#kenny follows cartman's lead for nice things all the time
tetracopter · 1 year
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention yet how Cartman used Kenny to manipulate Butters into investing. He knows damn well that Kenny is Butters' weakness.
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kylelovskii · 1 year
hiii!! lately i've been OBSESSED with mysterion x villain! reader...
could you pls pls pleaaase write smth idk headcanons ANYTHING 😭😭😭 it can be fluff, smut, even a little angst w comfort if you want, whatever comes to your mind !! thank uuu <3
of course!! i’m so so happy you requested! 💗💗
ahh i love mysterion, he’s awesome. 😎😎
i’ll give you a quick oneshot! i don’t know if this is angst or just something random, but i hope you like it! :3
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why don’t you show me?
mysterion x villian! reader
he didn’t know how he got there, tied to a chair, on top of one of south park’s many buildings.
once he opened his eyes and his vision became clear, he lifted his head to see you standing in front of him, arms crossed and a shit eating grin on your face.
“hi, mysterion,” you giggled.
“what the hell is this?” he demanded, tugging at the zip ties that kept his wrists together behind him. you only giggled again, swiftly putting your hands behind your back. you sashayed closer to him and leaned down, getting in his face.
“remember our last encounter? remember how i said i’d find out who you were sooner or later?” you quoted. “yeah?” he answered, now feeling just a little nervous. were you really going to go through with that? he thought you said that just to scare him.
you placed a hand on his cheek, “well, time to make my wildest dreams come true, kenny,” and with that, you took said hand and yanked off his mask.
kenny couldn’t say anything, he stared at you, his identity, somehow, revealed to you. how crazy were you? how could you have found out his name? with all these questions bubbling in his head, he heard your signature giggle.
“you’re prettier than i thought you’d be,” you smiled, your gloved hands ran through kenny’s hair. “what-…what’s that supposed to mean?” he stuttered. “exactly what you think it means.”
just because you were a villain didn’t mean you couldn’t have feelings. let alone feelings for a hero. kenny was so…different from everyone. he helped everyone. he wasn’t like cartman, and more importantly, he wasn’t like you. but, while that was nice, and while that’s why you liked him in the first place, that was also the problem. he wasn’t like you. you couldn’t stop being the way you were just for one person
“cmon, kenny. why don’t you join me?” you offered. treating yourself to a seat on his lap, you wrapped your arms around his neck and listed the many reasons he should turn to you. “i know all about you, ken. i know you can’t die, and i know your friends never seem to remember. but that’s the thing..i remember.”
“what the fuck are you talking about? how do you know all this shit?” he urged. “i know you, kenny. i follow you you around, i follow you home. i see you kill yourself, and then i see you in your bed the next morning. and while i watch, i also remember. i am what you’re friends aren’t. i care when your friends don’t. hell, they can’t even remember something so serious. even if it happens right in front of their dumb faces,” you babbled.
that’s when you grabbed his face with both hands, bringing it closer to yours. “i love you, kenny. i know you. i remember you. be with me,” you begged. then kenny realized.
you were being truthful. how could you know all this if you couldn’t remember? there was just no logic in it. you loved him so much, you remembered. thinking about it made him give in.
“oh, kenny. you really aren’t like anyone else,” you sighed, pressing your lips to his. this kiss was like no other to kenny. it felt meaningful. it didn’t feel like some hook up. it felt real.
you pulled away, love stricken. “i’ll untie you,” you whispered, getting up from his lap and going to crouch down behind him. you took out a small pocket knife and cut the plastic, freeing his hands.
kenny got up from the highly uncomfortable chair and looked at you as you rose back up. you waltzed over to him, taking his hand and leading him to the edge of the building. many cars passed, people left restaurants, families chattered on the sidewalk.
“if you really wanna be with me, why don’t you pull out your gun and show me?”
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herefortaxevasion · 5 years
It seemed like a great idea at the time, going backpacking to enjoy the last summer before they’d all be graduating. Some would leave the small town, others would drown in its constant snow, stupidity, and mayhem.
August provided weather acceptable for camping, at least most of the time. So the four boys that had grown together and had somehow managed to not kill each other throughout decided that they’d pack up the necessities and take on the wild. Stan, in his experience with scouts, had taken the lead with directions.
“I can’t believe you lost the fucking map. How long were you going to wait to tell us? Huh?” Cartman demanded, face-to-face with a flustered Stan.
“It’s not a big deal, dude. We just have to head north until we hit the highway-”
“And what? Hitchhike? Like a bunch of bums?”
“You got a better idea, asshole?” Kyle cut in, stepping up to his best friend’s side. With the drop in temperature and the long day of listening to Cartman bitch and whine about everything had left the redhead with no patience.
“Shut up, Kahl!”
“Make me.” Kyle took a step forward. Two hands hit his shoulders, pulling him back. One was Stan, the other was Kenny.
“Relax, you two.” Stan took a step toward the pile of camping supplies. “Let’s set up camp. We’ll figure this out in the morning.”
“Fine.” Kyle relented, shoulders slumping in resignation. Kenny gave Kyle a playful shake before moving his hand away. Kyle smiled to himself and watched the tall, lanky form saunter easily across the open air. His constantly messy, blonde hair was especially tumbled from the hike and wind. He stretched his arms over his head, coat riding up just the slightest.
“Hey! Where’s the other tents?” Cartman demanded, snapping Kyle’s attention back to the situation at hand. The four looked through the supplies and came up short two tents.
“You were the one in charge of supplies, Cartman.” Kyle crossed his arms over his chest. There were only two tents; Cartman’s three person tent, and Stan’s single-person one.
“Well, you three can sleep in Cartman’s tent. It’s big enough-“
“I am not sharing a tent with Cartman.” Kyle affirmed.
“Dude, you don’t have a choice.”
“I’ll sleep in the God damned bushes if I have to.”
“As if I’d let you in my tent. You’d probably rob me while I slept, Jew boy!”
“You couldn’t pay me to touch any of your shit!”
“Jesus Christ, you two. Can we just set up the tents?” Stan groaned and emptied his bag. Cartman grumbled complaints but followed suit.
“I’ll get the fire going.” Kenny volunteered, using his beat up shoes to clear a circle, setting to work on a makeshift fire-pit.
“I’ll grab some sticks.” Kyle said as he started toward the woods. Kenny snickered and sang out an innuendo Kyle pretended not to hear.
Having a chance to clear his mind would be a good thing. It would lift his mood. It was a beautiful sight, the sun setting through the trees. The temperature dropped with the steady decrease of the sun, but Kyle’s determination to stay as far away from Cartman as possible remained. He had a sleeping bag. He’d be fine. When he got back to camp, Kenny had a small fire going. He poked at the fire with a longer stick, face haphazardly close. The firelight and ebbing sun seemed to wrap itself around his form, enveloping him like an earthly halo. Kenny glanced in Kyle’s direction and smiled brightly.
“You’re back! I was worried manbearpig gotcha or somethin.” Kenny grinned and took a large portion of the firewood from Kyle’s arms. The warmth of his body, warmed by the fire he’d created felt nice. “Thanks, Ky.”
Kyle found himself smiling despite himself, a feeling of fluttering sat in his chest as the four worked together to set up camp.
“So Cartman and I decided that he, Kenny, and I will share his tent and you can use mine. Good?” Stan asked, face betraying weariness. Kyle felt a bit ashamed, but tensions between Cartman and Kyle had always been high and Kyle wasn’t going to back down on.
“Thanks.” Kyle mumbled and slid into the tent. He took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. He unrolled his sleeping bag and took off his shoes, distantly hearing the sounds of the other three getting situated. It wasn’t long until there was commotion.
“Your big football shoulders take up too much damn space, Stan!” Cartman yelled. Kyle poked his head out of the tent to see the silhouettes of his friends as they bickered.
“Well what am I supposed to do? I’m not going to fit in my tent with Kyle in there.”
“Why not? He’s a bean pole.” Kenny asked.
“Cause I’m not.” Stan flexed and Kenny melodramatically ooed and awwed.
“You truly are a beefcake, Stanley.” Kenny wolf-whistled, earning laughter from Stan. “Hey, Kyle!” Kenny called, waving an arm in the darkness.
“I’m gonna bunk with you.”
Whatever conversation and negotiation followed that fell on deaf ears. Kyle felt his face grow hot and his heart-rate pick up. Why did the idea of sleeping so close to Kenny make him feel like he was going to pass out? He’d shared a bed with Stan hundreds of times. He’d slept over at Kenny’s before and Kenny had stayed over at his place. But...
Kyle moved to the side of the tent, trying to make it easier for Kenny to climb in. When in, he reached across the tent to zip it, one arm by Kyle’s side, the other nearly touching his face as he zipped the tent shut. Not oblivious, Kenny glanced downward and grinned.
“Hey there.” He quirked an eyebrow, lingering for just a moment before falling back and stretching out alongside the male whose heart beat so heavily that he worried Kenny would hear it. It was going to be a long night.
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christophe-delorne · 5 years
Good Dog
Chapter 10
Warnings: None
Pairings: Gregory x Christophe
AU: Adulthood
The house was what he'd describe as... homey. Not really an apt descriptor, but it fit and it was all Christophe could come up with at the moment. Like one of those cookie cutter American Dream homes, with a little porch out front fixed with a hanging swing. Picturesque. And everything about it rubbed Christophe the wrong way. It reminded him of his mother's home when he was a child, the way she strained so hard to make everything perfect on the outside when everything on the inside was crumbling within.
To make matters worse, Gregory had made him dress 'decently' as he put it. Chocolate brown slacks, silk hunter green button up top. He looked like a suburban husband with his hair combed and face clean shaven, everything that he was not. He'd been warned several times on their way here to behave, a lofty expectation coming from the likes of Christophe, especially considering who's home they were going in.
He didn't particularly blame Stan and Kyle for his death, but they hadn't really given a shit either. They were kids, Christophe should have known better than to even think about putting such a responsibility on them. He should've went alone, maybe then he wouldn't have died. The sole blame of his death was on the kid named Eric Cartman, the boy hadn't turned off the alarms, didn't have enough spine to overcome his fears and eventually had failed everyone. He supposed he could blame Kenny as well, being he'd been the source of fear in Eric, but the boy had enough shit on his plate and Kenny's sacrifice had brought Christophe back. So they were even.
As Christophe mulled through his thoughts, Gregory pressed the button on the doorbell to gain the attention of the residents inside. Christophe could hear the muffled talking, the tapping of feet on hardwood floors as someone neared the door. When the door opened, it revealed Wendy, she was dressed nicely, her hair styled casually. Her loose blouse was slightly feminine but never too out there, regardless, the way she held herself was something that probably had drawn Gregory in. The reminder was slightly annoying to Christophe and already he was yearning for a cigarette, but Gregory had taken them from him. No smoking on this night.
"Gregory, nice that you could stop by, come in, the dinner is almost ready." Polite as usual with Gregory, but the look Christophe received was just above scathing. The feeling was mutual.
"Of course, I can't pass up spending some time with some dear old friends." Gregory held up a bottle of wine, some expensive wine that Christophe hadn't paid attention to. Despite being French, Christophe didn't fall into the stereotype of liking wine. "I brought a little something to top it all off." Gregory smiled as he followed after Wendy, leaving Christophe to slink behind with his hands in his pockets.
As they entered the small dining area, Christophe spotted a man with black hair sitting at the table, he didn't look too keen on being in nice clothes either. When he noticed Gregory, he gave a small frown but kept himself in check. Still seemed he wasn't all too fond of Gregory being friends with Wendy, Christophe could relate with that at least. "Hey, Gregory. Long time no see." Probably had to be on his best behavior as well, considering the warning look Wendy had given Stan before entering the kitchen.
"Pleasure as well, Stan. Its good to see you're doing well." Gregory, ever the charmer as he pulled out a seat but didn't take it. Instead, blue eyes looked over to Christophe, indicating he should sit. Christophe scowled, eyes narrowing and causing the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes to become harsher. The man was toying with him. Pulling out his seat like they were on some date? Christophe took a moment to consider the situation. Maybe Gregory was thinking with his dick again and Christophe didn't like the idea of Gregory going back to his girl in London after all of this. If Christophe let Gregory get away with these sort of things, they would likely only escalate and leave Christophe in ruins. Again.
However, he didn't want to start a fight right now, even though it was tempting to lash out at everyone in the house at the moment. Gregory and indicated he needed Christophe there and Christophe couldn't say no to that. Despite everything, Christophe would always be loyal to the Brit. He sat down in the chair as Gregory pushed it in in the same motion. Formal and smooth as always. Gregory took the seat next to him, which left two empty chairs at the table. Christophe wasn't certain if it was just because they had guests over often or they were expecting one more, so he took to observing the house around him.
There were pictures on the wall, not a lot, just a few here and there between decorations. He didn't take Stan as the type to decorate, from the short time knowing him as kids. Stan had been realistic, but at the time he'd been focused on jealousy between Gregory and Wendy. Didn't seem like he grew out of that jealous streak either. Wendy, while political, did tend to enjoy some feminine things, finding some sort of strong balance with what she liked. So the decor was likely all her, simple yet fitting for the small house. As Christophe took stock of the interior, he noticed there were three people in most of the pictures. A red head he assumed was Kyle. He remembered Kyle fairly well, it was the last face he'd seen before he had died.
While it may seem like Kyle had been sympathetic, holding onto Christophe so he wouldn't die alone. They were strangers, he expected no tears from the other boy. Kyle was sympathetic but with a aggressive streak with the possibility to turn out more like his mom than he would've liked. Luckily, Christophe hadn't heard any news about a war breaking out in America, the violence there was the usual. So the empty chair might mean that Kyle could be coming over, which didn't bode well for Christophe. All the people he tried so hard to forget were popping up in his life again, all at once.
"I hear you're moving up in the construction business, Stan." Christophe zoned back to the conversation that was going on without him. Gregory had always been able to hold a conversation, putting all the attention on himself and letting Christophe relax in the background.
"Yeah, my company was ranked number one in Denver this year. MBP just signed us on to lead the construction of their new facility in Colorado Springs." Stan replied, gaining Christophe's attention. MBP was the same company that Mr. Hall said that had hired him to outsource drugs in Europe. Christophe slid his gaze to Gregory suspiciously, had he been getting close to Wendy because she had connections? Well, it certainly was something Testaburger would be interested in, the woman was a lawyer up front, but an activist in her free time. Maybe if he stuck with Gregory and Wendy on the ride to the hotel, he might have a little more information.
Before the conversation could continue on, Christophe heard the front door unlock and open, causing him to tense, ready to stand up. He hated being in another person's home, he had no real control here, didn't know the layout of the house, who would be able to come and go. The new guest rounded the corner to the dining room and Christophe recognized the face, slightly curly red hair, a bit of a mess, was a telling sign. It seemed Christophe was right to think Kyle would be joining them.
"Sorry I'm late, I got held up at the lab." Kyle smiled as he first took in Stan and Wendy, though it faltered when he noticed Gregory and Christophe. Apparently he hadn't been informed they were coming, though the 'why' was the part that interested Christophe. Certainly something like dinner guests would be alright to tell those who would also be joining. Though, those green eyes seemed to stick to Christophe, staring at him like he'd seen a ghost. Probably not far off from the truth either. Christophe hadn't told anyone he'd returned back to life, Gregory had only known because he'd gone searching for Christophe's body, the only one who had. Gregory had apparently told Wendy though, how much was beyond Christophe's knowledge though.
