#jellimac sims
jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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The Reluctant Painter
Summary | You find a bag of money and a little black book with a scythe on it. What would you do?
I don’t particularly like my job but at least I have one. My brother is super protective and made me move to the desert across the street from him. I can’t blame him. It’s not like I was doing much with my life bumming around with my friends getting high. His only condition was that I get a job so I took the first job that came my way. The Artist Agency calls my position a “Hungry Artist” which is a fancy way of saying this is a shit job.
Even with this job and the freeish housing things aren’t exactly going my way. Yeah, I'm grateful to have a steady income, to live in the trailer my brother owns, and for the money that he and his wife send me to help keep up with bills. Things keep seeming to go downhill day after day lately. My smoking hot girlfriend broke up with me. Then my dog Shep got sick. And then when my best friend Eden took me out to try to cheer me up I ended up trying to makeout with her. I got a black eye for it. She hasn’t spoken to me since. Things really couldn’t be worse for me right now.
Thankfully the Artist Agency called the other day to hire me to finish up the new mural at the gym in Uptown. I can’t say that I am the best artist but work is work and it will help take my mind off of things for a little while. It's just painting anyway. I took the day job begrudgingly and made my way to head to Uptown. It takes two buses and one train to get to Uptown from Bedrock Strait where I live. That costs me $23 just to get to the job site and back. The agency only has me scheduled for four hours to finalize the mural. I only make $23 an hour. I’m about to make less than $100 for four hours of work. This job fucking sucks.
Unfortunately, the job site was downstairs in the men's locker room. This part of Uptown is elevated over the rest of the city. Think of the sort of place where you’d say ‘I can see my house from here’. That's the type of view I'm talking about. Which I almost can say but my house is just too far off to make out. From up here, you can see from the mountains and out to sea. I’m landlocked in a desert so I like coming here when I can. A creek runs behind my trailer but this is so much nicer. I had been hoping that maybe at least I’d have a good view all day even if it was just some housewives doing yoga badly. Realizing that I had gotten the shit end of the stick I plugged in my earbuds and got to work. 
After a few hours, one guy with bad diarrhea (probably one too many protein shakes) and several smelly dudes later the job was done. It was pretty nice; an optical illusion of the wall broken down showing the earth and the moon from above. Even though I can’t afford the membership at this gym you can see that this mural pulls the space together nicely (no pun intended). I hadn’t taken a break so I decided to spend the last 30 minutes of my time having lunch. I grabbed what I thought was all of my bags of paint supplies (that I would now have to lug back with me since the job was done) and headed outside. 
Finding a bench outside, I chowed down on leftover pizza that my SIL sent to my place last night. I noticed a bag with the painting supplies that didn’t look familiar. It was plain black with a thick gray zipper and felt kind of expensive in my hand. I opened it up expecting that maybe I had picked up someone's gym bag by mistake. To my surprise, it was full of cash! Thick bundled stacks of cash with $1000 markers on the bands. Holy shit! It looked like there was a couple of grand in this bag alone. I’ve never seen this much money ever in my life! I don't even have this much money.
Quickly but trying not to look suspicious, I zipped the bag back up, grabbed all the other bags, and threw what was left of the pizza slice to the pigeons that were hungrily watching me eat. I hurried down to the subway level to catch a train back to Oasis Springs. This time the cost of the tickets and bus fare didn't matter to me that much considering I had a few thousand bucks in one of my bags I was lugging back home. 
I don't usually pay any mind to how long it takes to get around on public transportation. It's almost a full half-hour to reach the outskirts of Oasis Springs to even get anywhere else. That and the fact that I am a habitually late person (something my ex used to complain about) but this time I was buzzing in my seat with anticipation. When the bus finally got to the corner of my street I practically ran all the way home. I headed straight for my shed where I usually keep all of my painting supplies. My dog followed me in as he's keen to do when I arrive home. He's expecting that we will go for a run or a swim in the river like we tend to do every evening but not today. 
After I stowed the supplies away I unzipped the mysterious bag and dumped everything on the ground. Inspecting everything that tumbled out of the bag, I can make out a mix of both new and used stacks of bills all with $1000 marked bands on them. Stacks of $20’s, $100's, and $10's all mixed together. I quickly counted everything out and totaled it up. There was $20,000 in that bag! I've only got like $2,700 to my name and that's only because my brother gave me $1,500 last Christmas. Shit, this is a lot of money.
While I gaped over my luck at finding this bag o’cash I noticed a notebook where I had originally dumped everything out. It's a regular hardcover black notebook except for the scythe debossed on the cover. Opening it, I flipped through the pages. Most are oddly blank until I get to almost the end. In very neat handwriting there are what looks like the details of a contract. It was a few pages long and not written in English. It could possibly be Latin or some other dead language but I could only make out the few words in English; Jack-of-all-Trades, billionaire, beach house, global superstar, and the name Charles Andrei signed at the end. That name sounded familiar, something to do with my ex but I couldn’t put my finger on it. (He's probably some guy she was sleeping with for money so I stopped thinking about it.) There is another signature next to it that I couldn't decipher. The letters kept playing tricks on my eyes. The first time I looked at it I thought it said Hel. The next time I read Ankou, then Thanatos, and finally Magere Hein.  That's not possible , I thought and closed the book. 
