fxckingghxst · 1 year
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
CW: a little bit of angst in beginning, mentions of Simon’s past (nothing descriptive), fluff, no pronouns mention for reader, establish relationship, not proofread.
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Simon doesn’t remember what a good night's sleep is. Sometimes it feels like he hasn’t slept in years. Nights are spent staring up at the ceiling of wherever he's been told to lay his head. The quiet is what kills him- would rather prefer the sounds of bullets whipping past him than the stillness of a room at night.
The quiet allows him to be alone with his thoughts. Thoughts about his past. His mom. Brother. Nephew. Sister-in-law. His dad. They pop into his mind daily, but he’s usually able to distract himself with his work. Now- when he has nothing to keep his mind busy- does he think about them and all the what-ifs. 
Usually, his nights are spent at his desk, going over mission information and combining through the details once, twice, three times if needed. He’ll stay into the bitter hours of the morning, grabbing another cup of tea and then starting his day early. 
It wasn’t until he met you did everything change for him. 
He no longer hated the end of the day. He actually looks forward to it. Because he knows when he gets back to his room, you’d be there. Telling him what a long day you’ve had- how this one rookie keeps getting on your last nerve with his smart mouth. He’d laugh- telling you to instill some fear in these newbies and show them who’s boss. You’d laugh, sarcastically, and tell him that you’ve been doing that for the last week. 
Sometimes you’d already be in his bed when he comes in, sleeping soundly. He’d be extra quiet when winding himself down, but most of the time you wake up when he comes to lie down. He’d apologize for waking you and tell you to go back to sleep. 
“I will, but I need to tell you about…” And you’d talk. Filling his mind with rambles of your day- important or not- as you throw an arm around him and lay your head on his chest. He laughs at how much stuff you remember. At how you have to tell him everything. But, you just shush him and tell him to go to sleep now- that you’re exhausted. 
For being known as one of the best, Ghost was a bit slow. It took him a long time before he even realized you were flirting with him- that you even liked him. And then even longer for his feelings to be realized and reciprocated. So, of course, he’d be a little slow to catch on to what you’ve been doing. Talking to him before he goes to bed. Getting his mind off of whatever he might be thinking of and filling it with gossip that you’ve overheard or whatever had ticked you off that day. 
He had given you very little background about his life, but with the pieces he’s given you, you could connect the dots here and there. He’s told you about his resentment for sleeping. Seen him working late into the night and early into the morning on multiple occasions. You could understand how much a past could haunt someone. 
He would tell you about his day, too. About the dumb shit Soap had done. About the piles of paperwork he insists on looking through (but then complains about later). About the disgusting lunch that was served in the cafeteria- he was never a fan of meatloaf and now he’s not sure he’ll ever eat it again. And you’d laugh; agree with him on the disgusting block of meat that was served today. 
You’d try to look into his eyes, to see if they’re starting to droop before officially trying to go to sleep yourself. He’d always kiss you when your eyes would meet, gently and full of love. Love. Something he was sure he’d never feel again. And he’d see it in your eyes when you’d tell him to sleep tight. You cared for him- you really did. He doesn’t know why, but he’s not about to ask questions he’s not sure he wants the answers to. 
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fxckingghxst · 2 years
Stranger Things Headcanons
You have a smoke sesh with Steve and Eddie
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Pairing: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington x GN!Reader (not in a relationship with either one)
Genre: fluff, some humor, Steve has crush on reader, Eddie has crush on reader, reader is oblivious and just wants to smoke
Warnings: drug use (weed)
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this for a while and finally finished it! I love Eddie so much I swear. <3
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this was definitely Eddie’s idea
Steve only tagged along under the guise to “keep you safe” as he put it
but you’ve smoked a few times with Eddie before so you know what you’re getting into
but Steve is Steve, he’s protective and caring and maybe has a bit of a crush on you
and once he hears you’ve been hanging out with Eddie Munson outside of school, the claws come out
you all arrive to Eddie’s house and Steve has to be reassured again that everything will be fine
you basically have to drag him into the trailer reminding him that he’s the one who wanted to be here
“yeah, but it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it” Steve says
“if Steve wants to be a prude, then let him” Eddie replies
Steve can’t let Eddi talk to him like this, especially in front of you
so he walks in confidently and waits as Eddie rolls a few joints for everyone- an annoyed look on his face
you grab your lighter and light the first one that Eddie made, taking the first hit before handing it over to Steve
he takes it and eyes it suspiciously before looking over at you
you started coughing up a storm just as Eddie finished rolling another joint
“you sound like you’re dying” Steve comments 
“that’s normal” you say as you finish your coughing fit
Steve gives you a skeptical look but pushes his hesitance aside and takes a small hit
he erupted into a fit of coughs and handed the joint back to you shaking his head as he tried to ask for water
Eddie chuckled to himself as he got up to the kitchen to get him a glass of water
Steve chugged it gratefully and let out a big sigh
“that was horrible”
“it’s not so bad once you get used to it, Stevie” Eddie says as he puts his joint to his lips
“here, I’ll do something that Eddie did to me when I first started” you say
you inhale the smoke and hold it in your mouth before motioning for Steve to come closer to you
he scoots to the edge of his seat and you roll your eyes before getting off your chair and leaning forward so that you were in bed away from his face
his mouth opened instinctively at how close you were and you opened your mouth to blow the smoke from your mouth to his
you sat back down in your chair and smiled at the dumbfounded look on his face
“close your mouth Harrington” you teased
he blushed a bright red and sat back into his chair
“wait, you said Eddie… you and Eddie did that too?”
you looked towards Eddie and shrugged your shoulders
“i was a newbie; it made it easier to smoke”
Eddie couldn’t help the sly grin spread across his face as Steve grew a tad jealous
a little less than an hour later everyone seemed to relax a bit more
things were a bit more funny
thoughts were more random
and the tense vibes between Eddie and Steve seemed to dissipate and they were actually talking like friends
Eddie always seems to ask the dirtiest and most private questions that you and Steve answered with little hesitance
it just didn’t feel awkward between you three at all
Steve had just resorted to laughing at everything Eddie was saying
eventually you all found your way into the kitchen, picking through Eddie cabinets and drawers for something to eat
Steve grabbed a box of cereal (Raisin Bran surprisingly)
Eddie had gotten a coke and some buttered toast
and you settled for juice and a peanut butter jelly sandwich
eventually after listening to music and playing question games you all became tired
falling asleep we’re you all were- you on Eddie’s bed while Steve and Eddie sat back to back on the floor
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fxckingghxst · 2 years
Steven Grant Headcanons
Steven Grant has a crush on you
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Pairing: Steven Grant x GN!reader
Genre: fluff!
Warnings: none 
A/N: Watched Moon Knight a while ago and can’t stop thinking about Steven!! Enjoy!
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Steven deserves all the love <3
he’s super shy around you
tries really hard to talk to you, but always changes his mind last minute and walks away before he’s even said anything
he will either have a stupidly big dreamy smile on his face when he looks at you 
or a kind of shocked expression with his mouth slightly open and eyes following your figure as you walk by him
he’s always fumbling over his words when you ask him a question at work 
you find it cute and you may seek him out from time to time to ask him questions you may already know the answer to
he’s not really much of an initiator/talker, so mostly he’ll just be glancing over at you every 2 seconds
gets super embarressed and warm when you catch his gaze and give him a smile
(will most likely be thinking about your smile the rest of the day)
everytime he hears your voice his head turns to wherever he hears it from, no matter what he was doing
helping a customer? no, listening to you is more important
has made a fool of himself multiple times in front of customers because he was watching you or thinking about you
one time you waved at him and said ‘good morning Steven’ as you walked by and he attempted to say good morning back, turning to face you as you walked past him and ge walked straight into a plushie display of the egyptian Gods/Goddesses 
he saw you once watching your favorite movie on your phone and now tries to bring it up casually to be able to talk to you about it
definetly watched it after finding out you liked that movie 
once you two get a bit closer (to where he can actually form a coherant sentence around you and talk to you without his palms sweating) he starts doing little things that makes you smile
you mentioned this smoothie place once and said you really wanted to try it since it was new, so every day for a few weeks he would stop by the smoothie place before work and order a new flavor smoothie for you to try 
he would get himself one and would blush like crazy when you asked to try a sip of his
you always seem to spend your breaks together with each other
either sharing a snack from from the vending machine 
or looking through the newest shipments that come in in the warehouse
or gossiping about Donna and how her panties are always in a bunch
one day you realize something while you’re sharing a bag of chips 
you have not given this man your number
how could you forget such an important part of a beginning friendship?!?!
especially if you wanted to become more than friends with him
so you grab your phone and hand it to him with the contact list open
“put you number in my phone, Steven. I want to bug you all hours of the day” 
Steven has never typed anything so fast in his life 
constantly looks forward to your texts
even the weird ones at 3 a.m (even if he doesn’t wake up to see them)
he always seems to type out the phrase “will you go out with me” but always deletes it 
one day though as Steven was writing out this common phrase and weight the pros and cons of sending this message
yet agan he decides this is a bad idea, but he only gets to deleting the question mark before his finger slips and he hits the send button 
every muscle in his body tensed and he went frozen before completly losing his mind
he’s pacing, swearing, thinking about what next job he should get, where he should move to, how to change his apperance to look like someone else...
then his phone chimes and he goes silent again, tense as he picks his phone up to see if you had responded
and you did
with a very enthusiastic sounding “Yes!! I would love to, Steven!!” 
and he almost passed out 
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
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Pairing: Corpse Husband x Male!Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
WC: ~1.5k
Request: here
A/N: Here you are my love!! Sorry it took so long, I kinda overfilled my plate this month hahah. Anyway, I hope you enjoy sweets!!
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“Should we all meet back at y/n’s?” A voice says and you perk up from your slouched position and look around. You’re unsure who had said it, but everyone seems to be in agreement and you were still utterly confused.
“Wait- my place?” You ask and Toast looks over at you and nods his head with a smile.
"Yeah, c’mon man. Your house is closer and the bar’s gonna close soon.” He says as he slings an arm around your shoulders. It made sense, it was about 15 minutes walking distance, but it still felt weird someone else was offering your apartment out.
“Do you usually offer up other people’s houses?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
“On the regular.” Toast says as he clicks his tongue and gives you a wink. You laugh, mainly because Toast was a bit buzzed, and shrug your shoulders.
“Sounds good to me.” You say and start to get up from the table.
You shut the door after Rae and Leslie walked in and everyone made themselves at home, the drinks of the night finally settling in as they got drowsy.
“Hey, can I use your bathroom?” A deep voice asks and you don’t have to guess to know it’s Corpse. You turn to face him and point down the hallway.
“Hey, can I use your bathroom?” A deep voice asks and you don’t have to guess to know it’s Corpse. You turn to face him and point down the hallway.
“First door on the left.” You say and he nods before walking off in the direction you pointed in. You don’t have a logical reason why, but you did not like that guy. You’ve hung around him many different times because he’s friends with Sykunno and so are you, but there was something about him that irked you. You would always try to talk with him, but his answers are always short and you eventually gave up on talking to him one-on-one after that.
You’d even invited him to a few parties that you were hosting, wanting to offer an olive branch his way to try and start over somehow, but he declined every offer. You tried not to take it personal, maybe he had previous engagements to deal with or maybe he wasn’t a party guy. But then, maybe he just didn’t like you.
You shook your thoughts of Corpse out of your head, wanting to focus on getting everyone some water and maybe a bite to eat. You walked into the kitchen, the hum of noise less intense now in your home than it was in the bar. You poured everyone a glass of water and handed them out two by two. You went to get one glass for yourself and Corpse, because although you may not get along with him the best you’re still a nice person.
Just then Corpse walks back into the room and you pick up both waters, ready to hand him one, but stop in your tracks as you see what he was holding. It was your cat. An orange tabby cradled in his arms. He was smiling really big down at the cat, wanting to show off his animal whispering skills to everyone. But you were frozen in your spot. You knew why that cat was so happy to see him, but you didn’t want to admit it. Not wanting to form the words into your mouth. Or even think about saying that. But you practically were saying it right now, through your cat.
“Guys look!” Corpse calls out and you feel your face burn as you realize he’s gonna make fun of you for this. For the fact that you like him despite the front you put on. You were clutching onto the glass as everyone looked towards Corpse, then turned their head towards you. You were unsure if Corpse himself knew what it meant if your cat was being nice to him. Maybe his emotional interpreter pet died when he was young. But he still had to know what they were. Right?
“Ooooo someone’s got a cruuuuush.” Michael says in a high voice, followed by others ooo-ing and aaa-ing at the two of you. Your whole body feels warm, like you have ten heavy coats on with a heater blasting hot air at you. You made eye contact with Corpse and it seemed that everything was finally making sense to him. You don’t really know what to say to him. What lie you could make up that he would believe. The proof was in the pudding; quite literally since your cat's name was Pudding.
You quickly set the waters back down and do the only thing you really wanted to do right now. Hide. You look down at the floor as you walk towards your room, passing Corpse as he puts his hand out to try and stop you; which you easily avoid. You make it to the safety of your room, closing the door behind you, and you proceed to pace back and forth.
“Oh suuuure. Let’s all go back to my place. It’s close enough.” You say sarcastically as you run your hands through your hair. Well, now you’re trapped in here with no idea how to handle the situation. You’re thinking of ways out of this when you hear a soft knock at your door. You were hesitant to open it, not wanting to be embarrassed again, but you were also hoping whoever was on the other side of the door would be willing to help you out. You opened it to see Corpse with Pudding still in his arms. There goes your help.
“Can we talk?” He asks and you wanted to shut the door in his face and escape through the fire escape. But instead you nodded your head and opened the door a bit wider so he could step inside. You were anxious, heart beating a thousand miles per minute as you turned around to face him. Pudding jumped out of his arms and walked over to you, rubbing in your legs affectionately.
“So…” He begins hesitantly and you feel the air tense as he tries to ease into this tough topic. You wish for a second he would be straightforward and brief. A quick ‘no’ would do you some good and you can send everyone home in an Uber and order some greasy food to forget about the rejection. “I’m sorry about everyone out there. I don’t think they realize that they’re being jerks. They’re still pretty buzzed.” He apologizes for everyone and you nod your head in acknowledgment. It’s silent for a beat and you both go to speak at the same time, causing you both to stop, then speak, then stop. And it seems to get even more awkward and tense when another silence settles in the room.
