#just not all about patrick. most of it isn’t about anyone.
thekidsarentalright · 8 months
ok sending this cause im worried it is a bit of a controversial take. but it does irk me seeing people say petes lyrics are all about/for patrick. like i think ive definitely seen it more from twitter bandom, and its not to the extent of that petekey shit bc while all that is super annoying for being based on one summer tour from 2005, pete and patrick have been best friends and creative partners for 20+ years, and i do think there are lyrics about their relationship (e.g. from now on we are enemies) its not really unreasonable to think that. however !!! ive seen some shit that makes me wanna tap the fucking sign*
*are you making petes writing about his mental health and experiences as a biracial black man about his relationship to a white guy again
like again, pete has definitely written about their friendship and creative process, but ive seen some people's song analyses that makes me wanna grab them by the shoulders and shake them istg
(i hope this makes sense, sorry this got kinda rambly)
this Absolutely makes sense and i agree So so so much like. i could talk abt this for forever because like. as you said there are Definitely instances where a song or lyric Is about patrick, and pete isn’t exactly shy about saying when a lyric or song is?? like he admitted from now on we are enemies is about them, what a catch is patrick, half-doomed/semi-sweet, etc and also there’s just some that are like. well obviously the kids aren’t alright is about patrick at least a Little. it is absolutely understandable to analyze those from a p2 lens because well. that’s what those are about! those songs are about that aspect of petes life!
but literally. reducing Most of his lyrics to being about patrick is just. doing such an injustice to not only his creativity and talent as an artist (like do ppl really think he couldn’t find inspiration beyond some guy he knows?) but also to him as a person, as a biracial black man who writes about his identity and mental health and fame and views on life and death and politics like. everything he writes is a lot more nuanced than a lot of people give him credit for. because a lot of people would just rather him be writing about being in love with some white guy ig
ultimately i think this problem comes down to people not recognizing that like. from a fan perspective a song or lyric being applicable to their relationship is NOT the same as the song or lyric Definitely being about their relationship. and i think it’s okay to say like oh this lyric reminds me of them!! not to say oh this lyric is Obviously Definitely about patrick bc that just. isnt true! pete and his art deserve better than that!!
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jadeslashes · 2 years
꩜﹒how they mark you ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
includes: patrick bateman, charles lee ray, tiffany valentine, jason voorhees, michael myers, pinhead, jennifer check, freddy krueger, jackson rippner, stu macher, billy loomis.
warnings: nsfw, possessive & abusive behavior. minors please dni.
tw: mentions of blood, knives, cutting, hickeys, biting & burn marks.
he would have you wearing something of his, or he’d buy you something for you to wear
and he’d take any chance he can get to show it off, too
“see that necklace they’re wearing? i got it for them.” and then he’d go on to explain where he got it from, and probably reference how expensive it was because it’s patrick
oh and it strokes his ego a little bit every time he hears or sees you showing it off to your friends <3
he would shamelessly kill anyone who got too close to you, he barely gives a shit about marking you
but if anything he’d mark you by stubbing out his cigs on your arm to leave a mark (and if you’re lucky or ask nicely he might make it in the shape of a heart just for you)
bite marks and lipstick prints
if she can sneak a kiss on your neck, lips or collar of your shirt that’ll leave the print of her lipstick on you, she’ll do it
and whenever someone points it out she laughs because she can tell that they know she’s the one who left it (and she loves the either flustered and embarrassed look or the somewhat proud and nonchalant look on your face when they do)
and of course she’d leave a few hickeys occasionally too, not all the time though
he’d do a few different things to let you and other people know you’re his
you’d have several articles of clothing and jewelry that he’d want you to be wearing, likely things that he found that he thought you’d like
honestly if he thought anyone was getting too close to you, rather than just trying to mark you he’d just do something more direct to scare them off
cuts & hickeys combo
even if people don’t know that they came from him, they still know that you’re off the market
and whenever they start to heal or become less visible he replaces them with new ones <3
⛓﹒PINHEAD ꜜ﹒⟡﹒
the torture that they inflict is enough to mark you
they know that after the experience they gave you, the mix of pain and pleasure and every wound, bruise and cut that you got along the way is enough to ensure that you’re only theirs
you and them both know no one else could give you something like that, so that’s all they need to do <3
call me basic for this one but i think jennifer would always mark you up with hickeys
all over your neck, shoulders, collarbone, thighs, everywhere <3
and when she’s with you out in public where people can see the two of you and your hickeys, she loves knowing that people can tell that she’s the one who gave them to you
holding your hand and kissing you and introducing you as her significant other isn’t enough, she needs people to know that you’re all hers
i’ve talked about this concept a bit in a previous post but
he’d knick you with light little scratches with his blades in your dreams so you’d always wake up to see them
it’s his little way of reminding you that he’s there <3
sure, if ever someone asks about them you just lie about it most of the time, but that’s fine because you both know where those scratch marks came from, it’s your little secret
i think he’d like it if you used his cologne, or wore something of his that smelled like him, he’d offer you his jacket or shirt at every chance he gets, especially if you are out in public somewhere
he likes the idea of you smelling like him, having his scent on you
i really don’t know why tbh,, maybe that’s just a me thing but it’s hot imo
and as a bonus he just kind of always casually has his hand on you in some way, on the small of your back, on your thigh, you get the idea
okay he might not necessarily physically mark you, but he definitely makes it clear that you’re his
whenever you two are out together or with friends he’s all over you, arm around the waist, kissing you, pulling you closer to him, all that shit
more often than not if someone looks in your direction he’s got his hands on you in one way or another
i see billy as having a huge thing for knives, so he’d cut his initials into your thigh or your arm
i wouldn’t put it past him to leave you with a few bruises too
“you’re mine, y’know that? all mine.”
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
How the yandere bowers gang love reader
I’m just a girl trying to be deep with her writing while very sick and in her feels so please tolerate my trash 🙏
Warnings: non-con mentions but not explicit, mommy issues, daddy issues, physical abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, injuries, forced relationships, dead dove do not eat, yandere behaviour, obsession
I do not condone or romanticise abuse, the abuse I write about is purely to educate and entertain. Please do not romanticise the abuse that is occurring.
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Henry bowers:
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Love is a strong word, it’s not the pure love that you’d dreamed about since you were a little girl
No, this love is deeply depraved and disgusting
He cares about you in his own way, he’d kill someone if they ever hurt you with the same hands that have carved his initials into your delicate body
But he does love you, for some inconvenience reason he does love you in his sick and twisted reason
He views you as someone who can take care of him, someone who can make his lunches and make him feel better after a bad day
He would never admit it, but he sees you as someone who could fill the void his mother left
He loved and adored his mother more than anyone else in the world and she left him, so he had no one to pour all of those feelings into until he met you
Except these feelings are increased and made more sickening
That’s one of the reasons that, unlike Patrick, he won’t force himself on you
He tried to, believe him he really tried
But all he could think about was when he saw his dad do it to his mom, and the look of pure horror on his moms face
He could definitely see himself marrying you one day, I mean, he’s the one in the group who deserves you the most after all
He’d kill the other boys if he had to, he may see them as his brothers
But you, he sees you as his wife and the person who will carry his future children
Patrick Hockstetter:
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Patrick’s love is based in lust, but isn’t entirely consumed by it
He knew he was attracted to you from the start, he probably would have tried to drag you off at a party before Henry staked his claim on you
He is mostly obsessed with the way he can control you
He, as Henry’s unofficial second hand, has the second most control over you
And he loves you for it
He can control what you eat, how you dress and how you spend your time
He can control if you breath during the times he chokes you
He blames it on his mothers death or his ‘rough childhood’ but he’s just a sociopath
Genuinely, I know I’ve been adding in what factors to them being like this for the rest but for Patrick it’s simple
He’s a sociopath
You may be wondering how a sociopath is capable of love, and well he’s not fully in love
He’s obsessed with you and some part of him cares about you, the same way he would care if his car got scratched
Your a possession, he doesn’t care about your personality or your likes and dislikes
But you intrigue and entertain him enough to get his loyalty in exchange for what you can do for him
He doesn’t feel guilt for how he and the others treat you and he doesn’t feel bad for the fact that they are completely destroying you
He’s the only one to actually recognise that what they all do to you is making you slowly break, he just does not care
As long as your not hurting yourself or others are hurting you, he does not feel the need to care about what happens to you
He doesn’t even care about the fact that he’s sexually assaulting you
He would enjoy it more if you were actively consenting but he doesn’t care that you don’t
Because for him sex isn’t about pleasure, it’s about control and when he has sex with you he’s showing you another form of his control over you
So yes, in a way Patrick does love you
But it’s the similar way he would love a pet or a shiny care, as soon as you lose your entertainment value then you’d become nothing to him
Unluckily for you, as long as the rest are interested in you you’ll never not be entertaining for Patrick
And as you can see, that’s unlikely to happen
Victor cross:
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Victors love is based in possession
He knows your Henry’s girl
Henry may share you with the rest of the group, but you belong to Henry
That’s always how it’s been in the group
Anything vic owned Henry would eventually take away from him
He views Henry as a brother, but some dark part of victor hates him
Especially when it comes to you
Victor sees how rough Henry is with his affection towards you, Victor could be so much gentler than him
Victor wants to own you, to possess you fully
He wants you to only think about him, to only speak to him, to only fuck him and to only be with him
He has fantasies of killing the others and locking you away so you can stay with him together
He chalks it up to having everything he’s over owned taken away from him by the others, but it’s more than that
He wants revenge
He sees how the others are obsessed with you and how they love you, the same way he loved all the possessions they took from him
He wants to take you away the way they took his things
And he’ll kill the others if he has too
Belch Huggins:
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Belch loves you for your approval of him
His entire life he has lacked people being proud of him
He has a dead dad and an absent mom, he wasn’t really spoiled for choice when it comes to people who appreciated him
He thought his growth at such an early age would gain him approval, but it only gained him fearful looks
But you changed that
You may not remember the insignificant comment you made but he’ll always remember it
“Wow, your pretty strong” you had commented once after he had picked you up to take you to bed “you’d be good to practice lifts with”
He felt a surge of adoration after you said that
Finally, someone decided he was worth something
You decided he was worth practicing with you, you practically decided he deserved to live in his eyes
He’ll be anything or say anything to make you approve of him
Accept for defying Henry
Henry knows best, and Henry knows when you need to be disciplined for you own good
So no matter how much you look at him with those beautiful sorrow filled eyes, he has to do what he has to do to make sure you are given the best chance at the life you need
At least, the life that Henry decided that you need
He loves you deeply and with a sense of desperation
At times he would seem like a puppy desperate for your love and attention, the other times he would seem like a threat who could kill you at any moment
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One of the reasons I believe a lot of people are so aggressively threatened, freaked out, and even offended by the concept of a gay or bi Mike is because then they’d have to face the fact that queer people are just people. Which, duh. Of course, they are! But Mike Wheeler, at least in the first season (and sorta the second season), is THE main character. He’s THE guy.
It’s what turned Finn Wolfhard into a heartthrob and fast-tracked him to starring roles in movies like It and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. For people who grew up loving 80s childhood adventure movies, on which the Duffers based their show, Mike Wheeler is Elliot from E.T. He’s Mikey from The Goonies. He’s Marty from Back to the Future. He’s Luke from A New Hope. In other words, he’s the kind of young sci-fi hero every boy dreamed of becoming. I mean, who wouldn’t want to find out that magic/the supernatural is real, go on an insane, life-changing adventure with their friends, stand up to bad guys, and fall in love with a girl with superpowers in the span of a week?!
Other than being nerdy/into D&D (which is honestly not that far from being a theatre kid, tbh)/hj, kinda melodramatic, and somewhat unathletic (affectionate), there’s nothing about Mike Wheeler that radiates gayness on the surface. Plus, he’s the protagonist! In Season 1 we experience most new things through his eyes. That makes him the audience surrogate character, so how can the audience surrogate character be (gasps) GAY?! That’s OBviously impossible. He’s just a guy. He’s just a dude. He’s just a person. He’s just the boy next door.
