggling duty to a profession they earnestly adore and investing in a still-fairly-new romance.
It's not a choice of omission on her part. It's the overwhelm of juggling combined with the fact that she does tell him everything, so she assumed he already knew.
Communication issue? Clearly! Completely normal? Absolutely!
For goodness sake, Tim didn't even know what day it was. Living in a constant state of exhaustion and somehow functioning is my normal, so I can tell you that try as you might, something might slip through the cracks.
"If I'm gonna work undercover, the best move is to become a detective in some division like intelligence or narcotics, right?" "Right."
First off, Lucy Chen promotion-time, baby! I know a lot of us have been waiting for the moment when she'd get to move up. Heck, Aaron made P2 before she got to move up, and it's driven me nuts.
Look, I have no idea what a realistic timeline is in the real world. But Nolan's Golden Ticket allowed him to move up. Nyla moved up. Angela moved up. Tim's moved up. It's about damn time my fictional bestie got her turn.
Second, Supportive Tim Supremacy for the Win! Like, once he's on the right page, he doesn't skip a beat. Since I am married to the most supportive man in the world, I'm grateful Lucy's gonna marry the most supportive man in The Rookie world.
"So you got the tap." "Harper and Lopez are backing me."
Look at the glee on our girl's face! And that little chuckle from Tim? Oh, swoon!! Yes, I am a sucker for a supportive partner.
If you knew the number of times over the last near-20 years that this man has had my back, you'd shake your head and wonder why he's stuck around with how many times I've leaned on that support. Supportive partners make my weary heart happy.
"All I have to do is score in the top 12, which-" "Which you will."
BAM! Because Lucy Chen can do anything. Tim once held her hand (yes, it was a handshake, go with me here...) and told her to never let anyone tell her she couldn't do something.
Translation: Lucy Chen can do anything and Tim Bradford earnestly believes that.
And Lucy feels that support. In all of her relationships—friendship, romantic, familial—she has yearned for support. Sadly, the most supportive of her friends is gone. Her parents are dead to me (I hope the Mother's Day flowers Lucy sent were dried and shriveled like her mother's heart).
And her last boyfriend tried to persuade her to walk away from her dreams. Contrast that with Tim Bradford who was willing to push her towards them, even when that meant pushing her away from him. And now, as they're together, Tim is still supporting her without question.
My husband is that way. I often ask him about things. Not because he rules me (nope. I'd never survive a relationship like that), but because I believe in communication. So, I'll talk things out with him, and before I offer him my reasoning he says, "Do it." That's been his general answer to me for nearly two decades.
So, seeing Tim mirror my beloved plastered a grin on my face so wide I was approached on the street to be in the sequel to SMILE.
Lucy's got a smile on her face, too, as she hums out her appreciation and leans in for the kiss.
Special Shout Out to the DP and Director for giving us that two-shot with push-in of the kiss with the loud LIPSMACK to counterbalance Chenford's last apartment kiss/near-kiss that left me wondering if coffee tumblers made kissy sounds as the hot liquid settled.
I feel like someone on the decision-making team was like, "They want to see lip locks? No fucking way they'll miss this one! This'll shut them up."
No way to miss Tim leaning on the counter with one arm (bringing him closer to Lucy's height, because this man is taller than her in both legs and torso). And we actually see lips-meeting-lips.
Though it's a simple-enough kiss, there's suction there, which helps imply action and intention rather than passivity. Wow, I'm a weirdo analyzing a kiss this deeply, but whatever. It's my Meta, I'll over-analyze if I want to. It's square-kissing versus Tim's top-lip-sucking action he reserves for more passionate moments.
And that's beautiful. Because not every kiss is about undressing. Some kisses are about being beautifully exposed and fully accepted and loved. That's Tim and Lucy in this moment.
Tim is the supportive lover of her dreams. Lucy is the supportive lover of his dreams.
In a world where both of them grew up feeling unloved and unsupported for one reason or another, they have found more than a safety net in one another—they've found home.
Tim's affectionately rubbing her arm, and she is completely relaxed in his love.
"Well, I guess we should get used to not seeing each other so much."
The Metro move afforded them more time together than Lucy switching stations would have. But this latest move for her will add to her hours.
It's not a reason not to make this move. But... there's another move these two could make together. *hint hint* The kind that involves one set of keys for two lives? *hint hint*
Lucy deserves this. Hands down. And Tim knows that. But he also has a lot of trauma where UC and working long hours with someone he loves. It ended in heartbreak.
Now, Tim doesn't believe that's where he and Lucy are headed... but I think a small part of him in the back of his mind fears it. And that's something the two of them need to talk out.
Also, can we note the interesting choice to use the kiss as an opportunity to change angles? We went from being behind the counter aimed toward the windows to being in front of the windows aimed at the kitchen.
I'm not sure of the motivation for the move, but the film minor in me made note of it. Fairly classic technique.
"Mm, right. Yeah. Between Detective Hours and Metro Hours..." "Well, it's okay. We'll figure it out."
Tim winks to her as he departs, echoing Lucy's words to Tamara when they were first confronted with the difficulties of navigating work and love.
"Is that the sign up list for the Detectives exam?" "Two weeks to go." "I'll be ready." "I have no doubt about that."
Nyla has been a champion for Lucy for a long time. She was the first one to see Lucy's aptitude for undercover, and she's the one who prepped and primed her for her first solo op.
Love seeing women supporting women. There are too many shows that pit woman-against-woman in the name of drama.
Yes, it happens. I had a coworker once who was the most backstabbing person you could ever meet. I once told my boss that I thought she was coming for my job. My boss, of course, told me I was overthinking.
Two weeks later my boss called me into her office to tell me that I was right. Yeah, I knew I was right.
But there were also really amazing women who I worked with—women who uplifted you, who helped you when things were tough, who excelled at the give-and-take of being coworkers.
It's nice to see that type of relationship amplified on a show like this.
"No way you make Top 12. One of the detectives has it out for you. No matter how well you do on the written, they're going to sink you on the Oral."
Smitty might be the unreliable narrator 90% off the time, but that 10% can be crucial, and Lucy's smart enough to be aware of that.
"So you won't be making detective. But, um, there's other career paths, right?"
Aaron can be direct, and that music cue made it seem like we needed to smile and laugh, but it felt pretty final, actually.
I don't want to see anything taken away from Lucy. She's put in so much work and watched as Nolan was promoted ahead of her. As her best friend was taken from her. She helped Tim get promoted.
But now it feels as if her own career is standing still, and I selfishly want more for Lucy than just Chenford.
I am not of the opinion that a relationship can fulfill your every need. In fact, I encourage my husband to go out with his friends and do things without me. I think it's healthy for us to have different interests, even though many overlap. He supports the fact that I love working and abhor the idea of being a stay-at-home mother.
Our relationship works for us. Everyone wants something different in their relationship. But I feel like Lucy really wants to do something more and move forward in her career. And if that's what she wants, I want it for her.
Ball Camera
Anyone else having a BB-8 geek out moment? Or is that just me? Also, we've come a long way from Tim pushing his chest camera into a room with his baton.
"Hey, Harper. Uh, Tim is still in with IA." "Look the Officer Involved Shooting Interview is very thorough. Tim's fine."