“If you want to just forget about the whole thing, that’s fine with me honestly.” You blurt out what you wanted to say earlier as you finally get the courage to look him in the eye.
“I don’t want to forget about the whole thing, though.” He says and you press your lips together in a line as your palms start to sweat. “I don’t want to forget because, I like you too.” He admits and you blink a few times before fully registering what he said to you. He actually likes you back?
“Wai- but- I-“ You stumble over your words before shaking your head to get your thoughts aligned. “You like me?” You ask as you point to yourself. Corpse laughs and nods his head as Pudding rubs across his legs as she did yours earlier. You're still shocked, but the anxiety seems to dissipate immensely and you finally feel like you’re able to breathe again.
“But what about all the times I’ve tried to talk to you or invite you out? I thought you hated me, so I hated you back, but I didn’t really hate you. I was just confused as to why you kept blowing me off and-” You’re out of breath because of your rambling and Corpse shyly rubs the back of his neck.
“I’m really sorry about that. I’m not much of a people person. Plus I didn’t really want to get my hopes up when I would be with you, because I thought for sure you would never like me back.” He admits and you feel your heart soar at his confession.
“Well, then you’re forgiven.” You say and he laughs and looks down to his shoes where Pudding is laying on.
“How about a date? This Saturday night maybe?” He asks as he lifts his head up to look at you and you smile before nodding your head.
“Yes. It’s a date.”
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taglist: @tiaamberxx
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
You get a kitten
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Pairing: Gojo, Nanami, Getou, & Sukuna x GN!Reader
Genre: fluff!!!
Warnings: kitties meow
A/N: part two to my other fake texts! Enjoyyy!!
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pt.1 | pt.2
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fxckingghxst · 2 years
Last Hope pt.2
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pt.1 || pt.2
Pairing: Ghoul!Corpse Husband x Half Ghoul!GN!
Genre: AU (Tokyo Ghoul!AU)
Warnings: reader blames themselves a lot of things
WC: ~2.4k
Request: A continuation for the corpse husband tokyo ghoul au pls? maybe it could be the reader getting a makeover and learning how to work at the cafe ?
A/N: okay this took me a really long time and I apologize. But I finally finished…this chapter!! I might make a few more like a mini-series sorta thing. I don’t really have a plan or anything (when do I ever) so we’ll see how it goes. Thanks again @tfstuffs for your requests and support <3 !! Hope you like it! (Also just like all my other work it has not been proofread 😊 enjoy the errors loves.)
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“You’re awake!” A cheery voice startles you as you peek your head out of the room you were in. “Sorry, sorry.” Rae apologizes to you when she sees you jump and cautiously approaches you.
“It’s fine.” You reassure her with a small smile, feeling the dryness in the back of your throat as you speak. You were still unsure about where exactly you were and who all was around, but it was nice to see a somewhat familiar face this morning. Or was it already noon?
“Would you like some coffee?” She offers to you and you nod your head quickly, making her giggle to herself. “There’s a change of clothes in the bathroom here. Feel free to wash up while I make your coffee. Just come down the stairs when you're ready.” She says to you as she walks down the stairs herself. You look to the bathroom she had pointed at and walked inside of it, turning on the light and finally getting a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You almost turned the lights back off at what you saw. Face sunken and bruised on the right side. Bags under your dull eyes and hair still wet from the rain and blood. You touched the back of your head where you had gotten slammed into the wall and felt the dried blood over the healed wound. You turned your body away from the mirror, focusing your attention on how to turn on the water.
You reach the bottom of the stairs and pull aside the thin white cloth used as a half door and emerge into a completely different room. You weren’t sure what you were expecting this place to be; maybe just a normal house, but definitely not a cafe. A couple walks into the shop through the entrance and you hear Rae’s voice greet them as they find a table. They were humans. You took a step out into the dining room and looked around at the interior. Dark wood tables contrasted with the white walls and black trim around the windows. Shelves were placed high on the wall with plants and cute coffee-related trinkets on them. A wooden sign with the cafe’s name and decal covered the main wall that you see when you first enter. It was cozy and cute. How come you’ve never heard of this place before? Especially since it was run by ghouls.
“Over here!” A different voice calls out towards you and you shrink back as a man approaches you with a wide smile- almost menacingly- and grabs your wrist. “Sit over here while I make you some coffee.” He says as he begins to drag you towards an open stool. You pull on his hand, wanting him to let go of you, but he doesn’t seem to get the hint.
“Over here!” A different voice calls out towards you and you shrink back as a man approaches you with a wide smile- almost menacingly- and grabs your wrist. “Sit over here while I make you some coffee.” He says as he begins to drag you towards an open stool. You pull on his hand, wanting him to let go of you, but he doesn’t seem to get the hint.
“Michael, let go of them.” A soft, higher-pitched voice scolds the man holding your wrist. A short woman appears behind the counter with a tray full of food and drinks. She gives him a pointed look through her big round glasses and Michael lets go of you. You pull your arm back towards you and cross your arms over your stomach to prevent that from happening again.
“I’m sorry, honey.”
“Don’t apologize to me.”
“I’m sorry.” He says to you and you nod as a response before he brightened up again and gestured to the stool. “Please sit. I’ll have Lily make you some coffee- she makes the best out of everyone here.” Michael whispers to you before turning around and running into another woman who just walked out of the kitchen.
“Everyone here makes good coffee…It’s just you that makes bad coffee, Michael.” A woman with brown hair and round face says to him. He mimics her voice in a high-pitched whiny tone and walks into the kitchen.
You take a seat on the stool and look around you. You felt too open here, too seen. After last night you want nothing more than to curl back up in the dark room and stay there till the doves forget about you. A pipe dream- you know that- but it sounded nice. You straightened your back and looked over your shoulder as another person walked through the entrance, ringing the bell hooked on the door. It was Corpse. Finally a face you recognized. You felt your body relax and you even mustered a smile when he noticed you sitting on the stool.
“You’re up.” He comments as he sets a bag down on the counter. You nod your head and eye the bag suspiciously.
“What’s in the bag?” You ask out of curiosity. He puts his hands in the bag and pulls out a box of hair dye in one hand and a wig in the other.
“Which would you rather do?”
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The hair on your head felt itchy. The hair dye burned your scalp and you couldn’t get used to how different you looked. They even used concealer to cover the noticeable tattoos peeking from the collar of your shirt and on your arms. You supposed this was better than the alternative; going underground for who knows how long until the heat was off of you. You looked at yourself once more in the mirror and then at the people who helped you dye your hair, Michael, Lily, and Rae.
“Thank you.” You say to them as you touch your hair. It felt dry and stringy, like a stick of hay, but you didn’t look like you and that’s all that mattered.
“Of course, y/n. A friend of Corpse is a friend of ours.” Lily says as she continues to dry off her hands with a clean towel. You smile and think back to Corpse. He saved your life that night, And he continues to save your life when he’s not even around; introducing you to amazingly kind people who are sticking their necks out for you.
“Hey! Would you be up to learning how to make the perfect cup of coffee?!” Michael says to you excitedly as he bounces from foot to foot.
“They’re tired, Michael. We should let them rest.” Lily says as she holds his shoulder to keep him from bouncing anymore.
“No, actually. I would love to learn.” You say as you smile at them in the mirror. All of them smile back and whisk you out of the bathroom and down to the cafe floor. You watched Lily first since Michael insisted that the professional should show you the ropes first. You were in awe at how easy she made this look. It took her less than two minutes to make you the perfect cup, and it was actually perfect. Great taste, perfect temperature, and very addictive. You could see yourself drinking ten of these a day. You watched Rae and Michael next and did one alongside them. Lily oversaw everything like a hawk and critiqued everything Michael did, causing you and Rae to laugh whilst Michael attempted to fix his mistakes and crumble under Lily’s intensity.
“Alright,” You set the cup down and smile, “done!” They all crowd around to look at your coffee. Lily grabs the cup and you anticipate her reaction; you may have winged it on a few of the measurements. She takes a sip and then smacks her lips dramatically as she assesses the flavor.
“Not bad, y/n.” She says with a small smile. “Still need some more practice, though.”
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You find yourself alone behind the bar, practicing the new skills you’ve learned. You’re not sure if you had caught on to everyone’s advice and tips on how to make coffee, but you were still gonna try through trial and error while everyone was working. You poured out the liquid into the cup and frowned as the color had looked wrong.
“You should try using a measuring cup to measure the beans.” A deep voice startles you and you look over your shoulder to see Corpse walking out of the back room.
“You work here all of the sudden?” You joke with him and he shrugs his shoulders as he leaned against the counter next to you, looking at your cup of coffee over his shoulder.
“I used to. A long time ago.” He reveals and you glance at him from the corner of your eye, watching as he puts his hands in his pockets.
“What made you change career paths?” You ask him as you taste test your coffee. It was more water than coffee.
“Always loved to make things- masks for sure were super interesting and cool to me. So once I got back on my feet here, I focused on making masks and designing them. When I earned enough money I was able to buy that place and work from there.” He says and you are overwhelmed with feelings of guilt. He had worked so hard to get that place and you led all the doves in the entire ward to his doorstep; putting a target on his back for who knows how long. You wondered how long it took him to get to that point? Months? Years? You didn’t want to know. Didn’t want to throw yourself down that rabbit hole.
“Well, I’d say it was a good career change. I don’t really picture you in a cute frilly apron, serving coffee and food to people.” You tease him, trying to rid the guilt from your conscience, and you smile when he snickers.
“Yeah, it was for the best. But, I did look good in that apron.” He corrects you with a knowing smile and you can’t help but laugh.
“I’d love to see that one of these days.” You comment through your laughter and he just shrugs and pushes himself off the counter.
“That day might be closer than you think.” He says as he motions for you to follow him. You do just that and he takes you back upstairs and turns left at the top of the stairs instead of right where the room you had slept in last night. He turns to face you when he reaches a door and smiles before opening it up.
“Ta-da!” He exclaims as you peek into the room. It was basically a small apartment. Bed in the left corner, TV in the right, a table in the middle of the room to eat dinner, a small kitchen to your right as you walked in, and a small bathroom to your left. It was plain and small, but it had everything someone would need to live happily. You turned around to face Corpse.
“What’s this?” You ask him, silently hoping he was just showing you a random room just because he wanted to.
“It’s a room. More specifically- your room.” He says as he walks into the room behind you, noticing your panicked expression as you begin to speak.
“You didn’t have to do this. I would've been out of your hair by the end of today.” You say while shaking your head. You were shocked by how gratuitous and kind Corpse and his friends were to you. It was overwhelming at times- especially now. You’ve never had someone stick their neck out for you like this before. It was scary. You wanted to trust them. To feel safe with them. But every instinct in you tells you to keep your guard up. To fend for yourself and get far from here.
“It’s no big deal, y/n. They have a bunch of rooms here for this exact reason. Everyone here helps ghouls who need it. Give them a place to sleep, a job, friends, a chance to rebuild.” Corpse tells you and you find it hard to look him in the eyes.
“I can’t accept this, Corpse. I really can’t. I’m sorry.” You apologize to him and go to walk past him, planning on gathering your old clothes and leaving for good. But he reaches out towards you and grabs onto your shoulder.
“Hey, I could've shut that door in your face when you came asking for help, but I didn’t. I wasn’t gonna leave you alone that night and I’m not about to let you walk out of here, now.” He says before walking around you to stand in front of you. You couldn’t say anything- you didn’t know what to say to him. “I was in your position once before. I thought about running away too. I didn’t want any handouts from people who didn’t even know me. But trusting these people was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.” He finishes and you press your lips together in a fine line, trying to sort through your thoughts.
The easiest thing to do for you was to leave. Go as far away from this ward as you can, dodging doves and authorities for as long as you can. Running for who knows how long. Sleeping with one eye open. Or you could stay here with Corpse and his interesting friends. Sleeping on a bed. Working in the cafe. Having friends. You know what you wanted to do, but you couldn’t admit it to yourself. You didn’t want to depend on these people forever. Bother them with your problems and your presence. It was bad enough what you had done to Corpse; the guilt was always present in the pit of your stomach whenever you talked with him.
“I’ll stay,” You start and Corpse’s grip on your shoulder relaxes as he sighs a breath of relief, “for a week. Then I’ll leave.” You finish your sentence and muster a small smile for Corpse’s sake. He seems to deflate but he nods his head, recognizing your decision.
“I can work with a week.”
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taglist: @tiaamberxx @tfstuffs
81 notes · View notes
fxckingghxst · 3 years
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Pairing: Corpse Husband x male!reader
Genre: fluff!!!
Warnings: none
WC: 1.7k
Request: corpse and male!reader adopt kittens that's the request make it extra fluff
A/N: heyoooo soo fluff fluff fluff ahead. Works been kissing my ass so this was later than I had hoped for but I hope you guys like this! Thanks for requesting hun!
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“Y/n… this is a lot of responsibility.” Corpses’ voice of reason makes you pout as you look down at the box you were holding. The four calico kittens moving and wriggling around like no tomorrow. 
“I know it is, but we can do it! Plus what do you expect me to do, put them back on the side of the highway where I found them?!” You answer him and give him your best puppy eyes. You knew he felt the same as you did and that he wanted to keep these kittens just as much as you did. But he was probably doubting he could take care of them since there were so many of them and they were still so young. 
“Let’s take care of them for a few weeks, and if it proves to be too much then we’ll go to a shelter and give them to the veterinarians.” You offer a compromise and put your hand on the box to scratch one of their cute little faces. You puff your lip out as you watch the kitten move it’s head to follow your finger. You mumble out a small ‘so cute,’ and Corpse smiles at the sight. His mind was made up. 
“Yeah sure. Let's do it.” He agrees and you beam up at him excitedly. 
“All of them will be a part of the chungus family.” Corpse says as he reaches in to grab the biggest kitten. “Large chungus.” He grabs the smallest one with his other hand. “Extra small chungus.” He pauses and looks at the other two kittens. “That one is medium chungus and the other is small chungus.” He names them all and you chuckle lightly. 
“Medium chungus actually look a bit bigger than large chungus.” You comment as you point to the two kittens. Corpse darts his eyes between both of the cats then picks them up in both hands, holding them side by side and viewing them from every angle. 
“Medium chungus actually look a bit bigger than large chungus.” You comment as you point to the two kittens. Corpse darts his eyes between both of the cats then picks them up in both hands, holding them side by side and viewing them from every angle. 
“You’re right.” He mutters. “Then this is large chungus and this is medium chungus.” He switches their names as he holds each one up to its respective names. 
