#jackie french
slaughter-books · 6 months
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Day 30: JOMPBPC: Read In November
My November, 2023 reading wrap-up! 💜
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lyndentree63 · 2 months
Ok Tumblr why am I not finding ANYTHING about the Phredde books by Jackie French?!? Like seriously, a story about a girl and her punk phaery (don't call her a fairy if you value your kneecaps) bestie and her phaery-who-lives-in-giant-frog-form boyfriend name Bruce having wild supernatural adventures with the vibes of Fantasy High (but more chill for a slightly younger audience) just seems like the Exact Thing tumblr fandoms are made of.
and yet
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kriegsabstieg · 7 months
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Out of nowhere, the memory of this book came to me and I had to research its existence. I found it in a library years ago and it is probably one of the most "unique" physical books I've ever read. Iirc the plot is about a girl in Australia telling her school friends that Hitler had a daughter who had a sheltered life until she had to escape Berlin. (Spoilers: she, the girl telling the story is Hitler's granddaughter)
Interesting plot for a children's book 🤔 and now living rent free in my head.
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beesbeesdragons · 6 months
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: The Matilda Saga - Jackie French
Relationships: Michael Thompson/Nancy Clancy, Michael Thompson & Nancy Clancy
Characters: Michael Thompson, Nancy Clancy, Original Female Character(s), Matilda O'Halloran, Moira Clancy
Additional Tags: Christmas Party, Nancy Clancy has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Post-War, Post-World War II, Candy Canes, Candy Canes used as a plot device, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Because I Haven't Read The Later Books in a While, Period-Typical Racism, Australia
This is a little christmassy work I wrote in less than a day, but I hope you like it! it's fandom-blind friendly, as I explain the context in the author's notes and it's just short and sweet!
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fatmagic · 1 year
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nobeerreviews · 2 months
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There were no sounds tonight. Only the whistle of the wind coming through the alleys. There's something lonely about October with the summer sounds all gone and the cold winter ahead.
-- Jackie French Koller
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phantomladyoverparis · 2 months
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New York Story (1980), dir. Jackie Raynal
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aeirithgainsborough · 10 months
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Ella Purnell as Jackie Taylor YELLOWJACKETS: 105. Blood Hive
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sherpawhale · 1 year
underrated Yellowjackets scene
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babisawyer · 1 year
Jackie realizing she’s gonna have to take care of shauna and jeff’s ghost baby
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#🐇#yellowjackets#truly it’s so interesting to me how much better this season is than the first that literally never happens for me#the current timeline is finally getting interesting. Jeff is still the best part#love how fast misty took to being a cult that is so her™️#Jackie liking poppies is interesting to me both in the Jackie is gay camp and also you know the whole thing with wizard oz and her death#the ending was so fucking depressing I need a nap now#like I’m so happy they didn’t eat the baby that would have been so incredibly cheap but glad to finally have answers#like do we think shauna was dreaming or had she temporarily crossed over because like where was Jackie and the French dude#I’d say it would make sense that Lottie could be there somehow#idk it reminded me a lot of Jackie’s death of course so I have many questions#I will say the cop story line is pretty stupid like no fucking way is any of this legal and also let’s kill that creep cop shauna#I will help you girl I will drive the get away car#I was also like wondering awhile ago if Lottie’a camp is near where the plane crash was#and my best friend and I were like no there’s no way and then they tell us it’s in New York so like possibly close to the boarder?#I tried looking up cherry hill but I couldn’t find anything idk it’s probably totally unlikely and they just also happen to be in the woods#I didn’t get a preview for next week is there a preview? idk#my complaint this week is where is Jackie lmfao where is her ghost why wasn’t she in sex ed give me something I’m not ready to move on!!!!
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chicinsilk · 6 months
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Jean Dessès Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1958-59 Jacky Mazel wears a black and white houndstooth coat, by Rodier. The high waist is highlighted at the front by two buttons. The back yoke is worked with darts which maintain the fullness. The bag is a creation of Les Trois Selliers.
Jean Dessès Collection Haute Couture Automne/Hiver 1958-59 Jacky Mazel porte un manteau en pied de poule noir et blanc, de Rodier. La taille haute est soulignée devant par deux boutons. L'empiècement du dos est travaillé de pinces qui maintiennent l'ampleur. Le sac, est une création des Trois Selliers.
