topgun-imagines · 1 year
Iceman thoughts 💭
I always had the head canon that iceman always have been wearing ever since his Top Gun days. He usually wears contacts since he rather not be seen with his glasses. However there are days he doesn’t care or forget to wear his contacts and puts his glasses on instead.
He walks downstairs wearing them while searching for his books and a few pen (out of habit he always love twirling and clicking his pens). The reader notices him wearing them is fall in love with him all over again as she smiles. Ice noticed the smile and chuckles, “You alright, honey?”
The read nods and chuckles, “Y-yeah. It’s just I rarely see you with your glasses on. You look kinda hot.”
“Really? I always wear my contacts..”
“Yeah. You should wear them more often.”
From that moment on, Iceman tends to wear his glasses at more around the house and on occasion to work.
Oh my god I love this 🥹 I definitely have a soft spot for glasses cause I’ve worn them since I was little.
But imagine after you tell him that he just starts wearing them for the mundane domestic things. Like he’ll just randomly put them on while he’s making dinner, grinning slightly at the way you stare at him for a few seconds longer than normal.
Or when he wakes you up on the weekends by kissing all over your face gently. Your eyes flutter open and your heart melts at the sight of the thin frames on his face.
(Or by brining you breakfast in bed but that’s a discussion for later)
One day, he comes home way later than normal and you can practically feel the exhaustion rolling off him. He simply drops his books and files by the door and allows you to lead him to the bed. You both get ready together, tucking the cover around him first and slipping them off his face gently before kissing his forehead 🥹🥹
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justanoutlawfic · 8 months
I was wondering what do you think Regina was like with Toddler Henry? I think she so sweet and gentle, since we saw how loving she saw with baby Henry. But I think Toddler Henry always tried to push her buttons a lot.
I think in an AU Regina and Robin would’ve raised kid Henry together in the cursed part of season 1
I think Regina was very attentive and protective of Toddler!Henry, but he had no awareness of danger. He jumped off coffee tables, ran into walls, etc. Regina was on edge for a good 3 years.
But then, he’d curl up in her lap and want to read a story. Give her big kisses and hugs. Climb into her bed when he had a nightmare.
That’s the Henry she misses in S1.
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers 🖤
Wow it's been awhile since I actually thought about my fics
Sunflower (Robert 'Bob' Floyd x reader, aka Honey/Bee)
Sensations (Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x reader)
CWJBHN (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x reader)
Before You Do (Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x reader)
Valentine's Day Drabble (Rhett Abbott x reader)
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gaminggirlsstuff · 10 months
Jake: Sky, my love, love of my life, Amby, Amber, Lady of the house, Ms. Hangman, my beautiful bride, princess-
Amber: *raise an eyebrow at him*
Jennifer: Uh um..
Georgia: Hmm something up..
Rachel: He’s in deep shit!
Jake: B..best Officer of the Navy..
Amber: OKAY what the gods green earth did you do Seresin?!
Jake: Uh..it’s a long story.
Girl this is just soo funny !!! 😂🤣 Jake is just saying every nickname he ever said to Amber and he is in deep trouble 😅 I guess.......but girl what did he do ? (Now I'm too curious 😜) And everyone 's reaction is just ....😅😳🙁
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triptuckers · 1 year
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
jesper fahey (six of crows)
tech (star wars)
trip tucker (star trek)
tk strand (911 lone star)
buck (911)
spencer reid (criminal minds)
nico di angelo (percy jackson)
tangerine (bullet train)
genya safin (shadow & bone)
jaskier (the witcher)
thanks for asking me!! <3
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 7 months
This is Our World: 2
@atiny-angel @axelwolf8109 @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynspumpkinpatch @epickiya722 @greek-freak101 @thefandomlifechoseus @jackiequick
Note: Eli is ten but I couldn't find any gifs of a young Vince, deal with itttttt
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"Whoever let Chris Argent buy the Daily Planet can rot in hell" Stiles cursed. Derek grabbed his hand.
