#jeanne de laval
histoireettralala · 1 year
About Marie d'Anjou
After losing four children between 1436 and 1439, Marie began to dress all in black. She was devoted to her household, her religious duties and her children. She was admired for her piety, leading a devotional life. Marie appears to have had no chancellor in her household as her seal was kept by one of her ladies-in-waiting, perhaps in an effort to keep her household out of internecine politics at court. She normally resided at Tours or Amboise and did not usually travel with the court.
Marie kept a large menagerie of pets including starlings, parrots, a wild goat, stags and does, in addition to her greyhounds. She also received a porpoise as a gift. Perhaps this is where her son Louis learned to love such exotic pets. Marie was an expert needlewoman. Her account books for the years 1454 and 1455 attest she embroidered every day with gold thread from Cyprus, Genoa and Venice with a cushion stuffed with bulrush and patterns on canvas from Cambrai.
Marie had a musical chapel with fifteen members. Two of these chaplains were composers of polyphonic music. Marie was the first queen to officially have an astrologer in her household according to the account books of 1450. His name was Arnoul de La Palu and he was regularly paid by the queen until Arnoul left to go into the king's service. He was quickly replaced by Jehan de Lormont.
Marie remained very close to her family and frequently kept in touch with her brother René, Duke of Lorraine. René visited her and she borrowed his boats to sail up the Vienne and Loire Rivers for visits. A list of New Year's gifts for 1455 for the most part included gifts to her brothers and sister-in-law Joan of Laval. Marie and the king made a pilgrimage together to Le Puy in 1424. In 1447, Marie made a pilgrimage on her own to Mont St. Michel.
Susan Abernethy - Marie of Anjou, Queen of France
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agnesdelmotte · 2 years
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the queue is art
marina abramovic. the artist is present. moma, 2010.
christo/jeanne-claude. floating piers. iseo lake, italy, 2016.
rosas/anne teresa de keersmaeker. slow walk.
noureev/petipa. l'entrée des Ombres. La Bayadère.
les Heures de Louis de Laval. XVe s.
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wolfman75 · 1 month
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Gilles de Montmorency-Laval, conosciuto principalmente con l'appellativo di Gilles de Rais[1] (Champtocé-sur-Loire, 1404[2] – Nantes, 26 ottobre 1440), è stato un generale, criminale e nobile francese che fu barone di Rais, signore di varie località in Bretagna, Angiò e Poitou, capitano dell'esercito francese e compagno d'armi di Giovanna d'Arco. È conosciuto per l'accusa di essere stato coinvolto in pratiche alchemiche e occulte, in cui avrebbe torturato, stuprato e ucciso almeno 140 bambini e adolescenti.
Dal 1427 al 1435 servì come comandante nell'esercito reale francese e combatté contro gli inglesi durante la guerra dei cent'anni; fu nominato maresciallo di Francia nel 1429. Accusato di praticare l'occulto, dopo il 1432 venne implicato in una serie di omicidi di bambini. Nel 1440 una violenta controversia con un religioso aprì un'indagine ecclesiastica che lo portò a essere accusato dei reati sopra citati. Durante il processo i genitori dei bambini scomparsi e i servi di Gilles testimoniarono contro di lui, facendolo condannare a morte per una vasta serie di reati. Venne impiccato a Nantes il 26 ottobre 1440.
Si pensa che Gilles de Rais abbia ispirato lo scrittore francese Charles Perrault per la fiaba del 1697 Barbablù (Barbe bleue). La storia narra infatti di un crudele signorotto che uccide brutalmente le proprie mogli e ne nasconde i cadaveri in una stanza segreta del proprio castello.
Di nobile casato (i Montmorency-Laval erano due fra le più potenti famiglie di Francia, imparentate con il connestabile Bertrand du Guesclin), a soli undici anni rimase orfano di entrambi i genitori (la madre morì di malattia ed il padre ucciso da un cinghiale durante una battuta di caccia), e fu allevato dal nonno materno, Jean de Craòn.
Jean de Craòn lo fidanzò a tredici anni con Jeanne Peynel, una ricca ereditiera, poi con Beatrice de Rohan, nipote del duca Giovanni IV di Bretagna. La morte prematura di entrambe le giovani impedì il matrimonio. Sposò infine un'altra ereditiera, Catherine de Thouars (1409-1462), il 30 novembre 1420.
Nel 1427, agli ordini di Arturo III di Bretagna, entrò al servizio di Carlo VII di Francia combattendo alla testa di un proprio contingente in svariati episodi della guerra dei cent'anni e finanziando il futuro re nelle sue campagne militari. Grazie alla parentela con Georges de La Trémoille, gran ciambellano di Francia, entrò nelle grazie del sovrano combattendo poi contro gli inglesi al fianco di Giovanna d'Arco, ad Orléans, a Jargeau, a Meung-sur-Loire e a Beaugency.
Divenuto pari di Francia, consigliere e ciambellano di re Carlo VII, presenziò alla consacrazione di quest'ultimo, avvenuta a Reims il 17 luglio 1429, dopo essere stato elevato al titolo di maresciallo di Francia il precedente 21 aprile. Continuò a combattere prima sulla Loira quindi in Normandia, alla testa di un piccolo esercito personale da lui stesso mantenuto.
Morto il nonno, nel 1432 ereditò un'immensa fortuna, consistente soprattutto in proprietà terriere in Bretagna, nel Maine e nell'Angiò, cui si aggiungevano le ricchezze dei de Rais e quelle della moglie, ritrovandosi così ad essere uno degli uomini più ricchi del suo tempo.
Grazie a questa fortuna finanziò Carlo VII nelle sue campagne, con denaro che non gli venne mai restituito.
Ritiratosi dal servizio militare (l'ultima azione cui prese parte ebbe luogo nell'estate 1432 a Lagny-sur-Marne, assediata dalle truppe di Giovanni Plantageneto, I duca di Bedford), iniziò a condurre una vita dispendiosa e raffinata, circondandosi di manoscritti preziosi e finanziando sfarzosi spettacoli teatrali.
Si sa che nel corso di una visita ad Orléans il suo seguito di 200 persone occupò tutte le locande della città, e in pochi mesi la spesa arrivò a 80 000 corone d'oro. Non mancò di interessarsi di religione, costruendo una sfarzosa cappella privata e finanziando opere caritatevoli.
Dissipò così in breve tempo il patrimonio di famiglia, fino ad essere costretto a ricorrere a prestiti e a svendere i propri possedimenti per somme irrisorie.
In seguito agli sperperi, fra il 1434 e il 1436 la moglie lo abbandonò, il fratello prese possesso dell'avito castello di Champtocé e Carlo VII giunse su richiesta dei familiari a emanare nei suoi confronti un atto di interdizione, dichiarando nulle ulteriori vendite. Giovanni V di Bretagna non rese nota tuttavia l'interdizione nei propri domini e con il vescovo di Nantes Jean de Malestroit, ansiosi entrambi di opporsi alla politica del sovrano e soprattutto interessati all'acquisto dei terreni, nominò de Rais luogotenente generale di Bretagna.
Fu probabilmente in quel periodo che, per cercare di ritrovare la perduta fortuna, Gilles de Rais cominciò a interessarsi alla creazione della pietra filosofale, motivo per cui affidò al suo cappellano Eustache Blanchet il compito di procacciargli alchimisti. Fu proprio Blanchet a recarsi a Firenze e a incontrare, nel 1439, Francesco Prelati, un giovane monaco spretato toscano dedito all'occultismo, che assoldò e portò con sé nel castello di Tiffauges.
Prelati, impegnato nel tentativo di ottenere la pietra filosofale, disse a de Rais di avere al proprio servizio un demone personale, di nome "Barron". Davanti all'inquisizione Prelati dichiarò che, non essendo in grado di soddisfare i desideri del suo mecenate, ogni giorno più bisognoso di denaro, richiese a nome del demone il sacrificio di un bambino.
Il 15 maggio 1440 de Rais riprese armi alla mano il castello di Saint-Étienne de Mermorte, che egli stesso aveva venduto al tesoriere di Bretagna Guillaume Le Ferron (prestanome del duca). Ciò facendo non solo violò un contratto, ma infranse anche le leggi della Chiesa entrando in armi in un luogo sacro e prendendo in ostaggio il canonico Jean Le Ferron (fratello del proprietario), che stava celebrando la messa. Il fatto indusse il vescovo di Nantes, competente sul territorio, ad aprire un'indagine.
Dopo la liberazione di Le Ferron, nel settembre dello stesso anno de Rais fu arrestato insieme a servitori e amici, e il 28 settembre cominciò il processo inquisitoriale di fronte al vescovo e al viceinquisitore di Nantes, Jean Blouyn. Quel giorno deposero otto testimoni a suo carico, seguiti poi da altri due, tutti lamentando la scomparsa di bambini e attribuendone il rapimento a una serva di Gilles de Rais, Perrine Martin soprannominata "la Meffraye", all'epoca in prigione a Nantes.
Il 13 ottobre il processo riprese; nel frattempo furono stilati 49 capi d'imputazione: de Rais fu accusato di avere, con l'aiuto di complici, rapito numerosi bambini, averli uccisi nei modi più perversi, smembrati, bruciati, averli offerti in sacrificio ai demoni, di aver condotto con Prelati pratiche stregonesche, ecc.
Il vescovo e l'inquisitore lo minacciarono di scomunica, e gli diedero 48 ore di tempo per preparare una difesa.
Il 15 ottobre Gilles de Rais ricomparve davanti al tribunale, mentre il 16 e il 17 furono raccolte le deposizioni dei presunti complici.
Gilles de Rais inizialmente si scagliò con violenza contro i giudici, accusandoli apertamente di volerlo processare per sottrargli le sue ricchezze (de Rais si era già distinto in precedenza per l'atteggiamento polemico o apertamente violento nei confronti del clero); quindi, sotto tortura, confessò nei giorni successivi una quantità enorme di crimini di incredibile efferatezza.
Il 25 ottobre fu emessa la sentenza: in nome del vescovo e dell'inquisitore, Gilles de Rais fu dichiarato colpevole di apostasia e invocazione demoniaca; a nome del solo vescovo fu dichiarato colpevole di sodomia, sacrilegio e violazione dell'immunità della Chiesa e quindi condannato a morte per impiccagione e al rogo post mortem.
Il 26 ottobre de Rais, insieme ai due servitori e complici, Henriet Griart e "Poitou", fu quindi impiccato, ma poiché restava il membro di una famiglia potente, aveva chiesto e ottenuto che il suo corpo, dopo la morte per impiccagione, non venisse arso, bensì tumulato nella cappella dei Carmelitani di Nantes, luogo di sepoltura dei duchi di Bretagna.
La vicenda giudiziaria non si estinse con l'esecuzione: in due lettere scritte da Carlo VII nel 1442 è riportato che Gilles de Rais aveva inoltrato appello al re e al Parlamento di Parigi, senza che ciò fosse stato considerato dai giudici, ragion per cui, su istanza dei familiari, Pierre de l'Hôpital, presidente del tribunale di Bretagna, e gli altri giudici, erano chiamati a comparire davanti al Parlamento, e il sovrano chiamava il Parlamento e i balivi di Maine, Angiò e Turenna all'apertura di un'inchiesta sulle circostanze della condanna. Le due lettere, tuttavia, non furono mai spedite per motivi ignoti, anche se è significativo il solo fatto - per quel che concerne le accuse a Gilles de Rais - che Carlo VII le abbia scritte.
