#keishin ukai x black!reader
kkyaka · 6 months
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Summary: Running into someone who was a key part in making high school hell for you wasn't what you expected when you settled into college Pairing: Ukai Keishin x black!fem!reader Warnings: friends to lovers (kinda), college!au, a handful of angst, reader kinda overworks herself, ukai is whipped for reader, one random bad encounter with an oc, reader was bullied in high school and is still holding onto that LMFAO, making out, grinding, tit sucking, little bit of marking, fingering, i think that's it, if there's anymore please tell me ya girl is tired Word Count: 21,351 (oops) A/N: Um, it's been a while LMFAO. I'm honestly not very proud of this fic, but I wanted to post it anyway as kinda of gateway to getting back into posting my fics cause I have four more (maybe five) that I wanna post. This was a part of my scrapped follower event (RIP). Reblogs are appreciated, and thank you for reading if you do read this trash!
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The first week of classes always makes you anxious. This semester, you’ve got some classes in buildings you’ve never been in, and you didn’t get a chance to walk the campus to find them because you moved in so late. You don’t know why the apartment you moved into decided that moving in the weekend before school started was a great idea.
Luckily, you found your first class with ease, a simple elective that you need to graduate, and you hope that the coursework won’t be too hard. You got here early just in case you had trouble finding it, so you scroll on your phone to pass the time as the class fills in. None of your friends are in this class, so you’re not waiting on anybody.
By the size of the room, it doesn’t look like the class size will be that big, so you hope that the people that are taking it with you are bearable. No one is sitting at the desks around you, and that doesn’t bother you, but what does bother you is that someone sits right next to you when there were other seats open. 
You try to keep the sigh you make as silent as possible, not even giving the person a look as you keep your attention on your phone. You put it away when the professor walks in, pulling your laptop out of your backpack as she introduces herself. “Make sure you guys introduce yourselves to the people around you because you’re going to be working with them a lot this semester.”
You try to hide your annoyance, putting on a nice smile before you turn to the person that’s sitting next to you, but it drops the moment your eyes land on them. You feel something run through you that you can’t explain, grabbing the corner of your desk in a tight grip. 
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” he laughs, but there’s not a single part of you that finds any of this funny.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you whisper, thankful that you’re in the back of the classroom so no one can eavesdrop. 
“Why so hostile? I thought we were friends.”
“We’re far from that Ukai, and you know it.” His name feels heavy, foreign on your tongue, something you hadn’t even thought about saying in months. 
Ukai Keishin. Someone that you’d never thought you’d see again. Someone who’s been haunting your past for way longer than you’d like. You thought that college would give you the chance to get away from him, and yeah sure, you picked a relatively small college, but out of all of the colleges, he picks this one? You can’t help but look over him, seeing how much he’s changed; how much he’s grown. He is not the same boy that you’ve known for so long, and you willfully ignore that part of you that wants to examine that even further.
“You’ve always been so mean to me,” he whines playfully, which makes you roll your eyes because that’s rich coming from him. 
“Answer my question,” you say, hoping that you get an answer from him, and then you just go back to ignoring him. 
“Same reason you are, no?”
“Why this one, specifically?” you press, looking around with your eyes for somewhere else you can sit the next time you have this class.
“You can ease up, alright? I’m being totally honest when I say I had no idea you would be here too.” It doesn’t sound like he’s lying, looking over his face before finding something else to do. You don’t bother to continue the conversation; thankfully, the professor gets the class's attention again. 
She asks if anyone wants to share something about the person that they introduce themselves to, and a few people raise their hands. You sigh slowly, resting your chin on your hand after you put your elbow on the desk. After a few people have shared, she goes over the syllabus, but you’re not paying attention.
Even though you’re not looking at him, the fact that you now know he’s sitting next to you, is the only thing you can focus on. You’ve never wished for a class to be over so fast in your life so that you can just get out of here without having to speak to him again. You sigh a bit, feeling like he’s watching you, but you refuse to look over at him to confirm that.
The longer your professor talks, the more uneasy you start to feel. You knew that the class wouldn’t last the whole time today since it was the first class, but you swear that time has slowed down. You see Ukai move a little bit closer to you in the corner of your eye, and you try to act like you didn’t see it.
“When’s your next class?” you hear him whisper, but you don’t answer, only responding with a quick side-eye. You turn your attention back to the front, and you sigh in annoyance, but that’s not enough to deter him because you feel a nudge at your desk. 
“Leave me alone,” you whisper, keeping your eyes forward.
“I will when you tell me.” You ball your hand into a fist, sighing again because you’re pretty sure he’s not going to mess with you anymore; figuring he just said that to get a rise out of you. You shake your head softly. It’s too fucking early for this. She’s starting to get toward the end of the syllabus, so you decide to order some food since you skipped breakfast this morning. You leave your phone on your desk while you put your laptop back into your bag, and when your eyes land on your desk, your phone is gone.
Your head immediately turns to the culprit, and he’s looking at the screen, but you can’t tell what he’s doing. “Are you a child?!” you grit, glancing at the front of the room before you try to reach for it. He’s quick to move away from you so that you can’t reach your phone, and right as your professor dismisses the class, he gives you your phone back.
You frown, thinking that he was going to put up more of a fight, and you notice how he steps closer to you when the other students are leaving the classroom, but there’s nowhere for you to move to. When the last student is out, you quickly make your way out, sliding past him when he puts distance between the two of you. 
You have a class in about another hour, so you order your food before you check to see if he did anything to your phone. Nothing looks different, and he cleared your apps, covering his tracks, so you’d have to do some digging to figure out what he did. You don’t bother to find it right now, trying not to concentrate on the fact that you will now be in the same room as Ukai.
You cross your fingers that he’ll drop the class, and you could also do that, but there’s no way you’d go through with it. You had left high school with high hopes that you would never see him again, but it’s just your shitty luck that you do. He made your life a living hell before college, and you were hoping that you could start fresh, leaving all of that behind.
But how long has he been here? You’ve been here a year already and you had no clue that he was here. And even if he was, your mom would’ve probably told you about it since she stays in touch with some of the other parents of your peers from high school. So, why were you unpleasantly surprised today?
You check to see how close your food is to being ready when you get a text. Your walking slows when you see Ukai’s name pop up, and seeing it allows you to figure out what he was doing with your phone. You swipe it away, shaking your head before you pick up the pace, but you falter when you see that he’s calling you.
You stop, stepping off to the side so that you’re not in the way of other people before you answer it. “God, what do you want?” you groan. 
“It’s only ten-thirty in the morning, and you’re already this grumpy?” he chuckles, and you ball your hand into a fist, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself.
“I’m blocking you,” you say.
“Aw, you don’t mean that, do you?” You can hear his voice more precisely this time, but it doesn’t sound like it’s coming through the phone. You turn around to see him walking up to you with a smirk on his face, phone by his ear.
You hang up the phone, sighing heavily. “What do you want?” you repeat, way past annoyed right now, and when you look back at him, you see something flash in his eyes, but it’s gone before you can figure out what it was.
“Just give me fifteen minutes, okay?” He’s lost that teasing tone in his voice, and you chew on your lip softly while you contemplate before you finally give in. 
“Fine. I’m heading to the student union to get some food,” you tell him, hoping that this will finally get him to leave you alone. You start walking, and he happily steps in rhythm right next to you. It’s pretty silent for the first couple of feet you walk, and you expected him to continue the conversation, but he stays silent.
You definitely don’t have anything you want to say to him; well, in public at least. Your mind is racing as you walk, and you’re starting to wish that he would talk to you so that you can shut your thoughts out. You can’t help but think about how he treated you when you were younger, and how most of the time he was the aid in your bullying. 
As far as you’re concerned, you didn’t think he liked you, or either he loved to make your life a living hell, and his actions justified that. But what he’s doing now is completely baffling to you. You can’t help but scoff, rubbing over your head as you smile. Who knew that your day could be turned upside down in a matter of minutes?
“What’s so funny?” he asks, making you realize that you accidentally reacted to your thoughts out loud.
“So, did you transfer, or…?” you say, not wanting to answer the question.
“Nah, I was here last school year,” he answers, shoving his hands in his pockets. You nod softly, looking at the ground. The school isn’t that small, so you may have just never run into him. But on the other hand, the school isn’t massive either, so you’re a bit surprised that you haven’t seen him.
“I’m assuming you’re majoring in something dealing with agriculture?” you ask next, meeting his gaze, and the smile he gives you makes you feel too many things, and you don’t like it.
“Horticulture, specifically, yeah,” he tells you with a nod, looking at the ground before he looks at you again. “Now, how’d you know that?”
You choke a bit, clearing your throat as you look off to the side. “I mean, who didn’t? Farming was all you talked about in high school,” you try. It’s a horrible attempt at taking the heat off the fact that you know what he’s interested in, and you know there’s no way that it worked.
“You were listening to me in high school?” he questions, and the teasing tone in his voice increases your urge to punch him in the stomach.
“It’s not like I had a choice, you and your friends talked so fucking loud all of the time.” That you say with confidence because there’s a ton of truth to that statement. He’s always been obnoxious, but with his friends, it seemed like it would always multiply. Not seeing him was the best part of your high school career. 
He laughs a bit in surprise before he nods. “Okay, I’ll give you that.” One of the bigger classes must’ve gotten out because there are a lot more people around as you walk, forcing Ukai to move closer to you. You try to shy away, but there’s no way you can move without falling off the sidewalk, so you just bite your tongue when you feel his shoulder brush against yours.
“Alright, so how’s your schedule looking this semester?”
“Hectic to say the least,” you chuckle, sighing a bit as you think about your future workload. “So, I hope this class will be the least of my worries.”
“Ah, you’ll be fine, just don’t stress too much about it.”
You scoff. “Yeah, that’s a lot easier said than done.” When you get to the student union, he holds the door open for you, and you thank him softly, picking up your pace a little, but he falls in time with your steps.
You quickly glance at your phone, seeing that your order is ready, and you’re grateful for an excuse to get away from him. “Uh, well, my food is ready, so I should probably go.” You try to turn around as fast as you can, but he must notice that you’re trying to leave because he starts talking right when you finish.
“Do you have any other classes today?” he says quickly, and you stop, trying to hide your heavy sigh.
“No,” you lie, but that isn’t enough to let him drop the conversation because he speaks up again, and you wonder why you haven’t just walked away yet. 
“You mind if I join you while you eat?” That sounds like a horrible idea, so you promptly come up with an excuse that thankfully doesn’t sound forced.
“Oh, well, I’m probably gonna go sit in the library,” you say. “Wanna make sure I’m not gonna fall behind since I already have homework.” You feel like you might be playing it up too much, especially when he squints after he hears your words.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say it sounds like you’re trying to avoid me,” he infers, and you start to panic a little bit, trying to think about how to respond.
“I’m not. I promise.” You chuckle, waving your hand out right as you feel your phone vibrate with a text. “I’ve already made plans to meet up with my friend, so…” Perfect timing, you think in your head because if that text hadn’t come through, you don’t know what you would’ve said.
He smirks at you before he nods his head. “Okay, then. I’ll let you go.” You almost curl your body forward slightly in relief, but you hold that urge back. “It was good to see you again.”
“Yeah,” you say tersely, giving him a tight smile. You awkwardly wave before you finally turn around and walk away to get your food. You don’t walk fast, but you do try to get out of there as soon as you can because you can feel his eyes on you without even having to look. 
It makes you feel a certain type of way that you don’t even want to try and tackle, so you hightail it out of there. Once you get outside, you feel like you can breathe again, but now you don’t know where to go. It’s not like you could sit inside the student union after lying to Keishin, so you look at the time on your phone to try and figure out where would be the best place to go.
Based on the time, there’s a building you could sit in and not have to worry about a lot of people being there, so you head on over there. You slide your headphones onto your head from around your neck and let the music take over the thoughts that you don’t want to hear right now as you walk.
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“It’s only the beginning of the week, and you already look like you want it to be over.” Your forehead is pillowed by your forearms on the table, and you lift your head to set your chin on your arms. 
“I had a terrible surprise this morning,” you answer solemnly. You didn’t lie to Ukai entirely. You were meeting up with your friend, but it was after your second class, and you weren’t meeting her in the library. So, it was just a tiny lie. Luckily, you didn’t run into him anymore today, but you hate how you were on high alert the whole day.
You’ve never been more aware of your surroundings, looking around when you leave the building, and making sure you’re continuously looking around as you walked to your car. You could say that you’re being dramatic, but another part of you just wants to consider it “keeping your peace” since seeing Ukai again brought back painful memories.
“What? You tripped in front of a lot of people or what?” You sit up, sighing as you lean back in your chair.
“I saw someone from high school that I thought I’d never see again.” Your friend flips through her textbook, already having homework, as she shrugs.
“So? What’s so bad about that?”
“He made my life a living hell.” Your friend perks up at that, lifting her head to give you her full attention.
“Oh, it’s a ‘he’? Is he cute?” You give her a plain look, which makes her chuckle a little. “Okay, so I need a backstory. We’ve been friends for like a year, and I don’t think I’ve heard about this guy.”
And there’s a reason for that. You would much rather leave painful memories behind, but your luck says otherwise. “Well, I would prefer to not talk about a guy that made my life harder than needed,” you start with a sigh, “but today, he acted like everything from high school never happened.”
“What does that mean?”
“He was nice to me.” You can’t help but scoff a little, laughing because it sounds like the bare minimum, but he was nowhere near acting like that back then. “I thought he hated me or something.” 
“Why do you think he hates you?”
“Because he messed with me non-stop! He and his friends humiliated me as much as they could.”
“Are you sure that it was him that was messing with you or was he just in the background?” That makes you freeze, and you slump a little at her question. If you think about it, he’s never physically done or said anything to you, but the fact that he was there, and didn’t do anything to stop it was enough to convince you that he didn’t like you. And it was enough for you to not like him. 
“What did he say to you today?” your friend asks after you’re silent for a while. 
“He put his number in my phone, and he walked with me to the student union. He said he thought we were friends.” You rub your hand over your face, resting your top half on the table again. There’s so much confusion on a Monday, and you’ve barely been to all of your classes. 
“It doesn’t sound like he hates you to me.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s making me sound like I’m fucking crazy,” you say lightly, looking at what’s playing on the TV behind your friend. “I’m pretty sure he’s just trying to butter me up or something to try and make himself look good. And then he’ll make my life miserable again once I let him back in.”
“You’ve always been so dramatic,” your friend laughs. “I’m telling you right now, that I don’t think that’s the case. He definitely would’ve acted differently, right? Did he ever talk to you in high school?”
“Barely. I caught him staring at me all the fucking time. He sometimes tried to talk to me after his friends did something to me, but I never let him speak.” Your friend is a hundred percent invested in this story, all of her attention on you instead of her textbooks.
“Okay, give me a couple of instances where you were messed with,” she tells you after she laughs at your answer. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to re-live through some of those moments. 
You tell her about the time they constantly tripped you while you were walking to your seat in a class you shared with him. You tell her about the time they started rumors about you multiple times. Now, that you’re older, they weren’t that bad, but just the thought of people that stuff about you made you hate half of high school. 
You told her about all the times you heard them whispering, knowing that they were talking about you and feeling tears welling up in your eyes at the snickers you would hear behind you. You stop soon after, biting your lip to calm yourself before your friend asks where was Ukai in all of this.
“He never said anything, and like I said, he was always staring at me whenever I looked at him.” You tell her about the times he would come up to you after class, usually after the bullying, but you didn’t give him a chance to speak, darting out of the room before he could even get your name out.
“Maybe he was trying to apologize,” she offers. “I’m not saying that I’m condoning him sitting there and letting it happen, but I don’t think he hates you like you say he does. At all.”
“Well, he had a lot of time to apologize, and he never did.” Yeah, you’re still hung up about it, and you don’t care if you sound like a child. He was a bystander and still dared to call them his friends and hang out with them after what they did to you.
“Well, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but if you wanna hear him out, I don’t blame you. But if you don’t, then you could always drop the class and find another one to fill your requirement,” she says. “But, I know you’re not gonna drop, so it’s up to you,” she tacks on, making you frown at her. She smiles at you before she goes back to your textbook, and you can’t help but copy it, standing up and making your way toward your room, but not without playfully shoving her first.
You spend the rest of your night torn between completely ignoring your friend or taking her advice. Not having homework is a good and bad thing because you don’t have anything to distract you from your thoughts. You kill the time by watching a show that you’ve already seen a bunch of times, scrolling through your phone while you sit on your bed. 
Your friend has a point, but there’s a part of you that’s spent a while trying to lock that part of your life away, and you don’t want to go through the trouble of opening it back up again. You don’t know if you’ll be able to handle it when everything you’ve suppressed comes flying out.
When your eyelids start to feel heavy, you decide to call it a night, hoping in the shower before you do your face routine. When you get in bed, you toss and turn for a little bit, hoping that your dilemma stays out of your dreams.
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Wednesday rolls around faster than you’d like, and you find yourself in that class once again in the same seat you picked on the first day of classes. You keep your headphones on as you get comfortable, having about fifteen minutes before class starts. You can feel yourself getting antsier as the class time approaches, wondering if Ukai dropped the class. 
You shrug off your thoughts, questioning in your head why you’re so worried about him in the first place. It doesn’t do much though because you feel your heart start racing when you can see someone sitting next to you in your peripheral. You don’t look, keeping your eyes on your phone, but you decide to switch your attention to your laptop.
You think the professor talks starting, so you turn your headphones off, sliding them off your head. “Good morning.” You hear it almost as soon as you take the headphones off your ears, and it nearly scares you.
“Morning,” you reply softly, glancing to the side to confirm that Ukai is sitting next to you. 
“How was your day yesterday?” he asks, and you shake your head a little as you shrug.
“Uh, it was pretty okay, I guess. It’ll be more hectic next week once my labs start,” you tell him, and it feels weird to be making small talk with him. Your friend’s words echo in your head as you ask him about his day yesterday.
“Mine was pretty okay, too. You know the first week of classes is always dragging.” You give him a nod, deciding to fully turn your head to look at him, but when you see that he’s staring right at you, you quickly look back at your laptop. 
Your professor starts talking, so you attempt to pay attention even though you’re more nervous than you’d like to be. Right as she finishes the discussion about what you’re going to be doing today, someone walks into the class. 
No one notices because they’ve all started talking to themselves in the groups that they’re in, and since you’re sitting in the back right by the door, she catches your attention. You look over her, commenting in your head how pretty her outfit is, but then Ukai quickly averts your attention to him.
“You did the readings, right?” he asks, and you squint at him.
“Did you?” you say right back, and he smiles a little which makes you think about how you’re feeling about that. 
“I did,” he answers confidently before giving you a synopsis of the reading much to your surprise. “I can’t slack off like I did in high school, so I’m trying to start early so I don’t get behind.” His words leave you a little stunned, but before you can even try and form a response, the girl who walked in late walks up to the both of you.
“You don’t mind if I work with you, do you?” She’s only looking at Ukai when she asks, and she must’ve walked up to the professor and had her fill her in on what you’re doing.
“Well, I’m working with her already, so,” he answers, and you make a face when it looks like disdain appears across her face.
“Oh, well, the professor said I could join a group,” she responds, and you can feel the air taking an awkward turn, but you have no idea what to say. Ukai sighs a little, glancing at you before he looks at her.
“Sure, one more doesn’t hurt.” She smiles widely before moving one of the desks closer to him before sitting down, and he leans towards you, which makes you lean back a little. “Are you okay with this?” he whispers.
“Uh, yeah, it’s fine,” you mumble back quickly, overwhelmed by how close he is. It doesn’t look like your words convinced him, but she’s talking to him again, so he doesn’t get a chance to make sure. While he’s talking to her, filling her in on what you’re supposed to be doing, you pull up your annotations from the readings you had to read for this class.
For about ten minutes, absolutely no work gets done because every time Ukai tries to talk to you, she interrupts with questions that have nothing to do with the work. And she’s only talking to him. You have an annoyed look on your face as you stare at your empty word document. Ukai seems to be just annoyed as you, and you truly don’t know why she’s acting like this. You don’t even know her.
You figure that you’re probably not going to get any work done, and by the conversations you’re overhearing from the other groups, they’re not necessarily talking about their group work either. It seems like there’s a lull in the conversation between her and Ukai, so you speak up.
“I like your outfit,” you say, giving her a small smile.
“I didn’t ask.” 
Keishin freezes, his fingers no longer typing on his keyboard, and your face drops. She’s giving you an ugly look, and you’re about to turn and face her, but he stops you by asking you some questions about the work. There’s a look in his eyes that you can’t decipher, but after that, he barely pays attention to her.
Every time she tries to talk, he talks over her, and it’s starting to get to you. “Ukai, it’s okay,” you say softly, and you don’t need to say it that loud because he’s practically in your space, moving over whenever she moved closer to him.
“No, it’s not,” he grits, and you never knew that fifty minutes could be so long. You managed to get some of your document filled, and you start to pack your stuff up once there are about five minutes left in class. You wish you could be out of here sooner. The girl continues to talk now that Ukai isn’t occupied anymore, and you can’t even bring yourself to look their way.
You feel a pit forming in your stomach at what she said to you, her attitude not sitting right with you, but you don’t want to say anything to her. The other part of you just wants to get out of her, and you refuse to let her ruin the rest of your day. Your professor lets the class out a little early once she sees that everyone is finishing up, and since your backpack is already packed, you quickly stand.
Ukai stands up almost at the same time you do, way faster. “So, I was wondering–” The girl is standing as well, and she’s still talking to him. 
“I didn’t ask.” You choke a bit at Ukai’s sudden response, turning your head to look away as you try to hold in your laugh, but not before you can catch her stunned reaction. You jump when he grabs your hand and pulls you out of the room ahead of everyone else. You have to walk a little faster to keep up with him, and he doesn’t let your hand go until you’re both well away from the building.
“Are you okay?” he asks, slowing his steps.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be okay?” you say. “I’m a little pissed, yeah, but I’m not stressed over it.” He doesn’t say anything in return, and the silence allows you to remember that he’s still holding your hand. 
You feel your face grow warm as you slightly tug, and he feels it, letting go of your hand immediately. “Sorry about that,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry about it,” you say lightly even though your body isn’t taking it so lightly. You grab your hand gently, rubbing over your palm as if you’re missing the feeling of his hand against yours. 
“So, it looks like you’re done for the day,” he says without missing a beat, and you frown a bit before you quickly remember that you lied to him about your schedule. 
“Oh, yeah,” you respond slowly, wondering if you want to come clean about it. “I would be, but I do have another class in an hour. My professor canceled the class on Monday for some reason.” You don’t know why you’re telling him this, and there’s a small part of you that regrets it the moment you do.
“Really? What class is it?”
“Uh, quantitative chemistry.”
“Oof, sounds hard,” he grimaces, and you chuckle a little, shaking your head a little.
“I don’t think it’ll be that bad, hopefully. Math wasn’t always my best, but it’s stuff I already learned so I should be fine.” You try not to focus on how close he is to you as you walk, and you know there’s no reason for him to be since the foot traffic isn’t bad. “Do you have anything else today?” you ask, trying to use conversation as a way to keep your thoughts quiet.
“Yeah, I have a stats class in an hour as well,” he sighs.
“God, I do not miss taking that. I’m glad I’m done with it.”
“Lucky you then,” he jests, nudging you with his shoulder. “I absolutely suck at math, so this won’t be fun.” You open your mouth getting ready to say that you remember that from high school, but you quickly shut it. You don’t need to expose yourself anymore.
“It might not be that bad, you’re given the formulas on the exams anyways.” 
“Well, if I ever have trouble, I know to call you.”
“Right,” you mumble. The conversation thankfully stops without being awkward, but you don’t want to listen to your head right now. There’s so much going on, your brain is trying to process too much, so you try to think about where you’re going to kill time until your next class.
“Are you gonna be getting food again today?” he asks after a while even though you’re not walking anywhere near the student union. Which makes you notice that he’s just been walking wherever you’re going.
You shake your head. “No, I ate a pretty big breakfast today, so I’m just gonna find somewhere to sit while I wait for my next class.” 
“You mind if I join you?” You hesitate for a split second before you answer.
“If you want to,” you say, leaving it at that as you try not to reveal how you’re feeling. But hell, you don’t even know how you’re feeling about this.
You find a place outside since it’s nice and not too hot to sit at, and it’s an equal distance for both of you from your next class. Since you already have assignments due for your classes, you try to get a headstart on it, so you pull out your notes and laptop to get started on that. 
Ukai sits across from you, and it takes everything in you to not look at him. He’s on his phone for a while that you can see from your peripheral, but then he’s on his laptop soon after that. You get into your work, finding a groove, and you’re almost done with most of it when you hear someone call Ukai’s name.
Both of you look up, and your heart drops when your eyes land on the owner of the voice. You quickly put your head down, hoping that your undivided attention on your laptop screen will cause him not to notice you. You swallow heavily as they greet each other, and you look at the time to see that you still have twenty minutes until your class starts.
You try to pack up some of your stuff since you’re done anyway, but then you feel your body run cold when Ukai says your name. “You remember her, right?” You hesitantly look up, and you can feel all of the emotions that you’ve been trying to suppress bubble over.
The guy says your name again in disbelief before recognition goes across his face. “Wow, it is you! I almost didn’t recognize you,” he laughs, and you wait for it. “You aren’t as ugly as you were in high school.” There it is.
You barely smile at him because there’s no way you can laugh that off, and you see Ukai frown deeply, turning to the guy, you start to close your laptop. “I’m gonna head out,” you start, and Ukai tries to stop you, but the guy won’t shut up about how much you’ve changed, calling you the names he called you back then, and you can feel yourself starting to break down.
“Don’t leave,” Ukai says, catching your hand before you can put your stuff in your bag. 
“Yeah, we have to stay and catch up,” the guy buds in, and you know there isn’t a smile on your face when you look at him.
“You can go,” Ukai orders, keeping his hand on yours, and this situation is so awkward and embarrassing, but your body is frozen at Keishin’s words. The guy tries to laugh Ukai’s sudden change in attitude off, not even the slightest put off by him. 
“Come on, man. This is hilarious, no? You remember how much she–”
“I remember how much I wanted to beat your ass,” Ukai states. “Now leave before I do.” You try to keep your breathing even as you look around. No one was around to hear the conversation, but some people are looking as they walk to wherever they are going. The guy stops smiling, looking at Ukai like he’s grown a second head.
“Are you serious right now?” the guy questions incredulously as he looks at you. “Don’t tell me you’re feeling this bitch–”
Ukai is on his feet in a split second, grabbing the guy by the collar of his shirt. “You have two seconds to move your ass before I do it for you. You apologize to her now, and I never want to see your face again.” 
Your body is shaking so badly, you feel like you could cry, and you flinch a little when Ukai tightens his grip on his shirt, shaking him just a little. “I’m not playing around here. Apologize. Now.”
