#jason & deb
thecruellestmonth · 2 years
Jason Todd vs. security
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Batman Eternal #10
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #16
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Batman #409 // Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P.
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #2 // Batman #409
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Detective Comics #1041 // Batman Eternal #25
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Batman: Arkham Knight—Genesis #6
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shyjusticewarrior · 7 months
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long-way-down · 1 month
ok fine ill do some ideas i had for pjo x hatchetfield (gods stay the same)
percy—daniel stopwatch (changing his last name to waze maybe)
annabeth—hannah foster
grover—peter spankoffski
nico—richie lipschitz
bianca—trevor lipschitz
silena—alice woodward
juniper-steph lauter
thalia- grace chastity
luke—max jagerman
will—jason jepson
Thats all i have rn lmao
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thejasontoddarchives · 8 months
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Hi Jason
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Hi Jason!
Detective Comics (2016-) #1041
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Red Hood in Detective Comics #1043
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asentienthaze · 1 year
I've been thinking lately about Falsettoland after Whizzer. Sure, the musical ends with Whizzer's death, but the characters' lives don't in a way.
Marvin takes several weeks to grieve, not just for Whizzer's death, but for his own too. One week, when dropping Jason off at Trina's place, he takes her aside and breaks the news to her. Mendel consoles her that night.
Marvin starts letting himself be a part of Jason's life, in a way that he wasn't before. He immerses himself in Jason's interests. He plays chess with Jason, finally connecting with him in a way that even a thousand museums couldn't. Marvin spends as many of his seconds with and for the people he loves. It took until Whizzer dying for him to openly and truly express to him how much he loved him, and he vows not to make that same mistake. He doesn't know when his time will come, but even in the face of death he's never felt more connected to his loved ones.
Dr. Charlotte starts coming home later and later, the number of patients increasing daily. Just like she did for Marvin, whenever Cordelia is free she comes over to the hospital bringing them home-cooked food.
Jason is 14 when Marvin passes away. In the span of two years he saw both his friend and his father, both of whom were instrumental in raising him, die. What does he think of, when he looks back on the memories? The ball games, the museums?
Jason doesn't travel to anyone's house during the weekends anymore. For the first time in a long while, he sits and plays chess by himself again. Trina and Mendel stay good friends with the lesbians, and even as the AIDS crisis has people publicly demonising queer people, they hold their ground and support.
Jason would be 26 when Rent came onto Broadway, his parents and their friends in their,,,,early 50s I guess? He would be around 37 when the first recorded case of someone recovering from AIDS happens, and in his forties when gay marriage was legalised in New York, both of which he calls and celebrates with Charlotte and Cordelia. After years of despair, there's hope.
Idk. Falsettos after Whizzer
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bookaddict24-7 · 8 months
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New Young Adult Releases! (October 3rd, 2023)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
The Voice Upstairs by Laura E. Weymouth
Kween by Vichet Chum
Up in Flames by Hailey Alcaraz
Beholder by Ryan La Sala
Love in Wonderland by Abiola Bello
And Don't Look Back by Rebecca Barrow
The Homecoming War by Addie Woolridge
The Scarlet Alchemist by Kylie Lee Baker
Curious Tides by Pascale Lacelle
Plan A by Deb Caletti
The Forest Demands Its Due by Kosoko Jackson
When Ghosts Call Us Home by Katya de Becerra
Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge
The Blackwoods by Brandy Colbert
A Twisted Tale Anthology by Various
The Spells We Cast by Jason June
How to Get Over the End of the World by Hal Schrieve
Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy by Faith Erin Hicks
Night of the Witch by Sara Raasch & Beth Revis
Before the Devil Knows You're Here by Autumn Krause
All the Things We Never Said by Yasmin Rahman
Salt the Water by Candice Iloh
The Lotus Flower Champion by Pintip Dunn & Love Dunn
The Glass Scientists: Volume 1 by S.H. Cotugno & Sabrina Cotugno
New Sequels:
Silence & Shadows (Blood & Moonline #2) by Erin Beaty
Prince of Thorns & Nightmares (Princes #2) by Linsey Miller
Happy reading!
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rockingthegraveyard · 11 months
Anyone else read this and wondered what Bruce was seeing in this moment, if he was focused on nothing but the gun or if he mind couldn’t help but bring up how familiar this was.
