#kenji souda
If one thing is clear, is that whatever hatred the parents of class 77-B have towards Hajime, it will never be as strong as the hatred Hajime has for himself.
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To answer your first question, and the biggest one right now: yes, Otonokoji Kanade is still alive. She's been alive the whole time.
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And I take responsibility for that.
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And why the hell would you go and do something like that?!
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You have any idea what that crazy bitch has done!? How many people she's-
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YES! Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. In fact, I know more than the rest of you do. That's exactly why I'm going tell you what happened.
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I wanted to just send her off to jail and be done with her. We all did. When we got her arrested, we were sure that was gonna be the end of her story until the trial...but then things changed, starting with Kinjo Juu.
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Ex-Commissioner Kinjo was conspiring with a currently unknown third party last fall, and put together a plan to stage that prison break, Otonokoji Kanade's release and the Sunny Days Vacation Island situation.
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By the way, hi, I'm Esumi Masa, you might know my dad's newspaper. I'm an investigative journalist.
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Hinata and his allies had no hand in the prison break or Otonokoji's release. All they did was coordinate a move to protect Hope's Peak Academy, where she was intent on going, armed with tools and weapons given to her.
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And we wanted that to be the end of it. We wanted to send her back to prison, but between Kinjo and the ongoing prison break, we couldn't. We had to do something to help stop it all.
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And that's when we were approached by Matsuda Yasuke.
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Who's that?
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Class 77-A's Ultimate Neurologist, aspiring brain surgeon and all-around a piece of work. He's a nasty little misanthrope who treats everyone around him like garbage.
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So when Hinata and his allies had Otonokoji in their custody, they were scared, confused, unsure of how to handle the situation. That's when Matsuda came in with his own solution:
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Why not just erase Otonokoji's memories and personality? That way, she wouldn't be a threat to anyone anymore. He called it "Death of Personality," if I recall correctly.
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You're right. And yeah, we debated over it, but we didn't have a lot of time to think...so we agreed. And we agreed to fake her death, because we were hoping the situation would be over.
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So...he coerced you all into this...?
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Why not just kill her? Was he threatening you all?
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Mom...I told you not to bring this up.
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That still doesn't explain everything. Even if Matsuda coerced you into this, why didn't you tell someone? Why'd you hide her for so long?
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...Because I've been a coward.
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Kazuichi, it starts out with “I’m Sorry”.
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USAMI: Wow... seems your dad must of care about you a lot and supported you from the sounds of it!
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Well yeah, I mean my dad did claim I was a genius and gave me credit for the work so I do really have to thank him for teaching me!
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But as say, my dad does have issues, especially when it comes to money...
USAMI: Right? I did remember you told Hajime about your family being poor and a field trip, right?
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Yeah... mostly this was during the time when dad was in the progress of divorcing mom, I think the stress of it probably got to him.
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Honestly looking back at it, I guess he wanted me to have fun y'know but I just didn't want him to waste money...
Date: June 5th, 2008
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*is at his desk, doing homework...*
KENJI: Hey, Kaz? You in there... it's dad, I got something...
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Huh? Oh yeah dad, just studying!
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*opens the door* Ah good, I caught you at a good time - I heard that there was a field trip your going on and I want you to have this.
*hands Kazuichi some money*
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Wait... are... are you giving me this?! But dad, shouldn't you pay the bills! I mean this is a lot...
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Well yeah it might be but I think you've been working very hard and I wanted to do something for you.
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So think of it as something to treat yourself, go and enjoy the trip, alright? After all you are a kid, kids should go and enjoy themselves, right?
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Sure dad... thanks for that... *Kenji left as Kazuichi look at the money*
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Great... dad is giving me this money when it should be use for this month's rent; I really don't want to spend this but dad gave it to me, what to do...
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Wait I know, I'll just tell them I'm sick and I can't go on the trip!
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Yeah that's perfect, I'll do just that!
'Honestly I was worried about my dad wasting money since I know he's bad at saving it but... I think he wanted me to enjoy myself...'
