#jiraiya one shot
aaizawashouta · 10 months
Welcome Home
pairing: jiraiya x fem!reader
word count: 2.3k
summary: you're there every time to welcome him home, until the one time you're not.
warnings: smut (18+ minors dni) fingering, p in v, cream pie
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Touch and go is how your relationship has always been. You’ve never complained. Always welcoming him home with open arms, ears eager to hear of his travels. The closer he gets back to Konoha the more he can taste your perfume—hints of honey and coconut twirling on his tongue. He’s been gone longer than usual this time. It’s made him antsy. His hands twitch at his side as he walks through the village. He feels almost desperate to get home, something that’s never happened before.
He’s never taken advantage of you, never sought you out for only pleasure. He’s never talked about his feelings, so sure that you understood. Given, you’ve never talked about your feelings either. Jiraiya, the fool that he is, thought all was well. Except for the fact that you aren’t there when he gets home. From the looks of it, you haven’t been there for a while. It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything is fine. He’ll find you eventually.
Everything is not fine. It’s not okay. He’s losing his damned mind trying to find you. It’s been two days. Where could you possibly be? That’s when he sees him. Jiraiya’s eyes narrow as he tracks him, walking along the village without a care in the world, nose shoved deep into the book he’s emerged himself in. It’s not long before he’s caught up with Kakashi. They walk along in silence for a while, Jiraiya’s hands clenching and unclenching at his sides, impatience washing over him.
Finally, Kakashi sighs, dropping his arm. One eye lifting to meet the agitated gaze of the sannin. “Good to see you, Jiraiya.”
“You haven’t talked to her?”
Jiraiya’s eye twitches. “I can’t find her.”
Kakashi hums. “She’s not back from the mission, then.”
It was like a bomb had been dropped on him. Everything he thought he knew about you was wrong. But he’s to blame. He’s the one constantly leaving. He’s the one who keeps you at arms length. If he wanted to know, he’d ask. A lump of uncertainty forms in Jiraiya’s throat. He’s not a fan of the feeling. He doesn’t like you being gone. A shinobi? You’re more amazing than he’d thought, and it irks him. He’s an idiot. The two of you have been at this for, well, years, and he honestly thought that you were a civilian whose whole world revolved around him. He doesn’t say anything to Kakashi. He’s defeated by you and you aren’t even here to witness it.
“You really don’t have a clue, do you?” Jiraiya stares at him, making Kakashi sigh. “Follow me.”
Kakashi isn’t sure why he has the photo to begin with, but he’s glad he has it. Probably something of Naruto’s that he has for safe keeping. He finds it in a stack next to his bedroom dresser. He smiles at the photo before handing it over to the older man.
The two of you are standing together, Jiraiya’s arm thrown over your shoulders holding you tightly to him. His head is tossed back in a boisterous laugh, you can almost hear it echoing from the memory. You’ve got your arm around his waist, body completely molded to him as you watch him. Doe eyes looking up, lips parted in a small lovestruck smile. It’s a snapshot of the pure adoration and love you hold for him.
It’s not something you hide. It’s not a secret by any means. But gods, is Jiraiya seeing it for the very first time.
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It’s early when you get home. Eyes burning from lack of sleep, dirt under your nails and in your hair. A nice hot shower is calling your name. It takes you three tries to unlock the door. So set on getting to the shower, you miss the hints of another presence in your home completely. Tearing off your vest while pulling your shoes off along the way, leaving the clothes scattered on the floor on your way to the bathroom. You come to a stop when you see your bedroom door open.
Now you’ve been gone for a month or so, but you do the same routine every time. Every door is shut when you leave. Every time. But the bedroom door is open. Biting your cheek, you move down the hallway to see that the bathroom door is open as well. Why? Who's been in your house? Are they still here? You freeze, senses running wild. If they were still here, they wouldn’t make it far.
The faintest sound of scratching reaches your ears. What, is there a rat in your house? As silent as you can, you follow the sounds. Leading to your bedroom, you slightly push the door open, a flurry of emotions overcoming you. Sitting at the desk is Jiraiya, bent over slightly as he pen scratches at the paper. No doubt furiously writing away for the next installment of his books. Stepping into the room you make your way to him, throwing your arms around his shoulders. He’s solid against you, the warmth of him seeping into you. You nuzzle your face in between his shoulders, more than happy to be home. Happy to finally have him home.
“Hey, kid,” he says with a laugh.
“Hey yourself. Missed you.”
His whole body relaxes at your words. Silently he turns, pulling you in closer until you’re seated on his lap. Thick fingers tangle up into the roots of your hair, angling you just so. You can’t help the moan when his lips meet yours. You aren’t sure how long he had been gone this time around. Only that it was too long and you didn’t like it. Normally you could get missions completed between the times he comes and goes. This had been rough.
“Missed your old man, did ya?”
You can’t help but snicker. “My old man?”
“Well I don’t belong to anyone else do I?” His lips trail up your neck, teasing at your ear. “I missed you too, kid.”
His hands release your hair, only to grip your face, thumbs running softly against your cheekbones. You’re doe eyed as you stare up at him. He hums as he stares back, so lovestruck it blindsides you.
“I love you.”
“Jiraiya,” The words make your heart stop. You never thought you’d hear them, and you’ve always been okay with that.
He doesn’t give you a moment to respond. “Let me show you.”
He stands, your legs instantly wrapping around his waist as he walks over to your shared bed. Your hands roam his body as he pulls off his own clothes. His tongue drags across your fluttering pulse, and when he sucks your skin hard enough to leave a bruise, your fingers splayed open on his broad shoulders, digging into the taut muscle that flexes as he draws you closer. Calloused hands pull at your shirt, the cool morning air drawing your nipples taunt.
His hands slide down your back, holding you close as he leans forward and lays you down on the sea of blankets. You’ve been together too long for you to be embarrassed by the whimper of a moan that escapes you when his teeth tug harder on your nipple before laving the ache with his tongue while his hand palms your other breast, playing mercilessly with the nipple until your back is arching off the mattress, eyes rolling back.
His hand falls away from your breast, and you nearly squeak in indignation until the feel of his calloused fingers slides between your thighs. Fingers dig into the stretchy material of your shorts, your own hands trailing down to free your body of the material. Jiraiya groans, watching you.
“I knew you weren’t wearing any panties.”
“Never do.”
You’ve never given it much thought, but if you had to imagine heaven, this would be it. A sunlit morning, tangled sheets, gentle words, rough hands. An endless loop of intimate moments, of vulnerable confessions, of whispered promises, of sex so intense your mind fractures and pieces itself back together. Your souls touch, they echo across countless lifetimes.
Jiraiya’s thumb teases your clit, rubbing slow, torturous circles that make your legs spasm every time the callous on the side of his thumb grazes the bud of nerves, lighting up every nerve ending in your body like a firework show.
You attempt to tug him closer, to shift your hips forward, to add more pressure, to silently ask him to go faster. Gods, please go faster. But he doesn't oblige. Rather, he pulls your hands off his body and locks them into an inescapable hold above your head, pinned against the pillows — a silent demand to not rush him, to let him take his time. A silent promise to make it worth your while.
When his thumb finds your clit again it's an even softer touch — a whisper rather than steady contact. And somehow, somehow that barely there touch, that torturously reserved brush of his thumb has your eyes flying wide and your back arching off the bed so intensely your breath lodges in your throat.
You tug, trying to get your wrists free, the demand to pull him closer nearly short-circuiting your brain, but his hold on them doesn't budge.
"Mmm, how do you want to come, pretty?" He hums against your skin, biting down on the hickey he's leaving on the swell of your breast before moving his attention to the other one. His thumb keeps a teasing pace on your clit, giving you more pressure and easing off just when the pressure in your lower belly begins to build.
Up, up, up and then gone.
So close, so so close, and then poof.
His tongue drags across your nipple before he pulls back and blows a cool breath of air across the glistening nerves, sending a rush of goosebumps across your entire body.
His thumb adds a little more pressure, a little more friction, and you’re sure you might cry. You might actually cry. It feels so good.
Your entire body is tense, nearly about to hit that peak when he pulls his thumb away again.
Your head slams back against the bed, frustration flooding your veins. Your orgasm is trying to break free, to claw its way out of you. Like water receding from the shore before a tsunami, the air in your lungs is gone, the control over your shaking legs, your shaking arms, your shaking hands — towed away from you.
He sucks on your nipple hard enough to fling white dots over your vision like confetti, and even now, you can feel the haughty smile tugging at his lips as he pulls back to watch you writhe under him because he knows, he knows you're too far gone to answer him.
"Like this?" he slides a finger into you and you nearly shatter. Nearly, nearly, nearly. Please.
You can't breathe. You can't think. You can't respond. You shake your head and tug your wrists feebly. You want him. You want him.
He adds another finger and you moan so loud it echoes back to you.
He curses, pulls his fingers away, and as you nearly break into hysterics at the loss of contact, at the loss of the climax that was so close you could nearly taste the endorphins on your tongue, he releases your wrists and wraps your legs around his hips.
"No. No sweet girl, you're going to come with my cock buried deep in your pretty pussy." His words are a promise against your ear and finally, finally he thrusts into you as he murmurs against your lips. "Come on my cock, kid. Let me see how fucking gorgeous you are when you come on my cock. Let me know how much you really missed me."
It's instantaneous. The tsunami hits with the first thrust of his hips and your throat burns with the scream that rips through your room. It's nearly a sob — a sob of relief, a sob of ecstasy, a sob of pure pleasure.
Every nerve in your body is a live wire, lighting up with the kind of mind numbing sensation that pulls you down so deep you can't process anything other than the feel of the waves. Like you’re just under the surface of the ocean, being pulled along with each rise and crash of the tide.
And then you blink and see the brilliant sunlight coaxing you back toward the surface, back to the air, back to reality. And it's only when you break the surface and your lungs unfreeze, helplessly tasting your first breath of air since they froze in your chest, that you realize the sun has been shrouded by a passing storm cloud, and the light, that brilliant light that brought you back is still here, radiating from the man on top of you. His face is nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his hips reaching a crescendo that sends another aftershock of pleasure flooding up your spine and he buries himself deep inside of you and stills, the heat of his climax pulsing inside of you, sliding down your thighs.
The room is silent other than your heavy breathing. Your fingers card through his hair, his lips grazing your collarbones. It’s only when your breathing steadies and your body completely relaxes that Jiraiya scoops you up and heads into the shower.
I love you. He whispers the words again and again as he washes you. Lips pressed against your skin as if he can force his love into you. Your heart soars. Tucked into bed, eyes droopy from exhaustion, Jiraiya hands over the photo. You can feel his gaze taking you in as you run your finger lightly over his laughing face, not even concerned about yourself. He presses a kiss against your temple, mouthing the words with a ghost of a smile.
“I love you too.”
And you don’t know where you’ll go from here. If your path will continue to entwine with his. You do know your heart will never belong to another. He’s opening himself up, learning, and he’s doing it all for you.
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rkoradiopictures · 11 months
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sexyzuka · 8 months
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One Thousand Years of Pain
Jiraiya cosplay by Cowdemon on Instagram!
Paths of Pain cosplays by Mcheretic, Kuya1236, and Kofitnessnycosplay on Instagram!
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bridgetotheskyyy · 9 months
✨Skyyy's First Kinktober 2023!
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Just as it says on the tin, this is my very first kinktober event ever! My main priority will be to post my prompts on ao3 at a timely basis but I will try to post those same fics on Tumblr on the same day if I can! Please patient with me 💕
These are the prompts I've made up my mind on so far, but the list will be updated (edit: still making up my mind lmao)
I am not comfortable with taglists at this time so please just check back here for updates/links to prompts ✌
Prompts will be a mix of one shots and drabbles 💕
18+ only
Character x f!reader always
Fandoms included: naruto, bleach, jjk, arcane, csm, aot
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October 1st | Hashirama Senju | PEGGING
October 2nd | Jiraiya | TITFUCKING
October 3rd | Aki Hayakawa | HATE SEX
October 4th | Viktor | RIMMING
October 5th | Naoya Zenin | COLLARING
October 6th | Toge Inumaki | DUBCON
October 7th | Yuji Itadori | STUCK IN WALL
October 8th | Suguru Geto | MASTER/SLAVE
October 9th | Akatsuki | GANGBANG
October 10th | Kisuke Urahara | PRAISE KINK
October 11th | Itachi Uchiha | SOMNOPHILIA
October 12th | Utahime Iori | LINGERIE
October 13th | Kento Nanami | ORGASM DENIAL
October 14th | Armin & Eren | THREESOME
October 15th | Silco | SPANKING
October 16th | Kisame Hoshigaki | SIZE KINK
October 17th | Yuuta & Toge | DOUBLE PENETRATION/ONE HOLE
October 18th | Kisuke Urahara | SENSORY DEPRIVATION
October 19th | Mitsuri Kanroji | BODY WORSHIP
October 20th | Yuuta Okkotsu | VOYEURISM
October 23rd | Mitsuri Kanroji | SEX TOYS
October 24th | Gaara | MASTURBATION
October 25th | Itachi & Shisui | DOUBLE PENETRATION/TWO HOLES
October 26th | Mikasa Ackerman | FACESITTING
October 27th | Kakashi Hatake | ROLEPLAY
October 28th | Toji Fushiguro | PUBLIC SEX
October 29th | Suguru Geto | DADDY KINK
October 30th | Itachi & Sasuke | INCEST
October 31st | Kishibe | STRIPPING
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mixelation · 3 months
also fun to think about: jiraiy'a POV for (a)synchronicity (the tori/minato time travel au)
because. okay. jiraiya knows minato WELL. and in the recent one-shot story, minato says point-blank that he likes "strong people. people stronger than [him]" and the ONLY people minato has ever shown interest in are kushina (local uzumaki-SLASH-jinchuriki babe and only person in his generation that could properly beat him up) and obvious Fanboy Feelings over tobirama (incredibly powerful and clever ex-hokage with genuine delicate pretty boy face if you can imagine him without the judgmental frown). like jiraiya thought he understood minato's type
and then minato is like: this is my new girlfriend!!!
and it's some sort of..... random dirty civilian woman...........
minato has explained like seven times that tori is the mystery fuinjutsu user and also she successfully boiled him alive but every time jiraiya looks at her he literally can't believe it. she looks like a determined duck could defeat her in battle. she's not even that hot?
jiraiya: is it like..... a genjutsu?
tori: no it's part of my MYSTIQUE
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therand0mwriter · 1 year
IDOL-Chapitre deux
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Male!Idol!reader
When a young American idol and his band tours in France, every one in Adrien's class wants to go. Unfortunately for them, tickets sold out as soon as they were for sale. Fortunately for Adrien, his father was able to get him tickets, but with a cost. Even though theres an underlying reason on why he's going, Adrien decides to take his best friend Nino, and his other two close classmates/friends, Alya and Marinette.