“Awesome, I love it.” You comment with a small snicker. “Now let’s go to the pet store and buy some necessities.” 
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On the drive over you had looked up “how to take care of kittens” and various other websites related to their care and maintenance. You knew you needed food and bedding and bowls just off the top of your head, but what kind of food, which bedding, and what bowls were you supposed to get. You had no idea how old these kittens were just by looking at them. Corpse had no clue either. 
“Maybe the pet people will know.” You say as you both get out of the car. Corpse grabs a cart and you set the box full of kittens down in the little seat meant for kids. It’s an odd fit, but the kittens don’t seem to mind the weird angle. 
“You push the cart and watch the kittens, I’ll grab everything.” You say as you pull up the tabs on your phone again, flicking through the lists’ and memorizing what you needed to buy. You enter the store, Corpse following along behind you, and you immediately look for an employee to see if maybe they could help you out a bit. 
“Excuse me, I have a few questions to ask you.” You say as you approach a worker. She looks up from what she was doing and greets you with a smile. 
“Of course, how can I help you?” She says and you turn and motion for Corpse to come forward with the kittens. He gets the hint and pushes the cart so the worker is able to see the little munchkins in the box. She awes immediately and reaches out to pet some of them. 
“How old are these kittens?” You ask as she picks one up and holds it in her hands. 
“Hmm.” She inspects its eyes and ears and it’s legs before answering. “They're maybe a month old.” She says before setting the one she grabbed back in the box with their siblings. “Did you find them?” She asks as she turns to you.
“Yeah, they were on the side of the highway in this box.” You say and she shakes her head at the thought of someone abandoning these helpless little kittens. 
“I can help you get everything you’re gonna need for them, if you’d like me to.” She says and you quickly nod your head.
“Yes, please. We have no idea where to start.” 
The worker, whose name you learned was Alicia, took you both throughout the entire store and pointed out some items that you would be needing. You also get some extra things like toys, blankets, a bed, a tunnel, and even a big scratching post for when they’re older. 
She checked you both out and gave the kittens one last pet goodbye before you both thanked her for her help and left the store. 
“You think she was helping us, or trying to get us to spend over $300?” Corpse jokes and you laugh.
“Stop it. I think she was actually helping us. It just so happened that everything we needed for these little rugrats was expensive as shit.” You say as you open the trunk to the car. 
“Yeah, the chungus’s better appreciate all this stuff.” Corpse says as he loads in the cat tree first. You snort at how he calls them ‘chungus’s’ and help him load the car, still keeping an eye on the kittens in the seat. Once the cart is empty you grab the box and head towards the passenger side while Corpse puts the cart away. You pet the kittens and talk to them about how you and Corpse are their new dads and that they're in safe hands now. Corpse gets in and looks over at you and the kittens before tuning on the engine. 
“We ready to go?” He asks and you nod your head while pulling medium chungus out of the box to play with. He, or she, you're not quite sure what gender they are actually. Maybe you should’ve asked that girl about that as well. 
“How do you know what gender it is?” You ask as you raise it above your head to check. You look, but you’re still not sure.
“Can you tell what it is?” Corpse asks as he watches you out of the corner of his eye. It was amusing to see you lifting a mewling kitten above your head. “Would if it just started peeing on you.” Corpse blurts out and starts laughing. You lower the cat and give him a pointed look, but he’s bannging his hand against the steering wheel and rocking in his seat with uncontrollable laughter. You can’t help but smile. 
“If medium chungus starts to pee, I'll turn him towards you.” You say as you emphasize the gender of the cat.
“It’s a boy?” Corpse asks excitedly.
“I’m pretty sure. Like 85% sure.” You reply as you begin to check the other kittens to determine their gender. “Okay, medium, extra small, and small are all boy’s and large is a girl.” You establish as Corpse turns onto your street. 
After parking the car, the hard part was just beginning as you both struggled to carry all your items up the stairs and into your apartment. Corpse took another trip back down to get the cat tree while you stayed to prepare their food just like how the lady from the pet store said. You also turned on a youtube video that showed you what to do. The food was ready by the time Corpse got back. 
“Just in time, babe! Come help me.” You call out and he comes into the kitchen as you’re filling the two bottles with the formula. You screw on the caps and test the temperature on the back of your hand. “Alright, they’re both good. Time to feed the babies.” You say and follow Corpse back into the living room where the kittens are. Firstly, you take the four of them out of the box and put them on the new blanket that you had spread out earlier. You grab some pillows and make a border around the blanket before sitting down on one of the pillows; Corpse following suit. “Okay so the video said to hold them like this when you feed them.” You start as you pick up a kitten and position it in your hand. Corpse watches and grab the closest kitten before holding it like you were. “Good, then you just…” You pause as you put the nipple of the bottle near the kitten's mouth and it latches on immediately, “...let it eat.” Soon enough you both are feeding two out of four kittens easily. 
“Oh, c’mon little one. Get that nipple.” Corpse mutters as large chungus detaches and starts fumbling. 
“Oh, god. Please don’t tell them to ‘get that nipple’.” You repeat with a laugh as you angle your bottle a little bit higher since medium chungus was almost done.
Your kitten finishes first and you set him down gently, since he now has a full belly, and walks back into the kitchen to make another batch of formula for the other two. Corpse comes in minutes later and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close as you empty the contents of the pot into the two bottles. It was a sweet gesture, one that made your stomach flutter, and you turned around to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiles, so naturally and so giddy from such a small action it makes you love him even more. 
“Y’know, these kittens are kind of like our kids.” You mention as you give him a look from the corner of your eye, gauging his reaction. You hand him one of the bottles and you both start to head back to the living room. You look over at him and he has his head tilted slightly in thought. 
“You’re right. These little fur babies are our little fur babies.” He replies before sitting back in his spot and grabbing one of the other kittens who hasn’t been fed. His comment has you smiling ear to ear. 
“We‘re not actually gonna name them all chungus are we?” 
“God no.”
“God, no.”
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taglist: @tiaamberxx
438 notes · View notes
fxckingghxst · 3 years
You get a kitten
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Pairing: Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, & Maki x GN!Reader
Genre: fluff!
Warnings: kittens ig so if you hate cats then gtfo 😡🤬
A/N: I recently found a kitten and she’s super cute and adorable and is the main inspiration behind these fake texts with jjk characters!! Hope y’all enjoyyy!
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pt.1 | pt.2
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358 notes · View notes
fxckingghxst · 3 years
As Good As Dead
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Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: AU, fluff to angst, (Gang!Leader!Corpse x Gang!Leader!Reader)
Warnings: mentions of guns/alcohol/knifes, getting cut, getting beat up, blood, fire, & swearing (let me know if I left anything out!)
WC: ~5k
Request: hi can request a corpse husband x gender neutral reader one shot where the reader is a gang member leader and so is corpse but they are from rival gangs but are dating each other without knowing thee other is in a gang y . But they end up finding out and are unreasonably angry at each other. fluff turned angst pls
A/N: I really liked this one especially because it was angsty and I haven’t really written any angst pieces on here at all! So thank you!!! Also just a heads up I used the name Adam as his “normal name” cause I’ve heard some people call him that in fanfics and stuff and I kind of like the name for him as well, so yeah Adam is his name that y/n knows him by, but Corpse will be his alias. Hope that makes sense! Thanks again for the request my love!! 
-(a/n) will stand for alias name so you can pick what you’d like to be called!
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“What?!” You shouted incredulously into your phone as you listened to your second-in-command, Talia. Usually her soothing voice was telling you nothing but good news and bad jokes that you’d snort at. But lately, you’ve come to hate her voice and the news that followed. 
“I’m sorry, (a/n). They ambushed the drop point and got away with everything.” You already knew who she was talking about. There would only be one person stupid enough to continuosly mess with you. 
“What’s the loss?” You asked as you moved briskly through your one-bedroom apartment towards your bedroom. You turn on the light for the hallway and walk into your sparsely decorated room. One bed, a desk, a chair, a nightstand, and a dresser were the only pieces of furniture in your room. 
“About $50,000.” She responds as you spot your hoodie on the back of your desk chair. You pull it over your head and search your dresser for some jeans. 
“Any casualties?” You ask as you find a pair. You should really organize this place better. To actually make it seem like you lived here. 
“Eight of ours are dead and two are injured.” She responds in a heartbeat as if she already knew what you were gonna ask. 
“Gather everyone who was there into the meeting room and tell them I’ll be there shortly to talk to them.” You say as you pull on some socks and a banged up pair of sneakers. 
“Yes, boss.” Talia responds before you hang up on her and pocket your phone into your jeans. 
To say you were mad was an understatement. You were livid. Too many times you’ve fallen victim to Corpse and his gang. They always seemed to be one step ahead of you and humiliated you every way they could. Last time they intercepted one of your drops they left every one of your followers naked, drawing attention from every news outlet in the region. It was an embarrassment to you and your name. And now this. $50,000 gone and 8 good people dead. 
You make your way through your apartment, grabbing your keys on the dark wooden table by the front door, and open the front door. Your hand instinctively reaches towards your back, where your gun rests securely, as you see a figure at your door with their hand raised in a fist. You let out a breath as you realize who it is. Adam, your boyfriend. 
“Woah, what’s the rush?” He asks you as he notices the keys in your hand. You weren’t expecting him over tonight. He hadn't called saying he was coming over. 
“Woah, what’s the rush?” He asks you as he notices the keys in your hand. You weren’t expecting him over tonight. He hadn't called saying he was coming over. 
“I have to head back to work, what are you doing here?” You lie easily. You used to hate how you had to lie to him countless times about what you do, but you knew it was best if he didn’t know. The less he knows the less chance he could get hurt or caught up in your problems. 
“I got this huge promotion at work and wanted to celebrate with you. Maybe order some food and some drinks.” He said with a big smile on his face. You melted a bit at his words. It wasn’t every day he was like this and you hated the fact that you’d have to ruin his good day by bailing on him. But your responsibilities and loyalty to your gang came first. Something you promised yourself when things between you and Adam started to get serious. 
“I’m sorry babe, but I got called in for some important last minute project. My team and I are pulling an all-nighter.” You say as you start to step out into the dimly lit hallway. Your apartment complex used to be an old hotel, so the lighting was poor, the carpet was permanently stained to be a dark brown color, and the elevator creaked with each stop it took. 
“Aww, really?” Adam pouted and you shut the door behind you. 
“Yes really. And trust me I’m not happy about it either.” That was the truth- at least the part about not being happy. You were still furious and as you were talking to Adam you were already thinking of ways to get back at Corpse.
“Do you want me to bring you some food later?” He asks and you give him a soft smile before wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He was cold, the night air still clung fresh on his jacket and skin and he smelled fresh like soap and pine.  
“You’re too sweet, Adam. We’ll be fine.” You murmur into his neck before pulling back and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. 
“Okay.” He says dejectedly as he walks you to your car, hand securely placed in yours as you both walked down the flight of stairs to the garage. The garage was a good 10 degrees colder than the building was and it always had a wet smell to it. Like a leaky pipe had soaked into the concrete walls and sat for years. You were used to it by now. 
“Alright, text me when you're done so I can see you.” Adam says and you nod your head at him. He knew you’d be done late- technically early in the morning, but it didn’t matter to him. Even if you’d text him at 3 in the morning he’d be awake and answering you. Something you’ve always found a bit peculiar about him. 
“Get home safe.” You say to him as you give him one more kiss goodbye. He holds you close and you do the same; something you’ve been doing lately without actually realizing it. You pull away quickly and give him a smile before unlocking your car and getting in. He gives a final wave before walking towards where he had parked and you start your car, turning on the heater. 
You would’ve never thought you’d be in a relationship with what you do for a living. What you were raised to do. Relationships were a weakness and a waste of time; something you’ve repeated to yourself over and over every time you find yourself falling deeper for Adam. Something you were mumbling to yourself now as you pulled out of the garage. 
You were drawn to him. From the first day you had met him he was always pulling you in. Maybe it was the way he talked to you or the way he looked at you. It was flattering and addicting, but it was also terrifying. How easily you let your guard down around him. How vulnerable you were. 
This was what you were afraid of- the commitment. You never planned for this relationship to get this serious and you had no idea what to do. You wanted to be selfish and hold Adam close to you, have him all to yourself. To tell him everything you do and have him still love you (if he even did in the first place) and accept you for who you are. To have him risk his life for you. But you couldn’t do that to him. To be selfish is foolish; even with this life. 
The drive was long and it left you to your thoughts for far too long. The music was blasted to keep your mind filled with song lyrics instead of Adam. But still, your head was clouded with anger and sorrow, but mainly fear. Fear of what you couldn’t predict. 
The compound came into view as you turned down a windy road that you knew so well. The lush green trees covered the compound's thick concrete walls and only a faint light from the gate could be seen from where you were. Upon seeing your car, the two guards at the gate hold their guns down and signal for you to roll your window down. You do so as they do a routine check of your car, you pop the trunk as one begins some small talk. 
“Working late tonight?” 
“Too late.” You respond and the other guard calls all clear. 
“Stay safe, boss.” 
“You too, double the security up front while I’m here. I’ve got a bad feeling.” You tell him and he nods before talking into his radio on his vest. The gates open and you drive in, taking another 10 minutes to get to the actual compound. You take a left and a small hill leads down under the compound where the garage was. You stop at the keypad, type in the code and a second later the metal door lifts up allowing you to drive in and park. 
Another guard is there by the ground entrance and you hand him your keys without a word. He takes them and opens the door for you. The compound is warm and you thank the insulation you splurged on so that cold nights like these don’t leak into the building. You take the stairs up in an attempt to warm up your body even more as you push Adam to the back of your mind. This was more important right now, not some conflicted feelings for your boyfriend. God, you felt like a tween.
Talia greets you once you reach the first floor and immediately fills you in on every little detail as you walk towards the meeting room. Her boots clack on the floor and her chains and jewelry jangle obnoxiously as she walks alongside you. You want to tell her to shut up and let you think, but her rambling didn’t allow you to speak. 
The meeting room wasn’t much besides a windowless room with a long round table in the middle of the room, mix-match chairs thrown around it, and an old and rusted chandelier hanging above. It was sparse, but it needn’t be too extravagant. Before the last few months, this room wasn’t used for much besides maybe the occasional funding meeting. But lately it’s been used more often; the layer of dust no longer covers the table and chairs and the stale air was now fresh and breathable. 