"He won't fire you, you won a Pulitzer prize" He whispered. "But what about you Der?"
"I have other activities" He winked. "Mr. Hale? Can I see you in my office?" Chris Argent called out. Derek kissed Stiles' head and walked off
"Are you fuckin kidding me?!" Stiles kicked the vending machine, Derek tilted it forward just a bit so he could get his candy.
"He fired you and acts all sad about it like he's not in charge and decides everything!"
"Calm down baby, this won't be that bad" "Don't tell me to calm down" Stiles glared. Derek raised his hands in surrender. Stiles was scarier than most of the villains he fought sometimes.
His phone rang and he answered it with a frown.
"Hey Cora" Stiles tried not to listen. Derek dropped his phone and went still. "Derek?" Stiles grabbed his head. There weren't a lot of this that made his husband go into shock.
He picked up the phone. "What's wrong?" "Stiles?" Cora sniffed. "What happened?"
"Laura's dead"
Derek felt like a child again, when Talia died. The only thing keeping him from collapsing or going into a Kryptonian rage was Stiles hugging him.
"A car accident? Aunt Laura wasn't a bad driver" Jackson smacked Scott on the head.
"Derek" A old high school friend named Erica Reyes hugged him close. "I'm so sorry"
"Thanks Erica" He said in a small voice. "So they know what happened?" "My dad's looking into it" Stiles said.
Derek didn't even listen, he looked at his boys and just sighed.
"When are we going home?" Eli whined. Jackson pulled his little brother into a hug.
"Soon bud"
Derek sighed and took off his glasses covering his eyes and rubbing his forehead. "This is stressing me out. Peter's not even here"
Stiles hugged him again. "Maybe he's mourning in his own way"
"Jackson, we're gonna get in trouble. Dad and Papa always told us to stay away from the barn" "Don't you wanna know why? Besides Eli would tell Dad and then we'd all be in trouble"
Eli stuck his tongue out. Jackson turned on his phone flashlight and looked around.
"Hmm yes this is a barn" "Shut up Scott" "Look!" Eli ran off. "Eli!" Jackson heard a strange humming and grabbed a crowbar. "Jackie!" "Scotty" Jackson replied mockingly.
He broke the lock and opened the door and climbed down. "We're gonna be so grounded"
"What the..." Jackson spotted a spaceship. Eli whimpered and hugged into Scott's side. Jackson picked up what looked like a silver rock. "This is weird"
Scott touched it, Eli did too.
Jackson went nauseous and went back up, Scott followed carrying their little brother. "I feel really sick" "It's the guilt getting to you because we disobeyed Dad at Aunt Laura's funeral"
"Shut up!" Jackson screamed, a sonic wave shooting out from him, causing a support beam in the barn to collapse, sending metal pipes crashing down. Scott immediately put himself on top of his brothers.
Derek heard everything and ran off.
Stiles bolted after him. "Boys!" Derek moved the pipes with little effort. Scott was completely unharmed. "Are you okay?" Stiles picked them up and hugged Eli.
"Yeah" Jackson said, Scott nodding. "Good" Derek grabbed them both by their hair. "Because you are grounded for a week for breaking a rule and almost getting your brother hurt!"
"Ow ow ow" "Dad that hurts!" Derek dragged the twins out. "You're not grounded monkey" Stiles assured. "You were gonna tell us anyways right?" He grinned.
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purpleprincessonfyre · 3 months
AvengerFan3000: If you could be trapped in any Romantic Comedy movie, which would you choose and why?
Ooh that's a good question! Um if I was able to choose then I would have to say Mamma Mia!
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Yes it's cheesy *looks up* Fin's laughing at me, I LIKE CHEESY THINGS!
I'm sorry but being stuck on a gorgeous island Greece as either a mother with three hot ex flames on the way for her daughters wedding or being a bride-to-be with three mystery Dads who all want to be part of my life and a life having grown up on a Greek island in the sun? There is literally no downside!
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You feel sad, sing an ABBA song!