When they all got to the concert and the idol started singing, it mesmerized Adrien, pulling him to the front of the stage. Seeing the idol perform made Adrien feel things he never felt before, and it didn't help when the idol lent down and kissed Adrien's hand. Now that caused quite the ruckus.
"𝐔𝐡, 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭?"
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[The song "Bad Habit" by Steve Lacy does not belong to me]
*Time Skip, 6 Months*
*Adrien's POV*
"Are you guys excited or what?!" Alya shouted, grinning from ear to ear. Marinette enthusiastically nodded her head, "Of course! And I already have all of our outfits ready!" "Great! I can't wait see them!" Alya cheered. "Thats amazing, Marinette. It'll be cool to see what you came up with this time." I smiled at the blue eyed girl. Her cheeks turned dark and a nervous smile made its way onto her face, "Y-Yeah, h-hopefully they look good!" I laugh and smile, "It's you, I'm sure they will!"
Marinette had offer to make me and Nino outfits for Ensnare's concert, but we politely turned her down, not wanting to cause her too much trouble. Speaking of Ensnare, their concert was tonight, and it was the last one for the France tour. From the videos we've seen online, it'll be an unforgettable experience...
*Time Skip*
*Y/N's POV*
"We got two hours until showtime! Chop chop people!" I could hear Sheena practically screaming over the hoard of workers, clapping her hands, all the way to our dressing room. "Can she be any louder?" Kylian mumbled to himself. "You know she can," I chuckled. "Yeah, don't tempt her, especially tonight." Jiraiya added, rubbing his temples. Kylian mocked Jiraiya in a tiny squeaky voice, causing the ravenette to throw his water bottle at the brunette.
Kylian shot up to his feet, shoulders squared and ready for a fight. Jiraiya didn't hesitate to rise to his feet either. "Hey!" I yelled, deepening my voice and making both males immediately paused in their steps and look towards me. "Knock it off." I gritted through my teeth, no room for argument in my tone. Both males glared at each other before sitting back into their previous spots.
"Ooo, papa Y/N does not play!" Kairo laughed from his seat in the make-up chair. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "That's enough out of you," He grinned mischievously but quieted down nonetheless.
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
*Adrien's POV*
Me and Nino were currently in Marinette's living room, waiting as she and Alya finished getting ready. Nino was dressed in a white t-shirt with a light brown button up shirt as a jacket, black jeans with a chain, black sneakers, a light brown flat cap, and his usual colorful bracelets he always wore.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Nino's outfit.]
I was dressed in a black t-shirt, a light blue button up as a jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Adrien's outfit.]
"Would you boys like anything to drink?" Marinette's mom, Sabine Cheng, asked us from their kitchen. "No thank you, we're alright Mrs. Cheng." I answered with a smile, Nino nodding along. Just then, Marinette and Alya came downstairs. "Woah..." Nino breathlessly said as he saw his girlfriend. Alya was wearing a long sleeve, orange and brown dress that stopped at her mid thigh. The dress was almost a geometrical design, definitely making it an eye catcher. She wore brown boots and had a brown purse to match.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Alya's outfit.]
"I decided to go out of my comfort zone this time," Alya smiled, radiating confidence. "You look amazing, babe!" Nino cheered, going and hugging his girlfriend. He kissed her cheek as I added, "Yeah! You look great!" "It's all thanks to Marinette," Alya stepped to the side to show said girl (who was hiding). Marinette was wearing a soft pink sundress that stopped at her mid thigh, a red and white flower design along the dress. She had a white cardigan on, white flats and a matching white clutch purse.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Marinette's dress.]
"You look amazing, Marinette! Very cute!" I complimented her, making her face turn red. Marinette started to uncontrollably stutter, but Alya came to her side, "What she is trying to say, is thank you." I look back to Marinette and she rigidly nodded her head in agreement. "Alright! Let's go!" Alya cheered, grabbing Marinette's hand and pulling her along, me and Nino following behind.
*Time Skip, 30 Minutes*
*Y/N's POV*
We just finished our VIP meet and greet and got back to our dressing room, touching up our look and/or changing our outfits. Not long after, our manager came in, "Is everyone ready?" Sheena asked, looking around the room. "Yeah, Y/N just needs to get changed." Jiraiya said, motioning to me in the make-up chair. "Alright, everyone else, go get into your positions." Sheena said before quickly leaving the room, most likely to go check on multiple other things.
When the make-up artist was done, I stood up and called over my band mates, "Line up." Ever since our very first performance together, it's been tradition for them to line up and have me look them over. The twins were first, then Kylian and finally Jiraiya. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, a tan jacket, dark green cargo pants, white sneakers and jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kairo's and Loyal's outfit.]
I straightened out one of Loyal's pant legs, as one cuff was risen higher than the other, and gave him a nod of approval. I move onto Kairo and straightened out his shirt and jacket, giving him the nod of approval as well. I turn to Kylian to see him wearing a white sweater with the sleeves pushed up, gray skinny jeans with material missing at his knees, white sneakers and his jewelry.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Kylian's outfit.]
I straightened out his messy hair, getting a complaint from him. Once I was done I nodded in approval. When I finally turn to Jiraiya, he was waiting with a smile. I could tell he was nervous, so I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "Relax, you'll be great, you always are!" His shoulder relaxed but his face held... disappointment? Before I could ask what's wrong, he changed the subject, "Thanks, how do I look by the way?" I pulled away and took a look at his outfit. He was wearing a clean, white button up shirt, light blue ripped jeans, white sneakers and his jewelry. "Handsome," I simply said, nodding in approval.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for Jiraiya's outfit.]
It looked like he blushed but quickly turned his head to our other band mates, "Okay, let's go. Get dressed and meet us out there." He started pushing the other three members out the door. "See you guys there!" I called out before they closed the door.
*3rd Person POV*
There was an awkward silence among the 4 band members that just left their leader. Kairo opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Jiraiya was trying hard to ignore their concerned glances, focusing on heading to their instruments. That is, until Kylian spoke up, "Y'know, he's not going to treat you any different unless you tell him how you feel."
Jiraiya made a sound of annoyance, "You don't think I know that?" Kylian rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, just tell him!" "I don't want to ruin what we have." Jiraiya said. "Well, your looks of longing and sadness towards our dear leader is making me uncomfortable. So tell him and stop with your moping!" Kylian said, exasperated. Jiraiya halted in his steps and got into Kylians face, "If I tell him how I feel and he rejects me, it's going to be extremely uncomfortable for all of us. Not just you." He pulled away and sped off towards his instrument, leaving the three boys behind.
Kylian stared off in the direction Jiraiya went with a glare, Kairo coughing uncomfortably and Loyal shifting from foot to foot. "That was awkward for us," Kairo mumble. Kylian 'tsk-ed', "Shut up."
*Time Skip*
*Adrien's POV*
After we made our way through a metal detector and the security guard scanned our tickets, we were handed some glow sticks. We cracked them as we made our way into the venue and placed them on our necks and wrists. We scanned the place and gawked, amazed at all the lights and decorations. There was a stand selling the bands merchandise and a couple stands that were selling snacks and drinks.
"Okay! Let's grab the merch now! That way we can leave immediately afterwards! The line isn't that long too!" Alya shouted over the noise of the crowd and background music. "Smart! That way we won't be late for our dinner!" I also shouted. All three of them looked at me, confused. "Uh, what do you mean: 'dinner', dude?!" Nino asked. "Um, our dinner with Ensnare? Did I not tell you we have Deluxe VIP tickets?!" I said, starting to get confused.
Everyone had blank looks on their faces before they screamed/shouted in excitement. "Why didn't you tell us we had Deluxe VIP tickets?!" Alya screamed, shaking my shoulders. "S-Sorry I-I f-forgot!" I tried to say while being violently shook. "This is so exciting! We get to meet them!" Marinette cheered, jumping in her spot, Alya joining her not long after.
"Oh, wait! Let's hurry up and get in line for the merch!" Alya paused, taking Marinette's hand and speed walking towards the line. Me and Nino looked at each other and chuckled, following after the girls.
*Time Skip*
*3rd Person POV*
The concert was about to begin, the four teens waiting with anticipation. Adrien looked down to his hands to see the shirt and magazine he bought at the merchandise stand. The shirt was a long sleeve crew neck and it was white, Ensnare's most recent album cover on the front. The magazine also had the bands album cover on the front, but when you opened it, it was pretty much a picture book. It was full of photos of the members, together and separate. Occasionally, there would be paragraphs explaining what was happening in the picture or why they were doing a that specific photo shoot.
Adrien was embarrassed to admit it, but the main reason he got the magazine was because of Y/N. The vendor for the stand had the magazine on display, and he had it opened to a picture of just Y/N. Y/N was dressed in an all red suit, his shirt slightly opened to reveal his chest a bit. The background for the picture was all red too, making Y/N's head and chest stand out the most, making him eye catching. Adrien convinced himself that he just wanted Y/N to sign the picture and that's why he got it, but deep down, he knew he just really liked that picture and wanted it in general.
Finally, a drum roll started. "It's time! The moment you've all been waiting for!" Once the announcer started, the entire venue erupted into a cheer. "Please welcome, Ensnare's favorite set of twins! Kairo and Loyal!" Said twins ran out onto stage, Kairo going to the edge and high fiving a few fans while Loyal sheepishly waved.
Once they made it to their assigned instruments, the announcer started up again, "Next, we have the bad boy, the heart breaker, Kylian!" The brunette ran out onto the stage, winking and blowing kisses to the female fans. "Second to last, we have the cool, collected, Jiraiya!" He calmly stepped out onto the stage, also waving and making his way to his instrument.
The drum roll sped up, "And finally... the leader and amazing vocalist... Y/N!" Time seemed to slow down for Adrien, the sounds of the crowd drowned out, only the sounds of his breathing, rapid heartbeat and the slow steps of Y/N walking onto the stage were present. But when Adrien saw Y/N... everything went silent, it was like he was deaf. The idol on stage was glowing, his silky hair shined, his eyes were vibrant, his skin clear and smooth... and not to mention his outfit. The male was wearing all black, except for his thin white belt. His dress shirt had the first few buttons undone and was tucked into his skinny jeans, dress shoes and silver jewelry completing his look.
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[A/N: Image does not belong to me. Something like this for your (the reader) outfit.]
When Y/N made it to the microphone and greeted the crowd, it snapped Adrien out of his trance, "Bonsoir, everyone!" The blonde male realized how heavy his breathing was and how fast his heart rate was, his face felt hot and his palms sweaty. He wiped his forehead and started to control his breathing, 'What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?' Adrien thought, genuinely confused.
If Adrien wasn't so focused on his breathing, he would have connected that his 'problem' was right on the stage in front of him.
"Thank you all so much for coming to see us tonight! We really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the show tonight, and since it's our last one, we have something special planned for you all!" Y/N explained, a large smile on his face. The crowd screamed once again. "Now, let's get on with it!"
*Time Skip, 1 hour*
The band had just finished playing their final song off of their most recent album. The crowd was screaming, confetti was everywhere, balloons that the stage hand had threw out were bouncing around, it was a moment none of the teens would forget.
Ensnare was taking a break, wiping sweat of their foreheads and chugging water bottles. About half way through the concert the twins had taken off their jackets and Kylian had thrown his sweater into the crowd, a lucky female fan catching it. The male only had an undershirt on now, his bicep tattoo of his guitar with music notes showing.
Y/N took a deep breath before grabbing the microphone again, "Y'all enjoying the concert?!" He got excited screams in return. He laughed into the microphone, causing Adrien's heart rate to spike up once more. "Well, we have something special planned for you all. Since this is the last concert of our first out of country tour, we are going to play a couple of our most favored covers!" The venue erupted.
Y/N laughed once again, and turned to Jiraiya, nodding to start. Said male then started to strum an American pop tune. The band played two covers of songs, but before they played their third, Y/N spoke into the microphone again, "This is our last song for the night! We all really appreciate you coming out here to support us tonight... Y'know, when we started this band, we never thought we would be popular enough to tour across the world. We wouldn't be here without you! WE LOVE YOU, FRANCE!" The crowd went wild, a quarter of the fans even started crying.
Y/N looked to his bandmates and they nodded. He turned back to the microphone and took a deep breath.
"I wish I knew you wanted me." The band started playing and Y/N continued to sing. "I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, coulda made a move. If I knew I'd be with you. Is it too late to pursue?"
Adrien didn't know what came over him. He mindlessly started to move through the crowd.
"I bite my tongue, it's a bad habit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it. Thought you were too good for me, my dear. Never gave me time of day, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I think are sure, yeah." Y/N continued to sing and dance. Whenever there was an opening, Adrien moved in, still moving forward.
"I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (oh), I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (yeah), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh). I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me." Adrien made it, he was at the front of the stage, so close to the siren known as Y/N.
Y/N saw something catch his eye, a mop of golden blond hair. He saw it belonged to a boy around his age, green starstruck eyes, tan skin with rosy cheeks... he was cute. The singer made his way to the boy, still singing. "Say to me (please just say to me), If this could wind up. I wish you wouldn't play with me. I wanna know (oh no),"
Y/N got right in front of Adrien and held out his hand. Adriens eyes were still wide with wonder as he placed his hand in Y/N's, still not fully processing the situation. No one knew what was going to happen next, except for Y/N. He lent down and kissed the back of Adriens hand, "Uh, can I bite your tongue like my bad habit?" Adriens face, ears and neck flushed red as Y/N winked and pulled away. The fans that were around them screamed in excitement, not ready for what just happened.
"Would you mind if I tried to make a pass at it? Were you not too good for me, my dear?Funny you come back to me, my dear. It's okay, things happen for, Reasons that I can't ignore, yeah. I wish I knew, I wish I knew you wanted me. I wish I knew (wish I knew), I wish I knew you wanted me (oh)." Y/N continued to dance and sing, oblivious to the angry/pained look Jiraiya was giving him. The other three band members were just surprised about what happened, eyes wide.
Adrien snapped out of his trance when he felt his phone buzzing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a couple missed calls from Nino and Alya and multiple texts asking where he was. Adrien quickly typed back that he was on his way and looked to the stage once more. He didn't want to leave, wanting to be as close to Y/N as possible, but he knew he needed to get back to his friends.
He turned to head back into the crowd, but finally left the stage after one more longing look towards Ensnare's singer. The song ended when the blond reunited with his friends. "Dude! Where did you go?!" Nino shouted over the noise of the crowd. "Uh, bathroom!" Adrien shouted back.
