#it's so sad and scary (i don't want them to be mad at me -- even though that really isn't the important thing here)
smile-files · 2 months
i think the main issue in arguing with zionists is that, well, they believe in zionism! if israel did deserve to exist, then the genocide and injustice in palestine could be argued for (not like it should be, but it certainly could) -- and zionists believe israel deserves to exist.
i, unfortunately, have a large amount of experience interacting (personally) with zionism and zionists. most of those i've talked to feel for the palestinians, and the violence they are facing, but they fail to realize (or they staunchly deny) the very, very active part israel and the IDF have had in that -- and how it's representative of what the nation has always done.
at the same time, they focus more on israeli hostages than palestinian ones -- and i know, of course, that these zionist jews i've interacted with are either israeli or have loved ones in israel, and so have a very personal stake in the safety of israeli hostages (which may very well be friends or family members), but i find it strange how much emphasis they put on hamas' cruelty in taking hostages while the IDF is doing the same thing (in essence; the exact details of who's doing it worse are important to note, but not relevant right now, because folks should realize that their side is being at least as cruel as the enemy's).
recently i was drawn into an argument with an israeli zionist (who, unfortunately, is very close to the action and tragedy by being israeli), and she was incredibly offended by my anti-zionism and my opposition to israel's abject cruelty to palestinian citizens, as it seemed (to her) like i was bypassing the cruelty hamas has enacted on israeli citizens -- which is very telling. i've noticed that we as jews have the tendency, whatever the situation may be, of focusing more on our pain than the pain of others, even if we are the ones hurting them. that person has every reason to be scared and hurt, and i'd be lying if i said her response wasn't at least somewhat sympathetic, but her pain in this horrible, violent conflict does not invalidate the pain on the other side. jews, throughout this recent crisis, have consistently not talked in depth about the constant losses in palestine -- am i suddenly being callous by focusing on those losses, and not our own? (YOUR PAIN AND THEIRS AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, YOU DOLT! sorry...)
because it all comes down to believing in israel! my mom has always told me about how beautiful it is there, about her time living on a kibbutz... and sure, it might be nice. i can't argue with that. but why is it that our nationalism for israel is so strong, so virulent? i have not seen patriots as loyal for any other country. and when you criticize israel, israelis feel like you're criticizing their entire existence -- and many non-israeli jews do, as well. because zionism has been built so deep into the modern religion! it's made to be a necessary piece! belief in it is the default!
and, from the inside looking in, i can't be surprised that many jews take anti-zionism as being antisemitic -- because, to them, israel and zionism stand as the pinnacle of safety and support for the jewish people. it is impossible to argue with them about anything above that base layer, as the base layer itself serves as a foundation: so long as a jew thinks that israel is right, deserved, and necessary, no proof will sway them into hating israel. it's just impossible, and that's very frustrating.
for me in particular, i find it very frustrating, as this single idea has turned so many people i know to support a genocidal entity. they believe in and support israel, so they stand with it now -- even if they condemn its current actions, they neglect how those actions are just an extension of its inherent existence -- whether they think israel's doing the right thing or wrong thing right now, they don't really care at the end of the day, because israel, to them, is necessary in keeping the jewish people alive. they stand with it, thinking that jews can only stand at all if they do.
but a genocidal crutch is no crutch at all: it only breaks us more. zionist jews make me so mad, and the worst part is that i could never express that to them in a way they'll understand.
#melonposting#anti-zionism#israel#i am so madddd and frustrated and stressed#with the whole camp thing going on my parents will inevitably find out (and soon!) that i'm anti-zionist#and given their age and proximity -- they're so deeply entrenched in zionism that i can't even hope to sway them#it's so sad and scary (i don't want them to be mad at me -- even though that really isn't the important thing here)#but it's also philosophically bizarre... like these people have good principles!#it's just this one tiny stupid thing (believing in israel) that's effectively turned them into bad people!#<- it's weird saying something like that. because i don't think they're bad people. but they're zionist.#part of it is that they're my parents and i love them but also... they're so good otherwise. a single thing went wrong.#(okay well not a single thing but it's generally minute things y'know?)#i don't wanna hate my parents. and i don't want them to hate me. can they please for the love of god stop#(takes every jew i know by the shoulders and shakes them back and forth) PLEAAAASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOPPPPPPP#anyway it's very hard for me to do work because i have this on my mind.#how do i break it to my parents that 1. i won't be working at camp this summer and 2. it's because i hate zionism?#i'm not cut out for situations like these ughhhhh why did i have to post that stupid anti-zionist instagram story in march#i could've just chosen not to take the job on my own accord and have enough time to come up with an excuse for my parents#whatever. too late for that. i dug my grave and now must lie in it#i guess it's character-building?? :')
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im2tired4usernames · 3 months
I hate that I literally just do not trust any of the older folks in my family to do right by anyone
#if i have learned anything from my grandparents parents uncles and aunts it's how not to treat children and spouses#i hope I'm a good wife to my wife and that i never put them through pain I've seen people put their partners through#i hope i never treat any children in my life like they do#i hope my possible children my nephews and nieces and my siblings always know they have a home with me#EVEN if I'm mad or disappointed in them#even if they scream how much they hate me i hope they know i love them I'll still feed them and make sure that's safe#i hope the people in my life never have to question of they're loved or safe with me i hope i can provide for them so they never have to go#with out something they need and then some to spoil them i want these people loved#i don't want my daughter to think because she talked back to me or is dating someone in not super found of that I'm goin to throw her away#i hope all the kids in my life always know I will try to take care of them as best i can no matter what#not trusting your elders to love you sucks ass not trusting your partner to love you through the scary bits of life sucks#i know so many men who just leave their spouses or cheat on them when they're wives get cancer#that's one thing I'm glad my dad did everything he could to try to let my mom know he loved hwr when she was here at least#i didn't understand or like some of the things he did but qt least he stayed with her and loved her then#unlike some people I'm regrettably related to#i hwar people at work talk about their spouses also one lady wants her husband to die#and it makes me sad i hope to God. my wife never has to question how much i love them i hope they feel loved and special forever#i hate how people treat the people they say they love the most i hope i am not like that i hope i never ever get like that
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fraugwinska · 2 months
What about the reader found and old radio, they thought the radio was broken but it's not, it's just antique.. when they play it at night time alastor broadcast was heard first they feel something is odd.. but they love to listen to his voice, heck they even like talking to each other, because of this encounter alastor talk about it to rosie, she was happy hearing alastor telling her stories but she feel odd when alastor mention that the person he talks to is a human, Rosie giving him advice to not fall for human because they're different species, and it will make him weak etc.
Alastor feel guilty and agree with rosie advice so he's stop contacting the reader from the radio, he thinks that the reader will be fine but no the reader take it personally.. they thought alastor don't want to talk to them anymore.. it drive them mad and lead to suicide..
So yeah angst :D
Oh Anon. What have you done.
I cried while I wrote that - it took two very good friends of mine to encourage me to post it (Thanks to @macabr3-barbi3 and @mysterypotatoink). But I think it's tragic and beautiful, and honestly - I'm kinda proud of it!
TW: Psychological Trauma, descend into madness, loss of self care and suicide - please take care of yourself and do not read if you aren't comfortable with any of the mentioned! MINORS DNI
Here we go.
Leap of Faith
You carried in the last box from you banged-up minivan. The old thing barely made it to your new home. A little cabin in the outskirts of New Orleans, a little off the grid and surrounded by the peaceful and whirring bayous of Louisiana.
A fixer-upper, just like yourself.
The online auction had intrigued you the second you found it, the photos were a bit blurry and you knew it was a risk to buy a place you've never set foot in, but something in you called you to get it. The price you paid was laughable, barely making a dent in your savings. Moving states sounded scary and impossible, but you felt oddly calm about it.
You didn't have a lot of stuff to move anyway. After all, you only lived with your late grandmother, and she never really cared for material things. Your parents left you at her doorstep, never to be seen again.
Caring for her in her last, sickness-ridden years had been a no-brainer - it felt like nothing in comparison to all she had done for you - but it also had been a bit lonely.
You had your friends, if you could even call them that, but you rarely saw them - guiding your nan through the last months of her life had been demanding and time-consuming. It had left you exhausted and emotionally unavailable, and after a while, calls and texts ceased, until it was just you and her. You felt lost, as if the world was slowly pulling away from you.
When she finally died, peacefully in her sleep, you felt sad, relieved and drained.
Detached from the city you lived in.
So you decided to sell what little you inherited, except for a few sentimental mementos, and move away from it all. To start a new life, a happier one, finally one that was truly your own.
You took the final box inside, setting it on the coffee table and wiped the sweat from your brow. You looked around the little cabin: The roof had some spots that needed a patch, and the wood floors were a bit warped, but it was all yours. No more having to share anything with anyone.
The cabin came furnished, a lot of the stuff was old, but still usable. You figured that would change once you settled in and had a vision of what you wanted and needed to buy. The thought of thinking about no one but yourself made you nervous.
But a little excited, too.
The old furniture would do for the moment, but there was a particular piece that caught your eye: an old, vintage cathedral radio, sitting nestled in between a cracked wooden box and a tarnished, bronze candle holder in a bookcase that was a bit out of place in the tiny space. With a tilted head, you stepped closer to inspect it, drawn to it by it's unique character and beauty.
It looked as well-loved as it looked well-used, the mahogany a bit scuffed, the knobs a little worn from years of being turned. But there were golden details etched into the front, and you traced them lightly with a finger, strangely touched and intrigued.
You were certain the old thing didn't work, but when you plugged it into the nearby socket, static erupted from the speakers, making you jump back. You had to smile, though.
Tonight, you wouldn't be alone. You'd have this little device and a little music for good company.
"I'm home!" you announced to no one in particular, as you closed the door behind you, your hands full with overfilled grocery bags full of necessities, waiting to fill your empty cabinets.
The day had been hot, but a welcome breeze of the impending night break cooled the inside of your little cabin a bit. With a quiet grunt you set the paper bags down at the small kitchenette. Your groceries were quickly dispersed, and you put on an apron you saved from your grandmother as you got started on dinner.
You hummed as you cut vegetables and boiled water. It had been a long time since you had cooked, really cooked, your nan wasn't much for eating and had no problem living off of simple soups and toast. When you opened your fridge to get some butter, your glance fell onto the radio.
A little music would be nice, you decided, and you walked over, cleaning your hands on the red, frilly cloth around your waist before you turned the dial. The soft sound of static made you hum in contempt - yup. Still works. A little turn to the left, and the room was filled with a soft jazzy tune, the melody a bit grainy, but you didn't mind that at all. You returned to the stove, swaying your hips to the beat as you worked. The music made you feel at ease, and for a moment, the world seemed to be just right.
Just as the onions began to brown in the pan, the song faded out to a voice. You turned your head to the radio, intrigued by the unusual, eccentric accent of the host. It reminded you of the old, vintage films and recordings your grandmother had been fond of - wasn't it called 'transatlantic'?. Whatever it was, it made you smile.
"Now wasn't that a kick in the head, dearest listener? I sure hope you enjoyed the little musical interlude, but it's time to return to the real show! As usual, my name is Alastor, and you are listening to the best jazz, blues and swing music that Hell has to offer!"
You blinked, a little puzzled and yet amused. "Sure is hot as hell today, strange man in the radio.", you mumbled, chuckling as you stirred the bell peppers under the caramelized onions.
"Today we have a very special guest joining my humble broadcast, it seems. Pleasure to meet you, darling, quite the pleasure!"
"Oh who? Me?" you asked, looking theatrically over your shoulder with batted lashes, shaking your head over your own silliness. You weren't used to talking out loud to yourself, or even really thinking out loud. You were always alone, after all, but the little pretend-play was fun. You laughed a bit, waiting for the host's guest to speak.
"Of course you, little dove. Who else would I mean?"
You gasped, and nearly dropped the spoon as you whipped around, eyes glued to the humming, orange glow of the radio in the dim darkness of your living room.
"What's that? You're surprised, my dear? Don't worry, you're not the only one! This is a first for me, too. Never had a human join my program. I must say, I'm quite intrigued! Tell me, what is your name?"
Your eyes grew wide, and the hairs at the back of your neck stood up. You took a hesitant step backwards and hit the hot stove, making you curse under your breath. Was the heat finally getting to you?
"Don't be shy now, darling. I'm not gonna hurt you, cross my lil' old, blackened heart."
"I-I'm..." you began, swallowing as your fingers tightened around the wooden spoon. "My name is..."
"I'm... crazy.", you mumbled, rubbing a hand over your face and chuckling a bit. You were just going insane, that's all. Must be the stress, combined with the intense heat. And lack of a companion, a tiny voice reminded you. Yes. Must be.
"Hello crazy, this is Alastor." The host laughed, together with a canned audience.
"Alastor...", you repeated, realization settling in - this wasn't a joke, or a trick of your mind.
"At your service, my dear.", the voice cooed. "Now, I believe you still owe me your name..."
You weren't crazy.
Or if you were, you didn't mind. Not with Alastor by your side - or, to be exact, in the radio on your bookcase.
After two weeks of ignoring the cursed radio after unplugging it in a wave of panic on your first night, your morbid curiosity got the better of you. You plugged it back in, and turned on the dial. Just once, you told yourself, then never ever again.
And that's how the two of you got in contact with each other once more. Alastor was as chipper as the first time you heard him, and after a bit of back-and-forth, he promised once again not to harm you, and you shared your name with him. The rest was history. He was very pleasant company. For a demon from hell.
You wouldn't classify the conversations you had with him as a real friendship in the beginning, but you did talk. Occasionally. Mostly in the evenings, when you cooked dinner: He'd ask you about your day and would pry eagerly for a little bit of gossip or new information about the modern New Orleans. When he let it slip that he lived in this very cabin in the 1920's, you weren't stopping with questions about what it was like back in his days, which he, in return, answered generously and enthusiastically.
The first few times he would try to coerce you into making a deal for your soul, casually sprinkling the offer into his small talk, but with enough blunt refusals and a few more days of radio silence (pun intended), he dropped the topic and seemed content on just talking. You, in return, found yourself relaxing into his charming company, your brain happily engaged with trying to wrap your head around him, or better, you tried to come to terms with it.
Weeks passed, and turning the radio on in the evenings became less of an occasional lapse of judgment but more of a routine you were looking forward to. You could tell the Alastor felt the same, his banter became less tense and acted, and a little more genuine.
It made your heart swell in happiness, that someone out there seemed to appreciate your company – even if that someone wasn't human.
Apprehension became amusement, and fascination became friendship. Oddly enough, you found common grounds in a lot of things: A love for cooking and good music. Preferring books over films. Red wine over white. A shared aversion of vulgarity, and appreciation for good manners.
Your nights were cut shorter and shorter, you would spend hours chatting on and on, until the deep darkness of night disappeared into a shade of blue on the horizon. Neither of you minded, at least that was what you thought. Alastor never ended the conversations with you. Either you had to say your goodbyes, or you would just fall asleep after hours of talking on your couch, and awake with a pained back to a shut-off radio. Then, after you'd realize that you would have a whole day ahead of you without hearing his voice, the loss would make your chest ache.
Two months into the 'thing', which was still a strange concept you could barely comprehend, the truth of the matter dawned on you: You liked him. Not just because he was a surprisingly amicable voice coming out of your vintage radio, a lively constant in the uneventful life you had made for yourself in Louisiana - he had become important to you, irreplaceable, even. An essential element to your life. You couldn't imagine how you'd gone so long without him, and yet, here you were, lost without him, scrambling through the hours until you could talk to him once more.
"Something on your mind, darling? You're awfully quiet today."
You held your fork and knife still above the salmon you had just been about to eat. It was the first meal of the evening in a long time where you weren't spending the entirety of the preparation time speaking to him, lost in thought about your blossoming feelings. He had gotten excellent at reading you like an open book - you should've gotten used to it after a couple of weeks of him catching on to every little change in your demeanor and knowing just what to say, when you were feeling happy, upset or nervous.
"Oh, um... no. It's nothing Al. Work had me in a wringer today."
"Is it your co-worker Susan again?" You could basically hear his eyes rolling, making you chuckle. "That name must be cursed, every single soul with that name is a menacing pain."
"Maybe,", you muttered, nibbling on a piece of the roasted fish. "This one is mostly just an ornery old bitch."
"Taking the words right out of my mouth, dear." he laughed.
There's was a comfortable pause, with just a gentle background noise of his ever-playing static and an easy, melodic tune coming from his program.
"Is that really all that preoccupies that pretty little head of yours?"
You blushed, picking at the food with your fork. "Bold for a guy who's never seen me to assume my head is pretty."
The radio crackled with pops and feedback. "Bold to assume I can't see you whenever I want, little dove." he said, his voice strangely deeper, tinged with something you didn't catch at the shock of his words.
"You... what?"
"And I can most assure you,", he purred out of the speakers, "pretty is a well fitting word to describe you."