You open the double doors and the noisy room goes quiet; you’d probably be able to hear a pin drop if one did. You hear the clack of Talia’s boots as she struts behind you, keeping a cool composure unlike a second ago when she was talking your head off. 
You’re silent as you walk towards the head of the table, your members eyes following your form as you sit down in the chair with a sigh. Talia takes the seat beside you and folds her hands beneath the table; fiddling with her fingers like she was just called into the principal’s office. 
“8 of us died tonight at the hands of Corpse’s gang.” You start as you survey their grim faces, “I don’t know about you guys but I’m furious.” A chorus of agreements and nodding of heads floods the room. You never like to reveal the extent of your plans, especially one as important as this one.
“I want revenge. So, I’m gonna call in some favors and I want everyone who can hold a gun to be ready when I am.” You keep it short and the men and women look around at each other before nodding their heads and mentally preparing themselves for whatever you had planned. Their undying loyalty and trust to you was a rush straight to your head. You knew better than to bite the apple of temptation, their loyalty is the reason you’re still alive today and the last thing you want to do is take advantage of that. “Before that though, I want all of you to tell me everything you saw tonight.”
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“Did you have to hit every pothole on the way here?” Talia criticizes the driver, Connor, as the three of you hop out of the van. You hear Connor mimic Talia in a higher pitched voice and you roll your eyes at how childish these two were. 
“Cut it out guys.” You scold them and they drop their smiles and lean against the side of the van. You know they were only trying to lighten the tense mood, but it was unnecessary and you wanted to stay focused. You spot headlights approaching you from the opposite end of the street you came from and place a reassuring hand on the pistol at your back. Connor and Talia do the same, staying alert as they stand on either side of you. The van stops about 15 feet away from where you were standing and the headlights turn off, leaving you in darkness. It was probably after 2 in the morning by now. 
Four men emerged from their dark black van, all appeared to be empty-handed, but you knew better than to think they’d show up defenseless. They were packing. Probably something small enough to hide- a knife or a pistol- in their heavy coats or jeans. You took a census of your own weapons; the gun at your back, small knife in your sock, bigger hunting knife holstered at your hip. You went through a few scenarios if things went wrong, who you’d kill first, what you were gonna use, how to do it quickly and efficiently. You knew Talia was doing the same and you hoped Connor had learned anything from his time spent with Talia to be following along. 
“A/n.” The biggest one, named Sean, addressed you and you gave him a nod.
“Sean. I’m glad we could meet.” You respond and let the silence settle between you. You don’t say anything, wanting him to speak first, and by the way Sean rubs his lips together and shifts his weight from foot to foot, you know he’s uncomfortable with the silence. 
“So, are we gonna do this or what?” He asks. His words say he’s annoyed, but the tone of his voice tells you he’s a bit frightened by the situation. 
“Course we are, but I want you to tell me again what your role is.” You ask of him and he chuckles to himself a bit before looking at the other three who shared in his laughter. 
“You want us to rehearse our lines? C’mon we’re wasting time.” He laughs again and turns around to climb back into his van. So predictable. 
“1432 Evergreen Palace. Apartment 213. Second floor.” He stops and you can’t help but smirk as you see him turn to look at you. You want him to be afraid of you, but you could tell he was just as scared of Corpse. He had pledged his loyalty to Corpse, but you always knew Sean could never turn down a mission with a high price, no matter who it was. But you also knew he would double cross you and turn you in when the opportunity rose. So, you made sure that there would be consequences if he just so happened to stab you in the back.  
“She’s really pretty, y'know. And pretty big too. How far along is she?” You could practically feel his anger radiating off of him. He wanted to kill you. His eyes told you so. 
“You son of a bitch!” He yells out before lunging at you. Before he can actually reach you, Talia has him on the ground with her foot on the back of his neck and his right arm stretched behind his back. Connor pulled out his gun and aimed it at him, but as the three other men pulled their own weapons, Connor aimed it at the man closest to him. 
“I want you to understand how important this is, Sean. All of you, actually, need to understand.” You gesture to all of them and they take a hesitant step back as they watch Sean struggle under Talia. “More than just your life is on the line here. And if any of you get the idea of stabbing me in the back. I’ll make sure your family members have a gravestone for you to mourn.” You finish and look between the three standing men. One of them was shaking, his gun twitching nervously in his hand. Another was biting the inside of his cheek. The last was glaring between you and Sean. You see that your point has gotten across. 
“Connor. Talia.” You say their names and Connor puts down his gun, but still has his finger on the trigger, and Talia gets off of Sean. Sean bounces up onto his feet quickly and stares you down. You lift your eyebrows and stare back, waiting to see if he will actually go through with what he’s thinking. He huffs, but backs down from you and his entourage puts down their guns. 
“Great, I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding,” You clap your hands together and continue,
“Now, let’s go over our roles, yeah?” 
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You were tied up in the back of Sean’s van, lip busted, eyes starting to swell, body sore and covered in blood. You knew Sean would hit you hard- hell, you were preparing to call your dentist to fix your busted teeth after this, but surprisingly all teeth were accounted for. Talia and Connor didn’t get beat up as bad, but you could hear Connor grumbling about the black eye that would show up and the bruised ribs he had.
“Stop complaining, Connor. You knew this was gonna happen.” Talia responds as she wipes away some blood on her nose. 
“Why couldn’t we have beat each other up than let them have the satisfaction?” Connor complains.
“Then we’d have bloody knuckles instead of them. Even if Sean is stupid, the rest of Corpse’s members aren’t. They’d tell that this is a setup.” You say and feel a soda can get thrown at your head.
“I can still hear you!” Sean exclaims and you roll your eyes. Connor stays quiet and unexpectedly you start thinking about Adam. How were you gonna explain the bruises to him? Would he even believe you? Then you wondered how the situation would have gone if Sean knew about Adam. What you’d do just to make sure he was safe. At the expense of Talia’s life? Connor’s? You let your head fall into your hands as you tried to think about something else. Anything else. 
“Almost there. Put the bags over their heads.” You hear Sean say and your heart rate picks up. You were nervous. So many things could go wrong. You are heading straight into the eye of the tornado with nothing but a bag over your face to conceal your identity. In a way, your swollen and bruised face is another factor to help hide who you were. It felt like Sean had done a pretty good job of that, but you couldn’t see yourself to check his handiwork. 
The man in the passenger seat turns around and reaches out to put the bags over the three of your heads. You took a deep breath, going over the plan for the fiftieth time in your head, and prayed to whoever was listening that you could go back home in one piece tonight. Back home to Adam. 
The van stopped and you see the flash of headlights from your van that the other two men were driving turn off, officially leaving you three in the dark. The doors open and close and there’s a deafening silence before the back doors open and the cool air slips into the van. 
“These are them?” An unfamiliar voice asks.
“Yup. Even got a/n little pet here.” You hear Sean say and you assume he rips Talia's bag off her head by the way she spits at him. You smirk under your bag at Talia’s behavior; full of fire. 
“This one gonna need to learn some manners,” the man says before pausing, “What about the other two?” 
“Probably some new recruits whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs.” Sean replies and the unfamiliar voice laughs.
“Aww, that’s sweet that they think they can take us on. If you three live to see another day you should run back and tell that boss of yours to give up now before Corpse decides to actually get serious with them.” The man’s tone is condescending and you wanted nothing more than to smack the smirk off his face, but you stayed composed. Arms reach out to grab your biceps and you struggle a bit as they stand you up on your feet. Your head swirled as the effects of Sean’s punches took their full effect and you’re glad this bag is over your head so you don’t have to see the world spinning around you. 
They drag you through a set of doors and you can only assume where you are from here, but if Sean was telling the truth earlier you’d all be taken to separate rooms in the Western part of the compound. From here, you had no choice but to rely on Sean.
You’re thrown into a room and you stumble before falling face first into the floor. Your hands were tied behind your back so you couldn’t catch yourself and now your nose was bleeding again. The blood runs over your lips and into your mouth, the copper taste and pain familiar to you. You wondered if your nose was broken with how many hits it’s taken in the last hour. You move into a sitting position and drag yourself to a nearby wall to rest on.
After about a half an hour of waiting, you hear the door creak open. It slams shut and you tense as you hear a pair of footsteps walk closer to you. The person is light on their feet, their footsteps making little noise, so they’re probably property trained to fight. In this condition, you probably couldn’t do much damage to your opponent without an actual weapon in your hand. And Sean had taken all your weapons back when he was tying you up. 
“I always knew a/n was desperate to catch up to me. Exact revenge. Payback for everything I’ve done to them.” You’re unsure of your hearing things right but, this person- they sound just like Adam. Maybe Sean knocked something loose in your head or you were just trying to convince yourself that he was waiting at his house for your text and not here interrogating you. You weren’t sure. The man crouched down in front of you with a sigh and you could smell his cologne. You wanted to cry. He smelled like pine. He smelled like Adam. 
“It’s just so upsetting to see them give up so early in the game. I mean I was just getting started and they sent me three rejects!? What do they hope to accomplish with this?” His voice gets louder and he lets out another sigh. Your heart is racing as you feel a knife pressed to the skin of your arm. “I just don’t understand.” His voice is low as he mutters the last sentence and you hiss as he presses the tip of the knife into your forearm. 
“Let’s get this off.” He mumbled something afterward about ‘dying with some dignity,’ but your head is too fuzzy to comprehend it. The bag is yanked off and the bright yellow light makes you squint your eyes as you try to adjust to the source of light. You want to see who this man was. Want to be proven wrong, but everytime you open your eyes your head spins and you close your eyes. “Y/n?” 
As he says your name you knew your suspicions had been true. Past unexplainable behaviors of Adam had finally started to make sense to you. 
“So, your big promotion happened to be my shipment! At the cost of 8 good people! My people!” You shout as your eyes finally adjust to the light. You were furious. Nothing else inside your head besides rage and betrayal. The man you trusted more than you’d like to admit was also your worst enemy. 
“What the hell is going on here? What are you saying right now?” He looked concerned, but you couldn’t believe that it was concern for you. For your swollen face or for the fact that you were tied up before him. Before you are able to respond, you hear alarms go off throughout the building and Adam- no, Corpse gives you a questioning look. “What did you do?” 
“Exact revenge. Payback for everything you’ve done to me.” You repeat what he had told you earlier as the sound of gunshots echo in the hallway just outside the door. 
“It’s been you this entire time.” He asks in disbelief just as the door gets kicked down and Talia, Connor, and four other members of yours barge into the room, guns aimed at Corpse. Talia is first to move towards you, putting herself at your side with a pistol aimed for his head. 
“Put the knife down.” Talia orders and Corpse finally takes his eyes off you and glances at the knife in his hand, the same one that wounded your arm. He drops the knife and Talia kicks it far away from him before your guys pull him up to his feet and hold his arms behind his back. Talia holsters her weapon and crouches down to untie the knot in the rope. Your arms fall to your side as the knot loosens and you rub your wrist over the ligature marks left on your skin. Talia helps you to your feet, steadying you before turning her attention to Corpse.
“Is this him?” She asks and you nod your head before grabbing the rope from Talia’s hand. You tossed it to one of the men holding Corpse.
“Tie him up.” You tell him and he immediately starts to wrap the rope around his wrists. You can feel his eyes on you, but you don’t wanna look at him. You’re too angry. Too scared. Too broken. 
“Let’s continue with the plan. Take whatever you can and burn the rest. Leave no one alive.” You feel like you have to force yourself to say the last part and you hate that. A part of you wants to leave Corpse alive. Even though you hate Corpse, you loved Adam. And you didn’t want to let go just yet. Everyone leaves the room besides Talia.
“You too, Talia.” You order as you walk to the far end of the room where the knife was kicked. 
“That’s an order.” You interrupt her and she hesitates in her step before finally leaving you and Corpse alone in the room. You knew her well enough though to know she was just a few feet from the door in case things went wrong. 
“You don’t have anything you want to say to me?” You ask as you approach him with the knife. “Any last words.” Your whole body aches and throbs and you weren’t sure it was from the beating you took earlier or the anger coursing through you in this moment. He still hasn’t said anything and when you looked up at him he was looking straight at you. He still doesn’t believe it’s been you this whole time. 
“I-” He stops himself and his shoulders slump forward. You want to know what he’s thinking. If he’s just as conflicted as you are. If he’s already decided to hate you as his enemy. Or love you as his partner. “I don’t know what to say.” He confesses.
And you don’t know either. So, you don’t say anything as you throw the knife back across the room where it was earlier and walk past him towards the door. You take one last look at his back and walk out of the room. As you predicted, Talia is there by the door, waiting for you. 
“Gun.” You say as you hold out your hand towards her. She hands you her pistol and you take the butt of the gun and slam it down against the doorknob until it falls off and rolls along the floor. You keep her gun with you as you notice she had another one in her hands and begin to walk back through the hallways, where the gunfire seemed to get louder and louder. 
“Did you kill him?” She questions. Your hesitence doesn't go unnoticed by her and you want to smack yourself for it. You can’t seem weak in front of your members, especially not Talia who looks up to you so much. 
“He’s as good as dead.” You mutter as you both finally reach the exit of the West building. The air is filled with smoke and as a woman runs by with a can of gasoline you stop her and grab the can. You dump the contents out on the only exit of the Western building and open the door to toss the empty can down the stairs. You hold out your hand, for a lighter, and the same woman puts one in the palm of your hand. You light it and take a few steps back before tossing the lighter on the flammable liquid. The flames are immediate and the fire crackles and warms your skin. It feels nice, but you can’t enjoy the fire or the destruction of your biggest enemy. Not knowing that by losing your biggest enemy, you’ll also lose what could’ve quite possibly been the love of your life. 
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taglist: @tiaamberxx
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcanons
Little things the teams do that tell you they love you (love language)
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Aoba Johsai || Karasuno || Nekoma/Fukurodani || Miscellaneous ||
Pairing: Nekoma/Fukurodani team members x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Got a small spurt of motivation today to get this small thing out! Hope you guys like it! <3
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Tetsuro Kuroo
Morning texts and goodnight texts. He actually sets a reminder to send a text everyday and he has not missed one day yet. Even when you two started to live together, you’d turn in bed to see him sleeping and check your phone to see that he just sent you a text saying “morning, you look adorable while drooling <3” and you’d hit his shoulder and he’d start cackling. 
Morisuke Yaku
Always has your lunch packed for you and ready to go. He knows your busy schedule takes its toll on you, so he always helps you out whenever and however he can. Most of the time he makes a healthy and delicious lunch for you to take on your way out to work or school and always hands it to you along with a kiss on the cheek. When you finally get to lunch and open your meal you find a cute little note on the tupperware and a squiggly heart drawn next to his name. 