Suddenly it was very cold in the shed. The window panes started to frost up and I could see my breath before me. The sun had been setting when I got home but it doesn't get this cold in the desert ever. Shep started barking and growling at something behind me. I hadn't heard the door to the shed open but I had a feeling that I wasn't alone....
Are you scared yet? Read the set on my AO3
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 2
I love that I live in the city now. Each day brings a new influence. The people, the food, the art, and the architecture. Everything is so different from Oasis Springs. It's exactly what I was hoping for. Every day is so inspiring! Or it could be that there are a lot of things around with an inspiring emotional aura. Either way, I’ve been nonstop painting since I got here. 
What I don'tWhat I don't love is that my pieces don't seem to sell. I tried selling a few of my older pieces to make room for new ones at the flea market outside my building my first weekend here. Only one sold. I left feeling really disappointed. It took me a few days to get over it. Probably doesn't help that I’m trying to sell art outside of the art museum. 
My art style is mainly pop and abstract but only my realism paintings have sold for any significant amount. Back home I used to mostly sell paintings from references of people’s vintage cars from Moonlight Falls and Roaring Heights or landscapes of Glimmerbrook and Old Town. I thought the move out to the city would help me get a new perspective and hopefully new customers. That's all anyone ever talks about when they want to become a famous fashion designer or artist, you know. Going to the city. Becoming inspired in some new way. Gain new customers and become so famous that your pieces sell for motherloads. I`d like to say that money isn’t my motivator but a little padding in the bank wouldn’t hurt.
Jonah is basically the only person who had ever purchased my original pieces. He’s posted about it on his social pages and his fans did like it. Not as much as they liked his shirtless pictures but I did get a few followers from his posts. He’s also donated a few of my pieces to his fans. For him, it's a good way to gain more fame. His fans do seem to love the paintings but I'm sure if it's only because they got them from him. Did I forget to mention that he's a major celebrity? The only one in Oasis Springs. He’s really made a good name for himself and I appreciate all that he does to get mine out there as well.
I’m not completely internet illiterate; I already have an insta, twitter, and a website, but Jonah has been bugging me to make everything more streamlined so after several texts back and forth one afternoon we set everything up. I am now the proud manager of a social media empire named Cosmickitty; since that was already my nom de plume. 
I took my new empire for a test drive. A few photos of my new downtown area, photos of my work around my apartment, inspirational quotes, and some cute selfies shamelessly self-promoting my other pages on each platform as I went. Over the next few days, I watched as twitter followers followed my insta and insta followers followed by twitter. Notification of new followers and likes came chiming in. I guess maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. 
I had almost fifty followers by the end of the first week. The pics of the city got a few likes and the selfies too mostly from tattoo pages saying they like my ink or asking if I could model for them. A few of my posts of me painting got the attention of the other artist flea markets in the area. KryticZeuz invited me to sign up for the flea market in the Spice Market. Thinking it couldn’t be worse than the last flea market, I snagged a street gallery wall for an upcoming weekend and I tweeted that I’d be there. 
The Spice District has a totally different vibe from the Arts Quarter. Honestly, I feel that this should be the Arts Quarter; murals everywhere, everything is so colorful from the building to the food to the people. Looking around I can’t help thinking that I probably should have moved here instead but I knew I wouldn’t want to run into Josh’s ex-girlfriend who lives here. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I don’t like that woman. 
The flea market here was very different from the one near my apartment. Less art and more handcrafted or collected items. The table next to me was full of crystals. I bought a rare alexandrite from Selvadorada while I waited for buyers to come up to my stall. I was beginning to have the same experience that I’ve had in the past in terms of selling but then this one guy came up to my selling wall that I didn’t expect. He didn’t even look like the type to shop at a flea market. He was a few shakes away from tall, dark, and handsome. Yeah, he was tall but lean and perfectly dressed with chestnut brown locs that had the sort of style that is meant to look messy on purpose. Way too sophisticated for my style. 
It’s a borderline heatwave this Sunday but there he was looking fresh and cool in his suit as he perused my art pinned up for sale. He looked as if he’d just come from some important meeting about something really important for someone really important with some important people. He had that sort of air about him even with his suit jacket open and a few buttons on his dress shirt unbuttoned. I took a deep breath, told myself to not be intimidated, and queued up my best sales pitch as I approached him, “Hello sir. I'm glad you've come by my display today. Is there any piece in particular that you'd like to know more about?”
“I like your figure painting but I'm afraid I like pieces that have much more...interesting subjects,” his voice was much deeper than I would have anticipated and I caught a hint of a southern drawl...
Can't wait for more? Read the whole story on my AO3
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jellimac-sims-stories · 4 months
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Love comes in all forms this Love Day How are your sims spending the day?
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jellimac-sims-stories · 4 months
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when the side piece stays through the entire wedding
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jellimac-sims-stories · 4 months
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Exhibit C: Not Ken back at Victoria's townhouse to film a HornyFans video
Good thing not Barbie is too busy being the new Dean of Admissions to look at her best friend's social media promos
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jellimac-sims-stories · 4 months
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Exhibit B: Not Ken and Ellie
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jellimac-sims-stories · 4 months
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Exhibit A: Not Ken and Victoria
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jellimac-sims-stories · 6 months
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Gasshpon Vacation
Is it really the holiday season without family drama
It's almost Christmas time in Mt Komorebi and the long-estranged son of the Shin family has returned with his family in tow.
Yuri, the eldest of the grandchildren, watches as the tension between her uncle Yejun and grandfather unfolds.