Tim is not fine, and his girlfriend wife knows it. Maybe he'll be fine career-wise, but Lucy's worried about more than that. She's worried about his state of mind.
"Hey, Chen. I've got news for you." "It's not a great time Smitty." "It's about the Detective exam. The detective blocking you is Prim."
Ohhhh, that name. I remember that name. From the five-player trade. Lucy tried so hard to be discrete, but as soon as it got out there, it was only a matter of time for the Cop Gossip of this bizarre High School extension to take over.
"I did warn you." "I know."
And we all knew that it was going to come back around, at some point. Is it wrong that I wish Lucy didn't have to deal with this fall out?
And much as this is Nyla's "I told you so" moment, she takes no pride in it. That's why we don't hate her in this moment. She is right and she doesn't like it any more than Lucy does.
"Hey. Let him talk to Grey first." "Yeah."
Lucy wants so much to go to his side. Her Tim Sense is tingling as soon as he walks by, but his brain is on the next thing that needs to be done. He's on autopilot, and she can see it.
Look, Tim's no stranger to having to pull the trigger. That doesn't make it any easier. Tim values human life, so ending one is never going to be a light matter.
And pulling the trigger on someone who wears the uniform? For Tim, that's gotta be even harder.
Remember, this is the guy who stayed inside the lines for years and stood by while racism ran rampant. He rationalized it away, right? But, then he started to really face and confront the darker elements and systemic injustices inherent to the Force.
This is another extension of that—a truly awful cop who used their influence, position, and authority to kidnap and murder little girls. Yes, Tim pulled the trigger because he was about to be the one buried if he didn't. But it doesn't make it any easier.
"Hey, you know you had to take the shot." "I know." "Just because he wanted to die doesn't mean he wasn't dangerous." "I know."
Even Grey can see that Tim's veil is slipping. He is a human being, damnit, and he feels this shit.
Grey stands, trying to make a connection, to get closer to Tim, to approach him man-to-man. But the words coming out of his mouth echo typical talking points of the Badge.
Grey sighs, dropping the list of "reasons". He tries another tactic. My favorite tactic—asking.
I worked for a humanitarian non-profit for almost a decade, and my favorite part of the work was our policy of "Ask, Don't Tell". We never walked into a disaster zone with a game plan. Too many organizations do that, and it doesn't address the immediate needs of the community.
Instead, we would ask what was needed. And I think in life that's also a damn good strategy.
"Is there anything I can do?" "Can I get back to you on that?" "Take your time."
This I love. Two men meeting in the middle. Acknowledging that sometimes shit just sucks and nothing you can say will change that.
But, also, Grey's abandoning the "just throw things at it until something sticks" tactic to earnestly ask what Tim would have him do. And that's so much deeper than empty words.
And the fact that Tim Bradford, who never asks for help, leaves it open ended? That's growth.
Yes, it's important that he lets Lucy in more and more. But it's also important that he lets others in. This isn't just about growing in a romantic relationship, but growing as a person.
Yes, I know I harp on this a lot. But I've seen too many good people backslide horribly because they invested all their growth in a relationship rather than in themselves.
Relationships are great. I'm in one. I'm in a damn good one. But my healing and growth are mine and have to be separate from Matthew. If he dies tomorrow, suddenly, my progress can't die with him. I have to be able to stand on my own.
And that's what I wish for Lucy and Tim. The standing on their own part, I mean.
"You're a badass. And I'm no slouch."
I need to do Wopez next. I keep saying that when I catch up on Chenford, I need to go back and do Wopez. And lines like this really make me wanna.
"How are you doing with everything?" "I'll be okay."
It's taken a while, but Tim and Lucy have worked their way up to light PDA in the workplace, and I love it for them. Likely, they aren't seeing as much of each other at home, so it's natural that it might leak out more when they're in public.
I love how Lucy briefly has both her hands on his arm. There's something resembling a hug, there, that I love.
She know Tim well enough to know he doesn't want to hug it out at the station. But she's still trying to find her own ways to let him know that she's there for him.
Also: Is this the episode of the comeback clothes!? Because that jacket is totally the one from Season 4, Episode 3 when Tim and Lucy were discussing how people might get the wrong idea about them if she became his aide, right?!
I know one of y'all will correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm leaving it in, because I'm fairly convinced.
Also, Tim and Lucy, y'all didn't need to worry about people getting the wrong idea. We all got the right idea, and y'all are adorable together.
"I want to be helpful." "I know. Thank you."
Her little hand on his chest (right over his heart) is so sweet, but also a little sad. Because she knows that's the part of him that's really hurting right now.
Also, I love Tim thanking her. We're a long cry from all the times when Tim would tell Lucy she was overstepping in the past. Because, they're partners in life, now, and this is her place.
And his little arm tap? It's so cute to get to see them start to be more tactile.
Remember, this wasn't a typical transition. They went from being best friends—the most important relationship in each other's lives—to one-and-only. They had to transition everything over from a very intimate point, already, and add in the layers and figure out what felt right for them as a couple.
But, selfishly I'm loving the light PDA. Feels just about right for them.
Plus, it's more than either of them typically displays at the station with past love interests. Yes, I know there was one kiss way back with an ex of Tim's, but he wanted out of that, so it doesn't count.
"You need help studying? There's no way I would have have scored as well on the Sergeant's exam without you."
Oh, how I love a good call-back. This is going back to Season 2, y'all, and TO Tim era. And I adore the surprise on Lucy's face. She really wasn't expecting him to offer, and it's damn adorable that he did.
Lucy isn't giving up. She knows that Prim's got it out for her, but she's still going after this. And I'm damn proud of her.
"That's right. You owe me." "I don't owe you."
Ah, and there's Tim's bull-headedness coming back to remind us that he's not all warm and fuzzy. And, y'know, it made me chuckle. Because Tim didn't magically change over the course of the show.
Has he healed a lot? Yes. But at the core he was always a tough-outside, smoothie-inside... at least for his people. His trauma and pain caused him to wear that toughness as a roughly-patched-together armor.
And Look. At. Our. Babies. FLIRTING! Lucy even got the finger point in there!
"You owe me." "Okay."
Lucy gets a hand on his open shirt (wow, she has a thing for tugging at his clothing that's unexpected and yet totally in-character), and he's gone. Boy is gone for his girl.
Because Lucy probably wants to spend a little time studying up on other things before they get to the books. And Tim's totally onboard.
And has Lucy been wearing the Valentine's Day necklace most of the episode? It's so small that it's hard to tell, but I think she has. So, we're really owing some love to the Costuming Department this week. Thanks, y'all. We love you.
And I love you! Thank you for reading and taking this ride with me. It's been a really tough few weeks with illness and broken down cars (and bumped into cars) and juggling too many things. So, Chenford night is a nice respite for which I'm thankful.
Did it take Tim and Lucy a while to get comfortable? Sure. I posit this was the first episode written after we got a taste of post-coitus Chenford and folks started vocalizing what they wanted to see out of the duo, because I feel like about 12 boxes were ticked in that first scene alone.
I'm not going to get worked up about the promo for the next episode. If TPTB want to rip my heart out and stomp it, they wouldn't be the first. Actually, the wouldn't be in the first two dozen TPTB to do that.
No, I'm not kidding. When you dream of someday working in television, you watch a lot of television. Inevitably, I ship someone in every show.
