#jimin fanfic teaser
kingofbodyrolls · 10 months
Coming Home (m) | PJM (teaser)
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It has been posted! 💜
| series masterlist | main masterlist | part one →
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Okay. So I said that I’ve be writing again (been like ten years 🫣). Now I actually have something finished! 🎉I don’t know what happened! I planned to write like 5K words to get back into writing and then boom 40K+ 😆I like the story, but I’m unsure of the theme, but I want to post it anyway, just to celebrate that I finished something. I’ve split it into two chapters, so it’s a two shot with an epilogue. I’m currently editing it and putting my finishing touches on it, so I wanted to post a teaser for fun. So here’s two different snippets from ‘Coming Home’.
Pairing: Jimin x reader (female)
Genre/AU: Best friends to lovers!au, detective!jimin, slice of life, healing after trauma.
Rating: mature/explicit/R18
When your best friend, Park Jimin, who you’ve had a crush on since forever, suggests you stay at his house to heal and find yourself again after a series of traumatizing events had haunted you for years, you don’t hesitate to accept. Within those walls, a safe haven is woven, where wounds can heal and memories find release. As he nurtures your shattered spirit, an unexpected intimacy unfurls, leaving the fragile barrier between friendship and deeper emotions in question - can you keep your feelings hidden?
Word count (for whole series): approx. 43,5K
Dark themes: mention of past abuse and sexual assault (r*pe), trauma, stalking, fighting, trust issues, insecurities, slightly thriller vibes. Other warnings include: angst, fluff, explicit smut (multiple scenes), kissing, cuddling, unprotected sex (better wrap it but, but if you wanna know, she’s on the pill), penetrative sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), slice of lice, healing after trauma (including therapy sessions), guns and blood (only in the beginning and end, and it’s very minor), BIG feelings, protective Jimin, previous character death (a parent), Jimin being soft and loving, self defense, humor.
Disclaimer about warnings
I know nothing about sexual or physical abuse (I only know psychological because I experienced that, not in a sexual context though). This story is fiction, I do not mean to say that this is how one would go through their emotions or handle this situation. This is a delicate and fragile subject, so proceed with caution. I also know nothing about police work or the work in emergency/hospitals.
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Snippet 1
The empty streets seem to stretch endlessly, dim streetlights casting flickering shadows that dance around you. An eerie feeling tightens in your chest - what if he had followed you? Exhaustion gnaws at your limbs as you continue to run, legs turning to jelly beneath you. In the distance, a familiar fence and yard comes into view, you feel a twinge of hope surrounding your heart. You quicken your pace, stumbling forward, almost there. The front door is within reach, and relief wash over you. You slam your body against the door, desperate for refuge. Pain sears through your shoulder, but you hardly notice. Knocking feverishly, you hope someone, anyone, will answer in this dark hour. But the silence that follows only heightens the fear bubbling within you. The wind whispers, carrying with it haunting whispers that seem to echo your own terror.
His eyes snap open, frustration already creeping into his mind. What in the world is going on outside this time? Those blasted drunk teenagers just never seem to learn, do they? Groaning, he begrudgingly leaves the comfort of his bed, fatigue tugging at every step he takes down the hall to the front door. Should he open it and scold them? Or maybe he should just yell from inside? 
“Go home and sleep it off!” he yells, clenching his jaw with irritation. Just as he turns to retreat to his bed, the knocking grows louder and more insistent. He can’t ignore it any longer, and what’s worse, he hears someone crying amidst the chaos. Mortified by the possibility that someone might be hurt, he gives in and opens the door. But what greets him, he had not expected at all. You.
Snippet 2
His pink plush lips, bitten and swollen, kissing you hungrily. His tongue asks permission to enter your mouth, as he rolls his clothed erection against your core. You feel the arousal building so damn fast, you can’t keep up. You tilt your head back, hitting the wall as you let out a frustrated sigh. The room suddenly feels twice as hot as it did before and you are desperate to cool down. In a hurried motion, you lift your hips and pull down both your leggings and pink lace panties. Finally feeling like the temperature is bearable, you open your legs with your pussy on full display. Hissing and panting, your right hand crawls down between your thighs and when you eventually reach your clit, you moan deliriously.
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writingforsimps · 7 months
Midnight Fang - Poly BTS x Reader (Chapter 0.5)
Summary: The werewolves thought they found all their mates. They never imaged they’d met another, let alone that she’d be a vampire.
Warning: Blood, Alcohol, Mate Au Supernatural AU, Poly Au, Unrequited Love, Rejection, angst (Specific Warnings not mentioned will be made in each chapter this is just a small none specific overview)
[Series Masterlist] -> [Prev] - [Next]
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You liked the forest. Trees make only 28% of the oxygen you breathed when you were alive, but the plants and flowers gave a certain life the ocean just couldn’t. The bunny nibbling on bitter lettuce was proof of just how much life these plants brought with them.
The food chain, without those plants a bunny couldn’t eat, and without the bunny a fox couldn’t and so on till the biggest predator dies.
You’ve liked the forest since you were human. Your friend use to call you a forest hippy, going on hikes with you once in a while. The two of you didn’t have the slightest clue anything about nature. All you knew was you loved it, and she tagged along because of that reason. It just felt right. The sun in your face and the dirt in your nails.