"Shit." Was all Kyle could say after a moment's pause, it seemed given that small amount of time, he'd been able to process how Christophe was here. Kyle had been there, had seen the result of the war but probably just hadn't thought that it had effected Christophe as well. Probably better off that way, the less people knew about him, the better. Though, coming back here was messing up that plan, luckily only four people really knew what the 'Mole' looked like, other than Gregory. Christophe was tempted to take that number down to zero, but that would throw a wrench into Gregory's plan.
"Kyle, you're just in time, dinner's ready." Wendy broke the tension as she brought out a couple of pre-made plates. "I tried a new recipe that was suggested to me from Bebe, so you guys are my guinea pigs for the night." She set down a plate in front of Stan and one in front of the empty chair that was for Kyle.
"What is it?" Stan looked a little confused by the plate, but didn't seem like he was complaining.
"Cider-braised Chicken-and-Fennel Panzanella." Wendy stated pleasantly, despite Stan's even more confused look. The man seemed to shrug as Wendy went back to retrieve more plates, but Kyle followed after her, planning to help out. With Kyle's assistance, the table was set up with plates, silverware, and wine glasses. Gregory took the liberty to pour the wine into the glasses, insisting Wendy and Kyle to set and let him at least handle this.
"This looks gorgeous, Wendy. Thank you for inviting us over, I simply couldn't pass up spending some time with dear old friends while I'm here in America." Gregory sat back down, this whole time he hadn't passed a single glance in Christophe's direction. The Frenchman was already poking at his food, fairly used to eating things he didn't really understand the names of. Well, by now he did know as Gregory enjoyed explaining things to him and no matter how much Christophe tried to ignore him, the information stuck. Technically, this dish was served during the autumn months and right now it was just hitting summer, the flavor of cider was supposed to make people feel... He didn't know the world for it but people traditionally did things in certain seasons to feel in the moment with that season.
Gregory likely knew this but chose not to mention it in favor of being polite, irritating Christophe that he could remember such useless knowledge. Why couldn't he replace it with something that would benefit him, like remembering his passport numbers. Once Gregory began to eat, Christophe followed after, a habit picked up when they were kids, when Gregory took their roles a bit more literally. 'The master eats before the dogs', the words still stuck with him to this day, most of the time he didn't notice it was so far ingrained into him. The food was decent enough, Christophe was never really picky unless he wanted to spite a certain someone. A free meal was a free meal.
"So, Kyle, Wendy has informed me that you require outside assistance on a certain matter?" Gregory finally broached a topic Christophe was more interested in than the drivel they had been conversing about during most of the dinner. Kyle looked over in surprise at Wendy, who merely shrugged and took a sip of her wine, she didn't seem apologetic.
"Well, yes, I wasn't really sure if I was serious about it or not." He gave a look at Wendy, a glare almost. "But I'm having moral issues with the company I work for."
"And what, pray tell, company would that be?" Gregory pressed as if he already didn't know the answer.
"MBP, I'm one of the researchers working there. My team and I... We only meant to create something that would help boost low immune systems, to help aid the cure of diseases. It wasn't a sure thing to cure, but it would greatly increase the chances of other medications and therapy working." Kyle looked down at his plate, pushing around bits of leftover food he hadn't finished eating. Maybe guilt was slowing his appetite. "With the boost in immunity, the side-effects were both good and bad. It made people feel on top of the world. A high almost. But it was also addicting and prolonged use caused severe hallucinations."
Gregory sat back in his chair, appearing as if Kyle was regaling a fanciful story, looking as noble as his blood would indicate. Kyle continued on when Gregory didn't ask anything, "We were planning to go back to the drawing board, addiction to medication is already bad enough as it is, so we wanted to see if we could at least lessen the side-effects a little. However, our CEO got wind of the drug and decided we should continue on with it. I don't agree with the decision, but I could easily be replaced at this point. So I decided to stay on board, it would be better to get information on what was going on."
"Which is why I'm here." Gregory concluded setting his empty wine glass down. "A wise choice on Wendy's part to contact me. You don't have the necessary skill to really take down an empire like MBP and when dealing with drugs, I can only assume the company would monitor their finest scientist. In case of any insurrections that may happen."
"How do you plan on stopping this?" Kyle seemed anxious but the determination to join in on the discussion was reaffirmed now that stopping MBP became an almost realistic outcome now.
"Ah, I can't let you in on the details, least someone in the company begins to suspect you. Wendy would be most upset with me if I let you in harm's way." There was an unspoken 'again' at the end of his sentence, Gregory had let Kyle and Stan go into a dangerous USO show, but Wendy hadn't been the only one who had someone they cared about go in to a brewing warzone. "For now, I simply need you to write down your daily routine, as much knowledge of the security in the building as you know and then hand it to me. Let me take care of the rest."
Kyle seemed dissatisfied with that, dropping his fork on the plate and pressing his hands on the table. "You can't expect me to sit on the sidelines, I'm as much of a part of this as anyone else! It was my mistake."
Stan reached over, placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder in attempts to calm him down, but Kyle brushed him off, his Jersey temper seemed to have flared and would take time to stifle back down. Gregory didn't seem too concerned, pouring himself another glass of wine before replying to Kyle.
"If you want this plan to work, then it is best you sit this one out. I, for one, am not going to make the mistake of trusting you or your friends would be capable of carrying out a mission again. Not after last time."
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allthestripes · 5 years
What You Mean To Me - a Valentine’s Bunny fic (for my amazing girlfriend hypochondriac-butters ♡)
It had been a year. A perfect, wonderful, unbelievably amazing year. Everything that could have been good for Kenny had been, and this rising trend didn't seem like it was going to be stopping anytime soon.
Last Valentine's Day, he had asked out Butters, and he had accepted. Kissed him, even. It was like a dream come true.
He looked down at the boy leaning against his shoulder. They were at Butters' house, watching a movie on the couch. His parents had been oddly okay with this and the pair assumed it was because there was no chance Butters could get someone pregnant if they were together. Not that he was complaining. He had to admit, he had been a bit worried when they moved on to fifth grade that Butters would decide he wanted to move on, but that fear had been forgotten when on the first day of class Butters had stood up and announced to everyone he was still very bi, and very much in love with Kenny.
Oh, God, he loved this boy.
Kenny kissed Butters' forehead, making him blind and look up with a small smile.
"What's up, Kenny?" he asked.
"Nothing," he said. "Just thinking about how great you are."
Butters blushed, sitting up. "Well, geez, Ken, I think you're pretty great yourself," he said shyly, rubbing his knuckles together. "I've been thinking about something lately."
"What is it?"
"We've been dating for almost a year now. Valentine's Day is coming up, and I think I want to do something for you this time."
Kenny blinked. "Do something for me?"
"Yeah! So don't you plan on doing anything for me this time. It's my turn to do something cheesy and cute."
He laughed, shaking his head slightly. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind." Of course he wouldn't be able to just do nothing for the other, but if Butters wanted to be the one to make the grand gesture this time, he wouldn't show him up. He'd do something small. He had a bit of money saved up from his odd jobs, maybe he could get him some chocolates or flowers.
"I just hope you'll like it." Butters' tone brought him out of his thoughts. He sounded a bit nervous and unsure. Kenny couldn't let that go on. He took his hand, squeezing it lightly.
"Whatever you have in mind, I'm positive I'm going to love it," he assured gently. "You're probably the most creative person I know, whatever you do will be kickass."
Butters blushed and smiled at the praise, then returned to his previous position laying against Kenny's shoulder. "Thanks, Ken. I do my best."
The time leading up the Valentine's Day was interesting. Kenny's curiosity was growing with each passing day, but Butters was uncharacteristically tight lipped, only giving him a cheeky wink and a small shake of his head whenever he would ask about it or request a hint. It was infuriating in the best way possible.
To distract himself, he invested his energy into making the greatest card he could for him. Last year the card has been a reveal of his feelings in the more romantic way he could think to word it. This time, he was going a slightly different route. He didn't focus on words this time, choosing instead to create a picture to show his feelings for Butters more clearly.
He worked on it in the same art room that had created the other card, feeling it was only right. It had all started here, after all, it only seemed logical that it should be the place he continued expressing his love. At least this year he didn't have to deal with Cartman almost fucking his work up. He had chosen not to take art this time around, claiming the gay was too contagious to be around what with Kenny, Butters, Stan, Kyle, and now Craig and Tweek.
Such a loss. How tragic.
Kenny paused his coloring to look around the room, letting his cramping hand rest a moment. Other kids were working on Valentine's of their own, though some were doing normal projects. It was quiet, the only sound the soft scratch of pencils on paper, and the low rasp of brushes against canvas. It was nice, kind of relaxing in a way.
His eyes wandered around the room, coming to rest, as they always did, on Butters. His boyfriend was across the room, his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration as he worked on one of his many art pieces. Kenny loved to watch him work, it was one of the rare times Butters was able to really relax and enjoy himself, really let loose and express himself.
From the way his eyes shone with delight to the delicate movements of his hands, Butters was truly an artist. The love and care he put into every aspect of his creations... it was incredible to watch his imagination come to life through whatever medium he was using in the moment. He could lose himself in Butters' art, and he often did.
His thoughts were interrupted by Stan bumping his shoulder.
"Planning something big for Valentines?" he asked, sitting beside him.
"No, actually," Kenny said, reluctantly turning his eyes on his friend. "Leo said he wanted to be the one to do something this time, so I'm working on another card. Whatever he does, I get the feeling it's going to be awesome."
"Damn, I was hoping you could give me some help," Stan said, laying his cheek on the table and closing his eyes. "I want to do something nice for Kyle, but I can't think of anything good or non-cheesy."
"And what's wrong with cheesy?"
"Nothing I guess, I just want him to actually like whatever I do and not want to strangle me."
"Oo, kinky~."
"Shut the hell up, Kenny."
He laughed, shaking his head. "For real though, sometimes cheesy is perfect, especially for a Valentines thing. Just order pizza or something. Oh! Pizza Hut does that special thing on Valentines where they make heart-shaped pizzas and you can get a dessert. I think it's pretty cheap if I remember."
Stan sat up. "That sounds pretty good, actually. I might do that, thanks, dude," he said. "Pizza and video games, I think he'll like that."
"I'm sure he will. Kyle seems like the kind of guy who likes mushy stuff. I get the impression romantic gestures really get to him."
"I guess I'll see." He stood up, stretching his arms over his head. "I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for the suggestion."
"Pay me next time." With a roll of his eyes, Stan headed off, leaving Kenny alone once again.
When Valentine's Day finally arrived, Kenny couldn't help his excitement. For a solid week now Butters had been teasing him daily about the surprise, and he was going insane with curiosity. His attention was gone for the entire day, and as soon as school was out, he and Butters met up outside the school. Butters was grinning, wiggling in place.
"Hey ya, Ken," he greeted cheerfully. "Ready to see what I've been up too?"
"Absolutely," he said, slinging his arm around his shoulders. "Where are we going?"
"Don't worry about that," Butters laughed, nudging his side. "Just close your eyes and follow my lead. And no peeking, mister!"
Kenny weakly protested, but as he always did with Butters, gave in easily. How was he suppose to say no to that adorable face? Answer: he couldn't, so he shut up and pulled his hood tight over his eyes, taking Butters' hand and allowing the other to guide him.
They walked for a while, Butters chattering brightly about the day, Kenny adding small comments on occasion. He was trying to guess where they were going based on where they walked, but it seemed Butters was on to him. They seemed to be retracing their steps a lot and going in circles.
Dammit, he was on to him.
After what seemed like an eternity, Kenny felt the uneven ground of the forest underfoot and he smiled. He still had no idea what they were doing or where they were going, but he knew the reveal was finally coming.
A few minutes into their hike, Butters stopped him. "Ready?" he asked, his voice betraying his nervousness.
"I am. And Leo?"
"Relax. It's okay, whatever you've done, I'm positive I'm going to love it."
Butters snorted and laughed, already sounding less stressed. "Okay. You can look."
Kenny tugged open his hood and pulled it down, blinking open his eyes. It took a moment for them to adjust to the sunlight, but once they had, they widened in surprise and he gasped softly. "Leo... this... this is amazing..."
In front of him, the small hidden clearing they had entered had been set up for a camp out. The space was hidden from the trail they had followed, the trees thick around them, though the sky was bright and open above them. A small generator was sitting off to the side, and though it was off at the moment, the small string of paper lamps strung through the trees were visible. In the center was a small fire pit with a stack of wood and a blanket pile, and a short distance from that was a tent.
"Surprise," Butters said, smiling shyly. "Happy Valentine's Day, Kenny. I hope you-" He was cut off by Kenny throwing his arms around him and dipping him into a surprise kiss. He squeaked softly in shock, then melted into the other's touch, wrapping his arms around Kenny's neck. When they parted, Kenny grinned brightly.
"I love it, Leo. Happy Valentine's Day," he said, then straightened them both and took Butters' hand, walking over to sit in the blankets. Once they settled down, he pulled the other close so they were resting against one another.
"Man, I'm really going to have to step up my game for next year," Kenny laughed. "I just have a card for you."
"Well geez, Kenny, if it's like the one you gave me last year, then I'm sure it's great," Butters said with a smile. His cheeks were flushed pink and he was clearly pleased with his gift's acceptance.
They talked for hours as the sun set behind the mountain, roasting hotdogs and making s'mores before putting a few of the blankets around their shoulders and cuddling to warm up by the fire. They watched the sky change color and the stars light up the night. It was breathtaking, or at least it would be if Kenny had been looking at it. Instead he was focused on another, equally stunning site.
Butters' face was all that was visible in the soft glow of the dying fire, his eyes seeming to sparkle as he watched the stars. Kenny had to take a second to catch his breath. He was just so beautiful.
He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a gust of cold wind. Butters shivered, rubbing his arms.
"Oh boy, we should go in the tent," he suggested, getting to his feet. "Let me turn on the generator."
Kenny nodded, though he desperately missed his warmth when he moved away. He got up as well and stretched, popping his back satisfyingly. He gathered their blankets and moved towards the tent. He hadn't actually investigated this section yet. Unzipping the flap, he looked inside and smiled.
Waiting for them was an air mattress piled with more blankets and pillows. It wasn't exactly warm in the tent, but it would heat up fast when the two where in. He set the blankets in his arms to the side and crawled onto the bed, kicking off his shoes and removing his coat. He heard the generator kick on, the soft hum buzzing in the background. Soon after, Butters joined him.
"What do you think?" he asked as he flopped down beside the other, making him bounce slightly.
"I think this is pretty fantastic," Kenny said. "For real, this is awesome, Leo. You did so much, it's been really great."
"I'm glad you liked it," he said with a smile. "I was a little worried you would think it was too much or something. I wanted to do somethin' real big to show you what ya mean to me. This last year with you, as mushy as it sounds, really has changed my life. I've been a lot happier, I have less nightmares, heck, I even get grounded less since we got together! You just mean a whole heck of a lot to me, and I wanted to be sure I could really express it to you."
Kenny felt his heart swell as Butters spoke. To know he could be a source of good for the other was more than enough for him, but for Butters to want to actually show him what a positive effect he had somehow made meant the world.