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soudasouda · 2 months
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toyota engineer kenji tsuji used 86 handmade wood panels to construct the fully functional setsuna concept car Follow Souda on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/747303059489767425/toyota-engineer-kenji-tsuji-used-86-handmade-wood
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hadukilina · 2 years
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▪️Mochida Masanobu (CV. Nojima Hirofumi)
▪️Morioka Hajime (Takeuchi Ryota)
▪️Ogata Tomoki (CV. Hamada Kenji)
▪️Saeki Yuzuru (CV. Ono Yuki)
▪️Sanjou Keisuke (CV. Tomoaki Maeno)
▪️Sera (CV. Hanae Natsuki)
▪️Satake Kenzo (CV. Terasoma Masaki
▪️Souda Manabu (CV. Okamoto Nobuhiko)
▪️Uno Shion (CV. Suzuki Yuto)
▪️Yoshinari Hideaki (CV. Nagase Yu)
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marble-seltzer · 3 years
absolutely nobody:
not a single soul:
me when a queer / queer coded fictional boy that copes with flirting and humor exists:
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roleassuming · 4 years
Mobile about/muse list under cut:
My name’s Scott (he/him) I’m 18, autistic, bi, trans, and this is my shitty rp blog. I’ve been rping for a pretty long time but I’ve never rlly made a rp blog b4 so I have no clue what I’m doing ;P
This blog is multifandom & multimuse (if you couldn’t already tell) and my dms are always open (^w^)/ just hmu if you wanna rp and we can plan/trade discords and stuff. I don’t really like rping in reblog chains but if you’d prefer to do that we can idrc … also :V i do literate/semi-literate roleplay and I have a bad habit of typing too much !
Not all rp has to be ship stuff, I’m always down for platonic interactions!!
I’m open to most aus, but I won’t rp any fantasy/magic/harry potter type stuff because it bores me sorry
I don’t rp NSFW, I refuse to rp pedophilic/incestuous/abusive ships and will block you if you even ask, and if you make me uncomfortable I’ll just block you lol. usual dni stuff applies to this blog
Muse list:
Bolded characters are my favs, italizied characters are my second favs, and everyone else is still fun but yknow I’m not as good at playing them ;P
Haikyuu: - Tsukishima Kei - Akaashi Keiji - Daishou Suguru - Tendou Satori - Yūji Terushima - Oikawa Tooru - Kenji Futakuchi - Miya Osamu - Semi Eita - Kunimi Akira
Danganronpa: - Gundham Tanaka - Kazuichi Souda - Kokichi Ouma - Rantaro Amami - Miu Maro Iruma (He’s trans) - Shuichi Saihara - Maki Harukawa - Kaito Momota
Your turn to die: - Shin Tsukimi - Joe Tazuna - Shunsuke Hayasaka
Other: - Nao Tsukinose - Pierre Bezukhov - Fedya Dolokhov - Anatole Kuragin - Tord Eddsworld - Metal Sonic - Silver the hedgehog - Reigen Arataka
I also roleplay ocs but I’m not gonna list them here. Just take a peek in the oc tag on my art blog if you’re curious lol
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healing-hanyou · 6 years
Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Love Live for the ask meme
Ace Attorney:
Favorite Male Character: Miles Edgeworth. Shi-Long Lang is great as well. I also have a soft spot for Klavier, Sebastian and Apollo. And, naturally, my space son, Clay Terran.
Favorite Female Character: Kay Faraday!! Props also go to Mia Fey and Trucy Wright, as well as Athena and Jinxie.
Favorite Het Ship: Farabeste (Sebastian/Kay). Cykesquill as well, but I’m very specific about how and when I like it...like, ridiculously specific. Diego/Mia is good as well. For something more ridiculous that I think would be fun, Clay and Athena could have had a great dynamic. Maybe even Clay and Jinxie, if we go out and be totally wild.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Klapollo, Langworth, Nahyuta/Simon. Vera/Trucy, lady Cykesquill, Robin/Myriam and Athena/Juniper for the ladies. 
Least Favorite Male Character: how to I condense the list of the bastards? Kristoph is evil, but I cannot deny he had charm as a character - he’s terrifying, but fascinating, so I cannot name him as my least favourite. I think I’ll go with either von Karma or Blaze Debeste. They’re responsible for so much misery, and they don’t have any tragic reasons for being the way they are.