Now the sun of your face burns hot even in cold weather and the dirt in your nails feels too odd, to new. The feeling lost to the habit and need to keep your hands clean. So you sit, with muddy white cloth gloves on, a white lacy sun dress that was covered in mud and tears, and torn shoes tied by their laces together on your wrist in a mock, heavy bracelet.
White, light, flow-y, breathable.
Stained, dirtied, cold, exposed.
You were cold, dirtied and your legs were exposed to the elements. The pristine angelic color assigned to you long ruined by the brown mud and dirt. Your dignity falling low, but never low enough to hide behind a trash can. What if a human found you? No, instead you’d die in the woods.
When was the last time you’ve eaten? Three weeks… A person can bleed to death in just five minutes. You knew that. Vampires feed on people’s blood because they cannot supply their own. So while the blood running through your veins and in your cheeks aren’t your own, you try and preserve it. Try not to run out of it.
A person can bleed out in just five minutes, but it took two months to die without food. For you, it’s like a small mixture of the two. Blood leaving your body, you were burning it like it was the energy food was to humans.
You sweat, panting heavily and leaning against a tree. The confusion and anxiety getting to you as you felt your more important organs finally start to shut down.
You knew you wouldn’t survive without a Nest… but that didn’t make it less painful to die.
You couldn’t die. Not with your life like this. Not when you gave up so much to live in the first place. So, in a finally last ditch effort to live.
You screamed.
Jimin heard the screech before any of the his mate did. His ears just worked better then there’s, it was a curse. A curse he thanked every full moon for because that’s how he met his mates. The scream was primal, life or death. Jimin’s head immediately flung in the direction and it was like his body moved on its own when he started running.
Namjoon ran after him, tripping over his own paws at the suddenness of the boys new behavior. He just… took off! It was seconds later he heard the scream as well. A second wave before the quiet. But… why did the quiet make his heart squeeze more then the screams did?
They both raced to the voice. It was odd, usually when you hear screaming you run away but it was like their instincts took over.
Hi! So I made this chapter as chapter 1! Then I realized I didn’t want it to be chapter one (reasons). And I also couldn’ add it to the prologue! So I’m making it chapter 0.5! Or a teased kind of thing. It’s cannon to the storyline placed in the middle of chapter 1 and the prologue…. Do with that what you will!
It’s really short because it’s half a chapter, real chapters will be longer. dw
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yoonia · 9 months
Nefarious (M) | pjm ● teaser/premise
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Summary | You know that accepting his offer might cause some inconveniences for both of you, but do you really have it in you to say no?
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➬ Title | Nefarious; In Motion - a side story ➬ Pairings | Jimin x reader | note: with POV changes ➬ Genre | Sex Club!au, Gentlemen Club!au, Smut ➬ Ratings & Warnings | +18 / M for Mature; scenes of nudity, male strippers, mentions of voyeurism, sexual tension. ➬ Teaser word count/Estimated final word count | 875 words / est. 15-20k words
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➬ In Motion: the masterlist
➬ Main masterlist | Navigation | Mailbox | Feedback | Taglist | Ko-fi
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➬ Author’s Note | While this story is connected directly to the original plot of In Motion, this story can be read as a standalone. For those who are reading In Motion, the scenes in this piece may take place in a similar timeline as the main story.  
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➬ Excerpt
“I would like to make you an offer.”
Jimin’s voice takes your attention away from the male dancer who has been the main focus of the entire room since the moment you sat down. The moment you see Jimin’s face, your thoughts are proven right. He does look way more attractive and more easy in the eyes compared to that dancer. Even with a full suit on, Jimin looks more appealing to your eyes. His face seems to glow as he joins you in this dim-lighted room, while the way he carries himself has always been able to make you feel flustered, just the way you are feeling now.
“Another offer?” you ask, smiling at the sweet man before you while hiding the fact that you are feeling an odd flutter in your chest with the way he is leaning close to you, as he wants to make sure that you can hear him over the music. “After giving me a free session for my next appointment, free drinks and a free show,” —you raise your glass and wave your hand at the stage, where a few male dancers are performing with their chests all bare to see, and the room where exclusive members of the club like you are enjoying the show, “—and a refund, you still have more to give me?” Your smile grows when your gazes meet each other again. “I never realised the club takes care of their exclusive members this well.”
Jimin gives you a sweet smile. “As I said before, I feel responsible for tonight’s mishaps. I feel like I am partly to blame for matching you with the wrong partners for your private session tonight. If only I had done my job better, perhaps you would—”
Shaking your head at him, you lean forward and repeat the same words you gave him earlier. “Jimin, I told you already, it’s not your fault. Those weak ass men are to blame.”
Jimin nods. He keeps his eyes on you before he speaks again, “You might be pleased to hear that the club has sent those members a warning and reinstated their member classification after failing to appear for their RSVP and to notify us when they couldn’t make it.”
You reel back in your seat as you are hearing this. “That sounds—harsh,” you mutter to him, suddenly feeling bad. You have always known how strict the club can be with their rules, yet you would never have expected to actually witness them taking action against their own members like this. “Is that what you came here to tell me about?”