And if queer people are just people, then that means ANYONE could potentially be queer. Even your younger sister. Even your best friend, who has no stereotypically gay traits, plays football, and has a girlfriend. Even your children (gasps). Even you (am I gay quizzes? were born from fears like this). That’s terrifying for people who expect the world, and the media they consume, to be black-and-white.
People like boxes. They like things that are safe. Every time general audiences are introduced to a new character they fully assume the character is straight, even if they aren’t shown to have any interest in girls (like Will) unless they are an obvious stereotype, say the words, “I’m gay,” or explicitly make out with a boy (even then, some people will still try to claim they’re confused or simply “struggling with their sexuality”).
Kevin Keller from Riverdale. Kurt Hummel from Glee. Patrick in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (as much as I love that movie). Carlos in HSMTMTS. These are all characters that are Gay™️. They are almost always the comic relief sidekick, or the gay bestie for the main female character, or some variation of common tropes. Audiences (even homophobic ones) are increasingly used to seeing these types of characters on their screen, but a gay Mike Wheeler would be a different type of character entirely. 
“Mike being gay or bi would just be OUT OF NOWHERE and would be bad writing done just for woke points.” Okay. Aside from the fact that it would simply NOT be out of nowhere (gestures wildly at the Byler Proof Slides), let’s unpack the phrase “out of nowhere” for a second. Why is something only considered “out of nowhere” when it’s gay and never when it’s straight? Was it out of nowhere for Dustin to find a girlfriend while at camp? Is the resurrection of Stancy out of nowhere? And to the people who are still somehow convinced that Will Byers isn’t gay, just “maturing slower than his friends,” I guarantee you they wouldn’t call it “out of nowhere” for Will to suddenly have a female love interest, even though it clearly would be. They would encourage it, even if it was someone especially ridiculous like El, who is literally his sister, or Max, with whom he’s had almost no on-screen conversations. This is why you see people on TikTok and YouTube who genuinely believe Will’s painting is for the random girl he danced with at Snowball. Talk about out of nowhere!
“But Mike just isn’t gay. Don’t be delusional. Don’t be unrealistic. He is straight. He has only been shown to like El and has one of the most extreme cases of romantic tunnel vision in fiction I’ve ever seen.” Okay, let’s push aside the constant lip stares, the romantically charged conversations with his best friend, the fact that he can’t say or even write, “I love you” to his girlfriend, the ways the Duffers have consistently framed the Will/Mike/El dynamic with love triangle imagery and drawn our attention to this for the entire show, and more (gestures wildly at the Byler proof slides once more!!) for one second. 
The emphasis on “just isn’t” betrays them and their underlying perspectives. Let’s be clear. You can say Robin just isn’t straight because she’s been explicitly confirmed in show and out of show to be lesbian and into girls. You can say Will just isn’t straight because his sexuality has been all but confirmed as well. But you can’t say Mike “just isn’t” gay if the only concrete “proof” you have for this is his (turbulent) relationship with Eleven. Keep in mind. Without Vecna, we don’t have access to the innermost thoughts of any of the characters. All we have to go by is their actions, their words, and the intentional ways the Duffers have coded their characters. Ultimately, people who say this are saying that Mike Wheeler “just isn’t gay” because he doesn’t fit their pre-conceived, ignorant, myopic notions of what a gay person is. Mike “just can’t be” gay in these people’s minds because he hasn’t done any gay “actions,” whatever that even means (that’s why they believe Will- sweet, innocent Will- is a predator/homewrecker because they associate gayness with freakish deviance and see it as something inherently sexual, whereas if Will were a girl with the exact same feelings towards Mike, they’d never in a trillion years see it this way).
In both real life and in fiction, despite all the progress we’ve made as a society, straight is something you’re allowed to just be, by default, regardless of whether you’re dating someone. Gay is something you have to PROVE or “fall into,” and even then it’s treated with incredible suspicion (this is why people who ship Stobin believe Steve can “fix” Robin and make her into boys). Bisexuality is tragically either erased altogether, treated as a joke/a phase, or completely misunderstood (I heard someone say Mike could never be bi because he’d never date Will and El at the same time - what?! That’s not how bisexuality works). And comphet is something entirely baffling to straight audiences. You might as well be saying 2+2 equals armadillo. 
They’d rather believe that he’s just become an asshole, or that Finn Wolfhard has suddenly become a bad actor. Because accepting that Mike Wheeler isn’t straight means accepting that he can be the cool, brave, valiant, kind, caring protagonist of seasons 1 and 2, AND also be madly in love with his best friend. That feels like a bait-and-switch to some people because they don’t see queer people as “normal,” even if they claim they aren’t homophobic. They see queer people as “the other,” as something alien. [Insert Visibly Stereotypical Character Here] can be gay, not MY Mike Wheeler. He’s straight. STRAIGHT.  He’s madly in love with El. He and Will are just friends. JUST friends. Sound like someone?
That’s one of the reasons that Byler will be such powerful, meaningful, representation (aside from just being the only logical explanation for Mike’s weird actions). Byler becoming canon will give hope and provide a voice for the millions of LGBTQ+ kids out there who don’t fit a stereotype or society’s pre-conceived notions but who just happen to not be straight. Mike Wheeler will join Nick Nelson as one of the best LGBTQ+ teens EVER on screen. It will be a cultural reset. And it will hopefully open people’s minds to the beautiful tapestry of humanity. A love story so pure, so beautiful, and so overwhelming that the boy who tried so hard to be “normal” and to deny his feelings for his best friend and the boy who survived bullies, a week in a hellish alternate dimension, and a possession that took over his mind and body had no choice but to go crazy together.
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raceweek · 7 months
Drop the podcast bestie! (Please)
it’s the high performance podcast (you have to download their app to get it for free right now but it will be available for free soon on regular platforms) - in case anyone doesn’t want to download the app but wants to know some of the things alex talked about:
- for context he recorded the first part of the podcast initially and talked a lot about his struggles at red bull and what he went through as a teenager and then went back to the podcast hosts and said actually can we do a part two bc i want to talk about how im coping better now
- he says he isolated himself from all of his friends when everything was happening with his mum and he became an introverted person and still carries that introvertedness with him now from going through that time
- alex was told he was promoted to red bull when he went to see helmut in austria to talk about the practicalities of his move to monaco and just as the meeting ended helmut said oh by the way ur in the red bull seat, here’s the number for ur engineer maybe speak to him but also actually u can’t bc the factory is closed for summer but yeah ur going to be announced in about two hours. bye
- he says he didn’t enjoy being a driver in 2020 at all. literally said he was destroyed. he spoke about the pressure and how he deleted his social media due to the incessant mocking but he also felt like even though he had done that he couldn’t avoid it because although he didn’t see it directly he’d just be asked about it on media day every week anyway
- he was asked about what help was offered to him in 2020 when he was struggling and whilst he said the team cared there wasn’t really anything or anyone to help him. alex and his trainer patrick got their own psychologist towards the end of 2020 and then in 2021 when alex was out of the sport he assembled a team of his own who weren’t the most experienced but who he knew cared for him and would fight to the death for him (said he took jacques from red bull to be his manager because he always fought his corner no matter how tough the situation was)
- he was told about being dropped by horner in a meeting at the end of the season but he already knew because it had been posted in the media before they’d even met
- he described 2021 as a really weird time as he needed to boost his stock with red bull and all the other teams but to do that he needed to give as much as he possibly could to improve the car he had just been kicked out of, so when max said at pre season testing that the car was so much more stable it was a strange feeling knowing that that’s what he needed and he wasn’t able to do anything with it
- he compiled a sexy spreadsheet for team principals in the paddock showing that as much as he struggled in 2020 he was on reflection closer to max pace wise than maxs’ current teammate and maxs’ teammate before alex
- when asked to describe where he is now he said he’s happier than he’s ever been. he’s driving better than ever and is mentally in the best headspace he’s ever been in
- he says he comes up with scenarios in his head from the last 4/5 years and as soon as he has a sort of deja vu struggle moment he uses it to show himself he’s overcome that hurdle
- he said the older he gets the more he doesn’t feel the need to write things down the way he used to because he feels more confident in himself
- the best piece of advice he’s ever received is from franz tost who said “alex if there’s one thing you need to learn about formula one it’s don’t give a fuck” and he said he didn’t really understand it until he started struggling and then he realised that he cared too much
- when asked about what advice he would give to teenage alex now he said it’s hard because he isn’t the most confident now and he knows teenage alex wouldn’t listen bc his parents would always try and fill him with confidence so he said he’d try and shake younger him and tell him that it’s true what they’re telling you
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Maneater girlfriend - Multimuse x fem!reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some mentions of mvrder, not much honestly, some jealousy, but I think that’s it?
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: The muses get maneater girlfriends, how they’d react/act about it.
Notes: Honestly, I know some of us may not always feel like it, but it’s fun to pretend. Just like miss Maddie Perez and my queen Rihanna said, even if you don’t feel like it just pretend. Love my maneater readers. Ps. this isn’t exclusively for fem readers, it can really be for anyone. kiss kiss.
I don’t really know what I was going for, I’m just trying to get my juices going, pls don’t hate. Will probably delete this one tbh
Jason Voorhees: Gets so starstruck around you. It’s actually super cute, he never fails to boost your confidence. No matter what you choose to wear, Jason will stare at you all the time in awe, which of course makes you feel like the prettiest person he’s ever seen. Especially when you decide to go all out, he just becomes a puddle. Jason would literally worship the ground you walk on, you definitely have him under your spell. If you want a fan for a boyfriend, Jason’s the one. The only con is that he’d probably forget to take pictures of you because he’s just daydreaming about his hot s/o.
Michael Myers: Honestly didn’t expect any less, but he is a tiny itsy bitsy threatened by your confidence. Depending on the status of your relationship, it could go one of two ways: He could be completely confident, obviously mopping the floor with the guts of the people who couldn’t keep their eyeballs to themselves, or he could be somewhat weary of the attention you get, no matter who it is. Michael definitely has one of the most toxic abandonment issues, but it’s not like you’d be able to get rid of him, he’d get rid of everyone around you before you could even think about skipping town. Michael would stare a little longer on the days you wear more revealing clothing, it’s your confidence that sells the whole look, he’s absolutely mesmerized by you.
Tiffany Valentine: All for it. Wouldn’t hesitate for a second to help you get into your outfit or finish up your makeup/hair. You’d catch her staring from time to time, which she’d laugh it off not expecting to be caught. I could see her getting jealous at times if it seems like someone has your attention and if they cross a line, a knife crosses their artery, no hesitation. Tiffany would absolutely take pictures of you and post you all over her social media, she wouldn’t mind the thirst comments you’d get, after all you were hers. Tiffany would definitely boost your confidence and you’d both become the ultimate deadliest hot couple.
Billy Loomis: Ok, controversial opinion, but Billy isn’t really used to having maneater girlies. He’s used to having cute, beautiful women, but no one willing to stare daggers into your eyes from across the room. He’s absolutely mesmerized, without knowing it, he’d do anything for you. Billy cannot keep his hands to himself, no matter what you’re wearing, or what you’re not wearing. He’s not the best at taking pictures of you, but you’re damn right he’d keep every picture of you he can get a hold of. Sure he can get jealous, but he also knows he has you wrapped around his finger and no one else.
Stu Macher: Everyone expects Stu to have the hottest girl in school, this is no exception. The way you don’t look away when you catch him staring at you is enough to make him fall in love. As much as I love Stu, I know he’s superficial, so if your looks caught his eye, he would do his best to make your relationship work. Even if it means he has to get the right angles when taking pictures of you. Stu would absolutely brag about you, first about how you look then about what you do or what your interests are. Just like Jason, unintentionally, Stu would worship the ground you walk on. 