Least Favorite Female Character: Ma//ya Fe//y. I know the reasons people have for liking her, and I can forgive some flaws in writing, but she simply has too many of them. I know she is a courageous girl who ultimately wishes to do good, but the way she acts, especially in the first two games... just make me go ‘hmmmm’. Honestly, my favourite games in the series are those where I don’t get to see her. Young Pearl is also very low down on the list, and she was my least favourite for a long while, but her teenage years made me soften up to her, she’s pretty great in DD.
Least Favorite Het Ship: anything that encourages abuse, like Grant/Lana? Why would you do this? Also, I’m not fond of Athena/Apollo or Juniper/Apollo. Apollo is far too gay in my eyes to ever be together with a girl. Phoenix/Maya is another one I dislike.
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): same rule as above applies. Aside from those, I... don’t have many slash ships I actively dislike, surprisingly? My main one would be Wri//ght//wor//th, since, in my opinion, it’s very overhyped, and I cannot turn around in this fandom without seeing it, but even that is mostly just...annoyance.
Dirty Little Secret: I haven’t forgotten about my dumbass theory. I’m just...really fucking slow.
Headcanon(s): this will need to be answered in its own separate asks. I have headcanons for everyone. For now, though - Jinxie Tenma is a Fey.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I like Gyakuten Kenji far more than the original games. In general, games with a protag that’s not Phoenix and newer games in the series I tend to like more. Not to imply that the original trilogy was bad or anything, but... Edgeworth is far more solid as a protagonist, not only because his side was relatively unexplored, but because his investigation methods were so much more sensible. Phoenix has this ‘wing it’ approach, which works fine, until you see past it. When you see past it, the tension build-up it tries to pull fails massively, and you just get annoyed by Phoenix never thinking ahead for anything, or being oblivious. With Edgeworth, when there are moments of tension, they appear because of something genuinely unexpected, or because Edgeworth made a miscalculation (which allows character growth). Even when Edgeworth has to pull dumb or crazy shit, it feels like it makes sense, because he thinks, even when he panics. Also, Phoenix is tied down by the worst accompanying duo of Maya and Pearl all the time, while Edgeworth acquires an absolutely amazing set of sidekicks (and he not only gets fun new ones, like Kay and Lang, but there’s so much detail in his interactions with Gumshoe, Franziska and Larry as well? It was great to see the Edgeworth/Larry dynamic of the friendship). Plus, I like the Logic Chess things, the soundtrack is my favourite (how exactly COULD you even attempt to top Shi-Long Lang’s theme???), at least if we’re not counting PLvsAA as a part of this universe, and I like the visuals of it much better. In short, everybody should play these fucking games right fucking now, and storm Capcom offices so they actually port GK2 for the Western market.
A lot of the same criteria apply for the newer games, too. While DD was a comeback for Phoenix, it was a game with mixed protagonists, and it was a new Phoenix as well. Apollo probably has my second favourite supporting character crew after Edgeworth, and, at the time, his Perceive mechanic was refreshing to see after being stuck to the same gimmick for 3 games. Same with Athena. She differs dractically from both Phoenix and Apollo, and brings a new mechanic and a new set of associated people. In other words? I’m happy this series is trying new things, and exploring extra protagonists where it can. It has improved a whole bunch as a result.
Favorite Male Character: Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Nagisa Shingetsu. Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko, Nagito Komaeda. Shuuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi, Rantarou Amami.
Favorite Female Character: Aoi Asahina, Celes, Touko Fukawa. Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Akane Owari, Ibuki Mioda. Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Toujou, Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira. 
Favorite Het Ship: Togami/Asahina, Ishimaru/Asahina, Hinata/Ibuki, Tanaka/Pekoyama (I’m especially fond of this one, also titled Soft Animals Edge Duo). Sonia/Kuzuryuu is also great, though that is a platonic ship, as I headcanon Sonia as aro.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Naegi/Ishimaru, Naegi/Togami. KomaNaegi is quite pure, but a friend also got me into KomaSouda as a complimentary ship to TanaPeko. A crackship, but still a favourite is Izuru/Ryouta. And, of course, the ultimate fave - Saiouma. (A nice shoutout also goes to Oumota and Amamota). As for the ladies, Kirizono and Celesgiri, and all gay Asahina ships are good, SoniAkane & Pekobuki. In V3, Tenko is mega gay, so there’s a chance for every gay ship, however, my favourite one is Tenko/Maki. If we’re talking non-Tenko ships, Angie/Maki sounds fun.
