#jimin cute drabbles
brown-bi-beautiful · 1 year
Jimin Drabble
Secret Relationship AU
Park Jimin x Reader
Summary - It has been really hard lately to date the love of your life but god forbid you ever even think about stopping loving him.
Word Count: 739.
Warning: suggestive.
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Damn this sneaking around thing is so tough. They make it look so easy in those spy movies. They sneak away so easily after killing a whole damn person and here you are having a hard time just sneaking around a security guard who by the way was in no shape to catch you even if you make a run for it. It really was the hardest thing you've ever done and you are not even trying to kill someone, you are just trying to meet your boyfriend.
'i'm on the ground floor.' you sent a quick text to your boyfriend.
'I'm waiting by the elevator. I can't see you.' he sent you back.
'Still trying to figure out how to get past your guards.'
'Come on, ninja your way in like you always do.'
'I'm trying. Wait.'
Fortunately, a couple minutes later the guard dozed off like he always does. You and Jimin have been secretly dating for the past 11 months now. So far only Taehyung and Hoseok knew that too because they walked in on you humping your boyfriend. In their defence they have seen Jimin naked so there wasn't any need to knock.
It's not a secret how big of a taboo an idol dating was, especially if that idol was as famous as bts. Now their company never made them sign anything that forbid them from dating so you weren't doing anything 'not legal' per se but it was still very much a no no from their company.
Jimin usually lived in his own apartment so sneaking around wasn't so hard but since the tour is coming up hybe needed the boys to live in the dorms for a few weeks before they left for a reason you didn't quite understand.
When you finally sneak past the guards using the card Jimin provided you to unlock the doors, you saw your boyfriend like he promised standing by the elevator with a huge smile on his face, you ran up to him and jumped on his arms with a matching one.
"Oh baby I missed you so much." He said as he showered your face with kisses making you giggle.
"I missed you too, Chimmy."
"Hobi hyung is in the security room buying us some time. Let's go quickly." Both of you rushed inside the elevator and he pressed the button to their floor. When you made it to the floor the boys resided on both of you sighed in relief. Thankfully there were no cameras on the floor where the dorms were for the sake of their privacy, which was ironic since they filmed even their vacations; not that you're complaining.
"Shouldn't you text Hobi that we are here?" You asked him as his walked you to his dorm room.
"I'm paying him for this, he can stay there a little more."
As soon as the two of you were in the comfort and privacy of his room his lips planted on yours and kissed you. He walked you to his bed and laid you there without separating your lips.
"I missed you so much, baby. Couldn't wait to see you." You eyes closed themselves at the feeling of hours soft warm full lips against your neck. "I wish you could come with me to the tour."
"I do too." Jimin came up to look into your eyes as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
It was a surprise for Jimin that you could not wait to give him. You were actually going on the tour with him, all thanks to Taehyung, it was his idea and he helped you arrange everything. In his words you really made jimin happy and he could do anything to see his soulmate happy.
"I really wish I could show you off to the world. God knows I want to."
"Hmmm... Let's manifest it. By the way did anyone notice this?" You asked, pressing your finger to the hickey on his neck.
"Sweetheart I'm not allowed to date, doesn't mean I'm banned from having sex. Everybody figured I'm having mind-blowing sex with someone, which is not a lie." He reached forward to bite your nose to make you giggle.
"Maybe... You could have some mind-blowing sex right now." You whispered shyly playing with his collar.
"Of course I'm going to. And I'm not letting you go till you give me at least 5"
You gave him 6.
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mrsparkjimi-na · 7 months
D for Dinner
Hello there people, I’m sorry to post this late, how are you been? I hope that good, me? I’m overthinking a lot of stuff and I need to settle my ideas but fine in some way, I hope you're doing fine and if not hope your week gets better. I leave you with this drabble and hope makes your week better and make you smile.  
Pairing: Park Jimin x reader (Y/N) 
Warnings: None 
Words: 314 
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Most of the times dinners wheren't normal either, sometimes you eat at home while he eats at job, or sometimes he arrived at the time you’re making dinner, but he already had something, or other times none of you have eat at all... 
“Jagi, I’m home” he shouts on the entrance door while changing his shoes into his slippers.  
“In the kitchen” you respond, “I was about to start dinner; did you eat something, or you would join me?” you question once he enters the kitchen. 
He hugs you by the back once he reaches you, resting his chin on your shoulder “I didn’t, but let’s go out”  
“Nothing fancy” you respond turning your head to see him.  
“Anything you would like” he responds pecking your lips “I will go change” he pulls apart, going into the master bedroom. 
“Tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon and fried chicken” you state more than question him “Gwangjang or Mangwon market?” you suggest. 
“Mangwon market” he confirmed from the room to then appear a few minutes later dress in black jeans, shirt and hoodie in the living room “here, it’s chill outside” giving you a hoodie.  
You take the hoodie from him and put it on “don’t forget our face mask” he nods taking them out the drawer next to the door. 
Holding hands and staying side by side due the chill but nice weather you reach your destination, stepping inside the building you start looking around for your desire treats, finding them not to far from each other.  
“Tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, fried chicken and our drinks” he confirmed taking everything out of the bag and place it on the park table, that you found not far from the market. 
“It's everything I need” you mentioned but not looking at the food but at him with a smile on your face.  
He responds with his eye-smile “everything that I need” he confirmed. 
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carakook · 2 months
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🎀 A “Coquette” Misunderstanding 🎀
“Mmm… depends. You gonna let me put a real bow on your dick? Make it all cute and coquette?”
♡Pairings: fuckboy!Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader
♡Synopsis: Jungkook has been a self proclaimed fuck boy after his last relationship ended fairly messily… until he met you. Started out as fuck buddies, but he always had a huge crush on you. With time, he realized that he’s actually falling in love with you, and he is itching to make you his girl. He knows being a fuck boy means he has to prove himself when it comes to being serious, so he comes up with the perfect gift to give you when he confesses… only for it to turn into the biggest fucking mess.
♡Genre: Romance/Comedy
♡Word count: 5k+
♡Warnings: 18+ for mature audiences only, MDNI, mentions of sex, lewd references, lots of talk about penises, talks of being in love (ew!!!), arguing, mentions of alcohol, no smut but this fic revolves heavily around sex, making out, Jungkook is kinda stupid (bless his lil heart), also kind of weird in general? Let me know if I miss anything!
♡Disclaimer: This story in no way reflects the characters of those who are mentioned. It is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t take it seriously. Nothing is real in this story.
♡A/N: This is my first request! I hope whoever requested it likes it, it was supposed to be a Drabble but I got a lil carried away… oops! The request was fuck boy Jungkook falls in love with Y/N, but there’s a misunderstanding that eventually gets resolved and they live happily every after! I have no idea how I came up with this 😭 it’s kinda silly and kinda weird but I think it’s cute. I hope you guys like it. 😅
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Jungkook finds himself wondering if he can possibly get anymore fucking stupider than he feels right now.
It seems when it comes to you, he simply loses brain cells. He’s not sure what it is about you, but anything involving you short circuits his brain as of late, and he is continuously fucking things up.
Maybe it’s because you’re so fucking pretty. Maybe it’s because the way you look at him makes his knees weak. Maybe it’s simply because he’s a man, and men are stupid… Or maybe, it’s because he had the recent revelation that for the first time literal in years, he has caught feelings.
And what’s worse is that he’s realized this isn’t just a little crush. He’s fucking in love with you, and it’s making him forget how to function.
Jungkook doesn’t catch feelings, not since his last relationship ended very messily two years ago. The way the relationship ended left a very bad taste in his mouth, so he decided to go back to his college days of being a fuck boy and never falling in love again…
Which was working for some time. It was freeing to be able go back to his old ways; he could enjoy a woman’s body and worship them like the goddesses they are, and then wake up the next day without feeling any obligation… or anything at all, really.
Until you came along.
You had been friends for years, although you were never very close. He always thought you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, but he also thought you were so out of his league. You weren’t the type of girl to go for fuck boys; you were put together and had very high standards, you knew your worth. He liked that, but never really had the guts to push it because he was sure he didn’t fit those standards.
That is, until one drunken night at one of Jimin’s parties… you flirted with him heavily. It was the biggest fucking ego boost that he ever had. He never assumed you would be interested in him, because his noncommittal habits weren’t a secret. But on this night you were very obviously interested in him. You were being touchy, and sweet, and you just looked so fucking pretty.
This was the first night you slept together, and Jungkook doesn’t like admitting that you unraveled him in a way no other woman had. The sex was mind blowing. He has never felt such intense chemistry with someone before… and fuck, you gave the best head he ever gotten. He was addicted after that, he knew he didn’t want it to be a one time thing.
He didn’t want to make you his girlfriend necessarily, good sex still wasn’t enough for him to consider being with someone seriously again… but he did want to see you again. The next morning he was bashful; made you breakfast, drew you a warm bath with essential oils and pretty smelling soap, and even ordered you a very last minute bouquet of flowers to wake up to.
This alone should have told him that things would be different with you, because although Jungkook always treated a woman with love and care when they gifted him their body for a night, he never went this out of his way to impress them.
He told himself it was because he felt the need to overcompensate. In bed he’s very confident, but out of bed, he’s not as sure of himself… especially with you. He felt lucky to have a night with you, and he knew he needed to put an effort in to keep you interested in him because he wasn’t exactly your type. If he was able to keep you interested, then maybe you’d see him again.
He was right, you didn’t normally go for fuck boys. Casual sex wasn’t exactly your favorite, because men often forget to focus on the woman, too. You weren’t exactly looking for anything serious, but you also weren’t looking to sleep with some guy who only cared about himself in bed. And most hookups you had thus far ended with you less than satisfied.
It was uncharacteristic for you to sleep with guys like Jungkook, or really give them any attention at all. But Jungkook has always been pretty, and he’s always been so fucking sweet… that night at the party, he looked extra appealing to you.
Even then, you weren’t planning on doing it again. The chemistry was undeniably intense, but you weren’t a fan of sharing. There were health risks to sharing partners if one of you weren’t careful, and you didn’t like that it made you question yourself. You tried it before, and it just wasn’t for you. You like exclusivity, and that’s ok. Everyone has preferences and boundaries and not everyone will agree with yours.
This is why you didn’t plan to see him again. But when you woke up and saw all the sweet little things he did for you, you were definitely tempted… what really got to you was how he fucking looked at you; he looked at you like a love sick fucking puppy and it was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen. He was adorable. You’d never been with a man who was so fucking sexy but also so goddamn cute at the same time.
No guy had gone through such trouble after what was supposed to be a one night stand before. It was like he really was a dog; he brought you these little gifts in the form of acts of service in the hopes you would continue giving him head pats. Or, actual head in this case…
And although he wasn’t actually love sick, he definitely was a bit pussy whipped.
Temptation won in the end.
There was no spoken agreement between you two… you just started having sex regularly. And every time it was fucking toe curling. No man took care of your body so perfectly and left you 100% satisfied. But beyond the sex, you both found that you thoroughly enjoyed being around each other. You’d never knew each other well before this, you were mere acquaintances who were familiar with each other because of mutual friends, but you grew closer and got to know each other as time went on, and in the end you kept it going.
Of course you were worried about his reputation, but you didn’t push him or even ask for exclusivity. He never explicitly said that he wouldn’t be exclusive with you, but you started liking him and the sex was enough to let go of that boundary and make an exception for him. You knew he was safe and you knew he would always treat you right. This was enough for you… even if it sometimes bothered you that you didn’t know whether he was sleeping around or not. He wasn’t your boyfriend, just a fuck buddy you grew fond of.
Little did you know, he had no desire to sleep with anyone else. You didn’t even need to tell him these boundaries, because he knew without you telling him. He wouldn’t dare do something to fuck this up. The sex was so good that he didn’t have the want for anyone else, he didn’t even think about it. He still wasn’t quite ready to be serious with someone, but he was content with you in a way that he never had been any of his previous hookups or fuck buddies. He wanted to keep you as long as you’d let him.
A routine started; as time went on you spent more time together, hung out often, and fucked like rabbits. You played with his hair and scratched his back, you picked on him and made fun of him in a way that made him laugh every time, and you knew exactly how to handle him even when he was a bit overwhelming. He was so content with what you both started.
Until recently.
Jungkook started realizing a few weeks ago that maybe having thoughts of an entire future with someone who’s only supposed to be your fuck buddy isn’t exactly normal. Sometimes he’d lay awake at night thinking of you for hours… he’d imagine taking you on actual dates, not just little outings disguised as friends hanging out. He’d imagine getting to brag about you being his girlfriend. But what really started to make it obvious was when he imagined what you’d look like in a wedding dress…
Five months in and he realized he’s falling for you. He’s so fucking gone for you, and for once, he’s giddy about it.
You’d both developed this sort of playful relationship. When you weren’t fucking, you were always joking around and making each other laugh. You both had a very crude sense of humor and so many little inside jokes. It was comfortable, and he started feeling like a kid on Christmas Day at the thought of keeping it going forever.
He wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend, but he knew you’d be hesitant because of his history. He wanted to do something for you that not only would prove to you he’s serious, but something that was special. He didn’t want to get you a piece of jewelry, or a bouquet of flowers with a card; he wanted it to be something only you would experience. He wanted to go all out for you.
He recalled a conversation you both had one time over dinner at his place while watching a drama. The guy in the drama was proposing to the main character, and it was as cliche as any other drama.
“That’s so cheesy. Why can’t guys be more creative? He’s asking her to spend fucking forever with him, more thought should go into it.”
“Yeah? Well if a guy proposed to you how would you want him to do it then?”
“I dunno… but not like that. Forever is a long fucking time, whoever decides to propose to me better do something more special than a damn ring.”
“But that’s literally what a guy is supposed to do, how else would he do it? You’re supposed to get the girl a ring and get on your knees n’ shit.”
“That’s so cliche though! I dunno, I’d rather something else… like maybe a dildo that was a replica of his dick. Something to the effect of ‘will you ride my dick forever?’”
That conversation ended in laughter of course, because you were only joking… but also, as Jungkook thought back on it, it would be so fucking perfect.
Not only would it show that he remembered the little things, but it would also break the stigma that he created for himself; it would show you that he was serious, he had no desire to be with anyone else sexually emotionally, and it would fit in with your playful dynamic. Like a little inside joke, and although he isn’t asking you to marry him, he wants the message to be clear that he wants to build a forever with you.
So he did some research. He original thought about getting you a dildo that was a replica of his dick, and found that there were DIY kits he could buy to make it himself. But also… why would you need a dildo if you had him? So he researched the more artistic aspect of things and found that there were actually a lot of artists who specialized in making replica sculptures of men and women’s body parts.
He liked this much more, because he felt it was a bit more sentimental and maybe more fitting. He found one artist in particular who’s sculptures and paintings looked very realistic. In their portfolio, they featured some comparisons of the pictures that inspired the sculpture vs. the sculpture they made, and there was barely a difference. They clearly had talent, and he was totally fine dropping however much money to get this done for you.
So he contacted the artist to order a commission. It was a hefty price, because he paid to have the process expedited. He wanted this done as soon as possible because he was practically shaking with excitement at the thought of asking you to be his girlfriend. But the price was worth it. The artist asked him some questions and listened to his requests. His only request was that it would be life sized, it would have a little pink bow wrapped around it (because you loved cute things, he remembers you called it ‘coquette’ once.), and somewhere it would have ‘Property of Y/N’ on it. The artist was confident that they could have it sculpted, shipped, and delivered by the end of the week. All the artist needed was a picture of his penis for reference.
Awkward, but understandable. It was very professional, obviously if he wanted the sculpture to look like his dick the artist would need a reference photo. This was purely for artistic purposes, it’s not like he was sending nudes or getting off on it. He was doing this for you and he couldn’t fucking wait to see the finished product or hear your little giggles when he presents it to you.
But of course, in his excitement, he fucks up exponentially.
He was supposed to email the photo of his dick to the artist. So he has no fucking idea why after he took the photo, he texted it to you… probably because subconsciously, who the fuck else would he be sending pictures of his dick to? He’s not even the kind of guy to send nudes, but he has a few times with you on nights that you’re both too busy to actually meet up and have sex.
He could’ve just played it off and said something stupid like ‘surprise’, but he immediately panicked because he was afraid you’d figure out what he’s doing. Which is so fucking stupid because how the fuck would you ever guess what he’s doing?
So what does he do instead?
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He handled it very poorly, to say the least. He didn’t know what the fuck to do, and he had no idea why the told you he sent it to the wrong person. It was because it was the truth, that’s why. He didn’t really think anything of it when he admitted he sent it to the wrong person, because he had a clear conscious. Why lie when he has a clear conscious?
He panicked not because he was guilty, but because he was scared that you would catch on and the surprise would be ruined… which is so fucking stupid. Out of everything, you couldn’t possibly guess what he was doing.
He didn’t think about the implications of telling you that it was the wrong person, and it just went downhill from there. He really should have just told you the truth in that moment, but he doubts you would have believed him. The story would seem far fetched at this point because of how vague he was being in the beginning.
And you really didn’t believe him. You trusted Jungkook, but that message reminded you that you aren’t exclusive with him. He isn’t your boyfriend. He has a reputation of being a fuck boy and he’s just your fuck buddy. So it wouldn’t have been a surprise if he really was messing around with other girls considering he technically has every right to… but it still stung.
If he had come out and admitted it was meant for another girl, you would have probably been a bit bitchy about it, but you wouldn’t have fought with him over it. He has the right to see other people when you both never agreed to only see each other. It was that feeling of being lied to that set you off, you fucking hate being lied to. You have your fair share of history involving men who lie, and although you made an exception on one of your boundaries for Jungkook, you refused to make an exception on being lied to for any man.
And even though he wasn’t actually lying, how the fuck would you have known that? He’s right, if he did send you some elaborate paragraph about what the picture was actually for, and how he just instinctively sent it to you after taking it, you probably wouldn’t have believed him after he denied it so vaguely like he did.
For days he tried to talk to you. He blew up your phone, called and texted hundreds of times, blew up your Instagram notifications, and even started fucking making tweets on Twitter begging you to talk to him and let him explain (dramatic as fuck, his friends made fun of him for it, and he didn’t care because he was desperate.) You ignored him, of course, because deep down you were a bit hurt. You really couldn’t stand the thought that we was sending nudes to someone else, possibly fucking them, and then lying to you about it.
It reminds you as to why you have the boundary of exclusivity… and also makes you realize that maybe you like Jungkook a little more than you thought you did.
He’s a mess. He kept debating whether or not to just show up to your place, get on his knees and beg you to listen to him… but he knew you wouldn’t let him in, not unless he had proof of what actually happened. He feels so goddamn stupid. He could easily show up and show you the email as proof, explain his thought process and what the picture was for, what he was doing, confess that he’s fucking in love with you and wanted to do something to show you how serious he is…
But he decides to give you space. He knows that it’s unlikely you want to listen to him or see him right now, and he needs to let you cool off. By the time the sculpture is delivered, he can show up, explain himself, and do everything as planned.
It’s the longest fucking week of his life. His thoughts are consumed with you and he prays that when he does show up, it isn’t too late, and you’ll let him explain himself.
That you’ll say yes after it’s all said and done.
The next Friday, he receives the package. He nearly fumbles with it as he opens it, wanting to get this shit over with so you guys will be ok again.
Just as expected, it’s perfect. It’s obviously not the exact same as his dick, but it’s pretty fucking close. It looks exactly as you would expect a sculpture of a dick to look like. The bow that was sculpted onto it is perfect, pink and detailed, wrapped between the tip of the sculpted dick and the base. At the very bottom of the base, in tiny cursive letters reads ‘Property of Y/N’. He thinks it’s perfect, and if you find it in yourself to hear him out, he knows you’ll love it. He can already imagine your cheeks getting pink as you giggle at the absurd gesture.
He gets himself ready. He puts on some cologne, brushes his teeth, stares at himself in the mirror a little too long trying to psych himself up. He knows showing up without warning is probably not the best way to go, but he hopes that once you open the door and see him bearing gifts, you’ll be more open to listening to what he has to say.
He makes a stop on his way to your place because he impulsively decides to buy you some flowers and a cute gift box for the sculpture. He’s in a rush because he feels like he’s dying on the inside with you so upset at him. When he gets the flowers, he just stuffs a wad of cash in the florists hand before running back off to his car. He probably overpaid for them… but he doesn’t care.
He makes quick work of putting the sculpture inside of the pink box he picked out, adds a matching pink bow for good measure. Once he’s satisfied, he carefully placed the flowers and the gift box in his front seat, and nearly peels out of the parking lot in a hurry to get to you.
You’ve been sulking all damn week, because you miss him. At first you were pissed, because you swore he was lying, he just had to be. Why else would he be sending dick pics to someone? But as the week went on, you did start to question yourself. Because Jungkook had never given you a reason to not trust him, and despite that fact that neither of you have ever explicitly said it was exclusive… you know that it is.
Because when you’re both in a room full of people, his eyes never stray. When he tells one of his stupid jokes, the first person he looks for a reaction in is you. When he goes to the grocery store, despite you not living together, he always stocks up on your favs. And every morning and every night, no matter what, you are the first and last person he talks to. The little things tell you everything you need to know.
Even now, after he stopped blowing your phone up because you continued to ignore him, he made sure to text you good morning and goodnight.
So why would he lie? Why would he lie when all of the signs are there that you are his sole focus? You may be unaware of how deep his feelings are for you, but the little things show where his loyalties lay.
It’s just so hard to believe him because you can’t possibly fathom who else he could be sending nudes to, and if the reason wasn’t sexual, then why? You don’t exactly send pictures of your genitals to someone for casual or platonic reasons, so…
You’re sitting on your couch watching TV and pouting when he knocks at your door. You aren’t expecting anyone, so you have a feeling it’s him… you debate not answering the door, but in the end you do, because you’re just as irritable without him as he is you.
You open the door and keep a neutral expression on your face, you see him standing there with those same love sick puppy eyes and you nearly fold right then and there.
He’s holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a fairly large pink box with a bow on top. So he came prepared, it seems. You don’t know whether to be flattered or offended at the supposed bribe, but you keep an open mind.
“What do you want?” You say cooly… as if you’re not going to let him in anyway.
“Y/N can we please talk? I know you hate me right now, but please just let me explain myself. I swear this is all just a really big and stupid misunderstanding.”
He has no idea what’s going on in your head right now because you seem so calm, so collected. He wishes he could be like you, because if you don’t let him in, he swears he’s gonna cry and bang on your door until you let him. He’s not above throwing a fit at this point.
You stand there for a moment staring at him, making it seem as if you’re skeptical… but really, you just missed his pretty face.
You open your door for him and he nearly fucking pushes you down when he barges his way in, afraid you’re going to change your mind.
He makes his way to your couch and sits down, pats the spot next to him and sits the gift box down on your coffee table along with the flowers.
“These are for you… open it first.”
You cross your arms and scoff at him, don’t sit down yet. You start to wonder if he’s avoiding actually explaining, wanting to butter you up first so that you’ll be more willing to forgive him.
“What? No, explain why you lied about sending—“
He holds his hand up to stop you from speaking, “Dammit, Y/N, open the damn gift first. You need to see it in order for me to explain. Please.”
You huff at him in response, because it’s kinda hot when he talks to you like that… but now is not the time to get hot and bothered. You don’t even know what his supposed ‘explanation’ is or if it’s something you’re willing to forgive.
You do listen to him though, you take a seat on the couch and grab the pink box. You take off the bow, which you love, and you carefully open up the box to reveal…
A penis. Hm.
You take it out and start inspecting it… you don’t know how to feel yet. You’ve been sleeping with him for months, you both know each others bodies very intimately, so you can immediately tell that it is indeed his dick, specifically because of the little heart shaped freckle down the shaft. You notice the bow that’s sculpted into it too, and you find yourself giggling at it without meaning to. Just like he thought you would. The entire gesture makes your cheeks warm. Such an odd fucking gift, but you already love it.
You turn it over, and you see at the base of it right above the testicles of the sculpture, in cute little letters ‘Property of Y/N’.
As weird as it is, you find the gesture so fucking cute… but you also don’t understand it. You don’t understand why he just gave you a coquette sculpture of his dick, what this has to do with the dick pic, and why it says property of Y/N, because that’s a very serious thing to put on a sculpture of his dick that he just have to you.
Before you gush over how much you love the silly thing, you ask wearily, “Ok… but like… what does this have to do with anything?”
Jungkook let’s out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in and his heart pounds because he’s so fucking thankful you seem to be open to hearing him out.
He begins explaining hesitantly, “Yeah, right, so umm… lately I’ve been thinking… about us. And I sort of realized that I… like you. Like, a lot. Not just the sex or the whole fuck buddy thing, but I really fucking like you as a person Y/N.”
Now your heart is pounding because you genuinely didn’t expect this confession. Which in return, makes you impatient… because you like him too. But you can’t tell him that until you figure out what the fuck happened with the dick pic and wether or not you need to stop this before it starts, or forgive him, or even apologize for not letting him explain.
“Ok but what does that have to do—“
“I’m getting to that. Just… ugh, shut up, this is embarrassing.”
He looks away from you and starts biting at his lip ring. You feel kinda bad, because he really does look embarrassed about it. But oh, it is so fucking cute…
You nod at him and lean back into the couch, the sculpture in your lap as you silently agree to let him continue and try to keep your impatience in check.
He reluctantly continues, “After realizing this, I wanted to… tell you. Wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend. But I didn’t want to be cliche about it, I remember us talking about it before… so I wanted to do something special… something only for you.”
He lets out a breathy laugh and squeezes his eyes shut, because he starts overthinking a bit. He wanted to to something special for you, so he got a fucking sculpture of his dick made… ridiculous train of thought. Such a fuck boy thing to do.
“I remembered you making a joke about how if a guy proposes, you’d want it to be with something other than a ring… and I’m not proposing! But you know, it’s similar so… yeah. Fuck. Anyway, I did some research and found out that apparently dick sculpting is a type of art? And my dumb ass thought that was perfect…”
He chances a glance at you, looking up from his lashes as he sits forward and rests his elbows on his knees. So far, you seem receptive of the story… you don’t seem to be suspicious of him yet. Thank fuck.
“I commissioned an artist to make a sculpture of… my dick. For you. And they needed a picture for reference… it was all very professional. But when I took the picture, I guess I just automatically sent it to you, because I don’t do that shit with anyone else. So I didn’t think. But when I realized I texted it to you, instead of emailing it to the artist… I told the truth because I didn’t think about the implications. And I did a very fucking bad job at attempting to explain when you did start questioning it. That’s my bad…”
It’s slowly starting to make sense. The story is a bit… far fetched. But it’s so far fetched that you highly doubt Jungkook would have gone through the trouble to actually commission an artist and drop who knows how much on this sculpture just to save his ass. It may be a very specific situation, an original experience, if you will… but the proof is in the pudding, and you can tell by the look on his face that he isn’t lying.
“I should’ve just told you what happened but I doubted you’d believe me after how badly I fumbled. So I waited for the damn thing to show up. I can show you the emails back and forth with the artist and stuff too if you want… but Y/N I swear I wouldn’t lie about something like that. I haven’t fucked or even looked at another woman since we started messing around… don’t want to. Only want you. So please believe me.”
He looks at you with pleading eyes, and gives you a small pitiful smile. You do believe him. You really didn’t have any reason not to to begin with, but the miscommunication prevented you from seeing that.
It really was just some very stupid misunderstanding.
You say nothing. Instead, you set the sculpture down carefully, and you scoot closer to him. You grab his face gently, and lean in to kiss him.
Fuck. He missed your lips so bad.
He immediately kisses you back, damn near whines at how good it feels to have you again. To see that you aren’t rejecting his explanation or refusing to trust him, but you’re forgiving him. He kisses you back sweetly, one of his hands coming to the nape of your neck while the other cradles your jaw.
You pull back and murmur, “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. Was stupid of me. Forgive me.”
He smiles so fucking stupidly at this and nudges his nose against yours. He starts peppering your face with little kisses as he says, “Forgive me for being a fucking idiot…”
One last huge smooch to your forehead, and he pulls you into his lap. He feels so much more lighter now that things are cleared up. God, he wants to fucking laugh at how absurd it all is. All week he started to regret ever choosing to get a sculpture made of his fucking penis as a way to ask you to be his damn girlfriend… who the fuck does that?
Him, apparently. And he started wishing he fucking didn’t.
But seeing you now, seeing how you’re smiling at him with the same adoration in your eyes as him, he’s thankful he did it. Sure, was a very odd gift to get you… but it suits your dynamic perfectly. And the way you giggled at it bashfully, he knows you absolutely loved it.
He reaches down and squeezes your ass as you sit on his lap, not trying to initiate anything, just wanting to touch you. He stares at you in silence for a moment, because a week away from your pretty face was far too much.
He flicks his lip ring with his tongue before asking, “So… does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend then…?”
He doesn’t mean to sound so awkward when he asks, but he’s nervous that you’ll say no because you didn’t really say anything when he explained earlier…
Stupid boy, can’t he see how much you fucking adore him? Of course you’ll say yes.
But even then, you hum in response as your hands reach up to play with his hair, as if you’re mulling it over and considering your options.
“Mmm… depends. You gonna let me put a real bow on your dick? Make it all cute and coquette?”
He doesn’t even hesitate. Of course he will. Fucking anything you want if that means you’ll be his girlfriend, if you’ll let him love you and fuck you and take care of you for what he hopes is forever. And honestly, the thought of you putting a bow on his dick weirdly turns him on.
You giggle at him, lean in and press your lips against his again. You kiss him once more, a bit more tongue this time just so you can hear him pant and feel his heart beat faster against your chest.
When you finally come up for air, you say against his lips, “Then yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”
He lets out a breathy laugh, was nervous you were going to say no. But you didn’t. And he has never felt so fucking excited or proud about something, he swears.
He can actually say that you’re his girl now. Thank god for his coquette dick.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
(Oh My) Bunny-Baby 🔞
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In which Jungkook had long lost hope to find someone sweet as you.
Tags/Warnings: Bunny Hybrid!Jungkook, Bunny Hybrid!Reader, strangers to lovers, major fluff, romance, Flirting, they're in love, also very horny towards the end oops, car sex, sloppy handjob, lots of... fluids, squirting aka champagne confetti wink wink, multiple orgasms, some aftercare?, idk it's something
Length: oneshot, I'll count later
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> You can request drabbles if you want.
"Come on in- just, be a little quiet, I've got my new coworker over." Jimin chuckles, making Jungkook look at him scandalized- since Jimin, technically, has a girlfriend.
"Ah no, not like that." He waves off, walking in after they both taken off their shoes. "A waterpipe broke in her bedroom, so now she's crashing on my couch for the time being." He explains, putting a finger to his lips as they enter the living room area, where Jungkook spots your body underneath a blanket, clearly asleep.
What peaks his attention though, are the very obvious bunny ears on your head, only partially covered by your hair.
Bunny hybrids aren't common at all, nowadays, due to them ending up mixing with humans more often than not- so much so, that until now, Jungkook has never met another 'pure' bunny hybrid of the opposite sex before, ever. "Just sit down there- she sleeps like a rock, so don't worry too much about waking her." Jimin laughs, easily sitting down in a seat across from where you sleep, while Jungkook carefully takes the spot next to where your head is resting. From here, he's got an even better view of you- and you're just.. so cute.
Though he feels himself short-circuiting the moment you move, nose scrunching up a bit as you move your leg, blanket now slipping a little to reveal the softest looking bunny tail he's ever seen. That, combined with your ear twitching while you dream, makes him wonder about things he never really thought of before. He absentmindedly reaches to touch his own ear, trying to see if they're just as soft as yours look. Are they? He's not sure. He's so close to you he could just see for himself, especially when you move a little more, head leaning against his thigh, ears laying over it- but he knows how much he hates having his ears touched constantly, so he doesn't.
That would just be rude.
"Do you know a cheap place where she can stay? Sine my partner is a wolf hybrid, you know.." Jimin wonders, sighing. "Here, that's the sketches by the way." He offers, giving a few papers to Jungkook who takes them. "Oh! Or, since you're both the same species, maybe she could stay with you? You still have the pull-out couch right?"
"Yeah!" Jungkook answers, while you seem to finally wake up, slowly sitting upright, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Great!" Jimin misunderstands the rabbit boy's answer. "Hey, bunny? Jungkookie over here has an empty couch you can stay on." He tells you, who's ears slowly stand up, before you look over at the shoulder of the other bunny hybrid- head slowly lifting to look at the wide open eyes of the buck next to you. "He's easy to be around, don't worry." Jimin jokes.
"Oh?" You wonder, noticing Jungkook's black ears turned towards you as well, giving you all information you need for the moment. "Tha's nice of you." You slur sleepily, yawning before you stretch. "Thank you." You smile, and Jungkook is officially without any brain activity at all for the moment.
Especially when you lean your head to the side a bit, ears flopping over, still clearly drowsy from sleep.
"Uh.. yeah!" Jungkook snaps out of it, ripping his eyes away from you, though he hears you giggle a little to yourself, causing his tail to wiggle without his control of it. He honestly didn't mean to agree to something like this- hell, his apartment isn't even remotely tidied up, there's probably dishes in the sink and his laundry all over the place- but in some odd way, he also can't pass up the opportunity of a lifetime, basically; because you're so pretty, and-
wait, he doesn't even know if you have a boyfriend. Do you? And if you do, why is he not helping you out in a time like this? He knows he would've offered you to stay at his home right away if something was up. That's just common sense.
"I'll go get my stuff.." You mumble, slowly getting up to stretch one last time- bunny tail wiggling around as you groan, giving Jungkook pretty much whiplash from the sight alone, before you walk away into the bathroom, probably to shower and wake up properly.
"She's cute, huh?" Jimin teases, catching Jungkook staring after you. "Doesn't have a boyfriend from what I know. And she's a bunny too." He wiggles his eyebrows, while Jungkook shakes his head.
"So?" He huffs. "Doesn't mean we're like.. destined or something. I'm just gonna help her out- and after that, we'll go back to being strangers anyways." He simply says, shrugging it off. After all, he's tried relationships before- and they all somehow always failed because of him in some way, making him believe that at this point, he just isn't fit for simple relationships.
He can't help his instincts, and neither can he help his.. needs either.
So when he takes the sketches home to work on, and helps carry your bag for you- he doesn't get his hopes up for something changing, because down the line, maybe that'll protect him from the inevitable heartbreak when you leave just like he fears you will.
Just like everyone else did before.
Inside his apartment, you're clearly finally properly awake now, curiously following him as he shows you around, before he leaves you in his small living room to fetch some sheets and blankets for you to put on the couch.
It's clear that he lives alone, apartment a bit.. lifeless almost, not much screaming home at you from what you can see. Apart from a sweater thrown over a chair at the open kitchenette, and a few dishes in the sink, it looks like any ordinary single-guy household.
Interesting. Especially the fact that his home only smells of himself and no one else. Doesn't he have a partner?
That wouldn't make sense. He's basically the perfect buck.
"It's a bit.. uh, I know this will look like it's broken but it's not-" He defends, rubbing the back of his neck after he put the blankets and sheets on one side of the couch, leaning down to pull on the lower edge of the front of the couch. "-it's just.. urgh- old!" He grits, using a good amount of strength to pull out the part that snaps back up into place, ultimately turning the small couch into a bed with good amount of space on it.
You can't help but stare wide eyed however, not at the furniture- but rather the clear display of strength of his, arms showing off their muscles even while covered mostly by his plain white t-shirt. You can't help it- after all, it's instincts.
Snapping out of it when you notice him looking at you in question, you shake those thoughts off for the moment, hands behind your back while you sway on your legs a little. "Uh.. I didn't listen, sorry. What did you say?" You ask, caught a bit in your staring contest between you and his thighs having multiplied twice their size from the way he's sitting on his heels on the floor.
"I asked if you.. if that blanket is enough, or if you want a thicker one?" He offers. "I have a spare one with feather filling if you'd like.." He wonders, and you nod instantly.
