#enjoy the shenanigans
Star Wars Confessions:
•Mi'thrawnuroudo with long hair is one of my kinks (I have a thing for handsome and intelligent men with long hair and if you love Art as well? I'm Yours.💖)
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Thrawn in storm trooper armor; two of my favorite things smooshed together like a gorgeous space ice cream sandwich where Thrawn is the dark brownie biscuit and blueberry mint ice cream and the storm trooper armor is the cookie dough and fudge chunks. Simply;
*Chefs kiss*
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Look at hiiiiim~ So Wild & Prettyyyy 😩💖
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This look- THIS. LOOK.
This look is Dangerous.
This look could get somebody pregnant.
Ok that's it for now; I'm done, enjoy, You're welcome.
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techs-feral-wife · 24 days
Pairing: Echo x OC
Summary: Echo and the twins try to surprise Leli for mother's day, but things don't quite go according to plan.
Author's note: FINALLY. This is a very very late and very very silly mother's day fic. Echo and Leli rot my brain constantly, so I figured I'd share some of that brainrot with you all.
The twins are still young here and have some trouble pronouncing their r's, so buir comes out as boo.
Once again, thank you to the lovely @seriowan for letting me use the names for Echo's twins. It's been a while since I've written anything so this may be a little rough. Sorry in advance! Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none that I can think of.
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Mornings on Pabu were so peaceful. The breeze rustled the trees, carrying with it the soothing scent of ocean brine. The early morning rays filtered through the thin curtains at the window and warmed Leli's face as she lay in bed listening to the gentle crash of the waves against the shoreline. The sound was almost enough to lull her back to sleep. She much preferred it over the sound of traffic. Life was slow here. It had been a big adjustment coming from the hustle and bustle of Coruscant, but the island had grown on her. She still missed the city, and the salty sea air had made her curls untenable, but she could honestly see herself building a life here. A place where her kids could grow up happy and safe...
The sound made her bolt upright.
Spoke too soon.
Instinctively she reached out for Echo, but her hand landed against the empty mattress. His side of the bed lay in a disheveled heap. Her stomach dropped and her heart started beating a mile a minute, shaking any remnants of sleep from her system. No matter how remote Pabu may be, Leli knew the state of the galaxy and she wasn’t going to take any chances, not with her sons’ safety on the line.
She unlocked the drawer of her nightstand and pulled out the blaster that Rex had given her. Slowly, she made her way out of the room, creeping silently down the hallway to check the boys’ room. Fear gripped her heart when she saw their beds empty, but she steeled herself and made her way towards the source of the noise.
The acrid smell of smoke hung in the air. Had someone set their house on fire? Leli’s grip tightened around the frame of the blaster, finger resting against the trigger guard, ready and waiting. Hushed commotion came from the kitchen, muffled voices carried out into the hall. She pressed forward, her back pressed against the wall as she neared the kitchen entrance. As she drew closer, the voice became clearer.
"Quinn get your fingers out of the batter-”
"Be careful Sky, you're gonna drop all the eggs.”
“Quinn please, save some berries for your mother.”
She heard Echo before she saw him and it made her smile. She pressed a hand against her chest, relief flooding her system.  All the tension left her body in an instant, shoulders sagging as she let out a soft sigh.She peered around the corner to see what all the fuss was and it took everything in her to keep from bursting into a fit of laughter. 
The kitchen was a disaster. The sink was piled high with dishes and the counter was barely visible, littered with various ingredients and utensils. A wad of soggy paper towels lay on the floor, floating in what looked to be about a half gallon’s worth of spilled milk.
Echo stood at the center of it all, covered in pancake batter and looking more exhausted than she’d ever seen. Their twin sons, Quinn and Sky, sat on the counter giggling amidst the chaos.
“I thought you boys were gonna help me.” He grumbled, scomp arm resting on his hip. Sky’s face lit up.
“I help, boo!” He exclaimed proudly. The nearly three year old reached over, picked up an egg in his chubby toddler hands and promptly cracked it right onto the counter. 
Echo deflated, shoulders sagging as he looked at the mess. 
“Thank you, son. That was very helpful.” He sighed, voice dripping with sarcasm that was lost on the twins. 