Least Favorite Male Character: in DR1, surprisingly, none. Well, Hagakure can get on my nerves, but I like just alright all of them. In SDR2, Nidai, in my opinion, didn’t have that great of a development, so I guess him. Though I also have plenty of issues with Souda. In V3, Gon//ta Go//ku//ha//ra.
Least Favorite Female Character: All DR1 girls are good, and even if they aren’t, they’re at least interesting or entertaining. But if I have to pick, Junko, if we’re judging morality. In SDR2, Mi//kan Tsu//mi//ki and Hi//yo//ko Sai//onji,in terms of morality and/or being dicks. In terms of rather poor writing (despite having a good idea), Chi//a//ki Na//na//mi. In V3, H//i//m//i//k//o Y//u//m//e//n//o and K//a//e//d//e A//k//a//m//a//t//s//u. The final one is also my least favourite in the entirety of the series as a whole.
Least Favorite Het Ship: Jun//ko//ma//e//da. In general, any Junko ship is not very good for plenty of reasons. Na//e//gi//ri. In SDR2, Souda/Sonia (she’s clearly not comfortable with him), Nidai/Akane, Hi//na//na//mi.. Not sure if should be mentioned here, but romantic Kuzupeko? Mostly because I cannot picture it as a thing. I do, however, like them platonically, they do care about each other a whole bunch. In V3, Sa//i//ma//tsu (never make me look at it). 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Chi//hi//mon//do. Even if I do like Mondo okay, it’s not healthy. Ka//mu//ko//ma. Son//dam. Jun//ko//mi//kan? Mahiru/Peko for sure. Kiib//ou//ma, too.
And the one I guarantee I’ll receive anon hate over - Te//n//hi//mi.
Dirty Little Secret: this series somehow manages to combine the good with the ridiculous in such a way that I can accept.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I am the literal embodiment of unpopular opinions in this franchise. I think V3 is the best game of the series, and it had a brilliant twist (both the start one and the final one). I don’t really ship the most popular ships, the obvious exception being Saiouma (and, to an extent, SoniAkane? It’s a popular Akane ship, at least). I think Saihara is a far better protag choice than the other option that was presented, since the story and its structure was made to fit him. I’m the unpopular opinion and rarepair central in this fucking thing. (Please help me.)
Love Live!:
Favorite Male Character: yay for not having prominent males, which means I get to skip 2 more questions here.
Favorite Female Character: In Muse’s, my top 3 is Hanayo, Eli and Maki. In Aquors, my top 3 is You, Kanan and Dia (though Mari and Chika are also very lovable).
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Makipana! It’s very very cute. I also quite like HonoEli. HonoMaki is also quite nice. In Aquors, YouKanan or DiaKanan. 
Least Favorite Female Character: Not unpopular by any means, but Ni//co Ya//za//wa. In terms of singing voice, Kotori. In Aquors, R//i//k//o S//a//k//u//r//a//u//c//h//i. 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Ni//co//ma//ki??? I will never understand why people like it. In Aquors, Chi//ka//ri//ko and You//ri//ko. 
Dirty Little Secret: I quite like A-RISE. Every song they’ve ever done is an absolute banger, as the youth says.
Unpopular Opinion(s): would you look at that. Another fandom where I’m the monarch of rarepairs.
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fictional-birthdays · 7 years
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Happy Birthday! (June 29th)
Kazuichi Souda (Super Dangan Ronpa 2) 
Misae Abe (Big Windup!)
Seychelles (Hetalia)
Fukuro (One Piece)
Tasuke (Gintama)
Hiroshi Chinen (Prince of Tennis)
Kenji Tanihara (Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan)
Denki Kaminari (Boku no Hero Academia)
Sweet Ann (VOCALOID)
Rio (Tokyo Ghoul: Jail)
Natalia (Cinderella Girls)
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I'm Sorry, tell WHO?? didn't you heard us just say how the police was filled to the brim with corrupt officers? There was NO ONE we could tell this to at that point and now wasn't the ideal moment to let that cat out of the bag either! There's a way WAY bigger threat than Kanade in the horizon and all you people are doing is fucking us over even more!