Dal matrimonio con Catherine de Thouars nacque una figlia, Marie (1433 o 1434-1457) sposata con l'ammiraglio Prigent de Coëtivy, e in seconde nozze con il cugino maresciallo André de Lohéac.
La sua vedova, un anno dopo la morte di Gilles, contrasse nuovo matrimonio con Jean de Vendôme. La famiglia si estinse nel 1502.
Fonte: https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais
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Knights of the Order of the Crescent
Knights of the Order of the Crescent is a worthy discussion since we know that the crescent moon is an indigenous symbol from Southern Arabia, aka, Mexico, since Mexico was Southern Arabia and Mexico means, “In the center of the Moon”: https://rb.gy/himgj1.
#foogallery-gallery-3261 .fg-image { width: 150px; } #foogallery-gallery-3261 .fg-image { width: 150px; }
Map of Mayaca, Florida (Ethiopia)
There is a town in Ethiopia called Mayo, Ethiopia. The name Mayo is the same as Maya (Mayans), so we are dealing with the Mayans. There was once a Mayan city in Florida called Mayaca (see post image of map), which is further proof that the Mayans established La floridas (Ethiopia Superior/ Tameri). This city was obviously named after the Mayas/ Mayans since we can see their tribal name of Maya in Mayaca (Maya-ca). Mayaca is now extinct and so is the Mayaca Tribe (Mayaca people), and we can blame the Spanish invasion (the Holy Wars) of the 1500's for their extinction; however, Florida still has Port Mayaca as evidence of a city now gone.
Duke of Milan (1454);
SFORZA (François-Alexandre) Quarterly: 1st and 4th Or, to the eagle Sable crowned of the first (LOMBARDY); 2nd and 3rd, Argent, to the bisse Azure in pale, crowned Or, giving birth to a child Gules (VISCONTI-MILAN). Duke of Milan (1454); natural son of Muzio Attendolo dit Sforza, lord of Cotignola, and Lucrezia Trezana or Tresciano; husband: 1° of Polyxène Ruffo, widow of Jacques Marilli (?) Grand Seneschal of the Kingdom of Naples, daughter of Charles Ruffo, Count of Montalto and Corigliano, and of Cevarella de Saint-Séverin; 2° (August 1, 1441) of Blanche-Marie Visconti, natural daughter of Philippe-Marie Visconti, Duke of Milan; born at San-Miniato (Tuscany), July 25, 1401, died at Milan, March 8, 1466.
First Baron of Maine, Viceroy of Sicily and Anjou
CHAMPAGNE (Peter I of) Sable, fretty Argent; a chief or charged with a lion issanl gules (1). Currency (2): Sta closes. Lord of Champagne, Pescheseul, Lonvoisin, Bailleul and Parcé, Prince of Montorio and Aquila, First Baron of Maine, Viceroy of Sicily and Anjou; third son of Jean III of Champagne and Ambroise de Crénon; married, according to contract of April 22, 1441, with Marie de Laval, sister of Guy de Laval (see this name), and daughter of Thibaut and Jeanne de Maillé-Brézé; died in Angers, almost a hundred years old, on October 15, 1486, and buried on the 22nd of the same month, in the church of Saint-Martin de Parce (3). This valiant knight, who had distinguished himself in many battles, won two great victories against the English: the first in 1442, in the plain of Saint-Denis d'Anjou, and the second in 1448, before Beaumont-le-Vicomte. The following year, Jean d'Anjou gave him the order to help Charles VII against the English, and he covered himself with glory at the Battle of Formigny (1450).
ANJOU (Charles I of) Count of Maine
ANJOU (Charles I of) Azure, semé of fleurs-de-lis Or, to the lion Argent set in quarter; bordered gules. Count of Maine, Guise, Mortain, viscount of Châtellerault, lieutenant general for the king in Languedoc and Guyenne; third son of Louis II of Sicily and Yolande of Aragon; married: 1°, before 1434, with Cobelle Ruffo (2), widow of Jean-Antoine Marzano, Duke of Sessa, Prince of Rossano, daughter of Charles Ruffo, Count of Montalto and Corigliano, Grand Justice of the Kingdom of Naples, and of Cevareila de Saint-Séverin (see this name); 2°, by contract of January 9, 1443, with Isabelle de Luxembourg, daughter of Pierre de Luxembourg, count of Saint-Pol, and of Marguerite des Baux; born in the castle of Montils-les-Tours, October 14, 1414; died at Neuvy, in Touraine, on April 10, 1472, and buried in the church of Saint-Julien in Le Mans. (2) Through this alliance, Cobelle Ruffo had become the sister-in-law of three kings, Louis III of Sicily, René of Anjou and Charles VII. Polyxène Ruffo, his sister, first married François-Alexandre Sforza (see this name).
Baron of Mison
AGOULT (Fouquet or Foulques d') Or, to the ravishing wolf Azure, armed, langued and vilené Gules (1). Baron of Mison, of La Tour-d'Aigues, of Sault and of Forcalquier, lord of Thèze, Barret, Volone, La Bastide, Peypin, Niozelles, etc., chamberlain of René d'Anjou, viguier of Marseilles (1443, 1445 and 1472); son of Raymond and Louise de Glandevès-Faucon, his second wife; married: 1° with Jeanne de Beaurain; 2° with Jeanne de Bouliers; died without posterity at La Tour-d'Aiguës in 1492, nearly 100 years old. Fouquet d'Agoult had been nicknamed by his contemporaries the Great and the Illustrious, in view of his love of justice, his magnificence and his liberality. Nostradamus (2) reports that "after the death of this so good and so excellent Roy (René d'Anjou) several and various eulogies, epitaphs and learned compositions were placed on his tomb, in the church of the Convent of the Carmelites of the City of Aix...The eulogies were in various languages, Hebrews, Greeks, Latins, French, Italians, Cathalans and Provencals, which the magnificent Fouquet d'Agoult, lord of Sault, had collected and transcribed exactly by the express command de la Reyne his second wife.
Moslem-Jerusalem under the Order of the Cresent, 1070
Muslem-Jerusalem from 1070 under the order of the Cresent. Moslem-Jerusalem, which looks very Moorish with the Crescent moons at the top of those Maurice domes. I love the Phoenician purple trim too at the top. This image is a full-page miniature of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock Image taken from feature 5 of Book of Hours, Use of Paris ('The Hours of René d'Anjou'). Written in Latin, calendar, and rubrics in French.
King René of Anjou
The Ordre du Croissant (Order of the Crescent; Italian: Ordine della Luna Crescente) was a chivalric order founded by Charles I of Naples and Sicily in 1268. It was revived in 1448 or 1464 by René I of Naples, the king of Jerusalem, Sicily, and Aragon (including parts of Provence), to provide him with a rival to the English Order of the Garter. René was one of the champions of the medieval system of chivalry and knighthood, and this new order was (like its English rival) neo-Arthurian in character. Its insignia consisted of a golden crescent moon engraved in grey with the word LOZ, with a chain of 3 gold loops above the crescent. On René's death, the Order lapsed. The Order of the Crescent, also known as "Order of the Crescent in the Provence,” a French chivalric order was founded on 11 August 1448 in Angers by King Rene of Provence as a court order. The order, which united itself, features from knighthood and spiritual orders, and counted up to 50 knights, of which can be dukes, princes, marquises, viscounts and knights with four quarters of nobility.
A French Canadian Maur by the name of Ann Marie Bourassa sent me a link to the Armorial Chevaliers (Knights) of the Order of the Crescent and the images in this post spoke to my DNA, since my maternal surname, “Chavis” means the Goat and Brave boy: https://rb.gy/qk2k10.
Chavis/ Chavers is also short for Chevaliers, since the Chavis are a Royal family of knights that is associated with bravery and passing the BAR. Chevaliers is French for Knights since the number one code of the knights is chivalry, which means bravery. During the old-world chivalry (honor) was established from being brave in battle, and cavalry is another word that is derived from chevaliers since cavalry means an army of mounted braves (Knights) on horses.
In 1066 during the Battle of Hastings, my French royal family of Shivers, which is French for Chavis, as knights, helped the French Viking King, “William the Conqueror,” a Danite, conquer England with the aid of two dragons and were given the Shivers Mountains in England by William the Conqueror due to the acts of Chivalry (bravery=Knighthood) on the battlefield: https://rb.gy/n9vlao.
Here is the link to the Armorial Knights of the order of the Crescent: https://rb.gy/y2hpa4. This link is in French, but you can use Goggle Translate to translate the French into English.
Please, avoid the hijack with the whitewash when reading the Armorial Knights link, because the original French were the Franks or Gauls (Gullah Geechee/ Galilee), and they were French Maurs (Merovingians): https://rb.gy/posjrm.
“Franks (Franci), a Germanic people who conquered Gallia (Gaul), and made it Francia (France).” [End quote from Oxford Classical Dictionary]. “Gaul, French Gaule, Latin Gallia, the region inhabited by the ancient Gauls, comprising modern-day France and parts of Belgium, western Germany, and northern Italy”: https://www.britannica.com/place/Gaul-ancient-region-Europe.
The Americas has the most place names associated with Gaul/ Gales/ Gules/ Gola/ Galley/ Gullah/ Galilee/ Gaelic (France). For example, Galesburg, Illinois; Galilee, Pennsylvania; Angola, Louisiana; Angola, Indiana, etc. Some of the African slaves allegedly came from Angola, aka, the Congo (Congo, Alabama*), which is a country allegedly in Africa on the Slave Coast. Gola, which is short for Angola (An-Gola), is also Gula as in Gullah Geechee – Seminole and Creek (Greek) Indians: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~sotillos/moore.htm.
Guale was a historic Native American chiefdom (Tribe) of Mississippian culture peoples located along the coast of present-day Georgia and the Sea Islands. This tribe of Guale Indians were Maurs (Maur-iners as in Marine and Mar/ Mer as in sea), aka, Sea people. Guale was once a city on the Sea Coast of Georgia that is now extinct and so is this tribe of Indians (Washitaw Muurs = Yamasees and the five civilized tribes), due to Spanish conquest: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/gibraltar-of-the-west/.
In South America we have the Spanish equivalent to the Gullah Geechee, the “Gualeguaychú.” Gualeguaychú is a city in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina, on the left bank of the Gualeguaychú River (a tributary of the Uruguay River). In Mexico, we have Guatemala, which is a derivative of Gaul since the prefix Guate in Gutemala is Gaul.
This book, “Africa vs. America,” demonstrates that Europeans copied ancient Ghana that was in South America (Guyana) and built a second Ghana on the other coast [Africa], which is known as Congo or Angola. Africa vs. America,” by Isabel Alvarez: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/ancient-ghana-is-guyana/.
This FB post deals with a French Merovingian Queen, nicknamed “The She Wolf,” since she convinced a Baron (wizard), Lord Roger Mortimer, to help her to overthrow her gay husband, King Edward II of England to take the crown: https://rb.gy/7g9b4s.
