ausp-ice · 5 months
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Some Edeia designs I did recently!
Akizakura (he/any), Edeia of Kachou Fuugetsu - 花鳥風月; To experience the beauties of nature, and in doing so learn more about yourself. Custom for crowboyyn / release. 
Alkes (any), Alchemy. Notion for @xenophondraike.
Myriad (they), Multiverse. Custom for Sykhe. 
lIlIIl [Lee-LEEL, or Lie-LEEL] (???), Surreality. Notion for SymeSynth.
Kanasu (they), Dreamborne Ideation - the ideas that come from dreams and dreaming. Custom for Tougherheart.
IO (any), Input/Output. Notion for Yamroll.
Protection (they). Custom for ThatDragonAdara.
Edeia Website | Edeia Discord | Personal Website
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missmyloko · 1 year
Hi Justine, do you have any news on Kanasue from Miyagawa Cho? I'd love to know how she is progressing, is she still an active maiko? I thought she was had the look of a great maiko when she had her misedashi :)
Kanasue just performed in the Kyo Odori and Reitaisai Festival last month, so she's still very much active. As one of Miyagawa Cho's most senior maiko she is taking her role as onesan to the younger maiko very seriously, especially for Kanatomo, and looks to be shaping up into a formative dancer. If all goes well her erikae should take place next year ^^
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nix-whythisfilm · 2 years
Movies to watch this Holiday Month
Films that somehow seemed to capture the spirit of a home
Abominable (2019)
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A film by the Dreamworks Animation company, this movie is wholesome and much more. The story starts with a girl from an Asian household, little and quite rebellious. With nearly nothing comforting her in any way, we quickly see her working hard for something that she wants to save up for. At the same time, we see a creature, quite furry and obscure hiding in places and then coming to her roof, where she has a shrine for her father's belongings. What then ensues is a beautiful relationship between a girl and an incredible being.
With no idea of what the film would be about, this movie was enchanting and tear-jerking in a comforting way. The graphics are incredible with the music syncing beautifully with it all. A film that would appeal to children as well as people of all ages, this can be watched any day to spend time together. Mild spoiler, the song by Coldplay in this film feels absolutely beyond the world.
The Sky is Pink (2019)
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Another favourite, this was incredible in the new generation of Bollywood films. With quite a bit of adult language and some sensitive topics being discussed in the film, it is a little delicate to watch it with little children. But otherwise, the film is based on the real-life of Aisha Chaudhary, diagnosed with health issues in her infancy, where we see her live her life and talk about love quite like she did as a motivational speaker. While it is easy for us to dismiss a person's lifestyle identifying them as sick or disabled, this little girl shows us how perspectives can be turned around to do anything you want.
With a touch of reality shrouded with cinematic entertainment, this film is a serious must-watch for anyone. The bonding this family has is everything anyone would wish for with little moments throughout the film that heals the soul. And with the actual brother of the protagonist having contributed his music for this film, it is entertaining and gives any individual something to ponder about.
Pan (2015)
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We all know the story of Peterpan and Tinkerbell whisking Wendy to the Nevernever Land, away from the orphanage she was in. This film shows us the tale of Peter becoming a part of the Nevernever land, something outlandish and grimmer than imagined. This film shows us Peter picked from the orphanage by people trafficking people into a magical place where Blackbeard is ruling the land. Making new friends and looking for a mother who he never thought he would find, this film is full of beautiful graphics and an amazing storyline.
Having brought many things into the storyline compared to the original story, this film was not as received well by the cinema, and so became an underrated gem. With Hugh Jackman in a significant role, this tale is splendid for all audiences and a really good family watch. With fantasy creatures all over the story and endearing characters, it is a memorable watch.
Over the Moon (2020)
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Featuring the story of a young girl who lost her mother due to an illness, this little girl sets out to build a rocket to go to the moon to meet a mystical goddess. With an unusual plot that doesn't make sense without the cultural background, this film is set in a Chinese household where they make mooncakes for a living. A loving father who adored her, FeiFei was still adamant and steadfast in finding the Moon Goddess to prove that she was, indeed, real. With so many challenges in her way with only her mind and will against it all, this story amazes anyone who has a conscience.