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Then you should've just had someone else do it! If it's that big a deal to you, don't even get involved!
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Also, good to know worrying about my daughter's safety is "fucking you over."
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Mom...there's so much more happening right now that you don't even know...please, don't do this right now.
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What, Hiyoko? Worry about your safety? Because all I'm hearing right now is that your boyfriend is either a coward or a moron!
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As if you're any better! He's the reason you have a chance at raising me!
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Do NOT speak to me that way!
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Saionji-san, please! They're telling the truth here!
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...I just feel sick. Raising all my kids is hard enough already, I don't need more of this.
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Look, as long as Otonokoji is behind bars, that's all I care about.
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And Hinata-san, please don't call yourself a coward. Nikei's told me about all the hard work you've been doing.
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Look, what's actually being done about this? Can you tell us that?
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Nanami Harumi is on this case, and she's helping investigate the case we're on as well.
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And trust me, I understand how angry you are...but there really is so much more at stake here. Something that could drastically affect everyone's lives even worse than anything Otonokoji's done.
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To make a long story short, when the jailbreak happened, the Basilisk sent Kanade to kill everyone on HPA, but Hajime and the gang stopped her, but bc Juu Kinjo was still the cops' boss, we couldn't send Kanade back to jail, and here Mr. Hajime "I'm too traumatized from my time as Izuru Kamukura" Hinata and Ms. Hibiki "I just want the sister I thought I spent my life with" Otonokoji didn't wanted to go through the "Killing Kanade" route, so Yasuke Matsuda came with the idea of erasing all of her memories of being evil in an attempt to stop her without killing her.
A decision that 1: Hibiki and Hajime are already regretting, and 2: it ended being for nothing, because apparently Kanade is jusr genetically predisposed to being a yandere.
Everyone was already planning on how to send Kanade back to jail as quietly as possible, but that video has ruined it completely, and now we have another mess to clean.
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Yeah. You all know that now.
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But the truth of why I decided we didn't kill her, why we've never killed anyone, is because I didn't want us to.
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I wanted to believe that refusing to kill was what made us better. It kept us on the moral high ground, as opposed to people like Otonokoji or Storm. In my mind, it was better that we never sink to their level. That killing should be a line that we never cross.
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And now...now I see how much harm that's really caused. Not because I believe killing's always wrong, because I still do...but I forced that on everyone, even when I shouldn't have.
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I wanted to prove to myself that I was better. That we could always find another solution.
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...And now I'm just wondering how many problems we could've avoided if I'd just agreed to kill Otonokoji Kanade and be done with it. We've already learned that, no matter what we do, she can't change as a person. She's still obsessive and dangerous.
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We wanted to resolve this peacefully. We were going to turn her over to the police when our current mission was over...and we just got caught off guard at the worst time. We were distracted, overworked and scared, and now we're trying to repair as much damage as we possibly can.
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You'll all be glad to know Otonokoji's back in police custody. He's right, she's not a threat to anyone else.
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But how come you didn't send her there when Kinjo was gone?
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...Because I was too content to just sit around, wringing my hands and hoping the answer would come to me. I kept putting it off, and putting it off, just hoping I'd have an answer later. And it took this mission to get me to see how much harm I was causing.
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It was a terrible decision to ever listen to Matsuda. Hell...I probably gave him the easiest excuse in the world.
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Where is the little shit anyway?
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We've got people hunting for him all over Tokyo as we speak. We've ensured he won't be leaving, and that he'll answer for his role in all this.
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While I don't agree with Hinata's actions, I do believe he and Otonokoji Hibiki are the victims in all this. Had Matsuda not said anything, they never would've considered this course of action.
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...Even if that's true, I'm sorry I ever agreed to this. I'm sorry I ever believed it was a good idea. And I'm sorry if I made any of you feel terrified and unsafe through all this.
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I take full responsibility for my part in all this.
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And now for the second intense meeting of the day...
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*The door opens*
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About TIME you let us in!
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You son of a bitch!
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What is happening out there?!