"Leo, I really do love you," he said softly as his boyfriend slipped under the blankets on the bed after removing his shoes.
Butters looked up, blushing darkly. "I love you, too."
Both were surprised how easy the words came to them. They had said it to one another before, but it never seemed to lose it's magic. Every time the phrase slipped from their mouths, it was like hearing it for the first time all over again. TV and movies had led them to believe that the first time they said it would be the hardest thing to do in all their lives, but never once had it felt that way. It was as natural as breathing.
Kenny joined Butters under the blankets, the pair sharing body heat to warm up. They left the flap of the tent unzipped, looking out into the clearing. The fire had died entirely, but the area was now lit with the dim light of the lanterns strung around the site. Valentines had fallen on a Friday this year, allowing them to stay up as late as they chose without repercussion.
The moon was high overhead when Butters drifted off, leaving Kenny awake. He watched the other sleep, eyes filled with affection. He leaned over, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.
"Goodnight, Leo," he whispered. "I love you. Happy Valentine's Day." He settled down beside him, tugging up the blankets to tuck in around them, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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Chapter 1: Party At Cartman’s
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          The last week of August and the end of summer had finally came to South Park. Stan’s Marsh phone alarm played a nice, peaceful and relaxing tune, which was the opposite of what his mornings looked like, but the volume was high enough to wake him up. Stan opened his eyes and was about to press the snooze button, thinking five more minutes of sleep wouldnt disturb his routine, but stopped when He saw there was a message from his best friend Kyle Broflovski. He opened the chat and read “Ready for another year of torture?”
           Stan laugh. “And do we have a choice?” was his reply, knowing Kyle would probably chuckle like He did on the other side. He gave up sleeping five more minutes longer and stood up, walking towards the bathroom to wash his face, but was abruptly pushed before He could enter by the stupid She-Ogre He knew as his older sister. Shelly would just return to the college campus for classes in september and Stan couldnt avoid thinking if it was about time for her to go away. Have her home some weekends was bad... But everyday was almost too much to bear.
- God dammit Shelly! Do you have to do this everyday? – Stan shouted from outside the bathroom, knocking on the locked door. His sister had grew a lot. She didnt used braces anymore and had gave a update to her looks, at least the possible, but her bad attitude had stayed the same. Shelly opened the door, almost hitting Stan’s face with it, to respond.
- Shut up Turd! I’m going out! – and she closed it again almost breaking it. The noise made Stan’s mom, Sharon, soon appear to ask what was going on, but the boy Just sighed and went back to his room. He packed his school stuff and changed his clothes while waited for Shelly to come out of the bathroom.
           He placed his jacket, a The Who shirt, clean jeans and his red converse Chuckies above his bed. He opened the drawer e there it was, carefully stored, his trade Mark: The red poof Ball hat. He throw the little thing with the others at the same moment He saw Shelly passing irritated through the hallway while his mother followed her screaming. Finally He could use the bathroom.
             About twenty minutes later, Stan got to the bus stop, not the same one He and his friends used to hang when they were kids, despite being practically the same thing. All sights in South Park looked alike. When He got there, Kenny and Cartman were laughing, while Kyle had his arms crossed glaring at the other two. – Hey guys. – Stan Said smiling to Kyle, who Just sigh and got closer to his Best friend.
- Hey dude... – Kyle seemed frustrated and Stan knew the reason. He knew why his other two friends were laughing their guts out and it was the same reson that placed that expression on Kyle’s face.
           A week ago, to celebrate summer’s ending, Cartman threw a huge party for everyone in class on his basement. Eric Cartman’s basement had always been the Best place for such stuff... It was big, had an extra bathroom and Liane, his mom, never seemed bothered with all the shit they’ve done down there. The whole sophomore class appeared, Kenny had got the booze and the pot with his contacts and everything was going as planned.
           Stan and Kyle were sitting in the staircase that lead to the basement waiting for Wendy Testaburguer, Stan’s girlfriend, arrive. The Black-haired boy was anxious, since she had spent most of her Summer travelling with her parents. Kenny, Cartman and the others that had arrived already, were downstairs having fun. Watching this, Kyle seemed nervous about something.
- Youre gonna try tonight Kyle? – Stanley asked with a smirk on his face as Kyle turned to him widening his eyes for a second.
- Uh? I dont know what youre talking about...
- The pot dude... I’m asking if youre gonna try it. You Said your parents would be out tonight. – Stan gave a brief look towards Ike, playing with his phone in a couch. Since the Broflovskis were out, Kyle had to bring him to the party.
- I dont know dude... My mom would kill me if she discovered i’ve smoked. – He took a deep breath before continuing. – I know Ike wont say a Word, but i dont know... You know how she gets when she’s angry.
           Stan opened his mouth to say something to his Best friend, but they both turn their heads at the same time hearing the door above the stairs opening. Wendy and Bebe passed through it and the Black-haired girl froze as soon as she saw her boyfriend waiting. Stan smiled and patted Kyle’s shoulder friendly. – You know i support whatever your decision is, right? – and before the red-haired could reply, Stan stood up and went up to where Wendy was.
- Hey babe! How was your trip? – He asked already pulling her into a hug. Wendy seemed nervous about something, and her fake smile showed that.
           Kyle, who could see Wendy’s expression, watched the scene confused, standing up as well. Bebe passed through him shooking her head. – This ain’t gonna be cool... – she sighed already knowing the kinda talk her bestie would have with her boyfriend next. Kyle turned to her listening this, getting even more perplexed now since according to Stan, the two of them seemed to be ok until the previous Day, at least He Said Wendy seemed to miss him in their messages.
- Bebe... What...
- Have you seen Clyde, Ky? – Bebe asked and the jewboy only pointed to where the football team captain and the blonde’s boyfriend was. Soon He also went down there leaving Stan and Wendy alone.
 - Everything was fine Stan... I had lots of fun. – Wendy replied stepping away from his hug. She was acting weird.
- Is everything ok? Something happened? – Stan asked noticing this. He hoped his girl would be anxious to see him again, just like He was. He hoped that she would be happy and willing to tell him the news about her trip and that they would spend na amazing night together at the party. But the words that came out from Wendy’s mouth next made Stan’s heart stop beating for a second.
- Can we... Talk? – she said in a uncertain and not a bit thrilling tone. – I mean... Alone?
 - Whats wrong with your face Kyle? – Kenny asked when He saw the jew coming downstairs with some worry on his eyes. He looked up towards Stan and Wendy while going down, and bit his lip nervously when He saw Stan’s smile vanishing, before He agreed with his head and followed Wendy out of the basement.
- It’s just... I think Wendy is going to break up with Stan. – He said grabbing a pop for himself while Kenny raised na eyebrown. He understood why Kyle seemed worried about this since Stan always ended up devastated everytime He had a fight with his girlfriend and them splitted apart for a while. None of them could forget the goth kids episode. Kenny got a bottle of vodka and added some to Kyle’s cup.
- Guess we’re gonna need more of this to comfort him later then, huh? – He said with a little sigh. Kyle looked at his cup and scratched his neck.
- I dont know if i should Kenny... Ike’s here and... – He thought for an instant. Why not? He wanted to be able to help his Best friend upstairs, but theres nothing He could do at the moment. Maybe when He came back, if what He was thiking truly happened, Kyle could cheer him up a little bit. – Alright... But let’s get slow... You know Stan has a problem with alcoohol.
- I have some weed here too... – Kenny said patting his parka’s pocket where probably the joints were. The smirk on his face showed the other the exact words that were about to come out of his mouth. – You said you were gonna try tonight, Kyle.
             Wendy guided Stan to Cartman’s backyward. Usually, there was the parties Make out spot. Of course, couples used to kiss and fool around down the basement as well, but true action happened there, under the stars. Stan and Wendy had kissed in Cartman’s backyward before but they never reached the ultimate goal, He respected her too much to try doing anything without her giving a sign first. In reality, He didnt fell secure enough to go more ahead than what they had done by that point.
           A girl placed her hands in her coat’s pockets. Despite still being Summer, South Park managed to be to coldest town in all Colorado. She sighed without facing him, just looking at the starry sky, nervous with something Stan couldnt identify. – Wendy... What do you wanna talk about? – she suddenly firm her feet and turn her head to him.
- Stan... We need to take a break.
           Complete silence. Stan tilted his head to the side confused for a few seconds staring at his girlfriend not knowing how to react. E then He chuckled. It was a quick one tho, since Wendy’s expression didnt change. – Wait... You’re being serious? B-But why?!
- I’ve been thinking during this trip... You know? I need a break to think, thats all. – she replied shyly looking to the ground. She hated having to do that. But at the same time, it was needed, doubts came on her head during vacation and she needed to find a solution to it without Stan interfering, even without meaning it. – Please... You need to understand.
- You’ve met someone on the trip, don’t you? Thats what happened? Thats why you’re acting weird? – He asked leaning onto her and gently taking her hands, which made him stare at his eyes one more time. – Wendy... Please don’t do this to me again... I... I love you...
           She stopped and her eyebrows curved in a sad way. She slightly and carefully touched his face. – And i love you too. Thats why i have to do this, because i don’t wanna hurt you more than necessary. I need a break Stanley... – her voice was firm and decisive. – And no... I didnt met anyone on the trip. I just... Need you to respect what i’m asking you.
           She took a deep sigh gazing deeply inside his eyes, before releasing his hands and pass through him, returning back into the house. Stan’s shoulders dropped while he stared at nothing ahead of him with wide eyes, shocked, without understanding how in a matter of minutes he went from “Cute messages of missing you” to “We need to take a break”. He had no Idea how longer he stayed there staring at nothing in particular, but he discovered later that it was for awhile, cause Kenny opened the glass door that gave access to the backyard, holding himself to not have a laughter attack.
- HAHA! STAN! – he couldnt stop laughing. – You have to come see the shit Kyle’s doing! S-Stan... – Kenny stopped in front of his friend, finally seeing his desolate expression. – Uh... Stan? What happened?
- Wendy... She... She... – Stan tried to speak, but the words simply didnt came out. He felt his body being pulled into a hug all of sudden. Kenny sighed releasing him a few seconds later.
- I’m so sorry dude...
           Stan felt terrible. If at least he knew why Wendy did this to him, maybe he could stand the fact better. Kenny was a good friend and for sure, at least as far as possible, his hug had helped. Perhaps if he went to hang with his friends... Wait a minute. Stan’s sad face changed to confused in just one second. – What did you said about Kyle?
 - ALRIGHT, MOTHERFUCKERS! WHEN I SAY CARTMAN, YOU SAY FATASS! – Kyle was standing above the junk food table, wearing only his underwear and hat. His voice sounded drunk and a little bit higher than usual. Kyle already had the most high pitched voice among all his male friends, but that was too much.
           Kenny returned with Stan to the basement and just when he saw Kyle, he couldnt contain his laugh. Stan’s eyes got wide seeing his Best friend completely high and screaming almost naked in front of everybody. That wasnt Kyle, or at least, it wasnt how Kyle acted. All the others had similiar reactions to what was going on: Or they were laughing or they were shocked. Cartman didnt seemed to care that mosto of the shit coming out of the jew’s mouth were poorly directed to him. At the moment, the fat kid hold onto Heidi, his girlfriend, while filming Kyle making a fool of himself with his Iphone. – That’s totally going to my Twitter. – Eric laugh evil.
- My god Kenny... What the fuck did you gave him? – Stan asked, a mix of worry and giggle on his voice. Kenny laughed out loud in return, showing the other joint he had.
- Looks like our friend Kyle kept his promise, huh Stan?
           Wendy was one of the people looking at Kyle without knowing how to react. For a second, she glanced at Stan, but quickly the boy looked away and went to the table where Kyle danced ridiculously. – Kyle, you have to get down from there dude. – Stan said reaching his arms towards his Best friend so he could come down without falling or getting hurt.
- Hey Stan! Hey everybody! This is my Best friend Stan! – Kyle said almost tripping and falling from the table, but Stan managed to hold him and put him down safely before that could happen. – Ah... Dude... Your eyes are puffy... – Kyle stopped smiling and touched Stan’s face dizzily. – She broke up with you, didnt she? I’m so sorry Stan! – and then he hugged him.
Stanley wanted to talk with Kyle about it. During his whole life, that boy was always there to help him, but he knew the red haired didnt had conditions at the moment. He sighed and asked someone next to the scene to pass him Kyle’s clothes that were on the floor. – C’mon man... Lets get you home. Lets go Ike!
Stan went away without saying bye to most people. In the end, Kyle’s little show had gave him an excuse to leave... After what happened, the last thing he wanted was partying. When they got to Kyle’s house, on the other side of the street, Stan carefully placed him on his bed with Ike’s help. He thanked Jesus for their parents being out.
- God dammit... Hey Ike, i think i’m spending the night. Just in case Kyle doesnt feel good... And he has no conditions of... – Stan stopped talking when he heard voices that sounded much alike the ones he heard at the party coming from Ike’s phone. – Ike?
- Uh? Oh, sure, no problem. – Ike replied laughing and showing his phone screen. It was a vídeo of Kyle’s show at the party, posted three minutes ago on Eric Cartman’s Twitter Page. – Its online already.
           Stan took a deep breath, rolling his eyes thinking how Cartman could be such an asshole. He looked at Kyle knowing how ashamed he would be in the morning, despite him looking so peaceful sleeping now. – Alright Ike... You should go rest. We’ll figure this out tomorrow ok? The sleeping bag is still in the closet?
           Stan layed on the floor next to Kyle’s bed, curling himself at the thick Terrance & Phillip sleeping bag. He smiled a bit remembering how happy they both were when got that gift. Soon he frowned tho, thinking about Wendy and what happened at the party. Why did she had to do that with him? Why didnt she gave him a reason? He heard Kyle moving on his bed and then released a groan.
- You better be ok in the morning to hear me mourn Kyle...
- Stan? Are you listening to me? – Kyle asked waving his hand in front of his Best friend’s face, that looked completely lost in thoughts.
- Uh? What? – he asked snapping out of it. He was inside the bus already heading to school with Kyle sitting by his side.
- You didnt heard a single Word i said, right? – the red haired kid asked with a bored look. Stan stuttered to reply, which made Kyle sit straight in his seat with his arms crossed. – Nevermind...
           Stan felt bad for a second. He’d been thinking about Wendy and what happened for the last minutes, not realizing his surroundings. In fact, he and the girl havent spoken to each other in a week, ever since the talk in Cartman’s yard. The boy relaxed in his seat sighing sadly gazing at the view from his window. – I know you were problably cursing Cartman for being an ass and posting that vídeo. He’s really a jerk... I’m sorry about it and i’ll help you solve this shit. Is just...
- The thing with Wendy, right? – Kyle said suddenly. The two boys knew each other time enough to know exactly what the other was thinking without much effort. Stan looked back to his friend. – I know dude... It sucks. But you told me she just wanted a time. Didnt she said she loved you?
- Well... Yeah, she said. But i dont know... She seemed so... – the bus stopped in front of South Park High and the doors opened so the students could come out. But Stan couldnt stand. He saw something outside the bus the simply freeze his movements. Wendy was sitting at the stairs in front of the building with a big book in one of her hands... Because the other side of the book was being held by a blonde kid around their age that was extremely familiar. -...Distant...