But The Rookie's track record with core ships does give me some hope. A little. A microscopic amount. And that's enough, for now.
Stay kind, beautiful humans. I hope to see you on the next.
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fyeahnix · 10 months
So I wrote "Dogsong," my first Sevika/Reader fic and I kinda just wanted to blab about what went into it, especially since I started writing it in January.
I dunno how this came about but last November or so, I was like "man I'm bored and I need more fanfics to read. What about Arcane? Wait does anyone even ship that chick Sevika with anyone?" Found out that the most popular ship for her was Reader fics 🙃
Before this, I started seeing fanart of her and was like "hmmm....uhhh actually she's kinda hot???" And this is funny because my friend sent me a screenshot of me literally wondering how anyone even likes her ass.
Boy was I so fucking wrong.
Anyway I started reading a bunch of Sevika/Reader fics on AO3 and instantly fell in love with all the differing portrayals of her. This side character who can beat the shit out of people and barely talks had a dedicated ass following of people who loved to portray her as soft. How could I not love that? I decided I really wanted to write my own portrayal so I rewatched Arcane on New Year's Eve (while suffering through horrible caffeine withdrawal, worst headache of my life...). I took notes.
Whenever I write for a new fandom, I always wanna portray the characters as closely to canon as possible while still allowing some freedom for headcanon and extrapolation. So I study dialogue, tone of voice, body language, manner of speaking, etc. It's fun tbh.
My goal for this was to write a Sevika who is feared in the streets as she is in Arcane, but show a side of her we don't get to see. Loving, adorable with her girl, a little bit of a tease with some humor. Just a "wtf that's Sevika?!" type deal.
My main HC for her is that Sevika really is a gigantic teddy bear with her girlfriend. And I'm so fucking glad I had that exact thought because I didn't think of the pet name "bear" for her until I was literally watching The Bear almost two weeks ago. It fit perfectly 😂
Smut wise, I love sadistic Sevika but after listening to The New Bottoming Book and The New Topping Book for BDSM, it got me thinking more deeply about how to portray the dynamic. My previous thought process around sadism was flawed. And I wanted to correct it. So I had Sevika's sadism be less "mean" and brutal. Not sure what words fit here but I hope that was evident!
Last thing about Sevika: I personally don't like the descriptor for her being a brute. I know that's official in Arcane but ugh...
It just rubs me the wrong way as it has such a negative connotation and definition. And I especially don't like that it's tied to a woman of color in her position. Yes, she's tough and can beat your ass, but we've seen how good she is at manipulation and how she commands respect. This is a strong reason as to why I went with the softer route for her. Reader sees a side of her that literally no one else does. She was the person that stepped in and told that guy in the bar to fuck off and then walked Reader home afterwards. Like look at her 🥺
Speaking of Reader, this poor soul started off as more of a blank slate but it wasn't until I really wanted a backstory for her that she lowkey became a bit of an OC. I spoke about this before, but I typically never think of myself as the Reader when I read Canon/Reader fics. I've always seen it the same way I see the player character in RPGs—a bit of set backstory but enough characterization to make them yours. And that's how I wanted this Reader to feel. If I do add any future installments, I want that to remain the same. I'm sure there are some folks out there who like to imagine themselves in that role so I deliberately chose to leave out physical characteristics as much as possible within reason. I just hope it was enough!
Also if you're wondering why I have Sevika speaking two languages...it's more of a "if you know you know" type thing. Her VA is Afro-Latina and speaks fluent Spanish and I liked the idea of that HC being a small character thing as well as an Easter egg. I have more to add on that note but I'll save that for a potential chapter 2.....
I don't wanna concretely say I'll be making updates as I've traditionally been bad about longer fics but I do have some very solid ideas for at least two more parts. :]
Thanks to everyone who's read and supported so far.
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an untitled magnus archives fic
the document this fic was in was just called ‘an indulgence in these troubling times’ and like yeah. sums it up really.
this fic isn’t really part of a wider au, i just threw one of the scrunklies from my brain into tma and wrote down what happened. i think it’s set somewhere in season 2 but i cannot be sure!
basic synopsis: spiral train.
my first fanfic on tumblr so pls be nice!!
tw: mentions of transphobia, spiral-typical body horror
OLLIE A tape recorder? Seriously? I mean, I knew you folks were old-fashioned, but...
ARCHIVIST (mildly irritated) We've made several attempts to record to digital software, but it seems to disagree with most of the statements. This is the next best thing.
OLLIE Y'know what? I like it. Very retro. It kind of fits with this place.
ARCHIVIST Well, quite. (pause) If you'd like to begin?
OLLIE Sure. Do I, like, introduce myself, or...
ARCHIVIST Yes, just say your name and what your statement is regarding.
OLLIE Okay, uh, my name is Ollie Maverick, and this is regarding the disappearance of my coworker Grant Lewis due to an unexplained train in my workplace.
ARCHIVIST An... unexplained train?
OLLIE Well, it wasn't supposed to be there, and I sure as hell never got any sort of explanation for it.
ARCHIVIST R-right, well... (clears throat) Statement recorded direct from subject eighth of March 2017. Statement begins.
In your own time.
OLLIE (STATEMENT) Working in security was only ever okay, to be honest. The work's all right, apart from the night shifts — those really messed up my sleep schedule. I was working the night shift at a London train station when this happened. I know that's very vague, but I don't think I can name the station here, so you'll have to bear with me on that. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms, and I'd like to avoid a lawsuit at all costs. Anyway, like I said, I worked in security, and it was one of my least favorite jobs. Not the worst, but it's up there. Top four. Mostly because of Grant Lewis.
Not to speak ill of the dead or anything, but Grant was an asshole. He drank too much, chewed spearmint gum way too loudly, and he ran one of those alpha-male podcasts in his spare time. You know the ones — white guys in their twenties spend thirty minutes a week ramming their unsolicited opinions about women who won't date them and abortion and liberal politics down the throats of their listeners. That should tell you all you need to know about him. He was a prick, and he had it in for me from day one.
I was the only queer person on the security team, and I looked it. I came in the first day with a pronoun pin and a pink mullet and... well. He latched on to me, and I couldn't get rid of him. The worst part was, since we'd started working there at the same time and he kept making these awful jokes about me, to me, everyone else assumed we were friends. No one else could stand him, so we got lumped together the whole time on shifts. I spent hours with him in the control room, patrolling the station, even on my lunch break a few times when I came across him accidentally in a café. Every time, I'd have to listen to this — endless stream of unfunny jokes about my gender identity and my sex life. And, of course, those controversial opinions he aired on that podcast. He was infuriating, and he wouldn't go away.
But however much I hated Grant, I still don’t think he deserved what happened to him. Officially he's just disappeared, but I don't think anyone believes that now. I really, really don't want to know if he's still alive.
It all happened about a month ago. I was working the night shift from 11PM to 7AM with three other people — Allison Bates, Fred Landy and, of course, Grant. (long, irritated sigh) I... wasn't in the best of moods, to be frank. I'd spent the whole day dreading this, and to begin with it was exactly the kind of awful I'd expected. It was a Sunday, so the trains kept running until 2AM. The first hour or so was in the control room with Allison and Fred, who spent most of that time loudly flirting with each other. It was... very uncomfortable to watch, so I volunteered to go help Grant keep an eye on the platforms. It would have been well past midnight by this stage, coming up to 1AM, and he was out making sure the drunks lurching off the trains from holiday parties didn't get too rowdy.