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Do you think he thought of Jason. Of the Red Hood and the encased colorful memoriam? That as he saw Caroline fall, he saw Jason on the floor as blood pooled under him?
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im-not-a-l0ser · 7 months
So, I've done bmc, and deh, and rtc, what's next? Why Heathers of course!
ADS- Veronica
Trevor- JD
Caitlyn- Heather Chandler
Hannah Foster- Heather McNamara
Brenda- Heather Duke
Ruth- Martha Dunnstock
Steven- Ram Sweeney
JDS- Kurt Kelley
Kyle- Kurt’s Dad/ Veronica’s Dad/ Principal Gowan
Jason- Ram’s Dad/Big Bud Dean/ Coach Ripper
Deb- Ms. Fleming/ Veronica’s Mom
ADS- Veronica
Ziggs- JD
Caitlyn- Heather Chandler
Hannah Foster- Heather McNamara
Brenda- Heather Duke
Ruth- Martha Dunnstock
Kyle- Ram Sweeney
JDS- Kurt Kelley
Trevor- Kurt’s Dad/ Veronica’s Dad/ Principal Gowan
Steven- Ram’s Dad/Big Bud Dean/ Coach Ripper
Deb- Ms. Fleming/ Veronica’s Mom
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dragonairice · 1 year
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Sanders sides ‘Ordinary days’ AU anyone?
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I love how they work together 😂😂
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Batman: Detective Comics #1042
Backup Story by Matthew Rosenberg
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thecruellestmonth · 9 months
Jason Todd + references
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Batman #408 || Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
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Detective Comics #574 || Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
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Batman: A Death in the Family || A Death in the Family by James Agee
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Batman Annual #25 "Icarus and Daedalus: The Return of Jason Todd" || Icarus as depicted in The Lament for Icarus by H. J. Draper
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Batman Annual #25 || Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #6 + Nightwing (2016) #42 || Hamlet by William Shakespeare
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #7 || Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
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Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Superwoman/Batwoman + Detective Comics #1042 || James Dean, star of Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden
plugging @thekillingvote
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shyjusticewarrior · 8 months
Love how both Task Force Z vol 1 and vol 2 have moments where someone's like "you're not cute" and Jason's like "I know that."
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Hors pages #3
Cher(e)s voyageur(e)s, Aujourd’hui, nous nous retrouvons pour un rendez-vous un peu particulier. Je ne vais pas vous parler de livre, ni de littérature mais plutôt de découverte sur le web que je voudrais partager avec vous. Ce rendez-vous a été créé par Aurélia de Ma Lecturothèque. Diana Dworek Jason Rainville Diana Dworek The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by @veschwabDiana Dworek Inspiré…
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silent-stories · 10 months
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Your friends, like the whole school, don't like Eddie Munson. You, on the other hand, think you'd like to get to know him but that's probably never going to happen. Until you find yourself locked up with him in the school library.
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The parking lot was crowded, filled with students arriving and getting ready for another day at Hawkings Highschool as you walked alongside your two friends through the sea of ​​people.
"Is this jacket new?" Debby asked as she approached you with her nose, as if to sniff it, with an almost disgusted expression painted on her face.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, it wasn't the first time Debby complained about the way you dressed, among the many faults she seemed to find in you every time.
"Um, yeah." You raised your eyebrows not understanding what she was getting at.
"It's leather." She stated as if the fact were a crime. "Leather stinks."
"Debby, it's not even real leather, it can't stink. I bought it for ten dollars at the flea market."
"Oh. So that's why it stinks."
"Debby, I swear I-"
"Hey, hey" Jess interrupted you "no one stinks in here, okay? Look, Y/N... Debbs and I were planning on going out tomorrow night. Maybe to the movies or something?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Ugh, what you have to do again?" Jess rolled her eyes, smoothing her perfect cheerleading skirt with her hands.
Jess was one of the most popular girls in school, perhaps second only to Chrissy Cunningham and a few other cheerleaders who became known through their jocks boyfriends.
"You know I work almost every day after school. Does the new record store sound familiar?"
"Oh c'mon, why do you have to work so much?" Jess snorted.
"Because I need money?" It was something between an answer and a question, you had never thought anyone would ask you why you decided making your own money was a good idea.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll do it another time okay?" Debby concluded, as you finally entered the school and Jess saw her boyfriend in the distance, talking to other jocks, all in their sparkly green and white school uniforms.