           Kyle looked from the window seeing the same scene. The boy was close to Wendy. Too close. The two of them seemed to be talking about the book and she seemed happy with this kid’s company. Kyle lifted an eyebrown, having the same sensation of familiarity. The blonde curly hair thrown back, fancy outfits and that smart air he exibited over Wendy... It reminded them a lot about this kid they’ve met years ago, when they were just eight, and that had went study with them. Kyle’s eyes widen when his mind reproducted the words “La Resistance” and he could, finally, identify who this guy was.
- Gregory... – he said making Stan turn to him abruptly.
- Hey, you two have to come down! – the bus driver yelled making them realize they were the only ones left inside. The boys quickly took their stuff and did as the man said. Kyle tried to pull Stan as far as possible from where Wendy was with Gregory, maybe head to their lockers and get over with that, but Stan couldnt avoid giving his girlfriend, or ex, a look with all the sadness from his body.
           For a moment, Wendy faced him back, and the joy vanished from her face. She looked embarassed to the ground while Kyle kept trying to pull him away. But he knew there was no sense in spare him since his heart was probably already broken.
             Eric Cartman was walking towards his locker with his usual egocentric air. He wasnt among the youngest in school anymore, actually, he was practically a veteran if you think well. It was like he owned this territory by now. He spotted Heidi Turner, his longdate gilfriend, searching for something inside her locker, and, even tho he wasnt seeing her face, he knew she was excited to see him. They were more attached than ever, since a week ago, after the incredible party in his house that he liked to call “High Kyle’s show” they went it on inside his room. Probably the best day of his whole life, not only for seeing Kyle humiliating himself, but because he lost his virginity, all in one night. It was too good to be true.
           When he reached her, Cartman hugged her from behind, gripping her waist and lifting her up softly. Heidi gasped startled, tooking a fright when he lifted her, but when she looked back and saw her boyfriend, her face turned angry. She shook her legs and kicked him lightly to be released. – Let me go Eric!
           Cartman released her, getting confused. He chuckled sarcastically. – Wow... Looks like someone is on a bad mood today. Are you on your period or something?
           Heidi shut her locker madly, which made Cartman shut his mouth. He had seem her pissed before, despite being rare, and he didnt liked at all. He kept perplexed while she faced him almost like she was about to attack him. – I dont wanna talk to you! – she yelled suddenly and started to walk away. Cartman ran and grip on her arm.
- Hey! Wait a second, what have i done? – he asked not understanding. Heidi’s face got even angrier, burning bright red. After a few seconds she opened up.
- You want to explain to me why everybody knows what we’ve done last week? – she screamed pulling her arm away from his touch. Cartman’s eyes widen, as he placed his hands on his pockets.
- I... I dont know what youre talking about, Heidi...
- Dammit Eric! I asked you to not tell anyone! – she stamp her feet on the floor with tears on her eyes.  
- And i didnt! – he screamed back, some people were staring at them both, before turning their faces and leave. Heidi crossed her arms, not buying not even a bit of that. – Well... Maybe i’ve told the guys... And Butters... And Clyde. I mean, i had to tell Clyde, right? Oh yeah... I told Jimmy too...
           He stopped when she suddenly pushed him and his fat body hit the floor. – Youre an idiot! Now everybody looks at me knowing what happened! Dont you ever speak to me! Its over Eric! – and then she returned to march nervously away from him.
- Fuck you Heidi! Thats right, go away and leave me here, laying on the floor! – Cartman yelled seeing her move away. Noticing she didnt hesitate a single step and just disappeared by the end of the hallway, ignoring him completely, he sighed heavily, still with an irritated expression, laying the rest of his body on the floor too. – Crap...
OH MY GOD I’M SOOO HAPPY HAHA! So yeah, this was the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. Feel free to comment, share and talk to me or Mary about it cause it really makes us want post more and more about this!!  
*THIS AU BELONGS ENTIRELY TO ME (@maryramos) AND MY FRIEND (@m-tonks). If repost, please give credit to us and make sure to follow our page for more content of it!*
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Craig x Depressed!Reader: Heart of Gold (South Park)
Your footsteps echoed through the halls of your empty home as you hummed quietly to yourself. Another day playing nice cop, another day being a sweetheart, another day convincing people that you were the kindest, loveliest person alive. You knew you weren't; you were far from the perfect, angelic being everyone believed you to be, and you hated yourself for it. Your parents were never home to console you, they were too busy going out and getting high to forget they even created you to notice, though you supposed they wouldn't care anyways. They'd blame it on hormones and such, as apparently all teens are suicidal and sad all the time, and it magically disappears once they reach adulthood.
Everyone loved you, except for yourself. You believed yourself to be a disgusting, two faced liar who only acted like a good person to hide their own selfish, revolting personality. You sighed quietly to yourself, figuring it'd be another day of self loathing and pity. You should've been used to this by now, but it hurt that nobody took the time to get to know you well enough to see through your facade. Or so you thought.
You pulled out your device, shuffling through your music and relaxing, trying to calm your nerves as you made yourself a nice cup of tea. Tomorrow would be the same as today, and the next day, and the next, and so on. Your eyes became blurry with tears at that thought. You didn't want things to stay the same forever, but you didn't know how to change them. You couldn't just stop being happy towards everyone. People would worry, and then when they found out what you were really like, they'd turn on you.
You sat in your usual seat at the back of the class, a permanent smile etched into your face. Your so-called friends greeted you warmly, and you returned the gesture, beginning to tune out of their conversation about the hottest new shoes on the market, and instead delving into the more dark corners of your mind. Did they already hate you? You asked yourself these things every day. Perhaps they did. Perhaps they only saw you as an object. A pushover. Perhaps they secretly gossiped about you and spread rumors behind your back.
Then what was all of this for? This fake, plastic plate around your heart painted to look gold? Was this ruse even worth the pain and effort? Did these people even deserve your disguise?
One of them commented on your drained, sagging features, but you only played it off as a lack of sleep the night before. You weren't lying. They accepted it, joking about it before returning to their previous mindless chatter. You felt a pair of eyes watching you from across the room, meeting navy blue irises and a middle finger aimed at your figure. His concern was obvious to you, you had practice in the field of reading other's body language and sensing moods, and you could practically feel the worry dripping onto you as if it were lightly raining down onto your mind.
You waved him off as well, mouthing the same excuse you had used on the girls in front of you. You could tell he didn't buy it, but class started before he could say anything. The onyx haired boy turned to the front of the class, much to your relief. You were too exhausted to be interrogated by Craig today, even if he was your best friend and someone you loved dearly. You just weren't feeling good enough to talk with him without spilling everything today; he always had a habit of pulling things out of you.
You set your lunch tray down calmly, smiling at the boys in front of you. While most kids in South Park labelled themselves with some sort of group or clique, you generally just wandered around, sitting with whoever would allow it. "Good afternoon, guys. How are you?" You smiled cheerfully, your head reeling. You wanted to know what they really thought as you sat next to Kenny, receiving an equally cheery chorus of 'hello's and 'how are you's.
Cartman was staying unusually quiet, you had noticed. He was staring at you, and for some reason this scared you; you simply smiled sweetly at him as he seemingly examined you.
"You're a fucking liar." He stated, narrowing his icy blue eyes at you. You were taken aback by his words, your eyes widening and smile fading. "What do you mea-" "You're not fucking tired, you're sad. Why don't you just tell people that, are you stupid or something? You don't always have to smile and shit, actually it's creepy as hell sometimes. Don't pretend to be something you aren't. As much as I really fucking hate to admit it, I'm friends with your dumbass and I'd rather you be sad and truthful about it then hiding it like a little bitch and laughing all the time." His eyes were soft, though he was glaring.
It was obvious, and a shocker, to everyone that he was looking out for you.
Your mouth twitched a bit and you felt something drip from your chin. You were crying in front of everyone, and you hated it. You choked out a sob, hugging yourself tightly. Cartman sighed, his expression relaxing. "Oh goddamnit." He stood up and silently pulled you up (a bit roughly but this is Cartman here he's doing his best for once), leading you out of the cafeteria and into the hallway.
Cold blue eyes glared at him as he helped you, but he didn't give a shit. Craig could cry like a pussy about it later, Cartman had more important things to do right now. He hated seeing his friends upset, and though he would never admit it, he would always be there to help them when they needed it.
Even that stupid fucking ginger Jew, Kyle.
As he tugged you behind the doors and made sure the halls were empty so that you could cry in peace, Craig silently followed, staying behind the double doors to listen in on whatever was bothering you. His heart practically broke in two when he saw you crying like that, and with Cartman nonetheless. He had to admit, for once he was jealous of the fat boy.
What could Cartman do that he couldn't? Why weren't you comfortable enough to show your true feelings in front of him too? He heard you sob again and his heart fell, almost bringing him to tears as well. He knew you weren't happy, he had known for a while now, but to see you so vulnerable hurt him so badly. You were so precious to him, he loved you so much. He just wished he had the balls to tell you that.
Stan's table was silent, in fact, most of the cafeteria was, aside from the whispers of gossip and rumours of what had happened, and the regular chatter of those who didn't know who you were or didn't care to know. He covered his ear opposite of the door to hear you better.
Outside, you clung to Cartman as he nervously and gently hugged you back, rubbing small circles into your shoulder blades​.
He had no idea how to comfort someone, why did he even think this would be a good idea.
You looked up at him through watery, puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks, and his heart wrenched. You were honestly his favorite friend, and he even admitted to the guys once that he thought you were fucking awesome. He cared for you in a brotherly way.
"C-Cartman, it hurts. It hurts s-so much. How do I m-make it stop?" You barely hiccuped the sentence out as more salty tears streamed down your face, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
You couldn't remember the last time you cried so painfully like this.
Cartman pulled you to his chest so that you couldn't see the tears forming in his own eyes. "Wh-y... Why does it hurt, (Y/N)? Did- did someone do something shitty to you, because I'll get that stupid fucking Jew and we'll fuck them up." He mentally cursed his voice crack as he shakily ran his fingers through your hair. He knew you were emotionally damaged, but jesus christ it was so much worse than he thought.
How the fuck do you manage to smile all the damn time?
You calmed down a bit, and told him everything. By the end of it, your eyes burned and you could barely breathe, and Cartman had to wipe his eyes more than once. Craig kept his head down and covered his face with his hand, shoulders silently shaking. He was pulled back to the table by Token, who didn't dare ask him what was wrong. His parents knew yours personally when you had first moved here, and there were no good stories for them to tell him. He had an idea of what you were going through. The cafeteria was silent as you stepped back inside and to your table.
You were uncomfortable with the way everyone's eyes seemed to be glued to you as though you were the most interesting thing on the planet.
You didn't speak a word to anyone for the rest of the day, and no one approached you besides Cartman or occasionally Butters (trying to make you feel better with cute items and admittedly succeeding more than once; he was too pure).
That night as you lay in bed staring at the ceiling, you realized the impact of your actions. Now everyone's attention would be glued to you for the next two months. You should've played it off and waited until later to tell Cartman the truth.
Of course, then you probably would've decided to keep it closed up still anyways.
You didn't regret telling him, in fact, letting it out made you feel a hell of a lot better, and one time Kyle said that Cartman would never do anything bad to you because he thought you were fucking awesome. You just didn't want to be the center of attention.
You hated the feeling of being watched, especially for reasons such as this. Drama wasn't exactly something you were fond of. You wondered how you would deal with that. You could just say your cat died, everyone knows you have a cat.
Or maybe you could make up a family member and say that they passed away.
A soft knock on your window ripped you out of your thoughts, and you confusedly sat upright in your bed, forgetting the fact that you slept in your underwear and, against your better judgement, flicked on your lights. As you pulled back the curtains, you saw Craig's face smushed against the glass, and, stifling a laugh at the ridiculous image, let him inside.
"Hey Tucker. What's up?" You spoke softly out of habit, your parents weren't​ home, and they probably wouldn't be for a while.
To your surprise, Craig pulled you onto your bed with him and held you close. "Craig, umm, what are you-"
"Holy shit you're warm (Y/N)."
"And you're cold! What are you doing?" He shrugged, pulling the blanket over you and pushing down the heat threatening to rise to his cheeks at the sight of you half naked.
"Sleeping with you."
... Fuck that came out wrong. Both of your faces were bright red as he shifted uncomfortably. "I-I didn't mean it like that. I meant I'm keeping you company and shit. Because you're cool. And I like you. Wait, shit, fuck, I-" He was interrupted by your laughter as he buried his face in his hands, peeking at you through his fingers and smiling lightly from behind​ his palms as he watched you laugh genuinely.
"Oh my god Craig, what a charmer." He snorted, which only made you laugh harder. After you calmed down, you gazed over at him, still smiling. Your smile soon faded as you realized the real reason he showed up at your window only a few minutes earlier.
"You're here to talk about what happened at lunch, right?" You sighed, standing up and throwing on a large t-shirt before turning back to him and smiling softly, "I'll make us some hot cocoa and I'll tell you everything, alright? We're best friends after all, I feel like you have the right to know what's going on with me." He sat up, hugging you from behind and burying his face in your neck. "You don't have to you know." You took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of pine and strawberry shampoo that he gave off, messing with his hair a bit.
"Yeah, but, I want to. It's not fair to keep secrets from you, and it's not like I can just leave you without knowing. It's kind of out there."
He nodded and slowly let you go, glad that you trusted him enough to tell him too, and not just that fat fucker, Cartman.
After you had said your piece, and more tears were shed, Craig practically clung to you, both mugs of cocoa completely empty. "(Y/N)... You don't always have to smile. You don't have to go through this by yourself. I don't know what you're going through, and I won't pretend that I've experienced it, but I can try to understand for you. I want to be something to you. I..." He trailed off, the three words he wanted to say so badly gripping his throat as he tried to swallow down his fears. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as you looked to him expectantly.
"Goddamnit, I love you so fucking much holy shit you have no idea." He wanted to scream at himself for the way he confessed. Was that really the best he could fucking do?
His train of thought was cut short as he felt your shoulders shake and salty tears drip on to his jacket. He fucked up. "Shit, (Y/N), I'm sorry, I-I-" He was cut off yet again by your sweet laugh, and he realized that you were crying out of joy this time. "I love you too, Craig. So fucking much, you have no idea, holy shit." You pecked his lips lightly.
And he grinned from ear to ear, feeling like the luckiest person alive.
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Fallen Angel (Kenny McCormick / Reader)
Anon: can you do a Kenny x reader where the reader is an angel that he sees briefly every time he dies and one day he sees a girl that looks exactly like her and it turns out that it is
Growing up I’ve been seeing an image of a boy in an orange parka that  had messy  blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. I would always see him in random times, I never really understood why.  It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, he would always show up though our eyes would only meet for a few seconds. As far that I’m aware of only I can see him, it didn’t bother me that much since he would only show up for a short amount of time. As of now I’m a high school student, I grew taller and my voice had changed from when I was a kid. I could also say the same for the boy wearing a parka, he seemed to have grown up as well. He was taller than I first saw him and his face changed, but not drastically since I could still make up that it was him. The only thing that changed about me besides my appearance was my location. My family recently moved to South Park due to my dad getting a new job.  