There were four platforms in that station, grouped in pairs, and he was looking after platforms one and two. So, I headed off to look after platforms three and four, because I didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit. The steady flow of commuters was starting to peter out, and those that were drunk were harmlessly so. It looked like it might be shaping up to be a fairly quiet night. But I only got around forty minutes of relative peace before my radio crackled. Grant was apparently coming to join me, as Allison was covering platforms one and two. I had an idea that she'd probably sent him, as Grant had no idea how to be around any female-presenting people without getting really creepy. I may have mentioned he was a complete asshole, so I didn't really blame her, but I wasn't happy about it.
Grant showed up and we began patrolling the platforms and the small shop and cafe area together. He talked too much and chewed gum loudly, and I tried to ignore him as best I could and focus on the job. The last train rolled in around 2AM, and once the final passengers had stumbled out into the night we went to lock up.
It was then that we heard it. As we were walking back to the control room, the tannoy system crackled into life.
'The train now approaching Platform Four is not intended for passenger use. Customers are advised not to interact with the train, or indeed acknowledge it, in the interest of health and safety. Under no circumstances attempt to board the train now approaching Platform Four.
Thank you.'
It didn't sound like the usual train announcements. Those were an automated vaguely female voice, distant and slightly robotic. This voice was a garbled, distorted mess that I could barely understand, and it cut off with a screech of static that made my head ring. Grant and I stood there in confusion as the echo of that sharp static bounced off the walls, warping into something like a faint, mocking laugh.
I've not painted a great picture of Grant here, I know, but he was at least a fairly competent security guard. While I was still reeling from the announcement, he managed to get out his radio and make contact with Fred and Allison in the control room. They'd heard it too, and they were going to head towards the room that the tannoy operated out of, to see if it had been hijacked. Grant said we'd go take a look at Platform Four, to see if there was anything we needed to deal with.
It took us about two minutes to get there, and it felt like the echo of the tannoy announcement still hadn't died away. The air seemed different — heavier, maybe, and it smelled a little bitter. It made me slightly nauseous. Grant didn't seem to notice; he just started checking around the platform for anything suspicious. I was going to join him when there was a sharp, screeching whistle, like an old steam train, and I realised that I was smelling smoke.
It filled the platform as the train chugged into view, curling around everything and shimmering with colours that I — can't describe. The cloying, bitter smell of the smoke grew stronger and I could see Grant choking on it, tears streaming down his face but I breathed it in and it was... (panicked, breathy laugh) ..intoxicating. The train itself was an old steam train, bright purple and gold, with no driver that I could see. It slowed to a stop and the door to the first carriage swung open right in front of me. Mocking. Beckoning. (another laugh) It seemed the most natural thing in the world to just... step in.
Inside was a narrow corridor, carpeted in that same rich, wine-toned purple. The doors of the seating compartments faced me, and each had gauzy purple curtains pulled across the windows. I started down the corridor, and noticed a figure sitting inside one of the compartments. I couldn't make out much through the curtains, but they had long hair that seemed to be moving of its own accord, and….. their hands were... wrong.
I don't think I was entirely... myself, at that point. (shaky breath) I reached for the handle, and suddenly Grant rammed into me from behind, sending me sprawling onto the floor. He was pinning me down, talking fast and terrified, saying we had to get out, had to get help. I could see the long-haired figure in the compartment behind him slowly rising to their feet, rising and rising far beyond the proportions of a normal human body, limbs bending oddly in ways that hurt to look at. I screamed for Grant to run, but it was too late.
The door of the compartment opened with a creak, and... it wasn't a person. I don't know what the hell that thing was, but it was not a person. The hair was blond, and twisted and curled in on itself like a nest of snakes. Its eyes were hard to look at. B-but its hands... they were long, and the fingers had too many joints and they were sharp, and it looked at Grant and he started screaming, and it started laughing. That sound, it... it made my mind sting.
He tried to run, then. Got to the door that should have led back to the platform, but it was different now, smaller. Painted yellow. He opened it to show another long corridor, this time lined with mirrors and twisting wallpaper that hurt my eyes, and the monster-thing just... pushed him in. (pause) I... really hope he's dead. I really do. The alternative is just... well.
I scrambled to my feet and backed away as the thing turned to me with this... self-satisfied grin on its impossible face. Like it had just had a good meal.
Go if you like, it said. You'll be back. You won't be able to help it.
It began to laugh again as I began to run.
I don't know how long I ran. The carriage never seemed to end, and every door I opened led either to a set of seats or to another twisting corridor. Eventually, think I just... gave up. Lay on the floor and waited to dissolve into an impossibility.
I woke up lying on Platform Four with Fred leaning over me asking panicked questions while Allison was calling the police. I couldn't focus on any of what Fred was saying. My head was spinning. I... wasn't really aware of much until the police arrived. They asked me where Grant was. I said I didn't know. I was too rattled to come up with any sort of lie, so I just... told them what happened. (quiet laugh) I'm not really sure what the official proceedings were, but they didn't want to know. One of the officers dropped me home and I just went straight to bed. Thankfully my partner Rory was out on his own night shift at the time, so I didn't have to explain anything just yet. I slept like the dead until about four o'clock the next day, and the first thing I did when I woke up was send in my resignation.
I tried to... well, not forget about it, but to... put it at the back of my mind. I had no backup plan for a job, and Rory could only cover the rent alone for so long. I had to tell him what happened, obviously. I don't know if he fully believes me, but he hasn't said anything. He knows I saw something that really scared me, and he knows that that's why I quit my job. He's sticking with me, though.
Last week, I managed to get an interview for another security job in the Foundling Museum. And when I went to catch the train to get there, well.. I'm sure you can guess what happened. The smoke, this time, it... it was so hard not to get on that train. It felt... right. It was all I could do to walk away.
That blond monster-thing is following me, too.
It doesn't look as, as wrong as it did in the train, but I know exactly what it is. I see it pretty much everywhere I go. It catches my eye and winks at me, and I just about throw up with fear. Rory thinks they're panic attacks. He's trying to get me to see a doctor, or a therapist or something. He's probably right, but I wanted to come here first. I thought you... might be able to help.
ARCHIVIST (pause; a few abortive attempts to speak) Statement, eh... statement ends. I — I think I recognise this, ah... blond monster-thing you've mentioned. Did it... have you approached it? Talked to it?
OLLIE (incredulous) No!
ARCHIVIST Good. It... it calls itself Michael. I don't know exactly what it is, or what it wants, but it enjoys. toying with people. Doesn't seem to have any real purpose other than... spreading misery and madness.
OLLIE W-well, I... (clears throat) What do I do?
ARCHIVIST I'm afraid I... don't really know. (noises of panic and indignation from Ollie) I mean, I can tell you to avoid any suspicious doors, but I... have a feeling you could have come to that conclusion yourself.
OLLIE Great. Great. I knew this would be a waste of my goddamn time. Is that seriously all you've got for me? Avoid suspicious doors?
ARCHIVIST I'm sorry, I —
OLLIE (overlapping) Don't even —
ELIAS Sorry Jon, am I interrupting?