Shaking his head, Jimin smiles softly to you and bends closer. “No, it’s not. My offer has nothing to do with the club’s compensations.” He takes a quick glance around him, seeing if anyone would hear him before he tells you the reason why he came to the members' lounge to find you. “Since the Play Room has been booked for your appointment tonight, it will remain vacant for the rest of the night as we have no other members arranging for a session other than you. But the staff have worked so hard preparing the room for your appointment, so it would be a shame to let it go to waste, wouldn’t it?”
“I…suppose it would,” you slowly answer him, while you are silently questioning what he is about to say to you.
“Then, I would like to offer you to have the chance to use the Play Room tonight,” he says, surprising you that you raise your eyebrows at him.
“But you already said that the club gave me a free appointment for an upcoming session,” you remind him of what he said to you when he met you back in the waiting lounge, while Jimin only grins in return.
“And I also told you that this offer has nothing to do with the compensation that the club is giving you. I’m offering you to use the room tonight, with an eligible partner who is available.”
“An eligible partner? You mean, you found someone?” you ask again, wondering if he finally managed to find some poor soul who would be available for a last-minute appointment for your blind date in the Play Room.
Jimin says nothing for a brief moment, while you wait for him to explain further with anticipation growing in your chest. And then, he surprises you again when he finally answers your question. “It’s me,” he confidently says, and while your heartbeat picks up after hearing what he is saying to you, a look of mirth appears in his eyes. “I will be your partner so you can use the Play Room tonight,” he says again, confirming your thoughts just when you thought you might have only been imagining him offering himself to be your partner, to be the one to fulfil your carnal need when nobody else could.
Seeing that you are lost for words, Jimin reaches out, placing his hand on the side of your seat so he can get even closer, getting into your personal space where you can feel his warmth, and your body shudders when he questions you again, “What do you say?”
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— © 2023 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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seokjins-luigi · 2 years
I hate everything about you | pjm | mini masterlist
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pairing ↠ ex! Jimin x ex! f! reader
genre ↠ exes to lovers | a bit of love triangle | angst | smut | fluff
banner: by the amazing @kookdiaries
summary ↠ accidentally, you bump into your ex who, mind you, previously cheated on you. so you're 99% sure the only feeling you have left for him is sheer hate. but the 1% leaves you questioning.
feedback is always appreciated 💜
permanent taglist ↠ @goldenhoney-cas @yuugehn
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part 1 | part 2
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melancholy-of-nadia · 10 months
love u lately (m) (teaser) | myg/knj/pjm
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title: love u lately (series teaser) pairing: yoongi x f. reader, namjoon x f. reader, jimin x f. reader (yoonminjoon x f. reader) rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; college/university au , pseudo frat! bts  summary: In the midst of your college journey, life takes an unexpected turn when you find yourself moving into a "pseudo frat" house with your childhood best friends Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin. The college experience you envisioned seems promising, but as Namjoon and Jimin get caught up in flings, their focus shifts away from you, Yoongi, and everyone else in the house. The strong bond you once shared starts to feel strained, leaving you to question your feelings and the changing dynamics. What if you realize you're in love with your best friends and wanted more? warnings for fic: [redacted] A LOT OF SPICE, SOME ANGST & FLUFF🥴🥴🥴  warnings for teaser: sexual tension lol :^))  note: it took me a bit to post this because i've been busy working on other projects and job hunting, but i hope you guys like this preview. est. drop date: aug 29th, 2023 10:00am PST est. word count: idk yet but 10 chapter series please message me if you want to be added to a taglist
Then, without warning, he looks at you intensely and asks, “Since we’re having this conversation, I’m questioning whether you like Jimin based on what you just said…"
You blink, caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. "What? No! Jimin's like a brother to me. A reliable brother who understands me pretty well…” You pause a bit and mumble, “Well at least he used to."
He nods, his gaze unrelenting yet thoughtful, as if he's trying to read between the lines of your response. But then he asks another question that left you momentarily speechless.
"What about Namjoon?"
You hesitate, your mind racing. [redacted spoiler paragraph]. What does he actually mean to you?
Before you can muster a response to that, Yoongi suddenly adds another question, his voice gentle yet persistent. “What about me?”
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readyplayerhobi · 2 years
Ambrosia | Teaser
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; Archangel!Jimin x Guild Hunter!Reader
; Genre: Angst, fluff, smut
; Word Count: 1.5k (end count: ??)
; Synopsis: A contract with the Archangel of Europe is something you never thought you’d end up doing, nor is something you wanted. With a deadly vampire on the loose and a cold, unfeeling archangel watching your every movement, you’re not sure whether you’ll make it to the end of the contract alive. But who will be the one to end you, the deadly hands of the vampire or the ntensity of the archangel?
; A/N: So this is based on the Guild Hunter series by Nalini Singh, which I really love! This is a teaser for what I’ve started writing...I have no idea when I’ll finish it but I really want to try and write a one shot finally! It’s been so long, so I hope you’ll all enjoy it. Please let me know what you think of this teaser!
“No way, I’m not going there. No. Fucking. Way.” You spit, each word accompanied by a hand gesture just to get across your words. Farida simply stares, her expression unimpressed but there’s nothing new there. This woman deals with people much more dangerous than you daily, and she knows that you’re all bark and no bite.