Not one to be outdone, Quinn puffed out his chest and reached for the nearest thing. “I help too, boo!”
“Wait no-!”
Before Echo could stop him Quinn tipped the box of pancake mix off the counter. It looked like a smoke grenade had gone off in the kitchen, the whole room disappeared in a puff of white as the box hit the floor. When the dust settled the kitchen and her family were coated in a thin layer of mix. Leli had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. The scene was just too precious.
Echo scrubbed his hand over his face, smearing some stray pancake batter in the process. Quinn and Sky sat giggling away on the counter, looking like two mischievous powdered donuts, extremely pleased with the mess they had made. Echo, however, was not nearly as pleased. He was all pursed lips and furrowed brow, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed the culprits.
“Uh-oh.” Quinn ducked his head, trying and failing to look even slightly apologetic, unable to wipe the grin from his face.  
“Uh-oh is right, kid.” Echo huffed. “Mom’s not gonna be happy if she sees this.”
“In his defense,” Leli said finally, stepping out from her hiding place and leaning against the entryway to the kitchen. "You kinda set yourself up for that one, Eck."
"Angel!" Echo turned to face her, wide-eyed. He smoothed a hand over his ruined apron--her apron-- and leaned against the counter in a feeble attempt to obscure the mess. "Ah- you're awake." 
"Kinda hard to sleep when I’ve got an active warzone in my kitchen."
"Fair enough,.” His eyes drifted down to the blaster hanging at her side. “Whoa, what were you planning on doing with that?"
"I take my beauty sleep very seriously." She said, flipping the safety on before placing the blaster high up in one of the cabinets, far away from curious toddler hands. Echo chuckled at that. 
"No kidding."
Leli dusted off one of her sons, ruffling his dark brown curls, then scooped him up in her arms, resting him on her hip. Sky nuzzled close to her, smearing remnants of egg over the exposed skin of her neck as he wrapped his arms around her. She scrunched up her nose at the feeling. 
"Care to explain yourselves boys?" 
Echo grinned sheepishly in response, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. 
"Well we were gonna try and surprise you with breakfast in bed, but uh-- things didn’t quite go according to plan.” 
You can say that again.
Leli’s eyes scanned over the messy countertop; amidst the chaos sat a plate of pancakes, slightly burnt and messily topped with whipped cream and strawberries (though it looked like someone had already taken a few bites from them). Her heart swelled at the sight.
“Sorry about the mess. I'll clean it up, I swear.”
“I know,” She said playfully, though it sounded more like ‘you’d better’. Her gaze shifted between the mess on the counter and the mess that was her family. “You did all this for me?”
“It’s not much,” Echo said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Leli looked up at him, her smile bright enough to give the rising sun a run for its money. There may have been tears in her eyes, but her couldn’t be sure
“It’s perfect.” She stepped towards him and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek, careful to avoid the smear of batter. “Thank you so much.”
Leli gave each of the twins a little kiss in turn, grinning at their delighted little squeals. Echo deftly scooped Quinn up with his good arm and leaned into Leli, placing a kiss to her temple.
“Happy Mother’s Day, Angel.”
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banannabethchase · 10 months
Work at a Smile, Go for a Ride - also on AO3
Matt, about to lose his composure, has to take a walk in the middle of the coffin match during All In. And he runs into one Jon Moxley.
Bingo square hurt/comfort, you are vanquished! Title from Bad Day by Daniel Powter, because I'm old.
Matt can’t even keep his focus during the rest of All In. This is his baby, his life’s work. And he lost. They all lost.
When the screen in front of him blurs to the point where he can’t tell who’s who in the coffin match, he knows he has to call it.
“I need to talk a walk,” he says, and it’s too loud, it’s too abrupt, they’re gonna know.
Nick looks over at him. Then Adam, then Kenny. Even Kota’s eyes harbor pity, something Matt’s never wanted to earn from him. Adam smiles, too gently. “Want me to come with?”
“No,” Matt says, too quickly.
Nick stares at him, studies him unblinkingly. “Are you okay?”
“I’m – fine,” Matt lies. “I just need some alone time, okay?” He risks a look at Nick, whose blue eyes are giant and sad. He resists the urge to laugh; sometimes they do look like twins.