Photo Philippe Pottier
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slaughter-books · 3 months
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Day 3: JOMPBPC: Intersectional Feminism
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2008hondacivic · 10 months
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Ok. part 2 of this idea:
making some silly collages. very fun. the idea is “debris” — stuff the Yellowjackets would have in their pockets, lockers, or backpacks. because I like thinking about pre-crash Yellowjackets. I want to try to make one for all of them, but here’s Jackie :)
she has: lots of stickers (bees, bunnies, soccer stuff, strawberries), the necklace, gum wrappers, strawberry chapstick, a barely-passed french test, the Scream film poster, some lined paper, pics of Shauna, a pic of her and Shauna (and Lottie, but Lottie got cut out rip)
preliminary collage below the cut 👇
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toyybox · 5 months
Spiderwebs #24: Heather Performs A Lobotomy
content: lab whump, captivity, immortal whumpee, organ stuff, drugging, needles/injections
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Heather knew he was asleep, one afternoon, barely moving to breathe and curled up tightly under the blanket. She shook him, but he didn’t stir. She had given him the drug a few minutes earlier under the guise of another painkiller. When she shone a light in his eyes, he did not react at all, and she was certain she could proceed with her work.
Keeping him awake, while effective in sending a message, was inconvenient for dissections she actually needed to have done. Heather had mostly worked on cadavers during her education. Cadavers did not plead or beg and, most importantly, they kept perfectly still. For this, she wanted to be precise. 
She placed him on the dining table, with a tarp underneath, then tied her hair back and pulled on her gloves. She was curious to see what was under that skull of his—the brain, that is. It would be a difficult procedure to enact. Permanent damage was possible, of course, and she simply didn’t know how to go about it. Saw through bone or dig through the back of the eye? It would be good to have samples of brain tissue, but cutting through a skull was much more complicated than simply pushing under the soft parts of the face. And, anyways, it was better to start with something small before she got ahead of herself.
Heather steadied the needle over his face, as she pried his eyelids open with her other hand. She wasn’t exactly sure how quickly an injury like this would heal. He had recovered nearly instantly from the bullets. He didn’t seem to change much after burning to death, either.
The needle slid easily behind the curve of the eye. She remembered the way her psychology professor had described it: severing a connection of nerves, and therefore severing some part of the self that acted and was able to feel. It blunted a part of the soul. Although this was not the time to be superstitious; such theological concepts would be of no use to her. She was getting distracted.
She hesitated, then pushed the needle in.
Something gave way underneath it. She winced. I definitely hit something… Something wet and yielding had been punctured. Or cut. And that was all she needed to do. She slid the needle out, watching as a thin line of blood pulled off its underside like spit from teeth. To ensure the effect would last, she pushed the needle into his other eye.
Jackie shifted. She nearly dropped the needle.
He was tensing up, moving, waking up. I must have given an incorrect dosage. It was always a risk, when some drugs did nothing at all for him, and others would only work in lethal amounts. He opened his other eye. His gaze moved slowly, unfocused as it passed over her.
She pried the needle out. A bit of blood speckled his face, but he didn’t react. 
“I have a headache,” he said, slurring the words.  
“How much does it hurt? One to ten.”
He shrugged. He tried to get up from the table.
She clicked her tongue and gently pressed him onto his back. “No. Stay there. There’s something I need to do. You won’t move, right?”
He didn’t look pleased, but he didn’t move either.
Luckily, she had guessed this might happen, so she had already prepared lidocaine to administer local anaesthesia. It wouldn’t put him to sleep, but it would numb him. She placed the injection above the side of his neck, below the jaw.
“What’s your favourite colour?” she asked as she pressed down on the injection. 
“I don’t have one.”
“Really? I thought you would.” She removed the injection. He’s coherent, she thought, and he’s answering my questions, but he doesn’t seem to be reacting appropriately to the situation. Jackie usually didn’t like the idea of surgery. Either it was the drugs, or she truly had damaged some part of his brain. That’s still a minor cut, though. I want to see how a fatal injury would heal.
While the anaesthetic took effect, she prepared her scalpel, the drill, and the electrical bone saw. Jackie stayed quiet and still for his part, which she was happy to see. When she cut the skin open and drilled through the skull, eventually cutting it away, he didn’t even wince.
She reached into the inward valley of his skull and inserted the saw into the centre of the frontal lobe. It was incredibly difficult to cut out. The knotted pink flesh healed almost immediately. Nevertheless, she managed with some time and a lot of splattered blood, after which she placed the halved organ into a large glass jar.