You like thick blankets and bedding a lot- it makes for great nesting material, and gives you a sense of comfort while asleep.
He smiles in a friendly manner, before he fetches said blanket, taking a bit longer to put a cover over it, before he brings it to the couch you're already on all fours on, tucking the sheets into the corners properly, and he can't help but watch you a little. He himself doesn't really nest, and since he's never met a female bunny hybrid before, he's never actually seen one making a nest, except for in movies and TV shows. So, seeing you so naturally do it, makes him wonder.
How much of what he heard and seen about female bunny hybrids is actually true- and how much is just romanticized fiction?
After all, he as a male bunny hybrid is often watered down to nothing but a good lover in bed- but once those people get into an actual relationship, and realize that it's not just fun and games but a need of his that he'd have fulfilled every day of the week if possible, he quickly becomes too much to handle.
And so, most of the time, everything always falls apart because he's too needy. Too demanding. Too high maintenance. Too tough to.. satiate.
"Here." He carefully offers the bedding to you, and you smile, happily taking it with a 'thank you' from your side. He's a bit awkward now- unsure if you'd like him to stay or not. "Do you… should I leave?" He asks, unsure.
"No?" You answer, shaking your head. "This is your home after all. Why should you leave?" You giggle, unaware of Jungkook's inner troubles with the whole situation. He sits down on the edge of the bed so he stays out of the way, while you position some pillows and the other blanket how you want, eventually settling on the thick feather-filled quilt, hugging it it as you look at him arms and legs wrapped around the thick fluffy bedding.
"I.. uhm, I've never actually met a doe before, so I'm not sure how to really act." He admits, and you nod, lips parted in an 'o'-shape as you realize his dilemma.
"That's fine." You simply say. "We're kinda rare after all, I only ever really met another buck like.. a few years back? And he was an asshole, so you're already doing a lot better than him!" You joke, though he can spot some truth behind your words, worrying him what might've happened in the past. "So, Jiminie gave you sketches, right?" You ask, and he nods, happy over the finally flowing conversation. "What's that about?" You ask.
"I'm a tattoo artist." He says, pulling up the sleeve of his white shirt way over his shoulder, showing off his inked arm, making you lean closer to gain a better look, ears fully turned towards him now in interest. "I designed all of them myself, for example." He offers, chuckling when you tilt your head to look at something in a different angle.
"Oh, they're so cool!" You praise, before leaning back again. "I wanna have a tattoo too, but, I don't know.. people told me I shouldn't, cause it wouldn't suit me.." You mumble, leaning back into the comfort of the bedding.
"I mean, it depends what you'd want?" He shrugs. "I could for sure come up with something more delicate maybe?" He wonders, mind already trying to imagine some art underneath your skin right now.
"Heh, you wanna mark me up?" You flirt boldly, catching him off guard at your innuendo. "I'm just kidding. You're cute!" You compliment, before you curl up in your little nest once more. "...though.." you mumble, looking at him dangerously from underneath your lashes.
...though?" He asks, breathes out almost carefully.
"Though I wouldn't mind you cuddling me, to be honest." You giggle into the quilt, cheeks tinted softly. "You look like you give great cuddles." You say, and he laughs a bit bashfully to himself.
"I mean- maybe?" He shrugs, unsure. He's not really.. cuddled much before, every touch of his always having been taken as either an invitation or demand even when it wasn't either- so at some point in his life, he just stopped even thinking about it. What would make you different from them?
And what does he really have to lose, down the line?
You're Jimin's coworker. If you and Jungkook don't work out, there's no awkwardness really, to be fair. You'd just part ways, and that would be it, and since you're both clearly adults, nothing speaks against it.
"Shouldn't we.. maybe get to know each other more?" He wonders carefully, testing the waters. And your next words make him wonder if you could really truly be a new start for him.
"Why? It's only cuddling." You huff. "It's not like I wanna go to phase two just because you touch me." You joke.
And while he does smile at it, it's not a joke to him.
It's much more than that.
"Heeh, whatcha cooking?" You ask, dipping underneath his arm to catch a glimpse at the pot he's stirring, making him instinctively reach out to pull you back so you don't look inside and hurt yourself.
"Ramen- but it's spicy, so you might not like it." He chuckles, remembering how you told him last night at a movie you watched together that you don't tolerate spicy things very well. Most buny hybrids dont- but he grew up with it, so maybe that's why he can stomach it very well.
The movie you watched yesterday had only been background noise to be honest, because you were rather occupied getting to know each other better, just like Jungkook had suggested. He now knows that you moved here after a bad relationship break up lead to you wanting a new fresh start somewhere else, while you learned that Jungkook used to work at an internet Cafe for a while until he could finally land a spot at Min Yoongis tattoo studio.
You've warmed up to each other quite quickly- and not just over shared life experiences and problems you'd laugh over together.
"But I'm hungry." You tell him, looking upwards at his face that's watching you as well. "Can I use your kitchen to make myself something?" You wonder, and he smiles, laughing.
"I can cook one extra. I have a mild chicken one in here- would you like that?" He asks, and you nod, reaching for it- though he's holding it too far away. "I said I'm making it." He jokingly scolds. "You go wait, it'll take maybe twenty minutes or so." He explains, though you just turn around and...
Hug him?
"Heeh, you're so warm!" You giggle, unable to really resist at least trying to hug him once- when a hand sets itself onto your back, holding you close while he continues cooking. He just smells so nice, and he is so nice in general that you just involuntarily get attached already.
You're a bunny hybrid after all. You crave affection, need attention.. and much more than that, but this part, you've learned to control. It throws people off how clingy and needy you are, it's something you learned the hard way- and you're hoping that you won't screw it up with Jungkook.
Cause you really like him already. Might go as far as to say you've got a terrible crush.
"Am I bothering you?" You ask meekly but he shakes his head, a surprised expression on his face.
"No, I'd tell you if you did." He answers, and at that, your eyes sparkle in wonder, head resting against his chest. Words like that mean the world to you- because thar means you won't just unknowingly make him uncomfortable until he gets rid of you. He'll tell you first, so you can change.
"Thank you." You simply say-
And he wonders what you must've experienced in the past to be so grateful of simple communication like that.
"So, you're staying with Jungkook now?" Namjoon, a bear hybrid across from you asks- and you nod.
"Hmhm, he's really nice." You compliment, and Jungkook feels his cheeks start to get hotter at your praise. He's got a terrible problem and it's only four days in of you both knowing each other-
Because his body is clearly reacting to your scent being all over his apartment and all over him.
He can't help it, it's quite frankly embarrassing how often he has to shower and try and relieve himself somewhat quietly so you won't notice- ache in his body now worse than ever before, with you as a doe so close around him all the time. You're clearly in your prime, and so is he- bodies communicating that desire constantly without either of your control.
And unbeknownst to him, you're very aware of his dilemma. He's not exactly as quiet as he thinks he is.
In that department, you pride yourself in being a lot more secretive- he probably hasn't even noticed that you got yourself off right in your nest in the living room, because you, compared to him, can be quiet.
Well, but he knows. Because while you might not make much sound, your scent left on your bedding speaks louder than you could ever scream. And it's torture.
"So, you both?" Jimin raises his brows suggestively, making Jungkook shakes his head bashfully. "Heh, why not? You're already so cute together!" He whines, always so passionate about his best friend finally finding that special someone.
Namjoon sighs and scolds the younger friend, before he looks at you. "I'm sorry, he can be a bit too bold sometimes." He says, and you just wave it off.
"No its fine, I understand." You say, before going back to eating.
You're awfully quiet the rest of the night, seemingly rather low on energy. It's something Jungkook notices with slight worry, fearing you might be coming down with something- unaware that it's both your social batteries running low, and also the fact that, naturally, bunny hybrids tend to kind of shrink in on themselves if they're without affection for too long.
And for you, it's been a long time since someone cared for you in a more intimate way.
But he doesn't connect the dots yet, rather offers to go home with you a bit earlier, to get you into bed so you can rest properly.
You're surprisingly visiting often and regularly, even after returning to your now renovated home.
You seek him out actively, ask often for his opinion on things or if he wants to hang out- and he's thriving, energy at an all time high. It's something that everyone at the tattoo shop notices too, constantly picking on the rabbit hybrid- but he couldn't care less.
Because last night, you told him you liked him. Like, liked him a lot. You got a crush on him.
And it makes him all giddy with excitement, causes him to whistle as he cleans up his workspace to finally go home and welcome you back to his apartment for some takeout and cuddles- because that's something that you do often as well.
It's like the only quality sleep he has these days is only when he sleeps together with you. And not even in a sexual sense whatsoever.
You gently turn him whenever he falls into a bad position during his sleep that makes him snore- instead of telling him that he's annoying and disrupting your rest. You cling onto him, you're nuzzling into his neck, you scent him- and he loves every second of it, soaks up your affectionate attention like a sponge.
You're just so cute, and perfect for him- he can't help but fall for you. And knowing that you did too- just makes it all feel like a fairytale come true.
Though, in his car, things don't go quite as.. tame as he expected it to.
Not that he complains.
You're on his lap in the driver's seat as he'd parked his car at an empty parking lot out of sight of the main road, clinging to him, kissing him just as eagerly as he does you. It's desperate, open mouths stealing each other's breath away, his teasing bites to your lip making you whimper. "Please-" you softly cry, looking at him with pleading eyes. "-I'm starving.!" You complain, and he laughs.
The moment you're both in the backseat of his car, he wastes no time- using the sweater and shirt he pulls off his upper body in one go to throw them against the door so your head is supported, before he leans down to kiss you again. He can't get enough, not of you, and not of this moment-
Because down the line, he's equally as touch-starved as you are.
There's no time nor need for words as his hands push beneath your clothes, exploring what he finds beneath with eager palms, skin warm to the touch. You're squirming in place, needy for more than he gives right now- and he decides that patience can go fuck itself, because he needs you.
The moment he unveils your lower body to his eyes is the moment he just knows he can't control himself, hand instantly reaching between your legs to play with you, get you ready. "How have you been like this, huh?" He chuckles, jokes, as you squirm and roll your hips into his hand. "Poor baby, suffering in silence when I'm right here." He breathes out, sensitive core so desperate you don't need much to come undone for the first time.
While you catch your breath, he uses that time to search for a condom in his car- finding one in his wallet, thankfully, before he covers his length that you're already reaching for.
"Next time." He reassures your disappointed face as you realize he's not gonna let you return the favor. "Right now I need you." He instead explains, before he guides the head of his cock through your folds, collecting your wetness before he finally pushes inside.
Your head is finally empty, no thoughts rushing any longer, the only thing on your mind the feeling of him filling you up.
You don't care if you're needy, or clingy, or too demanding- right now you want all he has to offer, as your legs wrap around him, pulling him closer.
And closer he gets, leaning down to capture your lips once more before his hips start to move.
The sounds you make must be nothing shy of pornographic, but you don't spare any mind to it- instead letting your eyes roll back as he picks up his pace, testing your limits to see what you need, and what you can take. And much to his personal pleasure, it seems like you're a perfect fit-
Not just in any other way already.
Your tail must be soaked in your slick at this point, ring of foamy white decorating the base of his length as he keeps up his rhythm, skin smacking against skin loudly in the small space of the car. Any bystander outside probably knows exactly what's going on-
And he couldn't care less.
An almost growling sound escapes him when he feels you clench in your upcoming orgasm, thighs trembling against his body as you cry out, white hot pleasure making you blind and deaf for a second, while his hips stutter, one final push all it takes for him to snap-
As he pulls out your soaked cunt, pulling the condom off to instead close your legs and bring himself to his finish that way, white strings of cum covering your naked front, even up to your shirt that he's pushed way up high to reveal your bouncing chest to his eyes.
He's breathing heavily together with you, as he notices the scene he finds himself in.
The windows of the car are all fogged up, and it's stuffy inside, smell of sex filling the entirety of the space, leather of the seats squeaking slightly as he adjusts his position. Your most recent experience of pleasure covers his thighs and seats, but he doesn't mind, he can only laugh to himself absolutely starstruck.
He's never experience something like this before.
He's never had any sexual encounter where he felt this satisfied after, no lingering appetite left for the moment, as he helps you out of your shirt to use it to wipe your body somewhat clean- his cum having stained the fabric already anyways.
The second he notices you shivering he helps you into a sitting position after cleaning you between your legs too- or at least drying your skin, before he wipes the seats. "I uh.." you mumble, staring at the mess you've made. "...that's new." You say, and he laughs, looking at you with eyes full of stars.
"I know." He answers, making you beam back with an equally love-filled gaze, shy laughter breaking the awkward aftermath of your first time.
And that's when he knew-
You're it for him.
For now and forever.
"Jungkoooook~?" You sing, hanging somewhat upside down off his bed- when he walks into the bedroom, freshly showered.
"Whaaaaat~?" He parrots back in a similar tone, walking to the closet to get a shirt and pants.
"Do you love me?" You wonder, and he laughs, slipping the shirt over his head.
"Of course." He instantly answers without thinking.
"Do you really love me?" You ask, and he turns around now, looking at you with suspicion.
"...You're gonna ask me to drive you to that one specific place where they sell those giant milkshakes again, aren't you?" He accuses, and you giggle.
"I mean, do you reeeaaally love me?" You jokingly ask, and at that he squats down in front of you to kiss your upside-down lips with a smile.
"Of course I do." He answers. "So much so that I'll drive you there, even though you're gonna have a stomachache from all the food again."
"That was once!" You call out as he puts on his sweatpants having now sat up. "Or maybe twice.. okay if we count last Tuesday maybe three times but that-"
"Doesn't count, I know." He finishes his sentence for you, closing the closet before he leans his hands on the bed, lips catching yours to shut you up for a second.
But as he leans back to look at you, there's a new desire in your eyes.
"You know.. now that I think of it.." you mumble quietly, hands toying with the strings of his sweats. "I'm hungry for something else.." you bat your lashes at him, and he smirks at that, leaning his head to the side while he watches your lips.
"I wonder what that might be." He grins, licking his lips as you lean onto your back, his body now crawling over you.
"Guess you better find out." You tell him, hands already pulling down the hem of his pants slowly.
"Guess I have to." He shrugs, letting you undress him, trip to the far away diner long forgotten.
Because who needs to eat out when you've got the best dinner at home?
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2hightocare · 2 months
We’re jk oc deprived 😭😭😭
Any new Drabble ?
noooo I can’t seem to finish any of my works for them, there’s only like prompts of barely 500 words here’s sum for you guys🥳🥳🥳🥳
“Do you guys have triple extra-large condoms?”
“Your dick is not that big, oh please,” Yoongi bursts out laughing, throwing his head back and covering his face with his hands. You can’t help but snort softly as Lora tries to figure out how many inches triple extra-large would be using her hands.
“How is that possible..?” Jimin says, laying his head down on the hotel room bed beside Taehyung, who’s been snoring away since you all arrived.
“Just because you have a small dick doesn’t mean I do,” Jungkook retorts, crossing his arms and leaning against the colorful wall of the room.
You’re all in Las Vegas, celebrating Jungkook’s and your three-year wedding anniversary. It was a spontaneous trip planned just a few hours before catching the earliest plane. None of you are new to Vegas, Taehyung, who’s lacking enthusiasm. The moment he steps foot in your and Jungkook’s hotel room, he knocks out.
The room has become the main hangout spot for everyone.
“I aspire to be as delusional as Kook,” Ari jokes from her spot on the floor in front of the mirror, curling her hair. The group bursts out laughing as Jungkook rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around your neck from behind, joining in the laughter.
Jungkook’s strong personality is one of the things that drew you to him. He always knows how to make you laugh, no matter the situation, with his random remarks and perfect timing.
“I think this is the dumbest thing ever,” Jungkook sighs, bouncing his leg where Iseul is sitting, sucking on her pink pacifier. Her two small pigtails bounce with each movement of your husband’s leg.
“She needs them, they’re literally mandatory, baby,” you lay your head on his shoulder, glancing around the clinic and noticing a brunette mom making googly eyes at your husband. Jungkook, too worried about his daughter, doesn’t even notice.
“I know, but do you not hear all the babies crying?” Jungkook says, watching Iseul giggle at his worried expression. “I’m afraid you’re worrying more than her,” you laugh, squeezing Iseul’s cheeks, making her squirm in Jungkook’s lap. “Aren’t you so cute, huh?” You coo, eliciting giggles from Iseul.
“Oh no,” Iseul pouts, pointing to the pacifier on the ground. “Oh no, it’s right, princess,” Jungkook bends over, picking up the pink pacifier and passing it to you. Iseul reaches for it eagerly, but you scrunch your face, sticking out your tongue. “Yuck,” you say, and Iseul mimics you, making Jungkook laugh at her reaction. “God, can’t believe I made such a perfect offspring,” Jungkook exclaims, showering Iseul’s face with kisses, which only makes her laugh more.
“You did not just call her offspring,” you gasp, a snort slipping past your mouth, making Jungkook laugh loudly before quieting down, realizing where you are. “Jeon Iseul?” The door opens, revealing a woman, likely the doctor’s assistant.
You and Jungkook immediately stand up, making your way to her. “Iseul?” she asks, and you confirm with a smile, interlocking your fingers with your husband’s as he holds Iseul on his other arm.
“Okay, follow me,” she says, leading you through a hallway adorned with pastel colors and animals painted on the walls, catching Iseul’s attention as she points and babbles.
“Gee-raffe!” she babbles, her baby teeth showing as she smiles at the animals. “Aw, she’s the cutest,” the assistant remarks, turning to give a warm smile to your daughter. She opens a sliding door with a giant elephant in the middle, leading you inside.
“Take a seat. Whoever’s going to hold her, please sit there,” she points to the big chair in the middle of the room. Jungkook sits, placing Iseul on his lap and adjusting her dress.
“Okay, can you tell me her birthday?” the assistant asks. “November 10th, 2022,” you answer, adjusting your cap as Jungkook pokes Iseul’s cheek.
“Okay, the doctor will be here in a few. Bye, Iseul. Nice meeting you,” she waves at your daughter, who waves back before the assistant exits the room.
“I want another one,” Jungkook whines, attacking your neck with kisses. “Baby, no,” you moan as he sucks and nips, leaving red marks on your throat.
“Please, give me another one,” your husband pouts, finally looking at you. His tattooed hand holds the base of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss as he smiles into it, making your teeth clash.
The kiss is messy, strings of saliva connecting between you both each time you separate to catch your breath. Jungkook bites your lip, making you moan into his mouth, to which he replies with a cocky smile.
“I’ll fuck you so good, baby, please,” Jungkook whines between kisses. “Please,” kiss. “Please,” another kiss. “Please,” and another.
“We can’t,” you reply between kisses. “Why the fuck not? We can do them right now,” Jungkook says, pulling you closer by your throat.
Jungkook has been wanting another kid, but as much as you want to say ‘fuck it’ and do it, you just couldn’t at the moment. You’ve been too busy with school, and the same goes for Jungkook with work, but he didn’t seem to think it through. He wanted another mini you, turning the house upside down alongside Iseul.
“Please, Iseul would love to have a brother… or sister,” he adds late, causing you to side-eye him, which only makes him smile as he nestles into your neck.
“No babies yet, let’s wait,” you happily sigh as he places a kiss on your collarbone, twirling a strand of your hair.
“So we’re not fucking?” Jungkook peeks up with a grin as you burst out laughing. “Not without protection,” you scratch the back of his head, making him moan before he rests his head on your lap, looking up at you with a smile.
“I see how it is,” you joke as you feel him shift in your arms before laying his head on your lap. “What?” you ask, placing your small palm over his face before moving it around. Jungkook sticks his tongue out, licking your palm, which has you quickly retrieving your hand.
“Ew, you’re nasty,” you scrunch your nose as he reaches for your hair, pulling gently.
“That’s nasty? You literally asked me to spit in your mo—,” before he could finish, you place your palm over his mouth again, shutting him up as his eyes widen with amusement.
“Shush,” a small giggle leaves your lips as you blush like a high school girl. You’ve known Jungkook for over ten years, and till this day, he has you giggling and kicking your feet whenever he looks at you.
“I miss your lip piercing,” you pout, squishing his cheeks with your hand as he laughs, poking your belly button with his pinky. “I do too, but Iseul literally ripped my shit,” he says, a pained expression on his face as he remembers his daughter pulling on the lip piercing with incredible force.
“Is that why you took out your ear ones too?” you ask, biting your lower lip as your finger plays with his pierced earlobe. He nods, his eyes fluttering closed as your fingers trace along his perfectly carved eyebrows.
“Well, I miss them,” you pout, tracing the outline of his lips.
“I’ll put them back on tomorrow,” he winks, making you roll your eyes before pinching his lips together.
“I still can’t believe you guys won’t add me to the group chat,” Jungkook whines, leaning his head on your shoulder and looking up at you with hopeful eyes.
“It’s only girls, so no,” Eunbi says, finishing braiding her thick blonde hair as Jungkook sends her a dirty look, which she returns.
“Namjoon is on it?” Your husband continues poking your cheek, as if that would make you add him to the group chat. But only if he knew that you weren’t even admin, and that it was Eunbi’s job to begin with.
“He’s part of the girls. He just gets us,” you give him an apologetic look, which he rolls his eyes at before scooting to the furthest edge of the couch and crossing his arms.
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gimmethatagustd · 5 months
technicolor | pjm
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Love is one hell of a drug. Bottled and sold on the black market, it isn't for the faint-hearted. You're not really interested in trying it until you meet Jimin.
○ Pairing: Jimin x f!Reader
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Strangers to lovers, dystopian, angst (?), smut
○ 3 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Dystopian)
○ Word Count: 992
○ Warnings: Implied drug usage (syringes), unprotected vaginal sex, bathroom sex, sex while under the influence (of love jhsdkfsj)
○ Notes: I tried so hard to keep this at a normal drabble word count jhkdfs
○ Post Date: January 11, 2024
○ Masterlist | Send me ur thots
○ What was Jai listening to? Serendipity - BTS
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“Have you ever been in love?” Jimin leans into you so he doesn’t have to yell over the music. He smells like sweat and the remnants of cologne, a musky kind that’s likely expensive. 
You shake your head. Of course not. No one has. 
“I could love you.” 
Jimin’s face glows blue from the strobe lights, then lights up with streaks of pink and gold that cut across his face like lightning. There’s silver glitter smeared under his eyes, and his teeth sparkle when he bites the tip of his tongue with some twisted form of a knowing smile. 
He’s pretty, a technicolor dream sticking out like a beacon amongst a sea of gray bodies grinding to the DJ’s electronic music. You’ve never met someone who looks like him; you've only seen people so colorful and bright on television. No one in real life seeks out passion. No one in real life looks so alive. You don’t even feel it, though sometimes you think there’s something inside of you that yearns to, like a ghost of a reminder that humans’ bodies once evolved to do more than just want. 
They tell you that life is about fulfilling needs: hunger, thirst, and the drive for success. There is no such thing as pleasure. 
Yet here is this stranger promising love where he sits at the bar beside you with a cherry stem tied into a knot between his teeth and silver studs poking out from the shoulders of his blue jean jacket. 
“Could you?” you ask, barely swallowing because your heart thumps in your throat. There’s only one way Jimin could love you, and it isn’t legal.
Jimin pats his chest, curling his fingers around the edge of his jacket. When he pulls it open far enough to peek inside, you see the syringe and a glass vial filled with a light pink liquid tucked into the inside pocket.
“I could,” Jimin says with a smile too pretty to be mixed up in something like this. “Will you let me?”
“Fuck, I love you so fucking much,” Jimin rasps against the curve of your ear. His hot breath dances down your neck, making goosebumps spring up along your forearms.
“I love you too,” you moan the unfamiliar words. They flow out of you easily and are quickly lost between Jimin’s lips and teeth. 
Jimin whimpers when you suck on his bottom lip. The sound is cute. Jimin is cute. It’s the first thing you’d noticed about him when he slid into the seat next to you at the bar. With glitter smeared beneath his eyes and a sparkling smile, he charmed you away from your friends and into the dingy bathroom.  
There’s so much more to Jimin than his looks, though. You love Jimin for everything that he is, the good and the bad, even though you don’t know what any of those things are. It doesn’t matter. Because you love him, those other things don’t need to matter. 
Heat builds between the two of you in the cramped bathroom. Sweat makes the crease of your thigh sticky against Jimin’s bare hip. When you splay your hands against Jimin’s back to pull him closer, you can feel the cotton stick to his skin with sweat. He’d shed his jean jacket before hoisting you up to sit on the edge of the sink. 
Your ass barely fits on the thin lip of the sink. With how sweaty your skin is, you keep almost slipping off of it. The thrust of Jimin’s hips rocks you backward. The back of your thighs are beginning to chafe, but you don’t notice, especially not when Jimin’s hands squeeze your ass to hold you in place as he fucks you with sharp, deep thrusts. 
“It’s so good, Jimin. You feel so good.” Your hands shake as you rake them down his back, pulling his t-shirt hard enough that it makes him gasp when the collar tightens around his neck.
“Best you’ve had, right, baby?”
“Yes, yes, your cock is s-sooo–” Your words are cut off by a loud sob that shudders through your body. 
When you pull Jimin closer, you feel his tears smear against your neck as he tucks his face into your shoulder. You don’t know why you’re both crying, but it feels good to let your body tremble and heave while Jimin’s cock glides in and out of you. This is love, having a body hold you, whisper sweet reassurances in your ear.
Jimin loves you. He loves your body, the way you smell, how wet and hot your pussy is around his cock. He loves your cute gasps and everything, really. He loves everything, even though he knows nothing. 
Jimin cums after you. Once he’s finished, he zips up his jeans and tucks the half-empty vial in the inside pocket of his jean jacket. He helps you hop down from the sink and straighten out your skirt. The high is gone, short-lived, a burst of a star before it dies. Love is fickle like that, you suppose. But what do you know? This is your first time trying it out. 
“I feel… Is it supposed to feel, um, weird?” You press your palm to your chest and take a deep breath. 
Jimin checks his hair in the mirror and flicks at the black strands with his pinkies. 
“It’ll go away after a few hours.” His response feels simple. It feels… 
“I feel really… empty.” 
“It’s like a hangover,” Jimin turns to give you a sparkling smile that makes your stomach twist, “Drink some water and sleep it off.” 
You let Jimin take your phone to input his number. When he gives it back, his contact name is Loverboy. Something about it bothers you. 
“I had fun,” Jimin giggles after kissing your cheek. “If you ever want more love, call me, okay?” 
You watch Jimin slip through the bathroom doors, love held hidden against his chest.
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@jooniesxbby @seokteoksworld @taegeum
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here.
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
boyfriend drabbles pt. 5
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Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Idol!Reader (8th member)
Summary: the one where Jungkook is overprotective of you, wanting to make it clear to others that your his girlfriend.
Word count: 800+
a/n: hii another drabble is outt this time its the reader as the 8th member and jk is being kinda cute HAHAHA anyways its my first time writing them in this pov so hope it isnt too bad 😊
“____ please get ready~” Your manager calls out as you stand up, fixing your hair.
All the members were in the waiting room, but they were waiting for you to film some videos with a few other idols before heading back home.
“I’ll be quick,” You say as they look up and nod their head at you, but Jungkook stands up and follows you outside.
Your boyfriend was always so supportive of whatever you did, when you were staying back during rehearsals to polish up your performance, your sweet Jungkook would stay and watch you, giving you feedback and praising your hard work. In times like this where it was individual shoots or filming, he also made an effort to watch you and praise you.
You began filming with other idols like Karina and Taeyong, both of which made you comfortable and you honestly had a good time filming and laughing with them.
It wasn’t uncommon for idols to be nice and friendly to each other behind cameras, but you definitely were wary of who you interacted with, especially since there were still a small number of them who weren’t as pleasant to work with.
You see Jungkook slightly frowning at the next person who walks up to you, the last filming you had to do.
Jay Park. He was infamous for flaming your group, claiming many things and telling it during interviews or talk shows. Your members never directly showed dissatisfaction towards the man, but rather just left him alone.
Another thing to know was that Jungkook was extra protective over you. And right now, he was eyeing the man as Jay Park greeted you, shaking your hand and holding onto it a little longer than your liking.
As you start to dance to his song while filming, you see Jungkook at the corner of your eye smiling proudly at you having fun and dancing well.
But your boyfriend’s expression flipped when you were about to finish the video:
Jay Park puts his arm around your exposed waist and pulls you closer to him for the end shot, holding up a peace sign as you can only internally sigh, uncomfortable with the sudden physical contact.
Jungkook is straight up glaring at the man who currently had his arm wrapped around HIS girlfriend, mind you. He wasn’t one bit happy.
As soon as the video ended, you quickly escaped out of his grasp, frowning slightly but changing your expression to a forced smile when you bow to him, thanking him for filming with you.
You didn’t really want to thank him after what he did.
As Jay Park walks back to his designated room, you watch as your boyfriend purposely walks too close to the other man, bumping into his shoulder.
Then Jungkook puts up an act and profusely apologized for “not seeing him”
You laugh silently at his act as your boyfriend now frowns at you.
“How can he just touch you like that? And out of all places your waist?” Jungkook complains as he grabs your hand, pulling you back into the room.
“I know, I was kinda annoyed at that but I had to pretend,” You say as you enter the room, “But anyways it’s over, it’s fine,”
“It’s not fine that he touched MY girlfriend like that in front of me, knowing damn well that you’re taken,” Jungkook grumbles as he plops himself on the couch.
You stare at your boyfriend in amusement, finding his overprotective state cute.
“What happened? Are you okay?” Jimin looks up from his phone after overhearing your conversation.
You reply “Yes,” wanting to change the topic but Jungkook decides it's crucial to inform everyone in the waiting room how important it is for people to know they shouldn’t touch you like that without asking.
Taehyung laughs at your boyfriend’s exasperated state, and the others watch in amusement.
You’re grateful that Jungkook is so protective and caring of you but right now you can only think how cute his reaction was.
“Okay, okay enough, I’ll just go tattoo “My Boyfriend is Jeon Jungkook, don’t touch me” on my forehead” You tease him as the rest of the members laugh at your joke, Jungkook rolls his eyes at your statement.
“Jagi I’ll make sure nobody ever does that again, or they’re getting it from me,” He tells you.
He sure does his job for the rest of the filming you did.
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explicit-tae · 5 months
could you pls write a drabble for ungodly hour couple where jungkook takes y/n shopping and he’s being all cute and complimenting her 🙊 but then they run into the rest of members and they all start teasing him for being a simp (especially jimin)
yes i can! 💜
Ungodly Hour
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word count: 2.533
warning: kissing, just simp jk as always, jimin and mc bantering because why not, "public indecency",
“I think these would look amazing on you!” says the jeweler with a bright smile. She’s an older woman with amazing skin, you noted, and freshly blown out hair that bounces when she walks. “Don’t you think?” she turns to Jungkook to ask for his opinion.
You could only laugh humorlessly. You knew what the woman was doing - trying to sell an expensive product to you and you weren’t falling for any of it. Before you could protest, Jungkook answers. “Yes, it would look nice.” he murmurs, eyes wide and sparkling at the necklace. “Can she try it on?”
“I’m not-”
“She can!” the jeweler is already pushing you towards the small rounded mirror on the glass countertop for you to look at yourself in. She takes the necklace and wraps it around your neck. “It’s 18 carat white gold with mixed cut diamonds.”
You huff - the necklace did look nice on you, sure. It’s wrapped in diamonds entirely, sparkling underneath the store’s lights and at the center of the necklace lay a large, oval shaped diamond. However, you didn’t need it.
Jungkook and you were out shopping - something he enjoyed doing more than you. He stated countless times how he enjoyed buying you things and you weren’t going to deny him that satisfaction. However, you’d draw the line at jewelry as expensive as this. Your eyes only glances at the jewelry store with a name you’d never be able to pronounce and Jungkook took it upon himself to drag you inside the store. “You can’t even hold any more bags.” you exclaimed upon entering.
“I just want to see what they have in here.” Jungkook responds with a shrug of his shoulders. An obvious lie - as long as you and Jungkook have been shopping together, he’s come to realize that whatever your eyes linger on for longer than five seconds is a sign that you’re interested in it. 
The jeweler had made her presence known upon witnessing Jungkook with both hands filled with bags mainly belonging to you - which only meant that her full attention would be on convincing this man to spend even more money.
“How much is it?”
Your eyes widen in the mirror's reflection at Jungkook. “I don’t want it.”
“Is it not to your liking?” the jeweler asks, a pout on her lips. “We even have matching earrings.”
Jungkook nods his head. “Can we see those?”
The jeweler doesn’t acknowledge you as she excitedly strolls away to get the earrings. You turn around to face Jungkook fully with furious eyes. “What the hell are you doing? This necklace alone probably costs-”
“But it looks so nice.” Jungkook touches the necklace on your neck with a smile on his lips. “I’m not sure why you’re overreacting.” he states. “Majority of my money goes to you anyways.”
Your eyes widen slightly. “Oh,” you huff with a shake of your head. “that lady probably thinks I’m some type of slut.”
Jungkook is taken aback and for a moment only blinks in your direction. “Why would she think that after just meeting you?”
“Because,” you hiss, giving Jungkook a reaction that says ‘you should know already’. “you’re already obviously spent so much on me. She probably thinks I fuck you for materialistic items.”
Jungkook snorts. 
“I’m not giving her the satisfaction-”
“Y/N.” Jungkook places the shopping bags onto the floor and places a hand on your shoulder. “Baby, please. You’ve done this in almost every store we walked into.” Jungkook pleads. “No one thinks I’m your sugar daddy. We’re literally the same age.”
You cross your arms and huff. 
“Okay!” the lady returns with a smaller, rectangular box. She opens it and showcases the diamond earrings, sparkling just as bright as the necklace. “What do you think?”
“They’re so nice.” Jungkook nods his head, his hand gliding down your back encouragingly. “Wanna try them on?”
The majority of the day continued exactly like this - you and Jungkook going into stores and him swiping his card carelessly. You, of course, refused to allow him to buy the jewelry and made every excuse. 
When you told Jungkook you didn’t have any clothes to wear with said jewelry, he retorted with, “I can buy you some.” When you told him that you didn’t go anywhere that you needed jewelry, he didn’t back down either, “I can take you somewhere.” It was exhausting.
“I can’t believe you didn’t like the necklace.” Jungkook says, stand besides you as your eyes lazily look through the purses. “We’re not leaving this store unless you buy at least 2-”
“I don’t need 2 purses.” you hiss at Jungkook as you and he stand in yet another store he forced you into. 
“Items.” Jungkook finishes his sentence. “2 items. Maybe a purse and a wallet?”
You roll your eyes. 
“I wish you’d be normal.” Jungkook sits at a leather chair, setting down your shopping bags besides him. “A normal girlfriend would just swipe my card aimlessly.”
“I do.” you say, feeling the leather of one purse beneath your fingertips. 
“On food.” Jungkook deadpans. “Are you calling me fat?” you ask - not truly offended in the slightest.
Jungkook's eyes widened at your words. “You’re changing the subject!”
The next half an hour consisted of you looking at purses to satiate Jungkook who sat and waited patiently. You began to think that the leather chairs inside the high-end store were for people like Jungkook - boyfriends (or sugar daddies) who enjoyed spending endless amounts of money. All they had to do was sit and wait for their girls to decide what they wanted.
The following half an hour consist in another store - nearly vacant - and Jungkook sitting (in yet another leather chair, strangely enough) and waiting for you to emerge from behind the door. 
“I like that one.” Jungkook compliments, a small smile on his lips. 
“You said that to all of the dresses I tried on.” you deadpan with yet another roll of your eyes. 
“I liked them all.” Jungkook shrugs. “Do you like it?”
You did like the dress. It was draped in the front and created a slight v shape in the front. It’s metallic and sparkles when light hits it and the back is completely backless , another aspect that Jungkook likes. It stops mid thigh and Jungkook enjoys the way your legs look in the dress. “It’s nice…” you trail off, turning slightly to get a better look in the mirror.