“Ukai, it’s okay, he doesn’t have to–” you try, but he doesn’t even look at you, pulling the guy closer to him and nearly off of his feet.
“Yes. He. Does.” 
“Okay, okay. Just chill,” the guy pleads, and Keishin lets his grip loose just a little, but he doesn’t let him go. “I’m sorry, okay?” At this point, you don’t care for his half-assed apology, but the high school part of you is feeling a rush from hearing him say those words.
“Mean it,” he says angrily, and the guy turns to look at you.
“I’m sorry,” he says, but that doesn’t satisfy Ukai.
“For messing with you. I’m sorry for what I just said. I was just fucking around in high school, and I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I promise,” he rushes out, and you’d never thought you’d hear that from him. You’re so overwhelmed with emotions right now, that you don’t say anything, but Ukai lets the guy go with a rough shove.
“Get the fuck out of my face,” he hisses, and the guy fixes his shirt, giving Ukai a searing glare, but he walks off without another word. You take a deep breath when he disappears out of sight, and you jump a bit when Ukai’s next to you. “Are you okay? I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m fine,” you breathe, finally looking at Ukai, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so worried. His hands are on your shoulders, and you give him a smile to try and lessen his worries. “I’m fine. I just thought I’d never see him again,” you say with an airy chuckle, and when you start to relax, he lets his hands slide off of you, but you’re still a little frazzled to notice how long they take to leave your body.
Ukai goes to say something, but you check the time on your phone to see that you don’t have a lot of time until your next class. “Oh, we have to go,” you say softly, packing up your stuff. Ukai stands there, watching you, and you turn to him once you have your backpack on your shoulders. “Thanks, Ukai,” you say softly.
“Of course,” he says just as softly, and you return the smile he gives you. “You go on ahead, I’ll see you on Friday.” You nod, walking off, and he watches you go. He sighs as he starts to pack his stuff up. There’s so much he wanted to say to you. 
Maybe next time.
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You’re a month into the semester, and your work is already stockpiling. You try to get ahead of it, but it always ends up catching up to you. You’ve piled up on your classes this semester, and you’re starting to hate your past self for doing that. The class you have with Ukai is the only class where the workload isn’t the heaviest, but it still takes a hefty amount of time to do the work for it. 
The readings that you have to read before class have gotten longer, and you just barely have enough time to read them. You’re dragging ass when you get to class on Monday, feeling like you might fall asleep at your desk when you sit down. You’re surprised you managed to even remember bringing all of your stuff for class today, and Ukai sits next to you as you slowly take your stuff out of your bag.
“Rough night?” you barely hear him ask, and it takes you a while to blink, your eyelids feeling like they’re tied to weights.
“Something like that,” you whisper before you rub your eyes. “My workload is a bitch especially with midterms coming up, so I’m not getting a lot of sleep.” You yawn as you rest your chin on your hand. He doesn’t say anything else, and the professor starts talking, but he keeps his eyes on you while she does.
You rub your hand over your face, even drinking water to try and keep yourself awake. You feel like you might cry when she announces that you’re going to be presenting in front of the class about the readings you’re doing. Ukai watches you make a face at her words, and then he notices that you’re still working on things all the while. 
But when the class breaks off to do work, you immediately start talking about the readings that you had to do for the class. He wants to ask about how you’re doing, but he doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. His concern is only fueled when you keep having to stop to think about what you’re saying. He ends up doing most of the work, which he doesn’t mind, and it seems like class flies by in a blur. 
You and Ukai will have to present at least twice this semester, the first presentation being next week, which means you’ll have to get started on your papers now. When class is dismissed, he waits for you to pack up your stuff, and he can tell that you’re really tired especially since you’re not walking as fast as you usually do.
“So, are you going to be free any time to work on this?” he asks you once you’re both walking outside. 
“It’s gonna have to be at the end of the week. I’m gonna try and get as much work done as I can so I can focus on this. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I can make it work.”
“We can try and start on it now while we wait for our next class if you want to,” you offer, and you both find a spot inside this time since it looks like it might rain, which doesn’t help your grogginess. Ukai sits next to you, but you’re too tired to freak out about it. He starts talking about the readings that you have to do, and what you could potentially write about in your paper.
You don’t know if it’s because you’ve chosen a pretty quiet spot, or if it’s his voice, but something starts to put you to sleep. Ukai can see your head bobbing every time you doze off, but he doesn’t say anything, continuing to talk about the material, and while you start to doze off again, he lets his hand gently guide it to his shoulder.
You don’t protest, going without a fight, and he looks down at you, only stopping when he realizes he’s been staring at you too long. He continues working, making sure not to move his arm too much so that he doesn’t wake you, and he opens up another document, typing up stuff that you could add to your paper.
When it’s almost time for you to go, he hesitates to wake you up because you look like you need sleep, but he knows you’d kill him for not waking you up in time for class. He gently shakes you, and you wake up with a start, looking around. You calm down instantly when you look at Ukai, looking at his laptop screen before sighing.
“God, Ukai, I am so sorry,” you say, rubbing your head. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
“Don’t sweat it. I wrote down some ideas for you to start with,” he tells you. “I’ll send it to you later. You gotta get to class.” 
“Thank you so much. I owe you.” You don’t have to put your stuff up since you didn’t even get the chance to take anything out, and you stand up, stretching when you stand up fully. You check the time on your phone, putting a little pep in your step since you feel a bit energized as you start to walk away. You turn to wave to him as you leave, and the smile doesn’t leave his face even when you’re gone.
“Should’ve taken a picture,” he mumbles.
When you get home, you all but drag yourself to your room. You change your clothes before flopping down on your bed, and sleep is calling your name, but if you go to sleep now, you’ll mess up your schedule. You lift yourself when you hear a knock on your door while you let your roommate know that she can come in.
“Are you getting enough sleep?” she questions the moment she walks in. She sits down at your desk with a feigned stern look, already knowing the answer.
“I’ll try tonight. I just have a lot of work this week. And now I have to write a paper to present with Ukai next week,” you groan, and your roommate raises her eyebrows.
“Ukai? Haven’t heard his name since you mentioned him,” she says. “How’s all that going?”
“It’s going, I guess. I don’t know what you want me to say.” You think about how your head was on his shoulder earlier, and you feel your face start to warm, and your roommate notices the change.
“Yeah, okay. You’re not fooling me. What’s up with you two?”
“Nothing!” you exclaim. “I think,” you add softly, ultimately sighing in defeat, and your roommate moves to sit next to you on your bed, very invested. “I mean, we’ve been hanging on a lot during our breaks in-between classes. And I fell asleep on his shoulder today,” you say, grimacing at the thought.
“So, what? Do you like him or something?”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I kinda had a crush on him in high school, but it was mostly bittersweet because he was always there whenever I was being messed with. Speaking of, I saw one of the guys a while ago.”
“What?” your roommate says, her mouth open. “What happened?”
“Ukai threatened him and had him apologize to me,” you laugh which you can do now that the situation is behind you.
“Shit, girl, you don’t think he’s into you too, right?”
“No,” you respond quickly with a shake of your head. “There’s no way he likes me now or back then. It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Don’t say that,” she tries. “I feel like there might be something there.”
“Maybe,” you say reluctantly. “I just don’t wanna read anything wrong.”
“I don’t think you are. I feel like he might have a thing for you. He has had a thing for you.” You try not to fall too deep into her words, but with the way he’s been acting, it doesn’t sound totally out of the ordinary. “Just keep me updated, I’m invested in your love story now.”
“Don’t call it that!” You shove her playfully as both of you laugh, and she gets off your bed, heading to the door. 
“Don’t stay up too late, okay?” she says before she closes the door. Once it gets quiet, you begrudgingly decide to start on your work, so you move to your desk, starting on your chemistry homework since that’s what’s taking you so much time.
You play some music to help you focus, and you try to get into study mode. Which takes you a lot longer than it should because your head is focused on a certain someone. You groan softly as you let your head fall on your desk. Maybe if you think about it now, it’ll help you focus.
You definitely had some feelings for Ukai back then. You thought he was really cute, he actually is still very much cute. He looks even better now than he did in high school. But you were never confident enough to even start a conversation with him all through high school. You shared the same classes, but you just kept it to yourself. Not even your high school friends knew how you felt about him.
But then those feelings started to fade a bit when the guys he hung out with started to bully you. You mostly felt anger at first, but then it turned to hurt and a little bit of betrayal because the guy you liked wasn’t doing anything to stop what was happening. And then you hated yourself for being a damsel in distress. Once the bullying seemed to die down by the time you were in your last year, you were “over” him.
You didn’t have nearly as many feelings for him, they were still there, but you sort of suppressed them. And then you attempted to get rid of them when you got to college because you were under the notion that you would never see him again. But of course, you had to run into him, and now those feelings are starting to bloom again.
You never once thought that he reciprocated his feelings, and you never talked to him because it seemed like the only time he was going to say something to you was after his friends did, and the last thing you wanted to do was talk to him. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” you say to yourself, picking up your pencil and trying to get back to where you were. Right as you’re about to start another problem, your phone stops playing music and then your ringtone follows. You pick it up to see who’s calling, and you feel your heart start racing when you see that it’s Ukai.
You were thinking about him, and now he’s calling you. You don’t wait to answer it, putting it on speaker as you set the phone back down. “You cut off my music,” you say lightly, and you bite your lip a little when you hear his laugh come through the phone.
“Sorry. I just wanted to check on you. Making sure you’re giving yourself a break,” he says, and your roommate’s words start to play in your mind.
“I actually haven’t been working for that long,” you say, but then you look at the clock, seeing how much time has passed.
“Really? When did you start?” he questions, and when you go silent, he chuckles again. “Okay, so that means you need to take a break.”
“Okay, fine,” you relent. “Is that all you were calling about?”
“Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice.” You don’t know how to respond to that, his words making you silent again. “I was having trouble focusing so I thought you might be able to help me.”
“And how would I be able to do that?” you ask, trying to calm your racing heart. 
“Don’t know,” he answers, which makes you roll your eyes. “I guess I could try and listen to music like you.”
“You should, it helps.”
“I’d rather talk to you,” he replies almost too fast.
“But I don’t think it’s helping you,” you chuckle. “It just sounds like I’m distracting you.”
“I’m okay with that.” You put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from screaming. What is happening right now? 
“So, you called me just to distract you then?” you ask after your quick freak out.
“Yeah,” he answers quickly. “Work doesn’t seem so bad now that I’m talking to you.” 
You can’t help but laugh. “Well, obviously. A lot of people would rather be doing anything else other than work.”
He goes silent for a second, and you’re about to ask him if he’s still there, but he talks before you can. “Am I being too much of a distraction?”
You let a shy smile appear on your face as you shake your head even though he can’t see you. “No, you’re not. I like talking to you,” you say, feeling your face warm.
“Good. I like talking to you too,” he says, and you quietly laugh, but you stop the urge to kick your feet like you’re in high school. Time seems to fly by as you talk to Ukai, and you’re having such a good time that you don’t even notice that it has until your roommate knocks on your door.
“Hey, girl, I was checking on you. You haven’t come out of your room,” she says, peeking her head into your room.
“I’m taking breaks, don’t worry,” you tell her, hoping that she won’t see that you’re on the phone with Ukai. “I’ll probably finish up here soon.” That seems to be enough to convince her because she gives you a smile and a goodnight before she closes the door.
“Sorry, that was my roommate,” you tell him.
“Don’t worry about it. Glad to know you have someone that’s making sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
“Yeah, she’s like my mom,” you laugh.
“I didn’t mean to keep you on the phone this long, you probably got no work done,” he says.
“I actually did. So, talking to you helped after all.”
“Well, you’re welcome,” he jokes, and you roll your eyes. “...I don’t wanna hang up,” he whispers after he goes silent, and in your head, you agree. 
“Well,” you start. “I could call you after I get out of the shower,” you offer, and your eyes dart around to the things on your desk as you wait for his answer.
“Yeah. That sounds good. I’ll be waiting.” 
“Okay, well, I’ll talk to you soon.” You hang up the phone, and you have to get it out, so you do a little happy dance before you calm yourself down. You jump violently when your door burst open.
“I knew you were talking to him!” your roommate yells. “You can’t fool me!”
“Thank you for giving me a heart attack,” you sigh, grabbing your phone and standing up.
“So, what’s going on now? A date?” she presses, and you scoff as you shake your head.
“Absolutely nothing of the sort. I’m getting in the shower,” you say, pushing her out of your room so you can get ready.
“Yeah, okay. You better keep me posted,” she tells you again, and you shake your head before closing the door. 
You shower quickly, washing your face, and brushing your teeth before you get in bed. You wait for a little just in case he might be showering too, and it takes you a while to even call him at that. Your finger hovers over the call button in your recents until you finally press it. It doesn’t even ring twice before he picks up.
“I missed you.”
“It hasn’t even been that long,” you say, a laugh leaving your chest against your will.
“Doesn’t matter,” he tells you softly as you start to get comfortable. “You laying down?”
“Yes, I am. I might fall asleep on you if I’m being honest,” you say, a yawn following right after.
“That’s okay. You need to get your sleep.” 
Ukai ends up doing most of the talking which is fine by him, and he can’t help but smile to himself when he hears your responses turning into soft hums. A part of him wishes he would’ve video called you so that he could see you, but he’ll take this for now. He stops talking once he can hear you softly snoring, but he doesn’t hang up. 
Sleep is right behind him, so he rolls over on his side, getting more comfortable. “Goodnight,” he tells you even though you can’t hear him, and it’s not long until he’s asleep himself.
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You had gotten enough work done this week that you had enough time to work on your presentation with Ukai. You decided to meet up at his place this weekend, and you feel so conflicted with yourself as you stand in front of your mirror trying to figure out what to wear.
“Why am I being like this?” you mumble to yourself. You’ve been trying to tell yourself not to worry about it and just put on some clothes, but there’s a part of you that has too much of a say to let you do just that. You’ve put on and taken off so many clothes, the pile on your bed and floor only increasing. 
You don’t have time for this, having only about twenty minutes before you have to get there. Ukai lives pretty close to campus while you have to drive back and forth between your apartment and campus. That’s something you and your roommate hate, so you’re currently looking for a new place for next school year. 
You groan out loud as the voice in your head tells you that you don’t like the outfit you have on. You jump when you hear a knock on your door, and the familiar sight of your roommate peeking her head in fills your eyes. “You okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” you say, but she’s always been good at reading you, and she frowns before pushing the door open further. Her eyebrows crease when she sees that your room looks like your closet exploded. 
“You’re worried about what you’re wearing? You going somewhere special or something?” she questions instantly, but even the question doesn’t give you enough time to come up with a lie, because she quickly puts two and two together. “Don’t tell me you’re going on a date.”
“It’s not a date,” you emphasize. “We’re just working on a presentation we have to do on Monday.”
“Well, where are you meeting him?” she asks, and you look away from her, hesitant to answer. “His place?” she says when you don’t respond, and your reaction to the next question is all she needs to know the answer. “This is news to me! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because I knew you were gonna make a big deal about it, and I didn’t wanna psych myself out.”
“Okay, okay. Relax, y/n,” she says, putting her hands on your shoulders. “There’s nothing to be worried about. I won’t make a big deal about it because it isn’t if you think about it. It’s just two people working on a project,” she offers, and that perspective does make you feel better. “It’s only a big deal if you make it, and it’s not like it’s gonna be awkward. You both have been in close proximity before,” she adds, and you admit in your head that she’s right.
“I guess you have a point,” you say, but you’re still looking around at all of the clothes you’ve put on. 
“But, I can help you with an outfit,” she smiles, and you roll your eyes. 
“You just said it wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Okay, yeah, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress up a little. You’re going out, why wouldn’t you?” she says, and you chuckle a bit, starting to consider if her words are a contradiction to what she just said, but you let her do it anyway. 
While she’s going through your clothes, you quickly text Ukai to tell him that you’re running a little late, and you can’t help but smile when he responds almost instantly telling you it’s no big deal. Maybe you are overthinking this whole thing. 
“Okay, here ya go.” You look up to see her holding one of your worn t-shirts, and some shorts, but when you look at which ones she’s holding, you put your hands on your hips.
“I am not wearing those shorts,” you tell her, taking the shirt from her and slipping it on. 
“Why not? It’s hot outside, you don’t wanna be sweaty when you get there,” she tries, but you’re not buying it.
“I only wear those around the house,” you argue.
“And you will be around the house! His house,” she says, and you’re starting to realize that you don’t have time for this, but you know that you won’t be able to pick out anything else to wear.
“Fine. I’m only putting them on because I don’t have time,” you say, taking them from her, and she walks out to let you change into them. They’re not that short, but they’re short enough, and seeing that you only have about ten minutes to leave, you can’t waste time debating over what to wear.
You put your shoes on, making sure that you have everything before putting your backpack on. You walk out, tugging on the shorts when you feel like they’re starting to ride up, and you all but glare at your roommate as you walk towards the door. 
“Have fun!” she beams, and you squint your eyes at her.
“Mm-hmm,” you mumble. “I’ll be back later tonight.” You both say goodbye, and you close the door, locking it behind you, putting some pep in your step on your way to your car.
You know where his apartment is, so you make your way over there, and you try to repeat your roommate’s words in your head when you feel yourself starting to get nervous. You know there’s no reason for you to be nervous, but you can’t help it. You know that you’re feelings for him are starting to come back, and there’s a part of you that’s trying to fight it, but so far, suppressing things hasn’t been the easiest thing to do.
Your roommate swears that he’s into you, which doesn’t really help your case, but those words alone are enough to make you sweat. You don’t know how you would feel if he felt the same way. You’ve felt something for him for almost all of high school, and if you think about it, those feelings never really left when you got to college. 
You text him as soon as you park, and he meets you outside of his apartment. “Sorry, I’m running late,” you tell him when you get to him.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, and you follow him into the building and up the stairs to his apartment. You pick at your phone case as you will your heart to stop racing because you know it’s not from taking the stairs. 
You follow him inside, and you look around, taking in the room. He mentioned having a roommate, but he said he wouldn’t be here while you guys were working. You take your shoes off once you get in, and you see that he already has everything set up on the dining table. It almost has the same layout as your apartment except it’s much nicer. In the back of your head, you think to mention this place to your friend and see if she’d like it.
“Okay, so I’ve already finished my paper, but I wanted you to read over it just to make sure that ours don’t overlap,” he says when he sits down. 
You sit down in the chair next to him, taking your backpack off so that you can get your laptop out. “That sounds good, but I’ll admit I haven’t written most of it,” you admit shyly, and he waves you off.
“That’s okay. It shouldn’t take you that long anyway,” he reassures, and you pull up the half-written document. You read over his, and you’re relieved that he ended up talking about something completely different from yours. You tell him what you want to talk about for your presentation, and he helps you out by pulling up the reading and offering what parts of it you could pull from. 
Writing your paper takes about an hour, and then you both work on the PowerPoint slides you have to have with questions to ask the class about the readings. Your stomach grumbles suddenly once you’re finishing up, and that’s when you remember that you forgot to eat while you were panicking about what to wear.
“Sorry,” you laugh, and he laughs under his breath.
“I’m getting hungry too,” he says. “There are places around here that we could eat at if you’re okay with that.”
“Yeah, I’m good with that.” You both put your shoes on, and you follow him out onto the street, and there’s a bunch of places that are within walking distance where you could eat. You don’t care where to eat, so you agree on the first place that he offers. You’ve never been there before, but Ukai reassures you that it’s good. You both talk about anything and everything as you walk to the place, and when you get inside, it’s super packed.
“I guess it is dinner time,” he says as he takes the place in. “We can just take it to-go if that’s okay with you?” he offers, and you nod, in no mood to oppose as you look at how many people are in here. Ukai orders first, and instead of paying, he turns to you. “What do you want?” he asks, and you tell him, but then he’s repeating your order to the person at the register, and you realize what he’s doing.
“Ukai, you don’t have to pay,” you try, but he just shrugs you off. You try to memorize the price as you both move to the side while you wait for your food. “I’ll pay you back.”
“Seriously, y/n. Don’t worry about it,” he tells you again, but you don’t look very convinced. “How about you pay me back by helping me with my stats homework?”
“That doesn’t sound like a fair trade.”
“It does to me. I didn’t do well on the first exam, and I need some serious help,” he explains, and you decide that he’s not going to let you pay him back, so you give up.
“Fine. I’ll help you out then.” The smile he gives you makes your heart flutter, and you don’t get much time to take in how you feel because your food is ready. 
You walk back to his apartment, and you silently thank your friend for picking out shorts because even though the sun is starting to go down, the air is still really warm. You aren’t walking that fast, so luckily you’re not a sweating mess when you get back to his apartment. 
You push your work aside so that you can eat at the table, and he puts on a show that he’s been watching for a while. You’ve never seen it, and when you tell him, he looks at you like you’ve offended him terribly. He starts the show over for you, and it seems like a pretty good show, and you make a note of the name so you can continue to watch it. 
You finish eating in the middle of the first season, and you both move to the couch so you can finish it. Ukai tells you that he’ll start on the work once it’s over, and you wonder if he actually means that. Your focus on the show starts to waver when you notice how close he’s sitting to you. He’s wearing shorts, so when his leg brushes against yours, it sends goosebumps across your skin. You try to pay attention because you don’t want to miss anything, but it’s even more difficult when he places his arm on the back of the couch behind you.
You don’t think it’s a cliche move because you look at him from the corner of your eye, and he’s completely engrossed in the show even though he’s seen it probably a million times. You realize how tense you are, and you try to relax, but that means you’d be relaxing into him, and you don’t want to make anything awkward. 
You decide to rub over your arms since it’ll keep you from touching him. “Are you cold?” he asks, and you turn your head to him quickly.
“No, no. I’m fine,” you say with a shake of your head, and you quickly turn back to the TV, but you can see him looking over you, so you put your hands on your lap. He finally follows your gaze, and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
The last episode of the season plays, and Ukai groans loudly. “Guess I have to do my homework now,” he says to your surprise. You guess he was serious about actually doing his work. 
“Can I use your bathroom?” you ask, standing up and feeling relieved that you’re not sitting directly next to him anymore.
“Yeah, my room’s right there,” he says, pointing at the right door. He’s been fighting it since you got here, but he watches you walk away, and his eyes slide up your legs. He can see some of your ass peeking out from your shorts before you pull them down, and he sighs softly to himself as he diverts his eyes. 
He turns his head quickly before he stands and turns the TV off. He sits down at the table while he gets his stuff out, and he hears you come back into the room. You sit down next to him, and he shows you one of the problems that he’s struggling with. You move your seat closer to his so that you don’t have to lean over, and he immediately thinks about how good you smell.
He noticed when he was sitting next to you, and that’s when he also noticed that he had put his arm behind you. He didn’t move his arm because he didn’t want it to be awkward, but he had to strongly fight the urge to pull you into him. He felt his hair stand up on end whenever he accidentally brushed against you, and the entire time he thought about if he should say something to you.
“Keishin.” His eyes snap to yours, realizing that he was just staring at his notebook. “Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I just got lost in thought,” he says, giving a smile so that he doesn’t have to explain that he was daydreaming about you.
“Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you’ll do fine.” 
“Of course, I will. I have you to help me,” he says, thankful that you think he’s stressed about the exam. His smile widens when yours does, and he feels so much right now that he almost opens his mouth, but then you’re turning your attention back to the work. So, he clears his thoughts and decides to focus on his work too.
He’s relieved when he realizes that he’s not doing as bad as he thought, he was just having some trouble remembering when to do what. You have him go over it multiple times, and it helps, and when you think he’s ready, you have him try some practice problems.
He’s definitely nervous to try them out, but your reassurance is what gets him to try them. You busy yourself with some other classwork, and he’s grateful because he doesn’t know what he’d be able to do if you were watching him. He makes sure to check over his work, even putting his work through the calculator more than once to make sure that he’s getting the same answer as before.
He lets you know that he’s finished, and his professor added the answers to the questions, so you look over his work and the answers. He fiddles with his pencil in nervousness and anticipation as he watches you check. It feels like it takes forever and it almost kills him, but then you finally look up at him.
“You did really well! There’s a couple that you messed up on, but other than that, I’d say that you’d got this stuff down.” He takes a breath of relief, running his hand down his chest as he leans back in his seat.
“Thank God,” he breathes. 
“You just have to trust yourself. You know what you’re doing, just don’t get nervous,” you tell him. “I know when I do that, I end up freaking myself out so much that I start to forget things.”
“Thank you so much. I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s definitely not something I understood at first, so I’m happy to help.” At your words, for some reason, he feels like you might be about to leave, and he selfishly doesn’t want that to happen.
“Do you mind checking over my work again? I wanna go through some more just in case,” he tries, and he tightens his grip on his pencil, hoping you say yes.
“Of course. While you’re working, I’m getting work done too, so it’s a win-win,” you answer, and he’s never felt more elated. He nods, getting to work on more problems, and you switch your attention back to the work you were doing. 
You get up to go to the bathroom again, and you stretch when you do, and Ukai’s eyes catch on your shorts again. He diverts his eyes as soon as you walk out of his line of sight, and he shakes his head. Focus. He sighs, getting back on track, and finishes the problem with ease. He gets to the next one though, and he’s stuck.
He tries to do it himself, but when he feels like he’s not doing something right, he stops so that he doesn’t get too far ahead of himself. Luckily, you come back when he stops, so he asks you right before you sit back down.
“I just wanna make sure I’m starting this right,” he says, and you put your hand on the back of his chair before you lean down to see what he’s doing. You lean down a little bit more to look at his work, and he holds the urge to flinch when your shirt brushes against his ear. He takes a deep breath in, your scent filling his nose, and he desperately wants to know what it is. 
He thinks it might be like shea butter or something but before he can get a chance to investigate further, you break him out of his thoughts. “Yeah, you’re fine. Looks good to me,” you say, and he makes the mistake of turning to look up at you.
He was going to say something, but the words die in his throat when he looks at your face. He gets lost in your eyes and the curve of your lips, and he can’t look away. He looks back at your eyes, and to his surprise, you’re looking at his lips too. He has half a mind to just say fuck it and lean in, but then he feels you rub at his back.
“Have more confidence in yourself, Keishin,” you say, smiling at him before you move to sit back down. He’s glad that there doesn’t seem to be any awkward air between the two of you, and he realizes that his heart is racing when he looks back at his work. It feels like the motion of your hand rubbing his back is burned into his skin, and he would give anything to feel it again.
Ukai yawns as he finishes the last of the problems, and he passes the notebook to you. He rubs over his eyes as you look over them, and it doesn’t take you long to look through them. “You did great. You got all of them right,” you say with a yawn.
“I guess we better call it a night,” he says around a laugh that you copy, but then he looks at the time. “Shit, I didn’t mean to keep you here so late.”