Patrick Bateman: Ok honestly what else did you expect. Just like Stu, Patrick is superficial. He always wants to make sure he has the hottest/most confident person within 1000 miles. He’d never admit how he likes your lack of interest in impressing every person you meet. That’s probably the trick. Patrick will never forget the times you’d be approached by wealthy men, or simply attractive people that you just couldn’t care for. That would be one of Patrick’s biggest flexes. Of course he’d always want you to look your best, so he does his part in boosting your confidence through pictures, outfits and compliments. Patrick isn’t shy about showing you off.
Leatherface: Just like Jason, he’s stuck. He can’t believe someone like you is interested in him. You are the prettiest most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. Bubba would absolutely worship the floor you walk on. He’s at your beck and call. He’d do whatever he could to impress you, getting you flowers, learning to make your favorite meals, helping you around the house. He’d do anything to spend time with you and just stare at you. He absolutely loves having printed pictures of you, even if getting him a shirt with your face on it was a joke, he’d absolutely wear it without hesitation. To him, your face is a work of art that should be appreciated.
Billy Hargrove: Honestly, didn’t know what he was getting himself into until he realized how much attention you actually got when you’d clean up. At first he didn’t know how to handle it exactly. Of course, Billy would play it off, knowing if you would wander off, he wouldn’t waste his time. Still, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t completely infatuated with you. Your mannerisms are what kept his attention. He can’t describe it, but it’s definitely your aura that intoxicates him. The fact that others would consider you a “maneater” and that it was Billy Hargrove that pulled you? (I mean of course he did right?) he’d hesitate to admit that it boosted his ego a little bit, but he made sure others kept their hands to themselves. 
Steve Harrington: Steve would be a little more confident than the rest on this list I’d say. He knows you’re hot and he would remind you that all the time. “Well when I first saw you, I’m not gonna lie I thought you’d like, throw a drink at me and tell me to get lost. I don’t know how long I’ve been staring” Of course, being out if it got out of hand with others, Steve wouldn’t hesitate to step in, but otherwise, he’s of course constantly staring at you with a big dorky smile. He’d find any excuse to take pictures of you, even if you’re just relaxing. For sure he’d keep a picture of you in his car.
Bruce Wayne: An awkward little mess. Just the kind to stand there and look at you from afar. During the night, in his double life, he’d keep a tab on you. Of course if you went out frequently, it would only give him more of an excuse to try to bump into you. At first it’d be to just get a glimpse of you, later on to get to know you. Bruce was a billionaire, there must’ve been hundreds of models and wealthy women trying to tie him down and yet there you were not able to get more than a few sentences out of him. Eventually after he powered through to actually ask you out, he would do his best to make sure you were in the finest of clothing and enjoyed all kinds of luxuries. Even from time to time, you’d catch him staring from afar. Other times, you’d find magazines with you and him pictures laying about, but he’d never admit he just loved the way you would photograph.
Steve Rogers: Of course he was used to being among the most desired men to date, but that doesn’t mean at times he still seemed to fail at asking anyone out on a date. Especially you, who would just stare right through the men that would be entitled enough to think you were already interested in them. Eventually though, you managed to cross paths and who could really resist Steve’s charm? Just like the rest on this list, you’d catch him staring, but at times his gaze seems more sinister than the rest. Of course Steve would encourage you to dress whatever way you felt best in, but don’t put it past him to lay a hand over your ass in public when he’d feel the slightest bit of eyes on you.
Loki Laufeyson: His argument would be that he was a prince, of course he would have a maneater s/o, what else did anyone expect. Still, deep down there was a weary feeling of insecurity at times, especially growing under his brothers shadow. That’s when he’d become overly protective around you, when anyone else was present, but even more around his brother. Even if Thor swore to never lay but a finger on you unless you needed saving, Loki would be incredibly possessive. He’d never admit it, but you mesmerized him, he wasn’t shy about admiring you even at times when you’d catch him.
Spencer Reid: Kind of funny that you’d both fit the “nerd x maneater” trope, but I mean, of course you did. Just like Loki, there would be a tiny feeling of insecurity, but Spencer would trust you unless you gave him a reason not to. There would be a little bit more pressure on him to keep alert when you were out in public, even if you knew how to defend yourself. Spencer would love to take pictures of you and use them as bookmarks or keep them framed. He’d need a ton of reassurance and he’d be honest about it. I think he’d be the healthiest on this list about this trope, kinda cute. Would NOT be happy about the team suggesting to use you as bait though.
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topazy · 7 days
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × reader, Rick Grimes × sister reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 4.01
Sensing movement in your cell, you lunge upright and reach for your knife. It was late at night, and all the lights were out in your block. Your eyes nip as you squint to try and adjust your vision to see in the dark.
“Shit, it’s just me. Sorry,” Daryl whispers.
“Daryl? You almost gave me a heart attack.” Groaning, you lay back down. You moved so fast that your head was starting to spin. “Has something happened?”
It has been a long day for everyone, and this would be the first night the survivors from Woodbury would spend in the prison as part of your community. You were confused about what Daryl was doing in your cell in the middle of the night, but your unspoken question was answered when he kicked his shoes off and climbed onto the top bunk. You didn’t mind him being there. In fact, it made you feel safer with him there.
Exhausted, you quickly drift back off to sleep, and in the morning, you wake just as Daryl jumps down from the top bunk. He picks up a stuffed toy Jace had thrown during the night and places it in the cot beside him.
“Daryl?” You whisper.
“I’m… I’m glad you're here.”
Six months later
Walking up the path between the fences in the courtyard, you watch as Carol hands Daryl a bowl of food. You had seen Patrick, a teenage boy, shaking Daryl’s hand, no doubt to thank him for bringing back a large deer the night before. You hated hunting but knew it was necessary to keep your growing community fed. Thankfully, the members of the prison council, including yourself, took more of an active role in different jobs, so you only joined Daryl hunting when nobody else was available to go with him.
Greeting them, you smile, “Carol, Mr. Dixon.”
“Shut up,” he says, tossing a scrunched-up napkin at you playfully. “Where are you skiving off to anyway?”
“Pee break.”
You had spent the past few hours trying to pick off walkers who were gathering by the fences. If the small clusters weren’t taken care of, the fences would start to come down. A few of the newer people brought into your community were taken aback by how unfazed your original group was while dealing with the dead. After stabbing most walkers in the head, you’d load the bodies into the back of a truck, then take them into the forest and burn them. The only downside of your community growing was the added noise attracting the dead.
“I’ll catch you guys in a bit. Be safe out there.”
While washing your hands, you feel your eyes burning into you. You glance around but can’t see anyone else. I'm in the bathroom; all the cubicle doors are open, and nobody was in the showers. Thinking it’s only your imagination, you go to leave the bathroom, but just before you reach the doorway, someone grabs hold of your hips.
Without looking back, you say, “I thought you were going on a run.”
Daryl’s lips trace the curve of your neck. “I am. But I wanted to say goodbye first.”
You spin around to face him and push your lips against his; the taste of cigarettes lingers on his lips. He grips your hips and pulls you in closer. There was no privacy in the prison, so it wasn’t often you got to enjoy having Daryl to yourself. He kisses your cheek, then the tip of your nose, before stepping back. “I better go. They’ll be waiting on me.”
“Be safe.”
“You too.”
“It’s a difficult decision, isn’t it?” you say playfully. “You’ve got so many toys, it’s hard to choose which one to play with first.”
Jace looks between the toys he’s holding in each hand, then throws them both down and giggles to himself. A room that was once a warden's office was now turned into a playroom for kids, and in the labor, Carol would read the kids stories in the afternoon.
Jace stares up at you with his big brown eyes and reaches his little fist out. “Mom, mom, mom.”
“Mom, mom, mom.” You repeat, picking him up and sitting him on your knees. “Jace, Jace, Jace.”
He laughs again. Jace was slowly picking up words and was able to walk a very short distance without falling. Although, whenever Rick or Daryl was watching, he’d hold up his arms until one of them picked him up.
“He is without a doubt one of the cutest kids I’ve ever seen.”
Karen kneels down beside you and smiles wildly at him. The brunette had come from Woodbury; she was kind and always wanted to be involved in ongoing tasks, helping anyway she could.
Jace studied her for a moment before turning his attention back to his favorite stuffed toy, a red teddy bear Maggie had given him.
“Has he picked a name for his toy yet?”
“Baby.,” you chuckle. “Oh god, we better get back out there before it gets dark.”
She nods. There was still a load of walkers to clear, but you had set it up so everyone got a short break. Karen looks at you concernedly when you clear your throat a couple of times. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just the dry heat in here.”
After a few moments, you sigh, “Okay, Jacey, I gotta go back outside.”
“We’ll have lots of fun,” Beth says.
She had volunteered to watch the kids while their parents were on shift. You didn’t like the idea of leaving Jace in the care of someone you didn’t know, but you
Feeling a dip beside you in the bed, you reach your hand back to feel for Daryl and link your fingers with his. “You’re back late; how was the supply run? Is everyone okay?”
“Zach died. He got bitten by a walker.”
You pull your joined hands around to your front and kiss the back of his hand. Daryl always took it personally when someone died. Zack was just a teenage boy. Beth was dating him, and you knew Daryl would be beating himself up, thinking it was his fault she had lost someone else.
“I’m sorry.”
He says nothing; he just shuffles closer to you. Daryl had placed himself between you and the wall; the bunk beds weren’t large, so you didn’t have much room to stretch out. You and Daryl had never spoken about being together; it just happened.
“You’re so hot.”
“Thanks!” you chuckle, causing you to cough.
“No, seriously.” He places his hand on your forehead. “You’re burning up.”
“I’m fine; I'm just tired and probably burned from being in the sun all day.”
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queensunshinee · 9 days
Time Of Our Lives || Part 5
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Patrick is not stupid. He knows what he feels for everyone in his life. For example, he kind of hates his parents. And he knows it’s privileged to hate your parents when you’re a rich, white man in your early twenties. But he hates the fact that there was never any laughter in his house. The meals were always quiet. The stories were always boring. The people who came to visit were always the same people. That's why he clung so much to summer vacations at Art’s place. In Art’s house, there was warmth that wasn’t in his own. In Art’s house, there was sophisticated humor and lightness that his parents couldn’t provide. In the moments he didn’t hate them, he thought they wanted to give him that too, they just didn’t know how.
Patrick also knows that every relationship in his life is temporary. Because Patrick can’t love anyone the way he loves Liana. It’s something he knows from the second his eyes met her green ones. It’s an integral part of his personality. There’s who he is in front of the whole world and there’s who he is in front of Liana. And he can’t explain it. Not really. Because if he tries to be objective, Patrick knows Liana isn’t the most beautiful girl he’s met. Tashi, his current girlfriend, is the most beautiful girl he’s met. Liana isn’t the most special girl, not the prettiest, not the most charismatic. Nothing about her is flashy or something that demands his love. But her silence grounds him. While he can break racket after racket on the court and fight with Tashi for hours about moves, argue with his parents about the direction his life is going, it takes one phone call to Liana and he remembers who he wants to be. He’s not there yet; he’s not who he wants to be. Not even close. But he’s trying to be on the right path. Anyway, Patrick knew his relationship with Tashi was temporary. It was situational at best. He didn’t deceive her, he told her from the beginning where it was going. He didn’t explain why, just said he was looking for something light. Tashi made it clear to him that she doesn’t do anything lightly. She made it clear to him again and again but Patrick chose not to listen. That’s how he found himself lying beneath her in her room, while she whispered dirty words in his ear and his hands held her ass. His eyes were closed. All he wanted was to relax and release some steam from the last few months. “I think Art and Liana are fucking,” she said suddenly, while her hand gently held his dick. She looked at him with scrutinizing eyes, seeing how his body tensed and his eyes opened. “Why do you say that?” he groaned as her hand moved faster. “I see them every day in the cafeteria. It’s cute, the way he touches her sometimes and thinks no one notices.” She continued, her lips kissing his neck with small kisses. “Where does he touch her?” Patrick found himself asking. He closed his eyes, imagining what would have happened if he had gone to Stanford too, if instead of Art, he was the one touching Liana. If Liana’s lips were the ones kissing him now. “They always sit next to each other and his hand is always on her thigh.” Tashi said, her lips merging with his, she knew he was close. His fingers automatically went to her thigh, nearing where she really wanted him. “I always think that if no one were there, Art would bend her over the table. To show her who she belongs to.” Tashi said and his fingers were already inside her, moving erratically. “Fuck, Liana.” Patrick said as the viscous fluid came out of him and Tashi quickly stood up, looking at him in disgust. “Tash…” he mumbled. Understanding what just happened now. “I should have chosen Art. But we both know who chose him instead.” She said, putting on a shirt and continuing to look at him with revulsion. “Tash, I’m sorry. You talked about her and-” “I don’t care, Patrick. You and Art need to sort your shit out and leave me alone.” She said and he nodded in response, quickly gathering his things and leaving her room.