“Told you she’d react like this.” That came from Kalani, his smug smile making you want to punch him. He was too pretty to punch though, even though he’d broken his nose at least three times in his thirty-eight years. It somehow just made him look even hotter. You’d seen pictures of him when he was only a teenager and you just knew that he’d broken hearts left, right and centre back in his native Hawai’i.
The bastard was ageing like fine wine, looking hotter the more broken his face ended up, which was just annoying. A long scar bisecting his neck, paler than his tan skin, spoke of a long-ago accident, something he’d never talked about. You respected his privacy and didn’t push on it; for some people, the physical scars healed but the mental wounds remained open.
“Fuck you.” You spit at him, knowing it’s a weak retort. He can tell that you don’t mean it, given the way he leans back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Either way, he’s not the target of your frustration.
Looking back at Farida, you scowl at the head of London Guild. She’d given up being an active Guild Hunter years ago, instead opting for the top job which meant she was stuck behind a desk most of the day. That didn’t mean she wasn’t busy she was probably the busiest person you’d ever met. Farida Riaz was responsible for every Guild Hunter in Europe, which meant having to wrangle hundreds of the feistiest and moodiest people on the planet into following the rules and not aggravating people.
She also had to personally deal with the vampires and the angels, arranging contracts between the angels and the Guild alongside bringing any concerns to the attention of the angels. If you had no interest in dealing with your fellow hunters, you didn’t want to deal with the angels or their underlings.
In your world, the only time you wanted to see an angel was when you saw them flying the skies. They were beautiful, and sometimes you were envious of their wings and freedom, but they were also arrogant and cruel. Since the dawn of humanity, there had always been angels. Hell, there were probably some angels out there that had been around since the start of humanity.
They were long-lived, with most already having lived for centuries whilst some of the oldest were thousands upon thousands of years old. They’d witnessed history rise and fall and had always been there to guide or push humanity in whatever direction they wished. And why shouldn’t they? They were immortal, after all, and they were so much stronger than humans. On top of that, they had powers that humans couldn’t even dream of, each unique to the angel.
The vampires were one step beneath the angels, the bridge between angels and humans. Every vampire had once been a human before being Made by an angel. In recent times, angels entered into Contracts with humans who petitioned to be Made, the successful vampire being locked into a certain number of years of service to their master. Most vampires you’d ever met had been made in the last few centuries voluntarily, but the older the vampire then the more likely it was they had been Made against their will, something that wasn’t supposed to happen anymore.
And just like angels, the older the vampire then the more powerful they became. It also meant the older ones were more civilised than their younger brethren, more able to control their urges and wants. But it didn’t matter, because every vampire was the responsibility of the angel who’d made them whilst they were under the Contract. Despite how little angels cared about humanity, they couldn’t stand the humiliation that came when a vampire under their control broke their Contract or killed humans.
It was bad for their image and their business.
Which is where you, and your fellow Guild Hunters, came in. When a vampire got ideas above their station and tried to break their Contract before it was up, their angel would engage with the service of the Guild. A contract would be raised and agreed upon, and a Guild Hunter would hunt down the offending vampire and bring them back to their master. Once they’d been brought back, well…they were punished. Often in gruesome and horrific ways, but that was no concern of yours.
You did your job, completed your contracts and then got paid. If the idiots who’d spent all that time petitioning to be Made and then going through the whole process tried to one-up their angelic overlord, then they deserved whatever they got. Especially true if they had killed.
But that wasn’t why you didn’t want this contract in particular. 
Farida had told you that you’d been specifically requested for this contract, that the angel who’d contacted the Guild had given your name in particular. You weren’t surprised, you were a good hunter, but it made your stomach roil when you saw the name.
The hierarchy of the world went humans with vampires on top and angels above them. But above them, all were the archangels. The Cadre of Nine ruled over the planet, splitting up the land and the people within them into their territories. If angels were obscenely strong and long-lived, then archangels made a mockery of their strength.
Hatshepsut had ruled over the continent of Africa since the Pyramids of Giza had been built, her rule an iron fist that had lasted millennia. She was achingly old and bruisingly powerful, able to manipulate the weather to her liking amongst many other abilities that made your hair raise. The next oldest archangel was Tjandamurra, who ruled over modern Australia, New Zealand and many of the Pacific nations.
The youngest archangel ruled over Europe, only taking over two centuries ago but he had lived for at least a thousand years before that. You didn’t know how the hierarchy of archangels worked, all you knew was that there had been a century of warfare on the European continent which had culminated in the death of the previous archangel, Marcus Antonius, and the rise of the current.
They didn’t get involved in the business of humans, leaving any communication to the vampires or lower angels. Hell, you rarely even saw them, even on TV. And yet, you were staring at a contract on Farida’s desk that had been signed, the shimmering gold ink looking still wet even though you knew it had likely been signed hours, or even days, ago.
Jimin, the Archangel of Europe, had hired you for a contract and requested you by name. The knowledge that he even knew your name made your stomach roil with nerves, unhappy to even be acknowledged by such an achingly ancient entity. Not only had he signed a contract, but he wanted you to meet him. Today, in two hours.