Horny? Sing an ABBA song!
Best. Case. Scenario.
And both of those characters get the guy in the end.
So to answer your question...Mamma Mia! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go rewatch the movie and stream the soundtrack via the Tower's speakers.
"Yesssss I've been broken hearted, blueeeee since the day we parted,
Why, why, did I ever let you go?"
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But nowwwww it is YOUR turn! Fellow Avengers, if you could be trapped in a Rom Com of your choice, which would you choose?
@askstevella @ask-starrk @ask-missparker @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes (ha) @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh
@jackiequick @gcthvile @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel
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what you get back when you love someone far outweighs the risk mary margaret blanchard + blue for @jackiequick
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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mandylove1000 · 9 months
Hey babes I’m just wanted to let y’all know if I’m not active the next like 2ish days it may be bc of the tropical storm that’s getting ready to hit Maryland 😭
@imjess-themess @writercole @princessphilly @fuckyeahhangman @3tabbiesandalab @bradshawswife @callsign-milano @callsignvalley @wildbornsiren @princessmisery666 @callsign-fox @honeybrowne @midnightdevotion @writingdumpster @cycbaby @kryptonitejelly @ssahotstuff @saradanversrogers @evansrogerskitten @dragon-kazansky @fanboygarcia @jackiequick @ereardon @thefloweringstars @justfandomwritings @mothdruid @coyotesamachado @glodessa @notroosterbradshaw @theharddeck @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @ohtobeleah @peachystenbrough @bobby-r2d2-floyd @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @stargazing15 @intoanotherworld23 @midsummereve1993 @roosterforme @playboystark @chaotichotchnergoblin @hallecarey1 @roosterscock @just-in-case-iloveyou @saylorsaysstop @intoanotherworld23
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topgun-imagines · 7 months
Hi lovely, I hope your having a nice day 💕
I had this small fic idea I started and wanted to share it
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I hope you like it so far lol
Hi lovely!! I can’t believe I missed this! I’m so sorry 😅
I’m loving it so far!!
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justanoutlawfic · 10 months
I feel like if Swanfire was together they would’ve reached a point in their relationship where they bicker, be snarky and joke around like a old married couple. Haha
Those two would’ve been married by season 4 or something like early season 5 possibly I think?
They were already always bickering like an old married couple! Imagine how much more we would've gotten if the show had gone on.
To me, Swanfire wouldn't feel the need to get married until they did. They're forever like "It's just a social construct, who needs it". Also, keep in mind how short of a time period S4-S5 is. Like, a few months at most. I think Swanfire would need more time to settle their relationship after everything. Plus, everything that kept happening. Especially if the Dark Swan arc still happened.
The "final battle" prophecy would give them the push to do it. Emma doesn't want to widow Neal and he also doesn't want her to do it just because she might die. But they come to realize that they can't spend their lives looking for the next fight (thank you, David) and decide to do it after the sleeping curse over Snowing is broken.
it still would've been in "A Song In Your Heart". Considering MRJ has some serious pipes, I wish we could've heard him sing "A Happy Beginning" or even something else.
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
Ok Anna boo! First off I love the new layout 💙 and second, I have a small headcanon and u can use it as a idea in the future if you like 💞
Headcanon: Your doing your nails at home on the couch while Mickey is watching a show. Midway through the episode of the tv show, you get the silly idea to do Mickey’s nails 💅🏽 too hehe. Cutting his nails and adding a thin layer of clear nail polish idk I think it’s cute. Self care day 💆‍♀️
Omg you have no idea how many times I've thought of this 😭💗 I always love doing my nails while watching a movie or a show!! So I love the idea of Mickey being with you, sitting in comfortable silence or him getting curious about nail prep and polishes 🥺 like he thinks it's just trimming nails but then he learns about cuticle care and buffing nails and base coats, so you offer to teach him by doing it to him and he just lets you do it because he sees how excited you are to teach him all about it!! And you guys finish the rest of the movie by diving into your other self-care routines, like skin care and hair care 😌✨
He's also 100% the type to join you when you go to Sephora and takes note of every single product and brand you use for self-care so that when he sees you're almost out of it, he knows exactly what to get, even if it hurts his wallet!!