You blink sleepily as you yawn again, looking at the time. “Oh, God. I didn’t even know I was here for that long,” you hum.
He once again doesn’t want you to leave. “You can sleep here for the night if you want, I’ll sleep on the couch,” he offers, and at the same time, you look like you could fall asleep any minute now.
“I couldn’t take your bed,” you try, but you end up yawning again.
“Seriously. It’s the least I could for keeping you here so long.” He’s really tired himself. He woke early this morning to make sure that his apartment was spotless. He’s never done so much cleaning, but he won’t tell you that.
Surprisingly, you don’t put up much of a fight, but he can’t really blame you. “Alright,” you say. “Do you have an extra toothbrush?” 
“Yeah, of course. Just let me use the bathroom first,” he answers, and you give him a nod, turning to your work to finish it up. He mildly panics when he gets to his room because he didn’t think about changing his sheets. He quickly uses the bathroom, brushing his teeth after, and tries his hardest to change his sheets as fast as he can. 
He’s nearly sweating by the end of it, but he can proudly say that he set a record for himself. He kicks the dirty sheets into his closet before grabbing the toothbrush and setting it on the bathroom counter. If you noticed that he was gone for so long, you don’t question it, which he’s grateful for even though he prepared a lie just in case. 
“My room’s all yours,” he jokes, and you can’t help but laugh before you stand. You yawn again as you stretch, and Ukai finally fights the urge to look over your body again. 
“Are you sure it’s okay if I sleep in your room? I can sleep on the couch, I don’t mind.”
“Yes, it’s fine. You look more tired than me right now. I’ll be fine,” he says, and you give him a sleepy smile that only strengthens his words. 
“Well, thanks. Goodnight, Keishin.”
“Goodnight,” he echoes, and there’s a part of him that’s ecstatic that he gets to say it to you in person, and he ignores the pang in his chest that he can’t be laying next to you as he says it. You walk to his room, and he watches until you softly close the door. He already grabbed a pillow from his bed before he walked out, so he throws that onto the couch.
He has a blanket on the couch, so he lays down, throwing it over himself and he tries to get comfortable. This couch isn’t the most comfortable, and he’s fallen asleep on it before, but there was no way he was going to ask you if you wanted to share a bed with him. He finds himself thinking about what would’ve happened if you had said yes.
His thoughts start to derail right after that, and he groans before deciding to turn on the TV. It’s the only way he’ll be able to keep his thoughts at bay. He turns the volume down, and he puts on a show that he can fall asleep to. Of course, it only works for so long. He hasn’t heard you say his first name at all. Today was the first time, and he can’t help but smile widely at the thought. 
He always wanted to say something to you in high school, but you never gave him the time of day. Now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t blame you at all. His friends weren’t kind to you at all, and he doesn’t even think he would call them friends. His real friends were in different classes with him, and he really only hung with them after school or on the weekends.
There were times that he told them to stop messing with you, and they took it as him having a crush on you, which was very much true, but he didn’t want that getting out, so he kept his mouth shut. Seeing you again and spending so much time with you has made him realize how stupid he was. He was more worried about himself than you, someone that he really liked, and he hates himself every time he thinks about it.
He hopes one day he’ll get the courage to tell you everything. Right now, he’s more than content with having what he has with you, and he doesn’t want to say anything to ruin that. He definitely wants to come clean about high school, there’s no doubt about it. But there is doubt if you’ll even talk to him after he reveals everything.
He plays back your first interaction in his head every night before he goes to sleep. At first, it kept him up at night. You had every right to act as you did towards him, and he tried to play it cool while he was with you, but after you left, he felt like total shit. He put his number in your phone to see how you would react, and he was more than relieved when you kept talking to him.
As he starts to fall asleep, he thinks about what he’s going to say to you. He hopes that when he finally gets the confidence and the chance, he won’t mess it up. He tries to rehearse it in his head, but he falls asleep as soon as he starts.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been asleep, but as he starts to wake up, he hears a familiar voice. “Dude, why are you sleeping on the couch? Get in your bed.” He recognizes that it’s his roommate, but that’s about all he can register. He was a lot more tired than he thought. 
He groggily makes his way to his room, and even in the dark, he can easily locate his bed, like it’s calling to him. He sheds his shirt and nearly sighs in comfort at the relief he feels when his body hits the bedsheets. He notices that he can’t stretch out like he wants to, but he’s starting to fall asleep, so he doesn’t worry about it that much. His bed also isn’t cold like it should be, but he gladly accepts the warmth, wrapping his arm around the pillow, and it takes no time for him to fall back asleep.
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Ukai notices that the sun is peeking through the blinds as he starts to wake up. He takes a deep breath in, and he swears his nostrils fill with your scent, but this time he’s getting something different. Mango, maybe? He leans further into it, taking another deep breath, and whatever the source may be is soft against his face. He could stay here forever.
He tightens his arm around his pillow, settling in again as the smell starts to put him back to sleep. But he frowns when he faintly notices that his pillow is moving. He slowly opens his eyes, and his heart drops when he realizes that it hasn’t been a pillow all along. His eyes widen when he sees you laying in his arm, and his heart begins to race. 
You’re looking right at him, but there’s nothing that can come out of his mouth. You’re just waking up too, and you blink a bit, but there’s no hint of surprise on your face. “Keishin?” you whisper, and he never thought his name could sound so good coming from you.
“Y-Yeah,” he mumbles, and he can feel his face warm at his stuttering, but he gives himself a break because he’s just waking up. You roll over so that your back is fully against the bed, and you rub over your eyes. 
“What time is it?”
“It’s only nine-thirty,” he says after he looks at his clock, and you groan softly.
“God, that is too early for a weekend.” He smiles at your sleepy state, and he can’t take his eyes off of you. You raise your arm over your head to stretch, and he notices that your shirt rises, and he can’t help but let his eyes trail down your body. His breath catches in his throat when he sees how high your shorts have ridden up, and there’s only one thing on his mind.
His eyes cut towards you when you call his name again, and he’ll blame his tired brain later, but he leans down closer to you. “Am I dreaming?” he questions, and his hand is itching to touch you, so he carefully puts his hand on your face.
“I don’t think so,” you whisper, and he can barely hear it over the blood pumping in his ears. He glances down at your lips when you lick over them, and there’s no way he’s going to be able to stop himself now.
“Good.” When you don’t make any move to pull away, he takes the opportunity to press his lips to yours. He sighs at how soft your lips are, and he only gets more eager when you kiss him back. You said he wasn’t dreaming, but this sure feels like he is. He pulls away only for a second, missing the feeling of your lips almost the instant he does.
He goes in for another, and you let your arm loosely loop around his neck as you meet him halfway. He groans when you deepen the kiss as you roll over onto your side, and he grabs your leg, putting it over his body. He’s borderline frantic to feel every part of you, and he lets his hand run up your leg, his fingers just barely getting under your shorts.
You move in closer to him, so he allows himself to let his hands drift up further, and your shorts have moved up so high, that they barely get in the way of him feeling even more of your ass. You moan when he pulls back with your lip in between his teeth, and he’s never felt so hot. He stops for a second to look at you, and your heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard in the room.
Your lips are swollen from his kisses, and your pupils are blown wide as you look up at him, and he thought there was no way you could get any prettier, but right now, you’re proving him wrong again. “Fuck,” he breathes before he leans back in, rolling the both of you over while keeping your leg in his hand.
Your hands rub all over his chest, and you run your hands up his back, and he shudders at the motions, goosebumps rising all over as blood rushes straight to his dick. Your arms find their place around his neck, and he abandons his hold on your leg in favor of letting his weight press into you.
He pulls away to quickly pull your shirt off, and you easily let your upper half lift off the bed so he can do so. His movements slow when his eyes land on your chest, your boobs are basically falling out of the bralette you’re wearing, and his brain short circuits. He can’t think about anything else, and he swallows heavily when you pull the straps down, fully exposing yourself to him.
He lets your shirt fall next to you, and like he’s in a trance, his hands reach up to squeeze at the underside of the fat, and he wants to pinch himself. There’s no way he’s really doing this with you, but he’ll worry about this being a dream later. He kisses you again, feeling like that’s the only way he can regulate his breathing right now as he continues to fondle your tits. 
He kisses down your neck, feeling like he might go crazy as he kisses over your chest before he slips one of your nipples in his mouth. He moans when you do, his name slipping from your lips as your hands slip into his hair. He ruts against you, and he’s definitely drooling as he sucks at your chest, but he doesn’t even care.
You pull him back to your face, and he kisses you sloppily, your legs wrapping around his torso when he grinds even harder against you. “K-Kei,” you keen, and he rests his forehead against yours, his pleasure becoming too much for him to continue to kiss you. You arch into him, and he swears when your chest pushes into his. He’s definitely close to cumming, feeling his pleasure start to mount in his spine, and he digs into his teeth into whatever part of your skin he can reach to try and hold himself back as he pulls at your shorts.
Right as he does though, his burst open, scaring the both of you. Ukai quickly falls on his side to hide you, and he looks over his shoulder to see his roommate standing in the doorway. “What?!” he barks, and the guy holds his hands up.
“Sorry, dude,” he laughs before quickly walking back out, slamming the door when he leaves. Ukai doesn’t even want to look at you, the air now becoming awkward in the silence. He slowly turns his head towards you, and when he makes eye contact, you can’t help but laugh. He internally sighs in relief as he laughs with you, and yours dies down when your phone starts ringing.
He hands it to you, and you give him a small smile as you answer it. He doesn’t listen to the conversation because he’s too busy looking at you. His eyes stay on your lips while you talk before they trail down to your chest, and he can see the marks he left on you which causes him to twitch in his shorts.
“Sorry, I totally forgot. I’m leaving right now.” That makes him look up at you, and you hang up the phone, taking a while to meet his eyes. “I forgot I had plans with my roommate today. That was her,” you tell him, and he pushes down the disappointment that he feels, and he thinks that he hears it in your voice; at least he hopes so.
“No, that’s okay. I should probably see what my friend wanted,” he responds, and you quietly grab your clothes and put them back on. He moves over so that you can get out of bed to get to the bathroom, and he releases a heavy breath through his mouth when the door closes.
He runs a hand through his hair as he tries to think about what in the fuck got into him, and he wills his hard-on to go away. He gets off his bed, sliding his shirt on right as you open the door, and he goes in after you. He doesn’t even try to look at himself in the mirror while he brushes his teeth, and when he walks back out, you’re standing by his bed, looking at your phone.
You look up at him when he walks into the room, and he pulls his shirt down to cover himself. “Sorry, I have to leave so suddenly,” you say, and he waves you off.
“It’s okay. We got a lot of work done yesterday, so it’s all good.” You give him a little nod, and he quickly decides to walk towards the door so things don’t get awkward. You follow him out of his room, and his roommate is sitting on the couch when you walk out. He looks over his shoulder just as your grabbing your backpack.
“Sorry for interrupting earlier,” he laughs. “I’m Takinoue.”
Ukai glares at him as you feel your face warm. “Nice to meet you. I’m y/n,” you say softly, and Ukai’s eyes widen when Takinoue’s does.
“Wait, you’re y/n? The girl that–”
“She really has to go, so end of the introduction,” Keishin rushes out, and he pushes you towards the door. While you’re slipping your shoes on, Ukai smacks his friend on the back of the head, but before he can turn around, he’s already slipping his shoes on and walking with you out the door. 
Neither of you speaks as he walks you to your car, and he doesn’t know what to say when you finally get there. “Uh, thanks again for the help last night. I really appreciate it,” he eventually says.
“You’re welcome. Just let me know if you need any more help,” you tell him, and that reassures him a bit that maybe you didn’t hate what you both did earlier. But now, he doesn’t whether to wave, hug you, or kiss you. He definitely wants to do the last one; his hands are itching to touch you again, but he doesn’t know if you’d be okay with that.
You break him out of his thoughts when you take a step closer to him and kiss his cheek. His world seems to stop when you do, and you pull away, having a hard time holding his gaze. “See you on Monday, Keishin.”
He’s too dazed to respond, barely remembering you getting in the car, and the next thing he knows, you’re driving away. He doesn’t jump out of it until your car is long out of his sight, and when he finally does, he smiles widely against his will. He softly touches his cheek, and he doesn’t lose the smile on his face as he walks back to his apartment.
But it drops the moment he opens the door and sees his friend’s smug smile. “You weren’t gonna tell me that you’re sleeping with the girl that you’ve been pining over since high school?” he questions, and you Ukai shakes his head as he rolls his eyes.
“We’re not sleeping together, okay? We were just working on a project last night.”
“For what class? Anatomy?” he jokes, and it actually makes him laugh.
“Ha! Good one,” he muses. “But we finished really late, so I let her take the bed. That’s why I was on the couch.” He rubs his hand down his face as he sighs, but it doesn’t take long for him to smile again.
“Well, it looks like you should’ve just taken the bed anyway. You look like a lovesick puppy.”
“Fuck you,” he retorts with no heat behind it, but it’s not like he can deny it. He’s still not sure if he’s dreaming or not, and in the back of his head, he’s waiting for himself to wake up. 
“So, what happens now? Are you actually gonna confess to her? You’ve only been waiting for this moment for like, five years.” He hates how he still can’t answer that question. With the way everything is going, he’s thinking that it’ll be better to not tell you the truth, but on the other hand, he wants to come clean to you and tell you everything. And Takinoue’s right, he’s been waiting for a miracle, and it’s finally here.
He thought he would jump at the opportunity, but with the first interaction he had with you, he held back. “I don’t know,” he eventually says.
“Don’t stress it too much, man. As far as I’m concerned, it looks like she feels the same way,” he says, with a hard clap on his back that makes him stumble forward a bit, and it definitely feels intentional. At least now he knows he’s not dreaming. “And that also explains why the apartment was spotless when I got home. Now where’d you put my shit?” he asks, and Ukai lets himself drop his dilemma for now.
When you get home, you close the door behind you and let your back fall against the door. Even if what happened with Ukai was long ago, your heart is still racing just thinking about it. You don’t know what came over either of you, but there’s not a single bone in your body that hated it. You rub your fingers over your lips as your mind starts to replay the events in your head.
You jump when your roommate opens her door, and you quickly stand up. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” you say. “It was really late, so I just slept over at his place since I was so tired.” You try to school your expression so that she doesn’t pick up on anything, and you hope the look on your face is convincing enough.
“So, did anything happen?”
“Ah, no. We just worked on our presentation, it was pretty uneventful,” you say, and to be honest, you’re a little bit embarrassed to admit to her what happened. Maybe it’s because you’re still reeling from it. “Just let me hope in the shower, and I’ll be ready to go.”
Surprisingly, she lets you walk past her without saying anything else, and when you get to your room after closing the door, the events of this morning start to hit you. You go from sitting in shock to flailing in one spot just to get it out of you. You take a deep breath, composing yourself before you get in the shower.
Your shower takes a little longer than you anticipated because your thoughts keep running from you in all the wrong ways. You throw some cold water on your face when you get out, telling yourself to get it together. You get dressed, and your friend is waiting at the dining table for you when you walk out.
She looks up from her from, and her words die in her throat when she looks at you. You frown when her smile disappears, and she points an accusing finger at you. “You bitch! You lied to me!” she yells, and you’re still very much confused until you look down at your chest where she’s pointing. Your eyes widen and you feel your face warm when you see hickeys all over your chest. 
You don’t know how you didn’t notice until now, but thanks to the low-cut shirt you’re wearing, you almost showed everyone what you were up to this morning. “Um…” you say weakly, covering your chest with your hands. “I’ll go change and we can get out of here,” you try, but you don’t even get to take a step back before she speaks.
“Absolutely not, missy. You sit your ass right here and tell me everything.” You sigh, knowing that she’s going to get it out of you sooner or later, and you sit down across from her. She looks so invested, resting her hands on her face as she leans forward. “So, did you guys sleep together?”
“No,” you start with a shake of your head before you shrug. “Well, kinda. It was really late, and I was tired, so he said I could sleep in his bed. When I woke up, he was there, and…stuff happened.”
“What happened?! Tell me everything!” she presses, and your face gets even hotter just thinking about it.
“We just made out,” you eventually say. “His roommate walked in, so it didn’t go much further than that.” Honestly, you don’t know what you would’ve done if his roommate hadn’t interrupted. You probably would’ve done anything with him at that moment.
“So, how was it?” she presses.
“It was really good,” you gush, a laugh rushing out of your chest. “It was the hottest thing I’ve ever done,” you add, feeling how hot your face is when you put your hands on it.
“I bet,” your roommate laughs. “I can see that you’re flustered from here.” You can’t help but laugh again, putting your hands over your face and sighing. “So, what’s your relationship now?”
“I don’t know. We really didn’t talk about it. Like I said, it was just a kinda spur-of-the-moment thing.”
“Well, I’m getting that it means you’re admitting your feelings for him,” she responds, and move your hands to look at her.
“I’m scared too,” you answer honestly. “I don’t wanna say that, and then he pulls a complete one-eighty on me.”
“That’s understandable, but truthfully, I don’t think he’s the same guy he was in high school. From what you’ve been telling me, it doesn’t sound like he’s going to do that to you.” You let her words bounce around in your head, both of you going silent as you think.
“Maybe,” you say after a while.
“Have some faith, girl. I bet he likes you a lot more than you like him.” Her words make you smile, and then she stands up. “Alright, we need to get a move-on if we want to make it to this thrifting event on time.”
“You were the one who wanted me to tell you about what happened,” you say after you scoff. 
“Well, it was only natural. You tell me it was uneventful, but you have hickeys on your chest? I’d be crazy not to ask,” she counters, and she has a point because you would do the same thing if the tables were turned.
You go back into your room to change your shirt, and then you’re walking out the door with your roommate, putting your situation with Ukai to the side for a while.
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Monday rolls around faster than you’d like, and you spend all morning thinking about how the conversation with Ukai will go. You’re not dreading it, you’re just more worried about if your conversation will be awkward or not. You get to class pretty early since you woke up early, and you listen to your music as you wait for Ukai to get here.
You pull up the paper that you have to present while you wait, and you read over it just in case. There’s no point in making any changes since you had to submit it to your professor before class, but you still want to go over it anyway. You freeze for a split second when you see Ukai sit down next to you in your peripheral, and you slide your headphone off your head, but you don’t look his way.
“Morning,” you hear him say, and you turn to him, having a hard time keeping your smile small.
“M-Morning.” You pick at the corner of your laptop as you internally roll your eyes at how nervous you are.
“Listen,” he starts, leaning towards you and lowering his voice. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable yesterday–”
“No, it’s okay,” you say, cutting him off. “It was–I, um…I liked it,” you whisper, and there’s no way you can look him in the eyes after saying that. Both of you jump when the professor announces for you to start your presentation. 
Thankfully, it goes off without a hitch, the only thing is, you started to notice about halfway through your paper that someone’s glaring at you. You couldn’t figure out who it was while you were reading, but when you start to ask the class questions, you realize it was the girl that tried to talk to Ukai a while ago.
You try not to let it affect you, but you have no idea why she’s staring you down. You don’t know if Ukai notices her too, but before you know it, it’s all over. You sigh quietly in relief when the professor says that class is over, and you both pack up your stuff. You notice that Ukai is walking way closer to you when you walk out of class, and you feel sparks go up your arm every time his hand brushes against yours.
“I’d say we did pretty good,” he says while you both walk.
“Yeah. She seemed really happy with our questions. I have you to thank for that, though. You did most of the work,” you respond.
“I’d say it was pretty even,” he jokes, and you can’t help but laugh. “Our usual spot?” he asks, and you nod even though the both of you are already walking that way. 
The area you usually sit in is pretty empty when you get there, and you and Ukai both sit where you usually do. You sit next to him, but there’s no way you can get any work done. Even though it’s quiet, the air between you is stiflingly filled with attraction. 
Since you’re not going to get any work done, you carefully lay your head on his shoulder, and you bite your lip to hide your smile when he wraps his arm around you. “You gonna nap?” he asks, you nod as you press further into him.
“Yeah, I’m gonna try.” You turn your face to press it into his shoulder, and you close your eyes as you breathe him in. He smells so good, and it’s nearly too late when you start to realize that you’re getting warm all over. You will yourself to calm down, but there’s no way you’re going to be able to go to sleep, so you keep your eyes open, focusing on what work he’s doing every now and then.
When you feel yourself starting to go to sleep, it’s too late because you feel him shaking you gently to let you know that you have to get to class. He gets up after you do, and you wait for him to put his stuff in his backpack before you leave. When he stands, he’s nearly in your space, but you make no move to step back. You actually want to step closer to him, but you have to remind yourself that you’re not alone.
You look around, and you see that you are, but there’s no way you’d be bold enough to do anything in public anyway. You both look at each other for a second before you move to kiss him on the cheek again. It’s the only thing you bring yourself to do right now. “I’ll see you later,” you whisper when you step back, but you don’t even get a chance to turn around.
He grabs your wrist softly, pulling you into him with his hand on the back of your neck. His lips meet yours for a hungry kiss, and you can’t help but melt into him, and suddenly you’re forgetting about being in public. You’re dazed when you pull away, your breathing ragged as you let your fingers softly touch your lips.
You look around again, and when the coast is clear, you move towards him again, and he holds you closer to him as he deepens the kiss. Fuck, he’s such a good kisser. Every single one makes you feel like you’re floating, but he pulls away the moment you moan. “You should go,” he breathes, his hands resting on your hips. “Cause if you don’t, I won’t be able to let you go.”
You give him a shaky nod, and it seems like it takes forever for you to step back from him, and you nearly don’t, deciding that class isn’t so important anymore. But you really should go. His hands slip from your hips when you move, and it takes everything in you to walk away from him. You give him a small wave, hightailing out of there before you can change your mind.
Turns out, you should’ve just stayed with him because you reply the kiss over and over in your head the whole class period.
“Hey, are you doing anything Friday?” your friend asks, and you look up from your homework.
“No, I don’t think so. Why?”
“Cause my team’s having a mixer, and I can bring a plus-one, and you need to get out. You’ve been studying all week,” she says, and you roll your eyes.
“I don’t know. I don’t really know any of your teammates,” you tell her, and she waves you off.
“Just bring your boyfriend. It’ll be fun.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” you yell, but she’s already walking to her room. 
She has a point though. You’ve been nothing but working all week, and the only time you’ve seen Keishin is during class, which always leads to a heated kiss that has you wanting more. Even when you look back down at your work, you don’t want to think about it anymore, so you decide to take the offer.
You text Ukai about it, and he instantly agrees. You start to feel nervous just thinking about it, especially since you don’t attend things like this very often. You’ve been to a few due to your friend’s outgoing nature, but sometimes you just like to be at home watching your favorite show. But, maybe it won’t be so bad since Ukai will be with you.
When Friday rolls around, you’re waiting on your friend to finish getting ready, so you’re sitting on the couch. You offered to drive since you won’t be drinking that much anyway, and you stand when you hear her heels clicking on the floor behind you. “Why are you wearing that?” she asks, and you look down at your outfit.
“What’s wrong with it? I thought you’d like that I’m wearing a dress,” you muse, even though you’re going to be tugging on it all night. It hugs your body way more than you’d like, but you bought it on a whim and you’ve barely worn it. 
“I’m talking about the jacket.”
“What’s wrong with the jacket? It’s gonna get cold tonight,” you tell her, genuinely not understanding what she’s getting at.
She rolls her eyes before she plants her hands on her hips. “You can’t show up with a jacket. Now, he can’t give you one.” You instantly understand what she means, and you can’t help but scoff.
“Are you seriously telling me to ditch the jacket just so Ukai will give me his?”
“Uh, duh. Why else would I be telling you this?” You don’t have much of a choice because she pulls it off of you, throwing it on the couch. You don’t have time to protest because even in heels, she’s moving out of the door quickly. 
You must be here early because parking isn’t absolute shit yet, and you can feel your nerves start to hit you as you walk up to the house. When you get inside, you quickly realize that this is nowhere near a mixer; it’s a full blown party. Your friend guides you to the kitchen, handing you a drink once she gets there, and her friends find her almost instantly.
They talk to you for a while, and you check your phone to see that Ukai just texted you. Your friend waits for him to get there before she leaves with her friends, and you both find a corner to occupy as the music pounds in your head. “This isn’t really your thing, is it?” He has to lean down to ask you, and you shake your head as you move your hand side-to-side.
“Not really, but my friend thought I should get out since I’ve been studying all week.” 
“She sounds like a good friend,” he yells back, and that makes you laugh.
“When she wants to be, yeah.” The room’s starting to fill up, so you grab his hand to find somewhere else to go. You decide to just step outside since they’re playing music that you don’t really listen to. “Did you drive here?” you ask, finally relieved that you can hear yourself think.
“Yeah. I have a friend that’s on the team, so I’m the designated driver tonight.”
“So am I,” you say, taking a sip of the seltzer, and you offer it to him. He takes a swig before he puts the drink down on the half-brick wall that you’re sitting on.
“Are you not cold?” he asks, gesturing to your body, and you nod your head quickly.
“Oh, I definitely am. My friend told me to ditch the jacket though.” He gives you a questioning look, and you chuckle a bit before you explain. “She said if I ditch the jacket, you would give me yours,” you explain. “You don’t have to though,” you add, but he’s already sliding it off, and your eyes land on his arms which look like they might rip the sleeves of his shirt.
He puts it on you, and it’s so warm that you can’t help but curl into the warmth. You stick your arms in the sleeves, and he moves closer to you. You stand so that you can make your way in between his legs, and his hands land on your hips. 
“You look good tonight,” he comments, and you hum as you put your hands on his shoulders.
He nods. “Especially in my jacket,” he adds, wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer to him.
“And what are you gonna do about it?” you question, and he grabs both sides of his jacket in one hand to pull you down to him. 
“I’ll show you,” he whispers against your lips before he kisses you firmly, and you gladly let your weight fall on him. He easily catches you as you move your arms to hang over his shoulders. He keeps one of his arms wrapped around you while the other falls so that he can trail his hand up your leg. You know the goosebumps that rise on your skin aren’t from the cold because your body starting to heat up and he’s barely started kissing you.
His fingers start to reach under the hem of your dress, and it feels so teasing to you that it makes you leak onto your panties. You’re glad you’re in the backyard because you would be embarrassed otherwise at how easily he’s pulling all kinds of sounds from you. He sucks on your tongue, and you’re pretty sure you would let him do anything to you right now.
He groans when you pull at his hair, and his fingers dig into the fat of your ass as his fingers start to inch further up your dress. You jump away from him quickly when someone yells your name, and you look up to see a girl walking up to you. You recognize her as one of your friend’s teammates, and she carefully steps outside, but Ukai doesn’t let you go.
That’s also when you realize that people could see you from inside since the curtains to the backdoor are wide open, but you don’t have time to think about that because she starts talking to you. “We’re playing seven minutes in heaven. You have to play!”