Taketora Yamamoto
Pet names 24/7. Loves to call you cute nicknames that he makes up throughout the relationship. Usually the normal babe, baby, prince/princess, honey, sweeties, etc. Then there are the more odd ones like dumpling because one night after he got home from practice he saw you eating the leftover dumplings on the couch. Or there's bugs because one day a ladybug landed on your nose while you two were eating lunch. 
Kenma Kozume
Loves playing video games with you. You know how important Kenma’s video games are to him, so you don’t mind watching him play or listening to him ramble about the difficult boss he was fighting with. Sometimes you would ask him questions about whatever game he was playing and his face would light up as he told you the plot and the cool aspects of the game. He would hand the game off to you and show you the controls, laughing when you’d take more notice in the environment of the game rather than the actual mission. So, Kenma went out and bought a few multiplayer games so that way you’d both enjoy it together. He was so happy when he saw your face light up at the idea, and for countless nights you both stayed up late to play and enjoy each other’s company. 
Lev Haiba
Holds you whenever possible. Loves to be the big spoon when you both sleep together. Will subconsciously  wrap his arms around your shoulders and bring you closer to him. If you’re much shorter than him he’ll use your head as a table almost all the time and laughs at you when you try to swat his arms off you. If you’re taller, but most likely still shorter than he is, he’ll wrap his arms wherever they fit comfortably and pull you to his chest and lay his head down on your shoulders or your head, occasionally leaving kisses wherever his lips could reach.
Kotaro Bokuto
He tells you he loves you almost every second of the day. He isn’t shy, so he has no problem with voicing his love for you daily. He’ll say it when you wake up next to him, before you leave for work/school, he’ll text it to you when he’s away from you, when you both come home, after dinner, while cuddling, while he’s brushing his teeth; whenever he feels the urge to remind you he’ll do it without hesitating. 
Keiji Akaashi
Takes pictures of you. He’s a little bit of a photographer at heart and won first place during a photography contest his middle school was having. When you ask him to take a picture of you for social media, he’ll help no questions asked, but it’s the photos where you don’t know you're being photographed he loves the most. Like during a fireworks display one year when the lights from the fireworks reflected on your eyes so perfectly and the lovely way you smiled, he wanted to capture this moment forever.
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
Warmer Jacket
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pt.1 || pt.2
Paring: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: small argument between Corpse and reader
WC: ~1.4k
Request: hiya! can i request an angsty fanfic of corpse x reader? for example, corpse didn't know that he has been neglecting y/n and one time when y/n confronted him, he just burst out and said something he didn't mean and then y/n decided to just leave him for a while (like went to a park or stay with their friend) and then yeah something like that
A/N: Thank you for the request anon! It’s been a long time since I wrote angst so I hope this is good enough! Hope you enjoy it!
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Your arm was starting to cramp up. You had been in the same position on the couch for the last two hours watching YouTube. You had started off watching some videos that were on the trending page, but it quickly spiraled into stupid animal fail compilations to Buzzfeed Unsolved videos and now your arm was starting to feel the tension of the position you were in. You turned your body and let your arm fall to your side as it started to go numb. 
You were bored. So unbelievably bored. This wasn’t how you expected your night to go at all. You expected popcorn, Disney movies, hot chocolate, a soft, fuzzy blanket, and your boyfriend, Corpse. Unfortunately for you, his friends had called him on to fill the last spot in an Among Us game. Usually, you would have been supportive of him, encouraging him to go play and helping him ease his anxieties, but this was the fourth date this month he’s chosen his friends over you. You hated that you felt this way. So jealous over a stupid game. So unimportant. 
“Well, that was probably the last game for today!” Rae states as her red character follow the crowd around the room. “Corpse, thanks for joining when you could.” Rae thanks him and you smile as you realize that your boyfriend will now be joining you back on the couch. 
“It’s no problem. I wasn’t really doing anything anyway.” Corpse responds and your smile instantly drops. Did your date mean so little to him? Instantly you closed the video and tossed your phone onto the cushion next to you. You felt sick to your stomach like you were going to puke out all the popcorn you ate by yourself. You heard some movement coming from the bedroom and your fight or flight instincts stalled. You were frozen in your spot on the couch. You hated confrontation, but you couldn’t just ignore these feelings that were starting to crush you from the inside out. The door to the bedroom opened and Corpse walked out before walking towards the kitchen. 
“It’s no problem. I wasn’t really doing anything anyway.” Corpse responds and your smile instantly drops. Did your date mean so little to him? Instantly you closed the video and tossed your phone onto the cushion next to you. You felt sick to your stomach like you were going to puke out all the popcorn you ate by yourself. You heard some movement coming from the bedroom and your fight or flight instincts stalled. You were frozen in your spot on the couch. You hated confrontation, but you couldn’t just ignore these feelings that were starting to crush you from the inside out. The door to the bedroom opened and Corpse walked out before walking towards the kitchen. 
 “Sorry, it was a bit longer than I thought.” He stated as he started to re-warm his cup of now-cold hot chocolate. You hummed out a response as you try to figure out what to say. Should you even say anything at all? Would it make things worse or would it make them better? You barely moved when he had sat down next to you on the couch. “Did you not watch the movie we chose?” He asked you and you knocked yourself out of this trance you were in before looking over at him. 
“Uh. No, I was waiting for you.” You respond as he leans back into the couch, getting comfortable like you were before he got the text from Rae. 
“You didn’t have to wait for me, babe.” He says as he leans over to kiss your cheek. You turned to him and just decided to ask him about what he said. You both had agreed that you need to be honest with each other about your feelings since communicating is neither one of your strong suits. So with fear coursing through your veins, you started. 
“I was watching the stream and uh- you said something towards the end that is kind of bothering me.” You look away from him and take a deep breath before continuing. “When you were leaving, Rae said thanks for joining and you said that it’s alright and that you weren’t doing anything anyway- and I don’t know that comment kind of made me feel like you were disregarding our date and spending time with me and all that.” You finished as your voice got smaller and smaller. 
“I’m not disregarding my time with you. I love spending time with you, babe.” He blows you off completely and you can’t help but roll your eyes at his remark. 
“Love spending time with me? You’ve canceled the last four of our dates to go play with your friends! You leave me out here for hours waiting!” Your voice starts to raise an octave or two as all these bottled up emotions start to unveil themselves. 
“You’re the one who’s always pushing me into stepping out of my comfort zone and when I finally do, you yell at me for it!” Corpse replies in an equally annoyed voice. The fact that he’s not even listening to your feelings is making your blood boil. 
“Of course I want you to step out of your box, but I don’t want you to cancel on me every time your friends call when we are supposed to be hanging out. I’m your partner, and it just feels like you’re putting your job before me.” You say and he just shakes his head while rolling his eyes at you. 
“You’re so fucking difficult to please.” He exhales in a quiet voice, but you hear it anyway. Your eyes widen in shock and you pinch your lips together to try and keep your composure. 
“Fine. You think I’m so fucking difficult, I’ll leave.” You comment as you get up from the couch and make your way towards the door. You grab your jacket from the hook and start to put your jacket on. Immediately, Corpse gets up from the couch and follows you towards the door. 
“You know I don’t mean it like that-wait.” Corpse tries to grab your arm, but you pull it just out of his reach as you grab your keys and wallet from the table and open the door. 
“Let me know when you're done being an asshole.” You snap before slamming the door in his face. You wrap your arms around yourself as you make your way out of the apartment building and into the cold night. 
It was a little after 11 and the cold was biting at any exposed skin. ‘God, why was he being such an asshole?’ You think to yourself as you make your way down the block. You weren’t sure where you were heading to, but you knew the place well enough to know where not to go. You just needed some air right now and walking helps you clear your head so you can start to think rationally. 
After a few minutes of walking, the park comes into view and you decided to sit down at one of the picnic benches. You fold your arms on the table and let your head rest on your forearms as you let a large sigh leave your lungs. You felt everything and nothing all at once. You were angry, upset, and guilty. You hated that you felt that way and hated that you said something, but you had a right to...right? You can’t just keep these things to yourself. You’ve learned the hard way that bottling emotions, especially since being in a relationship, is not a healthy thing to do, and at the beginning of this relationship with Corpse, you got into a lot of arguments with him about this. And you both were to blame for that. 
You had just hoped he had been more considerate and not as defensive as he was. He was so quick to turn you down, it was shocking, to be completely honest. He usually is never like this. He would always listen to your feelings and hear what you have to say, even if he may not agree with you, at least he would be calm enough to ask why you felt that way and how he felt as well. Why was this so different this time? You could guess that maybe he’s on edge because of something. Maybe something about his anxiety or something to do with streaming or making music had triggered this event to happen. You weren’t sure. You were between a rock and a hard place right now, with little answers and a thin jacket that didn’t seem to keep the cold out as much as you wanted it to. You should’ve grabbed a warmer jacket.
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
Warmer Jacket (pt.2)
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pt.1 || pt.2
Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: angst to fluff!
Warning: none
WC: ~900
Request:  hey warmer jacket popped up on my ‘for you’ thingy and i loved it! super good work, literally almost cried lol, i don’t wanma rush you but would you write a part 2? if not i understand, and again amazing work! 🖤
A/N: WOW, so when you requested I was already working on a pt.2 and maaaannn, idk my brain is on a roll rn It’s 3 in the morning it’s my time to shine and write literally everything rn. Anyways... hope you liked it and thank you so much for your kind words! Hope you like it hun!
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The cold nipped away at your fingertips as you tried to blow hot air on to them to make the feeling come back. It seemed useless. Not enough hot air would make your fingers unfrozen at this point, but you didn’t move from the spot at the picnic bench. You were frozen, both figuratively and literally, to the same spot you first sat down in. 
It’s only been about an hour since you stormed out of the apartment. You were hesitant about going back. You had certainly calmed down now and were ready to talk things through like a normal couple, but you were unsure if Corpse was there as well. You didn’t want to go home and continue this pointless argument if he was still upset. But damn, was it cold out tonight. Maybe he went out as well to get some air or go for a drive and the apartment was empty so you could sneak back in and pretend to be asleep for the rest of the night. At least you would be warmer than you are now. 
You wondered if he was worried about you. If he felt the same things you were feeling right now. If he was beating himself up over this. If he thought nothing of it and just went back to his friends. You would like to think the last thought wouldn’t be true, but you were preparing yourself for the worst. You decided that you’d start on the way back to the apartment. You have stalled for long enough and it was time to be a grown-up and talk about what had just happened, even if that was the last thing you wanted to do right now. You stood up from the bench and swung your leg over before you heard your name being called out. You furrowed your brows and turned your head to see Corpse jogging his way over to you. 
“(Y/N)...” He says as he tries to catch his breath. Did he run all the way here? 
“What are you doing here?” You ask as he places his hand over his heart in an exasperated way. He really did run all the way over here. 
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here!? It’s midnight and you're sitting in the park in not the greatest of neighborhoods, you know.” He replies. You shrug your shoulders as you realize that he’s right. Logically, coming out this late is not the best idea, especially since you had your face head down at the picnic table half the time and were in a pretty vulnerable state. It’s silent as you both figure out what to say. Where to start. How to move forward from this. 
“I-uhh-brought you this,” Corpse says as he holds up a heavy jacket in his hand. You’re not sure why you didn’t notice it before, especially since he ran all the way here with it. You give him a look that spells out all your emotions; the guilt, the sadness, the hurt, as Corpse wrapped the heavy jacket over your shoulders. 
“How’d you know I would be cold?” You ask in a small voice as you make eye contact with him. 
“It’s 50 degrees and we live in California. It might as well be snowing for us.” Corpse responds and your anger that you had previously felt melted away into the warm feeling this jacket brought. You bring your arms forward and wrap around his waist in a sudden hug. He’s caught off guard for a second but reciprocates the hug and squeezes you tightly. You felt better. Without even talking about anything it felt like it had been solved and you both were back on the same page. 
“I’m sorry.” Corpse apologizes as he pulls you away and runs his hands over your shoulders, trying to help you get warmer again. 
“I’m sorry, too.” You apologize as well and you gesture for Corpse to sit down at your picnic table as the inevitable talk takes place in this freezing weather.
“I’m sorry that I was disregarding your feelings and ditching you on date night this whole month. You were right to be mad at me for that comment as well. I was just trying to say something the guys would have wanted to hear so they didn’t think I was leaving something important for them. Which is exactly what I was doing. I was just nervous- I guess- and-” 
“You’re rambling.” You interrupt with a small smile on your face. He laughs and rubs his face as his leg starts to bounce. “The comment did hurt a bit, but I can understand why you had said it,” You continue, “I’m sorry for just storming out on you in the middle of the night and worrying you. Also, I’m sorry if I’m pushing you out of your comfort zone too much. I just see such a great person and I want the world to see him the same way I do, but I understand if I was a bit aggressive.” You say as you play with your fingers. Corpse grabs your hand and interlaces them with his own. 
“I forgive you.” He says in a high-and-mighty way that makes you bust out laughing.
“Thank you, sir! Your forgiveness is all I need in life!” You play along as you scoot closer towards him to give him another hug. He wraps his arms around you and you feel the warmth yet again surround you and the bad emotions leave you. You’re glad you forgot a warmer jacket. 
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
Last Hope
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pt.1 || pt.2
Pairing: Ghoul!Corpse Husband x Half Ghoul!GN!reader 
Genre: fluff (mainly)/AU (Tokyo Ghoul!AU) some angst just because there’s hinted death (none of the main characters) 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of eating flesh (It’s Tokyo Ghoul tho so it’s kinda a given)
WC: ~4.3k
Request: a corpse husband x gender neutral reader  tokyo ghoul au where reader  is a half ghoul tattoo artist  and corpse is a full ghoul that makes masks for other ghouls . the reader goes to buy a new mask but  they are ambushed  by the ccg and corpse saves the reader and brings them to a ghoul friendly  coffee shop (maybe the owners of the coffee shop could be the amigops)
A/N: OKAY!!! I really loved to write this one, as you can see cause it’s over 4 thousand words lmaoo, but really I loved this request and Tokyo Ghoul so much!!! Thanks for the request hun!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! (side note-the title makes it sound super angsty, but I assure you it’s not really that angsty at all.)
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“Fuck.” You swear under your breath as you take your mask off your face. You turn it around and groan as you notice the cracks on the left side and the big chunk that was missing from the right side. It was ruined. One more hit and it would most definitely be broken. You needed to get off the streets and fast. 
