#jadon sindec
mothscotch · 21 days
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art style crisis doodles (+ drawings i forgot 2 post (sorry goalie
bearded ghost design by kekamao its genuis
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malkaviian · 1 year
its honestly so funny that my homophobic grandmother says that i should "make use of my talent" when it comes to art and that "if i had that spark glow, it was for something" girl............ i started to draw because i wanted to make gijinkas of the male fn4f animatronics kiss each other
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wirethroat · 4 months
SinDec Guardian Themed Blinkies!!!
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all of these were made on blinkies.cafe !! Feel free to use!
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elysiuminfra · 3 years
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i hate this man but he’s my favorite so far. just i love masked characters
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redraw of that one group photo found in the entertainment district
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thequirkysystem · 3 years
All eyes on the broken one
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pandemie-inverse · 3 years
some silly and fluffy malachi x jadon (jalachi? maladon?) headcanons, because these two are so, so cute. @disparu-gaming (hope you dont mind the tag in things like this!! ;w;). let’s suppose theyre all alive and well for this pleASEEEEEE. also, there isnt a lot but i put a read more just in case, theres more headcanons under the cut
jadon was like that oblivious comic the whole time. malachi would always compliment him, invite him to see birds or the stars together (also he would sometimes hold his hand), call him his “most treasured friend”, etc. but when malachi said “i love you”, jadon reacted like “wait WHAT???????”
when they started to date, jadon was really scared of showing any type of affection, because he didnt felt like he deserved someone like malachi and that he would embarrass him. malachi changed his mind by showering him in kisses whenever he could
however, neither of them are too fond of pda. they prefer to just say “yeah we are dating”, maybe some pet names and thats it.
lots and lots of hand holding, playing with and stroking the other’s hair, and some kisses on the cheek. kisses on the lips are more rare, but they happen. malachi tends to initiate the displays of affection.
jadon would sometimes stare at malachi while hes doing something mundane and think he truly found perfection, finally. he doesnt need to change anything, hes perfect as he is.
jadon wants to see and pet a real cat (one that isnt corrupted pwease), so malachi would try to convince gaius to create one, if possible. but that’s a secret, just in case the experiment doesnt end well.
malachi is the big spoon, jadon is the little spoon. sometimes, jadon just wants to feel small and protected.
malachi MELTS whenever jadon compliments him in his work
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wirethroat · 1 year
I made this quiz for people who wanna see what sindec character they are!! Feel free to reply with your results!!
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elysiuminfra · 3 years
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drawpile stuff with the sindec server!!
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thequirkysystem · 3 years
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thequirkysystem · 3 years
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learning to walk again
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thequirkysystem · 3 years
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"watch your claws man ahaha ':)"
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malkaviian · 3 years
well im annoyed again
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malkaviian · 3 years
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wirethroat · 3 years
Hey, congrats again on ya boy Lugosi becoming a character in SinDec!! I for one am really excited to see him start popping up in future SinDec fanart. I hope this isn't too big a request, but can you talk about him and what he's like here?👀 *I* know all kinds of things about him, but most people don't! He'll be portrayed by others better the better he's known, and plus it'll be handy to me to know more of what's different between him in the game VS him in the vampire AU. And don't worry about rambling or making the post too long!! Feel free to go ham with the little guy!!
It's not too big a request!! I love lore posts. I've had many thoughts on the Little Guy, but I've never posted because I guess talking about special inch rests is Cring now.
So, Lugosi.
It's not explicitly stated in canon, but I'm pretty sure he originated Somewhere in the industry. @disparu-gaming has stated that one of the expiraments that the G-team were conducting involved trying to see if the corruption could be contained in a pure vessel. Apparently they have a piece or fragment of Abram as well, so I headcannon that Lugosi was one of the unfortunate vessels they were testing on, and was implanted with this fragment. I can't decide whether or not he became a test subject willingly or not, but he was definitely the kind of person who would do something like that for the greater good, so I'm leaning towards the former.
Well, as it turns out, having a concentrated ball of corruption shoved inside of you has some averse effects on the psyche! Lugosi has a link with Abram, and I'm not entirely sure how strong or clear it is (never stated in canon), but if I had to write it I would probably say it extends to limited conversation and visits during dreams. However, Abram never canonically mentions Lugosi whatsoever, so I'm not for certain on that. Lugosi would probably begin experience things like emotions that don't belong to him, memories that aren't his, unexplained anger and irritability, spontaneous vomiting and other forms of his body trying to expel the corruption (similar to radiation poisoning), and severe paranoia and delusions. Plenty of things that get corrupted are given forbidden knowledge and seem to know of Abram. Viruses have a way sometimes of warping the minds of their hosts, so I like to think that sometimes those who are too lost in the Abram sauce are interested in furthering his self propagation, just like real viruses. So Lugosi experiences the god equivalent of radiation poisoning (minus losing his fantastic hair) and begins feeling this all consuming, overwhelming desire to help this guy he keeps hallucinating and feeling the emotions of. Like many other corrupted monsters, he probably has some kind of powers, so we'll just use that to explain how he escaped.
Lugosi is a very lonely character. I know he would be very young at the proposed time of experimentation/corruption, so he wouldn't have much of a background or friend group pre-Abram. Basically all he has is his faith in Abram, who may or may not even realize that Lugosi exists, or worse, may know but not care. He's in constant pain, as his body is literally being eaten from the inside out, and is perpetually under the strain of having some kind of mental link with a god who's mind is literally diseased. He has consistent delusions and hallucinations (mostly of Abram being near him, talking to him, and telling him things) and has been known to cease his preaching to occasionally stare off into the nothingness for a little while. Yet, he is a very willful person. Lugosi, obviously has a great tolerance to pain, but in addition to being resilient against his own body's woes, he also endures not having a home, and speaking almost 24/7. I think he would take very few breaks, and would only leave the podium to try and scavenge for food or write down his next sermons subject. He would sleep when he collapsed from exhaustion. Honestly I think the only reason Lugosi hadn't been taken away from his spot in the city is because his presence was too much for normal, fretful elsen to try to remove. Also, he has a knife and knows how to use it. So aside from his sermons and his faith, he doesn't have much. Even if Abram could and did speak to him, he wouldn't be able to talk much, being so busy. You can see how desperate he is for any kind of stable, genuine relationship in how he latches on to the Batter almost immediately.
But dispite his unfortunate existence, Lugosi is a highly empathetic and compassionate individual. If he was somehow removed of his ailments and given a sound mind again, he would still choose Abram, because he would genuinely think Ab was horrifically wronged and would want him to recieve justice. He sneaks the player healing tickets (he actually does this in game) because he doesn't want to offend his supposed savior, but still worries about his health regardless of his faith. He realizes that the Batter is uncomfortable talking about the entertainment district after he's all but traumatized by Jadon. Lugosi can be very kind, he just doesnt often get the chance to show it because of his frantic, end of the world mentality.
I think that his Red end, as fucked up as it is that fully comprehending the rage of his most beloved literally shatters his skull and drives him to massacre, is a good ending for him. Lugosi would want to go out with a bang, after feeling basically useless his whole life. He got to die giving his whole world proof of his devotion, even as fucked up as it is that he expressed that love by committing mass murder (haha, pun). He willed himself to survive being corrupted, he willed himself to live through his torturous, abram dominated existence, he willed himself to understand his God, and completed his life's work, destroying the church after assisting in Abram's victory.
His Blue end? Haha, not so much.
But yeah. There's my boy in a nutshell. Thanks so much for the ask! I enjoyed ranting about him.
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