“O-Oh, I don’t know about that–” She cuts you off with a rough yank of your hand that nearly tips you over, and you grab Ukai’s hand also since there’s no way you’re stopping her. She pulls you upstairs, and you all walk into a room that’s filled with people but not as many downstairs. There’s music playing in here, and when she closes the door, the music blasting downstairs is severely muffled.
She pulls you into the circle, and you quickly fix your dress when you sit down to make sure you don’t flash anybody. “God, it’s like she didn’t stop,” you breathe, turning to Ukai when he sits down next to you.
“Yeah, that’s for sure.”
“I’m sure we can just sneak out of here in like, five minutes,” you say, but it’s too late because someone stands up and starts talking. You look around the room, and you start to feel uneasy when you see the same guy that Ukai nearly beat up. He barely spares either of you a glance, and you definitely feel uneasy when you see the girl that shares the same class with the both of you.
She makes eye contact with you, and she gives you a smile that’s all too friendly. There’s no way you can leave now because there’s no point in explaining the rules since everyone knows how to play. You and Ukai are definitely the only sober ones in the room, and you feel anxious as the girl from your class picks you to spin the bottle first.
You do it just to do it so you can get out of here faster because you’d rather be anywhere with Ukai but here. You chew on your lip nervously as the conversation gets quiet while people wait to see who’s going in the closet with you. You nearly slump in relief when it lands on Ukai, and when you look at him, he has a look in his eyes that gets both of your heartbeats racing.
He gets up before you do, pulling you to the closet faster than you can even process what’s going on. When he closes the door, you try to find a light to turn on, but he’s pushing you against the nearest wall before you can. As he pushes you, you feel something cold run across your forehead, and you assume it’s the string to the light, so you try to pull it while he kisses you frantically. 
You manage to turn it on, but the moment it happens, you soon forget about it when his lips find your neck. He pulls the jacket off of you, letting it fall to the floor as his hands rub at your thighs. “Keishin,” you whisper, trying to keep your voice down since you don’t know how soundproof the door is.
“I’m so glad it landed on me. I don’t know if I would be able to handle you coming in here with someone else,” he breathes against your skin, and you’re glad it landed on him too, but there’s no way you’re able to tell him that when he pushes your dress up so that it’s bunched at your waist. 
He hikes your leg up so that it’s on his waist, and his other hand runs under the side of your panties. You jump when he finally touches you down there, and you hide your face in his hair to try and muffle your moans. He uses his other hand to pull your dress further up your body so until your tits fall out. The straps of the dress were designed where wearing a bra would’ve looked weird, and you don’t regret not wearing one at all right now.
You can’t even begin to try and get a word in when he starts to suck at your tits at the same time he pulls your underwear to the side. You ball his shirt in your fist when he rubs at your clit, and you dig your teeth into the other side of his shirt. You’re glad he has you up against the wall because you definitely would’ve fallen otherwise. 
You wanna try and make him feel good too, but he’s got you trapped between him and the wall, and there’s no way you could, so you just let the pleasure overtake you. You feel tears start to form at the corner of your eyes when he slides his fingers into you, and you’re confident the groan he releases is loud enough for everyone outside to hear.
“Oh, God,” you whine. “Oh, God, Kei–” You stand on your toes to the best of your ability when he presses against your walls, and your fingers hurt from how hard you’re gripping his shirt. He finally abandons your chest in favor of watching your face as he fingers you, nudging your head up with his shoulder, and you bite into your lip as your pleasure builds.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so hot,” he moans as he looks at you, and he pulls your lip out from between your teeth.
“T-They’ll hear–me,” you try to whisper.
“I don’t care. Let ‘em hear how good I’m making you feel, baby.” You can’t fight the urge to bite your lip, and you let your head fall back against the wall. You’re definitely starting to get too loud, so he crashes your lips onto his. He swallows every sound you make, pressing up against you even more when he presses on that spot that has you keening into his mouth.
The knock on the door should startle you but it doesn’t. The only thing you care about now is how good you’re feeling. The second round of knocks are harder, and this time you hear a voice, but you don’t know what they’re saying. He kisses you soundly as he slides his fingers out of you, and you don’t hide your disappointment.
He slides his fingers into his mouth, his breathing just as ragged as yours when he pulls them out. “I’m nowhere near done with you,” he whispers, and he fixes your dress right as the door opens. He picks up his jacket off of the floor, and he grabs your hand, making a bee-line for the exit. 
He’s suddenly stopped by a familiar face with another familiar face on his arm. “I knew you could do it,” he says, and he hands Ukai some money. You both frown at him, and the girl laughs.
“You won the bet, Ukai,” she says, and you can feel your heart start to race in the wrong way as your hand starts to slip from his. “It only took what? Like two months?”
“You don’t remember the bet we made before school started?” the guy asks, and you start to feel sick, looking over your shoulder to see everyone looking at you. You feel like you might puke as you wretch your hand from him and run out of the room. You hear Ukai call after you but you don’t stop, running down the stairs and pushing past people, ignoring their comments.
You can’t help but let the tears fall when you get outside once the music starts to fade. Your ears are ringing so badly, and your feet are moving you to your car. You let out a sob as you run, and you don’t even hear your name being called behind you. A hand grabs your arm, and you try to shake it off, but it tightens its grip.
“Let me go!” you scream, turning around to see Ukai, and the only thing you see is the guy that let you get bullied in high school. “You’re a piece of shit!”
“Just listen to me,” he tries, but you continue to fight him. “I don’t know what he’s talking about. I didn’t see him until that day!” he says, but you’re not listening.
You stop moving, and he doesn’t let you go. “You’re still that same guy. Nothing fucking changed and I fell for it!” You take the chance to slip out of his grip, and you succeed, making a run for your car. You unlock it, but right as you try to open it, his hand lands on yours. 
“Just listen to me, please.”
“No! I don’t want to talk to you.” He turns you around so fast that it almost scares you, and he pushes you against your car door.
“Are you really going to listen to some people that you barely know instead of me?” he questions. Your lip is still wobbling, and you can’t stop the tears that are running down your face.
“It’s not like I have anything else to go off of,” you bite back, and he presses you against the car a little harder when he thinks you might move.
“Yes, you do. And you know it,” he declares. “I have no idea what the fuck they were talking about. I didn’t even know he was going here until I saw him that day. And I haven’t talked to her since that day in class.” You start to calm down, but your heart is still racing a mile a minute. “I really like you, okay?” he starts. “I have since I laid my eyes on you in high school, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell them to stop messing with you. I was more worried about myself.”
His words hang in the air between the two of you, and when you start to relax, he lets you go. “Nothing that I have said or done with you has been a part of some bet. Everything I did was my choice.”
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” you ask, and you hate how your voice trembles.
“You think I threaten to beat him up all for some bet? I’m better than that, and you know it.” He lets his hands fall into your hands, grabbing them soft but his grip is firm. “I would never do something like that to you. I’ve been thinking about telling you the truth ever since I saw you that day, but I thought if I did, you would hate me. I couldn’t live with that, so I stayed quiet.”
You don’t respond, sniffling heavily. “And now I’m realizing that that was the dumbest decision I could’ve ever made. Spending this time with you has been the best moment of my life,” he breathes. “Don’t tell me that you don’t feel the same.”
You can’t even tell yourself that you don’t feel the same. You know from the start that your feelings for him never left, and there was a part of you that just accepted it. But you were so scared to let your guard down, to be vulnerable with him like you are now. 
“I really like you. I mean that. And I’m sorry for letting you be hurt all this time.” You let go of his hand so that you can wipe your face.
“It’s not your fault,” you eventually say. “I do feel the same way, but I was scared. Back then and now, I blamed you for the bullying, but it was never your fault.”
“Yes, it was,” he presses, but you stop him.
“No. It wasn’t.” You sniffle again, taking a deep, shaky breath. “I was letting the past dictate my feelings. I shouldnt’ve let their words get to me. But I was scared that you would hurt me if I let you back in.”
“I won’t hurt you again. I promise. I’ll never make you feel like that again.” He lets his head fall on yours as he speaks. “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you, but I won’t let it happen again.” You pull away, looking in his eyes, and you lean forward to kiss him softly. He lets his hands move to your neck, kissing you back just as softly. 
“I believe you,” you whisper when you pull away. “I’m sorry I didn’t before. I really like you, too.” He can’t help but smile, and he kisses you again just because he can.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” you ask, frowning a bit.
“For letting me say what I’ve always wanted to say. I thought I lost my chance forever.” You shake your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him again.
“No,” you say. “Now you have me forever.”
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bleubrri · 1 year
۪۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ — ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ
ft daichi / tsukishima / ukai / ushijima
summary: haikyuu boys realising they have a thing
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running your teeth over the calloused tips of his fingers before taking them into your mouth is something daichi is used to. what he’s not used to is the feeling of your hand replacing the heat of your mouth, pumping him with languid strokes while you sink your teeth into his hip and bite. a strangled sort of noise leaves him, like he can’t decide whether to yelp or moan.
“what are you doing?”
“sorry.” you flash him a sheepish smile and press your lips over the reddened indents of your teeth. something swirls in his gut and daichi can practically feel his pupils dilate at the sight of the shallow imprints of your canines in his skin. claiming.
“no it—” he swallows thickly, broad chest heaving when you squeeze him at the base. your cheek is resting against his thigh, his aching length obscuring his view of your doe-eyed expression. “feels good.” he says, slipping a hand into your hair.
“really?” you look proud, eyes twinkling with delight as you trail your lips across his skin.
“mm, will you do it again, baby?”
this time, you can feel his dick twitching in your grasp when you nip at the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh. you’re jerking him with slickened strokes, your other hand caged between the mattress and digging crescents into his ass.
your mouth feels like it’s everywhere, and when he’s coming down from his high, spent and coated in a sheen of sweat, it looks like you have been: the corded muscle of his thighs is tender to the touch and covered in bruises. hues of raspberry and darkened plum sucked into his skin and teeth marks glistening with saliva that he wears like a badge of honor.
honestly, he has no idea what he’s doing. he’s never gone down on anyone before, but it’s easier than he thought, and you seem to be enjoying it. he’s hesitant at first, just exploring your folds, running his tongue along every part of you until he finds something that makes your breath hitch. you’re so.. receptive, muffled sounds of pleasure slipping from your lips and guiding him to focus in on what you like.
he makes a very interesting discovery when he curls his tongue inside you and you clench around him, a hand flying into his hair and gripping blonde locks between your fingers. he blinks, does it again, and you sing for him.
“fuck, tsukki, right there—” your nails are grazing his scalp as you tug him closer and he shivers, grips your hips and lets himself be shoved further into your cunt. his spine is tingling, nose pressed into your clit as he buries himself in your pussy and maps out your insides until your soaked walls are moulded to the shape of his tongue. he’s groaning into your heat when the flavour of you bursts across his tongue, lapping at your release and urging you to tug.
he mumbles something that gets lost in the lewd slurping between your legs, and when your hand slips away and you start to wriggle from his grasp, he snaps his head up and yanks your wrist back into his hair.
“harder.” he repeats it with so much fervour that all you can do is blink, slowly nodding in a lustful haze and guiding his mouth back to the apex of your thighs.
the room is starting to get so hot that it’s making you lightheaded. ukai is hovering over you, pushing your knees further into your chest with each thrust as you desperately cling to his shoulders. the sticky tip of his cock hitting your g-spot has your nails reflexively dragging along the taut muscle of his back at a pressure that you both know will bloom angry red columns of scratches against his tan skin.
his cum has started to drip down the seam of your ass, sticky ropes of it beginning to coat his balls that press against you when he buries himself to the hilt and rolls his hips. it has your toes curling, your eyes hazy and pussy pulsing so hard you ache.
“‘m full keishi—hah!” you actually jolt beneath him when he presses a calloused thumb into the slick mess of your clit.
“one more.” he offers, “just one more, angel.” and it doesn’t take long either—all ukai has to do is picture you swollen with his seed, full tits and glowing features, and he’s releasing another load into your spent pussy with a drawn out string of expletives.
you’re reaching for him, navigating every hot curl of his tongue in a sloppy connection of your mouths while keishins hips fuck his cum back into you. he can feel your blissful smile against his lips, “that all ya wanted? hm? wanted me to fuck a baby into ya, sweetheart?”
if he’s being completely honest he rarely pays attention to what you’re wearing before he fucks you—it’s coming off soon, so why think too hard about it? plus, he prefers you bare anyway.
but this, oh he likes this. and you can tell. you watch his adams apple bob when he swallows from his place seated on the edge of the mattress as you step out of the bathroom with a shy smile. you pad into the room, give him a little twirl as you present yourself to him. wakatoshi has to release the sheets clenched between his fists and remember to breathe.
“it’s cute, don’cha think?” you’re glimpsing at yourself in the mirror, adjusting a strap here, plucking at the fabric that sticks to you like second skin. he hums, feeling foolish for envying strips of lace and cotton.
wakatoshi reaches for your hip when you’re in his reach, pulls you to stand between his legs only for you to crawl into his lap. he can feel the heat of you, and if you notice the hardness between his legs you don’t comment on it. you’re nosing at his jaw, and he feels a groan bubbling at the back of his throat when you press your chest to his. nimble fingers tugging at the clasp between your shoulder blades pulls his focus from dragging his lips along the dips of your collarbone. when a large hand closes over yours and guides it away from your back, you fix him with a questioning look.
wakatoshi looks up at you through unfairly thick lashes, his mouth at your sternum pushing fire into your chest.
“keep it on, hm?”
☆ — reblogs / comments are super appreciated<3
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
╰ ft. ukai keishin !
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warnings: dry-humping, a lil bit of profanity, mutual pining...? if you look hard enough ig 1.7k words
author's note: whenever i'm in a writing slump i automatically default to ukai when i try to write. he's my comfort character and i write him best soooo this is all i have to offer rn i'm sorry. and i self-projected a lot on this one i’m so sorryyyy.
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His words were sweet like honey and the warmth that fanned over my sensitive skin had me melting into his hands. Even though I went limp against his body, arms barely holding myself up to his broad chest, that didn’t mean he would stop. He wouldn’t let his fingers stop circling my clit, adding more pressure with each lap around the sensitive bud. He wouldn’t stop whispering all of the explicit plans he had in store for me tonight. And he damn sure wouldn’t stop until I was a moaning, fucked-out mess that struggled to keep my eyes straight. 
Was this pleasure or punishment? Feeling his slender fingers curl against my sweet spot — and reach new ones that you didn’t even know existed — now that was pleasure. But being fucked and told to not make a single sound? That was torture, especially when he made me feel this good. 
Another digit slips past my slick folds and a bit of my sanity goes with it. My lips part only inches away from his. The moan I desperately want to let out gets caught in my throat but the groan he lets out at my nails digging into his shoulders fills the space between us. Then it’s gone. His lips finally crash into mine, suffocating the guttural noises that rose between the two of us. 
He picks up the tempo. Fingers moving faster and faster. That familiar knot winding tighter with every second. The essence dripping down his fingers and making a squelching sound with each pump was drowned out by the humming in my ear as the knot finally snapped. A white heat surged through my body as I ——
A large box slams on top of your book, blocking out the rest of the scandalous text and snapping you back into an insufferable reality. Was some peace and quiet too much to ask for around here? Just enough peace to finish this book that had you running laps around your room for the past three days?
“I didn’t know I paid you to sit on your ass and read all day.” A cranky blonde bastard — such a stark contrast to the sensuous, smoldering man from your book that occupied arguably too much of your mind lately. You’d pick the fictional man over Ukai any day.
A frustrated groan comes out as you sigh and stomp off from behind the counter. “I don’t think I’m getting paid at all you asswipe.” You were sure to say that last word louder as you ducked off into one of the isles, ensuring that he knew how much he sucked. A bowl of instant ramen calls to you and you snatch it off the shelf to prepare it before he can even yell at you to put it back.
“That’s coming out of your paycheck.”
“You might wanna increase my pay then,” you say with a fake frown of concern before you slam the microwave door closed and go back to your book. This time you held it in your hand to block his face. 
Within seconds it’s gone, ripped from your hands for Ukai to read with his prying eyes. You desperately reach over the counter and swing at his arms in an attempt to retrieve the book, but he dodges every attack, remaining just out of reach while his eyes skim the text and his eyebrow arches higher with every line he scans.
“This is the kind of stuff you read? I didn’t take you for a ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ type of girl.” Ukai lets out a low hum of curiosity as he continues to flip through the pages until he comes across one page with a bit of highlighted text. 
“The cold glass of his desk was not enough to quell the raging fire that burned under every inch of my skin. The ghostly kisses he planted down my body were the only thing keeping me grounded as he thrusts into me relentlessly. My hands were pinned above my head with a rough hand, the other lightly squeezing my neck, so all I could do was give in to his carnal desire,” he read aloud, causing your body to heat up and your eyes to focus on the marble swirls of the counter in embarrassment. Even with your head down, avoiding his searing gaze, you could feel him getting ready to taunt you.
“Wanna tell me why it’s highlighted, Y/N?” From his voice alone, it was obvious that he found this very amusing and didn’t plan on dropping this conversation anytime soon. 
“Give it back you black-lunged bitch.”
“If you tell me why.” His smirk grew wider as if he already started piecing together the reason why.
“...It’s sex pointers. You should take some notes as well, maybe then you could finally keep a bitch and stop being cranky all the time.”
The book is tossed aside with a dark chuckle, quiet but loud enough to reach your ears and make you shift nervously in your chair. Ukai places his toned arms on the counter to lean in, leaving hardly any room between the two of you. 
“How about…” he lets his eyes flicker to your lips — once…twice — the glances fleeting but it doesn’t go unnoticed, “instead of reading it, I just show you all the nasty little things you read about in your book? Huh, how does that sound?”
You start to speak but fail to quip back, your brain couldn’t think of a witty response that would get him to shut up. It was impossible to think when he looked at you like that, like a starved man and you were his meal. You try again and the words escape you once again.
“Come on, it’s no fun if you don’t return the jab. Use that pretty mouth of yours to tell me off like you always do.” His thumb grazes your bottom lip, slightly tugging it down as he draws a line from your lips to your cheek, and then to your ear as he tucks loose hairs behind your ear.
“Show me.” It was so quiet, your meek voice hardly more than a whisper and you were sure that your heartbeat was way louder. You say it again bolder than before, “Show me.”
That sly grin returns to his face. Without question, he follows your command and quickly moves around the counter to place you in front of him, splaying you out like a feast to fill the hunger that tore at him from within. You didn’t have time to take back your request, no time to mentally prepare for what was about to happen.
All it took was for a hand to glide up your legs to open instinctively, allowing him to occupy the space between. The thin black leggings did nothing to protect you from his scorching touch or the hard length that he didn’t bother hiding, slightly grinding against you as his hands crept higher, smoothing over your stomach and making a pit stop to cup your breasts before finally settling on your neck. 
Ukai manages to fit both of his large hands on your neck and gives a light squeeze — watching your lips part when you feel your lungs being robbed of precious oxygen. He never breaks eye contact. Hazel brown turns murky with lust as the corner of his lips curl up even more and he says, “You look so good with my hands around your neck, Y/N” 
The bastard used the same line from your book and a chuckle of amusement rumbles through his chest when the realization appears on your face. One hand leaves your neck to trace the same path from your lip to your ear as the man did in the book. 
Then he does something unexpected.
He leans in close, “If you were mine, I would touch you like this.” That free hand finds its way to your clothed cunt to soothe the throbbing mess that lies underneath. A mangled moan is voiced and he notes the feeling of your throat trembling in his hand — savoring it. 
“...I’d lick you here.” Ukai’s head dips to the little bit of exposed skin in the crook of your neck to drag his tongue flat against the tender skin. He blows warm air to create goosebumps in the trail he carved out. And then he topped it all off with a sloppy kiss, gently sucking on your skin as he pulls away.
“And then I’d fuck you like this.” Your left leg that fell in place on his hips was thrown over his shoulder and his hips crashed into yours, rocking your entire body on the counter. If it were any narrower your head would’ve been dangling over the edge, bobbing with every snap of his hips while you got a full view of the store upside down. 
But instead, you saw him. You saw all of him, even the loose strands freed from his headband and his eyebrows scrunching together, trying to show restraint from fucking you right here on the store counter in broad daylight. Ukai was wise enough to settle for dry-humping you like a horny teenager. 
His hips still but he doesn’t move away, not yet. “If you were mine, you wouldn’t need those books to get off with.” The words were low, barely audible over your heart pounding against your chest, yet they rung and echoed in your ear even seconds after. Ukai doesn’t say anything else. The sound of the microwave beeping cuts through the thick silence and he just peels away, calmly walking off to the back room without another word.
It wasn’t until you heard the door click softly behind him that you begin to process what the fuck just happened. Did that even happen or has the convenience store’s fluorescent lighting finally driven you insane? 
If you were mine… the words linger in the back of your mind, no matter how hard you tried to shove them out.
The bell of the sliding door sends you scrambling back into your chair behind the counter, fixing your clothes and hair, hoping the old lady that walked in didn’t see you laying on the counter. “Welcome to the Sakanoshita market, can I help you find anything?” When the old lady declines your help you turn your attention back to your workspace, only to notice that the book was gone. 
tags: @hungrynessforfics @dejwrites @rinhoes @indiecursor @protectpancakes @fight-me-bitch @nneedynymph @po3ticb3auty @nanaminshousewife @festive @apollostears @cosmicglowe @thenerdyrebel @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @picayunne @kurtaclangobrr @kookieflvr @woahhajime @syomi @chrolloderulo @vivisspamm @erentoes @kutosznn @takemichiluvr @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @cosmicyeager @sakurashell @38riku @tonaken @muzanskimono @wiserebelpartypie @sleepy3 @yuujilove @yooniluvbot444 @imperatorkhaleesi @sukunas-left-nut-sack @lawscorazon @sailewhoremoon @chaoticevilbakugo @xxrwzy @wh0reforlevi @nekoriots @yeagerfushiguro @the4thwife
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strawberrykake · 2 years
Deja Vu
·˚ ◌༘₊· ͟͞꒰➳ you’re getting married to keishin today!! 😆💍 congratulations on your wedding! *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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my entry for @tahdashi ‘s champagne kisses collab 🍾 no warnings except I’m still learning how to write <3 [notes] : fluff everywhere
♫ playing: say you won’t let go - James Arthur ♫
bride!reader x groom!ukai keishin
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It’s been a while since Keishin cleaned himself up like this, buying a tailored suit, going to get a haircut, neat shave. It gives him deja vu of when he first asked you out, hoping that a nicer outfit would increase his chances. Or much later into your relationship when he decided to dress a little more fancy ‘jus cuz’, however, he revealed his true intentions later that night in a velvet black box that he pulled out from his pocket.
Keishin remembered how your eyes immediately sparkled from both delight and tears mimicking the gleam from the jewel staring at you; how his heart beat rapidly moments after opening the box; the way the world seemed to stop until the small nod of your head causes him to almost fall over to catch you in a tight hug.
You were a blubbering mess as you tried to utter words of affection while the love of your life slides the engagement ring on your finger. All Keishin could do is chuckle and wipe your tears away with his free hand, before leaning his forehead against yours and whispering the same thing.
“Shh, don’t cry, dont cry. I love you so much. You have no idea.” As if you weren’t repeating the same words to each other over the past days. He peppers kisses all over your face, holding you close and gently like you carry the world.
Now, you’re both here at your wedding. All dressed up with a small gathering of your close family and friends who watch you up the aisle with awe. But you don’t notice them when you lay your eyes on your soon-to-be husband who wore a classic black and white tux, with a rose peeking from his handkerchief, and his trimmed hair slicked back, looking gorgeous as ever. He has a look of wonder in his eyes, hands clasped together in front of him.
The sight alone makes your heart feel full.
Keishin couldn’t take his eyes off of you, either. The moment you enter the room in your wedding gown, the world stopped on its own once again just for you. All Keishin could focus on was you.
He catches his breath admiring the way tiny jewels cascade down your hair, your hand gracefully holding a small bouquet of flowers, the shy smile on your face, and not to mention your oh-so-kissable cheeks that were blossomed pink. Your dress that was kept a secret from him, finally revealed before his eyes.
He thought you were gorgeous in anything, even when you’re in a old baggy tee and hair messily tied up in a bun. Even when there’s some cookie crumbs left on your hoodie sleeve. Or when your makeup is ruined from watching sad dramas and you’d dodge his kisses saying that you looked ‘horrible’—and he would give you a look saying ‘does it look like I give a damn?’ before proceeding to give your pouting lips a kiss.
In this moment, his breath is nearly taken away. He could be in heaven just from the sight alone.
The jitters he felt before were long gone.
He was going to marry you. And you were going to marry him.
That is all he could ever dream of since that one night you both stayed up late in his little studio apartment playing cards and you fell asleep on his lap. He whispered his love confession right as soon as you dozed off, playing with your hair, tracing your furrowed brows, and kissing your temple, before he picks you up ‘bridal style’ and lays you down on the comfort of his bed.
“I wanna be with you…forever.” Images of you living in the same home and growing old together flashed in his mind. And potentially, raising a child or two…or three. He doesn’t mind. As long as you were together. Of course, at the time, these were just mere fantasies to him. A distant dream.
Keishin sighed dreamily before drifting off on his own by your side. That was the first night he finally got some good sleep after the long hard days of working and coaching. He realized he gained more strength each day he sees you. He craves your laughter, your smiles, your scent, your touch.
Thank God your feelings were reciprocated because he wouldn’t know what to do if that weren’t the case. You brought the light in the dull darkness that was once his life.
“Pinch me,” Keishin echoes the words he used when you first confessed. You finally reach him from what felt like a long walk up the aisle. You scrunch your nose in delight and gently tug on his sleeve jacket as a way to ‘pinch’ him. His facial muscles are already starting to hurt from the constant smile on his face, the stars in his own deep brown orbs remain sparkling.
It was magical. Exchanging vows, delicately placing rings on each other. Despite being together for years, you still felt the electric from his thumb grazing over your hand. And then finally, sealing your vows with a kiss which he’s been dying to do since you walked in.
The crowd buzzes with excitement once your lips connect. Ukai places his palm behind your neck as he brings you closer. Butterflies chase each other in your stomach and your head tips back from the action as he kisses you deeply with affection, unshy of the audience before you.
A few cheers and chatter from the Karasuno boys can be heard.
“Let’s goooo!!” One bellows.
“The Ukais!!” Another cheers.
“Yeahh, Mr. and Mrs. Coach!!”
“Their last name is not coach!”
“Wait what?!”
Your laughter causes you to pull away from each other. Keishin, your now fully-wedded husband, takes the opportunity to pick you up the same way he did that one night at his apartment, carrying you down the aisle to God knows where.
It doesn’t matter. From this day on, with hearts connected as one, you’ll follow each other to the ends of the Earth.