“Okay, you look miserable. What happened with Tashi?” Art asked as they sat in the park drinking cheap beer. “Do you think I should have come to college with you guys?” Patrick responded with a question, not wanting to tell his best friend about the fiasco that happened just hours earlier in Tashi's room. “Honestly? No, Patrick. Of course not.” He chuckled and examined Patrick, who looked unsettled, a bit like a kicked dog. “It’s not that I’m stupid, I would’ve managed to finish a degree, Art,” Patrick felt the need to defend himself. His life choices so far didn't seem impressive. “I didn’t say you’re stupid, Patrick.” Art sighed, not wanting to burden his friend even more than he was burdening himself. “Honestly? It’s tough here. My schedule is crazy and now before exams, I really don’t understand why I did this to myself.” He shrugged. He wasn’t lying. This period was truly exhausting. “Your tennis has improved,” Patrick stated. He had watched part of Art’s practice earlier. Another thing that unsettled him, Art was playing much better than he did six months ago. He couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if he had gone to Stanford too, instead of insisting on playing professionally too early. “The training here is insane, Patrick. Even Liana’s tennis would improve if they pushed her like this,” Art tried to lighten the mood. He started to worry. Patrick’s current mood didn’t characterize him at all. Patrick just sighed and leaned against the tree behind him. “You want to talk about it?” Art asked, running his hand nervously over his own neck. “Not really.” Patrick shrugged and closed his eyes for a second. “How is it? being here with Liana?” He dared to ask after a few seconds of silence. The two boys looked at each other. Neither of them knew how to approach the subject. It wasn’t like talking about Tashi. They talked about Tashi lightly. They both wanted her. They both were attracted to her. They both saw her as an unattainable woman. Someone who wasn’t in their league but for some reason looked their way. Threw them a bone, and they were hers. Talking about Liana was different. Neither of them wanted to talk about her with the other. “You know how it is. We’re closer than we were before. You saw yesterday, in her room.” Art said and swallowed, examining his best friend. Every movement in his expression. “Yeah, Tashi mentioned something like that…” Patrick tried to gather more details. “What did she say?” Art was curious. “Something about cafeteria meals.” Patrick’s smile wasn’t genuine; it was the kind that hides all his emotions. All the flame burning beneath the surface. “Oh, I always have extra credit in the cafeteria and Liana loves the pie they serve there.” Art smiled a similar smile. And he didn’t take his eyes off his best friend. Not fully understanding what was happening right now, but knowing that any game Patrick played, he could play too. It was a competition. It was another competition between them, only Art didn’t fully understand all its layers while Patrick knew since he was twelve. From the first time his eyes landed on Liana’s green eyes and Art stood between them. Patrick wasn’t the only one in love with Liana.
Patrick wandered around her room while Liana sat on the bed with her laptop on her lap, almost ignoring his presence but fully aware of him. He looked at the books she had on the shelves, at the gray synthetic carpet, the maroon curtains. Her room had character. “Leave my drawers alone, Pat,” she said without looking up from her computer. “Can you pay attention to me?” he asked, sitting on the chair and dragging it closer to her. “No. We had a deal. You’re supposed to be good and I’m supposed to study,” she said. In moments like these, he wondered if she knew how sexual she sounded. How dirty the things he wanted to do to her were. How many things he wanted to teach her. “I’m bored,” he found himself restraining from bluntly responding to what she said earlier about his behavior. About how bad he could really be. “Go to Tashi,” she sent him away, still not looking at him. He snatched her computer away. “Patrick.” She looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows. “Fifteen minutes of your time, Amanda. Fifteen minutes,” he smiled a smile he was pretty sure she couldn’t resist. “Fifteen minutes.” She surrendered and he moved from the chair to the bed. “Talk to me, what’s going on? Tell me about the university,” he requested, making circular motions on her arm while she let her head rest on his shoulder. “You know how it is, Patrick, I study all day. I don’t have much time for anything special.” She shrugged. “You sound worried,” he shifted a bit, making her lift her head so he could examine her closely. She looked even more exhausted than yesterday if that made sense. “Shit, Liana, you remember these exams are bullshit, right? You can’t kill yourself for a grade.” He stated. “Isn’t that exactly what you do for tennis?” she asked defensively. “It’s different.” He protested. “How is it different? You devote all of yourself to something important to you. Why can’t I do the same thing? Just because I don’t know how to hit a ball, my ambitions aren’t important?” her nerves were frayed. He didn’t understand how the conversation had heated up to the point where she raised her voice at him. “I didn’t say that,” he said quietly. “I’m supposed to choose my major. You don’t understand the level of the entrance exams for architecture. Sorry, Pat, I have to keep studying, I can’t babysit you. Go to Art if you fought with Tashi.” She took the computer and moved to the chair, ignoring his presence. “Liana, I didn’t mean…” he felt defeated, not understanding what he had done wrong. “You never mean it, Patrick. But just because I don’t play tennis doesn’t mean I’m not important.” She looked at him with those big eyes of hers. He knew her frustration wasn’t necessarily directed at him and bit his tongue. nodding in her direction. “I’m leaving tomorrow around 10 AM if you want to say goodbye…” he mumbled before leaving. Feeling a bit pathetic. But how was he supposed to explain to the girl in front of him that she and tennis weren’t even on the same level of importance in his life? How was he supposed to explain to her that she was the most important thing, when he still wasn’t the person she deserved him to be?
To all the Patrick fans of the story, how are we doing with this chapter? I really love hearing what you're thinking about this 'cause I'm obsessed with all of them. Tashi included, even if she doesn't have a big role in it. By the way- what are your thoughts about Liana in general? Art? Patrick? OK, I'm over doing it Again. Ask box is open as usual ❤️
taglist: @swetearss ganana yoitsme-04
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literary-illuminati · 6 months
Book Review 70 – American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis
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I’m honestly not sure I ever would have gotten around to reading this on my own, but ended up buying it through the ‘blind date with a book’ thing a bookstore in New York was doing when I was visiting (incredible gimmick, for the record). The fact that it then took me a solid three months to actually finish probably tells you something about how genuinely difficult a read I found it. Not in the sense of being bad, but just legitimately difficult to stomach at points. Overall I’d call it a real triumph of literature.
Not that anyone doesn’t already know, but; the book is spent inside the head of Patrick Bateman, high-flying wall street trader and Harvard blueblood at the close of the Reagan era. Also a serial killer. The story is told as a series of more or less disconnected vignettes, jumping from dinner conversations at one exclusive bar or club or another to the brutal torture and murder of a sex worker to several pages of incredibly vapid pontification on Nina Simone’s discography. The story vaguely tracks Bateman growing ever-more alienated and out of control as the year goes on, but there’s very much not any real single narrative or cathartic climax here. - most stuff just happens (stuff that’s either incredibly tedious or utterly nauseating by turns but still just, stuff).
So yeah this is an intensely literary work (obviously), a word I’m here using to mean one that is as much about the form and style of the writing as about the actual events portrayed. Bateman is a monster, but more than that he’s just an utterly boring and tedious husk of a man, traits which are exaggerated to the point of being fascinating– if you told this story in conventional third person narration without all the weird asides, it would be a) like half as long and b) totally worthless. The tonal whiplash of going from an incredibly visceral depiction of Bateman cutting out the eyes of a homeless man to six (utterly insipid) pages on the merits of The Doors is the selling point here (well actually I think Ellis goes back to that specific well probably one time too many, but in general I mean).
Bateman is a tedious, unstable monster, but as far as the book has an obvious thesis it’s that he differs from the rest of his social milieu only in degree. A symptom of a fundamentally rotten society, not a heroic devil among sheep. The book’s climax, such as it is, involved Bateman getting into a drug-fueled gunfight with the NYPD, shooting multiple people in the middle of the street, and then stumbling home and leaving a rambling confession to every crime on his lawyer’s answering machine – but despite very clearly wanting and trying to get caught and face some sort of consequence or justice, people just refuse to believe that someone like him is capable of anything like that. (It’s not, it must be said, an especially subtle book).
There is, as far as I can recall, not a single character who gets enough screentime to give an idea of their personality who I’d call likeable. Sympathetic, sure, but that’s mostly because it’s pretty much impossible not to sympathize with someone getting horrifically tortured and torn apart (at one point a starving rat is involved). The upper crust of New York yuppie-dom is portrayed as shallow and vapid, casually bigoted towards quite literally everyone who isn’t identical to them, status-obsessed to the point of only being able to understand the world as a collection of markers of class and coolness, and totally incapable of real human connection. Bateman is a monster not because of any freak abnormality, but just because he takes all of that a few steps further than his coworkers.
The book is totally serious and straight-faced in its presentation, and absolutely never acknowledges any of the running gags that are kept up through it. Which shows impressive restraint, and also means that none of them exactly have a payoff or a punchline – it’s just a feature of the world that all the expensive meals at trendy restaurants everyone competes for tables at sound disgusting when you think about them for a moment, or that the whole class of wall street trader guy are so entirely interchangeable that ostensible close friends and coworkers constantly mistake each other for other traders and no one particularly cares. Or – and I’m taking this on faith because fuck knows I’ve got no idea what any of the brands people are wearing are – that the ruinously expensive outfits everyone spends so very much time and money on for every engagement all clash comically if you actually looked up what the different pieces looked like. The book’s in no way really a comedy, so the jokes sit a bit oddly, but they’re still overall pretty funny, at least to me.
I like to think I have something of a strong stomach for unpleasant material in books, but this was the first work of fiction that I had genuine trouble reading for content reasons in I can’t even remember. I’m not sure it’s exactly right to call the violence pornographic in a general sense, but as far as American Psycho goes the register and tone Bateman uses to describe fucking a woman and torturing her to death are basically identical (and told in similarly explicit detail), and all of Bateman’s sexual fantasies are more or less explicitly just porn scenes he wants to recreate, so. Regardless, the result’s pretty alienating in both cases – his internal monologue never really feels anything but detached and almost bored as he relays what he does, sound exactly as vapid and alienated as when he is carefully listing the exact brands and designers every person he ever interacts with is wearing at all times, or arguing over dinner reservations for hours on end with his friends and lovers (though both those terms probably deserve heavy airquotes around them). He legitimately sounds considerably more engaged when talking about arguing over sartorial etiquette. It all adds up to a really strong alienating effect.
Anyways, speaking of sex and violence – perhaps because my main exposure to the story before this was tumblr making memes out of scenes from the movie, but I was pretty shocked by just how explicitly awful Patrick is ‘on screen’. The horrible murder, sure, but also just the casual and frequent use of racist and homophobic slurs, the pathological misogyny, the total breakdown he has at the idea of a gay man being attracted to him and thinking he might reciprocate – all of these are entirely in character for an asshole Wall Street ‘80s Guy even if he wasn’t a serial killer, but it’s still oddly shocking at first to see it so thoroughly represented on the page. It makes how comparatively soft-pedaled the bigotry and just, awfulness, of villains in a lot of more modern books stand out a lot more, I suppose? I have read a lot of books that are in some sense About queerness and/or racism in the last year, and no one in any of them holds a candle to good old Patrick Bateman.