Today was my first day in South Park high school, they didn’t have a uniform which was something I’m not used to since my old school had us wear a dark and sad uniform. I took a deep breath before entering my the school premises. “Okay, (Y/N). You can do this.” I told myself as I entered the school. The first thing I noticed when I got inside was that everyone was in groups. “Looks like things aren’t going to be easy for me.” I thought to myself.  I made my way to my classroom while avoiding everyone’s eyes. Everyone seemed to have known each other, I assume that I was the only new kid. When I got in the classroom I careful choose a seat, I made sure it was the one furthest from each group. I don’t want to sit in a seat someone saved for their friend. As I sat down I was greeted by a boy with a book in his hand and behind him was two other kids, one was wearing a blue hat and red puffball and next to him was a bigger boy. “Hello, you must be (Y/N).” I returned my attention to the ginger “Yes.” I don’t know what else to add.
“We’ve overheard about a new student so I decided to be the first to give you a warm welcome.”
I guess things won’t be as hard as I make them to be. “Thank you.” I said to the boy. “I’m Kyle by the way.” The ginger then gestured over to the two boys behind him. “The one with black hair is Stan and the fat one is Cartman.” as soon as he called Cartman fat Cartman said something under his breath. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N).” Stan greeted.
“Likewise” I replied
“And there’s also Kenny” Kyle said as he looked over to the door. At the exact time I focused at the door it swung open revealing a bright orange parka. My eyes widen as I felt something familiar from that color. “It couldn’t be” as soon as the person who opened the door looked over to us I felt my heart beat faster. My eyes were glued to him, everything else in the room became a blur. The person I’ve been seeing all my life was in front of me, because I was focused on my thoughts it took me a while to notice that he was also in shock.
“You’re--” He rushed to my side and held me by my arm. “Real.” he continued. What does he mean by that? “Kenny, it hasn’t been an hour and you’re already flirting with the new girl.” Someone said. “You’re not disappearing.” I said to him. This was the first time I was able to look at him for more than a few seconds. Ours eyes locked on each other as we tried to figure out what was going on. I didn’t really think that person I had been seeing was really. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening so my hand found it’s way to his chest. “You’re real!” I said to him, his eyes seemed to have grown wider from that comment.
“No shitl.” I heard the fat guy from earlier speak.
The boy in front of me turned to the source of the sound leaving my eyes to face the side of his parka. His blonde messy hair seemed more of a mess, his lashes were long and beautiful. I’m glad that I’m able to see more of him and no longer just one side of his face. “Alright, go back to your seats.” An old man with a green polo shirt came in. Everyone started going to their own seats while Kenny and I remained standing up facing each other. It felt surreal that I was able to look at him straight in the eye. “McCormick and new kid sit down!” The teacher commanded us. “I’m sorry” I said as I got pulled back into reality. I went back to my seat and Kenny did so as well.
I turn my attention to what was in front of me, the teacher. The difference between this school and my old school is how the teachers treated their students. Mr. Garrison is so harsh to his students, he doesn’t pull his punches and he doesn’t seem to teach anything as well. I looked over to Kyle who I sat next to and asked “Is he like this everyday?”  
“You’ll get used to it, but if you don’t get the lesson there’s a group of students who go to the library for a study session.”
“Thanks for letting me know, Kyle.”
“I’m sure that other members would be glad to have you” Kyle then looked over to the back side of the classroom, I wasn’t too sure what he was looking at when I looked over to the back as well. “Kenny seems to be happy that you’re here.” Kyle said as his eyes focused back on me. “What’s up with you two? Are you guys old friends?”
“It’s kinda hard to explain”
Kyle’s brow raised in confusion from my words. “I’ve seen him before in my head and it’s the same for him as well.” Usually when I tell people about seeing a boy  at random times they would laugh at me and/or call me out for being weird. “That’s really something.” Kyle didn’t mock what I’ve just said, that’s new. “You don’t find it strange?”
“I think it’s cool that you two have something special.”
He’s right. It is something special we have. I don’t think  Kenny has any idea why we’re able to see each other in our minds maybe I should ask him after class if he has any clue what might be causing all this. As soon as class has ended I walked over to Kenny’s seat. His eyes lit  up as soon as I made in contact with him. I felt my cheeks turn red, as I am unfamiliar with this expression coming from someone. “Kenny, I wanted to ask you something.”
“If it’s a date. Kenny’s poor!” Cartman shouted from the seat next to Kenny. “Shut up, fatass.” Kenny said as he stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. Kenny started leading me out of the classroom. “Let’s talk outside.” He said as we made it to the door. “Okay” I went with Kenny to the hallway where other students seemed to be preoccupied with their own thing. Kenny and I were near the lockers, our backs resting on someone else’s locker. “So what did you want to ask?”
“I was wondering if you had any ideas why we’re able to see each other despite never knowing each other”  Kenny’s eyes slowly shifted to my direction as he let out a big sigh. “I don’t why we keep seeing each other though I know one thing that could be the root of all this.” Kenny stopped leaning on the locker “You might not believe me for what I’m about to tell you--” Kenny’s expression turned grim as he spoke. I followed him as he stopped leaning on the locker and faced him properly. “The only time we make contact is after I die.”
“I’m fully aware that people only die once, but that’s not the case for me.”
I didn’t know how that would be possible, but at the same time I knew he wasn’t lying. It is impossible for me to even see someone I’ve never seen my whole life at random times so what he must be saying must be true. “I believe that you’re not making this up”
“I’m glad you understand from just my words alone. I have no one to back me up with my story as they seem to forget the memory of me dying once I come to live another day.”
There was a moment of silence as he had finished speaking. It must have been hard for him to have his friends forget about his death. Has he been living in this spiral of death and life for this long. My hands slowly found its way to his. “I promise not to forget about you.”
“I have a hunch that what we have will prevent you for forgetting my deaths.” He said as he held back my hand. “I’m glad that you’ll remember and know that I’m not lying about my death, but I don’t like the fact that you’ll be seeing me die again and again.”
Many weeks had passed since I moved into South Park. I’ve finally caught up with all my school works. Every after school I would go to the library with Kyle to attend a study session and on my way home Kenny would always walk would me, because of my connection to Kenny we’ve grown close in such a short period of time. “(Y/N), do you want to stop by the mall for some food?”
“That would be nice” I said as we took a left to head to the mall. “You know ever since we’ve started hanging out nothing bad has happened to me.” I looked over to Kenny from my shoulder and smiled “I guess I’m some sort of good luck charm.”
“I’d like to think of you as an angel and not just an object.” He said as his hand locked with mine. I puffed up my cheeks and sulked “You’re such a flirt.” I said as I rolled my eyes. Kenny laughed at my remark “That’s fine since you like me too.”
I couldn’t deny what he had just said. It’s true that I’ve always had an interest in him. “Shut up” I said as I looked away from him. “I love you” He said as he stopped walking and buried his head on my hair. From what I’ve heard from Stan and the others  Kenny used to be a flirt, he had multiple girlfriends though not at the same time. “You know a little birdy told me that you used to say a lot of sweet things like that  to other girls.”  
“That doesn’t mean that what I’m telling you is a lie.” The way Kenny spoke was so comforting. “I guess that just means that you just go around other people that.” I haven’t had any romantic feelings towards someone before since I’ve only had my eyes on the person I’ve been seeing in my head so I have no experience with being with someone before. “It’s not like that at all.” He said as he raised his head from mine. “You’re the first person that has ever believed my words. I have no intention of hurting you “
“Come on let me give you a hug.” Kenny added. I slowly made my way to his chest and buried my face there. When I felt his warmth from his parka I could feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. “Get a room you guys” As soon as I heard the familiar voice that called us out I tried to separated from Kenny , but my hair got caught by his zipper. “Wait I’ll get it out.” Kenny said as he started to untangle my hair from his parka zipper. “Don’t scare her, Cartman.” He said as he freed my hair. I looked at Cartman who came with Kyle and Stan. “Hey guys.” I greeted them. Stan’s and Kyle’s face were all red from seeing Kenny and I hug each other. “You’ve guys been hanging out too much.” Cartman has said as he grabbed Kenny and dragged him with him. “I’ll see you later, (Y/N).” Kenny said as he tried to get out of Cartman’s grip. I waved my hand as to say goodbye. I’m glad that I was able to spend some time with him, but I’m disappointed that our meeting was cut short.
After Kenny was forced to go to the mall I made my way back home. When I got home one of the first thing I did was do my homework, I didn’t want to do them after Kenny returns. Hours passed by and Kenny still wasn’t here yet. I’m a bit worried since Cartman and the other’s probably got themselves in a weird adventure. Maybe I should go and check up on them. As soon as I got out of my desk I blacked out and saw Kenny in my head. When I got back to reality I realized what had happened and I rushed out to Kenny’s house. I knocked on their front door and the person to open the door from inside was Kyle. “(Y/N)?”
“Kyle, what happened to Kenny?” I asked as I could feel my hands shaking. “He got shot.” Stan said as he arrived at the door from inside. “We’ve just told his parents what happened.” My eyes began to water as I’ve heard how he had died. Kenny told me about how unlucky he was and how he would always get shot or get himself into dangerous situation that would kill him, but I have never experienced him die. He told that he would come back after a while, but it was still hard to accept that he died.
I went to bed after Kyle and Stan walked me home. They tried comforting me on my way home, but I failed to. I curled up into a ball on my bed and hoped the Kenny would be back by tomorrow or today, because of how sad I was the night moved slower than usual. Moments later I fell asleep with my pillow  soaked with my tears.
A sound coming from my window woke me up. I got out of my bed and made my way to the window. When I looked out the first thing I saw was Kenny, he was holding a bunch of rocks. I quickly got out of my bedroom and went outside of my house. When I got out I felt the cold wind, it was still too early and sun wasn’t out. “Kenny, you’re okay.” I said as he ran towards him and gave him a hug. “It was so scary. I didn’t know where to look for you” my voice started cracking as tears start to roll on my cheeks. “Don’t worry I told you I would come back after a while.” He said as he hugged me back. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
I raised my head from his chest and looked at him. “Why does this happen to you?”
“I don’t understand why it does as well and how it connects to you, but I’m glad it’s you who believes me.”
I could feel Kenny’s arm pull me closer to him. “I’m tired of people forgetting about my deaths.” I could feel the sadness in his voice as he spoke. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve last died.” Kenny changed the topic. “When was the last time?” I asked
Kenny started to remember when it was, it’s been that long that he doesn’t even remember. After a few minutes his eyes lit up as he looked at me. “Before you’ve transferred here  out.” Kenny and I since we’ve met we’ve been hanging out everyday. It was easy to put two in two together. “Do you think it’s really, because that you’ve been sticking around me that you haven’t died?” I asked.
“I could be wrong and it might have been a coincident, but ever since you’ve started hanging out with me I’ve never felt any happier.” He said as he holds my hands. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
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kymanss2017 · 6 years
ss gift for officialcartman updated
Sorry, I just noticed a stupid typo in the title. lol. 
Written for the Kyman Secret Santa gift exchange for officialcartman. Takes place during the episode Super Hard PCness.
Eric Cartman’s Fool Proof Plan to Break Up with Heidi Turner     
By: lonegungal17
  Eric Cartman wasn’t afraid of many things. Not spiders, not the dark and not ghosts. Okay, maybe that one a little. But there was one thing that scared him most: his girlfriend, Heidi Turner. Part of him knew he had created this monster. She had been a nice person, down right sweet, until he had got his paws on her. He had changed her, she was now an overweight, ugly, mean bully that demanded the dreaded snuggles at all times.  He had found it funny at first when she had become more like him, but somewhere along the way she had took it too far. She belittled everyone in their social circle, murdered salient creatures and threated him every time he disagreed with her slightly. He might have been a little bad now and then, but she was worst by a long shot. The last straw had been when she had referred to his mom as a whore. Who did that little bitch even think she was?
It was that exchange that had lead him to the front door of the Broflovski residence with a fool proof plan. He just needed one more person to complete it: Kyle. As much as he hated to admit, the Jew was the only one that could keep him in check, the only one not afraid of his dark side. His biggest rival but also his conscience. If he was going to escape Cartman 2.0, he would need Kyle’s help.
Cartman fiddled with the gift bag in his hand before summoning the courage to knock on the door. The door opened to reveal Kyle’s bitch mom. He had to swallow his pride. ‘Why hello Mrs. Broflovski.’
Sheila frowned down at Cartman, before he could continue, and she turned back towards the living room. ‘Kyle, your little friend is here.’
‘No, the fat one,’ Sheila answered, smirking at Cartman before walking away.
Cartman balled his fists at his sides and whispered, ‘Bitch.’
‘What do you want, fatass?’ Kyle appeared at the door, leaning against the frame. His red freshly styled hair hanging loose around his face.
Eric’s eyes locked on the Jew’s hair.  ‘Where’s your hat?’ He had to admit, Kyle’s hair looked better than the normal rat’s nest he normally hid under his hat. The new hair cut suited him and his hair looked so soft. Part of him wanted to reach forward and touch it but maybe he’d save that for one of his midnight visits.
‘In the wash. Anything else I can help you with?’
‘You just look so different…  kind of weird without it. Cartman pushed the gift at him. ‘I got a present and a proposition for you.’
Kyle narrowed his eyes, taking the bag from Cartman and looking inside. ‘Chanukah isn’t until tomorrow.’
‘It’s not more gold for your collection but I thought you might like it,’ Cartman shrugged.
Kyle held up the MC Deidel Saves the World game, examining it before placing it back in the bag. ‘Thanks, but not interested in bribes.’ He shoved the bag back into Cartman’s hands. ‘Bye, fatass,’ he said, trying to close the door.
Cartman jumped forward blocking the door from closing with his foot. ‘Wait! Surely, even giving you, a Chanukah present buys me at least five minutes of your time.’
Kyle sighed, grabbing the bag from Cartman’s hand again. ‘Fine, five minutes’ he said, releasing the door and nodding his head towards the stairs.
Cartman removed his hat and smoothed down his hair with his hand as he followed Kyle up to his bedroom. Once inside, Kyle motioned for him to sit at his desk while he sat down on the edge of his own bed.
‘Okay, spill what do you want anyway?’
Cartman looked away. Part of him hadn’t believed his plan would even make it this far. Now he felt ashamed of the favor he needed to ask for. ‘I need your help…’
‘What did you do now, Cartman?’
Cartman pinched his eyebrows together. ‘I…’
‘Spit it out, fatass!’
‘I need you to be my boyfriend,’ Cartman stammered.
Kyle stood up from his bed, his face resembling a tomato. ‘What the hell?’
Cartman stood quickly approaching the Jew. Kyle was definitely going to punch him. He grabbed Kyle’s fist before he could swing at his head. ‘Wait, calm down. Just hear me out first.’
Kyle growled as he tried to wrestle his hand away from Cartman. ‘What is this? Are you seriously trying to ask me out? Cause that is a big fat no. Plus, don’t you remember you’re dating Heidi.’
Cartman held Kyle’s strong arms at his sides. ‘Heidi is why I want to pretend to date you. Pretend, just pretend,’ Cartman shouted. ‘It’s literally my only way out, without her killing me.’
Kyle shook his arms away. ‘The fuck are you talking about?’
Cartman picked up his beanie again, squeezing it tightly into a ball. ‘Heidi won’t break up with me,’ he explained, each word coming out broken. ‘I can’t do it anymore. She’s horrible, Kyle. She bullies everyone, including me.’
‘You made her that way, Cartman. She’s your clone. You two were just finishing each other’s sentences earlier today, calling me my mom.’