He hummed in approval when your cheeks gained color, as if he knew his comment threw you off guard and made you turn a lovely shade of pink, but it didn't make it any less enticing.
"Alastor, if I didn't know better, I would say you have become smitten with this mysterious gal you're blabbing on and about."
Rosie giggled, hitting his shoulder in a playful, friendly swipe. "When will I meet her? Come on now, you can't hide her forever. Or are you afraid she'll like me better?"
She laughed, and Alastor forced a toothy grin. His long time friend was the only one he talked about you with, and he knew she was intrigued whenever she could smell a blooming dalliance, especially with a notoriously abstinent bachelor like himself. Normally, he would laugh at that thought with a healthy dose of mockery, but he found himself to be less and less aversed at the thought - if it would be you. Impossible, of course.
"Nonsense, Rosie dear, nonsense,", he chuckled, taking a large sip from his coffee cup, a heavy hand bringing up a plate stacked with finger sandwiches. "And I'm afraid you won't meet her for a long time, maybe never. Humans seldom traverse to hell in their lifetime, and who knows if the little darling will take on the trip downstairs?"
Rosie coughed in her tea, her blackened eyes wide in shock. "Human? It's a human girl you've been courting here? Oh, Alastor, you old fool."
Alastor scrunched his nose, "Talking, Rosie, talking is all we do. And yes, she's a human. I don't see the quandary in that. It's just a little fun."
"Well,", she huffed with a small, thoughtful frown. "I would've hoped for a little more sense in you." The tall demonesse set down her teacup with nimble fingers.
"You may not call it courting, but if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck, love." Rosie ignored the indignant look Alastor gave her. "You know as well as I do that such a connection is dangerous to entertain. Humans are fragile and fragile things tend to break. And when they do, the owner mostly follows. You need to break this connection off."
Rosie gave him a sad look as his ears flattened against his head. She would've been more than happy for her oldest and dearest friend to have a partner on his side, someone good and honest who really cared about him, maybe loved him even, as unlovable as he was. But she had to protect him from the silly idea of possibly falling for a living, breathing and supposedly untarnished soul, and the heartbreak that would surely follow. "Don't make the mistake of breaking your heart, dear friend." she smiled, a tint of melancholy hidden in the red of her lips.
"I think it's far too late for that."
She offered a handkerchief, but Alastor waved her off, his smile more faint and close to a frown than she's ever seen.
The first day where nothing but static noise came out of the radio, you were irritated but just thought: 'Maybe Alastor has something to do'.
The second day of static you grew concerned. 'What if something happened to Alastor? Was he okay?'.
On the third day, you were panicked. 'Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you anymore! Maybe he met someone in hell, someone that he could talk to whenever he wanted and not through an old, dusty radio?'.
"Please talk to me.", you whispered into the empty room. Your knees were pulled to your chest, and you sat on your couch, eyes fixed on the radio in the bookcase. Your eyes stung with the tears threatening to spill. "Please, Al. I miss you." You shook your head, chuckling sadly. It had only been 3 days, but they'd felt like an eternity. The world had seemed silent without Alastor's constant chatter.
When night fell for the fourth day, you were half asleep, eyes red and burning and tears still staining your cheeks. You talked for hours into the void of your house, the radio now moved to sit in front of you on the coffee table, growing more and more desperate as hours passed. Talking faded into pleading, and pleading into begging.
"Please, I'm sorry, if I did something wrong, I'm sorry...", you mumbled into the wooden furnishing, resting your cheek against the top of the machine, eyes slipping shut with fatigue and defeat. A dry sob slipped past your trembling lips, as your hands desperately grabbed the sides of the antique device.
"Alastor please, don't leave me alone here...", you whispered with the last of your strength, before your body succumbed to your exhaustion, your unconscious mind welcomed the darkness.
If you had stayed awake for just a moment more, you would've, maybe, heard the faint shuddering breath beyond the static rumble. But you didn't. So you had no chance at knowing that, Alastor, listening to every word, saw and heard you at your weakest, and all it did to him was stir the embers and give the blaze an opening for the flames of his anger at fate to rage.
Work had called, again. Susan of all people. Threats were made - either come back to work, or don't come back at all. You smashed your phone. It was useless anyway. What was the point without...
Alastor wasn't here, hadn't answered for seven days now. And you had spent the whole time talking, begging him to show himself, just show himself and tell you what you did wrong, just talk to you one last time and then you'd stop, if that was what he wanted. You became obsessed with the orange light of the illuminated screen, imagining the flickers were maybe signs from him.
You stopped eating, stopped drinking, stopped almost anything, you just sat, in front of the radio, unmoving and unwilling to miss the smallest sign of his return.
Every single minute stretched into agony, and every breath that left your lips made a fresh tear roll down your paling cheeks, until your body couldn't produce them anymore. Then, you cried wordless whimpers and moans, even started praying to an unknown entity.
It wasn't as if Alastor owed you anything. It's not as though you thought the two of you were anything other than two kindred souls, one human, one demon, talking to each other. As a result, it wasn't like you had the right to anything from him.
It was strange to consider the connection the two of you shared: Something more than acquaintances, something closer than friends, and yet never fully crossing the line beyond it. The unpenetrable boundary dividing life and death in between.
Your eyes fell on a large, old crucifix on your wall, staring back at you with pity.
For the first time in days, you left the sofa, took it from the wall and burned it on your gas stove, watching the face of the nailed figurine slowly melt in the fire.
It had been eight days of excruciating, one-sided silence.
Eight days Alastor cursed his cowardice as he sat, red eyed with claws digging into his scalp, as he listened to you plead for him to talk - To answer. To do anything. Anything, but leave you alone, he heard, as if the words were spoken right in his ear.
Eight days of watching you slowly detriment from the eyes of the shadows he was able to manifest above, tugging on the very fabric of the world to move you, to keep your mind from going where it shouldn't go.
He kept telling himself it was for the better. His shadows murmured persistent reminders that he should find entertainment in your growing lunacy. He was the radio demon, after all. He shouldn't care if this wisp of a human were to perish, should laugh at your wails of agony and despair.
But Alastor never felt less like laughing. Your dried sobs and pained apologies for things you never did wrong in the first place filled his head, taunting and gnawing on him with feelings he thought he was unable to feel: Guilt and Regret.
It was as Rosie had predicted - he was becoming weak. But weakness was something that should be avoided. Had to be. He knew. Being weak, being feeble, would make him vulnerable, make him into the prey his cruel from already portrayed to the world he had to inherit. He couldn't allow it. Couldn't let his feelings for you bring him down to the levels of the sinners in hell he would tear apart and laugh while he did it.
That's why he stayed silent. Endured it, all of it, every word, cry and plea. Stayed invisible and silent, waiting for you to move on, forget him, shut off and leave the radio, never to turn the dial again. For your sake and his.
When the connection broke, on that eight day, Alastor could feel your resignation, your peace with which your pale hands gripped the electrical cord at it's base to pull. And he was suddenly filled with the awareness of something horrible, like a premonition. It set his already battered, aching heart in an ice cold grasp of dread.
His room exploded in green light as he expanded into his full demonic form, his limbs threatening to pull and burst at the stitches and his smile splitting his face almost entirely in half. He had to reach out, had to reform the connection to the radio one last time, even though nearly impossible.
You were about to do something he would never be able to forgive himself for.
Your car broke down just where it needed to. You took the radio out of the trunk, knocking the hood two times for a goodbye, the key safely in the ignition. Maybe some other poor soul would find and repair it, make happier memories with it.
You clutched the wooden device closer and started to walk. Indigo blue faded into black as you looked up to the sky that was sprinkled with glowing, shimmering silver dust, stars blinking in the unimaginable distance. There, but out of reach.
Just like him.
Your dry sob stung in your throat, but you didn't really feel the pain. Your eyes were fixed on the path to your final destination, right in front of you.
The Crescent City Connection Bridge was mostly abandoned by traffic at this time of night and provided just enough covered spaces to hide you from some foolish saviors eyes.
You didn't need to be saved.
You didn't want to be saved.
Because you were about to save yourself.
There was nothing waiting for you in the other direction than the one you were going. So, with slow but steady steps, you walked towards the middle of the bridge, settling on a place next to a metal pillar and looked over the railing onto the shimmering waters of the Mississippi River.
Alastor had told you about the river, how he loved to watch the steam boats floating on it from the radio station where he worked at when he was alive. The station was long gone, you didn't even find out where it had been in the first place, but you liked to imagine that you were looking at the same scenery now that he had been looking at when he peered out of his booth in his radio tower.
It made you smile through the tears... You were glad the end was somehow connected to him, even if it was most likely just your naive imagination.
It felt like the device in your arms was emitting static energy, prickling over your arms, hands and fingers as you caressed the mahogany wood gently, feeling as though the radio was shaking in your hands, trying to pull you back from the fenced ledge.
A quiet sob escaped your lips, turning into a giggle and into hysterical laughter. You sat down between the railing, and hugged the radio close, trying to breathe as you closed your eyes, resting your temple on the worn, warm wood.
"It'll be okay, Al.", you said quietly, your voice unnaturally hoarse and rough from lack of use and dehydration. "I'm coming. I'm coming to you.”
With one arm around the radio, holding it tight against your chest, you turned to stand on shaky legs, gripping the railing with one arm and, with one final glance at the stars above you you smiled. You heard sirens in the distance, and some people shouting from a sparkling streamliner passing under the bridge. Time was running short, so you didn't wait to put first one foot over the fence, then the other, taking a deep breath.
"I guess doves were always meant to fly."
And, with that, your body twisted, turned and leaped, falling as the light on the radio, firmly pressed against your heart, began to glow in deepest crimson and swirls of green.
Falling like an angel would descend from grace.
Part 2 for closure
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vickyyoon · 6 months
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(you're mine pt 2)
Pt-1 <- here
Warning : Stockholm syndrome, non-con, unprotected sex, smut, rough sex, over stimulation, yelling, begging, angst (fluff in the end), ' rape
Synopsis : your n-th attempt to escape had gotten him frustrated and finally take serious actions he ends up regretting hard!
It has been almost a week with you living with hyunjin, all your plans seem to tear apart when you see how he was prepared mentally and physically for all the things he expects you to do, it was scary as if he was reading your mind and each time he guesses what you wanted to do he smirks to himself.
It's not as bad as you would think to live with him either but still, he took away your freedom, your phone, your social life, your car keys but he was nice and soft when it came to you.
You realize his intention as never to really hurt you but when you make him mad by refusing to do somethings that he considers important he starts to throw things around the whole house screaming and traumatizing you without actually hurting you, how could he hurt you? He only wanted you near him, he wanted to be loved by you. He's spent his whole life waiting to be yours.
You woke up again it was 3pm and the sun was starting to set. You went down stairs to see him cooking for you, his food was amazing you've never tasted anything better than his cooking, maybe he even took classes to master your favorite dishes.
" Woke up from your nap princess? Why don't you wash your face and we have snacks. I have games to play with you."
You went back to your room into the bathroom and washed your face when suddenly your brain started to work like Einstein, playing with his agenda!
You came downstairs to see him waiting with the food laid on the table, his face with a bored expression, he must've gotten so bored without you so you sit down with a sad expression and he can instantly tell.
He was feeding you and asking you what was wrong but you kept on brushing it off.
" Why won't you tell me? I know when something's wrong. Just tell me I can help you."
" what's the point in telling you? How would you understand?"
" it's OK i just wanna know what's wrong! I'll do anything to make you happy!"
" after work days, every weekend I take a long drive to enjoy but ivm stuck in this house for weeks!" you sound annoyed.
" you're saying you want to go out?" he hoped you wouldn't say what he thought you would say.
You nodded and his heart felt so heavy now. " you know I can't let you go outside. Besides you don't have anymore work days and I'm all you need."
" if you really loved me, you would've gone out with me the second you heard me mope about it" you toyed with his little sick game.
" I get suffocated and depressed whenever I stay too long inside! You have to understand" you argued again.
" someone can take you away from me! I love you so much I can't have you gone! I'll be done!" he reasoned.
" Com'on can't you fight them for me? Besides you don't trust me! You think I'll run away don't you. How can you think like that of me?"
To tell the truth you would actually run away.
" so you know the reason too? You think I'm dumb? The second you try to guilt trip me and I'll let you out, you would actually run away."
There you were baffled again, just too stunned to speak. There you were dumb founded and this seemed to be the last straw for him.
He yelled and cupped your face in one hand making you stare at him, his eyes piercing daggers at you now. You only felt nothing but pure fear as you looked back at him. It was a new side of him you first saw.
He never hurt you but here he was burning his fingers into your jaw.
" Bad girls like you don't deserve this kind of treatment, you're lucky I love you."
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the bedroom. He threw you so harshly onto the bed you were so scared.
" You keep playing with my feelings, you think my love for you is just a little joke? I'll prove you today."
He started to get on top of you, harshly kissing you, almost ripping your lips. He was like a demon now, his hands frantically went over your body, finding your shirt's buttons and taking it off of you. You finally realized what he meant.
" stop squirming!" his hands pressed you down on the bed still kissing you, he unclipped your bra and started to kiss you down to your chest, marking every kiss and bruising your skin.
He pulled your pants down along with you'd panties as you kept begging for him to stop but nothing's gonna stop what you started now.
He got up fiddling with his belt and threw all his clothes on the floor. Pushing himself into you, stretching you so much, God he was much bigger than you thought, you were horrified if he would break you now.
He started to thrust slowly before going insanely fast.
" Do you know how much I wanted you? I refused every girl and I've been lonely my whole life just to have you in it! Each day didn't feel like it was worth living without you!"
"I-I'm sorry, please ahh- hng please don't do this to me."
You were starting to tear up, it felt good but it was stimulating you so fast that you came with just 20 minutes, and he kept on going, simulating you over and over again.
He was going rough and nothing came out of your mouth you were just numb, everything that was happening has happened and you can't change anything now
Suddenly he put a halt to his actions and looked down at you, your tear stained face tore him apart completely.
" I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or anything!" he was panicking, he hugged you tight.
He felt guilty now, how could he hurt you? You were his princess! "I'm sorry! How could I do this to you!? Why didn't you stop me?"
" Well I did! But you didn't listen!" you were starting to cry again.
He was hugging your shaking body and crying now, he didn't mean to do that really. He was just so frustrated that after all his attempts you still don't love him in the slightest bit but he had no rights to hurt you or force you.
He pulled out caressing your face with eh back of his hand, he was crying hard.
" D-don't touch me" you warned as you got up. Your legs were aching, you didn't know if you could even stand up now, you walked over to the bathroom and locked yourself.
He was shaking he pulled his clothes on and knocked on the bathroom door but no one answered, " Please don't hate me, I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean it, I know how much it hurts you!" he begged on the other side.
You could only hear him cry from the other side of the door, ironically it felt like you hurt him and he was more hurt from hurting you? You tried to understand why he would act like that, it did make sense, he tried so hard to earn your love but there you were trying to escape. He just got so frustrated...
You opened the door and saw him crouched in the corner of the room huddled, hugging his knees, he looked so broken. You knew he really didn't mean it because if he did, he would have don't it a long time ago.
He stared at your coming towards you, he tried to hold your hands but he remembered. " please sweetheart, I didn't mean it, you know I love you, I live for you."
" I'll take you outside, I'll literally do anything now I swear just please don't hate me and don't leave me. It's so lonely without you." he was tearing up again
Watching him beg like this for you to just stay hurt you alot. You could feel how lonely it was for him everyday, you were like a light to his darkness.
" j-just promise me you'll never hurt me again"
" ofcourse, I can never hurt you intentionally, i promise I'll never hurt you. Just please."
He gripped your hand finally after you let him and placed it in his forehead. " I promise, I swear" you couldn't help but melt a bit.
No one's ever been so desperate to have you in their lives...
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shanieveh · 1 year
— how the 4nemo men reacted to your death
As KAZUHA left you for his travels, you muttered the sweetest take cares and created beautiful letters for him to hold on to. You were enough to go home, you were home. And as he reached breathtaking views and complex cultures, he'll pick the most exotic of flowers and make them into bookmarks so you won't have to fold the pages to know what part you are on.
And as he arranged the assortment of trinkets, he was ready to go back home. And in his surprise and sorrow, there was no you to greet him. He looked around. Did you get tired of him? Did you leave him, was it too late? He reached home and was greeted by a crowd of familiar faces, all in mourning. His friends, his acquaintances. KAZUHA did not know what was going on, he felt confused and in the middle of it all he saw a wilting coffin. One with your face, but not the lovable soul within it.
"Take care Kazuha, okay? I'll be here waiting no matter the time, I'll always be here for you when you arrive."