Ensnare waved goodbye to the crowd, Loyal tossing his drumsticks into the crowd and Kylian and Y/N high fiving a few fans. The band was finally off stage and Jiraiya immediately went to his changing room without a word. Y/N noted that he would have to talk to him about what's wrong later.
Sheena came up to the rest of them, "Amazing work once again, boys! Now, go take a shower and get changed, your dinner is in an hour." They all went off and did just that. Y/N was now wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, white sneakers and a black jean jacket. Kylian was wearing a black sweatshirt, black sweatpants and white sneakers. The twins were wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, white sneakers and a dark green jacket. Jiraiya wore a white button up shirt with black birds as the design, black ripped skinny jeans, and white sneakers.
The five boys met up after showering and changing (and a touch up from the make-up artists). Y/N instantly went to Jiraiya's side and whispered, "Whats wrong?" Jiraiya brushed him off, "Nothing."
Loyal cheered, "Let's go get our grub on!" At the opportunity to escape, Jiraiya left Y/N and questioned Loyal, "What dishes are you looking forward to?" He smiled. Loyal got stars in his eyes before going on a rant about certain dishes and how to make them. Before becoming a drummer, Loyal's dream job was to be a chef.
Kylian muttered to Y/N, "At least we know if the band ever breaks up Loyal has a fall back." He ended with a chuckle, Y/N joining him.
They made it to the private dining room and opened the doors. None of the band members were ready to see the people waiting for them... more accurately a specific person. Y/N halted in his step and his breath caught in his throat. In front of him was the blonde that he kissed on the back of the hand. He still had those rosy cheeks.
Y/N lightly blushed in embarrassment, 'I never thought I would see him again! Otherwise, I wouldn't have kissed his hand!' But he cleared his throat, stepped forward, and held out his hand with a kind smile, "My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you! What's your name?"
355 notes · View notes
Jiraiya x Reader. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
You’re a waitress at a gambling club, and a fan of Jiraiya’s book, when he comes into your club you can’t help yourself from going home with him.
This was kind of inspired by the song Cherries by Annie Kemble, a good friend of mine. It’s a great song, give it a listen even if you don’t wanna read this fic. But I hope y’all do both. Love y’all as always <3 Doodle
Content notes: SMUT, smoking, drinking, pussy eating, uncut dick (b/c why would anyone in the Naruto universe be circumcised?), jiraiya is his own warning tbh.
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The sound of shouting players, and the smell of smoke was second nature to you now. You had been working in the parlor for two years, serving drinks, selling and lighting cigarettes, loading pipes and blowing on dice. You were frequently propositioned by customers for more salacious services, many offered money. Sometimes you would take it, if you were feeling comfortable enough, or the price was enough to tempt you, they never asked too much of you. Usually short encounters, over before the sun rose again. You had no problem making money this way, and why should you? You were working, you were talented in this regard, they had a good time and paid you well. As long as you kept yourself safe from harm, you rarely even got nervous anymore.
Tonight had been on the slower side, the middle of the week wasn’t often popular for gambling. You hadn’t been tipped that well, two different tables had stiffed you completely. You didn’t think you would be walking home pleased with your purse tonight. Breaking from the foggy main room, you slipped into the private bathroom reserved only for employees. Your makeup was immaculate still, but you applied another layer of ruby colored lipstick, patting it lightly with your finger before cleaning up the edges. You mussed your hair slightly in an attempt to give it more volume, before giving yourself one last look and smiling. You were beautiful, you were so grateful to know it and feel it.
While you were in the bathroom, Jiraya entered the parlor. His boisterous laugh gathered the attention of everyone, his hulking figure shook the table as he sat down at one of the games. The energy around him was light and fun, people of course recognized him and were excited to buy a man of such legend drinks, or play against him. Of course he wasn’t a great gambler, Jiraya was primarily here to get drunk and to flirt, shaking off another long day of training and mentorship. His eyes rose from the game table just in time to catch the most beautiful woman he had ever seen exiting from the back of the parlor. Well done up, makeup clean and vibrant, showing elegance with a clear personality that he would love to discover. Styled hair, pulled away from her working face, but falling perfectly where it could to give the appearance of casual effort. He was shaken by the man sitting next to him, and brought back to the game. Barely paying any attention, he offered a raised bet, and lost near instantly. He didn’t care, he took the last of his drink and shot it back, standing from the table and moving through the crowd over to where you were reloading your tray with drinks.
“Hello, gorgeous.” The alcohol had reddened his cheeks and lowered his already rock bottom inhibitions.
You gave him a practiced smile and began to lift the probably overloaded tray, “hello sir, is there something you might need from me?”
“I’ve got a couple ideas, but I’ll save them until you’ve dropped that tray off.” He took a seat on the available bar stool next to the drink well, “don’t worry about me, honey, I’ll still be here when you get back.”
You giggled flirtatiously, ever the professional, before passing him to deliver the bottles of sake and beer to your patrons. You swished your hips as you walked, knowing he was staring at you. You didn’t mind, he was a bit older than your usual type but you knew his reputation.
Master Jiraya of the legendary Sanin, you had even read one of his books. A girlfriend had recommended it to you, starting a scandalous book club you briefly belonged to. You were sure his writing was generous, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to find out for yourself. He was tall, and handsome, and fucking big. Everything about him was big: his body, his presence, his voice, his reputation. You wondered if everything else was just as big.
Clearing your tray, you turned back to the bar, he was still watching you. You assumed he had been the whole time. His dark brown eyes crinkled up at the sides following the line of a wide grin. The red markings down his cheeks bent and blending into his blushing alcohol fevered cheeks. You stood to his side, sliding in between stools and leaning your body against the counter. Flirting was part of your job, keeping the patrons entertained and engaged was just as much your work as serving drinks. Sure this may have had some selfish motives, but no one could say you weren’t working too.
“So….I have to confess something,” you flicked your eyes up at him, through your thick made up lashes.
“Oh sweetheart, I would love to hear a confession from you. Need me to offer you forgiveness?” He was becoming brazen, moving his large hand to your waist, which you leaned into.
“I’ve actually read a few of your books.” You moved your hand over the arm that he leaned on the bartop.
He watched you trail your finger over his forearm. He was flattered by your admission. His mouth was starting to water.
“Well, it’s always nice to meet a fan. Especially one as beautiful as you.” He watched you blush at his words, “do you have a copy? I’d love to sign it for you. Is it back in your bedroom?”
He started to stand up, but your hand was sturdy on his shoulder, pressing him back down onto the stool.
“Not so fast.” You smiled, your fingernails toying playfully with the hem of his sleeve, “I’m excited to meet you, Master Jiraya. And I’d be happy to continue spending time with you tonight. But you see, I’m still working. And I’m not finished here for another hour.”
You closed the distance between the two of you, fingers moving his long white hair over his shoulder and leaning in to brush your lips against his ear. He smelled like jasmine and pipe smoke, something else lingered as an undernote, something earthy and organic.
“I’d love for you to sign my book. I don’t live far, but you’ll have to wait until my shift is up. Think you can do that for me?” You pulled back, batting your eyelashes and pouting your lips, fingers still tangled in his hair and clothes.
His eyes were glassy but locked onto you, his heart pounding in his chest, if you looked hard enough you were sure you could see his pulse in his neck. He nodded and you nodded back, an agreement made and a promise to be kept.
“Can I top off your drink?” you offered, reaching across the bar top and not so subtly arching your back and grabbing a fresh sake bottle.
“Only if you share it with me,” his eyes licked over your body.
He couldn’t believe his luck. The most beautiful girl in the whole place not only was talking to him but knew his work, and seemed to be interested. You pulled an extra cup and filled both glasses, offering one to him. He accepted graciously, still struck by the ease of the whole situation.
“To your work.” You offered
“To your work.” He offered, tapping his glass against yours before drinking together.
You two shared the bottle over the next half hour. You would occasionally need to seperate yourself and assist your coworkers, who were also engaging in the night's entertainment and service. You didn’t have any more tables to yourself, so you were mostly running drinks and offering support. Everytime you left his side, Jiraya always waited patiently for you to come back to him.
“So what keeps you working here?” He asked upon one of your returns.
“I like it. The money's good, the hours are better,” you nudged his arm, “the people are interesting.”
“Are they?” He asked, catching your hand in his and running his thumb across the back of your knuckles.
His touch was hot against your skin, leaving little prickles of electricity in its wake. You weren’t sure when exactly it had happened, but you found yourself becoming more and more excited by the idea of spending the night with him. He was forward but had remained respectful, keeping his hands relegated to your arms and back, but never on your legs or hips. The conversation flowed naturally, he was actually very funny, giving plenty of chances for you to swoon at his wide smile. His good looks were filtered by age but he was still an incredibly handsome man, his strong nose leading up to his dark eyes, big lips growing wetter and looking softer at every passing shot.
“Yeah,” you answered, flipping his own hand over to run your index finger over the inside of his palm, tracing the lines, “although they aren’t usually so handsome. Or accomplished.you wouldn’t believe the amount of stories I’ve sat through about farming or markets.”
“You know, gorgeous, if I didn’t know any better. I’d start to worry you were playing me a bit. Are my stories boring you?” He watched your finger trace over his palm, and he watched when it stopped.
Your slender finger ceased its cartography of jiraiya's large palm, moving his hand over so it faced down. You slotted your fingers in between his. You let them linger for a moment, joined together, before bringing his knuckles up to your lips and kissing lightly. Your lipstick transferred lightly, leaving a red kiss mark across the ridge of two of his fingers. You met his gaze as you pulled away, his bottom lip was caught in between his teeth as he watched you.
“Not at all, Master Jiraiya. I feel quite fortunate to be talking to you tonight.” You set his hand back down on the table, but kept your hand tucked into his.
His voice shook slightly as he asked, “how much longer is your shift?”
Your eyes flicked over to the clock on one wall, “twelve more minutes. Think you can wait here while I wrap up?”
He nodded and breathed out, releasing himself from the previous moment of tension. He leaned back slightly as you stood up and walked to the back to settle your cash for the night and close out your final tabs. Besides Jiraya it had been a slow night for you, but despite the lower than expected take home pay, you felt giddy as you collected your final tabs and closed out with your bartender and manager. Before finishing up, you swung by the bar one last time. This time opting to not sit beside Jiraiya, but lean behind him, pressing your chest into his back and talking directly in his ear.
“You actually still have to settle your tab.” You reminded him, circling a lock of his hair around your finger.
“Ah, right.” He got the bartender's attention and closed his tab, leaving a hefty tip, “should I tip you as well? Or does that come later?”
He turned to face you, suddenly his ever confident aura had dimmed slightly, as though he had grown nervous.
“You're signing my book, that’s a great tip, especially after I sell it as a collector’s item for having a genuine signature!” You teased, laughing.
He laughed along with you before standing. You realized he towered over you, he was well above six feet, probably by another half. He looked down at you, your features enticing him in further and further. His mind raced, thinking of your eyes fluttering at him, how soft your lips felt against his hand, the smell of Cherry that followed you every time you walked past him.
“Why don’t you head outside, I’ll meet you out front after I grab my bag from the back.” You told him.
Just one more hurdle until you could finally have each other. The tension continued to build and build until you knew it would eventually compound in on itself. Hopefully in your bed, and hopefully again and again until the sun comes up.
“I’ll be waiting.” He said, and lifted your own hand to his lips this time. Offering a more dramatic, showman’s kiss before loudly smacking his lips off.
You hurried to the back to hang up your apron, grab your coat and bag, and say goodbye to your coworkers. You slipped out the back and walked around to the front of the building.
Jiraya waited patiently, but nervous. This wouldn’t be the first time he had been duped by a beautiful woman’s promise of a “good time”. When you finally emerged from the side of the building, his face lit up, shoulders relaxing as he took you in.
“I hope you didn’t think I was going to leave you out here.” You read his mind.
“Of course not, just enjoying the night air. It’s good to clear the mind.” He looked down at you, you had walked straight up to him, nearly chest to chest.
The two of you stood for a moment, then two. Breath syncing up, heart rate too. In the moonlight your features look softer, eyes sparkling up at him. Jiraya fought the urge to hold your cheeks and press your lips together, you were still outside of your place of work and he didn’t want to embarrass you.
“This way,” you finally took his hand and led him down the street.
Your conversations from inside the bar continued as you walked home with Jiraiya following you closely. Your walk home wasn’t far, only a few blocks, and he was right about the night air. You had only had a few glasses to drink, but the soft summer wind was already helping you feel more alert and awake. When you finally entered the grouping of apartments where you lived, you led him to your door.
“I wasn’t expecting company, so you’ll have to excuse the mess.” You said, you had actually just cleaned the previous day, but it couldn’t help to under promise and overdeliver.
Jiraiya couldn’t care less where you lived, or how, he was just so excited to be in the home of an incredible young woman who had invited him in. You opened the door, moonlight illuminating the dark living room. With him following closely, you moved to turn on a few lamps, brightening the space. Your place was nearly immaculate, not devoid of personality, but neat. You had drapery hung over your windows and around your light fixtures allowing the light to take on different hues. Purples, blues, and golds filled the space, casting patterned shadows over the walls.
“Wow, kid. Nice place. You do all this yourself?”, Jiraiya let out a low whistle, impressed with your home making skills already.
“Mhm,” you nodded, setting your bag down on your dining table.
You moved to undo the buttons of your coat, when you felt his hands slip around you from behind, his chest was right up against your back, his head stooped down to speak in your ear.
“Please, allow me.”, his fingers were quick to undo your buttons, moving smoothly up your lapels and sliding the jacket off of your shoulders, leaving them bare and chilled with excitement.
His smell of jasmine filled your space, you felt intoxicated with him already. His lips brushed the shell of your ear, then the juncture of your jaw and neck, then the side of your throat. You bit back a moan along with the urge to lean your head back against his chest.
“Are you trying to get out of signing my book?” You teased as his hand began to circle your waist.
He laughed, it shocked you a bit. The usually booming laugh, subdued and hot against your ear. He knew just how to play you. You turned to face him, stepping back slightly, not so subtly trying to regain your footing.
“Of course not,” Jiraiya smiled down at you, his large hands still in your waist, “you keep it next to your bed?”
You pushed his chest slightly, “you wish.”
You pulled out of his grasp and moved to a low bookshelf in your modest seating area, you had to bend over to retrieve it. You heard him suck in some air as you did so. Finally pulling the bound text from your shelf, you stood again and faced him. A blush crept up your face, you realized you had dogeared a few pages, which reminded you that you had actually made notes in a few margins. Maybe you liked this book a bit more than you let on. He noticed too, taking the book from you and opening to the first page.
“You have a pen?” He moved to sit cross legged on your floor over the coffee table.
You grabbed a writing utensil from your desk drawer and offered it to him, loving to sit next to him.