I had been wrapping up a special holiday edition of “How to Spice Up Your School Uniform” try-on haul Livestream when I heard the doorbell ring and saw the unread message on my phone. 
[Seohyun] Lookout. Dad and I are inbound. See you in 10! 
“Shibal (씨발/Fuck),” I swore under my breath, quickly ended the stream and threw on something reasonable. To make a three-generational story short, my Uncle Yejun is the blackest of black sheep in our very traditional Korean family. Granted there are a few (I'm not the snowest white there is and my cousin Youngsol the snowboard model is no angel either) but my Uncle Yejun really pissed off my halmi and halbi (grandma and grandpa for you westerners).
My family is the founder of WestEnd Co; one of the leading export businesses in all of Japan. Yep, that WestEnd Co. The one that you order all of your books, electronics, and upgrade parts from online. Who do you think sends out all the free Hitz Earbuds? Anyway, WestEnd Co has been a family-run business for almost 75 years. Each time the CEO of the company retires, the eldest son of the next generation takes over. It's been like that for the whole of WestEnd Co’s history. Even the branch office in Seoul is headed by my halbi’s youngest brother and his sons. Next in line would have been my Uncle Yejun but he didn’t return home after attending university in America. 
Home is Mt Komorebi; specifically the Wakaba district. My family has lived in this area for the past ten generations. Most have moved back to South Korea or elsewhere on the globe but some still live here. Two of my cousins' on my father’s side of the family live down the road, another cousin lives in Senbamachi, and Youngsol’s family had moved to Osaka after he graduated.
It's not as if it's odd that my Uncle went to university outside of the country. My halmi and halbi had three kids; my mother the eldest, Uncle Yejun, and Aunt Minso the youngest. All three of them went to university out of the country. My mother went to Cambridge in England where she met my father. My uncle and my aunt both went to university in Britechester (that’s somewhere in the states); Uncle Yejun went to Foxbury double majoring in business and technology, and Aunt Minso went to the University of Britechester for law. 
The big difference between my mother and her siblings is that she came back. After my father proposed (with my halbi’s permission of course), Mom came back home to get married and to start a family, i.e. to have cute little baby me. My aunt seems like she plans to come back home when she’s done interning but my uncle continually refuses to come back. I think this is the first time he’s been back home since he left when he was still a teenager.
Uncle Yejun was expected to be groomed to take over from my halbi after he finished school. From what I know, he’s totally uninterested in running the family business. Right now my mother is the Vice President while my halbi is still the CEO. Almost every day I overhear my mother arguing with my halbi asking him when he is going to retire. He usually responds with some sort of grunting sound, basically meaning that he doesn't want to talk about it and he goes off to play the piano. The whole conversation makes my inner feminist rage rise. It’s not like my mother doesn't have an MBA from one of the best universities ever! I know my family is well soaked in traditions but it’s not like my mother is gonna have a “wild female mood swing” and sell the company. Like, okay boomer.
I lowkey understand why my uncle doesn't want to run the company, truly. If and that's a big if I have any sons I'd have no desire to have my children more or less chain ganged into joining the "family business" like their last name was Winchester. Honestly, it seems as if my uncle is doing better now that my halbi cut him off. Oh yeah, my halbi cut him off when it became clear that he wasn't coming back. To make this whole thing worse for my uncle he started a family with a "nyeon (년/whore) that he is still not married to”. Not my words. I’m just quoting my halbi. Let’s also not forget Uncle Yejun covered in tattoos that my halbi also disapproves of. 
Basically, my halbi has disowned my Uncle more or less for living the life he wants for himself and has refused to talk to him for nearly my whole life. The only reason why I even met my cousin Seohyun was from a Christmas visit to my aunt's apartment when I was a kid. Aunt Minseo is G.O.A.T. She’s always snatched, so stylish, so smart, and a really great lawyer. The last time I visited we both got our hair dyed ginger (she kept her hair darker and short while I got mine ombre). My mom blew a gasket when I got home but at least my school didn’t make me change it back. 
Aunt Minseo's also my favorite more or less down to the fact that I didn't know I had any other option until I met the rest of my family that Christmas. Both Seohyun and my Uncle came over for Christmas dinner. It had been my first time out of Japan to anywhere besides Korea. I had been hooked up on Christmas joy and barely paid any attention to the extra people opening presents. I'm never gonna forget how shocked I was meeting a little blonde-haired, white girl that speaks Korean and learning that I had more family in America!
As I raced down the stairs, I could hear the piano from the study. Good, that would mean my halbi was in the study playing the piano. The study was just off of the living room but behind doors so he wouldn’t see Uncle Yejun and Seohyun right away but he’d hear them eventually. I found my father talking to Uncle Yejun and Seohyun in the foyer. My father, the typical professor he is, was just commenting on Seohyun’s Korean when I walked up to join them, “Your Korean is very good but I think it hasn’t been that helpful on your first trip to Japan.”
Everyone laughed andEveryone laughed and Yejun simply said, “Didn't think about that one. Maybe the little one will learn Japanese. I'm sure Hoesung, our second eldest, will learn Japanese in a weekend. He's so smart. Smarter than me I think. Not that you aren't, sweetheart," he chuckled and then continued, "I probably could have been clearer on the 'where I grew up’ location when I told the kids where we were going on vacation.”