All Jungkook heard was it was something else he should be getting you - and he was fine with it. 
“I think the white heels would look nice.” you add. “I’m going to try the other color of this dress on with the heels.”
Jungkook watched you scurry away and snorts. Finally, he thinks, you’ve accepted your fate - him buying you things because it’s an act he actually enjoyed doing. 
“That color’s nice.” Jungkook hums as you come from behind the door. It’s the same dress as before, this time a pink metallic instead of the silver.  The heel’s you’re wearing are white and are meant to be tied up around your ankles. “Do you need help typing them?” Jungkook asks, uncrossing his leg and motioning you to come forward.
You lift your leg slightly so the bottom of your heel is on Jungkook's knee. He proceeds to tie to heel up your ankle. “You look really beautiful.” he murmurs, tying the lace in a knot. “I think you should get both dresses.”
You snort. “Of course you think that.”
You switch legs and Jungkook begins to tie your other heel. “Is it wrong for me to want to buy you things?” he asks. “My girl…so pretty.” 
Jungkook finishes tying the heel and his hands rub up your leg, the soft feeling of your skin shooting goosebumps up his arms. 
“I know what you’re doing.” you groan. “We’re in public.”
“No one’s here but us.” Jungkook retorts, playfully gripping your thigh. And he was right. Even the employees had decided to leave you two alone and shop in peace. “You really are so beautiful.” he murmurs, leaning forward to kiss your knee. “My beautiful girl.”
Your body heats up. “Shut up and give me my leg back.” 
Jungkook notices the tone in your voice and the slight stutter in your words. “My pretty girl...” he kisses your knee again playfully, slightly chuckling as you attempt to free yourself from his hold. “…I can’t wait to take you home.” he kisses up your knee, eyes on yours. 
“You cannot be serious-“ your eyes widen at his actions. “A dress and heels shouldn't make you this down bad.”
“You have me just as down bad when you’re stuffing your face with food.” Jungkook retorts, kissing even higher, his hands gliding upwards slowly. “The things I’d do to you if we weren’t here-“
“Public Indecency.” a voice behind you says and you jump, shrieking at the sudden new voice. 
Jungkook jumps to his feet to catch you from falling, arms wrapping firmly around you. 
“Please tell me what you’d do to her.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath, coming face first to Jimin and behind him, Hoseok and Taehyung. 
“Why are you here?” Jungkook seethes , a crimson tint to his cheeks. 
Jimin crosses his arms. “Why are we in a public boutique?”
Your body radiates humiliating heat. You know Jimin - he and you still often engage in banter. You would text him to get off of hulu because you were trying to watch your show and he would respond back snarkily. 
However, you didn’t know the other two - you knew their names and they had since followed you on social media.  But this wasn’t how you wanted your first official meeting with his friends with the two of you appearing like a teenage couple that couldn’t keep their hands off of one another. 
“Fly on the wall.” Hoseok murmurs with a shake of his head. 
“Can you stop saying that?” Jungkook hisses, his grip on you tightening. “Fucking pervert.” he says under his breath. 
“Hyung saw you walk in here.” Taehyung says, tilting his head at Hoseok. “Decided to come and say hello.”
“Finally we get to meet the infamous Y/N.” Hoseok offers you a smile, heart shaped lips displaying a set of perfect teeth. “The woman that has our Kookie barking-“
“Y/N, change so I can buy the dress.” Jungkook turns his back on his friends, his nightmares coming to life. “And we can go home and I’ll cook-“
“Haven’t had a home cooked meal in so long.” Jimin sighs dramatically. “Now I know why. You’re giving her-“
“Fuck you.” you cross your arms and point your nose away. “I thought our beef was settled when I gave you the password.”
Jungkook furrows his brows. “What password?” he asks you before turning to face Jimin. “Surely not the password to the streaming services that you continue to guilt trip me about?” 
Jimin rolls his eyes and shrugs, not concerned. “It’s the principle that you chose pussy over our friendship.” 
“Yawn.” you retort that causes Hoseok and Taehyung to snicker. “He loves this pussy and you’re mad.”
Jimin’s eyes widen at your response, as does Jungkook’s. Hoseok and Taehyung are the first two to laugh loudly. 
“I can tell.” Jimin snorts. “Risking it all in the middle of a boutique like a horny teenager.”
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, his face already shades darker than it needs to be. “Can you two-“ he’s interrupted by Jimin once more. 
“I hope I don’t find your pictures in the sex offenders registry since he loves your pussy so-“
“Can you stop?” Jungkook hisses, head darting around for anyone listening. “Y/N,” Jungkook turns back towards you with a sympathetic look in his eyes. “Let’s buy the dress, yeah?”
Your eyes look past Jungkook to look at Jimin who only snorts at you. Taehyung offers a short wave while Hoseok remains smiling. “It’s nice to meet you two.”
Jimin hums. 
“Always a pleasure, Jimin.” you respond sarcastically. “Do you like the heels?”
Jimin glances down at your feet and shrugs. “They’re nice. I hope you fall in them.”
Taehyung watches the back and forth between you and Jimin and now understands what Jungkook had told them, experiencing it first hand. You and Jimin bantered like old friends of the same personality.
“I’ll never fall when Kookie’s around.” you give Jimin a smirk, placing your hand against Jungkook’s chest. “Right?”
Jimin snorts the loudest he’s ever had watching Jungkook’s eyes widen and the man forgets about any embarrassment. He hastily nods his head, his hand placing itself right on top of yours on his chest. “Of course!”
You turn around to walk off and back into the dressing room while Jungkook turns back to his friends. “You can leave now.” he deadpans. “It’s bad enough I have to deal with you in the groupchat.”
“You really are whipped.” Taehyung says, eyeing the amount of shopping bags that are surrounding Jungkook. 
“How much you’ve grown. It was just yesterday you were humping your pillows-”
“Fuck. Off.” Jungkook grits his teeth, head whipping around to the closed dressing room door. “I was like 12.” he hissed lowly at them.
Taehyung laughs, as does Hoseok.
Jimin only snickers. “I want dinner.”
“I’m cooking for Y/N tonight…” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, avoiding the eyes of the two men behind Jimin. “...I promised her already. Can’t go back on my word.”
“Oh how I hate simps.” Jimin scoffs. “She won’t mind. Maybe we can make you jealous again so you two can fuck it out-”
“I bet you would like to watch that.” you emerge from the dressing room, both dresses in your hands. “You guys should come. Me and Kookie were going to watch Homicide Hunters-”
“Nevermind.” Jimin turns away from you. “There’s only so much true crime I can watch in one week.”
Jungkook is satisfied when his friends leave after bidding you and him their farewells. He sighs and turns to you. “Sorry about them.” he murmurs. “I thought you agreed to watch Secret Invasion with me...” there's a pout on Jungkook’s lips.
“I did.” you nod your head. “They would come if I told them the truth.” That and you already know that you would grow bored watching whatever it was that Jungkook wanted to watch - and to get out of watching it meant that you were going to have to fuck the boredom out of you.
Jungkook smiles widely and nods. He’s holding both dresses and now the heels in one hand. With his free hand he takes it upon himself to catch you off guard, gripping your ass entirely and bringing you closer to him. “My pretty girl,” Jungkook presses a kiss against your forehead. “can’t wait for you to sit on my face tonight when you get tired of my nerd shit.” he murmurs low to you, pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and him knowing exactly what you intend on doing with him to get out of watching what he wants to do. Nonetheless, you’re excited and highly anticipating for what’s to come.
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jjkeverlast · 1 year
hello beautiful baby !!! can i request a drabble w some bday sex for the reader 👀🫶🏻 reader is absolutely stupidly infatuated with his hips and waist and cherishes them with kisses 😭 anything else is down to you !!! 🩷🫶🏻
baby, come here | jjk (m)
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<> pairing jungkook x fem!reader
<> genre/au's est. relationship | birthday!au | smut smut smut
<> summary jungkook surprises you with something special for your birthday...
<> word count 4.1k 😼
<> warnings they're both switches | fingering | grinding | handjob | cowgirl | jungkook touches reader’s rim | lots of kisses | jungkook has his iconic long hair | reader rides his thighs and abs | lots of worshipping | cute nicknames like angel & baby 🥺 | soft koo | fluffy & slow sex | reader worships jungkook the most | they're so in love you might puke | ft. co-worker jimin
<> author's note hi sav!! i hope you enjoy this filth hehe, thank u for re-sending the request after my ass was stupid enough to delete it 😭 jsfhksjfh and early happy bday from me!! take this as a gift hehe, thank u for requesting pretty ♡
[keep in mind i do not do taglists for requests <3 thank you!]
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baby🥺: i have a surprise for you when you get home 
you: oh? 
you: i’m guessing this is a birthday surprise? 
baby🥺: don’t ruin it babe!! 
baby🥺: just get home before i change my mind 🙄
you: you wouldn’t 
baby🥺: wanna bet? 
You roll your eyes, wanting to grin because you know he’s not serious. Jungkook should know better, you almost know him better than he does himself — one of the perks of dating for five years. 
It had been a good day so far, your colleagues had greeted you with balloons when you entered your office early in the morning, cheering a loud “Happy Birthday!” when they caught a glimpse of you. 
Birthdays were never that important for you, but it did warm your heart that all of your colleagues took the time of their day to surprise you and celebrate you so loudly. You found out later how it was all Jimin’s idea, creating a whole group chat to make sure everyone was in on the idea. 
Everything worked out in the end. The smile on your face didn’t fade once, too overwhelmed by a huge amount of happiness. 
It was the end of the day when Jungkook decided to text you. He was still sleeping when you were getting dressed for work, and knowing you’ll be seeing him later you didn’t bother, instead admiring his soft snores and his long hair messily laying on the pillow. 
“Any exciting plans for tonight?” Jimin peaked inside your office, wearing a grin when you shut your phone off, too busy giggling over what Jungkook has planned for you. 
Jimin rolled his eyes at your attempt to be mysterious. “Save it, I know Jungkook probably has something planned.” 
“You’re on the right track.” 
“He probably put his dick in a present box.” Jimin jokes, earning your mouth to drop, a scoff escaping your parted lips. 
He brings his hands up in a surrendering motion. “I’ll shut up.” 
“Thank you. Well, I’m about to head out.” You begin to log off on your computer, grabbing your bag while Jimin watches you with a careful gaze. 
“I’ll see you on Monday.” He says before leaving your office door, returning back to his own.
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“Jungkook?” You call out when you enter your shared apartment, the lights being completely off. 
There’s no response, and even though he told you earlier over text that he had planned a surprise, you begin to worry. Subtly, you begin to walk inside, fetching for a light until someone grabs you by the waist. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” Jungkook whispers, pulling you forward so both your chests collide. It’s then you realize he’s not wearing a shirt, his skin feeling soft and delicate under your fingertips. With no second thought, your hands begin to roam on his arms, squeezing at his muscles. 
“Thank you.” You respond softly, pulling Jungkook down for a soft and tender kiss. He gently wraps his arms around you, clutching himself tight as he indulges into your lips. 
“Mmm, you want your surprise?” Jungkook says against your lips, and you nod before he completely lets go and guides you towards your shared bedroom. 
There’s a small box on the covers, next to a bouquet of tulips, your favorites. 
“Koo… this is—“ You pick them up carefully, admiration and love soaring through your veins as you trace your fingers over the purple petals. 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on you, determined to not miss out on any reaction from you. He can tell you’re content with the flowers, after all he went to a specific flower shop outside of town, certain that the tulips you commented on a few months ago were still available. 
“Thank you. I love you.” You bring your hand forward, caressing his cheek as tears begin to form in the corner of your eyelids. 
When you had first met Jungkook, you never expected to be here today, five years later in a shared apartment, in love and filled with utmost happiness. It feels like a dream, which is pretty cliche to say, but it feels this way because how come everything is just right with Jungkook and you? 
“Open the box.” Jungkook grins, holding himself back from doing his tiny jumps when he’s excited. 
“Okay, okay!” You begin to laugh yourself, grabbing onto the white box. 
The box clicks open and your mouth drops. It’s a necklace, with a bunny accessory hanging by the end. 
“You didn’t.” 
“Hey! You’re the one who constantly refers to me as a bunny, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and make this a reality!” God, he’s such an idiot, and you’re completely head over heels in love with him. Fucking Jeon Jungkook and that darn smile.
“I can’t believe you.” You take the necklace out of the purple cushion, holding it up in the air as you study the details. 
“Can I?” You hum out a yes, letting Jungkook reach for it as you turn, exposing the nape of your neck. 
The metal feels cold against your skin for a second when Jungkook puts it around you, ending it with a simple click. You hold tightly onto the bunny ears, turning back around to look at your boyfriend. 
“I love it.” Jungkook sighs with a smile, pulling you once again in for a kiss. Instead of it being a simple peck, you wrap your arms around his neck, letting your lips move in an identical tempo. 
Kissing Jungkook always feels new. It feels as if you’re still on that second date when he took the courage to kiss you goodnight at your doorstep. The same butterflies are settled into the pit of your stomach. It really feels like yesterday you started dating, but no, it’s been five fucking years. Five years with this silly boy who’s shown you what love truly can be about. 
“Baby.” Jungkook mumbles, tilting your face as he plunges forward on your neck, pressing his soft lips. The wet open kisses make you grow hot, needy and fuck, was Jimin right? Because surely, this is leading to sex and you don’t want to stop. 
Also, he’s shirtless which doesn’t really help either because fuck how can he look this good? Abs and built bodies never truly impressed you, but there’s something about how Jungkook carries it proudly, yet subtly. He’s aware he’s hot but he doesn’t show it off and wow, you’re so lucky you get to have him this way. 
You pull his face upwards, kissing him again, wanting to taste more of him. Gently, you grab onto the strands of his long hair, fiddling with them as he bites your lip in response. The kiss is soft yet rough, both of you pulling on each other to get closer while your tongues dangle softly in between. 
“Wanna show you how much I love you.” Jungkook mumbles against your lips. 
It doesn’t take a genius to guess what he means and he’s in luck, cause fuck — you really want him. You clutch yourself tighter to him, continuing to kiss him with adoration and love. Jungkook keeps his hold tight, hands drowning further behind your back and onto your ass. He grabs onto it, making you gasp before it’s engulfed by his tongue. 
Jungkook takes a step backwards, letting himself sit down on the edge of the bed, while you still stand upright. Your hands roam on his shoulders while his clutch beneath your ass, pulling you down on his lap. 
Even though you love kissing Jungkook, there’s something about kissing his neck and collarbones. Showing admiration to every part of your boyfriend is one of your favorite things. So you do exactly that, tilting his head upwards while your tongue and lips trail further down. His collarbones are defined and you kiss the prominent edges. Every detail of Jungkook is beautiful. 
“I love your collarbones.” You admit in the open while sucking on the skin, leaving a small mark. Jungkook sighs, keeping his hands roaming on your ass, grabbing it when he feels you bite down. 
You don’t respond, instead you pull your hands downwards on his abs that tense beneath your touch. Fuck. It’s no secret that you’ve wanted to kiss and touch every part of Jungkook— maybe even ride his thigh and especially his abs. There’s something exciting about feeling the muscles beneath your exposed core as you mark him with your slick. 
Although, you’ve never gained the full courage to do so. It’s not because of judgment, Jungkook would never judge you. Which also explains how the sex between you is that good. It’s a free space to try out new things and feel comfortable with one another, but this was a fantasy and you weren’t mad that it’ll continue to be that. 
To distract yourself from those thoughts, you focus on Jungkook hardening beneath you. You feel the excitement grow in your gut, grinding shamelessly down on him, making him hiss. 
“Fuck.” Jungkook mumbles, tracing his hand on your face while he smiles down at you. His thumb begins to trail on your lips, feeling the soft edges before he pops it inside your mouth. You suck with zero hesitation. Jungkook’s mouth is agape, in awe of how your mouth feels warm around it. 
Whenever you had sex there was never truly a routine. It was always natural, both of you giving in to showing how much you adored and loved each other. No matter how rough, or soft the sex was. There was always a balance. 
Jungkook retracts his thumb, reaching for the zipper of your pants and pulling them down enough to reach down to your clit. His slicked thumb starts rubbing it carelessly, pressing down while rolling it around in circles. You buck your hips into his hand, making him chuckle due to you becoming so quickly desperate for him. He knew how much you loved his touches, and especially when he reached downwards, teasing you on your most sensitive parts. 
“J-Jungkook, ah fuck!” You let out when he gently pinches your clit between his thumb and index finger, while two of his fingers rubbed themselves in between your lips, collecting the wetness that grew with every touch of his. Fuck, Jungkook loved feeling how soaked you got because of him. 
Feeling too overwhelmed by the feeling, you decide to return the favor, grabbing onto his clothed cock that’s fully hard beneath his sweatpants. He feels heavy in your palm as you grope him, while squeezing the tip by the edges. Jungkook seems to really enjoy your hands, when he chooses to pull his pants down, revealing it. He doesn’t ever stop touching you, you feel how his fingertips curve around your hole, teasing around it even though you need them in you. So to play it fair, you hop on the teasing train and give it back. When Jungkook realizes how you don’t exactly touch him as he expected, he pulls a frown on his face. 
“What?” You hold back a smile, biting on your bottom lip. 
“Don’t do that.” His frown remains, eyes dropped down to the sight of your fingers caressing the soft skin of his cock. You don’t say something at first, letting him wonder for a little longer why you’re suddenly pulling that card right now. 
“Then stop teasing me.” You whisper in his ear, biting down on his earlobe before your mouth runs down to the tiny mole on his neck. You kiss it gently, feeling Jungkook take a deep breath by how his chest moves forward. 
“I’m not. I’m just—“ Jungkook pauses, waiting for you to look at him instead of smothering with small kisses. When you finally do, you quirk an eyebrow. 
“You’re just?” 
“I’m just taking my time, angel.” 
Angel. A nickname Jungkook picked up on quickly after you started dating. He tells you it just simply fits you, but you know deep down it’s because he loves your little angel wings tattoo on your rib cage. 
“But I need your—“ You gasp when Jungkook pushes both of his fingers inside of you with no warning. He catches you completely off guard, smirking when he notices how your eyes are closed, immersed by the feeling of being full. 
“You were saying?” He teases you now, latching his lips on your shoulder. 
You aren’t keen on answering him, instead you push yourself up and down on his fingers, fucking yourself on them. 
“S-shit.” Jungkook says, in surprise of how dirty you are, as you don’t even hesitate to chase an orgasm, by simply having his fingers inside of you. While you’re enjoying the feeling of his fingers, you’re tempted to have his tongue on you as well. Letting your thoughts aside, you finally stroke him as he wishes, noticing how the tip is already wet. Somehow you find a synchronized tempo, your hand stroking him with your every movement in your hips. Jungkook groans against your shoulder, his tongue moving on your exposed skin, letting you feel how wet it is. 
“Hold on.” You stop abruptly, too impatient, so you remove yourself from his lap to stand and remove your clothing as quickly as possible. Jungkook’s eyes pop open when he sees your naked form, so focused on how beautiful you look that he forgets to take his own off. 
“Come on, wanna see you.” You encourage him, standing in between his legs. 
Jungkook gulps down, biting his lip before grabbing the waistband of the sweatpants along with his boxers. When everything is off, you’re exposed to his tattoos that adorn his thigh. Jungkook had gotten them all in one night while he was drunk, wanting to be able to endure the pain even though he secretly had a pain kink. The tattoos are so random, but very Jungkook. 
You reach forward, tracing your fingers on the details of the three black stars accompanied by two gaming consoles. Till this day you still don’t understand why he picked those as tattoos, but he was always impulsive when it came to anything but his sleeve. 
The sleeve was something he worked on for a long time, finding different designs and how they could connect all together and hang in a harmony. You remember how you watched it day by day become the sleeve you’re met with today. The memory of sitting down next to him when he got his first tattoo, is clear as a day. 
Jungkook tries to get your attention again, noticing you spacing off as you admire his tattoos. “What are you thinking?” The question is simple, but fuck the answer isn’t. You’ve seen and heard about thigh riding and how it somehow manages to stimulate the clit. You’ve never tried it. Yes, you and Jungkook were open and honest about whatever you wanted to experiment, which explains how you’ve done almost anything, but minor things weren’t really spoken about. Fantasies were meant to be kept as those simple wishes that are never meant to be made into life, but somehow you wanted to risk a bit today. It is your birthday after all, and you really want to have his thigh under you while you ride. 
“I wanna…” You start, positioning yourself on top of his thigh without a question, testing the waters a bit to see his reaction. Jungkook’s eyebrows raise at your chosen position, awaiting for you to finish. You move closer, pecking his lips softly before murmuring. “Wanna ride your thigh.” 
Jungkook stays quiet, which causes you to worry, until he moves backwards, lifting his thigh a bit, causing your core to graze the skin. “Yeah?” Jungkook glances at you, his lips curving into a somewhat smile. 
“Mhm.” You hum in agreement, grabbing the nape of his neck to kiss him again. Both of your knees rest on the comforters, while you slowly begin to find a pace. Jungkook can feel how wet you are whenever your core moves back and forth on it. He wants to look down, to see his tattoos covered in your slick and see them glisten. Instead, he lets you experiment, while holding his hand on your back to guide you. 
You never stop kissing each other, groping and gripping on whatever you can get your hands off, as you begin to pick up another pace. Jungkook starts to tense under you, the edges of his muscles becoming more prominent as you feel your clit rub against it. It feels different but good. 
Even though you’re fully focused on the new sensation, you don’t miss out on stroking your boyfriend who’s watching you with pleased eyes by this new sight. You’re not sure if he’s been wanting to try this too or if it’s only you — by the looks of it Jungkook seems to be getting even more turned on than earlier watching you do this. 
Jungkook doesn’t even know where to look. He wants to watch your hand stroke him, he wants to watch your expressions as you move your hips back and forth and of course, the tattoos covered in your wetness. 
You’re in too much pleasure to even have your eyes open. Therefore you settle on resting your head in the corner of Jungkook’s neck. 
“Feel good, angel?” Jungkook pants out, starting to feel his own orgasm emerge with each stroke. 
“Y-yeah—“ You can barely form it into words, aiming for that orgasm you’ve been wanting since Jungkook decided to tease you earlier. You really fucking need this. 
It’s there, in the pit of your stomach, about to pull the final string when Jungkook forces you to stop. His hand feels warm against your lower region, while he’s trying to catch his breath himself. 
“I don’t want to come like this. Wanna fuck you.” Your hand retrieves from his cock, letting out short breaths while you try your best to remain calm over being interrupted in the middle of an upcoming orgasm. Jungkook can easily tell you were close, he could hear how your moans suddenly turned strained and how your fingers were tightening their hold on him. But, fuck, he really didn’t want to come like this. He wants to feel you, stretch you out as you engulf him. So, he’ll do just that. 
“Baby, come here.” Jungkook murmurs, pulling you forward to plant a soft kiss on your temple. Now he’s trying to smother you with kisses, and you giggle softly at the tickling sensation when he starts rubbing his nose on the apple of your cheek. 
“I love you.” You remind him again, never being tired of catching that tiny sparkle emitting in his eyes when he hears it. 
“I love you.” Jungkook repeats, while you push him down on his back. The long hair spreads out on the white sheets, curling around while he tucks it back with both hands. There’s something extremely hot about Jungkook’s new length of hair, because it’s new. 
Your hands fiddle with the curled hair, while you prop your wet core on his cock, grinding back and forth on it. Jungkook moves his head upwards, his lips biting down on your bottom lip while he groans. His hips move upwards, showing desperation to get you inside and frankly you can’t really wait either. So, you move downwards, kissing his stomach and sucking down on the mole by his rib cage. 
“So pretty.” You mumble on his skin, showing love to his tummy and tiny waist. He whines at the contact and how you worship every part of him. 
“I love every part of you, Koo.” You admit, settling upwards to push yourself down on him. Jungkook nibbles on his lip ring, blushing at your comment. 
“I’m so lucky to have you, angel.” Your body grows hot, the love soaring through your veins before you ease yourself down, letting it stretch you open. Both of your mouths fall agape with a moan when his cock is finally buried inside. 
“C-come here, fuck.” Jungkook pleads, grabbing your back with both hands so your chests collide. His skin feels warm and soft against yours, sweat beginning to accumulate with each thrust from your side. The movements are slow yet rough, Jungkook’s grip never stops being tight on your body. He seems overwhelmed by everything, his eyes watching you all while you buck your hips. 
“Shit—“ He lets out, his hand trailing up to your nape, holding it while your lips glide over his. 
“Mhm.” You begin to quicken the pace, wanting to come. Jungkook feels you clench with every thrust, sending him into an orbit of pleasure. 
You lean your forehead on his, catching your eyes trailing down to his abs and the view of his cock disappearing inside of you. 
The fantasy of riding his abs keeps coming back at you, the urge climbing higher when they tense with every movement. 
Somehow Jungkook can sense you’re thinking about something, noticing the frown while you’re solemnly focused on his abs. 
“Hey, you okay?” Your eyes move back to his, nodding yet Jungkook isn’t convinced. “Tell me.” He breathes out, wanting to know but fuck, he can’t even fully concentrate when you feel so warm and wet. 
“It’s nothing—“ You moan again, his cock almost fully out before you place yourself back down. You’re certain he won’t ask again, so you go back, riding him fully. 
Jungkook grabs ahold of your waist, moving his hand from your nape to your jaw. “Baby, it’s your birthday. Wanna give you everything. Just— ah! Tell me.” Jungkook once again bites down on his lip, a groan escaping due to the feeling of you around him. 
“J-just… wanna ride your abs.” Honesty is something you both have been really good at. If something’s bothering either one of you, you express it. 
“F-fuck.” Jungkook’s cock twitches at your words and you’re surprised that he’s even more turned on after you admitted one of your fantasies. 
You don’t really know what to say, instead you go back to chasing an orgasm for you both. You haven’t even thrusted once and Jungkook stops you. “I want you to.” 
“Are you sure—“
Jungkook pecks your lips, “yes.” 
Therefore, you pull yourself out, moving upwards to face his abs. You keep your eyes locked on Jungkook’s, to make sure he wants this. After all, this is brand new territory for you both. 
Without thinking too much, you prop yourself down, your core being able to feel the prominent details of Jungkook’s tensed abs. 
“Fuck—“ You whine, shamelessly picking up your earlier movements and fucking yourself on them. Jungkook grabs a hold of his cock, jerking it off behind you. The slick sounds are loud with every stroke. 
Jungkook takes you by surprise when his thumb traces in circles around your rim. “J-Jungkook.” It almost sounds like a warning, but it’s rather a surprising shock. You kind of didn’t expect for him to touch you there, not that you don’t mind. 
It only increases the pleasure for you, as you continue with no care in the world. Fuck, why didn’t you do this before? 
“That’s it angel.” Jungkook says, caressing the edges of your rim, while watching you in complete awe. There’s just something about you loving every part of him that you want to do more than just simply touch it. When you had first expressed the idea, Jungkook already found himself imagining the scenery, which caused his cock to twitch. 
When he’s watching the actual scene, he can’t even describe what he’s seeing. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, sweat accumulating on your shoulders and breasts, mouth agape letting the sweet sound of your moans roam the room freely. 
Whenever Jungkook tenses his abs beneath you, it meets your clit, the friction being completely different from anything you’ve felt before. It also explains how you’re not even a few seconds from coming. Your pants turn shorter, your body twitching slightly as the orgasm is closer to the edge. 
“Come on baby, wanna see you come.” Jungkook expresses, close as well, his cock about to give in but not before he sees you cover his abs with cum. 
“Mhm— fuck.” That’s all you needed for the band to snap, your body returning to normal after dragged itself one more time. While you’re trying to catch your breath again, Jungkook lets out a loud whine followed by a gasp when he finishes right behind you, all over his hand. 
“Holy shit.” Jungkook says, giggling shortly right after, still in shock of what just happened. 
“Yeah.” You agree, moving down to lay down next to him. Your hands begin to caress his cheeks while you both just lay in silence. 
“Happy birthday, bub.” Jungkook finishes it off with a small but heartfelt kiss to your lips.
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© jjkeverlast 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost any of my works.]
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
For your Yoongi drabbles - reader has a crush and talks about “him” constantly, but Yoongi doesn’t know it’s him until someone else spills readers secret.
this was so cute, thank you for requesting! sorry for the giant meme, but it is literally the exact vibe of this so i had to use it.
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loose lips
pairing: yoongi x f. reader genre: friends to lovers, miscommunication (??), fluff warnings: swearing, drinking, namjoon namjooning, unedited rating: e for everyone! there's nothing bad in here wordcount: 1k
it's bee's birthday! send me yoongi requests and/or fic recs!
Min Yoongi is a lot of things.
He’s meticulous and prone to overwork and also lazy and uninspired. He’s chronically over-caffeinated and always half-asleep. He’s the first to blow off plans and the first to pout when he no longer gets invited. He’s brusque and a bit of a bastard but also pleased to be fussed over and taken care of. The kind of person who needs to be wrangled into physical affection, because he just can’t seem to verbalize his desire for it.
Min Yoongi is a lot of things, but he is not, under any circumstances, prone to gossip.
Jung Hoseok, on the other hand, has no such hangups.
Which presents Yoongi with an interesting dilemma. He has to piss, but he has to pass the kitchen to get to the bathroom. And Yoongi is a lot of things and not one of them is prone to gossiping or eavesdropping, but it’s hard to push aside the intrigue of you and Hoseok speaking in hushed whispers in his own kitchen, heads pressed together like conjoined twins.
It looks like a whole lot of conspiring is going on. He refuses to pout.
“You seriously haven’t told him yet?” Hoseok says, and Yoongi can just make it out, but he’s known Hoseok long enough to register the exasperation in his voice. God knows he’s been on the receiving end of it more often than not.
You groan. Probably shoot Hoseok an exasperated look of your own that Yoongi isn’t privy to. “It’s not that easy.”
“It absolutely is that easy. How hard is it to say—”
“Can you shut up?” you whisper-shriek. “You are so annoying—”
“—Hey, I have feelings for you. Would you wanna grab coffee?”
Yoongi is pouting before he even realizes his face has contorted. Sure, he can be jealous. Someone will always be a better musician, have more money, live in a nicer apartment and drive a nicer car and wear nicer clothes. Now, though… someone out there can have you, and that thought tastes sour in his mouth.
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It’d been Jimin’s idea to come to Itaewon.
At least they’re at the bar with the good whisky, because Yoongi will max out his credit cards to escape the hell in which he’s found himself. It’d been bad enough with Hoseok, but now he has to deal with it from Taehyung and Jimin, too.
Do you think she’ll ever tell him? This is getting painful.
I don’t know. Hey, are you going to eat the rest of your fries?
Are you fucking serious? Of course I am, I bought them for me—
It’s stupid. It’s so fucking stupid, because everyone seems to be in on a secret he isn’t, but he looks across the bar and finds it hard to care. There you are, laughing wildly as Hoseok twirls you around on the dancefloor. All the lights in this place combined can’t outshine you—not on your worst day, but especially not when you’re like this.
So. Yoongi’s pouting again, plush bottom lip jutting out far enough to brush against his glass of whisky. He��d finally given up and splurged on something top shelf. Figured it’d get him to where he needs to go faster than anything else, because Yoongi is a lot of things and a dancer isn’t one of them, so he’s doomed to spend the night at this table, sandwiched between Taehyung and Jimin.
Listening to them drone on and on about the guy you’re interested in.
He wonders what he’s like. How the two of you met. He pointedly does not think about whether or not this guy’s a dancer, a musician, if he can always afford top-shelf whisky. He wonders if you’re gonna make Yoongi meet him. If he’s gonna have to play nice and pretend to think this guy is cool and interesting. He can pretend, he thinks.
If it’s important to you, Yoongi can do anything.
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Namjoon will know what to do, because Namjoon never actually knows what to do about anything and still somehow always arrives at the correct answer.
“Why am I here, hyung?”
Yoongi clears his throat. Spears another piece of beef and puts it on Namjoon’s plate like a peace offering. Orders another round of beers even though he hasn’t touched his first. “Uh,” comes his eloquent response. “Well—”
“Jesus Christ,” Namjoon mutters, face-planting onto the table. “This is worse than I thought.”
Min Yoongi is a lot of things, but if he’s worse than Namjoon thought, he’s in deep shit.
Namjoon picks his head up. Studies Yoongi for a minute, clearly looking for something, before he pinches the bridge of his nose and says, “It’s you, hyung. She’s hung up on you. And I shouldn’t even be telling you this, because we all just assumed both of you would eventually remove your heads from your asses and get it together, but fuck, this is painful. I can’t do this anymore, you know? I’m not your feelings friend. Jimin is your feelings friend, but he said you just sulked the entire night at the bar—”
“I didn’t sulk,” Yoongi argues, but the words are spoken around a pout.
All he receives in return is A Look. “That’s what you’re focusing on?”
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Yoongi is a lot of things.
Today, he’s a coward, which is new.
He’s not usually a coward, it’s just… he knows how to be jealous and how to sulk and pout and not get what he wants. Those things are easy. But he has no idea how to deal with the bomb Namjoon had dropped on him. He’s not even sure it’s the truth. What if Namjoon was just fucking with him to get him to stop sulking? That’s absolutely something Namjoon would do because he’s done it before.
He sighs. Stops to catch his breath because you live on the sixth floor in a building with no working elevator and he doesn’t work out, so he’s really going to be pissed if Namjoon lied.
“Yoongi? What’re you doing here?”
His heart really does stop this time, because there you are, fresh-faced and smiling and a little confused, and Yoongi knows his face is splotchy and red and that his hairline is sweaty. “Yeah, hi,” he says, and it comes out like an immensely displeased grunt. Doesn’t sound at all like he’s happy to see you, and—oh. Yeah. He can understand now why you might’ve been hesitant to say something.
“Sorry, I just—these steps, you know?”
“Yeah, they said the elevator’s finally getting fixed next week.”
“Thank fuck.”
Your brows knit together. “You planning on coming by more often?”
Yoongi is a lot of things, but right now he’s impatient. So he closes the distance between you in record time and says, “Yeah. Listen, Namjoon told me this guy you and Hobi have been talking about is actually me—”
“That duplicitous snake—”
“—and I’ve kind of been losing my mind over it, because I feel the same way, so if it’s true I’d really like to kiss you, but I’m not entirely sure Namjoon wasn’t just fucking with me—”
“Oh, like that time he told you he’d seen your rejection letter from SNU just so you’d stop stressing over whether or not you got in and that you’d be even more excited once you did, in fact, get in?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Namjoon is a bastard. You should kiss me, though.”
Min Yoongi is a lot of things.
As he presses his lips to yours—soft, soft, soft—more than anything else, he’s happy.
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wildestdreamsblog · 9 months
Latibule Spinoff
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I told you all I was bored
Elysian: Kim Seokjin x Intern!Reader
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
It brought you immense joy to make the renowned and the genius head doctor, Kim Seokjin, blushed uncontrollably. You thought it was just a harmless fun, an innocent and childlike flirting on your part when he never reciprocated your advances. Too bad you didn’t know you were flirting with the mafia prince.
Min Yoongi x Veterinarian!Reader
Latibule: Ongoing
Jung Hoseok x (Shhh To be announced)
Kim Namjoon x Secretary!Reader
You always thought he had two sides to him: the vicious, competent and calm lawyer that he was in the courtroom, and then the other was the cute, soft and shy boss that you had been working with for years. But there was a third side he had hidden from you- the deadly, violent, and cruel mafia that he was. Was it too late to resign now? Would he even ever let you leave?
Park Jimin x Detective!Reader
He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t have been a detective, you thought. From the moment you met and saved him back in the academy, you had never seen him other than the thin and weak man you met several years ago. From then on and until now that the two of you made it to being detectives, he had latched onto you and forged a strong friendship, regardless if you wanted to or not. He was weak and you were the stronger one. Well, that was what he made you believe. Park Jimin couldn’t be called weak, after all, he grew up in the mafia.