ARCHIVIST Oh, Elias! Um... no, I, I think we're just about done here. R-right?
OLLIE Sure. We're done.
ELIAS Is everything quite all right?
OLLIE Apparently, you people are perfectly happy to take my statement, but you can't actually help me with my fucking eldritch stalker.
ELIAS Ah, yes. I can see how that might be... upsetting.
OLLIE (barely controlled rage) Can you, now?
ELIAS I believe I can. (pause) I'm Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute. And you are?
OLLIE Ollie. Ollie Maverick.
ELIAS Well, Mr. —
OLLIE (overlapping) Mx.
ELIAS Oh, my apologies. Well, Mx. Maverick, while I don't really know much about your situation specifically, I've found that our Institute is quite good at deterring any, ah, supernatural harassment of our employees. For the most part. And I believe you're in the market for a new iob?
OLLIE Uh. I mean….. yes, but how did you —?
ELIAS I was waiting outside for Jon to finish up, and I couldn't help overhearing. Interested?
OLLIE I... don't know that I could do much here. I don't know anything about ghosts, or - whatever it is you do...
ARCHIVIST I — Ollie, I really wouldn't —
ELIAS (overlapping) I'm sure you'll pick it up very fast. Should we discuss this in my office?
OLLIE Um... sure. May as well.
ELIAS Lovely. Oh, and Jon?
ELIAS Basira’s just got back. I believe you wanted to talk to her?
ARCHIVIST Oh, uh... okay, I'll — I'll go do that, I suppose.
ELIAS Right. Follow me, Mx. Maverick.
ARCHIVIST (sigh) Damn.
ARCHIVIST Well, that was... (sigh) ...anyway. Another person trapped in the archives. Better than being trapped in a corridor hellscape or an endless train carriage, I suppose. (pause)
Though... would they have been trapped? The way they described the train, and especially that smoke... what did they call it? Intoxicating.
They're clearly very scared, and I can't say I blame them, but I have to wonder if what I'm seeing here is... the birth of a new avatar. With Michael shepherding them to their new domain.
In terms of follow-up (sigh) I have been able to confirm that a Grant Lewis was filed as missing on the third of February this year. However, I was not able to find anything else about the case or the circumstances of his disappearance. The police don't seem to have done anything, and it looks as if this Grant didn't have any friends or family to make a fuss about it. I talked it over with Basira, and she agrees with me that it probably comes under Section 31. Obviously, this makes it difficult to get any real evidence for this statement, but I'm inclined to believe it anyway.
What I don't understand is why Elias would offer Ollie a job. They've made it clear that they need it, but I hardly think it's out of the kindness of his heart. (quiet, tired laugh) He's probably got some secret, evil plan for them. Some way to cripple the Spiral, perhaps. Or maybe he just wants to inflict a new and interesting kind of trauma.
Either way, I think I'll be keeping a close eye on Ollie Maverick.
End recording.
TIM Oh, uh — sorry, this area of the archives isn't open to the public.
OLLIE Yeah, I — I work here.
TIM In the Archives?
OLLIE Yeah, it’s my first day. My name's Ollie Maverick.
TIM Um... Tim Stoker. (pause) Sorry, what are your pronouns?
OLLIE (pleasantly surprised) They/them. You?
TIM He/him. (pause) So... you don't exactly look like the academic type.
OLLIE Says the person wearing a Hawaiian shirt to work.
TIM (laughs) No, I meant... y'know, people in this profession don't tend to be quite so buff. We're all skinny little nerds.
OLLIE Ah yes, my perfectly chiseled physique. I can see why you'd be confused. (Tim snorts) My last job was as a security guard, so...
TIM Sounds interesting.
OLLIE Well, it... didn't end well. I actually came to make a statement about it yesterday, and then your boss — Elias, I think his name was — offered me a job. For some reason.
TIM What?
OLLIE I know, right? I mean, I know jack shit about academia, but I did English in college and that was apparently good enough for him. I got the feeling that you're a little pressed for job applications.
TIM Yeah, well... I just hope you know what you're getting into.
TIM This place is... wrong. In a lot of ways.
OLLIE (jokingly) What, you've come across a lot of ghosts and ghoulies?
TIM I'm serious. It does things to you.
OLLIE Such as?
TIM It... won't let you quit. You can try it, but — you won't be able to.
OLLIE That all?
TIM (sigh) You'll find out soon enough, I guess. You're stuck here now.
OLLIE (pause) You're not just — messing with me?
OLLIE Well... fuck. (resigned sigh; pause) Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Assuming this even works.
TIM Assuming what works?
OLLIE It... doesn't matter. I guess we'll see.
TIM I guess we will.
OLLIE Hey, has — has that been running this whole time?
TIM What?
OLLIE That recorder. Did you bring it in here?
TIM Oh, for fuck's sake —
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kiddosaurus · 11 months
come and join the treehouse!
my new agere discord server is finally ready to open i think, so here it is! this has been a casual work in progress for months, and although it still needs a lot of polish, it's ready for people to join :]
the treehouse is a 17+ sfw agere server with a relaxed, casual environment and a nostalgic and kidcore(ish) theme! we hope to provide a fun, welcoming place for folks in the agere community, ESPECIALLY for people who might feel out of place in other servers! we don't want our server to be a structured daycare type of situation; we're just a treehouse in a friend's backyard, a place for you to come and hang or play with your buddies :]
it's still INCREDIBLY small as of now, and i still need to iron out some details, but i wanna get some feedback and get folks started in here!
some stuff we offer:
a simple, easy to read layout, plus a map for navigation and descriptions of each channel!
manual verification, to make sure the server stays safe
movie nights and storytime! we hold official movie nights + storytimes occasionally, but members are welcome to hold their own events whenever they'd like!
lots of color roles, all named after crayola crayons!
hobby chats! great for finding like-minded people who share your interests :]
dedicated channels for both regressors AND caregivers, alongside our general chats! we've also got a bigs-only chat, for the folks who just wanna talk to other bigs without worrying about bothering people who are regressed
show and tell! we have lots of places to show off your cool pictures, everything from art to food to plushies and more!
QOTD, WYR, worksheets and coloring pages, and more fun activities!
before you join
this server is strictly 17+. younger regressors are good and lovely, but since most servers are already catered solely to the 13-16 range, we're strictly 17+ and have no age cap
NSFW and K!NK (even if "sfw") isn't allowed in the server
discord account must be at least a week old; the server won't let you in if your account is brand new. this is for safety purposes
don't join with the intention of asking about server partnerships-- we're not interested at the moment.
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iwsynttr-project · 3 months
WAAAHHH I just saw people have been posting about the project on Pinterest???
I am so pink oh my goodness aaa
I'll give some updates then so people know we're not just slackin', haha;;
This past week we've been hella busy with church, school, trying out programs, still figuring out the whole learning to drive thing, stuff with disability, etc... but especially with Valentine's Day & Moose's birthday.
CJ came up to visit which was really special & we got to eat out & get boba all together which was super nice as he doesn't live too close by ever since we moved a few years back.
I recently got most of my m3dz figured out so I might be able to start hrt within the next year, & it sounds like the date has been set for CJ & I to get married this April 29th!