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taglist 。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。 @dai-tsukki-desu @crystal-lilac @remajalabill @ashisbored @yuubabe @luvrzumi @wonpielle @wakatshi
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
I write: AFAB Characters & AMAB Characters (genderfluid, cis male, ftm, non-binary, and any masc-aligned gender)
Anybody 18+ is allowed to read and interact with my work as long as you're respectful and don't ask me to write female reader
DNI: Basic DNI criteria, if you support or write fics about real people
The more specific the request, the better. Don't be afraid to go into alarming detail.
Please don't copy and paste your request (in another ask or in my comment sections) if I don't respond to it. I won't answer a request until I've finished it so please be patient
If you want a part two, you're more likely to get one if you specify what you want in it. Most of the time I don't have any ideas if I planned on it being a oneshot
What I will NOT write:
Female Reader, Female Character, Scat, Incest (Pseudo-Incest is Fine), Age Play, Misgendering, Transphobia
Things You Can Request:
- Fics, Thirsts, Shorts, Headcanons, Drafts
- For shorts you can just give me a character (up to 4 per post) and a prompt or trope or whatever and I'll write a small little piece about it
Bottom Reader
tell me if you're okay with afab language or not if asking for ftm reader. i wont use it by default
Characters I'll write for bottom reader: Zhongli, Ajax, Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Diavolo, William Afton, Enji Todoroki, Scott Howl, Hopper, Joel Miller, Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny, Billy),
I will not write bottom reader for anybody not listed above
Fandoms I write for
feel free to ask if I would write for any fandom not listed here
The fandoms I've been asked about but don't write for: AOT, COD, Twilight, Sk8, JJK, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss,
Genshin Impact
All Male Characters (Not including Fontaine)
My Hero Academia
Class 1-A, Aizawa, LOV, Monoma, Tamaki, Mirio, Shinso, Enji Todoroki
All male characters in Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Jim Hopper, Billy Hargrove
Kenma Kozume, Testuro Kuroo, Karasuno Volleyball Team, Keishin Ukai, Oikawa
The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
Saiki, Kaido, Kuboyasu, Saiko
Twisted Wonderland
Idia, Lilia, Leona, Malleus, Jack, Vil, Rook
Detroit Become Human
Markus, Connor
Obey Me
The Demon Brothers, Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos
Michael Afton & Michael Schmidt, William Afton
Monster Prom
Scott Howl, Damien LaVey, Liam De Lioncourt, Oz, Brian Yu
Stardew Valley
Shane, Sebastian, Alex, Demetrius, Kent, Harvey, Elliott, Sam
Horror & Slasher
Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny Johnson, Stu, Billy), Dwight Riley, Losers Club (1990, 2019), Patrick Bateman, Kurt Kunkle, John Doe, Chad Meeks-Martin, Wes Hicks, Ethan Landry
Bungou Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Ranpo Edogawa, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Chuuya Nakahara
One Punch Man
Genos, Speed o Sound Sonic
Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika, Leorio, Feitan
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Honkai Star Rail
Caelus, Dan Heng, Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan, Gepard, Luocha, Blade, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Spider-Man (Raimi, TASM, MCU, Insomniac, Miguel, Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown), Spider-Noir, Tony Stark, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Deadpool,
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Gideon Graves, Matthew Patel, Wallace Wells, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Todd Ingram
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jax, Caine, Kinger
Dungeon Meshi
Laios, Chilchuck, Senshi
Bruce Wayne, Edward Nygma (The Batman), Clark Kent (MAWS), Jimmy Olsen (MAWS), James (Pokémon), Arven (Pokémon), Joel Miller (TLOU), Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Stein (Soul Eater), Spirit (Soul Eater), Reigen Arataka, Link, Omni Man
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jirolcvr · 2 years
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what i’ll write ~
boku no hero academia [m.list]
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• pro heroes (shouta aizawa, hizashi yamada, toshinori yagi, enji todoroki, keigo takami, etc)
• class 1A (izuku midoryia, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, mina ashido, ochako uraraka, etc)
• class 1B (neito monoma, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, itsuka kendo, yosetsu awase, etc)
• third years (mirio togata, nejire hado, tamaki amajiki)
• villains (dabi/touya todoroki, tomura shigaraki, himiko toga, etc)
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sk8 the infinity ~ [m.list]
high school skaters (reki kyan, langa hasagawa, etc)
adult skaters (hiromi higa/shadow, kaoru sakurayashiki/cherry, kojiro nanjo/joe, ainosuke shindo/adam, etc)
younger skaters/additional (miya chinen, shokichi oka, tadashi kikuchi, etc)
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haikyuu ~ [m.list]
karasuno (shoyo hinata, tobio kageyama, kei tsukishima, tadashi yamaguchi, etc)
nekoma (tetsuro kuroo, kozume kenma, yaku morisuke, haiba lev, etc)
aoba johsai (toru oikawa, issei matsukawa, hajime iwaizumi, kentarō kyōtani, etc)
fukurodani (kōtarō bokuto, keiji akaashi, etc)
shiratorizawa (wakatoshi ushijima, eita semi, satori tendō, tsutomu goshiki, etc)
inarzaki (shinsuke kita, atsumu miya, osaka miya, rintarō suna, etc)
additional (sakusa kiyoomi, keishin ukai, yuji terushima, etc)
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jojo’s bizarre adventure ~ [m.list]
jojo’s (jonathan joestar, joseph joestar, jotaro kujo, josuke higashigata, giorno giovanna, jolyne kujo)
joe-bro’s (caesar zepelli, noriaki kakyoin, okuyasu nijimura, guido mista, ermes costello, etc)
villains (dio brando, pillar men, DIO, yoshikage kira, diavolo, vinegar doppio, etc)
additional fandoms ~
yuri on ice
assassination classroom
attack on titan
tokyo ghoul
ouran high school host club
black butler
demon slayer
general rules ~
requests must include the character(s) you want, along with a small plot/idea of the oneshot you want.
i’m in high school and have other things going on other than writing, so please don’t send me asks asking if your request is done.
i’m not obligated to write every single request i receive. if it makes me uncomfortable or i just can’t write it, i won’t.
platonic (family, friends, etc)
dark content
poly relationships
any gender reader
any race reader
ships (no x reader)
romanticizing mental health issues (ex. everything gets solved by the readers partner)
heavy gore
pedophilia, zoophilia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, body-shaming, etc within the pairing
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Request Info!!
So, what follows is a little overview for the fandoms, characters and 'genres' i will write and which ones I won't write.
Also, I'll be adding a character limit. No more than 4 characters per request! If there's more in them, I'll pick out some of them to get to the mentioned number!
The fandoms:
- Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
- Haikyuu
- Demon Slayer
- Vanitas no carte
The Characters:
Both NSFW and SFW:
Genshin Impact: Zhongli, Yoimiya, Yelan, Xiao, Wanderer, Tighnari, Aether, Thoma, Shenhe, Rosaria, Raiden, Ningguang, Nilou, Kazuha, Kaeya, Itto, Heizou, Gorou, Ganyu, Diluc, Dainsleif, Cyno, Childe, Beidou, Baizhu, Ayato, Albedo, Alhaitham, Dehya, Neuvillette; Wriothesley; Chlorinde; Navia; Lyney, Arlecchino
Honkai Star Rail: Gepard; Blade; Aventurine; Dr. Ratio; Gallagher; Argenti; Black Swan; Kafka; Dan Heng; Sunday; Boothill; Jing Yuan; Sampo; Acheron; Natasha
Haikyuu: Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tsukishima, Kiyoko, Keishin Ukai, Saeko Tanaka, Kuroo, Kenma, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Bokuto, Akaashi, Semi, Tendou, Terushima, Sakusa, Komori, Kita, Osamu, Atsumu, Suna, Aran
Demon Slayer: All the Hashiras (except Muichiro), Muzan, Akaza, Kokushibou, Douma
Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé, Jeanne, Dominique
Regarding NSFW Requests:
- I write both Top/Dom AND Bottom/Sub reader, but I do prefer to write for Top/Dom Reader, since I don't really see that too often around here
-Regarding NSFW works, I will either write in gender neutral/non binary terms or with female pronouns. No male reader, since I don't feel comfortable with that
- I also write for character x character ships (counting all of them would be too much for here, but I am a Multishipper, so I'm okay with most stuff so long as it's not something with a huge age gap or illegal)
- I am pretty much okay with most kinks (except for the very, very heavy stuff, like piss kink, scat, non con, rape, etc....)
Genshin Impact: Bennett, Chongyun, Collei, Faruzan, Fischl, Razor, Hutao, Jean, Kokomi, Kuki Shinobu, Layla, Nahida, Sucrose, Venti, Xiangling, Xingqui, Yanfei, Yunjin; Furina; Freminet; Lynette
Haikyuu: Nishinoya, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Yaku, Kyotani, Ushijima
Honkai Star Rail: Bronya; Seele; Himeko; Huohuo; Jingliu; Luocha; Ruan Mei; Silver Wolf; Topaz; Welt; Yanquing; Guinaifen; Luka; Serval; Yukong; Tingyun
Demon Slayer: Tanjirou, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Tamayo
Vanitas: nothing to be added right now
Some of these are just personal preferences for what I feel comfortable with. I ask of you that you please don't ask NSFW stuff for characters that I don't feel comfortable writing for.
If a certain character is not mentioned at all, than that just means that I DON'T write for them.
I DO feel comfortable writing heavier topics like self harm, depression, suicide, death and stuff like that, as long as it is not glorified or romanticised. Stuff like that should always be taken seriously, never be taken lightly, made fun of or be glorified. That is just wrong.
What I don't write, ever:
Obviously illegal stuff like Incest and rape, etc.
I won't write for children characters (i.e Klee, Diona,...), especially not explicit stuff. If anyone were to ask something like that off me, that person will be immediatly blocked.
Also, I won't write anything including pregnancy or stuff with kids, since I don't feel comfortable with these topics, at all.
Okay, I think that should be all for now. If I did forget anything or you still have questions, just ask away and I'll answer them as soon as I get to them.
With that being said, I wish you a pleasant rest of your day/night!<3
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kozubaby · 2 years
Date Night
Keishin Ukai x Reader
Also posted Here
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“Wait, but don’t you have practice with the kids tonight?” You asked as Ukai pulled you along to his car.
“Eh, Takeda can handle it just this once. Come on, let me take you out. It’s been too long.”
You nodded and smiled softly at him before sliding in and putting your seatbelt on. He jogged over to the driver’s side after closing the door for you and climbed in. After turning the car on, he let the top down and pulled on a pair of sunglasses. 
“Shall we, sweet thing?” 
He drove you into the city where you grabbed some delicious street food and ate in the car, watching the sun go down from a prime spot in an empty parking lot. You hadn’t allowed yourself to admit it until now, but you really missed him. He spent so much time coaching those amazing kids, and they were thriving with his help, but that meant lots of evenings and weekends alone at home. It was worth it, though. You’d never seen Ukai so motivated or generally fulfilled.
“Sweet thing, you’re staring at me.” Ukai smirked, pointing it out in that gravelly tone from years of smoking you’d only recently convinced him to stop doing. Of course you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting your blatant staring, so you rolled your eyes, sucking your teeth and turned away. He could see the playful color in your gestures, though and wasn’t even remotely offended.
“You know I love a headstrong woman, sweet thing, don’t tempt me.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek, lingering close to your ear. “I can always pull the top back up, and we can handle business in the backseat.” The way you gasped and covered your mouth was damn near embarrassing, but a series of flashing lights served as a much needed distraction as cars started to pull into the parking lot. You could hear music blaring from sound systems and people whooping and hollering excitedly.
“Babe, what is this parking lot for?” You wondered aloud as more and more people parked and started climbing out of their cars.
“Ah that would be the second half of our date. Come on, let’s get in early and find a spot.” He reached into the back seat and grabbed a duffle bag before hopping out of the car. You hurriedly followed him, hearing the alarm beep behind you and merging with the rest of the forming crowd. 
Once close enough, you could hear music bumping loudly from inside, mid-2000s hip hop you hadn’t heard in ages. The neon flashing lights and chaotic-patterned carpet were what really gave it away for you.
“A roller rink? Keishin, I haven’t been in a pair of skates in years.” You explained as the nostalgia of your young adult years flooded your brain.
“I know. I saw those pictures of you from a decade ago and thought I had to see you in action.” He paid and led you past the skate-rental desk to a carpeted bench just like the ones at your old rink.
“Hey, don’t we need skates?”
“Gotcha covered, sweet thing.” He dropped the dufflebag to the floor and unzipped it, pulling out two large shoe boxes and handing one to you. “Hope they’re the right size.”
You scrambled to open your box as excitement took over your senses, and inside, you found a pair of custom skates, black and hand-painted with sunflowers, just like the pair you’d worn all those years again.
“...Kei…” You didn’t know what to say as you ran for fingers over the details. Ukai only smirked at you and pulled his own skates on before bending down to help you into yours, tying the laces around the back like you used to do to stop them from catching in the wheels. 
“Ready?” He stood, reaching a hand out to you.
“Wait, I haven’t skated in so long I-”
“It’s like riding a bike, baby. You never really forget. Anyways, I’ll keep you on your feet.” Ukai could be so damn smooth, and he knew what that did to you. You rolled your eyes as you took his hands, and immediately he started skating backwards, pulling you onto the polished, lacquered wood of the rink where other patrons were already speeding by.
And he didn’t let you falter once as you got reacquainted to the skates and the flow. At some point, he let go of you and skated circles around you, playful but also making sure that you were completely steady until you were completely comfortable. You turned to skate backwards, and he complimented your skills, although you were definitely more impressed with his.
When the music changed and the DJ announced adult couples only for the next few minutes, you recognized the old RnB song, even remembering the choreography the old couples at the rink used to do. Ukai approached you, taking your hand and spinning you around until your back was to his chest. 
“I know you know the choreo, sweet thing, so show me whatchu got.” He spoke low and rich in your ear before swaying back and forth, signaling the start of the sequence. He matched your every move, sliding his hand along your stomach or tapping your hip as you glided around the rink so effortlessly, skates in sync and never clashing, bodies feeling the beat of the music and the heat of each other. You spun and broke apart for a footwork section and came back together toe-to-toe before the sequence started over until the DJ announced ‘free skate’ was back on.
You skated together until the last song, Keishin whispering sweet nothings in your ear and making you feel like the only ones on the rink, until finally it was time to pack up and go home. You carefully placed your skates back in the box and then in the duffle for Ukai to carry out.
“Did you have fun, sweet thing?” He asked, grabbing your swinging hand as you made it across the parking lot and to his convertible. 
“Yeah, that was amazing. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.” You climbed into the passenger seat and settled in for the ride home.
“Good, because you and I have a standing date every other week at the rink. No matter what, I’m making time for us from now on.” He leaned over to kiss you lovingly before giving you a dazzling smile, starting the car.
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theacevampire · 2 years
A Princess' Duty III
Pairing: Kita x fem!Reader
Genre: Royal AU, romance, forced/arranged marriage, betrayal
Wordcount: ~2.3k
Warnings: mentions of parents's death, (attempted) murder but nothing graphic
Track: Rihanna – Russian Roulette
A Princess' Duty masterlist
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The day you left Karasuno was gray. The clouds and your departure overshadowed everything while the sun and your happiness were nowhere to be seen. You knew they were there, somewhere behind all the gray and misery, and they would show themselves again, eventually. But you couldn’t look ahead and determine when, so all you could do was hold on and not lose courage.
Only a few people were waiting at the palace’s forecourt to bid you goodbye: Azumane and Sugawara, Yachi and Shimizu, the royal advisor Keishin Ukai, and – of course – Daichi.
The two of you had barely spoken since you had stormed out of the throne room. You had come to accept this was for the best and knowing you had still a few weeks left, helped ease your mind. You recognized you had responsibilities you could not run from, because if you did, remorse would eat you up, swallow you whole.
The small gathering of your people parted when Kita approached, his own guards in tow. Since your conversation two days ago, you hadn’t spoken to him and you were anxious. Should you have spent more time with him? To deepen whatever relationship the two of you had? After all, he was your future husband.
His face showed no glimpse of emotions as he asked, not even a greeting leaving his lips, “Are you ready to leave?”
Your heart began to race. Due to all the stressing over preparations for your departure the last two days, you had chosen to ignore how you would travel to Inarizaki.
Shreds of memories showing a wrecked carriage at a cliff’s foot flashed before your eyes, sharp edges of stone covered in blood surrounding the tragedy.
Suddenly, breathing was hard and your dress seemed to tighten with every shaky breath you took. Clutching your hand over your chest, you already saw yourself fainting as your vision blurred. Your legs turned limp and your knees gave in.
Strong arms caught you and your eyes met with dark, narrow ones. One of Kita’s guards. “Are you alright, Your Highness?” his throaty voice asked.
Quickly, you stood up straight again and gathered your skirts, taking a reflexive step away from him. “Please excuse me. It must be the weather”, you lied, fanning yourself with an apologetic tug on your lips.
Azumane opened the carriage’s door for you and held out his hand to you.
You hated carriages. Since you were little, you couldn’t stand the cramped, narrow space, not nearly commodious enough to sit in a comfortable position on a long journey. And lately it had been even worse. Everything in your body and your mind balked at the thought of a carriage. It took all your mental strength to take his hand and get into the wooden cage.
Daichi moved up to the carriage and gave you a pitiful look. Internally, you rolled your eyes. It had been his order after all. You were here at the behest of him.
“Hinata is getting Cinders for you.”
You had almost left behind your mare. In all the hustle, you had forgotten about Kita’s promise you could take her with you. You nodded slowly.
Minutes passed as the last preparations were made so you could depart. Minutes you could’ve spent outside your noble prison.
When everyone was ready, you turned to Daichi for the last time. “Four weeks, Daichi,” you said firmly. A reminder of the unspoken promise he would solve everything until then, so you wouldn’t have to marry Kita.
“Sire?” The blonde guard reached out to Kita, the reins of a beautiful black stud in his hand. Its fur reflected the sun like a mirror and between the curious, warm eyes sat a star with a connected stripe.
Kita turned down the reins. “I’ll take the carriage.”
The ride was tense. The atmosphere was sickening, threatening to suffocate you. Squeezing your back into the corner, you tried to get away from him as far as the confined walls allowed as neither of you struck up a conversation.
To distract yourself, you watched the castle shrink with every rotation the carriage’s wheel did. You had seen it from the outside many times but seldom from a distance.
Situated on a small island, it was enclosed by the sea, only a single bridge connecting it to the mainland. The beige masonry loomed up into the sky, the castle’s spires pricking the low clouds like spearheads. The gray weather swallowed the blue hint of the rooftops that could only be seen under the bright sunlight. The statue of your great-grandfather on his beloved companion Shanty, embedded in the façade, watching over the front court surrounded by columns, faded beyond recognition the farther you moved away from your home, until even the oak tree and the weeping willow, both near the bridge and hundreds of years old, disappeared into the distance.
As tears burned behind your eyes, you turned away your gaze, stealing a glance at Kita. Oddly enough, you felt better with him sitting across from you. His presence gave you a certain peace of mind, eased your worries, and helped fight off the gruesome images of the shattered carriage. He gave you a certain comfort.
With his arms crossed, he focused on the passing scenery outside, giving you a look on his profile. The bridge of his nose was a smooth curve and ended in a fairly pointy tip, almost pointing upwards again. His bottom lip was a little rounder than his upper lip though not any fuller.
Since the time you saw him years ago, he had grown out of the remaining baby fat that used to grace his cheeks, highlighting his sharp, well-defined jaw that ended in a narrow chin. A few beams of the setting sun broke through the blanket of clouds, tinting his light gray hair in a light orange and his coffee brown eyes in a bronze tone. Half-lidded and observant, they had something fox-like as they followed the passing scenery outside.
“You’re staring.”
“Apologies.” You quickly lowered your gaze as if you had burned yourself.
His gaze landed on you and sent a shiver down your spine as he eyed you. “Who was the blonde man?” he asked bluntly. His question startled you. When you only furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, he specified, “The only blonde man that was there when they sent you off.”
You tilted your head. “You mean Keishin? He’s our family’s advisor.”
“Has he been working for you for a long time?”
“About a year,” you said. “His grandfather, Ikkei, used to provide advice to our parents and even our grandparents before they passed away. Sadly, he succumbed to his health conditions last year. He was a loyal companion to our family and as Keishin didn’t have family except for him, we took him in and offered him to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps.”
Not even a muscle in his face twitched. Kita only blinked before answering with an acknowledging hum and he went back to saying nothing again.
His sudden interest – and disinterest only moments later – stunned you. Why did he ask about Ukai so suddenly only to drop the topic the next minute? You studied him until your brain reminded you how he caught you staring earlier, so you averted your eyes and joined him in watching the trees fly by.
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The clouds followed you all the way through Karasuno and only thinned out after you had crossed the border between Karasuno and Inarizaki at dusk of the third day.
The three of you stared at the inn’s shattered windows and gutted remains. Charred stumps, once majestic trees, and wooden joists, once part of a beautiful building, were still reeking of fire and burnt wood, the acrid smell stinging in your nose. The crackling of a damaged branch disrupted the shocked silence as it fell to the ground.
The heavy silence held on for another few seconds until the guard you remember to be Ōmimi spoke up. “I’m afraid, the next inn is too far away to reach in time.”
Kita glared at him with a look so cold it sent a shiver down your spine. “I’d rather not have my fiancée sleep in the wilderness, Ren.”
Ōmimi was about to return something when you interjected. “It’s fine. I can sleep next to Cinders.” Your forced a smile, ignoring the twist in your stomach when you pictured the carriage burning down with you inside.
Three pairs of eyes flickered to you, boring into your soul. “Sleep in the carriage,” Kita ordered.
You gulped, too afraid to protest, and nodded.
“Atsumu, you know the family whose inn this is– was, right?” The blonde man gave him a quick nod. “Ensure they receive adequate help when we return.” Another sharp nod. “For now, we’ll need a fire and hay for the horses. There’s a farm down the road. Atsumu, get a bale there. Ren, look for material to make a fire. I’ll take care of our meal.”
Soon enough even the last bit of orange glow had disappeared behind the horizon, leaving the bonfire as the only source of light. Shadows flickered across the carriage's curtains, drawing obscure shapes on the white fabric. You could hear them talk, voices low enough for you to not understand their words.
As you were sitting – almost cowering – in the carriage, you tried to calm down your racing mind, to stop it from envisioning all the ways they could get rid of you. Out here, in the dark, it would be easy to hide your body: bury it somewhere between the trees, throw it in a bush or place it in between the burnt remains that used to be an inn, set it on fire and pretend you died in the flames.
Then Daichi would stand at the grave, alone, his eyes dull and lifeless as they carved your name on the stone under your parents’. The grave only a representation of your resting place as your remains would be missing forever, your true grave only known to three people.
Their laughs reached your ears and you could see their silhouettes move, one of them standing up and coming over to the carriage. Instinctively, you pushed your back further into the wooden wall, your hands pressed to the ground, a decorative molding causing a piercing pain in your spine. Eyes wide, heart racing, you could only stare at the nearing shadow. Whoever came to you was out to kill you. And you had nowhere to flee.
The door opened, revealing Kita.  “The night will get cold. This should help keep you warm.”
As his hand reached into the enclosed space, laying a small, black package on the floor, you tried shying away from him even further. The sweat on your hands caused your hand to slip, resulting in a scrape on your ball of the thumb. With a painful hiss, you pulled your hand to your chest, inspecting the wound carefully.
“May I have a look?” Kita’s voice was soft and when your head snapped up, your eyes widened even further when your gaze fell on the slight curve upwards of his lips.
Something about his demeanor made you give him your hand, fingers trembling. A tingling sensation prickled under your skin where his warm fingers made gentle contact with yours.
“We should clean this out with some water and I think we should have something to wrap your hand in. I’ll ask Atsumu. Wait a moment.”
Not waiting for an answer, Kita retreated from the carriage, only to return seconds later with a small bowl and a cloth. Warily, you watched even his slightest movements. After dampening the fabric, he reached for your hand again and carefully dapped the cloth on the torn skin. His hold was gentle, feathery, only slightly tightening when you flinched as pain flashed through your nerves.
“It’s fine, stay still.”
Your heart was still racing, but, much to your surprise, his voice calmed it down a little. It was so soothing, you even forgot you had feared for your life just moments ago.
“It’s not a deep wound, so it should take only a few days to heal.” His gaze met yours and time stood still. There was just the slightest of smiles on his lips, making your heart skip a beat and your throat dry. You blinked, unsure whether you’re hallucinating or not.
Something clanked outside, breaking the moment. Kita cleared his throat, before he handed the package to you again. “Like I said: the night will probably get cold.”
You only gulped and gave him a nod as an answer. After he had closed the door, you dared to inspect the package. The material was soft in your hands and as you dared to unfold it, you noticed it was one of Inarizaki’s cloaks. The shoulder plate slipped out of the pile, making a dull sound when hitting the wooden floor. The fox shimmered gold.
For a moment you considered refusing, but Kita had given it to you on purpose and it would be rude, so you gave in and wrapped the fabric around your body, wallowing in the warmth and Kita’s calming scent of cedars.
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Three figures sat around the fire, warming themselves up.
“He shouldn’t have slipped up. Looking at her like that, he took a great risk.”
“I’m not blaming him. She is a pretty little thing, almost pitiable, don’t ya think?”
“Watch your mouth. That’s His Majesty’s fiancée you’re talking about.”
The last silhouette didn’t even flinch, only staring into the flames devouring the air.
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Tagging: @hanayanetwork
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jean-kayak · 3 years
A Little Reward
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Summary: You agree to help Keishin study with a way that might help the information stick (GOOD GOD I am bad at summaries pls just read it)
Pairing: Ukai Keishin x black!fem!reader
Warnings: smut (18+!!), unprotected sex, minor fingering, dirty talk, degradation, daddy kink, ass smacking, handjob, groping, reader is picked up, a lot of biology references, college!au
Word Count: 2,366
A/N: So, I finally understand what I’m doing in my bio 183 class, and when I tell y’all I am ECSTATIC, so that’s where this came from
Tags: @her-majesty-kiara​, @iwascrybaby​, @mxhriii​
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When Keishin came to you asking if you could help him out with biology, you'll admit that it took him more than a couple of times to convince you. He claimed that he was so bad at it and that he didn't know how well he was going to do on the test.
You also knew that he was so bad at hiding how much he wanted to fuck you.
You weren't stupid. You always caught the way he would stare at you, and you liked the attention, purposefully putting a little more swish in your hips, knowing his eyes were drilling into your ass.
He was always catching you before you could walk out of the science building, offering to walk you back to your dorm, and he would spend the whole walk trying to charm the pants off of you. You wondered how many girls fell for it, not saying that you weren't falling for it either, you just thought you could make him work a little harder.
