#just complaining haha
collophora · 14 days
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More minibatch adventure I need a full show maybe too XD
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puppydogsys · 2 years
i rly want to look at content about my source but im in the middle of playing it……. and it takes us so long to finish a game 😞
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warpedpuppeteer · 19 days
I know people think that canonly Buck is a snorer but hear me out! What if he isn't a snorer usually?? We know Chris told Carla he snores loud while he was sleeping on the couch during the sniper arc. And then what does Carla say?? That she's glad he's getting at least some sleep. Implying that Buck has been having trouble sleeping. And when you're bone tired as he probably is, you would absolutely snore too when you sleep. The implication of that scene was not that Buck is a snorer but that he was so distraught and worried about Eddie and was so busy taking care of Chris that he wore himself out. In this essay I will-
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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he’s talking abt seeker constellation myths
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Guys Bud is seriously one of my favorite characters that I routinely forget about and I feel so bad about it-
Like he’s so forgettable. Just a silly little goofy mercenary king guy, oh look, haha funny he’s an alcoholic!
But he has a powerful wind ancient power, and bro is literally a sword master with aura and everything, he’s pretty strong!
Not to mention he’s an amazing actor-
But the reason that he’s my favorite character is that he’s one of the only people who still reacts accordingly to Cale doing his usual bullshit.
Cale: hey, guess what, I’m about to recite exact information from 9,889 books of records that I read in the span of a week. Absolutely no one I’ve ever interacted with has had the slightest inclination that I had the ability to do this.
Bud: UHHHHH- this man has literally read more of these records in a week than I have literally ever and I’m the fucking mercenary king. Someone just kill me-
Cale: I can hear my ancient powers voices and they tell me things about their lives and how I can use their powers
Clopeh: *worshipping the ground Cale walks on* Cale-nim! He’s a legend! Loved and blessed by the gods, how amazing!~
Bud: No. No, absolutely NOT. Clopeh is a respected sword master, a very powerful one at that. What the fuck is happening. THEY HAVE LITERALLY FOUGHT AGAINST EACH OTHER-? CLOPEH WAS ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL CALE LIKE HALF A YEAR AGO- this is not normal. I’m not just going to ignore this-
Basically anytime Cale does anything-
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And also Bud and Glenn are so gay for each other don’t even-
And there was also that time he was kidnapped by dogs, which that is fucking hilarious considering he’s a sword master with an ancient power LMFAO
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milksuu · 7 months
HIIII omg im in love w ur writing !! if it’s not too much to ask, can i request heartsteel aphelios and his s/o who also happens to be an idol?? maybe something where he finds them stressing about a song not being good enough or just general stress?? ty in advance!!
❥ prompt: Being an idol came with all the stresses one could imagine. Autograph signings, photo shoots, and general press interviews. That was your life. Day in and day out. At some point, something had to break. But Aphelio's was there to pick up the pieces. ❥ content/warnings: hurt/comfort, panic attack, angst, fluff ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel aphelios/ f!reader
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Your life was scheduled. Rigid. Kept in a little black book. In the right-back pocket of your manager's steam pressed pants. Anything that went outside the borders of those pages, was irrelevant. Nothing else mattered.
And a lot of times, you thought you didn't matter. Your manager would remind you, quite often. That you were just another pretty face. With just another pretty voice. With just another idol cookie-cutter personality. Easily replaceable. Easily forgotten. No matter how many hit singles topped the charts. No matter how many brand deals you signed. No matter how many venues sold out. If that black book disappeared, you would go along with it.
But when you met Aphelios. You felt it. How important you actually were.
It was a comical meet-cute. There was a mix up in dressing-rooms at one photoshoot, where multiple artists attended. You found it odd when you saw the make-up artist open their color palette. Mostly darker colors, which wasn't on brand for your aesthetic. Still, you didn't question it. To not be labeled a difficult artist, you went along with anything and everything.
It wasn't until Aphelio's knocked on your dressing-room door. And when you opened it. Wow. How pretty. With all that glitter pink lip-gloss, peach summer cheek blush, and gorgeous lash extending mascara. Then there was you; dark lipstick, pale cover foundation, and heavy eye-liner on your bottom lid. He explained the situation by taking a lip-stick and writing on his arm. You couldn't stop laughing ever since.
It was only a miracle that you were somehow able to convince your manager to set up a collab with Aphelios. If it involved work and profit, it was marked inside the little black book. If that's what it took. You would work yourself to death. Even just to spend a fraction of time with him.
And yet. How did it turn out like this? There you were, inside the recording booth at Riot Studios. Your hands crinkling the lyric sheet Aphelios gave to you. Written specially for you to sing. But you were trembling, your voice trapped inside you. Your heart pounded so loud it hurt your chest and head. Your breathes? Where did they go?
Your dizzy eyes darted upward. Behind the booth glass, you saw Aphelios raised in his seat. A look of worry spreading through his features.
Bang! You flinched. Your manager slammed that little black book against the glass. Yelling at you to sing—to stop wasting everyone's damn time. Bang! You're going to be replaced. Bang! You're going to be forgotten. You! Don't! Matter!
The banging stopped. You stared wide-eyed. Aphelios snatached that little black book. Page by page, he tore it to shreds. Tossing the pieces at your manager, and tossing the book on the ground. His voice silent, but you heard him. So loud. So clear. A strong and beautiful voice. It was the strength you needed to not collapse.