He knew falling in love with a mortal was a mistake. But he learned that life had a meaning if it wasn't forever. It had a purpose. You who were a ticking time bomb, a chronic illness keeping you in check. SCARAMOUCHE was always so clueless as to why you wanted to live forever, when he desired nothing but to die in a pit of flames. But as he spends time with you, and took care of you, he too wanted to same thing. He believed in a silly fantasy that you can get better, that you will get better, he was borderline delusional.
But there was a part of him that wanted you to die. That wanted all this pain in your heart to disappear. That wanted you stop crying about being hurt and maybe be in the heaven you so desperately hated to be in, in a place where is no SCARAMOUCHE, but there is eternal rest. He got what he wanted. And as he laid in your bed, and stared up, the only view you can see for the last days of your life. The same smell, the same place, but never the same feeling.
"When I'll live maybe we could finally see the movies together, oh maybe even play with the street children I see in the windows. Oh you want me to rest? You're such a killjoy..."
XIAO — !
His life finally found peace when he met you. All the deaths, and all the pains were put in the past when you touched his face. His nights that of heavy burdens was a gift when it meant he will watch you sleep at the end of the day. You showed him happiness, how can he not get attached? XIAO loves life when there is you in it, he cherish every second of your mortal being. The simplicity of it all, away from the complex living of adepti, you gave him serenity when a war was brewing in his mind.
But as these two worlds crashed together, you had to pay the price. He should've known better than to be so overwhelmed with karmic debt, he can't hold it in, and you were the primary witness. As he screams of pain and agony, his madness overtook him a blur. He was charging heavy blows in his weapon, as you try to calm him down to no avail. His instict overtook him as he hit towards the sound of your pleads. And as your voice fades and a slash was made, XIAO finally returned to a lucid state. He saw what he had done, and the price he had to pay.
"You are the kindest of them Xiao. I don't think you are some scary being as the legends and tales about you, not when you look so pretty staring back at me like that."
You hate the Gods. They gave you all these curses, all these time limits, all these pain, yet paint themselves as benevolent beings who do no wrong. They are all a fraud, but humans like VENTI are what keep you going. He can't dare tell you of his identity, but one can often hear a sad laughter when rants about the heaven slip your tongue. He follows you day by day, with beautiful melodies to cheer you up. You didn't how these tunes have relieved your pain, but it did. How can a lazy bard like him heal you in such a way?
The truth was VENTI had enough admiring you from afar. He wanted to converse with, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to love you and didn't care if you shared the same emotion. None of that mattered to him, he wanted you alive, he wanted you well. But fearless wind can never stop the corrosion of time. And as he saw you in your final days, you often said how even if the Gods hated you, atleast they gave you him. Him who tells you funny stories and myths of time. You died content, but he was the one who gained your ideology. When he was such an incompetent fool and can't even save the love of a lifetime.
"Maybe you were the blessing from the Gods I so desperately wanted. Venti, when I die live on. Forget these months, forget me. But know that I die happy because of you."
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fantasylandbitch · 2 months
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Summary: Ethan tries to force an apology out of you, however, with your friends nearby to protect you, would they stand a chance against him or will Sam have to take matters into her own hands? 
Warning: Long Chapter, Hallucinations, Cussing, Fluff, Blood, and Manipulative Ethan.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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When you turn your head, you see the little version of you standing by the front door wearing clothes that looked damp as if it had rained the night before. Your eyes then followed the blood that covered most of your shirt and some that spilled onto your pants before catching the loose white gauze dangling from your neck in contrast to the color red. The gauze leads your eyes up to the large laceration that Ghost Face left across your throat. It was like seeing a film that depicted body horror for the first time. It was scary and jarring, and it made you feel sick to your stomach. Your skin suddenly has a pale-ish tone to it and when the little version of you steps forward, you instinctively step to the side almost hip-checking yourself at the corner of the island. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you tried to make sense of everything from supposedly attacking Ethan and now seeing yourself across the room. You are afraid of yourself and you don't know why. 'Why are you here?' you thought to yourself 'What do you want?' then just as Danny passed through your vision, the little you disappeared. You felt a shiver run down your spine but your breathing never slowed down as you continued to move across the island before accidentally bumping into your girlfriend Sam “I am so sorry Sam” you said to her sincerely yet quickly as she turned around.
“You don’t have to be. Wait wher-?” Sam asked you as you quickly walked past her, her hands instinctively reaching for your waist, before you saw Ethan and then Chad get up from the couch. With the boys getting up quickly you bend down to reach for your phone that was charging on the side table before rushing between Mindy and Tara, eventually turning around. Your eyes immediately make eye contact with Ethan's, and you both stare each other down before you look away from him to look over at Chad whose eyes seem mad yet sad to you. A part of you wanted to reach out to him to explain that you would never hurt a fly without a reason but you couldn’t even understand the situation yourself. Then your phone buzzed causing you to pull your eyes away from him so you could look at your phone to see if it was your sister-in-law who had texted you, but it wasn't. It was just a notification letting you know about the next new thing for phones.
A sigh leaves your lips making Tara and Mindy look over at you briefly, before looking over at Chad who was standing only seven inches in front of them while Ethan on the other hand was only six inches away when he decided to move from his spot. “Back off Ethan. We both know that Y/n didn’t mean to hurt you” Mindy says to him as he gets closer to her and Tara, causing the two girls to move closer to each other acting as a barrier for you if push came to shove while Chad stays near the couch, Sam staying vigilant by the island, and Danny filling his time cleaning up the kitchen.
“Are you sure? Because what happened earlier seems pretty personal to me.” Ethan says to Mindy, his voice a little agitated before looking over at Tara as he walks a little closer to her, causing Mindy to square her shoulders before stepping in front of her. “I want you to apologize, Y/n,” Ethan says, demanding you to apologize to him, a tone that Sam doesn’t take lightly when it comes to her family causing her to look over at him, it reminds her of someone she doesn’t care for.
“You know you can’t demand an apology, Ethan. That's not how that works.” Tara interjects as she looks over at Ethan from behind Mindy. Then Tara looks over at her older sister only to find an angry look on her face while she throws daggers at Ethan’s head. Tara knows that look from her sister. It’s the same look that Sam wore when she opened up to her for the first time about how their mother was drunk on rare occasions and taking blows at her when she least expected it. When their mother would hold her own money over her head, acting like she did everything to provide for her. It’s that very look that her older sister wore that says she is ready to kill anyone who thinks they hold any power over either of their heads. That very thought caused Tara to take a deep breath for what was about to come as she squeezed Mindy’s arm causing her to look over at the older Carpenter sister from the corner of her eye. 
“Listen shy and dorky,” Mindy says shifting her eyes from Sam to Ethan. “If you know what’s good for you then kindly back off or this might escalate into something a lot worse.” She says hoping to get Ethan to back down. 
“No way, she has to apologize now,” he whines, taking a step forward to push her out of the way causing Mindy to stiffen in her spot as she moves her hands up to stop him and causing Chad to step forward preparing himself to defend his sister as he looks over at Ethan. However, before Ethan can push Mindy out of the way Sam steps away from the island to stand between them. 
Like a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye Chad freezes for a moment even though he wants to run away a response he developed from being attacked by Ghost Face two years ago before he realized it was just Sam moving quickly to defend his sister. Chad can tell that the situation that is taking place has pissed off his biggest supporter, Sam, and by the look of her shoulders, they’re pulled back a little like she was getting ready to fight. He knows she’s pissed and the tension in the air causes him to speak up for his roommate that he feels responsible for. “Sam, all he’s asking is for an apology,” he says speaking up for Ethan while expecting Sam to reconsider what she’s about to do. 
As Sam steps in front of Ethan, you notice that she is angry and it causes you to look away out of shame. You’re in your head now. 
“Back off Ethan,” Sam says, her voice deep with irritation for the boy as she narrows her eyes at him causing him to step back for a second before Ethan challenges her by stepping back into her space. 
“Why should I, Sam?” Ethan asks calmly as he narrows his eyes back at his roommate's caregiver and his brother’s killer. “Y/n left physical evidence on my body, just take a look,” he reminds her, pulling up his shirt to show the damage you had inflicted upon him an hour ago. 
“I’m aware of your injuries Ethan. But I also know that Y/n wouldn’t have done that to you had she not been targeted back at her apartment. Something that you could have prevented” she spat before continuing her thought. “And getting in Mindy and Tara’s face won’t help you at all,” Sam says with a growl hidden at the back of her throat as she tries to keep her cool while staring into Ethan’s cold eyes trying everything in her power not to swing on the boy as she watches him, Puff. Up. His. Chest.
“Oooh wow, you don’t think I wanted to try and defend her? Sam had she given me the chance I would have done something but did you forget that she hit me over the head with a bat?” a puzzled expression crossed your face as you lifted your head to Ethan's inquiry. You still don’t understand why you would have hit him over the head with a bat but his inquiry acted as a catalyst, unlocking a dormant memory in your mind “Or are your feelings toward Y/n clouding your judgment?” Ethan spat dropping a hint of venom in his words because he knows.
Then Chad spoke up “Ethan what do Sam’s feelings toward Y/n have anything to do with what is happening right now?” Chad questions, getting mad that his roommate would question Sam’s relationship with you.
“Well, Chad don’t you think it’s a bit weird that Y/n just walked into your lives?” Ethan questioned turning his head to look at Chad “Like actually think about it for a minute, Y/n had been going to Blackmore University before you, and then gave you a tour around campus and then integrated herself into your lives. Does that not raise any red flags at all? Or how she would come by the apartment sometimes when Tara was sick to give her her homework when Tara could have asked you or Mindy to get it for her?" he questioned before turning to look at Sam. "Did you ever find it strange Sam that you never once had to question her character when you have done that to me, Anika, and Quinn?" Ethan continues, making her slowly ball up her hand. 
Sam thought about what Ethan had said to her, making her try and recall every moment she had with you. But what Ethan doesn’t realize is that it's only making her angrier by the second, while her knuckles slowly turn white. Because she knows what Ethan is trying to say, he's trying to imply that the entire time you've been in their lives that you've been manipulating every one of them. Her sister Tara and her friends Mindy, Chad, Anika, and herself. Sam acknowledges that she may not have been actively forthcoming with interrogating you in front of her family, but god did she find it easy to connect with you. You were patient, considerate, and sweet with her, despite Sam giving you a hard time. Sam finds it hard to believe that you would go out of your way to fuck her over. She can't even get over the part where you are incredibly fucking loyal to her, laid back, and bubbly, parts of your personality that plays so well with her own. It's those rare qualities that you have that allow her to feel like a kid and teen again. It's those feelings that she would kill to experience once again, had she not found out who she was and had Ghost Face never entered the picture so despite what Ethan has said, and amid her anger she punched him square in the face.
Ethan’s body hit the ground faster than he could say economics. “Okay, really Sam!?” Chad yells, shaking his head as Sam turns her back on him to check on Mindy, Tara, and You. Because Chad thought punching Ethan in the face was unnecessary which caused him to turn to help his roommate off the floor but before Chad could help, Ethan got back on his feet. 
Then Ethan took his hand and brought it up to feel his face to make sure nothing was broken. Before his eyes started to water with aggravation from trying to convince everyone in the room that you are a threat and that he's not making shit up. The turn of events made his own anger wanting him to make a move, as his hands itched to kill something and anyone in Danny's apartment.
This causes Mindy to look at him from the corner of her eye, she could tell that Ethan wanted to let loose because she could see it on his face. It’s there, she just doesn’t know what the real reason or reasons behind his actions are yet. 
However, he’s clenching and unclenching his jaw making it tight before going slack like he wasn’t sure how to act at that moment, like if he should attack while Sam has her back to him or continue the script that he so wants to rip to shreds, but has to follow for the sake of bringing down the Carpenters and honoring his brother's name. But out of impulse, he went for it, Ethan threw caution to the wind and walked up to Sam just as he balled up his hand ready to hit her back while Mindy was about to open her mouth. But as Ethan turns Sam around to punch her, he sees that her anger from before never left, in fact, he watched as Sam narrowed her eyes at him like a threat needed to be taken out. Before Sam shoved him away, Mindy cut in front of her to protect Sam from Ethan while Chad jumped at the opportunity to hold his roommate back. 
“You want to go Landry!” Sam yells as Mindy puts her hands up to stop her from getting close to Ethan while Tara is trying her best to hold her sister back from punching him repeatedly. 
“I’m telling you that bitch is a danger to everyone in this apartment!! She’s just playing innocent!” Ethan yells as his face got red, making his eyes further water in frustration that Sam isn’t getting it. Appearing like he knows you better than anyone in the room, it's only making the older Carpenter sister angry, while in reality, he knows exactly what he's doing. He was slowly putting a seed in everyone’s head that you are the bad guy here and not him, a seed that only takes a few words to question your credibility if not now, then certainly later.
“Whoa!” Mindy says aloud as she leans her hands off Sam's shoulders as she stretches her arms to continue to make herself a barrier between her and Ethan while Tara continues to use what little strength she has left to hold her sister back. “You're on thin ice here Landry!!” Mindy yells behind her before looking back at Sam when her eyes catch something red developing behind Tara and on your shirt “Sam?” she whispers before Sam pushes past her.
But Sam didn’t make it very far even though she was keen on beating Ethan’s ass. It's because Danny intervenes knowing very well that Sam could take him out if she pleased but is relieved to know that when he put his hands on her to stop her from going any farther, that she didn’t harm him. “Sam, Samantha baby you don’t want to do this right now,” he says with a gruff voice to snap her out of the state she was in, Sam shakes her head, while her hands wrap themselves around Danny’s forearms. Sam was almost at her tipping point of wanting to murder Ethan, “Think about it baby, maybe this is what Ghost Face wants you guys to do. To fight each other so he can get everyone alone” he tries to reason with her.
But it was no use “Get out of my way Danny” she said to him in a low voice with a growl almost evident to Danny’s ears a new sound he'd never heard of before as she strengthened her hold on his forearms. Sam’s actions cause Danny to feel something clammy and wet on his skin so he looks down to see why that is out of curiosity.
But just as Sam was about to try and push Danny out of the way Danny’s eyes widened at his left forearm “Samantha..” he said in a whisper because he couldn’t believe what was on his arm while Sam was breathing more heavily, she's so close to letting loose. 
‘Just a little more’ Ethan thought to himself. 
“S-Samantha whose blood is this?” he says nervously while checking her over to make sure it’s not hers, making Sam calm down just a little as she looks down at his arm. Her eyes widen at the sight before her, the color red that stains Danny's forearm as she steps away from him. 
The sudden discovery of blood on Sam’s hand that now stains her own forearm brings her back to Stu Macher’s house where she was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend and how her blood was everywhere from her shirt, to her hip, and then her pants. Sam can feel herself starting to hyperventilate until she remembers the feeling of your body against her palms and the soft texture of cotton at her fingertips causing the killer in her to cease while she turns around to slowly look at you.
When you feel eyes staring at you, you look up, finding your friends looking at you with widened eyes and shocked faces. It was uncomfortable for you because you didn’t like being the center of attention, but what made your brows furrow in question was the look on your girlfriend's face. Sam wasn’t looking at you directly, you realize that none of your friends were, they were looking at something on your stomach so you slowly follow their gaze. You discover that on the left side of your stomach, it was bleeding and pooling onto your shirt and the wound causes you to breathe more heavily as you start to panic. 
“Y/n look at me,” Sam says searching for your eyes as she tries to get your attention and eventually she does, because you look away from your wound and at her eyes frantically. Sam can tell by your eyes alone that you are trying to remain calm but it’s not working so she slowly walks over to you, passing Mindy and Tara on her way over. “Come with me to the bathroom,” she says calmly as she takes your hand with her clean one and guides you to the bathroom before noticing that your back also has blood on it, causing her to take a much-needed deep breath in “Let me clean you up.”
When you both walk to the bathroom, Sam walks ahead of you to open the door, allowing you to walk in first before entering so she can clean her hands and forearm. After washing the blood off, Sam bends down so she can open the cabinet underneath the sink to retrieve some gauze, ointment, and medical tape for your wounds. “Sam” you call out to her but she doesn’t respond. Instead, she sets the medical supplies on the bathroom sink before sitting down on the covered toilet, getting ready to patch you up before looking up at you.
When her eyes met your own, you noticed that the panic that had set in earlier had suddenly disappeared from your body, leaving you a little tired. But despite that, you notice that there is something so comforting about gazing into Sam’s big brown eyes that makes you soften at the sight, they also make you wonder and reflect. Silently, Sam asks from her position on the toilet if she can lift up your shirt and you nod in a silent response before helping her by keeping your shirt above the wound so she can work on cleaning the laceration. 
While cleaning Sam glances at you, she looks up every now and again to make sure she's not hurting you but she’s also looking up to see if you would talk to her not that she didn’t like the silence. In fact, she secretly enjoys the moments when you two would share the silence in her apartment together just catching up on episodes of different animals on the Discovery channel before asking you questions about said episode like you were the expert. But at some point, while cleaning Sam nicks your wound causing you to flinch. “Sorry about that” she quickly apologized, feeling bad for hurting you even a little bit “Got distracted” she admitted as she felt your gaze land on her.