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Everyone, please keep your distance. You won't get your answers by mobbing anyone here.
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What, are you some hired thug?
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No, I'm one of several people here who has the answers you're looking for. If you want to hear them, you'll kindly do as we ask.
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Wh-Where's Nikei...?
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I asked him not to get involved with this, Erina-san. This is my responsibility, not his.
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Your "responsibility?" Hinata, you told us that you were going to protect our families. You told us that, and now...
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She's not "on the loose." The police are-
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Listen, you little shit, now is not the time to be pedantic! You lied to us. You lied to my face, while you still have my daughter around! And there's all this business with the investigation on top of it!
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Yeah, so can someone explain the whole "Kanade the serial killer is still alive" thing?! I've been trying to figure that one out all day!
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Everyone, please!
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We're here to give you the answers you want. Everything.
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Your mom is a bitch.
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Well yeah but honestly, it was good riddance to her since she was a shitty mom...
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I mean seriously? Who thinks destroying some kid's belongings that is meant to be private.
USAMI: Right... I suppose when that happen, you lost all trust in your mom.
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Yeah pretty much... it's why I decided to stick with dad, I mean the guy is really hopeless and not the best with money so I think he probably needed me anyway.
USAMI: Sounds like you speak pretty highly of yourself...
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Well I mean, my dad did call me a genius when I started to help at the bike shop and repair bikes, I improve them greatly and gave me all the credit...
Date: June 30th, 2005
*Kazuichi and his dad walk into the bike shop*
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Welp, here we are - my bike shop!
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Wow... there's a lot of tools here, so I can help out with this?
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Well yeah I figure since you wander in here; you can help me out and work on repairing bikes and stuff.
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But here's the deal; if you do work here, be sure to inform me and I'm around, I rather you didn't hurt yourself, got it?
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Wait seriously?! I can do that...?
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Awesome, thanks dad your the best!
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Heh, glad to hear that! I'll teach ya all the ropes and what needs to be done, okay? So let's get started!
'Dad was my teacher and help me figure the tools and parts; mostly I had help with repairing stuff but I think what got me to become a mechanic... was when a car broke down...'
Date: August 20th, 2006
MAN: Thanks for repairing my son's bike, we were having some trouble with the wheels recently...
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Of course, if you need anymore repairs, come over here.
MAN: Sure but I have to say, your son is good with this bike, I could see potential.
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Well of course, my son is a genius! He learn a lot from me and I could see a promising future!
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Heh, it's no prob! I hope the bike goes well!
MAN: That's good, I'll be sure to come back when I need something...
*The man goes over to his car as putting the bike in the trunk but as he was getting into the car, suddenly the car stop*
MAN: Wait what...?
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Hm? Is everything good...?
MAN: Sorry... my car has been acting up recently, I'm not sure what's wrong with it.
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I see... well sorry but I can't help much, I'm not good at cars...
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...Hey, you think I could check it out?
MAN: Hm? You...?
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Wait Kazuichi, are you sure that's a good idea?! Look, let's just call a tow company and let them check!
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No dad, I think I can check it out; after all, if the car is busted I think I could see what the problem is. After all, you did say I'm a genius, right? So I figure I check this out.
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...Right, just be careful.
*Kazuichi walk over and opens the hatchet of the car*
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Hmm... From what I'm seeing that there might be some overheating and a faulty ECU from the sounds of it, you might want to get that fix.
MAN: Wait... you sure?
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Yeah I think so, just check here and see for yourself...
*Man walks over and looks*
MAN: I see... I guess your right, you think you can fix it?
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Well... I think I can, I'll get a tool box and see if I can replace the parts.
MAN: Thank you, just please fix my car...
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Yeah sure thing, no prob...
*walks away as he gets his tool box which then he starts fixing the engine which a few hours later...*
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And there you go, it should run easily now!
*As then the man starts turning on the car which runs smoothly*
MAN: Holy shit, it...it work! Thank you, thank you so much! Here I'll pay you for fixing my car!
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Oh uh, sure... thanks...
*After the man pay Kazuichi he drove off*
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Wow... I'm surprise how you fix the car...
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Really? I mean, the parts seem easy if you ask me, is that bad...?
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Not really but still, I'm impress... never thought you learn that, maybe you are better then me...