On top of all this we recently found out that a couple other plans have been thrown into the mix:
Our folks are planning to head out for a week a few states away to spend time with family & celebrate our twin cousins' birthday & then they'll be goin to Medieval Times for Moose's birthday possibly with another friend or cousin.
My mom & I are gonna try & see a show with CJ & his mom if they're able to come for my 21st birthday (Which is March 13th!) & CJ's birthday is at the start of April.
Right before our wedding is my dad's birthday & we're gonna see another live performance in another state, & then right afterwards a few days later is gonna be the wedding.
We're just gonna make it small & Soukoku themed, but maybe years later from now when we're livin' alone & financially stable we might do a bigger more official wedding. We'll renew our vows, maybe have custom made suits, special stuff like that.
Somethin' we're hopin' to do is for the small one we might make custom Lego Minifigures to be in front of/above the cake & then if we save up... the four-six hundred bucks... we wanna get the Soukoku "wedding" figurines that came out a bit ago.
It's a dream.
Anyways, as for the actual project!
I'm still working on the script when I have time, I just got stumped since we don't have Golden Demon written yet- but I managed to come up with some content to fill in for during or after the scene plays out for now & continued from there.
Moose has decided to try & make two versions of Life's Better With A Little Party In It: one that's a trashy pop song, & one that's his own take on the song based on artists like YOASOBI. (Into the Night, Monster, Idol, etc...)
We're also thinking about making a Cover Album on the side to go with the soundtrack just for fun with covers of songs from bands & artists like ONE OK ROCK & Set It Off.
I'm still thinking I might go for making The I Was Screaming Your Name Through the Radio Project into an episodic animatic series, but with everything going on I might wait to record the actual script & songs until we've got most of the script & songs written out more at the least if not also until after I get a better microphone & possibly start injections. (Maybe I'll still do the first few chapters since they're just teens anyways but meh whatever; we'll see.)
I did do a drawing while I was free last night though & have been talking with my dad who's voice is basically his life & career about vocal training of sorts or if I should find classes online or something along those lines for it.
(Back to the drawing) I made a concept design for Moose's online/music persona AquaticSnow & a possible first EP/Album cover. I'm not sure I'll post it (yet?) since he might use it for stuff like his avatar, channel/s, music, etc but if I do it'll be on my personal main Tumblr, Instagram, & probably Deviantart & Twitter/X.
I'm also nervous about somebody tryin' to steal the art &/or concept.
Another reminder that I do have a personal server where I stream drawing, gaming, sometimes reading & writing, watch parties (movies, shows, etc...) & I post planning & updates for the project there!
.:Charli's Discord Server:.
( Don't forget to pick roles & read the rules! Otherwise you can't see the other chats;; )
Sorry 'bout the long post, haha;; we hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!
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thoughts-of-loyalty · 6 months
9th Nitpick November time, and here's a bit of a quicker one I felt compelled to touch on after talking about weird Semblance stuff: why do so many side characters not have a Semblance named or identified at all, even in various fan events or the like?
I mean, I know it's presumptuous to assume every character has one, given that it's noted Semblances don't always awaken in folks (for example, Roman), but it feels like there are characters who should have Semblances, that the CRW/BY never bothered to even try to explore.
Here are at least a good handful of characters I think *should* have Semblances but for some reason don't have theirs identified:
The teachers we've met at the various schools. My reasoning is that, if they're going to teach students who have Semblances, it would be expected for them to have a Semblance. In particular, to my knowledge, Oobleck, Port (having been a part of the early Beacon Academy days) and Lionheart (who was the head of an academy) are standouts who you'd think could or would have had a Semblance but it's never identified if they do.
While he is a teacher, so he'd normally go in the above list, Taiyang is also a pretty big "This guy should have a Semblance" magnet in general, so I'm putting him separate. We know both his kids have one, and he was on a team with three other very skilled fighters (presumably so in Summer's case), so why have they never even hinted at him having one or namedropped it in a Q&A?
Sage. I admit I'm reading from the wiki because I will not be buying any RWBY books, so i can't confirm if it's mentioned in one and a fan wiki just ignored it (but I doubt it); but why is he the *only* one among his team to *not* have his Semblance namedropped in any official source?
And many, many others. There was a whole cast of characters introduced in Volume 3 alone for the Vytal Tournament, and yet only a few have actually had theirs revealed? Tournament Arc 101 is giving opponents all kinds of gimmicky cool abilities to play around with, and yet outside of FNKI (or just FN, even), almost nobody identifiably used their Semblance during it (i know Scarlet and Octavia did, but neither were identifiably indicated as such during their fight - heck, until i checked the wiki, i didn't even think it might be a Semblance, i thought it might've just been a movement skill unique to her, like using Dust in her shoes to propel her).
It's just such a waste, you've got a system of "most Semblances are unique to the individual" as prime real estate for fun fights, or can even make for Q&A fodder if they're bit characters, but nah, those characters never get their Semblances identified. Just such wasted potential.
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jenniquinn · 8 months
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Eddie Munson X Reader
After all Eddie has been through he thought he would never fall in love or even fall for someone period. But when you moved to Hawkins from West Virginia something changed. He was instantly drawn to you. He tried to deny the feelings but you would always be around. You heard people telling you to stay away from Eddie but you couldn't. It was like a magnet drawing you towards each other.
You also thought love would never happen. From the boys in your hometown telling you constantly n that no one would want to date a freak. I think that's what drew you more. Maybe it was those brown eyes you grew to love looking at or maybe it was when he would smile, which was sometimes rare it made your heart skip.
But you didn't listen to the town folk, you had to know him. You heard he played at the hideout so you went to watch. He saw you there, his heart fluttered. After the show you two meet at the bar. "We've not officially met I'm Y/N" you say extending a hand. He looks then takes it. It was like you both got shocked by lightning. "I'm Eddie" he tells you. "So Eddie" you say smiling "I wanted to tell you that you played an awesome show".
He blushes "thank you. That actually means a lot" he tells you. "So I'm new to town and the school what is there to do" you ask. He shrugs "nothing really unless you like D&D" he says and your hand grabs his. "What? there is a D&D club at Hawkins" you shout. He's confused but smiles at you.
"Wait so you play" he asks and you nod "level 13 wizard what about you" you ask him and his eyes widen. "I'm the dungeon master of course" he says and you laugh. "Of course you are". He looks at you amazed that someone like you plays the game. "Would you like to join a game, see if you would like to be in hellfire" he says and you tilt your head. "Hellfire" you ask confused.
"Oh sorry. Hellfire is the club name see" he points to his shirt. "If I join do I get one of those shirts" he nods "sweet I love it" your fingers trace this devil on the shirt and he swears his heart all but stops. Suddenly he gets self conscious "I'm surprised you are even talking to me" he says now you're confused and he continues.
"I'm the town freak, was wanted for murder" he finished and you tsk. "I know I'm friends with Steve he told me all about it. Told me not to listen to the folks here. Said they don't know the whole story. Besides it's not fun watching someone die in front of you". You two start walking outside. You shiver not only because of the breeze but of the memories "wait you've watched someone die" he asks and you nod.
"My boyfriend. We went out to the movies when this guy came up behind me and pointed a gun to my head. Trevor gave the car keys and his money. Even watch. He took my purse, then the guy starts to run away when he suddenly turns and shoots Trevor. All I could do was cry and scream as he died in my arms" you wipe your tears and continue.