“Oh yeah? What are you thinking about?” you asked, causing Sam to look up at you as she held your gaze for a minute, finding herself appreciating the view from where she was sitting, before shaking her head and focusing on your wound.
“Nothing really” she answered at first thinking about what Ethan had said as she heard you hum in response before Sam took the time to think about everything that you went through with her, “How did you remember that you needed to make a tourniquet for Gale’s thigh? I mean we only watched Keep Breathing once and that was a while ago” Sam asked and her question made you laugh lightly.
“I don’t know. I guess the situation made me remember.. Or that particular scene is what I found super interesting, you know? The man was bleeding out” You answered your girlfriend as you went on a rant making Sam’s heart feel a little lighter and unknowingly making you step out of your own head.
“Mhm” Sam hums out loud letting you know that she was still present in your conversation “Liv should have taken his clothes,” she says smiling to herself. “I think I would have if I was in a situation like that” she explained as she got up from the toilet so she could attempt to take off your shirt but she stopped herself. Her right hand hovers over your skin while the other is on your hip as her eyes slowly look at the mirror in front of the both of you, waiting for you to look up, while her fingers itch to touch you.
When you feel Sam’s hand hovering over your back like a sixth sense the feeling causes you to look up where you catch her gaze in the mirror as you respond to her previous comment. “That wouldn’t be a great idea because let's say if you did Sam and someone knew who those clothes belonged to, you would be fuc-” You stopped mid-sentence when you noticed her eyes in the mirror were a bit different. Their not worried or angry but softer than usual, they make you look away out of shyness.
“Hey don’t look away from me,” Sam said softly to you with a smile as she kissed near your ear then your jawline, and then your neck making you look back up at the mirror with a smile of your own, a giggle eventually leaving your lips. “That’s right don’t hide that smile from me, baby,” Sam says to you as she gazes back into your eyes once again, her smile growing in size before giving you space.
“Sam?” You called her as your smile slightly faded as you both looked at each other in the mirror again. “Did I really hit Ethan over the head with a bat?” you asked her as Sam stayed silent “Why would I have really done that?” you say aloud not feeling safe around your people, while not noticing that Sam is touching your waist.
After your question Sam turns you around, her hands move up to cup your cheeks as she stares deeply into your eyes before capturing your lips. She hears you hum against her, the vibration from your body making her hum up back. Sam just wants to make your worries and hers disappear. She doesn't want you to think you have done anything wrong and she doesn't want to believe that you would do anything to hurt her or her family. However, as Sam's kisses slowed down she leaned her head against your own, finding your skin soothing even though she wanted more. Before asking “Permission to take off your shirt?” so she can take care of your other wounds and she makes you laugh, not realizing that Mindy is outside the bathroom door until you both hear someone yell.
“Hey, do you guys need a stool to sit on?! I know you're heights might be different so I was just wondering!” Mindy says from outside the bathroom causing you and Sam to jump before your girlfriend goes to open the door while you stand far behind her, checking out her handy work in the mirror before looking over at her.
“Hey Mindy,” You say aloud as you quickly wave at her making Mindy look over at you to wave back when she gets quiet. It was because she didn’t realize how big the laceration that Ghost Face left on you was until now while you examined yourself in the mirror. But while looking at yourself in the mirror you find yourself hearing water splashing around you like you were at sea before hearing distant screams calling for you and suddenly it felt like you weren’t in Danny’s apartment anymore “Sam” you try to call out but it came out low. 
“You guys need to knock on the door instead of yelling to get our attention,” Sam told Mindy without trying to out her relationship with you before turning around to tend to you when she was cut off guard by your pale complexion, the way you were slightly hunched over the sink, and the way your hands gripped the corners of the counter. “Y/n?” Sam called out to you as she slowly walked over to you with a concerned Mindy behind her not realizing that Mindy had called her little sister over. 
“Okay I brought my chair, did something happen?” Tara questioned Mindy before following her gaze towards her sister when she also got distracted by your pale complexion, “Sam is Y/n okay?” she asked her older sister.
“I-I don’t know Tara. Y/n” Your girlfriend calls out to you again but instead of hearing her, you hear a phone hit the ground with cars honking in the background while hearing two voices one of them is your own. ‘Sam I don’t have much time..’ you heard hurried footsteps and gunshots ringing in your ears before hearing the other voice screaming ‘NO, DON'T TOUCH HER’ You slowly recognized Sam’s voice, and then you heard a door slam at the same time Sam touches your arm. Your instinct was to swing on your girlfriend which caused Sam to quickly grab your wrists and twirl you around where she now has your back against her front and her arms crossed against your own. “Easy Y/n, Easy…come back to me baby” Sam whispers into your ear before leaning her head against your own as she feels your heart beat rapidly before she slowly feels you calm down in her embrace “Hey Tara?” Sam calls for her sister.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Tara chimed at the mention of her name.
“I need you to get my sweater from my backpack for me and Mindy?” Sam calls out to Mindy making her step off the stool she was sitting on “Can you get me one of your brother's shirts?”
“Yeah I can do that for you, give me a minute I’ll be right back. Come on Tara” Mindy says before bringing her best friend with her to get the supplies.
Now that Sam knows it's just you and her in the bathroom alone for the moment, she voices her concerns “Baby you’re cold…” she whispers into your ear before rubbing her face lightly against your own “Where did you go Y/n?” she continues knowing that you were trying your best to stay grounded in front of her before she stepped back while rubbing your arms with her hands.
“I-I don’t know...Sam” you call her name before turning around but not looking directly at her just yet “It didn’t feel like I was, here, at the apartment it almost felt like I was out at sea maybe a pier but there were sounds of a busy street. I remember hearing myself say that I don’t have much time as if I might have been dying and then you screaming ‘Don’t Touch Her’ before a phone hit the ground...But also the slam of a door?” You tell your girlfriend as you shiver before looking up at her when you notice that Sam is shocked and a few tears have fallen from her eyes. “Sam? Sammy, did I say something wrong?” you ask before reaching out to her to caress her face and when you brought her closer to your body she shook her head and then left the bathroom in tears.
“Sorry it took so long but we have the sweater you asked for and Mindy had to fight her brother for ownership of his shirt” Tara joked as she got closer to the bathroom with Mindy before they both stopped because they saw Sam leave the bathroom in tears. “Sam, are you okay?” Tara called out to her older sister as she kept walking away before walking over to the bathroom to interrogate you but before she could she saw that you looked confused and upset while leaning on the bathroom counter.
“Tara…all I did was tell her that I remembered something from that night. What did I do wrong?” you asked your best friend while Mindy stood near her with her brother's shirt in hand.
Tara shakes her head with a deep sigh “Nothing Y/n, I don’t think you did anything wrong. I’m sure my sister is happy to know that you’re getting your memory back..” She pauses before looking at your side where Ghost Face had injured you on before looking at your eyes “Sam is just…going through a lot that's all” she continued while in the back of her mind, she’s wondering how being attacked this badly by Ghost Face would affect your mental state, would you change for the better or worse?
You shift your eyes away from Tara before nodding at her explanation while Tara places one of her sister's bigger sweaters down on the counter before leaving to find her sister while Mindy follows her figure until she disappears behind the wall. “Hey Mindy?” you called out and Mindy shifted in her spot to look over at you. 
“Yeah what's up?” she answered while trying to stay focused on your eyes but her mind made her look at your wound that Sam did her best to clean up instead. The images from the video as well as photos that Ghost Face sent to Sam’s phone that night still linger in her mind, and she knows you must have suffered a great deal so she understands to a degree but a part of Mindy wonders what you had to have done to piss off Ghost Face.
You clear your throat making Mindy look up at you “Do you think you can handle some blood?” you ask her before looking over at the mirror to see that you have blood near your shoulder blades and Mindy slowly nods.
“Yeah…I think I can handle some blood” Mindy says nodding confidently before stepping into the bathroom with you as she places her brother’s shirt on top of Sam’s hoodie. “Okay let’s lift that shirt shall we?” she says with enthusiasm as a smile graces her face while you turn around before looking over the clothes being offered to you.
“Hey, Mindy do you think it’s wise that I wear a white shirt under the hoodie? Don’t you think maybe a Red or Black shirt might be better?” you say to Mindy with concern as she hypes herself up to lift your shirt. 
“Unfortunately my brother’s shirts are limited Y/n” Mindy replies to you as she takes a deep breath while her fingertips touch the hem of your shirt “Chad is not that cool unless I go shopping with him.”
You lightly laugh at Mindy’s jab at her brother's wardrobe before joking around with her. “You know if you're having a hard time pulling my shirt up Mindy, just think in your head that maybe it’s Anika’s shirt you're pulling up,” you say to her before laughing again as Mindy groaned while holding back a laugh and then slapped your back “Agh I’m sorry!” you yell back at her.
“OH I forgot you're injured,” Mindy says after slapping you “I’m sorry,” she says sincerely before continuing her thought “Damn..you're a little too cold Y/n,” she says worriedly “Like ice..” she trailed off as she realized that the temperature of your skin reminded her of when she pulled you up on to the dock with her brother.
“Don’t worry about it, Mindy. Please just patch up my back?” you ask your movie buff for a friend before you shiver and she nods quickly.
When Mindy pulls up your shirt finally, she sees that your skin has a pale-ish tone to it “Mmm.” She hums at the unusual tone on your skin before she pushes your shirt further up your shoulders. Then her mouth hangs open before saying “Oh my god? What type of Ghost did you piss off?”
Tara overhears Mindy making her stop in the hallway before turning around with furrowed brows. 'Should I check on them?’ she thought to herself before shaking her head ‘Naw Mindy's got this' she continued her thought even though a part of her felt curious about what Ghost Face had done to you. Then she turns around and steps into the living room seeing Chad and Ethan walking over to sit in front of the island before overhearing Danny talking to her sister in what she assumes is his bedroom.
“Samantha, you didn’t know that would happen. I don't see how you could blame yourself” Danny says calmly to Sam as he sits next to her before putting his hand on her knee to comfort her.
Tara watches as her sister gets up from sitting on the bed with tears running down her face “Y/n didn’t deserve to be put through that. That should have be-” Sam was going to continue her thought when she caught her little sister by the door with glassy eyes and a little scowl.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence” Tara says to her as she walks into the bedroom making Sam quietly turn to Danny asking him to leave the room for a minute so they can talk to each other alone.
“Alright, I’ll be on the couch if you two need me, okay?” Danny says to Sam and Tara before getting up to leave while Tara stares at him, her eyes following his figure out of the bedroom before the door closes.
“Sam, you know what happened wasn’t your fault, none of us knew that Ghost Face would go after Y/n,” Tara says to Sam but Sam shakes her head before sitting down on the bed.
“You don't get it, Tara. I should have known because Y/n has been protecting us, all of us. She protected you from Ghost Face at the bodega, got Mindy and Anika across the ladder, saved my ass from falling several stories, and stopped Gale from bleeding out.” Sam says before finishing her thought "Ghost Face said he would butcher anyone who gets between us" with tears in her eyes while Tara walks over to her, her thinking face evident to Sam for a moment as she sits down next to her.
"Then why would Ghost Face go after Y/n with the intent to kill her, only for him to let her live?" Tara questioned out loud before looking away from Sam like she was going to get scolded but she wasn't, Sam just turned to look at her. Tara knows how much her older sister cares about you so she rephrases "..What I'm trying to say is..based on the audio in the car from that day it sounded like Ghost Face wasn't at her apartment to scare her even though her wounds looked otherwise. It seemed like he was there to shut her up, like Y/n knew something about him" Tara says, trying to get her thoughts in order before looking over at Sam.
When her eyes met Sam's she noticed that she had tears streaming down her face but also looked like she was trying to recall something. Sam's brows furrowed in thought as she went over the events in her head from being pushed up against your couch to actually sitting down to eat with you at the little alcove in your apartment.  'I did think it was weird that he knew how to use a shotgun…maybe he’s a hunter?' she remembers saying to you before she replays what you said to her in her head. 'He would have shot my leg off with no problem in the alleyway' and 'He had to be a professional he held the gun close to his body, maybe a cop?' Your words kept repeating in her head 'he held the gun close to his body, maybe a cop?'...' The gun close to his body'...' maybe a cop?'
"Sam?" Tara called out to her before laying her hand over hers as Sam came back, slowly collecting herself. "Sam, are you okay?" Tara asked with concern as she reached her hands up to cup Sam's face, inching closer to her on the bed. Tara's gesture made Sam refocus her eyes on her.
"Yeah," Sam said, closing her eyes with a pause, her silence making Tara sigh while closing her eyes as they leaned into each other, foreheads touching. Instinctively, Sam brought her hands up to Tara's face to caress before kissing her forehead. "I don't want you guys getting hurt because of me, you guys have suffered so much already," she says to Tara while her heart aches for what she might have to do, lie to her sister so she can end Ghost Face herself.
But Tara saw through her words "No, Sam you're doing it again. You wanted us to stay together before traveling on your own to the police station and here you are trying to do things alone. AGAIN." Tara started, getting mad that Sam would low-key suggest she try and sacrifice herself for everyone. "I would go through the attack in Woodsboro again, minus the leg injury to keep you safe.." Tara says, trying to find the right words that meant she was her sister's ride or die "..it's our turn to protect you, Sam" Tara declares as she locks eyes with her sister, causing Sam to laugh with delight even though she was surprised. But the sound that came from Sam's lips never ceased to warm the little Carpenters heart, after all those years that separated them.
However, after Sam laughs she looks down at her little sister only to find that Tara's eyes are starting to get glassy. A look that has Sam wanting to reach for her own heart to soothe with her hands because the pain there feels a little too painful underneath her flesh. The type of pain and sorrow that if she allowed herself to feel all at once, that it would kill her, so Sam brings Tara in for a tight hug. "Then don't stray too far from me Tara and I won't stray too far from you, promise?" Sam asked her little sister in her arms, as she felt Tara nod her head while on her shoulder before separating from one another. Then Sam brings her hand up with her pinky extended, a sign Tara knows all too well so she hooks her pink around Sam's before bringing her thumbs up so they'd touch, a stamp of approval, acknowledging the promise they're making to each other in that very moment.
"I promise," Tara says with a smile as she wipes her eyes before Mindy knocks on the door, and enters the bedroom that the Carpenters reside in.
"Apologies for interrupting fellow gays, BUT Tweedle dee and Dum are planning to go to a different bodega with Danny because Tweedle dee you know Ethan, didn't get his favorite snacks that he requested earlier," Mindy informed her best friends considering what has been happening to them and that it's only a matter of time before Ghost Face becomes bolder enough to strike once again.
"Are you fucking serious?" Sam says aloud, clearly annoyed that the boys would want to go out for some snacks as Mindy replies to her with a nod before Sam gets up to go into the great room. Upon entering the great room Sam’s eyes focused on your figure, watching as you moved about the living room in her sweater. A part of her wanted to walk up to you and apologize for her reaction earlier but she knew that her apology wouldn’t be enough, she wanted to make it up to you before she went back to looking for Danny. "Danny" she called out as she saw him by the coat rack while hearing the audible sighs from Chad and Ethan knowing she was about to go into full mom mode. 
"Yes?" Danny answered as he got ready to go out, putting on his jacket before turning his head in Sam's direction and seeing her approach the divider of his open-concept apartment. 
"Why are you taking Chad and Ethan out to get snacks? It can wait till we’re all safe.” She said to him in a low tone so that Chad and Ethan wouldn't hear her as you walked behind her and past Danny to check if the bathroom was cleared of your blood. 
“I know, however, there are three of us, like earlier when we went food shopping. Besides, the bigger the group, the less Ghost Face will want to mess with us.” Danny explained to Sam, feeling confident with his own answer while she stood there a little frustrated.
“Danny this is my family we're talking about, my kids. The only reason why I felt better when we were together earlier is because it was me and you going out with Chad to get food” She voiced trying not to get too angry at him. 
“Oh” was all Danny could say, clearly hurt by what Sam had said to him “Do you not trust me with your kids?” He asked as he searched for Sam's eyes while you watched their conversation from the bathroom, wondering if she would trust you with her family as you looked at your hand. “Sam, please look at me,” he asked her as he watched Sam's eyes dart across the room to look at Ethan before turning her head toward you in the middle of his conversation.
When you heard Danny plead to Sam you looked up from your hand and were surprised to see Sam’s eyes searching for your own. You wondered if she was looking to you for comfort or for an answer to Danny's question. You figured it was the comfort she sought as you started walking away from the bathroom, slowly making your way towards Sam and Danny. But as you walked past Sam again, this time, your fingertips touched her waist for a moment and she grabbed hold of your hand stopping you from leaving her side.