Part of that is just the book being so intensely of its time, I suppose. The New York of this book is very much one of the late ‘80s, incredible wealth living side by side with social rot and decay, crippling poverty everywhere and a society that has to a great degree just stopped caring. Absolutely none of which Bateman or any of his peers care one bit about, of course – they’re too busy showing off the latest walkmans and record players, going to the newest clubs, and just generally enjoying all the fruits of Reagan’s America. Recent history has made the fact that Bateman’s personal idol is Donald Trump almost too on the nose to be interesting, but in 1991 I’m sure it was a bit more subtle in how telling it was.
Anyway, yeah, horrifying and exhausting read, triumph of literature, my god did Easton Ellis hate America (this is a compliment). Now time to go watch the movie!
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batmanlovesnirvana · 1 year
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by AshWinterGrey on Ao3
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Summary : Today on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we look into the Murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
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“Today on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we’re digging into a rather famous case,” Ryan begins, a grin on his face. “Its actually a case I grew up hearing about, and one that I like to keep an eye on from time to time. So I was, very, excited to get permission to do this case.”
“Oh, is this what I think it is?” Shane questioned.
“You saw the file,” Ryan gave his friend a look.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if it was a file or just a list of things you wanted to talk about if you ever got permission,” Shane protested. “I mean, you’ve brought this case up pretty frequently.”
“Yes, yes, that is definitely the case,” Ryan agreed, turning a giddy grin to the file. “Today, ladies and gentlemen, we’re looking at the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”
“This is going to be interesting,” Shane clapped.
“Was that sarcastic?”
“It felt sarcastic.”
“Eh…maybe a little. You do go on and on about this case.”
“Yeah, but only, like, vague details.”
“Sure. Vague.”
Ryan shot Shane a look, to which Shane stared right back with a flat look. After a moment, Ryan turned away and flipped over the file.
“Shall we begin?”
“Yeah, of course,” Shane motioned with a flippant wave of his hand. “Let’s begin!”
A giddy grin filled Ryan’s face as he turned to the case file.
“On June 26th, at 10:47 pm, the world lost two of the kindest rich people anyone could have met. But first, let’s get a bit into their background. Doctor Thomas Wayne-”
“Wait. Doctor? Thomas Wayne was a Doctor?”
“Yeah! I was getting there! Let me get there!”
“Okay. Okay. You’ve just never mentioned he was a doctor, before.”
“I told you, you didn’t know everything. There’s a lot about this family I haven’t mentioned.”
“Well now I’m intrigued.”
“Doctor Thomas Wayne was born the son of Patrick Wayne and Laura Elizabeth Wayne. This made Thomas Wayne one of the last living descendants of the Five Families of Gotham.”
“Five Families.”
“Yeah…I…don’t know why I included that.”
“You weren’t going to explain?”
“I am now.”
“The Five Families of Gotham are the Crowne Family, which died out years ago with Amelia Crowne, though their of rumors of an illegitimate child. Maybe we’ll do that another time. The Cobblepot family, and we all know what happened to that family. The Elliots, Kanes, and Waynes. These Five Families are credited to helping build Gotham.”
“Doctor Thomas Wayne dedicated his time to his medical studies, his family company, to helping the Glades, and to his family. Doctor Thomas Wayne was originally not the inheritor of the Wayne fortune as he was the youngest child of the Waynes. But Philip Wayne died in Afghanistan, and Agatha Wayne renounced her family name when she married into the Carson family. Doctor Thomas Wayne, with a full medical degree, and a budding physician having started a free clinic in Park Row, found himself the inheritor of a multi-million dollar company.”
“Park Row?”
“Better known as Crime Alley.”
“Oh! Wait…it’s name isn’t actually Crime Alley?”
“Yeah, surprising, right?
“Martha Wayne was born into another Founding Family. The Kane Family. Her family history, of course, is a little rockier in the public eye than most of the world’s wealthy would prefer. Nathan Kane married a woman named Kathy Webb and was disowned, losing his grasp of the inheritance. Philip Kane is the inheritor, and the line might just die out with him. Jacob Kane lost his first wife and one of his daughters, remarried, and became an army general. Arthur Kane is recluse and not staying with his family. Martha Wayne seemed to break out.”
“Good for her.”
“You just seem pretty on board with that.”
“Well, yeah. I like history.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“A lot.”
“You’re not…you’re not…going to…elaborate?”
“Nope! That’s an entirely different video.”
“Martha Wayne married Doctor Thomas Wayne as one of many acts of rebellion. Martha’s mother didn’t approve of the marriage at all, and even threatened to disown Martha. Martha’s other most notable act of rebellion was to become a social worker.”
“I like this couple more and more.”
“Yeah. Here are two people. Helping others.”
“That they did.”
“Most people with money would just… throw it on junk. Not them. They seem like good people.”
“Later, Doctor Wayne and Martha welcomed a son into the world. Bruce Thomas Wayne. Then, eight years later, while taking their son to a movie in Park Row, a man stepped out of the shadows. As told by the account of Bruce Wayne, the only surviving witness, the mysterious man demanded their money and Martha’s pearls. However, the two barely had a chance to grab said items before the first bullet was fired. Thomas Wayne died almost immediately with that first shot. Martha moved to grab her son, but that was when the second shot was fired, and she, too, died almost instantly, according to police reports. A couple hours later, the police arrived.”
“That poor kid.”
“Yeah, I know. He was with his parents for a couple hours.”
“His parents just died, and he’s probably sitting there, begging them to wake up. And no one is there to help. That’s…that’s terrible. I’m surprised the guy wasn’t more messed up.”
“You could probably argue he was a little messed up.”
“Well, he did disappear for a few years, then reappear acting like a, you know, a floozy rich guy.”
“Maybe we’ll cover that another time, too. But, long story short, Bruce applied to the FBI, got in, then quit the FBI, disappeared, and came back as a generous, but perky rich playboy.”
“Now that we’ve talked about the Waynes and their murder. Let’s talk about why this case is unsolved and then get into a few theories. To begin, the Wayne Murder case was never solved. Mainly because the only living witness besides the killer, was Bruce Wayne, an eight year old boy who was left beside his parents bodies for hours. The shock definitely kicked in, and because of how dark it was, Bruce was unable to see the man’s face.”
“Of course a traumatized boy wouldn’t be able to identify his parents’ killer! What the heck do people expect!”
“Yeah…not the GCPD’s finest moment.”
“The First theory is that the Falcone Family did the hit.”
(Wheeze) “A mob hit?”
“Yeah, we definitely don’t get those all that often, do we?”
“We never get those!”
“This theory actually has some weight. It’s rumored that Thomas Wayne was actually a close friend of Francesco Falcone. A bond that formed when Thomas Wayne supposedly saved Francesco Falcone’s life during a mob hit. It’s also rumored that Thomas and Martha met at one of Francesco Falcone’s parties.”
“If this theory is true, then my respect for Martha Wayne has skyrocketed! That woman was a rebel!”
“Really? After everything I just said, that’s what you want to go with.”
“The Kanes were jerks. I’m allowed to be proud of the woman.”
“However, its also noted that at some point, Thomas and Falcone stopped talking to each other. Their friendship supposedly fell apart, and if they left on bad terms, its possible that the Falcone family ordered the hit. However, unless the GCPD is covering it up, there is no proof behind this theory, nor is there much proof that Thomas and Falcone ever actually had a friendship other than a few pictures of the two at parties. And, if you know nothing about Gotham, you should know that Gang Leaders mixing with the Elites is…pretty common.”
“Too common.”
“Way too common.”
“But, I’ll be honest, I’m not sure this theory has too much weight.”
“Yeah. I mean, think about it. Saving someone’s life is…a pretty serious debt. Like, a life for a life debt, except you save it. If Doctor Thomas really saved Falcone, then the betrayal had to be dead awful for him to turn like that.”
“That’s…that’s a good point. We’ll put that theory on hold, then.”
“The second theory is that the Court Of Owls planned the hit.”
“The Court of Owls?”
“Yeah. You heard of them?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of them. If you had mentioned this, before, I might have been way more interested in this case.”
“Wow, I had no idea you were so excited about this.”
“It’s history, Ryan! Of course I’m excited about it!”
“You realize this is Gotham’s biggest Ghost Story, right?”
“Of course. But I also know the history around it.”
“The Court of Owls are a long standing legend in Gotham. The rumors claim that the court is comprised of Elites, supposedly related to the Crowne family. According to legend, the Court recruits elites into their system, and they recruit civilians to be assassins. These assassins kill those that oppose the Court.”
“That was a rough version of the Court of Owls. Not bad.”
“Thank. But now I’m curious to know what you know.”
“Maybe another time. Its too long to go into.”
“It’s believed that Thomas and Martha Wayne opposed the Court of Owls, and because of this, they were killed by a Talon.”
“I’d agree with that...”
“Yeah. Yeah, I would. If ever there was a conspiracy theory I’d believe, it’s the existance of the Court of Owls. The history is fascinating.”
“Wow, I guess we…really need to do a history lesson on the Court of Owls.”
“The only thing that I think is a little sketchy is the fact that they…left Bruce Wayne alive.”
“It’s not their style. Unless Bruce Wayne agreed to join the Court. But…given his charities and stuff, I doubt it.”
“Huh. I guess that’s fair.”
“The third theory…”
“You’re gonna hate this?”
“Don’t say aliens.”
“Nope. Not aliens.”
“The third theory is that Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered by a ghost.”
“Oh, yes!”
“Ryan. No!”
“The Wayne family went through Park Row, a place well known as Crime Alley. There are a number of Crimes that happen there in a day, so its no wonder a large population believe the mysterious killer that was never caught and never seen was that of a ghost who lost his life in a mugging attempt where he failed.”
“The Court of Owls theory holds more weight than this.”
“You know what, I can and will deny this theory. Forget this theory.”
“How does this hold less weight than the Court of Owls.”
“I need to give you a history lesson.”
“The fourth theory is that it was an inside job done by the GCPD. Due to the fact that the guy was never caught, and the history of police corruption, its not surprising that this was a theory that popped up. In fact, up until Jim Gordon became Commissioner, many cases in Gotham like this one were swept under the rug.”
“Good old Jim Gordon.”
“He was on this case, actually.”
“He was?”
“Yep. In fact, it’s rumored that this particular case was what led Gordon to turn the GCPD around. And he’s supposedly still close to Bruce Wayne.”
“His daughter dated Bruce’s oldest son.”
“With all these theories, there still isn’t any clear answer as to who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. And that leaves this particular case…Unsolved.”
“They don’t deserve that,” Shane sighed.
“Yeah, they seemed like genuinely good people for rich people,” Ryan agreed with a nod. “What do you think happened?”
Shane winced, scratching the back of his head. “Right. I like the Court of Owls theory, but…I think it was a rando mugging.”
“Then…then how do you explain the lack of a suspect?”
“Police corruption. The Waynes were trying to turn Gotham around. A few corrupt cops just…swept it under the rug.”
“That’s…” Ryan froze, looking down at his files. “That’s actually not a bad theory. Why didn’t anyone use that theory.”
“Maybe they’re not supposed to.”
“That’s terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.”
... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ....
“ This is...”
Jason paused, sending a look towards his younger brother.
“Genius?” Tim gave a sharp, Cheshire grin.
“Definitely,” Jason grinned back. “What exactly did you give them permission to do?”
“You’ll have to wait and see.”