You hide the mask in your jacket and pull your hood over your head, before making your way back down the alley. You had to be careful, cautious, and one step ahead of those assholes at the CCG. The doves.
It begins to rain and you’re put more on edge as your sense of smell is dulled. You were close to where you lived. You just have a few more corners to turn before you are finally safe. Your lungs were burning with each breath you took and now that the adrenaline has worn off you could feel your left leg burning. You looked down and saw your pant leg soaked with crimson blood. 
“Damnit.” You mutter to yourself as you power through the pain and finally turn on the street you lived on. You froze before jumping back behind the corner as you saw two figures at your doorstep. “Fuck, fuck. Fuck.” You swore to yourself as you peeked around the corner again. Two men, briefcases in hand, were knocking at your door to your tattoo shop, where you had also lived. They knew where you worked and lived now. Damnit, you’re screwed. 
He called himself Corpse and he ran a mask shop in an underground basement. He always wore a surgical mask to cover his face; you weren’t sure if he did it because he was a ghoul and wanted to conceal his identity, or if he just liked the style. Either way, it suited him and gave him this mysterious aurora. It made you want to know more about him. Plus he makes great masks. But, you didn’t know much else about him. You were just hoping he had an inkling of kindness in his heart to help you out. 
It wasn’t too far away now, just a few more corners and you’re there. The pain in your leg was growing and you could feel your entire body starting to ache. Your mind was racing with the many ways this could go horribly wrong and your head was starting to throb. Your vision was getting a bit hazy and you concluded that you’ve probably lost too much blood. You needed something to eat in order to heal the wound on your leg, but killing out here would be dangerous. You might as well be leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the doves to follow you. Maybe Corpse would have something on hand. You felt bad. Putting this amount of pressure on this person you’ve met once. You weren’t even sure you would help if you were put in that position. But you didn’t have any other choice. 
It wasn’t too far away now, just a few more corners and you’re there. The pain in your leg was growing and you could feel your entire body starting to ache. Your mind was racing with the many ways this could go horribly wrong and your head was starting to throb. Your vision was getting a bit hazy and you concluded that you’ve probably lost too much blood. You needed something to eat in order to heal the wound on your leg, but killing out here would be dangerous. You might as well be leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the doves to follow you. Maybe Corpse would have something on hand. You felt bad. Putting this amount of pressure on this person you’ve met once. You weren’t even sure you would help if you were put in that position. But you didn’t have any other choice. 
You see the door to his shop and you check your surroundings carefully before limping out to the open and knocking on his door. It was late at night, or maybe early morning, you weren’t entirely sure. But you were surprised to see Corpse, still in his normal everyday clothes, looking wide awake. Does he not sleep much? No time to ask.
“I need your help. Please.” You plead and he looks you up and down, seeing your injuries and your disheveled appearance. Wordlessly he steps to the side and nods inside, allowing you in. You were shocked. You half expected him to just shut the door right in your face, but you weren’t gonna question it. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” You thank him and wince as you step down the stairs that lead to his shop. 
“You’re injured?” He asks, looking to hear it from you. 
“Yeah.” You confirm as you make it down the stairs. Corpse walks over to you and bends down to look at your injured leg. He peels the pants open where it was split open and you bite your lip as you hold in your groans of pain.
“Why isn’t it healing?” He asks you as he looks up at you and it was only then did you realize that he didn’t have his mask on, allowing you to see his entire face for the first time. 
“I haven’t eaten in a while.” You stutter out and look away from him as you realize you were probably staring a bit too long at him. He hums in response before standing back up to his full height and leaving the room. You awkwardly stand in the middle of his shop and take in your surroundings. It was warm here, considering you were soaking wet from the rain, and you were grateful for that. His masks were on display on the wall to the right of you and you took a few painful steps in order to get a closer look at them all. 
“Here.” His voice makes you jump and you turn around just in time to catch the brown paper bag. It smelled so good. Your mouth instantly salivates and your left eye turns black instantly as you tear open the bag and take a whiff of the lump of meat in your hand. You waste no time in devouring the human flesh in a few bites and licking the blood off your fingers. “I don’t have much food on me now, so that’ll have to do.” He says as you’re licking your pinky finger. He’s staring at your eye and you wipe away any remnants on your face with the back of your hand.
“I appreciate it,” You thank him before continuing, “I’m sorry for troubling you with all this. I don’t have anyone else I can turn to.” You reveal with a small shrug before turning back to the wall of masks. “How long does it take you to make one of these?” You change the subject as you point to the masks on the wall. You look over your shoulder at him as he takes a few steps to stand next to you. 
“A few days if they have a lot of details. Simple ones are usually a day.” He responds and you nod as you set your eyes on one that was similar to yours.
“Hey, this one looks like mine.” You say as you pick it off the wall, admiring the design up close.
“I really liked your design when you brought it in for repairs, so I made one similar to it.” He says and you turn to face him. You pull your broken mask out from your jacket and hold it up to your face, just as the loose piece from the right side falls off onto the floor, revealing your cheek and jawline to the world. 
“Your repairs were amazing, but I’m afraid I got into a little fight earlier and ended up breaking it.” You say as you hold your mask in your hand, looking at your first mask with a frown. It held a lot of memories, good and bad, but it had served its purpose. “How much are you asking for this one?” You ask as you look back to the newer mask, holding it over your face. “What do you think?” You ask another question, looking to hear his opinion, as you peek from behind the mask. He was covering his mouth and chin with his hand as the other was tucked under his arm. Was he blushing?
“It’s on the house. Your mask was the inspiration for it anyway, so you should have it.” He says and it’s your turn for you to blush. Heat fills your cheeks and crawls to the back of your neck as you shake your head.
“You worked hard on this, I can tell, let me at least pay you something for it. Or I could give you a tattoo! Free of charge! Any size!” You offer excitedly and he just laughs. 
“I’ve never gotten a tattoo before.” He says and you can’t help the smirk from appearing on your face. 
“I’d be the first to tattoo you then?” You ask with a hint of mischief in your voice and you see him grow redder at your question. You were flirting now. It wasn’t really something you did often unless it got you something you wanted/needed, but you thought his expressions were cute. 
“Y-yeah, I guess.” He replies while scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, then I should probably give you my number so you can schedule an appointment.” You say as you look around for a pen and paper of some sort. You see a pen on a nearby table and a receipt on the floor next to the table. You pick up the receipt and find a blank spot to write your number and a little smiley face. You hand him the receipt and give him a smile. “Don’t be a stranger.” You say as he grabs the receipt from your hand, glancing at the numbers before looking back at you with a small smile. 
“Yeah, course.” He replies and pockets the receipt in his front jeans pocket. “How’d you get hurt in the first place?” He asks and your eyes dart down to the pen in your hand, fiddling with it. 
“Got caught eating dinner by some doves patrolling the ward.” You answer truthfully, hoping he doesn’t have a change of heart and throw you back out on the street now. Just mentioning the CCG in front of other ghouls is enough to silence a whole room. 
“How many of them were there?” He asks as he looks back at your injured leg and the small scratches on your skin that were starting to heal, thanks to the meat Corpse gave you. 
“Three of them. They caught me by surprise and attacked me. I injured one of them and got away, but there were more at my shop.” You say as you recall the events that took place less than an hour ago. You were still scared. You’ve never had a run in with the CCG before, only heard of the harsh and brutal ways they deal with ghouls. Especially rare ones like you, a half ghoul, you could only imagine what they’d do to you. You’ve heard other ghouls joke about it with you, “they’d dissect you to see if you’re different than regular ghouls,” “open you up and compare you to us ‘normal’ ghouls,” “cut your limbs off piece by piece to see if your health regeneration is different.” You’ve heard it all. You’ve imagined it all. Had nightmares about it. 
“You think they were investigating you? I mean, how’d they know where you worked?” Corpse asks and you let out a long sigh at the thought. You hadn't thought about that. How did they know where your shop was? They must’ve been following you. But for how long? Days? Weeks? Months? Even if they had just started following you yesterday, a lot of your friends would be in danger. And now Corpse…
A knock on the door makes both of you jump and stare at the stairway that led to the door. They knocked again, louder and more aggressive this time and you flicked your head to Corpse, fear evident in your eyes. Corpse held no obvious emotion, but how could he not be scared. If it was the CCG he could just as well be dead as soon as he opens that door. And it would be your fault. 
“Go hide over there. I’ll answer the door.” Corpse says before turning his back to you. You reach out and grab his wrist to stop him. 
“Would if it’s the doves? They’ll kill you if they see anything suspicious. Just wait down here till they leave. They still have to follow the law, so they can’t just barge in.” You plead with him as they knock again. Your skin erupted in chills and you felt a line of sweat form on your forehead. 
“It’ll be more suspicious if I don’t answer and if it’s them they’ll call more backup and we’ll have no chance to leave. Or it might just be one of my customers.” Corpse replies and you let go of his wrist as he walks towards the stairs. You turn to where he pointed earlier and hid in the wardrobe, leaving it slightly cracked so you could peek out. 
Corpse adjusted his surgical mask back onto his face as he stood in front of the door, the knocks getting more impatient with each passing second. He reached for the doorknob, taking a deep breath, before opening the door just as a fist was about to knock again. He eyed the two men in suits up and down before looking back up at them. They were holding umbrellas as the rain kept up it’s harsh onslaught on them and they held briefcases close to them. The one who was about to knock straightened his posture and put his hand back down to his side.
“Can I help you?” Corpse asked the two men, keeping half his body hidden behind the door and drawing out his kagune. He had a koukaku type kagune, so he was able to hide it behind the door as his kagune wrapped around his right arm. 
“Uh- yes. We’re wondering if you've seen this person around.” The one man asks and the other pulls out a blurry photo of you, most likely taken from far away or from a security camera. Corpse squints his eyes and leans his head forward to get a better look at the picture before shaking his head side to side. 
“Sorry, but no.” Corpse responds and the investigator puts the photo back in his pocket. 
“Do you mind if we come in and ask you some questions about the person in question? We have information that leads us to believe that they live in this neighborhood.” The one man says as he takes a step closer to the door. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s super late right now. I have a kid in the back with the flu who just woke up because of your knocking. So, if you’ll excuse me.” He lies just before bowing his head and moving to close the door, until a foot is jammed in between the doorway. Corpse swears under his breath and opens the door a crack. 
“We have reason to believe you’re hiding this one-eyed ghoul, Corpse.” The man says as he holds the handle of his briefcase a bit tighter. Corpse flexes his right fist before making the first move, punching through the door and hitting the two ghoul investigators back onto the ground of the alleyway.
You flinched at the loud sound and peeked through the wardrobe again. Your heart was racing. You couldn’t see anything, but you were sure that loud bang meant that something went wrong. Suddenly a body was flung down the stairs and hit the wall full of masks; the vibrations caused most of the masks to fall to the floor. You look closer and see a kagune and realize it’s Corpse. Instantly you fly out of the wardrobe just as one of the investigators comes down the stairs, ready to attack. You unleash your kagune, a ukaku type, and launch yourself forward, tackling the one investigator to the ground and landing a few punches to his face before he kicks you in the stomach. You jump backward and catch your breath before noticing the other man coming down the stairs with his weapon drawn. A tentacle-type quinque. He swings it and you're fast enough to dodge as it comes into contact with the cement floor, leaving a single mark across the floor. 
“There you are, one-eyed ghoul.” The man you tackled earlier says as he fixes the glasses on his face and stands to his full height. “We’ve been tracking you for a long time. Ever since the 20th ward.” You freeze. You left the 20th ward six months ago. They’ve been watching you for six months. Following you. 
“Y/n, run!” Corpse yells out at you as he lunges at the man, but your feet can’t move. You are too absorbed in your thoughts and wondering how many friends you’ve gotten killed in the last six months. No- how many ghouls you’ve gotten killed by the hands of the CCG. Why? Why you? 
“Y/n!” Corpse calls out just as you are knocked backwards and thrown into the wall by the tentacle-like quinque of the second man. Your vision is blurring and your head throbs from hitting the cement wall. Your kagune disappears and you feel like crying. Not because you're about to die at the hands of these cruel doves who’ll probably laugh about this later. But for all the ghouls that have suffered because of you. How many ghouls have disappeared after you would see them? Your clients? Friends? Enemies? How many friends have turned up dead after you would see them the night before? Their families and friends were mourning their deaths with you. Are they dead as well? And now Corpse. All because they spoke with you. All because you were a one-eyed ghoul. 
You open your eyes and see Corpse fighting off one of the men, pushing him back into the opposite wall before lunging at the man about to kill you. He digs his kagune into the man’s shoulder before flinging him behind him into the other man who was wobbling back onto his feet. They were both down, for now, and you felt arms pull you up off the ground and then the faint smell of rain filled your nostrils. All at once you felt the cold wet rain pelt your skin and you groggily picked your head up to look at your surroundings. You were outside and on the roof, well hopping from roof to roof. You assume it was Corpse carrying you away and all you could think about was why he wouldn’t just leave you behind to die. You were the whole reason his shop was destroyed and his near death experience. 
You struggle in his arms, overcome with a bitter feeling of survivor's guilt, and he stops on a roof to set you down. You fall to your hands and knees with a thud as a wave of dizziness overcomes you and you feel Corpse lay a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” He asks as he bends down next to you, occasionally looking back to see if those two men were following you two.
“Why’d you help me? I almost got you killed.” You mutter, just barely audible over the sound of the rain pelting the roof. You’re left in silence and you grind your teeth together as you pull yourself together. “I appreciate all your help up to this point, but I can’t ask for anymore help.” You tell him as you stand up to your full height. “I’m sorry.” You apologize sincerely and as you go to turn around, he catches your forearm and stops you.
“You think I’m just gonna let you run off and get killed? You’re stupider than I thought.” He says as he moves his hand down your arm and pulls you along with him towards the edge of the roof.
“Hey?! Stop! I don’t want you to get killed for helping me any further.” You reveal and he just scoffs before jumping off the roof, both of you landing safely on the ground.
“Stop jumping to conclusions and let me help you.” He tells you and you clench your jaw to keep your mouth shut. “I’m taking you to some friends of mine who can help.” He states as he turns a corner. He was still holding on to your hand, perhaps because he was afraid you’d run right back into the arms of those doves if he let go. And you were too distracted with your own thoughts to notice until he finally let go and left your warm hand feeling empty and a bit lighter than before. 