"Hey Beck!" She raised a hand to get the boy's attention and waved at him at the same time, trotting towards him and instantly forgetting you.
"God, she's so in love with him." Debby commented dreamily still by your side, looking at her friend from afar.
You saw the possessive way Beck kissed his girlfriend and then put his arm around her and held her close as he continued to talk to his friends, his hand was basically on her ass. "Mh, i guess she is. I really don't like that guy, anyway."
"How couldn't you? The whole school is as in love with Beck as they are with Jason." She waved at the blond boy who was now laughing at something a member of the basketball team had just said.
"Yeah, I don't like Jason either." You shrugged.
"That's impossible. He's one of the hottest guys I've ever seen."
"Debs, I'm not talking about his physical appearance. I don't like him as a person. I don't like how he behaves and how he treats people around him."
Debby looked at you for a moment with a slight smile on her lips as if she expected me to suddenly tell her you were joking.
"See you later in class, okay?"
You shook your head, thinking it was almost pointless to voice your opinion to people like her.
"Sure, see you later."
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Biology class was silent as the teacher explained the reproduction of cells through mitosis.
From your desk almost at the back of the room, you could see that Jess and Beck had no idea what the the tracher was talking about and kept exchanging notes probably filled with hearts and written in pink marker, you could see that the quiet boy at the first desk was just pretending to listen and that his gaze often fell on the window, probably fantasizing about what he saw outside, and finally, to your surprise, you could see that Eddie Munson, for the first time, had a pen in his hand he seemed to be writing.
Eddie Munson was a guy you never quite understood, both before you had a few classes together and after.
He didn't seem to be very interested in school, his grades or the way he responded to the teachers but it was already the second time he was repeating his last year of high school, proving that deep down, maybe, he didn't want to dropout.
He seemed to like to make all Hawkings think he was the mean and scary cultist people already thought he was yet he spent his free time playing a fantasy board game with freshmen, making them feel accepted in a school in which if you were considered even remotely different you could consider yourself doomed.
Eddie Munson was unusual and one of those people you wanted to get to know and understand what he was really like just because seen from an outside point of view, he seemed like an enigma.
"Well well well, what do we have here, Mr Munson?"
Mr. Walker's voice pulled you out of your thoughts and your head, like that of all your classmates, snapped towards Eddie.
That was the moment you realized that the whole time, Eddie wasn't taking notes but he was drawing something that you couldn't quite see from where you were.
"Oh-oh, someone's in trouble." You heard someone chuckle.
The teacher took the paper from Eddie's hands and looked at it with a wicked smile on his lips. "And what is this supposed to be?"
A slight smirk appeared on Eddie's lips. "Shouldn't you know? You studied animals and that stuff, right?"
The teacher chuckled as he crumpled up the paper and walked over to the bin next to his desk, dropping it among the day's other rubbish.
"I bet the freak will repeat the year for the third time." You hear Beck whisper and Jess laugh right after.
"I won't send you to detention again because I really want this year to be your last." The teacher continued, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Eddie with a severe look. "But if you still don't pay attention to the lessons, you won't give us any other choice. Okay?"
"Okay." Eddie replied after a moment of silence, the way he said it vaguely recalled the professor's tone and you were sure he did it to make fun of him, the smirk on his lips was still there.
After one last glare Mr.Walker sat down again behind his desk and continued reading from the book.
The last laughs faded and the last gazes on Eddie returned to the notebooks, except yours.
You saw how his cocky expression gave way in less than a second when he thought no one was paying attention to him anymore, you saw how he closed his eyes for a moment, huffing as if the existence of the possibility of repeating the year for the third time suddently hit him, while passing a hand over his face with a tired expression.
The look in his eyes was far from the one they had when he teased jocks or made speeches on top of the cafeteria tables.
He had just dropped his facade and no one had even noticed.
You can't deny that for the rest of the lesson you kept eyeing him, only to find him propped up on his elbows on his desk, playing with the rings on his fingers.
When the bell rang Eddie was the first to get up, he grabbed his jacket and darted out of the classroom without once looking back.
You, on the other hand, were the last to leave, after placing your books back in your bag, but as soon as you stepped out the door an idea crossed your mind.
Maybe it was stupid, maybe it was even useless. You didn't even know why you were doing it.
You went back to class for a brief moment, grabbed Eddie's drawing from the bin, folded it quickly without even having time to look at it, stuffed it in your pocket and headed off to the next class.