Sam squeezes your hand at the same time she looks into your eyes, a silent exchange is made, you realize that she wants an answer so you give her one. In your silence, you lightly squeeze her waist, and as you do she hears someone quickly walk beside Danny, causing her to pull you further in her body hoping it isn’t who she thinks it is and that it was Chad. But when she looked over to continue her conversation with Danny she was disappointed, there next to him was Ethan. She could tell that Ethan was antsy like he needed to get outside or else he would combust from being in the apartment for too long and it didn't take her long to come to a decision.
“I do trust you with my kids Danny but under normal circumstances…” she told him as she trailed off feeling your body go stiff against her back, her eyes narrowing at the boy who accused you of being Ghost Face. “But this is different Danny, you can take Ethan to go to the other bodega down the street so he can get what he wants but Chad has to stay here with me” she decided as she heard Ethan scoff making her shift her eyes to him.
“Why? Because you’d prefer me and Danny to get killed by Ghost Face?” Ethan asked narrowing his eyes back at Sam just as Danny looked over at him.
“No, because Ghost Face would be least likely to kill you both and..” she paused “either you take this opportunity to stretch your legs to go buy what you want OR no one goes out at all.” She explained as Chad groaned before walking over to lie on the couch in defeat, putting his head on Tara’s lap.
“Fine” Chad huffed in defeat even though he saw reason in Sam’s words “Be careful on your way to and from the other bodega you two,” he said to Ethan and Danny as he grabbed a pillow and put it to his chest.
“Thanks, man and we will,” Danny says responding to Chad, while Ethan sighs nodding his head as he turned around to find Danny opening the front door. “We’ll be back soon” Danny informed Sam and her family while watching Ethan walk out the door before walking out of the apartment himself. But before Danny could close the door to his apartment he made eye contact with Sam for a brief moment while she turned to face you, the scene leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
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“Hey Danny, can I ask you a question?” Ethan asked Danny as they walked down the stairs slowly making their way to the lobby of the apartment building. 
“Uh sure..shoot,” Danny says as Ethan went ahead to open the door to the building for him, allowing him to walk out of the front door first before stopping at the sidewalk so Ethan can catch up to him but also so they can eventually walk in the opposite direction to a different bodega considering that the closest one to their apartment was messed up by Ghost Face.
“How long were you and Sam together before Y/n came along?” Ethan asked as he caught up to Danny before they started walking left to a new bodega.
“That’s technically none of your business,” he says defensively trying to gauge where Ethan is coming from considering he was causing a problem in his apartment earlier while also trying to keep vigilant, making sure that Ghost Face doesn’t surprise them.
“You’re right but don’t you think it’s kind of weird that Y/n just came out of nowhere and took your girl from right under you?” he inquired trying to get into Danny’s head, causing Sam’s ex-fling and love interest to stop in his tracks making Ethan smile behind him. 
“I” Danny started, trying to figure out what to say. “I did find it strange that I started seeing less and less of Sam” he voiced before turning around to face Ethan.
“Then I’m not the only one who thinks this way,” Ethan says before walking ahead of Danny as the neighbor catches up to him as they near the bodega up ahead.
“What do you mean?” Danny asked as he looked over at Ethan trying to figure out what he was trying to say.
“I mean same, we- me, Chad, Mindy, Quinn, Anika, and Tara started seeing less and less of Sam too” he answered “I think Y/n is trying to isolate Sam from her people you know? The people who really care about her,” he says trying to get Danny on his side before stopping near an alleyway.
“..I don’t know about that,” Danny says aloud to Ethan as he walks ahead of him not realizing that Ethan stopped walking a while ago. “Y/n doesn’t seem like she’s capable of doing something like that,” he says trying to keep his head on his shoulders even though Ethan gave him some things to think about.
“Keep walking..” Ethan says smirking at the fact that Danny’s figure is getting smaller and smaller as he walked further away “You fucking idiot” he insults Danny from afar. “Now what do we have here?” he says to himself as he pulls his phone out of his jeans and turns to the alleyway before taking a photo and texting someone after.
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Hallway Between Concrete Buildings by Megan (Markham) Bucknall
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Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Stay in my mentions crew: @daddy-jareau @lummaland @screechcat @stickydefendorstudent @stickydefendorpersona @werewolfbansheelove @fanboy7794 @grandpatrolnutt @alphawolfstabs @rainbowmess823 @womenofmarvellover @inactivecabbage @msboules @bowergirlwitch
Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
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Sorry for the long wait guys, as some of you may know I had to put down my dog last month so I've been on a hiatus to grieve, even before that, it was due to what was going on with my dog. Since then I've been trying to take each day at a time and hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things again.
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eichornia · 4 months
You can read the first part here. I wanted to write a bit more about them. TW for depressive thoughts in a small part of the fic (nothing really bad, just Daniel feeling a bit down).
- Blink. Blink. Blink. The whisper of his eyelashes against the fine hair on Max's thigh. Max's fingers in his head, combing through his curls. Gentle-gentle-gentle. Sometimes Daniel can't help it. Sometimes he gets like this, all his energy dissipates and the time moves slowly, slow-slow-slow like the mountains do. His mind is quiet and he can feel everything. The way his chest rises with every breath, Max's smelling like sex, his knees hurting from kneeling for so long. A distant thought but then-
Max's voice. Near, clear, dear.
Daniel, you okay?
Yeah, Maxy, he wants to say. Peachy. Great, baby. Amazing. But his voice doesn't want to come out so he just nods and Max's skin is so soft, he has to kiss his thighs, once, twice, thrice. Max laughs and Daniel blinks, and life is rushing back. Time is getting normal, Daniel's energy is filling him again.
He looks at Max and thinks this moment here, it should be eternal.
- CHINA. He's getting better. He knows he's getting better. But days like this makes him feel like all the progress he makes is for nothing. He doesn't like this feeling, it feels like a battery that only has negative poles. When he's like this, he doesn't want to be near anyone. Doesn't want them to worry, doesn't want to be a burden. So he sits against the pit wall, headphones blocking everything except the music, angry-sad, making his eyes burn with salt. Don't cry, don't cry. He was mad earlier and he ignored Max and his wounded look and now Daniel feels silly, stupid, immature.
There's a shadow blocking the sun. The shadow has the shape of Max. The shadow talks like Max too.
I was looking for you. You shouldn't sit for so long in the sun, Daniel, it's not good. You should have an umbrella, I'll ask for one.
Daniel stretches his arm, makes grabby hands, doesn't mind if anyone is watching. Max holds his hands, makes a goofy dancing movement. Daniel doesn't want to laugh but he does because Max is always funny.
Sorry, he says. For being a cunt earlier.
It's okay, says Max.
And gets him to his feet. He sways a little into Max, enough to smell his aftershave, to see the little freckle in his lip.
Yes, I love you, he thinks. Doesn't say because it's a bit scary, this big feeling. Bigger than China, irrepressible, inevitable.
- MIAMI. They have ice cream in bed, the spoons clicking against each other when they try to take a bit at once. It's melting even in the air conditioner of the room. Vanilla kisses because it's the best flavour of ice cream ever. Max is trying to convince him the best flavour is chocolate. Max knows nothing like Jon Snow. Max blinks (slow at first, faster a second later).
Who the fuck is Jon Snow?, he asks.
And Daniel laughs and laughs until he feels he's going to puke. And then kisses Max, sticky mouth, sweet like melting vanilla.
Max kisses back, takes the ice cream, leaves it on the side table without looking.
His voice breaks in the middle of his name.
This is it, thinks Daniel. This is the feeling when you win a race. This bubbly, effervescent feeling, your whole body full of ecstasy, the sky in the tips of your fingers. You're the champion. Nothing can reach you.
This is it, thinks Daniel, lost in pleasure, full of love, high with the feeling of Max moving inside him. His fingers, sticky with love, caress Max's back. His mouth, sticky with love, says Max's name like a chant. He wants this feeling to last a lifetime.
Max, yes, baby. Just like this, just like this.
(Stay with me. Forever.)
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crushedsweets · 3 months
What do the proxies think of each other?
this is gonna be kinda messy and disorganized but i got it HANDLED
again, THIS IS ALL MY AU!!! there is a streamline, detailed plot that intertwines, so these characters mingle and grow in ways they probably wouldnt in canon, since different events follow them here O/S Syndrome = Operator/Slender Syndrome, aka slender sickness
Toby: He thinks of Brian and Tim kinda like shitty uncles who only come around every now and again . they used to taunt him a lot cuz toby was always like. annoying, selfish, sarcastic - so it would piss them off, and they'd piss toby off, and then it would be pretty bad. but as toby gets older and calms the fuck down, it gets better between them . he gets pretty sad when they eventually cut him(and everyone) off to move to like, canada or oregon or something.
he likes kate. theyre both outcasts even in a group of creeps and killers and literal monsters.... so toby's always been nice to her. when she refused to come to the cabin, he ended up dragging a mattress over to the mines for her. brings her food, gallons of water, t shirts. she owns random band t shirts that she doesnt even listen to cuz toby gave it to her LMFAOOO . he's the reason kate starts coming and staying at the cabin
Kate: she hates tim. completely cannot stand him. she hates when slendy makes them work together. he's been a dick to her since he met her, because their first time meeting was um. her dragging tim through the forest while he was unconscious. and she was generally part of what tormented him during the events of marble hornets (IN MY AU OBVIOUSLY). he's also uncomfortable because when she kills people she does it with her bare hands. will lick the blood and dirt and grime off her fingers. generally freaky.
she's better with brian. he doesn't remember her tormenting him so much during MH, but he still knows - but he's better at empathizing with her situation. he kinda pieced together what happened to her, while tims just blinded by like. anger and trauma. dont get me wrong, brian is still uncomfortable around her (again, she acts really scary when working), but when she's not working and she just sits there. she looks so tired, and she's so quiet, and its sad. he feels for her.
she likes toby, too. first person to treat her fully like a person after becoming a proxy without her having to like, beg for it (directly or indirectly). again, he brings her things, he's kind to her, laughs with her. he'll tease her and make fun of her but she can tell it's not with ill intent so she'll do it back - she considers him her best friend for a while.
HE'S A HATER HE'S A HATER HE'S A HATER ok i know i call him an asshole and say he's mean a lot but i legit am not mad at him and i think he is within reason (like 60% of the time) since like. kates dragged his unconscious body through the forest and left him covered in scratches/bruises, toby's almost always throwing the first punch, he's had his entire life derailed for so fucking long, and these kids don't make it any easier- he could've been in kates position, which is the one thing that makes him kinda hesitate when he wants to say smth mean. he usually isnt an asshole unprompted, but he'll always take it the second step.
a lot different for brian. he wanted him dead for a while too. blamed him for a lot of stuff, but at this point he........... has nobody else. brian is his friend. i feel like writing too much about the complication of their relationship kinda takes away from it. theyre roommates, they leave together, they'd fight tooth and nail to stay in eachothers lives. despite everything
i feel like i dont have a lot to say about brian since I already described everyone else's relationship...
just to sum it all up with him, he cares more about all three of them then he lets on. but he's also a lot better at showing he cares. he brings some basic groceries and beer and shit over to the cabin pretty frequently, he'll hang around toby and if kates there, ask if she needs anything. she usually just shakes her head, but on the off chance she says she wants like. a specific drink. he kinda feels like he got +1 friendship points with her LMFAOOO . and obviously he jokes around and messes with toby when they're not fighting
and again, same thing with tim. that's his friend. he's missing a LOT of memories from the events of MH, but tim hasn't hesitated in telling him how he feels about it... and he feels bad. it all sucks. even now, he says things he doesnt mean, just because all of the guilt and anger and trauma gets him and tim both riled up. then they go get a drink together and move on
overall, the proxies are pretty messy. brian and tim arent very present anymore, toby and kate are sort of taking on their 'in charge' roles. their relationship slowly mends itself over time, since my AU largely focuses on improvement and recovery and redemption (HOWEVER MUCH THEY CAN ALL THINGS CONSIDERED...), but its still pretty bad
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Hello! :)
How would your main 10 skeletons react if their child was chosen for a main role in a play/dance and have been practicing for over a year for the role only to be replaced and not have a role at all?
This actually happened to me when I was taking dance :(
Hope you have a nice day/night!
Undertale Sans - He's sad for his kid, but that happens. It's alright though. If Sans has one weakness, it's clearly not bear to see his family sad. Not only he's going to find you another role, but it will be ten times better than the one you had. He didn't hesitate one second to use Mettaton to have access to some cool opportunities.
Undertale Papyrus - He's so mad they ditched you like this. It's maybe touching him a little more than it should be as well as he used to get ditched from everything as a kid. He still assures you it has nothing to do with your skills and that he's sure you'll find another opportunity soon. Not two days later, he convinces Mettaton to hire you. Being an international star is way better than some role in your school.
Underswap Sans - That's life, kiddo. It's unfair, but it happens often. Blue tries to comfort them the best he can, but he can tell you're disappointed. It's ok though, you can still use what you learn to try somewhere else. He believes in you, he's sure you can find a better opportunity!
Underswap Papyrus - He's so mad at your teacher for just ditching you for no reason. It's unfair, and you clearly wanted to participate a lot. After trying to beg your cause at the school, he's involving some local journalists to make everyone realize how stupid they are to not accept their daughter! He wins in the end and you get your role back.
Underfell Sans - He tells his kid that they didn't deserve them anyway because they're too good for their shitty show. Red is so gonna hack the show to put videos of you training in the middle of the dance performance so everyone sees what they lost. He doesn't care if he gets into trouble. Not his fault you're all jealous.
Underfell Papyrus - He goes full Karen mode and he's storming the dance class to say what he thinks of that bullshit decision. He pays for lessons for his child all year, he even buys them private sessions. Either you pay him back or he's suing you, and oh boy, you don't want him to sue you when he's the best lawyer in the city. Either you give back their child's role or you're going in prison for stealing his money.
Horrortale Sans - He feels guilty. He can tell that's because the kids are scared of him when he's coming to take you home at the end of your classes. You tell him it's not his fault they're racist bitches and that you prefer to leave than support their anti-monster bullshit anyway. He's so proud of you. He's going to help you find another role though. He wants to help.
Horrortale Papyrus - He can tell immediately it's because he's scary and the other parents complained. But that's not going to happen. There's no way you're dropping your dream role for some racist idiots. He's going to tell them what he thinks of this, and of how ashame they should be for showing such an example for the young generation. He casually threatens to sue them for discriminating his child as well because it's what it is: discrimination for being a monster. He's not going to tolerate this. That's ten years since the monsters are out of the Underground, get over it already!
Swapfell Sans - That's fine, he simply pays the class director and tells them nicely that if they keep causing trouble for his child, he's closing their business definitely. The director screams at him for trying to buy privileges. The next day, the building mysteriously explodes during the night. How could that happen? O:
Swapfell Papyrus - That's fine. When you're down, nothing is better than a little revenge. You spend the night throwing dog poop and eggs at every window of the building lol. Rus switches on every faucet of the building too and let them run the entire weekend. Someone is going to have a surprise on Monday. And a water tax so high they're going to faint. That's for the money he lost in their stupid school. He's going to find another role for his kid after that.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, it's fine. He simply goes to see your teacher and gives them the scare of their life by threatening them with his bones and blasters. Either you give their role to their kid or... Well, you don't really want to know what can happen, right? :)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's disgusted your school would do something so lame after such a long time training. He assures you you're a good dancer though and that they're losing more than you, because you're clearly going to find something better and make them all jealous. When you find a new role, he's sticking posters of your show everywhere on and inside your old school so they all see what they missed.
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
✨PAC18+ Channeled Messages From Your FS..... 💘💋💘
🪬Some of you say you wanted channeled Messages from your Future Spouses. But with more detail.💋 Thank You @fae-ngel for the details of the channel's message from y'all future spouses. If some of you guys feel offended about the religion thing don't read this. In the last pile. You can pick more than one pile. Remember this is a general reading.