“We’re here.” He states simply before walking up to the back door, of what you assumed to be a shop, and knocked four times. He took a step back and gave you a glance out of the corner of his eye. He usually never gets himself into these types of situations. He usually stays on the sidelines, watching from afar, gathering information if needed. But, with you, he wanted to help. He practically did it without thinking, the moment he opened his door and saw how terrified you looked he wanted to do nothing else but help you and protect you to the best of his abilities. 
The door opens, knocking both you and Corpse from your inner thoughts as a young man opens the door a crack. He almost shuts it immediately after seeing you, an unfamiliar face, but Corpse’s voice stops him from doing so. 
“Sykkuno?” The door paused and opened more to reveal more of the young man. Skinny and unintimidating. You wondered how this guy was supposed to help you with the doves. Certainly not through a head on fight. 
“Corpse? Who’s this?” The man named Sykkuno asks him as he points to you. You feel small and timid in front of this person, unsure of who he was and how to act in front of him. 
“A friend in need of some help.” He says and Sykkuno looks at you for a few long seconds before pulling the door open more for you two to enter. Corpse gestures to you to walk in first, but you’re hesitant. You don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Talking with these people will only get them killed once the CCG catches up to you. 
“Y/n. Stop thinking nonsense and get inside before you catch a cold.” He says to you and you look down at your clothes, they’re soaked and suddenly the chill of the night catches up to you as you start shivering. You walk in the building and you’re met with the smell of coffee beans. A cafe? Is this a ghoul run cafe? 
“Take a seat in here, I’ll grab Toast and Rae.” The man says before disappearing down the hall. Corpse guides you into a room where a couch and a few chairs are positioned in the middle of the room. A bookshelf lines one wall from floor to ceiling while cheap paintings cover the other three walls. It’s a completely bland room, but you’re on edge. 
“They’ll help you hide from them. Give you a makeover, change your look, etcetera, etcetera.” Corpse says as he peels his wet mask off his face and tosses it onto the coffee table. Just then, three people walk into the room all carrying towels. You recognized Sykkuno, but the other two, a man and a woman, were unknown to you. The woman approaches you with a warm smile and hands you the towel in her hand while Sykkuno hands Corpse his towel. You take it and slowly dry your face off as the woman begins to talk to you.
“My name’s Rae and this is Toast and you’ve already met Sykkuno,” She introduces everyone before continuing, “What’s your name?” She asks and you look around at the three new faces. You weren’t 100% sure, but it seemed like they were worried for you, a complete stranger. You make eye contact with Corpse as he throws the towel over his wet hair and nods his head, as if telling you it’s okay to talk with them. 
“I’m y/n.” You introduce yourself with a small, forced smile and they smile back. 
“Well, y/n, you’re in safe hands now.” Toast says as he pats a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. “Cup of coffee?” He offers and the thought of a nice warm coffee has you instantly nodding your head. Toast laughs lightly before leaving the room to make a fresh cup for you. Rae pulls you over to the couch gently and instantly starts talking about her plans to change your appearance. You want to be nice and listen, but you're so exhausted. The events of the last hour catching up to you fully now that you’re sitting down and out of danger. Corpse notices. 
“Rae, we can talk about this tomorrow. Right now I think they want to sleep.” He says and she panics slightly and apologizes to you, which you just wave off, before she grabs Sykkuno by the arm and drags him along with her out of the room. 
“Get some sleep.” He says and you blink a few times before sitting up.
“My coffee-.” 
“You can have coffee in the morning. Sleep.” His tone is commanding, but it’s soft and you find yourself zoning out almost instantly. Corpse grabbed a blanket from one of the chairs and draped it over your body, watching as you curl up underneath it and drift off to sleep- quite quickly he might add. You must’ve been exhausted. He smiles to himself at the sight before closing the door, allowing you a peaceful nights rest.
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taglist: @tiaamberxx
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
A Different Life
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pt.1 || pt.2
Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: My Hero Academia!AU, Villian!Corpse, Villian!Reader, angst
Warning: none
WC: 2k
Request: hello ! I would like to know if u could write a corpse husband × Gender neutral reader one shot based on the anime my hero academia? reader as a quirk that makes it so they melt everything they touch and you can choose corpses quirk. they are both villains and are trying to leave their villainous past together but ultimately cant do it. it could be fluff turned angst
A/N: so Corpse’s quirk I chose was that he lets out a vapor that can effectively “kill” someone. He doesn’t actually kill them, but they become paralyzed as a toxin enters their bloodstream and goes right to their brain. The person “drops dead” and their heart rate slows down and their motor functions are damaged so even if they were to move afterwards, they’d be slower and wouldn’t be able to use their hands very well. Hope this makes some sense! Also i ended up rewriting this a few times because I’ve been in an oddly good mood lately and the angst wasn’t flowing right 🤥, so I hope this was angsty enough 😓. Thanks for the request! I had lots of fun writing it for you <3.
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“God, I wish they’d at least give us soap or something.” You complain as you realize there was no soap for you to clean your hands with. “Such a shitty motel.” You mumble under your breath before drying your hands and tossing the towel back onto the counter. You walk back into the main room to see Corpse running his hands over his face. 
“Hey, you alright?” You ask in a calming voice as you take a seat next to him on the creaky, way-too-soft mattress. 
“Yeah. Yeah. Just tired.” His response is always the same, but you can’t really blame him. Tired seemed to be the running theme between you too. You both have been on the run for almost a year now and the cycle never seems to end. Once you think the coast may be clear and you emerge from hiding under new identities, they find you. Whether it’s the cops or the League, they’ve been up your guys’ ass for a long time now. 
“I know.” You respond before leaning your head on his shoulder and rubbing his back soothingly. You want to do something. Something to make all this shit stop. But you don’t know what to do. You’ve tried everything. Pleading with the League. Bargaining with the police. No one would take your olive branch and no one would believe you both just wanted peace. You wanted to be left alone. Away from villains and heroes, cops and just regular people in general. You both just wanted to go somewhere far away. 
“We should get some sleep.” Corpse’s voice rings as out he gets up and grabs a spare change of clothes. You nod your head and watch as he walks towards the bathroom to freshen up and change. You sigh and change into your pajamas as well before laying down on the dingy bed; the single sheet and thin comforter doing little to keep you warm during these cold nights.  
Times like these you wish you had a phone to pass the time. Just something to distract your mind from reality. If not a phone, at least TV, but of course the cable in the room wouldn’t work and static was all you would see on the old chunky TV. 
As you closed your eyes to begin falling asleep, Corpse’s footsteps made their way towards you and the bed dipped as he laid down next to you. His arm came to wrap around your waist and pull you flush to his chest, nuzzling his head in the back of your neck before attempting to sleep as well. You couldn’t help but smile as you made yourself comfortable again in the new position. Moments like these made the running worth it. Moments like these that made you long for a different life. 
“Already? This early?” Corpse groans, but his smile betrays the tone in his voice.
“Yes, this early.” You mock him and open his eyelids with your fingers, planning on annoying him till he’s fully awake. “Are you awake yet?” You ask as you hold his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks together so his lips resemble a fishs’.
“Yes, this early.” You mock him and open his eyelids with your fingers, planning on annoying him till he’s fully awake. “Are you awake yet?” You ask as you hold his face in your hands, squishing his cheeks together so his lips resemble a fishs’.
“Hmmm.” He groans and shuts his eyes comically tight. 
“No, opeeeen.” You whine as you tap the apples of his cheeks repeatedly. 
“Fine! Fine, I’m up.” He laughs as his hands move up to grab your wrists, stopping your assault on his cheeks. You loved hearing his laugh, especially first thing in the morning. 
“Good.” You mutter before moving closer to give his nose a quick peck and then getting yourself out of bed first. “I’ll work on some coffee.” You announce as you remember seeing a coffee maker on the desk last night. 
You open the package of coffee filters and take one out, placing it in the machine along with the coffee grounds and water. You pressed the brew button to power the machine, but nothing happened. You gave it a minute before pressing the button again, but still nothing happened. You were getting frustrated. 
“Hungry?” Corpse asks you as he walks up beside you. He watches as you rapidly press the brew button, hoping maybe that 25 was the lucky number before it started to brew, but to no avail. 
“Starving. I also need some coffee.” You say with a sigh before turning to Corpse and giving him a smile. He smiles back and you both head out of the motel, locking the door behind you, and making your way to the nearest breakfast joint. 
“God, I would kill for some french toast right now.” Corpse comments as you both turn the corner. You snicker at his comment and pay attention to the buildings you're passing, looking for a menu in the window or something that would tell you a restaurant was there. 
“Look there.” You say as you point ahead where a chalkboard menu sat outside a building. “Let’s hope they have your french toast.” You add on as you both start walking.
The menu was limited, since the building turned out to be a small cafe, but the smell of coffee had convinced you to stay and Corpse saw something on there that had him practically dragging you inside. It was probably the banana bread. Once up to order, you order a coffee and a pastry while Corpse got, you guessed it, a banana bread and water. You grabbed your drinks and food once ready and sat down at one of the tables. The first sip of coffee instantly revitalized your mood and you could tell Corpse’s banana bread was doing the same for him. 
“How's your bread?” You ask with your mouth full of your own food. Corpse only nods his head without looking up from the piece of bread, “Sometimes, I think you love banana bread more than you love me.” You say jokingly as you watch him take another bite. 
“I think so too.” He agrees with you and you kick his feet under the table. You both laugh.
“Jerk.” You mumble as you stuff another bite of the sweet pastry in your mouth. 
“Don’t be jealous of a piece of bread, babe.” He replies and you just roll your eyes at him while smiling. How you wished every morning can be like this one. It felt so perfectly normal and comfortable to be sitting across from him eating breakfast in a cafe that felt so inviting. 
Your thoughts are interrupted as you spot something familiar outside across the street. A person walks by the window and you wait for them to move before seeing one of the very men you were trying to stay away from. Tomura Shigaraki. 
“Corpse. We gotta go.” You hurriedly say as you quickly stand up from your seat. He gives you a confused look, before he follows where your eyes are trained on. He’s stunned silent before getting up from his seat and grabbing your hand, leading you towards the counter of the cafe. You’re getting looks from the customers and the staff, but you disregard that entirely as you both push past the door to the back and make your way through the back room. Corpse pushes through the staff, telling them to get out of the way before finding the staff door and pushing it open.
It leads to a back alley where dumpsters reside and trash was littered everywhere with little care. If you weren’t quite literally running for your life right now, im you may have complained about how lazy and stupid people are to leave there trash right next to a dumpster. 
“This way.” Corpse says as you both run towards one exit of the alleyways. A figure walks in front of the alley and stops, causing both of you to stop as well. Dabi. Corpse pushes you backwards and tells you to run towards the other exit, but you’re stopped again. It’s Twice. The exits are blocked and you’re sandwiched in between two ruthless men. You chew on your lip as you look around for a ladder, fire escape, a weapon, anything that could throw the odds in your corner. You spot a door on the opposite side of the alley from where you two emerged and have an idea. 
“Corpse, follow me.” You say as you tug on his jacket. He’s staring down Dabi and watching him as he saunters closer and closer to you two; Twice doing the same. You try to open the door. Of course it’s locked, so you activate your quirk and melt the handle off and stick your hand through to unlock the door. Pushing the door open and pulling Corpse along with you, you ignore the stares and yells from the chefs of the restaurant you’ve stormed in to and push your way through. You make it to the front of the restaurant and then out onto the street, where you're quickly met with a little girl. Toga. 
“I’ve missed you guys! Won’t you come back and let me play with you?” She asks as she pulls her knife out from behind her back and brings it up towards her face. Corpse pulls his face mask down and activates his quirk and lets the vapors from his open mouth ease into the air. His quirk would paralyze her for a few minutes, which would be long enough for you two to get a head start. But Toga had different plans. She moved quickly and brought her knife to Corpse’s hand, the blood gathering on her knife before she jumped back. Corpse held his hand and you both watched as she licked his blood off her knife. “Ahh. My favorite!” Her cheeks flush red and you pull Corpse away despite knowing that something terrible would happen in the next few minutes. You had to try. 
“C’mon Corpse, we have to keep running.” You say and he nods his head in agreement. You turn around only to see Toga transform into Corpse and begin to use his quirk against you two, the vapors pouring out of her mouth and into the street, right towards you. You wanted to cry. To scream. Hell, you wanted to kill her. Her, Dabi, Shigaraki, all of them. Can’t they just leave you two the fuck alone?! You were angry and you could feel your palms blistering with the need to use your quirk against her, but it was too late. Corpse went down first, hitting the ground with a thud and you immediately stopped. You try to pull him up by his sleeve, but your quirk melts through the fabric and suddenly you’re breathing in the vapors. The effect is instantaneous and your knees buckle before falling down next to Corpse. You’re facing his legs and you hear footsteps coming closer. Multiple people. Boots, big and heavy steps. Flats, skipping in a childish glee. Sneakers, scuffing against the asphalt. 
You use all your energy to pick up your head from the ground. Your head felt like it weighed a ton. Like cinder blocks were holding you down. Corpse’s quirk is really no joke. 
“Y-y/n…” Corpse’s voice catches your attention as you watch the three villains approach you two. Dabi leans over you with his hands in his pockets and reaches his foot out to push your limp body over onto your back. 
“Well, well. Look what we found.” Dabi’s tone is teasing and terrifying at the same time. This wasn’t how you wanted this to end. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“Please.” Your voice barely above a whisper as you felt a hand on your ankle. Corpse. Shigaraki lets out a yawn before waving his hand and turning away from you. 
“Bring them back to the hideout. I want them alive. Use whatever means necessary to ensure that.” He says before Toge squeals in excitement. You move your head just enough to look down towards Corpse, his hand still holding onto your ankle. 
“Y/n… I’m sorry.” 
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fxckingghxst · 4 years
Takeout and Horror Movies
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Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
WC: ~1.3k
A/N: This was a mixture of me craving soft domestic cute date things and Panda express... Hope you enjoy my first fic on this account!
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“This movie is kind of stupid.” You speak as you watch one of the two campers get mauled by the man-eating bear that has been stalking them. 
“Yeah, I agree.” Corpse voices his agreement as his hands run up and down your legs that were sprawled over his lap. 
“Bears are scary at times, but to label this a horror movie is a disgrace.” You say as the woman runs away as her fiancée gets eaten by the bear. You shake your head at the semi-bad acting as she breaks down into tears behind a tree. 