“I can’t.” You say, voice weaker than you’d intended and it made you want to punch something.
“You don’t have a choice, it’s been agreed and done. I’m sorry…you know I couldn’t turn him down, not him.” Farida says softly, reaching out to grasp your hand to try and impress how she’d been backed into a corner. It made you scowl down at the contract, noting Farida’s signature next to his in plain black ink.
Gritting your teeth, you grabbed the ballpoint pen from her pen pot and scribbled your name next to theirs. It was an insult, even if it was petty, that you’d used something as plain as ballpoint ink compared to Farida’s elegant fountain ink and Jimin’s…whatever the fuck that was. But it was as close to a rebellion as you could get.
“If I die, this is on you.” Petulant words that covered over your fear. Farida didn’t say anything, and neither did Kalani from his quiet spot behind you. Both of them were serious now, no room for laughter or anything. Archangels were serious business, and if you offended Jimin then you could be killed in an instant and no one would even complain. Who would they complain to?
Sighing, you dropped your head and squared your shoulders.
“Alright, fuck it. He better not complain about me looking like shit. He hired a hunter, not a supermodel.” Clenching your fingers into a tight fist, you used the pain from your fingernails digging into your skin to help centre your mind. Closing your eyes, you exhaled deeply and did a mental count of where all your weapons were on your body. If he did kill you, you’d at least try to get a hit in. It was the least you could do.
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chemicalpink · 2 years
What We Did In The Dark | PJM, JJK | TEASER
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Pairing: Warlock Jungkook x Hunter Reader x Forest Spirit Jimin
Genre/Rating: magical realism, smut, a bit angsty, thriller. 18+
Collab: BTS’ Dream Court Mystic Manor
Teaser Word Count: 333 words
Warnings: to be added for the full fic: violence, magical fights, language, minor character de*th [more]
Summary: They say all legends hold some truth in them, so when you get called over to a small town outside Seoul and everyone keeps whispering about a reckless forest spirit that has been haunting them, claiming townspeople as tribute for the past month— could you really be surprised at the handsome man with sharp eyes standing on the hostel door claiming you as his own? 
The taller man next to him with the bright round eyes and unparalleled magic is a great addition to the mix indeed.
A/N: If you’d like to join my taglist for my upcoming fics (including this one) feel free to answer this form!
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Jungkook can’t help but visibly flinch as the small creature comes to life out of thin air and crouches down to one knee, eyes glaring the ground, small voice barely above a whisper “Master, she is coming”
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get accustomed to Jimin’s life– he certainly hasn’t been able to, in the past 150 years. Jimin barely pays any attention to his minion as he dismisses them with a loafing wave of his hand in the general direction, the creature disappearing exactly as it arrived. He thinks that maybe, just maybe he has come to become way too comfortable around Jimin, in a way no other has dared to do. Jimin has proven to be absolutely murderous. A feared entity– if not the most– within men and magical creatures alike. There’s a sharpness in his eyes, a ravenous strut in his step that has everyone doubling over for him– even Jungkook all those years ago. As years go by, he hasn’t lost a gram of the power that has settled him on top of the food chain, if only, Jungkook has come a close second to him just because Jimin has allowed him to (not that he’ll ever recognise such a thing out loud). 
Jimin turn to take a look at the way Jungkook lays spread all over the couch, expectant eyes never leaving the elder, an exasperated sigh out of his plump lips “Out with it”
“I’m just deeply concerned for your newly developed power dynamics, is there something we should be talking about, hyung?” there’s a laugh bubbling from his throat as soon as Jimin rolls his eyes at the words, a look he has come to interpret as an unspoken stay in your lane  that has him quickly changing the subject– Jungkook might be powerful, but not Jimin-level of powerful. “Anyways, who’s coming?”
“A friend”
Jungkook is quick to straighten himself on the couch, inquisitively “See now I know you’re lying cause you don’t have any friends”
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pjmparadise · 2 years
Tonight | PJM One-Shot (Teaser)
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                ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✦ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
Pairing: Jimin x Reader ft. Jungkook (mentions of Taehyung)
Genre: fluff, slight angst, idol!Jimin au, idol! Jungkook au, bar au, strangers to lovers, romance, new york au, one-shot
Audience: 18+ 
Warnings: alcohol consumption, kissing, intimacy, touching, mentions of anxieties, deceit, brief inner turmoil, slightly NSFW 
Word count: 5.4k + (still being edited)
Summary: During a visit to New York, Jimin stops in front of a bar in passing and takes notice of you inside; lonely, gloomy, and so beautiful. He’s immediately drawn to you and can’t shake the image of you. He returns later that night, hoping he can still meet you. But will you feel the same way? 
“Are you lonely?”
I been feeling like I deserve somebody And you burn so bright you can blind somebody
Song: flight of the stars
۰˚☽˚⁀➷ read it here!!
A/N: hi! i’ve been working on this little one-shot for a bit now. it’s a lot different from my other fic which you can find in my master list and will be linked below as well. i wanted to try something a little more lighthearted and i’ve always daydreamed of running into Jimin at a bar, don't ask me why lol. i came up with something short and sweet that you will hopefully enjoy! thank you for being here! i am grateful you’ve decided to give me and my work a chance. i hope to finish this soon and share it with you! 