Kim Taehyung x Reporter!Reader
It all started when you, an investigative journalist, were forced to cover a charity event of the renowned actor, Kim Taehyung. For him, it all started even before that day. What could he do when you made him feel? Stalk and get you to give him the time of the day, of course. Or in which you made the clinically diagnosed psychopath who never once felt an emotion feel.
Jeon Jungkook x Wife!Reader
A marriage of convenience, you would say. A marriage of love, he would say. You thought you would marry an old and rich man. It turned out you would be marrying the Jeon Jungkook who turned out to be the kindest and sweetest man you had ever known, one who showered you with love and anything your heart desired. You lived in a fairytale, well- until you saw him unalived a man. And of course, you did the normal thing and ran.
🤍 MTL to let you go (Ko-Fi Exclusive)
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bbsantc · 9 months
my favorite bts fics so far (maknae!line + ot7)
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hello lovely readers, i hope all of you are doing great. i really want to share the amazing work and talent that many authors have on this app. as a literature fan and hopeless romantic myself, i made sure to pick out all the fics that i think are beautiful and amazing :) this post includes the maknae line + ot7 fics. i also made a hyung line fic rec post if you want to check it out here heheh :p
some of these fics contain nsfw content (minors dni), or some heavy themes
this is a pretty long post lmao
all pictures are from pinterest!
once again this is the key for the fics :)
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fluff- ♾️
angst- Ω
smut- ☻
crack/humor- ☼
i would sell my liver to read this again for the first time- ¶
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Park Jimin
The Promised Iris- @akinnie75 ♾️Ω
''Pair: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slight Angst, Slow Burn, Fantasy, Soulmate AU
Word Count: 20k
Summary: During one rainy summer day at the park, a stranger name Jimin suddenly confesses that he’s in love with you. At first, you thought that Jimin was a stalker, but it turns out that there’s something he’s hiding from you.''
balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n - @jungshookz ♾️☼ (there are more drabbles for this oneshot lolz)
''pairing: park jimin x reader
genre: balletteacher!jimin x ballerina!y/n au, fluff!!!! the fluffiest fluff!!! idk jimin just really cares about y/n okAY
wordcount: 2.5k''
him after all - @mercurygguk ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary; a guy you’ve never met before scoops in and saves you from a very embarrassing situation and you can’t help but notice how cute he is.
pairing; jimin x f. reader final word count; 17,176 (sorry y’all) rating; 18+ content; strangers to lovers au, fluff/angst/smut, infidelity, multiple appearances from jjk, oc’s boyfriend being nasty and stupid af''
lover to lean on - @sketchguk ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: neighbor!jimin x florist!reader
➳ genre: neighbor AU, flower shop AU, smut, fluff, angst
➳ wc: 20k
➳ synopsis: for months, you can hear your no face neighbor and his ‘girlfriend’ singing and dancing and laughing and falling in love. above all, you can hear their bed banging against your shared wall, and they won’t ever let you sleep. you’d much rather stay up at night worrying about your own problems, like the weight of an unrequited crush, so of course you’re bitterly single. but one day, the apartment is radio silent. and one day slowly turns into one week and then into an immeasurable amount of time since you’ve heard his laugh. so on valentine’s day, when you’re missing it the most, you beg your neighbor to open up to you with cookies in one hand and two broken hearts in the other''
beneath the water - @jungshookz ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''→ pairing: park jimin x reader
→ genre: mermaid!au/fantasy!au, an extra large order of fluff, comedy!!, jungkook being a brat as per usual, a touch of angst, and of course a sprinkling of nsfw
→ wordcount: 20.5k words holy moly''
into the wilderness - @gukyi ♾️Ω ☼
''summary: alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
{camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au}
pairing: park jimin x female reader genre: angst, fluff, comedy word count: 27k''
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Kim Taehyung
charade- @ughcore ♾️Ω☻
'' “Why would you help me? What are you gonna get out of this?”
Taehyung looks you up and down, the humour twinkling in his eyes like the fairy lights he helped you hang above the TV. He tucks his hands into his armpits, assessing you for a few more moments that leave your skin hot and itchy. 
“It’ll be nice to see you out of those fuzzy slippers for once,”
The double entendre lacing his words is nothing new. The tingles in your stomach, however? Yeah, those are brand new.”
kth / fake dating + roommate au + fuckboy!taehyung
ongoing (35k) ''
maybe i do- @chateautae ♾️Ω☻
''➵ summary :  maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
↳  part of the high-class series!
➵ pairing : taehyung x reader
➵ genre :  arranged marriage!au, ceo!tae, s2l!au, eventual smut, fluff, angst
➵ rating : 18+
➵ warnings : swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, mentions of confrontative violence (with other characters, not each other), lots of feels concerning forced marriage, a bad ex (reader’s), mentions of bad sexual experiences with ex (consensual, just bad sex), explicit sexual content, oral (m. and f. receiving), unprotected sex, penetrative sex (chapters have their own warnings!)''
A Story that we paint - @thedefinitionofbts ♾️Ω
''PAIRINGS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader | Kim Taehyung x Reader 
GENRE: College Au, Future, Scifi, Slight Fluff and Angst
WORDS: 9K (ch.1)
DESCRIPTION: Butterfly Dream: In which the lines between virtual and reality are blurred.''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
you’re so concerned about the ending that you don’t even know the plot- @joonsgalaxy ♾️☼
''° yoongi x reader x taehyung
° 1.9 k words ° fluff/humor
🌟 you bring your broken laptop to Tae—the IT specialist—who you have a crush on. you drag your bff Yoongi along with you, who—you’re certain—has a crush on Tae too. what a mess, right? well, the thing is, you never even considered the possibility of your assumptions being totally wrong.''
stuck with you || [roommate!taehyung] - @jungshookz ♾️☼☻
''❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here
❥ wordcount: 37k if ur reading this on mobile get rekt
❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you.''
waterloo - @kinktae ♾️Ω☻¶
''Taehyung is a famous but pessimistic art prodigy who doesn’t believe in love. You are an art student studying in Paris, who sees the world through rose-colored lens and is a certified cheesy romance film enthusiast. And this is your love story.
Or, “Well, it is the city of love. Maybe you just need to fall in love.“
pairing: art prodigy!taehyung x art student!reader word count: 13k genre: FLUFF, angst, light tasteful smut''
falling in crayolove; (kindergartenteacher!taehyung) - @jungshookz ♾️
''✎ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✎ genre: kindergartenteacher!au, workingman!au, F L U F F, tiny bit of angst at the start :-( but this is literally 98% fluff; y/n and taehyung are like two little kids with little crushes on each other
✎ trigger warning(s): implications of getting an abortion!!
✎ wordcount: 10.5k
✎ summary: y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.''
freefall - @jtrbluv ♾️☼☻
''summary: hearing banging noises outside your front door at 11 at night could mean one out of two things. one, you are seconds away from getting chopped up by an axe murderer. two, someone is purposefully being an inconsiderate asshole.
or three, a fratboy from delta phi who goes by the name of kim taehyung faceplants in front of your door amidst a high-stakes game of… hide and seek?
pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, smut (pretty tame tbh! cuz it’s my first time eek), comedy, college!au, fratboy!au
word count: 10k
warnings: RATED 18+, grinding, dryhumping, palming, mentions of drugs and alcohol (yk regular frat shit), swearing, taehyung is a gentleman fr tho my gawd with a big co-''
farmer boy, i love you - @strawberrynamjoon ♾️☼☻
''– Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
– Genre: farming!au, lowkey e2l, smut, humor & tons of nagging
– Word count: 35k
– Summary: Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
– Warnings: includes smut, alcohol and mentions death of a father''
The Crown That Is Ours - @taeshobipop ♾️Ω☻
''pairing: Taehyung x Reader
genre: fluff, angst, smut, royalty!au, arranged marriage!au, crown prince!th, princess!reader, idiots to lovers
summary: You never wished for it, but it was inevitable — an arranged marriage to a royal stranger. The Crown Prince Kim Taehyung.
A year into your marriage and life still holds you firmly in its grip. How do you plan to steer through this mess when the public suddenly comes knocking at your door, pitchforks and torches in hand, threatening: “death to all who commit fraud!”
rating: 18+ sexual content.''
Rent-a-Boyfriend - @jimlingss ♾️
''Words: 12k
Genre: Extreme fluff for all you bitter people out there (me being included)
Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love?
If you said 'yes' to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you!
Don't be alone for this Valentine's Day!
Come Rent-a-Boyfriend!™
(terms and conditions may apply. we are not responsible for any emotional or sentimental damages. please take caution with rent-a-boyfriend). ''
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Jeon Jungkook
new girl - @jjkeverlast ♾️☼☻¶
''☞ summary after finding out your boyfriend of 6 years cheated on you, you find yourself moving in with three guys in a loft. what could possibly go wrong? – inspired by the FOX series New Girl.
☞ pairing jeon jungkook x female reader
☞ genre roommates!au, roommates to lovers, romantic comedy
☞ status completed!
☞ rated mature (+18)''
Her - @jungk0oksthighs ♾️Ω☻
''bestfriend!jungkook, tattooist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut, angst
“And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay – I’ll always be here for you.” ''
like stars in a constellation - @taegills ♾️Ω ¶
''↬ meeting in reverse au
pairing: jeon jungkook | reader
genre: slight sci-fi, fluff, angst
word count: 20.9k
summary: And at midnight, as you sit there and contemplate how the two of you were like stars in a constellation, you watch the sky with bated breath. Because somehow, for the first time since you got caught up in all of this a year ago, it almost seems like the stars are finally spiraling backwards and time feels a little more still than ever before. And when you hear your name, you turn around so fast that the world stops spinning''
the universe of us. - @taesthetes ♾️Ω ¶
'' “I love you.” — “I know.”
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | kim taehyung x reader genre: slight comedy, angst, fluff type: dream / fantasy / slice of life au word count: 21,112 words warnings: none''
tangled webs - @ughseoks ♾️Ω
''— pairing; spiderman!jungkook x reader
— genre/au; soulmate au / spiderman au / angst, fluff
— rating; pg15
— word count; 14.1k
— summary; Soulmates are tricky thing. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their destinies intertwined with their missing piece. Signs come in dreams for those fortunate souls; short bursts that are barely memorable when the sun rises. As for you? Flashes of red and blue are your only indicators to the identity of your other half.''
Hopping Mad for You - @readyplayerhobi ♾️☻
''; Rabbit Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut
; Word Count: 9.7k
; Warnings: Unprotected sex, handjob, blowjob, virgin sex, virgin!Jungkook, pretty sub!Jungkook
; Synopsis: For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.''
Devoted to Trouble - @jeonsweetpea ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Spider-Man!AU | Peter Parker!Jungkook x Reader
genre: fluff, smut, comedy, lil angst rating: explicit description: In which the whole world finds out Jungkook is Spider-Man, but he doesn’t care about anything but you. OR Can you survive seven days of Jungkook pining over you while his identity is exposed to the world? word count: 11.5k''
The Love Plaza - @mayolive-writes ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jungkook x AFAB Reader
Summary: Needing to take a break from the long trip to college, you and Jungkook are forced to stay at the only lodging available within 70 miles, a love motel. And much to Jungkook’s dismay, there’s only one bed.
Wordcount: 4102
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Smut, Best Friends to lovers, Oneshot(?)''
the underwear thief - @gukyi ♾️☻
''summary: jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
pairing: jungkook x female reader word count: 10k genre: fluff, smut''
1999 - @tattookoo ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''summary: the year was 1999. boybands were wearing all-white outfits, everybody wanted an ibook or a tamagotchi, tlc didn’t want no scrubs, fight club was playing in movie theaters and you became jeon jungkook’s fake girlfriend in order to fix his reputation. 
pairing: campus royalty!jungkook x f reader 
genre: one shot, 90s au, college au, hockey au, childhood neighbors to friends to idiots to lovers, fake dating, fluff, crack, angst, smut  rating: 18+ 
word count: 17.9k''
tuesdays - @axialitae ♾️Ω
''tldr. you believe your very reserved, reclusive roommate jungkook is a peculiar boy who’s far too concerned with how you spend your tuesdays.
💭 prompt. ��i don’t owe you an explanation.”
🤍 pairing. jungkook x f.reader.
🐻‍❄️ genre. non-idol au. pure domestic fluff. tiny angst. roomies + kinda dumb-dumbs to luvrs.
☁️ word count. 12.1k''
Tamped - @chimoona ♾️Ω ☻ ☼
''Pairing: Shop Owner!Reader x Barista!Jungkook/Switch!Jungkook/Baby Boy!Koo, Reader x Dom!Yoongi (for, like, a second) Genre: Smut, Fluff, Humor, Slow Burn, Mild Angst/Jealousy | Barista AU Word Count: 19.7K Rating: M (18+) Summary: You and your business partner/best friend Jin have struggled to find good help to run your coffee shop. Employee after employee, it just never worked out. However, Jungkook is determined to impress and deliver. He wants this more than ever, and it always feels good to want something. To need, well, that’s even better.''
(Right) Hook, Line, and Sinker - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your horrible friends trick you into going to a haunted corn maze, where you inadvertently punch a zombie. Jungkook is, of course, in love.
Word Count: 12,353''
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The Return of an Empress - @you-are-my-joy ♾️Ω ☻ ☼¶
''Status: Completed
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Isekai, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut
Characters: Empress!Reader, Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
Summary: After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Warning: May contain depictions of violence and mentions of abuse throughout the story.
Total Word Count: 280,808''
mother knows best - @seokth ♾️☼ ¶
''pairing | ot7 x female reader (platonic), ot7 moms & female reader
summary | being the only woman in a friend group with seven men automatically makes you the love interest in seven mothers’ wistful romantic stories. though your relationship with the guys remains completely platonic, the marriage fantasy their moms frequently project onto you and their sons has them coming up with all sorts of shenanigans to make you their daughter-in-law. mother knows best, you suppose.
warnings | overbearing moms, attempts at humor, platonic, slice of life au''
The Flower Path - @stellalunatmblr ♾️Ω ¶
''Genre/Tags: isekai (kinda?), bangtan x fem!reader, not poly, oc!bestfriend, surprise romantic pairings; rom-com (romance as a subplot), slow burn (the slowest of burns holy moly i cannot stress this enough), fluff, angst (will update tags along the way)
Status: Ongoing [HOLD]
Summary: What would you feel if you find yourself transported to the world of a cheesy web novel? Ecstatic, of course (well, among other things), except you’re stuck being the main character’s best friend slash sidekick. Fair enough, you don’t think you’re main character material anyway. Determined to get through your life that has changed all of a sudden, you try to keep yourself in the shadows of your “best friend.” Let’s just try to get through the last year of high school in peace. You thought it was gonna be easy – like a walk in a flower path– but the thing about walking that road is that there are bound to be thorns along the way.
Inspired by the web novel and manhwa: Inso’s Law''
operation: love letters - @ve1vetyoongi ♾️Ω ¶
 ''Sign up for the Love Calculator today to find your perfect match?
➤ YES | NO
♡ …L O A D I N G…Y O U R…M A T C H E S… ♡
♡ ⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader.
♡ ⇢ wordcount: est 30k total.
♡ ⇢ genre: mystery, college!au, romance, fluff, eventual smut.
♡ ⇢ summary: When every student on campus is going crazy about a survey that claims to make true love bloom, your best friend manages to convince you to join in on the fun — except you’re disappointed to find out that your results just seem to be lost causes. That is until a love letter from a mysterious secret admirer turns up and you find yourself on a mission to find the person behind the pen — but you quickly realise it’s going to be a lot harder than you initially thought when you have 7 possible bachelors to investigate, right? Operation: Love Letters a-go!''
The Galaxy Above Us - @agustdakasuga ♾️Ω
''Genre: Gods!AU, Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, God of Wisdom!Namjoon, God of Life!Seokjin, God of the Moon!Yoongi, God of Festivity!Hoseok, God of the Sun!Jimin, God of Nature!Taehyung, God of Arts!Jungkook
Summary: Just when you thought that you life was at its end, you were ready to disappear but a door appears in front of you. Above you was the milky way and awaiting you were the celestial beings that waited their whole lives for you. To show the galaxy that was made for you.''
Everything Falls (Into Place) - @blog-name-idk ♾️☻ ☼
''Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 90,211
Rating: 18+''
until the last star falls - @minniepetals ♾️Ω ¶
''— summary: it was a love you knew would never make it out alive without sacrificing a part of your happiness to receive a greater happiness. but for them, you’d go to any extreme to have them again, and for you, they will always remind you each day that you are theirs and that nothing can tear you apart, not even until the last star falls.
— pairing: underworld lords!bts × shield!reader
— genre: fluff, angst / reincarnation!au / poly!au / gods!au
— word count: 44.4k ”
Spooked - @alpacaparkaseok ♾️☼
''Pairing:best friend!BTS, maybe some secret crushes going on? 👀
Premise: You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong?
So, so much.
Word Count: 4k''
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yoonieper · 2 years
Chronicles of My Witchy GF | JJK
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We made our own magic.
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✵ Pairing: Jungkook x witch!Reader 
✵ Genre: fluff, smut, crack
✵ Rated: W for Which Witch?
✵ Warnings: little bit of weed smoking, lots of cheesy lines (babies in love), Jungkook accidentally eats something he shouldn’t (twice), lots of crying (in the good way), this shit gets nasty, mentions of food play, masturbation (m), dry humping, thigh fucking(?), pillow fucking, tiny bit of breed kink (it’ll make sense later lol), accidental facial, oral (m + f recieving), throat fucking, face sitting, lots of cum (a lot!), unprotected sex (be smart y’all <3)
✵ Word Count: 31.8k (get snacks :’D)
✵ Summary: Just Jungkook and a few cute tales about his witchy girlfriend~
✵ Now Playing…: Freaky Deaky by Tyga & Doja Cat, Lay it Down by Steelix, Under the Influence by Chris Brown 
✵ Betas: Thank you so much to the amazing @jessikahathaway and @xxxanimangxxx for looking over this monster fic so quickly <3!
✵ Author’s Note: This fic is so unserious yall, I don’t know how I ended up writing this 😭 I had plans for a Jimin fic, but I started this hoping to get it done quickly, but this turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be :’) Anyway, I thought I would experiment a little with this type of formatting for this fic~ Hope y’all enjoy, and Happy Halloween! This couple is so cute and has so much drabble potential (I got ideas~)! P.S. Made the banner myself and I’m tryna get better, hope y’all like 😅
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much :D
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Hello to the random person who decided to click on this post! I know the title of this might sound a little strange and no one reading this will believe anything I say, but I was just hoping to rant to the void with the high probable fact that this message will most likely be buried under many other users’ posts. I can’t talk to anyone in my life about this. My friends and family have not even heard these stories to their true entirety, as they include secrets that aren’t mine to tell. For once I wanted someone to hear the tales that have somehow become my life. 
I’m Jungkook (pronounced Jeong-guk) and a few years ago I found myself dating a witch (yep, you read that right). We had recently gone out shopping together and I had made up the excuse that I was going to check out another store. In actuality, I was really interested in going to this jewelry place. 
A couple weeks ago on a late night I ended up on their website looking through the array of their jewelry for a birthday present, but I found myself up all night scrolling through the engagement rings page. I had wanted to see a few of them in person. 
We haven’t been dating too long (6 years isn’t that long right?) and we’re both still young with dreams and aspirations that have yet to be achieved in their entirety. That step has always been something I thought should be saved at a later point when things have gotten less hectic, but I found myself looking at this one ring in particular that I couldn’t stop imagining on her finger. All this has just made me reminisce and think about our future. 
My emotions are a mess right now, but for some reason I found myself here wanting to share with a faceless crowd how weird my girlfriend is and how much I love her. 
*All stories were shared with her permission, she’s helping me write this :3*
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**Bold words are in Korean**
The way he had come to know you had been purely coincidental. Jungkook had always been the type to try his best in his classes. His grades were pretty good considering the notoriously hard courses he was required to take and his gpa managed to show for his efforts. In high school he never cared too much about that type of thing, but after managing to graduate with a 4.1, he was determined to keep it up. 
It had been the fall semester in his 3rd year that he found himself stupidly enrolled in an Ancient History class after his friend Namjoon talked him into it. He was a numbers guy and the class focused on reading a lot of text that he could hardly understand. He tried to pay attention in class but the only reason he was able to absorb any of the course material was listening to Namjoon happily rant about how interesting the story of Gilgamesh was. 
The first few quizzes and even the exam he had a few weeks after, Jungkook found himself stunned at how terribly he was doing. The assessments were hard on their own, but no matter how much he tried to talk with Namjoon about the meaning behind Gilgamesh’s third dream in the story he still found a 65% popping up once he submitted his exam. 
His heart sank, because he knew if he didn’t do well on the next upcoming unit he was sure to fail the class and he could kiss that 4.0+ goodbye. 
With even more help from Namjoon plus a few of his history loving friends Jungkook managed to float at a 70% for all his quizzes but once the midterm was approaching he knew he had to pass this in order to have any chance at getting above a C. 
But as he submitted his very last quiz before the midterm and that 69% popped up he found himself a little desperate for a solution. Somehow his frustrations ended up being received by Taehyung, his roommate and a good friend of both him and Namjoon. He was an Art Major who always seemed to have a little too much time on his hands and enough weed stashed away to make Jungkook momentarily forget about his problems. 
“I can already see it now, all A’s then that one fucking D…” Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his bean bag chair. After that last quiz his overall grade had now reached a spectacular… drumroll please… 68%. It was bad, really, really bad. 
“Hehe D…” Taehyung quietly giggled to himself.
“I haven't had a D on my transcript since elementary school…” Jungkook thought back. “It’ll be so obvious, my parents will see it immediately.” He feared what they might say, the look of disappointment on their faces… the thought alone made Jungkook want to implode.
“Like BAM… right there, just a big fucking D—” 
Jungkook was hardly able to finish before Taehyung burst out laughing. It took way too much time for him to figure out what was so funny. He just rolled his eyes at his friend’s childish sense of humor when he was trying to have a serious talk. 
Taehyung picked up on the vibes and stared at him. 
“Jungkook, I have no idea why you’re thinking about that class right now. Is this weed not good or something?” He genuinely wondered, despite how out of it he felt. 
“I feel like it’s made it worse.” Jungkook groaned, the only thing his mind could focus on was that one D that was probably going to ruin his perfect transcript and– Hehe, it was actually pretty fun– No! No it wasn’t, he was seriously about to fail this class! 
Jungkook sighed and took another hit from his blunt, hoping that would somehow make all his problems disappear. 
“Ok ok ok… how desperate are you to pass this test?” Taehyung eventually asked.
“Hyung, if this is some weird way for you to say I should sleep with the TA again because I swear—“ Jungkook sighed, knowing where this was going.
“No! No… but you really should consider it— I’ve heard she’s pretty hot and maybe that can be your way to pass the class!” Tae tried to reason.
“Hyung, what did I say?!”
“Plus, when was the last time you got laid?” Taehyung suddenly questioned.
“What do you mean? I slept well last night.” Jungkook said seriously, but he just got a hard slap on the back from his hyung at his joke.
“Jungkook, be serious! You don’t come to any of the parties Jimin invites us to, you’re always crammed up in your room. I don’t know, that TA might be a good option for you…”
“Oh my god.” Jungkook suddenly didn’t know the man beside him,
“You both can like read each other lines from the Iliad as dirty talk.” Taehyung laughed but he was actually being serious. Jungkook’s face flushed, both annoyed that this was still a conversation they were having, but he was also embarrassed his hyung wasn’t even exaggerating. 
It had been since freshman year that he had last gotten down and dirty. The only reason he had done in the first place was to check off that stupid virginity box that didn’t really exist in the first place and his sad attempt to fit in with the rest of his peers. He quickly figured out though he wasn’t cut out for the quick party sex. Handjobs in a pantry, blowjobs in a car, fucking in a bush behind the person’s house was not at all his style. Some may call him sappy but he wanted the rose petals on the bed, the picnic blanket under the stars, the shit that makes you cry in movies— all of that was something he knew would probably happen only in a relationship. 
The realization made him basically avoid every party his friends tried to bring him to and Jungkook couldn’t flirt to save his life in the “real world” so as sad as it may sound… everything Taehyung was saying was pretty much true. 
Jungkook took a long hit from his blunt, somehow this whole conversation just made him feel even worse. 
“Anyway though, that’s not really what I was going to mention.” Taehyung circled back.
“What… are you gonna say I should sleep with the professor next?” Jungkook was joking, but he was truly worried about what bizarre thing Taehyung might say next.
“You said it, not me.” 
“Alright then… What could possibly save me from failing this class?” Jungkook stared up at the ceiling, his eyes trained on the spinning fan above. 
“I know this girl who runs this shop downtown, she actually goes here at our school. I’ve been over there before I had big tests and didn’t really get to study, every time I’ve somehow managed to pass using this stuff she gave me.” 
For a while Jungkook didn’t say anything, too focused on the way the fan seemed to slow down if he paid attention to one of the blades. Then it hit him suddenly at what his hyung was saying and sat up to face him. 
“That’s your solution?” He was in disbelief that he was even suggesting this bullshit. 
“I know it sounds crazy, I thought it was too but I promise every time I’ve been over there I’ve somehow managed to pass my test against all odds. Her stuff is pretty expensive so I can’t go over there all the time, but I guarantee everything she sells works.” Taehyung sounded like a spokesperson for the shop. 
“It’s perfect for desperate situations like the one you’re in now.” Taehyung smiled, satisfied with his marketing. 
“I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think you got scammed.” Jungkook put it plainly, going back to staring at the fan. 
“I’m telling you it works! It was worth every penny.” 
“It’s a scam.” 
“All you need to do is go over and tell her what you need help with, she’ll probably give you the same stuff she gave me. You take it home and you can either eat it or smoke it. I usually prefer the latter—“
“Come on Jungkook, think of it as a last resort. I promise to pay you back on whatever you end up spending if you end up doing badly on your midterm!” The suggestion was serious and Jungkook was confused on how this scam had his hyung confident enough to pay him back.
In the end Jungkook promised he’d think about it before he went to get goldfish to snack on. 
As the days passed, what he never thought he would find himself even considering, started to seem like his only hope. Jungkook still didn’t understand a single line of the Iliad and his other classes were taking up all his time so he couldn’t try and ask Namjoon or any of his friends for help. 
When the exam was two days away and after a couple of breakdowns Jungkook found himself in his room, tears staining his textbooks, absolutely mentally drained from taking a test earlier that day. The only thing he could think about was that midterm that was coming up in a few days and the offer his hyung had suggested. 
It was probably a scam, it was 100% a scam, but he had nothing to lose at this point. Even if it was merely a coincidence that Taehyung managed to pass his exams, or maybe it was just the placebo effect at play, he needed whatever luck he could get. 
That’s how he somehow ended up driving himself downtown to the address Taehyung had texted him the day after he told him about the place. 
Jungkook could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the sign so unironically displayed ‘The Magic Shop’ above the door. It just made him feel even more crazy when he got out of his car and pushed open the door, a pleasant bell greeting him. 
He didn’t know exactly what he was expecting going into a place called ‘The Magic Shop’ but he was immediately hit with the pleasant scents of cinnamon and a few other spices he couldn’t remember the name of. Displayed along the shelves were mainly jars with golden labels with words he couldn’t understand along with a couple of funny looking knick knacks in between.
The place was also appropriately decorated for Halloween, or rather much of it was just tasteful fall decor with a tiny skeleton and ghost sprinkled in between. Part of him wondered if this was because of the holiday or did this place look like this all the time. 
“Hello, I’m over here!” Jungkook suddenly heard a voice call out, making him nearly jump. He quickly tried to calm himself before making his way through the aisles over to where he heard the voice. 
“Over here!” He turned his attention over to the counter. 
On his ride over he wondered what kind of girl could possibly be the type to run such a place. A lot of the time he would picture this weird old lady who had way too many cats, colorful scarves, and who was always found hunched over a cauldron brewing up something evil. Any guesses he would have always flew out the window the minute he remembered Taehyung told him that she went to their school. 
Whatever he was thinking was nowhere near the reality. He didn’t expect to be nearly knocked breathless the minute you looked up at him through your big round glasses. You were absolutely adorable and Jungkook was literally rendered speechless as he watched you carefully weigh spices on your little, gold scale by the register. 
Suddenly Jungkook did not know how to be a human being. 
“Are you just going to stare?” You asked, examining the spices up close. 
Jungkook finally snapped out of his daze and made his way over to you. 
“I–I’m sorry…” Were the first ever words he said to you and immediately he regretted it. 
“You’re fine, no need to apologize. I’m sorry I couldn’t greet you at the door. I have a big order I need to finish so…” Jungkook found himself staring at your lips as you talked, all he could think about was what it would feel like to kiss them. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologized again “I didn’t realize you were so busy.” 
“It’s fine, this time of the year always brings more than my regulars and I’m a major procrastinator so I always end up pretty swapped with work. What brings you to The Magic Shop?” Jungkook wondered if he should bring up why he came here considering how busy you were, but knew it would be weird if he didn’t mention it.
“My friend Taehyung suggested I come here–”
“You’re friends with Taehyung?”
“You know him?”
“Yeah, he comes over here often begging me to give him discounts.”
Jungkook suddenly wanted to take it back, the embarrassment making him want to disown him.
“I have a midterm coming up in a class that I just don’t understand. He told me you might be able to help me somehow?” Jungkook felt his face heating up, a terrible sense of shame creeping up at the need to come to you for help. What if you thought he was dumb? 
You stopped what you were doing and stared at him. He couldn’t stop his palms starting to clam up at the weight of your gaze. You probably did think he was dumb.
“I–I’m normally not like this, but my friend made me take the class and the professor’s horrible and I’ve just been so stressed I–” Jungkook suddenly spilled his whole story hoping that would make you think differently but as soon as he started he regretted it.
“Hey woah woah, calm down. No judgment here.” You giggled and somehow Jungkook’s face got warmer as he played with the ends of his blue hoodie.
“Things happen, life gets in the way, people suck. It’s all good.” You reached under the counter and grabbed a sign reading ‘Payment can vary dramatically, all costs go to the ingredients in the remedy.’ in a very spooky font.
“People tend to get shocked when I tell them the price, so I just wanted to brace you.” You said now turning your attention to typing away on the register. 
Taehyung had warned him before coming here that it was expensive, but the ominous warning made him slightly nervous. 
“So when’s your test?”
“Just some basic info I need to account for pricing and to make sure it works the most effectively. So when’s the test?”
“Ummm two days from now.”
“This thursday?”
You typed away.
“Height and weight...” You gently smiled as you trailed off but never asked. 
“No major health concerns?”
“None that I know of.”
It was silent for a while. Jungkook, as much as he tried not to stare, you made it hard not too at the way you cutely concentrated on the screen. What was wrong with him? Maybe his conversation with Taehyung made him finally realize how alone he felt, maybe he was right and he really did need to get laid again, but the way Jungkook’s heart was pounding in his chest made him know that wasn’t it.  
“Soooooooo, do you really own this place?” Jungkook asked in a desperate attempt to talk (flirt) to you. Immediately though he realized how weird that sounded. “Not that–”
“You’re fine. Yes this place is mine– well mostly mine, my grandma technically owns the building and does all the boring paperwork for it, but I’m The Magic Shop’s one and only employee.” 
“Do you just run it for fun?” Jungkook tried to rack his brain at how this arrangement could be possible. 
“Haha, not in that way. She used to work here and then my mom did then me. We used to all work together. This place has become more like a family heirloom of sorts. My grandma eventually got too tired to come here everyday and my mom got busy with her job so it’s just me now.” You didn’t seem affected at all by this.
“You never thought about hiring anyone else?” He asked as you turned to the shelves behind you and started grabbing a couple of the small jars.
“Most don’t qualify and if they do they probably have their own shop already. I don’t mind it just being me though, I’ve been managing just fine by myself over the years. Plus saves more money to buy more high quality products.” Jungkook felt his heart nearly rip in half seeing you struggle to reach up to grab one of the jars on the highest self. You were absolutely adorable. 
“Even with classes?” At this you turned around to face Jungkook, a shocked expression on your face. “Uh– Taehyung told me you go to the same school as us!” What if you thought he was some stalker?!
“Ahhh I see, of course he did… I mean it’s hard on some days but I love my job so I don’t mind the extra work.” You smiled at him before grabbing the last jar and bringing it back over to the register. You opened them all and he was immediately hit with surprisingly pleasant scents that had a smile enveloping his face. It also hit him suddenly that he had really no idea what he was buying.
“Soooo, what’s your major?” He decided to ask instead. 
“Alternative medicine is what they officially call it.” You reached under the counter and grabbed golden measuring spoons and carefully started weighing the ingredients on your scale. “It’s basically me learning about what I kind of do already.” Jungkook nodded, the detail honestly making so much sense. 
“What about you?” You asked eventually.
“Engineering…” While most would consider this something to boast about considering at their college the program was notoriously hard to get into, all he hoped in this moment was that his very logic based major was something you didn’t detest.  
“You really are a smartie then… Alright, I’m impressed.” You smiled pushing your round glasses further up the bridge of your nose. Jungkook’s received many compliments about getting into the engineering program, hell his parents even threw a whole party when he got his acceptance letter, but your words for some reason never made him feel so proud. 
You had managed to weigh all the ingredients and put them on a cloth that you gathered.
You started to type on the register. “Ok that’ll be $50.97.” You smiled at him and Jungkook couldn’t hide the look of shock on his face. Realistically he pictured expensive being at most $20 but even he thought that was unlikely. 
You seemed to pick up on this and pointed up at a sign on the wall that read ‘All products guaranteed to work!’ also in a very spooky font.
If this was any other situation he would have just left because he didn’t want to spend 50 bucks for a scam, but he was reminded that Taehyung was paying for all this if it fails. It didn’t take much to also remember this was a case he was in fact really desperate, and well…you were just hard to say no to.
That’s how, despite his brain telling him this was such a dumb idea, he still found himself pulling out his wallet and handing you his card. 
“Alright cutie, I’ll be right back, this usually takes only 15 minutes.” You said after handing him his receipt but Jungkook stopped listening the minute you called him cute. Either you seemingly didn’t notice your words or it was something you said to everyone.
At first he was about to chalk it up to the latter and this quick crush he formed for you was his reason for looking at it like that, but as you turned around he saw you stop in your tracks before hastily making your way to the back room. 
Maybe he wasn’t reaching?
As the door opened his quick glance into the room showed him a completely different vibe then the rest of the shop. Instead of the cute small town hallmark shop that he was greeted with when he walked in, he’s almost sure he saw a room that almost looked like a dungeon. Stones lined the wall, the lighting was almost non-existent, and right before the door shut behind you he’s almost sure he spotted an actual cauldron, but he just figured that to be a Halloween decoration you never put out in the shop. 
What has he gotten himself into?
While you worked in the backroom Jungkook let himself wander around the aisles of your shop, examining the jars closely and wondering what they possibly could be used for. 
As promised it wasn’t too long before you re-emerged from the backroom and came out with a little bag and handed it to him. 
“So you can either eat it with something or smoke it if you do that type of thing. They’re not any different from each other really and take the same amount of time to come into effect. Take it later tonight and you should do well on your exam— this doesn’t work though if you know absolutely nothing, make sure to look at the material once more and you should do well Jungkook.” You smiled at him and he wanted to say something. He completely missed the fact that he never told you his name. 
“We should hang out sometime?” The words were on the tip of his tongue but all he found himself saying was a simple thank you before he was making his way back to his car. 
As soon as he left he kept cursing himself for at least not asking for your number. Was he really that out of practice at flirting? 
He possibly even had the go ahead to make a move at the way you called him cute… As soon as he was alone in his car he could have squealed at the thought, but he was immediately just filled with embarrassment. 