Thank you so much for sharing this thought with me, I love it so much, especially since I'm doing a self-care day today too 😂💗
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gaminggirlsstuff · 1 year
A little early to start writing a fic for him but….
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…Captain America x Wife!Reader/OC blurb coming soon I hope 🤞
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OH MY GOD this is just Superrrrrr Cute JJ !!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶✨✨✨✨✨ and i really loved the beginning so much !!!!!! Cap being the worried were his wife is and she has woken up before him and just preparing a nice breakfast and him being the best husband and taking care of his wife 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 !!!! OH my god now I wanna read the whole thing !!!! JJ this sneaks peeks of your fics are just the best !!!! And it's just killing me that i have to wait to read the whole thing !!!! But take your own time and i can't wait to read the whole thing !!!!! ✨🫶🥰 @jackiequick
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cherrysft · 9 months
Julia Quinn - Luna’s Mother 🌸🌷
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Name: Julia Quinn
Age: 28
Nickname: Jules
Birthday: May 6th
Personality: Julia is a bubbly person and loves to chat. Julia presents herself well either wearing mum clothing or a successful business woman. Julia does worry as a natural mum would. Julia is kind and caring towards anyone but if anyone hurts her friends or family, you’ll wish you never done anything to them.
Powers: Julia doesn’t have any powers but with her knowledge of science, she has been making weapons to help defend herself and the avengers (she recently joined and works along side bruce)
- Mary - Julia’s Mother
- Keith - Julia’s Father
Sexuality: No label, Experiments to find out who she really is.
Facts about Julia: Julia has been searching ever since for her daughter Luna Marsh. After she was sent back to earth after being unconscious she didn’t have her baby which killed her. Julia searched far and wide and tried to get back but she never managed to but she never gave up. She used her science degree and made an application to the avengers tower, that would be her best shot. She’s been working there for a bit under a different last name. Before she was married to hades, he was a changed man but she was wrong and fooled. Her parents are the kindest parents she could ask for. They know they have a grandchild but they have faith julia will find them.
Face Claim: Lauren Graham.
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@blueboirick @msrochelleromanofffelton @jackiequick @gcthvile @wolfstar-being-ridikkulus
Hope yall like her!🥺💖
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 8 months
The Sun and The Moon
Literally just Stiles as Daenerys and Derek as Drogo
Note: Consent is sexy!
@axelwolf8109 @epickiya722 @thebejeweledwatercat @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @jackiequick
Moodboard once again done by the extremely talented @ravenclaw-seeker
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"What if he doesn't like me?" Stiles whispered to his friend and guardian Scott. "I believe that he's at the least interested enough to agree to a marriage" Scott smiled gently.
Stiles closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Will he let me take you with?" Scott thought about that. "Potentially"
Stiles didn't know whether to be absolutely terrified or happy that the Khal, named Derek, seemed to approve. His aunt Kate was overjoyed to the point of madness, as if Stiles' suffering was nothing if it meant she would get close to the throne.
The Khal's personal guard Jackson got Stiles ready for their wedding. "You're nervous"
"Of course I am" Stiles whined. "All I can suggest is that you follow his every move exact" The young man nodded and stood up
Derek didn't even send one look towards his new husband, which made Stiles' anxiety grow. Scott and Jackson sat near the two, watching the many gifts grow in a pile.
Two identical young men walked up carrying a box. Kate stared on in jealousy. Stiles was too busy watching two Dothraki fight over a woman, until eventually one had his throat slashed and the winner grabbed another woman.
"A Dothraki wedding without at least two deaths is considered dull" Jackson said with a smirk.