Even cut out of him, pressed against the glass, it was reforming, albeit not as well as it should have been—becoming misshapen against the walls of its container, running out of space to mold with and soon slowing down its growth. She set the jar down on the kitchen counter and shook her wrist out. Her arm felt sore already.
The tarp shifted and crackled behind her. 
Heather spun around to see Jackie sitting upright, touching his newly-healed head and glancing at his unbloodied palm with mild curiosity.
“Don’t—” She marched over and seized both his hands. “You’re a terrible patient. I told you to stay still.”
“Sorry. You shoulda tied me down, doc.” He still seemed to be mostly out of it. It was a fairly powerful concoction of drugs, after all. He gave her a loopy, puppy-dog grin, smiling despite the severe head wound like the big idiot he was…
She smiled back—then she immediately turned away from him. I can’t give him the wrong idea! Ruining my work the first chance he gets. He thinks he’s hilarious, doesn’t he?  “I was being nice by forgoing the restraints, but I’ll keep that in mind for the next experiment.”
“What’s that jar on the counter?” he asked, leaning forwards. “Wait, I’ll guess—”
“It's none of your concern.” She picked up her notebook and pen and wrote a few things down. “Now, Jackie, I know you might not be in your right senses after all that. I need you to listen to me carefully and answer my questions to the best of your ability. I cut out a significant part of your frontal lobe. In a typical human being, this would result in death, or at least unconsciousness.”
“But I’m special.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. We don’t know if the damage is permanent yet. I’ll start with testing your memory and such. What’s your last name?”
“What’s a last name?” he asked innocently. 
“Don’t play games with me.”
He batted his eyelashes.
She sighed. “If you behave, I’ll give you a lollipop.”
“My name is Jackie Rockwell,” he said. “Twenty-one, born and raised in the States, about five-foot-seven. There are eighteen groups in the periodic table. The smallest land animal is the Etruscan shrew. Level, racecar, and radar are all examples of common palindromes.”
“I’m still waiting for my lollipop, doc.”
Pequeña comadreja. Silently, she pulled out a lollipop from her pocket and handed it to him.
“Thanks,” he said, tearing the plastic off. “You were saying?”
“Right. As I was saying, I think it’s safe to assume the removal of brain matter did not affect your memory or speech. Your nervous system doesn’t change when it heals. I was afraid—” She stopped herself. Heather knew he would be fine. He always recovered. She had already set him on fire, and he had survived even that unscathed. It was just a shallow worry, nothing worth putting words to. “In any case, I’m glad that went over without any complications.”
“And what if something went wrong? Would you not care?” 
“Nothing would…” She glanced at him. He had stopped smiling. This wasn’t a joke, apparently. “You don’t seriously think I would have let that happen, right?”
He shook his head, and his voice was sunny again. “No, you’re right. You’re completely incapable of making mistakes. I should have known. Why did I even bother to ask?” He sat up and got off the table. “What’s the time?”
“It’s half-past eight.” 
“Well, I’m exhausted from doing nothing all day.” He held the lollipop like a cigarette between his teeth. “See you tomorrow?”
“Yes. I’ll take you to your room.”
Still, she was a little put-off by his sudden distrust towards her. There was something almost caustic in his cheerfulness. Maybe she was overthinking that. He was probably just acting out to get attention, the same as always. She decided to push it out of her mind and focus on other, more immediate issues. 
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proustianlesbian · 5 months
i need jacky jacquard from au service de la france and roman roy succession to meet so badly.
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i was just a few hours ago looking at a video of jacquard and thinking : "wait who does he remind me of, in a very uncanny way ? oh, roman roy !!". which is funny since i watched au service de la france way before i first heard of succession.
they are both :
small little dogs (affectionate but also derogatory).
part of an iconic trio that sometimes become a quatuor (in this scenario merlaux has the role of connor).
when i looked up the fandom, apparently everyone called him gay despite the fact that i hadn't noticed (but i've been thinking a lot of times about the scene in prison with moulinier and yeah you all were right).
right winger/conservative.
classy and drippy to be honest.
played by an actor whose first name starts with "k".
obvious physical ressemblance and similar manierisms as well.
so, what would happen in that room ? gay ***, insults battle or both ? vote now at home and on your phones.
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shibusawaz · 1 year
Nikolai gogol will be creating the most comical expression right after skinning someone to death
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