Speaking of the She Wolf, the Capitoline Wolf is the She Wolf and is a symbol of the founding of Rome. The wolf is a sacred symbol of the Turks and the Danites. The Americas has 13 Capitoline Wolf Statues, which suggests that the greater Rome or Imperial Rome was in the Americas. Rome is derived from the Egyptian word Ramen and the Hebrew word Rimon, which means pomegranate. The pomegranate is a symbol of Granada Land (the promised land), which was in the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/imperial-rome-and-italy-superior/.
The Armorial Knights of the order of the Crescent has a few coats of arms with the She Wolf in the center of the moon. Mother Mary/ Maya/ Meru, aka, the Queen of Heaven, is shown in many images as the Venus Star Transit, which is the Mayan 5-pointed Star, standing in the center of the crescent moon. The wolf is code for the Dragon, aka, the constellation Draco when its Star Theban was the Pole Star or the North Star.
Who was Rene d’Anjou?
In this post are some images of the Royal Knights’ coat of arms of the Order of the Crescent, instituted by King René d’Anjou, ms. Fr. 5225. Statues of the Order of the Crescent, founded by René d’Anjou (1448), ms. Fr. 25204. (Source: gallica.bnf.fr, National Library of France).
The Ordre du Croissant (Order of the Crescent; Italian: Ordine della Luna Crescente) was a chivalric order [knights’ order] founded by Charles I of Naples and Sicily in 1268. It was revived in 1448 or 1464 by René I of Naples, the king of Jerusalem, Sicily and Aragon (including parts of Provence), to provide him with a rival to the English Order of the Garter. René was one of the champions of the medieval system of chivalry and knighthood, and this new order was (like its English rival) neo-Arthurian in character. Its insignia consisted of a golden crescent moon engraved in grey with the word LOZ, with a chain of three gold loops above the crescent. On René’s death, the Order lapsed.
The Armorial Knights of the Order of the Crescent, also known as “Order of the Crescent in the Provence,” a French chivalric order was founded on 11 August 1448 in Angers by King Rene of Provence as a court order. The order, which united itself, features from knighthood and spiritual orders, and counted up to fifty knights, of which can be dukes, princes, marquises, viscounts, and knights with four quarters of nobility.
The Knights committed themselves to mutual assistance and loyalty to the order which, after the Provence became part of France in 1486, was soon forgotten. Ackermann mentions this knighthood as a historical order of France.
In this post is a poorly whitewashed image of King Rene of Anjou since he is still swarthy (dark/ Black) in his image. King Rene was the grandson of King John II of France, aka, John the Good, who was undoubtedly a Naga/ Negro: https://rb.gy/onckrm.
René of Anjou (Italian: Renato; Occitan: Rainièr; Catalan: Renat; 1409–1480) was Duke of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, King of Sicily, King of Aragon (Gules), and Count of Provence [Province, Maine*] from 1434 to 1480, who also reigned as King of Naples as René I from 1435 to 1442 (then deposed as the preceding dynasty was restored to power). Having spent his last years in Aix-en-Provence, he is known in France as the Good King René (Occitan: Rei Rainièr lo Bòn; French: Le bon roi René).
René was a member of the House of Valois-Anjou, a cadet branch of the French royal house, and the great-grandson of John II of France. He was a prince of the blood, and for most of his adult life also the brother-in-law of the reigning king Charles VII of France. Other than the aforementioned titles, he was for several years also Duke of Bar and Duke of Lorraine.
René was born on 16 January 1409 in the castle of Angers.[2] He was the second son of Duke Louis II of Anjou, King of Naples, by Yolanda of Aragon.[2] René was the brother of Marie of Anjou, who married the future Charles VII and became Queen of France.[3]
Anjou is just a Latinized way of saying Andros/ Andrews, so we are dealing with Saracens (old Arabs) of the lost 10 lost tribes of Israel that were descendants of the first Apostle Saint Andrew: https://the-red-thread.net/genealogy/andrews.html.
Greater France or France Superior in the Americas:
If you have read my post about Imperial Rome and Italy Superior you already know that Italy Superior was La Floridas and there is also a Naples, Florida, which suggests that Rene Anjou was once the king of Naples, Florida since La Floridas was the original Italy. Remember that France borders Italy, which means that since Italy Superior was in the Americas Greater France or France Superior was also in the Americas.
Now, if we include Gules/ Gual (Aragon) and Maine, it leaves no doubt that this history is referring to Greater France in the Americas since the Imperial Rome and Italy Superior post proves that Africa, Europe, and the Middle East was originally in the Americas.
Maine and the New England states were once part of the Nova France and this territory was once known as Nova France (New France), according to old maps from the 1500’s – 1700’s, however, we know that it is nothing new about Nova France since the Americas is the East (the Orient) and the old world. Maine also has a Bar Harbor, now a resort for the wealthy. Notice that when you read the description of the coat of arms in the Armorial Knights link you will see a few references to Bar and Maine, which suggests that ancient Frankish (French) history is referring mostly to the Americas.
France borders Italy, according to modern-day maps, therefore, this post is more evidence confirming that the original France was in the Americas since Florida was Italy Superior.
King Anjou was born and buried in Angers, France. Angers sounds a lot like Algiers, Louisiana. Algiers was part of the Ottoman Empire that was originally in the Americas: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/the-ottoman-empire-in-the-americas/.
The French and the Ottoman Turks as Moormans (Danites=Vikings=Sea people) were blood allies against Spain (Rome) during the Crusades or Holy Wars. Louisiana has France written all over it since Louisiana is called Cajun Country. Plus, the prefix of Louis in Louis-iana is a French name that is associated with a long list of French Kings. Cajun and Acadian (Akkadian) are the same word. In fact, Louisiana used to be a part of the Acadian Republic. Louisiana is called the boot kicking state since Louisiana is shaped like a boot, and so is Italy and Florida. Louisiana has a French Quarters and the people called themselves Cajuns (Acadians).
Additionally, the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, is called the Crescent City and it shares the same place names as Orleans, France. Louisiana also has Parishes (Parish=Paris), which is derived from Paris, as in Paris, France. Paris means “For Isis” or “City of Isis,” and Paris is short for Paradise. Baton Rouge (Louisiana) is a French word that means Red Stick.
The New Orleans Saints logo is the fleur-de-lis (Florida*). It’s a French word that means lily flower in English. French Maurs (High Priest of Anu) known as the Merovingians introduced the fleur-de-lis as a symbol of France, which is sometimes spelled fleur-de-lys; and it is a stylized lily or iris commonly used for decoration. In fact, translated from French, fleur-de-lis means “lily flower.” Fleur means “flower,” while lis means “lily.” The interesting thing about the fleur-de-lis or Lily Flower is that it is derived from the Bee, and it is just an upside-down Bee: https://rb.gy/jpasca.
AGOULT (Fouquet or Foulques d’)
Or, to the ravishing wolf Azure, armed, langued and vilené Gules (1). 
Baron of Mison, of La Tour-d’Aigues, of Sault and of Forcalquier, lord of Thèze, Barret, Volone, La Bastide, Peypin, Niozelles, etc., chamberlain of René d’Anjou, viguier of Marseilles (1443, 1445 and 1472); son of Raymond and Louise de Glandevès-Faucon, his second wife; married: 1° with Jeanne de Beaurain; 2° with Jeanne de Bouliers; died without posterity at La Tour-d’Aiguës in 1492, nearly 100 years old.
Fouquet d’Agoult had been nicknamed by his contemporaries the Great and the Illustrious, in view of his love of justice, his magnificence and his liberality. Nostradamus (2) reports that “after the death of this so good and so excellent Roy (René d’Anjou) several and various eulogies, epitaphs and learned compositions were placed on his tomb, in the church of the Convent of the Carmelites of the City of Aix…The eulogies were in various languages, Hebrews, Greeks, Latins, French, Italians, Cathalans and Provencals, which the magnificent Fouquet d’Agoult, lord of Sault, had collected and transcribed exactly by the express command de la Reyne his second wife.
(1) All the genealogists and heraldists describe the d’Agoult coat of arms in the terms we have just used; however, the wolf is always represented crawling and not ravishing, that is to say holding its prey in the mouth. We didn’t want to change anything in the accepted description; but it was necessary to point out that it does not agree with the representation of the coat of arms. In 1220, the seal of Raymond II d’Agoult bore a passing wolf. (2) History and Chronicle of Provence, p. 646.
ANJOU (Charles I of)
Azure, semé of fleurs-de-lis Or, to the lion Argent set in quarter; bordered gules.
Count of Maine, Guise, Mortain, viscount of Châtellerault, lieutenant general for the king in Languedoc and Guyenne; third son of Louis II of Sicily and Yolande of Aragon; married: 1°, before 1434, with Cobelle Ruffo (2), widow of Jean-Antoine Marzano, Duke of Sessa, Prince of Rossano, daughter of Charles Ruffo, Count of Montalto and Corigliano, Grand Justice of the Kingdom of Naples, and of Cevareila de Saint-Séverin (see this name); 2°, by contract of January 9, 1443, with Isabelle de Luxembourg, daughter of Pierre de Luxembourg, count of Saint-Pol, and of Marguerite des Baux; born in the castle of Montils-les-Tours, October 14, 1414; died at Neuvy, in Touraine, on April 10, 1472, and buried in the church of Saint-Julien in Le Mans.
(2) Through this alliance, Cobelle Ruffo had become the sister-in-law of three kings, Louis III of Sicily, René of Anjou and Charles VII. Polyxène Ruffo, his sister, first married François-Alexandre Sforza (see this name).
ANJOU (Jean d’)
Per fess of one party, of two, which makes six quarters: 1 barage Argent and Gules, of eight pieces (HUNGARY); 2nd, Azure, strewn with fleurs-de-lis Or, a label Gules, five pendants in chief (ANJOU-SICILY); 3 Argent, to the cross of Jerusalem Or, at angle (JERUSALEM); 4th, azure, strewn with fleurs-de-lis or, a border gules (ancient ANJOU); 5th Azure, strewn with recrossed crosses set foot Or, two bars backed by the same debruising over all (BAR): 6th Or, a bend Gules charged with three alerions Argent ( LORRAINE); a label Gules three pendants in chief, debruising on the large quarters.
Duke of Calabria and Lorraine, senator of the Crescent (1470); eldest son of René d’Anjou and Isabelle de Lorraine; married, by treaty of April 2, 1437, with Marie de Bourbon, daughter of Charles I, Duke of Bourbon, and Agnès de Bourgogne; born in Toul on August 2, 1426, died in Barcelona on December 16, 1470, and buried in Angers, in the church of the Cordeliers (1).
(1) On a glass roof of this church, this prince was represented on his knees, his hands joined, a floral crown on his head, and wearing a loose coat with a turned down collar. In front of him was the coat of arms described above, supported by the emblem of the order of the Crescent with its motto. (MONTFAUCON, op. cit., t. II, pl. LXI11). These arms are absolutely identical to those which appear on a counter-seal of Jean d’Anjou, affixed to a document of 1465 (DOUET D’ARCQ, Collection de sceaux, t. I, n°789).
ANJOU (René d’)
Cut from one, from two, which makes six quarters; to 1 of HUNGARY; at 2 d’ANJOU-SICILY; at 3 of JERUSALEM; at 4 d’ANJOU old; at 5 of BAR; at 6 LORRAINE; over all Or, four pales Gules (ARAGON).