Scott got up and opened the chest. "These are dragons eggs Stiles, they are fossilized now but still a beautiful reminder of your lineage"
"Oh Scott, thank you" Stiles held a blue egg to his chest. Derek stood up, the noise ending immediately, Stiles placed the egg back and followed after a small nod from Jackson.
Derek led a beautiful white horse and handed the reigns to Stiles. "She's beautiful" He gasped. Jackson relayed that in the Dothraki language and the Khal had a small smile in his eyes.
He hopped onto his black horse and Stiles had to helped onto his. "Do please him nephew" Kate whispered, Derek glared at her before riding off.
The sunset was so beautiful, Stiles almost forgot about his predicament. Derek walked up behind him. "No?" He muttered.
"What?" Stiles choked. "No?" Derek repeated, gently running a hand on his chest.
"Is that the only word you know?" "No?" Stiles wanted to throw up. What did it say about his husband that the only word he appeared to actually know was "No"
Derek led him to a tent and laid him down. "No?" Stiles realized with a gasp that Derek was asking for his consent.
The Khal kissed Stiles so gently it didn't match his expression and appearance at all.
"Yes" Stiles whispered. "Yes"
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purpleprincessonfyre · 4 months
OUAT AU - Electric Touch
Ib: @jackiequick
Characters: Liane Felton St. James, Ethan Lensherr Long, Rick Banner, Cassandra Ashfield Sean, Belladonna, Sherrif Erik Lensherr
Ship: Ethan x Liane
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Being a mother is hard. A role your body never builds you for specifically, that you take on nevertheless, is always more special and beautiful when you choose it for yourself. At least, that's what Liane St. James was telling herself as she paced on her lawn, trying not to blow her stack in front of the Sherrif, her neighbour Rick and her best friend Cassandra Sean who was trying to say soothing things.
"She could have already gotten on a plane and flown to another country by now!"
"Be reasonable Lia, Bella is a smart girl."
"Yeah too smart! I'm such a bad mother! She could be dead in a ditch and I wouldn't know...why didn't I give her a cellphone for her birthday..."
"She would never have used it. Trust me, she won't have gone far."
Liane's temper cooled but never fully disappeared. It was a flaw of hers that she had a rather hot temper and if looks could kill she could've hurt many people with a single withering glare. Cassandra was one of the few people who could handle Liane's temper and she was a great friend to her when her rage started to bubble over.
"We can't put out a missing person's alert yet, Miss St. James, its still too early. Besides, she's a teenager. They rebel more than most." The Sherrif scoffed, really wishing he wasn't there. The adults continued to argue as the sound of tires were heard from up the road as an unfamiliar blue car was heading towards the house. Liane was still pacing as the car pulled up and her daughter Belladonna stepped out along with a man who looked to be in his late 20s, perhaps early 30s, with dark hair, green eyes and a clean shaven face. Rick was still grilling his daughter Riley before they realised Belladonna had returned.
"For the eighth time, where is Belladonna?"
"I'm right here."
Liane turned around to see her daughter standing on the lawn and instantly she ran to embrace her intelligent little girl, tears rolling down her cheeks as her heels clacked against the concrete.
"Oh my God you scared me half to death!"
"You can be so dramatic Mother."
"Where did you go? What happened?! I was worried sick..."
"I found my birth father and an uh pen pal.."
Liane looked up and saw a man with her daughters hair and her nose staring back at her, letting go of Bella to greet this stranger who felt oh so familiar to her in a way she couldn't quite put her finger on. He approached nervously and smiled, hands stuffed in his pockets, shrugging.
The Sherrif gave Liane a look before introducing himself to the newcomer and taking Belladonna inside so the adults could talk. Liane looked up at Bella's father trying to look confident but was tapping her nails on her knee the way she did when she was nervous.
"Liane St. James, I'm her adoptive mother."
"Ethan. Ethan Long. It's nice to meet you."
He held out a hand for her to shake and she took it, a crackle of electricity seeming to pass through her as they touched, something seeming to spark inside her as they shook hands. The silence was awkward after they let go of each other and Liane tried to break the ice a little.
