#kane chronicles movies
artemx746 · 7 months
I cannot wait to hear any news about the KC movies. I have been waiting extremely patiently for a single drop of news and have gotten nothing.
Really hoping that Netflix doesn’t screw these films over
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Possible Hot Take: I want Disney take over the Kane Chronicles and turn them into a tv show. Netflix has a bigger chance of ruining the story with a few movies. And I know Netflix typically does alright with their original stuff but still. TKC already doesn't have as big of a following as PJO or HoO. Rick still needs to be part of production and everything, but Netflix should just leave it alone.
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1honeysuckle2 · 1 year
Can we have announcements and updates on the Kane chronicles movies pls
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the-great-kraken · 2 years
honestly? i think a magnus chase adaptation would be at its best if it was r-rated.
a lot of the characters have really dark and traumatic backstories, since they're you know, dead, and they shouldn't be sanitised. the likes of TJ, Hearth, and Mallory shouldn't have their pasts erased to make them more "kid-friendly".
loki should also be suitably manipulative and terrifying, as well as hel and the armies of the dead. and just a lot of the gods in general. some of them should be properly horrifying.
let them say fuck. please. mcaga is full of characters not-swearing and throwing up "rude gestures you don't need sign language to understand". (this needs to carry over, even if its pg-13 have like convenient car horns and signs flying in front of hands.)
i also want just... so much gore. dismemberment, beheading, blood flying everywhere. the stuff in vallhalla especially needs this. it could be played for laughs but you can also use it for some of the more serious points.
so yeah. r-rated magnus chase.
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sixofbabycrows · 5 months
yes di angelo sandwiches but can we also talk about grover mentioning a mr. kane
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bberry005 · 3 months
my vision for the kane chronicles movie is that it starts with carter and sadie fighting over setting up an old camera and tape recorder. It comes into focus, and they're sitting on the floor of carter's room at the brooklyn house. They give the warning spiel from the beginning, and then afterwards, it fades into carter staring out the window as he sits in the back of a taxi on the way to the brooklyn house. every once in a while, the movie cuts out to show carter and sadie fighting over the microphone, or it pauses for a witty bit of narration from one of them, or it just cuts to them arguing in the present day when they're recording. if we don't get unhinged chapter title episode titles i want the whole thing to feel like a 14 year old and a 12 year old are recounting their adventures and that we are the ones who recieved the tapes from the locker.
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 5 months
Am I the only one tired of this fandom revolving around Percy so much? I like him, but you guys act like literally no one else matters
The other characters suffer from it. And I get that he kinda gets the most development, but I don't really see people lobbying for Carter to get more books so he can shine, like you guys genuinely don't care about these characters outside of Percabeth and maybe Nico, and it annoys me.
I'm so sick of hearing how Percy is the strongest, or the most well-adjusted, or I kid you not, I've seen people say Percabeth is the most functional couple in YA fiction. Like, that's kinda conceited, don't you think?
I was kinda brought up on these books differently? I started with the Kane Chronicles, so I wasn't here when the books released, so to me Percy never was first and most important, just one of the many characters.
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macbethvsromeo · 3 months
I just want yall to know that the tkc movie cancellation is a blessing in disguise bc it really should be a 3 season tv series 🥱
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tending-the-hearth · 10 months
rereading kane chronicles atm and i've realized that percy's line talking about how he looks at sadie and thinks that's what their daughter would look like is making me doubly emotional now because of walker and leah's casting???
like sadie is mixed, she's said to take after her mother with her lighter skin tone, and she has blonde hair so... thinking about her and that line within the context of the show's casting and just getting very teary-eyed because the line makes even MORE sense now
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dog-violet · 5 months
all the percy jackson content on my dash is making me wish we had even a single word about the kane chronicles movies
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artemx746 · 11 months
Has there been anything else that’s been released about the KC movies because it feels like they got announced and then everyone just forgot about them
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The Champions of Nature Headcanons
This fandom is pretty tiny so idk if anyone knows this book but you can read it on Kindle Unlimited
Elliot being a huge Disney fan and constantly making Frozen and Incredibles ice puns because she can
All of them like to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender together and pretend to be benders (BECAUSE TECHNICALLY THEY ARE BENDERS)
The 6 of them used to be really worried when the holidays rolled around because they were all from different religions and they didn’t want to offend anyone
But then they realized that it’s not that big a deal and now they’re chill
Ezra is already planning to invite them all to his bar mitzvah
All of them sending Aiden’s family food to eat at night during Ramadan
Once their school had a costume party
Elliot decided to go as Elsa because why not?