King of Naples, Sicily, Jerusalem and Aragon, Duke of Anjou, Lorraine and Bar, Count of Provence, Senator of the Crescent (1449); son of Louis II, Duke of Anjou, King of Naples, and Yolande of Aragon; married, in first marriage, by treaty of March 20, 1419, with Isabelle de Lorraine, eldest daughter and heiress of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine, and of Marguerite de Lorraine; in second marriage, September 10, 1454, with Jeanne de Laval, daughter of Guy XIV, Count of Laval, and Isabelle de Bretagne; born in Angers on January 16, 1409, died in Aix on July 10, 1480, and buried in the church of Saint-Maurice in Angers on October 26, 1481.
From the institution of the Armorial Knights of the Order of the Crescent, King René accompanied these coats of arms (1) (still existing in 1620, at Saint-Maurice d’Angers) with the insignia of the order (2), which he had painted and sculpted on a large number of monuments and works of art, to engrave on its seals (3) and to embroider (4) on its tapestries and ceremonial costumes.
(1) On the subject of the various coats of arms carried successively by René, see our work: La Croix de Jerusalem dans le Blason, p. 14. (2) Ung radiant and marvelous crescent, Garny of fine gold and white enamel, Of which there was in frank writing, Loz in crescent in engraved and understood, Such motto had this lord taken. Not without reason, for his loz would grow On all living beings who had loz and be. (OCTAVIE DE SAINT-GELAIS, Le Séjour de l’Honneur.) (3) Some of these seals have a double crescent on the reverse that Mr Douet d’Arcq (collection of seals, n°11783) took for two bags or stacked purses. (4) In 1448, Pierre du Villant, painter and embroiderer to the King of Sicily, two professions closely united in the Middle Ages, executed four embroidered crescents for his new order of chivalry (LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Extracts from accounts and memorials, n ° 632).
CHAMPAGNE (Peter I of)
Sable, fretty Argent; a chief or charged with a lion issanl gules (1). Currency (2): Sta closes.
Lord of Champagne, Pescheseul, Lonvoisin, Bailleul and Parcé, Prince of Montorio and Aquila, First Baron of Maine, Viceroy of Sicily and Anjou; third son of Jean III of Champagne and Ambroise de Crénon; married, according to contract of April 22, 1441, with Marie de Laval, sister of Guy de Laval (see this name), and daughter of Thibaut and Jeanne de Maillé-Brézé; died in Angers, almost a hundred years old, on October 15, 1486, and buried on the 22nd of the same month, in the church of Saint-Martin de Parce (3).
This valiant knight, who had distinguished himself in many battles, won two great victories against the English: the first in 1442, in the plain of Saint-Denis d’Anjou, and the second in 1448, before Beaumont-le-Vicomte. The following year, Jean d’Anjou gave him the order to help Charles VII against the English, and he covered himself with glory at the Battle of Formigny (1450).
(1) In the 17th century, this family sought to attach itself to the illustrious house of the Counts of Champagne and took its arms, which are: Azure with a silver band, bordered by two cotices potent and counter-potentiated Golden. (2) Motto and coat of arms still visible in 1620, in the chapel of the Knights of the Crescent in Saint-Maurice d’Angers. (3) The epitaph engraved on his tomb had been composed, it seems, by the king.
SFORZA (François-Alexandre)
Quarterly: 1st and 4th Or, to the eagle Sable crowned of the first (LOMBARDY); 2nd and 3rd, Argent, to the bisse Azure in pale, crowned Or, giving birth to a child Gules (VISCONTI-MILAN).
Duke of Milan (1454); natural son of Muzio Attendolo dit Sforza, lord of Cotignola, and Lucrezia Trezana or Tresciano; husband: 1° of Polyxène Ruffo, widow of Jacques Marilli (?) Grand Seneschal of the Kingdom of Naples, daughter of Charles Ruffo, Count of Montalto and Corigliano, and of Cevarella de Saint-Séverin; 2° (August 1, 1441) of Blanche-Marie Visconti, natural daughter of Philippe-Marie Visconti, Duke of Milan; born at San-Miniato (Tuscany), July 25, 1401, died at Milan, March 8, 1466.
As you can see, the Armorial Knights of the Order of the Crescent were very distinguished and extraordinary gentlemen and so was their King, Rene of Anjou since King Rene was a Saracen (Moslem) that was the King of Jerusalem, Sicily, Naples, and Aragon. In this post is an image of Moslem-Jerusalem, which looks very Moorish with the Crescent moons at the top of those Maurice domes. I love the Phoenician purple trim too at the top. This image is a full-page miniature of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock Image taken from feature 5 of Book of Hours, Use of Paris (‘The Hours of René d’Anjou’). Written in Latin, calendar, and rubrics in French: https://picryl.com/media/jerusalem-from-bl-eg-1070-f-5-4d2417.
The royal coats of arms of the Knights of the Order of the Crescent display powerful images of occult symbols like the kingfish (fisher king), the Falcon (Horus), and the Bee/ Beetle. The Fleur-de-lis symbol is an upside-down bee. We know that the study of the birds (falcons) and the bees/ beetles is real sex (love) through alchemy, and this advanced knowledge (magic) that was acquired from Thoth/ Thought was used to create an Eden style of government or Ethiopia = Utopia that was based on free energy and a resource-based economy: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/teotihuacan-is-the-home-of-thoth/.
The fisher kings who were Fishers of men, aka, Magi’s, were the High Priest of Anu (Maurs) from Nineveh, which was Jacksonville, Florida, and surrounding areas. Nineveh means place of fish or House of fish and is the home of Prophet Jonah of the Bible: https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/nineveh-was-jacksonville-florida/.
Speaking of Jonah, a fish/ whale swallowed him for 3 days and then spit him out, which is code for him being born from a dragon, making Jonah a messiah, a Christ-king, and/or a Dragon-king: https://rb.gy/dsgf9g.
In this post is the coat of arms of royal knight, SFORZA (François-Alexandre), that depicts a Maur (High priest of Anu) being born from a blue dragon since serpents/ dragons don’t eat their prey feet-first. Also, notice the double headed Turkey of the Holy Roman Empire on the coat of arms. People think that this bird is an Eagle when it really is a Turkey, since Turkeys have beards and Eagles don’t. If you view different images of Hapsburg (Holy Roman empire) coat of arms you see that the bird on this coat of arms is clearly a double headed Turkey with a red beard. The Turkey is indigenous to the Americas and so is the Roman Empire. The Turkey is a hybrid bird that was spliced together with light codes (sound frequencies), aka, light alchemy, by Turkmen/ Moorman long ago using a combination of the Tukey Buzzard and the Chicken (the base metals) to create another meat source known as Turkey (the gold or good product).
I know this Roman History is confusing because Rome was a global empire that was on both sides of the world, however, the legit honorable Roman Empire that was in the Americas and under French Washitaw rule was overthrown by the duplicate Christian and Catholic Rome in Europe since the American version of the Romans were Saracens (Moslems) and pagans (Hebrews) that were labeled as infidels, in the eyes of the duplicate Roman hijack.
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source https://www.americaistheoldworld.com/knights-of-the-order-of-the-crescent/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=knights-of-the-order-of-the-crescent
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furiefrancaise · 4 years
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Le mystérieux Docteur Martin(1895-1969)
Le parcours d'Henri Martin reste un symbole de l'activisme politique, ayant passé la totalité de sa vie dans une semi-clandestinité, et étant l'une des rares personnes à avoir été traquées par la police sous  quatre régimes différents. Son histoire qui n’a rien à envier à celle de Jason Bourne, mériterait d’être racontée à travers une série télévisée.  
De l’action française à La Cagoule :
Parisien de naissance Henri Martin s’engage très tôt à l’Action Française dès 14 ans. En effet, un jour de 1909, ses parents découvrent au cinéma lors de la diffusion des informations Pathé, les prises de positions de leur fils portant l’oriflamme en tête du défilé de la fête royaliste de Jeanne d’Arc! Son père lui casse sa canne sur le dos!...Henri avait comme camarade de classe, Henri Lagrange, fameux camelot du roi mort en 1915 durant la guerre et qui l'avait motivé à rejoindre l’AF. Il s’engage ensuite comme volontaire pour le front en 1914 jusqu’en 1918. Dans les années 20 il devient un des meneurs des camelots du roi mais finit par se brouiller avec Maxime Real Del Sarte et il quitte l’organisation en 1930. Après avoir été le conseiller d’Henri Dorgerès, le dirigeant du mouvement paysans des “chemises vertes”, il est en 1935 l’un des fondateurs du CSAR, organisation nationaliste clandestine connue sous le nom de “la Cagoule” et dirigée par Eugène Deloncle. Celui-ci le charge du 2e Bureau, c'est-à-dire les services de  renseignements de l'organisation, et son surnom est alors « le Bib ».  Son travail consistait à mener des filatures, répertorier des  informations personnelles et établir des fiches sur les adversaires  politiques de la Cagoule. En 1937, tandis qu'une rafle frappe les membres de la Cagoule, il réussit à s'enfuir avec Jean Filliol, et s'exile à San Remo en Italie, accompagné de sa femme et de ses enfants. Suite à une grâce d'Édouard Daladier, il revient en France pour devenir capitaine médecin à l'hôpital de Bicêtre.
Vichy et résistance :
Après la défaite de 1940, il participe aux Groupes de Protection  (GP), une organisation dépendant du Centre d'informations et d'études  (CEI) de François Métenier et du colonel Groussard. Saluant l'arrivée au pouvoir du maréchal Pétain, mais hostile à toute forme de collaboration (elle épiait notamment les agissements de la Gestapo  et des autorités militaires allemandes), elle regroupait  majoritairement d'anciens cagoulards. En décembre 1940, dans le fil de  son anti-germanisme, il monte l'opération visant à enlever Pierre Laval, jugé trop proche des Allemands. Laval est libéré peu après par Otto Abetz, tandis que le CEI et les GP sont dissous peu après (même s'ils continuaient à fonctionner officieusement). Arrêté en mars 1942, il est transféré à Castres, Vals, puis Évaux-les-Bains. Après s'être évadé, il rejoint le maquis et le « réseau Roy », participe à la libération de Lyon, et s'engage dans la Septième Armée du général Alexander Patch, où il accomplit plusieurs missions spéciales et dangereuses en Alsace et sur le Rhin.
Clandestinité d'après-guerre et OAS :
Lors de la procès de la Cagoule en 1948, le docteur Martin est condamné à une peine de déportation, qu'il n'accomplira pas, étant de nouveau en cavale. Il reprend ses activités clandestines, désormais contre La IVème République pour le maintien de l'Algérie française. Il participe dans les années 1950, avec les généraux Lionel-Max Chassin et Paul Cherrière, à l'organisation appelée « Grand O », active de 1954 à 58. En juin 1957 à la gare Saint-Lazare  de Paris, il est arrêté par la police. Considérant qu'il ne constitue  pas une menace pour le régime, il est mis en liberté provisoire en  novembre. Après le premier putsch d'Alger, dont il est l'un des instigateurs, il rejoint le Mouvement populaire du 13 mai, dit MP-13. Collaborateur au journal Salut public de l'Algérie française, organe du MP-13, il est le conseiller de Robert Martel, avec lequel il finit par se brouiller. Proche de l'Organisation armée secrète (OAS), il est à nouveau recherché pour sa participation à la « Semaine des barricades » à Alger en janvier 1960, puis, encore une fois, pour son rôle dans le Putsch des Généraux du 23 avril 1961. 