What if that really was your go ahead? What if he just missed his chance? 
Jungkook’s lack in game was once again so obvious and all he wondered was how he was somehow able to successfully flirt with people at a party back when he was a freshman and managed to get them to sleep with him was a mystery to him as well. Maybe it was the alcohol? 
Slightly dejected Jungkook drove back to the apartment and immediately went to open the little bag you gave him. Inside was another tiny bag that had a ribbon wrapped around it along with a card attached:
‘Good luck with your exam cutie ;)’ 
Jungkook felt his face flush. So he really was an idiot then?
He untied the ribbon and was again met with the scents of cinnamon. In the bag itself was a black powdery substance and he couldn’t help but wonder how this was going to help him pass his exam. Despite his doubts he decided to make himself an early dinner and sprinkled some of the magical black stuff on his chicken alfredo microwave meal.
It didn’t taste like anything but he couldn’t deny that he felt tingles through his body, but he didn’t think that it meant anything. 
Right after he went straight to his copy of the Iliad hoping whatever you gave him wouldn’t kill him and somehow his test scores would improve. 
Two days later he sat staring at the submit button for longer than he wanted to double— triple… he checked over his answers seven times before he finally felt even the slightest bit comfortable clicking submit. He probably would have kept going if the one minute warning didn’t pop up and he closed his eyes as he finally clicked the button.
Jungkook waited a solid minute. His peers that were left in the classroom were already packing up their stuff and leaving the lecture hall, but he waited, praying to every possible deity he could before he finally opened his eyes. 
He could hardly believe his eyes. 
Jungkook could have cried at that very moment, he almost did but he was already getting concerned glances from his peers. 
He left the hall to Namjoon standing outside the hall waiting for him and he couldn’t help boasting to his hyung about his unbelievable score. 
When he got back to the apartment he got a lot of “I told you so”s from Taehyung which he didn’t mind but it did make him wonder what your role might have been. He couldn’t lie, the minute after he ate whatever you gave him and went back to the Iliad, a lot of the lines made a lot more sense and he could remember the countless characters in the story. 
Maybe he just had a good study day or maybe… 
It was a few days later that Jungkook finally managed to muster up the courage and return to your little shop downtown. He was running solely off of adrenaline as he made his way inside to see you. You were behind the counter like you were the first time he met you and you barely got to say hello before he was saying the words he wanted to say since he left. 
“Doyouwanttohangoutsometime?” He said it too fast and as the silence hung in the air and your confused expression seemed to grow even more bewildered that adrenaline he had when coming in started to fade. 
Did he already mess this up? 
“You want to hang out with me?” You repeated back and Jungkook was honestly confused on how you understood him. He pulled himself together and pulled out the card you had given him and tried to put back on his confident face. 
“I think you’re cute too.” Jungkook cringed at his words, quickly realizing he sounded like some middle schooler. 
“I— I ummm I wanted to ask you out on a date… or it doesn’t have to be! We could always just hang out if that’s what you prefer.” Jungkook’s face was growing warm again, embarrassed to the point he feared he may explode. 
Jungkook didn’t really know what you might say but he started turning red when you started laughing. 
“Did your exam go well?” You asked. 
“98%… I could hardly believe it…” He tried to join in on whatever the joke was but he was confused and flustered, worried he fucked this up. 
“Mmmm I’m glad… it seems like it still hasn’t worn off, you were so nervous last time. Alright, where are you taking me?” You smiled at him. 
Jungkook had no way of knowing what that could have meant at the time but all he could focus on was that somehow you agreed to go out with him despite the shitstorm his attempt was at trying to ask you out. 
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If you’re curious I finished the course with an 83%, a B, not an A like I was hoping for, but it was certainly better than what I was expecting. Y/n helped me a lot understanding our last two units and I did a lot better overall after the midterm :)
Our first date was at this cute cafe that was decorated with these beautiful plants growing everywhere we turned. Y/n said it was a bit cheesy but she ended up spending the whole time gushing about all the different plants around the cafe. We ended up spending an extra thirty minutes there going around to every catus, succulent, fern, and taking pictures so she could add them to her collection at home. It's still one of our favorite places to visit every now and again.
I’m a little embarrassed to admit we went on more “dates” than I can count. We were more like friends for a while despite being pretty obvious with our feelings. We hung out a lot after class, I helped her a lot with some of her homework, she met my friends and we would all hang out pretty often (I quickly learned she didn’t have very many, but Y/n would always make the excuse and say the people I hung with were just much cooler). 
She steadily started to work her way into my life and finally one day I mustered up the courage to make it official. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Jungkook and you had been hanging out at the park that day. You always said it gave you inspiration so you both tended to frequent there after your last class. You both weren’t saying too much, just admiring the view.
“Would you leave me if you were a bird?” You asked him randomly as you both were looking at the lake, a flock of birds flying over catching your attention. 
Jungkook turned to you a little confused. One of the reasons he liked you so much was simply put… you were weird, sometimes even weirder than he was and many of his friends would agree that was a bar they never thought could have been passed. 
“Mmmm no, I would just be like one of those birds pirates have. I’d live on your shoulder.” He smiled at you but your attention was still on the water in front of you both. “Why’d you ask?” 
“I don’t know… you don’t think you would feel trapped being on my shoulder? I mean you could be out flying and seeing the world, but you’re stuck being my… pet.” This was a weird question, something not entirely out of the ordinary for you to ask, but he could immediately tell by your tone you seemed a little down which was more strange.
“I’m not your pet!” Jungkook giggled, hoping to make you smile, but was still concerned about your somber mood. “I’m just a bird on your shoulder. I could fly away at any time but I like being by your side. You’re fun.” He smiled. 
“You don’t think I’m weird?” 
“No— well, maybe a little…” 
“Jungkook! That was your cue to say something romantic like ‘No Y/n you’re perfect~’” You clasped your hands together and batted your eyelashes imagining how much your heart would have melted. Gone was the sadness from your voice, but this was again just one of those cues that Jungkook had a habit of missing.
“You asked!” He tried to defend, but a gentle slap on his arm was sent his way anyway. 
“I’m trying to help you out Jungkook, we’ve been just ‘hanging out’ for months…” You sighed kicking around the dirt underneath the bench. 
It took him a minute to realize what you were implying, but as soon as he did he felt his face light up again. Things really had been on a stand still since he asked you out last semester…
Deciding not to overthink things Jungkook rested his hand on top of yours and interlaced your fingers. “Is this romantic enough for you?” He chuckled, but he was blushing. 
“No.” You said so suddenly, making his attention turn back to you. “I want to skip all the in between. This slow burn has been going on for long enough, I want you to kiss me.” Jungkook was waiting for you to start laughing but he searched your eyes and you seemed genuine, so genuine it almost hurt. 
Jungkook was operating on autopilot at that point and he started to lean in but your finger came over his lips and stopped him. 
“What if I really am too weird? What if you get scared and run away?” It was a cry that almost seemed like he wasn’t supposed to hear, a thought that had been bouncing around in your head so much you finally had to ask. Of course at the time Jungkook had no idea what you were talking about, but no matter what this ‘dark secret’ was that you were keeping from him he really didn’t care. 
This excruciating slow burn that has been happening for the last few months have been some of the best he could have experienced. He finally had a reason to come out of his room, only in a matter of a few months you had become the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up, and the very thing he falls asleep to. He loved the way you’d text him at odd hours in the night and how you’d FaceTime him to fall asleep. He loved being near you and only wanted to pull you closer anytime you were together. 
In that moment nothing you could have said would have stopped him as he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into a hug. 
“You’re my weirdo. Let’s stop playing this game… I want you.” His eyes were trained on your lips and he slowly started to lean in again. 
“Where’d this confidence come from?” You smirked and he could have exploded the minute you glanced down at his lips, the tingles running through his body could have powered a whole city. 
“I told you, I want you.” His tone was low and all he wanted to do was kiss you. 
“Is this what I think it means?” 
Jungkook was going to tell you yes, yes he wanted you to be his girlfriend but he couldn’t stand it any longer and finally closed the distance between you two. 
It was like something you would see in a movie. The setting sun in front of you, as you kissed in front of the little pond. Your lips were so soft as they moved against his own. His heart was pounding but he felt so comforted in your arms, you were so sweet, so his. 
Jungkook had no idea how it happened but somehow you found yourselves bursting through your front door of your apartment, not allowing a moment of separation. Maybe it was his fault… it probably was his fault considering how long it’s been since he’d been with someone like that, or the fact he’s never felt like that before, but in the dark he ended up tripping over your couch. You both laughed and you seized the moment, taking a seat on his lap and rode his cock till he cried. 
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Our relationship was “normal'' for about a month before I started to notice things. I had noticed things the minute we started hanging out but now that we were official, it started to become a little hard to hide them.
One of the first things I picked up was the fact she knew things I knew I had never told her before. Unlike what happened the first day we met, I would notice there would be times we were talking and she would bring up details of stories I hadn’t mentioned yet, or thoughts I had yet to tell her. At first I figured it was just me forgetting (it’s what I kept telling myself until she finally told me what was going on) but even I started to question myself when it kept happening. 
A specific incident was this one time Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Y/n, and I went out to karaoke. We had played a drinking game and the loser was dared to sing at this bar we knew was hosting Karaoke night. 
Y/n was the one that had lost, we all were prepared to go up there and sing eventually but she was going to be first. None of us, but me especially, was not prepared at all when she got up to do her cover of Ariana Grande’s song Greedy, for her to sound so magical. She seemed so shy, even needing to start over because she ended up laughing, but the minute the song started a second time she blew everyone in the bar away with her voice. 
I was so consumed with trying to process the situation, figuring out a way to convince Jimin to go next because her performance made me a little too excited, and also trying to figure out the quickest way to get us out of there and back to her apartment, that I practically dismissed someone in the background telling everyone to look out the windows. I had looked and noticed that a bunch of pigeons, cats, dogs, rats, and for some reason a deer had seemingly gathered to watch her performance, but I paid it no mind when she made it back to the table because she looked so amazing up there and I enjoyed it way too much when I pulled her into my lap to let everyone in the bar know that this was my girlfriend. 
To be honest, the reason she was able to hide it for so long had a lot to do with my ignorance, a bunch of situations going over my head that might have seemed obvious to someone else.  
There was one time Y/n ended up sick. I decided to stay over at her apartment, despite her protest because I wanted to be a good boyfriend and take care of her.
Well it was weird, but everytime she sneezed this painting she kept on the wall would move completely off center. I had questioned it, but she would always say that it was the wind. It wasn’t a bad excuse because the window was open and it had been pretty windy that day. I’d move it back each time, but everytime she sneezed (I didn’t notice the pattern till later) it would move a good 70 degrees to the left. 
What was even stranger was when I went out to make her some soup I came back to find everything in complete disarray, that painting was upside down, the clothes in her drawer had flown out across the room, and the pile of stuffed animals that sat neatly on a chair in the corner had seemingly been thrown around everywhere. 
You would think I would question it but when she said it was the wind I simply closed the window and went to work trying to fix everything.
Y/n told me eventually that it got to a point where she started to feel guilty about this big secret she had yet to tell me. It was something she felt would be the deal breaker for our relationship that as time passed the harder it seemed to tell me. 
It was at the one and a half month mark of our relationship that the secret finally boiled over. 
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You and Jungkook walked hand in hand back to your apartment after a night out in the town. You both decided to head out to celebrate the school year being over and made a little date out of it. 
Jungkook just wanted to take you out to a fancy restaurant but when you both were on your way back to your apartment you passed an arcade and ended up spending way too much time and money trying to beat each other at all the games. In the end he had won and in reconciliation he tried to win you this giant stuffed bear that he noticed you had been eyeing all night. 
In one hand was Jungkook’s and the other was the bear that he worked so hard to get you. He was beaming ear to ear remembering his cool boyfriend move, the way he handed you the bear and how your eyes lit up when you snuggled it in your arms. 
That night was just so romantic. You both had walked along the path that was right by the river, the water gently washed by and the moonlight was beautifully reflecting off the water, the moon had been full and bathed you both in its soft light. Jungkook had told you that he was taking you someplace nice so he had dressed up in a suit for the occasion and you had taken hours dolling yourself up, your plum-colored, sparkly dress was immaculate, the back hanging low and a glorious slit coming up all the way to your thigh. The dress tightly hugged your curves in a way that had Jungkook constantly fantasizing about what he might do to you once you got back to your place. 
As the both of you walked and got closer to your apartment Jungkook had still been riding on the high of the date, but he started to notice how quiet you had gotten and the way you started to drag behind him. While he was holding your hand still, it almost looked like he was pulling you along instead of walking with him as you started to get slower. 
At first he wondered if you were just tired from all the walking you ended up doing, already thinking about how you would react if he offered to carry you back, but one glance behind him was enough to see your dazed and almost pained expression on your features. 
Immediately Jungkook stopped and turned to face you, extremely concerned. 
“Are you ok?” He asked gently. 
Silence passed for a little while and each second he started to become more concerned.
“No.” You mumbled. Jungkook noticed the quivering in your voice and immediately he started to panic. At that point he had never seen you cry like this before. 
What could have possibly made you so upset on what he thought was one of the greatest nights you’ve shared? He tried to rack his brain on what he might have done to make you so upset but everything he thought of just resulted in a big ERROR which made him panic even more. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He tried to stay as calm as possible, but his words finally made the tears in your eyes spill over and he immediately felt his eyes welling up. 
You broke down right there, your sobs made him feel like he might as well have been cut in half seeing you like that. He hastily pulled you into his arms and gently caressed your hair, trying his best to soothe you but your sobs easily got to him and the tears were quick to start rolling down his cheeks as well. 
Your arms wrapped around him tightly almost as if you were pleading him not to leave you alone and hugged you tighter to hopefully let you know he would never. 
You both were standing there for a good few minutes, Jungkook trying his best to console you and you just poured out all the emotion that you had kept bottled up inside. 
Eventually you finally pulled away and looked up at him, your tear streaked face and sniffles had all new tears spilling from his eyes. 
“Ba— Y/n… please, what’s going on— what-what’s made you so upset?” He looked you in your eyes, pleading for you to tell him. Just the thought of it possibly being something he did… 
“Did—did I do something?” He finally asked.
You seemed to panic at this. “No! No Jungkook, it’s nothing that you did.” 
“What happened then?” There was a sense of relief knowing he didn’t miss up tonight, but he couldn’t hide the confusion in his voice knowing how that opened up a whole new can of worms.
“Nothing happened… or well— it’s me I guess, I happened.” You looked down at the ground, seemingly ashamed. 
“What do you mean you happened? Y/n you can tell me anything, you know that right?” He grabbed onto your hands and gently rubbed his thumb over your digits. 
“No I can’t…” You said softly, a tear occasionally running down your cheek. 
“I have a secret that I’ve been keeping since we met… I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but I just… I don’t think you’ll look at me the same way and—“ You hurried out, looking up at him with watery eyes. 
“Y/n what do you mean?” 
“Jungkook I really… really, really, really like you and I’ve never told someone this before and I’m just scared… scared you’ll be scared of me.” You sobbed and Jungkook was just puzzled. 
He grabbed onto your shoulders making you look up at him again. “Y/n is this the part where you tell me you’re a serial killer with twenty victims and are about to make me the twenty first?” 
He could have melted when he saw the way you cracked a smile at the joke. 
“No I’m not.” 
“No victims?”
“No.” You smiled slightly.
“Well then what you’re about to say can’t be that bad!” He reached up and caressed your cheek softly, wiping away your tears. 
“You don’t know that… I just… I don’t want you to leave me once you find out.” You gripped tightly onto his suit jacket, scared if you let go he might go running. 
“I promise I’m not leaving you because of this.”
“But you might—“ 
“Y/n please tell me so I can prove you wrong. I feel like you’re building this up too much. I’m not leaving okay? You can tell me.” He sent you a reassuring smile. 
You looked up at him, knowing you had to do this at this point. You couldn’t keep this from him any longer and you hated lying to him. 
With a deep breath you grabbed onto his hand and speedily led the both of you back to The Magic Shop. You didn’t live too far from where you both stopped so it was only a 10 minute speed walk until you were crossing the street to head into the shop.  
You hurriedly pulled out your keys and grabbed onto the golden, almost cartoonishly fancy one and pushed it into the keyhole unlocking the door and pulling you both in. 
Jungkook was confused on what this secret had to do with The Magic Shop but he still followed you as you led him to the door that went behind the counter and further back to the door that went to the back room.
At this he was honestly intrigued. Despite knowing each other for months he had never been into the back room before. Most of the time he would hang out with you in front of the counter, but occasionally especially when he came over to tutor you, you would let him sit behind the counter as you both worked through your calculus problems. 
The only inkling of what was back there was when he saw you go back there the day you both met and from what he remembers it was… interesting. 
You didn’t glance behind you as you pushed open the door to reveal the room. 
Just like he had seen that day, stone lined the walls with another door on each wall, the room was dimly lit, boxes stacked against the walls and right in the center of the room was that same golden cauldron he had sworn he had seen before the door closed behind you that day. 
“What’s this?” He asked as you brushed past it. 
“Oh, I got it for the shop for Halloween two years ago but it was too big for me to put it anywhere. I’ve been meaning to put it away but it’s heavy and I’m lazy.” You said turning around to face him and he awed realizing his first assumption was right. 
“What’s behind that door?” He pointed to the left. The door on his right clearly had a bathroom sign and you were standing by the door in front of him. 
“Oh, it’s just a storage closet, plus where I keep inventory for the shop.” He nodded. He was mainly asking questions wondering how any of this could be a hint at the big secret that made you break down like that, but he was just confused. 
He moved so he was standing with you in front of the door. 
“I’m assuming this is where the big secret is?” He asked and you nodded. You moved so you were facing him. Jungkook noticed your grip on the bear he won for you was extra tight. 
“Promise not to freak out?” You asked. 
“I promise, I’m not running away.” He smiled at you trying best to calm you down, sensing you were nervous. 
You took a deep breath before opening the door. Jungkook really didn’t know what he was expecting but a small closet with a couple of mops, brooms, and cleaning supplies was not what he was expecting was going to be the big reveal. 
He looked at you a little confused. “This is it?” He questioned. 
You shook your head.
You closed the door. “Open it again.” You commanded and moved so you were standing beside him again. 
Jungkook was confused by this but when he felt your hand snake into his and grab onto him tightly, he hurriedly did as you asked. 
Instead of the utility closet he saw before, was a room he couldn’t even recognize belonged to the same building. Jungkook slowly stepped in and tried to take in everything in the room. 
It seemed like something out of a fairytale. The room was huge, a second floor somehow fit along the side of the room, the entire wall being covered with books. A light pink cauldron with flowers covering it sat in the center of the room along with a pedestal and what seemed like a fancy book sitting on top of it. On the wall furthest to where he stood were shelves of vials filled with brightly colored liquids. 
The room was also covered in scarves, the fabrics draping along the walls, hanging from the ceiling and was wrapped around the banister on the second floor. Giant windows sat in the wall opposite to the bookshelves, the light outside so bright you couldn’t see out of them, but casted the entire room in this ethereal, heavenly glow. The room had an elegance he couldn’t quite comprehend, the regal furniture that decorated the room, the paintings as well seemed like something straight out of the renaissance. What really made this room stand out was the sparkles that shone in the sunlight and the countless amount of books and vials that were seemingly floating around the room. 
The room didn’t seem real and Jungkook’s logical brain tried to wrack how any of this was possible, how he even got here in the first place. A tad bit overwhelmed, he turned around to face you.
The sparkles that were in the air crowded around you and your soft gaze made his heart melt. You were absolutely stunning and why his brain was desperate for a why and how all he could focus on was you. This, all this, for some reason felt like he was seeing you truly for the first time. 
Jungkook walked back over to you. 
“Y/n…” His voice was soft, truly at a loss for words. 
“I’mawitch.” You hurried before you lost your confidence. 
He didn’t react the way you expected. Anytime you ever thought of bringing someone back here it always resulted in them running out here, ready to burn you on the stake, but he looked at you with so much adoration you didn’t really know what to say. 
He looked around the room, now that he was facing you, he could also see the countless amounts of brooms that lined the walls as well, but his attention quickly went back down to your eyes. 
“Are you scared?” You finally asked after he didn’t say anything. 
“This is all… it’s magic…” He asked, glancing around the room. 
You nodded slowly. “I know this might be a lot to take in right now and you probably have so many questions and I’m happy to answer any one you might—“ You didn’t get to finish before Jungkook pulled you close and kissed your lips. He was so soft and gentle and you could have screamed at how much he gave you butterflies. 
When Jungkook slowly pulled away he was shocked to find the sparkles in the room had formed together to create small butterflies flying across the room. 
“Did you…?” He looked at you. 
You nodded once again. “That kinda happens in this room… you give me butterflies.” You chuckled nervously and you felt his grip on your waist tighten. 
“Y/n I have no idea what’s going on right now and I probably will have a billion questions about this later but… this is so beautiful, seeing you like this is so beautiful.” You looked like a goddess to him with the sparkles around you and this dress shinning even more in the light. “You’re so beautiful, my mind is blanking and all I want to do is take you over there on your fancy fainting couch and—“ 
He finally stopped and let himself breathe for a second as he pulled you closer to him. “Y/n I need you so bad right now it hurts…” He could have cried, he felt the tears wanting to come up but he didn’t let them, instead he kissed you softly and peered into your eyes. 
“You’re not scared?” This was definitely not the response you were expecting. 
“Not at all, just confused and horny.” He moved down to your neck and started kissing it gently. 
Part of you wanted to cry, all your life you had expected the worst if you ever got to this stage with someone. Your mother and grandma would always tell you the only human that was allowed in your special room was the person you felt you were going to marry. Your whole life you feared people getting close and finding out this side of you, the first person outside of your family to see you truly and to see it had this type of effect on him… Jungkook, the man who gave you butterflies…
You hurriedly threw the bear you were holding onto a chair and wrapped your arms around him as he started sucking lightly on the soft skin. The room was suddenly shrouded in red and all the candles that sat around the room lit up. Jungkook noticed this and he nearly whined as he hurriedly picked you up and over to your dramatic fainting couch. He quickly got on top of you and started kissing you once more. 
“Oh my gosh you’re so fucking hot.” He couldn’t stop the whine this time as his hand felt the skin between the slit of your dress, his desperate hands squeezing your thigh. 
“I didn’t know magic would get to you like this…” You giggled as he started hiking up your dress. 
“Are you kidding? I had the biggest crush on Sailor Moon when I was younger…” Jungkook recounted as he pulled you to the edge of the couch and got off the couch and moved you so your thighs rested on his shoulders.
He wasn’t lying either, her posters were sprinkled in between all his comic book posters back in his parents house. 
He was a major fucking nerd and his nerdiest of nerd dreams was a superhero or one of the sailor moon characters swooping into his room and bringing him along on their journies as they fall in love. 
You were a dream he didn’t know was possible, come true. 
He wanted to ask so many questions, he probably was going the minute he could stop thinking with his dick for one second, but you were so cool and hot and—
He tugged down the soaked thong you were wearing, nearly tearing it off in the process. 
“I love you so much…” He confessed right then in there before he hurriedly dove in to ravage your soaking pussy.
This is the night you wholeheartedly admit to crying. You cried as he gave you more orgasms then you could remember, you cried when he came up and fucked you on your couch, you cried in his arms afterward as he was asking you about every possible detail of your life as a witch. 
It was all so… it was honestly the most magical night you ever had. 
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I won’t tell you everything she told me but I learned a lot that night. All witches are women (this was also the time how she went on a tangent about how The Magic Shop won’t have another employee unless she had a daughter one day— making my love sick ass immediately start fantasizing about the possibility) who just have more abilities than the average human. She assured me that she wasn’t evil and only practices magic in order to help people around the world. She also explained the way she practices magic. 
Most of the time she only uses her abilities to ‘enchant’ people’s orders. It was through a combination of different ingredients and her magical touch was, as she put it, the “secret sauce” to bring it to life. But Y/n also has a lot of other fun abilities. She took this time to explain a lot of weird things that have been happening in our relationship. One time when I stayed the night at her place and she was showering, she didn’t notice me sneaking in and I ended up scaring her pretty badly— well right in that moment a pipe burst. I laughed at the horrid timing but apparently that had been magic at play and I was just horrible. 
After that day in her special room we became closer than ever. Our last year of college passed and we ended up moving in together. At that point I was hardly at the apartment anymore anyway. The only times I went over there was to hang and occasionally smoke with Taehyung (but she usually came with me during those times), or to get something to bring over to her apartment so the switch wasn’t all too dramatic. 
She had ended up surprising me with a key to her place at the graduation “party” we had with our friends. I had been mainly using the spare key she had, but it was my own fancy key that was similar to The Magic Shop’s. 
I moved all my stuff out over that summer and was pretty quick settling into everything. 
The whole situation was perfect timing as the apartment she lived in was in the space right above the shop. The downtown part of our town is pretty expensive to live in but since her family owned the whole building it worked out for the better. 
I got a job a few weeks later at a software engineering company that wasn’t too far, campus also wasn’t too far and I ended up going back to school to get my masters so it was great for my schedule. 
Y/n began opening the shop Monday-Friday and it became her full time job, she wanted to take some time to establish the shop a little more before she would go back to school to begin her long journey at getting her doctorate. 
The years we’ve been living together have all been amazing, but I just wanted to conclude this post with a couple of funny anecdotes because living with a witch has been an… interesting experience. 
(He’s loved it >:D)
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Jungkook had come home a little earlier than usual. After getting off of work he checked his phone to see that his class had been canceled and headed straight home. He was excited because his weekend was finally starting after a long week and he had been missing you all day. 
You had woken him up with breakfast in bed because earlier he had called in about coming into work a little later after the fact he’d gone to bed with a bad fever. You came in there looking like an angel as you handed him pancakes and oj, saying it contained your special touch. You checked his fever and it had gone down a little in his sleep but the minute he started eating the breakfast he instantly felt a billion times better. 
He was tempted to just call in sick for work that day because after he finished you both cuddled (something he claimed was the last touch to make him feel better) and the last thing he wanted was to tear himself away from your warmth. He hated when the alarm went off to tell him to get ready but he had an important class to go to after work and he knew he wouldn’t go out later if he stayed. 
In the end he found himself at his desk for a few less hours than normal as he spent the day texting you occasionally to tell you how much he missed you. 
That important class that forced him out of bed earlier ended up canceled and as much as he would have enjoyed that free day he could have had, he was also happy to still have that sick day. 
So he went home after stopping to grab a little desert for you both at that plant cafe.
As Jungkook opened the door he was a tad bit disappointed to not find you anywhere, but he quickly figured you must be in your special room. 
He had learned soon after you told him about this secret side of yourself that there was actually a door you used to get to the room upstairs in your apartment. It had been a door you kept locked and beforehand always just told him it led to a storage room, but he was quick to learn that it was a way to get there without going downstairs to the shop. Ever since Jungkook moved in you always kept the door ‘unlocked’ so he could come in at any time. 
Jungkook knocked slightly before pushing open the door. Usually you would be there working on some type of order for your clients, who typically were other witches or firm believers in alternative medicine. 
Sometimes he was a little shocked at how many clients you would typically get considering if they weren’t a witch no one would know that your products really work the way they say they do. 
The Magic Shop had made a name for itself though, after your grandma founded the business and your mother ran the shop for a little while, the name had spread across town. There were apparently a lot more witches in the town than he originally thought and the shop had a loyal fan base of people who preferred alternative medicine and a bunch of curious people who would stop by to check out the place. Not to mention all of the witches who would stop by for ingredients or ready-made enchantments. As a result you sometimes seemed more swamped with work than he was. Considering he had a full time job and still went to school, Jungkook would often come home to find you busy preparing orders long after he was ready to turn in for the night. 
He was expecting to see you with your big round glasses looking into that fancy book with the cauldron glowing like he usually might, what he didn’t expect was a sight straight out of a horror movie.  
The typical bright room was dark and your cauldron was spilling this ominous red smoke that settled at the bottom of the room. If that wasn’t bad, right in front of him was a glowing symbol on the floor and right in the middle of it was you, hovering in the center of it. Your pupils were gone and you had this terrifying ghostly appearance that Jungkook had never seen before that had him instantly reacting. 
“Y/n!” He practically screamed, fully believing something went wrong and something bad was happening. 
At his voice you quite dramatically dropped to the floor, all the eerie ambience being sucked back into your cauldron. 
Jungkook quickly ran over to you, terrified at what might have happened. 
He picked you up and his panic only got worse when he saw your eyes were closed. 
“Y/n! Y/n wake up please!” He was so panicked and almost on the verge of tears but your eyes started to flutter open.
“Ow…” You groaned, your back sore from the fall. 
“Y/n, are you ok?” He asked, concerned. What he didn’t expect though was your annoyed glare at him. 
“Jungkook, why'd you need to scream? I was almost done with the ritual too…” you sighed. 
He looked at you confused and it was only then that you realized how surprised he probably was at the sight. You were still annoyed though, that took you nearly all day to do. 
“I was doing a ritual… I wasn’t possessed or anything. I was trying to increase our chances at winning tonight’s lottery, the prize reached 500 million dollars.” You could still taste the margarita you were gonna have on your private island if you and Jungkook won. 
Jungkook awed and almost looked like a kicked puppy when he realized he interrupted you doing something important. 
“I’m sorry…” He whispered and you hated seeing him so sad. 
“It’s alright… no need to panic though next time you walk in to see something like this. Rituals are a bit… strange but I’m fine, don’t worry baby.” You grabbed ahold of his hand and smiled at him. 
“Can I make it up to you?” He asked, and you could tell he still felt bad. “I don’t have 500 million to give you but—“
“Gimme a daughter, at least maybe with an extra set of hands I can retire to that private island quicker.” You were both joking and being completely serious. You expected him to laugh with you, but you noticed his face getting red. 
“For now though you can just give me a massage. I hurt my back when I fell.” He pepped up at your request and grabbed your hand to lead you both back to the bedroom. 
“Y/n…” Jungkook called you as you closed the door to your special room behind you.
He suddenly turned around to face you. “I promise you won’t have to work as hard some day… I’ll make sure of it.” His words were sweet but there was a fire in his eyes that made a shiver run down your spine. 
You knew exactly what he meant by that.
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Jungkook was hanging out with you in your special room on a Saturday he had no work to do. Normally, he liked to give you your privacy whenever you worked here, but he was bored and you said it was fine to watch. 
Not too much had happened while he was there, you had mostly been reading in your fancy book— you explained earlier that most of the time you’re just researching and experimenting with different spells and enchantments. Your cauldron glowed slightly as you stirred the mysterious liquid inside, each time you tossed in a new ingredient small little fireworks would shoot out. 
The whole process you feared would bore him, telling Jungkook occasionally that he could leave whenever he got bored, but he continued to sit on one of your fancy bar stools by the cauldron, entranced and completely fascinated by your work. 
A while ago, soon after you showed him the room he finally asked you where all your fancy furniture came from, to which you explained that it had always been here. Apparently the room is tied with your abilities. 
You told him that witches undergo a special ceremony when they turn 13 that allows them to open their own room, which then unlocks a majority of their magical abilities, young witches only are able to do so much until they are ready to open their room. The room was created around you essentially and it’s looked like this ever since you opened it for the first time, besides a majority of the books you had bought over the years along with the brooms you’ve collected. 
Jungkook just stared at you as you worked, finding this whole thing still a bit unreal that he was dating you. He couldn’t help reminding you every few minutes on how cool you were whenever you would toss in a new ingredient or when you emptied a beaker you would toss it up and it would float back over to your shelf, and how sexy it was to watch you work. The sparkles that shined around the room flocked to you and made you shine so prettily and your look of concentration was incredibly endearing to watch. You made his heart melt without even doing much. 
The fact you liked him back was something he found a little hard to believe at times, seeing how extraordinary your world was and then looking at his own… extremely ordinary world. 
To make matters worse he knew that you were a hot topic in the community, a young witch as pretty as you were who ran a successful shop by herself was something all the witches would talk about, especially the families who had warlocks in their family. Yes, they exist, it is pretty rare to have a guy get passed down the spark that witches would have, but it happens very very occasionally under special conditions that no one has managed to figure out yet and two apparently lived in your little town. 
One Jungkook had never met before and you never really talked about too much, but the other, his twin, was someone Jungkook knew frequented the shop often. He’s seen it first hand, even when he was standing right beside you helping you out downstairs, Victor (ew >.<) would just walk in and hit on you. Jungkook even knew there were others outside the town who knew about you and would come by hoping to come by and win your heart. 
You had also told him that a lot of people would have jumped on the opportunity to date a warlock, they were rare, powerful, had a lot of influence, and your future kids together would be extremely powerful with both magical parents. Victor wasn’t a bad looking guy, he’s someone a lot of your witchy friends often swooned over. He was just a little older than you both, him and his brother graduating the same year as Taehyung did, the three of them somehow knowing each other (Taehyung not sensing drama, made sure to add when Jungkook was ranting to him that he “loved those guys” and “that they threw awesome parties”). His family was also pretty well off owning another successful magic shop. 
Victor wasn’t even a bad guy, he was just very adamant about dating you. You’ve told him he’s someone who's highly respected in the community. 
All of these details made him so confused on how, despite the opportunity, you still picked him. He tried not to think about it too much because he knew that mentality would make him incredibly insecure and jealous, that being a clear recipe for disaster in a relationship, but watching you here right now made him think about it sometimes. 
What if you were better off with Victor? (I want Jungkookie >:O)
Jungkook’s eyes widened when he suddenly felt your arms wrap around his shoulders. You lightly kissed his neck. 
“You okay? I’m sensing a whole lot of negative energy over here…” You chuckled lightly, but you seemed worried. 
Jungkook didn’t say anything and spun around in his barstool so he was facing you. He rested his hands on your waist and pulled you close so he could kiss you. You were a little surprised, but happily melted into it, enjoying the way his lips moved against yours. When he pulled away he pulled you close once more into a hug and rested his head on your shoulder. 
“Thinking things I don’t want to…” He sighed. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked, now really concerned.
“No— it's not that big of a deal, feel better already hugging you like this.” He really did, holding you like this made any of those silly thoughts go away. You picked him at the end of the day and he wanted you to keep picking him everyday. Just the thought of not being able to be with you like this was enough to fuel him into wanting to go over to Victor’s fancy ass mansion and punch him in the face the minute he opened the door and tell him to actually fuck off. 
You loved him, your family loved him, his family loved you, all the people whose opinions really matter approved of your relationship. Who fucking cares about stupid Victor?
“You sure?” You reaffirmed. 
“Yeah, sorry for disturbing you.” He apologized when he looked back over at the bubbling mixture in your cauldron. 
“It’s fine, things weren’t going well anyway.”
“Yeah, I can’t figure out how to make it not result in someone spontaneously combusting— I think I put too much Yvetris in it or—“ You rambled.
“Wait what?” 
“Don’t worry about it, I was just going to ask if you wanted to take a break?” You smiled at him, a little tired of working. 
Jungkook eagerly nodded already a few ideas about what to do during this break, the main one involved you bent over one of these tables, naked and screaming his name, because fuck Victor. 
You smiled but then your attention turned behind him and he turned around to see you were looking at your wall full of brooms. Your eyes lit up at an idea. 
You ran past him and over to the wall. 
“Do you actually ride those?” He questioned, always a little unsure of what they were up there for. 
“What did you think I did with them?” You laughed, searching for the right one. 
“I don’t know, I thought they were all replacements for that broom.” He pointed over to the one that was sweeping beside him and it swiftly came up and hit him. 
“Ow!” He groaned, rubbing his head as the broom almost sassily went back to sweeping. 
“Now you offended him!” You sighed, turning around and looking at them both. You knew your broom did not forgive easily. 
“Sorry…” He looked back at the broom as it flew up to sweep on the second floor. 
“You didn’t know— but no, he’s a different kind of broom.” You chuckled, going back to looking through your collection. 