“Ah ah,” he tutted, hiding the book, “no peeking.”
You rolled your eyes and sat across from him instead. You watched him carefully as he thought of what to write, and with a devilish glint in his eye, started scribbling his autograph. He was taking longer than should be necessary for his name.
“You’re not writing something dirty in there, are you?” You tease, sliding your foot under the table to nudge his crossed leg..
“I already did, that’s why you like it so much.” He flirted back instantly, not even slightly shaken by your contact. He was clearly in his element.
Finally when he had finished his escription, he read over his own words. Giggling to himself, he brought the book up and mimed a kiss against the page, before blowing on it softly, to dry the ink.
“There you go, gorgeous. One of a kind.” He closed the book and set it on the table with his hand still over it, inviting you to try to take it from him.
You took the bait and reached over, he slid it just out of reach, “Almost.”
You got the game. Sliding around the table, you now were next to him, your hand fit next to his, fingers intertwining on the bound leather. You moved your body up his, with him seated and you on your knees, you were finally eye to eye with him. He watched you closely, pupils blown in excitement. You moved to sit on his lap, finally in a full embrace. He was so wide, it was hard to fully straddle him, but you managed. You could feel him getting hard underneath you, too many layers separated you from him. You could feel how wet you had gotten from the back and forth of tonight. You wanted him so bad. His large, delicious body, his experience, his charisma. It had all drawn you in. His hands moved from the table, abandoning the book and over slid your hips, then up your back and down again. The sensation was soothing and also titillating.
You felt yourself dampen further, and your breath increase. You moved your arms around his neck, leaning closer and closer, you could feel the tie that held his long hair back and you pulled until it came loose, allowing his white hair to fall freely. Your lips were so close to his, you could smell sake on his breath, you could feel his heart beating under you.
“Jiraiya?”, your lips were nearly against his as you spoke his name.
“Yes, gorgeous?”, His big hands squeezed your hips, keeping your firm against his clothed erection.
“Are you going to kiss me? Or are you going to make me beg you for it.” You looked at him under your lashes, catching his eye just in time to see him shudder a bit.
“All you had to do was ask.” He caught your lips in his, his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him.
His lips were so soft, but his kiss was so hard and passionate. His tongue immediately slipped between your lips, quickly mapping the inside of your mouth. He had the faintest taste of smoke, probably a pipe or cigarette from earlier in the night. His hands moved through his hair, tugging lightly, making him moan against your mouth.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mumbled between hot, wet kisses, “you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
Feeling emboldened by his praise, you moved one hand between your joined hips to stroke his hardened dick, “I think I have a pretty good idea.”
His hips bucked at your touch, a half moan-half laugh sputtering from his lips. He cursed and pulled at the back of your shirt, removing it quickly. His hands were rough against your skin, decades of both training and writing causing his palms and fingers to callus. Your skin was so soft by juxtaposition, smooth and even, plump and vibrant. He removed your bra skillfully, your breasts spilling out for him to quickly latch his mouth onto.
You moaned, throwing your head back, “Master Jiraiya!”
He could barely hear you, he was completely immersed in how good it felt to have your bare chest in front of him, against his lips, against his tongue. He flicked his skilled tongue over your nipple, pulling back to watch it harden and peak.
“You’ve got such great tits, baby. Such a pretty thing for me.” He kissed up the side of your neck.
You were rocking your hips against his, trying desperately to pull more of those shocked moans from him in the process. Your hands moved under his tunic, unknotting the tie and pulling the sides apart. His chest was so broad, a large star shaped scar bloomed from the center outward. You had hooked up with shinobi before, you were familiar with the combat scars and various bruises to be found on their bodies. But this was unlike anything you had ever seen. It was expansive, and evidently distracting, as you had stopped your grinding to gawk at the large healed wound.
“Thought girls liked scars.” He joked.
You ran your hand down his chest, fingers exploring the topography of muscle and scar tissue.
“I do.” You leaned down to kiss the side of his neck, hand traveling further down to his hip bone and further to undo the tie of his pants.
“You work fast, honey.” He bit his lip trying to cover the moan your eager touch pulled from him.
You moved off his lap, now pulling his trousers along with you as you moved down his body, “worried you can’t keep up, old man?”
This struck something in him. Something competitive and cocky. Before you realized it he had you up on the couch, and he was kneeling between your legs.
“I hope you don’t mind if this old man takes a turn first?” He growled holding your hips in place as you tried to figure out just how he had moved you so quickly.
His hands pulled at the top of your skirt, undoing the zipper on the side and sliding it down your legs.
“It only feels fair after I so graciously gave you my autograph free of charge.” He removed your skirt completely, leaving you only in your red panties.
You were so wet already, the panties were sticking to you. You wanted them off so bad, you wanted him so bad. His hands ran up your thighs, Jiraiya delighting in the hot, smooth skin of a young woman writing under his touch. You were so gorgeous, a beautiful body, a beautiful face, charming and intelligent. He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky. You were looking at him so desperately, he could see how badly you wanted him. And if he wasn’t sure from your eyes and your words, you were practically dripping onto your own couch in front of him. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to taste you for himself. Jiraiya leaned forward and took the front of your panties between his teeth, pulling them down, using his hands to roll the flimsy fabric off of your legs. A practiced move he had perfected over years, but never failed him.
Watching him remove your panties with his teeth had you moaning before he ever touched your aching pussy. He watched you gasp in awe and arch your back, body begging him to pleasure you. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. He slid your panties in his back pocket for later. He knew he was a pervert, but he couldn’t help himself.
Finally, with nothing separating him from your sex, Jiraiya moved your legs over his shoulder and pressed forward, giving you a long, languid lick all the way up your slit.
His tongue was devilish; skilled and wicked. Strong hands keeping your thighs in place as he devoured you. You couldn’t stop the wanton moans that spilled from you like a waterfall, he had barely started and you were already whimpering and pulling at his hair.
“Baby you taste so good, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop. How many do you think you can take?” You could barely hear him through the sound of him lapping at your dripping pussy.
He was talking about his fingers, thick and waiting to push inside of you. They were bigger than yours, bigger than anyone’s you had been with, and fuck you wanted them inside of you.
“Two. Two. Fuck, Jiraiya, please.” You begged him, needing more and more from him despite how good you already felt.
He pushed his first two fingers inside of you, tongue still slurping around your clit. Feeling him spread you open, you felt the white hot build up of orgasm approaching. Your voice was giving you away, panting moans, barely intelligible curses mixed with his name. You tugged at his hair, paying no kind to if it hurt him or not. He certainly wasn’t stopping, nor was he complaining. He was too drunk off of your taste. He hooked his fingers inside of you, deliciously hitting your g spot.
You nearly went blind with pleasure. You were cumming before you even realized how close it was. Not only cumming, but squirting. Gushing around his fingers and into his waiting mouth. He drank from you, everything you had. Leaving you a well pleasured, panting mess above him. The heels of your feet had dug into his shoulders so hard he may bruise. But tomorrow if he woke up with any mark of you left on him, he would be a happy man. Finally detaching his mouth from your puffy, spent pussy, Jiraiya sat back on his heels, watching you carefully, licking his fingers clean.
“Ever done that before?” He grinned cockily, your squirt still dripping down his chin onto his neck.
You watched him take great pride in cleaning his fingers of your cum, “once or twice.” You told him.
“Think I can make you do it again?” He leaned over you, his hands finding your waist again, pulling you forward, against the front of his barely done pants.
You shuddered at the thought. You had read his books, you were familiar with his proclivity toward having the heroines orgasm again and again, until they were begging for mercy. You had always assumed it was fiction, and that couldn’t, shouldn’t reflect on the desires and skills of the author. But the way he watched you as you came undone for him, the way he looked down at you now, you knew it was autobiographical.
He wiped a sweaty strand of hair from your forehead, tucking it behind your ear before leaning down to kiss you again. This kiss was softer than before, he cupped your face sweetly, not tugging and pulling you into him, but holding you firm and steady against his lips. You kissed him back, finally feeling grounded in your body again. He tasted like you, you were sure you tasted like him too. The experience of letting someone’s taste overpower your own was at times more sensual and pleasurable than the act of sex itself.
Your hands moved over his back, feeling the strong muscle, the divots and grooves of his body. Your eager hands moved to remove his pants, and he joined the effort, stripping himself completely before you. He joined you on the couch, kneeling between your legs, still kissing you. You felt his hardened length hot against you, sliding up and down your slit, he reveled in the fruits of his previous labor.
“Please Jiraiya, please.” You whimpered against his kisses, reaching down to stroke him.
He was diamond hard in your hand, long, and thick. Of course he was, of course this literary Casanova had the personal equipment to back it up. You could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his erection. You ran your thumb beneath his foreskin to pull the precum from him and coat your hand to lubricate his length. Jiraiya shuddered and lifted you back onto the couch again, joining you and slotting himself between your legs. Your lips were hot against his, spit and moans exchanged in between sloppy kisses. His thick, white hair shielded you from the light in the room, blocking out everything else but him. He reached down to join your hand on his length, his eyes meeting yours to confirm consent. You nodded again, rocking your hips against the head of his cock. You moved your hands to his shoulders. Jiraiya’s thumbs spread your folds apart for him to release a string of spit onto you. Spreading the lubrication of his spit and your previous release along his length and your slitc he started to inch himself into you.
You couldn’t help the arch that your back curved into. Nor could you stop the mewl that escaped you. Jiraiya groans above you, pushing deeper. Your vision went white as he packed his inches into you. You clawed at his muscles, whimpering as he filled you.
“I know, baby. Almost there.”, he cooed, smoothing your hair.
You squirmed at his depth, how he stretched you out, how he mashed against the wall of your cervix.
“Relax, baby. Let me in, it’s okay.” He kissed your cheeks where you had scrunched up your face.
You breathed deeply, trying desperately to relax your tensed muscles. Just as you would release slightly, he would push further and you would clench around him again. Finally after much stopping and starting, he bottomed out inside of you. His hips meeting the backs of your legs, your calves over his shoulders, and your fingers gripping his shoulders.
“Jiraiya…fuck…you’re so deep.” You trembled against him.
Jiraiya panted above you, running his hand up your leg soothingly. You were holding him so tight, he was struggling to keep from fucking into you further.
“Let me know when I can move, sweetness.” He pressed a sweet kiss to the ball of your ankle, petting your leg again.
After finally accommodating his size, you nodded. He pulled back carefully to the head of his cock before sliding into you again. He began an even thrusting pace, he rocked his hips against your sweet spot inside of you. You couldn’t help the broken, nasty sounds that fell from your lips. He was setting your body ablaze with pleasure. His head fell back as he maintained his rhythm, letting out a lazy, delicious moan. You felt electric, like all the energy in your body had illuminated and was glowing. His hands traveled from your thighs to your hips to your breasts and back again. You felt as though he was unstitching your every piece, taking you apart at the atomic level. And it was marvelous, his touch was practiced and methodical, he knew just how to touch and to please you. You couldn’t control the begging pleas that spilled from you.
“Raiya, please, yes, fuck, oh” in repetition again and again.
He was similarly babbling, “yes baby, so tight, so good, good girl.”
Your sweat transferred to his skin, and vice versa, when he finally leaned over you, closing you in against the couch, you couldn’t help but keen to kiss him again. His big, strong hand pulled your hip up to meet his thrusts, and you helped him, fucking yourself up into him. Your bodies worked in perfect sync, meeting his thrusts, him moving his fingers in between your bodies to circle your swollen clit. Your voice raised in pitch, eyes rolling back as he played you like a fiddle. You had no idea earlier in the night how incredible he would be.
You felt yourself inching so close to climaxing, and you made it clear.
“Please Jiraiya, please!” You begged
“You wanna cum, pretty girl?” He smiled, pushing deeper into you, making you arch further.
“Yes! Fuck yes please. Let me cum!”
“Cum all over this cock. Make a mess for me, baby.” He choked out, circling your clit and sucking into your neck.
He pushed harder into you, the combination of his cock and fingers finally bringing you to your desperate, whimpering, squirting climax. You coated his cock and abdomen in your cum, he shuddered against you trying to keep his pace as he reached his own orgasm.
“Fuck!” Jiraiya cried out slamming himself against your g spot, finally letting his release take him.
You could feel his cock pulse, shooting his long streams of cum inside of you, painting your walls white. Jiraiya collapsed his full weight onto you, which was not insignificant, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You stroked his fluffy, white hair as he caught his breath atop you. He pressed lazy, hot kisses to your neck, collarbone and chest as he caught his breath. Minutes passed with you two locked into this embrace. Finally the weight of his body was too much, and you tapped on his shoulder, urging him to sit up. He did, pulling you up with him, having you straddle his lap so he could stay sheathed inside of you. He stroked your back, still kissing your neck occasionally. You slumped against his broad chest, feeling spent, he let his head rest against the back of your couch. When he had finally caught his breath, he tipped his head back down, holding your face in his hands, and kissed you deeply. His tongue smoothed against yours, tasting your exhaustion. He moved your hair out of your face, and looked into your eyes.
You finally found your words, “I better not read about this.”
“If you think I’m not using this as research, I hate to disappoint you…” Jiraiya laughed heartily, holding you closer.
You kissed him again, laughing against his lips. You luxuriated in his touch, his warmth, and his kiss.
Sure enough, about nine months later when his most recent book was released you rushed to the local bookstore. You found there was a dedication at the beginning reading simply.
For Cherry, Page 73.
You quickly flipped to the listed page and found the beginning of a deliciously flowery sex scene, one where the protagonist picks up a waitress and spoils her the exact way Jiraiya had done to you.
You couldn’t hide the blushing smile. That bastard.
Okay y’all thanks so much for reading! I hope y’all enjoyed! I’m nasty feral for this big bad man.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Sleeping Beauty
Jiraiya x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Synopsis: You slept peacefully until you began to feel the bed dip. You expected it to be Naruto waking you up for food but didn't expect to see the white-haired Sannin instead.
Cw: Slightly suggestive at the end ;)
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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The late afternoon sun covered your bedroom in a warm glow. The widows were open, allowing the sound of people talking below to float inside along with the summer breeze. It felt like heaven and no one could blame you for turning your 30-minute nap into a 2-hour ordeal. Even Naruto stayed away from your room, knowing that you rarely slept. At one point, after realizing you would be sleeping for longer than 30 minutes, he took off to go train.
You didn't know this, of course, so when you awoke to the sound of footsteps you assumed it was him. The door to your room opened and you fought back a sigh, maybe he was just checking to see if you were still asleep. It was silent for a minute and you assumed that he had left, but then you felt your bed dip.
"Naruto" you grumbled, shoving your face into your pillow in annoyance "There's money in my bag, if you're hungry go get some ramen" There was no answer, only silence. If you didn't have a half asleep brain, you would have registered that the person was staring intently at you.