Cette fois, son anti-gaullisme ne lui est pas pardonné : arrêté pour de  bon, il est condamné à 10 ans de travaux forcés en octobre 1963 par la Cour de sûreté de l'État.
Il est décédé le 6 juin 1969 à l'hôpital du Kremlin-Bicêtre, où il avait été mobilisé en 1939 comme médecin.
Photos : Henri Martin lors de son arrestation en 1957.
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whitewaterpaper · 4 years
Gaston Lagaffe (2018) [FR/BE]
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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Ingen kan producera serietidningsfilmer fransmännen. När jag läste att min ungdomsfavorit Gaston skulle bli spelfilm såg jag fram emot det hela. Jag har de senaste åren läst om serierna allt efter Cobolt föralg släppt den i nu inbunden upplaga. Och i den här uppdaterade versionen är det inte tidningsförlaget ”Spirou” som Gaston blir praktikant hos utan succéstartup: en ”Idehörnan”. Gaston (Théo Fernandez) är som klippt och skuren för företaget, synd bara att hans chef Prunelle (regissör Pierre-François Martin-Laval) ser möjligheterna i hans uppfinningar när företaget skall hitta nya användningsområden för allt mellan tumlösa vantar och tredubbla hängslen.
Jag har inga problem med uppdateringen, även om Gaston givetvis inte är lika malplacerad på Idéhörnan som på kontoret till tidningsförlaget. Man har hittat bra skådespelare till alla rollerna, speciellt bra måste jag säga att man lyckats med Jeanne (Janette i de svenska serierna). Alison Wheeler fångar karaktären bra och är precis så lite smånördig och tafatt som hon är i serierna. Janette har dessutom alltid varit en gnutta mer än bara ett kärleksintresse, och det tycker jag man lyckats bibehålla. Överlag har man lyckats bra med att fälla in fler kvinnliga ansikten utan att det känns krystat – att ge De Mesmaeker (Jérôme Commandeur) investeraren som vill köpa Idéhörnan en kvinnlig assistent är ett smart sätt att göra det på. Att Assistenten Kiglouss (Silvie Laguna) dessutom är väldigt vältalig (trots att hon i princip inte säger ett ord) är humor i sig. Visuellt så känner man igen sig från serierna, även om den rör sig i modernare tider. Gastons härjningar är dessutom av den typ som aldrig blir riktigt föråldrad, och som Janette noterar i filmen: Gaston vill egentligen allas väl – det går bara inte så bra alla gånger han försöker.
Inte en aning om varför folk satt så långa betyg, själv var jag utomordentligt road igenom hela filmen. Men det krävs ju viss koncentration att se filmen när man inte kan franska. Det går liksom inte som med engelsk-/svenskspråkiga produktioner och hålla ett öga på mobilen samtidigt.
Inget sagt om en uppföljare, snyft, men en film som jag anser är väl värd att framtidssäkra med ett dvd-inköp. Undrar om Spirou-filmen är lika bra? Har sämre erfarenheter av den serien.
Filmen @ Vodeville
Filmen @ IMDb.
Filmen @ Play Pilot.
Filmen @ Studio S.
Serien @ Cobolt Förlag.
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© Photo: Agence France-Presse (photo) tirée de Amélie Daoust-Boisvert (2010) dans Le Devoir. 
L’anxiété de performance chez les étudiants trouve une, voire deux solutions  
Le poids de l’anxiété de performance tombe des épaules des étudiants. En théorie, Cory Andrew Labrecque, professeur à l’Université Laval qui aborde la question de la performance dans sa recherche sur le transhumanisme, propose de redéfinir la réussite étudiante. En pratique, la faculté de médecine de l’Université Laval se dote d’un nouveau système de notation dès cet automne 2018. 
Kyavumba Sadiki
La recherche de solution à l’anxiété de performance chez les étudiants vient de faire une réalisation remarquable. Le chercheur Cory Andrew Labrecque, professeur agrégé en éthique théologique et bioéthique à l’Université Laval, arrive à une conclusion selon laquelle « la réussite, c’est autre chose que A+ ». Il répondait à la question : « L’humain doit-il toujours être performant ? » qui lui a été posée lors d’une entrevue qu’il a accordée au journal Le Soleil de Québec le printemps dernier. À cause de la pression sociale de performance qui envahit les institutions d’enseignement, plusieurs étudiants s’étouffent en courant prendre la première place. On semble oublier « le mandat de l’université comme communauté où les gens s’entraident », indique Labrecque.
La pensée de Labrecque croise la révolution que la faculté de médecine de l’Université Laval vient d’opérer dans sa lutte contre l’anxiété de performance chez les étudiants. Ici, le système traditionnel de notation en lettres A, B, C et D cède la place au principe « succès-échec ». L’étudiant verra sur son relevé de notes la mention « succès » ou la mention « échec ». Le système communiquera à l’étudiant le pourcentage qui correspond aux lettres de l’ancien système seulement pour informer et stimuler l’étudiant. Ce sont les étudiants de pré-clinique, c’est-à-dire ceux de première année, qui bénéficient de ce nouveau système dès cet automne. « [Le “succès-échec”] favorise la culture de la collaboration entre les étudiants et un climat propice aux échanges et à un meilleur apprentissage », affirme Andrée-Anne Stewart, porte-parole de l’Université Laval. Elle estime qu’il en va de la « responsabilité sociale » de l’établissement d’enseignement de favoriser un « environnement d’apprentissage sain et sécuritaire ».  
  La performance risque de couler en même temps que l’anxiété
Ce nouveau système suscite des réactions divergentes au sein de la communauté universitaire. Ce nouveau système « va diminuer l’anxiété de ces étudiants », réalisent Sébastien St-Onge et Flore Bibeau, journalistes chez L’exemplaire. Médias-école des étudiants en journalisme à l’Université Laval. En rapportant les opinions de certains étudiants, ces deux journalistes estiment que « ce nouveau système est un poids de moins sur les épaules des étudiants ». Selon Gabriel Dubois, vice-président aux affaires pédagogiques du regroupement des étudiants en médecine de l'Université Laval, « on pense que ça va diminuer le stress des étudiants. C'est sûr que c'est un milieu qui est performant, on ne se le cachera pas ». Jeanne Lavallée, étudiante en médecine à l’Université Laval, « pense que c’est une piste pour régler le problème, mais pas nécessairement la solution ultime et parfaite techniquement ». Sans donner d’explications comme Jeanne Lavallée, Sonia Chahine, elle aussi étudiante en médecine, « ne pense pas que ça va changer grand-chose ». Mélina Royer, étudiante aussi en médecine, pense que ce nouveau système va aider les étudiants à diminuer l’anxiété. Les collègues de Mélina, eux aussi, avancent des opinions divergentes. 
On lit moins fréquemment des opinions sensibles à l’égard de tous ces garçons et filles qui ont avalé tout rond la pilule de la performance.
                 Karina Marceau, journaliste chez Le Journal de Québec
En général, « les gens trouvaient que c’est une bonne chose », rapporte Mélina. « Certaines personnes, vu qu’elles avaient de bonnes notes déjà, se demandaient comment elles allaient faire pour se démarquer des autres », poursuit Mélina. Le nouveau système « éradiquerait la valeur de l’effort et la compétition » au point de faire de nos jeunes « des futurs mésadaptés face à la jungle du monde du travail qui les attend plus tard », rapporte Karine Marceau. Selon elle, les gens lisent moins fréquemment « des opinions sensibles à l’égard de tous ces garçons et filles qui ont avalé tout rond la pilule de la performance ». Pour ces jeunes, poursuit Marceau, l’échec est synonyme de mort. 
 Le fil de la recherche pour rompre le fil des troubles anxieux   
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© Image: Psychanalyste Paris 15
La recherche apporte une distinction dans les termes pour un traitement efficace des troubles anxieux. « Trois types d’anxiété sont importants à distinguer », note Sonia Lupien, directrice du Centre d’études sur le stress humain à Montréal: l’état anxieux, le trait anxieux et le trouble anxieux. À propos de l’état anxieux, la chercheuse donne l’exemple de l’état dans lequel on vit avant l’examen. Selon elle, cet état est normal chez les humains. Lorsque cet état devient permanent chez quelqu’un, on parle du trait anxieux, comme une caractéristique de sa personnalité. Lorsque l’anxiété est non contrôlée et peut se développer en maladie mentale, on parle de « trouble anxieux ».
Le trouble anxieux est un résultat d’une somme de difficultés d’apprentissage, conclut Docteure Noémie Hébert-Lalonde, psychologue, neuropsychologue et superviseure clinique à l’Université de Montréal. Sa cause profonde, c’est « le très haut degré de stress », note Spreen que Hébert-Lalonde cite dans son étude. Sa conséquence majeure et dramatique, c’est l’isolement, estime Labrecque. Selon celui-ci, les jeunes qui s’isolent des autres développent souvent des idées suicidaires. 
Selon un sondage qu’avait mené la Fédération médicale des étudiants du Québec (FMEQ) en 2012, un étudiant sur cinq avait déjà songé au suicide, rapporte La Presse.  
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Pour prévenir l’irréparable, Monsieur Labrecque propose de favoriser le partenariat entre les étudiants. 
« Les interactions devraient permettre de bâtir une relation positive, cibler l’acceptation réciproque et favoriser l’implication positive dans des activités de groupe », suggère Hébert-Lalonde qui cite Nowicki. 
Dans la lutte contre l’anxiété, les institutions ont un rôle majeur à jouer, estime Labrecque. Une grande part de responsabilité revient à l’étudiant, note le chercheur sur le transhumanisme en bioéthique et vie humaine.
Peut-on traiter ou contrôler l’anxiété de performance ?