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👋🏽Hey baby, I hope that you are doing okay. I haven't been on my best behavior lately. I wanna tell you something, but I can't. For years I have been lied to. Cheated on and stabbed in the back. Since yesterday I got hurt by a friend. I almost got into a bad fight with one of my friends. I've been out drinking, partying, and smoking. Keeping myself distracted so I won't fucking hurt myself. So I want to cry 😭 so bad. But I can't. I hate that I have to keep a fucking smile on my face. I hate I have to deal with my responsibility without any fucking help. I need help. Not professional. But love help, nurturing help, and support help. I wish someone who is right now out there to help me. But there isn't. I know I can't quit my job. How am I supposed to feed my kids? Feed my family, feed my team. Of course, feed myself. Every time I tried to get a little piece and quiet to myself. Somebody or something always gets in the way. This fucking ex of mine is always on me. Yeah, I know it's my fucking fault. But hell I'm trying. I know I keep getting robbed and played by her. But I won't lie to you. I don't like to be alone. I get scared when I'm alone. I know right, the person who's complaining about wanting to be alone. I don't like to be with my thoughts. It is scary sometimes. You get it right! I've lived in darkness my whole life. Until my kids came along. But still... These thoughts, and memories. It’s scary. That's even half of the shit. I'm telling you about. Anyways, let me tell you something.. I've faced a lot of challenges in my life. Face them!! I did. I dream about you constantly, so my question is this. When are you going to come to me? I've been waiting and waiting for you. I know it sounds impatient. But I am❗. Whatever you go through right now or for a while. Fight that shit. Close your eyes and pretend I'm there fighting with you not against you. Because whenever I close my eyes can see it. You are with me every single time. Fighting my life with me. I know I go thinking that your energy is in my ex. But it isn't but it isn't. Okay, don't be mad at me! I can feel your anger when I said that. Haha 😂. Baby, you should go out and date other people. You shouldn't wait on me. That's kinda fucked up for you to wait on me. While I'm stuck! I should ask myself this! To My future wife! Should I keep you stuck with me? Tuh Hell NOO!! I wouldn't want my daughters to be waiting on some dude they haven't met yet. I haven't met you yet... Ooh, I have a song for us. That's a song I'm dedicating to us. I hope you like it. I just haven't met you yet. Once I do! I'll be screaming 🙀 saying YAY!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You take my breath away every time I see you in my dreams. The sad part is when I wake up early in the rising... That's right I said Rising! I took your word!! Haha 😂 anyway, when I get up I can't remember your face. Do you honestly think about me? Answer these questions for me. I'm serious Comment it down if you have to. How come you don't invite me back into your dream? What's keeping you from me? Did I do something wrong? I hope that didn't. Maybe, you should talk to me in the middle of the night. With your lights off and just call me in. I bet I'll come to you in a heartbeat. I mean Duh, I am your husband. Well not yet! I hope I can be your husband. It would be an honor to be your husband. This life, the next life, in the stars.. Or whatever I hope I come down being your husband or wife forever. I am your partner. You know what so fucking funny! I think you send me a message in my dream. But fucking deadasss!!! For the life of me, I can't remember! Do you get like that? But For the real answer. The funny thing is. I am crazy about you but again I haven't met you yet. I know you probably won't talk to me! But hear me out. Don't be mad. Please, please 🙏🏾 I won't forgive myself if you are mad at me for this. Hold up let me get myself together. Okay, (clear throat) I told my ex about you. I told her I fantasized about you when I'm sleeping with her. When she was kissing me I wiped that shit off fast.
Whenever her back is turned I wiped her lips off of me. These lips 💋 are yours. My body is yours. But again, I am sorry for the wait but I ain't sorry that you got to wait. I know it sounds harsh. Let me tell you why!! Because your mind, body, heart, and soul are mine. That isn't fair to someone else to have to take it from me. I'll hunt them down if anyone touches you. Even from a far distance, I'll still hunt those dudes down if they ever try. So yeah I haven't been on my best behavior. Now you know why. Anyways, I love you darling. Remember that's your name always with me... Darling.
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🌟Hello, my cupcake.
How's my cutie doing? I just wanted to tell you thank you. Thank you for still believing in us and our connection. You holding out strong. I've never had anyone who holds out like that. Thank you. I am dating around. Just putting myself out there. My advice to you is don't check up on me. Don't check up on me on social media, videos, or anything. I want you to start dating yourself. I want you to focus on yourself. So we both can become a little closer🙏🏾. It seems that you were afraid of me. I came to you into your dream today. Don't you remember? But you kept swerving around. So I stop following you for a minute. Until you called out my name in my dream. Only you know who this is. Keep it to your chest. The reason why I say date yourself is because I'm scared for you to find someone that's out there for you. You'll forget about me. I know I never experience someone like you and you never experience someone like me. Are you ready to? I feel like I kinda am ready to experience someone like you. I wanna get to know you a little bit more. Your energy and your spirit are here with me. I know it is your spirit next to me. I can feel it next to me. I told you a little bit about my past. I've cried to you. I am so comfortable with you. You know what's so funny... You always lay on me in your dreams. I can tell that you are comfortable with me too. Shush 🤫 that's a good thing. I'm glad you didn't judge me for my past. The mistakes I've made. You let me tear it down. Thank you. Do you know how special you are? I feel that you've been through a lot. Oh, damn! When you laid on me. I didn't just cry because of my past. I've cried to you too. Are you ready to start a new life with me? A new family with me. Our marriage, relationships, and our kids. Are you ready to be my wife/husband? Ask yourself this baby. It is scary once we are in it together. It's going to be hella fucking scary. But one thing I know today is that we will have each other. I haven't met you yet. But one thing is. I wanna dedicated a song to you real quick. Listen to both songs. I'm serious. They are for you, baby. Slowly listen to my words. Let my words from my song speak to you. Just as your present speaks to me. Your spirit talks to me all the time. I talk to myself all the time. I never thought in my life, I felt this way about you. The closer I'm getting towards you. I can feel you getting stronger. I'm not joking about this. I know I may sound 📢 crazy. I'm being honest with you. Anyways, I'm done talking right now. I'm assigning you homework. Those two songs give you! You better tell me what these songs mean to you. I can feel our connection getting stronger and closer. But of course, I keep thinking it was someone else. But it isn't. I know it's you. I just have to convince myself more.
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🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾oh my sweetheart.
Have you been eating? I can see you putting on weight. I've been watching you left to right. How's your family doing? You told me you've been dealing with a lot of toxicity. So have I. The reason why is that my mother has been lying to me. She kept a lot of secrets from me. That I haven't even known. She told me things I wish no man or any child had to experience that shit. I felt that my mother wasn't sure about having me. I guess I was a third-party child. It was a one-night stand when she had me. But anyway, let's talk about us. I want to say to you that... You are the most important person in my life. I know I’ve kept talking about my mother. But she told me that you're nothing but a fantasy I'll never get to meet you. Never! You hear that bullshit. I tried telling my friends and other people but they laugh at me. I feel completely alone. Can you talk to me? Can I have a moment of your time? Just for a moment. Don't worry I don't live with my mother she lives with me. Even if I did live with my mother. Would you still date me? That's not the point but I'm sorry for feeling all insecure about us. I know I am the one who's holding us back. I've been wishing that you were right here by my side. Can we run away together once we meet? Please. This distance I can't deal with it. Can just two people who are meant to be just be together? That isn't fair, right? Don't you agree with me? Anyways, my shining light 💡. You light up my world when I think about you. When I talk to my boss and friends or even be on dates with different women I've been zoning out from them. Because they are boring as hell. Like ugh, I wanna have a real conversation with you. I wanna talk to you. I feel like the universe is holding us back. I'm about to say fuck it! Say, let's go ahead and find each other. I don’t care if I have to push through people and other forces get to you then I fucking will. I am tired of being patient here. What do you have to do? What do I gotta do? I am sorry for the yelling and the frustration. But I am frustrated. Anyways, this is what I'm going through. Don't worry everything will be perfect once we both lock eyes with each other. Everything is coming together soon.
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💘Ahh, are you Cupid? Because baby your arrow shoot my heart 💘. I wanna tell you my name. But I think you know my name already. Think harder and look deeper. I know a lot of women think I'm very handsome and charming and have a lot of women coming after me. Which I do. But guess what though. You swept me off my feet. The only person I wanna chase after is you. I don't know how you do it but you just do. I love how you shot fire with your words. The way you way rap, move your body, and the way you maneuver your words. God! That shit is fucking sexy. I know I should speak the lord's name in vain. However, I ain't burning in hell. Unless you coming with me. Then I'm alright with that. My health has been up and down lately. In and out of the hospital 🚑 left to right. But don't give me your sympathy. I don’t fucking need it. I know It sounds like I don't open up. But I don't. But you!! YOU!! I don't know what kind of spell you put on me. I've tried to run away from you, ignore you, block you out of my head, dreams, and energy 🔋. You are so goddamn strong. Tell me! What makes you so powerful? What do you do? Are you a witch? If you are then cast me a spell right in front of me. I don't believe in magic ✨ but for some damn reason! Boom 💣 here you come. I won't lie to you. I wanna fuck you. You are drop-dead gorgeous. But even from a distance, you torture me. I don't know if it is a good thing. So it's a good thing. No matter how hard I've tried to forget about you, there you are. It's like ugh, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! tell me now! It's such a good feeling. I don't know how to describe this feeling. Maybe it's lust between you and me. Maybe, the truth is. I'm falling for you from a distance. I've fucked so many women just to stop thinking about you. But you won't go away from me. I hope that you know this. Honestly, you did this to me. I hope you are happy. You got me a simp for you. I talk to a psychic just to get you out of my mind, heart, and body. When I lay in bed. I can feel your head and skin on me. Especially, when you are out of the shower 🛁 😂😏😏😏. I'm a horny guy/girl. I'm always horny. But you made me feel like I'm a changed man/woman. I don't even know yet! Whatever you are doing!! Cut it out! Because I will find you❤️ I've got a lot of money 💵 I'll find you I don't know how but I will. The second I rest my head, you come straight into my dreams. You fucking siren! It's your voice and your entire aura pulls into your arms. Nah! I'm a master. Don't tell anyone this keep this between you and me. You make me weak. I can feel my bones 🦴 weak. Ugh, it's sad that you aren't here yet. So whatever you are doing!! I want you to..... Keep doing it. 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦.
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cannibalsrider · 7 days
Episode Six? Id be more afraid if he doxxed me and manga fans tried steal chapters
previous -> Next -> Navi board -> playlist
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"Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, they have the right hairstyle for Bokuto but they don't have a rooster-looking hairstyle for Kuroo!" she shouted into the mic, unaware of how loud she was being. Her viewers were probably used to it by now, knowing that any time she rage-quit a game she wasn't good at, it was a headphone user warning. She scanned the chat, catching up on missed donations and gifted subs.
"You guys make it sound like I'm weird for wanting to get these as accurate as possible. It's like getting a mold right for pottery," she grumbled, eyes back on her screen where she was customizing a Sim to look like Kuroo. A photo of him was pulled up so the chat could see her reference.
"Do you think he would be mad if I gave him a hairstyle like how I did Keiji and Tsukki?" she mused, clicking over to the Sim she had made of Tsukishima. "This one looks weirdly the most accurate," she said, tilting her head at the screen to figure out why it looked so spot-on compared to the others.
"And before you little shits say something weird, it's not like however way you guys think," she added, leaning close to the mic. She knew her chat sometimes got a little strange when she mentioned any of her male friends, even before the breakup. She took a sip of her water and sat back.
"One of these days, I'm gonna just go on a hiatus, and some of you losers will actually have to touch grass for once because I know some of you don't," she huffed with a small laugh, setting her bottle down. Her chat would probably know she was joking since she often made sarcastic remarks during her water breaks.
She perked up at the sight of Yukie, who she had stayed in contact with. Yukie had been like a big sister to her during school because of the volleyball training camps.
"YUKIEE!" she called out, her voice filled with childlike glee, like a kid finally seeing their big sibling after they'd been away at college for a few months.
"I love Yukie, guys! Have I said that enough? She's like my big sister. I could tell you guys so much about my queen Yukie," she told her chat, pulling the mic close and acting as if she was about to tell them a scary ghost story.
fun facts
this was planned in like 20 minutes and I feel like this is one of the more thought out chapters
gulps only like six or so chapters left
I actually love how this is probably one of the only fanfics I've written to make it past chapter three
I lobe how this went from sticky note appreciation to kenma saying hed dox someone if they made yn sad
I think I just heard a crack in my finger
It wasn't a crack actually I was just hearing the music
I think for goddess I'm gonna pre make each chapter and do a once a week schedule so its not so time consuming I think
Tags: @metta-crybaby @wyrcan @kunimix @phoenix-eclipses @bae-ashlynn @lotti-lyric @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @kettlepop @h3xi2g0n3 @staygoldsquatchling02 @kitnootkat
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pandorasfavorite · 10 months
Their Karma
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AN: This is fake don't throw a hissy fit if you don't like it. I mainly just wrote the revealing aspect because why not.
TW: violence, revenge (but really its not vivid at all), our man being sexy 24/7.
Kinda short, not my best work but any work is memorable
One of the many things that made your heart break was to see someone you love in pain. You would call yourself a defender, family and friends are your everything, and only one could imagine what you feel when your boyfriend is hurting.
Dominik walks into the house quietly, its close to late at night and he wouldn't want to wake you if you were asleep. But alas you stayed up for Dominik, it's a way you show your love. You are sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and the TV playing a scary movie. Your head pops up from the couch and you turn to look at your boyfriend in glee that he is home. Dominik walks behind the couch and plants a kiss on the top on of your head. He stays there for a moment enjoying your sweetness and tenderness, "I'm going to shower really quick, I'll be right back" he mutters into your hair.
You perk up again at the idea, "I'll shower with you. I've missed you babe" you insist. Dominik smiles but his heart breaks behind his facade, he has to tell you no. "It's okay just wait here. I'll be fast" he says pulling away from you and moving towards the bathroom. The bathroom door closes and your body sinks into the couch; finally processing what he said. You furrow your eyes in sadness and confusion, Dominik has never said no to you showering with him. What happened today that changed that?
You keep to yourself, not wanting to push Dominik's boundaries even though it hurt your feelings a little. Dominik rushes into the bedroom, so quick you only see the walls and hear the click of the bedroom door when turn your head. Now you are genuinely worried, Dominik has never just ran off. You drop your head into your hands and breathe steadily, you want to approach him with a clear mind. Its for the best interest of everyone.
You walk down the hall silently and open the door just the same, Dominik is standing in front of the mirror looking at himself. He hasn't noticed the door being opened or you moving into the room. He can't hide the damage anymore. You gasp, your own hand slapping over your mouth in shock. Your feet carry you closer to Dominik and the details of his back and chest only get worse. Red slashes and purple bruising is all over Dominik's body.
Dominik spins around, eyes wide at your gasp, just now noticing you are there Dominik tries to cover as much damage as he can instinctively. You stand there in front of him mouth agape, you circle around Dominik reaching out to graze over unscathed areas on his body.
But truthfully he is covered in marks. You nod to yourself silently; processing what you can, processing your anger just the same. Dominik stays quiet until you start nodding to yourself; he knows that is just the beginning. "Baby it looks worse than it feels", your eyes snap up to his in fury. You're not mad at him but whatever is in the crossfire is in the crossfire.
"Dominik are you fucking kidding me right now?!" you ask him voice raised, you huff and puff and sit on the edge of the bed breathing. You are doing the best you can at calming yourself down, the absolute best. You clench your fists and open them over again, you do this too many times to count.
Dominik runs a hand through his hair but not without the pain of lifting his arm up, his hiss of air makes your head whip around in worry. You relax for just a moment standing up and motioning for him to sit on the bed and relax. Dominik lays on his side of the bed, but his back is stinging at the feeling , worrying you. "Should I get you some pillows? Will that help?", you question rubbing his hand. Dominik nods and grits through the pain, "Yea honey that would be nice". Dominik kisses your hand and lets you pull away, you go around the bed and grab both of your pillows in hand without hesitation.
You slide the pillows under his back smoothly before Dominik can protest, "No baby, those are yours" he says with a exhale of his breath, finally being able to lay down with little pain. You roll your eyes at him from where you are sitting, "And they are the softest. Im not what you should be worrying about", you say in retaliation. Dominik reaches for your hand, not breaking eye contact when he gets it, "I will always find ways to worry about you, Amor".
You click off the lamp and get new pillows for yourself. You stay close to Dominik but you can't lay on his chest until he heals. Only fueling the anger you put to the side while you were taking care of him. When morning comes you throw yourself out of bed, getting ready to go to work even though you and Dominik both have a day off now. You sit painkillers and water on the side table beside Dominik, not leaving before kissing his head goodbye.
You walk through the building, hair tied up and emotions through the roof. You stop in a storage room and grab a stick of your own, feeling the best way to grip it. Your knuckles turn white and you storm to Seth's room first. You knock politely as you can, you need to blindside him to get the best access. He opens the door with his normal arrogance, lighting up and ready to spew nonsense when he sees you. You waste no time. You smack him till his shirt rips, till his body matches the extent of Dominik's if not worse.
You do the same to Buddy, just the same and you are sure to tell them why. They know what they did wrong, if Rey didn't get them first you sure as hell would. You walk out of the building much like when you entered. You're still angry. At least now you know they have learned a lesson. They know better now.
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arthurthethird · 1 year
Could I request something with Charles? Perhaps male reader is too shy cause why would big handsome Charles ever want with them? Or something like that? Feeling extra insecure today myself lol
Again, I'm really sorry it took so long. I got problems with notifications, but here is something I came up with! I hope you'll like it
Charles x m!reader
It was pathetic. You were pathetic and you knew it.