“I’m sorry, Matt,” Nick whispers. He reaches out and rests his hand on Matt’s arm. The repaired bicep. “I’m so sorry.”
Matt lies with a smile and sighs. “It’s not you. Sometimes it just doesn’t go our way, okay?” He leans in and pulls Nick in for the most reassuring hug he can muster, then steps away. “I’ll, um. I’ll be back.” He steps backward and waves at everyone at the production station and turns before the first tear builds.
This is stupid. It doesn’t matter if they won or lost. Nick even said that.
He was a half second too late to break up the pin, though. That does matter.
He swipes at his eyes, refusing to let tears fall if he cant stop them from gathering, and runs headlong into someone.
“Watch it!”
Matt looks up, startled. “I – sorry, Mox.” He steps aside. “I – yeah.”
“Whoa,” Mox says. Matt turns around. “No ‘eff you’? No ‘how’d it feel to lose’? What’s with the lack of attitude?”
Matt shrugs. “Not feeling it today.”
Mox stares at him so hard Matt blinks first, and a single tear he’s been battling runs down his face. He reaches up to swipe it away, but Mox catches it first with a rough thumb against his cheek. “Why aren’t you with your friends?”
“I really don’t want to do this right now.”
Mox sighs. “Okay. Fine.” He grabs Matt’s arm, gently at least, and steers him into the now empty warmup room. Matt’s immediately hit with the wall of excitement that now stings, the anticipation of being in this room earlier now soured with disappointment. “We don’t have to do it now. Whenever you’re ready.”
Matt sits on the bench, head dropping between his shoulders. “We don’t – you don’t need to talk to me. I’m fine.”
“How many times do you think you have to say that before it magically comes true?” The weight shifts on the bench and Mox’s thigh bumps against Matt’s. “Talk to me.”
“Why?” Matt asks, turning to Mox. “No offense or anything, but you hate me. Is this to get intel or something?”
Mox blinks at him. “You think I hate you?”
“I mean…” Matt pauses, unsure of where to go next. “Don’t you?”
Mox gets a hint of a smile in his eyes. “Do you hate me?”
Matt shrugs. “I don’t think so. Probably not.”
“Well, then, I probably don’t hate you, too,” Mox says. He bumps Matt’s arm. “Talk to me.”
“This is weird.”
“I’m weird,” Mox says. He points to his forehead, bandaged in a way that’s almost cartoonish. “I got skewers in my forehead.”
“You did,” Matt says, and he surprises himself with a tiny chuckle. “What’s with you and bleeding that much?”
“Feels good,” Mox says, stretching his arms up. “You know? Like I’m really working for it.”
“Oh, like it’s not real if you don’t bleed?” Matt scoffs. “My leg is killing me right now and all I’ll have to show is a bruise.” He rolls his eyes.
“What, you want me to kiss it better, you big baby?” Mox asks.
Laughing, Matt speaks before he thinks. “If that’s what I wanted, I’d tell you my dick hurt.” Matt freezes. “Uh.”
“No, no, continue,” Mox says. “I would love to hear what your next idea was.”
“I – shut up.” Matt feels himself blush red.
“No, keep talking,” Mox goads. “Is that how you and the Elite celebrate when you win?” Mox leans in, and Matt can sense Mox’s lips by his ear. “You upset because you ain’t getting any?”
Matt turns to find Mox far closer than he though. “Did you bring me in here to, like, seduce me while I’m miserable?”
“Wasn’t my first plan, but now that we’re here.” He doesn’t move, though. His eyes keep flickering to Matt’s mouth.
Matt sighs. “Ugh. At least I’ll have something good to look back on from tonight.” He leans in and kisses Mox, who grabs at his hips. Matt shifts, letting Mox guide him so he’s straddled his lap. The angle is delicious, and Mox slides his hands into Matt’s still shower damp hair to anchor Matt where he wants him. Matt whimpers. He can’t stop his hands from going to Mox’s face until he bumps the bandage.
“Sorry,” he gasps, pulling away.
“Nah, fuck it up all you like.” Mox winks. “You gotta know by now I like a little pain.”