You told yourself you'd probably never even get the chance to give it back to him.
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"You'll be at the match later, right?" Jess asked as she walked down the hallway next to you after the last bell of the day had rung.
"Mh, maybe." You murmured, thinking of a possible excuse to come up with.
"What do you mean with 'maybe'? What do you have to do this time? Debby said she'll be there."
"Actually, not much, I just gotta go the library to get some books."
"Okay, it won't take a lot. The game starts in half an hour so you have plenty of time." She smiled.
"Yeah, sure. Then I guess I'll be there." You said as you stopped in front of the school library.
"Kay, see you later!" She waved at you before heading towards the gym.
"Good morning Miss Cooper." You greeted the lady behind the desk as soon as you entered the library.
"Hi dear, I close in about fifteen minutes. You know, with the match and everything I don't think many students will come here."
You looked around, the only people who seemed to be there were two girls sitting in the corner and a teacher putting down some books he had borrowed.
"Then I'll try to make it quick." You said before disappearing among the shelves.
The school library was bigger than any student who had never set foot inside could have imagined. You often had found the right books to complete a history or literature honework, and many more times you found books that you enjoyed reading in your spare time, while waiting for customers at the record store where you worked or during boring classes.
Yeah, Eddie Munson wasn't the only one who didn't always pay attention to what the teachers were saying.
While you were there, between the fantasy and horror sections (which were right at the back of the library, almost in the dark, as if whoever had put those books there had wanted to hide them) your thoughts returned to Eddie and you remembered that his drawing was still in your jeans back pocket and you hadn't seen it yet.
You put your bag down on the floor and took the paper out of your back pocket.
It was an animal, that was why he had made that joke to the biology teacher.
The creature looked like a lion but it had a second head that looked like a goat and its tail was a snake. You knew what a chimera was and that drawing looked like it came straight out of a mythology book.
You didn't know Eddie could draw so well and you were sorry Mr. Walker hadn't thought before crumpling it up and throwing him in the bin like it was trash.
A sudden noise made you jump.
Boom. Again.
You quickly put the drawing in your bag and walked towards the source of the noise but what you saw was one of the last things you ever expected.
You peeped over a shelf to observe the scene.
Eddie Munson slammed his fists on the closed library door before trying to pull the handle down and failing to open.
"Hello? Is anyone out there? Is this a prank or what?" He asked to whoever was on the other side of the door.
He slammed his hands on the door one last time. "Awesome, really, really awesome." He snorted talking to himself and probably thinking he was alone, then he turned around.
His gaze fell on you. "Jesus Christ." He put a hand to his chest like you scared the shit out of him and you couldn't help but chuckle. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone was kinder.
"What people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books."
"Oh, I think you'll have enough time to read a lot of books, we're stuck here."
You walked to the door as Eddie took off his jacket and left it on Miss. Cooper's desk, revealing his Metallica shirt. Then he sat on it, after moving a pen holder, dangling his legs.
You tried to open the door three times and when you realized there was no hope to go out you gave up and sat down in one of the chairs, facing Eddie.
"Oh my god." You whispered.
"It's okay, don't panic. Someone will notice you're missing and they'll come looking for you." You noticed the way he said "you" as if there was no way anyone would notice he was missing.
"I'm not panicking. I just found an excuse not to go to the game!" You smiled a little too enthusiastically.
"Excuse me, what?" Eddie shook his head as if he was sure he had misunderstood ehat you had said and his curls bounced on his shoulders.
"I've been trying to find an excuse not to go to that stupid match all day. Now I can say I've been stuck in the library."
Eddie made a sound that was somewhere between a snort and a laugh, amazed at your reaction. "You know, not to judge, but it's really weird that you're happy to be locked in a room with Eddie "the freak" Munson."
"Well... are you gonna sacrifice me to the devil?" You asked with a slight raise of your eyebrows and the ghost of a smile on your lips; Eddie was surprised for the second time: you were joking with him.
"Mh, no?"
"Okay, then we're good."
Eddie chuckled, ducking his head as if to hide his smile and you found yourself wishing he didn't do it anymore.
"What did you come for?" You asked then.
"For what people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books." He repeated your words with a smirk.
"Ah-ah" your laugh was far from genuine but the corners of Eddie's lips curled up anyway. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really funny?" You asked ironically.