‹𝟹 .˳⁺⁎˚
if you would like to be tagged when i post, reply to this post or send me a message! 💋
my other Jimin one-shot: Saw You in a Dream 
                   ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✦ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━
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mercurygguk · 2 years
ok fine i’ll tease it- y’all dont have to beg for it jeez
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this is the banner for what i’ve spent all evening planning and outlining!! a jimin neighbors to lovers au with lots of banter and a nice friendship that eventually turns into something more after a bit of jealousy and some very hot steamy smut. 🤭🤗
hopefully maybe i will post it by jimins bday in a few weeks or just by the end of october 🥹🫶🏼 look forward to it, i’m very excited myself for this one!!
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sabiekay · 4 months
✨ WIP TEASER ✨ - Unnamed Jimin drabble
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Rating: PG to PG-13 (for language)
Summary: Jimin comforts you after a terrible day at work
Release Date: 🤷🏻‍♀️ I make zero promises but hopefully sometime this year
I’m posting this little teaser as a bit of a boost to myself to actually finish writing my projects after going through stressful work crap and burnout. I’m also experimenting with using present tense, so let me know what you think!
Snippet after the clip!
Quickly closing the gap, Jimin embraces you in a warm hug, placing his chin on your shoulder. You could feel the storm clouds disappearing as you melt in his arms, lifting your arms to return his hug tenfold.
“See, isn’t this better?” You nod into his body as Jimin tightens his hold.
The pair of you stand like that for a moment, syncing your breathing as one.
A deep sigh gets pressed into his shoulder. “The train was so gross today,” you mumble, not even bothering to move your face from his shirt. “It smelled like something died, then had someone piss on its corpse. Repeatedly. For months.”
Air sputters from Jimin’s mouth as he tries to hold back his laughter. You even feel his body tremble beneath your fingers from the effort. One slight push from you breaks him completely - he nearly topples over as his loud cackles rattles through the apartment.
“Stop it! It’s not that funny!” you cry as you try not to be swayed by his contagious laughter.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” Jimin holds his hands up in peace, a symbolic gesture of trying to get back into your good graces. But the silence is short lived as he only lasts a few seconds before deeply laughing again.
This time though, you can’t help yourself and join in.
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justimajin · 5 months
Update 2
Adding on to my previous update: I unfortunately have to delay Jimin's oneshot a bit more than the timeline (some life things have suddenly come up). Huge apologies for this, and to make up for it I do want to tease the upcoming oneshot 👀
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Teaser: Jimin Angst Oneshot [Upcoming]
There is a heavy presence lingering in the room. 
Black misty clouds swirl in the dark sky, forecasting through the dim windows and onto the dull grey walls. In the grand chamber of the room are five onyx thrones, each lined up next to one another and placed apart with distance from every single seated individual. 
Their heavy eyes stare down at the man kneeling before them, dressed in nothing but a pair of dirty slacks. Long black chains coil around his arms and neck, binding his hands towards behind his back. Two appendages stick out from his back, a pair of large and imposing ebony wings, bound together with a pair of chains. 
A shadowy figure rises from the centre throne, black flames flickering around his path as he decides down. His hollow eyes trace along the features of the specimen presented to his observant eyes, orbs sparkling with dark wonder. 
“You may rise.”
The figure’s gruff voice vibrates, echoing through the chamber and shaking within its core. It’s a simple command, yet it wills the attention of everyone in the court, all souls in the vicinity to turn their heads towards it. 
The man’s feeble eyes look up, a couple of strands of his tousled violet blue hair falling down to them with the gesture. His teeth grits as he gets up with trembling legs, a sharp wince passes through them as the weight of the chains tug him down, threatening to suffocate his body with every single breath he takes. 
Yet he manages to oblige, deeply hushed as beads of sweat collect at his temples. 
“Park Jimin.” 
His eyes glimmer at the sound of his name.
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Although this is heavily unedited, you can probably tell that it will be in the supernatural genre! It also incorporates some dark fantasy too, which is something I'm very excited to try out :)
I will be updating when the oneshot will be out soon! I estimate that I can get it out in about 1-2 weeks, but will officially update about it before it gets posted.
~ Yana (justimajin)
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sugalaritae · 1 year
on the nature of living - series teaser
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part one summary: he misses you. grief has left him feeling empty. perhaps croissants will fill the emptiness just a little.
pairings: yoongi x ghost!reader, min yoongi x park jimin
genre: supernatural, romance, non!idol, eventual smut
rating: 18+
teaser word count: 275
teaser warnings: grief, sadness, death, angst, ghosts, talk of zombies, haunting, it's just so much grief
release date: sometime before december 25
author's note: here is a little taste of my new series that i am working on. i have barely written mxm and i also like experimenting with reader inserts, so you get ghost reader.
© sugalaritae, 2022. you do not have any permission to repost or translate my work even if you give credit. all of this is mine.
God, he misses your voice, laughter, all of your reactions to his stories. Out of the two of you, it was he who was more introverted, preferring to stay inside when everyone was going out; but he had a small group of friends that you had seamlessly slid into. The two of you both enjoyed the company of each other’s friends and you also recognized that the other needed to have times when the other wasn’t there. Even when the partners of friends were going to be in attendance.