He honestly should have figured, the broom that would always sweep around your special room was a lot more plain compared to the brooms that lined your wall. The handle being made of a ridgid dark wood, and the gray bristles was something he always pictured a witch’s broom to look like. The ones on your walls came in all kinds of varieties, they all seemed to sparkle the same way you did in here, some were made of white wood, dark wood, some sparkled of gold, and the engravings into them were unreal. 
“Which one?” You turned back and asked. 
Jungkook pointed at the one that he deemed a classic, a beautiful dark wood with light strips running through it and golden bristles coming out the back. The engravings are what made him love it, the indicate swirls and patterns completed it so well, he always found himself staring at that one in particular whenever he was in here.  
You smiled at him and he watched as the broom flew down into your hand. 
“Where’d you get all of them?” Jungkook asked as you walked back over to him. 
“I pretty much bought most of them. I’m a big fan of collecting brooms as you can probably tell. I used to compete in tournaments when I was in high school and the prizes often were these really cool brooms and it kinda inspired me to start collecting them.” You giggled. 
“Wait… tournaments?” 
“Yeah there’s this team that we have here and we compete against other nearby towns, sometimes even on a national scale, and there was once we made it to the world league. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good and won a lot.” You pointed over to the corner where you kept all your trophies and medals, sitting on top of the case was your bear that he won you a few years ago. 
“Why does my girlfriend keep getting cooler and cooler?” Jungkook wanted to say something about Quidditch, but he couldn’t think about his joke anymore… 
“Stoopppp, now, cmon, let’s go for a late night ride~” You turned the broom to the side and Jungkook watched as handlebars and a long bench appeared on top. 
“Holy shit…” Jungkook awed as he got up from the bar stool. He felt like he was dreaming, high, or maybe even both. Then again, he’s felt this way ever since you showed him this part of your life. 
You hopped on top so you were straddling the bench and grabbed onto the handles. You ushered him over and told him to hold on tight. It was only when he sat down did he realize you were already floating. 
You smiled back at him before the broom started flying up to the circular, stained glass window that was at the top of the wall of windows. Jungkook held onto you tight like you advised, laughing and cheering as he watched you both rise higher off the ground. 
Jungkook then turned his attention to the circular window and how it disappeared before you both quickly flew through, sparkles coming flying out with you. Jungkook had no idea what he thought the outside of this room led to, but he was shocked to see you both flying high above in the sky, the clouds far down below and the moon, full, big, and beautiful shining over your little town. 
Jungkook just stared down and around at the amazing view, unable to believe what he was seeing. 
This had to be a dream. 
“No one can see us! I’ll fly us a little lower!” You yelled over the wind quickly rushing past. Jungkook hardly had any time to prepare before you both were soaring downward straight for the town down below, all he could do was hold on and watch as the ground got closer. 
He was screaming, was he terrified? A little, but he loved things like this and he was excited because he trusted you. 
The buildings steadily got closer till he could make out the cars and which buildings were which. Over there was the river you both walked along the day you told him you were a witch, he could also see downtown, and way in the distance the park he had finally asked you to be his. Jungkook was so into admiring everything he hardly realized that you were still heading straight for the ground. 
It was only when the buildings started getting a little too close did he start noticing the ground was right there. Jungkook felt his life flash before his eyes when you finally pulled up and started zooming past the cars rushing by. 
You turned around and chuckled at the look on his face and he was quick to join in, now too caught up at how cool this was. You flew them through traffic, through a tunnel, and you were beating the speeds of the train that was beside you. It was an unreal experience and even though he nearly had a couple of heart attacks, the whole experience was bewildering as you flew across the little town. 
After the initial excitement you both flew over places that took you down memory lane, you essentially gave Jungkook a glorified tour of the town since he didn’t grow up here and didn’t go to too many places when he was in college. You flew him over the spots you would frequent when you were younger and showed him some of the prettiest sights he had ever seen as you both went over the woods and the lake he didn’t even know existed. 
It was also then that Jungkook noticed a few other witches riding by on their brooms, soaring just a little over all of the buildings. 
It was amazing. 
You both were now back over the clouds, cruising along as Jungkook held onto you tightly. Not out of fear, or the fact that he was supposed to, but he just didn’t want to let you go. 
He really didn’t. He never would. 
“Y/n…” Jungkook mumbled into your shirt. 
“I love you so much…” He confessed and he felt the tears welling up slightly in his eyes. “Don’t leave me okay?” He tried to laugh it off. 
In an instant your broom stopped. Jungkook looked around a little confused, until you flipped around so you were facing him. 
“I should be saying that to you idiot…” You looked at him a little concerned. “Like it’s you who’s the one walking around with that pretty face, and who looks a little too good in the suits you wear all the time for work. You have all these girls drooling over you every time we go out, or should I mention Vanessa from work who always calls you even on the weekends. What if you think one day I’m too weird or something and leave me. You have so many better options…” You pouted and Jungkook could hardly believe what he was hearing. 
“Weird? Y/n you’re the coolest person I know, no one could ever compare to you. Sometimes I think you’ll find me too boring and run away with Victor, or his brother, or one of the other warlocks who keep coming to the shop… How could I ever think you’re weird– like with who else could I do this with–” 
“Just you ok, and fuck Vanessa and fuck Victor and everyone else who made us think like this.” Jungkook smiled at you and you hurriedly pulled him into your arms. 
Yep, he was yours and you were his.
“Not to ruin the moment or anything, but I think I heard you call me pretty and say I look really nice in suits.” He cheesed, thinking back to it. You simply nodded as you buried your face in his shirt, already regretting confessing one of your deepest darkest secrets.
“You’re cute~” He laughed, feeling all fuzzy inside seeing you like this. All in the moment, once again, his insecurities were washed away. You really were his. 
“By the way, I think you’re prettier.” He smiled and immediately you lifted your head, taking offense to that. 
“Jungko–” Before you could finish, he pulled you close as he pressed his lips onto yours once more, not wanting this to turn into a long debate, because to him, there was none. He was right.
◎══════ ❈ ══════◎
Back in college, when people would first meet Jungkook there were only two ways first impressions went for him. One, he’s been told that they thought he was probably some arrogant frat boy jock (always soccer for some reason) because they would always see him at the gym. Two, the minute they talked to him they would quickly get that he’s just this quiet nerd who could talk about why Spider-Man was the best superhero for 5 hours straight (really longer if you didn’t stop him). 
For some reason that impression came with the image of being a goody two shoes and whenever he told people he lived with Taehyung they could hardly believe it. ‘You guys are just so different’ was something they would say that always confused him. Jungkook was strange, he knew that, but his hyung and him always got along so well. They were weird in their own ways, but their personalities contrasted each other perfectly. 
Jungkook was just someone who spent way too much time studying and reading comic books all day, basically locking himself in his room, and Taehyung was just… Taehyung was someone everyone seemed drawn to. 
Jungkook was the slightly awkward guy who hung out on the sidelines and made sure to keep his hyung in check and Taehyung would always be there to bring him out of his shell and give him advice when needed.
It was this same idea that whenever Taehyung brought people over to smoke at their apartment that when Jungkook asked to join them, he would always get quite a few shocked looks. You were also on the list of people who were surprised when he brought you over for the first time to find his bong covered with Marvel stickers, sitting on top of one of his shelves.
It wasn’t like he smoked often, he really only did it when he was stressed, but he was in college and an engineer major so that might seem a little contradictory. After he graduated though and moved out from the apartment he pretty much quit cold turkey. Taehyung didn’t live in the same town anymore and he was way too busy (and a little lazy) to try and go out and get it himself. That really wasn’t it though, he was literally dating someone who had a stash of it for the shop downstairs. He more so just considered that phase of his life pretty much over, adulting duties were more so a priority. 
But sometimes… on rare occasions when work and classes were just too much he found himself asking you for help and you’d let him take a bit from your stash downstairs. 
It was one of those occasions that day. Jungkook had been taking hits from his bong and was just laid out on the couch playing some music. It was the weekend and he had a pretty big assignment due on Monday. It was the first time in the past two weeks that he just relaxed and stopped thinking about the deadline. The assignment was done, he just needed to look it over a couple more times before submitting. 
Well, whenever Jungkook smoked he would always suffer from a horrible case of the munchies and so eventually he found the energy to roll himself off the couch and head to the fridge. 
You were downstairs busy running the shop and Jungkook was way too high to notice he grabbed something off the top shelf. You had told him when he started coming over often that you used the top shelf for in progress orders or ones that would require refrigerating. In this case it was neither, rather something you were trying out for the shop. 
Jungkook learned the hard way never to go in the fridge while he was high because after he heated up the tasty looking muffins and took a bite he experienced something he could only describe as the most embarrassing day of his life. 
You had come back upstairs later that evening and you were shocked to not find your boyfriend inside, and the lights were all off. You convinced yourself he just stepped out for a moment, seeing that his bong and lighter were still on the coffee table in the living room, but the minute you went behind the counter of your kitchen you knew immediately something had happened. You were quick to find out what. 
His clothes were strewn around the floor and an opened container with a top you recognized was for the shop was at the scene of the crime. Nearly scaring you to death was a voice coming from above you. You looked up and screamed, shocked… or rather not shocked at all to find your boyfriend on the ceiling staring down at you. 
“Y/n look!” Jungkook exclaimed as he started to climb around on the ceiling. 
Oh great…
“Jungkook what–”
“Y/n, look, I think– I think I’m spiderman!” He beamed as he crawled into the corner. You couldn’t stop the dumbfounded look on your face at his words. 
“Baby, you ate my–”
“I was but a humble guy living in a small college town when a radioactive spider came one night and bit me in my sleep. I woke up with–”
“Jungkook, get down from there!” You interrupted knowing he was about to give you a weird rendition of spider man's origin story. You know, you’ve heard it only a million times. 
“Y/n, I’m spiderman now I gotta go protect the world I can’t come down!” He tried to defend and you were tempted to laugh but decided against it. You would definitely bring this up in the future. 
“No you're not, you ate my enchanted muffins I didn’t perfect yet.” You called out as he started climbing across your walls. In truth the only thing your muffins did at that point was make him able to stick to the walls. You could tell from his eyes alone he was still very high.
High, naked, and on enchanted muffins was a horrible combination.
“I’m spiderman Y/n, look at my suit.” You had no idea what he was seeing, all you saw was a naked man with his dick hanging over your head three feet above you, climbing around on your walls. 
“Jungkook get down here!” You sighed.
“Y/n my suit–”
“If you’re talking about that birthday suit, then yeah I see that. Now come down here.” You crossed your arm.
“The Green Goblin is coming! I gotta save the world!” He was not at all listening to you. 
There was nothing you could do about this. He was just really high and because this was an intermediate stage on an enchantment you didn’t have the “cure” researched already. Besides, with work in progress spells they all wear off by midnight and it was 9:37. 
In the end you ended up spending two hours and twenty-three minutes running around your apartment, picking up all the shit he was knocking down and making sure he didn’t hurt himself. 
When midnight hit you luckily was able to guide him so he was over the couch when he fell down quite dramatically on the cushiony surface. Somehow you were able to guide him to the bed a little later. 
Let’s just say, when he woke up the next morning, he was confused, embarrassed, and you had enough pictures and videos to haunt him for a lifetime.
Safe to say Jungkook learned to be more cautious when picking things from the fridge.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
I feel like as I wrote this, it turned more so into our love story essentially. I have so many other stories I could have told, but these were just a few that came to mind first. I hope you all enjoyed reading! You can make up your mind whether any of this is real or not. For all you know I could be a guy living in his parents basement with way too much of an imagination or by the end of this you might be fully convinced my girlfriend’s sitting beside me right now helping me write this post. 
Whatever you believe this was made for fun and for your entertainment. 
Anyway, that’s it from me! 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
You glanced over his shoulder as he typed the end of the post. “You’re not gonna do the other story?” You couldn’t help the giggle as you watched his face turn red.
“No, why would I write about that…” He said bashfully, already knowing what story you were referring to. It followed up the third little story, and all he could think back to was how embarrassing it was. It was definitely not appropriate for a post like this.
“Mmmm good idea… you were a mess but… even you yourself said that it was kinda hot.” You recounted back to his words.
“I mean…” It was hot, extremely. Jungkook was embarrassed about that day in particular because it was no exaggeration… he was a mess, but the event encouraged you to make a modified version and you both would bring it out on special occasions. 
It was the day you finally decided to get another fridge.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑∗๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Jungkook never thought he’d be one of those guys who’d own one of those big comfy chairs. He’d always picture guys in their 40s with too many stains on their wife beaters who would just never get up from them. 
You both had been out shopping for a new couch when you passed by a little nursery model room and you stopped to admire how the pretty oak set was. Jungkook wanted to take a seat on the rocking chair that came with it just to imagine what it might feel like one day, but ended up nearly falling asleep right then and there as you went off and looked at the other model rooms. 
You had shaken him awake eventually and that’s pretty much the moment he fell in love with comfy chairs. You finally made it to where the couches were and as you both were trying to deliberate on which one you’d buy Jungkook took a seat on a cloud— or at least he thought it was one. The soft fabric made it perfect and it had that right amount of squishy to hard softness that made it so he never wanted to get up again. It was almost like finding the perfect mattress. It somehow got better when he found out there was a massage feature. 
Jungkook had gone on about the quality of the chair with no intention of buying it. You both came for a couch anyway, but it was only two months later on his birthday that Jungkook came home to find the same chair in your living room with a big bow on top. 
Every time he would come home and sit down in his little slice of heaven, suddenly his increasing age became even more obvious, at the ripe old age of 25 he felt ancient at this point. Maybe he was just having a quarter life crisis, but he felt like an old man anytime he would recline his feet up and fall asleep to a random channel on the tv. He was happy though. 
It was this coziness that had him falling asleep in the chair after he came back home from a long day of work. He remembered you vaguely trying to wake him up and get him to come to bed, but ultimately your attempts were in vain. He was just too tired and the chair was too cozy. Instead you gently draped a blanket on top of him and he was out for the rest of the night.  
Jungkook got up that morning, confused, and with sleep still weighing on him heavily. He should have learned the first time never to go in the fridge when he’s out of it, but the minute he woke up he found himself craving waffles like his life depended on it. 
Before he went to work yesterday you had been in the kitchen, humming along beautifully to your favorite song, as you were testing out your new waffle maker. If Jungkook wasn’t in a rush he would have stayed for breakfast, they smelled so good and he was hungry. He had been thinking about them ever since he left that morning, even dreaming about you… the waffles… and a lot of whipped cream. 
Jungkook just hoped and prayed there were leftovers still and low and behold, there were some. He was too sleepy and hellbent on eating the waffles that he once again ignored that they were on the top shelf. To be fair, waffles had never been something you did for the shop and the other shelves were crowded, so he just tried to convince himself that you had set them there because of the lack of room. 
In the moment before it all went… wrong… Jungkook fucked up them waffles. They were as delicious as he had been thinking, which wasn’t a surprise, everything you made was absolutely amazing. Maybe if he hadn't slathered them up with syrup, whipped cream, and an assortment of different fruits, he would have noticed the magical tingling that came with eating your enchanted foods. Maybe he did all along but just chose to ignore it because those waffles were so damn good. 
Jungkook even ended up making a few more for himself and for you when you woke up. As the sun started to rise, the better Jungkook started to feel. It was a glorious Saturday. 
You had come out right as he was taking out the last waffle, looking absolutely beautiful. Jungkook felt his heart swell as you walked over to him, taking a minute to appreciate how amazing his life was. 
“What’s all this?” You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“I really wanted waffles.” He giggled. “I made you some as well~” He pointed over to the plate. 
You squeezed him a little tighter.  “Someone’s in a good mood today~” You lightly pressed kisses on his neck and he shivered. Suddenly all he could think about was the way you were covered in whipped cream in his dream. 
Jungkook nearly whined when you pulled away, tempted to ruin this peaceful Saturday morning by licking whipped cream off your titties. 
You turned around and opened up the fridge to get the oj. He was really going to ask you but the reality came crashing down of what he had just done. 
“Hey, Y/n how do feel about whipped cream—“ 
“Jungkook… wait, where did the waffles go that were in here?” You asked concerned, distinctly remembering they were there last night, right on the top shelf. 
“Oh those? I ate the leftovers from yesterday first— I know mine won’t be as good as yours but I thought—“ 
“Jungkook…” You sighed, immediately knowing this was going to be bad. You looked at him and he seemed confused and you wondered how this could happen again, especially after what happened the last time he ate something from the top shelf.
“Jungkook, that was an order for a client. I thought we’ve been through this, the top shelf is for the shop.” You were both a little frustrated you would have to make the order again and a little concerned with the fact he ate all of them… 
You saw the weight of your words hit him in the face and any ill feelings you had disappeared for a moment because you knew he genuinely didn’t know. 
“I ate them about an hour ago…. nothing’s happened.” He looked at you with pleading eyes that this wasn’t going to turn out like what happened the last time. 
“You can relax, you won’t go all Spider-Man this time.” 
“Don’t tell me I’m going to turn into like a goldfish or something…” You couldn’t tell whether he was joking or not but you laughed anyway. 
“No, you won’t turn into anything— glad you didn’t eat the quesadilla beside it because we might be having a whole other conversation—“ 
“Y/n, what’s going to happen?” He exclaimed. You looked at him sensing the panic and took a deep breath because this was going to be a weird conversation. 
“It’s nothing too bad um… The order was for a guy and his wife who are trying to have a baby. They came to the shop hoping for some fertility help so um…” You stared at him knowing this was about to get awkward. 
“You might feel extra horny is the main thing it does, just don’t cum because it’s going to make it even worse. So if you can make it to midnight without any touching or anything it won’t be too bad.” You tried to smile at him, but you couldn’t because of one glaring detail. 
There were three waffles you made for the order. You had designed them so both the guy and his wife would take one each and possibly split the last one for another time. You hadn’t researched what might happen if one person ate all three.
“Then again Jungkook, things might not be as manageable since you ate all three of them. Just take it easy today, ok baby.” You ushered him over to his comfy chair and took up serving for the both of you. 
Jungkook tried to pay attention to his food, but as soon as you told him that the waffles he ate earlier were enchanted it was as if all the effects started hitting him all at once. 
When you came over to bring his plate he couldn’t tear his attention away from your legs. You were wearing a baggy shirt, something he knew was the only thing you were wearing. Maybe he was just thinking about it too much but he couldn’t stop staring at you, even when you went back over to the dining table. 
He tried to turn back around but even when he started eating all he could picture was your legs and covering your body with whipped cream. How nice would it to lick it off your body. He thought about the look on your face and all those pretty sounds you’d make, you’d be so sweet for him… so, so sweet. 
There was no denying he was hot… but as the minutes ticked away and you both ate, the more that normal level of need seemed to spiral. 
It got almost unbearable so quickly, he was sweating and had every urge to do the one thing that you said not to. He wanted to get up and take you right there on the dining table. As much as he wanted to play with the whipped cream that would have to wait for another time because he wanted you so badly. 
“Hey Jungkook, you ok?” He heard your voice cut through the fog. He wanted to hear what you would sound like with his cock inside you. 
“Erm— um, just getting a bit hot.” Jungkook tried to chuckle, but he was very much trying to downplay it. All he could think about was finally giving you the daughter you always wanted.
“I don’t know… are you sure? You seem a bit shaky over there…” You asked, a little concerned. He knew you’d feel so nice, you always feel so nice for him. So nice and all his.
It was starting to hurt.
“Y/n, can you put the whipped cream away…” Jungkook asked as calmly as he could.
“Whhyyy?” You questioned his odd request. 
“It’s making me think things—“ His voice was straining just even mentioning the white, fluffy substance. 
You got up and hurriedly put it away. “Jungkook you got this, ok? All you gotta do is make it to midnight tonight.” Your words were meant to be comforting but he could have burst into tears.
He had to manage this until tonight and it was— 10:38 in the morning?! It already hurt so much, how was he going to not do anything till then??!!!
It was probably only about 10 minutes later that it got to the point of being unbearable. He hurriedly slipped away and headed straight for the bathroom, a little ashamed for you to see him like this.
As soon as the door closed behind him he took a deep breath, knowing what he was about to do. Jungkook hardly managed to withstand an hour of the waffles effects. Usually he was so much better at restraining himself, but, but, but—
Before he could think about it anymore Jungkook slipped his thumbs underneath the waistband of his pajama pants and slowly pulled them down until his cock popped out, hissing at the way it slapped his stomach.
Immediately his mind thought back to all the times you were on your knees for him, the way you always knew how to make him a mess for you. Jungkook thought back to that time he was in this exact position, his back against the bathroom door and you on your knees pleasing him so well. 
The minute his hand wrapped around his aching length, a sigh of relief slipped passed his lips at the instant satisfaction he felt. Jungkook hadn’t touched himself like this since before you started dating, it’s been so long but it’s never felt this good before. 
The minute his hand started to move, the more the relief came and again he so desperately wished you were here in front of him. He got back to the routine that kept him sane throughout his sex drought in college. 
He thought about your legs again and how easy it would be to take off that shirt and have you bare and needy for him. 
“Fuck…” He sighed into the echoey bathroom. What he would do if you were here.
The thought alone had his hand speeding up and a feeling he knew he had to stay away from settling in the pit of his stomach. 
All he needed to do was not cum. That’s all he had to do.
He kept telling himself that but it just felt so good, he couldn’t stop despite the fact he was going to cum soon.
The way you look up at him when you’re on his knees, like you wanted him just as much of a mess as he is now.
“No, no, no…” Jungkook cried. It pained him, but he slowed his pace to something a little more comfortable so he wouldn’t explode. He shouldn’t give in that easily. 
Jungkook hurriedly scrambled to think of the most unsexy thing possible. Normally he would have a go-to thing for times he feared cumming too quickly, but maybe it was the enchantment, his mind was blank besides the most unholy thoughts on what he wanted to do with you.
The way you would do this…
He imagined your hands in place the way you would stroke him before focusing on the tip, something that would always have him crying out and closer than he wanted to admit. Jungkook matched your movements and he wasn’t surprised to notice the amount of pre-cum leaking from the tip. You were making him such a mess and you weren’t even here.  
“Ennggg— fuck, Y/n…” He moaned out softly as his thumb rubbed over the the slit, just like the way you would do it. Just like when you’re in front of him, Jungkook quickly felt himself heading straight for the edge. 
He was just so sensitive, this fucking enchantment, why did this have to happen today of all days? He already woke up eager to play with you today, and his fucking whipped cream plans had to be canceled. 
Jungkook already had a plan of convincing you. He would have grabbed the can after he told you he was interested and sprayed it in the spot on your neck he knew made you weak for him and licked it right off of you. In his dream earlier this morning you were intrigued and somehow he convinced you to let him lick it off of you… everywhere.
Just the fact that you were here made it hard to resist going out there and asking you to help him. He wanted you so bad. 
That was apparently the last straw because his hurried pace returned and he was so so fucking close. 
In his mind he quickly tried to go through the mental gymnastics to justify giving in and cumming now, but he knew you said it would only get worse if he did. As tempted as he was, and he was so close, he still found himself letting go, despite how much he wanted to. 
How was he going to make it through this day? 
After a little while the feeling dissipated and Jungkook felt considerably more hot and bothered than before and he couldn’t stop his hand wrapping around his length once more.
There wasn’t any way he could do this…
It took a little while for you to realize that Jungkook was gone for so long. You had been still enjoying your waffles and got lost in thought thinking about some of the things you needed to do at the shop today. It really wasn’t much, just a few clients coming in to pick up their orders and you needed to check inventory. Well, that’s all you would have to do if Jungkook hadn’t eaten the waffles, you have to redo the order. Luckily the couple wouldn’t be coming till tomorrow, but this was something you wanted done and in the shop since they were picking up their stuff early in the morning.
You sighed getting up and going ahead and doing the dishes from your waffle feast. You also decided to try and be a little productive and go ahead and get a head start on working on the enchantment again so you can head to the shop downstairs. 
You headed over to your bedroom and that’s when it finally hit you that Jungkook had disappeared for a while. You wouldn’t think much of it, thinking he might have maybe been in the shower and he liked to take long showers for some reason, but all it took was a second of you standing still to hear the watering wasn’t running, but the sound of a soft moan from the other side. 
Your whole body lit ablaze at the thought, knowing the sight on the other side of the door would be absolutely otherworldly, but you reminded yourself of the situation. 
You went over and knocked on the door. “Jungkook…” You called out. 
“Ughhh—— yes…” His voice was soft but you could hear the strain. 
“Jungkook, what are you doing?” You asked, but you knew. 
“Y/n… it hurts… wanna cum so bad—“ He whined and once again you wished you were on the other side of this door.
“I told you that’s not gonna help. It’ll make things worse and it seems like it’s pretty bad already.” You tried to reassure, but you knew that wouldn’t help. Jungkook’s usually pretty good at not giving into temptation, the fact that the effects of the waffles has him a mess this much already made you a little concerned. This was bad. 
Silence passed for a while, but through the door you could hear his labored breaths on the other side. 
“Y/n, I want you so bad— fuck…” He moaned, almost like an invitation for you to open the door. “Please… please… I’m not gonna make it till midnight.” He begged and it took everything for you not to open the door. 
“You know we can’t do that… I promise at midnight if you want to, we can have some fun.” You tried to give him hope, but once again you knew you probably weren’t helping. 
Silence passed again, except his moans were a little louder this time. 
“Hey Jungkook…” 
“Ye— yeah?” 
“Why are you in there? It’s just me out here, you know?” You chuckled lightly, but you were curious. 
“I’m a mess, this is so embarrassing…” He sighed and you could hardly believe he thought that. 
“What do you mean embarrassing? You sound so hot just here from the other side of the door.” You smirked, oh what you would have paid to watch. 
“You wanna watch me?” He almost sounded baffled at the idea and you could have laughed. 
“So badly baby, I bet you look so pretty. I’ve never seen you touch yourself, wanna see how you do it.” You were hot, and you thought he would tease you for it but suddenly on the other side you heard his moans get more pained and desperate. 
“Y/n, stop-stop talking! Fuck, you’re gonna make me—“ He cried.
“But you won't, right?” You quickly interjected and you heard him cry out before he started to calm down. Oh, he’s so hot.
“You didn’t cum right?” You asked eventually. 
“No, but I almost did— we really shouldn’t be talking like this…” Jungkook sighed.
“Yeah, you’re right…” Stupid fucking waffles… 
“Did you need to come in here, sorry if I—“ 
“No! You’re fine, just was about to change so I can head to the shop in a bit.” You almost forgot why you were even in here. 
“Yeah… we can’t keep talking, oh my gosh—“ At his words you finally realized the implications of your own. 
“Just the thought of me naked makes—“ 
“Y/n! Please…” He pleaded, you were getting him so riled up so easily. This wasn’t good at all. 
“Sorryyy~” You chuckled, finding a little too much amusement at the situation. “Anyway, I’ll be in and out. Don’t pay me any mind and again… try not to do anything. Don’t give into the temptation, alright~” 
“You make it sound so easy, but alright please be quick.” 
“Promise, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me!” 
You kept your promise and you were in and out of the room quickly. Your brain was a little scrambled from what happened, but you remembered you had another order to reprepare so you got yourself to focus and started back on it. 
You went straight to work, taking some of the elements out of your special room and preparing the ingredients for later. Typical fertility enchantments didn’t take too long but you always wanted the best experience for your customers and the guy and his wife were high payers. You made sure to throw in everything that would guarantee that after they ate the waffles they would finally get that positive test plus have a great time doing it. 
E. Pasos— was a powerful ingredient that really helped increase sexual desire so they would have the urge to do it more = higher chances of it working. 
L. Umtra— was the nasty ingredient that was really biting Jungkook’s ass right now. It added a little more onto this effect, making it so each “round” would only increase the desire, the passion, added once again to increase activity = higher chances of it working. 
F. Earo— is typically the most popular ingredient when making fertility enchantments. It’s a general ingredient that makes their bodies more suitable for conception, the effects are most easily seen in males— increasing sperm count and producing healthier sperm. 
P. Omer— was a fun one you threw in, it increases sensitivity and pleasure felt during the experience. So many times have you heard couples who’ve been trying for kids forever does sex start to become a chore, and your heart was soft for the pleading couple after they told you they had been trying for 4 years, so you threw in some extra spice to make the day they try this out a wonderful experience. 
U. Haqo— was another fun one you threw in that increased oragasm quality.
There was also a bunch of base ingredients for enchantments and others that were a little more technical that essentially go into the enchantment actually working. All the ingredients took a while to prepare and make sure they were perfect before you could add your special touch, that brought the enchantment to life, turning the ingredients from well… ingredients into the magic that you would cook into the waffles again, a request from the clients themselves. 
Some find the process incredibly tedious, your mom did when she worked at the shop, but you found it all calming. Work stressed you out more often than not, but you loved it so much. 
You were happily humming along to that song that’s been stuck in your head for the last week as you plucked off the leaves of R. Tinbi, one of those base ingredients for the enchantment. You had managed to get most of the ingredients prepared, now only left with the simple ones, when suddenly you heard footsteps. 
You didn’t even look up to know Jungkook had finally made his way out of the bathroom and was making his way over to you at the island. You really didn’t think much of it, almost forgetting about the whole predicament once again, but when he finally came into your peripheral you were instantly reminded. 
You finally turned your head to see him hunched over the countertop, his baggy short sleeved shirt that had a picture of Iron Man on it was long gone, and his red, plaid pajama pants haphazardly clung onto his tiny waist. That very prominent v-line that always made your mouth water was on display and suddenly you forgot what you were doing. 
You tried not to stare though, not wanting to make things any harder for him. You went back to plucking off the leaves. 
“P-Please tell me you’re working on a way to fix this…” He sighed, leaning over the counter a little more. It was also then that you realized his hair was a little wet and you noticed the shininess to his skin. 
“Baby you know if there was any way to fix this other than letting it take its course then I would help you… it would take longer than the time left to research—“ You suddenly heard his hand hit the counter before you saw him walk over to you from around the island. 
You watched as he got closer till he was standing right in front of you, you stared at him wide eyed, confused about what he was doing. 
He looked down at you with pleading eyes, his hand coming up and grabbing onto your waist, and you knew what he wanted. You wanted to tell him this wasn’t a good idea, but you couldn’t deny him when you felt him lift you onto the counter, you didn’t want to either. 
Jungkook looked at you with so much need, you could feel it too, how much pain this enchantment has caused and how much you wanted to help him. You felt tingles run through your entire body when his hand came up and caressed your bare thigh, making you instantly open your legs wider so he could be even closer. 
No time left was spared as Jungkook hastily pulled you close smashing his lips onto yours. He was hungry, desperate and he made sure you could feel it, kissing you with such ferocity you could hardly keep up. His hand had snaked up to cup your cheek to keep you close, even taking a second to breathe seemed hard. 
You were also sent the painful reminder that your boyfriend never wore underwear when he was home. Jungkook eagerly chased your hips, you both falling into a clumsy rhythm that made your whole body burn each time he whined softly into your mouth. 
You felt his hands hurriedly reach in between you and he fumbled with the button before he hurriedly pulled the zipper down on your shorts. Your hands ran up his toned arms, feeling the ink that over the years started to decorate his right arm, running up over his shoulder to tangle in his long dark hair. You tugged on that lightly, knowing how much he normally enjoys that and you were rewarded with a beautiful moan that was swallowed into the kiss. 
It was then that you started to feel the tug on your shorts. The angle was awkward since you were sitting on the countertop, it made them hard to pull down without separating long enough for you to try and wiggle out of them. 
At the challenge Jungkook broke away, clearly frustrated at the stupid barrier. 
“Why shorts, why did you have to wear fucking shorts…” He whined, still trying to feel you the best he could and he found it so difficult to stop long enough to make more of an effort to try and get your shorts off. 
The moment apart finally gave you that clarity you needed to realize what you both were about to do. 
“Jungkook, wait, we can’t do this…” You were sad, and you wanted so much to have him like this, but you knew things would only get worse if you continued. You didn’t want to see him in any more pain. 
“No… please… please Y/n, I feel like I’m going to explode.” The desperation in his voice made it harder to deny him. “I can’t make it to midnight, I can’t, I can’t—“ 
“But you’ll just end up feeling worse, plus I have things I need to do—“ You suddenly felt his hand move from your waist and reach between you both once again as he buried his head in your shoulder. 
You looked between you both and a whole new wave of tingles spread through your body as you watched your boyfriend tug down his pajama pants slightly and pull out his cock. 
Oh my g—
“You said you wanted to watch…” He shakily breathed out as his hand wrapped around his length, pumping himself slowly. 
It felt almost wrong to bear witness to such a glorious sight. Even with your shadows in the way you were reminded how beautiful your boyfriends cock was, the tip red and angry, that vein that you loved to lick ran along the side, and pre-cum was just oozing from the tip. To see that along with his pretty ass tattooed hand wrapped around was almost too much.
“Mmmm, oh— fuck, wanna cum so bad.” He said moaning into your skin. 
Knowing you could have a guy as beautiful as Jungkook such a mess and all for you made you want to give in so bad. 
You relished in his soft curses, the way he would moan, and the shaky breathes he would let out each time he would make it to the tip. The scene was lewd, and so much hotter than you could have ever imagined. 
You were in a trance at the sight until you felt his lips on your skin, kissing lightly until he reached that spot. You sighed and pulled him closer. Was this enchantment contagious? Maybe it was your boyfriend working his own magic like he always finds a way to? Whatever it was, was working on you too well. Oh, you wanted him so bad. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck, easily grabbing onto his hair and pulling it just the way he likes. He whined and rutted into you, so sensitive. 
You tilted his head so your lips were right by his ear. 
“Is this what you want?” You whispered softly and you got the most glorious moan out of him.
“Oh g—“ You didn’t give him time at all to finish before you were sucking hard on his neck. You felt his hand come up on your waist, both trying to pull your shorts down and pulling you closer to him, while he rocked his hips into you. 
“Close— Y/n please I’m so close—“ He whined, getting even more desperate at tugging at your shorts. You certainly felt it too, his quickened pace and started to get a little more inconsistent, desperate. 
You took the opportunity and pushed him away slightly. 
“N-No, please please!” He cried as you hopped off the countertop but you were quick at pushing him so he hit the counter across from where you were. He watched you wide eyed as you slowly walked over to him till you were standing only inches away. 
You took a moment to admire the view, giving him a once over at how much of a mess he truly had become. His skin glistened even more, his lips were shiny, and his hair was all frazzled and in his face. Oh how much you wish you could absolutely devour him. 
“You seriously don’t think you can make it to midnight?” You tried to look him in the eyes but his cock was right there. 
He shook his head. “I can take anything, your pussy, your mouth, fuck, I’ll be good if you let me squeeze your boob at this point.” You couldn’t help but giggle at that last part. 
“You don’t care that it might come back even worse?” You asked again, getting a little closer. 
“All I care about is now and you standing right in front of me, I could give a fuck about what happens 5 minutes from now.” Jungkook grabbed onto your waist hoping you won’t leave him. 
“Wellll…” You backed away and turned back to the island, grabbing onto the R. Tinbi leaves. “Someone ate my order today so I’m a little busy but—“ You leaned against the counter and arched your back in a way you knew made your ass look great. 
Jungkook quickly took the hint and grabbed onto your waist already rubbing himself against the rough fabric. 
“You’re perfect…” he sighed, grabbing a fistful of your ass and using his other hand to pull your hips back against his. You moaned lightly trying to focus on the leaves, but Jungkook was quick at making that task impossible. 
“You should see yourself, so fucking hot and mine.” His voice was already shaky again. He was so right, you knew deep down in your heart from the moment he first saw your special room there would be no one else, no one could make you feel as good as he did. 
Dazed and with your attention still on the leaves you felt his hand snake around and slipped down your panties, quickly finding your clit. 
“Oh fuck! Jungkook—“ You whined when he started rubbing your clit. You really weren’t expecting him to touch you at all, but leave it to your boyfriend, even in a state like this, to still try to make sure you felt good too. 