"It may surprise you, but I think you have the honor of being the first." Eddie followed your movements with his eyes as you stood up from your chair and took a few steps between the shelves. Soon the sun would go down and you wouldn't even see the titles of books anymore without the sunbeams filtering through the windows.
"Are you coming or not?" You turned back to him, as if it was obvious you wanted him to come with you.
"Where?" He asked as he jumped off the desk reluctantly.
"To find the perfect book for you."
"Oh, I don't think that-"
"Fantasy and horror are in the back."
The smile you were starting to like returned on his lips. "Lead the way."
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"Where the fuck is she?" Jess asked Debby during the first break of the game, placing her pom-poms on the bench next to her.
"I don't know, she said she would come. You were the last one to see her."
"She said she had to do something really quick and then she'd come. Tomorrow she will come up with a stupid excuse like always."
"She's been getting a lot weird lately, I don't know what's going on with her."
"Yeah, I thought so too."
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Your laughter once again filled the library as the patter of the incessant rain that had been falling for almost an hour continued.
You never thought you'd spend so much time with Eddie one day, but apparently you were wrong. You enjoyed staying there with him.
"I swear it's a good one."
Eddie put all the books you convinced him to take on Miss Cooper's desk.
"It talks about a girl." He commented, as if that was all it took to not be a good book.
"Who has superpowers! Trust me, it's a good book. Near the end there's a lot of blood and stuff."
"Oh well, if 'there's a lot of blood and stuff' then I really should read it."
"Stop making fun me!" You hit his shoulder.
"I didn't hurt you."
"Yes, you did."
You rolled your eyes. "Read that damn book. Then tell me if you liked it."
"Well well well, do you wanna keep talking to me when we'll get out of here? Won't you pretend you don't know me?" He questioned, trying to figure out if you were lying.
"Why should I? Are you..." You hesitated "You're cool, I like you."
Eddie studied you for a moment. "You know, Y/N, I think you're a bit of a freak too."
You laughed, glancing at the books leaning on the desk. A weird creature caught your eye and you remembered Eddie's drawing.
"God, I almost forgot!" You took your bag in your hands, looking for the page. "I hope you don't think it's weird. I…I saved your drawing from the bin."
You handed him the paper, it was still a lot wrinkled but it was certainly in a better condition than when the teacher had thrown it in the trash.
Eddie stared at you.
He always had that way of looking at you with his big brown eyes that looked a lot like an animal that doesn't want to show that it's scared but is still reluctant to approach anyone.
He grabbed it slowly. "Why did you save it?"
"I wanted to see what you were drawing. It turned out to be worth it. It's really good."
"It turned out I was right."
You looked at him questioningly.
"You're a bit of a freak too. You put your hands in the trash to get a drawing of someone you didn't even know." He laughed again and you did the same.
You realized you liked the dimples that formed on his face when he smiled.
He took one last look at the drawing before carefully folding it and putting it in his pocket.
"Thank you." He finally said, sincere.
Eddie's gaze fell on something behind you.
You turned around but didn't see anything different from moments before.
"The window, Y/N, the window!" The excitement in his voice didn't even let you realize it was the first time he'd called you by your name.
"The window what?"
"We can get out through the window!" It seemed that at any moment he might start jumping from one side of the room to another.
You walked to the window where the rain continued to beat while Eddie looked behind you for something. "Looks quite high."
"And that's why we're going to need this." When you turned around Eddie was already setting up the ladder under the window after quickly putting on his jacket again.
"God, where did you find that?"
"I saw it earlier in the romance section."
"Were you checking the romance section?" You smirked.
"I walked past it, okay?" He rolled her eyes as he climbed the first rung of the ladder.
"Wait, should I go first?" He asked before going up.
"Go. Don't kill yourself when you jump to the other side."
"Who would care if I die?" He joked. Or you hoped he was.
"I would care! If they found me with your corpse who would they think sacrificed to the devil who?"
Eddie laughed again, shaking his head then opened the window. Lots of raindrops started falling on the library floor.
He sat on the edge before jumping over to the other side.
"Shit, are you okay?" Your words left your mouth too quickly, your tone far too concerned about someone you've only known for a few hours.
No reply.
"Eddie, I swear-" You said starting up the ladder, the raindrops that passed through the open window falling on your face and in your hair.
"I'm fine!" He laughed.
"Thanks for your quick response." You commented ironically, not before breathing a sigh of relief.
"Aw, were you scared I was hurt?" You sat on the edge, now you could see his smirk as he looked up at you.