"They raised us speaking English and Korean at home and the first place they take us is Japan," Seohyun teased, making everyone laugh again and she came over to hug me. Our fathers busied themselves catching up with each other (Like what? They know each other?) so I pulled Seohyun to the side and asked her what was going on.
"Um, has your dad forgotten that our halbi mostly hates him?" I quietly asked in English. Both of our dads speak English but I exactly wasn't trying to keep our conversation from them. 
"My parents brought us here for a pre-Christmas vacation. We've been here four days and my dad hasn't relaxed once. You should have seen him. The first day we were here he took us on a hike to an echoing cave. It was supposed to be a relaxing meditative walk but he was as jittery as if he had a Denkimushi in his shirt," she whispered back. "Yesterday night after dinner, I heard my mom say that my siblings and I at least deserve to know our grandmother so here we are."
"Why didn’t she come then? Halbi is going to lose his mind once he realizes…" I started to say but just then I realized that the piano had stopped playing. Seohyun had turned her attention to someone standing behind me and was beginning to bow as she introduced herself in Korean...
Read the rest on my AO3
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jellimac-sims-stories · 6 months
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Happy Holidays Simmers!
I am excited to be a part of the simblr community and can't wait to get to know more of you.
Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays no matter how you celebrate.
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jellimac-sims-stories · 6 months
I mean to write something for my Sims series Flash Fiction but it's just not winning the priority war in my head.
Might post some photos from my current game play. It's a really messed up story. Really, really messed up.
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jellimac-sims-stories · 6 months
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Error Code Baby
The story of a Lost Eden Rose out of her depth
I just found out I'm eating for two.
Who's the guy though? No, I'm careful. There are only two guys I'd let fuck me without wrapping up. Well, only three guys but one of those guys hasn't been coming around as much lately.
Sergio. Jonah. And Josh.
It could be one of theirs. Maybe.
Sergio is pretty good-looking; very lean, olive-toned skin, dark hair in a caesar haircut. He's an interesting lover; kinda rough but he makes sure you're okay with what he wants to do before he does it. I know he hates kids but I could probably convince him to pay child support if it's his. I know he's good for it. I heard a rumor he has a safe full of cash on the top floor of his penthouse apartment. Looks like my kids’ university fund would be taken care of.
Then there is Jonah. Just saying his name makes me feel happier. We're practically best friends. I'd say he's like a brother to me if weren't doing the nasty. Like most guys, I met him at the gym. He was just a rising star celebrity back then and everyone was sweet on him. He's got that James Dean swagger, a gorgeous smile, the cutest dimples, and full kissable lips. He had red hair when I met him that's now bleached blond. It looks good on him. I think anything would look good on or off of him if you know what I mean.
He's lean but ripped. He even has those Adonis muscles on his obliques. He's got a body that fucks like that's what it was made for and he makes mine feel like the most precious gold, a jewel-encrusted thing in his strong arms. His skin is almost always sun-kissed and is accentuated with the nicest tattoos I've ever seen. I nearly drool every time I see him take his clothes off and I see it a lot.
Lastly, we have my boyfriend Josh. I’m using that title very loosely. It would be a disaster if it was Josh's. He has no money and no goals for his future. He'd probably want to marry me and then I'd be stuck taking care of two babies! Don't get me wrong if we had a baby together I wouldn't be that put out. He is cute with his dark red hair and tattoos but he’s lackluster in bed and I just can't imagine being tied to the bum for my entire life. This is so not the way a girl should be thinking about the guys she’s dating but I just don't think I'm the marrying type. Especially not to him...
Curious what Antonella will do? Read the whole story on my AO3.
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 5
Jonah made good on his promise and he bought us two of every flavor of cupcake from the Uptown bakery. He also bought a bottle of whiskey and had no misgivings about cracking it open on the train with the recently enacted “Juiced Community” N.A.P. in the city. 
We rode theWe rode the train round and round the line until it was so early that it was late. It reminded me of the old days when the three of us used to ride the bus around Oasis Springs until we thought their Dad had fallen asleep in a drunken stupor. As upsetting as that memory should be, riding the subway with Jonah tonight made me feel safe and happy even though Jonah was upset. 
It was a good thing we didn’t go back to my apartment. Jonah spent the entire train ride cursing Sergio’s name, blaming him for all the trouble the people he cared about were going through, and yelling pretty much at the top of his lungs while we ate cupcakes in our fancy clothes. If we'd been at my apartment I would have ended up with my neighbors banging on my door angrily. He kept going on about club den rooms, babies, money, and something about wicked whims that all confused me. I sat and listened while giving people that passed us apologetic looks and mouthed sorry in between bites. 
Jonah has always had a very laid-back personality and I’ve never seen him throw a punch he didn’t need to throw. It was upsetting seeing him drunk and angry looking a lot like his Dad but sad instead of out of control. I didn’t want his family to have to see him like this so even after he quieted down and started dozing off on my shoulder I kept us on the train for another lap around the city. 
While we rode the line one more time, I thought about what had happened not only that night but with my entire relationship with Sergio. Everyone knows that Sergio is a new age Don Lothario. I was in no way surprised that he’d started flirting with me within seconds of meeting me but his behavior tonight wasn’t just flirtation. It was cold, calculating, manipulative and possessive. The feeling of disgust every time his hand was on my waist still makes me feel queasy and dirty in a way that I don’t like. I was suspicious that there was a whole story that was hiding in plain sight so I texted Jonah saying he was going to tell me everything in the morning.