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remnants · 2 months
thots about tommy wayne under the cut 👇🏾😚👍🏾
ok so in my head he's not from gotham lol (my guy is east coast mean, which is pretty mean, but not gotham mean which translates to being the sweetest guy on earth once you’re within the city limits). he's the illegitimate and son of patrick wayne and his daddy wouldn't claim him bc the affair/one-night-stand/whatever-you-wanna-call-it happened while he was very much married (fuck this guy fr!) and his wife was very much pregnant (oh brother this guy STINKS!!!). anywayyyy elizabeth mitchell isn’t stupid and knows a fight she can't win when she sees one so she leaves gotham for new york when the test comes back positive and patrick won’t pick up her calls.
and things are going good! she's made a little name for herself as a local nightclub singer and she's got a job waiting tables during the day that makes good money and sure things were a little touch and go for a while and sure there were times where she was sure that they weren't gonna make it but she got her baby through school (he graduated valedictorian btw) and now he's in the first year of his pre med undergraduate degree at the local university on a full scholarship (her parenting HER parenting).
so imagine her surprise when the billionaire deadbeat of the hour shows up on her doorstep one day talking about family duty and lines of succession.
patrick amadeus wayne jr. is dead. dead dead dead. and while it wasn't really a surprise to anyone with eyes (weak lungs can only take so many wet gotham winters and the tabloids were saying that the cough he sported at the latest gala sounded particularly nasty), he was by all appearances an only child (francesca wayne could barely get pj out let alone carry another baby to term) and the waynes were fumbling for someone to take his place before the body was even cold.
the transition is as rough as you would expect, what with the stony silences from his father’s wife (stepmother? who knows, not that either of them would ever acknowledge the relation) whenever they cross paths in the manor (francesca wayne never makes an outside appearance in gotham society again after the passing of her son. she enters a period of seclusion and never emerges, spending her days wandering the halls in mourning blacks and lighting candles in prayer), and sometimes being called patrick or pj by the gotham upper class (intentionally or not. though he suspects intentionally because his mother’s side of the family got the monopoly on his looks). it’s very obvious that he doesn’t fit in but hey, free college is free college and his mama is gonna be set for life if he can just see this through.
of course the whole thing doesn’t go over well (a long lost father suddenly appearing on your doorstep and claiming you only because his other kid died would put most people off to be completely fair) but after some yelling and screaming and haggling, compromises are made. in exchange for thomas moving to gotham and being prepped to take over as head of wayne enterprises, his mother is also to be put up in a fancy brownstone on the upper east side and given enough in allowance (in addition to the 18 years of child support she never got) so that she never has to work again and thomas is to be allowed to continue his studies, graduate medical school (in gotham and not at john hopkins like he planned. rip it was literally his dream school), and become a doctor (i like to think becoming a doctor was solely a thomas wayne endeavor. all the wayne men before him were men of business and trade but tommy has wanted to help people his entire life and he’ll be damned if he lets his father keep him from following his dreams). there’s a handshake and signatures signed on a drawn-up contract (because patrick wayne doesn’t do anything by halves and of course he brought the family lawyer to meet his son after 19 years of pretending he didn’t exist) and thomas goes from a two-bedroom apartment in hell’s kitchen to a bedroom the same size (and then some) right outside of gotham city.
and he does see it through, very well in fact! thomas wayne graduates top of his class in undergrad at gotham university as well as in medical school, is granted a residency at gotham general, and eventually becomes the head of surgery. Along the way, he meets a girl named martha, gets married, and has a beautiful baby boy named bruce (after his maternal grandfather ofc) and the rest is history!
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slxshrfvcker · 1 year
slashers with a s/o who listens to metalcore
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Featured above the cut:
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Featured below the cut:
Patrick Bateman
Michael Myers
Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham
Welcome To Horrorwood
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Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Billy would be more amped up about the fact you listen to the metal genre, because he definitely enjoys it too.
If he comes home to you in your room dancing around and head banging to Slipknot or Korn or whatever your taste is, you bet your ass he’s gonna join in with you and rock out to your favorite songs too!
Loves to watch you attempt to sing the lyrics to songs like Custer by Slipknot or Freak On A Leash by Korn.
The song you both vibe together the most with is definitely Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit.
Extra points if you can play the electric guitar/bass, drums or some other instrument incorporated in the metal band genre.
Would be kinda freaked out at first by your fry vocals (if you could do them) but learns to appreciate them because he’s never seen anyone do it in person (poor babes is probably the only metalhead in Woodsboro…)
Definitely agrees to going to a concert (either locally or out of town) with you to see you vibe and enjoy yourself at your favorite band’s shows (he obviously will enjoy himself too!)
Will beat the shit out of whoever elbows you or something at a show
Then kills them after
Also kills anyone for bashing your music tastes
Stu Macher
Shocked at the fact you like such heavy stuff but kinda not at the same time because hello? He’s best friends with Billy for fucks sake.
Smiles and watching you from the side lines as you head bang and dance around to your music. (He might join in with you, with enough convincing)
He’s probably gonna agree to go with you to your fav band’s shows but he insists he has to hear ear protective things because he doesn’t want to get “a headache”. (You both forget anyways)
He will sit back and watch in adoration and amazement if you can play an instrument, the fry screams though will definitely freak him out (he’ll pretend that they don’t though)
Supportive of your music tastes anyways, he loves you for you and not just your music likes.
Kills anyone who hurts your feelings for liking the band/s you like. And also if you get hurt at a show he’s already planning to kill them afterwards.
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Patrick Bateman
Honestly annoyed with the fact you like such violent heavy shit and would not hesitate to ask you to turn it down/off if he isn’t in the mood to deal with it
What the hell are you doing—? Why are you throwing your head back and forth like that? Are you brain damaged or something???
“Darling can you stop singing that god awful song I’m trying to focus here,”
Probably breaks your music player a few times bc he’s beyond annoyed with the songs blasting (he eventually will buy a new one)
Refuses to go to any shows with you because as I said before he dislikes it a lot
But if you come home hurt emotionally and or physically he will kill those who caused your pain.
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Michael Myers
What is this?
It’s so loud and heavy but he kinda likes it?
Will probably just stand back and watch you vibe for a while before turning around and going to go do god knows what
If he comes home late at night and you are still rocking out he’ll simply turn it off and stare at you as if saying “it’s late go to bed”
He honestly doesn’t care if you come home all bruised from getting kicked or something at your show, he would give an amused look because you put yourself in that position to get hurt, but if you are truly upset or hurt pretty badly (bleeding or broken bones bad) he will begrudgingly go out and kill that person after tending to your wounds.
He honestly doesn’t even care what music you like as long as it doesn’t affect him physically/mentally
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Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham
Their darling y/n liking such loud music?
Very odd to them because you look so cute and innocent, even with the way you dress (if you like all of the black and band tees)
They love to watch you vibe dance and headbang to your music because you look so damn cute doing it!!!
Takes you to every metal show you ever want to see, just so you are happy <33
If you get hurt by any means from anyone, then expect to have a very delicious meal the next day prepared by yours truly
They both pitch in to buy you albums, music players and instruments for you to enjoy your music more!
Very supportive of you no matter what, they love you! You are their darling y/n and you mean so much to them.
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bitches-who-write · 10 months
may I request how the gang would react to you checking on them from time to time?? I imagine bowers would just give a wtf look but like he learns to grow on it and b would just find it sweet, but he would never say it out loud
Henry is really confused by your act of kindness of checking in on him.
When you first started checking in on him asking how he’s doing, how he’s been feeling, if he needs anything, etc., he doesn’t know how to respond. 
He’s not used to anyone really caring about him, especially in his personal life/home life.
In the beginning, Henry would get angry with your constant checking in.
In a weird way, it made him feel emasculated.
Henry takes anything associated with showing your feelings as a huge sign of weakness. And that’s the last thing he wants to be is weak.
Don’t take it personally but he’ll most likely yell at you to stop asking him questions especially if you’re doing it in front of the other guys.
One on one is a different story, however . 
If you guys are sitting in the open field outside of his house, he’ll open up to you a little more.
Usually he catches himself opening up too much and begins to backpedal.
”Why the fuck do you care anyways?! Doesn’t even matter!”
After he explodes at you and you’re both sitting in silence, he’ll put his arm around your shoulder.
He’ll never say thank you, but take this small act of kindness as his appreciation. 
He’s very confused why you’re suddenly asking him questions.
Luckily for Belch, his family is pretty close. As much as he complains about it, his mom makes them all eat dinner together so they can all ‘talk as a family’.
So because he has a good home life, these types of questions aren’t too uncommon.
However, it confuses and weirds him out when it comes from somebody outside of his family.
When you keep asking how he’s doing and how he’s been feeling, he starts to get concerned.
“Why do you keep asking me this, Y/N? Do you know something that I don’t? Am I dying???
“Holy shit, Vic! I might be dying!”
This dude can be pretty dramatic.
Once you  reassure him that he’s not dying, he calms down and casually answers your questions.
He always asks you the same in return, genuinely smiling when you tell him about your day.
Belch grows fond of these daily conversations with you.
Listen, Patrick isn’t a normal guy and we can’t stress this enough.
He has a pretty dissociative personality and doesn’t express a lot of personal feelings  unless it’s on his terms.
Usually when you check in on him he’s weary.
Always thinking there’s an alternative motive behind your questions.
You can tell that he’s trying to process and think ahead.
If he’s feeling extra cheeky, he’ll usually give you a smart ass answer.
You just can’t do anything nice for the guy because he doesn’t appreciate it.
Again.. boyfriend material? Absolutely not. But do we all simp for him? Absolutely.
Similar to Belch, he finds it enduring.
He’s another one who’s not used to getting attention.
Vic is a quiet guy who keeps to himself so he can easily be overlooked.
He tries not to smile when you acknowledge him and ask him how he’s feeling or check in on him in general.
Honestly, the more you check in on him,the more comfortable he gets around you.
Vic doesn’t catch feelings super easily but this is one way to win him over.
Unlike Henry, he’s not afraid to share his soft side with you.
And because he’s usually so quiet in groups, when you get him one on one, he won’t shut the hell up.   
Getting back to the whole catching feelings thing … don’t be surprised if he ends up falling for you because of your sweet personality.
Thanks for the request @impossibleheartflower
We hope you enjoyed!🖤
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
Another ficlet of Steve and Eddie dancing
Established relationship / around 700 words / rated T (for being vaguely suggestive?) / teensiest allusion to homophobia
Eddie loves making out with Steve. He loves everything—anything—they do, but sometimes, all he wants is to make out with Steve on his couch, in his bed, in the backseat of Steve’s car. It’s consuming. Everything else falls away when he’s with Steve.
That’s why he doesn’t realize he forgot to change the radio to a decent station until they’ve been making out for… Fuck, Eddie doesn’t know how long. He just knows that Steve is hot above him and Eddie’s working on a hickey at the juncture of Steve’s neck and shoulder that Steve will complain about later but isn’t stopping Eddie from giving him now.
But Steve breaks away for a moment, shifting between Eddie’s legs, and, above the sounds of their breathing, comes the sound of music Eddie would never willingly listen to. He tries to ignore it because Steve’s tongue is in his mouth and his hand is up Eddie’s shirt, but now that he’s noticed the music it’s so distracting. Ugh.
He pushes a confused, dazed, Steve away and shuffles over to the radio.
“What—” Steve starts, then huffs when Eddie reaches for the radio dial. “Wait, don’t change it.” There’s warmth at Eddie’s back and Steve’s hands on his hips. “I like this song.”
And, no, this is all wrong. Steve isn’t meant to get up. He’s meant to stay on the couch, waiting for Eddie to pick a better station, so they can continue their make-out session with the right soundtrack. But now he’s swaying behind Eddie, chin hooked over Eddie’s shoulder.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asks.
“We,” Steve says, turning Eddie around, “are dancing.”
“Are we?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, arranging Eddie so he’s got one arm draped over Steve’s shoulder, holding Eddie’s other hand in his own, fingers interlaced.
“I thought we were fooling around.”
“We can do that later,” Steve says, but he pulls Eddie close with the arm around his waist, so their bodies are flush. And maybe they’re a little less horizontal than Eddie would like, but he can deal with this.
“Kind of an old-fashioned song for your taste, isn’t it?”
“Old stuff is cool now,” Steve says. “Anyway, it was in Dirty Dancing.”
“Oh, so you think you’re Patrick Swayze, or something, huh?”
“Sure.” Steve rolls his hips, thigh slotted between Eddie’s, and winks.
Heat rushes Eddie, and he almost wishes they were back on the couch, but this is a different kind of fun. Still, he clears his throat and says, “Okay, just don’t tell anyone.” He bites Steve’s jaw. “I’ve got a certain reputation to protect, you know.”
“Oh, yeah, I was planning on telling the whole town I was slow dancing with another guy.”