The two of you had slipped so easily into each other’s lives. It was astounding really. He had never experienced a love that was so easy. 
And yet, it had come with so many difficulties. The way he had tolerated your sister, how you stole the blankets every single night until he had come home with a separate blanket and then you had complained. How you got frustrated with the way he got quiet the week leading up to seeing his family, or the long nights of working in the studio. 
He would give anything to fight with you now. Or to get frustrated with you. Anything to just have you close to him again. 
Fuck, on this plane of existence again. 
He can feel your hands on his shoulders as if you are crouching behind him to watch the croissants rise through the glass window of the oven. 
“You know I could be here again if you wanted it.” 
“As what? A zombie?” 
“No! Silly. That would just be torture because then you’d have to kill me and that would be the worst thing in the entire world.” 
“I don’t know, being here without you is the worst thing in the entire world. You being here as a zombie might be a little more bearable.”
“You’re wrong about that. Watching the person you love the most in this world slowly rot but still be alive would be worse. You act as if you’ve never watched 'The Walking Dead' or 'Train to Busan'!” 
“Okay, okay, you’re right.”
“I know.” 
This has been happening more and more lately. Since Hoseok and Namjun left for the holidays actually.
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fluffyydumplings · 2 years
Cafe Solace (Teaser)
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Pairings: vocal!line x bunny hybrid!reader / cafe!owners x homeless!reader
Genre: hybrid!au / divided!world / angst / a sprinkle of fluff
Summary: Running away when home didn’t shelter you as it should have, slowly but surely they fizzled out your unwavering disbelief in compassion. And soon enough did your fast-beating heart calm into an unyielding surge of serenity. But the tide of the ocean rises and falls, and when the place you’ve ran away to starts blurring away into the place you’ve ran away from.. You crash and fall, just like the ocean’s tide.. Even if they wrap you up in their arms, trying to desperately keep you warm from the sky’s tears. The moon will forever be stronger, and you will forever fall..
A/N: Happy Birthday to the best best friend I will ever have @hobateas.. Although I am unable to finish this fic in time for your birthday, I wanted to show you what I have done so far.. And how this beautiful story that is yours is slowly building its way up to completion.. I will message you privately further on.. But, I hope you know how much I appreciate you :]
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oddinary4bts · 2 years
Life Goes On | Masterpost
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Here is a collection of fanfics that all take place in the same universe, with all the members falling in love one after the other.
☆summary:  Being the biggest boy band in the world can make it hard to find love. But in time, everyone finds the one that they were meant to find, the person that was forever theirs to begin with. Even the Bangtan boys aren’t an exception to that most simple rule of the universe, as they fall in love in the most unexpected places
☆rating: 18+
☆genre: snippets of life, idol!au
Park Jimin: I Want to Be with You
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☆summary: moving to Seoul has always seemed like a good idea, until the bubble bursts when you realize your new neighbour is Park Jimin, and he’s not the sweet angel you’ve always imagined him to be. Will the reality of Park Jimin forever be a nightmare, or will he turn into a sweet dream?  
☆genre: strangers (fan) to friends to lovers, idol!au; fluff, some slight angst, smut  
☆warnings:  mention of cheating, asshole jimin for a few moments, a tiny little bit of jealousy, alcohol consumption, throwing up. explicit content: oral sex (female receiving), edging, fingering, badly written dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it babes), slightly dom! jimin, reader is shy and awkward and might give you a little bit of secondhand embarrassment, sad love confession
➳ Teaser
➳ Complete fic
Jeon Jungkook: The Boy with Galaxies in his Eyes
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☆summary: you had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
☆genre: fwb to lovers, idol!au; angst (a lot), smut (a whole lot too), fluff
☆warnings: oc’s ex-boyfriend died and it takes an important place in the story, swearing, fuckboy Jungkook, fuckgirl oc, a whole bunch of red flags, miscommunication (they learn how to communicate don’t worry), exes that can’t stay out of your life, alcohol, explicit content: fingering, pussy slapping, squirting, oral sex (male and female receiving), mouth fucking, dirty talking, jungkook has a slight begging kink and an exhibitionism kink (not that present in the fic), dom!jk, switch!reader, car sex, sex in a tent, hair pulling (I think), tits/nipple play, unprotected sex, a little bit of ass slapping  
➳Complete fic
➳The First Time (teaser)
➳The First Time
Jeong Hoseok: unnamed
☆genre: dance partners to lovers, idol!au
Coming soon!
Min Yoongi: Now We Reign
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☆summary: when Min Yoongi approaches you to collab on a song together, you know you can’t refuse such a golden opportunity. On one dreaded night, you find unexpected comfort in his proximity, and he finds solace on your lips. But are you made to be with him, or will the hurdles drive you apart?
☆genre: work collaborators to lovers, idol!au, smut, angst, fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, cursing, OC has family problems similar to those Yoongi went through, financial insecurity, loneliness, cheating but not cheating because they are on a break, sexist interviewer, explicit content: grinding, dom!reader, switch!Yoongi, big dick!Yoongi, oral sex (male and female receiving), jerking off, face riding, tits/nipples play, hickey, fingering, protected sex, choking, clit play, denied orgasms (due to consensual drunk sex), fingering, mentions of anal sex, handcuffs, anal plug, anal fingering
➳ Teaser
➳ Complete fic
Kim Namjoon: Emotions of the Soul
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☆summary: when Namjoon reappears in your life after thirteen years of absence, you find yourself unsure of what he means to you, and of what you mean to him. Anxiety reigns over you, but will it be enough to drag you away from Kim Namjoon?