“You’re the worst,” Matt grumbles, but he leans in and kisses Mox again, digging his nails a little into Mox’s biceps. Mox moans into his mouth, his hands sliding up the back of Matt’s shirt and pulling away just enough to take it off.
“Lay down,” Mox says. “Gonna kiss that dick all better.”
Matt laughs again, and it feels weird to be giddy after such a miserable loss, but he lets Mox maneuver him to the bench. “This is stupid.”
“Yes,” Mox says, and Matt sits up to see Mox’s face framed by his own thighs. “Is that a problem?”
Matt shuffles his gym shorts and boxers down his hips, and Mox tosses them to the side. “No.”
Like his wrestling, Mox doesn’t appear to have much warmup with blowjobs. Matt’s entire dick is in his mouth before Matt can blink. “Holy – oh my god.”
Mox gives a thumbs up and eyes him with a mouthful of cock.
“I – of course it’s good, why are you asking?”
Mox bobs down and pulls off, adding his hand to stroke Matt. “I wanted to confirm. I want to make it better, not worse.”
“Do you always offer blowjobs to people who lose matches?” Matt asks, words high and unsteady as Mox licks at the head of his cock.
“Only when they’re pretty and nice to me.” Mox winks and sinks his mouth back around Matt.
“Pretty,” Matt gasps, forcing his hips to stay still. “You think so?”
Mox pulls back, tongues at Matt’s slit and strokes again. “Very pretty,” Mox says. “Probably prettier if you can stop asking me questions so I can suck you off properly.”
Matt laughs and drops his head back, lightheaded. “Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Okay. No more questions.”
“That doesn’t mean be quiet,” Mox says, and it feels almost like an admonishment. “We got nobody in here, baby, and nobody due for a while. I wanna hear you.”
Matt giggles, high pitched and stupid. “Yeah, okay.”
He talks. He doesn’t remember anything he says – just talks, asks for more, directs Mox on what he likes, and praises what works. Mox slides his hands under Matt’s ass and lifts him high.
“Can – can I?” Matt doesn’t have the brainpower to ask right, so he tilts his hips a little, hoping it gets across what he wants.
Mox pulls away, a string of saliva going from the tip of Matt’s cock to his lip, and Matt almost comes right then. “You asking if you can fuck my mouth?”
Matt whines as he nods.
“Then go ahead.”
Matt should be embarrassed by how fast everything barrels toward him. Usually he has a bit of a warning, a tingle in his spine, but he barely has the chance to say, “I –”
Mox sucks hard, and Matt thinks his soul shoots out his dick as he comes down Mox’s throat. “Oh, my god.”
Mox laughs as he pulls off, using the sleeve of his BCC hoodie to wipe his mouth. “Yeah? I’ll take it as a positive review.”
“Get – over here,” Matt demands. Mox lifts himself up on his knees and Matt falls forward to kiss him. The taste of himself in Mox’s mouth sends his head spinning so he pushes further forward and the two of them crash backward onto the mats.
“Oops,” Matt says, not sorry at all.
Mox grins and pulls him down for another kiss. It strikes Matt that this is possibly the stupidest thing he could be doing right now. There’s already been another backstage problem tonight, and getting walked in on mid-sex with Jon goddamned Moxley can’t end well.
But he was sad and now he’s not, and he had failed before and he sure won’t in a blow job, so maybe this bad decision is worth it.
He slides down Mox’s body and gets his fingers hooked in the waistband of Mox’s sweatpants. “Yes?”
“Fuck yes,” Mox confirms.
“Also, for the record,” Matt says, licking his lips as Mox’s cock pops into view. “You can fuck my mouth.”
Mox laughs is almost more of a gasp as Matt sinks down on his cock. “Noted. Jesus fuck.”
Matt knows he’s good at this blowjob thing. Wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun in Ring of Honor if he wasn’t, he considers. Mox’s hips lift almost weakly as he pushes into Matt’s mouth, so Matt grabs the back of his thighs to help with the motion.
“Knew those biceps and that mouth would be good for something,” Mox laughs.
Matt moves a finger to flip Mox off while he cups Mox’s balls with the other, and Mox devolves into mindless babbles and swears.