"Naruto" you huffed out.
A hand touched your shoulder, and the size of it made your eyes shoot open. This was not Naruto.
Your gasp of fright sounded out, head shooting up from your pillow as you flew from the bed. Your hands shook as you took in the grinning Sannin on your bed, and if you weren't scared half to death you would have been happy to see him.
"Morning sleeping beauty"
You sighed, hand clutching your chest as you fought back the fear and adrenaline. "What the hell Jiraiya, you scared the shit out of me!" His laugh bounced around the room, and you wondered if the people below could hear the ordeal that had just happened. Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment knowing Kakashi would be ashamed of you for letting your guard down. "I just wanted to surprise my favorite girl"
Your eyes narrowed, lip jutting out in a pout as you crossed your arms. "I thought I was your only girl" your words echoed in the room and his shit-eating grin didn't make you feel better. However, how he looked at you told you not to worry about that. You were the only one he wanted. "Come here" his arms opened, urging you to come into them. Your heart was still pounding but you shuffled back towards the bed and him regardless. "Does Naruto know you're home?" you whispered as you climbed onto the bed, slowly moving towards the large man on the other side of the king-size bed. Apparently, you weren't going fast enough, because he was grabbing you the second you were within arms reach.
"Jiraiya" you groaned as your face was shoved into his chest. "I missed you so much" he muttered, body sliding down so you both were laying down once more. He sighed happily, the smell of you surrounding him in a sort of comfort he lost every time he left the village. You rolled your eyes but cuddled into him. "I'm not happy you woke me up, I was having a good dream" you muttered into his shirt, eyes fluttering closed as you tried to remember what the dream was about. You knew it was about the man under you, but it was more domestic.
He hummed, hand going down to grab the blanket. Soon, you felt the blanket being pulled over you both as Jiraiya pulled you deeper into his embrace. "What was the dream?"
You smiled lovingly, finally remembering what it was about. "We were married and had a family... Stupid I know"
Jiraiya's eyebrows furrowed, "Stupid? Why is that stupid?"
You snorted in laughter, Jiraiya? Getting married? Having kids? What a stupid thought. Silenced filled the space but you didn't take in the tension growing. "Do you want that, Y/n?"
Your eyes shot open once more, not from the question, but the sincerity of it. "You don't want-"
"I'm asking YOU if you want that... Do you?"
You sighed to yourself, for the year that you had been dating him, marriage and the like had never been brought up, but you wanted it. Yearned for it actually. "I do" you breathed out, eyes trained on your fingers as they anxiously fiddled with the opening of his shirt. "Which one first?"
Your eyes flicked up to his face in confusion. "Marriage always comes first" you stated firmly. It was the same thing you preached to Naruto. He didn't say anything, only looked down at you blankly. You grew embarrassed, this was so stupid...
"Well, there goes my plan..."
Jiraiya stood up, causing you to hit the bed in shock. Thinking he was leaving caused your heart to lurch in your throat. "I- We don't have to do any of that! It was just a dream- What the hell are you doing?"
He had pulled out a box, stopping your nervous ramble in its tracks. "I was going to propose to you somewhere nice. Take you out and the like. But I don't know if I should let you go another second thinking I don't want the same thing you want" He was nervous, despite you telling him that you wanted this. He bounced on his feet before handing you the box. None of this felt formal, but you liked that in a way. Jiraiya wasn't formal. He was spontaneous and never followed protocols on these things.
Your mouth dropped in shock as you opened the box. The ring was beautiful, you could tell it cost him a lot of money. "So... Do you want to make your dream come true?"
Your gaze shot to his very nervous one, causing you to smile. "I don't know... Should I marry a creep who watched me sleep?"
"Y/n" he grumbled out, your soft giggle only caused his chest to tighten more. Plucking the ring from the box, you slid it on your ring finger before examining it in the golden rays of the sun.
"Of course, I'll marry you, you idiot"
He raced back to you, scooping you up in a hug as he once more sat beside you in the bed. He placed kisses all over your face and neck, muttering praises and "I love you's" as if his life depended on it. You could feel the way his heart pounded under your fingers, but it soon relaxed as his body melted into yours. "Does Naruto know?" you questioned, causing Jiraiya to laugh lightly.
"The little shit helped me pick it
Your jaw dropped, pushing him away from your neck so you could get a better look at him. "That's why he asked me about my ring size?! He told me it was for an assignment!" Jiraiya chuckled at that, technically it was an assignment, but it was for him... Not the school.
His hand cupped your cheek, a smirk falling into a soft and loving smile. "You're so beautiful"
Once more, your cheeks heated up and it traveled down your neck, "Jiraiya" you groaned out as you tried to avert your gaze from his. The feelings flowing from him were strong and intoxicating, he loved you. If you didn't believe it before, there was no denying it now.
He leaned in, capturing your lips softly with his. The world grew silent around you as you melted into him, hands gripping his shoulders as you tried to hold on for dear life.
"HEY!! Did she say yes Pervy Sage?!"
You broke apart, throwing a glare at the blonde in the doorway. He shot a toothy grin back at you before racing towards you two. You let out a shriek as he jumped onto the bed. Jiraiya shook his head as Naruto tackled you specifically into a bone-crushing hug, causing the two of you to fly back onto the bed below. "Do you like the ring?! I helped him pick it out, I was the one that got the size for him as well. Sorry about lying to you. But in my defense, if I didn't get it to him he was going to stop training-"
"Yes Naruto, I know" you giggled as you brushed a hand through his hair "And yes, I love the ring, now can you please get off of me, you're heavy now"
His eyes beamed with his smile at the thought of you loving the ring, but he didn't move off of you and instead turned to give the Sannin a high five, "I TOLD YOU SHE'D LOVE IT. SHE LOVES THINGS LIKE THAT"
You let out an exaggerated gasp legs flailing as you tried to push the teen off of you. Jiraiya took pity on you and moved to haul naruto off of you. "You're going to crush her you know?" Naruto looked in shock as Jiraiya successfully moved him off of you and onto the floor. You sat up finally, hand rubbing your face in slight annoyance. "Mom, you can't even lift me like that anymore!"
Your eyes narrowed at him. At only 14, he didn't quite know when to shut up. "You must be getting weak"
A gasp flew from your lips, fingers gripping the pillow beside you and flinging it at him "OUT" his boyish giggle sounded out as he evaded your throw, but you weren't done. Grabbing the pillow behind Jiraiya, you moved to get in a better position to whip it at him. "Careful" Jiraiya hissed as you went a little too close to the edge of the bed. The pillow slammed into the wall beside the door where Naruto ran out of.
"I'll get you-" your own gasp cut you off as you flew off the bed.
A strong arm caught you just in time, your face being mere centimeters from the floor. "My goodness, you two act like children when fighting" Jiraiya grumbled, hauling you back up onto the bed. You smiled sheepishly at him, it didn't matter how old Naruto would be, you'd always fight with him like you were brother and sister. "Your relationship with him is confusing in a way. You act like a mom most times, but when you argue? Whew, there isn't an ounce of mom in you then"
You rolled your eyes at his words but knew they were true. "Being just the mom figure isn't fun you know... And I was a kid raising a kid so can you blame me?"
Silence filled the space between you two, and you tried to look out the open door listening to see if Naruto was still in the apartment. "He went for ramen and to continue training. Heard him leave as you threw the second pillow" You nodded a this before moving to face him once more, but you didn't expect him to be so close.
"So am I going to have to be the mean parent when it comes to disciplining our kids?"
Your breath caught in your throat at his joking words, causing him to cock his head at you "What, you didn't think I'd let that part of your dream go, did you?". He leaned in closer, lips brushing yours in a teasing manner. "Do we really have to wait till we are officially married... Or can we start practicing now?"
Your breath was shaky as you leaned in to try and capture his lips, but he kept evading them. "Jiraiya" you grumbled, unhappy with the teasing that was happening. He smirked but didn't give you want you wanted, he needed to hear it.
"Do you want a baby now? Because I'll give you one now"
Your moan nearly made his composure break. "Stop teasing me... You know I want that-"
"But you have to ask nicely" he cooed, hands coming up to cup your face, forcing you to look at him and not his lips. Your eyes began to droop, the thought of carrying his child was filling you with desire. Muttering the words would surely seal your fate, and there would be no going back. But that's what you wanted... "Can I please have a baby?"
Once the last word left your lips, you found yourself on your back with Jiraiya hovering over you. Oh ya, you were in trouble now, because he'd give you what you wanted and he wouldn't stop until you were satisfied.
"Anything for you... My sleeping beauty"
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or0ch1maru · 3 months
Hey! I was just wondering if you could write some cute sfw hcs for jiraiya :))) thanks!
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Hiiii bbys🫶🏻 sorry for my absence, it’s been a busy two weeks but I am back, and have a few requests to catch up on over the weekend☺️
-JIRAIYA who is undoubtedly loyal to his friends, let alone his partner when he’s in a relationship
-JIRAIYA who buys you whatever you want. It may not be right away when he first catches you eyeing something off in a store but it’ll always find its way to you, as well as a cute little note
-JIRAIYA who loves physical touch. Has to have a hand on you at all times. Almost as if he’s scared you’re going to evaporate the second he lets you go.
-JIRAIYA who may be a perv, but always respects women. Consent and safe words being a huge thing for him. If he senses any form of unease, he backs off
-JIRAIYA who worships the ground you walk on. Sees his partner as his god/goddess
-JIRAIYA who meets with Tsunade weekly for drinks or dinner. Catching up on their week and just bonding as best friends. including Orochimaru as well
-JIRAIYA who plasters kisses all over your neck and face every time he comes home even if he only goes outside to check the mail
-JIRAIYA who loves cooking. Makes your favorite foods. If he’s single, he’ll be experimenting with spices, and new recipes any chance he gets
-JIRAIYA who would be a sugar daddy if you weren’t looking for anything serious except $$$, buys you cute little outfits, makeup, anything your little heart desires
-JIRAIYA who pulls you into his chest as he hugs you tightly, taking in your warmth, and smell
-JIRAIYA who adores when you trace over his chest scar. The skin being sensitive or sometimes painful, but claims you always make it feel better when you touch it
-JIRAIYA who would risk his life for his two closest friends and his spouse. Doesn’t even think twice about it either. As long as you three are safe, that’s all he could ever ask for
-JIRAIYA who is open minded, tries everything at least once, no matter what it is. Loves hearing about peoples opinions even if he doesn’t agree. Will hold hour long discussions with people as he loves talking.
-JIRAIYA who gives you puppy eyes when he wants attention. Batting his eyelashes at you the way you do towards him when you want something
-JIRAIYA who loves pet names, has a long list of all the sweet things he calls you. Wants you to always know how much he loves and cherishes you
-JIRAIYA who hates seeing you cry. Does everything in his will power to make you happy even if that means beating somebody up for disrespecting you
(If anybody wants a one shot of any of the things I’ve mentioned in this post, feel free to send them in. I absolutely ADORE Jiraiya. He my baby😩)
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Something Naruto please!!! I really like all of your stuff
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Finding Orochimaru and Sasuke drinking while two incredulous saanin inch closer to pissed off is much better than he was expecting.
"Hey Sensei," Sasuke greets before taking a shot. He holds the empty glass out to him. "Want one?"
He takes the glass, turning a raised eyebrow to Orochimaru who just shrugs. He sighs. "I've got it from here. Go harass your teammates or something."
"If I tell Sakura that Tsunade is here we'll never get rid of her," he points out.
This is very true. "Get. Skadoodle."
Skadoodle, he mouths to himself before looking to Orochimaru.
"I can handle myself. Go tell Naruto he's grounded," he says.
Sasuke nods and gets to his feet, clapping Kakashi on the arm as he passes. "Good luck."
He takes the seat that Sasuke just vacated, meeting the saanin's stare easily. He resists the urge to rest his hand on Orochimaru's thigh because he knows that he won't at all appreciate the show of possessiveness.
"He's old enough to be your grandfather, you know," Jiraiya says.
He blinks. He really hadn't expected this to the track taken by Jiraiya of all people. "Biologically possible but statistically unlikely."
"He's twenty nine, idiot," Orochimaru says. "Just because you abandoned the village when he was thirteen doesn't mean he stayed that age."
"Abandoned!" Jiraiya roars.
"Oh, sorry," Orochimaru looks down at his nails. "I suppose your little spy network was a little useful to the village, at least enough that Sensei could get away with pretending you were on a mission. The one that really abandoned it was Tsunade."
Tsunade slaps her hand on the table hard enough that it cracks downs the middle. Kakashi hopes his mask hides his flinch.
"Temper, princess," Orochimaru says softly.
"Who are you to say that to me?" she demands.
Kakashi usually thinks Orochimaru's fearlessness is hot. Right now he's sort of terrified.
"Who are you to waltz into my village, badmouth me to to my son, and question my dating choices?" he snaps back. "Naruto may have asked you here, but he doesn't know you. Because you left, and didn't come back, and left him abandoned. I don't want to hear shit from either of you."
On one hand, Kakashi appreciates Orochimaru holding in his temper until he got here. Sasuke has never seen the saanin well and truly pissed off and probably wouldn't know what to do with it.
On the other, he really doesn't want to find himself involved in a fight between the three saanin.
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derangederensimp · 2 years
Naruto Shippuden One Shot Kinktober
#14 Bath Sex with Jiraiya x Fem Reader
CW: Age Gap Reader 22 Jiraiya 50. Yeah yeah he’s old but I’m smashing. Sex in a private spring, pet names, Creampie.
Jiraiya made it part of tradition to take you to the hot spring with him for a weekend as a treat for being such a great editor for his books. He loved your contact nagging but hated how stressed out you'd become so he made it apart of his time to take you with him to unwind at his favorite spring.
He had gone through several editors until he found you, maybe the reason you worked out was because you could put up with him no matter what he did. Whenever he was in town you’d take care of him after too many drinks, letting him rest it off on your couch. To him a friendly interaction but to you it was different, feelings developing but you worried it would be one sided. He was 28 years older than you, you knew he also liked Lady Hokage but it didn’t stop your heart aching for him.
Maybe it was the sake as the two of you sat across from each other in a booth but your thighs wouldn’t stop squeezing together and moving. “What is it y/n? Something looks off” Jiraiya said, waving over a server to start giving water instead of the sake.
Getting water in your system sobered you up but the feeling between your legs did not go away. “Let’s go to the spring” Jiraiya said, standing up from the booth and extending his hand outward to help you up. Taking his hand in yours a smile crossed his lips.