We finally got off at the train and transferred to the line for Bedrock Straits where Jonah lives. Arriving at the station, the cool evening desert air clears his head a little but he's properly drunk and tired so I helped him into a rideshare back to his house. As he got in he told me, “Don’t take the train back. Get in one of these too and send me a Sim-o-Leon request. I was supposed to be taking care of you and here you are taking care of me. I guess what people say about daughters being the ones to take care of their families has some truth. Did I tell you Jana’s pregnant? I hope it's a girl and she’s as sweet as you dollface.”
“Oh my G-d! Seriously‽ Congratulations. I’m so happy for you both,” I hugged him tightly. His drunk ranting about babies and money makes sense now. I watched as he got into his rideshare and they drove away. I got into another one as he instructed and walked into my apartment just as the sun was coming up. 
I slept late into the afternoon the next day and took it easy. I’d flung the dress off as soon as I walked into the door and it was in a sorry state. So much for the gleaming beauty from the night before. I spent most of the day painting out my anger/disgust with Sergio and updating my socials. My phone had been dead when I got home so I hadn’t touched it before then and was shocked to see that both my insta and twitter had over two hundred thousand followers. If I hadn’t been sitting down to finally eat something that wasn’t a cupcake I probably would have fallen over. 
I had been tagged in so many posts from that night. The events at the party had the internet almost as divided as they had been over that stupid dress. Half were blaming me for the way I looked; comments like ‘what else would she expect’ or ‘must be Nisa’s trophy wife'. I paid those no mind. The other half were either laughing at Sergio or were in support of my actions because he’s a married man and saying I was their hero.
A ton of Sergio’s so-called ‘fans’ posted about me throwing the drink in his face. There were a couple of TikTok reactions that made me fall over on my couch laughing at Jonah throwing Sergio into the pool complete with screaming mermaids. Rhys_Moon's reaction kept replaying Sergio’s rag doll body as it splashed in and then back out of the water while they laughed hysterically. My favorite was definitely the one of Baby Ariel losing it over a loop of Sergio emerging from the pool soaking wet, looking madder than a wet cat and his sparkly suit crumpled. PlumBob Tonight even had a post featuring the popular trend ‘how it started and how it ended’ showing photos of Sergio on the red carpet and Sergio getting a drink thrown in his face mid-splash. This one made me laugh out loud. The notifications kept chiming in as the afternoon turned into night.
I woke up on Monday morning against my desire to stay asleep to my phone ringing. It was so dark out that I didn't even need to look at the time to tell it was super early. The caller ID said it was Josh. I answered the phone groggily, fully ready to tell Josh off for waking me up only to have my eardrums assaulted by his loud response, “Wake the fuck up! You have over 1.2 million followers on your insta and 1.1 on your twitter. What the hell happened at the party?”
Now I was awake, “Shit are you kidding?”
“NO! Jonah just ran over here and woke me up at 5 am. I haven't seen 5 am since uni. Check your fucking phone!” I put Josh on speaker and pulled up my instagram page. No shit 1,204,382 followers on my insta. Just like he said. 
“Eden! We have to celebrate!” that was Jonah taking the phone from Josh, “We have to get you a publicist. This is amazing! You can’t believe how proud I am of you.”
“Thanks for rubbing it in J,” I hear Josh say over a yawn in the background. I heard Jonah say something like you know what I mean as he pulled the phone away as I stared at the follower count on my phone. I switched over to my twitter and it read 1.1M just like he said.
I never expected my instagram to blow up like that overnight. Especially over something like this. I for sure thought that my follower count would drop, not rise! There were tons more posts than yesterday that I was tagged in shared over and over again. Most of the comments were in praise of my actions with the odd 'she looks like a hoe' here and there but I didn’t care. I had 1 million followers on both of my social media accounts!
That's a wrap on Simfluencer!
This story is based on actual gameplay (from 2020 quarantining days). Back before social bunny and a simfluencer was a job in the game, I created some sim to add more depth to Jonah and Janna's family. They were Jonah's little brother Josh and their childhood friend Eden. Eden started out with barely a simloan to her name, got an apartment in the Arts Quarter of San Myshuno and worked her way up the stratosphere to 1 million followers one fortunate morning. She's the only sims I have with that many followers. Even Eden friend Jonah doesn't have that many and he's in the social media career.
Eden is based on a real person who went by the handle of CoconutKitty better known as Diana Deets. Unfortunately, Diana died this past February. A lot of influencers seemingly have a lot of controversy surrounding them. While I understand the comments made by others I also saw a really lovely, kind, and caring human that inspired me to write a story that has carried me on a journey of writing that I would have never expected to be on.
I hope you all enjoyed the story and are ready for more!
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 4 Sergio spends some time greeting people he knows around the room. A few of the people he talks to take the time to pose with us for the photographers at the event. Sergio pulls me close to his side every time. I only recognize one or two people until we stop to talk to Octavia Moon and Thorne Bailey. They seem to know Sergio very well. I used to be a big fan of Thorne’s but that social media scandal really made it clear that he was just all good looks. He doesn’t have the greatest reputation. I wonder why Sergio is friends with him?
“¡Por fin! Finally someone fun arrives,” Throne says loudly as we get closer to him. 