It stings, but Eddie knows it hurts Steve too despite the joke. So, he cups the back of Steve’s neck, bringing their foreheads together for a moment. He sinks his fingers into Steve’s hair and tugs a little.
Steve hums and kisses him, then pulls back so he can sing: “For every kiss you give me—” He taps his cheek expectantly.
Eddie rolls his eyes, but he plants a wet kiss on the spot he touched.
Then Steve sings, “I’ll give you three,” and kisses Eddie three times, once on each cheek, and then on his mouth.
It’s corny and so Steve that Eddie aches, heart too big for his chest. Fuck, he loves this dorky, sexy, romantic idiot. “You’re such a dork.”
“So are you.”
Eddie doesn’t even pretend to be offended. “I love you.”
“I know.” Steve grins, pulling Eddie impossibly tighter against him, and whispers, “I love you too,” into Eddie’s ear.
A shiver runs down Eddie’s spine and his heart beats hard.
Dancing in his trailer to ‘Be My Baby’ with Steve has got to be one of the most ridiculously romantic things Eddie’s ever done. Not that there’s been a whole lot of romance in his life, at least not before Steve. But this is… This is nice. Really nice. He can’t deny that.
So, he lets Steve spin them around, sways along with him, even pulls a couple moves of his own that make Steve smile wide. And when the song fades out, he doesn’t change the station.
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Take It All
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Patrick Bateman x Male Reader 
Cw: Smut, Social Hierarchy, Sexism, Dom reader, asphyxiation, homophobia, closeted, blowjobs, public sex, degradation, threats and dub-con
In this world you either kill or get killed. There’s the strong and the weak. Patrick thought you were one of the weak but he was incredibly mistaken. 
“Mr. Bateman the printer isn’t working.” He hears your familiar voice as he perks up. He lets out a sigh as you look at him setting your papers down. “What other things can I do Mr. Bateman?” You ask as you fix your tie still keeping your eyes on him. 
He thinks taking a sip of his coffee. He sets it down as he clangs them empty coffee cup on the table. He slides it over to you as you barely catch it. “Coffee and make it snappy.” You nod as you roll you’re eyes at his snappy attitude.
You obey going to get his coffee and setting it down. You set it on his desk as you begin to walk away. “Really L/n? Doing a woman’s job huh?” One of his lackies mock you. You stop in your tracks. “Are you a queer or something?” You look behind you stopping at Batman’s face. 
He had that emotionless smile that most psychos had. You walk out of his office angrily. “Ha, trust me If I could’ve gotten a bitch I would’ve, but of course I got stuck with a gay.” You slam his glass door shut cracking it as you walk away.
Everyone looks at your hunched form. Anger they could all feel it. ‘Don’t mess with him right now.’ Everyone didn’t bother you or anything letting you get over your familiar anger. 
You were going out with friends tonight. Beers and chatter, simple but fun. You all were crying of laughter as you hear familiar steel toed boots tap on the ground. You look over to see Bateman and his assholes waving smugly. 
You shove your face in your hands as you groan. “You need to quit Y/n. This always happens, they treat you like shit.” One of your friends state, You nod in agreement as you sigh. “Eventually.” You all tried to ignore them attempting to have as much fun as you could. 
You all got your good chatting and everything. One of your friends began laughing so hard they spit their drink out on you. Everyone else was in hysterics at the cartoonish scene. You groan with a laugh as you stand up. “Excuse me my children, I’ll be back in a sec.” 
You walk into the bathroom taking your dress shirt off. You look at the door as it open. Bateman, it looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t even get his words out as he looked at you. “I’m off the job.” You continue washing your shirt off.
As he walks over fixing his own tie. “You know y/n-“ you look at him as you yank his tie pulling him up towards you. “Just shut up for five seconds, can’t even get a break from you outside of work. Fucking stalker.” You roll your eyes as he looks at you stunned. 
He lets out a quiet noise that you would’ve missed if you weren’t so observant of him. You look him up and down as your eyes stop at a tent in his pants. Your face starts to break out into a smile as you laugh. “Pitching a tent for the queer huh? Disgusting.” He winced slightly at the harsh words as you throw him to the dirty ground. 
“If you want me that bad than who am I to deny.” You yank him crotc-level to you as you smile at his disheveled form. You take your dick out as it slaps him in the face. It was so thick and long fuck. He never had a dick in his face or even been on his knees for anyone. You grabbed it hitting his lips. “Any teeth and I’ll make sure everyone knows about your little boner for me.” He obeys angrily as he gives an experimental lick. 
He continues softly licking as a bead of pre cum come out. He brings his slender fingers to your cock ad he rubs his thumb on the tip spreading the pre. Felt good for him probably the same for you. The foreplay felt good but you wanted more. You grabbed his hair as he let out a shocked moan shoving your dick into his mouth. 
You hold him there as he tries to push off. “God fucking degrading me at work? If only I knew you were such a whore sooner Bateman. Than we could’ve don’t this years ago. Dirty slut.” He tries hitting the back of your thighs but that only adds to the pleasure. 
You start moving his head up and down your shaft abusing his mouth. He’s loudly choking obviously not used to this foreign object in his mouth. You laugh as you bring your hand up pinching his nose. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe!!! He starts to tear up as the gaging becomes more vigorous. 
You laugh as he starts to turn a darker shade of red. From the asphyxiation or situation? You didn’t know but you loved it. His eyes begin to go heavy as his lungs burn. You start to get close as you grab his head shoving him as far as he can go. 
His eyes roll back as he takes your load deep into his throat. You let go of his nose as you continued thrusting slowly into his mouth milking your orgasm. With a few more thrusts you slowly pull out. A trail of saliva going from his tongue to your dick. 
“Treat me like that ever again and I’ll make fucking sure next time you’ll pass out understand?” He breathes heavily. You yank his hair as the tears begin to flow out. “Do you understand!!” You shout angrily “yes yes sorry sorry please sir!” you laugh as you slam him to the floor his head hitting the ground. 
“Dirty, dirty whore.” He sucks in the air as his lungs continue to ache. He tries picking himself up but failing as he accepts the fact he’ll be there for a little. This was so humiliating, laying on a dirty bathroom floor with cum still dripping out his mouth. He couldn’t think except for the fact that he wanted your dick in him and he couldn’t wait for next time.
@allen-444 @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess don’t know how y’all feel about American psycho but Patrick’s hot so- 🤷🏽‍♂️
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 months
Metal type; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author's note*
Well this came at a funny moment, plus after seeing some posts of how Eddie Munson and Patrick Verona from 10 things I hate about you are similar, I figured why not do this fic with a fun little twist at the ending. Unlike my Halloween fic there's not much warnings here but I'll still list them as followed:
Warnings: parental death, grief, drugs (not hardcore just cigarettes and joints mentioned), some angst but ends with fluff at the end.
Enjoy the fic my darlings :)
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There’s been a lot of rumors going around lately.  Now me I typically stay out of that gossiping chain because it’s just a bunch of hens clucking up the coop where they don’t need to be sticking their beaks into.  But when the rumor’s involve (Y/n), that starts perking up my ears like a deer.
Now lately my girl’s (well at least in my head she’s my girl, I haven’t gotten the balls to ask her out yet but I have my reasons! Like this for example) been going through a rough patch.  Her mom just passed away from breast cancer and it’s been hard on her not only having to go through the whole funeral process and trying to figure out how to keep the house, and trying to deal with all of that whilst still going to school and trying to finish off senior year.
She shouldn’t need all this stress.  She deserves to have fun her last year of school, not be dealing with house mortgage, trying to sell her mom’s stuff or put it in storage, keep paying off the funeral and hospital bills, Jesus Christ she shouldn’t deal with this.  Now I have tried to at least help her but she’s been pushing me away telling me and the guys that she’s fine and that she doesn’t want to burden us with all this family drama.
Now I may have been young when I lost my mom, but I remember the stress that Wayne felt having to go through mom’s stuff since my old man sure as hell wasn’t going to do any of it.  But that’s not even the worst part of the rumors.
Hawkins is a small town where everyone knows everyone blah blah blah blah, but there is a new face that’s been around Hawkins since the start of the new year.  Some guy from Seattle named Patrick Verona.  Now if I’m honest, he seems like a descent guy.  Good taste in music, pretty metal looking, not into sports or anything like most guys are.  But he’s been hanging around (Y/n) far too much and he doesn’t even go to our school and yet people are saying they’re dating.
Again I’ve tried not to believe the rumors but I have seen how Patrick seems to be there whenever (Y/n) is too depressed to be around anyone else.  Always having an arm around her, allowing her a shoulder to cry on, and even kissing her tears away.  I can do all of that, hell we’ve been friends since middle school! Why can’t she allow me to do any of that stuff for her!? I want to be there for her so why isn’t she letting me help her out!?
It was lunchtime and once again (Y/n) hadn’t shown up for lunch.  I silently munched on my pretzels.
“(Y/n) not joining us again?” I heard Henderson say.
“Nope.” Said Jeff.
“I think I heard she went off with that Patrick guy again. Saw his bike coming up during third block just before the lunch bell rang.” Said Gareth.
“And my best guess is she’s gonna miss Hellfire again.” Whined Wheeler.
“Back off Wheeler!” I snapped throwing a pretzel at his head.  “She has a very good excuse to miss so many meetings. Grief isn’t something that can just be put on hold like a stupid laundry basket game or a dentist appointment.”
“Ow! Jesus…..” Wheeler whined.
“He didn’t mean it Eddie.” Henderson tried to lighten up Wheeler’s insensitive comment.
“Really cause I think he was making a statement on how I should run my club. Am I wrong Wheeler?” I sneered lowly.
“No Eddie I swear I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” Even for his weak-ass apology, I dropped it and went back to my snacked lunch.
“To be fair though Eddie, normally this many missed Hellfire meetings results in automatic banishment from the club. You sure you ain’t just going easy on her because you love her?” Gareth said bluntly.  I smacked him upside the head.
“Continue to say stupid shit like that and I’ll think about the banishment for another member of this group.” I threatened which got him to shut up and look back down at his tray.  When I looked up I soon spotted (Y/n) heading for the back doors.
Quickly I grabbed my lunchbox and chased after her.  I at least wanted to check up on her and see how she’s been doing since last I saw her a week or so ago.
“(N/n) wait! Wait!” I charged out the main doors of the school and she turned to face me.
“Oh Eddie, it’s you.”
“Yeah, sorry bout that didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You didn’t.” she looked extremely exhausted.  Bags upon bags were under her eyes and the poor thing looked exhausted.  The usual bubbly girl that I loved was nothing more than a shell of her former self.  Hell this girl would even sleep in class, the one thing she’s never done for as long as I’ve known her.
“So—so listen I uhh—I know it’s been hard lately for you. But I-uhh…I was wondering if you’d like to uhh…..have a movie night after Hellfire at my place? I’ll let you pick out any of your favorites, even if it’s that cheesy rom-com shit that I don’t like.”
“Eddie, that’s sweet of you but I—”
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“Hey girlie, everything alright here?” that Australian accent (which I think is fake) came up and soon Patrick came up wrapping an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulders and in his other hand a bag of McDonalds, all the while holding a toothpick between his teeth.
“Everything’s fine Patrick.” My jaw ticked as (Y/n) introduced us, “I don’t think you both have been properly introduced. Eddie this is Patrick, Pat this is Eddie Munson.”
“Ohh Eddie? The Eddie Munson? Well nice to meet you mate.” Being the gentleman, we both shook hands and I said trying not to sound condescending.
“You too man. Nice ride.”
“What that old thing? A hand me down by my dad. Trying to save up for a real sweet ride. May even take this little lady for a joy ride. God knows she needs it.” He lightly jostled her which made her smile what almost resembled her real, sunshine smile (the smile that I always got out of her, the smile that rivals all the stars in the sky, the smile that I wish I could make her do again, but they all seem to be reserved for Patrick Verona now).
“So uhh about……” I started back up the conversation between (Y/n) and I but she said.
“Eddie I’m sorry but Patrick and I have some plans tonight. Maybe some other time?”