He takes the moment like a meditation. They lost tonight. He and all of the Elite lost. But it’s not the end. Losing in Wembley, knowing that All Out and Wrestle Dream and Full Gear at the Forum are coming up, isn’t the end of it all.
As Mox warns, “Jesus, Matt, I’m about to – fuck,” Matt thinks he’s less of a failure than he worried.
Mox comes down his throat like a confirmation, and Matt grins around it as he swallows down. Today he had a bad match. It happens.
He definitely didn’t have a bad evening, though.
“Good?” he asks, leaning down to wipe his mouth on Mox’s black sweatpants. A streak of spit and come is left behind, and Matt grins at it.
“Good – are you kidding me?” Mox sits up, looking befuddled. “How the fuck – why are you so good at that?”
“Practice,” Matt says. He grabs his shorts and boxers from where Mox had thrown them and shuffles them on, making it just the tiniest performance as he shakes his ass in front of Mox.
“With who?”
Matt throws a grin over his shoulder. “We do this again, maybe I’ll tell you.”
Mox groans, dropping back to the bench. “Goddamn it. Now I have to fuck you again.”
“Oh no,” Matt deadpans, adjusting his hair in the mirror. “I might get your dick in my ass. What a terrible fate.”
Mox grins at him in the mirror. “Next time I should fuck you with mirrors. I bet you like that, huh?”
“Have every time I’ve fucked in a gym,” Matt replies.
“What?! I thought you were a good Christian boy or whatever.”
Matt leans down and kisses Mox on the lips, because why not, and half skips toward the door. “Good Christians make the world a kinder place. I find blow jobs and sex work well for that.”
Mox blinks at him. “I may become obsessed with you.”
Matt sighs, hand on the door knob. “A lot of people do. Text me when you get to your hotel.”
“Um. Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
Matt’s able to keep himself from literally skipping back to the production area, but he can’t wipe off the smile.
“You look chipper,” Adam says, a coffee in his hands. He gives it to Matt. “Here. I got you something that might make you feel better, but you look like you’re good now.”
Matt takes a sip. Perfect. “I feel better, yeah.”
Nick whips around and gets a look at Matt, scrutinizing. Matt tries not to betray his past half hour. “Oh, god,” Nick says, with the most dramatic eye roll since the 90s, “who did you sleep with?”
“I – what?!” Matt tries to argue, deny it, something, but all that comes out are squeaks.
Adam throws back his head, laughing. “Oh, Jesus. That’s what the smile is.”
“Just shut up and give me a headset,” Matt grumbles, but he’s still smiling as he settles behind a screen.
Mini Playlist:
Bad Day - Daniel Powter
Dirty Thoughts - Chloe Adams
Something In Your Mouth - Nickelback
Throat Goat - Kim Petras
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springdandelixn · 2 years
I reached 200 followers. Thank you! May you enjoy all the nonsense I post on my blog haha
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egophiliac · 7 months
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so excited for Kalim to save the day by swiper-no-swiping this dip. you can do it! I believe in you!
god I hope this reads properly
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star-mail · 7 months
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some sillying
more virus shen jiu au ! part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
when when ppl talk about writing it
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ao3-shenanigans · 6 months
Shout out to all the beginning authors, don’t be afraid to write badly and to write for yourself
we will love you regardless
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
The tactic of "don't evade the guard dog. BECOME the guard dog. Impersonate the guard dog. Profit" truly was inspired. Got them out of a battle map the size of a bottle cap
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monay-monn · 3 months
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The room spirals out unto nothingness, and only your lust remains. As one.
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bonus w/o effects
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fishnchip3011 · 3 months
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average solarian session at seb's
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otaku553 · 2 years
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seawaveleo · 1 year
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complimentary trash for the cleaning lady!
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kitamars · 1 year
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so i’ve been cooking up a little au :3
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ashes-in-a-jar · 5 months
The tma fandom listening to tmagp:
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Me listening to tmagp:
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canisalbus · 5 months
I'd like to say that I love your art but never really saw the older stuff where Machete is just getting the shit kicked out of him by a homophobic universe so I only know your cute gay dogs as operatically dramatic dudes getting into Situations that only homosexuality can save them from.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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still absolutely losing my mind over Lilia
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