They are outside near the faux pond area so a lot of people hear him and turn to see what the commotion is all about. I’m sure everyone was already looking at them considering Throne was wearing the sparkliest gold and black suit I'd ever seen. Octavia isn’t as loudly dressed but she looks just as amazing in her one-shoulder two-toned purple dress; the color looks amazing against her dark skin. 
As Sergio walks us over to Thorne and Octavie, I finally see Jonah across the outdoor patio with Sergio’s wife Adriana talking with a group of people. This is the first time I'm seeing Adriana in person. She’s really pretty. Intimidatingly pretty. Her chestnut hair is in a half-up, half-down style that cascades over her shoulder in perfect beach waves. She’s wearing a draped white, strappy-backed dress with a slit down the front that makes her tan pop and shows off her tattoos. Jonah looks equally amazing next to her in white trousers and a dark tropical printed shirt. I could see why they go to these types of events together. They look like a power couple. 
It's clear evenIt's clear even from all the way across the patio that Adriana’s reaction to Thorne’s greeting of her husband is embarrassment and disapproval; everyone can see her shaking her head and turning away from where Throne and Sergio are now talking to each other. 
Sergio's response to Thorne is just as loud and disruptive as Thorne’s greeting, “¡Qué honda, cabrón! ¿Te has metido en algún problema esta noche?” 
Well, that's a surprise. I didn’t realize that Sergio speaks Spanish. I heard him speaking Italian at the winery but I assumed that was because he’s a businessman and he was there to do business. Even more surprising is the kiss between Octavia and Sergio when they greet each other. Octavia throws her arms around Sergio’s neck and kisses him square on the mouth. It didn’t seem to phase him in the slightest. Throne doesn’t even bat an eye and goes to give Sergio a bro hug once he and Octavia separate. I guess they all know each other really well.
Thorne and Sergio speak to each other a bit more in Spanish before Sergio finally introduces me, “Thorne. Octavia. This is Eden. She’s a new up-and-coming artist in the city. I’ve been showing her around. Exposing her to all of the people that really matter. If you know what I mean. Eden, you must know these two?”
“Que tentadora,” Throne says in his thick Spanish accent, giving me an appreciative look, “Where have you been hiding this one? How come you haven’t invited her to your club?”
“His club in Windenburg? I’ve been there,” I chime in.
“Not that club, mamacita,” Thorne says and strokes my arm seductively with the back of his hand.
“It’s not for her,” Sergio replies curtly. Thorne frowns at Sergio’s blunt response, “Says who? I don’t remember you being so selective in the past.”
“Stop teasing the girl Thorne. It's Sergio’s club. He gets to make the rules. If he doesn’t want her he doesn’t want her,” Octavia says clearly exasperated. Something about what they are talking about makes Sergio frown. I was about to ask what club they were talking about but Octavia is speaking again, “This party is so boring. If you can even call it a party. It's practically awake. It was fun for maybe five minutes. Now it's just dull.” 
“Boring? Dull? Watch this,” Sergio replies, a wicked smile on his face. He pulls me close to him once again, this time his hand roughly groping my ass and kisses me. I can hear and feel the intense quickening of the flashes of the cameras of the event photographers around us. Suddenly, he spins me around, dips me, and continues to kiss me passionately. When he finally lets me up for air I shover him hard, snatch the drink out of Octavia’s hand, and throw it in his face. I can hear Thorne and Octavia both laughing behind me. Some friends they are. As for me, I’m absolutely fuming, “Who the fuck do you think you are? Just because you buy me an expensive outfit doesn’t mean that you own me.”
Sergio wipes the remnants of the drink from his scowling face. He stalks towards me verbally berating me forcing me to back away from him, “You worthless piece of backwater trash! How dare you reject me? Do you think you can post that cock tease shit and not expect anything to happen? You’ve just made the stupidest mistake of your life, you little slut.”
My eyes go wide as I see his hand rise to strike me. I try to think of any of the self-defense I know but I am frozen in place. I can’t believe he’s about to hit me in plain sight of everyone and all the cameras at the social event of the year...
Um, what?! Wanna know if Sergio is about to commit social suicide right now? Read the full story out now on my AO3.
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 4 Jonah answered my call on the first ring and I asked him what he thought about the dress and the invitation, “Oh, um it's probably nothing.”
I had been pacing back and forth in front of the dress trying not to bite my nails as I explained to him everything that I had done with Sergio in the past month and that was his response? I tried again to express my concerns to him, “Could you sound more reassuring? Is his wife going to be mad? Is this social suicide? Does she hate me? You should see this dress. It's basically sex in fabric. I’m gonna look naked.”
“No, she’s not“No, she’s not going to be mad. She's going. It's a good thing you're not,” he pauses and I can hear the sound of a faucet turning on and then the sound of water splashing on water. He must be outside tending they’re “herb” garden, “Eh let me not say that. Send me a pic of the dress. He has good tastes and a lot of money to afford his good tastes. It must be nice.”
I quickly snap a pic and send it to him, “It's a good thing I’m not what? Why is she going without her husband? Does she normally attend events alone? I haven’t seen her on anything tagged in San Myshuno on insta. What is she even famous for?”
“I'm going with her,” he pauses again. I was starting to think there is something he doesn’t want to tell me, “I usually do. Go to events with her that is. They don't really go to many events together. They’ll go to community events together but never publicity events. She’s famous for a lot of things. Acting mostly. She works at AEP with Danny now. Maybe his PR people think it's bad for his image to go to her events? I don’t know. I’ve never asked. I'm just kind of surprised...I guess I'm not that surprised...Oh let me look at the dress,” there was another pause, “Wow that looks like the one he gave to...just longer. Must be something new.”