Sceptical to watching a random movie on an OTT platform, I thoroughly did not expect it to be sensitive and thought-provoking to people of all age groups. The film so delicately addresses depression, coping mechanisms and many more things that are still shamed in today's world. A tale of mythical fantasy and childish joy, this film appeals to children and anyone who enjoys a good animated film.
Naanu Nanna Kanasu (2010)
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Put together over two decades ago, this Kannada film is beyond time and language barriers. A story about a father learning to deal with his daughter getting married to a man of another culture, it is entertaining and brings relevance to the tale. With Prakash Raj leading as the father, this film is hilarious and speaks of a story perceivable by anyone. A father's daughter as a child, now a grown woman making decisions beyond his imagination, this story shows us a tale that is universal amongst all parents.
Prakash Raj, known for his impeccable acting and quality performance, in this film brings out so many facets of his skills. A father through and through, his character questions her decisions, his worth in her life, and the seriousness of this entire situation. Set in a traditional house in Karnataka, this wedding about to happen is an experience to watch.
Hichki (2018)
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A story of a woman stubborn in her ambition to be a teacher, it entails a tale of quirky students being mentored by a teacher with Tourette's syndrome. The world is against her for her ambition in being a teacher and is constantly being mansplained by everyone who interviews her, Rani Mukerjee has done an excellent job as Nina Mathur. Finding a role in an elite school she went attended as a student, this film takes us on a ride till the end.
A school with an obsession with elitism and high marks, and students being admitted with a change in educational policy, this school challenges the students of a different community to keep up with the world. With a narrative that is common to every student of this era and any teacher, this film is familiar and fun to watch at any time of the day. A wholesome story to connect with, this film was eccentric and unorthodox while setting standards.
777 Charlie (2022)
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Another gem from the Kannada industry, this film is beyond any age restrictions and appealing to all. It is a story of a man and a dog getting attached beyond reason, and then experiencing a whole new world because of each other. A depressed man living day to day with no direction in his life and a young pup having travelled across cities only to settle outside his home to eat his leftover idlies. With a story that seems cliche and yet unique, this film takes us on a journey beyond our homes and our scepticism on how we can choose to love.
With the film still trending across television channels and OTT platforms, this film is available to watch over any weekend with friends or family. While I was excited that it was a Rakshith Shetty film, known for his style of acting and next-door boy charm, I was hesitant with anticipation to go on the emotional rollercoaster. And the film delivered it wondrously. With the stubborn pup being hell-bent on getting his affections and him being naturally dismissive of affection itself, this duo is enough to make any grown man cry.
Shaandaar (2015)
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Not having run that well during its initial release, I believe this film became a cult classic with only selective crowds finding the appeal in its direction and narration. I would call it mildly underrated, even with many significant Bollywood actors due to the narration being highly romanticised, which is appealing to any imaginative individual. An orphan girl adopted into an extremely wealthy family, initially dismissed for her quirks, she develops close bonds with her sibling and her father. Fast forward to the present, the sibling is getting married when somehow Alia meets a man who is constantly competing with her father to prove himself.
With a quirky flair to the dialogues and imagined animation popping every few minutes, I find the film immensely visual and with a unique story. While the dynamic is common, something atypical is Alia Bhatt's character being an insomniac. Much like in fairytales her father would have promised to find her a guy who would make her sleep. While it is cliche, she ironically finds Shahid Kapoor's character is also an insomniac. It is a good watch for a mixed audience and makes for an entertaining time.
Godhi Banna Sadharana Mykattu (2016)
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Ananth Nag and Rakshith Shetty are the leads for the film, which is a story of a workaholic son who is constantly mindless towards his father suffering from Alzheimer's. Having not expected much, with a film title that made no sense, this film is a highly enlightening watch. Between his work calls and regular visits, he loses his father right in front of his house. With no idea on where he could have gone, the son sets out to find him along with his father's daughter. As a mild spoiler, the title comes to light when it is the description used to find his father.