And it's not like you didn't want to fuck him either. He told you he played volleyball in high school, but he's seemed to bulk up a little more over the course of you knowing each other, his clothes like a second skin, so it wasn't hard for you to imagine what was hiding underneath.
He sighs as he running a hand through his hair, effectively pulling his headband with it, so he takes it off, wrapping it around his wrist. "I'm never going to get this," he groans in frustration.
"You haven't even tried," you say lightly, moving to lean against his desk, resting your hands behind you.
"I've been trying for thirty minutes," he sighs again, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Maybe you need a little incentive," you offer with a shrug, and he leans back in his chair, his eyebrows raised.
"Yeah? Like what?" He smirks, and you tilt your head to look up at the ceiling like you're trying to think even though you already know what you have in mind.
"I'll ask you a question," you start. "And for every right answer, I'll take something off." His eyes widen a little, and you give him a sweet grin.
He scoffs. "You're serious?" You hum as you shrug again. "What's the catch?"
"Nothing. But I don't think you'll get very far," you taunt, and you can see the challenging shimmer in his eyes, a look he gets whenever you both try to be competitive with each other.
You give him about another thirty minutes to go over about a quarter of the notes before you get ready to start the questions. "Ready?"
He nods confidently, thinking that this will be a piece of cake when you know that it's going to be the complete opposite. "ATP. What is it?"
You start off easy, and he huffs as he leans back in the seat, resting his hands on his thighs. "Bottom line, it powers cellular processes," and you smile as you nod your head. "Come on, baby, you gotta do better than that."
You give him a bored look, but you chuckle at his obliviousness to your plan. You uncross your arms before slipping your shirt over your head, letting it slide off your fingers and onto the floor.
You see him take a deep breath as his eyes zero in on the white lacy garment adorning your chest, accentuating your brown skin, your nipples just shy of being seen. "How's it made?"
He doesn't hear you, or if he does, he's too focused on your boobs to answer, and you snap your fingers, and he blinks slowly. "From ADP," he answers, clearly distracted. "Substrate level whatever," he adds, and you roll your eyes.
"What's it called?" His gaze hasn't left your chest, and you walk up to him, leaning down to rest your hands on the arms of the chair. You know your boobs are falling over the edge of your bra, and he releases a breath before he brings his eyes up to yours.
You walk around to stand behind him, leaning back down as you slide your arms over his broad shoulders before you hover your head next to his ear. "Answer the question, Kei."
"Phos...phorylzation," he says slowly, and you smile widely. You walk back to stand in front of him, and you see his hands turn into fists when your hands reach under your skirt.
You thumb at the side of your panties before slowly pulling them down your legs, stepping out of them, holding them on the edge of your finger. "Good job," you quip, and he watches you throw them to the side, the article landing on your shirt.
You take a step closer to him, and you lightly push his hands off of his thighs before you replace them, straddling him, and he bites his lip to stop himself from making any sound. You can feel your slick soaking his sweats, not expecting to get so affected by how he was only looking at you.
"What's the role of oxygen?" you ask next, and he closes his eyes for a brief second before he opens them, feeling another wave of arousal rush out when you see how hazy his eyes are.
You brush a few blonde strands out of his face as you wait for an answer, and his hands are twitching from how bad he wants to touch you. "It, uh," he licks his lips, his head slightly falling back on his shoulders. "Carries out metabolism."
His voice is airy, and you hum softly as your hands run down his sides, staying at his waist. "You're starting to get it," you praise, and you grab the hem of his shirt. He looks at you, his brows jerking slightly at your actions. "Wouldn't be a lot of fun if I'm the only one stripping," you explain, and he slowly lifts his arms up, allowing you to pull the clothing over his head.
You bite your lip as you toss it to the side, your eyes landing on his lightly defined abs, and he tenses when you softly run your hands over his abdomen. His clothes did a bad job at telling you what they were hiding.
You internally shake your head, remembering what you're supposed to be doing, and you look up to meet his eyes as your fingers lightly press into his skin. "The four main stages, in order," you tell him next, and he sighs shakily as your nails drag down from his shoulders, making him shudder.
He gets halfway through the answer, and you roll your hips just a little, and his hands shoot up to your hips before stopping himself as his head falls back. Your arms wrap around his neck, your hands lightly pulling his head back up by his hair. "Finish it."
You can barely hear him, but he gives you the rest of the answer, and you grab his wrist and guide him to the clasp of your bra. He quick to undo it, and you slowly slide the straps off your shoulders, your tits falling onto your chest as you slip it off, throwing it on top of the rest of your clothes.
"Shit," he mumbles, his eyes focused on your nipples that are starting to harden from the exposure of the cold air.
You chuckle softly, starting to feel your body becoming warm under his heated gaze. You guide his head up by his chin to look at you. "Pyruvate. What happens to it?"
His eyes dip down to your lips as you speak before returning back to your eyes. "It's oxidized."
"Yes. And?" you press, and he's starting to have a hard time controlling himself. "You've been doing so good," you praise, grazing his sides with your nails, and he bites his lip again.
He can barely get the answer out, and you shift again, his breath hitching at the stimulation, and yours hitching when you feel how hard he is under you. You can practically see his arms shaking with the urge to touch you, so instead of stripping you allow him to touch.
You can barely get the words out before his hands are moving to your chest, cupping your tits in his large palm, and you moan softly. His fingers play with your nipples, and your hands grip his shoulders. He moves his hands to your thighs, barely covered by your skirt, and he runs his calloused hands over your skin before they make their way under.
His hands run over your ass before gripping the flesh in his hands and spreading you open before pushing you down onto him. You let out a louder moan in surprise, and he does it again, groaning just as loud as he bucks up into you.
You feel the air slip from your lungs for a split second before you stop him. "Slow down, tiger. We're not done yet," you chide even though you want to fuck him just as bad as he wants to fuck you, but you want to tease him just a little bit longer even though you're teasing yourself in the process.
He lets out a small whine in protest, not having enough friction, but he lets you keep going anyway. "Let's make this more interesting, yeah?" He barely lets you get off of him, but his hands grudgingly let you go, and you stand before getting rid of your skirt.
He shamelessly lets out another groan at the sight of your shiny folds, and when you pull at the waistband of his sweatpants, he's quickly lifting his hips so that you can pull them down. You go to scoff when you see that he's gone commando, but your mouth falls open when his dick springs up, hitting his taut abs, the tip a deep shade of red.
He watches you bring two fingers to your dripping hole, swirling them around at your entrance before sliding them in, and you both moan simultaneously. You thrust your fingers inside of you a few times before slipping them out, your fingers coated in your juices.
You rest your other hand on his thigh, moving the other one towards his straining erection, using your slick as lube as you stroke him. Your hand leaves him, and he feels like it's gone too soon, but then he sees that you're putting your legs on either side of him as you line yourself up.
He grips your hips tightly when he's fully inside you, sighing easily at the feeling of your warm walls around him. "Next question," you speak up suddenly, and he's looking at you like you have two heads, and you chuckle softly. "We have to make sure you grasp the concept."
You're asking him questions, and he can barely answer, the only thing he can focus on is how your walls are grasping him. He knows you're doing this on purpose, asking him the same questions but in a different way, rolling your hips every time he takes too long to answer.
And that's his breaking point.
You're about to ask another annoying question, and you cut yourself with a yelp when he picks you up, moving you to his desk. He brushes everything off in one sweep, setting you down, and pounding into you as soon as he sets you down.
You cry out, your arms wrapping around his neck. "Answer this question, sweetheart," he groans in your ear, grabbing your ass to further spear you with his dick. "You like it when I fuck you like this?"
The only thing you can do is make incoherent noises, the last thing on your mind is responding, and he smacks your ass, hard. "Answer the question."
"Yes, Kei! Fuck," you gasp, your eyes closing and your body going limp when he hits that sensitive spot inside of you.
"You like teasing me, huh? Wanted me to fuck you like a bitch in heat?" Granted, you didn't really expect this outcome, but you're nowhere near complaining.
The only way you can answer is by breathless, incoherent noises in his ear, and he's moving you, pushing you down flat on your back on his desk. He pushes your legs to your chest before resuming his punishing pace.
"You wanted to be fucked by Daddy's cock like a little slut, yeah?" he spits, leaning down to breathe against your mouth, and you don't know if he can see your nod, the only thing you can do to answer him. "Daddy's fucking you good, isn't he?" he asks, a shit-eating grin on his face knowing that he's rendering you speechless.
He reaches down to press down hard on your clit, making you jump as you dig your nails in his arm. "You gotta answer, or I'll stop," he threatens, thrusting his hips with a little more force to really nail your g-spot.
"Y-Yes, Daddy, s-so good," you moan, and he swears when you clamp around him, your climax nearing its peak.
He rests his elbows on the desk to give him more leverage, and that pushes your legs further into your chest, the air seeming to slip out of your chest. "Shit," he moans, savoring the feeling of you sucking him back in every time he pulls out.
"God, Kei, 'm close," you barely manage to say, and he closes the minimal distance between your lips, and you can barely kiss him back. He pulls your lip between his teeth when he pulls away.
"Then cum, sweetheart, cum," he breathes, and his body is tensing up as he spills inside you, but he keeps moving until you cum right after him, riding out both of your highs before slowing to a stop.
He moves his arms so that your legs fall, and you take in a huge gulp of air before your breathing quickly again. He puts his arms back beside your head before kissing you deeply, your hands brushing the hair plastered to his forehead.
"You know, I think I need some help with calc if you wouldn't mind?" he says, and you chuckle breathlessly.
"I wouldn't mind at all."
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
previous: chapter one // masterlist
warnings: profanity, torture (cutting off fingers), gunshot wound, dysfunctional family, abuse, alcohol consumption. this chapter is a little longer bc i had a lot of stuff i needed to include, i'm sorry <3
tags: @haikyuuswhore, @yooniluvbot444 @caribbeanwifey19 @celestialuffy @madamehaitani
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You were livid. You weren’t just seeing red, you were seeing the whole damn rainbow at this point. Just the thought of Ukai’s stupid face had you clenching your jaw so tight that your teeth started hurting. With the dark aura swirling around you and a look that could kill, you received frightened glances from the people you passed in the lobby of your apartment. And it didn’t help that you had a towering goon right behind you. If security showed up at your door thirty minutes later, you wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.
As soon as you make it inside, you reach for the closest thing and chuck it at the large floor-to-ceiling windows in your living room. The once empty space is filled with an irritated groan, and as spacious as it was, there wasn’t enough to contain all of the anger you were holding in right now. How the hell does he expect you to do all of this in forty-eight hours? 
You pace around the room, sorting through every little detail that you knew about the Sansokuu and what happened that night. The only logical option is to revisit your old home… 
The sound of your cell phone interrupts your thoughts. ‘Saeko’ flashes across your screen with a silly picture of her. Leave it to your best friend to call at a time like this. “Hey, I’m a little busy right now. What’s up?”
“No no no, don’t give me that busy bullshit. Clear your schedule ‘cuz we’re going out tonight!” 
From the noise raging in the background, it sounded like Saeko was already out having her fun even though the day was only halfway done. “Saeko, I really can’t. Some things came up and I —
“Y/N, you are all work and no play. Either you come or I will drag you here myself! Our usual spot at ten o’clock, got it?”
You mentally groan, “Okay okay, I’ll be there.” You hang up before you hear whatever she has to say next. Saeko was your other half yet she was completely different from you. How you two even managed to become friends in college was a mystery that no one could solve.
This outing puts a little dent in your plans but you suppose you’ll just have to cut your trip short. 
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The gravel driveway crunches under your tires, kicking up a trail of dust. The house you grew up in was hidden off of a back road in Miyagi, it was sorta like a secret hideout — fitting since it belonged to a yakuza boss. 
A measly foot is all that separates you from the door and your heart is pounding against the wall of your chest, daring to leap out and take off the other way. It was a mistake to come here, that’s what you tell yourself when you feel the fear crawl up the ground and catch in your throat.
It felt like the time you ran away from home. You were thirteen and swore you’d never step foot in that house again, only for you to return a mere two hours later when your father’s lackeys found you. You received a heavy blow as soon as you walked through the door. 
So you hold your breath and tense up as you push open the broken door… but the hit never comes.
Instead of an iron hand, you’re greeted by broken furniture, shattered glass, and papers scattered over almost every inch of the floor. You weren’t sure if the place was ransacked or if your father had a manic episode before he left for Shibuya. 
The kitchen was the only portion of the house that seemed somewhat intact. The large chandelier still hung high from the ceiling accompanying the long dining table underneath that could seat several families but never truly sat a single one. You can see the memory: your father seated at the head of the table with you and your mother on either side, just like any other regular, happy family — except you were all pretending. Not once did it feel like a real family.
You pull your hand away from the cold wood of the table, giving one last look to the ‘family’ that appeared before you, and head off down the hall. You pass the training room without a second thought. There was nothing for you except the memory of being forced past your limit every day, all with a sliver of hope that you could one day make him proud enough to claim you as his daughter.
The room you were looking for was actually one that you were never allowed in — the office. No matter the time of day, unknown men would file into your father’s office and discuss who knows what behind that door for hours. Sometimes there would be yelling, laughter, crying… you never knew what to expect. But you did know that there were times that the men who went in didn’t always leave how they came. Whenever Oshiro ducked off into his office, he would give you a knowing look before locking the door
Rules are meant to be broken though.
It was well past midnight — the dark of night cloaked the sky and the dim moonlight shined through the windows onto the hallway floor. Among the white light, a soft golden hue radiated from a cracked door, your father’s office to be exact. You remember how your little feet slowly inched across the room, avoiding the lines of the tiled floor as you tip-toed toward his desk. A glass of scotch and a half of a cigar was all it took to put the beast of a man to sleep. Then something possessed you to do something you only ever did once: hug him. You draped your body over his and stayed like that for quite some time. There was no fear, no hatred, no sadness in your heart. Just love. He probably never knew about it, but that small moment in the forbidden room stayed with you forever. 
The big chair behind the desk welcomes you as you take a seat, you needed a moment to gather your thoughts. Being in the house was doing a number on you and the memories wouldn’t stop flooding back.
“You’ve already lost three fingers, do you really wanna lose another?” A tall, stoic man adjusts the rings on his bloodied hand as the lowly thug cowered before him, hopelessly searching for the answer that would satisfy him. Oshiro Kenji was a man to be feared and he was well known for his torturous methods. All he needed was an answer to a simple question: Why did one of his own gang members steal from him?
“I don’t know. Please spare me, I can make things right!” His useless pleading only made the situation worse. 
“That’s a shame. I was going to take another finger but it seems that I’ve lost my patience.” Oshiro clicks his tongue in disapproval as he reaches for his waistband, pulling out a shiny pistol and aiming it at his blood-stained head.
“That’s enough, Kenji,” a brunette man across the room finally speaks up after silently leaning against the wall all this time. The whimpering thug remains tied up in the chair, quietly sobbing with his eyes screwed shut as he awaited the bullet that was loaded just for him. “We don’t even know the entire situation, so what good does it do to kill our only lead?” 
“Fine, I won’t kill ‘em.” He moves the gun, aiming for his knee instead, letting a round out of the chamber and pierce the poor man’s kneecap. He screams out in agony, rocking in the chair as the pain radiates throughout his entire body and the blood slowly pools on the floor beneath him.
Ukai fixes his mouth to admonish Oshiro but another man knocks on the door before entering. “Your guests are here sir.”
Oshiro gestures for him to cut his victim free, “Take care of this. Hopefully, he'll start talking when I’m done. Let’s go, Jukito.” The brunette man reluctantly follows suit, sometimes his best friend was just too much to handle.
“This is a bad idea, Kenji — I can feel it. There’s no reason to drag an innocent woman and child into this kind of life, it’s too much for them.” 
“I have no choice, and we both know that.” 
The two men emerge from the end of the hall to meet a woman and a small child.
“What’s its name,” Oshiro rudely questions her. 
“Her name is Y/N, and you would know that if you made an effort to be in her life.” Her statement doesn’t phase him at all, he simply just strolls over to stand in front of the little girl, looking down at her like she was worthless scum.
“Hey, brat. I’m your dad I guess…”
“Let’s get one thing straight Kenji, she may be your daughter by blood but we’re not a family. I’m only here because of our agreement. Play house with your other bitches, not me.”
He strokes the peppered stubble on his chin in annoyance, rolling his eyes as he looks in her direction. Suddenly, his muscular frame is looming over her small stature, “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with my daughter. Don’t make this about you, you’re just baggage.” 
She was baggage. The only reason you were both here was because of an agreement built on mutually assured destruction. Your mother, who had an affair with Oshiro when he was visiting the states six years prior, had evidence to incriminate the man for all of his illegal activities that transpired in Miyagi. On the other hand, Oshiro could inform the authorities about her role in the death of her estranged husband. So the solution? They would live together to keep each other at bay. It was a ‘family’ built on blackmail and hatred.
Although it wasn’t considered at the time, this unfortunate situation could prove beneficial to him. If he could mold their daughter and train her to fill his shoes when the time came, the legacy of the Sansokuu could live on. However, Oshiro kept this idea to himself, fearing his men would turn on him the minute they found out a woman would be leading their gang. Ukai Jukito, his most trusted advisor and right-hand man, was the only other person who knew of this, even though he wasn’t very fond of the idea.
You wasted so much time taking an unwanted trip down memory lane that you didn't realize how long you had been sitting there. You still needed to find something, anything, that could be useful in figuring out what happened. Even though most of the place had been turned upside down, his office was the one room that was still put together. You quickly sort through loose papers and folders lying about before you start to rummage through the drawers. 
You spend 10 minutes looking until you give up and bang your fist against the last drawer. The sound catches you off guard. It was hollow… You let out a huff in disbelief — even after the old man was buried six feet under, he was still hiding aces up his sleeves and pulling tricks. Once you removed the false bottom you found a thick stack of papers underneath and you had a strong feeling that you could find at least one piece of information in there. So you don’t spend another minute in that forsaken house, quickly climbing into your car and speeding down the same road you came from.
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As soon as you walk into the club, you spot Saeko and a few of your other friends huddled at the bar. Shoving through a sea of bodies, and turning down offers to dance with several men, you finally reach them on the other side of the large room. 
“About time! Where have you been,” Saeko sorta yells at you over the loud music. She immediately flags down the bartender and orders shots, not bothering to wait for your response or even ask if you wanted something to drink. “Drink, now! I don’t wanna party with sober Y/N, she’s no fun.”
You down the shot. It’s tequila, should’ve known. She places another in your hand while you fight back the burning sensation in your throat.
“Guess what? Mina is finally getting hit on! Look!” She steers your gaze to the adjacent wall where several red booths were lined up. You see your friend Mina sitting in the lap of a man, locking lips with him and blocking your view of his face. 
But that Blonde hair… looks familiar. Then you notice the Sansokuu gang tattoo peeking out from under the collar of his shirt. And the shit-eating grin he gives when he locks eyes with you — you couldn’t miss that smug face from ten miles away. It’s fucking Ukai Keishin.
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
need to know. ukai + keigo.
cw: fem!reader, dilf!ukai, coach!keigo, threesome, manhandling, throat fucking, tag team oral, black coded, sweet / nasty talk, headcannons?, impact play, overstimulation, edging, choking, unedited.
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dilf!ukai and coach!keigo, two best friends who always partner up on saturday evenings to run the little leagues soccer games, ukai always there to support the team as well as his little girl. proudly clapping for her as her cute curls bounce and her tiny legs run in cleats along the grass to travel with the ball. numerous parents cheer for their own in the bleachers, patting them on the head or hugging them stating how proud they are of them after the game. ukai and keigo always stay behind to make sure all the kids get picked up to be taken back home, some of the parents offering treats for the kids. one parent in particular replacing a usual person who provided drinks and snacks for the kids. a woman they’ve never seen before passing out goodie bags that the two men grew a mutual interest in.
out of curiosity, they approached this new face, being polite and introducing themselves before the woman explained that she was a replacement for a kid on keigo’s team who’s mother wasn’t feeling well and offered to take over. this kid was a good player, the little boy sitting in a circle with the other kids eating gummies and sipping caprisuns. you’re his godmother, best friend to the kids mother. you told ukai how you appreciated him for taking care of your godchild and other kids like they’re his own. while speaking to both men, it’s obvious that you can’t ignore their attractiveness.
“are you two related?”
the question makes them both laugh, one with gold for eyes curling his lips and shaking his head while the other who couldn’t stop tonguing his inner cheek pushing away flyaways with his hair in its headband scrolls his eyes up and down your figure. both men were checking you out, unable to hold back the appeal in their body language. as long as they’ve known each other, they’ve always had the sense of reason one another well. when this woman walked away and said goodbye, promising she’ll be back for the next game with cupcakes this time, they shared a specific look.
it’s not the first time, either. that look, if you’re wondering, was one where they agreed without speaking that they were greedy for something. never needing to say it aloud. the last time they shared this look was a few months ago on a trip to mexico. surrounded by drinks, scenery, and beautiful women. women of whom they fucked together. it wasn’t a big deal to them to share women, or have sex in general. they shared similar interests so they didn’t mind combining desires. they liked what they liked. and one things for certain; they wanted you. so fucking bad they couldn’t even function for the rest of the day. seeing you walk away, the way your hips switched in the light blue denim you wore as you held your friends son hand and walked him to your honda, buckling him in and waving to them.
as promised, and to their fucking grace, you arrived to the next game the following week. bringing your cupcakes like you said. moist desserts they indulged in themselves. you watched with dirty images in your cute little head as keigo, the coach, moans and licks his lips after icing coats them, locking his eyes on you to make you more nervous. these two men before you hovering over you making you feel small. deep voiced, lanky and gentlemanly. they make your face burn up, trying your best not to stutter when around them. you keep going to the games, too many times for them to get the hint that you wanted them too. your friend questions you once, wondering why you keep attending even after she’s no longer ill.
there wasn’t anything to hide. you wanted to fuck them. in your eyes they looked like they were down for it, or maybe they were genuinely just being nice to you. but, you’ve taken notice they they don’t even treat your friend like this, so they had to have felt the same. ukai, keigo’s friend was bold enough to ask if you were dating anyone—to which you said you were only ‘having fun’, keigo catching on immediately. it’s ironic one day you’re pushing a cart in the supermarket for dinner to make, seeing a recipe on food network you wanted to recreate and running here—and running into them. engaging in small conversation before things in your mind—flip.
quite frankly, you were sick of dragging it. you needed to know. needed to know how they’d handle you if you asked for it. it’s been driving you mad for days on end. you were insatiably horny, and they were hot. you wanted them in your bed, in you, to be clear. so, you invite them over, and they’re fucking glad you did, feeling the exact same way about the waiting game. it’s all in your face, your cheery smile towards the cashier that glances at the brooding men standing behind you like possessive boyfriends to the way they carry your bags to your car and follow behind you when you drive unnervingly quick. you’re giddy. ukai and keigo exiting their vehicle and watching as your fuzzy slippers slip out of the car to see you emerge out, that tan bodycon dress hugging your curves making both men shift in their spots.
you can’t decipher the difference between them. which ones the calm, collective and stern one while the other is the playful, go with the flow man. who’s the dominant? who’s willing to be rough with you without constantly worrying about if they’re hurting you? the word gentle wasn’t on your mind for tonight’s activities. you wanted it to be dirty, nasty, unhinged. wanted them to treat you like their whore, their personal toy, their girl. you didn’t say much after dropping your groceries on the counter in the kitchen, kicking off your slippers before both men are watching you stroll up the steps of your home. ukai with his arms folded and brows raised while keigo has his hands stuffed in his sweats pockets.
you turn your head. “well? you coming or not?”
it’s not long after that you find yourself on your back with your knees to your chest with two pairs of eyes on your drenched cunt. you’re clawing at the backs of your thighs that twitch each time the two men before you, crouched on their knees at the edge of the bed, share your sweet pussy in their mouths. they took turns sucking on your clit, ukai coming close to bury his face between your thighs, licking, spitting, shaking his head and moaning in your sloppy pussy before pulling back and letting the keigo have his chance. this went on for a good five minutes, wanting to get you ready for them so it wouldn’t hurt. not to brag, but what they were carrying in their pants were heavy, long or thick—all of which you were blessed to see after they undressed before you. ukai entirely bare while keigo left only his black tee on.
they kept you on your back, ukai positioning you where he wanted you with his thick thighs situated by either side of your head, tapping his dick on your lips with his head cocked to the side, sucking his lips in as you dart your tongue out to catch the precum leaking from his tip.
“ah, you dirty girl,” ukai grins, lifting his dick away. “lemme play with you for a bit. you’ll get it soon.”
it’s crazy how fast these two men you’ve only just met a few days ago have you completely mind fucked over them. keigo’s big hands molding the flesh of your ass in his palms, spanking you and mouthing at your pussy once again before he fucks you, grinding his dick against the silk sheets of your bed. lifting your midsection to push onto his face as you claw at ukai’s thigh with your left hand while the other rakes through and tugs at keigo’s fluff of blonde.
“ssshit,” your voice strains the moment he overpowered the hold you had on his head to lift it enough for him to filthily spit on your pussy before clamping his mouth around you again, humming and shoving two of his fingers into you, twisting and hastily licking at your clit flatly, tongue fat and salivating so much.
while keigo’s occupied, ukai takes it upon him to catch your attention, seeing the dark glint in his gaze as he cups his balls with his left hand, slightly massaging while his right fists his cock, the veins running down his arms to his hands making you desperate for him. he looked so fucking good. both of them did. a sight for sore eyes. they’re like models. as of now, your personal porn stars. his tongue pokes out his mouth as his teeth holds it still, brown tinted over his eyes as he watches you open your mouth for him to slide his dick inside, rolling his eyes back at the outline in your throat.
“mhm, you take it so well,” ukai’s hips roll to thrust into your mouth, drooling around his dick as you hold onto his thigh, laying there and being good for him. keigo’s kissing up your chest now, tongue tracing after every kiss, groping your tits in his hands before his mouth is there too, swallowing at your nipples and humping his dick against your tummy. so fixated on your body. drive on high.
“want me to shoot it down your throat?” ukai’s clutching your neck as he thrusts his cock a little quicker, a gruff chuckle leaving his mouth as he watches you gargle and nod as keigo sits on he heels of his feet and throws your legs over his shoulder after spitting on your clit and massaging you with his fingers. “that’s cute, isn’t it kei?”
“real fuckin’ cute,” keigo hisses as he slides his dick past your gummy walls squeezing and milking him just right. keigo’s eyes go white momentarily, groaning as his hips roll and snap, reaching places inside you no man has ever touched. ukai pulls his dick from your mouth and lowers onto his knees, cock in his fist while the other caresses your face, wanting to watch you.
you screech. voice cracking the minute keigo fucks you harder, greedily tugging you down on his cock, eyes dangerously observing the movement of your soft stomach, to your tits, then your face bawled in a mixture of serenity and loss of consciousness. keigo licks his lips before taking your own in a sloppy wet kiss, moaning as he fucked your mouth with his tongue the same way he did when he ate you out, lips smacking with greed. you claw at your chest, pinching your taut nipples, whereas ukai took it in himself to shove three fingers into your mouth.