You heard him loudly talking to the front desk, but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. He walked over to you, his eyebrows furrowed. “The public springs are closed temporarily but I was able to get a private one for us to share but if that’s uncomfortable I’ll let you spend all the time you want alone in there”
A perfect opportunity - “that’s fine, no big deal. We’re both adults. Well an old man and an adult” you said, chuckling. He laughed with you, putting his hand on the back of his neck “you think I’m old?” He quizzed, a smirk trying not to laugh to be serious. “It’s a good thing I like older men” your eyes widen as you just realized you said that aloud and not in your head. Your face turning pink as your turned away from his gaze.
Jiarya simply chuckled, walking away towards the private spring. You walked a few paces behind him to keep a safe distance. Your cheeks were still bright pink. Getting to the spring he handed you a towel, turning around the both of you stripped naked, wearing the towels around your bodies and walking towards the spring. You got in first, discarding your towel beside you, Jiraiya turned his face away, closing his eyes. You did the same as he got in. The two of you sat in silence for a bit before his curiosity got to him.
“What did you mean by you liking older men” he asked, putting his thumb to his chin waiting for your response. “I- uh, I go for older men. I like them more” you said quickly. “Oh I see, so like me?” He asked, sitting beside you. Your face grew hot as he got close, his thumb under your chin. “Well y/n?”
Closing the gap between your lips, his lips felt soft against yours, putting your arms around his neck you deepened the kiss. “Yes” you quickly said before you pushed your tongue through his mouth, exploring his. You let him into your mouth softly moaning into the kiss. Pulling your faces apart you stared at him with hooded eyes.
His lips pressing again your neck he sucked at spots leaving marks. His hands exploring your body, getting goosebumps from the sensation. Stopping at your breasts he took them into his hands squeezing them. “You drive me crazy with these, Everytime I catch you coming out of the shower when I drop off the books I have to fight myself from staring too long”.
Lifting your breast up he kissed your nipple before taking it into his mouth, his tongue giving kitten licks to your raised bud. Another soft moan escapees past your lips, his name following. “A-ah Jiraiya m-more”
His cock painfully hard he stroked at it few times before you gripped it yourself. He was huge, bigger than anyone you’ve been with before. “If we keep going I won’t be able to stop myself” Jiraiya said, his thumb at your clit rubbing. “Ye-yeah. Keep going” you moaned out, putting your hand over your mouth due to not wanting others to hear you.
“Ah, ah, I wanna hear you princess” He said, pulling your hand from your mouth. “Will you turn around for me?” Jiraiya said. You listened, turning around and holding the edge of the spring.
Tapping his cock against your cunt, the tip becoming slick. His tip already splitting you in two, “f-fuck Jiraiya” you whined. A pleased grunt coming from him as he slowly shoved the rest of himself in, your cunt feeling completely stuffed. He let your body adjust to him before he pulled himself out of you, slamming his hips against your ass. You bite down on your cheek, moaning loudly as he filled you to the hilt again.
His hands rested on your hips pulling your body back onto him. Your cunt clenched at his cock
Your breasts moving with his thrusts you tightened your grip on the rock throwing your head back from the pleasure.
Jiraiya leaned on your body, his one hand leaving your hips and groping one while he put his other hand on your clit massaging it with the pace of his cock. Everytime hitting the G spot you began to cry out his name in ecstasy. Your cunt squeezing him tightly he groaned. “So fucking tight for me y/n. S-shit should’ve done this sooner. You can inspire my writing now.” He grunted.
Your orgasm nearing as your thighs shook, your clit becoming overstimulated. His pace picking up at the feeling “n-need to cum” you whined. “Ok princess, cum on my cock” he said in between breaths.
One last slam and the two of you both came, your cunt pulsating on his cock. Constricting him, milking him of everything he had. He stayed inside letting you ride out your high before he removed himself from your body. Sitting beside you he pulled you down onto him lap, pecking your lips softly before biting at your lower lip.
“Not so bad for an old man huh y/n?” He teased, as you laid limp against his chest, your head nestled into the crook of his neck. “Shh” you pressed a finger against his lip. You were exhausted.
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Don’t forget to leave a note! Or a comment 🖤
Kinktober Masterlist
Taglist: @yellooaaa , @immindingmyown , @dovas-world , @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn , @ilovestevelacy2228 , @nothisispatrick300 , @chrrybl0ss0m
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bakugoushotwife · 9 months
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‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎ ╰┈➤𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
shinobi squads
uzumaki naruto
uchiha sasuke
series: inextricable one | two | three (sfw)
headcanon: bf sasuke (sfw)
one-shot: the honeymoon (nsfw)
haruno sakura
hyuga hinata
hyuga neji
rock lee
inuzuka kiba
aburame shino
yamanaka ino
akimichi choji
nara shikamaru
senseis + hokages + other
hatake kakashi
one-shot: friends with little benefit (nsfw)
one-shot: care (nsfw)
headcanon: short gf (sfw)
senju tsunade
namikaze minato
senju hashirama
senju tobirama
uchiha itachi
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bridgetotheskyyy · 8 months
Research - Jiraiya
Kinktober Masterlist
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Warnings: 18+, titfucking, cum eating, fluff, has the nerve to be romantic lmaooo
A/n: Day 2! Jiraiya is the perfect mixture of raunchy perv and gentlemen and if I get to use my bring back one character card it's gonna be on him 😭❤❤❤
Read on Ao3.
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The door slid open, but not with ease. 
"Jiraiya?" You pushed past the scraps of paper, potato chip bags, and discarded notebooks interfering with the door’s lower half.
You let yourself into the small apartment and surveyed the damage.
“In here.”
You strode to the living room and there he was: Jiraiya sulked in his chair, lording over an apocalyptic desk. You had never seen so many sheets of paper in your life.
“Is ―” You broke off as a groan lodged itself in Jiraiya’s throat. “Is everything all right?”
“Fine,” he grumbled.
Clearly something was up, and you didn't know what gave it away ― maybe it was the putrid smell of defeat or the dozens of crumbled rejection letters your feet swam in.
Again, Jiraiya groaned. He leaned into a chair creaking under his weight. His enormous arm lay slung over his eyes to block the nonexistent daylight, his tailed hair roping around the floor. 
He hummed tiredly. "You didn't come to collect rent, did you?"
“Jiraiya,” You began with a tone to emphasize what came next should be obvious, “I don’t ask for you for rent, remember?”
It had only been a few weeks since you had let Jiraiya stay in one of your units rent free to finish his latest pulp novel ― how has he forgotten? 
“Ah,” he said. “That’s right. Remind me once this infernal book is finally done to include my appreciation for your hospitality in the acknowledgements.” His other hand shot out as if to give a toast. “To the kindness of strangers!”
A hinge of hurt sent you frowning. “So, I’m a stranger?”
Silence. Jiraiya peeked to admire you. 
“No, you’re not.” He shrouded his eyes again. “Sorry. Shouldn't have said that.”
You approached him, circled his defeated form like a concerned mother hen. “Are you ill? Do you need something?”
He finally removed his forearm. “Have you had much luck with love, (Y/n)?”
You perked. “Hm? I ― What do you mean?”
He quirked his head at you. “C’mon. You know what I mean.” 
“Well … I mean …” Your face grew warm. You nodded. “Yeah. I mean …” This part was under your breath. “... depends on what you mean by luck …”
“I knew it.” Jiraiya sighed and collapsed against the back of his chair. “You weren’t fooling anyone with that pretty face.”
You grew warmer under the spotlight of the compliment. “I …” He thinks I’m pretty?
“You’ll never know how good you have it,” Jiraiya said. Without ceremony, he abandoned the chair to pace around the room. “Do you know how hard it is to write about the raunchy threads of everlasting love when you’ve had no real practice?”
You blinked. Not the first time the man’s diction has thrown you for a loop and thoroughly bewildered you. 
“Raunchy ― raunchy threads ―?”
“Sometimes, I wonder if I’m really cut out for this.” Jiraiya shook his head. “Even success doesn’t guarantee satisfaction with one’s work. Who knew!”
“Jiraiya,” You implored. “You have a series of bestselling novels under your belt.” You playfully pushed at his shoulder ― what bit of it you could reach anyway. “Everyone struggles. You shouldn’t give up so fast!”
Silence, save for the crickets demanding attention tucked away in outdoor bushes.
Jiraiya laughed, a heaty, deep laugh from his belly. 
“Now you sound like one of my students!” 
You shrugged. “I’d offer to help, but you never let me, remember?”
Jiraiya stopped, as though an idea had held its arm out to stop his pacing. 
“You have …” He turned to you. His eyes flickered downward to study you. “Say … Would you … be up for helping me now?”
You threw him a suspicious look. “Depends on how I’ll be helping.” 
Jiraiya’s expression shifted ― nervousness etched onto his face. “Ahem … well …”
He began pacing again. Your brows creased as you followed his movements. What was he up to?
“It’s just,” he began. “When you’re writing, there are just so many unknowns. Things I can’t possibly know, being such a loser with women.” He socked the side of his head with a fist, seemingly convinced in his dried-up state the abuse could lead to some heart-stopping revelation. “Things I can’t even begin to imagine ― you know, ahem, despite the job description.”
“You’re stalling,” You teased. “It’s never good when you stall.”
Jiraiya faced you. You leveled with his chest, the sheer enormity of the man baffling in comparison to you. 
You probably would’ve been scared. 
If it hadn't been him.
Jiraiya reached out. His palm touched the wall, leaving you semi-caged in as he leaned toward you. 
“I’m going to do something,” he muttered. “Something I’ve always wanted to do. Promise not to hit me?”
“Why would I hit you?” You hoped he could not hear the tremble in your voice.
Jiraiya shrugged. “Minimal success with the fairer sex has taught me to proceed with caution.”
Your stomach knotted into itself. The shadow of his intentions fluttered vaguely over the penumbra of your mind. 
“Okay,” You whispered.
Jiraiya inched closer ― every inch a century ― and bridged the gap between you and him, his lips brushing yours before securing them in a soft kiss.
Soft. Gentle, both his lips and the technique he used. 
It was a good thing, too; for if he had used any more force, you surely would’ve died on the spot. 
His unoccupied hand came to cup the back of your head, cajoling you closer. Your lips moved on his while hands cupped the sides of his face. His rough-textured skin laid under your timid touch. Jiraiya hummed in appreciation. His tongue flicked out to ask tentative permission into your mouth.
But once you offered it, he pulled away. He held your gaze for a few seconds before retreating. He stopped midway to press a reverent kiss to your exposed shoulder pad. 
When he parted from you, you trailed his every move back to his disastrous desk. 
“Sorry,” Jiraiya murmured. He laid a hand on the back of his chair for support. “If I went on, I wouldn’t have stopped.” 
You said nothing, only sucked your lips in to taste the phantom of Jiraiya’s kiss.
“Hopefully, I’ve made my true feelings known,” he said. He leaned over his desk for a second before swiping something from it, one sheet of paper amidst many. 
“You …” You trailed. “You … Me?”
He approached you with a chuckle nestled in a smile. “Yes.”
He leaned over the wall, cool-guy style, and the position strangely suited him. You were still recovering as his eyes roved over the sheet of paper limp in his hold.
“I’m sure you also know now all my female love interests are secretly you,” Jiraiya went on. “I’m just so good at remaining subtle, I bet you didn’t notice.”
You had, in your wildest dreams, thought a character or two possessed your likeness, but you had never been so full of yourself to have actually imagined ― 
He offered the paper to you. “This is the scene I’m stuck on. Would you mind reading it over for me?” 
You blinked. It felt like a thousand things were happening when, really, one thing had happened at a time. But so many things. 
“Su ― Sure.” You took the paper. 
You read it, Jiraiya suspiciously close to you, peering over to watch you review his work. His scent dizzied you ― pinewood and paper and pencil shavings, hardly a dazzling combination, but it was him. So it was.
You read. You understood. You blushed.
Jiraiya’s lip-corner quirked, seemingly suspecting you were at the end of the scene. 
“I wanted to make my true feelings known before I suggested this ―” Jiraiya tapped the paper with a finger. “I didn’t want you thinking for a second I was trying to use you for anything.”
You laughed, prompted by the absurdity of it all. He wanted you to ―
You smirked.
“So,” he began, a flirtatious lilt to his voice, “will you do it?” 
You turned to him, tipping your head up to stare at the bigger man. 
“I’d be happy to.”
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“Hold still ― hah ― that’s good, argh, that’s gooood ―”
Jiraiya sat above you, face strained. His mouth hung open, the heated huffs of his breath warming your skin, prompting your sensitive nubs to perk. 
You laughed; it was fun to watch him come apart like this, better than any vague fantasy.
“How does this even come up in the story, Jiraiya?”
Jiraiya chuckled amidst the pleasure. “Hehe, ahem, well …”
You squeezed your tits against his cock, presumably to shut him up. Jiraiya stilled, breath sharp.
His shaft sat nestled, secure in the valley of your breasts. You sat your chin on your collarbone to glance at the red, flared cockhead twitching up at you.
You licked your lips. “Is this what you’ve been seeing in your mind’s eye?” You gathered your breasts and began to jerk him, cupping him between your tits. “Picturing me like this, underneath you?”
Jiraiya leaned forward, his tail of hair falling inches from your face.
You cupped your breasts around him, working them against the sensitive skin of his excited cock. 
“I can’t imagine why you got stuck,” You purred, eyes narrowed on the gorgeous man above you.
“Ah, aahah …” Jiraiya’s mouth hung open as his hips worked in tandem with you. “Too enthralled with the real thing ― aargh!���
“I love seeing you like this,” You breathed out.
“I’m sure you do ― aah, gods, they’re perfect!” Jiraiya retrieved his cock to slap it against one tit before securing it in the slit you'd made for him. He jerked his hips; they stuttered as you closed any further gap between his cock and your pillowy breasts. “You’re perfect.”
He opened his eyes ― wrong move; just in time to see your tongue flick out and swipe at his cockhead.
“Urgh!” Jiraiya planted a hand beside your head to secure his balance. “Who knew you’d be such a natural at this?” 
“I did say I had experience, didn’t I?” You swiped and sucked at his cockhead with a hungry mouth. “Did you ― mmf ― forget?”
“Head’s kinda cloudy right now, admittedly ― aah!”
His cock dangled at your mercy, following the swift up-down motion of your breasts. 
You continued egging him on amongst his moaning. It was heavenly, watching the Great Toad Sage come apart just by the use of your tits. You licked and took his cockhead into your mouth, popping it out before speeding up your motions. 
“C’mon,” You urged at the hastening of his breath. “C’mon, Jiraiya, mmm …!”
“Please stop talking,” Jiraiya said. “Nurgh ― so good.” He cracked an eye open to smile weakly at you. “I’ve gotta last, y’know?”
You stared crookedly. “Why?”
“Research purposes ― ah, oh, gods ― we’ve been over this.”