"After three months in the psych hospital my parents sent me here to live with my aunt". Suddenly you are pulled into his arms. You relax "I'm so sorry" he says as you wrap your arms around his waist and cry. He has a hand around you and another in your hair. You cry but his arms make you feel better. It was at this moment you knew Eddie would be an important part of you.
He pulls away "I watched the girl I had a crush on die in front of me. I would tell you how but you'd think I was crazy" he says wiping your tears "try me" you say and he does. After everything it wasn't crazy. You always figured there were other worlds out there so it sorta made sense. "Can I drive you home" he asks and you nod. You give him your address and he looks at you. "You stay at the trailer park" he asks and you nod. "Max Mayfield is my cousin" he stares in awe. "I live basically next door" he says "I know" he looks at you.
"How do you think knew where you played. Steve couldn't remember. I will admit I heard you talking to your uncle and I had to go. I would also listen to you practice" you say then speak again. "I'm sorry that's totally stalkerish" "no it's ok" he starts "I've watched you around school and town" you smile at that.
"Would it be weird if I held your hand" he asks and you grab it. The drive to the trailer park is quit but that's ok. He parks in front of his then walks you to yours. "I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out sometime" he asks, you smile. "Like a date" you ask and he nods nervously. "Of course. I should head in. I had a really nice time" you say kissing his cheek walking inside. Maybe things were looking up you think smile. You go to bed dreaming of Eddie. Thankful you were plaqued with your reaccuring nightmare. He slept better than he had in months thanks to you.
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picnokinesis · 2 months
I don't think you reblogged this but I am interested so 1&2 for the same ask game when you have time! Whichever WIP you want.
Oh my days HI GABE!!!! Thank you for the ask!! For everyone else there's a wip questionnaire here by @buffythevampirelover which maybe I'll reblog in a minute if anyone wants to ask me questions about my fan or og projects hahahah
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
Okay I'm actually gonna answer this about two different projects because a) I bugged gabe to actually give me a project and he said disarmed sksksk but also b) I have an interesting answer for one of my og projects
Disarmed, first of all - this is a fanfic wip that I'm currently working on (we're on the last chapter now, hurrah!). It's an idea I had in 2021, and I had actually decided that it was officially scrapped/permanently shelved at the start of January....only for me to then sign up to the goreswap exchange and decide to write it anyway SKSK ONLY TO THEN STOP because it got too long so I wrote something else instead.
If you don't like mentions of horrible injuries, I'd recommend stopping here and jumping to the next post on your dash haha.
Disarmed actually originally came about from a very rancid dream I had where the Doctor and the Master were both found in a forest on an alien planet, holding each other's severed arms over their shoulders rip. And so, from there, I ended up drafting this Idea in my brain - and I had this EXCEPTIONALLY clear image in my head of the Master sewing the Doctor's arm onto where his used to be (which...kind of doesn't technically even happen in the story anymore but the imagery remained), and so that was the first thing I created. Which is - actually tell you what, I'm gonna throw that sketch that i did under the cut along with the rest of this answer in case people scrolling don't want to see mild cartoon gore haha. Also this post might get a bit long anyway
Here he is!
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So in case anyone wasn't sure, the title is purely there for the pun and always has been hahah
For my og project though - this is a script that I'm not gonna say the name of because I submitted it to a BBC script call HAHA, but it's about a meteorite strike that causes a lot of problems, including giving some people dangerous powers. This idea actually started waaaaaaaay back when I was like, 16yo or so, when I wrote three songs that I wanted to make into a concept album. I'm pretty sure that the first one was actually one called Days Gone By, which I actually filmed myself singing here, back when I had long hair haha, although I think you could argue that the bones of We've Heard It All Before (which is now a complete song - and also YIKES I took this fast, baby taka what are you doing sksksk) came up before any of Days Gone By. How do I know this? I have a ton of old voice notes on my laptop. The interesting thing here is that Days Gone By is actually Plot C in my script and doesn't even come up in the episode that I wrote, which was the pilot, and thus only covers Plot A (Through the Dust and Blood, the third song which I did not film) and Plot B (We've Heard It All Before). Even funnier story - the idea for the original concept album which became the script was ALSO, like disarmed, based on a dream I had HAHAHA (but like, so loosely. I don't think any of the original dream other than the imminent meteorite strike has made it into the final project. Great jumping off point, though!).
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Gonna answer this one about my og WIP script, Onkalo, because this project has some original folk songs that I've written right at the heart of it - and so, naturally, I would have a rendition of Over Onkalo as the intro. I kind of imagine it like, a medley of an instrumental or soundtrack version, so more dramatic and orchestral, but with people singing the song coming in and out of it - and then it would end on just people singing the last line acapella as the rest of the music fades out and theeeeen - titles! Or something like that. If I have to go with a song that's already been written though, I'd probably go with maybe El Búho by Blanco White, or You Are a Memory by Message to Bears.
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felassan · 2 years
Mark Darrah tweeted that Dragon Age 4 (now of course officially titled Dragon Age: Dreadwolf), when it was codenamed "Morrison", probably should have gotten a new code name in early 2021 [source].
In his recent Old Game Dev Advice YouTube video (check it out), titled "Project Nug-Storm! - Codenames", he talks a bit about how they arrived at the other DA4 (a previous version of project) codename "Joplin":
If you're a story-shaper like me, then you might decide 'Well, we've got this naming criteria of using rockstar names, I want a woman', and then Janis Joplin is literally the first one that comes to mind, and you use 'Joplin' for your title. It fits your criteria, and there's a little bit of thought behind it, but not too much more than that." [source]
He mentions that BioWare now uses rockstar names for the theme/naming convention of their codenames e.g. Joplin, Morrison, Dylan [Anthem], Hendrix, Bowie, and that some other studios have their own naming conventions such as DICE (city names). In the comments he mentions that the game's official title now being set is a sign of progress. posting as it's an interesting vid and in the past there has been a fair bit of speculation on the nature of DA4 in relation to its codenames such as Joplin, with folks wondering if anything could be gleaned from the codenames based on things such as the stars' styles of music, lives etc.
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Let's Rewind! Toast Watches Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 41: There Will Be A Royal Wedding Season 1, Episode 42: The Sand People
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Episode 41: There Will Be A Royal Wedding I think I recognize this episode title, PART THREE LETS GOO
recap timeee
"I am a wild man, I live in this tunnel eating roots and mushrooms!" SVEN PLEASE
Romelle recognizes him!
Oh god, he's breaking down over his trauma for getting hurt and trying to heal but then he got enslaved all over again without being able to fight and still hurting
the start of the only couple ever, Keith and Allura could never happen because Keith would never stop self sabotaging himself and Sven is willing to be a malewife
he's so scared to call the force because he's scared of them seeing him broken like that he's calling them anyway
oh an escaped slave ship full of slaves is getting recaptured
"do you think princess Ro-MEAL could survive down there?" Zarkon PRONOUNCE HER NAME RIGHT
oh also they're planning to take over Pollux while she's gone
new robeast, it's literally an iron woman that they called iron maiden pretty cool though OH GOD IS SHE CRUSHING PEOPLE IN HER HANDS?? THAT'S HORRIFYING
Romelle is trying to stop it, but Sven is stopping her because if she shows herself then their whole plan is fucked time to steal another slave ship to get her home!