Before any physical confrontation transpired, Aphelios pressed a specific button underneath the panel. Shortly after, two security guards dragged your manager, red-faced and swearing out the door.
Aphelios hurried inside the booth with you. You reached a trembling hand to him, stumbling into his arms with utter exhaustion. He caught you in his embrace, bringing you into the safety of his chest. You heard his heart sing. Felt it beating against your cheek, reaching for you too. Thank God. Hot tears pricked the corners of your eyes. That little black book was gone. But you were still here. You mattered.
And you mattered so much to Aphelios. He made some text calls, contacted a couple of important people, and pulled some strings. He arranged your new manager to be his sister, Alune. Who was more than happy to work with you. From then on, your days were filled with Aphelio's, Alune, and the rest of Heartsteel. Your most precious musical family.
an: bruhhh the life an idol, especially if you have a poopy manager must be hell. so stressful. ty for you req. anon. got me in the feels a bit here.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 11 months
I gotta say I did not expect I’d love Miles this much, enough to look up shit like Secret War and Civil War II reading order, and worse, subject myself to Bendis’ writing of all things (he’s the reason why I stopped being a comic stan 5 years ago. I were a DC/ Superfam fan. You know the beef was BEEFING). Like, my tolerance of that dude now only stops at him being one of Miles’ creators. So that better writers can do the kid justice years later. That’s it.
Like, why is the “r u and Ganke together haha” a whole shtick that comes up multiple times during his run? It’s so annoying and painful to read. Miles can go around being paired up with different girls but the moment THAT question came up you know he gonna be super defensive and >:( about it which, eh, just does not line up with anything else happening in whatever story is happening at the time. At all.
The only silver of light is that Miles actually never says he doesn’t like boys, he just denies ever dating Ganke. Like, he could just say he doesn’t swing that way and the question would have stopped, but he doesn’t. So I know he be running around kissing the punk-est boy in the whole spider verse, ha!
Idk I’m near the end of Bendis’ run and some of it r good but a lot of them put me thru excruciating pain (cringe) so I have to complain about it.
Did I mention I were a DC stan 6 years ago? I were a DC stan 6 years ago so this isn’t even my first rodeo with white dudes writing weirdest things in American comic, but I just can’t believe I got dragged into this again because Miles blinks his bambi eyes on screen and makes me want to rotate him in my brain so I need to know the lore of him in every medium, apparently.
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cedobols · 4 months
sorry for drawing cats lol i kinda forgot how to draw people. but im so so happy that i have the strength to draw again. ive really not enjoyed drawing in a long time so this is a big step for me !! having a new hyperfix definitely helps i feel alive with passion again. its a great feeling to have (*^_^*) i still have my dreams of releasing a martian artbook .. doing that would be the happiest achievement of my life. good news im leaving the hospital today im back on meds and feel much better. life is hard besties make sure ure taking proper care of urself and asking for help when you need it. even with the small things. we cant make it alone!!!! love u all <3
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chaikajpeg · 7 months
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here's my contribution to the "library wars" fandom of five people
reference photos:
someone's wedding photography (couldn't find the set): http://www.k-meng.com/go-c102.htm
"Station 19"
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amyreads · 6 months
thank u for the kind words everyone! i am now feeling rejuvenated about this upcoming update woo! <3
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otrtbs · 1 year
y’all are so weird. if you hate the way i characterized regulus in ahb! then,,, stop reading it? no one is forcing you to read it?? you can just put it down,,, you know that right???? who has the gun to your head making you click next chapter??? you can just stop reading it at any time. no really, trust me!
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rotisseries · 11 months
i do think. just in general that it's rude to leave comments on artwork of an au saying something like "oh lol this doesn't actually fit right bc of this detail" I do think that's rude. like maybe don't fucking do that. it makes you look like a dick
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cha1cedony · 2 months
Probably not going frantically post a lot about this episode (bc I have schoolwork to do immediately in the library. and I don’t currently have wifi at home 😭) but! I liked it :) Pleasantly surprised!
Also I didn’t hate the epilogue…? Taylor being a criminal NFT bro is so baffling LMAO, but I think it’s funny that he has the Close family conman/making a quick buck thing going on (despite apparently hating Nicky and Glenn LMAOO????)
Sad that Normal emotional torture is everlasting LOL. I choose to believe he has found happiness and was just sad to be back at the school. He is living his best life… I believe ☝️ He for sure rolled up to that reunion in his best historical menswear.
I THINK LINK AND SCARY ARE CUTE! Good for them. :3 And Matt and Beth just canonizing it on the fly was SO funny 😭 but perhaps I’m biased as a Gothcleats enjoyer… Also I WILL be writing Jerry fic. I LOVE JERRY. OH MY GOD. PERHAPS MY NEW FAVORITE NPC. SORRY.
Wilson family closure… hm. I will probably make a separate (insanely rambly) post later tonight. But I was pleasantly surprised! Link and Grant’s hug made me tear up, but even more than that.. Grant calling Link ‘Boss Kicks’ with such enthusiasm. Urghh. It made me smile :’D Also Sparrow turning into a lovewolf?? :’DDD
Uhh I was going to write more but I forgot :P Going to stew in my thoughts for a while… and do grammar homework. Byeeeeee
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relmint · 2 years
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expatesque · 1 month
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Well ladies (gn), it might have been unexpected but funemployment isn't starting off too bad.
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