It took forever to get her hair ready 
Damien cosplayed as Carter Kane, complete with magic bag and khopesh sword
Since Alana was a fan of the books too, she cosplayed Zia
Damien would not stop blushing
Diana decided to show some pride and came in a Venezuelan national costume 
She had considered going as Jessica Cruz but she couldn’t find a costume online.
Jenna came as Korra from the Avatar Universe 
She wanted to be a water bender but Katara’s floor-length skirt was a bit too much for her
Ezra was having a bit of a crisis before Aiden gave him a fantastic suggestion
They went together with Ezra as Luigi and Aiden as Mario (I mean, it is their signature colors)
Ezra gets really tired when it’s dark (Champion of the Forest stuff. He has plant powers and gets energy from the sun)
Damien teaching the others a bit of ASL for fun (he’s fluent because Alana, his BFF, is mute)
Ezra once pranked Elliot by sprinkling flower seeds in her hair and making it grow into a flower crown.
It took her hours to get it out (thick hair)
Alana teaching Damien how to braid hair (because hers is ridiculously long)
Him being pretty good at the fishtail but failing miserably at Dutch braids
“How do you add hair to the braid again?”
Diana is left-handed and Aiden is ambidextrous
Damien plays Dungeons and Dragons I will take no criticism
Alana 100% listens to J Maya
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nero-neptune · 10 months
everyone's so excited for the pjo show and yeah, i'm a bit excited too. but i feel like such a debbie downer thinking "there's no way they're gonna go all the way to the last olympian" but like. there's no way.
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disney15ish · 2 years
Just Watched the Percy Jackson movies for the first time as a new fan of the books
I’m totally new to the fandom. Just reading the Riordanverse books this year as an adult. So far, I’ve read Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, the PJ/HOO short story compilations, and the PJ/KC crossover short story trilogy
As someone new to the fandom without childhood nostalgia for the books, I actually thought the movies were pretty okay. Not perfect, and obviously changed a good bit but they were a lot better than I expected given the fandom’s opinions towards them
The first movie, up to getting to Camp Half Blood was pretty nicely adapted but that’s when they decided to change up the plot from the book. I actually really enjoyed the trio. The biggest issue with this movie, I think, is that they took out Ares and make Luke way too much obviously a villain. 
The second movie I actually really enjoyed the take on it. It’s much more accarute to the book while still having changes to the way it happens. I remember thinking in the intro that it was basically here’s the important stuff the first movie left out (Thalia’s backstory, introducing Clarisse and Mr.D all in the span of a few minutes)
The issue with the second movie is it takes away reveals from later books: 1) the prophecy, 2) Luke’s team being names of characters that were either not even mentioned or revealed as traitor later on in the books. 
One thing I find interesting about the second movie, Marc Guggenheim (who wrote the screenplay for it) said in interviews that he was brought in for rewriting a draft that the producers didn’t like. And apparently their  issue with the original draft was that it was too accarute to the book with them thinking some aspects can’t translate well to the movie. He brings up Grover’s plot and how in the book Grover doesn’t appear very regularly for a good portion of the book’s story, and he felt that doesn’t work as well in a movie timeframe. 
Long story short, I enjoyed the movies for what they were knowing I was going in to see not exact adaptations and was presently suprised at how much stuff was kept in. 
I know it’s a different situation then other fans who would have been excited and disappointed in the changes, but I think the movies are way too overhated in the fandom
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bberry005 · 3 months
biggest loss with the kane chronicles movie cancellation is missing out on how rick riordan was going to make carter and zia take their rightful place as one of the best couples in the riordanverse because you're going to tell me they don't get a chance to take center stage and also potentially get the epic relationship arc improvements we've been seeing in pjotv??? this is fake
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brutal-out-here · 2 years
I've decided to read the Kane Chronicles next which means a whole new series, whole new characters, and something I know absolutely zero about
Which all those factors happening at once has not happened in years
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