“Surprised about what? Gave to who‽” if he was going to keep doing this I was going to have to get on a train and a bus to have this conversation face to face with him. I started biting my nails in earnest hoping he’d tell me something soon, “Don't get mad but I'm surprised he's not taking the last girl he used to take to these sort of events. He burns through arm candy really quickly. He always has as far as I've known him.” 
“I'm his arm candy?” I said slowly, slightly perplexed. I hadn’t felt like he was using me as arm candy. It genuinely felt as if he cared that I got to know the city and all the great things it had to offer. Like, the way things were between me and Jonah. Not one hundred present like that but similar intent. So much so that I was begging to question why Josh hated him so much. I must have been quiet for too long because just then Jonah piped in, “Please don’t take anything by what I said. Since Serg is my friend I asked him to keep an eye out for you so I'd worry less. He knew you were going to be his neighbor from the beginning. You know how I worry about you two. Why the hell do you think Josh lives across the street?”
“Because he has no money?” I replied quickly without much thought since it was very true. Jonah laughed heartily because he also knew it was true, “Yes that too. Anyway, when you said that you wanted to move to the Art Quarter I asked Serg if he thought you'd be okay there. That part of the city used to be very bad before the artists started moving in. And it's only getting better with a big part to Serg and his wife. He's not as bad of a guy as he seems but he's also no prince. I already told him I'd murder him if he did anything to hurt you or make your life difficult.” 
“I'm not sure if this is making me feel better or worse about going,” this was a tough situation. On one hand, I wanted to go to the lounge and wear this really nice dress. On the other hand, it seemed like a worse and worse idea the more Jonah told me about Sergio. Plus I kind of hate the idea that I was only invited to make a man look good; even if he was Jonah’s friend. 
Flopping back down on my bed I rolled around groaning with my frustration. I heard Jonah laughing on his end of the line again, “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry, dollface. I'll just make sure to keep Adriana away from you and Serg and everything will go fine. If he does anything stupid he'll just be embarrassing himself. Please don't worry. Wear the dress. I'm sure you look lovely in it. Go to the party. Everything will be fine. It's not like Adrianna is gonna throw you off the roof or anything.”
I shot up midroll, “OH MY G-D, would she do that! Is she that bitchy!”
“No!” I can hear Jonah gasping for breath as he laughs even harder, “She'd never. She’s not that type of person. She’s really down to earth and she’s an artist too. I’m slightly regretting not asking her to look out for you instead. She's got such a great reputation despite what she does for a living that it's not worth it for her to react to anything Sergio does in front of the paparazzi. 
“Like I said I'm gonna be there,” he continued, “Please stop worrying. If he's even the slightest bit of an asshole you can spend the night with me or better yet we can leave, buy a box of Uptown cupcakes, and stuff our faces back at your apartment. Also if I get too shit-faced I might need to sleep on your couch. It's a good thing you live in the city now. Gives me a more respectable place to crash if I need to.”
“Cupcakes do sound like an amazing alternative if I want to leave.”
“Ya’ see! Come to the party. I want to see you in the dress and so do your followers. You're almost at two thousand! You're gonna get it after tomorrow night,” Jonah said so brightly that it cheered me up a little bit.
“I hope so. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bro.”
“Love you too dollface.”
Friday quickly faded into Saturday and by midday, my stomach was in knots...
Think Sergio is up to no good? Can't wait to find out? Read the whole story on my AO3.
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 4
Sexy painter posts also get the attention of the AEP pornography studio. That modeling request I didn't turn down. Before you get any ideas, I already had an AEP Livestream page before I moved to the city. Their studio is divided up into many parts; they have models of all types, a magazine, live streams, and a porn studio. Basically, they’re like Playboy without Hugh Hefner. When I found out that AEP also hired models from their live streamer pool I jumped for the chance. 
AEP called me to come in one Thursday afternoon for test shots at their studio in Magnolia Promenade. Walking into their photo studio venue you wouldn’t know that they were shooting what they shot here. Just dressing rooms, makeup chairs and photobooth like you’d expect. But I’ve seen pictures of their two production studios in Del Sol Valley. There is no mistaking what they do there. Themed rooms, private dressing rooms for their star performers, closets full of props, and more. Here, it’s not until you’ve gotten a bit further in and you see their movie posters and large-scale prints that you realize this isn’t your normal photo studio. 
After I checked in at the front desk they told me to just hang out until I’m called. While I’m getting myself a drink I come face to face with Josh and Jonah's ex-girlfriend's photos on the walls. Jonah’s ex I don’t mind but it's the bitch that dumped Josh I can’t stand.
Seeing Josh's ex-hoe’s huge naked "no their not fake” tits printed in glossy 20 by 30 smack behind the bar was too much! At least the photo was in black and white so I wouldn’t have to see her overly bronzed skin and “natural” blonde hair. Ugh, I hate her and I'm glad he's done with the hoe. She dumped him like a stone last year for no reason. I know she lives in San Myshuno somewhere. Thankfully I haven’t run into her. If I had, I’d help her face to the black eye it’s missing. Jonah's ex-girlfriends had much classier photos around the studio. Simple beach shoots, sexy formal wear, and lingerie but still incredibly sensual. Her name is Danneel, I think. I got to flipping through one of her contact sheets books while I sipped a seltzer waiting my turn with the photographer in the flash photo studio. 