"Well I guess I should thank you for bringing her back. Would you like to come inside? I don't know how far she travelled to find you but I wouldn't want you to get back on the road so soon after that...revelation. Uh, drink?"
"Uh.. yeah yeah that would...yeah. Thanks."
Liane smiled and led him inside of her house. The house was very obviously decorated with femininity in mind, pastel shades on the walls, bursts of pink and purple scattered throughout the decor and furniture and a few items that belonged to Bella in shades of jet black or grey showed that their tastes very clearly differed.
Ethan took a seat in the kitchen as Liane busied herself looking for supplies, rummaging through cupboards for cups and such to make him feel welcome.
"Tea? Coffee?"
"Uh coffee is fine thanks."
"Yeah Uh two sugars thanks."
Liane got to work making drinks, dumping coffee into a mug that said Fighter-Town, Maine on it and brewing a vibrant tea in a dainty tea cup covered in flowers for herself.
"So Ethan, where did my elusive girl find you?"
"Uh Boston actually so not...not very far."
"Oh I see, is it just you then?"
"Yeah uh...yeah it's just me."
Liane brought over the mug of coffee and her tea and sat at the table with him, taking off her dark blazer to reveal a pink frilled blouse and kicked off a pair of pink kitten heels as she sipped her tea. She loosened her long blonde hair from its tight chignon and it cascaded down her back, instantly looking at least ten years younger.
"So what happened to Bella's mother, if that's not too personal a question?"
"Uh well its sort of complicated I guess. Messy breakup, neither of us felt ready, it wasn't really my decision but we were young and foolish."
"I know what that's like...." Liane responded, stirring her cup listlessly. There was sadness in her eyes as she gazed just past Ethan at the window overlooking the town, clearly trying not to dwell on the past but not quite being able to escape it.
"Uh so what about you? Is there someone in your life?"
Liane laughed but there was no humor. She put the teaspoon down and looked at Ethan directly as she spoke.
"Not anymore. There was someone, started out like a dream and then turned into a nightmare. I've never been very lucky with love. I tend to attract the wrong type of person. Lucky for me Bella has her head screwed on right. She sees through those men quick as anything, her opinions are harsh but she's never been wrong. If she comes up to me and says 'Mom, that man is dangerous' I listen good and get out of there fast. She's a smart girl."
"So I've heard..." Ethan quipped, trying to lighten the mood. Liane smiled, starting to relax. She was beginning to see flashes of her daughter in him, the way he spoke, his mannerisms, the way his eyes moved as she spoke, it was eerie but strangely comforting.
"So how does one end up in Fighter-Town eh?"
"I was born here, it's all I've ever known. Never wanted to go anywhere else, never tried either..." she said, once again gazing out the window. This seemed to take Ethan by surprise, a slight air of suspicion coming over him as her eyes seemed to cloud over for a moment before returning to him.
"What never? Not even on vacation? Disneyland? Niagara Falls? Yellowstone? Hell, NYC?"
"Nope. Never really felt the need to go anywhere. Besides this place isn't that bad. We do have a beach!"
"A beach? What color is the sea?"
"Depends on the time of year but its almost blue?"
Ethan laughed at that, making Liane chuckle too.
"It's not much but, it's home I guess. Always has been."
They fell silent again after that, not really sure of what else to say. Liane traced the lip of her cup carefully while Ethan just sat there awkwardly, checking his phone every so often.
"Damn, reception up here is kinda lousy."
"Eh you get used to it. Internet comes and goes and sometimes phone calls get cut off but yknow."
"So uh well, what do you do? For work I guess."
"Oh uh I'm a lawyer. Self-employed which is easier said than done. Doesn't pay...that well I suppose but it makes me happy and keeps food on the table. And people tend to trust you when you vouch for them."
Ethan raised an eyebrow, clearly not expecting to hear that but pleasantly surprised to learn his daughter was being raised by an intelligent woman. As he finished his coffee, the Sherrif poked his head into the room, saying his goodbyes.