Carman shook his head, trying not to laugh. ‘No, Kyle she is far worst then me. She won’t let me go. She said the only way she would break up with me was if I was gay or dead.’
Kyle laughed. ‘Carman, seriously?’
Cartman fell to his knees, hugging Kyle’s legs. ‘You’ve seen her. I can barely hold her off in a fight. I have to pretend I still like her to keep her from kicking my ass, that’s the only time she stops.’
‘Dude, get a hold of yourself. She’s a girl, she isn’t going to hurt you.’
‘Really, Kyle?  Don’t you remember when Wendy kicked my ass? Heidi is like four Wendys with access to her dad’s power tools,’ Cartman shouted.
Kyle laughed.
‘This isn’t a laughing matter, Jew. She’s dangerous and so mean,’ Cartman whined.  ‘She calls me fat, ugly and says my mom is a whore.’
Kyle frowned pulling Cartman to his feet. ‘Come on, dude. Get a hold of yourself.’
Cartman wiped his nose on his sleeve. ‘She really scares me. I’m not brave like you.’
Kyle rolled his eyes. ‘True but why do I need to get involved with you dumping your girlfriend?’
‘She thinks you’re gay, Kyle.’
‘What? I’m not gay,’ Kyle corrected him, his face burning red.’
‘Doesn’t really matter,’ Cartman assured him.
‘I’m not!’ Kyle shouted.
Cartman put his hands on Kyle’s shoulders. ‘Okay, whatever, Jew. You’re as straight as I am.  As I said, it doesn’t matter anyway.’ Kyle glared at him as Cartman continued. ‘I just need someone that is believably gay, so Heidi will give up on me and move onto her next prey.’
‘I’m not gay, fatass,’ Kyle reminded him again. ‘Why don’t you ask Tweek or Craig?’
‘Really? They are a couple. Plus, you’ve never had a girlfriend, you look like a hot little twink and we have this excellent love/ hate thing going on. It’s perfect,’ Cartman explained.
‘That’s because I really do hate you,’ Kyle said, deadpanned.
Cartman rolled his eyes to mask the hurt in his voice. ‘Doesn’t manner. I consider you to be my best friend, Kyle, and I trust you the most.’
‘I’m not your best friend, Kenny is.’
‘That poor piece of trash? Nope, never. You’re the one that looks after me and calls me on my bullshit when I need someone to. Kenny only cares about tits,’ Cartman explained sincerely looking the Jew in his green eyes as he let his hands run down Kyle’s arms to his hands. They were sweaty and warm just like his. ‘So please be my boyfriend, Kyle.’
Kyle paused for a moment to bite his lip, before shaking his head. ‘Sorry, fatass. You’ll have to find someone else to lie to your girlfriend with, cause I’m out.’
‘Fine, you damn Jew,’ Cartman threw his hands in the air. ‘I’ll just keep suffering then until she finally kills me. Thanks for nothing, friend!’ Cartman shouted
Kyle crossed his arms over his chest and turned away as Cartman stormed out of his room, slamming Kyle’s bedroom door on his way downstairs.
He couldn’t believe Kyle had let him down. He frowned pouting at the snow in the Broflovski front yard. Maybe the Jew was right, maybe he should have begged Kenny instead. He sighed, knowing Kyle was the only one of his friends smart enough to master the level of manipulation needed for his plan to work. Kenny, Stan or either of the gays wouldn’t work. Cartman glanced up toward the Jew’s bedroom window, wondering if Kyle would ever consider him a real friend. His phone buzzed in his pocket and for a moment he thought Kyle had changed his mind. He was hit with disappointment as he saw Heidi’s name appear scrolled across the screen. His red eyes lowered, and his body shivered at the thought of speaking to her. He couldn’t deal with her right now. 
Cartman hid behind his open locker door, so far so good. Things were looking up today. He had successfully avoided both Heidi and Kyle on the bus this morning by convincing his mom to drive him to school, with a bonus egg McMuffin on the way. He glanced around him before closing his locker door, if he could make it to homeroom, maybe he could avoid her the rest of the morning.
‘Eric Cartman!’
His body tensed at the sound of his name. He turned to find his girlfriend glaring at him with her hands resting on her hips. Her mid-section was peeking out the bottom of her coat, the buttons holding on for dear life. Had she gained another ten pounds over the weekend?
He shook his head trying to ignore her appearance and concentrated on the floor. ‘Hey…babe.’
‘Don’t hey babe me, Eric, where were you last night? I know you saw my text, I told you to come over, so we could watch TV and snuggle. I called three times and heard nothing back from you. You know better than to ignore my calls and texts.’
Cartman grunted but replied with a whispered, ‘Sorry babe, I was busy.’
Heidi shoved him against the lockers. ‘Are you even listening to me? Relationships are a two-way street, Eric. You make me so angry when you ignore me.’
Cartman rubbed his wounded shoulder. ‘Damn it, I said I was sorry, Heidi. Lay off.’
Heidi smacked him across the face. ‘You never show me any respect. I’m the only one that likes you, Eric. Without me, no one would even talk to such a fat loser like you.’ Heidi pushed Cartman back again, pinning him against the lockers. ‘What were you even doing that was so much more important then spending time with your girlfriend?’
Classmates started to gather around them, Cartman’s tried to wiggle free as he glanced around at all the judging faces. He just had to calm her down, so she wouldn’t kick his ass in front of everyone again. ‘Heidi, babe can we go discuss this in private?’
‘No.  Let me guess the train your mom was pulling last night was so big, it blocked the front door?’
Cartman pinched his lips together as he shook with anger as everyone in the hallway broke into laughter. ‘Don’t talk about my mom like that!’
‘Why, everyone already knows she’s a whore?’ Heidi said.
‘He was with me,’ Cartman turned towards the voice in the crowded and was relieved to see the Jew step in front of Heidi.
Heidi loosen her grip on Cartman and sized up Kyle. ‘Eric, if you were desperate for a new mother figure my mom would have baked cookies with you.’
Kyle’s face went red as the crowded chuckled. She really was a bitch. ‘Shut up, Heidi.’
Heidi sneered between Kyle and Cartman. ‘Why would you go to the dumb Jew’s house anyway?’
Cartman sighed and tried to take Heidi’s hand. ‘Babe. I just needed some guy time, Kyle got a new game for Chanukah.
Heidi slapped his hand away. ‘Again? You idiot, you know if you don’t raise your history grade we won’t be able to run for student council next month. What were you thinking?’
 Kyle held his hands up. ‘Sorry Heidi, I just needed another player. I didn’t know he should have been studying. It was just a misunderstanding, so maybe we can all just go to class now?’
‘Can it, mom! No one asked you,’ Heidi said, pushing Kyle away before poking Eric in the chest. ‘We have to keep you away from bad influences like that Jew. I know what’s best for you and you are going to start treating me with the respect I deserve or pay the price.’ Her fingers curled into a ball and she held it against his face.
Cartman could hear the other kids whispering words like pussy, wimp, whipped and loser around him as the cold eyes of his girlfriend glared at him. He could feel his skin heating up and his breathing shuddered as he managed the word, ‘Heidi,’ as he closed his eyes ready for impact.
Instead a warm hand pulled him down the row of lockers. His eyes opened following the hand to Kyle’s pale arm.
‘I think you’re the bad influence, Heidi,’ Kyle said, venom on his tongue. Cartman’s eyes widened as his hand was squeezed firmly by Kyle’s. ‘Cartman deserves better than a bitch like you.’
Heidi rolled her eyes with a chuckle. ‘Really? I think he’s fucking lucky to have me. After all, no one else wants him.’
Cartman’s face fell. She was right.
Kyle looked at Cartman, noticing the tears building in the corners of his eyes. ‘You’re wrong,’ he said, leaning over to kiss Cartman on the lips.
Cartman froze. Even when he had come up with his plan, he hadn’t thought beyond holding hands in the school hallway to get Heidi to dump him. Now the Jew was holding his chin with one hand to keep him at the right angle and pressing his surprising soft lips against his. Kyle was kissing him, like really kissing him. It felt good, better than any kiss he’d had before from Heidi. It was electric and exciting. Yet, warm and relaxing. When the Jew pulled away, Cartman could only stare at Kyle as he whispered, ‘Holy shit.’
Kyle looked away nervously. Trying not to focus on Cartman or his shocked classmates.
‘You kissed me.’
‘Yeah, I guess I did,’ Kyle agreed, struggling to look Cartman in the eye.
‘That was so hot,’ Cartman replied, unable to stop looking at Kyle’s lips.
Kyle turned completely red. ‘Any chance you want a boyfriend?’  He asked, shooting Heidi daggers.  
Cartman laughed, squeezing the other boy’s hand. ‘Hell yeah.’
Kyle motioned his head down the hallway as he tugged on Cartman’s hand. ‘Let’s go, Eric.’
Heidi grabbed Cartman’s other hand. ‘Where do you think you’re going with this freak?’
‘I’m walking my new boyfriend to class,’ Cartman explained.
Heidi looked like she might explode. ‘You’re gay now? Since when?’
Kyle squeezed his hand again as Cartman answered, ‘Since about two minutes ago.’
Heidi frowned. ‘You leave with him and we’re over, Eric. I will never take you back. I’ll find someone better than you.’
Cartman glanced from Kyle to Heidi. ‘Okay. Good riddance, fatty!’ Their classmates laughed as Heidi took off towards the girl’s bathroom.
When the crowd thinned, Cartman turned to Kyle. ‘Thanks, Jew. That was perfect, she’ll never want to date me again.’
Kyle smiled, dropping their linked hands. ‘I’m glad I could help with your plan,’
Cartman looked down at his empty hand before grabbing Kyle’s shoulders so he couldn’t walk away. ‘Umm… Kyle did you mean any of that?’
Kyle looked around nervously. ‘Maybe… some of it.’ He shrugged.
‘In that case, could we stay together a little longer then? Maybe go on some dates and kiss some more,’ Cartman said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
‘I guess there is no extra harm in that,’ Kyle said leaning into Cartman’s shoulder, ‘but you’re coming to Chanukkah dinner tonight on your best behaviour and if you call my mom a bitch we’re over.’
‘Deal. Anything for you, Jew.’
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moonheart1313 · 7 years
“Put It Down” Review (Spoilers and this is a little long!)
So, I saw S21 E02.
For the past week, my stomach has been churning over what the outcome of this episode would be.
…and I was NOT disappointed.
Holy fucking shit. Let’s just…break this down.
-The introduction
Tweek going up and just BANGING his hands on the piano and screeching may be the biggest laugh I’ve gotten since Wendy described what Yaoi was back in season 19. Not only is it incredibly relatable to anyone suffering from major anxiety problems or stress, but it’s so Tweek.
Stan got a couple lines. I don’t know about y’all, but I am proud of him. In all seriousness, have we just…forgotten about Stan while making room for Randy. He’s one of those jokes that…I don’t know, he’s kinda depressing anymore. In “White People Renovating Houses”, Sharon’s blank expressions and his attitude towards Daryl…I didn’t really get why the joke was funny. I mean, I got the melodrama, but it didn’t get much of a laugh out of me. Why wasn’t Stan or Shelly included? It would have been way funnier to see their reactions to their father. We need to focus on the kids reacting to the madness around them. Not focusing on just the adults doing the madness.
In short—bring back Stan’s reactions and opinions! Oh, and Kyle and Kenny. Especially Kenny. I can’t remember the last time he got attention, either.
Craig calling Tweek “honey” and “babe” while no one was around. This is no longer fake dating. We don’t know if it started off as such, but this relationship has gone way past “for the town” shit. In fact, the only person who really talks about homosexuality is Tweek’s father, which is pretty much just a running joke (because Mr. Tweak is a terrible dad).
-Cartman’s suicide campaign.
Okay, so this is basically the B plot of the episode and…it shows. Normally, the Cartman’s storylines are the ones I prefer in South Park episodes, but not only did it feel kind of forced, but it wasn’t very funny. Honestly, watching a smart girl like Heidi being manipulated by this psycho is hard to sit through. As someone who has known people in these relationships and had a friend who threatened suicide if I was going to abandon them, this hits hard.
I’m not saying it is a bad idea to delve into this issue as it is becoming more public, especially online, but Matt and Trey could really piss off a lot of the fans if they take this too far. South Park has always been about pushing the limit, but they also know how much their show has helped countless individuals who struggle with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. The honesty of the show gives many people hope that the world isn’t just filled with passive morons or people who believe you need to be a certain type of person. If they attempt to harshly mock this spectrum, the show’s rating could potentially plummet to the point of them only being able to make the next two seasons that they signed on for after this one.
I do think if they show both sides, the people that are seriously suicidal and people like Cartman who desire attention as well as manipulating people, it could be successful. If they can phrase the moral correctly, I think this season could come out as one of the absolute best. If they only wanted it for this episode, I can see why they would choose to go onto a different storyline for the season since there is plenty of other issues to delve into. Still, if it’s a storyline they are going to tackle, I hope they know what they are getting into.
-Tweek’s cupcakes.
I finally lived to see Tweek covered in frosting and baking ingredients. Life—is good.
Now, as Matt and Trey explained, while they are still going to joke about Trump, they didn’t want it to be the focus of the season of even every episode. Here, the joke worked perfectly. It was less about Trump and more about Tweek being in a situation that he has no control over, no matter how hard he tries to fix it. (The joke about no one caring about Hillary made me snort so loud my nose hurt. Equal playing field. Thank God.)
-Fidget spinners.
Considering all the previews and screenshots were showing fidget spinners, most fans thought the small devices would be the focus of the episode. And, call me crazy, I’m kinda glad it was just a funny joke about how they don’t necessarily help people.
The devices are used for kids with ADHD (or if they have some sort of issues paying attention), who need to keep their hands moving if they’re in class or trying to focus on something. Using it as a calming device is a myth and the show accurately showed just how people rely on them a little too much.
-Children getting hit by cars.
I have to admit, the shot of that first kid getting hit was oddly chilling. Mostly because of how accurate it parodies commercials. What’s even better is that his death wasn’t a joke. It was something the whole school (not counting Cartman) banded together to pay their respects too. Later, the other deaths became more of a joke, but what’s incredible is how they manage to tie this B plot with the A plot. But more on that later.
-Tweek in Craig’s room.
OKAY. This was FUCKING hilarious. Watching Tweek without any problem or pretense heading into Craig’s room only to scream out his fear was another huge laugh I got from this episode. The fact that besides being a little disgruntled (the poor kid just woke up), Craig is hardly surprised by the appearance and action, meaning this happens A LOT.
And Craig’s space stuff EVERYWHERE. Matt and Trey knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
-The creek date
The argument between Craig and Tweek was some of the best writing I’ve ever scene. Not only are they fighting like an actual couple would in this situation, but while watching it the first time, I understood Craig’s frustration and couldn’t see what Tweek wanted. However, once the true solution of what Tweek’s needs is explained, I finally understood.
When it comes to emotion vs. logic, the friction is unstoppable. Personally, I am usually a logical person. I take into account as many options and facts as I can find and then make my conclusions. However, when I have no information or things are out of my control, my emotional side takes over and I begin to panic. Once I understood this opposition was the problem, I realized what the episode was saying.
Tweek’s not being unreasonable and Craig isn’t being uncaring. They are both frustrated because Tweek doesn’t know how to make himself feel better and Craig doesn’t know how to help him. Which leads to my next point.