You paused, your breasts falling flat at your sides.
“You know we could always just do this again right?” 
Jiraiya popped both eyes open, collecting himself just enough to speak clearly.
“You’d let me?” he said. “You’d really let me?”
Your eyes flickered over his face lovingly. “Yes.”
“Huh … I guess you’re right.” He smirked, stars in his eyes. “Totally right.”
You rolled your eyes. “S’what I just sai ―”
Jiraiya kneaded at your breasts, thumbs grazing over the precious nubs. You shuddered as he gripped them, adjusting his hips ― and gave a thrust.
He grunted as he took the reigns, thoroughly fucking your tits at his own preferred pace. You gasped as he pinched a nipple in his grasp, twirling it between huge, calloused fingers.
“Aha ―” His cockhead brushed repeatedly over your lips. “Jiraiya ― ah, hah ―!”
“So good,” Jiraiya hung his head back, exposing the raw muscles of his pectorals, the beautiful outline of his collarbone to you. “Such a sweet girl, letting me use you like this …” 
Your cunt throbbed from the heated praise. Again, you licked out for him, your tongue swiping at his cockhead, swishing into the slick slit with each jut of Jiraiya’s hips. 
Jiraiya gritted his teeth. His cock twitched in your hold. Against his own desires, his pace quickened. His abdomen barreled into your chest, skin to heated skin.
He groaned, lurched forward, more animal than man. “I’m gonna ―”
“It’s okay, do it ― cum for me ―”
Jiraiya threw his head back. He released with a growl, his seed patterning your clavicle, your chin, your lower lip. 
He panted as the thrums subsided. He recovered, staring down at you. A string of his cum dribbled down the side of your face. 
Sense returned to him; he frowned. Without fanfare, Jiraiya un-straddled you, as though it was the most gentleman-like behavior he could muster in that moment. 
“I’m sorry.” He let you up. “Let me get you a ―”
You laughed. You collected what was left of him and licked it off your finger.
He went bug-eyed. “You ― you want to ―?”
“Of course,” You said. You patted his inner wrist, having been left limp on the floor in surprise. “It’s okay ― it’s okay,” You insisted as Jiraiya moved to stop you.
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” 
You swept up his spent, swallowed, and he watched you with an amazement you couldn’t name. 
“You weren’t lying, were you?” You muttered, turning on your side to face him on the floor. “You really don’t know how these things work? You haven’t …”
Jiraiya recovered enough to perform a halfhearted shrug.
You gasped, tilted your head. “You’re not ―”
“No,” Jiraiya said before you got carried away. “I’m not a virgin, just … Never been super lucky.”
Jiraiya’s fingers brushed against the soft skin of your inner wrist, calloused fingers trailing the faint train of your veins. “Until now.”
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mixelation · 10 months
wait hold on. i figured out the best* way to deal with jiraiya subconsciously writing his teammates fucking in reborn au
*best, as always, means funniest
okay, so. tori is trying very hard to go back to her old fannish ways wrt icha icha. the PROBLEM is that she's "too young" for it. kushina sees no problem with a young girl exploring her sexuality via dumb novels and loans her copies, but basically everyone else gets super fucking weird when she tries talking about it to them.
tori: hey did you see the new fan comic strip in-- (KAKASHI SLAMS HIS HAND OVER HER MOUTH)
kakashi: (nervous laughter) why does a kid know about that???
the konoha fanclub won't let her in. she's tried a henge a few times but there's enough ninja in the club she gets caught. she has to do a lot of convincing and sweet talk to buy fanzines or her own copies of the books. she meets jiraiya and even he is like ".....why don't you look me up again when you turn 18" and then kushina attempts to murder him
so she turns to OTHER franchises to look at. rpf. bad tv. itachi's library of completely stupid paperbacks. in fact, i realized this Solution because i was looking through old posts and one was talking about a book series about a kunoichi turned into a cat and then adopted by the missing-nin she was assigned to murder, which for some reason i named "kitty girl stabby ninja." it's PG-13 rather than E, so tori reads the first book of what is allegedly itachi's favorite series and then attempt to talk to him about it, and he's............ bad at it. like he's just bad. at conversation??
not to be deterred, tori is like "okay, fine, THIS is my fandom now and i'm going to start a book club" and itachi is just of like "okay?" and she goes to deidara first and then kakashi and then some random icha icha fan club people she barely knows because she doesn't have real friends. all of them are like "that sounds completely stupid" and she's like THAT'S THE POINT. then the whole idea gets completely out of her control because kushina finds out and wants to join as a team thing and tori is like NO, NO COMMANDING OFFICERS AT THE FUN SOCIAL EVENT-- but somehow they end up at kushina's house and so the goddamn hokage is also there. smiling. with snacks. the two normal people tori tried to pull from her failed forays into the icha icha fandom bail because would you willingly go talk to your hokage about a stupid as fuck romance novel for teenagers? while other famous ninja like kakashi and itachi* are there, judging???
*don't try to explain to them uchiha itachi is the source of the club or that kakashi likes icha icha for the romance and not the raunchy parts and barely needed convincing to read the catgirl romance book, it will confuse them
toward the end of the inaugural meeting deidara asks tori if people still hate her fics and minato is like "if you want writing tips, i can invite jiraiya to the next one :)" and tori is going to kill both of them. yes, even the hokage. maybe ESPECIALLY the hokage. she doesn't even really LIKE stupid kitty girl stabby ninja she just wants to do fun fandom stuff okay!!!!
jiraiya shows up at the next meeting anyway because he wants to "scope out the competition" and he makes a very dramatic speech analyzing why ninja romances appeal to civilians and how he's very cleverly using his spy skills to infiltrate civilian spaces and figure them out psychologically--
itachi, sounding genuinely confused: i thought all your plots and characterizations were just projections of your complicated relationship with Tsunade-hime and Orochimaru
Jiraiya: (SHOT DEAD)
jiraiya has to leave immediately to go rethink his entire life and maybe drink himself to death, but tori is touched itachi apparently listened to her at some point u_u
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13as07 · 4 months
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Patience #2
(Jiraiya Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Lantern6]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,533
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Should I do this chapter from Jiraiya's POV too? Probably. I like writing our soft pervert's POV
Hair Pulling
Nick Names: Little One, Sweetheart, Sweet Girl/Thing, Sensei, Obedient Girl, Pillow Princess, Tease
Praising/Soft Domination
Power Difference/Age Gap (Teacher/Student)
Exhibitionism (public sex)
Hickies/Bite Marks
Thigh Shots/Creampie
Vibrating Panties
The sensation of being full is the first thing that meets my waking senses. "Jiraiya-Sensei?" I call as the events before my nap filter into my mind, shaking loose as I shift around. My hands dip into his scar as I sit up, running across the edges of the cracked tissue.
"Hello, little one," he says, looking up at me with a soft smile on his face. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, slowly rotating his hips.
"I... I slept... good," the words tumble out, soft mewls falling with them as Jiraiya's dick rubs against my walls. "How'd... you sleep?"
"I slept good, Sweetheart," he purrs, hands sliding down to grip my thighs.
"What are you doing?" I rush out as he lifts me off of his dick, resting me on his torso. "Sensei, you said - "
"I know, my sweet girl. I'll fuck you, I promise," he mutters, flipping us so he's hovering over me. "I just need to prep you again." The sentence is followed by soft kisses being stamped down my stomach.
I start squirming when Jiraiya gets to my lower half, lips dragged across my legs as he shifts himself further down. His tongue dips into my folds, flicking at my clit before a long strip is licked against it. "Sensei," I whimper, shooting my hands down to knot them in his hair.
"Sweetheart?" He hums, the vibrations buzzing against me. Jiraiya continues to lap at me, making my hips jerk. My nails dig into his head, keeping him still as I grind myself against his tongue.
My Sensei laughs at me, his arms wrapping around my knees, and shifting my hips so I can fuck myself better. His tongue stays busy, working in stride with my hips, quickly pushing me forward. "Sensei? Jiraiya?!" I whine, my breath rushed as my orgasm is continually shoved closer.
"Little one?" He coos, tongue jumping down to poke into my hole. As Jiraiya tongue fucks me, his nose rubs against my clit because of his bobbing head. His tongue rubs against my walls, taking his time to toy with my pussy.
"Jiraiya," I moan, pushing his face against me further as I clench around his tongue. "Sensei, Sensei, Sensei," I sing out, tugging on his hair as I rub myself against his face, desperation twisted in my movements.
"Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart," he mocks before continuing to lead me through my orgasm.
"Sensei," I hiss, clinging to the strands of his hair as I try to tug him up my body. "Please?"
Again, he chuckles at me, slowly climbing up me. "Hello again, little one," he utters, face hovering over mine as his hands cling to my knees, shoving them apart so his torso can fit against me better.
     My mess drips from his face, leaving droplets of my cum on my cheeks. Jiraiya bends down, nose rubbing against mine before he kisses me. His tongue tastes bittersweet against mine, a leftover taste of myself.
     My tongue is sucked on as he pulls away, hovering over me again. "You're doing so good," he praises, pressing my knees against the pillows next to my head. Sensei is slow as he sinks his dick into me, rubbing against every inch of me like his tongue did.
     His pace stays slow, inching his way in and out of me as his eyes burn into my face. "You're doing great sweetheart," Jiraiya continues to coo, eyes flickering down to watch his dick disappear into my pussy. His fingers skip down to the back of my thighs, pushing my legs forward more.
     "Sensei," I whine, my muscles straining for the stretch. "That hurts."
     "I'm sorry, sweet girl," he mumbles, burring himself in me again before turning us back over. Jiraiya settles under me, shifting my limbs around so I sit more comfortably on top of him. "Be a good student and bounce on your Sensei's dick."
     His words sink to my stomach, sending shivers down to my pussy. My hands tumble to his chest, fingers digging into the wound that takes up most of the space.  I move my hips, lifting myself before sinking back down, taking in his full length with every thrust. "My perfect obedient girl," Sensei says, his fingers tangling around mine as I ride him. "You feel so good wrapped around me."
     A whimper spills out from the praise, pushing my pace to increase. "Jiraiya," I call again, unsatisfied with the fact I can't fuck myself any faster. "Please?"
     "Please what? Is my pillow princess upset I put her on top?" The gentle teasing is followed by a chuckle and kisses being pressed to my knuckles. Jiraiya lifts me off of him again, settling me on my hands and knees next to him. "I suppose I can't complain if I keep complying," he continues to laugh, moving around the bed to get behind me.
     Sensei thrusts into me again, faster than I managed to do myself. His hands cup my waist, using the leverage to tug me backward, matching his thrusts. He pounds himself into me, the tip of his dick kissing as far into me as he can go. "Look at me, sweet girl," he utters, fingers digging into my sides.
     I do as I'm told, leaning my head back so I can look at him. His chest puffs out with every inhale, his usually soft eyes lost their spark, and his mouth is hung a bit as he huffs for air. Jiraiya's eyes rack over me, filling up on my sweat-covered nudity. "Fuck, little one," he groans, ripping himself out of me before he hunches over.
     He moans in my ear, hands clinging to my sides as his cum coats the back of my thighs. The warm wetness drips down my legs as Jiraiya rests on top of me. Even with him supporting most of his weight, he's heavy, quickly making my arms tired from holding the both of us.
     "Good job, sweetheart," he whispers, breath still huffy as he tries to calm down. "You did a really good job. Your sensei is proud of you."
     "Jiraiya," I whine, clinging to his arm. His eyes flicker down to me before turning back to the fellow Shinobi he's talking to. "Sensei?" I repeat my call, tugging on his hand that's been placed on my knee under the table. His fingers dig into me, a warning to calm down. A warning I ignore.
     I've been quite spoiled the past week. Ever since our little rendezvous, Sensei has been all over me. Lips attacking my skin, hands clinging to any part of me he can reach, and lots of sex. Everywhere. All the time. I've grown used to the attention, and having it suddenly stop is upsetting.
     Our night has been filled with one of Jiraiya's allies in the Mist Village. Like always, Sensei was sucking fresh bruises into my skin, but instead of the quickies I've grown used to, I got my cloak wrapped around me with the collar popped up. The distance has only grown more throughout the night. No kisses, no nicknames, no small touches, no nothing.
     "Jiraiya," I hiss, tugging on the mane of white hair water-falling down his back.
His coworker chuckles at my actions, his sights settling on me. "What an antsy kunoichi you have, Jiraiya boy. I don't know how you keep your wits about you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Sensei asks, his warning eyes aimed at the coworker instead of me.
"Calm down," the Mist ninja says, eyes rolling at my Sensei. "I just know your students tend to have more energy than they know what to do with," the statement is followed by a tight smile and curious eyes.
Sensei's eyes stay put for another beat before falling to me. This time they're back to his normal softness as he looks down. His sight doesn't stay long though, bouncing back to the man across the table. "You're not wrong, I tend to have chakra balls for students. Do you mind excusing us for a few minutes?"
"Enjoy your walk," the man mutters, waving us away as he focuses on the menu.
With the approval, Sensei almost drags me out of my chair, hand clenching my arm as he tugs me behind him. "We're going on a walk?" I ask, doing my best to keep pace and not stumble over the end of my cloak dragging across the ground.
"But what's his face said - "
"When I was training Naruto, sometimes he would get antsy at the table. I would excuse us and take him on a walk or practice a jutsu or two outside so he could burn off some energy," Sensei explains, turning left down a hallway instead of dragging me through the front doors.
"But I'm not antsy, I'm - "
"I know," Jiraiya says, stopping in his tracks. My eyes snag a glance at the bathroom sign before he grips my face, forcing me to look at him. "You, little one, have the sex drive expected for someone of your age. I have given into every single whine for me you've spilled. Today, I have not, so now your hormones are going crazy because I went from answering every beck and call to barely touching you. You, my sweet girl, are beyond pampered."
"I'm sorry," I answer back, a whine slipping out before I can stop it. "I just... need you Sensei."
"Dear lord, sweetheart. You're killing me," he mutters, hands dropping to my hips before he tugs me into the bathroom.
"How am I killing you, Sensei?" I ask, leaning into his chest, not so secretly rubbing against his growing erection. When I look up at him, I make sure to keep my eyes soft and blown out the way I've noticed he likes them.
"Your little whines for me," he groans, lifting me before placing me on the sink counter. "How desperately you grip at me, the way your thighs rub together in need, your big doe eyes you keep staring at me with. You're not a princess, you're a tease."
Jiraiya's lustful speech is chased away by his mouth eagerly sucking on my neck, tongue pressed against my skin as he sucks another bruise onto me. "Sensei, I'm going to look terrible. Stop leaving hickies," I whine, tugging on his hair again in an attempt to pull him off of me.