“Yeah, yeah sure no uhh—no problem. Just figure I’d offer.” I said nonchalantly as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kicked a couple of pebbles at my feet.
“And Eddie, about Hellfire I……”
“No need. Your temporary leave is still accepted. Just come to me whenever you’re ready to return.”
“Thanks for understanding Eddie.”
“C’mon sugar glider, better get going before someone sees us.” Patrick said as he took them over to his bike.
“See yah around Eddie.” She said to me.
“Yeah, yeah see yah.” She got behind Patrick and wrapped her arms around him as he placed a second helmet on her head before revving his bike and pulled on out of the parking lot driving off down the road. “That manipulative son of a bitch.” I walked back inside and prepared for the remaining day of hell.
The day came and went and I found myself over at Family video just to browse but also to return some of the movies that needed to be returned (they may also have been late I honestly can’t remember).
“And he just waltz up and has her pinned up to his side like an ornament.” I ranted.  “And seriously I cannot take that accent seriously, don’t you think it’s fake?”
“Eddie, you’ve gotta stop obsessing over this Patrick guy, it’s not healthy.” Robin told me. 
“I can’t Robin! The guy’s completely taking advantage of her! I can’t just sit idly by anymore as some metal-head biker punk comes into town, and swoops down at her like a hawk.”
“You know it is kinda scary how he almost resembles you. Same wild hair, same eyes, you sure you don’t gotta brother or something?” Steve asked as he was stacking some videos.
“Not helping here Harrington.” I grumbled.
“Eddie, how do you know this is like a romantic thing? I mean, take me and Steve. We hang out all the time and we’re not together.”
“Oh absolutely not. Yet I’ll always have Robin’s back if she needs it.”
“Strictly platonic. With a capital PLAH. Have you seen them kiss on the lips?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean they probably don’t do it behind closed doors. Plus couples don’t always make lip to lip contact in public.”
“You can kiss platonically too. I see the cheerleaders doing it all the time, course it’s that fake Barbie air-cheek kiss but still they do it. You’re letting your imagination run wild, again.”
“Plus man if you had told her how you felt in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t be happening.” Steve added.
“I told you man, I was going to tell her but then she got the call from the hospital about her mom’s diagnosis. It—didn’t feel right to tell her. She needed her best friend, not a confession to think over while her mom’s dealing with sudden stage 4 breast cancer.”
“I agree with him on that Steve.” Robin said.
“Okay, okay but still you just…..gotta relax, okay? Look maybe he’ll move on after a while and forget about (Y/n).”
“It’s impossible to forget about her, that girl can make anyone fall in love with her.” I grumbled.  The bell rang and speak of the devil himself, Patrick came strolling in and he said.
“I’m told this is where you can get some good films.”
“Yeah, yeah what can we help you with?” Steve spoke up.
“Something upbeat and funny. Sugar glider needs it for tonight.” Sugar glider? Wait that’s what he had called (Y/n) yesterday, she isn’t…..after rejecting our daily movie night she goes off and has a movie night with this asshole? I swear if he weren’t so relatable, I’d beat his ass right now.
“Okay well comedies are just over there man.”
“Thanks mate, say you two wouldn’t happen to be Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley would you?”
“We are, how do you know our names?” Robin said.
“(Y/n) has told me a lot about you two. Especially how you two have been helping her out with sorting through her mum’s belongings. My thanks to you both.” So she goes off and tells this guy about all of us but she doesn’t say a word about you?
“Yeah, yeah it was no problem. She’s helped us out so it was only fitting we’d help her out.” Robin said as she was stacking some tapes along the shelf.  As Patrick picked out some of (Y/n)’s favorite comedies like Beverly Hills Cop, Ferris Buller’s Day off, Back to the Future, and the Princess Bride. As Robin rang them up for him, he turned to me and asked, “Now (Y/n) told me you’re the one to go to with some good deals on weed. You got anything in stock?”
Weed? Doesn’t he know that (Y/n) hates the smell of weed? Hell the girl’s allergic to cigarette smoke! Which is why I always make it appoint to never, ever under any circumstances wear the same clothes I smoke in around her let alone smoke around her.  Hell I’ll have the trailer burning multiple scented candles just to rid of the smell, yeah it gives me and Wayne headaches but it’s worth it so that she’s comfortable.
“What’s the occasion?” I demanded.
“Nothing special, just need a refill. Ran out of my own stuff and of course (Y/n) don’t have anything.” Jesus this guy is really gonna smoke around her?
“Regretfully I’m out of stock at the moment.”
“Damn, oh well. Gas station always has some smokes.” Jesus this guy is a grade A asshole.  And not in the popular jock standard, I mean just straight up insensitive asshole.  “Later.” He then walked out after paying for the videos.
“You see what I mean?!” I snapped lowly.
“The guy’s just asking for some smokes Eddie. You do it all the time.” Said Steve.
“Yeah but not around (Y/n)! Jesus I don’t even know why I’m still talking to you guys.” I rubbed my face into my hands in annoyance.
“Eddie, why don’t you just go home? Relax, have a drink, and just get your mind off of Patrick and (Y/n). I’m telling you you’re getting too involved in this and your imagination is running away with you.” Suggested Robin.  I stuffed my hand into the twizzlers jar taking a handful of them, bit into one and stormed out of the store.
As I lay across my bed twirling a twizzler in my hand I couldn’t help but think about (Y/n) and Patrick.  The more I thought about them together, the more my blood boiled and my other hand kept fidgeting with my rings.
“Screw it!” I sneered lowly before getting up, grabbing my keys and racing off toward her house.  I parked a bit off from her house and slowly walked up towards her hedges and hid behind them.  I slowly peeked over her window and saw (Y/n) sitting on the couch talking on the phone with someone while her TV was paused on Beverly Hills Cop.
Patrick soon came in with two beers and plopped down right next to her.  He set the beers down and had an arm wrapped around her and he looked at her concerningly.  His ringed hand stroking the top of her shoulder.  She then hung the phone up and I saw her lower her face into her hands in defeat.  Patrick stroked his hand through her hair and the two of them briefly exchanged words.
I then watched as (Y/n) got up from the couch but Patrick suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her over his lap and he gave her a peck to her forehead.  She gave him a gently slap to the chest before he allowed her to get up off his lap.  But again, just as she walked two steps, he sat up, grabbed her by the waist again and pulled her back across his lap and pecked her twice this time on both her cheeks.  She shoved at his face playfully and told him something that I couldn’t understand but he allowed her to get up a third time.
As she got up, he then grabbed her and they playfully went down to the ground as he wrestled on top of her tickling her, I could hear the faint sounds of her laughter coming out from the window.
So it is true, she really did find someone better than me.  Well if that’s her decision then—I can’t stop her.  But this guy should at least have the decency in knowing of what she likes.  I walked over to the door and knocked on it rapidly.  I heard the laughter stop and footsteps coming to the door and opening it was (Y/n)m her hair a bit disheveled from their wrestling I had just seen.
“Eddie, what are you—”
“I need to talk to Patrick.”
“Uhh okay.” I didn’t wait for her to open the door as I just stormed in.  When I saw him getting up from the floor, he looked up at me and said.
“Well this is a surprise. Did you end up finding some smokes left over?” that smug-eating grin came across his face.
“Even if I did have any smokes or left over joints, I would tell you one thing. Don’t you ever smoke it around (Y/n), okay? She can’t stand the smell of it, not to mention she’s allergic to cigarette smoke. And that’s no joke, okay? Her breathing becomes so tight she can barely breathe, it’s like she’s going into anaphylactic shock if she even smells a whiff of it. So if you’re gonna date her, don’t you ever do that in front of her.”
“What?” he said confused with a head tilt.
“No, no you pay attention because you don’t know just how lucky you are man!” I snapped.  I jostled his shoulders and emphasized each point I made with a firm poke to his chest.  “You better treat this lady like a Queen, okay? Because if I had someone like (Y/n) (L/n) I would bring her her favorite flowers every chance I got. And they aren’t roses because she says roses are too cliché, you understand? Her favorite flowers are blue orchids, you got that blue orchids. Because they bring out her bright, beautiful eyes. And when she’s sick, she gets chicken ramen just like how her mom used to make for her with a side of saltine crackers. I would be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. And I would spend every second of every day trying to get her to smile because she—she has the most beautiful smile that I’ve missed so much. And that I would do anything to see that smile again.”
I turned to look at (Y/n) who was staring at me with this wide-eyed look of awe.  Even though my heart was aching at the fact I had now spilled my feelings for her even though she’d never be mine, I—I had to at least let her know that I’ll always be there for her.
“But she chose you. So……you better do just that. And much more to make her happy, especially now. Because that’s what I would do.” I released Patrick’s shoulders and went to walk out the door but (Y/n) quickly got to the door before me and shut it, staring up at me with soft but sad eyes.
We both stared at each other until she slowly walked towards me.  I looked down shamefully but I soon felt her take my face in between her hands and her lips soon met mine.  Her arms slid around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist bringing her closer to me as I kissed her back.
“See what’d I tell yah? He’s your penguin.” Patrick’s voice said.  We separated and saw he was leaning up against the wall, toothpick in mouth with a wide grin.
“Eddie, I’d like for you to formally meet Patrick Verona. My cousin.” She told me.  I looked to Patrick in shock who grinned at us again and gave me a two-finger salute.
“Your—your cousin……”
“Well when we call each other cousins its more loosely. I treat my little sugar glider like she’s my little sister.” Patrick told me. 
“He’s been a real familial support system that I haven’t been getting with the rest of the family ever since mom got sick. After the funeral he just—showed up and he’s been staying here ever since helping me out with all this stuff.”
“Aunt (M/n) was the glue that kept the family together and ever since her death, the family’s been divided and (Y/n) has been stuck in the middle while still trying to finish school. I couldn’t let her go through all that drama and stress alone. One of us has to at least be successful, right sis?” He gave her a wink which made (Y/n) shake her head.
“They were right, I’m a complete dumbass.” I muttered.
“Look mate, any man whose willing to allow me to take this girl as my own, is a real man in my books. Even though if we did hook up we’d have some ugly-ass kids.” The three of us softly laughed.  Patrick came up to me and placed a strong hand to my shoulder softly jostling it around, “You know, I haven’t heard my little sugar glider talk about a boy the way she talks about you Eddie Munson. Now I see that you are truly something special to my little cousin.” I turned over to (Y/n) and said.
“More than anything in this whole world.” (Y/n) softly smiled as she placed her hand over her heart.
“Then you have my permission to date her, but just know this. If you ever break her heart or mistreat her,” the sound of a switchblade came out and I froze as the gleam of the blade came below my chin.
“Patrick!” (Y/n) exclaimed. As quick as he had brought it out, he sheathed it back and put it back into his pocket.
“Just for a word of warning.” He gave me a hard pat on the back and walked out ruffling (Y/n) hair before saying.  “Be back in a few hours, don’t have too much fun you two lovebirds.” Patrick then left the house leaving the two of us alone.
“I am so sorry about that, I swear that man acts like the fucking Joker sometimes.”
“He’s more metal than I ever could be.” (Y/n) came up and wrapped her arms around me.
“I think you are just the right amount of metal for me Eddie.”
“Really, really.” We both smiled and kissed each other again when a bang at the window spooked us apart and there stood Patrick giving us a warning glare (well mainly at me).  (Y/n) flipped him off and tossed a pillow at the window.  He stuck his tongue mockingly before disappearing from the window.
So the rest of the night was spent cuddling up on the couch watching her favorite movies until we both ended up falling asleep together.  By morning I noticed a blanket had been put around us both and I knew I wasn’t the one to have done it and neither had (Y/n).  There I saw a note on the table and it read:
Take care of my little sugar glider. And if you’re ever interested in some embarrassing stories she hasn’t told you from when we were kids, meet me for some smokes later this evening at the Hideout.
I smiled and looked down at my best girl and kissed the top of her head.  At least we both had something in common besides physical appearances and our outlook on the world, we both care deeply for this girl that’s in my arms and want nothing but the best for her as she tries to move on from her grief.
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