Starring numerous actors of high calibre, this film brings us a story from South India that feels extremely homely and cosy. With the visuals having been crafted very delicately to match each aesthetic, and the narration takes us on a journey on the person Ananth Nag's character was, this film makes us ponder on numerous things while also keeping us entirely engrossed and engaged.
English Vinglish (2012)
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Made precisely a decade ago, this film was screened internationally and all over India. It stars Sridevi as the protagonist, a small-time caterer and a housewife in urban India. While her children went to a catholic school and her educated husband worked every day, it was common for them to dismiss her lack of knowledge and skills in English. As the story brings us a wedding scenario where she has to travel to New York to her niece's place, she is terrified of the prospect that she does not know how to communicate in English. This film shows us a perspective that most of us have overlooked easily and brings in a narrative that takes much courage and shows us the strength of this Indian woman.
Having read numerous articles regarding this film and written about it in a college essay, it was this film that woke me in several ways we patronize mothers and women in our household. While it isn't easy to admit, many of us dismiss the knowledge and experience that comes with a woman taking care of a home, much like the protagonist. The dialogues break our hearts, especially her perspective of the treatment pinches us in hidden ways. Gauri Shinde directed this film in dedication to her mother who was also a housewife with no knowledge of English. All in all, this movie is for all audiences, especially children so that they can be illuminated through this.
Instant Family (2018)
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The story starts with a classic white couple having a wonderful marriage, travelling places and exploring hobbies. Until they finally acknowledge they have something missing in their lives. But instead of opting for a child of their own, they explore adoption or foster options where they choose Lizzy, who comes as a package with her two younger siblings. With barely any clue on how to be a parent, they welcome three children into their lives and home. But we all know that changes come with challenges. And hence starts their struggle to learn how to be a family.
This film, humorous by nature, has many notable details that make it unique while also challenging our perception of what a family should be. While we may initially laugh at how they all struggle to cope, we also see them being patient with each other and bonding over simple things that seem superficial sometimes. While the kids have moved from foster home to foster home and are inept at handling themselves, they struggle to let an adult take care of them. And while the couple thought it would be easy to manage children with their childhood memories to guide them, they slowly understand the perspective of the children that they brought home. It is insightful to watch this at any age and entertaining to any audience.
Night at the Museum (2006)
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With a normal enough name as the film title, this film was brilliant and educated me in many ways when I was a child. The movie starts with a divorced father trying to find a stable job to meet his son regularly, who happens to chance upon the Museum of Natural History in need of a nightguard. With a simple job and three shoes to fill, he takes this job seriously with no idea of what would come next. Larry is terrified and astonished on the first night to discover that the museum comes to life every night to have its moments and breathe.
While the idea is refreshing, we see parts of history that are given a unique voice in this film, and it is also thoroughly entertaining and a classic for fantasy fiction lovers. Being nearly as old as my sibling, this film was a classic repeater on my favourite English movies channel on television. They screened it every week, and what's more, we watched it every time for how layered the story was. While the plot is simple, the story in itself is brilliant for the year it was made and the CGI that brought the imagination to life. With a fresh perspective on history and classic humour, this film is a splendid watch for anyone who likes a good time.
Vaah! Life Ho to aisi (2005)
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Available to watch for free on Youtube and on Amazon Prime, this film is a throwback to two decades ago when values were different and so was the universal modern. The story starts with Adi being a part of a big family with his brother's kids to look after along with his older sibling and mother. Working alone for the household, he meets a girl that he quickly falls in love with and they decide to get married. All is going well when suddenly he dies in an accident and is then collected by a very modern-looking Yamraj, a lookalike of Sanjay Dutt. With his family in financial and fraud trouble, he is granted to help them out as long as he promises to come back. What then ensues is for the audience to discover and enjoy.