You were sitting by the campfire, staring at it blankly. Most people already went off to sleep, leaving you alone with his thoughts and a drink in his hand. Sad, sure, but what else can you do when you got a hopeless crush on someone out of your league? Not only that, but on someone who's the same gender?
Now, you see, most people in the camp didn't have a problem with someone being queer. Hell, with Bill Williamson being one there was no chance for any mean comments (Micah being an exception, but I don't think we're surprised).
But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the crush was Charles Smith himself. And as sweet and nice as he was, you couldn't risk possibly hinting at it and getting shot down. Mostly because he was too dear for you to see the awkwardness or disgust on his face. Or maybe it was the fact you were afraid he'd laugh at your face, or worse, get mad.
In the corner of your eye, you saw someone sitting down next to you. You turn your head there, noticing Bill, having his own drink. He took a swig, then looked at you.
"Tough night?"
"Tough few months..." You sigh. The man was looking at you quietly, then chuckled.
"You're sweet on someone"
"Excuse me?" You turn to him, surprised. He wasn't good at reading people, you know that. So the thought your crush was so visible sent you into slight panic.
"You're sweet on someone. I'm not surprised, many folks are fond of the ladies" He shrugged. You were staring at him quietly, then turned back to the fire as he started guessing who might it be.
"Is is Karen? She's attractive, even I know this. Tilly maybe? Or Sadie? Sadie is a hard fork partner, you'll wantnto be careful with-"
"It's a man" you muttered under your breath. You thought it was barely above a whisper, but the way he went awfully quiet made your head turned away. He likes men, you knew this, but it still felt like something to be ashamed of.
"... A man?" He repeated. You just shook your head.
"No, you overhead"
"I'm dumb L/N, but I'm not deaf" he rolled his eyes. You turn to him quietly. The shame must've been visible in your eyes, because his looks immediately softened when he looked at you. Or maybe it was pity?
"Forget it. Please"
"Y/N" he sighed. "You can trust me. Look, I might not be the best listener, but this is one topic I know how to help with"
You just look down in to your hands. The thought of letting it out, talking it through with someone seemed nice. But scary as well.
"Who is it?"
You held your breath. There it was, the question that could set you free or bring all hell upon you. You tried to come up with something, an excuse, anything. But then came a moment of braveness. So...
"It's Charles"
"Charles?!" Bill spat his drink out, coughing surprised. You shushed him quickly, not wanting anyone else to hear.
"Shut up!!"
"Sorry, sorry-" he cleared his throat, calming down. "It's just... I already expected Arthur-"
"Arthur's nice, but he's more of a brother to me" you sigh. He nodded slowly.
"... Do you want to tell him?"
"God no-" you shook your head. "he'll just reject me"
"Why do you think so?"
"Why do you not?? He obviously likes women!"
"Oh please! If anything, he loves animals over life" he muttered, waiving his hand and turned to you. "Give it a go, trust me. I... Spoke with him"
You went quiet.
You had to know everything.
"You spoke?? When?? Why?? What about?? Anything about me?? Did he-"
"Jesus, hold your horses partner!" Bill raised his hands. "Yesterday. He had to get something of his chest. He might... Like you too"
All the world started spinning around you. Charles Smith himself might like you. That's all you ever dreamed of. Bil chuckled "So I'd say, go an tell him! You might be surprised"
"...and what if he doesn't like me?"
"Doesn't like you? Oh, well then screw him! There are other guys and gals better than him!" But there wasn't. He was the best one. Yet you still smiled at Bill's attempts to make you feel better.
"Thank you" you nodded. "You really helped"
"Yea, well... When you live being sweet on someone, you learn such things towards others"
You blinked surprised, opening your mouth, ready to ask about it, he already got up, walking off.
"Goodnight Y/N"
"... Goodnight Bill"
You woke up early, ready to make it happen. You'll ask Charles out. Were you terrified? Absolutely. But you were also confident. After last night talk with Bill, you got tot thinking. And you figured, if he does reject you, you'll just make it look like you got shot accidentally on the next mission. No embarrassment if you don't see him again, right?
Either way, either social death or literal death. Both felt almost the same.
You walk out of your tent, going to the campfire to grab some food. You're soar and tired, but it'll go away. You stop when Charles called your name. You turn to him, the familiar nervousness, rush of heart and cold sweat appearing. You smile at him. "Yes?"
"We need to talk" he said, face serious, eyes cold.
And just like that all the confidence, all the energy boost, all the braveness went to hell. Your plan didn't exist anymore. You simply panicked.
Why does he want to talk to you? Did you do something? Your mind quickly rushed through all the possibilities. No, you don't think so... Maybe Bill talked with him, and how he doesn't want to do anything with you? That's high possibility.
Or what if Micah overheard you? Oh, then you'd be dead in everyone's eyes.
Your breathing quickened, chest squeezed, vision becoming blurry. Every bad scenario that could possibly happen was playing through your head.
But then you took a deep breath. Grounding yourself, remembering that nothing happened yet. He just needed to talk. You don't know about what. It might be both good and bad. You just had to stay calm.
Yet you were fucking scared.
You were waiting at the spot you were supposed to meet with Charles. It was further away from the camp, which again striked up the nervousness in you. But maybe it's not that bad. Maybe it's just something he's shy about and only trusts you to tell you about it? So you waited.
You waited a long time. What if it was just to humiliate you? In a second Sean and Javier will jump out from behind the trees, laughing at you. Yet nothing happened. So you waited.
Then came a spark of hope. Maybe he was nervous too? Maybe he did like you and decided to ask you out? He was naturally a shy man, yet you knew he could have a... Wild side. But it made you excited. Brought back the confidence in you. So you waited.
Soon enough, you heard footsteps. You turned there, noticing Charles coming.
"I'm sorry it took so long, Reverend didn't want me to get past without listening to his ballad about whiskey" he sighed as you chuckled.
"Not a problem. You wanted to talk?"
"Talk? Ah, yes..." He nodded. He seems nervous. Score.
"I... Actually wanted to talk about us"
That was enough. Before he could say anything else, you grabbed his collar, pulling down and just kissed him.
His lips were soft, surprisingly well taken care of. They were warm and you could still taste Pearson's stew on them and some morning coffee. But non of those bothered you, not even a bit.
Charles tensed up, surprised, yet raised his hands, placing them on your cheeks. And when you thought he'd kiss back, he softly pushed you away.
And there it is again, that horrible feeling like you'd be about to faint. You looked at him, panicking. Vision blurry again. But then he said something that surprised you.
"I wanted to do it first" he muttered, chuckling awkwardly. You blinked, calming down, then smiling softly. As sweet as always. "But I wanted to tell you about it first"
"Oh- I'm sorry!" You chuckled, embarrassed. You went too quick. But he didn't seem mad, at thankfully.
He then took your hands in his, walking closer to you, looking into your eyes.
"Y/N... You're an amazing man with a sweet soul and a great heart. I've liked you for as long as I remember, and I wanted to thank you for being with me this whole time. But I don't think friends are something I can stand any longer. I want to be something better. Someone more important"
Now, as much as it was sweet, it was greatly surprising. Charles rarely talked about his feelings, let alone people he's sweet on. So... You felt honoured. And touched.
No wonder it took for him so long to come. He was stressed. Maybe even as much as you. Or more.
No, he'd be dead if it was more.
He then pulled you into a warm hug. Holding you close, nuzzling to you.
"Will you go out with me?"
You honestly felt like you could fly. Years of dreaming and begging faith for one chance... And you got it. Now you'll be damned if you screw this up. The plan with "accidentally getting shot" wouldn't sound so bad then.
But you smiled as you looked up to him.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Had a thought while i was chilling with my cat today, as you do:
Penelope is the weird Water Wife™ and Anthos is a black cat. We all know that black cats are something else, just weird in their own way.
Are those two just weird together?? Do they stare at you, unblinking, with their pretty eyes?? The half-naiad queen is watching you with her cat on her lap. They're silently judging you. As if she wasn't scary enough on her own - she has a black void with two big eyes by her side as well.
I'm sorry i'm really intrigued by the idea of weird wife and her weird cat.
YES!!! I love my weirdos!!! Also her and Odysseus are a lot like cats in a way as well >:)
Have their "favorite people", chaos, don't take orders from really anyone, etc. They're like kitty cats 🥺 even with how they're affectionate in a way. they're fidgeting with each other often but also will stubbornly be like "I want snuggles. I don't care if I'm uncomfy. >:( "
Odysseus: You know, I'm not gonna stop carving. You might get some wood shavings on you~ Penelope, knowing he won't let any get on her face at least: Don' care. Odysseus: Okay, if you say so. Penelope: ... Odysseus: asdfghjkl You stop that right now 🫵👁👁
Penelope: Odysseus, I'm trying to weave. (one of the smaller looms from the later periods, not accurate but don't care) Odysseus, squeezing her tighter: MMM >:( . *insert that baby seal video type of MMM* Penelope: At least your hair is tied up, but you can't be mad at me when your hair gets woven into it...Stop fucking with the thread, Odysseus.
You want something sad? >:) You want something really sad, Niko?
Years later, while Odysseus is away, something she's wearing keeps tickling her. She gets annoyed with it and has it taken off to see what it is ("My weaving is always flawless. >:( wtf is this?") only to look in the area and see that it was hair tickling her. A tiny bit of it is coming out from the cloth. It's not black and straight like her own. Nor is it black and curly like her son's. It's auburn and curly. Anticlea died years ago. And she remembers what she was doing when she first started this weaving.
And she weeps. :') Even gone, he's constantly "there" you know?
Penelope liked these critters because of that but also, "Heyyyyy, you're pretty good at fishing, you funky little creature!!!" Also, they like playing with string so weaving is always fun. Little headcanon but Ithaca doesn't really have as many cats as Sparta (hopping off ships from Egypt). So while Odysseus has seen them, he never really thinks much of them but then Penelope is like "yes, this is my weird little creature. You think you like me? You like this creature now." and he plays with Anthos a little and then is like, "Okay, I see why you like them...Penelope, why is she buzzing?👀 You promised you wouldn't put me in dangerous situations anymore!"
Probably a few cats are brought over for her but it doesn't become like, overrun you know?
Probably others were a bit annoyed by it at first. (cat hair to clean, cats are chaos, etc.) but the king and queen are scary when they want to be. Argos gets along pretty okay with them too!
Since having kitties outdoors is very dangerous, as there are birds of prey and such. A hawk once picked up one of the kitties but an Owl brought kitty back :')
Kitties know that Olive tree bed is NOT a scratching post.
Kitties will sleep with Penelope and check on her when she weeps :'D
"PENELOPE! ANTHOS JUST PUT A DEAD MOUSE IN FRONT OF ME!" "Sometimes they do that. Think it's the cat way of showing you they care." "I don't want this!"
so it's been around 7 years (changed it from 5 to 7) of them being married when Telemachus is born. And Anthos (and others) are very gentle with him but also "please don't grab me so roughly with your little baby hands".
Anthos is a bit older by the time he's around four so Penelope usually holds her but Anthos has had some kittens and...
Penelope: Telemachus, you sure you got him, sweetie? Telemachus: Yuh-huh.
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Telemachus loves them as well btw. And he learns how to hold them right but the cat he's holding is pretty chill anyways.
When Odysseus is a "beggar", and before Penelope comes to see him. He sees two kittens playing and thinks "Okay, they're definitely from Anthos' line." and rips a bit of the rags he's wearing to make a string and kind of plays with them. Then Melantho comes in and they run off and he's like "okay, they don't like you. Why is that?" and then he sees why.
When Odysseus is on Aeaea, it's...stressful and he feels on edge. He gets a specific "nightmare" and it's not a fun time. Yes, they dance and sing but he's still very stressed. (Headcanon that Odysseus is actually a pretty good dancer.) Circe has a lot of BIG cats and she has one that is a big black panther with blue eyes (yes, this cat was once a man. he actually will kind of have a story of his own in my fics eventually) And sometimes when he's by himself and not doing well, Big Black kitty will come in and kind of lay on him. Makes him think of Anthos and home. :'D
Polites: That panther seems to like you a lot. He's always following you. Odysseus: Yeah, he's my buddy.
"You were human once... Do you miss them? Your loved ones? Do you even remember?" *headbonks him*
*Big kitty yawns* "You know, my wife has sharp teeth as well being mostly naiad. My son most likely too by now... He was teething when I last saw him but the two he did have were already sharp. Penelope would soothe him with water when he got fussy from them..."
Penelope's 75% Naiad and Telemachus is 37.5% :D In some versions, Icarius and Tyndarius are half naiad! >:D And ANY chance I can have Penelope be weirder, I will FUCKING take it.
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pencil-peach · 6 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 19
Haku Haku ! It is once again time! This is part 20 of my series where I transcribe and discuss the onscreen text of G Witch, as well as talk about and analyze interesting things episode by episode. We're on Episode 19: "Not the Best Way."
<< Click here to return to Episode 18 Or Click here to return to the Masterpost
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We're going back to Earth...
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We open the episode on a conversation between Guel and Miorine. Miorine comments on how close they are to earth, and Guel responds, "You've always wanted to go there, right?" (Left)
It could be read that Notrette might have been Earthian, which is one of the reasons why Miorine wanted to go there so badly, to be closer to her mother.
After Kenanji enters and leaves, Miorine asks him, "Don't you hate being back on Earth even more?"
I'm really really fascinated by this line because it means that at some point, Guel and Miorine talked about what happened to him when he was on Earth. How much did he tell her? Does she know about Seethia? Does she know that he killed his father? What I wouldn't give to have seen that conversation.
On the whole, I really enjoy the brief glimpses we get into their post-Asticassia dynamic. It's hard to call them friends exactly, but it's clear their relationship is now built on mutual trust and respect. And despite the seriousness of their circumstances, they can still be silly with each other: Miorine: Are you really the same Guel Jeturk...? Guel: Plus, I can't trust you to handle the negotiations alone. Mio: HA??? What's that supposed to mean?? [Angrily drinks her juice.] Or like in last episode where Guel shows her the schwarzette and she's really angrily like, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??" and he's like "IT'S NEWS TO ME TOO OKAY!!!"
Like they're silly! It's cute !
Sorry for liking Guel Jeturk it will happen every day forever until I die lol
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Look at his gay little pose here. Why is he sitting like that. It's making me so mad look at him.
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When Godoy tells Prospera that he's located and verified the source of the Lfrith Models, Prospera comments that she's, "...grateful [he] has so many friends."
I've already talked about how sad I am that we never learn anything about Godoy, considering that he seems to have connections all across space. How did he and Prospera meet, I wonder? How did he become so connected? Is he Earthian? I guess it's just one of those things we'll never know.
Anyway, Prospera tells him that "The wait is over," and to "please proceed with the preparations." Lending further credence that Quiet Zero being completed was never an issue. The only remaining issue to correct was the existence of the Lfriths, and now that it's being taken care of, it can truly begin.
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I like that Secelia just actually gives Martin good counseling in this scene but is definitely also just fucking with him. She's a good person but also happens to be a bitch. She's perfect !
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As the Benerit Gang take the Permet lift down to the station, we hear over an intercom that in accordance with the "Earth Sphere Biological Protection Act," all passengers entering from beyond the Earth Sphere are required to undergo a biosecurity check. (Left) This isn't the first time we overhear biosafety information over an intercom, as in Episode 2 (Right) we hear a brief glimpse about preventive measures being put in place to stop the infectious spread of a disease known as "SV29." (There's also an anecdote in Cradle Planet where Suletta recieves a vaccination)
It seems that biosafety is a major concern in Ad Stella, which makes sense, spaceborn illnesses must be super scary !
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Something to note is that in the next scene, we see a panning shot of a highway, with a visible highway exit sign in front. But unlike many of the other signs in the show, the text on the sign is completely illegible, being made up of random shapes and characters from a handful of languages.
This might have been done to ensure Quinharbor's location remains vague, and isn't grounded within any specific place or country on Earth.
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As we drive down the highway, we see some protest signs attached to a chain link fence.
From top to bottom, left to right, these seem to say: (* denotes when I'm making an educated guess) - Down with Spacian oppression - Spacians GO BACK TO SPACE - TAKE YOUR WARS BACK TO SPACE* - NO MORE MS VIOLENCE - Benerit ignores Earthian lives - ENOUGH! END MS VIOLENCE NOW!
The one I want to bring special attention to is the one in the center, partially hidden behind the "Down with Spacian oppression" sign. At first I assumed it was, "Stop TAKING our lives for your own wealth," but when i looked closer I saw that the visible portion of that word is "-CKING." When I tried to assume what word it could be, truth be told I could only come up with:
You can decide which one you want to be true.
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I really like how Guel is just fucking awful at this whole running a company thing. King you can't just bail on an important negotiation like this no wonder ur company is in freefall.
But that's just the kind of person he is. He's open hearted but short sighted, and doesn't think things through as much as he should. But he's trying, so we can appreciate him anyway (Although to be honest it's probably for the best he wasn't there.)