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Juin 08. Necronomidol – Théâtre Claude Lévi-Strauss|Quai Branly (gratuit) 08. Chocolat + The Soap Opera + Jaromil Sabor + Valderamas + Carambolage – Supersonic (gratuit avant 23h) 08. Stuart Moxham – Planète Mars 08. Monolithe noir + Colin Johnco – Olympic café 08. Robert Henke & Marko Nikodijevic : "From within" (fest. ManiFeste) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Nightwatchers + Hinin + Shock + Glam Skanks (fest. Ville maudite) – Gare XP 08. Michael Gendreau + Francisco Meirino – église Saint-Merry 08. Bracco + Jessica 93 + Jardin – La Station 08. Julien Ribeill & Jacques Perconte – Ciné 104 (Pantin) 08. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 09. Trisomie 21 + Delacave – La Maroquinerie 09. Waxahatchee – Espace B ||ANNULÉ|| 09.  Waxahatchee + Courtney Barnett – Bataclan 09. The Driver + Renart + Le Cabaret contemporain + "In C" de Terry Riley + Le Comte + Arandel (dj) + Dudmode + Ambeyance (dj) + Clément Bazin (dj) – La Station 09. Woodwork + Sueurs froides + Marée noire + Snob (fest. Ville maudite) – Jardin d'Alice (Montreuil) 09. Muro + Tu brüles mon esprit + TV Crime + Zone infinie (fest. Ville maudite) – Olympic café 09. Charlene Darling + Droit divin + Hamlet Machine + Âmes sanglantes – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Helena Hauff + Illnurse + Parfait + Tafkamp + Thomas P. Heckmann – tba 09 ou 10. Oktober Lieber... (La Dynamicale Estivale) – Parc Jean-Moulin Les Guilands (Bagnolet) (gratuit) 10. Project Youth + Taulard + Sordide + Robot Orchestra + Rose Mercie + Sauna Youth (fest. Ville maudite) – Le Cri du singe (Montreuil) 11. Preoccupations + Moaning – La Maroquinerie 11. The Dead C – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 12. Damo Suzuki's Network – Espace B 12. Thom York – L'Olympia 13. David Fenech – Chair de poule (gratuit) 13. L7 – La Cigale 13. Plomb + Neue Kinder Von Damals + Degat Deso – La Pointe Lafayette 13. Marietta + Canari – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 13. Piotr Kurek + DSR Lines + Claire Serres – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 14. Ty Segall & The Freedom Band + Mike Donovan – Bataclan 14. Zombie Zombie – Forum des images 14. Troum + Flint Glass + Maninkari – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Bernard Grancher + Infecticide + Les Trucs – Centre Barbara-FGO 15. Varsovie + Carpet Burns + Marécage – Supersonic (gratuit avant 23h) 15. Tapan + Kris Baha + Philip Berg + Pepe Del Noche + I-F + Identified Patient b2b Job Sifre + Klankman + Mark Knekelhuis + Beige + Theorama + Belec + Chris Marechal (fest. Positive Education) – La Station 15. Gâtechien + Jordan + Merakhaazan – Olympic café 15. Anne-James Chaton & Andy Moor : "Heretics" + Midget – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Blawan + Laval (Electric Rescue & Kmyle) – Rex Club 15/16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Datamatics" – Centre Pompidou 16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Formula" – Centre Pompidou 16. Ryoji Ikeda : "c4i" – Centre Pompidou 16. Vladimir Ivkovic + Die Wilde Jagd + Sacha Mambo + Abschaum + PAM + Bufiman + Krikor + Zozo + Merel + Jacques Satre + Marcorosso + Emilio + Helione + Dress Rehearsals (fest. Positive Education) – La Station 16. Deeat Palace + Minute de S + Pierre Pierre Pierre – La Pointe Lafayette 16. Jérôme Noetinger : « Noetinger » de Stefano Canapa + Michalis Moschoutis : « Parallaxe » du collectif Nominoë + BJ Nilsen : « Yujiapu » de Karl Lemieux (Scratch Expanded) – Les Voûtes 16. Carl Craig + Moodyman + Octave One + Omar S + Stacey Pullen + Kyle Hall + Bambounou + Waajeed + Idriss D – Docks Pullman (Saint-Denis) 16. Vitalic (fest. Bains numériques) – Lac d'Enghien-lès-Bains (gratuit) 16/17. Confipop + Colt + Eat Rabbit + Froe Char + Golden Q + Rallye mondain + René Couteau + Subskan + Tapetronic + Wankers United + Wopr Maze... (fest. Merguez électroniques) – Les Mûrs à pêches (Montreuil) 17. Animal Collective – Le Trianon 18. E + Toro + Euro Milliard – Espace B 19. Publique + Luxury – Le Klub 19. Mörpheme + Unlogistic + Pour X raisons – La Comedia (Montreuil) 20. Night Night + Krivers – Olympic café 20. Mohamed Lamouri + Blow + This is the Kit + Yan Wagner + Chapelier fou + Chaton + UTO + Tample + Thomas Ospital & Baptiste Lagrave (fest. 36H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 21. Midget + Mathieu Bogaerts (fest. 36H Saint-Eustache) – église Saint-Eustache (gratuit) 21. Turzi & Dr Shonberg + Eva Peel – Centre FGO-Barbara (gratuit) 21. Laurence Wasser + Antilles – bar Ourcq (gratuit) 22. Forever Parot (dj) + Vox Low (dj) + Marietta (dj) – La Recyclerie 22. Pointe Lumière + Didier Wampas & Benjamin Sportès (dj) (fest. Sans les mains) – Bar Gallia (Pantin) (gratuit) 22. Modern Life Is War + Cro Mags – Petit Bain 22. Cockpit + Bisou de Saddam + La Secte du futur – Gibus 23. Badbad – Penny Lane Record Store (gratuit) 23. Meryll Ampe + Poborsk + Mika Oki + Sébastien Roux... (fest. Lion noir) – Faculté de chirurgie dentaire (Montrouge) (gratuit) 23. Tomoko Sauvage + Felicia Atkinson – piscine Edouard-Herriot (Noisy-le-Sec) (gratuit) 23. Crack Cloud – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Blackmail (dj) + C.A.R. (fest. Sans les mains) – Trabendo (gratuit) 23. Liz Lamere, Dante Vega Lamere & Christophe + Pascal Comelade + Chinese Army + Marie Môôr & The Other Colors + Tristesse contemporaine + Alice Botté + Marc Hurtado + Vomir + Pest Modern + Hiv+ + Jac Berrocal, David Fenech é Vincetn Epplay + Christophe Van Huffel + Turzi feat. Dee Gage + Rachid Taha + Yan Péchin + Imed Alibi + My Great Blue Cadillac + Fishbach + Olivier Brisson + Jesse Malin (fest. d'avant-séance : hommage à Alan Vega) – ancien cinéma L'Entrepôt 23. Seabuckthorn + Eric Chenaux & Eloïse Decazes – Le Zorba (sur résa) 23. Errorsmith + Rezzett + Djrum + Chien ardent + Pépe + Realitycheck + U-Unity – La Machine 25. Nine Inch Nails – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 26. Tomoko Sauvage + Andrew Pekler – Jeu de Paume (gratuit) 26. Schoolbusdriver + Revok + Computerstaat – Espace B 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Le Trianon 27. Deaf Kids + Bracco + Noyades – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. La Colonie de vacances – La Station 28. Golden Oriole + Antoine Chessex + Brutal Blues – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. La Colonie de vacances – La Station ||COMPLET|| 29. Cocaine Piss + SHIT + Sordid Ship + Harassment – Le Gibus 29. Wolves in the Throne Room – Petit Bain 29. Punish Yourself + TRK_X + Virile + F/cken Chipotle + Front de crypte + Thérapie club + Nana Benamer – La Station 29. Fred P. aka Black Jazz Consortium + Tin Man + Kay Alce b2b Patrick Gibin + Skee Mask (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. A Deep Groove + Antal + Golden Dawn Archestra + Blake Baxter + Muddy Monk + Saint DX + Toshio Matsuura + Vox Low + Nathy Peluso (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. Eliott Litrowski (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 30. Echo Collective joue "Amnesiac" de Radiohead (fest. Days Off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 30. Nils Frahm (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 30. Scratch Massive (dj) + Regina Demina + Char + RAG + Morello + Nasi Fshr – Cabaret sauvage 30. Femme + Stefan Christensen + Dustbreeders Extended – Espace B
Juillet 01. Motor City Drum Ensemble + Josey Rebelle + Cotonete + Lomboy + Ceephax Acid Crew + Kamaal Williams + HDBeenDope + Sentiments (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 01. Nick V (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 01. Zaltan (Macki Music fest.) – boat party 01. Renart + Vulcanizadora + NSDOS – Agora|Maison de la radio 03. David Byrne (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 03. Poison Point – Supersonic (gratuit) 04. Usé – Point FMR 04. MGMT (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 05. Brnsrpprs + Brns + Ropoporose (7 ans de Petit-Bain) – Petit Bain 05. Eric Chenaux + Orgue Agnès – Point FMR 05>07. Dominique a + Jeanne Added... (Fnac Live Paris) – parvis de l'Hôtel de ville (gratuit) 06. Trami Nguyen et Laurent Durupt jouent "Piano Phase" de Steve Reich + Bruce Brubaker + Laake + Fabrizio Rat + Murcof & Vanessa Wagner + Tom Rogerson + Grandbrothers (fest. Days Off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Amelie Lens + Daniel Avery + Floating Points + Folamour + Jeff Mills + Laurent Garnier + Kink b2b Gerd Janson + Not Waving + Solomun... (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 06. Speedy J + Fjaak – Concrete 06/07. Orchestre tout puissant Marcel Duchamp + Odessey & Oracle + Warum Joe + The Monochrome Set + The Experimental Tropic Blues Band + Sida + Hyperculte + Snapped Ankles + White Heat + Tonnerre + USA Nails + Bracco + Lèche-moi + Brandt + 10LEC6 + Belmont Witch + Pyjamarama + Me Donner + The Absolute Never (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 07. Sister Iodine (La Ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 07. Etienne Daho + Tristesse contemporaine (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Richie Hawtin + Tale of Us + Charlotte de Witte + Chloé + Maetrik + Mano Le Tough + Octo Octa + Joy Orbison b2b Kornel Kovacs (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 08. Maulwürfe – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Eels – Olympia 10>14. Cité lumière + Bertrand Burgalat + Warum Joe + Le Réveil des tropiques + Palma Rosa + Guili Guili Goulag + Pierre & Bastien + Guerre froide + Oktober Lieber + Ricky Hollywood + Keruda Panter + Stratocastors + Biche... (fest. Restons sérieux) – Supersonic (gratuit) 12. Chelsea Wolfe + Emma Ruth Rundle – Trabendo 13. Ministry + Grave Pleasures – Elysées Montmartre 13. Petra Flurr – Le Klub 14. Papier Tigre + Pyjamarama + Puissant Blaster – Espace B 19>22. The KVB + Structure + First Hate + Giant Swan + Operant + Sneaks + Häxxan + Homoagent + Iron Sight + IV Horsemen + Maenad Veyl + RVG + Make-Overs + UVB 76 + Hand & Leg (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 20. Kangding Ray + Stanislav Tolkachev + Electric Rescue – Rex Club 21. Veil of Light – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Dirty Fences – Supersonic (gratuit)
Août 20. Front Line Assembly + Die Krupps – La Machine 24. Die Antwood + Carpenter Brut + Dirty Projectors + Parcels... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud 26. Jessica 93 + Idles + The Black Angels + Bonobo + Justice... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 01. Lilthics – Espace B 01. Ariel Pink + Vox Low + Cut Worms + Volage + TH da Freak (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Machine 02/03. Molly Nilsson + Petit Fantôme + Dead Sea + Faux Real + Saint DX... (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – tba 04. Thee Oh Sees +  Male Gaze + Prettiest Eyes (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Cigale 05. Feist – L'Olympia 07. Conflict + Humandogfood + Social Experiment – Le Gibus 14. Qual – Supersonic 20. The Brian Jonestown Massacre – La Cigale 21. Crisis + Plomb – Petit Bain   22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR 22. Atonalist feat. Gavin Friday + Machinalis Tarentulae + Arco Trauma – Petit Bain 22. Paula Temple + LSD + Tommy FourSeven... (Dream Nation fest.) – Docks de Paris (Aubervilliers) 23. Spiritualized – Cabaret sauvage 26. Sleaford Mods + Consumer Electronics – Le Trianon 27. Part Chimp – Espace B 29. Terry Riley & Gyan Riley – La Maroquinerie
Octobre 04. Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G. W. Sok + Princess Thailand – Centre Barbara-FGO 04. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 12. Les Négresses vertes – Cabaret sauvage 12. Thorofon + Control + Te/DIS – Les Voûtes 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Les Tétines noires – Petit Bain 22. Dead Meadow – Petit Bain 24. Motorama – Petit Bain 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon 27. Killing Joke – Cabaret sauvage
Novembre 01>03. Bon Iver + Fever Ray + Mac DeMarco + Blood Orange... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. Emma Ruth Rundle – Petit Bain 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. Colin Stetson – Café de la danse 08. Cold Cave – Petit Bain 13. Hot Snakes – Point FMR 16. Parquet Courts – Elysées Montmartre 18. Ensemble Links : « Drumming » de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 22. Scout Niblett – Petit Bain 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo 28. Adult – Petit Bain
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 06. The KVB – Badaboum 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Drab Majesty – Point FMR
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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harrowbleak · 6 years
I feel like posting a WIP, so behold. I really like the fate/series, although it has many, many warts. Many, many warts. I’ve been especially interested in the whole Gilles de Rais and Jeanne d’Arc situation, because if I don’t consume garbage, I will almost certainly die. But really what I’m interested in is how the show decided to handle Gilles de Rais as being split between Saber Gilles, who is rational and believes in justice, and Caster Gilles who literally murders children. And so it’s especially interesting to make that virtuous past look directly into its hideous future and know that it’s not just a possibility, but what actually happens. And that he loves the shit out of Jeanne is also of interest, given what he becomes. Fate/Apocrypha kind of got into it, but they didn’t quite get elbows deep into it, and so I’m writing a fic. Anyway, here’s Wonderwall. [WIP tag] [Fic Portfolio] Gilles isn’t sure where he is. Asleep? No, something deeper than that. They’d hanged him in 1440. A beautiful morning in October. He’d been the first to die, although the rope had been just a little short. He remembers the horrible moment when the line went taut, and he began to strangle. Poor Poitou, poor Henriet. They’d have to watch him choke, and realize their necks would not be broken by the fall. In the end, they’d been too afraid to defy him. As much as he could have disdained their tacit compliance in all of his grotesque evil, he knows they were powerless; his victims, too, just as much as all those innocent children.