-The message.
When Heidi makes her statement about emotions, the writing is very good and allowing her to speak about the issue, but also having it relate to creek’s storyline without even addressing said storyline before the following scene. It works on both accounts. It’s once again sad to see Heidi following after Eric because, as most of us would agree, she deserves better (or at least revenge).
Moving on, Craig’s understanding of the situation doesn’t paint him as the bad guy who needs to apologize. Instead, he realizes what the best course of action is to take to help his boyfriend. And without hesitation, he does. It shows that Craig learned a lesson about compromise. That sometimes other people need to work through things in a different way than Craig might be used to working through them. That can be a hard concept for even some adults.
And may I just say, the fact that Tweek was using the (FOUR?!) fidget spinner idea to attempt to calm himself was so very sweet. Even though he probably knew it wouldn’t work, he still tried for Craig. Even after that huge fight. It expresses the stability of their relationship, even when things are painfully tense.
Craig helping to guide Tweek to his own epiphany was brilliant. He wasn’t treating Tweek like an idiot. That’s what Tweek needed. Someone can go up and tell you what you need. But that’s not the same as figuring it out for yourself. Once Tweek had a moment to let out his fear and talk it out (rather than people distracting him or just telling him to be quiet), his mind cleared up and the solution for what would make him feel better was his own idea. Craig didn’t need to be a fixer, he needed to be a supporter. And although he didn’t realize it before then, his heart was still in the right place.
Many people have said that Tweek and Craig may be the most accurate, stable homosexual couple ever (or at least for 2017) and I highly agree. Since they’re kids, it takes the physical aspect out. I never felt the need to see them kiss (maybe a hug would’ve been nice) because it was about their feelings, not their attraction to one another. They have a mutual respect of love for each other that was tested in this episode. Their fight wasn’t “petty” or “forced”. It was natural, like a disagreement any couple could face.
If this is the kind of amazing messages, character moments, and wonderful humor we are really in for, I am definitely looking forward to going down to South Park this season. Well done, Matt and Trey.
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newstanmarshblog · 3 years
The Average and Unusual Couple: Chapter Three
   Today is the day that Lydia starts her first day at South Park middle school, and she feels a little nervous on how she’ll get along with the students there. Early in the morning before leaving, she and Beetlejuice had one quick conversation on how he wanted to join her during her first day. But Lydia had said that she wanted to experience the first day by herself to see if she’ll be alright on her own moving forward before making a decision if she’ll allowed her ghostly best friend to join her or not. Even though Beetlejuice hated on not able to join her at school for the time being, he is at least excited to hang out with her while exploring South Park as he and Lydia discussed about it last Saturday weekend.
   Before entering into the school, she takes a deep breath.
   Lydia: Alright, here goes nothing.
   As Lydia walks in, not far from behind, Stan and his friends were starting to make their way to the school building.
   Cartman angry: This is so fucking ridiculous. I should be at home right now getting myself some extra sleep.
   Stan: Come on, Cartman. Don’t get too upset about it. The school did promise on an optional lunch choice menu between Turkey Sub Sandwich and Sloppy Joe.
   Cartman: Oh yeah, I’ve forgotten about that.
   Kenny: I can’t wait to taste their Sloppy Joes again for the first time since our last day being over here.
   Kyle: Not me, I’m going for the Turkey Sub Sandwich. What about you, Stan?
   Stan: I’m going for the sandwich too, along with their fruit bowl.
   After placing their backpacks into their lockers, they walk their way to their classroom. Walking into the classroom, Stan and his friends do see a lot of recognizable faces such as Butters, Clyde, Jimmy, Craig, Tweek, Token, Timmy, Wendy, and Bebe.
   Butters: Hey, fellas! How’s it going?
   Stan: Well, Cartman here isn’t too happy on being back for now, but the rest of us are pretty happy to be here again.
   Butters: Yeah, I’m pretty happy to see things finally back to normal. I haven’t especially seen your face in person ever since the lockdown began, Stan. Are things going okay with you?
   Stan: Well, I still live in that farm, and I’ve recently learned that my old house got sold by a new family. It’s pretty hard, but I’m trying to get better as the days go by.
   Butters: I’m very sorry to hear about your house, Stan. I only hope that someday there’ll be a way for you to come back into our neighborhood.
   Stan smiling: Thanks, Butters. That means a lot to me.
   As the students were talking to each other, the last one makes her entrance into the classroom. It was Lydia. She takes her seat at a desk that sits close to the door. So far, nobody has noticed her as she takes a quick look at them.
   Lydia in her thought: They all look very friendly people. 
   Cartman: So Craig, have you and Tweek made out with each other during the lockdown?
   Craig annoyed: The fuck, fatty?
   Cartman: May I suggest that you two to find a mistletoe in order to get it started? *laughs hysterically*
   Lydia in her thought: Hmm, maybe expect for the fat one.
   The teacher finally makes his appearance into the classroom. It was Mr. Slave.
   Mr. Slave: Okay, students. Take your seats.
   The students take their seats.
   Mr. Slave: First off, I’m so very grateful to see all of your precious faces back here for the first time in over a year. Things had indeed been very tough for all of us, and I know our memories are still very fresh on the recently events that unfortunately happened in this town. But I’m overall happy to be with you guys again, and I can’t wait to get things back to normal around here.
   Cartman whispering to himself: I doubt it.
   Mr. Slave: Anyway, let me quickly introduced myself. My name is Mr. Slave. I was once an assistant to Mr. Garrison back at South Park Elementary for a short time. But then I eventually broke up with him and later married to Big Gay Al. I started this job about two years ago as this town became more and more tolerate with gay people like myself. This school asked me if I wanted to join in as the first ever openly gay teacher in South Park’s history. I of course gladly took in this job with great passion and honor, and well, here I am today.
   Kyle: But we already know who you are despite of the fact that this is our first day with you as our new teacher.
   Mr. Slave: Yes, yes, I know that a lot you guys know me well by now, but the real reason onto why I’ve done that introduction is because we have a brand new student here from the east coast. Young lady, can you come up to introduce yourself.
   Lydia raises up from her desk as everyone finally sees her for the first time. Stan was looking at her in such huge shock. In his mind, this must be the person that has taken his old room as he remembers that conversation by the couple from last Saturday. A new gothic student into the school. Is she just as much of a huge nonconformist as other goth kids that he knew? He’s very curious to hear from her.
  Lydia: Hello. My name is Lydia Deetz, and I’ve just recently moved here last Saturday from Peaceful Pines Connecticut. Some of my favorite hobbies includes watching horror films, taking photos, and studying bugs. My life is pretty much strange and unusual, and I feel myself as that kind of a person. I however love to enjoy with my life as much as I can, and I can’t wait in getting to know all you. That is all for now.
   Mr. Slave: Thank you, Lydia. I surely can’t wait in getting to know you also.
   Cartman: Oh god, another goth kid into our school.
   Stan: Shut up, Cartman. She just said that she loves enjoying life which means she’s actually a conformist
   Cartman: How do you know?
   Stan: I once hang out with the other goth kids for a brief moment, remember?
   Cartman: Oh, that’s right.
   Mr. Slave: Okay, class, our first section of the day will about early American history. I’ve already place each a book inside you desk before you all came in. Please pick up those books, and then turn to page ten.
   Everyone picking up their books from books, and then turning to page ten.
   Mr. Slave: Good. Now usually a lot of schools start off on studying American history by talking about Christopher Columbus first, but since he’s now a very controversial figure in the public’s eye and we here at this school view him as a monster, we’ll instead be starting off by exploring to when the first Native Americans came into this continent. Let’s get started.
   As Mr. Slave does his teaching, Stan takes a brief moment to check on Lydia. While he is still upset about his old house being sold, he really can’t take any serious grudges against her as it was more likely her parents’ decision in moving to South Park and she was forced to go along with it. She seems to be a very sweet and positive young lady. 
   Stan in his thought: I should really talk to her during lunch and recess.
   A couple hours later, it was now the start of lunch time. Lydia was in the girls bathroom alone washing her hands when all the sudden, Beetlejuice shows up in front of her at the mirror.
   Lydia: Beetlejuice!
   Beetlejuice: Sup, Lyds! I just wanna come by quick to check up on you. How’s the school so far?
   Lydia: I spend much of the morning learning about early American history and algebra in math class.
   Beetlejuice: Algebras?! Take it from me, those things can be a really pain in the ass to learn, and people often don’t remember anything about it later on. My brain at one point literally exploded when someone asked me an algebra question. *the top of his head comes off to show his brain exploding*
   Lydia: Yeah, even the simplest of algebra was a little hard for me.
   Beetlejuice: Have you made any friends yet?
   Lydia: So far, I haven’t talked to any of the students here yet, but I’m about to find out in a few moments.
   Beetlejuice: Good luck to you, Babes. I’ll be on stand by if you ever need me.
   Lydia: I think I’ll be alright, but I appreciate it. See you later.
   As Lydia leaves to get her lunch, Bebe comes in to check on if her hair looks good.
   Bebe: *sigh* The things that I do in order to keep my hair look nice.
   Just as she was about to grab her comb from her pocket, her hair reflection on the mirror turns into a snake hair. Giving Bebe’s reflection on the mirror a Medusa like appearance. Bebe screams, and quickly runs off. The Bebe reflection on the mirror reveals that it was Beetlejuice the entire time.
   Beetlejuice: *laughs hysterically* A good laugh before for the next scene, you know I love it. 
   At the lunch hall, Stan had just taken his seat with his friends. While listening to their conversation, he waits for Lydia to show up.
   Cartman: *smelling his Sloppy Joes* Ah yes, just the way that I like them. *takes a huge bite on his lunch*
   Kyle: You shouldn’t eat that way, Cartman. It’s not really good for your teeth.
   Cartman: Oh, and now you’re finally concerned about the way I eat, huh?
   Kyle: I’m just saying that if you keep eating like that, your jaw bone will lead to serious injuries, and you’ll have to go on a new diet. You’ll have to start eating canned foods.
   Cartman: Yeah, right. Think again, Jew. My jaw bones is just as strong as my big bones.
   Kenny: Dude, just let him have his moment. Without the Sloppy Joes, he’ll be bitching about being at school right now.
   Kyle: *sigh* Whatever.
   Stan finally sees Lydia with her own lunch bag, but she’s being followed by two goth kids.
   Pete: Do you have a moment?
   She turns around to see Pete and Michael in front of her.
   Lydia: Yeah?
   Michael: What type of a goth are you suppose to be?
   Lydia: Excuse me?
   Pete: Are you a goth, emo, vampire? What are you suppose to be?
   Lydia: For your turns, I’m much more like a perky goth. But I prefer calling myself strange and unusual.
  Pete: God damn it! Perky goths are some of the biggest posers of all time.
   Lydia: What’s wrong with being a perky goth?
   Michael: Listen here, the only types of goths around here are the mopey ones. And we’ve never had any other type of goth in this town before. So, you better stay out of our way you fucking dork, or else you’ll really be sorry!
   Stan has never seen the goth kids act this way before. They may not be among the nicest people that he ever met, but they can at least be overall very natural. However, he’s never seen them acting in such a bully attitude. He gets up from his seat and walk towards them as his friends watched him leave in a bit of a confusion.
   Stan: Hey! Why don’t you two just instead leave her alone! As long you don’t bother her, she won’t bother you.
   Everyone in the lunch hall heard Stan’s yelling and all have their eyes staring to the situation.
   Pete: We better leave here, Michael. Everyone is looking at us.
   Michael: Alright, fine. Just keep that perky dork six feet away from us, poser.
   As the two goth kids leave the lunch hall, Stan turns his attention to Lydia.
   Stan: Are you alright?
   Lydia: Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks for driving them away.
   Stan: Those two goths don’t usually act the way that they just did to you. They’re usually very natural with a lot of people despite of their negative views in the world.
   Lydia: I see. They are truly Mopey Goths after all.
   Stan: I’ve known those goth kids for a long time now, but never told me that there were other types of goth aside from themselves.
   Lydia: There are many different types of goths. The general public usually think the mopey kinds as the only type of goth in existence. But there’s also Hippy Goth, Trad Goth, Cabaret Goth, White Goth, and even a Perky Goth like myself.
   Stan: Interesting.
   Lydia: Look them up whenever you can, so that way you’ll know what type of goth you’re looking at next time. Anyway, I gotta eat my lunch. Again, thank you for what you did.
   Stan: Wait a minute. I want to join you for lunch.
   Lydia: Really?
   Stan: Yeah. Since you’re new here and all, I really would like to in getting to know you a little more.
   Lydia smiling: Sure! And I also would like to in getting to know you as well. What’s you name?
   Stan smiling: I’m Stan Marsh. You might‘ve not seen me early this morning, but we do share the same classroom together.
   Lydia: Oh yeah, I’ve seen you while I was introducing myself because of your cute poof ball hat. It really suits you perfectly.
   Stan smiling: Thanks. And I really love your half ponytail hairstyle. I’ve never seen anything like it.
   Lydia smiling: Thank you. I’ll be waiting for you by the end empty corner of the lunch hall, Stan.
   While Lydia head towards to the empty corner, Stan quickly goes back to the table in where his friends were at to grab his lunch.
   Kyle: Wow, Stan. I’ve never seen you interact with a girl like that in ages.
   Cartman: Don’t forget that she now lives in your old house.
   Stan: I know that. I do plan on telling her when the moment is right, but I also really like her attitude. I’m actually looking forward to in getting to know each other with her.
   Kenny: Good luck with her, dude.
   Stan happy: Thanks. *he leaves off*
   Kyle: I haven’t seen Stan this happy in quite a long time. He must be starting to have strong feelings for Lydia.
   Cartman: Great, he’s about to become a hippie goth. *takes another huge bite from his Sloppy Joe and hurts his jaw bone* Ow!
    Kenny Are you okay, Cartman?
     Cartman in pain: No! My jaw bone is in fucking pain right now! I need to see the nurse right away. *he leaves*
   Kyle: I warned him, but yet again, his ego gets the best in him.
   As Stan walks his way to Lydia, Wendy and Bebe were watching from their table. Just like with the rest of the students in the lunch hall, they’ve witnessed the incident scene with the goth kids. However, following from Michael and Pete leaving the scene and everyone returning to their lunch, Wendy and Bebe watched the whole conversation between Stan and Lydia. Although she and Stan have been broken up for a few years and is now dating Bebe, Wendy is very surprised to see her ex-boyfriend having a decent chat with a girl for the first time ever since their separation.
   Bebe: How are you feeling about this, Wendy?
   Wendy: I would never thought that Stan would have another girlfriend in his life time, and he seems to think that way too. But there he is, about to sit next to Lydia. I’m really proud to see him finally starting a new relationship with someone else. I really hope that he dose succeed in her winning her heart no matter how long it’ll take.
   Bebe: Are you going to give Stan any good advice?
   Wendy: I think he’s more than capable in handle it on his own, but I’ll still give him a call to congratulate him. And while we’re on the subject, we should get Lydia into being our friend too. After on what we just saw with her getting threatened by those goth kids, we have to make her feel more welcomed into this school.
   Bebe: Agreed.
      In the next chapter, Stan and Lydia have a long conversation.
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bestnewsmag-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/whatsapp-down-chat-app-launches-new-update-after-worldwide-outage/
WhatsApp DOWN - Chat app launches new UPDATE after worldwide outage
Ed-out a new software program update – as chat app customers throughout the globe complain the famous software isn’t working, following a outage devastating international outage in advance this week.