“Shit, you’re so wet for me baby… You like seeing me like this?” Jungkook was trying to tease you but he was so fucking turned on right now saying it out loud just made things worse. He had been so worried about embarrassing himself in front of you, but hearing, feeling you were turned on by his situation was more than he could take. 
Your moans were enough to make rational thinking seem impossible, suddenly the goal of getting your shorts down your legs seemed like it would take too much time and his brain just wasn’t working anymore. 
In a haste Jungkook did the most highschool thing he probably could have done in that moment, lining himself up before pushing himself right between your thighs. Jungkook’s face burned from how embarrassing this was, but he could care less right now. 
“I’m— so sorry, I can’t— I’m sorry—“ He moaned as he started literally fucking your thighs, his pace not holding back at all. 
You were a little confused by what was happening but while his hips were quick so were his fingers, speeding up so fast any questions or witty remarks you had left your brain in an instant. 
“Oh— fuck, fuck!” You moaned.
“So good, you feel so good Y/n!” You could tell just by his voice he was getting close. Part of you was tempted to ask him once again if this was really worth it, but you felt repeating it was redundant at this point. He had already made up his mind. Instead you just squeezed your thighs a little tighter together, hoping that might help.
“Ennnggg, oh-oh my gosh—“ Jungkook hurried his head in your neck, so close he could practically taste it at this point. His pace started to falter. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok…” You tried to reassure, sensing he was holding back. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—“ Jungkook didn’t know what he was expecting if he came, the build up was just too much he knew he would feel better if only for a little while. What he wasn’t expecting, never would have expected was, as the ropes of cum started to shoot out, the most earth shattering orgasm he had ever experienced. 
As that wave of pleasure washed over him, he swore he transcended to the 10th dimension. He couldn’t speak, scream, moan, the pleasure too much, it was as if time stopped for a few seconds. The sensations were so intense, it felt like it lasted forever, a forever of bliss he couldn’t describe. It was better than a high he had experienced, a better high than he knew other drugs were capable of. It only seemed to get better as the seconds ticked away.
Part of Jungkook thought he had died, that he had transcended to a plane somewhere else, somewhere far beyond this earth. He swore he could see colors that never existed, 7:00 was purple, October was roast beef, Jupiter was a quarter. 
You were at first a little confused about what happened, he had suddenly gone almost silent except a few whimpers you felt in your skin as he steadily continued to rock his hips and how the hand gripping your waist was shaky. It was then that you remembered the U. Haqo and knew that whatever it was, was probably good. 
It was a solid few minutes before he finally came down, as the pleasure slowly faded, Jungkook was hit with another satisfying sensation, the feeling of complete normalcy.
You suddenly felt his weight shift on you completely. 
“Woah, are you ok?” You chuckled as you finally asked. 
“No… so good, feel better, but tired…” Complete sentences seemed impossible right now, that oragasm turning his brain into mush. You were luckily able to pick up on what he was trying to say.
“I bet, you ate all 3 of those—“ You had been so focused on Jungkook you had yet to actually look down, your attention finally drifting downwards when you felt something running down your leg. You weren’t prepared for the sight. What was going down your leg was the least of your worries, right there running down your island was an obvious white stream you knew wasn’t there before. 
“Holy shit, Jungkook…” You were stunned but once again you realized this was another ingredient to the enchantment at work. 
“Mmmmm?” He groaned lazily, still trying to still come back from that orgasm. 
“You came all over our island.” You laughed. 
This was enough to finally get him to lift his head and he was met with the same sight you were. Jungkook could feel the embarrassment creeping up, but his post-nut bliss was enough to keep him from freaking out about it too much. He knew this would make him scream into a pillow later though. 
“Sorry…” He sighed, gently caressing the skin where your shirt had come up slightly. 
Even with your limited Korean knowledge, you knew he had apologized. “It’s fine, it's another thing from the enchantment. I’ll worry about this, you go head to the bed. I’ll come back soon so I can put you to sleep before it comes back, hopefully you can sleep this off till midnight.” 
He nodded and slowly wobbled himself back over to your bedroom. 
You were quick to get to work knowing time was of the essence. You grabbed a towel and wiped the cum off your leg and the island, and headed straight to your room where Jungkook had already snuggled up in the blankets. 
Part of you wondered if he might go to sleep on his own, but as you got closer you noticed the pained look on his face. 
“Is it already back?” You questioned.
“Not yet, but I feel it coming.” He looked up at you. 
“Alright, hopefully this will keep you asleep till midnight, but since it’s magic vs magic, I can’t make any promises. You’ll at least be able to have a few hours with some peace.” You sat down on the bed and ran your fingers through his hair. Jungkook nodded, sleepily. 
“Wish you could stay, wanna cuddle…” He pouted and you were this close to throwing away all your responsibilities for the day away just so you could snuggle with him. 
“I do too, I’ll hop into bed with you as soon as I come back from the shop I promise.” You smiled and he did as well. It was then that you leaned down and softly kissed his cheek, you watched as his smile started to fade as his eyes quickly fluttered closed.
Oh you were so tempted. 
But nevertheless you hopped up and headed straight for the shower, even though you already took one earlier this morning, you figured you needed another after your time with Jungkook. 
You were out quickly and went back to work on getting the enchantment made as quickly as you could. You knew your clients would be coming in soon to pick up their orders and the couple called you when you got out of the shower and asked if they could pick up their order early because of a schedule change. 
Luckily most had already been done before Jungkook came in. You finally finished plucking the leaves and got the two remaining ingredients ready and carried them all into your special room for mixing. It was a good thirty minutes before the sparkly white powder was created and ready to be mixed in with the waffles. 
In no time at all (you did have a little help from your magic utensils helping you out) three hot and ready waffles were on the plate and you took them back to your special room. You closed the door behind you, waited for a second, before opening the door back up to the back room of The Magic Shop. 
It wasn’t long after you got there did you hear a knock on the door and you were delighted to see the couple peeking in through the door. You happily guided them back over to the register where you showed them the waffles wrapped up. 
“Thank you so much for doing this— this is one of our last chances at trying to do this the natural way.” The wife smiled at you. 
“I’m so glad I could help you both, hold up let me just—“ You quietly snapped your fingers making sure the waffles would stay warm until they both decided to eat them and then handed them over to them. 
“Let’s hope this works…” The husband looked over at his wife and squeezed her hand a little tighter, but then turned to you. “We have high hopes though, we heard amazing things about this place so we’re really hoping for the best.”
They were one of your many clients who knew nothing about what was actually the secret behind all of your products working so well. Part of you wished you could tell them so they would be reassured. 
“Really hoping for you both as well, I wish you guys luck.” The couple thanked you before heading back outside. 
As soon as they left you went back to your special room and started bringing out all of the other orders of people you were expecting today. You sighed looking at them all knowing you would probably be down here for a while, hoping that Jungkook would be ok upstairs. 
The first thing Jungkook felt when he came to was pain, it didn’t hurt necessarily but there was no other word that he could describe it with. A need so desperate it almost was painful. The sun had gone down outside, a dark blue hue filling the room, and the clock on his nightstand read 8:34 when he finally looked over. 
You were right, it was so much worse. 
Jungkook was tempted to just make himself cum right now, unable to fathom how he would be able to make it nearly 4 hours. 
He couldn’t. 
This still didn’t stop him from trying his best. Jungkook gripped the blankets and shut his eyes hard, hoping maybe he could make himself go to sleep again. Only after 5 seconds he knew that wasn’t going to happen. 
He was just so— so…
Jungkook shifted his hips slightly and the fabric of his pajama pants was enough to make him lose his mind. 
Gosh, where were you? Jungkook hoped when he woke up it would be midnight (or at least close to it) and you were cuddled up in his arms like you promised. At least if he was going to fail, he’d rather do it inside you this time. 
Jungkook groaned softly thinking back to what went down in the kitchen, how nice your body felt against his, how wet you had gotten at his flustered state. If only he had enough sense to have gotten your shorts down, what he would have done if he did... 
He was tempted to run downstairs and beg you to let him fuck you, he was tempted and honestly he would have done it if he didn’t know the fact you were still downstairs meant you were working. He didn’t want to be any more of a pain than the mess he’s already caused for you. 
He really should have fucking known those waffles were for The Magic Shop, there really was no excuse for his actions other than he was hungry and didn’t care enough to realize what he was doing. 
Fuck— but he just missed you so much. He wished so badly he had opened his eyes and felt your arms wrapped around him, that when he had turned over he could have seen your smile. He would have kissed you and—
“Oh g—“ the moan got caught in his throat when he slid his hand under the waistband of his pants and hurriedly started pumping his cock. Jungkook was not at all prepared for the sensation, so intense, so fucking good he could already feel himself spiraling over the edge once again. 
In a rush he had to let go, knowing in that moment if he didn’t stop he would reach the point of no return already. 
Jungkook sat there for a second staring up at the darkened ceiling, just wondering how the hell he was going to somehow make it to midnight. If you were you— no if you were here, he would have cum already. 
He contemplated once again, heading downstairs, desperate to be inside you at this point, but being a good, respectful boyfriend mattered more no matter how horny he was. Jungkook flipped around anxiously, wondering how he was possibly going to get through this, when in the darkness your empty side made him focus on your pillow. 
Jungkook, you're better than that— is what he tried to tell himself, he was screaming at himself that he was better than that, but he wasn’t, not when he felt like this. 
He finally kicked off his pajama pants and flipped over, staring at his pillow with so much shame, but that didn’t stop him as he slowly pushed the pillow further down. As soon as it was close enough, he steadily started rocking into it. 
Jungkook immediately thought of you again, when you would be here underneath him like this. Jungkook would always watch your pretty face as he thrusted into and— oh fuck, when you would moan his name and tell him how good he was making you feel. 
He hurriedly picked up the pace. “G—g, oh my g—“ 
You would always take him so well, you were so fucking perfect. He wanted to be inside you so bad right now. He missed feeling the way your walls would embrace him, you were always so fucking tight, and wet, and warm, and—
He was absolutely delusional at this point. He could see you underneath him, feel you underneath him, he could hear your moans and the way you pleaded for him to go faster. 
Gosh, he wanted to fill you up so fucking bad. 
It nearly hit him in the face when he felt himself hastily getting way too close, he had to quickly get off the pillow. 
His whole body cried and contorted, trying to get the feeling to pass. Jungkook nearly thought he was going to cum anyway, but he steadily calmed himself down. 
How the fuck is he going to make this? He knew he should stop, he knew that it would be better to wait it out than keep putting himself through this torture but he wasn’t thinking clearly at all. All he cared about was chasing that high as close as he can, until finally midnight rolled around and he could finally fucking cum. 
Jungkook got back over the pillow and rocked his hips a little slower. Maybe this might help, if he goes slow he can get the best of both worlds. A little bit of pleasure but also so he wouldn’t risk going too far. 
Jungkook moaned lightly at the feeling. This will be fine. He can go this, he can do this.
It wasn’t until a little after 11:00 that you were finally making your way back up to the apartment. You were annoyed as hell because you pretty much worked an entire extra shift and of course today had to be the day that this happens. You had a couple of people who were picking up orders call and say they would be late, and late turned into two whole hours later, before you were finally closing the shop for good. Taking inventory also turned into a whole mess, the site where you normally get your ingredients from acted up and you were basically on the phone for a good three hours getting your order straight. And then you ended up spending an extra hour getting the shop ready for Monday, knowing you had absolutely no plans on coming in tomorrow. 
In turn, you were stuck downstairs almost all day thinking about your boyfriend upstairs. You kept hoping that the enchantment was strong enough and that he was still asleep, but like you feared as soon as you opened up the door of your special room once again you could immediately hear muffled moans. 
You hastily made your way down the hall and you honestly didn’t know what you were expecting when you rounded the corner, but you still found yourself shocked when you finally realized what you were looking at. 
The bed had basically been deconstructed, all the pillows and blankets had been thrown to the floor and the sheets were barely staying on. On your side of the bed was your boyfriend, his pajama pants were now gone. In one hand was your purple vibrator you typically kept in your nightstand, the could hear the slow, light buzzing as he slowly ran it along his cock. In the other hand he gripped hard, what you could only assume was your pillow, tightly over his face, making you instantly rush over because what the hell was he doing?! 
“Jungkook?!” You cried, ripping the pillow away. You heard him whine as you pulled it out of his hand. You were met with his wet face. You would have just chalked it up to be sweat, but noticing that his cheeks were noticeably damp making you realize he had likely been crying. 
He blinked up at you a little confused. 
“Y/n, is that really you?” His voice was a little horse. It was then that you also realized one of your lingerie sets bottoms was beside him.
You got down on your knees. “Yeah it’s me baby, I’m sorry I’m late…” You reached over and stroked his cheek. 
“Please tell me it’s 11:59…” He whined, a noticeable tear rolling down his cheek and onto your hand. 
“Almost it’s…” you looked over at the clock “11:21.” You reassured thinking that might be some sort of good news, but he just groaned and more tears spilled from his eyes. 
“How am I going to…” He quietly trailed off, not even bothering to finish. 
“Jungkook, what were you doing with a pillow on your face?” You asked, a little concerned. 
“Your pillow smells like you, missed you so much, I’m sorry.” He softly apologized and you felt instant relief knowing it wasn’t what you thought was happening. “Where were you? Thought you were gonna be here when I woke up…” He pouted. 
“I’m sorry, things kept holding me up downstairs, took me forever to make it back up. A lot’s happened though since I left.” You chuckled, pointing out how disheveled the room was. 
“It’s been so hard, you don’t even wanna know…” He sighed and it was also then that you realized he never turned your vibrator off. 
“You didn’t cum, did you?” You asked, not tearing your attention away from the way he gripped his dick with one hand and the way he ran the vibrator along it, how he shook every time he reached the tip. 
“Ennnggg— once— it was on accident, I had just woken up and… I don’t know what happened, but I ended up cumming on my pillow and—“ 
“Wait… how would you…?” Your imagination had immediately started running wild. 
“I missed you, and it’s embarrassing…” 
Jungkook had reached some of his lowest of lows today. He had fucked the crease between his girlfriend’s thighs because he couldn’t get her shorts off, and then he ended up fucking a pillow. 
It was right after he convinced himself that he was going to be able to do this. He had gotten caught up in imagining the pillow was you and he still was so sensitive from how he almost came earlier from his last attempt, but he really wasn’t ready for that wave to hit him like that. Jungkook didn’t even get a chance to try and stop it, his cum all of a sudden all over his pillow case and the shame, pleasure, and relief he felt in that moment for another earth-shattering orgasm. 
Shakily he wobbled over to the laundry room to toss it into the washer and he almost ran back to the shower and turned it on the coldest possible setting he could before hopping in, hoping it might cool him down a bit before the feeling came back. That didn’t help at all, magic being difficult like that, and that’s how he ended up stumbling out of the shower, grabbed the first thing he saw in your underwear drawer, along with your vibrator and had been here since trying his best to make it till you finally made it back. 
He’s nearly come more times than he could count at this point and just seeing you standing here next to him finally had started making things harder than ever before. 
“What time did you wake up?” You asked. 
“8:30– I’ve been edging for nearly 4 hours… feel like I’m gonna explode.” He couldn’t laugh at that anymore, because he really did feel like he actually might explode at this point— on you, fuck, he wanted you so bad. 
Your hand along his cheek sent a fire in him and this unbearable, unquenchable lust that he’s felt all day, was starting to reach a pinnacle that made his skin burn hotter than any fire. Gosh, a lust enchantment and he hasn’t been able to fuck you all day? 
To make matters worse even before the enchantment he was feeling extra needy, work this week for the both of you keeping you apart and he was looking forward to this Saturday to make up for all the lost time. 
You started noticing the look of distress on his face the more you looked at him. “Baby, you ok?”
“No—fuck, no I’m not ok. Can you leave? I don’t mean to be rude but you right beside me is making me think things, I fucking want you so… so, so, so fucking bad right now and I feel like if you stand here any longer touching my face I’m gonna cum and— it’s already so bad I don’t know if I can do this again—“ 
“What if you did?” You were still dazed staring at his pretty cock and your vibrator. 
“What?!” He sounded pissed, he was pissed, here he was begging you—
“I mean Jungkook there’s only a little over 30 minutes left of the day~ What if we take advantage of this enchantment and you can fuck my brains out or something till midnight hits.” You finally turned back to his face to see him staring at you.
“Take it as an apology for making you feel so miserable all day and… I swear watching you all day has made me so wet, so maybe we call it even and we have a little fun.” You smiled, hoping he might say yes.
He continued to just stare at you.
“We don’t have to if you’re not up for it, I know things have been hard and you might just wanna make it throu—“
“Shut up if you don’t fucking mean it.” He suddenly said, sitting up on the bed. You were a little taken aback by his harsh words, but then you realized what’s going on. 
At the position change you reached up and ran your hands over his toned thighs. “I fucking mean it baby.” You smirked up at him and you heard your boyfriend literally whimper. 
“G—god I swear I’m gonna cum if you keep talking, please— fuck, please do something, anything, I just fucking want you.” He cried and you couldn’t have been happier. 
You were about to have so much fun. 
You watched him throw your vibrator across the room and scoot to the edge of the bed. You didn’t even try and tease as you ran your hands further up his thighs. 
You watched his eyes flutter closed as you made your way closer to where he wanted you. You watched his face intently as your fingers finally wrapped around the base. 
“Mmphh— yesyesyesyes, don’t stop please.” He gasped and this fueled you to push further. 
You slowly brought your hand up closer to the tip and enjoyed the way he whimpered under your touch as precum kept leaking from the tip. 
“Does it feel good?” You laughed slightly, seeing how much he struggled to keep it together. 
“Feel like I’m gonna explode…” His brain was just spaghetti at this point, not even realizing he switched over to Korean. 
Jungkook leaned back so he couldn’t watch you, the sight was too much already and you barely had started. Instead he gripped the crumpled up sheets tight as he felt your hands run over his length. It was just so good, he wanted to cum so bad—
As much fun as this was, seeing your boyfriend like this made you so eager to please and you quickly decided it was finally time to put him out of his misery. 
After working him a little further you brought your hand up to eagerly rub over the slit as you leaned down ready to take him in your mouth. 
“Oh—fuuu—“ He was not prepared, neither were you when his orgasm hit him so suddenly. You couldn’t help but stare as you watched the bliss wash over him, the way his face cutely scrunched up, the sheets were tight in his hands, and just like what happened earlier in the kitchen, you only heard him whimper quietly, the pleasure seemingly being too much. You were so entranced, you didn’t even realize some of it landed on your face.
It took a few minutes for it to finally wash over him, and just as he was starting to come back he let go of the sheets and put his hands over his face.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You chuckled. 
“I’m sorry— that was— I’m so confused, fucking embarrassed, but ughh that was so hot.” He finally looked down at you, seeing the white streaks on your face. 
“Oh my g— so fucking hot— Y/n please don’t stop—“ He whined impatiently. 
“You sure? You just c—“ 
“I don’t care, don’t stop…” he pleaded, needing to feel you. This night was not ending without him being inside you at least once.
You chuckled as you grabbed a tissue and cleaned your face and hand. You didn’t waste anymore time and happily took him into your mouth. 
Jungkook was not at all prepared to feel your mouth around him— for 13 hours straight he had simply made do with the best he could, his hand, your thighs, a pillow, your vibrator on the lowest setting possible— they were fine and some even managed to push him over the edge. Maybe it had been so long since he felt your touch or this enchantment was absolutely insane because the minute you wrapped your pretty lips around his cock and started taking him… he was not at all prepared. You would have thought he had never been touched before in his life at how quickly he felt he could cum again, that feeling returning instantaneously.
His hand quickly went down to tangle in your hair as you pushed down as much as you could. He made the awful mistake of sitting up, wanting to look at you, but it just made things so much worse, seeing the way you were staring up at him as you took him so well. 
“You’re so good to me…” He sighed and he didn’t realize he said that out loud until he noticed you giggle as you came off him. 
“Is it that good? I’ve barely done anything yet.” You chuckled. 
“Mhmmm, go slow, don’t wanna cum too soon.” He pleaded. He wanted to savor every moment of this and this enchantment made it so all he wanted to do was cum down your throat.
Not yet though.
You nodded before going back down and swirling your tongue around the tip. You went slow like you promised and this was enough to get a frustrated whine from him. 
“Y/n— don’t do this to me please.” He looked down at you and you couldn’t help that wave of need travel through your body, making you squeeze your thighs together. Maybe on another day you would have teased him for longer, but you finally took him in your mouth as far as you could go. 
As you pulled back and went back down again, you enjoyed his soft sighs of pleasure he would let out occasionally, and by the look on his face you could tell you were doing well.
You brought your hand up to softly run over his thigh before wrapping around his length as stroking what you couldn’t take. At the combo, you relished in the moan he let out as his grip in your hair tightened. He looked so pretty like this, all you wanted to do was please him, so you steadily sped up your pace anticipating seeing that look of just pure euphoria wash over him once more. 
You were hellbent on getting him to cum in your mouth and you knew he was close, you could tell by his moans getting more desperate, and how he subtly held your head down making sure you wouldn’t leave. You were waiting for the moment, so close, but as you were sure he was right about to cum suddenly you felt him pull you off. 
You looked up at him confused as you saw him try and calm himself down. What was going on? Isn’t this what he wanted? 
You were not left confused for long as Jungkook shakily got up, you at eye level with his cock, shiny from your antics as precum leaked from the tip. You felt his hand cup your chin forcing you to look up at him. 
Jungkook was staring down at you, his lip tucked between his teeth as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip. 
“So fucking pretty…” He sighed as he looked at your delicate features staring up at him. So fucking pretty and you were all his. He wanted to absolutely ruin you.
“Wanna fuck your mouth baby~” He said so softly, his tone almost not matching at all with what he was asking. You felt his thumb reach into your mouth slightly to open your mouth a little wider. 
Your attention went back down to his cock right in front of your face, the way his tattooed hand came up and started stroking it slowly as he moved a little closer to your mouth. Your whole body ached with need, wanting this man inside you immediately. 
“Is that ok?” He shakily asked. 
Instead of responding, you nodded your head slowly leaning in a little closer so your lips brushed against the tip. You enjoyed the whimper you got out of him as a result. 
“Eeeehh— Open your mouth— I mean open your mouth please, fuck!” Jungkook moaned and you instantly followed his command and he moved his hand so it was resting on your head and he guided you straight to his cock as you slowly took him. 
“Ohhhh, yes, yes, yes…” He sighed the minute he saw the last inch disappear into your mouth. You could feel his hand on your head start to shake lightly, and you could only figure he must be close.
Jungkook slowly pulled his hips back before shakily thrusting back in. He was trying to be gentle but your mouth and this fucking enchantment made that almost impossible. 
You felt so good around him and the way you were looking at him as he stared down into your eyes… he was so close. 
He sped up slightly. 
That sensation quickly returned, the overwhelming feeling quickly boiled over into a blinding white light, so so good. He had to force his eyes to stay open as he watched himself cum in your mouth. He wanted to see. 
You let him recover before pulling off eventually. 
Jungkook didn’t let the peace carry on for long before he was pulling you onto your feet and even quicker were you pressed against the dresser behind you as Jungkook kissed you hungrily. 
“You— you sure you want to keep going?” You asked in between his kisses. You were honestly baffled he hadn’t collapsed yet, but that enchantment was all to thank for that. 
“Yes— can’t stop.” He really couldn’t, this enchantment already having that craving back faster than ever and with an intensity that he couldn’t imagine as somehow worse. Jungkook wasn’t done yet with you at all, this was still just the beginning. 
He made the point clear by pulling you back with him so you both fell back on the bed. Jungkook didn’t waste any time as he wrapped your legs around his waist and he was hurriedly leaning over so he could kiss you. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. You wanted him and you knew you were just on the cusp of feeling him inside you. You got even more excited when you felt him tugging on your shorts. 
“Are you serious?!” Jungkook exclaimed as he struggled to get them down once again. They were just comfy shorts you threw on, hoping these might be a little easier to deal with than your jean shorts from earlier, but it seems you thought wrong.
Jungkook got frustrated and instead focused on pulling up your shirt and helped you get it over your head and you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room. You didn’t think too much of it, ready to finally get naked and busy, that is until you noticed his gaze locked on your chest.
You were about to question him, but his hand quickly came up and started massaging the softness. Oh. 
You moaned softly as his thumb flicked over the nipple before leaning forward a little more and sucking it. You were a bit taken aback by his actions, but Jungkook’s eager mouth was quick at pulling you back in the moment. 
“Can’t wait to see you covered with whipped cream.” He mumbled softly, but his eyes weren’t on yours. You honestly had no idea what he was talking about or if he was speaking to you or your boobs? 
“Baby, what are you talking about?” You chuckled slightly, running your hands through his soft hair. 
“Our plans for tomorrow, wish they were for now but— ughh— Y/n, need you please.” His gaze finally met your own and he made sure to accentuate with a firm thrust. 
You were about to say something when you felt his hand travel down your body again and tug on your short strings. You hoped this time he would manage to get them down your legs, but you could sense the growing frustration at the fact he couldn’t even untie the little bow you made. 
“Why?! Why can’t I—?!” The more he pulled the worse the knot he had created got tighter, this enchantment seemingly making his brain all scrambled. 
As funny as it was to watch, you were more eager for what was going to happen next so you pushed him away slightly so you could finally shimmy your shorts down your legs. 
Jungkook looked at you thankful for the help and his whole body seemingly cried when your shorts and panties were gone and flung across the room. Seeing you naked, fuck, he’s wanted you like this all day. As much as he wanted to feel you around him, Jungkook was more interested in pleasing you. 
You expected him to get back on top but he laid back over on your side and started ushering you over on top of him. 
“What’s this about?” You wondered. 
“Sit on my face.” He was blunt but the enchantment allowed for nothing more. You were a little shocked once again he was still finding it in him to take care of you when he’s like this, but were you really? This was Jungkook you’re talking about, the guy who thrives on your pleasure. 
You laughed slightly, but quickly obeyed his wish and moved so you were hovering over his mouth. 
You gripped your headboard tight when you felt his hands come up to stroke your thighs as you slowly lowered yourself over his mouth, worried about squishing his head. Jungkook was quick at pushing those worries aside as he pulled you down to eagerly start lapping between your drenched folds. 
You weren’t at all prepared, your back arching and a moan escaping your lips before you could stop it. 
Even in a state like this Jungkook made sure to remind you he knew your body well after years spent together. 
“Jungkook— fuck, fuck yes—“ You groaned when he used his tongue to circle your clit, occasionally sucking on it. Your whole body was on fire, if someone was watching they might have also thought you had eaten some of the enchanted waffles along with him at how desperate you seemed.  
Truth is, you missed, you missed him so much. You had missed him all week, long hours keeping you both apart even before enchantment came into effect. You missed him all day today, you were stuck downstairs as you thought about what might have happened if you had opened the bathroom earlier, what if Jungkook had fucked you on the counter, what if you agreed to stay in bed with him. All of the possibility was dwarfed by how hot you were thinking about what actually happened. Trapped downstairs on the phone with the fifth tech support person trying to help you with your order, all you could think about was your boyfriend’s pretty ass cock and how much you wanted to be pounded into oblivion right then and there for the guy on the phone to hear. 
You’ve been hot all day. As hard as you knew this was for Jungkook, it almost felt like you were being punished being forced to watch. 
Having him like this, below you, eating you out like his life depended on it made you so fucking hot. 
When your thighs started to get a bit shaky, you finally looked down at him a little surprised to see his dazed gaze on you. You happily took one of your hands off the head board and let them tangle into his long brown locks. 
You felt the subtle vibrations of the way he moaned. You watched as one of his hands that was gripping onto your thighs let go and hastily reached downward. Curious, you broke away from his gaze and to turn behind you and you felt a whole new fire light inside you at the sight of him hurriedly pumping his cock. 
You quickly turned back down to him and noticed his eyes had glossed over, this whole thing apparently getting to him more than you thought. 
Suddenly you were back in the moment and was painfully aware of the skilled work of your boyfriend's tongue, playing with your clit, licking between your folds, and even into your hole. You knew you would cum soon at this rate. 
“Are you enjoying this that much?” You teased breathlessly, moving your hips in a way that the new angle had your grinding against the tip of his nose. Fuck.
His attention shifted back to you, albeit still dazed. 
You gripped onto his hair tighter when he didn’t answer, even though how could he with your pussy in his mouth. You watched intently as the way his eyes started rolling back. Hot. 
You weren’t in the mood for games, you just wanted to fucking cum at this point. 
“Fuck Jungkook, you’re so good to me always. Love you.” It was a hasty confession as your attention turned towards chasing the high that’s been dangled in front of you all day. 
Jungkook seemed to speed up at the praise. It didn’t take long for that built up tension to finally snap when you cried out as you experienced one of the most toe-curling, mind numbing orgasms you’ve ever had. 
Jungkook gave you no time to recover though, because even after he worked you through it and you started to lift up, he showed no signs of stopping. 
You looked down at him and he nodded up at you, needing no words to explain.
He wanted to watch again, have you cum all over his face one more time. You were so sensitive, confused at the blissful sting of overstimulation, but still extremely turned on because holy fucking shit was this hot. 
Jungkook quickly had you back to that point where that feeling was back all too soon and you were crying out once more and your orgasm hit you faster than a freight train. 
Your brain didn’t know how to comprehend what happened as you sat there for a second, letting your heart and breathing calm down. What just happened? You felt fuzzy all over, loved, comforted, and—
Jungkook’s hand suddenly fell from your thigh as you finally looked down once again. You were delighted to see the fucked out expression, his eyes were closed and you cooed internally at the way his eyelashes tickled his cheeks. He was so pretty. His brows were furrowed as the hand that had long left your thigh continued to move. That’s when you remembered what you saw last time. 
You turned around and was shocked to see the cum covering his toned stomach, but he was still harder than ever. Suddenly you were hot all over again. 
You turned back to Jungkook once more, noticing how pained his delicate expression had gotten. 
“Please, inside…” He finally opened his eyes to look up at you. You also noticed how red he seemed and you wondered if he was just hot, flushed, or was it embarrassment? Maybe all three considering? You could also see how wet his face was, you didn’t know whether that was just you or the tears that had especially collected around his eyes. 
You swung your leg over and took a seat next to him. Jungkook was quick at sitting up and turning toward you, you both just looked at each other before Jungkook got too impatient and hurriedly pulled you into a kiss. 
He was hungry, desperate, and had you breathless by the time he moved you both so you were on your back and he was slotted between your thighs, ignoring the stickiness between you. 
You moaned into the kiss when you felt the steady grind of his cock between your folds. Despite having just come (twice), you still found yourself eager to have him inside you, finally. 
Jungkook pulled away to hurriedly line himself up, ready to finally fucking finally feel you, but just as he was about to push in you remembered something. 
“Wait— Jungkook!” You called and he looked up at you, a little startled. 
“Mhmmm?” He almost sounded like he was drunk, his attention quickly turning back down to your pussy and was entranced at how wet you sounded, his eyes glued to the way his cock looked as he pushed it through the slickness of your folds. 
“Do you think we should use a condom?” You asked, a little concerned. You never typically did these days, but with this enchantment it may be better just in case. 
Jungkook was trying his best to pay attention to your words, but fuck, he was so close and you felt so good. 
“I don’t know if my birth control can go up against this enchantment.” 
“Eghhhh— I don’t mind if you think it’s better. It’s up to you.” His brain was not working, of course he had a preference and that preference was clouding any sort of logical thinking. 
“What— you don’t mind if this gets me pregnant?” You giggled at the comment. 
Jungkook's eyes returned to yours but then back down between you both. “Feel like I could give you octuplets right now.” He chuckled weakly, both trying to joke along with you but he was also incredibly serious, painfully serious.
You just laughed realizing you shouldn’t really be asking him when he’s like this. “Ohhh, that’s just the enchantment talking baby~” You smiled, somehow endeared by his words. 
“I’m serious though, whatever you want to do— but wait, we haven’t used condoms for so long I don’t even remember if I have any left.” He panicked. Just the thought of stopping now made him want to throw something out the window. He felt close already.
“Please hurry baby…” He moaned, trying his best to stay calm but this fucking enchantment was making it very hard.
You sensing the urgency decided to think about this. 
There is no way you wouldn’t end up pregnant from this if you just do nothing— or well, there’s just a great chance. Considering you weren’t enchanted by the waffles maybe that would be enough? You also had no idea anyway if you had any condoms in the room anymore. Maybe you would be fine? You could make your own remedy of sorts in the morning as well just for good measure. 
And would it really be that bad if all that fails? Sure you weren’t at that point of your life where you were ready to start having kids, but this was with Jungkook, not some random guy from a one night stand. If things didn’t go to plan, it wouldn’t be that bad. 
Your judgment was questionable though considering you were just as eager to finally feel him inside you and the way his cock slid over your clit made your mind a little fuzzy. Might you regret it in the morning, maybe, but you would solve that issue when you get there. You had a plan as well so—
“Alright— I have a plan for tomorrow, but just get inside before I lose my mi—” You were hardly able to finish your sentence before Jungkook hurriedly pushed inside you, not even making it in all the way before he buried himself in your neck and let out the most glorious moan as he came inside you.  
You were shocked but you still rubbed his back lightly, trying to help him through it. You could only imagine at this point how intense things have gotten for him, the thought turned you on and for a brief moment considered one day downing three of these waffles and seeing what happens. 
Jungkook eventually pulled away and you immediately noticed the tears that stained his face and quickly brought your hands up to wipe them. 
“Was it good?” You chuckled, but you were starting to get a tad bit concerned seeing how fucked out he was beginning to look. 
He shakily nodded his head. 
“You’re lucky I said yes.” You laughed hoping that would pep him back up back you could tell he was hardly paying any attention to what you were saying.
“S-s-sorry.” His voice was soft and you couldn’t help yourself as you brought him closer to kiss his cheek. The lights were dim in your room, but once your lips touched his skin you finally felt just how wet his face was. 
“It doesn’t hurt right?” You asked immediately as you pulled back.
He shook his head. 
“Feels too good.” He sighed as he steadily started to move his hips again. 
Jungkook was not at all prepared for what it would feel like to be inside you with this enchantment. Maybe he was so sensitive from how many times he’s cum already, or things really have escalated to a point that everything has just become so overwhelming, but the minute he started moving his hips he was rendered speechless. 
The enchantment only seemed to enhance every sensation the warm embrace your walls always gave him. It was so good, you were so good to him. Every sense of his made his brain go haywire, the way you wrapped around him, the way your hands ran along his back, the way you looked up at him as he fucked you, your expression, your eyes alone was enough to get him to cum again. 
He loved you so much. 
“Fuck.” He whispered so quietly he doubted you heard it, he couldn’t say it any louder even if he wanted to. Despite the odd circumstances and how frustrating the day has been, being here with you like this made it all worth it. 
Jungkook didn’t even realize how much his eyes had watered up until your expression started to shift to worry when you brought your hand up to wipe his face. 
“Fuck— Jungkook are you sure you’re ok?” You asked, once again concerned. 
“Mhmmmm, good, so good. Don’t wanna cum yet, wanna make you feel good too.” He cried. He was desperate to make you feel even an ounce of what he did. His pace had remained painfully slow, knowing the minute he sped up it’d be over. 
“This feels good— don’t worry baby this is about you, ok?” You smiled up at him. It was meant to be reassuring but it only made him feel worse. 
Jungkook picked up the pace and relished in your delighted moans and the sound of the bed frame creaking at your escapades. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming, that feeling, that need to fill you up once more became harder to ignore. 
He tried his best to distract himself by kissing you hastily but that only seemed to make things worse. It was just so good. 
“Oh— oh go—“ 
It felt like he was hit with a train the way his orgasm knocked him so suddenly, somehow it was even more intense than before. It felt like a fervor dream, he was delirious, and maybe it was this enchantment, but as he coated your walls with his cum there was some strange part in him that wanted all this to get you pregnant. 