Was Prelati here? Was he watching? His dear, treacherous Prelati, who had found him in his grief and asked that eminently lethal question:
If Jeanne d’Arc was the holiest of maidens, why did the Lord let her burn?
Much later, that question would lead to others, and pondering them would distort Gilles utterly from what he had been as a man of 26. How much depravity was enough? Why did God, who loved them, allow such heinous evil to be committed against those most faithful? Why was no one punished? Dimly, he remembers. He’d hanged, after nearly a decade of killing, and burned, burned, burned, if only because the boundless greed of his detractors surpassed his desire to fritter his wealth away. Nothing mattered, after the war, and mattered even less after Jeanne, whose name would ring out in his heart forever.
Under threat of torture, Gilles had confessed the grisly account of a hundred, two hundred, six hundred dead children. He’d tormented his own victims just the same, after all, and so he knew how awful, how beautiful such agony could be, and his frail heart feared what an inquisitor would subject him to in order to extract those hideous stories. The little one he’d smothered with his hands after extracting every small scream she could make. The little one he’d dressed in a page’s fine clothes before he ran a knife over their sweet young throat. How he had laughed at the profound ineptitude of God, failing over and over to protect those he should have guarded most jealously. He was sure he could feel Jeanne burning, the heat of her pyre all around him. Her last breath was on the lips of every dying child. Why hadn’t he been there when they set her ablaze? Why can’t he remember that, but remembers kissing every cold brow of every cold child? O Gilles de Montmorency-Laval,
O bloodstained Baron de Rais, Wouldst see again that holy maid? Wouldst speak again her blesséd name? And whatever he is now, it answers. Every fragment of who he was, who he is in this abyss, who the world has imagined him to be now that he has left it, every shattered piece of him calls out in unison. Where must I go?
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histoireettralala · 2 years
The Maid was born inside the borders of the kingdom since the Meuse river traditionally separates France from the Empire. "If you search for her nation, she is of the kingdom, if you search for her country, she is from Vaucouleurs." Domrémy is divided in two feudal obediences, part of the village being directly in the kingdom, the other, where Jeanne's house is, is attached to the Barrois mouvant. But during Jeanne's childhood the village is mostly torn between the rival ambitions of two political parties. The Valois Duke of Burgundy rules over the countries of here (the duchy) as well as over the countries of there (Flanders) and the strategic road which links them crosses the Meuse Valley. Louis of Orleans, count of Porcien and Valois, advances his pawns in the region in order to cut the States of his adversary in two, and has been trying to unite Lorraine to the kingdom. Metz or Neufchâteau go under a royal safekeeping ensured by Orleans troops.
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Jeanne's father is an Armagnac notable. The Maid's childhood is scarred by lootings from Burgundian troops, which really scared her. Jeanne denies any paternal influence in her political formation, which she attributes to her voices who love the king of France. From this moment, she hates the Burgundians. It is in her village that she hears about the imprisonment of the duke of Orleans after Azincourt, about the murder in Montereau (a disaster for which she doesn't believe the dauphin to be responsible), and about the treaty of Troyes (which she doesn't know too well, it doesn't deny the legitimacy of Charles VII). In Domrémy, everybody is Armagnac, except for Gérardin d'Epinal, whose head she would have gladly cut off if they hadn't been companions. The little boys of the village often go together to confront the children of Maxey, in Burgundian land, but little girls don't go.
Her mission starts during the Lent of 1429 at the moment when Orleans, besieged for eight months by the English, risks assault or capitulation. As the actual capital and symbol of the party, Orleans is the other body of Duke Charles, prisoner in England. Can it be fathomed that the English could hold both the body and the city ? The capture of Orleans would be the end of the party, because the duke would never be able to pay the ransom. In a way, the fall of Orleans would have greater consequences for the Duke's partisans than for the kingdom. Jeanne's mission is made of two to four parts. The first is the liberation of Orleans (proving she is sent by God), the third is the liberation of Duke Charles. In other words, Jeanne's mission is equally shared between the king (two duties: the Sacre and the expulsion of the English) and the duke. Charles is the "good Duke of Orleans", a title that isn't universally acclaimed at the time […] She envisions, on various occasions, to exchange him against English lords, to have him brought back by miracle, even to wage war in England to recover him. She has good will for him and for his interests.
A medieval party is first based on the clients of a prince whom they want to bring to power in fortunate times, or else defend. Jeanne's relationships with the prince's biological family are numerous. Dunois, Charles of Orleans' bastard half-brother, is the king's lieutenant in the Loire Valley. Some chroniclers, especially in Burgundy, think Baudricourt sent Jeanne to Dunois in order to save the city. The Maid likes even more the handsome Duke of Alençon, Charles's son-in-law. She goes to Saumur to visit his young wife Jeanne (daughter of the former queen of England who was a daughter of Charles VI) and promises her the safe return of her husband. She will indeed save his life during the campaign. Finally, she enters the cities of the apanage at their side. Duke Charles had married a second time with Bonne of Armagnac in 1410. Jeanne frequented the count of Armagnac and Thibault of Armagnac lord of Termes, who was a witness of the second trial in 1456. Also, Bonne Visconti, Charles's cousin, wrote to "the devout Jeanne sent by the King of Heaven" in order to recover her Milanese lordship.
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Blood and alliance structure the party. But spiritual parentage also play a part. Jeanne has excellent relations with the Laval family, whose grandmother is the widow of Du Guesclin, who was godfather of Louis of Orleans. She gives her a gold ring, a link between the first saviour of the kingdom and the second one. She herself is the godmother, in the Orleans lands of Château-Thierry, of children of loyal subjects (of the king or of the duke ?) whom she names Charles. It is the name of the duke as well as that of the king.
Colette Beaune- Jeanne d'Arc
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wildflower1204 · 3 years
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🌺"History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination to the soul." - Lord John Dalberg Acton.📷 Sharing 10 spectacular monuments from my visit to Quebéc, a province rich of culture, history and the preservation of how it all came to be.🇨🇦❤ 1- Jacques Cartier, discover and named Canada / 🇨🇦 2- Honoré Mercier, the 9th Premier of Quebéc / 3- Samuel de Champlain, founder of Quebéc city / 4- Louis Hébert & family, the first cultivators of Canada / 5- Guillaume Couillard De Lespinay, son in law to Louis Hébert & ancestor to all 'old' French Canadian families / 6- François de Laval de Montmorency, 1st Roman Catholic Bishop of Quebéc / 7- Albert H.G Grey, played the decisive part in making the Plains Of Abraham a national park, at that time he was the 4th Earl and Governor General of Canada / 8- Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc), war heroine of France and canonized as a Saint, 9- The Voltigeurs de Québec, a militia regiment officially constituted in 1862, became the oldest French Canadian military corps in Canada / 10- Major Charles John Short & Staff Sargeant George Walick who  lost their lives on duty in the great fire of St Sauveur on May 16, 1889. ❤ #canada #history #canadianhistory #quebec #quebéc #newfrance #truenorth #learn #alookbackintime #thepastisthefuture #proudheritage #heritage #proudcanadian #canadian #travel #traveler #tourist #adventurer #itsabeautifulworld 🌎 (at Quebec City, Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/COJ4RQODkDH/?igshid=1hch8bsr202b9
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widvile-blog · 6 years
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- François I’s maîtresses-en-titre:
Françoise de Foix, Comtesse de Châteaubriant (c.1495 - 16 October 1537) - daughter of Jean de Foix, Vicomte de Lautrec and Jeanne d’Aydie. Wife of Jean de Laval, Comte de Châteaubriant. She spoke Latin, Italian and wrote poetry. When she arrived at court, François promptly tried to seduce her. After a period of resistance, she became his mistress. When the Dauphin was baptised, Françoise was placed near the royal princesses. The King made his affections to her plain to the court, which greatly displeased his mother. As François’s official mistress, she had no political influence, only managing to persuade the King not to disgrace her brother after his defeat at the battle of Biococca. After François I returned from his captivity in Madrid, the young Anne de Pisseleu d’Heilly caught his attention. The two women battled for his affection for two years before Françoise gave up and returned to Châteaubriant in 1528. She died on 16 October 1537.
Anne de Pisseleu d’Heilly, Duchess of Étampes (1508 - 1580) - daughter of Adrien de Pisseleu, Seigneur d’Heilly and Charlotte d’Ailly. Wife of Jean IV de Brosse. She came to court in 1522 and was one of Louise of Savoy’s maids-of-honour. François made her his mistress probably upon his return from Madrid. She succeded in keeping his favour until his death in 1547. The liason received some official recognision - when the new Queen of France, Eleanor of Austria, arrived in Paris, François and Anne occupied the same window. Her influence, especially in the last year of François’s reign, was considerable. She upheld admiral Philippe de Chabot against the Constable of Montmorency, who was supported by Diane de Poitiers. Anne was tolerant of Protestants, whose beliefs she openly embraced after the King’s death. She cooperated with his sister, Margaret of Navarre. She used her inluence to enrich her family. After François’s death, the Duchess of Étampes was dismissed by Diane de Poitiers, dying in 1580.