There were a lot of other girls and one guy there as well. They asked us to come in PJ-type outfits with simple hair and makeup. I'd come dressed in an oversized slouchy raglan tee that I stole from Josh cinched at my waist, high cut undies to show off my long legs and knee highs with my hair loose and the simplest touch of gloss. I'm no exhibitionist like Josh's ex-hoe so I was feeling a little embarrassed with all the people around and the photographer being an older male. There is nothing wrong with the photographer being male. I wasn't really sure what to expect. The girl with the photographer when I walked in had her top off and I didn't think I'd be interested in doing that my first time out. I'm sure hoe tits took her top off the second the camera flashed.
The photographer turned out to be really warm and friendly when I finally was up to shoot. We talked a bit about what sort of poses I should do and the benefits of micros before I got on my mark. I mentioned to him I'd much rather be on his side of the camera to which he replied, “Don't worry darling. I've seen your posts. You're gonna be good at this. Just move around to the music and do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
I had a great time at the studio. The best thing about AEP is they let you take as many copies of your photos with you as you want as long as you wait a week before you post them. I actually got a few good shots out of the batch and was flipping through them on my way out when I saw Jonah's ex walk into the studio. She smiled brightly and came over to me, “Hey aren't you Joshua's best friend? Is it Eve?”
“Eden,” I laughed...
Read the full story out now on my AO3
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jellimac-sims-stories · 7 months
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Chapter 3
After I packed up my paintings, I convinced the organizer to let me leave them in the storage locker at the local coffee shop they work with to host the event every week; this way I didn't have to lug all of my unsold paintings up to Kinney's place. I quickly freshened up in the coffee shop bathroom and headed over to the apartment build that Kinney said he lived in. He buzzed me in, I found number nineteen and knocked on the door. I was greeted with the most unexpected delicious display of man. He stood casually draped in his doorway, his dark warm dark brown skin glistening still damp from his post-workout shower showing off his toned body. Towel over his shoulder, drying off his chiseled chest and everything. It all looked like an intro to a bad porno. There might as well have been cheesy sultry music playing when he opened the door. 
"Hey Kooning’s woman. Come on in,” he barely moves aside and I almost have to squeeze my way past him. If I had thought how I was greeted at the door was distracting I wasn't ready for his apartment. I had barely walked in two feet before I had to stop in amazement. The thing about the Spice District was that it's not much to write home about. It can be kinda dingy but it's lively. There are lots of people around. Lots of different food stalls and events to attend. It's a great place to hang out but nothing to really wow you. I think this guy's apartment has all of the wow in this district. They need to make his apartment a major attraction because it's probably the best thing in the entire town. Maybe all of San Myshuno.
It’s studio apartment heaven. Exposed brick walls and metal support beams. Beautiful furniture. Top-of-the-line appliances. Almost half of the interior space was raised on a platform; I could make out his bedroom and what was probably the bathroom. As I walked further in I was again amazed by the floor to ceiling black trimmed windows on the far end of the apartment. One of them must be a hidden door because I can see an equally beautifully decorated balcony on the other side. The light filtered through sheer black curtains that were all throughout the apartment. Everything was rich, warm, and inviting. Everywhere was exquisite, lush greenery to offset the dark tones and made the whole place feel homey. His interior decorator must have had the time of their life decorating this place.
I was so enamored by the decor that I almost forgot why I had come up here. The artwork. He had a beautifully curated collection from what I could just begin to see. Granted it was a smaller art collection by most means but it was beautiful. As I looked around you could tell that this Kinney guy has spent a lot of time curating his collection to reflect not only his tastes in art but also his personal style.
I turned back towards him as he was just closing the front door. He’s about to ask me something but stops when he sees the shock on my face, “What?”
“Um, am I still in San Myshuno, or did I just walk through the portal to Sixam?” He laughed warmly as he walked into his bedroom area hopeful to put on a shirt. Something about the way that he laughs makes me feel...I’m not sure but I want to make him laugh more so I can keep feeling it. I continue to walk in further still in awe of the most perfect apartment I’ve ever seen, “I feel like I walked into a home decor magazine. You actually live here?” 
“You don’t like it?” he asks as he gestures to the built-in bar as if to ask if I want anything to drink. I shake my head no but I watch as he takes out two glasses anyway. One he pours what looks like bourbon into and the other he fills with seltzer from an actual glass soda bottle with a pop-top. I should really stop feeling surprised by the depth of the levels of “fancy” in this apartment. He slides the glass with the water towards me and leans against the bar casually as he continues speaking, “What was your name again?”
“It's Eden. Eden Cowen. Kinney a first name?” I graciously take the glass and drink heartily. I'm not sure if it was the heat outside or the ridiculous hot man inside but I was suddenly very thirsty. He did put on a shirt but it was so tight that it might as well not be on at all. Taking my drink I turn my back towards him not only to find something less distracting to look at but to have a closer look at the art on this side of his apartment. The Kooning is on the wall in the far corner behind a treadmill that looks as if it's perfectly angled to see right out those floor-to-ceiling windows on the other side of the apartment...
Hmm, two are lovers in an unexpectedly all alone. Could it be time to break out the candles and make it romantic? Find out now and read the rest on my AO3
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