The film is obviously old with a perspective that today's kids need to watch. Showing us Shahid Kapor early in his career, this movie has an innocence that is not very common in today's world of infodump and knowledge is power. Having watched this film long ago, it was a kids' favourite back then and is entertaining for anyone. While some things might not be the same today, kids always enjoy a good film if it matches their pace and is fun.
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
grabby hands show me all ur fishies.
I don’t know if I can fit ALL of them here but I’ll put as many as I can and their names.. I have a problem LMAO
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"The Oyabun" -> Akaiss Ritouv / Lammek Ritouv
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"Orphaner Deadeye/The Deadeye/The Wagagashira" -> Masayo Desmus / Ketana Desmus / Riyyao Desmus
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"King of the Sea/Xepher" -> Yutaka ??? / Umegai ???
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"The Director" -> Nobayo ???
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"General Rosethorn" -> Nasuki Uskieh / Cormai Uskieh
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"The Calamity" -> Kyuuga Mahani
(Not related trolls down here)
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Julian Emvema / Natani Yaukul / Asnumo
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Siyona Udvivu / Kiwako Onrusu / Vankit Fauhou / Vernon
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Otrome / Kolist Kokari / Affayo
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Koukoi / Sasuke Paraou / Jisoou
Not pictured: Emikei, Honeyy, Kanasu, Zhever, Hazard and Songbird
I think Heusmu *technically* counts but they can be in limbo as a treat
I do have a problem but I'm not apologizing for it!!!
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diana--williams · 2 years
Every Kannada movies I remember watching
Mohini 9886788888
777 charlie
Bajarangi 2
Drishya 2
Selfie mummy google daddy
Ammachi Yemba nenapu
Mundina Nildaana
Bell Bottom
Ambi Ning Vayassayto
Katheyondu Shuruvaagide
Sarkari Hiriya Prathamika Shaale, Kasaragodu, Koduge
Operation Alamelamma
Kirik Party
Mungaru Male 2
Godhi Banna Saadharna Maikattu
U Turn
Neer Dose
Kalpana 2
1st Rank Raju
Vaastu Prakara
Mr. and Mrs. Ramachari
Ulidavaru Kandanthe
Simple agi ondh love story
Raja Huli
Anna Bond
Sangolli Rayanna
Boss (2011)
Just Maath Maathalli
School Master
Naanu Nanna Kanasu
Krishnan Love Story
Mr. Garagasa
Moggina Manasu
Ganesha Matte Bandha
Cheluvina Chittara
Mungaru Male
Magic Ajji
Raktha Kanniru
Surya Vamsha
Bhakta Prahalada
Bahubali 2
100% Love
Vaaranam Aayiram
7aum Arivu
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sourabha · 12 days
As I prepare to leave for some remote forests of Karnataka, I sit in silence thinking of the manifold muses I have been singing of thus far through words, and the many, many more that are out there to be loved, cared for and written about. There is so much happening in the world that we cannot help at all – wars, hunger, dwindling blessings of nature we reduce to the idea of ‘resources’ to be…
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amandarose111 · 2 months
Best Exclusive Home Stay Near Sakleshpur | Kanasu Homestay
Experience unparalleled serenity, our Home Stay Near Sakleshpur, immerse and embrace relish warm hospitality, and make memories that last a lifetime. Experience the bliss of nature with our Kanasu Homestay, One of the best home stay near Sakleshpur. Kanasu homestay is picture-perfect eco-retreat nestled amidst lush green landscapes in the lap of nature. This place defines soul-healing solitude, which makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts seeking a green holiday away from busy crowds.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/home-stay-near-sakleshpur/
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aadhya111 · 2 months
Good Homestays in Sakleshpur | Starting Price ₹1999*
Experience Good Homestays in Sakleshpur which offers natures beauty and rejuvenation. Escape to nature with your family and discover thrilling tours. Nestled in the Western Ghats lies Kanasu Homestay, a tranquil getaway that promises a rejuvenating experience, for the spirit. Enveloped by coffee and fragrant cardamom estates this delightful homestay offers a haven, from the grind inviting you to bask in the calming embrace of nature. Upon entering this serene haven your senses are instantly awakened. Take a stroll along the flowing streams and picturesque waterfalls. Engage in conversations to gain insights into local customs and daily life.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/good-homestays-in-sakleshpur/