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eglise22 · 3 years
Ce 17 janvier 2021 : 150e anniversaire de l'apparition de la Vierge Marie à Pontmain
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La prière des enfants à Notre-Dame de Pontmain« Sainte Vierge Marie, douce Maman du ciel, Tu as souri aux enfants de Pontmain.Tu leur as présenté sur la Croix ton Fils, Jésus Notre Seigneur, le plus beau cadeau du Père des cieux.Veux-Tu nous apprendre à L'accueillir, à L'aimer, à Le prier, à Lui faire plaisir ?Veux-Tu nous aider à répandre la joie autour de nous ?Tu es belle, ô Marie, au milieu des étoiles !Nous T'aimons. Dans notre cœur nous Te prions et nous Te chantons.Amen. »
Texte de l'abbé Joseph Houzé
Il y a 150 ans, le 17 janvier 1871 la France est en guerre, les Prussiens sont aux portes de Laval en Mayenne. Il est 17h30 le général Von Schmidt ordonne à ses troupes de s'arrêter. Au même moment, à 50 km de là, à Pontmain, petit village plus à l'Ouest, un événement extraordinaire se produit : deux enfants, Eugène (12 ans) et Joseph (10 ans) Barbedette voient dans le ciel une belle dame vêtue d'une longue robe bleu foncé constellée d'étoiles d'or et la tête ornée d'un diadème d'or. Les parents des deux enfants, puis le voisinage vont mettre du temps à croire que c'est bien la Vierge Marie qui leur rend visite. On va chercher les religieuses qui tiennent l'école du village. D'autres voisins curieux rejoignent le petit groupe qui se forme devant la grange des Barbedette, scrutant le ciel au-dessus de la maison voisine. Les adultes ne voient rien. Deux pensionnaires de l'école, Françoise Richer (11 ans) et Jeanne-Marie Lebossé (9 ans) décrivent également « La belle Dame ». Les religieuses font appeler le curé du village, l'abbé Guérin qui vient les rejoindre.Il avait redynamisé la paroisse et développé la dévotion mariale. On récite des Pater et des Ave, on entonne des cantiques.
Deux autres enfants verront également « la belle Dame » : le petit Eugène Friteau (6 ans et demi) et la petite Augustine Boitin (25 mois) qui s'exclame : « Le Zésus ! Le Zésus ». Mais bien vite ils devront rentrer car il gèle. Pendant ce temps, dans le silence, la Vierge Marie - car il s'agit bien d'elle - dirige la soirée de prière par une série de tableaux que les enfants décrivent avec minutie au fur et à mesure que les chants résonnent dans la nuit. Un peu plus tard le charpentier se joint à la foule, accompagné de ses deux fillettes et de son petit Auguste (4 ans et demi) qui s'exclame : « Je vois une belle grande Dame … Elle me regarde, elle rit ! ».Un cerne ovale se développe autour de la Dame, l'image s'agrandit. On entonne le Magnificat. La Vierge Marie sourit aux enfants. Alors une sorte de grande banderole blanche se déroule sous les pieds de la Dame. Lentement de mystérieuses lettres d'or s'inscrivent. Les enfants épellent au fur et à mesure : « Mais priez mes enfants ». Sœur Vitaline sépare les enfants pour vérifier qu'ils ne s'influencent pas. À aucun moment ils n'hésitèrent et leurs dires coïncident dans les moindres détails.Le froid glace la foule qui se blottit au fond de la grange, mais les enfants ne le ressentent absolument pas. Un charretier arrive d'un village voisin, il lança : « Vous n'avez qu'à prier, les Prussiens sont à Laval ! ». L'abbé Guérin demande qu'on chante les litanies de la Sainte Vierge. De nouvelles lettres d'or s'inscrivent : « Dieu vous exaucera en peu de temps ». Dans l'assistance on s'exclame : « La guerre va cesser, nous aurons la paix. » Le petit Eugène dit : « Oui, mais priez ! » On entonne l'« Inviolata » :
Alors s'inscrit sur la banderole : « Mon fils se laisse toucher », souligné d'un gros trait d'or. On s'exclame : « C'est bien la Vierge Marie » ; on chante le Salve Regina.Effectivement c'est la Vierge Marie qui conduit cette soirée extraordinaire. Une religieuse lance un cantique célèbre à Saint Brieuc et dans toute la Bretagne (qui n'est qu'à 1 km de Pontmain) : « Mère de l'Espérance … Protégez notre France. Priez, priez pour nous ».
La Vierge Marie lève les bras et agite les mains au rythme de la mélodie. Puis le message et la banderole disparaissent.Alors le visage de la Vierge prend une expression de douleur ; une croix d'un rouge vif apparaît, portant un Christ rouge sombre, surmontée d'une traverse où s'inscrit : « Jésus-Christ ». Le visage abaissé sur le crucifix sanglant, Marie semble bénir la foule ; ses lèvres remuent. En larmes, les assistants se sentent gagnés par la contrition, un regret de leurs fautes. On entonne « Ave Maris Stella ».
Le crucifix disparait, Marie retrouve son sourire et deux petites croix blanches apparaissent sur ses épaules.Vers 20h45, l'abbé Guérin commence la prière du soir. À genoux, dans la grange ou la neige, tous prient avec ferveur. Au moment de l'examen de conscience un grand voile blanc monte depuis les pieds jusqu'à la tête de la Vierge, la couronne dorée reste quelques instants puis tout disparait. À 9h tout le monde rentre en silence, le cœur en paix.On saura plus tard que le lendemain matin, le Général von Schmidt a dit à ses aides-de-camp : « Nous ne pouvons aller plus loin vers la Bretagne, il y a une mystérieuse dame invisible qui nous barre le chemin. » L'armistice est conclu le 28 janvier 1871. Les trente-huit soldats originaires de Pontmain reviennent sains et saufs.Cette apparition est étonnante par sa simplicité et la ferveur avec laquelle les paroissiens ont vécu cette soirée de prière guidée par la Vierge Marie, soutenue par les petits voyants. Cette liturgie improvisée nous interpelle encore aujourd'hui. Elle nous invite à « prier » car nous sommes « enfants de Dieu ». Elle fortifie notre foi : « Dieu vous exaucera en peu de temps ».Les chants de louange et d'espérance touchent le cœur de la Vierge Marie. Présentant la Croix, elle nous montre combien son Fils a souffert ; mais grâce à notre repentir et à nos prières, elle affirme : « Mon Fils se laisse toucher ».
Cette apparition peut encore avoir du sens aujourd'hui. Elle ouvre vers une théologie du futur, une théologie de l'espérance. C'est la préoccupation des responsables des Églises à la recherche d'une unité originelle, celle des premiers chrétiens. Cela pourrait alimenter toute notre semaine de prière pour l'unité des chrétiens qui commence ce lundi 18 janvier …
Archives Pontmain
un court récit bien illustré (12 min 26) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZpDsZbJKi4
une vidéo très détaillée (1h 3min) commentée par l'Abbé Marcel Cellier, chapelain de N.D. de Pontmain de 1912 à 1959, qui a connu les voyants : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD0nj2IQTx8
Ouest France 17 janvier2021 https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/pontmain-53220/en-images-a-pontmain-les-150-ans-de-l-apparition-devant-une-poignee-de-fideles-7120790
Lien KTO le 17 janvier 2021
Voir aussi l'article 17 janvier, anniversaire de l'Apparition à Pontmain.
via Communauté pastorale du Littoral Ouest https://ift.tt/3sEuiL6
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sloujba · 4 years
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🚨 Liste des rassemblements partout en France 🚨 |MAJ régulière, la liste s'allonge !] #PPLSecuriteGlobale
Le vendredi 27 novembre à 17h place de l’Amérique latine à Saint-Nazaire.
Le vendredi 27 novembre à 17h30 rue Haute Pierre devant le tribunal à Metz.
Le vendredi 27 novembre à 17h30 place du champ du Roy à Guingamp.
Le vendredi 27 novembre à 17h30 devant la préfecture à Nantes.
Le vendredi 27 novembre à 18h place Pasteur à Besançon.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 10h place du 8 octobre à Saint-Quentin dans l’Aisne.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 10h sous la Halle à Foix.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 10h30 place du Général de Gaulle au Havre.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant la préfecture à Clermont-Ferrand.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant le parvis de l’Hôtel de ville à Montpellier.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant la préfecture à Limoges.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h quai de la Garonne à La Réole.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h sur la place Max Lejeune à Abbeville.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant le théâtre, place Georges Pompidou (dite place ovale) à Montigny-le-Bretonneux.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h place de la République à Rennes.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h place de la République à Lille.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant la préfecture de Moulins.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h place Piquand à Montluçon.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h place Jeanne Hachette à Beauvais.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 11h devant l'Hôtel de ville à Creil.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 12h théâtre de Verdun, à côté de la salle Pierre Mendès France à Nogent-le-Rotrou.
Le samedi 28 novembre à partir de 12h30 place de la République à Strasbourg.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place Gambetta à Amiens.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h vieux port à Marseille.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h devant la préfecture à Nîmes.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place Colbert à Reims.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place de la République à Paris.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place de la Bourse à Bordeaux.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place Verdun à Grenoble.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h place de la gare à Vitré.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 à la Fontaine monumentale à
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 place Maginot à Nancy.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 à la Pierre aux poissons à Montbéliard.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 devant le portail des Jacobins à Carcassonne.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 place de la République à Caen.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 au Jardin du Mail à Angers.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 14h30 Place Bilange à Saumur.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place Jean Jaurès à Saint-Etienne.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h esplanade Saint Vincent à Saint-Malo.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place de la liberté à Brest.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place de la République à Châteauroux.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place de la mairie à Avranches.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h devant la mairie à Cherbourg.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h sur le port à Vannes.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h parvis du Grand Théâtre à Lorient.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place du 18 Juin à Laval.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h place de la poste à Vichy.
Le samedi 28 novembre à 15h devant la préfecture à Bourg en Bresse.
Le samedi 5 décembre à 14h place Kleber à Strasbourg.
Rien ni personne n'est supérieur à la vérité #Politique #Assemblée #Economies
#GiletsJaunes #France #FREXIT 🇫🇷🔵⚪️🔴 #Justice #Constitution #Démocratie
#ForMiSC #CEMAT #CEMM #CEMAA #OIA #BSPP #Société #Institutions #ONU #LDH #UPEACE #UNESCO #UNICEF #CPI #Presse #Article24
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1-800-59-bx-blog · 4 years
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Gilles de Montmorency-Laval, Baron de Rais, Breton şövalye, Fransız ordusunda bir lider ve Jeanne d'Arc ile birlikte savaşmış bir askerdi. En çok itibarı ve daha sonra çocuk seri katili olarak suçlanarak idam edilmesi ile bilinir.Parlak lacivert-siyah saçları ve sakalları vardı.Mavi Sakal adıyla masallara girmiştir. #gillesderais #criminal #lukamagnotta #murder https://www.instagram.com/p/CA74mrRJTU5/?igshid=wt309v3igt8e
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leo130949 · 5 years
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Douceur du dimanche soir « Les Médaillons Jeanne de Laval » #beaufortenanjou #baugeoisvallee @baugeoisyes #jaimelanjou #anjou #paysdelaloiretourisme #chocolat #igersanjou #igers #douceur (à Beaufort-En-Vallée, Pays De La Loire, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aknz7IhP5/?igshid=mpq9j18hjv6t
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