'I mean, dad was surprise by my skills with machines and cars; but I was happy to find a skill like this...'
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Let’s begin!
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USAMI: Hm... sounds like your dad did care about you...
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Yeah, now thinking on it; it was pretty dumb of me to wander into a bike shop where there are tools and no one around, so I can't blame him too much...
USAMI: I would agree but what about your mom? Where was she...?
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Well seems she went out shopping with friends when she was suppose to keep an eye on me, I remember when I was heading off to bed; I did hear my parents arguing and saw it myself...
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I was kind of scared when dad yell but I can't say I blame him for yelling at mom...
Date: August 12th, 2000
*Later that night, Kazuichi got out of bed as going downstairs*
KAZUICHI: I'm thirsty...
???: Ugh, just back off Kenji - I can do whatever I want...!
KENJI: Well I'm sorry but because of that your son went into my bike shop when I was going to the bathroom while you were out!
???: Well maybe you should of kept the door lock then!
KAZUICHI: Huh? Mom... dad...? There yelling again...
*Kazuichi sneaks in and watches his parents fight...*
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Well sorry but I was going to the bathroom, you should of brought him with you to go shopping - your his mother, how about you fucking act like it!
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And why do you fucking care?! You always work in your damn bike shop and never spent any time with me, hell I didn't even want a kid!
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Well too bad, he's your kid so as his mother you should fucking act like it!
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Like I would ever listen to you, screw you! Your at fault for even leaving that fucking door open! I bet your going around sleeping with other women, aren't you?!
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The hell?! Where did you get that idea from, I haven't done shit!
KAZUICHI: Ugh... mom and dad are arguing, I don't like when they arguing... I'm gonna go upstairs...
*Kazuichi goes back to bed*
'As you can see... my mom and dad argue a lot, I just avoided it and hate hearing them argue...'
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
I think everyone else will be excited to get a break
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Looks like she's finally asleep.
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The crib is really well-made. I never would've guessed you threw it together just this afternoon.
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Yeah, hehe. Kazuichi and I did a pretty good job.
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So, a-are you...you know?
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Am I what?
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A-Are you good? I mean, you've got two boys to take care, and now a baby girl? It sounds like a lot of work.
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Well, maybe so, but I've been handling it pretty well so far. Plus, Neko and Nikei can help with Marin-chan.
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Well, if you need any extra help, or you just wanna hang out, y-you can let me know. I really don't mind.
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Thank you, Kenji-kun.
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I'm just saying, I'm the handyman here. 'S not fair to let you do all the hard work.
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Hehe, afraid I might steal your thunder?
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...It's so weird seeing them talk like that. I didn't think dad was anywhere close to dating again.
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I just hope he's not rushing into this, y'know? We saw the future, sure, but...I just hope he's taking this seriously. What do you think, Nidai-kun?
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At least you're optimisti-
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Wait, wait, don't hug me again! My ribs haven't healed yet!
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
Time and space is the only thing keeping Nikei and Nekomaru from hugging their sister rn.
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Well...she's still with us.
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Yes, and after all this, I'd like to go back and see her...
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She's safe at home, I asked one of our neighbors to keep an eye on her. Hopefully she's still sleeping.
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Can I still come see her?
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Of course, sweetheart.
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I also wanna see how our work's holding up!
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What work?
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We built Marin-chan a crib!
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Already?! We've had her for only like a day!
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They offered to build it for free, and it was such a nice offer. Thank you so much, Kenji-kun.
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If you need anything else, just lemme know, hehe.
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Yeah. C'mon, let's go home.
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
Yeah, we've been dealing with a lot lately.
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Yeah...it might be best to just try and not stress too much before our next mission.
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Yeah, Valentine's Day is during our break. I think that'll be a lot of fun.
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I can only imagine how many gifts you'll be receiving, Hinata-kun.
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I know, I'm pretty popular.
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Valentine's Day sounds nice. We really should do something with Ayame-chan.
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Yeah, I'm all for it.
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And maybe someone here can grow a backbone and ask someone out!
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Wh- hey! I...I-I'm...that's so personal!
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But is he wrong?
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Oh dear. Well, yes, I think some time off would be best.
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