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khushiaarya · 2 months
Affordable Paradise The Best Cheap Homestay in Sakleshpur
Sakleshpurs best-kept secret! Find unbeatable deals at our cheap homestay in Sakleshpur your ideal retreat where affordability meets comfort. Embark on an unforgettable journey to Kanasu Homestay, your pocket-friendly paradise nestled in Sakleshpur. Escape the crowds and unwind in the lap of nature at Kanasu Homestay – an idyllic budget haven tucked away in Asia’s largest coffee estate around Sakleshpur.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/cheap-homestay-in-sakleshpur/
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joshnaanto · 2 months
Gateway to Thrilling Tours Best Homestay near Sakleshpur
Escape from the city and retreat into nature’s abundant beauty at Kanasu, the best homestay near Sakleshpur. An exclusive homestay nestled amidst the serene Donigal hills near Sakleshpur. Surrounded by lush rainforests, coffee estates and quaint villages, Kanasu offers an intimate getaway from urban chaos. From thrilling tours to breathtaking landscapes and the best adventure tours, Embark on the journey of a lifetime with our Best Homestay near Sakleshpur.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/best-homestay-near-sakleshpur/
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cathann · 3 months
A Haven of Serenity Nature Homestay in Sakleshpur
Nature Homestay: Experience Serene Retreats at Kanasu Homestay Escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a serene family retreat amidst the breathtaking natural landscapes of Sakleshpur at Kanasu Nature Homestay! Kanasu is your peaceful sanctuary to reconnect with nature and your loved ones! Kanasu Nature Homestay Kanasu nature Homestay is the ultimate serene. Beckoning families with open arms is Kanasu Homestay – nestled in the lap of the splendid Western Ghats! At Kanasu Homestay, we pride ourselves on providing families with the ultimate nature retreat to reconnect with family. This charming nature homestay is your delightful gateway to commune with Sakleshpur’s breathtaking lush green landscapes and nurtures everlasting bonds with your loved ones! Join us for led nature walks across our plantations discovering secret waterfalls and serene riverside campsites to cherish unforgettable moments surrounded by pure untouched nature.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/nature-homestay/
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ausp-ice · 4 months
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Kanasu (they), Edeia of Dreamborne Ideation - the ideas that come from dreams and dreaming. For Tougherheart. Edeia Site | Edeia Discord | Personal Website
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missmyloko · 10 months
I saw on Kawahisa's IG page photos of Kanasue dancing Konchiki Ondo. This leads me to ask if Kanaemi is still active, and if so, how come I'm unable to find any recent photos of her in Katsuyama or performing at Gion Matsuri?
Kanaemi retired back in November 2021 :(
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veronicaandy · 3 months
Kanasu Homestay
Welcome to Kanasu Homestay: Your Nature Escape in Sakleshpur. Exclusive Deals Await you book Your Stay at Kanasu Homestay offers modern amenities, friendly staff, and an unforgettable experience. Enquiry NOW for Offers. Kanasu Homestay is nestled in the center of the stunning Western Ghats a soulful eco-retreat promising a peaceful getaway into nature’s warm embrace. Our homestay masterfully blends indigenous living with modern comforts for a comfortable stay. Be it families seeking quality time, friends looking for adventure, colleagues planning a retreat or couples wanting a romantic holiday – Kanasu has something for all.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/kanasu-homestay/
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elisawest111 · 3 months
Best Homestay in Sakleshpur with Food & Adventure Activities
Homestay in Sakleshpur with Food: Where Comfort Meets Culinary Delights. Nestled in the verdant Western Ghats mountains of Karnataka, Kanasu Homestays offers a unique farm-to-table experience in the quaint hill station town of Sakleshpur. Run by the affable Shekar Poojary and his family, this charming property features cosy rooms and cottages set amid 15 acres of lush coffee, pepper and cardamom plantations. Guests can experience warm local hospitality while enjoying delectable home-cooked meals made with freshly picked produce grown on site – from organic vegetables and fruits to spices, coffee and more.