"I'd best be off, I'll be at the station if you need anything else, Ms St. James. Bella seems alright, you take care of yourselves now."
"Thanks again Sherrif. I'll see you around."
The Sherrif nodded, touching his hat and headed out the door, leaving the two alone.
"So...the decor, Bella's idea?"
"Oh no! Not even a little bit. She hates it all, pastels, pinks, fluffy and cute is not her style. But she respects my love for it. On her ninth birthday she very politely informed me that my taste didn't match her own and she would prefer to wear darker clothes and have a bedroom that suits her style from now on. And that she would like to play the violin. So we went out and got her all those things and she seemed content."
"Wow she just asked that? And you weren't offended?"
Liane chuckled, picking up a lavender leather jacket off the back off Ethan's chair and hanging it on a hook by the door.
"I always treated Bella like a person when raising her. Never used baby talk with her, never spoke down to her, told it like it is, she was the one who told Me Santa wasn't real so that tradition died early on, never believed in the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny but she's a hell of a reader. Her shelves are covered in fantasy stories, I guess she likes the escape."
Ethan smiled and the light seemed to dance in his eyes as he did, bringing a warm smile to Liane's face in turn. She felt comfortable around Ethan for some reason, but she wasn't quite sure why yet. She noticed his cup was empty and went to reach for it to put it away and accidentally grabbed his hand instead, the two of them suddenly locking eyes as that feeling of electricity suddenly ran through Liane again, that warm spark that made her question everything.
"I'm so sorry..."
"I was reaching for the-"
"No you're good I-"
"Wow, your hand is warm-"
"Well I-"
They were cut short by the sound of Belladonna clearing her throat by the door, her arms crossed over her chest as her large, dark eyes landed on Liane's.
"Your show about insipid doctors and nurses wishing to fornicate with one another has started. Your love for it dictates that you wouldn't want to miss it."
"Forni- oh Grey's! Of course, thanks sweetie, thank you for the reminder."
"Grey's Anatomy?"
"Yeah the characters are intriguing. Oh judge me, I could care less, I'm allowed to like dumb things."
Ethan laughed and the flicker of a smile appeared on Bella's face briefly as well. Liane rolled her eyes, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she got up and walked Ethan to the door.
"It's been a pleasure, uh I would suggest if you plan on sticking around you find a room at Grandpa's Diner up the road, I don't really have the space to accommodate you unless you were okay with the couch?"
"No uh, I'll go check out that diner place and..."
"It's okay if you need space after all this. Take as much time as you need. Really." She smiled, seeing the sun start to sink in the distance, the sky now a burning pink and purple as the day drew to a close.
"Here uh, take my number if you want to come and see Bella at all, just in case you drop by and we're not in." She offered, handing him a pink business card with her details on. He smiled and wrinkled his nose, noting the scent of freshly cut roses on the card.
"It leaves an impression, yknow?"
"Sure does. See you around St. James."
"Welcome to Fighter-Town, Ethan." Liane smiled, waving him off as he left. As she shut the door she saw his car pull away and watched him go, feeling that tug in her chest again, and sighed.
"You are the least subtle person I know."
Liane jumped, turning around to see Belladonna stood behind her, her face as always impassive but there was a flicker of amusement in her eyes.
"Don't. It's only natural to try and connect with someone so closely linked to your family. Do you want to stay in touch?"
"Do you?"
"Yeah, but he's your Dad, what's your verdict, my little raven?"
"I'd like to see him again. Ask him questions. Tell him about myself. Fix things. And other stuff."
"Duly noted. Please tell me you paused the TV."
Bella reached into the pocket of her dress, holding out the TV remote.
"It boggles my mind that you still doubt my intellect to this day."
Liane smiled, taking the remote from her and headed for the lounge, a strange warmth now lingering on her heart. Ethan Long was now occupying space in her mind. Here we go again.
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks again to Lor for restarting my OUAT obsession and getting my mind into the world of fantasy..again
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