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Unusually, the brand new software program replace does not appear to reveal any new add-ons – with some of the new software program Addi tie accessories covered within the ultimate iOS replace
  hundreds of WhatsApp customers are nonetheless reporting problems with the appDOWNDETECTOR hundreds of WhatsApp users are nevertheless reporting troubles with the app WhatsApp customers within the Uk and Europe are nevertheless complaining approximately problems with the appDOWNDETECTOR WhatsApp customers in the Uk and Europe are still complaining about problems with the app The changelog states that the May 4th update consists of, the capability for voice assistant Siri to read your today’s messages in iOS 10.three and later.
WhatsApp claims the brand new update additionally consists of “visible upgrades to the Calls tab, Touch Info and Organization Data screens”.
According to the iOS changelog, the new version of the app also consists of functionality to “pick multiple statuses without delay and forward or delete them”, as well as “aid for Persian”.
these software program Functiaddaccessories were all pushed out on April 21st.
Indignant WhatsApp users have taken to Twitter to whine approximately the updateTWITTER Angry WhatsApp users have taken to Twitter to whine about the update WhatsApp customers have joked the new update might be a restoration for the outagesTWITTER WhatsApp customers have joked the new replace will be a fix for the outages The replace has not enabled a few customers to connect to WhatsApp nicely TWITTER The update has no longer enabled some users to connect with WhatsApp nicely once more That has to lead a few online commentators to take a position that the brand new iOS update has something to do with the global outage.
“Is it this fancy new WhatsApp replace that triggered problem!” one user tweeted.
Any other delivered: “WhatsApp’s surprising update is not making this any higher. Lol.”
One WhatsApp person posted: “What the… First, you leave us without carrier and now you wanna coins in with an update @WhatsApp #nogood”
The online speculation that this latest iOS update is linked to the global outage has not been confirmed Via WhatsApp.
The news comes as Facebook introduced that WhatsApp had topped more than 1.2billion month-to-month active users global.
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Throb (Stan Marsh / Reader )
@curesong : Can you make a stan x emotionless reader
Recently Stan and I had more time to hangout, this was because Kyle is preparing for a quiz bee, Cartman was scheming something and Kenny was has been trying to get a girl to go out with him. I sat next to Stan during lunch time, it was again just the two of us. “Fuck, I forgot to do my homework.” Stan said as he dropped his sandwich on his tray. “Hey, did you do yours?” I looked over to Stan after he had asked. “Yeah, but we both know I didn’t take it seriously.” after saying that Stan laughed, I wasn’t trying to make him laugh, but turns out it was funny to him.
“So are you going to do your homework in the restroom again?”
“If I don’t get caught by Mr.Mackey  I will.” He said as he then got back to eating, I wasn’t really that hungry so I was just stabbing my mash potatoes. Stan and I wouldn’t really have much to talk about, so we would always be together mostly in silence or some times he would-- “Stan ” Someone from behind had shouted Stan’s name. Stan turned his head to the source of the sound. “Wendy” Stan walked towards Wendy, leaving his lunch on the table and me alone.
Wendy’s and Stan’s off and on relationship continued till high school. Their relationship hasn’t changed from when we were kids I guess the only thing that changed was  they were more intimate, of course I would know since Stan complains about their relationship to me. Stan’s constant ranting filled my head with so much information about their relationship, even things I didn’t need to know I knew through his constant babbling.  
Stan would probably stopped talking about their relationship if I asked him to kindly do so, but I don’t know if that would be right or wrong. I tried to give hints of me not being interested in our conversation, but I guess I didn’t look the part. It has always been hard for me to show my emotions  so I can see why Stan continues to talk about his relationship. I picked up the remains of my lunch and took one last bite.
I got out of my seat and headed to the classroom alone, though on my way back I ran into Kyle. He  waved his hands as to get my attention, this causes me to run up to him meeting him face to face. “(Y/N), how was lunch?” I raised my head as to make eye contact to the tall male. “It was okay. How about you have you eaten yet?” Kyle was busy studying for the quiz bee so I assumed he was too busy to even eat. “Yep, I ate with Token.” there was a pause in the middle of our conversation until Kyle looked to my side and asked “Where’s Stan? Didn’t you guys eat lunch together?”
“He did, but Wendy had to talk to him.”
“Well it’s been awhile since you’ve eaten alone in that table. How was it?”
“It was quiet.”
“Well you could always ask me to eat lunch with you if you’re alone. Kenny would probably eat lunch with you if I’m not available.”
“Thanks Kyle.” I think Kyle sensed that I didn’t enjoy eating alone, I’ve gotten so used to eating with the gang that being alone made me feel empty. Kyle turned his attention to the middle of the hallway as a bunch of students started walking and entering their respective classrooms. “Lunch is about to end. Do you wanna head to class now?” Kyle returned his attention back to me as he spoke. I looked over to the room he just came out from and noticed that the other students participating in the quiz bee were still studying.
I don’t want to bother Kyle so I kindly declined his offer. “No, I’ll just go there myself. You seem busy.” before he could have decline I started walking to class. When I got to the classroom there was only a few people there. Bebe was hanging out with Clyde while Token , Tweek and Jimmy were sitting in one end of the room talking to each other.  
I made my way to my seat and sat down. My mind trailed off as soon as I was seated, I had nothing to focus on so my mind was all over the place. I was about to close my eyes and rest for a while until I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I looked over my shoulder and saw a familiar blue hat. “You’re back early.”
“We only spoke for a few minutes.” Stan said as he sat down on the seat next to me. I had nothing else to say so I continued my silence from earlier and tried resting my eyes. “Hey, (Y/N).” Once again I wasn’t able to rest. “What is it Stan?” I calmly asked.
“Wendy told me something important.”
“That’s nice.” once again I tried to skip the conversation about Wendy and him.
“We’re thinking about breaking up for real.”
“For real?” What does that mean?
Stan scratched the side of his neck, it looked like he didn’t know how to word his situation. “Well Wendy’s worried about you and me.”
“We’re just friends.”
“That’s what I told her as well.”
“You just like me as a friend right?” Stan asked as he moved closer, he probably wanted me to answer through whispers since it might cause a big scene. Seeing his face near mine felt weird, though my face didn’t show it I felt really warm inside. “Yeah, just friends.” I don’t know what it was like to like someone more than friends, so far I think that what I feel towards  Stan is the same as what I feel towards Kyle and the others.
There was pause after I answered him, I don’t know why he kept quiet and why I couldn’t stay anything.  “Why are you guys so close?” Kenny asked, his sudden entrance made Stan move back. Stan’s pupils widen in surprise. Stan remained quiet while Kenny just looked at him with a confused face. “It’s nothing.” Stan finally spoke then sat down properly, his eyes focused on the blackboard.  Kenny looked at me and asked “What’s up with him?” to be honest I don’t know as well.
“Kenny” someone shouted Kenny’s name from the end of the room. Both Kenny and I turned our heads to the source of the sound, a round figure started approaching us.  “What is it fatass?”
“I’m not fat! I’m big boned”
“Shut up, Fatass” Kyle shouted as he entered the room through the door near the blackboard. “Hey Stan are you alright?” Kyle sudden changed his tone from anger to concerned. “What’s wrong?” I asked “You’re all red, Stan.” Kyle rushed to Stan and placed his hand on Stan’s forehead. “It’s nothing.” I looked at Stan and bluntly asked “Were you drinking again?”
Stan looked like he was about to answer my question, but when he made eye contact he looked away and said “No.” To me it seemed like Stan was annoyed rather than sick. I looked at Kyle then to Kenny then to Cartman it seemed that none of them knew what to do. “Well if you feel like throwing up just tell me and I’ll walk you to the clinic.” Kyle said as he went to his seat and sat down, the rest of us went back to our seat. On our way to our seat we noticed that Stan didn’t even bother looking at us. I wonder what happened to him, he seemed fine earlier.
Kyle looked at Cartman as soon as the teacher entered the room. “By the way what were you working on earlier, fatass?” Cartman looked at Kyle with a grin on his face and said “Let’s just say you may want to pull up your pants.” All of us except Stan looked at Cartman, the moment we glued our eyes to Cartman the bell rang and we started hearing screams from outside. “What the hell did you do!?” Half of the class stopped what they were doing and started panicking while some looked at each other trying to figure out what just happened.  “Stay here I’ll check out what happened.” The teacher said as she got out of the classroom.
“Cartman, what did you do?” Kyle asked again Cartman got out of his seat with his bag going on his back. “Screw you guys I’m going home.” He said as he walked over to the window, he opened the window and jumped out. “If you’re trying to look cool it’s not working,fatass. We’re on the first floor.” Kyle shouted at him as he ran over to the window, to make sure that Cartman could hear him. “What the fuck!?” Stan suddenly got out of his seat with him pulling up his pants a bit. I noticed that water started coming out of the door. “That dumbass is trying to flood the school.” Kyle said as he took his bag and stepped on the window ledge Cartman got out of. “Let’s go before things get worse.” He said as he got out through the window, Kenny then followed leaving Stan and I in the classroom.
“Stan, we better catch up with them.” I picked up my bad and stood next to Stan. “Yeah, let’s go.” He replied as he started walking to the window though it  was harder since the water was quickly rising. “It’s kinda hard to get there now.” He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. “Give me your hand” He said as he held his hand out for me to grab.
“Thanks.” I said as I held his hand. The moment I held his hand he looked away and started leading me to the window. When we got to the window he helped me get up the ledge and I got down as soon as I could. Once my foot touched the ground I walked a few inches away from the window as to give room for Stan when he jumped out.
“Stan, the bottom part of your pants are soaked.”
“That’s fine.”
“But you’re sick”  Stan closed the distance between us, his face only a few inches from mine. “See.” He grabbed my hand and placed it on his forehead. His eyes locked with mine when he asked “Believe me now?”  
“Yeah” I responded and he releases my hand, It made me feel lonely but it felt different from when Kyle, Kenny and Cartman weren’t eating with us. His warmth gave me comfort in a way that I don’t know how to explain. “Hurry up you guys! They might start rounding up people in the gym” Kyle shouted at us then turned to run away from the school. Stan turned his back on me and strayed further from the school while I followed.  
Once we got out of the school premises we headed to Cartman’s place, Kyle’s parents were strict and Kenny’s house was a mess, Stan’s parents’ would nag him to go back to school,  so we decided to stay at Cartman’s. “I’m hungry” Cartman complained while extending the ‘ry’ sound.  “Go get it  yourself, fatass” Kyle who was leaning on the wall with a pillow on his lap said. “Kenny” Cartman whined, Kenny pretended to be asleep and Cartman noticed him. “Kenny, you asshole.” Cartman then switched his attention from Kenny to Stan “Sta--” before he could have finished calling Stan, Stan said “No.” and went back to using his phone.
Cartman last option was me, he looked at me and said “(Y/N)” I sighed for I know out of everyone in this room Cartman would annoy me the longest, so I stood up and walked near the door. “I’m on it.”
“I want some chips” Kenny woke up from his pretend sleep just to say that, but then went back to sleep. “Chips for me as well.” Kyle raised his head from his phone. “You know what to get me” Cartman said as he tucked himself on his bed. “A doctor to tell you that you’re fat and not big boned.” Stan said as he walked towards my direction. “I’ll help you carry them.” Stan walked out the room and I followed, but before I could completely closed the door from behind I heard Cartman say “What’s up with Stan?” I felt like someone answered his question when I had shut the door.
I went to the kitchen with Stan walking behind me, I opened a kitchen counter and took out all the chip inside, as usual there’s a lot. “Which one do you think I should bring?” I asked Stan. I was looking at the chips as Stan was at my side. “Stan?” I looked over to him as I called him once more. “I’ve been thinking about  breaking up with Wendy for real.” he paused to look at me and added “She’s great and all but I think I don’t love her the same as  I used to.”
“You say that all the time.”
“This time It’s for real. I already talked to Wendy about it, she said it would be fine.”  
I returned my eyes to the chips and rubbed my chin. “I guess I’ll just get the same chip for everyone.”
“(Y/N)” Stan closed the small gap between us, I could feel his shoulder touch mine. “What is it Stan?”  
“About what happened before Cartman flooded the school.”  
“What happened before that?”
“The whole like thing”
“Yeah. What about it?” I paused, but I couldn’t understand what’s going on so I had to ask “Stan, can you get straight to the point. I don’t know what you’re trying to say and It’s making me feel weird.”  
“I don’t like you as just a friend.”
In the first time in years I felt my heart ache, my knees started shaking and my breathing shifted. “I didn’t know that you were annoyed with me.” I never knew that Stan didn’t like me being his friend, but I guess being alone with me made him realize how lame I am. “Why are you shaking?”
“I don’t know.” I paused but the pain in my chest made me sweat “Do you really not like me anymore?” I asked. I know that he doesn’t like me anymore, but I couldn’t help, but to ask.
“Of course I like you.”
“Then why did you say didn’t like me?”
“As a friend. I don’t like you as friend”
I raised a brow in confusion on what he had just meant. “Ever since Kyle and the other’s would spend less time with us, talking to you and spending more time with just you made me think maybe  I--” He cut himself off and tried to read what kind of face I’m making right now. I didn’t have a different expression from what I usually had on my face, it didn’t show how eager I was to know what he was trying to say. “I like you more than a friend, then that “maybe” turned into a definitely.”
“More than a friend?” I was taken aback by what he said. I never thought that Stan would have feelings for me that is more than friends. “This is my first time seeing this expression on your face.” Stan said as he caressed my cheek. “You’ve always had a cool and reserved expression on your face. I started to wonder what your face would look like if I told you I liked you as more than  a friend, I kept wondering on how you would look like when you blush though I was also scared of finding out what you looked like in disgust” He paused.
“You don’t disgust me.”
“You didn’t show any signs interest for me, so I thought you would be”
“I’m not disgust, I think I’m more of surprised than in disgust. I never really thought you would like me as more than friends.”
“It was really hard to read the expression you make when you were with me so I wasn’t a hundred percent sure on whether to tell you I liked you.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know how to express myself.” I apologize, I wasn’t really used on having friends so I’m still getting used to them. “(Y/N), I want to see more of you. I want to see different side of you.” Stan  tucked locks of my hair behind my ear and leaned closer. “You’re really cute when you’re surprised.”
For some reason, his face being closed to mine and his touch made my face really hot. “S-stan, I feel really weird.” I started moving back a bit. “Sorry.” He apologized. When he apologize the atmosphere turned really awkward for a bit. “(Y/N).” He called my name once more.
“What is it, Stan?”
“Would you like to start dating?”
“I’m not good with expressing myself with how a feel. Is that okay?”
“I know that you’re not. That’s why will go through this together, so what do you say?”
“I’m willing to give it a try.”
Stan’s knees suddenly gave up on him and he ended up kneeling on the floor. “I really thought you were going to reject me.” He sound so relieved with my response.
Later that day, I went home. Alone in my room I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling with my thoughts filling my head. “Stan dumped Wendy for me.” all of a sudden my heart started to beat really fast. “Why does that make me really happy.” As I was trying to figure that out my phone vibrated. I sat up from my bed and picked up my phone.
“I love you.” Stan’s text gave me warm feeling inside.
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