   "suck,” he squints his eyes, biting his lip once your full lips enclosed around his fingers, getting them wet enough for him to pull them out and lower them near your thrumming clit, so sensitive you scream and clamp your legs closed around keigo’s waist.
   "stop it, open your legs,” keigo grunts out, spanking your outer thigh harshly. you yelp and part them without another say. "you can cum for us again. I want you to cum all over me. let me feel it."
   you weakly nod. "mhm."
   ukai grips your chin, keeping your eyes lingered. "answer him properly. be a good girl.”
   you whine, inner thighs ridiculously wet you almost felt embarrassed for how aroused this all made you feel. "yesss, i’ll cum for you.”
   "ah, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” ukai kisses your lips, stroking his cock faster when he glances at keigo briefly and realizes that he’s close, his strokes turning sloppy. “no, right? now be an even better girl and cum right now. kei needs it. I need it.”
you obey, of course, lower lip trembling as you nod and gasp, removing the hand that supported your chest and setting it on your throat, keigo taking this as an obvious note that you wanted to be choked. both men grin, keigo tightening his hand enough for your face to blow up and pupils tint, still making sure you could breathe. he fucks you thoroughly while ukai continues to rush his fingers on your bud as you cum around keigo, mouth hanging and for a few seconds no sound came before they see you burst into tears and moan in the air, chest rapidly heaving and legs quivering like a stun gun came to contact with you. toes curling from how violent your orgasm was.
“fuck,” keigo crumbles as your honeydew lips flood out weak whimpers and whines, removing his hand from your throat, aggressively folding you beneath him before ramming his cock roughly into your leaking cunt, skin clapping and the air in your throat making you choke and gasp even more. your nails dig into his flexing arms. he’s merciless, beating your pussy to remind it that he owns it now.
“shh, just let him cum, baby,” ukai is near too, grunting in your mouth he kisses to swallow your sounds. ukai feels all the blood rushing to the tip of his dick, taking his hand away so he can keep his promise by cumming down your throat. as much as keigo didn’t want to, he builds up the energy to pull out before shooting thick ropes of white over your cute tummy, reaching up to your tits as he takes his breath.
“fuck, baby. you’re sum’ else,” keigo smacks your ass like he’s giving you a ‘good job’ teammate pat. throat dry as he gathered spit to gulp down before falling back. “fuck, i’m out.”
“good, move,” ukai nearly drags you away from him, bringing you onto the floor with him. he’s so fast with it that it makes your clit jump with excitement. ukai has your forearms in his grasp as you’re bent forward in front of him, raising his hips to encase his cock inside your cunt before he’s rutting inside you salaciously. your head hangs and your tits bounce as he chases his orgasm, humming deep in his throat as the flesh of your ass clashes with his toned hips. you can see the reflection of him in your mirror nearby, his pretty blonde hair pushed back by his headband, eyes dark and trained only on you. the rug burn you get on your knees, his inordinate breathing, filthy moans and vicious cock fucking you stupid—you cum again.
ukai chuckles, feeling the clench on his cock that stretches you so good. both of them used it so well it’s unbelievable. you unsteadily clap your ass back onto him. he’s in awe with you, clutching your neck to pull your back to his chest as he pounds harder. “damn, kei. think we gotta call off the game for tomorrow. i need a few more hours with this one.”
keigo laughs along with his best friend, situating himself in front of you after coming off the bed, pressing his nose to yours as you cry and try your absolute best to catch your breath. keigo hums as he smirks wickedly slow, hazel eyes enchanting, capturing you. having both men cloud your senses with their scents and presence’. sandwiched between them as ukai lays his forehead on your back and holds off on his orgasm, edging himself, getting something else in mind.
“what do you say we make her bounce on this dick, huh?” ukai spanks your ass hard after letting your arms go, your body falling limply into keigo’s chest.
“bet she’d love that.”
© 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞.
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chrollohearttags · 2 years
After Hours • Keishin Ukai x black fem reader.
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word count: 4.3k
kinks and themes: voyeurism, guided masturbation, asmr, choking, cumshot, squirting
“Another day done and out of the way. Hey, thanks for coming in on such short notice, (y/n). I know you were probably busy but I was slammed and good help is so hard to find nowadays."
"No problem! I wasn't doing much of anything so it's all good."
Keishin Ukai finished counting the last of the till for the night after an extremely long day at the convenient store.
it was always pretty steady but today was busier than usual; one person right after the next and it was finally closing time.
(y/n) had been recently hired as a cashier and it was going good so far.
you were a young college student, just coming up on your 21st birthday and trying to pay tuition and every other expense that came with being an adult so you didn't mind the extra hours.
he'd place the money into a bag and move the single cigarette from behind his ear, into his mouth.
"I'm gonna go make a deposit up the road here and head on home..all the nightly tasks are on the clipboard and once you're done, you're good to go. Just lock up the back door, I'll get the front. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."
overlooking the checklist, you'd nod to ensure him that you got it and he headed out the door.
"I got you! See ya' tomorrow."
"See ya! Thanks again, you're awesome."
he'd wave and head out, leaving you to handle the rest.
releasing a breathy sigh, you'd take the clipboard and start walking around the store.
"..well, let's get this out the way."
plugging your AirPods into your earlobes, you'd tuck your phone into your back pocket, and got to work.
amidst your stocking and sweeping, you had been listening to some rather risqué sounds.
ASMR audios had become your new obsession as of late and they had helped you through many late night study sessions.
as well as some late night urges due to loneliness.
but that was a discussion for another time.
as you were stocking the last of the sodas into the fridge, the particular sound you were listening to sent chills running through your mind.
intrusive thoughts began to plague your head and you were having a hard time concentrating.
sounds of moans ran rampant through your ear and you nearly collapsed.
it had been quite some time since you had experienced anything remotely sexual or physical.
so needless to say, the urges were growing quite strong.
if only you could make it through the remainder of these tasks, you could get home and handle it.
stocking the last of the drinks and snacks, you'd head back to the stock room to finish up.
your audio was still playing and you weren't any less turned on than you were before you finished.
taking a moment to rest and recuperate, you'd sit down near a set of empty crates, covered by some cushion from the packaging.
it wasn't the greatest seat but in the moment, it was pretty damn comfy.
closing your eyes for just a moment, your mind  would begin to wander...imagining things you had no business thinking about at work.
but you were alone and it was after hours anyways so who cared?
a particular part in the audio plagued your mind and sent tingling between your thighs.
the guy in the audio had a rather deep voice...and the way he was speaking had you ready to do something reckless.
"I just want to see you touch yourself for me, baby.."
you couldn't take it! One hand would fondle your breasts through your shirt and the other would begin undoing your pants.
the more you'd circle your fingertips across your brown nipples, they'd harden and eventually,
you'd lift your shirt and bra up, freeing them.  the cool air of the break room caused them to stiffen even more and you were at peak horniness.
also by this time, your pants had come undone and you'd slowly slide them down your legs until they reached your ankles.
that aching pearl was coated in sticky arousal, begging to be touched..teased..stimulated.
"That pussy looks amazing...spit in that hand and rub it..yeah, just like that."
whether this audio was in your subconscious or you were truly this turned on, it was as if were speaking directly to you..in that moment.
gently, with your eyes still closed, (y/n) would stroke your clit with one hand and pinch your nipples in another.
it felt incredible and it was exactly what you needed to destress from not only a long day but week as well.
the sounds of your own wetness began to mesh in with the sound of male moans; only fueling you.
what you truly, honestly needed was to be fucked into oblivion.
to have a hand around your throat while they fucked you stupid and never break eye contact.
but for right now, your imagination and own hands would have to suffice.
continuing to rub and stroke that aching bud, you'd decide to slide a finger inside, increasing the pleasure that much more.
pumping that digit in and out, you'd finally open your eyes to see just how you looked right now.
your pants crumpled around your ankles, shirt hoisted up near your neck and your legs wide open.
it was ridiculous but you didn't give a fuck. You needed a nut and right now.
closing your eyes again, you'd focus on the audio yet again and this time, it was the sound of full fledged fucking.
adding another finger to the mix, you'd begin rocking back and forth on those digits, making quite a juicy mess on those cushions.
"that's it..take this dick!...take this dick and open up for me.."
you were moaning and whimpering yourself now, the pressure rising inside of you from it all.
"Oh my gosh..fuck.."
thank heavens no one was around or you'd be in trouble.
or so you thought.
meanwhile, in the front of the store, Keishin was struggling to get his keys in the door.
"Goddamnit..I could've sworn I put them in my pocket before I left."
by this time, night had befallen the sky and he was headed home when he realized he was missing one of the deposit slips.
finally, he'd get the door open and head behind the register to search.
the front of the store was already dark so he was searching with his phone light until he stumbled across the singular slip of paper.
"Found you! You son of a bitch...now I can go home—
but something would stop him dead in his tracks when he heard a sound from the back room and notice the lights on.
"what the—"
he thought he was hearing things but didn't want to assume it was what he was thinking.
that's when he'd start scanning through the surveillance cameras and get himself quite the eyeful.
he'd spot you on camera, full on pleasuring yourself.
"..oh shit.." as your boss, he should've been pissed but as a man, he was getting stiff.
he was normally the most laid back, easygoing person there was but he couldn't have his employees masturbating in the store!
however, he didn't want to stop looking...or listening.
taking quiet footsteps towards the door, he'd press an ear to it and hear you getting louder.
"Oh fuck! Right there..I swear I'm gonna fucking cum—"
that made him stand at full attention! he definitely wasn't planning to go home now.
but right before you could climax, the door swung open and so did your mouth and eyes.
"Oh shit! H—hi, boss! I—uh." you were so close to shitting bricks, you didn't know what to do.
you were a dripping mess; disheveled and half naked right in front of the man that gave you this job and you were pretty sure you were about to lose it!
"Uh..hey..(y/n)..what the hell?" he didn't want to look but he didn't want to turn his head away either.
"I'm so so sorry..this is not what it looks like. I apologize—"
"Hey, calm down..it's no need to..I mean, when the urge hits, you gotta handle your business, I get it, but uh..didn't expect you..of all people to do it here."
you were so embarrassed that your cheeks were beginning to burn and your heart thudded through your chest.
"I'm so sorry..I know I'm probably fired but I hope you can forg—
"Wait, who said anything about firing you? I'm not gonna take your job over this! It's not like you were stealing from me..actually, I was hoping..I could watch."
your eyes would damn near bulge from your head. Watch you?!
he was definitely an attractive man! Finer than wine honestly but he was your boss!
picking up your phone, he'd read the title of what was playing and laugh.
"Don't tell me you actually get off on this cheesy shit.."
you'd chuckle and bite your lip. "It's kinda good."
he'd sit down in the steel chair in front of you and spread his own legs.
"I know what you really need..here, take your clothes off and open those legs a little wider."
you'd do exactly that and stay in your position with your legs now slightly behind your head.
"Fuck..your body is so sexy.." he'd growl underneath his breath before continuing.
tugging at his gym shorts, Keishin would pull out his stiff, elongated dick and look directly at you.
that was the direct result of your moaning so he could only imagine how you felt.
"Alright, keep your eyes on me...and listen to my voice. You want a real nut, I'll give you one."
his voice was so raspy and full of confidence; you liked it.
stroking himself as he watched your fingers reside on your flesh, Keishin would release a few grunts.
"keep rubbing that pussy...focus on that fingers gliding over that pretty..little swollen clit."
your face was contorting and you were turned on all over again.
he was only inches from you and he meant it when he said not to take your glare off of him.
the eye contact was so hot and those pretty green eyes of his were looking through you in the worst way.
he was looking as if he wanted to devour you right there..as if he'd fuck you breathless.
"Watch me..stroke this dick..pumping it in and out of my hand..you keep going..I want you to cum along with me."
"Ughhh—fuck...I don't know how much longer I can hold—
leaning forward, he'd shush and coo you, rubbing your cheek gently.
"Shh, just relax. I promise I'm going to make you cum."
lowering his head, he'd spit onto your pink flesh.
"rub it in..rub that spit into your pussy.." this man was going to be a problem, you could tell.
you'd do it and he'd start smiling. "..yeah, just like that..."
now standing in front of you, Keishin would start hovering his dick above your wetness; still jerking off.
this time, he'd hold his hand out and make it spit into his palm, rubbing it onto himself.
"Push those knees up a little bit more..and open your legs a lil' wider.."
following his instructions was followed by him tapping and teasing that leaking head on your clit.
"Listen to that..so fucking wet.."
his voice was raspy; not to mention he was so turned on and aroused by you that he was twitching on his own.
"Please!..stick it in already..I need it.."
that would garner a chuckle from him, seeing you so submissive was pretty hot and he knew what needed to be done.
letting a trail of saliva slide down onto your pussy, he'd tap it against you, making your legs shake.
your desperate pleas were enough for him because in a matter of seconds, he was buried deep.
your eyes would widen, toes curled and your mouth agape.
he was bigger than you expected but you'd take every inch of this dick if it meant you could cum finally.
"Is it okay?..I didn't hurt you, did I? Need me to take some out?"
you'd shake your head and chew fiercely at your bottom lip.
"N-no, it's fine.."
he'd take that as his cue and start to buck his hips forward, slowly.
he'd turn his head and roll it on his shoulders as he felt you adjusting to him.
it had been a long time, so much to the point you practically felt like a virgin; seeing as how you had only done it one time prior to this.
"You're so tight...fuck, (y/n)." he couldn't even maintain his composure.
you felt incredible twitching on his dick like this.
he'd make a couple more thrusts at this slow pace before speeding up a little and that's when you'd start to open up for him.
placing a hand on the crates above your head, Keishin would start to stroke at a more steady pace and you were loving it.
your walls began to open up and that wet flesh coated him in creaminess every time he came out.
"Shit...that's what I'm talking about. So wet..already. So creamy.."
his voice was what was doing it to you but those moans of yours were making him just as crazy.
"Fuck! Right there.."
the items underneath you began rocking and falling but neither of you cared.
all that mattered was the two of you in that moment. and the eye contact made it all the more better.
"You feel so good..this dick is so good, boss.."
still stroking your clit, you'd tell him exactly what you wanted.
"That's what you want? Cause I can go deeper..don't tell me twice."
eventually, the two of you were moving in rhythm and he was reaching the spot that had you going crazy.
your toes were curling as they resided on his shoulders but that was only fueling him further.
you'd grab ahold of his forearm and move that free hand to your throat as things reached a fiery peak.
he was close and you were practically dripping everywhere, it was only a matter of time before you both came.
"Oh..you like to be choked, huh? Well if you like it rough, baby..why didn't you just say so?"
taking that as a hint, he'd begin slamming into you with short, sporadic thrusts before finding a fast pace and pounding your shit.
he'd see that smile on your face and know exactly what to do going forward.
"Yes! Keep pounding my pussy! Oh God, it feels so good!"
"You like that, don't you? You're taking this dick so good..I'm impressed...didn't think you were so sexy..and slutty."
little did he know that you were a freak, you just didn't have anyone in your life to unleash it on.
"You'll find out soon enough."
he felt so good and you wanted more. There was a certain intensity about him that wasn't there before.
Keishin would lift his hoodie up and toss it over his head, along with his t-shirt; revealing those toned abs.
he was sexy as fuck!
"Now I can really fuck the shit outta you!"
you were folded up, face contorted and your body heated up to the max.
the more he slammed into you, the more you begged for until neither of you could take it.
"Oh God, I'm cumming, (y/n)..I'm gonna fucking nut!.."
you were delirious but you knew exactly what you wanted.
"I want it!....cum in me.."
he couldn't wait another second after that.
you'd both find that much awaited climax at the same time.
you'd grasp his back and he'd hover over you, grasping your whole body.
you two fell into a sultry tongue kiss and made out as you came.
you'd both let out loud moans and let juices flow onto one another.
you'd feel that warm liquid fill your insides and thanked the heavens for being on birth control.
but that wasn't the end of your session, not by a long shot.
"Stand up..get on your knees for me."
he wasn't giving you a second to recuperate, just getting straight back into it.
(y/n) did exactly that. Crawling off of the crates with what seemed to be a second wind, you'd get on the floor in a squatted position.
he was breathing heavily, holding his dick in his palm as he stood before you.
grasping the top of your head gently, he'd guide it towards him.
"you said you like it rough, right? Well get me cleaned off and I'll fuck you until you can't stand tomorrow.."
you were more than with that. You were about to grab it but he teased your tongue and lips with it first.
"Careful, beautiful..let me guide it in. Stick that pretty tongue out.."
he was so damn sexy and you had always had a thing for him so this was a dream.
sliding your tongue out, you'd flick it before spitting onto his head.
you'd give him a wink and that'd send him over the edge.
"..come here!" holding you still by the back of your head, he'd stuff your jaws with all of that shaft, making you suck him off.
your mouth was dripping with saliva and droplets of a mixture of juices from you both.
you'd eventually end up taking it down your throat and the gulping sounds made it even better for him.
"fuuuck...you keep this up, I might have to give you a raise."
he was loving the attention you were giving him right now and if he wasn't careful, you'd catch another load down your throat.
"Good job, baby..ugh fuck, you're doing so good at this..I don't think I've ever had it this good.."
sucking him off would soon turn into full fledge facefucking; when he'd pull it out, you'd be gasping and breathing heavily with a string of fluid coming from your lips.
"that's what I'm talking about...you're incredible. That mouth is a monster." You'd feel proud and leave a kiss on his tip.
"I'm glad you like it."
he'd chuckle again, helping you to your feet and back over to the crates.
"Bend over, baby..spread those legs."
when you'd do that, sticking your bottom out, he'd slap your ass and make it shake.
"This ass is so beautiful..the way it jiggles, getting me hard all over again."
Keishin would then fall to his knees, raising your left one by the knee.
once he had you in the ideal position, you'd fill his tongue snaking around your clit and folds.
you didn't know what to do with yourself, this man was going to have you addicted if he didn't stop.
but alas, he was devouring your pussy from the back; sucking, licking and lapping on that flesh.
"Shit...that feels so good!" your eyes were beginning to cross and toes curling up again.
"Well you taste even better..I'm not sorry for the way I'm going to make you cum on my face.."
before you could even react to what he just said, he was going in.
your juices were already coating his mouth.
"B-boss! I'm gonna cum if you don't stop!"
you were shaking, grabbing at anything within your grasp.
"..is that a threat? Cause if so-"
next thing you knew, two curled fingers began pumping themselves in and out of your hole.
"Oh shit!"
"That's it! Give it to me."
this man was going to have you going crazy if he didn't cut this out.
seconds later, without even realizing until your legs began shaking, you'd release a stream of sweet juices.
that squirt had his mouth wide open, and he gladly let you drench his face.
"..that's so fucking sexy. I need you to do it on my cock next."
you had no time to recuperate before he was inside of you with that hand underneath your leg.
he was unhinged, obsessing over every inch of your body.
as he thrusted himself deeper inside, he'd pinch and rub your nipples through his fingertips.
"..take this dick..you're such a good little slut..my best employee I would say."
"you're fucking me so good! I love it, daddy.."
lowering your head and trying to focus on that erection prodding your stomach, you'd let out a series of moans.
he'd grasp you by your hair yet again and lift your head up.
"Daddy, huh? Say that again..let me know how good it really feels.."
that's when he'd spit in your mouth and slide that hand back down to your throat; spitting in your mouth with your head tilted back.
"Fuck! It's so good, daddy..thank you!.."
heavy grunts and sharp breaths were pouring from Keishin but he wasn't slowing down until he got what he wanted.
cooing you with whispers and soft kisses, he'd hover above your lips and beg you to cum once again.
"Cum on me..cum on this fucking dick right now.."
you were struggling to even keep your eyes open because it was so damn good.
truth was, you were already overstimulated so one more orgasm and you were bound to hit the floor.
"Oh God! I'm gonna do it.."
a few rough poundings and circles on your clit later and he'd turn the inside of your thighs to a waterfall yet again.
on instinct, your knees would buckle but he'd hold you until you made a mess on his shaft.
"exactly like that...I'm not done with you yet though. I told you I'd make you cum..but you'll do it until I say so."
turning you around with that hand on your throat, Keishin would return to that chair and set you on top of him.
"climb up here, babe and put those feet on my legs.."
this man was like a machine, catching a wind right after the next just to keep satisfying you.
readjusting you until you say perfectly on him, he'd hold (y/n) by the hips and began thrusting upwards.
"..hope you know you're not getting rid of me now.."
"..as if I was going to let you go anywhere..this pussy is mine."
he'd start kissing and ravaging your neck; making you even wetter than you already were.
you felt as though you couldn't take another second but there was no way you wanted him to stop.
eventually, he'd begin to hammer himself into you and hit his last stride.
the sounds of the juices drove him feral; growls and groans riddling your ear as he pounded that tightness for a few more moments.
"I can't take it!—
"Neither can I..get on your knees, baby!"
tugging you off of him, you'd immediately position yourself right in front of him like he asked.
Keishin began jerking himself off, motioning you to stick out your tongue.
with shut eyes, you'd hear a final loud grunt and feel warm fluid coating your face and tongue.
"Ohhhhh...fuck! I'm cumming!"
he'd splatter that seed across every inch of your features and collapse back into the chair.
when he finally came back to consciousness, he'd look at you still positioned on your knees and smile.
"Wow...you look so cute covered in my cum like that. Damn, (y/n)..you nearly drained me dry."
both of you were still out of breath and spent. you were hot, sticky messes; coated in each other's arousal but it didn't matter.
it was worth it.
he'd reach over and grab a cloth from the desk, allowing you to wipe it off.
"What can I say? You brought it out of me..truth be told, it's been super long since I've done anything like this, honestly you're only my second and I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm not a ho or—
before you could even finish talking, he'd kiss you.
"You know you talk too damn much, kid..you think I care about any of that? We're adults and I'm happy you let me do this with you...actually I'm homered..you were incredible and anytime you'd like to, you let me know. I don't mind helping you take care of those urges...besides, you know you can trust me."
you'd never felt so comfortable and safe than you did right now.
your first experience wasn't so great and although, this wasn't the ideal scenario, you were happy.
Here..let's get you dressed so you can get home."
helping you to your feet, he'd help you locate your clothes.
once the two of you were dressed and heading home for the evening, he'd make sure you were safe and in your car like he done many nights.
"you let me know when you make it home, and by the way..go ahead and take tomorrow off. I'll get it covered."
you were looking confused.
"but why? I'm okay."
"because you'll be with me..my place at seven. We got a lot of work to do."
you could sense this was the start of something chaotic and beautiful.
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*sighs* yall, idk at this point. wrote this while fighting smut writer's block. I promise this was supposed to be a cute lil fluff piece, how did we get here? the fluff to smut pipeline back at work. I decided to keep the cute soft ass beginning in, so just roll with it when shit turns left.
pairing: Ukai Keishin x black fem oc (everybody say hi to Star)
Rating: R | MINORS DNI
warnings: handjobs, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, cum eating, creampie, drunken sex, slight degradation, dirty talk, can't really call this sub ukai so instead let's just say desperate, sappy ending cuz why the hell not, not really proofread so bare wit me
The television screen projected the locked images found on the cd handed over to him earlier after the game. On the screen, young bodies moved animately. Running, blocking, diving, flying. Faces he’d seen earlier that day and others new to him kept his interest, his eyelids refusing to lower until it became a necessity. He couldn’t miss a second. Every note mattered. His studying two feet away from the device could be what stands between his team of crows advancing or losing tomorrow. Keishin had to take this seriously.
Star did not, but out of curiosity, chose to.
She positioned herself higher than Keishin, after being denied her favorite spot, his lap. The couch was a foot further than where he had plopped down, but still near enough for him to rest his shaggy blond head against her rich brown thighs. His strands tickled her skin every time he adjusted his sitting position, leaned close to the screen, or reached for the remote to replay a specific minute.
Her task kept her movements steady. Under, over, under, over, more product, under, over. Star’s accomplished half her head so far. One side she fixed into mini buns, sectioned, and detangled for ease. The other hung from her scalp, ropes of hair still wet from the creams and foams, swaying with every wobble.
Further on the couch was a pizza Keishin brought home to share between the two of them. Only three slices remained, and Star hoped they would survive Keishin’s midnight hunger and live long enough to become her lunch the next day.
“Shit, they’re pretty good,” Keishin mumbled around his cigarette. He leaned over to pick up the paper, a list of all the teams participating in this tournament, to scan for the information he needed. “Wing-spiker is a 3rd year, setter is a 3rd year, libero is a 3rd year, they’re entire starting line up consists of all 3rd years.”
“Makes sense if they’re this good. All of ‘em have been playing for years, allegedly.” Star commented, drawing attention to herself. “What?”
Keishin glanced down to his hand, the limb unconsciously wrapped around and stroking along her ankle, playing with the small charm that dangled from her anklet. Red spread across the bridge of his nose.
“I, uh, kinda forgot you were here.” Star stared at her boyfriend until nerves bubbles out of him like fizz does soda. The stick in his mouth hung precariously, one wrong move and it'll fall from his petite lips onto his trusty track pants.
“Wow, Kei. Way to make a girl feel special.” Orange painted toenails, painted to match the Karusuno colors, rose to the height of his shoulder before poking the body part. He continued to stare at her, neglecting the recording still playing despite his loss of interest. “Pay attention, Coach. You gotta tournament to win, huh? Take this school to nationals and shit on Nekoma.”
“Right, yea. Ok.”
Sometimes, Keishin marveled at her like he’s never seen another human being before. It was easy to get lost in her presence. Or maybe he possessed a weak will to begin with, that had no issue falling for her charm. Regardless of what the root of the phenomenon was, Star lived up to her name.
Her light burned too bright to look at directly, yet too alluring to turn away from.
Gravity tugged on him until he became nothing more than a satellite caught in her orbit.
Keshin kept these poetic thoughts to himself since he made a promise to not share his lovesick thoughts with his love allergic girlfriend. She didn’t understand love expressed through words, spoken or written in his shitty penmanship. Those attempts were ‘cute’. The lovesick volleyball sticky notes of two stick figures overlapping triangles- holding hands he clarified later- stuck to the fridge were ‘cute’, something to coo over and stuff in a jar of momentos to reminisce on later.
Star needed action and had to see it live to fully grasp what he felt. That's how she showed her affection. That’s why she painted her toes his team colors and came to every game he participated in. It’s why she bought matching sweatpants for them and made the sacrifice to get up early to yield the crops in his place the days he couldn’t find the will to stick a foot out of bed.