It was a guilty confession that he knew he would regret later, but it’s what fueled him despite how exhausted his body felt to flip you over so you were on your hands and knees so he could do it again. 
The position gave him a great view of your ass, and he cursed to himself quietly as watched the way it’d jiggle anytime he pushed into you. 
“So—so good Jungkook…” You whined. 
“Close?” Was all he could ask and you hurriedly nodded. 
Jungkook’s hand quickly came down to smack your ass and gripped on the soft mounds hard, loving the way you moaned for him. As much as he’s enjoyed the thought about whipped cream all over your titties all day, your ass will always be his favorite. 
Jungkook felt your walls tighten around his cock and he knew you were close. 
He pulled you close so your back was against him, the new angle allowing him to fuck into you easily, while his hand went down to rub your clit and his mouth kissed your neck.
The position had him reaching spots inside you that made your mind go blank as you soon felt him fill you up once again, but he didn’t stop until you were soon cumming all over his cock. 
You were hardly able to recover before Jungkook was pulling out of you and laying down only to usher you so you were hovering over his cock. He looked up at you with pleading eyes, and it didn’t take much to figure out what he was asking from you. 
You were already starting to get a little tired and barely coming off your last orgasm you still found it in yourself to sink down onto his length once again. You felt his hands come up and grip your hips tightly as you began to slowly move. 
You also surprised yourself with the fact that you were keeping up with him, no enchantment fueling your efforts, just your love for this idiot who ate your waffles.
You marveled at his soft sighs of pleasure and how beautiful he looked. He had grown more quiet like back in the kitchen and just by the look on his face you knew things had really gotten intense. You could only imagine, you’re not even sure how many times he’s cum at this point.
“You’re so pretty baby~” You breathlessly confessed and he let out a strained moan as one of his hands moved up to play with one of your tits. For some reason you knew he was close once again.
“You’re gonna cum again for me baby?” You asked but you knew. You noticed his eyes started getting watery again, tears falling from his eyes.
“Y-yes.” He strained and you could hardly hear him.
You decided to speed up a little, not wanting to drag this out for him. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of his cock filling you up, focusing on keeping a steady rhythm. It wasn’t too long after you started losing yourself in the pleasure that you felt his grip on your hips tighten before you heard Jungkook out a moan as his eyes rolled back and you felt him fill you up once again. 
You smiled but Jungkook was quick at moving you so you laid on your side, your back against his chest before he was entering you from behind. He didn’t move for a little while and it was then that you were able to look over at his nightstand to see the time. 
Almost there.
Jungkook also noticed that this was finally about to come to an end and knew he wanted to make the most of it. One more time. 
Jungkook grabbed ahold of your thigh and lifted it up so your leg could rest ontop of his so he could fuck into you easier and slowly started to move. 
“One more time.” He sighed, kissing your neck.  
He wasn’t talking about himself. Four minutes at this point was enough time for cum at least twice, but he was thinking about you. He wanted– no, needed to feel you cum around his cock once more. 
Jungkook quickly found a good pace and reached around to find your clit once again. 
You moaned for him, not honestly thinking you could cum again, but Jungkook always had a way of proving you wrong because you quickly felt that growing need once again. 
It was so good, he was so good. Being close like this, his length buried deep inside, his fingers on your clit, his lips on your skin, you felt so loved and still being a little sensitive from your last orgasm you felt so close so quickly.
As much as he wanted to wait until you were closer, the way your walls were gripping made him spill into you quicker than he liked but he never faltered, speeding up instead determined to make you cum around him before midnight.
“Fuck, fuck please baby–” He pleaded and you cried. 
You were close, so fucking close. 
With a couple more thrusts you felt that blinding surge of pleasure spread through your whole body and moaned his name as he somehow gave you your fourth orgasm of the day. It hit Jungkook as well, your orgasm suddenly having him spilling into you once again. 
It was a blissful end. 
Jungkook shakily worked you both through the waves of pleasure as the clock changed to 12:00. Instead of this neverending sea of desire Jungkook had been swimming in all day, the calm silence of that relief was slowly gifted to him as well. 
You both just sat there trying to collect yourselves because– woah. Despite the circumstances this definitely was a night to remember. 
The longer you laid there the more you just wanted to head to bed but you were sweaty, covered in cum, and your room was still a mess. After a little while you finally found the motivation to pry yourself away from Jungkook’s warm embrace. When you turned around you were a little shocked, or well not that shocked, to see his eyes closed and seemingly asleep already.
You didn’t blame him, honestly surprised he didn’t fall out sooner than this. 
You were about to jump out of the bed to start your shower when you felt a hand on your wrist, stopping you. 
“Don’t leave me please…” His eyes were still closed and he sounded so drowsy. You leaned in closer and pushed the hair out of his face, the ends noticeably damp. 
“What’s that baby?”
“Don’t leave.” He looked up at you. The only thing on Jungkook’s mind was falling asleep with you in his arms.
“I don’t want to get up either, but I was just going to shower and maybe get started a little bit on all the laundry–” 
“Don’t leave.” He said once again.
You leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. “I promise to be back soon ok, you’ll probably be asleep by the time I get back anyway.” 
“But I want you with me…” He pouted. 
“You can come join me in the shower if you want.” You suggested. 
“Tirreeeedddd, can’t this wait till morning.” He sighed and you couldn’t help but giggle. He always gets really baby when he’s sleepy. 
“I’ll be back ok~” You reassured him and headed for the bathroom.
As tired as he was, unlike the last time he went to sleep, Jungkook wanted to make sure you’d be in his arms when he wakes up. Despite how everything and everywhere in his body ached, he still found himself joining you in the bathroom. 
You were shocked but found your cheeks warming when you saw him groggily walk into the bathroom to join you. 
You didn’t want to make the shower take too long, he was tired and you were as well and you had laundry to start. Jungkook was hardly awake, almost falling over a couple times as the warm water fell over you both. 
When you went to shampoo his hair and gently massaged his scalp, even in his delirious state he almost felt teary. This was so nice, you were so so good to him.
“Y/n…” He quietly got your attention. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“What for?” You couldn’t hide your confusion at what he could possibly be apologizing for.
“I’ve been a burden all day, ate those waffles, made things hard for you. I’m sorry.” His brain was hardly working, but he’s felt bad about this all day. 
“It’s alright, I should have gotten a fridge for the shop already anyway.” You laughed. “And you haven’t been a burden alright, today was fun!” You weren’t lying, you definitely had fun today. 
Jungkook smiled and pulled you in for a hug, not wanting at all to let go. Not now, not ever. 
You both eventually made it out of the shower and the minute Jungkook got his clothes on he collapsed onto the bed, sleep becoming too much to fight at this point. You had managed to wiggle the sheets out underneath him, still being visibly damp from earlier.
You went ahead and grabbed everything else and took it to the laundry room, but after seeing how much you had to do, ultimately decided it may just be best to save it for the morning like Jungkook suggested. The shower made you sleepy so instead you went to bring out your thick blanket.
When you got to the room you were a little surprised to find Jungkook sitting up on the bed, looking half out of it. 
“I thought you fell asleep already?” You giggled as you went over to caress his cheek. 
“Mmmm, wanted you here. Can’t fall asleep yet.” He sighed, nuzzling into your hand. 
You took the hint and made quick work on tossing the blanket out over the bed, grabbing the pillows that were on the floor, and climbing into bed with your boyfriend.
As soon as you got in the bed, turned off the lights, and got you both situated he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. It probably didn’t take even a minute before you heard his light snores and you were sure it didn’t take long after that for you to join. 
What a day.
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“You think anyone will believe this?” You asked after he clicked the post button. 
“Probably not, but that’s the point. Feels good to talk about these things though.” Jungkook smiled, his heart warm from reminiscing all day. 
You smiled and hugged him. 
“Alright, I’ve been here long enough, I have classes to get to.” You sighed, hopping up from the bed. “I’ll be back from the shop before 6 so I can do dinner today.” You kissed his cheek and was about to run off to put on your shoes, but Jungkook grabbed your hand. 
He looked down at your intertwined fingers, imagining once again that ring he saw in the shop earlier on your finger, how pretty it would look until you both got matching bands. He was feeling a little too sentimental at the thought and how much he wished it was already on your finger. 
“Ummmm, watcha doing?” You asked, noticing him staring at your hand. 
“Ermm– sorry.” He leaned down and kissed your hand. “Be back soon ok, miss you already.” He sighed, hating that you had to leave him on his day off. 
You leaned down and kissed his lips, Jungkook wholeheartedly melting into the kiss, thinking about what it might be like to kiss you like this on your wedding day. 
You pulled away with a big smile on your face. 
“Oh right! Don’t forget to take the broom over to my mom’s, he’s really been missing her these days.” 
Jungkook groaned. “You know your broom hates me, it’ll take forever just to get him out of the room.” He recounted the last time he was responsible for taking your broom out. 
“Cmoonnn you guys need some bonding time anyway, and plus my mom also wanted to see you as well so… good luck.” You said as you left the room. 
“Alright, come back soon! I’m making bulgogi tonight!” He yelled out to you and he quickly heard you running back and giving him another hug before running out the room again. 
“Bye!” You called out, before the door closed behind you, leaving Jungkook alone. 
How this was his life was still a mystery to him as well, who gets to say they need to take their girlfriend’s broom out? 
Who gets to say they need to take their fiance’s broom out?
Who gets to say they need to take their wife’s broom out?
Jungkook’s face flushed at the thought. Maybe this trip won’t be so bad? He had something he needed to ask your mom anyway.
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
playboys & pancakes | jjk
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⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au
⛓️summary: When your fuckboy model friend Park Jimin returns from Paris, Jungkook can't help but feel a little jealous and protective over you even though the two of you aren't technically dating yet.
⛓️word count: 2.6k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, dirty talk, oc is a lil brat, boy gets jealous🤭, soft cuddling, jimin is a tattooed fuckboy, no explicit smut in this drabble
⛓️p&p masterlist⛓️
a/n: this was a cute lil drabble request for jealous!jjk!! if you make it all the way to the end, there ✨might✨ be a special teaser... lmk if yall would be interested👀
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In the middle of class, Jungkook stares at the seat next time him where you’re busy giggling and texting away for some unknown reason. He’s dying to know the context so he can use it against you later to see that pretty smile once more.
“Hey you,” you whisper, leaning over in his direction. It’s rare for the two of you to talk in the classroom since you both agreed it was best to lay low about whatever the fuck this is between you and him. It must be something urgent. “Do you know any cute girls who are single right now?”
Jungkook just blinks at you in utter disbelief. You’re already sick of him, aren’t you? You’d rather fool around with some cute girl than fuck some loser who makes her finish her homework a week before it’s due. Well shit. It was fun while it lasted.
“Asking for a friend,” you add. Not helping, by the way. Could you make it any more obvious that you’re trying to break off this… arrangement between you and him? “My friend said he’s down bad.”
You flash your phone screen in Jungkook’s face for him to read what you were presumably giggling about earlier.
Jimin🍄 [10:46AM] “A what tattoo?!🥵🍆”
Jimin🍄 [10:46AM] “Btw please tell me you know a cute girl who is as down bad as I am”
Jimin🍄 [10:47AM] “Paris was not as romantic as they make it out to be”
Y/N✨ [10:48AM] “hold on lemme ask the dilf”
The dilf has a lot of questions. The first being, “You have friends?” He’s mostly just teasing you for lacking genuine friendships despite being so popular, but this is the first time he’s heard you talk about a friend that wasn’t him.
“He’s a friend from high school,” you explain. “He’s been studying abroad for the past few years and just got back yesterday. I’m letting him crash at my place this weekend so we can catch up.”
Hmm. Jungkook wasn’t planning on sharing you with anyone this weekend, but this is a much better scenario than you outright abandoning him for someone else. In fact, he might even know just the right person to satisfy your friend’s needs.
“And why are you calling me a dilf—” 
He never gets an answer because the professor calls on you to answer a question on the board. You glance up and give the correct answer with no hesitation despite the distractions next to you and on your phone. Your nerdy side is just as attractive as your bubbly personality. 
He’s so lucky to have a girl like you.
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“Jimin wants to have brunch with you tomorrow, by the way,” you say on Friday night as you snuggle closer to Jungkook on the couch. It’s one of those rare wholesome nights at his place where you aren’t dripping in pleasure, moaning your little heart out with him inside you. “I told him you’d hook him up with a baddie and now he wants to interrogate you to make sure you have good taste.”
“I think I have pretty good taste.” He looks right at your cute naked face with no makeup on. You’re also borrowing one of his oversized tees and using it as a nightshirt. Obviously, he has amazing taste.
“So you’ll come?” Your smile is so bright. How could he ever say no to that? “We can meet up with him there and go to my place after.”
“Sure,” he says. Besides, he’d like to see this Jimin guy for himself. From what you’ve said about him, he seems like a cool dude studying fashion design. But it’s also kind of fucked up that your closest friend abandoned you here without anyone else to rely on for all those years apart. It’s shitty to think how alone you must’ve felt until the two of you started talking barely a month ago.
“Cool, I think you’ll get along with him,” you yawn into his chest while twirling his hair around your finger. Thank god he decided to let his hair grow out so you could play with it as much as you want. “He’s like you but friendlier and fuckboy-ish.”
“If he’s friendly and fuckboy-ish, how is that like me?” Jungkook isn’t picking up what you’re putting down. He doesn’t like the sound of the fuckboy part, either.
“He has a lot of tattoos and a cute face, but he’s kind of mean in a teasing way. Just like you.” The twirling is slowing down. “A lot of people say he’s super attractive too.”
You reach for your phone that somehow ended up on the other side of the boy and pull up Jimin’s Instagram. Jungkook studies the page and clicks on a pic of your friend all suited up in Dior. Damn. Not only is he handsome, but he also knows how to pose and look good in photos. You kind of left out the part about him being an actual model.
Of course you have another attractive guy friend who enjoys teasing you. Of course this guy happens to be staying with you while he’s “down bad.” And of course Jeon Jungkook is not going to let himself feel a certain way about it.
The next morning, Jungkook wakes up to your arms wrapped around his waist as you’re still snoozing away on the couch. Very carefully, he peels your arms away one at a time, hops out of the blanket, and gives you his sleepy kitten to hold onto in place of him. You make this cute little whiny sound as you cuddle the cat.
Successful in leaving you undisturbed, the boy heads to his room and opens his sorry excuse of a closet. The majority of his wardrobe is just basic shit like hoodies, plain tees, ripped jeans, and sweats for the gym. He’s never really put a whole lot of thought into his fashion, but he woke up this morning with an urge to look somewhat good for brunch. It totally has nothing to do with that fashion model friend of yours.
After a good ten minutes of contemplation, he eventually goes with a nice crewneck and one of the few pairs of black jeans that aren’t all torn up. It’s just brunch anyway.
By then, you’ve woken up and thrown on that pretty beige sundress you left behind a few weeks ago. He’d conveniently washed it for you when he was doing a light load. Now you smell like his lavender laundry soap.
When the two of you get to the brunch place, you claim a booth and wait for Jimin to arrive. Your arm brushes against his as you flap through the menu. The booth is pretty spacious, and yet you’re sitting that close to him. He doesn’t mind, of course.
“I’m gonna get the pink strawberry waffles… but the chocolate banana pancakes look really good, too.” You point at the pictures like a child. “What about you?”
“Chocolate banana pancakes.” He didn’t have his mind made up until that very moment. You’re always stealing his food off his plate these days anyway. He might as well pick something you’ll enjoy.
“Ooh, good, now I can try it too,” you sing. Called it.
“Never said I was sharing,” Jungkook shakes his head. You both know he’s bluffing.
“What do I have to do for a taste?” you ask so innocently while leaning your soft tits against his arm. “Do you want me to get down on my hands and knees and suck dad—”
“Hi Y/N, hey Jungkook.” Your handsome model friend slides into the other side of the booth and interrupts your enticing proposal. Your eyes light up in a way Jungkook has never seen before.
“Jimin!” you smile.
“Hey,” Jungkook adds, a lot less enthusiastic than you. Of course Jimin is even better looking in person.
After ordering, you ask Jimin to spill the deets on his Paris adventures. In addition to an internship, he also did in fact spend some time modeling for a few luxury brands. Now that he’s back home, he’s planning on taking it easy for a bit before moving forward with fashion design. 
So that’s why he’s asking for a baddie to kill time with. He can have anyone he wants as long as it’s not you.
As the two friends catch up, Jungkook notices the way you lean forward toward the other boy and laugh at nearly everything he says—although to be fair, he is a pretty funny and charming guy. That’s the kind of guy that would complement your playful personality so well.
The food comes shortly after, and you stare intensely at Jimin’s French toast even though you have a pretty pink waffle right in front of you and Jungkook’s pancakes right beside you.
“Really? The guy who just got back from France ordered French toast?” you snicker, turning to Jungkook to get him on your side. He chuckles, but only because you’re cute when you’re being mischievous.
“Would you like some, Y/N?” Jimin waves off your silliness. He must be used to it because it hardly affects him the way it affected Jungkook.
“Yes, please.” You cut off a small piece of French toast and go in for a taste. It gets not one but two thumbs up from you.
“Still a foodie, I see,” Jimin observes. You nod. He must’ve been the one you were dragging around to different food places back in high school. But now that’s Jungkook’s job, and he’d like to keep it that way.
So Jungkook waits. He waits patiently for you to ask for a taste of his food. After all, he ordered the chocolate banana pancakes with you in mind.
But instead, you’re minding your own business and digging into your pink waffle. Weren’t you offering a whole blowjob for a taste of his pancakes a little while ago? Now you suddenly don’t want it because he’d joked about not sharing it? This is stressing him out more than it should. 
You turn and catch the boy next to you aggressively sawing through his pile of pancakes with his butter knife. Hopefully you don’t pick up on his distress.
“Are the pancakes goo—” Before you can finish your question, a few freshly cut pancake pieces are plopped onto your plate beside the pink waffle.
“You said you wanted to try it, didn’t you?” Jungkook tries his best to sound nonchalant about the whole ordeal. 
Your Surprised Pikachu face quickly turns into a smug look. “Thought you weren’t sharing,” you hum as you indulge in the moist chocolatey delight. At the same time, your free hand casually runs along the boy’s inner thigh and gives it a squeeze under the table. Playing innocent might be part of your personality, but you know exactly what you’re doing to him. “The pancakes are yummy, by the way.”
Still, your touch is as much of a comfort as it is a turn-on.
“So, are you still interested in the hot girl Jungkook knows?” you ask Jimin. Jungkook hasn’t even shown you a pic of the girl, and yet you’re already hyping her up. You also aren’t aware that it’s someone he’s slept with in the past, but he’ll address that another time.
“Listen, when I said I was down bad,” Jimin lowers his voice, “I meant I need to get laid as soon as possible.”
“Damn, what happened in Paris? Who hurt you?” you frown as you take a big sip of coffee.
“I’ll spill the tea later,” he sighs. Looks like it’s still a touchy subject.
To lift the other boy’s spirit a little, Jungkook pulls up an Instagram page filled with a ton of colorful floral tattoos. If you scroll down enough, you might even find a few pics of his tattoos there too.
“She’s a tattoo artist.” He rolls up his sleeve and points out a few floral pieces that match the style from the Instagram page. “She doesn’t really post pics of herself, but she probably has more tattoos and piercings than me.”
“And she’s hot,” you add in even though that’s already been established.
“I’ll ask if she’s free.” Jungkook pulls up her contact info and shoots her a message. She responds right away.
Jungkook🐍 [11:39AM] “Do you have time for a walk-in today?”
Jungkook🐍 [11:39AM] “I know a guy who’s interested in you”
???🌼 [11:40AM] “😳”
Jungkook🐍 [11:40AM] “interested in your tattoos**”
???🌼 [11:40AM] “😔”
???🌼 [11:41AM] “todays been slow pls send him my way thx”
???🌼 [11:41AM] “tell him he gets a discount if hes cute”
“Yeah she’s free right now,” Jungkook says, trying to keep a straight face. “I’ll give you the address to her studio.”
“Ooh, perfect,” you squeak at Jimin who still doesn’t look completely sold on the whole thing. “You can scout it out as soon as we’re done here.”
“Wait, are you sure it’s okay? I know I said I needed this asap, but I’m mostly here to visit you,” he says.
“Well, now that you’re back from overseas, we can hang out anytime. I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him, downing the rest of your coffee. You’re such a good friend. “And besides, it could be life-changing sex waiting for you at the tattoo shop.”
Jimin nods at your encouragement. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’ll go.”
“Good.” You slide your ass right over Jungkook’s lap to get out of the booth. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t lean into it a little. “Be right back. I drank too much liquid.”
With you off to the bathroom, Jungkook sits alone across from the other boy. It always gets awkward when the mutual friend disappears. What are they supposed to talk about now that you’re gone?
“So… are you two, like, dating…?” Jimin wastes no time in addressing the elephant in the room. “Y/N always avoids the question whenever I ask.”
“What makes you ask?” The question is mostly to stall time until you get back, but Jungkook is also curious to know what you’ve said about him.
“The way she talks about you makes it seem like you guys are married,” he chuckles. Wow, he has a charming eye smile too. Jungkook would’ve been threatened by that level of charm, but he seems to have already let go of that feeling. “She told me you’re raising a kitten together and that you’re always scolding or spoiling it like a true dilf—her words, not mine. She won’t shut up about how you’ll make a good dad one day.”
At least he knows where the dilf propaganda comes from now. He’ll admit it’s a lot more wholesome than he thought. You really do just gush about him to your best friend. Maybe you feel the same way he does when it comes to this unestablished relationship between you and him. 
Maybe you also want something more.
When you return, you finish up your food, split the bill, and send Jimin on his way to the tattoo studio. Hopefully, it goes well for him. Not because Jungkook is worried the other boy might turn around and try something funny on you, but because he wants any friend of yours to experience the same type of feelings he feels when he’s with you. Damn. He wasn’t expecting to get all gushy this weekend, but he’s not going to fight it either.
“What’d you guys talk about while I was in the bathroom?” you ask on the way back to the car.
“Not much,” Jungkook shrugs. “Just about you calling me a dilf.”
“Oh no, I feel so exposed,” you whine in your favorite sarcastic tone. Then you turn to him and bat your lashes. Brat. “Am I wrong, though?”
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a/n: okay i dont normally put notes like this at the end of my fics, but im gonna tease a potential jimin spinoff💖 lmk what you guys think!
⛓️pairing: model!jimin x tattooartist!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, fwb2l, possible angst (??)
⛓️summary: After breaking up with your on-and-off boyfriend for hopefully the last time, an old fling sends his handsome model friend to your tattoo studio. And apparently, he’s as done with love as you are.
⛓️warnings: jimin & oc are both heartbroken and starved for sex (as you might have noticed from this drabble lol), oc is an actual baddie with tattoos everywhere and a belly piercing, there will be a lot more warnings if i decide to go through with this!
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
Lmao I'm rly fucking tired and accidentally almost posted this ask on my account for some reason instead of as an ask before I caught myself haha but anyways
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Hehe so based on this google result about dogs, I was wondering about a drabble with sweet tooth jk buying or giving oc a plushie a few days or so after the first night as a way to comfort/distract her? Maybe he suggests she hold (or him lol) it if she feels lonely. Ur so cool and hope ur feeling good 🫶🫶🫶
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Yoongi knows exactly what Jungkook is doing, even if the dog hybrid himself is unaware. You don't seem to realize it either- only Jimin is suspecting something going on as the dog hybrid watches with a wagging tail how you hold the soft lion plush close to you, one hand absentmindedly feeling the soft fabric of the short legs of it.
The lion isn't new at all. It's his- and he's been doing these things for a while now, ever since the camping trip.
Everytime you come over to Yoongis and Jungkook's place, he either drops one of his few plushies in your lap, or attempts to gain your attention in other ways- typically by taking you outside into the garden to look at the fruits he's growing.
You think it's cute- but you fail to really spot the underlying meaning of it.
Though, it's the same way the other way around- Jimin having noticed the way you sometimes push yourself into his side randomly when sitting next to him. Other times, like right now with the lion pillow, he can clearly see your hands grabbing the plush toy, before opening your palms again, just to dig your fingers back in.
And there's also, of course, your typical cat-behavior; from knocking stuff down just to catch Jungkook's attention back on you, to blatantly sitting on his lap even when he's clearly doing something.
"Jungkook likes her." Yoongi says to Jimin next to him, as they watch you push your shoulder into Jungkook's side, who's currently showing you a video on his phone.
"I mean, she seems to like him too. That was what we hoped for, right?" Jimin wonders, having to stiffle a small laugh under his breath when Jungkook has to lift his arms a bit, eyes wide open in surprise while you stubbornly climb into his lap, halfway leaning on him now, tail happily curled around you before you resume watching. The dog hybrid checks in with Jimin for a second with his big round eyes, before he seems to relax again, carefully positioning his arms again to resume the video.
"Hmhm. Though I think they like each other a bit more than we thought they would." The oldest human laughs, shaking his head before he resumes his cooking.
"Wait, you think-" Jimin starts, a bit caught off guard.
"It's pretty obvious. He's definitely head over heels for her, poor guy." He chuckles, turning the steaks in the pan. He's happy for Jungkook- you don't seem like a genuinely bad person at all, after all, you've started to become awfully soft for the dog hybrid, despite what you're saying and trying to portray with your acting.
Jimin, however, doesn't really know what to think. He's so used to your attention always being on him, that he feels a bit lost now. Do you not like him any longer? And if that's the case, can he himself deal with that?
He doesn't want to choose between Yoongi and you. Why can't he have you both?
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jeonqkooks · 8 months
First of all - I love obs so fcking much 🥹 Your writing is truly just.. chefs kiss!!
But I would really like to see how they handled their first big argument/fight (if they had one ofc), after they started dating
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our beloved summer; a drabble
You fucked up.
You know it. Jungkook knows it. Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok know it.
You fucked up.
You were scared, and so naturally, that made you stupid.
Now here you stand, in front of his door, wondering whether you should knock or leave. Patch things up or make things worse. You don’t know if this is one of those times where you should let him cool off and everything will be okay again in the morning, or if it’ll blow up if you let him simmer for too long.
You’ve been dating for almost a year, and not once has your boyfriend looked so dejected.
Because of what you said, and in front of all your friends, no less. 
It’s not like you and Jungkook have never fought before, because god knows you have. But it’s different this time. What you said was clearly out of line. The words didn’t feel right even as they were sitting on the tip of your tongue, but they jumped out anyway.
The whole group was supposed to spend a cute night together at Taehyung and Jimin’s place, eating cheap pizza and drinking even cheaper liquor. For the most part, it was a nice evening, until Hoseok asked what everybody was doing for Christmas.
You were already chewing on your lip when Jungkook mentioned that he'd be going back to Busan to see his family, because you had a good feeling of what he was teeing up to. By the time he asked if you would come with him to spend the holidays there, your stomach was in knots.
In response, you attempted a joke. A royally disastrous joke.
Because that's what you do. You hide behind nonchalance when big feelings are involved. It’s so easy to fall back into bad habits.
"Are you sure you want to introduce your parents to a girl who might not even be here for that much longer?"
Thinking back, you don't even know what you wanted the punchline to be. You meant it as a dig at yourself, but it didn't quite land that way. The way the guys went completely still, told you that nobody found it funny.
Your friends all stared at you - a question mark etched onto all three faces - then at Jungkook to gauge his reaction.
He blinked, and the hopeful smile from seconds before faltered. "Why is that supposed to mean?”
"I'm just saying, who knows what'll happen.” You shrugged. “There's a very real possibility that I might not spend the next Christmas with you. Hell, we might even break up tomorro-..." you trailed off when you caught Taehyung's eye, who subtly shook his head for you to stop before you could dig an even deeper hole for yourself.
The silence that embraced the room was chilling. Nobody said a word after that, because it was obviously not Taehyung, Jimin, or Hoseok’s place to comment. You watched as your boyfriend’s face fell, as he made himself small, and when you tried to reach for his hand, he stood up. Your fingers grazed his shirt before he slipped away entirely.
“That’s not what I mea-”
“‘Kay.” The single word was directed at you even though Jungkook’s body was facing the guys. "Sorry, uhm..." he said, turning toward the door despite you calling out his name. "I think I'm just gonna head home early."
Then he left, without even looking at you.
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You touch the textured surface of his door, still not sure what you should say if you do decide to knock. Jungkook has been nothing but patient with you all this time, and you’ve been nothing but a coward. What you said tonight... You might as well have flat out told him that you didn't believe in this relationship.
You move away from the door to pace around for the millionth time in the past hour, but you jump when the barrier cracks open, revealing a tired-looking Jungkook on the other side.
“Don’t just stand there anymore,” he says, already retreating back into his home without looking at you. “It’s cold.”
You follow him inside, and close the door quietly behind you. “How did you know I was out there?”
“I could hear you pacing,” he says. For a brief moment, you’re flushed with embarrassment for thinking that you were so stealthy when in fact, he was listening to you the entire time. “And the guys texted asking if you got here okay. Why didn’t you let Tae walk you? It’s late.”
I can take care of myself, you think, but you bite back your default response. Instead, you tell him, “Okay. I won’t do that again.”
“Next time, let them walk with you.”
When Jungkook goes to sit down on the couch, you do the same. But something unfamiliar is there - an invisible wall that is the space between his end of the couch and yours. You don’t dare cross it, not with the way he refuses to turn his head in your direction.
It feels a lot like being shut out, and there isn’t a single part of you that enjoys it. He’s never distant when it’s only the two of you.
Is this how he feels whenever he’s with you? Every time he says I love you and you swerve the sentiment with a much milder and non-committal response, does his heart sink? Even though you love him, and you kiss him like you mean it, does he still feel cold right down to his bones?
It’s not a question of if you love him, but a question of if you’ll say it.
“Why can’t you walk with me next time?” you ask.
He shrugs. “I’m just saying.”
”Are we fighting?” The question comes out with a chuckle in an attempt to brush off the tension, even though this is no laughing matter. 
“I don’t know.” He mutters, more deflated than you expected him to be. “What are we fighting about?”
"I'm sorry," you say, because you don't know how else to start, but you mean it. "I'm really sorry."
You bite your lip, then fumble with your fingers in your lap, twitching with the urge to reach out and touch him. He’s right there but he’s not here. His head is somewhere else, somewhere far away from you. “I didn’t mean it like that. You of all people should know that.”
Jungkook lets you sit in silence for a short while. Two minutes stretch out like two hundred days, excruciatingly endless, and you’re just stuck in the middle of it with no way out. There’s a thought that pops up in the back of your mind, a thought that makes your stomach roll with anxiety.
Is this a countdown?
He finally sighs, the exhale of a deep breath that somehow makes him feel even heavier.
"I know. I do know that. I know you love me too even if you don’t say it in those exact words. But that’s what it sounded like tonight. Sometimes I feel like all you think about is leaving when all I think about is a future with you.”
It turns you inside out, that look on his face. His eyes twinkle sadly, and you feel like shit for being the reason why he looks so dejected.
“I don’t want to say that you’re breaking my heart, because that would mean admitting I love you enough to let you keep doing it.”
Then he breathes in, like he’s bracing himself.
“But I do.”
Even the silence between his words is poignant.
“And you are.”
You don’t know what to say. You’re not good at this.
You’re not sure how Jungkook interprets your stillness, your lack of a verbal response, but he sighs again, quieter this time. Just as you open your mouth - not to speak because you’re still hunting for the right words - he stands up.
Actually, you know what the right words are.
“You know what, we can talk about this in the morning. I’m tired. Let’s just… sleep on it. Take my bed. I’ll take the couch,” he says, then he seems to realize something, like he could read your mind. “But if you want to leave, I won’t force you to stay.”
It means so much more than just that. He knows you understand it.
A way out.
But all it does is make you panic.
When he moves past you, you catch his wrist. “No,” you tell him, “let’s talk about it now.” You don’t know what expression you’re wearing, but it dilutes his anger, softens his hurt.
He looks at you, resigned, but he sits back down. This time, he sits right next to you and that makes you feel better, just by a fraction.
It’s always Jungkook who holds a hand out for you, waiting and wanting but never pushing. When the world is cold and you close in on yourself little by little, he’s always there by your side. You don’t want to admit that you’ve started taking him for granted somewhere along the way, but maybe you have. You get used to hearing those three words but not saying them back.
Thinking that he’ll continue to show up and be here and you won’t have to commit to anything. Thinking that if you don’t seal your fate, then it won’t hurt if it ends.
When it ends.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat. It makes you feel stupid that you're just echoing this for a third time. “I didn’t mean it like that. I want to spend Christmas with you and your parents.”
“You don’t have to do it just because you think I’m upset.”
“I want to spend Christmas with your family, I promise.”
It’s weak, and you hate how you’re all too aware of just how weak of a reassurance it is.
He pokes a tongue into his cheek, eyes still sad, features still gloomy. “It’s okay, you know,” he says. “It’s okay if you want to leave. I’m not going to hold it against you.”
How do you make him understand that you don’t want to leave? That leaving him couldn’t be the furthest thing from your mind?
This isn’t playful banter. This isn’t a silly argument where one of you is shooting daggers from your eyes because the other pissed you off over something stupid and trivial. This is real, and you can’t weasel your way out of this one with finger guns and empty bravado.
As terrifying as it is to tell him those three words, to solidify how you feel, it’s nothing compared to losing him. The mere thought makes your stomach hurt, makes you want to drop to your knees.
You’re frustrated, because they’re sitting right there on the tip of your tongue but they’re stubborn and you’re afraid.
Suddenly, you crawl into his lap like a child and cling to his warmth koala-style, with your face hidden in the crook of his neck. He’s hesitant at first, a tiny bit startled, but then his hands are on your waist, your hips, drawing soothing patterns into your skin over your clothes. Now it feels like you’re the one who needs to be comforted.
You hug him close to your body like you could die if he were to let you go.
You run the words over in your head three times, because once they’re out there, you can’t ever take them back. They’ll be his to keep, for as long as he wants them. Isn’t it scary to think that your heart could belong to someone else, forever?
But he loves you and he tells you just as much. And you love him too. The only difference is you’re a coward.
It’s always the scariest right before you take the leap, right?
His gentle fingers are still soothing you. It feels nice.
Okay, here goes nothing.
For someone who’s highly uninterested in drama, you sure are dramatic.
“I love you.”
The very second you say those words, Jungkook goes still, his hands stopping their ministrations like you’ve frozen him completely. The one thing that isn’t motionless is his heart, hammering against his ribcage which you can feel where your chests are practically pressed together.
You swallow hard, then pull back slowly to gauge his reaction. His eyes well up, and you could probably make fun of him for it if you yourself weren’t on the verge of tears too. Crybaby, that’s what you’d tell him.
“Please mean it,” he says.
“You know I wouldn’t say it unless I mean it, and I mean it. I love you. You know I do.”
He looks at you for a few seconds longer to see if this is real, or if you’re just trying to appease him. There’s no trace of the latter.
He kisses you then, his tears spilling over and now you’re both crying as he picks you up with your body still wrapped around his and carries you blindly to where his bedroom is, clumsily knocking against some furniture on the way. He’s still emotional - in a good way, of course - as he lays you on his bed, as he helps you take off your clothes, as he fucks you nice and slow, like you’re the only thing he worships. When you come undone, you look him in the eye but tonight is the first time that he unravels with your soft voice whispering to him what he’s always dreamed of. 
I love you. A third time. 
The more you say it, the more you love him, and the more you want to keep saying it.
No, the fall isn’t scary. Not when he’s there to catch you in the end. You don’t know how much time you’ve wasted trying to convince yourself otherwise.
Even when you both gravitate toward each other’s warmth under the covers, you don’t tell him goodnight. You tell him you love him.
“Can you say it again in the morning?” he asks.
You kiss him like it’s a promise you intend to keep, because it is. 
“I will.”
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