☆genre: high school sweethearts to strangers to lovers, idol!au, smut, angst, fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, anxiety, a reference to the reader in Now We Reign if you guys can catch it, cursing, stupid teenage threats of m*rder, an appearance from the reader in Forever, pet names, paparazzi, imposter syndrome, an ugly teenage breakup flashback, explicit content: mentions of blindfolding, switch!Namjoon, big dick!Namjoon, switch!reader, oral sex (male and female receiving), jerking off, dirty talking?, balls fondling, face riding, breast play, fingering, protected sex and unprotected sex, praise, hair pulling (ish), ass slapping, tummy bulge (? lmao), choking, cumshot, cum eating, he calls her a slut in the heat of the action like once I think?
➳Complete Fic
Kim Seokjin: Forever
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☆summary: three years ago, your relationship with jin ended in fights and tears. When life puts him back on your path, you catch a glimpse of light in his eyes that you thought had died when you broke up. Will your relationship blossom into a well-deserved forever or will you lose the love of your life again?
☆genre: ex-fiancés to lovers, idol!au, angst, smut, fluff
☆warnings: alcohol consumption, oc and jin fight a lot and don’t talk enough, oc is a little mean to jin and jin is a patient angel, cursing, inaccurate cooking terms, oc gets wounded on a nail, a bunch of nostalgia and regrets. explicit content: choking kink, grinding, a little bit of tits play, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), a little bit of dirty talking, dom!jin, big dick!jin, protected sex
➳ Teaser
➳Complete fic
Kim Taehyung: Crazy for You
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☆summary:  you’ve known Kim Taehyung your whole life. When you meet again at a party hosted by your best friend, alcohol looses your lips and you spill your secrets to your childhood crush. Will Taehyung give in to your desire, or will you be struck by remorse?
☆genre: best friend’s brother to lover, idol!au, a smidge of fake dating trope, angst, fluff, smut
☆warnings: alcohol consumption, getting ghosted before the story takes place, lying/hiding the truth to a best friend for months, unclear relationship (and what comes with it), sort of miscommunication? but not really, cursing, mention of a grandparent passing away, a very awkward dinner with all the members and their own readers (no one is named, gets a little redundant? but since everyone is a reader, it had to be done), pregnancy (at the veryyyy end of the fic), explicit content: virgin and unexperienced!reader, dom!tae, praising, fingering, ass slapping, tits play, oral sex (female and male receiving), tied-up sex, whip (not really used in the fic), dirty talking?, protected and unprotected sex, jerking off, taehyung is lowkey a freak
➳Complete fic
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melancholy-of-nadia · 2 months
[lul9] READ! BIG teaser. GUESS WHO.
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(the image might be a spoiler whoops)
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Love U Lately Ch 9 - Pour Up
✨ let me know ur thoughts! how are you feeling?! ✉️
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aettuddae · 9 days
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEIR TWITTERS AFTER THE KISS HAS MY HOLLERINGNFBDSBS oh its becuz serims doesnt remember 😭😭🫨 karina keeping her jacket…i know what u are 😒
taylor noona - hc serim sometimes accidentally calls her seniors noona 😭😭 wonder if she done it in person 🤔
I LOVE NINGNING SHES SO CUTE just wanna put her in my pocket
the plants sensing kai's bad vibes, glad we finally got to see serims reaction to karina's armageddon pics
and ofc it's wouldn't be a aettuddae fic if karina wasnt absolute DERANGED (pure sweet innocence minnie we luv u)
i love that karina now has a nickname for serim just cause i think giving ppl nicknames is so sweet and intimate 🫶🫶
serim is honestly a hilarious idol 😭😭 from her saying her boy celebrity crush is TROY SIVAN?? to updating her bbl about her plants death (nobody knowing death was caused by THEE yu jimin from aespa)
i ended up buying the zine version since i rlly liked the photobook 👍👍, PLSS DONT apologize for the long response i love it!!! (this is funny since during hole in one i was apologizing for the long responses & u said the same thing/smth similar 😭😭😭) thank u for the amazing up aettuddae 🫡🫡🫡
- 🕷️
keeping her jacket was.. i'm looking at you, yu jimin
she totally have called her seniors "nuna" to their faces and then had a blushing attack bc of it, but i feel it only happens to her with the ones she finds pretty, like taeyeon.
serim's reaction to the teasers was a little bonus, i said i was gonna make it so i did 🫡
it's interesting how karina starts feeling things and spirals into craziness in each one of my fanfics.. when writing this update i thought "those who have read other of my aus are gonna be like NOT AGAIN" 😭
omg me too !! nicknames are such an intimate thing
i would so pay for her bbl, people there seems to have a sitcom going on everyday
great choice !! tell us what pcs you get when it arrives 😌 not us yapping to each other since hole in one, thanks for not leaving me 😭🫂
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