“What Kei? Do I have something on my face?” Star paused her handwork to address his staring for a second time.
“No, just c’mere.” Her forehead wrinkled as she eyed the open spot on his lap, muscular thighs stretched the emphasize the space. Keishin doesn’t hesitate to shift her small collection of products to the floor by his notebook, unsatisfied with the slow pace of his girlfriend.
“Don’t complain when I cut off your leg circulation.”
“I would gladly sacrifice my legs if it means the prettiest girl in the world is the reason behind it.” He mumbled into the crevice of her neck, taking the time to skim his lips over the tattooed skin, reveling in the shiver he caused to ransack her frame. He clicked the rewind button.
“Pay attention to the game coach. No time to be a lil lover boy.” Star teased, shifting her hips to sink deeper in the space between his legs. The smell of her fragrant hair products intermingled with the stench of his cigarettes until a balance was established. It was familiar in the apartment, already infused into the fabric and upholstery of their secondhand furniture. The odor of cocoa butter and tobacco clung to their clothing, it described them perfectly.
As Star continued to twist, she could feel her boyfriend immerse himself back into the game playing, cursing every time the team he had his eyes on made a risky but effective move. They did whatever it took to keep the ball in the air on their side, pouring every ounce of power into their spikes to make the glorious smack noise on the other side of the net.
“Fuck I don’t know about this team? Maybe if I switched middle blockers or delayed the rotation a bit we could avoid that damn wall they got,” He muttered in the quiet space. The game was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon if both teams cleared their morning games. Star observed as she let down the next section of hair. Looked like they’ll both be up for a while.
“Another victory for Karusono.”
“One step closer to Nationals.”
“He might take us there, just like his old man.”
Another round for Coach!”
“Another round.”
“On me!”
She smirked into the foam of Keishin’s beer, happy that his half-hearted griping about her stealing it would be cut short thanks to the local patrons. No matter where you go in the world one thing remained the same. High school sports will always be a town’s shining glory.
“Congrats, Ukai! Can’t believe this is your first time coaching a team.”
“He must get it from the old crow bastard. You know what, your granddaddy owes me money if I remember right,” Star choked as she swallowed the last of the beverage just as her boyfriend received his new one. “I’ll let it go for now.”
Propped upon his hand, the man of the hour uttered a low drawl of thanks to their server. Keishin couldn’t talk much after the game, his voice hoarse from screaming from the sidelines for his team to act right. He nodded at every call of his name to acknowledge he heard their compliments and well wishes, all he really wanted was to look at Star.
Beads the same color scheme as his team’s colors clacked and jangled with every toss of her head. Keishin saw them when she walked into the gym swaying freely from her ends. By the end of the last set, the ropes of hair were tied into a low bun so she could focus on cheering for the crows and scolding the referee for bad calls. After the game he figured she would undo the scrunchie and shake her hair free, letting the small beads make as much noise as they wanted.
Even after seeing the boys off at the practice gym and grabbing a quick meal at his family-owned store, Star still had her hair pulled back. Keishin wanted-
“Hey, you good?” Her voice interrupted his vulgar thoughts before they began. But that wasn’t an issue for slummed and dumb Keishin.
“Can we go home so I can fuck your mouth?” Thankfully for his sake, the poorly ventilated room had gotten rowdy as the night went on. No one but her heard his request, not even his friends sitting on the other side of Keishin. Star could play this in a lot of ways. But as the coach of the team on the road to nationals, she decided he deserved her nicer side.
“Gimme your keys, Keishin.”
They didn’t make it out of the dimly lit parking lot. As soon as the doors had unlocked, Star had gotten him in the passenger side and strapped in before running around the front to slide into the driver’s seat. Her seatbelt hadn’t even made the chance to buckle properly before her arm was yanked over the console into his pants. Drops of beer still sat on his top lip but Keishin didn't bother wiping the residue before smashing their mouths together.
Star opened her mouth to let their tongues intermingle, swapping spit and clashing teeth like two overeager teenagers on prom night. Biting down on her lip, Keishin put in the effort to get his girl moving. “Please, baby,”
“So hot,” Star mumbled against his lips. She pecked the corner of his mouth and stretched her hand under the band of his clothing. “S’hard for me, Kei.”
“Move, Star. Godammit I’m-” His already flushed cheeks reddened more as he struggled to catch his breath. The smoothness of her warm palm working his dick, pausing every few strokes to rub the messy slit and nudge the metal pierced there, robbed his train of thought.
“You what, baby? Use your words for me.” Pretty words hid cruel intentions. Star groaned in his ear, dragging the end of every noise while her pace picked up, making sure to swipe at and squeeze the tip. “Tell me,”
“Need you so bad, baby. Gimme that throat. Been thinking about it since lunch.” Keishin confessed as his eyes rolled back into his skull. Suddenly the pressure around his flesh disappeared, taking his nearing high with it. “Star, baby, please don’t play right now.”
“Who’s playing?” Spitting into one hand and scratching the scruff on his face with the other, Star smiled at her boyfriend.
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit,” His hips bucked up into her wet hand, chasing the feeling, not caring if the car rocked from his movements. She worked him so good, twisting and squeezing his dick, compelling his tip to ooze precum. She took the extra moisture and doubled down on her actions, bubbles made from body fluids saturating his base.
“You gonna cum for me coach? Make my hand all messy? But I gotta drive with it and I don't want nut all over the sterling wheel. Know what that means, Keishin?” He shook his head vehemently, worried that any delay in response would slow down her hand. “Means somebody’s gonna have to use their mouth to clean this mess up.”
The pit of his stomach contracted. He couldn’t keep his eyes open, but he forced himself to for a few seconds longer. He wanted to see her wrap her pretty lips around his dick. Strings of spit connected the bottom and top of her open mouth, breaking with the rough intrusion of his flesh in her orifice.
“Holy fuck,” He whined. He couldn’t not look. With a hand firmly grasping the passenger grab handle, Keishin braced himself for the sight in his lap.
Stuffing the monstrosity that was Keishin's dick down her throat was an act of masochism Star loved to inflict on herself. There hasn't been a time when she didn’t choke on the thickness of it or struggle to get the first inch past her gag reflex. One minute into slobbering over it and her brown eyes had begun to water.
“You can do it, babe. Just relax your throat for me,” Keishin encouraged his girlfriend, ignoring the light glare she gave him. Still, she moaned around his girth, rubbing what couldn’t fit in her mouth affectionately to spread the remaining slickness from before. “So sweet to me, Star.”
Just as he got used to the wet heat surrounding him did Star begin to ease his dick down her throat. Slowly her lips slid up his length until her nose buried into his pubic hair. Keishin couldn't stop his hips from bucking up and eliciting a whine from her. The beads in her hair clanged together the quicker his thrust became. Spittle surrounded his base and slid down to coat his balls. Star moaned when his meat started throbbing on her tongue. “So good for me, all nice and supportive, coming to my games, letting me fuck your little throat in the car.”
Star shut her eyes, praying to the universe that she would survive this, and bobbed her head along to his rhythm. Above her and barely holding onto sanity, Keishin groaned. The knot at the base of his spine grew, tugging at his balls to release his seed. “Fu-close. So fucking close. C’mere. Come here. Need a kiss from my star.”
She only had time to take in one breath before her lips crashed against his. Together they joined hands around his dick and tugged at it, putting special attention on the sensitive piercing that left the taste of metal in her mouth. He kissed her fervently, not letting her move away to breathe. His hips pistoned up, the car rocked, and his grasp on her hand and the handle tightened. His orgasm shot through him and cost him the grip around himself. Star continued without his aide, working him through the pulses. Leaving one last kiss on his moist lips, she leaned back in her seat, letting out a deep sigh.
“I told you I didn’t wanna make a mess,” Keishin grunted, still dazed in his post-nut high. Still, he could blearily make out the sight of her brown hand covered in his translucent white cum. Without hesitation, he yanked the limb to his mouth and began to lick it up.
“There. Now let's go home.” Star snorted and started the ignition. He’s always sleepy after cumming, but if he thought the pool in her panties would be ignored when they got to the apartment, he had another thing coming.
“Aww, poor baby. Too drunk to fuck his girlfriend?” Her cooing tone fogged his vision until keeping them open became pointless. Just as his lashes rested on his cheeks, a hot wet tongue skimmed the shell of his ear. “You got all that dick, and you ain't finna give me none? Can’t work it properly, can barely sit up straight. I gotta do all the work if I want to get off, huh?” Huffing at his weak responses to her, Star paused her rising. “That's foul as fuck, Kei.”
“m’sorry, baby. I can’t-”
“Can’t or won’t?” She shot back, lowering her body in his lap. Despite his protests, he groaned and attempted to move, wanting to make her feel as good as she made him feel in the bar’s parking lot. The most his intoxicated and lethargic body could do was maintain an erection and slobber at her tits bouncing in his face.
“Can’t! I want to baby, you gotta believe me…” To prove his sincerity, Keishin lurched forward and tongued her nipples, stroking the hard peaks and leaving marks around her areola. Star cursed, burrowing her hand in his blonde locks. Her plush walls gripped his tough flesh as it kissed the depths of her pussy. Her pace stuttered as he groped at her ass. “Want you so bad, wanna make you feel good.”
Pleasure thrummed through her body. Even half-assed, he could make her feel this good. Her body struggled to keep going but didn’t seem to catch on. It took a lot out of her, fucking herself on his dick. Star had to shift the work on him.
“If you’re not gonna fuck me right, shut up.” Keishin could only whine into her flesh. A girl as amazing as her deserved a proper fucking. What if she left him after this? What if she found someone else, someone better to fuck her?
“Please, please, please, I’m sorry I can do it! I promise,” And that’s when everything changed for Star. Tackled on her back, a loud moan flew out her mouth carelessly as Keishin took over. The sound of his hips smashing into hers, his balls smacking onto her ass, his dick burying itself into her juicy cunt only to pull out and repeat sounded like angels in a choir to her. The bed rocked with his fast pace, he was too scared to leave her core so he stuck to shallow thrusts. Unaware of how his piercing relentlessly stimulated the rough patch inside her.
“That's, ah, better,” Star squeaked out. She could feel his weak smile against her chest. “More, Kei. Need more.”
“Like this? Star, baby, please. Am I doing it right?” He muttered against sweaty skin. His spit coated her collarbone like a necklace. His grip readjusted to push one of her thighs to lay flat on the bed, increasing the room between her legs and tightening her hole around him. It made it harder for him to concentrate with his dick being suffocated by such wet hot walls. But for her, for his star, he’d keep going. Wrapped up in his thoughts and impending climax, Keishin ignored her answers of gasping breathy sounds of encouragement. “Can’t let this pussy leave. Can’t leave me, baby.”
Her back arched off the bed as he began to toy with her engorged clit that had gone ignored for most of the night. Oxygen couldn’t get into her lungs fast enough. “Keishin,”
“I’m here baby. Fuck I wanna cum so bad. Can I cum in you, Star?” Her nails dug into him while her mind strung together a response.
“You. still. being. so selfish. Keishinnnn,” Star said while his dick continued to batter her insides. Keishin would be coming inside her regardless, what she really cared about is if her boyfriend would get her to cum before him. As her words sunk in, he worked harder, keeping one hand on her clit he moved the other to yank her hair to the side, beads clanging together in his tight clutch.
“M’not selfish.” He pleaded. Star could feel the tremors creep in, her core tightening around him, bearing down to prepare for her climax. Wet kisses were left all over her face in a last-ditch effort to clear his name. “Love you so much, need you, baby. Always wanna make you feel good. You’re my-”
“Keishin.” Her hips bucked up as her head pressed into their mattress. Star couldn’t stop the whining she let out as his hips met hers, keeping her pussy stimulated as it tried to concave in on itself. He grunted but forced his flesh in and out of her while rolling her nub to prolong her pleasure. Even when her body relaxed and she rode the waves of endorphins, he kept digging into her.
“Fuck Star, can’t stop.” Incoherent babbling filled her ears as Keishin gave his last few pumps before shooting his load right into her waiting cervix. “Shit, so good. My star feels so good. Gotta stay with me. Got to,” Keishin let his weight fall on her, too busy letting out his repressed lovesick thoughts now that he had his love allergic girlfriend hostage.
A bit later, when his unguarded thoughts turned to muffled nonsense then into soft snoring, Star nudged him to get off her. “How’d a coach this sappy get his team to finals?” She muttered, lightly, combing through his hair. Resigning herself to the fate of cleaning dried cum off her in the morning, she closed her eyes. “Love you too, Kei.”
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ahoney--girl · 3 years
Keishin Ukai
Triggers !!
Daddy kink
mentioning of collars 
A little soft but smut .
“Sure about this doll?” Keishin questions again, eyes soft as he searches mine. “Just as sure as I was ten minutes ago when you asked.” Smirking back at him, he scoffs. “Don't be a brat when I’m about to have a sharp object near your body.” “Wouldn’t be the first time.” I shoot back. Laughing he rises to his full height. Moving around my expanded body on his tattoo chair. Turning his back he starts preparing the machine, his back muscle-flexing beautifully under his oversized shirt. He pushes his hand through his shaggy blonde hair before adjusting my stolen pink headband in his hair. He knows I love it when he wears it due to it being thicker than the average headband and the pastel pink dye. Because of its original usage being for my thick afro curls and his love for the way pastels look in contrast with my dark brown skin. It stands out beautifully on his skin and hair. Making it obvious he was taken. Marking him just how I'm marked. “Keep this up and I’ll punish you when we are supposed to be celebrating today.”
 Turning back to face me, his tattoo gun loaded with the specially mixed blue ink. Walking back to the chair my legs slid open on instinct for him to slide in between. Smirking at how I accept him without question, his free hand slides onto my neck. Pulling on the silver collar a thick heart lock clicking it together with the date of our anniversary. “Three years to the date. You officially became mine.” “And you mine.” Our voices dreamily recall the day. “Here's to three more years yeah?” “And so any more,” I whisper back just as easily as he infers our next three years. “Before we start..” I wander off in my voice. My eyes floating along his white shirt hiding his tattooed and defined body. But I know from many a night in love and passion what is hiding below. Especially over his heart, the same custom blue ink “baby girl” in my handwriting. “Want daddy’s cock in you?” He finishes with a knowing smirk. “Feeling anxious?” He continues, knowing the exact answer already as I push my skirt up further. Moving my panties to the side to show my already wet pussy. “Please,” I beg. Leaning forward his lips connect to mine. Soft guiding me as his hand moves to my pussy circling at first when pushing in slowly. A moan breathes from that he sucks into his mouth. Slowly his finger and lips pull back from me. Just as slowly as he pushed into me his finger push into his open mouth eyes on me as his finger swirls on the finger before closing so he could suck. His other hand now free of the tattoo gun grips his dick aligning it up with me. “Always such a needy slut.” He hums poping his finger from his mouth to grab my collar again. Pulling it so that I move forward to meet his lips but not allowing any pressure just feeling him. “As if I haven't been railing your cunt at least once a day for the past 3 years.” The head of his dick pushes in as I bite my bottom lip. The feeling of being filled with the increased pressure on my neck buzzing my body beautifully.
 “Still so needy for daddy.” "Always." "That's a big promise to make babygirl." "Mean it though." I moan out with him fully inside, heavy and pressing into all my senses. Eyes floating closed at the feeling then a buzzing sound wakes me again. tensing on instinct. "Fuck baby" He groans hand on my collar moving to grab my neck above the thick silver chain. "Behave. This will be over quickly then we can play." Nodding in agreement. "Kiss first." Smiling softly he pecks my lips moving back to slip into his hand into the black latex gloves. Whipping the area over my chest that matches up with his, he starts pressing the gun down. A few minutes later he was done. Whipping the freshly made tattoo I clench and unclench in excitement around him. Laughing he moves to play the gun on the counter next to us. "Someone is excited." He hums, stripping his hands of the gloves and turning to give me his full attention. "Love being marked by you. I Wanna play now." "Of course we can play now." "And always." It was a statement and yet the voice made it into a question. Keishin Smiled leaning forward, connecting his lips with mine. Hand brushing over the new tattoo lightly to not damage the bandages around it. "Daddy's" hides under the bandages matching perfectly to my signature on him. Marking each other to the other. "Always." He hums pulling his hips back before snapping them forward, twisting ever so slightly to his favorite spot inside of me.
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Where’s Your Holiday Spirit?
Summary: You’re at an office party, and the person you hate the most is also at the party
Pairing: Keishin Ukai x black!fem!reader
Warnings: (smut 18+!!), oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex, ass slapping, mild daddy kink, spitting, public sex??? (there’s a chance at getting caught)
Word Count: 2,331
A/N: LMAO, I just wanted an excuse to write smut, but also I am a slut for Ukai, so here’s Day 5!
All characters are 18+!!
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Another year, another stupid Christmas work party. Ukai despises these things, but he goes anyway to be on the good side of his boss, but if that wasn't the case, he would stay his ass home.
"Fix that sour face, Keishin, you're scaring people." And that is another reason he hates these parties. You.
"I hate Christmas work parties," he grumbles, and you chuckle softly.
"Yes, I'm very aware of that. That's all your face is saying right now." He feels his blood boiling the more you talk to him. Both of you are competing for the same position, and your animosity matches his. You hate him just as much as he hates you.
"Can I help you?" he spits, and he turns to you, and damn he hates how hot you look right now. The red dress you're wearing should be illegal because of how short it is, and how it tightly hugs your curves.
"Oh, don't be a sourpuss. C'mon, where's your holiday spirit?"
"At home, where I would rather be," he utters aggressively, making you laugh as you look around at the office party unfolding in front of you.
"Well, you could just go home, you know. We both know I deserve that promotion more than you do," you insist, making Keishin roll his eyes.
"Like you're not already kissing the boss' ass," he says firmly, making you chuckle again. A tray of champagne finally floats towards Keishin, and he knows he needs alcohol if he's gonna have to make it through another second talking to you.
Just as he's about to bring it to his mouth when you grab it out of his hand, taking a swig before giving him a satisfied smirk. You watch as his jaw clenches in anger and annoyance, giving him the glass of champagne back as you start to walk off.
"Well, I'll let you get back to your sulking. Have fun." You saunter away, wiggling your fingers at him before turning your attention to one of your other co-workers, and Keishin does not watch your backside as you walk away.
You're walking down the hallway towards the break room to get some more eggnog, when you feel someone yank into an office, the door closing behind you. You whirl around to see Ukai standing with his back leaning against the door, his arms crossed as he stares at you.
"Keishin, what the hell--" You're cut off by Ukai stepping closer to you and smashing his lips down on yours. You're soon kissing him back, and you feel him guiding you across the room until you feel your legs hit something.
You break away from the kiss, realizing you're in your boss' office, and your legs are against her desk. "Keishin, not in here, are you crazy?" He responds with a smug grin.
"So, you do wanna fuck?" he questions playfully, and you roll your eyes.
"Of course, I don't." You're lying straight through your teeth, but you hope he doesn't pick up on it.
He chuckles softly. "Fine, if you don't want this, I'll walk right out of here and pretend nothing happened." He lifts his hands from your waist, instantly missing the feeling of his hands on you, and as he starts to back away, your body moves before your brain, your grip on his shoulders tightening.
He tilts his head at your action, and you clench your jaw as you feel your resolve breaking. As much as you hate this man, your body refuses to listen to your head. "Having second thoughts, princess?" he jabs, and you take a deep breath, the remnants of your resolve leaving your body.
"Nobody can know, alright?" you demand, and you fight back a sigh when he rests his hands on your waist again.
"Come on, you know I don't kiss and tell." You both move forward, your lips meeting in the middle, your body going limp as he pulls you flush against him. He pushes the bottom of your dress up, his hands cupping your ass instantly as his mouth moves to your neck, and you easily give him more access. "You wore this dress on purpose, didn't you? You wanted to see if it would get a rise out of me, didn't you?"
"Maybe," you admit, hating how breathless you already sound. "It clearly worked though," you say, sounding smug. He smacks your ass, the sound so loud you're sure someone walking by would hear it.
"Fuck yeah, it did. This whole party, I've wanted nothing more than to bend you over in front of everyone and fuck you stupid."
"Fuck, Kei," you mewl, feeling your panties already soaked just from his words. He pulls the straps of your dress down your shoulders before pulling your dress past your tits.
He lifts his head, meeting your eyes, his lips shiny with his saliva, and he lightly taps your chin. "Open up, baby." You comply, and he leans over you, and you watch a glob of spit fall from his mouth onto your awaiting tongue. "Now, stay just like that, and it better be there when I come back up."
His words are confusing, but you listen, watching as he moves down, and you jump slightly when you feel him on your chest, and you almost close your mouth, but you quickly stop yourself. He's pinching, biting, and pulling at your nipples, and you feel your knees wobble a little.
He starts kissing down your torso, feeling his kisses burning on your skin through your dress. Your hands are in his air when he plants a kiss on your clothes core, and he checks to see if you're still complying with his words before pulling your panties down your legs, groaning when he sees how soaked you are.
"Now, this pussy doesn't look like it belongs to someone who hates me," he comments, and you roll your eyes.
"It does," your words obscured by your tongue.
You hear him chuckle softly as he grips the inside of your thighs, nudging your legs further apart before moving his hands to grips the outside of them. "But it also looks like a pussy that belongs to me."
You go to make a sound of protest, but it turns into a moan when he suddenly licks a thick stripe through your folds. Your thighs subconsciously clamp together when he pokes his tongue at your clit through your folds, and he puts his hands back on the inside of your thighs to keep your legs open.
You want to stifle your moans as they get louder the more fervor he puts into his actions, but you don't close your mouth, remembering his words. Your grip on his hair becomes tighter, and the harder you pull on it, the louder it makes him groan.
You try to pull him away from you when you feel your orgasm approaching, but he doesn't budge, alternating from circling your clit with the pink muscle to using it to stretch out your hole. The sounds he's making are vibrating against your core which only brings you closer to your release.
"Kei," you mumble like a warning, but that knot snaps, making you let out a silent scream, and Keishin stays between your legs, collecting as much as he can before rising to his feet as you slump against the desk.
He gives you a lazy smile when he sees that your mouth is still open, his spit sitting right where he left it, and you can't notice how hot he looks with the lower half of his face shining with your juices. "You can swallow, pretty girl," he tells you, and his smile gets even wider when you easily obey.
He grasps your chin with his thumb and index finger, his thumb rubbing softly against it as he brings his face close to yours. "You like listening to your Daddy, don't you?" he asks you smugly, his voice somehow deeper than before.
"Fuck," you gasp softly as you nod, feeling yourself getting turned on again from just his words.
"Why don't you turn around and bend over for me, princess?" and before you can answer, he's guiding you to turn around and bending you over the desk, and you think about how this is your boss' desk, and you're in her office, and it's having the opposite effect on you, making you even more turned on.
Why was her door unlocked? Or rather, how was Keishin able to get in? You're pulling from your thoughts when you feel his fingers toying with your hole. "You're still dripping for me, huh?"
You rock back against his fingers, the motion causing your nipples to rub against the desk, making you moan. "Please, Daddy, please I want it so bad," you beg, and you can see the satisfied smirk on his face as you hear his belt unbuckling and the zipper, and you feel your body start tingling in excitement.
"Guess you don't hate me that much since you're begging so easily," he says, and you can feel the tip of his cock pushing at your hole.
"Ha," you huff, "says that one who initiated this whole thing," you bite back, and you let out an involuntary whine when you feel him pull away, your body chasing after him, but he keeps a firm grip on your hips.
"Aww, you think you deserve my cock after talking back?" He gives your ass another slap, and you're pretty sure it was louder than the last one, but you don't give in just yet.
"Aww, but I thought you were the one who said you wanted to fuck me stupid?" you coo at him with a pout, and he doesn't respond, but the next thing you feel is being filled to the brim instantly, making you scream at the sudden intrusion.
He pulls you up by your hair, his hand wrapping around your neck, his mouth right up against your ear. "You wanna talk back to your Daddy now, huh?" he practically growls in your ear. "You wanna be an annoying little brat?" He thrusts into you, making you whimper as your head falls on his shoulder. "Annoying little brats don't get to cum, sweetheart. Whenever we're done, I'll walk right out of this room without you coming once. Is that what you want?"
You shake your head. "Please, I'm sorry, I want your cock so bad, I need it, Daddy," you plead, swallowing the rest of your pride. "I wanna cum, I'm sorry. Please fuck me."
He pushes you back against the desk, your body hot against the cool surface, and he gives you a particular thrust that has you seeing stars, and you cry out into the empty room. Your heart drops when you hear footsteps and voices from the other side of the door.
Ukai leans down near your ear. "And I didn't lock the door, so if anyone opens it, they'll see how you're taking my cock so well," he warns, and you clench around him, making him chuckle darkly. "So, you want to get caught? That's what gets you off, huh? Well if you scream loud enough again, I'm sure someone will hear you."
He starts moving, his pace brutal as he grips your shoulder for some extra leverage, and you're having a hard time muffling the sounds coming out of your mouth, but you're sure that the squelching noises coming from your soaked cunt are louder than you are.
When he hits your g-spot, you barely manage to muffle your moan, covering your head with your hands as you rest your forehead against the desk. You start rocking back matching with his thrusts as you feel the knot coming closer to snapping.
"Fuck, baby, you feel so good," he whines softly, lifting your leg onto the desk, which seems to make him go impossibly deeper, and you bite down your hand, face contorted in pleasure.
He manages to find your clit, and he starts rubbing hard, fast circles, making you arch your back as you feel your release coming. "You close baby?" he asks, and you nod quickly, too scared to use your words. "Fuck, me too."
He seems to pick up the pace, the desk starting to creak under the movement, and it's not long until that knot snaps, making you scream into your hand as your body tenses up, clenching around him.
He cums right after you, chasing your highs until you're whining at the overstimulation. He pulls out, and he watches as his cum starts to dribble out of your used hole, and he pushes it back in, making you jump.
He sits you up, turning you around, and he can't help the smug look that comes across his face when he sees how wrecked you are. You feel his seed seeping down your thighs, and he grabs some tissues, cleaning you up before throwing him in the trashcan.
"You can't throw that away in here!" you hiss, and he replies with a shrug as he tucks himself back into his pants.
"Why not? It's not like she's gonna know," he tells you nonchalantly, and you roll your eyes as you move to get dressed, finding your underwear a little ways away from the desk. You bend over to grab them, suddenly receiving a light smack that makes you glare at him.
You slide them up your legs and fixing your dress and your hair. "How do I look?"
"Like you just got fucked with the best dick you've ever had." You roll your eyes again before making your way towards the door, but Ukai stops you by grabbing your wrist.
"What are you doing?"
"What we're doing is going back to my place because there is a lot more 'holiday spirit' where that came from." He steps closer to you. "And you can be as loud as you want."
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Christmas Event Masterlist!
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