Website: https://kanasuhomestay.com/homestay-in-sakleshpur-with-food/
0 notes
indiesole · 9 months
Top 100 Kannada Films Of All Time (@Indies)! :
Yt Link:
.Raja Yuvaraja (1989)
.Parashuram (1989)
.Poli Huduga (1989)
.Yuddha Kaanda (1989)
.Yuga Purusha (1989)
.Premagni (1989)
.Thayigobba Tharle Maga (1989)
.Preyasi Preethisu (1989)
.Rajasimha (1989)
.Rudra (1989)
.Sankranthi (1989)
.Prathap (1990)
.Singari Bangari (1989)
.Samsara Nouke (1989)
.Padmavyuha (1989)
.Onti Salaga (1989)
.Sharavegada Saradara (1989)
.Sura Sundaranga (1989)
.Tarka (1989)
.Ondagi Balu (1989)
.Pushpak (1987)
.Kesarina Kamala (1973)
.Narasimha (1989)
.Mane (1989)
.Mane Belagida Sose (1973)
.Seethe Alla Savithri (1973)
.Jwala Mohini (1973)
.Ade Hrudaya Ade Mamate (1969)
.Ravana Rajya (1987)
.Ajith (1982)
.Devaru Kotta Thangi (1973)
.Gandhada Gudi (1973)
.Jaya Vijaya (1973)
.Naandi (1964)
.Mugdha Manava (1977)
.Nanjundi Kalyana (1989)
.Mooroovare Vajragalu (1973)
.Sankalpa (1973)
.Nyayakkagi Nannu (1989)
.Madhuri (1989)
.Dharma Patni (1973)
.Ranadheera Kanteerava (1960)
.Makkala Sainya (1980)
.Bala Panjara (1972)
.Parvathi Kalyana (1967)
.Punya Purusha (1969)
.Sahadharmini (1973)
.Doorada Betta (1973)
.Bhoodana (1962)
.Kaadu (1973)
.Jatakaratna Gundaajoisa (1971)
.Naga Kala Bhairava (1981)
.Rama Shama Bhama (2005)
.Rajashekara (1967)
.Uyyale (1969)
.Vichithra Samsara (1969)
.Shikari (1981)
.Sahadharmini (1973)
.Edakallu Guddada Mele (1973)
.Bandhavya (1972)
.Bhale Rani (1972)
.Nyayave Devaru (1971)
.Namma Baduku (1971)
.Kantara (2022)
.Rajadurgada Rahasya (1967)
.Cowboy Kulla (1973)
.Maha Prachandaru (1981)
.Naguva Hoovu (1971)
.Yellelu Naane (1969)
.Muthinanta Manushya (1989)
.Suvarna Bhoomi (1969)
.Punarjanma (1969)
.Chikkamma (1969)
.Olavu Geluvu (1977)
.Bhale Raja (1969)
.Bageerathi (1969)
.Sakalpa (1973)
.Prachanda Putanigalu (1981)
.Maya Manushya (1976)
.Mugiyada Kathe (1976)
.Maagiya Kanasu (1977)
.Namma Bhoomi (1989)
.Kaanada Kai (1973)
.Nagarahole (1977)
.Adda Dari (1968)
.Nee Nanna Gallalare (1981)
.Maria My Darling (1980)
.Dhairya Lakshmi (1980)
.Mayeya Musuku (1980)
.Ondu Premada Kathe (1977)
.Manmatha Raja (1989)
.Onde Balliya Hoogalu (1967)
.Pathiye Daiva (1964)
.Post Master (1964)
.Navajeevana (1964)
.Sampradaya (1987)
.Veera Sankalpa (1964)
.Veera Vikrama (1965)
.Shiva Bhakta (1969)
.Hu Bisilu (1971)
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