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At the table with the Earthain Negotiators, we can see that there are two empty seats next to Miorine. One of them was meant for Guel, and the other was presumably for Kenanji.
Also, seeing as how it keeps being mentioned but isn't explained specifically, I think it's important to clarify what the doctor means when he talks about "The proxy wars you force onto us through war partitioning."
As best as I understand it, Delling and the Benerit Group have been exercising control over Earth (as well as providing a consistent market for their main export, weapon manufacturing) by instigating and arming conflicts across the planet along carefully partitioned political borders.
If Earthians are constantly fighting amongst themselves, they'll be unable to unite as a people against Spacians. (Remember, an impending interplanetary war is currently a major fear)
Remember what Rajan says to Miorine about Dellings motive: "And yet... even if he could control conflict through war partitioning, he never managed to achieve order [...] there was always some new enemy or rebellion."
It's important not to divorce Delling's motives from his beliefs. When Rajan says "he never managed to achieve order," or, "there was always some new enemy or rebellion," you have to ask yourself what "order" or an "enemy" means to a man who wholeheartedly believes that anyone beneath him should fully and unquestioningly submit to his will.
Quiet Zero only makes sense as a solution to a man who is too arrogant to realize that he is the disease which is causing the symptom. But we're not there yet. Let's continue.
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When Norea is having her breakdown, she's drawing this picture before her pencil snaps. At a glance, it's easy to assume that she isn't drawing anything and is just scribbling nonsense, but if you look closely, she was drawing a spider being eaten by a venus flytrap (and then started scribbling over it.)
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When 5lan looks through her notebook, we see some more. (Left) We see a more abstracted piece of a decaying mechanical clown head (Although it could be a broken down amusement park ride. The DOF lived near an abandoned water park prior to Plant Quetta), a spider with its prey in a web, and a decaying deer carcass.
(Right) And the landscape that 5lan wanted her to show him
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Here we see the truth behind Norea's breakdown. Sophie was the only person who understood her, and now that she's dead, she’s all alone. They were supposed to always be together, but the only way for her to follow Sophie now is to die herself, and she's deathly afraid to die.
Sophie and Norea were opposites in how they coped with the disposability of their lives. Norea was afraid to die, and so she coped with it by drawing the death and decay she was constantly surrounded by. But Sophie coped by taking pride in it. She constantly sought out danger to prove to herself that she was alive. (Like in Episode 12 when she activates Permet Score 4: "My heart is hurting so badly...I can't... breathe... but I'm still alive!") In her mind, fighting for her life was what gave it meaning. She wasn't afraid to die, and in a way, she sought out Ericht so badly because she wanted to find someone strong enough to kill her. (Not in a suicidal way but in a putting it all on the line way.)
Norea pretended she was unafraid too, to keep up with Sophie, but she was always afraid. And now that Sophie is gone, she has nobody left. She has nothing to live for, but is too afraid to die. Her life is somehow even more pointless than it already was.
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(Left) The moral of the story is that if you're depressed, the solution is some good soup.
(Right) Agh, I wish so badly we got some supplementary material about Chuchu and Nika. But that's a conversation for later.
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When we meet up with Kenanji and Guel, they're talking to Sedo, who mentions that he's an "official refugee designated by the special reconstruction plan." His official description on the G Witch website explains a little more, stating that he "lives in a designated recovery plan area on Earth." It seems that there are consistent zones on the planet dedicated to war and infrastructure recovery.
We learn about the child rearing academy Grassley runs here as well, but we'll talk about that next episode, when it's meaning becomes more relevant. Oh, and, nobody asked but the shirt Guel is wearing here is the second shirt we see him wearing that has holes in it. (The first is the sweatshirt he wears in Episode 16.) So y'know. If you wanted to know.
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So, here we learn that Shaddiq's birth name was "Jeru Ogul," and "because of that name, everyone at the Academy called him 'Prince.'"
At first I didn't what Kenanji meant by this at all, but after thinking about it and doing some research, I think I understand it now. He's called "Prince" because "Jeru" is short for "Jerusalem." This pun is actually localized from the original Japanese script too, as his name is not "Jeru" in Japanese, It's "Ieru" (イエル) as in, short for "Ierusaremu" (イェルサレム) (Jerusalem is not spoken with a J sound in Japanese because it's based on the original Hebrew pronunciation of the word, which is yerushalaim)
A remarkable child from Jerusalem? It's not a huge leap from that to calling him "Prince." (It's Jesus. It's a reference to Jesus Christ. Now that you know that you should go back and look at his character and the things he does. You'll be like, ooooohhhh, ohhh my goooodddd)
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I think a lot about how Miorine immediately keeps cool and analyzes the situation logically, as opposed to Guel's righteous fury. I also like how Miorine knows Shaddiq well enough to immediately clock exactly how to catch him in the act and where he's keeping Sarius. (She's completely correct about all of it too.) She knows him better than anybody, after all.
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As the fated moment begins, Eri activates a data storm around Quinharbor to take control of an Earthian tank. (Left) The error message displayed is:
CONTROL LOCKOUT: Control has been overridden due to effects of data storm space. ERROR CODE: [569]
Later, as Prospera retreats to grab Aerial's canon, we can see Miorine attempt to contact her (Which she quickly declines.) (Right)
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MS: LFRITH UR MODEL NO: EDM-GA-01 HEADHEIGHT: 21.2m WEIGHT: 75.9t BASE MS: GUNDAM LFRITH PRE-PRODUCTION MODEL (Ochs Earth Corporation) CHARACTERISTICS: Combat-specific unit intended for short-decisive combats, its output has been greatly increased even among the combat specific types. MAIN WEAPON: BEAM GATLING GUN / PHASED ARRAY CANON
MODEL NO: EDM-GA-02 HEADHEIGHT: 14.4m WEIGHT: 41.2t BASE MS: GUNDAM LFRITH PRE-PRODUCTION MODEL (Ochs Earth Corporation) CHARACTERISTICS: Support type unit intended for wide area control. Long arms and legs stabilize the center of gravity enabling advanced combat maneuvers. MAIN WEAPON: BEAM DIFFUSE GUN / PHASED ARRAY CANON
As Prospera breaks into the bunker holding the Lfriths, she pulls up Pilot data files (Tagged SO-3) on Sophie on Norea. Of critical importance here is that according to these files, "Sophie Pulone" and "Norea Du Noc" are referred to as the girls' codenames, not their real names. (Keep this in mind I'm gonna do a really cool thing next episode you're gonna be like ohh noooo) The girls are also affiliated specifically with Ochs Earth, which was supposed to have been defunct immediately after Vanadis.
Less Important but also worth mentioning is that Base Aerial was running "SYS Ver. E.S," a clever nod to Eri's initials, Ericht Samaya, but rebuild has changed that, instead running "SYS Ver. 2.0"
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Also, we never get a clear look at it, but the board Bel and Feng were sitting in front of is labeled "ADJUSTMENT OF GUND PROSTHETIC LEG OPERATION." And seems to be data on a subsequent series of tests regarding the legs movement and calibration.
Okay, so, before we proceed, it's probably a good idea to clarify the current political reveals which are being made here. I think there are a lot of names being thrown around and due to the time constraints of the show, I don't think they were able to explain it as well as it could have been.
If you aren't interested, that's okay, you can just scroll past here, but I think it's important to try and understand it. I'll try and keep it as simple as possible: (This is also as best as I understand it, so ultimately take it with a grain of salt)
The Space Assembly League is an administrative organization meant to mediate political problems and maintain peace within space. While the Benerit Group is an exceedingly powerful corporation, it's still a corporation, not a governmental institution. It has to, in theory, answer to the rules and regulations set by the League.
The problem is that the Benerit Group has become TOO powerful. Its reach and influence across space has long eclipsed even the League in terms of political power. At some point after Vanadis, the League's High Council (the people at the top of the organization, to be clear) realized this, and began to formulate a plan that would allow it to eventually suppress, and possibly even break up, the Benerit Group.
But the first issue to overcome was this: The Space Assembly League is a governmental institution, and is beholden to its own regulations. Without probable cause, it would be unable to justifiably interfere with the Benerit Group, who, by its own standards, were not openly violating the law.
So, in order to intervene with the Group, the council realized it needed to secretly contrive a reason to accuse the Group of threatening peace among the fronts, thereby giving the League the probable cause it needs to dissolve it.
(It's important to keep in mind that this plan was being conducted SPECIFICALLY by the League's High Council. By and large, the majority of the Space Assembly League DO NOT KNOW this is happening. Feng and Guston are official investigators FOR the league and discovered the conspiracy themselves during their investigation.)
This is where Ochs Earth comes in. The League obviously could not openly begin funding terrorist organizations, but it COULD secretly fund Ochs Earth, a MS Company that was very openly and publicly obliterated, and that everyone still believes to be defunct. An army of Gundams would be perfect to cause enough conflict to accuse the Group.
But here comes the second issue: How exactly do they plan to pull this off? It would be hard to organize and execute a plan of that scale without some kind of middle man. The League couldn't risk openly communicating with anti-Spacian organizations, it would be too risky.
Which is where Shaddiq comes into play. Whether or not he knew the League's intentions beforehand, he contacted them with his own plans to dissolve the group. He was the bridge that connected the League and Ochs Earth with the Dawn of Fold, and being so closely involved with the Group, he could know exactly when would be best to strike.
This eventually led to the Plant Quetta incident. Though the intention was to assassinate Delling, the unjust (and illegal) retribution of the Group upon Earthians after the fact seemed like the perfect cause needed for the League to act.
But that plan didn't work. Remember, the League is a Spacian Organization. And the unfortunate fact of the matter is that Spacians, by and large, do not care about Earthians. The unjust murder and torture of Earthians was not enough to turn public opinion (even within the league itself) far enough for the League to justify intervening.
So they tried again, with the attack on the school. Shaddiq focused on his side of the plan, working on dissolving the group from the inside by taking advantage of the imminent Presidential race, while the Ochs Earth witches stirred up more violence and discord within the Group, focusing on threatening the lives of Spacians instead, which leads us to where we are now.
OKAY. damn. that was long. again, this is as best as I understand it, and I might be off the mark in some regards. Either way, I hope this cleared things up for you at least somewhat! Unless you scrolled past which, in that case, 1000 palms of death.
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Here we see the GUND-Bit Canon firing at full output. It's the only time we see it do this, and even then we don't REALLY see it unfortunately. Still though, it should be noted that with one blast the cannon destroyed all the Lfriths in the bunker, and was so powerful it blasted THROUGH the bunker AND the mountain it was stationed in. Utterly terrifying.
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But the truly tragic thing about this scene is what Prospera has done, and what that truly means. Think about what her actions have interrupted. It's not just that she's completely ruined the negotiations between Miorine and the Earthians. It's specifically how she managed to bridge that gap. With the GUND Prosthetic Legs.
This meeting was the ideals of Cardo Nabo and GUND finally being realized. GUND technology paving a way to a brighter future, finally bringing Earthians and Spacians together on equal ground. This was the future that GUND was going to save. When Prospera destroys the Lfriths, she calls Ochs Earth "The heinous sinners who trampled on GUND's ideals," but in this very moment, she has done the exact same. For the sake of Eri's future, she even struck down the future her family died trying to protect.
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After the event, we see various news outlets covering the event.
Middle: (From Planetary News Broadcast) [...] when Benerit MS responded to street protest by setting up roadblocks - [...] now turning into urban warfare as anti-Spacian side counterattacks with militarized mobile craft
Right: (Fom INTERPLANETARY NEWS NETWORK) IN RESPONSE TO BENERIT GROUP'S ATTACK, EARTH INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT LEADER DECLARES THEY WILL JOIN FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE - With Benerit forces dispersed as explosions take place throughout the city, fierce fighting develops between the two sides.
It seems like communications have fully broken down. The Earthians are more devoted to their demand for independence as ever. Things are even worse than before. The future has never looked worse.
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When Suletta sees the news broadcast, she remembers what Ericht said to her about not being able to cling to either her or their mother anymore, but afterwards, we see a silent shot of her saying something else. It's impossible to know exactly what she's saying, (anime lip flap moment)
But personally, considering the context, and the syllables she's sounding out, to me I think she's saying "gomenasai" (I'm sorry)
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And with that dour note, it seems like things can't get any worse. But, well, we all know if things can't get worse, they will.
>> Episode 20: The End of Hope The Masterpost.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
i never really request anything from authors but you have just single-handedly written my favorite steve harrington fic on this whole entire planet. i love it so much i reread it after finishing the 4th part!! thank you for writing such a brilliant fic. can i request steve’s pov to coming home after reader leaves on halloween and how he felt when he meets them at the bonfire spot? Anyways thank you for writing this fic now i want to go to the farmers market every weekend. <3
hi!!! you are so wonderful! your favorite fic EVER? my goodness, you're too nice to me. I'm so glad you loved it!! i've gone with your later request, so here's steve's POV of when he and bee girl meet up at the lake! steve agrees to meet bee girl at lover's lake after halloween, steve's POV [0.9k] a no good at waiting one-shot, au masterlist __
Steve doesn't totally know why he's doing this. A part of him -- a bitter, angry, ugly part -- wants to leave you waiting by the lake all night. Because he didn't deserve to be left like that. He didn't and he knows it. He has a right to be mad, a right to not to speak to you on the phone, even if Hopper chewed him out for being a bit of a coward for it.
Plus, you weren't at the market this weekend and he's a little worried despite himself.
But more than anything he thinks he deserves to know why. And in order to find out, he has to talk to you. And so here he is, driving in the freezing dark to Lover's Lake. The main thing he's worried about is that he'll forgive you too fast. That he'll see you and want to touch you, want to kiss you, want to brush it all aside and pretend it never happened. But he shouldn't so he won't.
He parks next to you and takes a deep breath. It'll be fine. His chest hurts and he forces a deep breath into it before hopping out of the truck and heading for yours.
As soon as he gets in your passenger seat he knows that this was a mistake. It smells like you and he has to shove his hands in the pocket of his coat so he doesn't pull you to him. He quickly looks you up and down -- truthfully, you look awful. Like you haven't slept in days. Maybe you actually have been ill.
"Hey," he says, biting the bullet. "Are you okay? You weren't at the market on Saturday."
You look away from him. "I'm fine." He wonders if you know that you flare your nostrils when you lie. "Are you okay?"
Steve thinks about lying. About telling you that he's fine, that he's cold, that he doesn't know why you're here. That he wants to go home and forget about all of this. But being this close to you makes his chest ache and he wants to stop being miserable so he tells the truth. "Honestly? Not really."
"Steve--" you start, but he wants to get it out before he gives up.
"I wasn't going to come," he says, then shakes his head. Stop lying, Steve. "No, sorry, that's not true. I've been jumping every time the phone rings for almost a week, hoping it's you. But I can't bring myself to answer it. I've been desperate to see you again but I also can't look at you because it makes me sad."
You look utterly heartbroken. He feels no satisfaction in it, only like his own heart is splintering too. So he tells you that he wants to fix this because it's true, because he's halfway in love with you if not across the finish line already and he can't imagine things ending like this.
And then you tell him why you left. And his mind is racing to keep up because it's not him, it's not something he did, it's you. It's the fact that you love him. It echoes in his mind like a tape stuck in his car. I'mfallinginlovewithyouI'mfallinginlovewithyou. He's so stuck on it that he doesn't react at all, only blinks, wondering what on earth he's going to say next. You're falling in love with him and you're scared. Well, shit, he thinks, get in line.
"I understand how that's scary," he says carefully. He clenches his fists and fights to keep his voice even. "I just don't know why you'd leave instead of telling me how you were feeling."
"I wish I could take that back." His heart sinks like a stone and he looks away. Maybe this is worse, you loving him but still regretting all of it. "Do you regret everything else, too? Having sex? Everything before?"
But you tell him no, your voice pleading and it almost cracks him. But he's got to say his piece still, stick up for himself a little.
"Do you get why you leaving like that hurt?" he asks. You chew on your lip and his eyes track the movement as he keeps going, as he tells you, begs you to understand that you messed up.
But you take it too far, think the worst of him.
"I understand if you can't forgive me--"
"I didn't say that," he interrupts, tone a hair from desperate. Because that's not true. If there's anything he's sure of it's that he wants to come back from this. He wants to hold you, wants to make you smile. He wants to figure this out, but the car is starting to feel claustrophobic and he knows he's not going to be able to resist touching you for much longer.
And, if he's being honest with himself, he's a little scared now, too. He loves you, he thinks. He loves you and you love him and that's so terrifying and wonderful at the same time he feels like he's choking on it.
So he asks for the opposite of what he wants. "I just need some space, I think. Okay?" He can't fight his next move: the gentle brush of his knuckles on your cheek. Your breath shudders out of you and he almost kisses you right then just to stop you from looking so damn sad.
He spends the drive home wondering why he feels like crying.
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