A knock at the door saves you from watching any more of this woman’s acting and your eyes widen as you realize what it is.
“I’m so hungry…” Corpse says as he watches intently as you start pulling out the Chinese food. 
“My mouth is watering.” You say as you empty the last two containers from the bag and onto the table. You hand Corpse some chopsticks and he gratefully takes them before opening up one of the containers. He leans back into the couch and starts to dig in while you open up all the containers to see what you wanted to eat first. 
“My mouth is watering.” You say as you empty the last two containers from the bag and onto the table. You hand Corpse some chopsticks and he gratefully takes them before opening up one of the containers. He leans back into the couch and starts to dig in while you open up all the containers to see what you wanted to eat first. 
Orange chicken. That’s what you wanted. You grabbed the container and broke your chopsticks before digging in as well. “Oh my god. This is so good.” You mumble with your mouth full of the orange chicken. 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Corpse jokes as he mumbles through his chow mein. You laugh and elbow his arm holding the takeout box. 
“Hypocrite.” You say with a small smile on your face. “Hey, share some chow mein.” You say after a few bites of orange chicken. He picks up some noodles on his chopsticks and moves it towards your open mouth, laughing when the noodles and vegetables end up mostly on your chin. You laugh too as you try to move the noodles into your mouth with your lips; trying hard not to let everything fall onto your shirt. 
“You almost got it,” Corpse says as he watches you continue to attempt to eat the chow mein. He starts laughing and moves his chopsticks to your chin to try and help move the noodles into your mouth. You haven’t stopped laughing and at this point, you have given up trying to get the noodles in your mouth and instead just let Corpse do the hard work. “You have to help me out here, babe.” Corpse speaks through his laughter. 
“Uh Uh.” You deny as he finally moves the last noodle into your mouth. You start to chew and look down at your shirt to see some noodles and vegetables have landed on your chest. “Look, you’ve made a mess.” You accuse as you glance between him and your shirt. His eyes widen and he points the chopsticks at himself. 
“Me!?” He shakes his head, “you’re the one who refused to help and let all the food fall.” He says as he goes back to eating his food. You scrunch your face and repeat his words back to him in a mocking and also incoherent voice. 
“I’m dating a child.” Corpse responds as he moves to grab the Broccoli Beef box from the table. You laugh menacingly, like how a witch would laugh as her evil plans come to fruition, and turn your attention back to the ‘horror’ movie that was almost over. It’s quiet for the next eight minutes or so as you both focus on the movie while devouring the takeout and finally the credits roll after an uneventful cliffhanger.
“Booooo.” You boo the movie and set down your food before grabbing the remote. “That movie sucked.” You comment as you browse Netflix for a different, hopefully, better, horror movie. “What movie next, babe?” You ask as you lean back and into Corpse’s side. You rest your head on his shoulder as he hums in thought. 
“Should we give a Netflix Original another chance or look at the classics?” You ask as you scroll through the Netflix Original Horror movie section. They all were questionable, to say the least. Some were too cliche, some seemed too boring, and the rest just seemed bad. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but the needle was teeny-tiny and the haystack was the size of a football field. 
“Should we pick one blindly?” Corpse asks as he swings his arm over your shoulders; your position shifting into your favorite place as you rest your head against his chest right where his heart is.
“This is why you’re the smart one in this relationship.” You say as Corpse sets down his chopsticks and food on the table. “Okay, you tell me when to stop.” You say as you fully open the horror tab on Netflix. 
“You can’t look though, that’s cheating,” Corpse continues, “Here, look at me.” He finishes as he moves his left leg up onto the couch and faces his body towards you. He grabs both sides of your face and turns your head to face him directly; your body mimicking his motions as you lift your right leg onto the couch. You giggle at how cute he was before raising your eyebrows in question.
“Are we ready now?” You ask as you ready the remote and place your thumb over the correct buttons. 
“Ready.” He confirms with a small nod and you start with arrowing down, flicking through numerous movies with that annoying clicking sound it makes. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you want to make sure you’re still on the right screen, so you peak out of the corner of your eyes to try ad catch a peek. 
“Ah Ah Ah.” Corpse scolds as he moves his hands up to form visors around your eyes; blocking your vision of the TV, “No cheating.” He smiles at you and moves closer towards you, his hand visors being the only barrier between you and him. 
“You still haven’t told me to stop.” You remind him that he’s in charge of ultimately picking the movie and he just shrugs. 
“There’s nothing good yet.” He responds as he moves his hands slightly so that his forehead is resting on yours. 
“And how would you know?” You question as you hold his gaze with your own. You smile as he places a small kiss on your nose. 
“I just know.” He quickly says as he places multiple short kisses on your lips, cheeks, nose, chin, and everywhere else on your face. You can’t help but laugh at his actions and your heart swells with love for the man in front of you. “Okay, now stop.” He instructs as he leaves one last kiss on your lips. You almost forgot that you were searching for a movie and that your finger was pressing the left arrow the whole time. You stop clicking and press the select button, but before you turn your head to look, Corpse speaks. 
“Let me check first.” He looks to his right at the screen and smiles before turning back to you.
“Is it good?” You ask with wide eyes at how excited his reaction was to whatever movie you had landed on. 
“The best of the best,” Corpse says and you get excited at the possibilities. You tun your head to see what movie you had landed on only to be met with something completely different.
“Corpse, this is the settings menu.” 
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fxckingghxst · 3 years
A Different Life (pt.2)
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pt.1 || pt.2
Paring: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: mentions of torture (just kinda of hinted), suicide mentions (like two sentences), not proof read
WC: ~1.8k
Request: yo different life was amazing ! very well written ! not pressuring you but could you perhaps writing a 2nd part? maybe where reader and corpse just accept their fate as villains and go on to earn a top spot on the lov?
AN: okay I’ve been rewatching Tokyo Ghoul and when you sent this ask I went 0.0 cause like ahah torture anyone??? No but reader and corpse get tortured so here’s your second warning and they revert back to villainous selves muahaahah. (I’m also a Dabi fucker big time so there were times I kept making scenes between Dabi and the reader and I was like wait-back it up- not this fic hun) Hope you like this love! Muah!
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You despised them. Shigaraki. Dabi. Kurogiri. Twice. Spinner. Compress. Toge. Everyone who laid a finger on you and Corpse. You hated them with a passion. You wanted to do to them what they did to you. Listen to their screams and cries while they beg for their life. You wanted revenge, wanted them dead at your feet. You wanted all these horrible things to happen to them, but you couldn’t do it. Not with this stupid fucking shock collar around your neck. 
“Hey, you okay?” Corpses’ voice breaks you from your thoughts and you visibly relax at the sound of his voice. You turn your head to look at him and you forget all the hatred and anger in your veins as you look into his eyes. But it soon resurfaces as you glance down at the same shock collar around his neck as well. You look back down to the bar and notice you had melted your glass and the bourbon had made a small puddle under your hand. How did you not notice this?
“Yeah. I’m good.” You lie as you set the glass down and wipe away the liquid with your sleeve. Corpse doesn’t elaborate, and you’re happy he did because Dabi walks into the room and sits down at the bar, ordering the same drink you did from Kurogiri. Corpse sits down so he blocks your view of him and you silently thank him. Just the sight of Dabi makes your blood boil and fear course through you. It’s like you could still feel his hands burning your skin whenever you saw him. You hated it. You hated him. 
“What are you two doing around here? Shouldn’t you be back doing grunt work like the boss told you to?” Dabi takes a sip of his drink and your hands clenched tightly before Corpse moved his hands over your balled fist. 
“Finished are you?” Dabi swings his feet around towards you two and begins taking steps towards you two. He’s behind you know, and you can feel the heat from his hands as he brings it close to your neck. “Who said you were done?” Dabi finishes before he’s pushed away from you by Corpse; who now has gotten up from his seat and faced Dabi head on. You turn on your chair and hop off it, knowing something bad would happen to Corpse once he had pushed Dabi. And knowing Dabi, he would make Corpse pay. 
“Woah, calm down, Corpse. Just asking a simple question is all.” He smirks as he reaches for his pocket and you visibly tense. “But, it seems you’re still acting out of line.” He says as he reaches for the remote to the shock collars and presses the top button. Corpse’s hands fly up to the collar at the sudden shock and he’s brought to his knees before Dabi takes his thumb off the button. Your anger gets the best of you and you act without thinking; rushing at Dabi palms first to try and land a melting hit on him. He’s faster and dodges you before pressing the bottom button on the remote and activating your shock collar. You freeze and lose your balance, hitting the ground arms first with a painful ‘thud’. 
“Woah, calm down, Corpse. Just asking a simple question is all.” He smirks as he reaches for his pocket and you visibly tense. “But, it seems you’re still acting out of line.” He says as he reaches for the remote to the shock collars and presses the top button. Corpse’s hands fly up to the collar at the sudden shock and he’s brought to his knees before Dabi takes his thumb off the button. Your anger gets the best of you and you act without thinking; rushing at Dabi palms first to try and land a melting hit on him. He’s faster and dodges you before pressing the bottom button on the remote and activating your shock collar. You freeze and lose your balance, hitting the ground arms first with a painful ‘thud’. 
“I think you two aren’t as obedient as we may have thought,” He takes a step over your body and towards the door he entered just a moment ago. “Oh, well.” He says before disappearing from the room. You turn your head to check on Corpse and see him trying to get up from his kneeling position. 
“You both need to stop causing trouble.” The “all-knowing” voice of Kurogiri has you scowling as you pull yourself up to your knees. 
“Shut up.” You say to him before Corpse’s hand comes into sight; helping you up to your own two feet. You're wobbly and, thankfully, he’s there to help steady you. You hated this. Hated feeling so small and so defeated. You wished you could have done more back then when you two were free. Maybe there was something you could’ve done better. Something that would have prevented this. 
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“Are you guys coming with us?!” Toga shouts excitedly as she jumps in place. You and Corpse exchange a glance with Shigaraki, who stays silent, before answering her.
“Yeah.” You respond as she squeals before turning her attention to Corpse. “Hey, if things get rough you'll let me have some of your blood right?” She asks as her cheeks flare red at the thought of it. Your jaw clenches as Corpse nods his head in agreement. Corpse’s quirk has gotten stronger since you two have been back at the League. Spinner and Compress have been training him day in and day out to build up his quirk’s stamina so he could have people under longer than before as well as control over who to choose to put under. 
“Enough chit chat.” Dabi says as he makes his way to the door, signalling the mission was to start. Toga, Compress, and Twice follow along, and as you make it to the door, Shigaraki’s voice stops you both.
“No screw ups. I hate cleaning up other people's messes.” You shiver at the thought before pushing through the door. One mess up and you’re both dead. For a moment you consider just giving up. Messing up on purpose and taking the blame for it. Escaping this hell known as the League. But the thoughts are interrupted as Corpse lays a gentle hand on your back. One touch reminds you why you’re fighting. 
“So, what’s the plan, Dabi?” Compress asks as you all make your way down the empty street. 
“No plan. Just barge in and take what’s ours.” Dabi says and you want to roll your eyes at his cockciness, but your fear has you still and quiet. 
“Sounds good to me!” Twice’s loud voice booms as he mumbles something that sounded like, “Horrible idea,” under his breath. 
An abandoned building comes into sight and you presume this is where the mission will actually start. The job, as so loosely described by Shigaraki, was to acquire a man named Genta and bring him back to the League in one piece. What this man looked like you had no clue. He might not even be here for all you know. 
“I’ll take the back.” You volunteer as you make your way around the building. 
“I’ll go to-”
“No way lover boy, you’re staying up front with us.” Dabi interrupts Corpse and he gives you a worried look. You try to reassure him with a nod, but it does little to ease his nervousness. You hear Dabi scoff.
“I’ll go!” Toga offers as she skips over to you, passing you while humming some song. You sigh and walk after her, inspecting the building for any other exits, weak points, traps, etc. Even though it’s been over a year now since you were on your last mission, the motions feel familiar and your stomach turns. Why couldn’t it at least feel different? Why’d it have to feel so easy? Why’d it have to feel like nothing changed?
There’s one back exit and a side exit, so you and Toga split up; Toga taking the side and you taking the back. You hear a loud bang and assume Toga had made her entrance, so with a deep breath, you make your entrance known as you reach your hand out to touch the handle. It melts off quickly and you push the door open with enough force so that it hits the wall. You step in and are immediately met with two guys who were trying to make a run for the back. They stopped and looked at you with fear as they realized their last resort escape had been blocked off. You know you have to stop them, to knock them out at least, but you find it hard to move from your spot in the doorway. 
The man on the right moves forward first, aiming a punch at your head. Your hand comes up before you think and you block his attack and grab his forearm with your other hand, twisting it and burning him in the process. He yelps out in pain and his knees buckle just a bit, so you swing your leg forward and kick his knees, fully bringing him down to the floor. With one last push he falls on his back and holds his arm in pain. You turn your attention to the next man and you see him gulp before he holds his fists in a defensive position. You're filled with a thrill that makes you sick inside; riddled with guilt. 
You move quickly and land a kick on his side that throws him off balance and he struggles to stand up straight to defend himself. Your shin burns from the kick and you feel your body rush with adrenaline. It’s exciting. It’s easier from here as you move to grab both of his wrists with your hands and activate your quirk, burning the skin of his hands. He screams and you hold on tighter until he’s practically begging for his life. Then you let go and watch him sink to the ground. Most likely passed out from the shock. You take a second to look at the damage you’ve caused to these two men. Burnt skin, bruises, probably broken bones of some sort. And you hated that you wanted to do it again. 
You move on, walking towards where everyone else was in the main part of the building. You walk through the narrow hall before opening up another door and walking in to where the chaos was happening. Twice was handling three men in a far corner of the room, but was mainly used as a distraction as Compress came up behind them and shrunk them down to marble size. Dabi handles interrogation as you assume he’s talking with Genta. Toga corners one of their men and is asking him if she could have a taste of his blood. And Corpse is in the center of the room, mask down, as his quirk takes care of everyone else who poses a big threat.   
You can’t help but think that running away was stupid. That being normal was stupid. There was a reason you and Corpse joined the League in the first place. You were outcasts, nobodies, losers, you name it. You wanted to leave because you felt there was so much more out there for you both. What a stupid dream. You know better now. You know the world has no place for people like you out there, but here- in the League- you felt a sense of purpose. The League was your home, it was stupid to run away. And as Corpse lifted his mask over his nose and looked at you, you knew he felt the same way you did. 
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taglist: @tiaamberxx
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