The doomites have worse aim than storm troopers
poor Romelle she's crying for the other slaves who helped her and Sven escape, nobody else was able to make it with them BUT THEY GOT IN CONTACT WITH THE TEAM AND THEY'RE MEETING UP
voltron formed up early,,, it's getting serious folks
"so she wouldn't have me, but she runs away with some slave!" WHY ARE YOU SALTY ABOUT THAT LOTOR
Romelle and Bandor finally get to speak again, JUST GET THOSE BABIES TOGETHER DAMN IT
space battle with the iron maiden guys please you spoke too early now the real fight is starting with her gold form instead of her silver one
that's a cool attack, the crown tied up voltron after it hit his head
oh wow Voltron is taking such a bad beating Sven doesn't even want to help but Romelle is girlbossing so hard he can't help say yes
Voltron is freed by dumb luck, formed up blazing sword and the fight is over with a lot of explosions
Now they're back on Pollux and Romelle and Bandor finally get to hug again! Sven is officially Romelle's malewife "she gave me back my life" GOD HE'S SO IN LOVE
this episode went by so fast
/episode end
Episode 42: The Sand People oh man I remember some stuff from this episode
sand people lore: they're timid and sweet people and look like turtles Zarkon wants to turn them into weapons
"my horoscope tells now the time to be nasty" ZARKON'S LISTENS TO HIS HOROSCOPE?? ASTROLOGIST ZARKON CONFIRMED
PIDGE OSTRICHED INTO THE SAND AS GREEN THAT'S SO CUTE also Keith told him bless you after he sneezed, they're adorable
how are the team getting sand peoples tracks to scan on it accurately so can the lions 'smell' in order to do scans?
oh the sand people definitely died if they got taken by those snakes
Pidge saying he needs to call them team, but Keith was already running towards his location He knows when his son is in trouble,,, there was a disturbance in the force
what are they even riding, I think those are the most alien looking things we've seen in this show ever
wow they really are like turtles, digging underground Allura is already treating them like puppies
I know they're trying to make the sand people humanized, but they're treating them like toddlers or animals
Allura wore a bracelet under her gloves this whole time? Well it's a gift to that one sand person now
"all sand tanks in formation!" all tanks are for the sand dipshit,, they have caterpillar treads
god now i'm humming one of the themes of the show
wow just like the first episode, everyone as their heads in the sand after being smacked back into the ground
Is avalanche just a word for snow? Because the team is getting covered with a ton of falling sand and I feel like avalanche fits for these scenes
Lotor grabbed one of them to turn into a robeast OH NO THE POOR BOY IS SO SCARED, AND HE'S THE ONE WITH PRINCESS ALLURA'S BRACELET
does yellow lion have fire breath?
How do the doomites know what Earth moles are
how is that bracelet still on the sand person, that some weak ass magic if it can't break metal Allura named him sandy
she's trying so hard to call out to him, but they have to form voltron anyway, this is going to get so depressing
oh they realized the S on him was keeping that robeast transformation on him so they ripped it off, and now he's in a "coma"
nobody ever dies in dotu
/episode end
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
you know what i've just realized that i came back to tumblr after like three or four years of radio silence and haven't updated folks on my fandoms, so, in case people were wondering:
fandoms i write for:
rogue one (always and forever, my one true love, eternal companion, i literally have two r1 tats right now and i'm planning a third and fourth)
mo dao zu shi (grandmaster of demonic cultivation) and to some extent ren zha fanpai zijiu xitong (scum villain's self-saving system) but i still haven't finished tian guan ci fu (heaven official's blessing) don't @ me
moon knight, which is like....the only fucking marvel property i am okay with right now (i'm kind of an active thor and loki hater for personal reasons ;;;;)
the hobbit and some parts of the silmarillion (i am not nearly as educated on this as i wanna be)
THE MUPPETS THE MUPPETS THE MUPPETS THE MUPPETS (no i'm probably not writing fanfiction for it but if you ask me about the muppets i will talk to you for ten hours)
i'm writing a fic for the series that shall not be named which is purely me being trans and processing my grief around jkr being a terf so i don't talk about it publicly! but i do write it and post semi-regularly
fullmetal alchemist even if i haven't updated sotb in literally years shhhhhHHHHHH
fandoms i don't write for (ever or anymore) but love to talk about + interests i have that are outside of fandom:
umineko when they cry/umineko no naku koro ni
anything by agatha christie though i will guarantee more awareness of poirot and marple than any of her other characters
ghost hunt
the twelve kingdoms
history of any stripe but PARTICULARLY anything to do with imperialism/fascism
pharaonic egypt and, hand in hand with that, the history of egyptology
anything by rf kuang
the unbroken by c.l. clark
the history of mining rights in west virginia (i don't know how i got into this one either but)
treaty rights and the history of us govt abuses of indigenous peoples (currently work as a tribal law attorney)
witchcraft and asatro (antiracist and antifa only please if you aren't antifa and antiracist and you pretend to be a nordic polytheist i'm literally going to smash you with a hammer)
this is a very incomplete list but if i keep going it's going to be excessive
other projects i'm working on right now:
i also write original fiction and am currently drafting a historical fantasy novel, planning a historical mystery novel in the tradition of poirot and marple, and writing short stories/novellas for submission to publishers (fuck harper collins lmao)
video essays; i'm drafting scripts and starting voiceover work this month (1/2023) so i'm hoping to have something up by the end of february
planning a podcast series with a dear friend of mine that should also hopefully start posting this year, we've both had big work things in our way of late
if anyone wants to talk to me about any of these things please do!
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pumsavic · 3 months
Hello, my name is Alice, and I'm an aspiring linguist.
With my interest in language ive discovered something interesting while having a fight with a terf. They said "places that aren't America don't feed in to the transgender bullshit" (which we all know isn't true as even places like ancient Mesopotamia had the concept of gender non-conforming people even if they didn't have a word for it). because I am a linguist however, this got me interested to see what other countries that don't speak English have to say from their official medical professions.
In short, countries with poor education or countries heavily effected by religion do not support transgenderism, although their history shows that trans people have suffered and been forced into positions where they stay closeted.
(for reference america classifies it as a prenatal condition, meaning that "it's something that is caused in childhood")
However, countries with even greater understanding of the human body and those raised by new technologies greater than America have classified it as a birth defect as they found miscounts in growth hormones in the brain, specifically the kind of growth hormone that builds male and female ideation as early as fetal precognition. I.e. we've been trans since we were born. A "mental form of intersex" if you will.
While this is great news, there is also a major language barrier that has caused problems in the past when it comes to medical science, so it's unlikely trans folks will stop being oppressed in those countries with poor education and/or built on religion.
This does bring another point to the table, and that is that we were born with a medical condition. Its not something I think the government should be paying us disability, but it is something that needs to be addressed when talking to politicians or fighting for our rights.
We chose to come out, but we did NOT choose to be trans.
(I'm currently filling in a list of Websites, official statements and peer reviewed published college papers from different countries in link form and I will add on to this post later)
PSA: if you're wondering if you're trans, it's perfectly okay to experiment. There really isn't any other way to tell. If it turns out you're not, then at least you know.
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