Most of his curls had gotten wet and stuck to his forehead and neck.
He was still pretty.
"Shut up."
"You were scared I was hurt!" He exclaimed, laughing, this time he was sure.
"Are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to help me get down from here?"
"Right, sorry." He reached out a hand and helped you jump. His fingers were warm, and having his palm against yours, even if only for a moment, gave you an indescribable feeling of security and safety.
"You okay?" He asked when you both finally got your feet on the ground.
"Yeah." His hand was still holding yours.
"STAY FUCKING AWAY FROM HER!" Voices from behind you instantly made you turn around and before you know it Beck and Jason were pushing Eddie away from you. His hand slipped away from yours.
It seemed like the game was over.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Jess and Debby asked you, claiming you by the arm. "Did he hurt you?" Their tone was concerned and almost frightened.
"Hey, hey okay!" You tried to calm everyone down. "Eddie and I got locked in the library and went out the window, that's all."
You noticed that Jason's hands were still gripping Eddie's shirt, like he was ready to bail on him and beat him until he couldn't even remember his name at any moment.
The rain continued to fall incessantly on you, somewhere in the distance a thunder rumbled.
"Jason, leave him."
"Did he-"
"NO! STOP FUCKING ASKING!" You placed a hand on Jason's chest and pushed him away.
For a moment no one spoke. Like everyone was amazed that you didn't seem bothered by Eddie or that he hadn't done you anything wrong in the hours you'd spent locked in the library with him.
They were all looking at you with shocked expressions painted on their faces.
"Could you give me a lift home, please?" You turned to Eddie and this time he seemed to be the shocked one.
He pushed a strand of wet hair away from his eyes. "Yeah. Yes, of course I can."
"Okay, thank you." You kindly placed a hand on his back, as if urging him to leave. "Let's go."
You didn't say goodbye to any of the four students who watched you leave with Eddie "the freak" Munson and you didn't turn once as you walked beside him to his van.
You didn't know exactly how many friends you had just lost but you certainly knew you had a new one.
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Part 2
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
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mattslolita · 2 months
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"𝒓𝒊𝒑 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄, 𝒊 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏' 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒘!
💌 hi babies, i'm lilly ! i'm eighteen, bisexual, and i'm a black writer.
💌 i'm a certified chris girl, drew starkey's wife, and i love music with my entire being. i'm a west coast girly from cali, but i wanna go to different countries so bad.
my best friends 💌 : @luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @guccifrog @thenickgirl @selenascorner @hysteria-things @cottoncandyswisherz !
music 💌 : melanie martinez, michael jackson, sza, dominic fike, latto ( if u can't tell ), the neighborhood, billie eilish, nessa barrett, lana del rey, mitski, bikini kill, halsey, marina, megan thee stallion, city girls, rihanna, migos, eminem, doja cat, fleetwood mac, taylor swift & more !
movies 💌 : the fault in our stars, scream franchise, the perks of being a wallflower, love simon, friday the 13th, carrie, halloween, the craft, it 2017, jeepers creepers, 13 going on 30, fast & furious, freddy vs. jason, mean girls, harry potter franchise, the maze runner & more !
tv shows 💌 : cobra kai, outer banks, sex education, stranger things, never have i ever, on my block, ginny & georgia, heartstopper, the vampire diaries, & more !
celebs / influencers 💌 : sturniolo triplets, vereena sayed, deb smikle, tara yummy, johnnie guilbert, jake webber, vinnie hacker, drew starkey, why don't we, chase keith, ariana greenblatt, fannita, the noon twins, xochitl gomez, larray, renee rapp, sam & colby, beabadobee, nailea devora, & more !
racism, rude behavior, kink shaming ( unless its shit or piss ), unfriendly remarks or comments. & IF YOU DO GOT SHIT TO SAY HOP OFF ANON & SAY IT WITH YO CHEST !
will 💌 : fluff, angst, smut !
won't 💌 : piss kinks, shit kinks, incest, eating somebody ass, anal cause it freaks me out ( if you like it, you do you, but i'm not gon write it ! ), threesomes UNLESS you're requesting where they strictly interact with the reader ( y/n ).
always remember you're so loved & important, & you matter my loves. i hope we can be friends & you enjoy my shit !💌
masterlist 💌!
taglist 💌!
fav fics 💌!
𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏' 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏' 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉!"
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