He does pull back, tugging the skin of my throat as far as he can. It aches when he releases me. "You look gorgeous with them, sweetheart," Sensei praises, hands busy shimming my pants down my legs. "So gorgeous," he echos, fingers dipping into my panties.
Two fingers plunge into me instantly, a quick, half-done prep promised for our bathroom visit. As Jiraiya stretches me out, fingers pumping in and out, thumb rubbing at my clit, his free hand focuses on freeing his dick.
"Be quiet, sweet thing," he utters, shoving my panties down to join my pants around my knees. "I know you're not completely ready, princess, but I know you can take me. You can take all of me," Sensei encourages, lining himself up as the words bubble out of him.
He sinks in quickly, making me hiss from the sudden stretch. Jiraiya's hand clings to me tangled in my hair to keep my head pulled back and the other one supporting his weight. Lips and teeth tug at my neck, flowing down to the top of my breasts before jumping back up.
"Sensei," I whine, trying to tug his supporting hand to my pussy. He gives in, sinking into me deeper and shoving me against the mirror from the lack of support. Fingers toy with my clit, thrusts slower as he focuses on my needs.
Jiraiya shifts away from my neck, greedy lips pressed against mine as his tongue is shoved down my throat. It tangles with mine, deepening our kiss as he pounds me.
I moan into his mouth, begging with my eyes for him to keep going. I don't get what I want, Sensei is too worked up. He thrusts once more before pulling out, coating my inner thighs with his cum. "Jiraiya," I whine, gripping his shoulders. I pull on him, trying to get him to sink back into me, but again I don't get what I want.
"You need to learn to be patient," he huffs out, peppering kisses across my cheeks as he tries to regain his senses. "Be a good obedient girl at dinner and I'll fuck as long as you want tonight. Be patient," he repeats, tugging my underwear and panties back up.
"Sensei," I whimper, squirming as his cum drips down my legs, soaking into my pants. "You didn't clean me up."
"You'll be fine. It'll be a nice reminder to behave," he says, kissing me once more before tugging me off the counter.
My eyes stay focused on my shoes, jaw locked to keep my noises in. Sensei has decided the best way to teach me patience would be a pair of vibrating panties. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, one that I'm not enjoying.
Throughout the day he has turned it on and off, switching the speed as he pleases. Right now is no different, slow vibrations rub into my clit as Sensei talks to a coworker. It's another Mist Ninja, no surprise there since we've been in the Mist village for two weeks now.
"You were asked a question," Sensei says, tapping me with his elbow. His hands are still tucked into his pockets, clicking the speed up once my attention is pulled.
My eyes flicker up, looking at the older Shinobi. "I..." my mouth clicks closed, a moan threatening to spill out with my words. "Didn't hear you," I struggle out, trying my hardest to focus on the man across from me.
"How are you enjoying the village?" He asks gently, smiling down at me. "I hope the civilians have been treating you well."
"It's been - " Jiraiya cuts off the power, shutting off my stimulation. "- good. I like getting to go swimming when we're not busy and such. I also - " It's turned back on, making my mouth click shut again.
"You also what?" The Shinobi asks, tilting his head as he looks at me.
"I... um... there's some really good... teriyaki chicken at... I don't know," my eyes are squeezed shut by the end of my sentence, the threat of my orgasm washing over me closer than I'd like.
Our alley smiles at me again before turning towards Jiraiya. "You got a shy student for once. That must be a nice change of pace."
Sensei laughs, cutting off my stimulation again. Gratitude and disappointment settle in my chest from the lost orgasm. "Something like that," he chuckles, eyes skirting down to me before he goes back to their original discussion.
I shift closer to him, wrapping my hands around his arm. I cling to him, nails digging into his clothing as I look up at him. Silent pleas spill from me as I watch him, being completely ignored the whole time.
Well... not completely. The familiar buzzing starts up again, quickly jacking me close to my orgasm from the lack of a cool-down. I shove myself closer to him, resting my legs against his as I tug on his arm.
"Jiraiya," I whine, tugging at him again. "Sensei?" I try when I don't get an answer, shifting my hands backward to knot them in his hair.
He's caught on though, snatching my wrists in his hand before I can lock my fingers around any strands of hair. "I'm sorry," he apologizes to the other man, eyes shoving a warning towards me. "My kunoichi gets moody when she's hungry."
"Oh, that's no problem at all. I tend to get a bit hangry myself."
Jiraiya tugs on my wrists, eyes motioning towards the other man. "I'm sorry... sir," I mutter, pausing to shove down a whimper.
"I should get her some food. We can continue later," Sensei says, dropping his hold on me before saying his goodbyes.
     Once pleasantries are traded, he grabs for me again, hand back around my wrist to lead me away. His other hand is shoved back into his pocket, turning my vibrator back on.
     "Sensei," I call again, back to clinging to him as he leads me down the road. "I'm not hungry."
     "Yes, you are. Just not in that way," he answers, a smug smile on his face as he looks at me. "You've been so good today," he praises, turning down an alleyway. My heart drops to my pussy, anticipation of a quickie rushing down with it. "Let's see how much longer you can be good."
     "What?" I ask the promised dick down washing away. "Jiraiya?"
     "Hush now, little one," he coos, scanning the dark alley. Once he's sure no one is in sight, I'm pressed against the wall. "You're doing so good. Keep being an obedient girl, okay?"
     "I don't want to be obedient. I want you to fuck me," I whine, hands digging into his pants to pull him out. Sensei is already hard, his dick wanting to be in me just as much as I want it in me. "Please fuck me."
     His hands fall to the waistband of my pants, shimming them down just enough to make room for his penis to slip in. "No, you're going to be patient. You can't get what you want all the time."
     Jiraiya's hands jump back to my wrists, cupping both in one hand as he presses them to the wall over my head. My eyes skirt down, watching as he grips himself.
     Sensei moves forward, his dick sliding between my legs and burying into my folds. His thrusts are slow as he rubs himself along me, his tip snagging on my hole every couple of thrusts. "I can't get what I want all the time but you can?" I huff, shifting my hips down to attempt to get more friction. "How is that fair?"
     "Sweetheart," he purrs into my ear, head angled down so his breath tickles my skin. "I can wait until we're alone in our hotel room to fuck you. You, on the other hand, try to jump my bones every chance you get. You need to learn to be patient, to wait until we're not busy."
     "We're not busy now. Fuck me now. Jiraiya! Please?" I continue to whine, shifting my hips again. This time I get a bit of what I want. The tip of his dick pops into me, giving me the smallest bit of relief.
     "Fine. If you're so desperate to be filled, I'll fill you," Sensei says, once again caving to my wants. I tilt my head to the side, expecting to get a kiss. Instead, I get fingers shoved past my lips, resting down my throat. "Suck," he husks into my ear, his hips moving just enough to keep pushing his tip in and out of me.
     I do as I'm told, sucking on Sensei's fingers as I swirl my tongue around them. Our eyes are locked as he watches me intensely, the usual softness gone like I've grown used to during these moments.
     Without a word, his fingers are tugged out of my mouth and start dropping down. Once again I'm excited, eagerly waiting for the attention I've been craving all day. But I don't get it. Instead, Jiraiya wraps his hand around his dick, quickly starting to jack himself off.
     My eyes stay locked on his dick, watching him get off and feeling the way his dick pulses from the stimulation. Without warning, Jiraiya shoves the rest of his penis into me, easily slipping in from the continuous wetness I've had all day.
     "Sensei," I gasp, trying to tug out of his hold to grip his hair.
     "Sweetheart," he breathes out, the warmth that usually coats my thighs coating my insides this time. He stays still in me for a beat or two, his breath slowly falling back to normal. "There you go," Jiraiya starts, thrusting in me a few times, making sure to never pull out completely. "You're filled up like you asked."
     "That's not how I meant it," I whine, squirming when he stills in me. "You're going to knock me up doing that," I pout, clenching around his penis.
     "It'll be fine," he whispers, pressing soft kisses along my shoulder. "I can't get you pregnant."
     The sentence sticks in my head, two possible explanations bubbling alongside it. Either one is fine by me, especially if it means I get to be filled like this more often. Well, not exactly like this hopefully.
     "We should eat and then go back to our business in the village," Sensei mutters, releasing my wrists before he tugs my pants back into place.
     "You didn't clean me again," I huff, a bit of disappointment filling me as Jiraiya tucks himself away.
     "I know," he says, bending down to peck my lips. "I want to watch you squirm as I leak out of you. It'll be another test of your patients."
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Getting Together with Tsunade Headcanons | Tsunade x Reader |
author's note: i just really love her
pairing: tsunade senju x fem!reader
warnings: modern au, alcohol, also reader realizing they're not straight, making out, heavy petting
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You've been friends with Tsunade for a long time now, and when you first met her you were taken aback by how fuzzy your chest felt when you first saw her
You're introduced by a mutual friend, Jiraiya, who you had a friends with benefits situation with
Jiraiya said he needed a wingman, and since he was paying for the drinks, you obliged him and dolled yourself up for a night at the club
You warm up with a few shots, tossing back a second shot of tequila when you see her
She's speaking with Jiraiya at one of the couches, and at first you think he's already gotten his bag
The way she punches his gut, however, proves you wrong
Surprised, you rush over to check on Jiraiya, who laughs through his pain and introduces you to his assailant
"This is my longtime friend Tsunade."
Tsunade analyzes you with her warm, amber eyes. You find your throat to be dry and lick your lips, turning your head so you don't have to feel her gaze as harshly
"Hm... You're much too pretty to settle for Jiraiya's hookups."
Jiraiya makes an offended noise, but she ignores him in favor of taking your wrist. "We'll be drinking!" She tosses over her shoulder to Jiraiya, leading you back to the bar
She orders a round of shots after asking your preferred poison, smirking when you respond with tequila
"Oh, we'll be friends in no time if you keep this up."
You two get to know each other that night, and once you've fulfilled your promise to Jiraiya to get him laid, you pull out your phone to get a ride home
Tsunade takes your phone and adds her number in. "I like you. Let's do this again sometime, but without the sleeze next time."
You smile and you hope you're not outwardly showing your adoration, as your insides are warm and overjoyed that she wants to be your friend
You two are indeed fast friends, both having military experience. She on the medical side, you on the engineering side
Your personal interests overlap as well, and oftentimes you and Tsunade go out for small vacations, or new movie releases, or just about anything
Your interest in her skyrockets, and Jiraiya looks bored one night at dinner as you talk about her and your latest trip to Vegas
"So did you hook up or not." He deadpans.
"W-What?" You stop mid-story, cheeks burning with embarrassment
"Yeah, yeah, the whole 'stays in Vegas' thing, I get it."
You frown, and he perks a brow right at you. "You look awfully confused for a simple question."
"Why would I have sex with Tsuna?"
If looks could kill, you'd be Yamcha right now
"Because, I dunno, she's beautiful, sexy, you have a crush on her... I could go on but I won't for fear of her spawning out of nowhere and putting me in traction for a year."
"I..." You blink and really think about your friendship with Tsunade. And how you've always felt so fond of her, even from that very first moment you saw her. And how those feelings have lingered for a long time
"I've never loved a woman."
"You do now." Jiraiya smirks. "And what a woman to fall in love with, hm?"
"Oh my god..." You whisper to yourself. You really do love Tsunade Senju
When Jiraiya drives you home, he smiles gently at you. "For the record, I think she's gonna be a lot more receptive to your love than mine."
You look into his eyes and realize he's probably loved her his entire life, and he's still 100% supportive of you trying your luck with her because of how much he loves you too
You smile back at him and lean in for a hug, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I love you too, Jiraiya."
He laughs softly and kisses your temple, making sure you get inside safely before he drives home
You're nervous the next time you see Tsunade. It's been around a week since you went out with Jiraiya, and she's finally got some free time after the Vegas trip
She invites you over for a sleepover, and you realize just how much effort you've been putting in for her with your clothes and makeup choices as you pack a bag
You're greeted with her brightest smile and hug when you get to her place, and you rest your hands comfortably on her hips
"It's been so long." She whines softly in your ear. Her breath against your ear makes you shiver
"It's been ten days, Tsuna." You laugh softly
"Too. Long." She whispers before pulling you by your hand into her house. She's got the living room set up with snacks and saké, and lots of pillows and blankets on her sectional couch
You chat for a bit to catch up, though Tsunade's doing most of the talking
You just can't stop focusing on how beautiful she is. Her lips look so soft, her skin is flawless and her hair is perfect every time you see her
Eventually Tsuna starts pouring alcohol while you focus on putting on a movie. You settle on some rom-com and lean back into the cushions, taking the drink Tsunade's delicate hand holds to your mouth
And just like every time you two get together and drink, you both get tipsy after some time
You're watching her as she watches the movie, your chest feeling full and like it would burst with how much you want this woman
Tsunade turns her head, gazing back at you with that little smile on her lips. Her cheeks are flushed from the saké and her eyes have a mischievous glow in them
She turns her body to face you more and you swallow thickly, forcing your eyes to stay met with hers. And it's difficult because she's wearing a tank top with no bra underneath and you're lit up from the alcohol
"When are you going to kiss me?"
"Hwhat." You deadpan.
Tsunade smirks and moves to her knees, leaning forward so her lips are a hair's breadth from yours
"I'm tired of waiting for you to make a move."
You swallow and gaze into her hooded eyes. "If you want something right, do it yourself." You dare to challenge back
Tsunade never did back down from a gamble
She presses her soft mouth to yours, both of her hands coming to your head and kissing you like a pro
You've never responded to someone so viscerally like you to do Tsunade kissing you. You shiver and your body is littered in goosebumps, and you swear she's smirking against your lips
She straddles your lap without ever breaking her momentum on your lips, pressing her chest to yours and looping her arms loosely around your neck, grinding her hips lightly as she slips her tongue into your mouth
You shudder at the heat she brings, tentatively putting your hands on her thighs
Tsunade kisses you til you're almost breathless, literally
You have to pull away or you'll suffocate, though dying because Tsunade Senju is kissing you is one of the best ways to go out
She steals a few quick smooches anyway, settling the movement of her hips
You get your bearings back and look her dead in the eye. "I am in love with you."
"Good." She winks at you and reclaims your lips, murmuring between her warm, messy kisses. "Otherwise this would be awkward."
When you wake up in the morning, you can't even feel the hangover. You're on top of Tsuna, head pillowed on her chest and enveloped in the smell of her as she's got her limbs locked around you
She's asleep still, drooling and snoring with her messy hair and all, and even then you still find her to be absolutely perfect
You kiss her chest softly and settle back in, smiling to yourself
She's grumpy when she eventually wakes up, but giggles and blushes so beautifully when you silence her complaints of a headache with a kiss
Tsunade Senju really does love you
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